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tv   First Look  MSNBC  July 1, 2019 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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she was such a sweetheart. >> that's all for this edition of "dateline." -- captions by vitac -- a historic meeting for president trump after shaking hands with kim jong un. he took several steps into north korea, becoming the first sitting u.s. leader to do so. both trump and kim jong un also agreed to revive stalled nuclear talks. plus, while at the g20 summit in osaka, president trump says he's extremely angry about the murder of "washington post" columnist jamal khashoggi but defended the saudi crown prince, calling him a friend of mine. and the president's son don jr. appears to delete a tweet, questioning kamala's harris.
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good morning, everybody, it is monday july 1st. i'm yasmin vossoughian alongside white house correspondent geoff bennett. president trump making history, becoming the first sitting united states president to set not in north korea. it's something the president alluded to on friday, tweeting this, if chairman kim sees this, i would meet him at the border just to shake his hand and say hello, question mark, exclamation point. kim jong un apparently saw that tweet and yesterday met and led trump over the border at the heavily fortified demilitarized zone. they walked several steps and held a brief photo op for north korean photographs. in hostile territory, since the united states is at war with north korea, trump reciprocated the gesture and led kim jong un
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into south korea, along with south korean president moon jae-in. the president also announced that the stalled denuclearization talks would resume and said he would invite the north korean dictator to the white house. >> i would invite him right now to the white house. i just want to say that this is my honor. i didn't really expect it. we were in japan for the g20, we came over, and i said, hey, i'm over here, i want to call chairman kim, and we got to meet and stepping across that line was a great honor, a lot of progress has been made. a lot of friendships have been made and this has been in particular a great friendship, tremendous positivity. really great things are happening, and in a lot of places, but, we met and we each other from day one and that was very important. it is my honor and the chairman's honor to say we work well together. >> i want to thank chairman kim for something else. when i put out the social media
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notification, if he didn't show up, the press was going to make me look very bad, so you made us both look good and i appreciate it, and it's an honor to be with you, and it was an honor that you asked me to step over the line, and i was proud that you asked me to step over the line. it was great, very historic. >> before leaving south korea, president trump tweeted that his meeting with kim was wonderful and a quote great honor to which chuck schumer responded, president trump meets with kim jong un, north korea continues to build nuclear weapons, another typical trump show, and the new white house press secretary stephanie gresham was reportedly bruised during president trump's meeting with kim jong un. you see stephanie there in the gray. according to the associated press, gresham side checked a north korean guard who blocked reporters from the room.
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she was reportedly trying to help u.s. media gain access to the photo op. the secret service intervened in the pushing and shoving. our president trump declined to place blame on saudi crown prince for the murder of jamal khashoggi, the pair were seen chatting among world leaders before the g20 summit where trump praised the crown prince. >> the crown prince of saudi arabia, a friend of mine, a man who has really done things in the last five years in terms of opening up saudi arabia. >> can you address the murder of jamal khashoggi with the prince. >> thank you very much. >> avoiding the question there. so the president was later asked if he raised the issue with salman privately. >> this president on the case of jamal khashoggi, we have a lot of journalists in this room who object to what appears to be the
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saudi government's complicity and perhaps orchestration of the assassination and dismembering of a journalist. >> yeah. >> and when you were given the opportunity to call mohammad bin salman out on that, you did not do it, did you do it privately, and do you agree that it is despicable for a government to kill a journalist? >> yes, do. i think it's horrible. or anybody else, by the way, but i think it's horrible. and if you look into saudi arabia, you see what's happening. 13 people or so have been prosecuted. others are being prosecuted. they have taken it very very seriously. and they will continue to. i will also say, and nobody said -- nobody so far has pointed directly a finger at the future king of saudi arabia. >> you mentioned that no one had pointed the finger at him but actually the cia did, the intelligence communities. >> i cannot comment on intelligence community. probably, i guess, i'm allowed
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to do what i want to do in terms of that, right, we can declassify, unlike hillary clinton, she decided to just give it out. we can declassify. the truth is i don't want to talk about intelligence. >> republican senator mitt romney is bagiweighing in on president trump's comments, writing the president's praise for mbs, the man who u.s. intel says ordered or authorized the heinous murder of a "washington post" columnist sends the wrong message to the world. it's past time for congress and the administration to put sanctions on. >> brian kloss good morning to you, thank you so much for joining us on this. all weekend i have been trying to understand the president's thinking when reaching out to kim jong un and then subsequently meeting him at the dmz. especially when just a couple of weeks ago you had the north
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koreans testing short range ballistic missiles which were clear violations of un security resolutions. what do you make of this historic visit from the president? >> i think it was about pageantry and a photo op. it was thrown together at the last minute with a tweet. it was slap dash, and that's why you're not likely to see many results from this. this is a thorny problem that takes the top minds in the world years and years of preparation. the idea that you have a handshake and legitimize a monostrmon monsterous regime, they have continued to develop their nuclear program, and at the same time trump has given a massive victory, which will be in future north korean textbooks.
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>> you can extend your thesis to the president's interaction with other dictators to include putin, mbs, you see him with kim right there. help us understand what the president hopes to achieve. he likes to make the point it's better to have good relationships with these kinds of people. what's your take? >> my honest take is i think trump has a serious case of dictator envy, he admires what he believes to be their strength. it's the only way you can explain he treats dictators with immense amounts of respect, he calls them his friend, he praises them for the things they're guilty of. he jokes about getting rid of journalists with putin, jokes about election interference with putin and calls it an honor to meet with kim jong un, kwhowho' threatening to incinerate american cities, and that's the thing that i think is jarring about this.
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for the rest of the world is a very clear message that trump is smiling and happy, and willing to call people his friend. if they're democratic allies, theresa may, or emanuel macron, that's a dangerous message to send for the united states. >> you can't help but wonder, brian, whether or not these leaders are saying or think that they are one step ahead of the president. considering the fact that they know their truth. mbs knows his role, the role that he played in the brutal murder of jamal khashoggi. vladimir putin knows the role he played in election interference in 2016 and what he has continued to do throughout the united states in the history as well as currently. and kim jong un knows his truth as well. so you can't help but think when they stand up to each other, shake hands, create relationships with the president, while the president has one intention in mind, it's good to have this relationship with this brutal dictator.
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these guys have different intentions in mind. >> yeah, but i mean, i think donald trump knows the truth, too. i think he knows that vladimir putin was behind the attack on american democracy. >> why won't he admit it? >> i think he's making a political calculation for photo ops. i think this is something where he believes it is good for him to appear to be, you know, the strong figure on the international stage to try to make it look like he's making progress on north korea. and i think also beyond that, you know, trump that has legitimized these figures in a way that no other president has, right, and we think about that in terms of, okay, this is a great victory for propaganda in north korea. what we don't think about enough is how much this makes the world darker in other places. if you're an authoritarian leader and you're looking at these pictures, the message you get is clear, a green light to be more monstrous yourself. it is clear there are no consequenc
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consequences to do. other authoritarians think maybe i should do that too because i don't like these people criticizing me. >> if they can get away with it then i can as well, and the u.s. president will still continue to meet with me, and maybe even prop me up. >> we have seen that, syria, the philippines and other places as well. brian closs, thank you. still ahead, facebook unveils a plan to fight the spread of misinformation ahead of the 2020 census. what the social media giant is doing to prevent false information. new reporting about what sarah huckabee sanders is doing after stepping down as white house press secretary. those stories and a check on the weather when he come right back. .
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on the nation's largest gig-speed network for less than at&t. that's 120 dollars less a year. better, faster. i mean sign me up. comcast business. beyond fast. welcome back, after pleading in congress last month, former nypd detective iluis alvarez.
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last month he appeared alongside comedian jon stewart to reprimand congress for not acting to reauthorize the 9/11 victim's compensation fund, a program created after the attacks to help victims with medical and economic losses. a week later, alvarez entered a hospice center after completing his 69th round of chemotherapy, following his death, the alvarez family issued a statement telling him this, we told him at the end he had won this battle by the many lives he touched by sharing his 3-year battle. thank you for giving us this time we have had with him. it was a blessing. >> wow. okay. facebook says it will add a new rule about spreading misinformation to avoid disrupting or skewing the count. the moves comes after weeks of civil rights groups asking tech companies to step up their fight against tafake news, and days after president trump openly considered delaying the
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constitutionally mandated count after the supreme court sent the citizen ship question back to a lower court. the company will create an internal civil rights task force dedicated to actively monitoring and promoting the census with a formal written policy by the fall. that's what facebook says. facebook promised to ban ads that discourage voting. let's get a check of your weather with nbc meteorologist bill karins. >> good morning, a week ahead, a lot of storms. it was hot, it was humid, and feels like summer. july, you know, is usually the hottest month of the year around many areas of our country, and it's not going to disappoint this week either. let's get into the weekend, a lot of people going on vacation. a lot of people traveling for the fourth of july coming up. let's get you through today first. much of the east coast, no problems with travel today whatsoever. it's going to be mostly sunny in the northeast. it's going to be hot and humid in the south. the worst weather is from south dakota, north dakota, minnesota and wisconsin, with showers and thunderstorms. not many problems in the west
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today, just hit and miss storms and areas of northeast texas. let's fast forward. they say wednesday is going to be the busiest day on the roads of the week on the travel. we're going to be dodging storms in des moines, through the quad cities, a hit and miss on i-70. it's the summer time, you may get one or two rounds of storms first. it's not going to be a rainout anywhere. we are going to be hot on wednesday. some heat indices could be 110 in the southeast. a chance of record highs in areas in north carolina. no problems in areas of texas or the west. by the time we get to the end of the week, and again, it's just a very humid air mass in areas pretty much east of the mississippi and that's going to give us hit and miss showers and storms out there. let's get into the fourth of july fireworks forecast. this is for the evening hours after the sun sets and we have the big macy's one, the one that's broadcast on tv across the country. there's a slight chance of
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showers and storms. and even areas from the midwest where i have all the green on the map, maybe hit miss, fireworks delays. i don't think we're going to see many washouts, and i would have to say, it's very, it just shouts summer. it's going to be hot, humid, and there's a chance of a storm. >> i like the fireworks graphic on the board there. >> i spent all weekend on that. i had to code it. >> still ahead, democrats rally around 2020 senator kamala harris, after don jr. posts a birther style tweet. we're back in a moment. a birther style tweet. we're back in a moment they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the amazing services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale
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on the issue of bussing, obviously that is personal to me. i remember getting on that yellow bus, you know. and so many of us do, and interestingly enough, since i've, you know, talked about it, people who i don't know have reached out. they also, you know, especially in the 70s all across the country, all across our country, people were bussed. people just like me. >> former vice president joe biden continued to respond to the controversy over his opposition to bussing. it was a flash point in thursday night's debate between him and senator kamala harris who we just saw. and speaking to a largely african-american audience at the reverend jesse jackson's rainbow
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push organization, biden made this attempt to explain. >> i heard and i listened to and i respect senator harris, but, you know, we all know that 30 seconds to 60 seconds on a campaign debate exchange can't do justice to a lifetime committed to civil rights. i never, never, never, ever opposed voluntary bussing and as a program that senator harris participated in, and it made a difference in her life, i did -- i have been in favor to use federal authority to overcome state initiated segregation. >> the debate had mixed results for biden. the daily beast reports that data compiled by the polling firm showed biden's favoritability actualfavorabiliy going up after the debate. greenberg talked to defensiveness that the attacks on biden were attacks on the
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obama biden legacy. the same survey showed the percentage of people that would vote for biden and consider voting for him went down 11 points from 81% to 72%, but even when working to reinforce his credibility on centrevilivil ri cory booker called out biden for this comment on african-american teenagers wearing hoodies. >> we have to recognize that kid wearing a hoodie may be a poet laureate, not a gang banger. >> as a young black guy in america who was followed and surveilled, faced that indignity and the danger of that, being perceived to be a threat, again, this is just another example of just conversations or lessons that joe biden shouldn't have to learn. >> so donald trump jr. re-tweeted a tweet during thursday's democratic debate that questioned senator kamala harris's race. the tweet by ali alexander said
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quote this, kamala harris is implying she is descended from american black slaves. she comes from jamaican slave owners. president trump's eldest son shared the tweet with his millions of followers writing is this true, wow, however, by the end of the night, he deleted it. a spokesperson told "the new york times" it had been a misunderstanding and the tweet was him asking if it was true that kamala harris was half indian, and once he saw that folks were misconstruing the intent of his tweet, he deleted it. harris responded to the online attacks about her race. >> we are a nation that has a lot to be proud of, and there are aspects of our history that we cannot be proud of and we can also and must be dedicated to -- a history of race and segregation in this country is real. that conversation may make some people uncomfortable.
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>> democratic presidential candidates will be releasing their second quarter fundraising numbers as the first set of debates last week are reshaping the race for the 2020 nomination. the morning consult poll after each debate shows former vice president joe biden at 33%, dropping 5 points from the start of the week. that's a big drop, while senator bernie sanders is remaining at 19%. senator kamala harris has doubled her points, up to 12%, senator elizabeth warren at 12%. mayor pete at 6. beto o'rourke and andrew yang at 2% rng 2%. we're going to go live to south korea to see how the news is playing there. and president trump hits back after former president jimmy carter said trump wouldn't have won the 2016 election without the help of russian
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interference. those stories and more coming up next. terference those stories and more coming up next
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welcome back. i'm yasmin vossoughian, alongside nbc news white house correspondent geoff bennett. it is the bottom of the hour. let's start with the mortganing top stories. the first u.s. president to step foot in north korea. before, during and after his third meeting with kim jong un, trump lavished praise on the north korean dictator, and played up his relationship with kim. >> we have developed a very good
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relationship, and we understand each other. i do believe he understands me, and i think i maybe understand him. and then yesterday i had the idea, maybe i'll call chairman kim and see if he wants to say hello. we didn't give him much notice, but we become -- we respect each other. we respect each other, maybe even like each other, and since our first meeting, we got along. we got along. we had a great kind of feeling. >> joining us live from seoul, south korea, janice mackey fair for us. we're about 26 hours since that historic meeting between kim jong un and the president. how is it all going down right now there? >> reporter: well, it was another one of those warm exchanges that we aren't sure if it will actually produce any sort of policy. for the past several months, there have been very hard line positions on both sides of this. both the u.s. and north korea and holding to those positions is why the hanoi summit
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collapsed because neither side was being to offer any sort of concessions, so the fact that things appear to be moving forward now suggests that at least one of the two sides is softening in order to push things ahead. president trump dropped a bit of a hint yesterday when he talked a bit about sanctions relief. this is of course a key north korean demand that there be some sort of reward at every step of the way toward denuclearization, where the u.s. position from the outset has been it's all or nothing, so there could be a change in the u.s. policy there. as far as other options go, it's still pretty clear that north korea is not going to give up its nuclear arsenal. there may be a realization on this side, on the u.s. side as well. the negotiating teams will be taking shape over the next few weeks and the u.s. side will be led by steven beagen who has
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favored this approach. >> you mentioned the president easing sanction. that's the thing kim really wants. north korea sees its nuclear arsenal the key to its own survival. help us understand that asymmetry. what is left to negotiate if north korea we know won't give up its weapons and the president seems to at least be considering easing sanctions. >> well, we know that president trump is looking for a foreign policy win, and he considers north korea the achievement of his presidency thus far in having this level of engagement to convince the regime to entertain the idea of diplomacy, and we are a long way from a couple of years ago when all the talk was of fire and fury and little rocketman so that can be seen as a degree of progress. kim jong un already gains in this. all he had to do yesterday was show up, and he walks away with
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the sort of acceptance and recognition that his father and grandfather could not have imagined. the pictures are splashed all over the front pages of north korea. there are documentaries running on state television. this really is being seen as kim jong un being accepted as a world leader. >> wow. thank you so much. good talking to you. his closing news conference at the g20, president trump drew an equivalence between democratic elected leaders and those from authoritarian, actively engaged in human rights abuses and his joking with viewed about interfering with the 2020 election, which intelligence agencies say worked to trump's benefit. >> what about the ukrainian -- >> don't meddle.
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>> you did seem to be joking there with the russian president, are we taking that to be wrong and what is it with your coziness with some of these dictators and auto-crats. when you were asked about jamal khashoggi, you did not respond to that question. were you afraid of offending him on that subject? >> no, not at all. i don't really care about offending people. i sort of thought you would know that. i get along with everybody, except you people, actually. i get along with a lot of people. i have a tremendous relationship with president xi. nobody else would have the deal that we have. i get along with president putin. i get along with mohammed from saudi arabia, but i also get along with people that would be
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per sooe perceived as being very nice. i was with prime minister may today. you take a look at the new head of australia, japan, japan, prime minister abe, they're all fine as far as i'm concerned. some are stronger than others. >> joining us from london, columnist for the "washington post" and author of the despites police. we talked earlier in hour, you made a great point about the unintended consequences of the president's coziness with dictators that it gives a green light to leaders of dark spots around the world. for our allies, how are they reacting to this. are they waiting out the end of the trump administration? what's the view of our allies here? >> yeah, i mean, when i spoke to people in london, that is exactly what they're doing. they're hoping in 16 months or whatever it is, there will be a change in u.s. leadership, and
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in the meantime, they're trying to ensure they don't sort of poke the bear and upset donald trump to the point where he lashes out more at them. i think the message for the last 2 1/2 years of his presidency has been very very clear. he h he has bashed democratic allies, and refused to criticize the abuser regimes on the planet. the language he uses for putin or kim jong un is language democrats and republicans would use for france, the uk, canada, mexico, et cetera. when you look at the statements, it's not a subjective thing. you cannot find the language in the same way and the cryiticism that trump has leveed against the uk as you would against kim jong un. i think the message is clear, and i think it's hurting our relationship with allies because they want us to be a leader of these values. >> let me ask you, when we spoke
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to you last, brian, you actually said that you feel like the president is very aware of what mohammad bin salman is guilty of, what kim jong un is guilty of and vladimir putin is guilty of, and if that's the case, yet he continues to be seemingly close friends with each and every one of these brutal dictators, do you think it works? do you think his approach is working? >> no and i think this is the really important thing about how we talk about trump's foreign policies. the victories are in terms of propaganda. they're seen as being legitimate world players, and legitimate world leaders and the actual substance is lacking. where is the actual improvement in u.s. russia relations. where is the actual deal in terms of relationships with china or north korea or saudi arabia. trump boasts about those things but the substance is lacking. >> you're saying if he actually had policy change ideas in mind and went about wiit with this se
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structure, making friends with these brutal dictators it could possibly work but because of the fact that he doesn't necessarily have policy in mind, that's why it's not necessarily landing. >> yeah, i mean, you sometimes have to engage with monsters. barack obama engaged with iran which is a terrible regime but there was a deal at the end of that, and the deal, according to trump's advisers was working, stopping them from getting nuclear weapons. if you're able to have serious substance, then you can imagine you're holding your nose, saying this is a monstrous regime but we have to deal with it. that signaling is important because it doesn't look like the u.s. is standing with these people. the dictator is threatening to incinerate american cities, to call that person a friend is not something you have to do. you have to hold your nose and say we have to play hardball, and that's not what trump is doing, and there's no results at the end of this. >> there has to be
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accountability at the end of the day, and president trump has to hold leaders accountable especially when it comes to vladimir putin who interfered in our own elections and we have another election in two years time and he's sitting at the g20 summit joking with him, you're going to stay out of our elections, wink wink, nod nod, elbow elbow, i don't think if i were vladimir putin i would take that very seriously. >> you wouldn't, and this is a point about unintended consequences. of course russia is going to meddle in the 2020 elections. what other world leaders are seeing is trump doesn't care. iran will get involved, china will get involved. regimes will say why are we going to let russia have sole flungs on t influence on the elections, you open the flood gates to regimes that have carrots and sticks. >> great insights, brian klaas.
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stock markets are getting a boost after president trump announced a breakthrough in the ongoing trade war. the president announced saturday that he will hold off on issues new tariffs on china and that beijing has agreed to buy more agriculture products from the u.s. the announcement follows trump's meeting, chinese president xi jinping on the sidelines of the g20 summit in japan. trump agreed to remove restrictions on huawei in regards to it buying high-tech equipment from the u.s. the company is on an entity list which prevents suppliers from yelling u.s. origin technology without government approval. trump revealed that move in a tweet writing this at the request of our high-tech companies and president xi, i agreed to allow huawei to buy product from them which will not impact our national security. ahead of trump and xi's meeting, the u.s. was set to hit china on the tariffs with roughly $300 billion on goods that aren't covered by the current 25% tariffs. while the president appeared to make huawei a part of a trade agreement with china, his top
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advisers including steve mnuchin had said the administration was keeping the huawei issue separate from trade talks. president trump and president xi's cease fire isn't being met with fanfare with allies on capitol hill as the president appeared to backtrack on huawei as we heard. senator marco rubio called the decision a catastrophic mistake that would destroy the credibility of the trump administration's national security warnings and promised legislation to formalize blocks against huawei. meanwhile, senator lindsey graham voiced his disappointment on cbs predicting push back on the deal when the specifics surface. >> i don't know what he agreed to regarding exceptions to the ban, if they're minor exceptions that's okay, but if we're selling huawei major technology that would be a mistake. >> but you don't worry that this is too much of a concession on national security grounds? >> i don't know yet. it's clearly a concession.
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there will be the lot of push back if this is a major concession. if it's a minor concession, i think it's part of the overall deal. >> all right. amid president trump's efforts to restart trade talks with china, new polling shows that his trade policies are broadly unpopular with american voters. according to a poll with the "new york times" and sur rvey monkey, 12% say they have seen prices fall. breaking it down by party. 83% of democrats say they have seen prices rise compared to 69% of independent voters and 56% of republicans. 42% of voters say they believe jobs have been brought back to the u.s. as a result of president trump's trade policies compared to 29% who say they have seen them sent overseas. breaking it down again by party, more than half of democratic voters think jobs have been shipped over seas with independent voters evenly split. 75% of republican voters say jobs have been brought back to
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the u.s. thanks to president trump. another former trump administration member reportedly plans to shed light on their time in the white house. detail on who may be penning a new book. president trump and former president jimmy carter escalate their ongoing spat, the latest digs from the former commander in chief. and bill karins is back with another check on the forecast. sh anothechr eck on the forecast. ♪ she's doing it again. (vo) no cover up spray here...
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it's the irresistibly fresh scent of febreze air effects. cheaper aerosols can cover up odors, burying the smell in a flowery fog. switch to febreze air effects! febreze eliminates even the toughest odors from the air. and it uses an all-natural propellant to leave behind a pleasant scent you'll love. use anywhere odors can spread. freshen up, don't cover up. febreze air effects. they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the amazing services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again!
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detail on who may be penning a
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former white house press secretary sarah sanders is reportedly planning to write a book and hit the speaking circuit after leaving the white house last week. sources tell axios the book will be an account of her life in politics, her experience inside the trump administration which she sees as very positive. in addition, sanders is expected to move to arkansas in august as the prelude to a possible 2022 run for governor. meantime, sanders will help with trump's 2020 reelection campaign. the outgoing press secretary tweeted friday that it had been quote the honor and a privilege of a lifetime to work with trump
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and she wrote that she was leaving the white house with her head held high. president trump escalated a feud with former president jimmy carter over the weekend calling him a quote terrible president. it comes after the georgia native questioned trump's legitimacy over russian election interference. president carter's original comments followed by trumps. >> there's no doubt that the russians did interfere in the election, and i think the interference, though not yet quantified, fully investigated would show trump, he lost the election and was put into office because of the russian's interference on his behalf. >> so do you believe president trump is an illegitimate president? >> based on what i just said, which i can't retract. >> jimmy carter, look, he was a nice man. he was a terrible president.
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he's a democrat. and it's a typical talking point. as everybody now understands, i won not because of russia, not because of anybody but myself. so i felt badly for him because you look over the years, his party has virtually, he's like the forgotten president. and i understand why they say that. he was not a good president. >> okay. let's get a check on the weather now with nbc meteorologist bill karins. >> who does everything on his own all the time. >> of course. when it's done well. when it's not done well, then, you know, it's the interns' fault. there's always bad weather somewhere in the country. a lot of the nation is waking up to nice weather. not the case in south dakota. these are all showers and thunderstorms, a cluster of lightning storms have been traveling through southern minnesota overnight, waking people up. minneapolis, looks like you're going to be just on the northern edge of these storms as they roll through over the next hour or two. we'll keep an eye on it.
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it's not severe or anything like that. you don't want to wake up monday morning, head out early and get stuck in heavy rain. during the day today, that risk of severe storms goes from areas of nebraska all through sioux falls, sioux city and southern portions of minnesota. we could see a stray storm around chicago, milwaukee, too. i think one of the big stories, our hottest month of the year, the heat and humidity is going to be on in the southeast, actually turned up a notch by your standards. over the weekend was very hot in the midwest. today still warm, not quite as bad. 90s in chicago. 94 in st. louis. tuesday into wednesday, heat indesi indeseize in -- indices in north fl florida will feel like 106. extended holiday weekend, washington, d.c., 93 on july 4th, and look at this, raleigh could be up there close to 100
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on wednesday. as is expected, it's july, and the heat is on. >> we'll take it. >> beach day. >> beach summer. >> we'll take it for now, right. because then we'll be explaining in four months. it's just like a cycle, just a really bad cycle. >> cycles called seasons. still ahead, tensions in hong kong escalate further as protesters once again clash with police over a controversial extradition bill. white house adviser, ivanka trump is facing criticism in her involvement in the g20 summit, the awkward exchange between president trump's daughter and world leaders has gone viral. s d world leaders has gone viral [ giggling ] let's play dress-up.
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welcome back. earlier told, hong kong marked @22nd anniversary of its return to chinese rule. the celebration was met with police and protesters. as hong kong's embattled leader, carrie lam spoke about her mishandling of the extradition bill. several protesters used steel bars and a metal cart in an attempt to breach the door of the city's legislature. the paper report that is 200 a police officers were in a stand off with protesters, following a clash where officers used batons and pepper spray to push back demonstrators. officials say protesters attacked police lines with an unidentified liquid that sent 13
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police officers to the hospital. a chinese flag was lowered by protesters and the black emblem on hong kong's rebellion was run up the flag pole. white house adviser ivanka trump is facing criticism over her involvement in the g20 summit last week. in a video posted by the french government she's seen trying to make conversation with canadian prime minister justin trudeau, french president emmanuel macron, and british prime minister theresa may. look at this. >> a lot of people are listening. >> on the defense side, in terms of the whole, it's been very male dominated. >> that video went viral over the weekend with critics saying it exemplifies why the president's daughter should not act as a diplomat in international politics.
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over the course of the trip she participated in several bilateral meetings and was on stage for a women's empowerment forum. the white house posted a video of her giving a readout of a meeting between president trump, and japan's prime minister, shin shinzo abe, and ivanka visited the demilitarized zone between north and south korea. as part of her latest rollout, massachusetts senator elizabeth warren plans to bolster the state department starting with a pool of u.s. diplomats. warren pledged to increase the number of u.s. ambassadors a around the world and swore offhandi off handing jobs to wealthy, putting america's interest ahead of campaign donations, and end the practice of selling diplomatic posts to wealthy donors and called on 2020 candidates to do the same. warren intends to make the staff
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more diverse than the current makeup which she claims is primarily white and primarily male. >> 2020 candidate julian castro is defending his immigration plan saying it is not a call for open borders. >> when you add up all the proposals you're calling for right now, decriminalization of crossing the border, no deportation, absent other crimes, the offer of health benefits also possible path to citizenship, i know you reject the rhetoric about open borders, isn't that not limiting our immigration in any way. >> i would challenge you on a couple of things. number one, there's tno way we can call that open borders because we have 654 miles of fencing, we have thousands of personnel at the border. we have planes, we have helicopters, boats, security cameras, guns, that's by no stretch of the imagination open borders and i'll say it doesn't matter what democrats do on this
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issue, president trump and republicans are always going to say the democrats are for open borders. >> coming up, president trump makes his history becoming the first sitting u.s. president to step foot into north korea. >> more on the president crossing the border at the dmz to meet kim jong un as the two leaders agree to start negotiations on a long elusive nuclear agreement. the latest on the future of the talks and the morning's other top stories in less than three minutes. s other top stories in less than three minus.te (client's voice) remember that degree you got in taxation? (danny) of course you don't because you didn't! your job isn't understanding tax code... it's understanding why that... will get him a body like that... move! ...that. your job isn't doing hard work... here.'s making her do hard work... ...and getting paid for it. (vo) snap and sort your expenses to save over $4,600 at tax time. (danny) jody...'s time to get yours! (vo) quickbooks. backing you.
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a historic meeting for president trump. after shaking hands with kim jung-un, he took several steps in north korea. >> and after the meeting in osaka, president trump said he is extremely angry about the murder of jamal khashoggi but defended the prince saying he's a friend of mine. >> harris's campaign compared it to the rhetoric used to quest


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