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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  June 30, 2019 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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>> this is dateline. >> she was there. >> she'd walk into the room and it just brightened. >> and then she wasn't. the mother they adored, missing. in her place, a trail of blood. >> my biggest fear is that we were going to find her. >> what please found instead, a puzzle. a missing woman. a mystery with few clues. >> did you find any
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fingerprints, hairs or anything? >> no. >> did one man have a motive? without proof, how could anyone convince a jury. could anyone solve the mystery? >> hello and welcome to "dateline". >> when someone goes missing, one of the hardest things for those left behind are understanding was it voluntary or foul play. the truth about what really may have happened may have been the hardest thing of all. here is more.
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>> the key was waiting for them under the matt. that evening outside their mom's house, silence. no one home. where was she? she was always there on time to pick them up from their dad's place. this night, dad had to drive them. across the middle, stopped. what was this? >> once we took a few more steps in, we realized something was wrong. >> this was the moment, the defining one. nothing the same after this. >> there was a lot of blood everywhere. >> we just dropped our stuff and split throughout the house. >> con ray was 15, little
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sisters 14 and savannah 10. three kids trying to make sense of a frightening scene. >> my mom keeps it completely pick and span. nothing is ever out of order. >> where the desk was, you could see there were papers scattered around. drawers were ripped open. >> you went into the bedroom? >> that was the first place my sister went. she quickly called us there, we followed her. >> there was blood on the ground. >> her mom's bed, it was made. >> it was kind of haphazardly made. >> she would have done it a different way. >> by that point, you were pretty upset. what scared me most was that
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we'd find her somewhere in the house. they did not. no debbie hawk. not anywhere. >> there was some drag marks, smear marks leading out to the garage where they stopped. her van was gone too. >> my initial reaction was my god what could have happened, who could have done this. they ran to a neighbor's house. they called 911. >> we went to my mom's room, the bathroom. there was blood. after the shock. i thought, let's not over reability. clearly, she cut herself with a knife or something and drove herself to the hospital. >> where was debbie hawk and
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what happened to her? what happened to the sacred bond that once held three children together. back in the beginning, even the police were confused. >> this case was very unusual from the start. this one did not smell right at all. >> it appeared she was drug out of the house. >> whatever happened here was planned. >> it looked like a staged crime
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scene. >> had somebody been trying to make it look like she had been kidnapped or just an intention to look like she left home. >> the bed was made. most crooks don't do that. >> and had the perpetrator been looking for something. >> there was paper scattered. and this financial document was on top. >> what was significant were the sounds neighbors heard overnight. >> several neighbors heard a loud scream. it was a blood curdling type. >> why didn't anyone call 911? >> that was not the neighborhood bad things happen in.
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>> debbie was an accomplished woman successful. very popular. >> she was very reegle and to us royalty. she fitted the bill of princess. >> she should have been aiken di. >> that is why the ribbons put up were royal purple. by then, the whole town new about the disappearance. something else too. two days after, there was a find. it wasn't good but it wasn't debbie. police found her van parked on the street in a high-crime area.
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the drug samples she kept for nasal allergies were gone. the keys left in. windows down. the backseat covered in blood. >> at that point, whoever drove would have been a suspect. -- >> we are interrupting normal programming this hour because we are following the president in seoul, south korea. we expect him to arrive here 6:08 local time, 5:08 eastern aim. we are looking at pictures of marine one.
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arriving and here to address u.s. military at a location, which when we have a wider shot, you can see is flanked by various planes. very dramatic location he likes to be in with the american flag in the background. what do we expect the president to say here as he makes his way to the podium? >> i expect he will make a brief topper. he may have more time to have more sound there. president trump is very attuned to have the media consume his content. he'll likely tell them how he's rebuilt the military.
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this is standard fare. he'll probably do a tour. he tends not to use notes in front of the military. he may invite some soldiers on stage to tell some stories. that is the back drop he favors with marine one in the background. he'll address the troops and get back on the plane, the 747. he'll head on home and will probably have to stop for some gas. >> a long day today. when he heads overwhelm, he was saying earlier that he's looking forward to the r&r or a little time in air force one. >> the nose in that plane, there are two very comfortable beds, also a shower and there used to be a treadmill.
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i don't think president trump uses the treadmill too much. i don't know if it is even on there. he'll get some sleep. i think this is the first time he has admitted to fatigue. he seemed to suggest he was pretty tired and could use some r&r. >> recapping the last two days, the last 72 hours full of headlines. the headline from the last hour from those who might be just joining us was he at the dmz with kim jung-un. in the last 24 hours, it sounds like the president is about to start. he's there live. >> this is great. sounds good. but the other actually even sounds better. thank you very much. at ease, at ease. we are going to have some fun.
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so we are about 2:30 hours late. i understand instead of losing people, we gained people. got a hell of a lot of people here, great military people. [ cheers and applause ] it was a little unexpected. look at all that media back there. that's a lot of media. we have a lot of media following us. we are doing a great job. you are doing a great job. so important. the reason i met with kim jung-un and we had a great meeting because we are all in this together. we want to get this thing solved. it has been going on for a long time. we had a great meeting. it was unexpected. i put out yesterday, maybe i'll meet with chairman kim. he saw it. social media. pretty powerful thing, social media. we left and i said, you know,
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this was unexpected. we are going to keep a lot of great military people waiting. that's what you do. you love your country. that was a good thing to do. i said, they'll understand. [ cheers and applause ] they'll understand. i said they'll understand. so i'm thrilled to be here this afternoon with the very heroic men and women with the u.s. air force korea, great place, great country. i've toured it all. some day, i'm going to get back home. it has been a long time. days. i left japan. i met with every leader. presidents, prime ministers, dictators. i met them all. our country is doing well. our country has probably never had a better economy than we are doing right now.
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we are doing great. it is nice to know. you know, you are fighting. you are great people. you are fighting, fighting hard. just your presence. you have a presence like no other. no other. as president, i have a great honor to serve as the commander and chief of the greatest fighting force on the face of the earth, the united states military. thank you very much. [ applause ] so when i met with -- as you know president moon also. he just called me again. he's so happy. so he's thrilled. we met at the dmz. it was something incredible. i got to see the dmz. i got to see a lot of your fighting comrades. we talked to them. i gave one little speech to a group of guys, another little speech. then i met with chairman kim and
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met with president moon. i gave another speech to a group of guys and now i'm giving a speech to a big group of people and a good looking group. we had a very productive meeting. i outlined the incredible prosperity that awaits north korea when all of this gets settled. they've been waiting for this for a long time. i've had a good relationship with chairman kim. you see what is happening. it is very different. they said it was so different before we had the meeting. it was different. it was really hostile. you understand more than anybody. it was really hostile. since our first meeting in singapore, we got along. when you go back home, you'll
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see it on the television. you'll see it. today, there are so many forms of looking at things. as soon as you pick one, there is another one and the first one becomes obsolete. i actually stepped in with chairman kim, i stepped into north korea. they say that is a very historic moment. i think it is a historic moment, a very good moment. he asked me, would you like to do that? i said it would be my mondayhon. we went over the line. many people were very happy. people from korea were literally in tears crying. it is a big thing, a big thing. we are now going to work on something. we have a tremendous team of people that know how to do this.
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we are going to put them in charge and secretary of state mike pompeo is here -- where is mike? where is our secretary of state? [ applause ] mike, come up here, mike. come up, mike. you know who else i have? has anyone ever heard of ivanka? [ applause ] come up, ivanka. she's gonna steel the show. she'll steel the show. what a beautiful couple. mike. beauty and the beast, mike. you know, we have our great ambassador who is so fantastic.
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one of the truly great ambassadors. thank you, harry. look at these two. [ applause ] >> it is great to be with you all. it is wonderful to get a chance to see such wonderful fighting men and women. it is great what you do for america each and every day. bless you all. [ applause ] >> god bless america and got bless each and every one of you for being out here for everything you do and your sacrifice and your service. we are very, very grateful to you and your loved ones who serve our nation out of uniform,
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so thank you. [ applause ] >> thank you, both. they made the trip with me. we spend a lot of time, lot of time. tremendous three days. it never ends. we have to work hard. a lot of things weren't done over the years and we are getting them done. we are getting them done for you. we are joined by some of the tremendous military leaders that have helped in the process of that success. general robert abe abrams where is robert? abe. where is he? and that great abrams tank is in his family, named after his father. did you know that? pretty impressive. his father was very proud of his son. thank you, very much. very proud. he knew from the beginning his
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son was going to be a winner. and command sargent major tag. sargent major tag. where the hell. they said don't name his last name. nobody wants to hear. they said just say major tag. these guys are legends. no last name. lieutenant general ken cruiser. where is willsboch? thank you. and commander phil hutchins of the second air force. lieutenant general michael bills. michael, thank you. command sargent major jason
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schmitt of the eighth army. bradley james and lieutenant major michael sauce i doe. thank you. brigadier general otto. fighter. chief officer steven white, special operations and command master chief petty officer chris detchee, naval forces career. where is chris? hi, chris. i especially want to thank col. john gonzalez. do you know colorado john gonzalez? he's supposed to be a tough
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cookie and a winner. chief master sergent adam. thank you, adam. finally, we are pleased to have with us several of our friends from south korea this afternoon. general chae. thank you general. deputy commander. combined forces. i hear you are doing an incredible job. master sergent of the air force command. i hear they are very tough. are they tough? yeah. that's great. to all of the service members from u.s. forces korea, today, i am here to tell you that 330 million american hearts beat with gratitude for yourselfless
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service. we are also joined by many amazing military spouses and families. they keep you going. you wouldn't be the same without them, right? sometimes we don't like to admit it. it is so true. right there. he's pointing. that's right. americans are forever grateful. with us today, master sergent cole and his wife jamie waterbury. where are you? good looking group. they met when jamie was also in the air force. jamie served on active duty in the air force for four years and then joined her husband on six
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different assignments in three different countries. jamie recently earned the life-time achievement award for 4,000 hours of volunteer work. that is incredible. jamie, you embody the greatness of american military families and we want to thank you. give her a big hand. thank you, jamie. this afternoon, we are delighted to be joined by hundreds of brave airman and women from the united states air force. among them members of the 8th fighter ring, 54st fighter wing and the 7th air force. many soldiers here today just celebrated the 75th anniversary of the 8th army. 75 years. you know, i just returned from normandie. that was something.
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that was something very special when you talk about anniversaries. we are proudly joined by members of the 8th army 2nd infantry division. you can let it all out. let's see who is the most powerful. and the 19th expeditionary support command. the 35th air defense artillery brigade. the first signal and 501st military intelligence brigades. where are you? the 65th medical brigade as well as soldiers from the 8th army headquarters. thank you all. also with us are men and women from the united states army garrison degu.
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along with those from the famous place camp humphries. famous place and joining us many brave united states marines along with the fearless fighter of the operations command korea. what a group of people. i want to get every name out. i don't care that i want to get the hell back in that plane. i want to get them out. i could have done an abbreviated version. we are just going to stand here and have a good time. together with the men and women of the armed forces are the most extraordinary warriors ever to walk the face of earth. you stand ready to vanquish any
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danger wherever and whenever any duty calls. there is no one like you. you are special people. you are prepared to defeat and defend against any threat. you little by the u.s. forces motto, we go together. we go together. many of our soldiers today also serve with the 2nd infantry division. republic of korea. the only combined with allied troops. today, mobilized to seoul. i heard you were fantastic, by the way. your valued actions helped save thousands of homes and countless numbers of lives. congratulations on a job well done. everyone is talking about it. you walk in the foot steps of
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american patery ats through american history. celebrating the repatriotization of fallen soldiers in command. it was a beautiful thing to see. you came in to hawaii, you saw what happened. vice president mike pence was there to greet. these were our great, great heroes. they are coming back. they are coming back. along with -- as you know, we have our hostages back. things are so different, so different. i want to thank you all for helping to give our beloved heroes the home coming they deserved. that was a home coming after many decades. that's right. [ applause ] with us today is master surgeant
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hunter linblad. he was born in seoul. after five months, he was flown to new york city where he was adopted by a loving american family. 25 years later, hunter returned to south korea for the first time as an airman of the united states air force. he's now completing his third year of duty in south korea where he serves as a contingency, planner, helping our forces to achieve unrivalled skill. your story exemplifies the enduring bond between american and south korean people. ly -- i will say this, the folks here, the ones that really know you respect you a lot and what you've done. where is hunter? [ applause ]
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thank you, hunter. thank you. also here today is air force captain gin li. he spent his childhood outside of south korea. at age 13, he came to the united states, became an american citizen. after college, joined the united states air force. when he was child in south korea, he heard stories about the righteous might of american soldiers. he liked those stories. captain li, now you are one of those serving and make us all proud. where are you? [ applause ] thank you very much. the service members here at osan have served all over the world including iraq and afghanistan
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and the campaign against the blood thirsty killers known as isis. you know in syria, we took 100%. we took it quickly. recently and quickly. no matter where danger lurks, you are always ready to fight tonight. you know that motto. ready to fight tonight. with your help, the isis group, ta doesn't mean you are going to see places blown up, a store blown up by someone who is crazy. the fact is, we took 100% of the land, the area. we took it easily. we'll let people know on the internet. probably nobody uses the internet and gives more bull sh--over the internet than isis.
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few people use it better. let me thank every warrior in the audience that serve in the righteous mission. you are fantastic, all fantastic. we thank you very much. those stationed throughout the world. no force on earth can match the courage, spirit, virtue, grit of the american soldier, sailor, american, marine. under my administration with our military with $700 billion with a b last year. think of that. you know what $700 billion is? is you needed it. we were getting depleted. you know it better than anybody. the planes were old. equipment was old. this year, $716 billion fully
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approved, ready to go. we are giving our armed sources the resources. we are giving our armed forces the resources you need to fight and win. our new budget called for 78 f-35 stelth. >> president trump has had very busy last couple of days. we'll continue to monitor his speech there. you will have more live news programming at 6:00 a.m. local. for now, we return you to our regularly scheduled programming. ♪
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welcome back to "dateline" i'm craig melvin. police considered the information strong enough to warrant an arrest. could they get the prosecutor to agree. >> they kept pushing and pushing. >> the prosecute kbror at the t said he would not charge him with the murder of his ex-wife, debbie. it was evident this single mother had been murdered. police convinced themselves dave was responsible.
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prosecutor dave would not budge. not yet anyway. >> we are going to wait until we find the body. instead, a year after, dave was charged with embezzling, stealing more than $300,000 from his own children's trust funds. he pleaded not guilty and waited for the other shoe to drop. imagine this, the police, not to mention most of the town believed their father killed their mother, leaving three children caught in the middle. conrad had no doubt his dad killed his mom. a dad he referred to as dave. >> i tried to cut all ties i had with him, as much as i could. he was nothing to me now. >> but chelsa is her father's
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staunchest supporter. >> why do you think your siblings blame him? >> they were either not home or not awake when i was awake. they were not around him the next day like i was around him. she said he was acting perfectly normal the day after what happened, happened. nothing to suggest he had been up all night committing a terrible crime. >> the things that convinced me aren't there for them. they are defending my mom so much that they are going to point to the most obvious suspect. but chelsa wasn't the only one in the town. >> i believe what he said. sandy brown is dave's long-time
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pastor and friend. this person who is portrayed as such a monster isn't. he's worked hard in the church. he's their father. >> their son began to face serious financial charges. dave's parents took over custody of chelsa. not the way they expected to spend their 80s or how they expected to defend their son. >> he's made some mistakes. nothing of the scope generally accepted. >> stan set up those trusts for his children and had the right to see fit how to use those. >> were you surprised how he used those funds? >> yes. >> now nearly two years after debbie's disappearance, her body
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still hadn't been found. there was no new evidence tied dave to her murder. >> they start surveilling our office, eventually starts driving by an investigator's home. it was getting pretty concerning. dave was arrested and charged. murder for financial gain. he pleaded not guilty. when the trial began, dave faced murder and the earlier embezzlement charges together. >> prosecutor larry crouch offered this theory that dave snuck out of the house, got someone to give her a ride to
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debbie's house. i think he tried the stun gun and she screamed very loudly. struck her more than once. at that point, he suffocated her. he must have dragged her body to the garage. disposed of her somewhere and drove the van to fresno and left it there. someone must have picked him up and drove him the 40 miles back to the farm. but really, there is no body or evidence to show he had even been at the murder scene. everyone in town had a theory, the prosecutor did too. but was that proof. the state tried to build a bridge from his financial crimes
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to the murder. but was that enough? we shall see. >> there is a number of other explanations for what could have happened other than dave. dave was a convenient ex-husband. >> coming up, one of his children is convinced he's not guilty. could dave hawk convince a jury. >> i told them i wanted to testify. >> when dateline continues. that keeps you up again, and again. advil pm silences pain, and you sleep the whole night. advil pm of certain cancers clater in life.k from an infection, human papillomavirus i knew that hpv could lead to certain cancers. i knew her risk for hpv increases as she gets older. i knew there was a vaccine available that could help protect her before she could be exposed to hpv.
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>> the alignment of the stars in this case was just stacked against us. stacked against dave hawk. >> at least in the harsh court of public opinion, it looked bad for dave hawk. dave's attorneys. >> we have this guy allegedly stealing from his kids. saying bad things about the victim. all of these things being widely played in the press. >> if there ever was a case for a change of venue, this was it. almost everybody seemed to have heard the accusations. every time he had a court appearance, purple clad friends of debbie gathered. during jury selection, he heard jurors tell the judge they had
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already decided he was guilty. >> the judge asked them, if i order you to set those opinions aside, can you do it? >> the change of venue request was denied. defense argued the embezzlement accusations were unfairly presidential. they wanted to make him look like a bad person. a person who would take money from his kids would be likely to murder his ex-wife. >> dave's fear debbie was about to open in court that he had taken the trust fund. >> he would have gained nothing but getting rid of her at that stage? >> no. >> we have the famous saying. if it walks like a duck, cracks
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like a duck. but you are saying it's a turkey. >> the burdenen is on them to prove it is a duck but they didn't. >> there was no evidence that dave even left his house the night debbie was abducted or even murder. his daughter insisted he could not have left the house without her having heard him. it just doesn't seem at all possible. >> investigators would tell the court the kids slept so soundly, it was hard to even wake them up. claiming the prosecution's theory just didn't add up. that is just beyond believe somebody would take that kind of risk. that he would sneak down the hallway, open the door, drive the 10 or 12 miles to debbie's house, subdue her, put her in the van, drive to fresno and get
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back to the house without any blood on him, without being discovered. >> what did happen to debbie hawk. floating this theory. she worked in pharmaceutical sales. perhaps a drug addict went after her. all of the samples in her van was gone. >> if drug theft was behind it, why didn't the thief take any jewelry or electronics. it all came down to dave. his behavior and character. his own words. a conversation with a friend in which dave spec is lated what might have happened. they played it in court as an unguarded expectation of what happened. happened
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>> he basically offered, i don't think she'll ever be found. >> we thought why are they putting this in. i thought it was harmful. then there was a conversation about whether or not dave would testify. >> i told them i wanted to testify. >> an idea dave's attorney did not like one bit. >> dave is combative, prideful, offend offended easily. >> he thinks he's smart and hates when someone thinks he's not smart. he'd be perfect for a trained prosecutor. >> so dave saved his story for us. >> so you don't think they have anything on you at all?
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>> can you name anything? >> we the jury find the defendant david martin hawk -- protect your pet with the #1 name in flea and tick protection. frontline plus. trusted by vets for nearly 20 years. now buy your family three blue diamond almond breeze products and receive a free toy story 4 movie ticket thanks mom. sfx: slurping see disney-pixar's toy story 4 now playing. rated g blue diamond almond breeze now playing. rated g by finding the best deals on paint and stain. lowe's knows you do it right we do it right too, with big savings on top brands like valspar, cabot and hgtv home by sherwin williams. the time is right at lowe's.
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would this be enough to sway the jury? here with theo conclusion of o story is keith morrison. dave hawk on trial for the murderon of his ex-wife debbie d not testify, didn't tell the members of the jury what he was thinking. he had a sinking feeling he knew what they were thinking. >> always blame the ex-husband first. >> it was an awful problem as he saw it. had been from the day his ex-wife x debbie, disappeared through a trail of her own blood. the number one suspect was him. that's what the police had been saying all along and that's what a great many people thought even as he sat here as a defendant in a murder case even though -- >> ien didn't have the motive a i didn't have the capacity. >> you know what it could be. once people get it in their heads you did something, they'll tend to misinterpret everything to make you look guilty. >> i wasak home with my childre
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in another town all night. but i'm accused of being in another place committing a terrible crimeco based on financial shenanigans that didn't exist in the first place. >> shenanigans like the trust fund for his kids. hisfu father made the terms ver broad, said dave, so he could spend the money as he saw fit, anyway that would benefit the children. >> the money is to be used for the health, education, support and maintenance of the children. that's t exactly what it was us for. and i acted legally in that respect. >> then, since they didn't have any evidence against him, said dave, prosecutors made a case on misinterpreting things he said. like the time he said to a friend, if i was a bad guy, i'd throw somebody off a bridge.
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>> my point was they haven't looked for her. if someone had thrown her off a bridge, it would have floated downstream. they didn't look anywhere. >> so did you throw her off the bridge? >> no, i didn't throw anybody off a bridge. >>f they also made a huge deal about something he supposedly said to his girlfriend about debbie. >> dave said we won't be rid of that [ bleep ] until she's dead. >> i might have. but>> i don't remember that. that certainly does not mean that i'm going to go kill somebody. >> then there was his own son conrad who,n after all, believ he was guilty and told police he saw dave and girlfriend mary share a celebratory toast after debbie's disappearance. conrad, said dave, just didn't get it. >>dn whenever we open a bottle wine, we always raise our glasses and say cheers.
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it's a tradition. we were not toasting anybody's anything. >> why have you never been able to persuade conrad of your innocence? >> i don't know. he knows i was at home the whole time. never left. didn't haveti any involvement i anything illegal. but he's perhaps angry and needs to fill in the blanks with something. >> he's angry at his dad because his dad killed his mom. >> his dad didn't kill his mom. >> he thinks so, though. >> he could be wrong. >> so who did kill debbie? dave has an opinion about that, too. >> who else wanted her dead? >> maybe the boyfriend that was stalking her. >> stalking her sf. >> this is somebody who was reported to the police and the police swept it under the rug apparently. it was an ex-boyfriend.
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>> of course, investigators say they did look into that and other leads, too. but they all came back to dave. and one primary motive. some cross-examination. >> she was going to expose your embezzlement ofou the children' trust fund. were you afraid your father would find out what you were doing with the money. your father who lovingly put the money into the trust fund before you siphoned it out. >> i don't like the way you're characterizing these things. i really don't like the way the prosecutor accused me of -- >> whether you like it or not, those are the accusations. >> yeah. they're not right. they're wrong. they're 'rfalse. which part did you not understand? >> what part did i not understand? what i understand is you bought a $27,000 car using trust fund money. you took a trip to hawaii with
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your girlfriend. you paid off your divorce attorney's fees and money you took from the first set of trusts by taking $60,000 out of the kids' second trust fund. >> the money was used for the children. >> which child drove the lexus? >> all three children were driven in the lexus. >> which children went to the hawaii went to hawaii. >> perhaps that money was my own money. the prosecutor never bothered to figure outec what dollar went where, did they? >> you made it kind of hard. you were mixing up your money and the trust money. >> frankly, that's what scam artist does. >> why didn't you get a job? >> i had a job. >> i'm talking about a job that paid enough to support your family, which is what a dad does. >> you're reading from a skricr that the prosecutor has given you. because none of these things are true. >> a guiltyth man or not, the jy
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did not take very long to decide. >> we, the jury, find the defendant david martin hawk, guilty of the murder of debbie hawk. >> guilty of murder and nine financial crimes. dave hawk was sentenced to spend the rest of his life behind bars. but was that the end of this story? not in the least. his defense attorney appealed the case as high as he could, even trying the supreme court, which declined review. then in march 2016, ten years after debbie hawk disappeared. a farmhand found her remains in a field in the neighboring town where dave grew up. debbie'sup father, bud, had a dying wish that she be found before he passed away. he left this earth just a week after that discovery. the children who held opposing views about their father's innocence -- >> it's complicated. >> yep. this created a rift
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between the two of you? >> yes. >> surely not easygoing for the children of dave and debbie hawk. >> we do the best we can. >> that's all for this edition of "dateline." thanks for watching. good morning. i'm jo ling kent at msnbc world headquarters. here's what's happening right now. an unprecedented step and surprise summit. president trump visiting the dmz and doing something no other sitting american president has done before. this hour, the significance of that meeting and what kim told trump and the expectations for what comes next. attacks on kamala harris getting support from her democratic rival after new onlineiv attacks. defending biden, the new voices speaking up in support of the vice president.
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