tv Morning Joe MSNBC July 2, 2019 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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senators elizabeth warren and kamala harris made significant gains at the expense of former vice president joe biden. biden's lead fell in this poll ten points, down to 22% from a month ago. now up just five points over senator harris who gained nine points up to 17%. elizabeth warren now sits in third place at 15% up eight. senator bernie sanders dropped four points to 14%. mayor pete buttigieg rounds out the top five in the poll at 4%. steve kornacki, a lot of people after they watched kamala harris do battle with joe biden expected there might be some movement. this was the first look we got at the entire group together. but that's a big jump. >> that's very big. i mean, five points, that poll has it five points when you think of all the advantages that joe biden had supposedly coming into the race, to be sitting in this poll -- let's see how this one looks in comparison to them.
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but to be up just five points and it is at 22% when you're the former vice president of the united states and you came in with all of these promises of electability, universal name recognition, all of these things i think that speaks potentially to seriously bad debate performance. in a debate performance that raised questions about what is supposed to be his core strength. and that is electability. and there was a separate poll that came out yesterday that has been asking democrats a very basic question. didn't ask the horse race question, but has been asking them a basic question. do you think candidate "x" is capable of beating donald trump? and joe biden after that debate his number dropped 13 points and the only other candidate to suffer that kind of a drop was beto o'rourke. harris' number rise double digits and warren's numbers rise double digits and joe biden drop from 70% of the democrats thinking he can beat trump before that debate to 50% afterward. we can talk about the substance
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of the debate on the stage with kamala harris but i think the stage craft helped kamala harris. i think it was in that moment -- see if it lingers but it was devastating to joe biden because it cut into the central argument of his campaign, put me on the stage with donald trump and i can't lose. >> there will be another quinnipiac poll later on today so we'll see if they support each other or if this is an outlier from cnn. but it reflects a lot of what people thought. senator warren had a good night. she's up eight points and then kamala harris was the star. she's up nine points but even so a closing of the gap by 19 points when you put together biden falling ten in this poll. kamala harris coming up nine. that is striking right out of the gate. >> yeah. that's stunning. i mean, you know, let's do the only one poll caveat and see about the "q" poll later on today. but i think it reflected more than just the one moment. i think it reflected questions about joe biden's overall
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performance in that debate. now, this is so early and there's no reason he can't bounce back. you recall in 2012 president obama had a disastrous, awful first debate against mitt romney and then came back like gang busters and won the election and the other debates so it ain't over till it's over. but biden was not that sharp in that debate. and he struck people as old. and, you know, if you look at those numbers, you saw the two -- the 76-year-old candidate and the 77-year-old candidate both fall. and you saw harris and warren rise and i think it reflects just more than the one, you know, clash between biden and harris. i think it was an overall performance issue.
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>> so no, joe biden was never going to continue to lead by the margins he was leading on. we hadn't seen anyone on stage together yet. he was holding a limited number of events. we hadn't -- at least the american public hadn't gotten a great look at joe biden. they took a look at him on stage last week and again in this poll -- see if the other polling runs parallel with it, they didn't like what they saw. for the most part. >> well, i didn't like what i saw. i mean n the moment as stage craft as steve was saying, it was insufficient. you had a very affecting, emotional, genuine, honest appeal from senator harris and biden responded with facts and records and my background in civil rights. it was just disproportionate. it wasn't as affecting as senator harris' attack. however, in the days that follow, i am skeptical as to the nature of whether this is going to translate into sustained support because she's essentially painting herself into a corner that's going to really put the electability question back on the table.
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in that debate, she talked about how she was going to again back track from her previous back track about eliminating health insurance, private health insurance as part of the medicare for all deal which is a minority proposition, similarly she's embraced forced busing. she said i'm going to support a program to bring back forced busing. this is a dead political issue. not popular, not effective and failed on its own merits. when people begin to dive into the substance of the affecting emotional moment i'm not sure if it doesn't rebound to biden's moment. >> and respondents were asked to answer the poll, who do you think has the biggest chance to beat donald trump, joe biden at 43% and then down to 13% for the next best answer there. maybe they didn't like what they saw, but they believe in their
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hearts that they believe he can beat president trump. >> initially, this race was really joe biden and everybody else. that will all depend on his debate performances. right now, you have so many democratic voters really driven almost by a primal fear that the only thing standing between them and a second trump presidency is joe biden. why? because he's the only one who can win in the states like pennsylvania. he's joe from scranton. what you saw in the first debate is a piercing of the notion, because kamala harris put herself forward as someone who could stand on that debate stage and disassemble joe biden. if she could do it to joe biden maybe she could do it to trump. but it's only one debate. and to noah's point at some point this is going to also become about the issues and a number of these issues, you know, the democrats are starting to put themselves into categories, into buckets where the polling tells us these
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things are not broadly popular with the broader electorate. such as providing health insurance for undocumented immigrants. so i think that, you know, this was a good initial performance and like the biden people say, they were always expecting things to tighten. and this is definitely all going to come down to whether he sees a repeat performance because next time is not going to just be most likely kamala harris on the stage, it will be elizabeth warren and by golly, she was definitely watching what kamala harris did and imagine what she's going to try to do in terms of drawing contrasts for instance on biden's record on bankruptcy reform. on biden's record on voting for the iraq war. so he better come next time better prepared. >> steve, two parter for you number one, what do you see in the cnn poll, number two, given the circles you run in, what does this do to democratic donors who are watching this race? >> well, first, with respect to
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that poll i would just go back to what noah said, and he used the word it's a moment three times, it is a moment, it's a snapshot, it's reflective of more than one debate, but not a lot more than one debate. we have to see where life takes us. i want to come back and shock the audience and be in heated agreement with noah rothman because biden is the front-runner, so naturally people will try to take him down. i think harris did expose her own vulnerabilities on things like medicare for all where she's had a multiple positions back and forth and it's not really clear where she is exactly on that. i think the democrats are going to confront the problem of these debates so far. they have moved the party to the left in terms of some of the issues like health care for illegal immigrants and i think that's a real problem. in terms of the fund-raising and how people react to it, i think you have to see how this unfolds over a period of time.
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obviously, june 30th was the end of a quarter. we'll get some numbers july 15th. then it's going to be a while before we get more numbers. i don't think biden dealt himself a fatal blow in this debate. as gene pointed out, barack obama had a terrible, terrible first debate in 2012. and we have to see how it unfolds from here. >> steve, i think joe biden probably got a wake-up call last week in miami, realizing he had to be ready in a different way perhaps than he thought he had to be ready to compete in this field. what do you think happens from here, who would you bet on right now if you're looking at the numbers? >> yeah, i mean this is the interesting thing. i think we have to separate two different things that are going on here. you can talk about how the issues will affect harris' long term prospects and i think it's difficult to measure the polling, is joe biden up to this? joe biden would be the first president to cross 80 years old in office if elected.
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he's 76 years old right now, turns 77 at the end of the year and i think democratic voters ares are looking at it. it's true barack obama had a bad debate in 2012 and bounced back. george w. bush had a bad debate in 2004 and bounced back. ronald reagan who had been the oldest president had a terrible first debate and came to that second debate against mondale in '84 with the line, i won't use any opponent's youth and inexperience against him. he bounced back, but the concern was there. the question with biden was is this more than a bad night because people who have been watching joe biden i think folks watching the speeches on the air have taken note that the joe biden they have seen in speeches, the joe biden they have seen in interviews and the joe biden they saw in that debate stage last week is not the same joe biden performance wise that they remember from that debate against paul ryan in 2012. that they remember from all -- you know, two dozen of the primary debates in 2007 and 2008 when he was such a strong performer that he debated his way on to the democratic ticket
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in 2008. so if joe biden -- if this is the new normal, what you saw last week, then we're not talking about barack obama just getting a wake-up call or george w. bush getting a wake-up call. you're talking about a performance that's going to be repeated and is going to reinforce these concerns that i think democratic voters have. >> democrats will wait to see -- was that just rust or is this a pattern, is that -- >> see the next debate. yeah. >> i want to come back to something you said about some of the issues in the push to the left in the party. this same cnn poll shows just 21% of americans agree with the idea of replacing private health insurance with a national program. bernie sanders raised his hand, kamala harris raised her hand. she said she misheard the question and there would be the option for private insurance for supplemental coverage. she's been kind of back and forth on the question and also providing health care to undocumented immigrants is unpopular in this cnn poll. what is the impact of the drive left in these debates? >> well, it depends on how much focus we devote to them and it's
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important. senator harris' explanation is uncompelling. she was on a cnn town hall with jake tapper and she was flippant that the americans on the employer sponsored health care, and then the floor caved out from under democrats in the senate. said, you know, i think that's a little too far for me. many of them even cosponsors bernie sanders' bill, even cory booker, maybe we should consider other options and now kamala harris back tracked the back track and everyone on the stage endorsed the notion you should provide state sponsored health insurance for illegal immigrants that's minority proposition. similarly, kamala harris is basking in the busing moment and she has said, listen, schools are more segregated than northern in the 1970s and 1980s.
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we look at the legacy of forced busing and i really for her she should hope we do not do that. if we were to really critically examine that legacy we would find that it exasperated racial tensions and exasperated self-sorting among the races and resulted in bad outcomes for african-american students. it was not a great program and it's -- doing away with that was inevitable. it's a verdict of history that i don't think is going to be reversed and she doesn't want us to focus too deeply on that. >> look, the question about providing health care to illegal immigrants was a bit of a gotcha question. it was like a raise your hand kind of question and the alternative is not raise your hand and suggest you wanted the illegal immigrants to die in the streets. i don't think anybody wants illegal immigrants to die in the streets. as you know, people have automatic access to the emergency rooms. wherever you are, you will get treated. i think americans support that. i don't think they support
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giving medicare for all to illegal immigrants around i think -- and i think that will hopefully become clarified in the course of the campaign. yes, i agree with you. i think the debates did move the discussion a bit to the left and i think it now needs to come back. i think senator harris is very vulnerable on this medicare for all issue. but i think she can walk it back yet again to a better place. so i think there's still the prospect that the democrats will find a happy middle ground on some of the stuff. >> so to steve's point briefly, if you were a joe biden supporter under the impressive he was a master rhett arussian and could do more than connect emotionally with you i don't know if that's the core support. if you watched him for the last eight years he has a habit of putting his foot in his mouth. >> that's different than being sharp, punchy, quick with the comeback. remember the obama campaign sent him out there after obama's poor
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performance debate with the idea of going toe to toe and roughing up paul ryan and people on the right didn't like the joe biden they saw that night. i think take away the issues, that was a sharper joe biden than you saw. >> i was at the famous event where joe biden talked about the two -- about east land and tall image. i thought he was fine. i thought he had what he needed to do and i think the audience thought he was fine. you know, he was quick. he was on his game. different than a debate. i concede that. see how it unfolds. >> gene robinson, performance and this new poll, if you're a joe biden supporter or in the joe biden campaign, how concerned are you this morning? >> you're concerned, not panicked. you realize it's a snapshot, it's a moment. and everybody has an off night. so if it's an off night then that's fine. we'll see it in the next debate. the upcoming appearance on the stump we'll see a sharper, more focused, more sort of on top of
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it joe biden. and all will be well in biden land. if we don't see that, if he continues to look the way he looked the other night, then you're going to see i think some serious concern. you will see the numbers continue to change. and we'll see. it is interesting though that when you ask people, you know, who can beat trump, who do you think is going to be the nominee, those kinds of questions, the answer is still joe biden. and so those questions are pretty good predictors often of what people think is going to happen, is often as good as or better predictor than what -- you know, i individually want to happen. so he's still in the lead. let's face it, he's still the front-runner. >> this race will change a thousand times before a single vote is cast. still ahead on "morning joe" members of congress visit the
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southern border for a firsthand look at the crisis there as a new report accuses u.s. customs and border patrol agents about joking about the death of migrants. but first, here's bill karens with a look at the forecast. >> good morning to you, willie. we're looking at summer like conditions and thunderstorms as we get ready for the busy travel period. the worst of the weather is up in wisconsin and now shifting to northern michigan and even new england. very warm and summer-like in july. very humid, hit and miss showers and storms and even new york city can see a stray storm this afternoon. this is going to be the busiest day on the roads and the highways on wednesday, baltimore, possibly, possibly -- this is the summertime storms. maybe 20 to 30 minutes and it clears out. anyone driving on interstate 80 to the ohio valley hit or miss showers and storms. on the 4th of july a lot of
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green on the map but again it's just typical summertime afternoon showers and storms. atlanta, charlotte, raleigh could have possible airport delays. as far as anyone driving on the 4th and headed to the beaches again just hit and miss. won't last long. so the all-important firework forecast as we go throughout the night. if you're in areas of south dakota, you have the best chance of getting heavy rain. the rain should be ending by the time we get to the fireworks and for the macy's firework display i think we'll be just fine in new york city. partly cloudy skies, just about perfect. so overall, looks pretty good. washington, d.c., your best chance for storms is wednesday afternoon. it will be hot, it will be humid. and just look at that picture, you would say that looks like summer. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. let's get down to business. the business of family time... ...and downtime. ...and you time.
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appears current and former border patrol agents joked about the death of migrants and made derogatory comments about latino members of congress. propublica first reported the group and nbc news has not yet independently verified the group and has not seen the posts directly. according to propublica, the facebook group is created in august of 2016. it has about 9,500 members and is called i'm in 1015. 1015 is border patrol code for aliens in custody. propublica received images of several discussions in the facebook group and was able to link the participants of that online conversations to apparently legitimate facebook profiles belonging to border patrol agents including a supervisor based in el paso, texas. in one exchange, group members responded with indifference and wisecracks to the post of a news story about a 16-year-old guatemalan migrant who died in may while in custody at a border
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patrol station in texas. one member posted a gif of elmo with a quote, oh, well, another responded with the image and the words, if he dies he dies. u.s. border patrol chief carla provo wrote that the posts are completely inappropriate and contrary to the honor and integrity i see from the agents day in and day out and any employees who violated the standards of conduct will be held accountable. the secret facebook group was reported on the same day that roughly a dozen members of the congressional hispanic caucus and others toured the border facilities. joaquin castro said that the group met with 15 to 20 mothers who had been detained for more than 50 days, adding that some had been separated from their children. lawmakers said one woman alleged border agents told her to drink water from the toilet. >> when we went into the cell, it was clear that the water was
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not running. there was a toilet, but no running water for people to drink. in fact, one of the women said that she was told by an agent to drink water out of the toilet. these are the conditions -- these are the conditions that have been created by the trump administration. >> according to propublica, several posts from the secret facebook group referred to the visit by members of the congressional hispanic caucus including congresswoman ocasio-cortez and veronica escobar. one member encouraged the border patrol agents to hurl a burrito at the lawmakers. another said, quote, there should be no photo-ops for these scum buckets. again, this all according to propublica. after touring the facilities, congresswoman ocasio-cortez tweeted about the conditions she saw. it's not just the kids but everyone. people drinking out of toilets, officers laughing in front of members of congress. i brought it up to their
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superiors they said officers are under stress and act out sometimes. no accountability she wrote. >> well, we saw -- what we saw today was unconscionable. no child should ever be separated from their parents. no child should ever be taken from their family. no woman should ever be locked up in a pen when they have done no harm to another human being. they should be given water, they should be given basic access to human rights. >> president trump was asked about the private border patrol facebook group while speaking yesterday with reporters. >> the border patrol facebook group in these derogatory comments that they have been making about members of congress? >> well, i don't know what they're saying about members of congress. i know that the border patrol is not happy with the democrats in
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congress. i will say the republicans do want border security. the democrats want open borders. open borders means tremendous crime. >> so heidi, if you read through some of the posts on the facebook page as reported by propublica, again, we haven't independently seen those at nbc news, but they're obviously disgusting an obviously reprehensible the way they talk about the people in the facilities and members of congress. but this is members of congress getting their firsthand view and not having to tweet from washington. and seeing the conditions for themselves yesterday. >> we're talking, willie, according to their reporting about a really troubling culture being created within these facilities. the culture of cruelty, of vulgarity. of sexism. of treating these children as if they're not human. and let's just say throughout history this dehumanization of ethnic minorities has never led
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to anything good. so the question now is how is congress going to respond to this? because the problem here is really what the members of congress are trying to highlight which is there's a lack of accountability. a lack of oversight. we now know according to propublica's reporting that these accounts are linked to real border patrol agents. people who they could tomorrow go and get and punish and punish publicly in order to try and staunch this culture that is being created in the institutions so the pressure is really on congress because this has already gone on -- let's say this account has been going on for a year, so how are they going to handle this? is there going to be any repercussions and any change in congress? because these -- guys, these are only the things that we're actually seeing and learning about. but what are the everyday indignities and cruelties that are being suffered by these children and by these individuals who are in these facilities? >> well, this stuff -- this
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starts at the top, willie, and heidi. it really does. i mean, the president sets a tone and you heard the tone he is setting. i mean, it's, yeah, go ahead, go after the democrats in congress. you know? they're wrong, they want open borders. i mean, there's no accountability. there was no word of sympathy for the immigrants, no word of reprimand for the agents who participated in the groups and it's a reflection of the attitudes that they're actually being encouraged to have and to display and this only gets worse, i think, until there's a change of tone at the top. >> i think it's just worth noting that the house bill can provide the additional aid would have put significant limits and requirements on how dhs treated these immigrants. the senate shot it down and
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passed the bill without the restrictions so i think the democrats have shown they're on the humane side of the issue. coming up, donald trump has boasted about the economy and while a new poll reveals most americans agree the economy is good the majority don't say the same about trump's policies. we'll dig into the new numbers next on "morning joe." most people think a button is just a button. ♪ that a speaker is just a speaker. ♪ or - that the journey can't be the destination. most people haven't driven a lincoln. discover the lincoln approach to craftsmanship
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new polling shows president trump is getting mixed reviews for his handling of the economy. the new figures from the associated press and norc show nearly two-thirds of americans describe the american as being in good shape that's an increase from the beginning of this year. but the survey reveals 51% of those polled disapprove of president trump's handling of the economy compared to 47% of those who approve. only 17% of those asked say they received a tax cut last year despite government and private sector figures showing a clear majority of taxpayers owed less after the tax overhaul passed in 2017. the results also show most americans do not believe they're personally benefitting from
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president trump's trade policies. joining us now, economics writer at the associated press, josh boak. josh, good morning. good to see you. how do you square the first two numbers in the poll that americans feel the economy is doing well, but not as many give president trump credit for that. >> sure. one of the big things that we see when we dig into the numbers at this poll is that yes, there's political polarization. and president trump might say the economy is strong. but when americans look at what's happening in their own lives, they don't necessarily see it. they don't believe they got a tax cut. they don't believe that the tariffs will help them or their families. so that contrast we can see they say the overall economy is change, but the fundamental change proposed by the president they haven't seen it in the bank accounts or mortgage payments or in their daily lives. >> so it's a perception. maybe they're hearing the president say it, maybe they see the low unemployment and they say the economy is doing well broadly. they believe that.
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but it's not helping me personally. >> i think that's right. i think that about a quarter of the people think that they're not as well off as they were before all of trump. i think a quarter think they're better off and half think it's about the same. so three-quarters don't think they're better off. but that said, the overall perception is positive. there was another poll that came out yesterday or the day before by the economist that gave trump a 51/47 approval rate of handling the economy, the only issue on which he was over 50% on his handling of an issue. i don't think the economy as you know as of literally today is in the longest peacetime recovery in history and also the slowest, but the longest and unemployment is 3.6%. i really don't think there's any view other than the fact that the economy is a tail wind for the president at this point in time. that could change, but right now it helps him in his re-election. >> and noah, he's running on that. he's running on the economy, are
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you better off than four years ago. the numbers show that president obama started all this and the president -- current president is continuing that. but this will be the cases the president makes to voters. >> yeah,ic he'd be better off if he was running on the economy and not really the myriad grievances that animate him from day to day. josh, one of the more fascinating things about the poll is the market decreasing and the number of republicans who i is a that trump's tariffs will help the economy. you're at 50% of republicans agreeing with the president, but a 20% decrease. and when he's making the insertions isn't cutting water anymore. >> that's right. and i think we have to start digging beneath the national averages when we look at what's actually happening in terms of how people perceive the economy. support among republicans has weakened so eight out of ten republicans approve of how trump is handling the economy, but only seven out of ten approve of the taxes and the tariffs and
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then we you drill down on the tariffs in particular they're saying our support had weakened. we don't see it helping us or our communities. not surprisingly, that hurts the president's hand as he goes around the country saying that tariffs are paying for themselves. when i interviewed voters for this story, what they said is i know he's saying this, but i don't believe him. and these are even his own supporters saying that. i think what this poll really hints at, people know the national numbers. but they also know their own lives, and they know what the president is saying and trust matters. >> josh, i wonder too how much down the assessment of trump's role this the economy, their assessment of the situation is dwarfed by trump what he wants in our politics, what he represents in our culture. and i'm just thinking back to, you know, bill clinton when he was president and the economic numbers when folks thought the economy was in the great shape. his approval rating on the
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economy was 20 points higher than trump's. his approval rating overall was 20 or 30 points higher that old line about how it's the economy, stupid, does that apply anymore? >> so the economy now is very different than what it was under bill clinton. we have got more younger people. we have got way more older people. we have got more college graduates. we have had an extended period of wage stagnation that we're recovering from. home prices in 75% of u.s. metro areas have increased faster than incomes which means you have price pressures that the middle class are now dealing with and that i didn't deal with in the past. and you do have polarization. the long and short end of it for an economy this strong, we have not seen numbers this low in the past six presidencies. so the president is weak on the economy relative to other presidents given the current dynamics. >> see how much he rides this issue heading into the re-election campaign. economics writer at the associated press, josh boak. thanks for being with us this
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morning. i appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. still ahead, president trump has talked about putting on a military parade ever since he saw france's bastille day celebration in 2017. this week, he may get his wish. "morning joe" is coming right back. think all premium fuels are the same? new shell v-power nitro+ premium gasoline is engineered with four levels of defense against gunk, wear, corrosion and friction. that helps keep your engine running like new.
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the world of major league baseball and sports is in shock today after the death of 27-year-old los angeles angels pitcher tyler skaggs who police say was found unconscious in a hotel room and pronounced dead at the scene yesterday. skaggs was in texas with the team ahead of the now postponed opener of a four-game series against the rangers last night. he was next scheduled to start on thursday. so far, no foul play is suspected, but they're not quite sure what happened. the statement from the team announcing skaggs' passing says tyler has and always will be an important part of the angels family. our thoughts and prayers are with his wife and his entire
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family during this devastating time as are ours this morning. a big upset in the first round of wimbledon yesterday. 15-year-old american coco gauff eliminated venus williams in straight sets yesterday. at 39, venus was the oldest woman in the field. venus is one of her idols, had posters on the wall and now she's beaten her at wimbledon. the u.s. women's national team will play england in the semifinals of the world cup today. if the u.s. wins it will be the third straight world cup final appearance. that's 3:00 p.m., semifinals, with another shot to win the whole thing coming up later this week, we hope. nike's plans to commemorate the july 4th holiday with an american flag themed pair of sneakers have been nixed. "the wall street journal" reports the company planned to sell special edition air max 1 usa shoes to honor the betsy
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ross star until colin kaepernick intervened. he said they should not sell the shoes die to the connection to slavery. it displays the 13 white stars in a circular pattern, one for each original colony. the special edition shoes were set to go on sale this week. but since have been pulled from stores and from nike's website. noah rothman, your thoughts? >> well, i mean, you'd like to say this is an awful controversy for nike, but it's probably not. i researched this a little bit for the book and the phenomenon of woke capitalism which appears to the culture sentiments of, you know, progressivism do really well and people didn't -- they want to see their brands exit social consciousness.
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they're appealing to the segmented market right now that doing stuff like that even if it seems cultural anathema to most americans it will yield a bunch of increase in profit. the woke response to, you know, the era of american slavery will be to take the position against the revolution. this was a revolutionary war era flag. so it's intellectuality difficult to defend but from a sentimental perspective it's probably going to generate capital. >> gene robinson, what's your reaction to that story? >> basically the same as noah's. i think it's probably -- you know, these corporations have decided to get with the program and they understand that they have an audience that responds to sensitivities. i have a different view about historical icons. you know, like the betsy ross flag. i think they're part of our
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history and that by -- if we hide them, if we refuse to acknowledge them, when we're not actually appreciating and understanding our full history. our full history includes slavery. it's the original sin of this country. and so in that sense the revolutionary war and the revolutionary times were, you know, everything is a mixed bag. at i mean, there were -- you know, slavery is in the constitution so -- initially. so this is -- this is real. this is what actually happened and so i say, you know, let's look at it in the face. >> yeah. i think also as we were discussing during the break, the more we take political correctness to the level that many americans think is absurd, the more it actually helps donald trump and his argument that we have all gotten a little bit crazy. so i think this is not the best
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day -- the best day in that regard. >> gene's point is really critical that historical revisionism, whitewashing history is not how you understand, appreciate and respect history the good and the bad. especially in the constitution because he's right. slavery is in the constitution but you didn't get the 14th amendment without the constitution or the 13th amendment or all the proceeding amendments in the advances of human freedom that followed so it's a mixed bag and we have to treat it like that. meanwhile, president trump is requesting an array of military vehicles including tanks and fighter jets to be showcased to the salute to america event in washington on thursday evening. the president has taken it upon himself to arrange the festivities including his own speech from the lincoln memorial with military flyovers. many details have not yet been determined. now with days to go. >> so salute to america and i'm going to be here, i'm going to
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say a few words and we'll have planes going overhead. the fighter jets, the best in the world and other planes too. we'll have some tanks stationed outside. got to be pretty careful with the tanks because they have a tendency not to like to carry the heavy jets so we have the brand-new abram tanks. >> engineers have canvassed the lincoln memorial to determine whether the weight of the military vehicles might ruin the historic site. that's according to "the washington post." "the post" reports that the price tag for the event could be in the millions of dollars. just for the air power alone. gene robinson, so at the end of the day, when you get out there on the 4th of july what is this thing going to look like? >> oh, willie, don't get me started on this. >> go for it, man. >> no, if you raise kids in the washington area you know about the fourth of july and washington and it's a glorious day. there's like a fairly cheesy but
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wonderful patriotic music show on the steps of the capitol there. there's people filling the mall. america in its glorious diversity. all kinds of people and it's not a political day. it's a day for patriotism. and then you have the fireworks. usually it's like cloudy and often you just see sort of diffuse flashes of light ahead and it's a horrible traffic jam. it's glorious and wonderful and one of the best days in the year despite the fact it's usually 95 degrees and to make it into what seems to be kind of a combination trump rally and kim jong-un style military parade of hardware and equipment with sherman tanks which is ridiculous. the last sherman tank was taken
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out of service in 1957. >> yeah. >> but it's just obscene. it really is. and i just -- i just hope it doesn't spoil the whole day. i mean, of course they'll try to do have the biggest fireworks ever, and that's okay. but presidents don't speak at the fourth of july. they -- it's the people's day. it's not the presidents' day. and he's trying to turn it into something else. and i just think it's -- i think it's awful. >> heidi, the white house is trying to assure americans that the president's speech at the lincoln memorial will not be a political one. i think we have learned over time he's incapable of that, save for his speech at the d-day remembrance last month or a few weeks ago. >> that's right. and we all know, this is his favorite part of the job, willie. let's -- i think this is the part where we remind everybody that right before he came to the white house, he was a show host and this is his favorite part of the job, is choreographing these
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type of shows. ever since he saw the bastille day celebration in france, his own self-tribute. that is what this is going to turn into. but at what cost? if you read down in the story you'll see that this is really problematic to the d.c. city council for several reasons. they're studying what the impact would be of the weight of said tanks and the pyrotechnic display unlike any we have seen on the mall will come at a great cost. he wants a military flyover, again some of these jets cost $30,000 an hour to operate. then there's the question of freezing air traffic. we have never had that before. where now we're talking about the entire air traffic operation at reagan national having to shut down for two hours. so the question is really at what cost is this going to come? of course, the maga crowd will be there and will be reveling in
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it but for everybody else and for people who gene mentioned who have done this years and years with kids this is just going to be a very different experience. >> we'll see in a couple of days. heidi, thank you very much. still ahead on "morning joe," new polling shows a big post debate boost for two democratic white house hopefuls. steve kornacki has more on the numbers. plus, president trump has insisted that russian meddling in 2016 had no impact on the election results, but a new study says it may have. nbc's ken dilanian has that reporting. and it's gene and tom nichols who both have thoughts on what democrats need to do ahead of 2020. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. make fitness routine with pure protein. high protein. low sugar. tastes great! high protein. low sugar. so good! high protein. low sugar. mmmm, birthday cake! pure protein. the best combination for every fitness routine.
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modernized comfort inns and suites have been refreshed because when your business is making time, our business is you. get the lowest price guaranteed on all choice hotels when you book direct at you come to where we are now, osaka or "today's taktokyo no graffiti, it's clean. it's nice. >> unlike some of our cities. >> and san francisco, los angeles they have a problem with filth. why is that? >> it's a phenomena that started two years ago. it's disgraceful. i'm going to maybe -- i'm looking at it very seriously we're doing some other things, as you probably notice, like the important things that we're doing now but we're looking at it seriously because you can't
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do that. you can't have what's -- where police officers are getting sick just by walking the beat. they're getting very sick. where people are getting sick. where the people living there are living in hell too. >> president trump there asked in an interview with fox news about the quote filth in u.s. cities and it started two years ago. as we discussed around the table as new yorkers i guess he wasn't here in '70s or '80s or he missed something. because he was here. welcome back to "morning joe." tuesday, july 2nd. joe and mika have the morning off. still with us, noah rothman, former treasury official steve rattner, national political correspondent for msnbc news and nbc, steve kornacki. associate editor of "the washington post" is eugene robinson. and joining our conversation,
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susan del percio and karen tumulty and author of the book "the death of expertise" tom nichols. welcome, all. we begin with a shakeup in the top tier at least in one poll of the 2020 democratic candidates following last week's debate. former vice president joe biden's lead is falling ten points to 22%. now up just five points over senator kamala harris. who gained nine points. she's up to 17%. elizabeth warren sits in third place at 15%. she's up eight points since the debate. senator bernie sanders dropped four points to 14%. mayor pete buttigieg rounds out the top five in this poll at 4%. so when it comes to the best democratic candidate to beat president trump in 2020, joe biden still holds a commanding lead at 43% with senator bernie sanders a distant second place at 13%. kamala harris and elizabeth warren all right there with senator sanders too. so steve, let me start with you
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again. how do you square those two slides we just showed? first the drop in support since the debate for joe biden but yet voters saying far and away he has the best chance to beat donald trump. >> i think it shows you how unsettled the field is and once you get beyond biden with the familiarity with democrats. if you're going to ask democratic voters who has the best chance of knocking off donald trump from this field, you're not going to find any consensus when you get to biden. i think he's the default answer for a lot of them. there was a ugov poll that caught my interest. from the field, who has the best chance of beating trump, just asking are they capable of beating trump when you imagine them on the debate stage, biden still performs the best among any democratic candidate, but the confidence fell 13 points. he went from far and away, 70% saying yeah, he can absolutely
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knock off trump. down to 57% in this poll. the only other candidate who took a hit like that was beto o'rourke. the others saw their assessment by democratic voters increase by double digits so i think he leads as the default option that the democrats are going to give you when they say most electable. but i think there are concerns coming out of the debate that weren't there before. i think that confidence level if you throw him on the stage with donald trump he just wins i think that took a bit of a hit from the debate too. the challenges on biden reverse it too. >> there's a lot of space for whether it be harris or warren or maybe somebody else down the road to grow and that's the challenge. biden doesn't have a lot of places to grow from. whereas harris or warren especially harris does. so that's where i think you see those numbers matching. >> karen tumulty, those numbers in the first poll we showed, joe biden down 10% and kamala harris
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and warren up 9 and 8 respectively reflect what was seen on the screen. senator warren looked good on the first night and senator harris looked good on the second night against joe biden. >> what was surprising to me was vice president biden did not seem to be answering the kind of criticism he was getting from the rivals. you know, we have seen this before. often for instance when an incumbent president who has been living in sort of the -- the bubble that comes with incumbency goes in for a debate, we saw it with jimmy carter and then with ronald reagan in the first debate in 1984, even with barack obama in that first debate against mitt romney, very often they're caught flat footed. they're out of practice. the question is as steve said whether joe biden can improve. he's long had a reputation of trusting his own instincts, being very resistant to advice.
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we have got another debate coming up in just a few weeks. is this going to be the same joe biden that we see on stage or is he going to have gotten the message here? >> so tom nichols i trust reading your piece and watching you on twitter over the last several days that you share the joe scarborough position, he wants donald trump not to be re-elected but what he saw on the stage last week is not the way to get there. >> i think one of the reasons biden looked flat footed is you didn't expect that kind of an attack from someone you think of as a friend, that you have endorsed, who's accepted your endorsement and thanked you for it. who then kind of slyly implies you might be a racists or you're too comfortable with racists. i'm not sure that the debate with donald trump is going to matter. i mean, hillary clinton won all three of her debates on points with donald trump and, you know, that's why she's president today, right?
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i think, you know, the folks like me, the never trumpers that are coming at this from outside the tent, my only requirement is 270 electoral votes. i'm not telling the democrats how to run their primary. but i think, you know -- but forced busing as an issue in 2019 is probably not going to be the way to get to 270. you were mentioning room for harris to grow. i'm not sure where you go after you have boxed yourself in on an issue like forced busing which you know the trump campaign is going to love talking about. so, you know, biden was flat footed -- this is strange because biden is not a good candidate. republicans have been watching him and said for years he's not a good candidate, but is he the right candidate for this time? that's the only question. >> favorite anecdote i think from that debate and which might be indicative of a long running problem for joe biden is they asked, would you support
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providing health insurance to illegal immigrants and a bunch of hands shot up and others hands raised and then joe biden sheepishly knowing which way the wind was blowing and he was subsequently asked by the moderators why didn't you raise your hand? assumption being he wouldn't raise his hands. he's supposed to be the centrist moderate candidate but he did suggesting that he knows what the democratic party wants to do which is drift left. that's something you can't etch-a-sketch away. >> it's more of a gotcha question. if you don't raise your hands you think they want them the immigrants to die in the street. >> to the certain voter. >> yes. in a couple of debates look, john kerry won all three debates in 2004 arguing against george
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bush, it didn't help him. everyone is watching bide on the see if he can handle himself head to head with donald trump and in a long campaign. i think the debates take on a greater importance for biden than they normally would for a front-runnering candidate. >> if he doesn't have the same -- if he has the same performance and he drops more in the polls i think if joe biden loses his lead he loses it forever. he's -- his only path is to stay on top of it and charge that -- for that nomination. another bad debate performance can really hurt him and lead him into a position of being second. >> yeah. steve there's another debate at the end of the month, coming up in a few weeks. a lot of democrats will be watching to see if that was rust in the first debate and now he's tightened things up a little bit or if that's the kind of candidate he's going to be. >> yeah. we were mentioning this earlier too. i mean, think of 1984 and ronald reagan running for re-election at 73 years old and the first
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debate against mondale, he seemed to go blank. his numbers were collapsing in the polls, does mondale have a chance in this race and one of the first questions asked in the second debate in '84 was there were concerns had been raised that maybe you're too old to do a second term as president. reagan said you know i don't think age should be an issue in this campaign. i will not exploit for political purposes the youth and inexperience of my opponent. 58-year-old walter mondale. >> how did that end up? >> everyone's doubts went away in the moment and reagan won 49 states and that was it. so listen, i sound like i'm being very hard on biden right here. the biden i have seen on the campaign trail so far and the biden i saw in first debate seems to me to be not as sharp as the biden i saw in 2008 in the debates and in 2012. let's see. if he turns it around in the next debate, there may be no long term damage but there's more pressure on him in the things going forward. >> i want to read from both tom
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and gene's pieces today because they go to the same conversation. tom, you're in the "usa today," your op-ed reads i'll vote for almost any democrat but lurching left won't beat trump. you write this, the democrats as a party apparently believe the best way to defeat trump is to swerve as hard to the left as possible in order to quote energize people in their base who otherwise might not vote. if that means saying things that might haunt the nominee later so be it. never trumpers and others nearer the center do not understand any voting bloc that needs more motivation than two words donald trump. but the democrats so far refuse to act as if this is true. tom goes on to write, this election is a referendum on donald trump and nothing else should even come close as the central issue. if democrats cannot be energized or motivated unless the candidate meets the youth or the gender or the age or is committed to policies that have almost no chance of winning in the areas democrats need to recapture in 2020, then this is
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already a coalition going into electoral battle with a fundamental disagreement about why we're all even bothering in the first place. but gene's latest piece for "the washington post" is entitled never trumpers have a decision to make. never trumpers may be shocked to hear this, but the democratic party is likely to nominate a democrat for president. that means they're not going to nominate someone who thinks exactly like a never trump republican. elections are choices. these never trumpers will have to make one. anyone who watched last night's two-night candidates debate should be confident that the eventual nominee is certain to support universal health care, comprehensive and compassionate immigration reform, reasonable gun control, measures to address climate change and bold steps to address income inequality. no, this is not a republican agenda, outcasts from the gop will have to decide whether to accept it in the interest of ending the long national
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nightmare or reject it and stick with the president who kowtows to vladimir putin and kim jong-un. gene, i'll let you take it to tom. sounds like you're writing directly to him. >> well, it -- tom would acknowledge it will be a democrat and there are like core principles of the democratic party that believes in and there are democratic constituencies that need to be energized. that need to be gotten out to vote. and if they had been last time around, we would be talking about president hillary clinton. if you would energize those constituencies in milwaukee and detroit and philadelphia. and gotten 100,000 more votes out of those three big cities, you know, there would be a democratic president today. so i don't think there's a path to beating donald trump that involves sort of foresaking what
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democrats see as their core principles. >> tom? >> the problem is the democrats don't need to win me. they've got me. i think they have got most of the never trumpers. this notion that the never trumpers are, you know, an inch away from defecting back to trump i think is really a straw man. the -- i think what a lot of the never trumpers are trying to warn the democrats about is, look, you have got us. you don't have to -- we get it. we're big boys and girls we understand that the democrats will nominate a democrat, but this is over in 40 states. you're trying to win a small number of votes answer about four or five states and what you're hearing from us is please don't alienate that sliver of voters again so that you end up with 80 million popular votes and 269 electoral votes and end up re-electing donald trump. this is -- i think this is the alarm that a lot of us in the
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never trump and kind of the independent caucuses that we're trying to send. you don have to pander to me, but if you nominate someone who will alienate that band of voters in the midwest and the rust belt, what was the point of all of this to begin with? i know it sounds low and cynical to talk about this, but you're going to have to -- i mean, in a sense this election is really going to be about a couple of million people spread out through maybe four or five states. >> you know, that's true to an extent. you do need to worry about the -- that sliver of voters but there's another sliver of voters that they need to worry about today. hillary clinton would be president today if african-american voters had shown up in detroit, milwaukee, in greater numbers in places like philadelphia. so it is -- it's a two-sided problem for them. they do need to motivate their base in a way that it really
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wasn't in 2016. and i think that some of these other democratic candidates, kamala harris, if you had watched her through most of the campaign she was being criticized as being wooden, cautious. it was like a switch got flipped the weekend before this debate in south carolina. a completely different kamala harris appeared on the stump. the other candidates are also getting better. and they are -- they are speaking to the people that the democrats also need to show up and who didn't show up in 2016. >> so how -- go ahead, tom. >> i was going to say, this is the part i don't understand. because if the words donald trump are not energizing enough for the democratic base, then i'm at somewhat of a loss. i mean, in this sense the never trumpers are actually more energized i would argue than the democratic base. a lot of us are going to show up, you know, if the democrats nominate a ham sandwich, you
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know, we're going to show up and vote. and i think it -- i always find it incredibly exasperating to say, well, i understand that donald trump is an existential threat, we're in a total crisis of government and this is the worst thing that's ever happened but you know unless the democratic nominee really thrills me, i don't know if i'm going to show up. that to me i find that almost inconceivable. >> so, susan, it seems to me that the democrats have to walk the line or thread the needle and capture both of those groups, right? which is you have to get the people -- karen is right, a lot of progressive democrats didn't show up and vote in 2016 to the great frustration of the clinton campaign. you have to get those people out of your progressive base and you have to flip back those obama/trump voters in the midwestern states. >> you do. and it's not about never trumpers. it's not about republicans who are not happy with donald trump and will probably not vote for him. either they won't vote or they'll vote for the democrat. i don't know how you go after
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conservative democrats and union workers in the midwest when you tell union workers you're going to lose your health care when is one of the biggest and important things you're fighting for and that illegal -- people here illegally are going to get health care. that's a hard thing. then gene to your column, 2018 the biggest turnout -- the thing that flipped the house was suburban women. around -- again, i don't know how you make certain arguments -- yes, it will be a democrat but you have to appeal to suburban women and going to medicare for all or universal health care is not going to be the answer. so there has to be some delicate balance because i wonder how much now nancy pelosi is worried about what she saw in the last two debates. >> well, look any democratic nominee is going to support universal health care and then when you say medicare for all it may be somebody who uses that
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phrase. but anybody who supports universal health care is going to have -- >> i'll rephrase it, gene. >> -- to the reality of getting there. >> i'll rephrase it. if you're going to ban private health insurance, if you're a candidate that supports banning private health insurance i don't know how you attract the suburban women and conservative democrats. >> well, i wouldn't support banning private health insurance. i wouldn't recommend that as a party position going in. but i would recommend, you know, a strong call for universal health insurance that doesn't completely, you know, tomorrow wipe out private health insurance. i think that's both impractical and kind of dumb as a way to actually get where you want to go. you know, this is in a sense an academic discussion because as we all know, elections are
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choices. and more important than the list of positions on the party platform is going to be who the nominee is. and whether that nominee taken together with his or her positions, but that nominee himself or herself is seen as someone who can take on donald trump. and is somebody who can beat donald trump. that's -- that was the problem in frankly in 2016. there was a democratic nominee with historically high unfavorables, fairly or not. was very unpopular and ended up losing that election and i think the choice of the nominee is going to be the crucial thing. >> it's worth remembering too, if democrats don't win the senate as well, this is all fantasy talk. >> i think a lot of it is fantasy talk already. the reason why bills like bernie
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sanders' bill eliminates employee sponsored health care is because you need that in order to make the math work. you can't say we'll have a buy in for medicare and everyone who is sick and will overburden the system will go in and everybody who is not will be out. this is not sustainable. it's part of the package. with respect to gene it's me or kim jong-un, that smacks to me of deplorables and you don't like how the voters react to that sort of situation and the candidate that you described really sounds like a generic democratic candidate which would be an objectionable. we are seeing the federal jobs guarantee, medicare for all on the stage, a variety of the less enforcement on the border that i don't think are acceptable to the general electorate and they'll pivot back to the center and what will be left after this process? >> i agree that certainly winning the senate would make life earlier, but if you get to
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be the president, you get to appoint the judges and be in charge of the legislation and do stuff that's helpful on the question of medicare for all i'm not sure free free with you about that. i think there's a way to get the math to work where it's voluntary to buy in. anybody who runs as joe said the other day -- anybody who runs on the position that we'll take away private insurance is going to lose the election. i don't think there's any question about that. i don't believe that you can win this election by moving left and trying to bring out more of the so-called base. i think you have to get back those voters that we lost to democrat -- the democrats lost last time and i think that requires someone who has a reasonable set of positions on issues that americans can say, i get that, that's reasonable. >> as tom nichols says if you're in the base, the democratic base, not energized but what you have seen in the white house in the last two years, god help you if you're not going to vote. russian propaganda may have had an impact on president trump's poll numbers during the 2016 presidential campaign.
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researchers at the university of tennessee were able to show that trump's gains in popularity during the 2016 election correlated closely with high levels of social media activity by russian trolls and bots. the study explained that the results showed that the weeks when russian trolls were accumulating likes and retweets on twitter, that foreshadowed gains for trump in the opinion polls. joining us now is national security reporter ken dilanian. what is the correlation here? >> good morning. essentially every time there was a spurt of activity by that russian troll farm, the internet research agency, a large volume of twitter activity, these researchers found that donald trump's poll numbers increased. he became more popular. in fact, for every 25,000 retweets of the russian propaganda, they found a correlation to the 1% increase to donald trump's popularity. does this prove that the tweets
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caused the increase in popularity, no it does not. but it's the first attempt to try to investigate and measure the impact of this russian propaganda. a lot of our viewers and a lot of people are convinced on its face that this russian interference in 2016 helped donald trump get elected and jimmy carter actually said it. until now there's no evidence to support that proposition and in fact there's some independent thinkers and skeptics who really cast doubt on it. but this study shows that you can measure a correlation and these researchers find that in the context of other information it's -- that you can't essentially you can't rule out as donald trump and jared kushner have been doing that this russian social media activity made an impact and actually influenced voters. >> well, the author of the study said that the study does not prove that it swung it to trump, but we can't rule it out given how thin the margins were across
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the states. and it says russian propaganda actually did not drive down hillary clinton's popularity, which i thought was the whole point of the exercise. >> that's right. they point out that even though a lot of this russian propaganda was targeted at discrediting hillary clinton, it didn't seem to move her numbers. they -- they hypothesized that had to do with the fact that the audience for the retweets were a right-leaning conservative audience that was never going to vote for hillary clinton or express positive views about her. let's not forget that a lot of this internet research agency activity was targeted at very divisive messages, far right conservative theories, attacking muslims, exasperating race relations. the audience for it was not in favor of clinton. and, you know, it wasn't -- it isn't just the small number of retweets we're talking about here. this stuff was amplified so that tens of millions of people, other studies have shown, saw the propaganda and it infected
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the ecosystem and made it difficult at the end of the day to determine what influence it had. but i hope there are more studies like this it should be measured. when jared kushner derided this as a couple of facebook ads a lot of people believed that. studies like this are pushing against that idea. >> all right. interesting stuff. ken dilanian, thank you. karen tumulty, what are you looking at today, what are you reporting on? >> well, i'm probably going to be looking at this july 4th celebration that we'll be having here in washington. and it was interesting about a week before the inauguration i asked donald trump how is america going to know it's great again and he said well i'm going to bring the military down pennsylvania avenue. so i guess this is -- this is how he feels like we measure our greatness. >> yes. something he has been thinking about for a long time. karen, thanks so much. still ahead on "morning joe" the treats of hong kong are calm again for the moment after another day of violent clashes between demonstrators and
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police. nbc news chief global correspondent bill neely is on the ground in hong kong. we'll get his reporting next on "morning joe." "morning joe." rd, you eat right... mostly. you make time... when you can. but sometimes life gets in the way, and that stubborn fat just won't go away. coolsculpting takes you further. a non-surgical treatment that targets, freezes, and eliminates treated fat cells, for good. discuss coolsculpting with your doctor. some common side-effects include temporary numbness, discomfort, and swelling. don't imagine results, see them. coolsculpting, take yourself further.
4:27 am
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i hope it gets solved. i was with president xi of china. we had a great talk. a great discussion. we're talking about doing something and we have talked about it briefly. but that's very sad. i have rarely seen a protest like that, it's very sad to see. >> hundreds of thousands of demonstrators marched in peaceful protest yesterday as hong kong commemorated the 22nd anniversary of the territory returning to chinese rule. but the calm was broken when a smaller group of activists stormed into the legislative council. they built barer -- barricades and called for the release of those who had been arrested. and joining us now from hong
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kong nbc news chief global correspondent bill neely. good morning. what was the scene like today? >> yeah, good morning. willie, the scene yesterday was quite extraordinary and after that chaos and confrontation, this morning we had the clean-up and the condemnation. very interesting that the hong kong police were at the scene of this protest this morning, taking fingerprints. now, as you can see from the pictures there were up to 3,000 protesters who stormed that building. but this morning the police were like taking fingerprints. they have been gathering video as well. and they will be using china's extraordinary facial recognition technology to try to match the prints with those pictures and try to identify who the protesters were. overnight, hong kong's top official, china's hand picked leader here, has threatened that they would prosecute the protesters, but it's really
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difficult to work out what happens next because if china cracks down really hard, there could be more protests. on the other hand, they can't be seen to lose face. the protesters, well, they may have crossed a red line. they may be in danger of losing some popularity here so no question, this political crisis isn't over. but whether it's played out on the streets in quite the same way, willie, we have -- we will only see in the next few days and weeks. >> extraordinary pictures. bill neely in hong kong, thank you so much. let's bring in the editor-in-chief of "the new york times" chinese website ching-ching ni. great to have you with us this morning. for an american audience, let's just take a step back and explain what exactly is happening in the streets of hong kong right now. why are those millions of people taking to the streets? >> so basically this is the last thing that the chinese government wants to see happening in hong kong. this is a year -- very sensitive
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anniversaries. yesterday was not only the anniversary of the hong kong handover, but the birthday of the chinese party. china is very afraid of chaos on the streets and social instability. and yesterday instead of a celebration we had a city in crisis. so why are we here today? this is because in hong kong they have a special place in china because chinese government agreed to give it a one country, two system situation where they have been able to enjoy the kind of freedom that no one in china is allowed to enjoy and the people in hong kong have taken to the streets because they feel like they have to take a last stand to protect their way of life. they feel like this is no longer one country, two systems formula. it's really one country, one system formula with the chinese government exerting a lot more control over everything. their old way of life.
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i feel like they wanted to get the world's attention and i worry that they're not getting any attention. the headlines have been grabbed by north korea. so for the young people of hong kong, they really want to take a last stand. >> so for the moment, this is about an extradition bill, because they don't want dissidents taken back to china, for example. but really it's about something much bigger than one bill. >> i think it's about the future of hong kong. will china remain hong kong to remain hong kong so china gave them 50 years have to one country, two systems. now 22 years has passed. yesterday was supposed to be that celebration. and now the hong kong people are worried that that is not going to happen. they're going to become just a regular city in china. >> but i wonder if this is broader than hong kong in the sense that president xi has gone in a different direction than his predecessor in terms of pulling back on some of the
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market reforms, more control, more state control, making himself possibly president for life. to what extent to you worry about china retreating from the idea of modernizing their economy and going back to the much more top down dictatorial approach? >> unfortunately, that's the feel from the outside looking in. china has definitely taken a harder control under president xi jinping and the last thing he wants to see is the chinese people getting the idea that the ordinary people can protest and get what they want. that's something that the hong kong people want to reassert. that hong kong has the unique identity and that china given its tight restriction on the media of course they don't want anybody in china to see that this is happening. so unless they have access to "the new york times" or other banned media they don't know what's going on in hong kong. even if they knew what's going on in hong kong, a lot of chinese people have to buy into
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the idea that the new china model is working better for them. that if the government allows them to make money, get rich, then maybe we can hold back a little bit on individual freedoms. and that's why some people, you know, who are living in hong kong or working in hong kong feel like especially some of the main landers don't understand why the hong kong people are protesting when they feel like in china they're getting a great deal. it's so rich, it used to be a poor country and the chinese people made a bargain with the government and it's working out for some of them. >> tom nichols, hong kong's chief executive who we saw a minute ago, the extradition bill has been suspended but hasn't gotten rid of the bill. bigger picture where is this headed? >> one potential moderating influence that's missing here is the influence of the united states.
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that american foreign policy is -- that the americans are awol on this. american foreign policy is limited to the president saying this a terrible thing while he goes off and cavorts at the dmz at the demilitarized zone with kim jong-un. so, you know, the chinese may feel they have a lot more latitude for action here because they're almost -- there almost is no international pressure not to do otherwise because the americans are simply wrapped up in the president's constant need for spectacle. so i think that's a real concern about where china goes from here. obviously, the chinese are going to do things for their own reasons. they are very hard nosed realistics about managing their own affairs but to have the united states be out of the game is not a healthy influence on this entire situation. >> all right. tom nichols, thank you very much. ching-ching ni, great to meet
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you. thank you for being here. coming up next, polling has shown that mayor buttigieg has struggled to gain support among minority voters. this morning he's trying to do something about that. a live report from chicago next on "morning joe." let's get down to business. the business of family time... ...and downtime. ...and you time. ...and forgetting what time it is...altogether. modernized comfort inns and suites have been refreshed because when your business is making time, our business is you. get the lowest price guaranteed on all choice hotels when you book direct at
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welcome back to "morning joe." 7:40 in the morning here in the east coast and in the white house where the president is up and tweeting about something he saw on this television program a short time ago. meanwhile, pete buttigieg raised nearly $25 million in the second quarter. today, he takes his message to chicago where he'll address the rainbow push coalition. nbc news political reporter shaquille brewster is there. shaq, good to see you. the cnn poll we have been discussing that shows joe biden down, kamala harris, elizabeth warren up, if you go down a bit, you see despite a pretty good debate performance by most accountings, mayor pete still at about 4%. >> that's exactly right. this is really a candidate who's been facing a mix of headlines as he tries to solidify himself
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as a top tier contender in this race. so you mentioned it. yesterday, we heard he had -- he raised $25 million from 400,000 individual donors. that's an impressive fund-raising haul but it came the same day as the cnn poll showed him at 4%. his support stagnant as other candidates in the field are rising. then he's been on and off the campaign trail. dealing with that controversial police shooting in south bend, indiana. including last night as he had a meeting with community leaders there. today, i'm told he will address that police shooting. he'll talk about how it deals with systemic racism and the issue that many african-americans have to deal with this in country but he'll expand it beyond and talk about the so-called douglas plan for black american which includes credit score reforming and also expanding federal contracts to black minority owned businesses. allowing them to have more access to the federal government funds. those are issues that will come up and, guys, we talk about his support among african-americans.
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in polling at least it is struggling and something he wants to expand on. if you look at his schedule at least he's having a press conference with reverend jesse jackson this morning at about 8:30 local time. later on he's going to be speaking to the group, the group of black business leaders and then he's going to the essence fest, talking to black women there. he's showing up and giving his pitch to african-american voters ares. >> something has to give. shaquille brewster, thanks so much. gene robinson, were you surprised at all to see mayor pete's numbers where they are if we look at that cnn poll again? a lot of people thought he had a good night last week in that debate. there he sits at 4%. >> yeah. i mean, i was a little surprised that his numbers weren't a bit higher. you know, he's got to do better with african-american voters if he hopes to win the democratic
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nomination that's just arithmetic. you have iowa and south carolina and the black vote is really important. if you want to have any momentum, any chance of winning the nomination, you better do well there. you better do better than it looks like mayor pete is doing right now. i would advise him in the appearances in chicago, yeah, he can talk about systemic racism and the big picture. but i think he needs to talk about south bend. he needs to talking about his acknowledged failure, for example, to diversify a police department that everyone saw and he agreed was overwhelmingly white when he took over. and he set out to bring more diversity and a different kind of policing to the city and he has acknowledged he didn't do that and what is he doing about it now?
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4:49 am
about 159 years ago this month, tens of thousands of onlookers watched as the last man to be publicly executed in new york city was hanged on what is now known as liberty island. the future home of the statue of liberty. the incredible story of that man the notorious albert hicks is captured in the new book titled "the last pirate of new york a ghost ship, a killer and the birth of a gangster nation."
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the author "vanity fair" and rolling stone contributing editor rich cohen joins us now. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> let's go back to the time frame before we get into albert hicks. where are with >> this culture of river pirates of new york city i never knew about. >> it is the summer before the civil war. this case happens over three months. and this ghost ship. the ship with to one on it knocking around the harbor. the police go aboard and find a completely empty ship but washed in human blood. they tow the ships in and detectives search and detectives were knew at the time.
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they found four severed fingers and a thumb on the ship. that brings us to this case. >> who was this guy? >> it was right before the civil war. it was like a meteor was going to come and hit the city. all the stuff sort of precivil war never happened and that was him. >> he committed petty crimes as a kid, put in solitary confinement. he said he went insane when in that prison. later on, they determined he killed 100 people. he went on whaling ships. to me, he's the missing link. blue beard crawls out of the
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land and becomes john gotti. >> how did they trace him now and connect him to that ship? >> he was sailing under a fake name, william johnson. the only thing they knew about him was that his name was not william johnson. he was not very careful. this is the days prefor ensic evidence. he dumped the bodies over board. they found the dingy and they talked to people, had you seen him. he was acting like a pirate. he had a big sack full of silver and gold he carried on his back. they saw him all along the way and tracked him to rhode island.
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>> incredible confession. he said the devil was on the ship with him and that the devil med him do it. >> i'd like to hear your research. it seemed like the papers at the time gave readers more of what they wanted to know than what they should know. >> the writer from the "new york times" embedded himself with the detectives. the times was only about a decade old. if you wanted to establish yourself in new york, you followed crime stories. when hicks was hanged, 20,000 people watched it. there was a deal with a federal marshal. he did what any federal marshal
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would do at the time for a hanging. he sold sitickets. that's why it was the last public execution. it was meant to be a warning and instead it became a massive drunken party and they said we are never doing this again. >> there were police reports and court records. it was like the oj simpson trial. then he gave this wild confession, very strange particular kind of american document. >> question, river pirates. tell me about them. >> this period was the biggest crime wave in american history. there was a place called the five points. it was so bad, the police didn't even go in there.
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there were gangs. the river pirates were on the sixth ward of manhattan. they were mostly kids. they would come out of the sewers and retreat to the sewers. that was one of the theories that maybe it wasn't hicks. they had names like the day break boys and the 40 thieves and the hudson dusters. one thing i found fascinating is that all these old new york gangs had youth auxiliaries. the 40 little thieves had a youth auxiliary called the 40 little thieves. >> another great one. the book is "the last pirate of new york." thank you congratulations on the
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book. >> thank you for happening me. coming up, polling shows a new top tier add joe biden plummets and a visit to migrant detention facilities in texas hours after a report reveals offensive comments made by border patrol agents on facebook. that's ahead on "morning joe." that a speaker is just a speaker. ♪ or - that the journey can't be the destination. most people haven't driven a lincoln. discover the lincoln approach to craftsmanship at the lincoln summer invitation. right now, get 0% apr on all 2019 lincoln vehicles plus no payments for up to 90 days. only at your lincoln dealer.
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good morning. welcome to "morning joe." i'm will yay geist. joe and mika are off this morning. with us, former msnbc contributor, national political correspondent and author of "the red and the blue," and from washington prize winning column inany of the and political analyst, eugene robinson and nbc correspondent. a major shake up in the top tier of the 2020 candidates. a new cnn poll shows senators warren and harris made significant gains at the expense of joe biden. biden's lead fell to just five
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points over kamala harris. warren sits in third place at 15%. mayor pete buttigieg rounds out the top five at 4%. >> many expected there would be some movement. but that is a big jump. five points when you think about all the advantages when you think about joe biden coming into this race. we'll see. let's see how this one looks in comparison to them. to be up just five points and 22% as the former vice president. you come in with universal name recognition and all these things. that speaks to seriously bad
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debate performances that raised questions about his supposedly core strength, which is his electability. asking the basic question, do you think candidate x is capable of beating donald trump. joe biden after that debate, his number dropped 13 points. the only other number to drop was beto o'rourke. you saw others rise, they saw biden drop to 57% afterwards who think he could beat trump. i think the stage craft of that moment is what really helped kamala harris. in that moment, it was devastating to joe biden because it cut into the central argument of his campaign, which is put me
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on the stage and i can't lose. >> it does reflect what a lot of people thought just watching the debate. last night, senator warren was up. night two, kamala harris was the star. she's up nine points. you put together biden falling ten and harris coming up nine. that is striking right out of the gate. >> that is stunning. it reflected more than just that one moment. i think it reflected questions about joe biden's overall performance in that debate. this is so early. there is no reason you can't bounce back.
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you recall an awful first debate against mitt romney and then came back and won the election biden was not that sharp in that debate and he struck people as old. you look at those numbers. you saw the two -- the 76-year-old and 77-year-old candidate both fall. you saw harris and warren rise. i think it reflects more than the one clash between biden and harris. i think it was an overall performance issue. >> joe biden was never going to lead from the bargain. he was holding a limited number of events. the american public hadn't taken a good look.
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they took a look at him on the stage last week. at the didn't like what they saw for the first part. >> well i didn't like what i saw. in the moment, stage craft was inefficient. you had an emotional, honest appeal from senator harris and biden responded with facts. however, in the days that follow, i am skeptical to the nature that this will translate into sustained support. she's painting herself into a corner. she talked about how she was going to, again, backtrack from her previous backtrack eliminate private health insurance.
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she has now embraced forced bussing. this is a dead political issue. not popular, not effective. when people begin to dive into this really effective emotional moment. if you looked inside that poll, they were asked to answer, who do you think has the best chance to beat donald trump. the answer remains with joe biden at 43% and down to 13%. maybe they didn't like what they saw but still believe somewhere that biden can beat trump. >> after several performances here, is it going to shake back to biden's benefit. this race was joe biden and everybody else. right now, you have so many
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democratic voters driven by a prime primal fear that the only thing that stands between them and a second term for trump is joe biden. what you saw in the first debate is a piercing of that notion. kamala harris put herself forward. it was only one debate. this will also become about the issues. a number of these issues, they are starting to put themselves into categories and buckets. i think this was a good initial
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performance. they were always expecting things to tighten and will always come down to whether he sees a repeat performance. next time will not likely be kamala harris on the stage but it will be elizabeth warren. she was watching what harris did and what will she try to do striking biden record on bankruptcy and voting for the iraq war. he better come prepared. >> what do you see there. what does this do to democratic donors? >> i think he used the word it is a moment three times. that's what we have to view it as. it is a moment, a snap shot. not a lot more than one debate.
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biden is the front runner and naturally people are going to try to take them down. i think the democrats are going to confront the problem of these debates in terms of some of these issues like health care. in terms of the health care and the funding. i don't think biden dealt himself a fatal blow in this debate. barack obama had a terrible,
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terrible first debate in 2012. >> i think joe biden probably got a wake-up call in miami realizing he had to be ready in a different way to compete in this field. what do you think happens from here? there is a simple issue here in voter's minds. that is, is joe biden up to this. he would be the first president to cross 80 years old. it is true barack obama had a bad debate and bounced back.
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president bush had a bad debate and bounced back. president reagan as well. they are taking notes that the joe biden they've seen is not the same joe biden performance wise that they remember from the debate in 2012. he was such a strong performer he debated his way on to the democratic ticket in 2008. if this is the new normal, we are not talking about just getting a wake-up call. you are talking about a performance that will be
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repeated. >> still ahead, new reporting accuses u.s. borderer patrol customs agents making comments. >> heading into the busy travel period. not everyone is going to get hit. wisconsin and michigan and thunderstorm problems. difficult summer day. temperatures in the 90s. 93 in atlanta. we'll be dodging the storms. not going to mention much in the west. you are dry, you are sunny. if you get these showers and
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thunderstorms. for the fourth of july itself, could even be a little dangerous. all of the green shows you a chance of rain. here is the forecast at sunset when the fire work shows are beginning. that really begins to dry up. south dakota around d.c. with a chance of storms. what p is looks nearly perfect, the macy's fire works should be great. about 81 degrees and dry. >> washington, d.c. in and out of the storms. the heat will be the bigger story. temperatures will get into the low 90s. we'll be right back. ht back. going to the shawn mendes verizon up concert was like an out of body experience. we were right in front of him. dead center. front row.
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can't imagine doing it any other way. this is caitlin dickerson from the new york times. this isn't the only case. very little documentation. lo que yo quiero estar con mi hijo. i know that's not true. and the shelters really don't know what to do with them. i just got another person at d.h.s. to confirm this. i have this number. we're going to publish the story.
5:16 am
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u.s. customs and border patrol is investigating a private facebook group where it appears current and former agents joked and made comments. propublica first reported it. nbc has not verified the group or seen the group publicly. they were created in august 2016 and has about 9500 members called i'm in 1015. that is border patrol code. able to link the participants in those conversations to apparently legitimate facebook profiles belonging to border patrol agents including a supervisor based in el paso, texas. in one exchange, group members responded with i difference and wisecracks about a 16-year-old
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who died in may in custody at a border patrol station in texas. one responded with a gif of elmo and responding with the words, if he dies, he dies. a statement put out in response writing, these posts are completely inappropriate and contrary to the honor and integrity i see and expect day in and day out. any employees found to have violated our standard of conduct will be held accountable. the existence much that secret facebook group was discovered on the same tai they toured border facilities. the chairman said the group met with 15 to 20 mothers who had been detained more than 50 days some had been separated from their children. one woman alleged border agents told her to drink water from the toilet.
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>> when we went into the cell, it was clear that the water was not running. there was a toilet but no running water for people to drink. in fact one of the women said that she was told by an agent to drink water out of the toilet. these are the conditions that have been created by the trump administration. >> members of the facebook group referred to the visit by members of the group reportedly one member encouraged border patrol agents to hurl a burrito and another, quote, there should be no photo ops for these scum buckets. >> alexandria ocasio-cortez tweeted about what she saw.
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it is not just the kids, it is everyone. people drinking out of toilets, officers laughing and people drinking out of the toilet. >> what we saw today was uncon sonable. no child should ever be separated from their parent or taken from their family. no woman should ever be locked up in a pen when they have done no harm for a humanbeing. >> the border patrol facebook
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comments and members of congress. >> i know border patrol is not happy with the democrats. i will say the republicans do want border security. the democrats want open borders which means tremendous crime. >> if you read through some of those posts, they are obviously disgusting. this is members of congress getting the first-hand view not having a tweet from washington. >> a really troubling culture created within the facility. the culture of cruelty. treating these children as if they are not human. throughout history, this
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dehumanization, of ethnic minorities has never led to anything good. the question now is how is congress going to respond to this. the problem here is what the members of congress are trying to highlight. we now know to the reporting that these accounts are linked to real border patrol agents. people who could tomorrow go and get and punish publicly in order to try and stentch this culture. is there going to be any repercussions. these are only the things with err seeing and learning about. what are the everyday
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indignities and cruelties being suffered by these. the president sets the tone. it is go ahead, go after congress. there is no accountability. no word of sympathy no word of reprimand a reflection that they are actually being encouraged. this only gets worse until there is a change at the top. >> 9 house bill would have put significant limits.
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i think the democrats show that there on the main side of this issue. not for open borders frmt. >> coming up, do voters give president trump as much credit for the economy as he gives himself. what it all means for heading into 2020. ♪ limu emu & doug what do all these people have in common, limu? [ paper rustling ] exactly, nothing. they're completely different people, that's why they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual. they'll only pay for what they need! [ gargling ] [ coins hitting the desk ]
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freestyle libre 14 day system. you can do it without fingersticks. learn more at the latest charter school scandals are piling up. leaders of one san diego charter network? indicted for conspiracy and grand theft. thankfully, the governor's charter school policy task force just made important recommendations for reform: more accountability on charter school spending. and giving local school districts more control over the authorization of charter schools.
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reforms we need to pass now. so call your state senator. ask them to support ab 1505 and ab 1507. new polling shows president trump is getting mixed reviews for his handling of the economy showing nearly two-thirds of americans describe the economy as being in good shape. the survey reveals 51% of those polls disapprove of trump's handling of the economy. only 17% of those asked say they received a tax cut last year showing a clear majority of those left. the majority of americans do not
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believe they are personally benefitting from trade policies. good morning, josh. how do you square the numbers in that poll that americans feel the economy is doing well but not as many give president trump credit for that. >> sure. one of the things we see when we dig into the numbers is that, yes, there is polarization. when the americans look at what is happening in their own lives, they don't necessarily see it. that contrast where they say the overall economy is strong, they haven't seen that in their bank accounts, mortgage payments or
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d daily lives. >> so it is a perception. they see it but it is not helping me personally. >> that's right. a quarter of the people thought they were better off and half think it is about the same. three quarters don't think they are better off. that said, the perception is positive. a poll came out giving trump a 51%. i don't really think the economy enters the peace time and slowest peace time recovery in history. i really don't think there is any view other than the fact that it is a tail wind at this time. now, it helps him in his reelection.
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>> he's running on that. numbers show president obama started all this and the current president will continue that. >> this is the case he'll make to the voters. >> one of the more fascinating things, trumps tariffs say agreeing with the president, that's a lot but a 20% decrease from august. the political imperative of supporting the president isn't cutting water anymore. >> that's right. we have to start digging bee knee t beneath the national averages. 8 out of 10 republicans approve of trump. only 7 out of 10 approve of
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taxes and tariffs. what they are saying is our support has weakened. we don't see it helping us or our communities. not surprisingly, that hurts the president's hand as he goes around saying tariffs are paying for themselves. when i interviewed voters for this story. what they said is, i know he's saying this but i don't believe him. this is his own supporters. this hints at that people know the numbers and their lives but they know what the president is saying and trust matters. >> how much do you think of the assessments are -- their assessment is dwar f-ed by the broader assessment of trump and what he represents in our politics and culture. when folks thought the economy
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was in great shape, his approve ral was 20 points higher than it really was. the old line about, it's the economy, stupid. does that apply now? >> it is very different than it was under president clinton. we have more younger people, way more older people, more college graduates. if you look at housing data, home prices have increased faster than incomes. you do have polarization. the long and short end of it, we have not seen numbers this strong. the economy is weak ril tiff to other precedents. >> we'll see how much he rides
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this issue. josh, thanks for being with us. coming up on "morning joe," former democratic governor and retired four star army general are challenging the 2020 candidates to make national service part of growing up in america. they both our conversation next on "morning joe." maria ramirez? hi. maria ramirez!
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welcome back to "morning joe." joining us now, former commander of u.s. and international forces in afghanistan. and former two-term democratic governor of massachusetts. they are cochairs of serve america. together. a campaign to make service a part of growing up in the u.s. prioritizing national service in their first 100 days in office. thank you both for being with
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us. governor, let me talk with you, you've talked about it in your time in office. i think it is an idea in concept that a lot of people want to get behind. what does it look like practically? >> first of all, i want to thank and acknowledge general mccrystal who has shown amazing leadership on this. there ought to be a way for every person young and old to contribute to building the country through either military or civilian service. when you think about the fact of how divided we are, it strikes me of how many of us think it is inevitable. it is easy to divide us because we don't know each other. an easy way to bring us together
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is to work together. >> that will sound good. what does it look like? you turn 18, enter service for a year? >> could be a year, could be two. think about joining one of the armed forces, peace corp, americorps. encouraged as a way to get to know members of your larger american community. >> by the way, we are working on the general's audio at the moment. >> in concept, this all sounds good but military service is open to everyone of age. you just want to create a
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certain incentive structure. what is different with this program? >> it is making it available to everybody. there is less than a percent of americans today serve in the military. >> how do we encourage more people to see that as a path, to see civilian service as a path, as a necessary part of being a citizen and maturing in this country. israel has a very well developed feature or form of this, mainly military service. this notion that we all have a stake, we are not bystanders to the evolution and experiment is important. we are trying to encourage
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candidates that have national voices now to call attention to this and to build these opportunities so it is more universally available and accepted. >> you bring up the israeli service. in that koi in th in that country, it is mandated. is that what you want to get to? >> i'm thinking of people who are midcareer or transitional. let's start now with young people. i had my own experience from graduating from college. i lived and worked in africa for a year. it was a transformative experience and made me realize
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people can arrive to different conclusions and encourages a different kind of empathy. >> governor, we have you connected now. good morning. tell us about the vision of this. you must be disheartened about the fact of less than half of the candidates discussing service. how do you see this, general? >> i hope every political candidate from every party embraces this and makes it central to the idea of what they are offering the country. if we think about it, sometimes there is a rush to see how much we can offer people. tax cuts, free opportunities.
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sometimes w sometimes we have to ask things of ourselves, of fellow citizens and give people an opportunity to change how they feel about themselves and about the nation at large. i'm hopeful every candidate looks in the mirror and they make it central to their campaign. >> general, i commend you and i agree, the candidates should incorporate this to their platforms. how do we break it down so people in their communities -- do they get paid for service, you get a free year of community college? is there a way of encouraging people to work together. i happen to think one of the best things out of 2018, we saw more people that served in the
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military are now in congress because they are problem solvers. they don't care if it's an r or a d after their name. >> that's a great idea. you solve common problems and you get a different perspective. we bring them together. this has to be a practical program. it is very local in execution. people solve problems that feel valuable to the neighborhood and give them satisfaction. the neighborhood and the community also has to own the idea of it. just like we send our daughters and sons to war, we are responsible for them when they go and come back, so the young people who serve the nation, they belong to us. for us to create the opportunity
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and for tous honor that. ideas like community college afterward, different kinds of resume building opportunities here. this should be something that someone who has done service should be in a better position the rest of their lives. they should not only feel good about their service but be in a better position. >> hi, general. how much does this cost and how do we pay for it? >> you understand the numbers better than someone like me. if you were just doing the amounted cost to fund young people paid, we have to make it paid to do a stipend and other
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costs. it is about $88 billion. that seems like an enormous cost. it has to be a public/private partnership. i would ask, what is more important than spending money on our young people. >> retired general. we appreciate you working on it. thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having us. >> coming up, president trump has a long wish list for thursday's celebration of july fourth but can the streets handle the hardware. plus new fundraising numbers released by the trump campaign and the rnc and how they stack up. all ahead on "morning joe."
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it's so important to us that verizon is supporting military families. when i have a child deployed, having a reliable network means everything. so, when i get a video chat, and i get to see their face, it's the best thing in the world. and i've earned every one of these gray hairs. military moms, we serve too. (vo) the network more people rely on, gives you more. like military plans with a special price on unlimited, $100 per line, and big savings on our best phones when you switch. that's verizon. welcome back to "morning joe." a story to make you feel real old. this week marks 40 years since sony introduced its backman, june 1st, 1979. it cost 150 bucks. it was revolutionary at the time for its ability to allow people to listen to music on the go
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without others hearing the sound. this week, the walkman is 40, "seinfeld" is 30. my conclusion is that we're all getting old. >> yata-yata. now to president trump's plans for an all out show of power to celebrate the fourth of july. hallie jackson joins us with more. what will it look like? >> heavy on the military. you will see tanks, troops, flyovers and armored vehicles on display and, of course, remarks from president trump. i'm told from one source familiar with the planning the president does not intend to make a political speech. there are definitely critics the president is not focusing on patriotism but instead putting partisanship first. it's the holiday salute to american military might. >> it will be like no other. it will be special and i hope a lot of people come.
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>> reporter: the president is promising a spectacle even in the face of criticism. >> we will have planes going overhead, the best fighter jets in the world and other planes, too. we will have some tanks stationed outside. we have to be careful with the tanks because the roads have a tendency not to like heavy tanks and have to put them in certain areas. >> reporter: besides the tanks, festivities feature flyovers by the blue angels and the s-35s and osprey, marine one. and the stands now set near the lincoln memorial where the president will deliver his holiday speech and the fireworks show is set to last 35 minutes this year. chris is helping with that. >> to be part of that history, i think july fourth, all the nuances of politics, it's okay to let that go and everybody celebrate the fourth of july as americans. >> reporter: the president
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inspired after marveling at the military parade in france two years ago to honor that country's independence day. >> i will say i was your guest there and it was one of the greatest parades i've ever seen. >> reporter: critics worry the president is putting a political spin on a holiday not specifically partisan, tweeting tanks but no tanks. washington's representative to congress, frustrated for the taxpayers footing the bill. >> the people resent having any politician co-opt the nation's birthday. >> eleanor holmes norton telling your team also she would hope the president would have a hot dog and hamburger rather than huge extravaganza for the holiday. the anti-donald trump baby blimp, that little balloon, i was told by the national park service the demonstrators have received permission to display that on the national mall. the other thing brewing, have
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you looked at the weather forecast for d.c. on thursday? >> no. >> it is grim and nod good. lightning could present a problem for all the bells and whistles the president has planned. we will be keeping an eye on al rokerer to see what happens there. >> it will be a circus, sounds like. stay with us to talk through. the president's reelection campaign announced their fund-raising haul, $105 million. that figure dwarfs what president obama raised, $85 million, in the same period during his 2011 effort. >> trump's campaign raised $51 million and the rnc took in $54 million and together they have $105 million in cash onhand and raised more money online last quarter than the first half of last year n. the trump campaign officials did not say how many individuals had contributed or
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how many gave increments of 2man or less. what does it mean? >> it means the president will be competitive in november and play in big media markets and states the president needs to compete in but also the democrats. i suspect the democrats will be just as competitive, based only on the primary fund-raising so far, a lot of candidates are raising huge sums of money suggesting there's a lot of interest in this election. it will be a very well thought election on the money front and will see a lot of ads and will be pretty ubiquitous and frustrate a lot of people and demonstrative how important this election is for the donor class. >> it's starting earlier so comparing it to obama is not apples to completely apples and they're competing against each other through the primaries, we've seen this through every cycle before, the party not in power, tougher for them and they
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have to group. money isn't everything. hillary clinton had a lot more money than donald trump and unfortunately that wasn't enough to get to win. >> the white house will be happy to wake up to this number this morning. >> reporter: beyond thrilled. if i had to bet dollars to donuts, see the president tweet about this most likely at some point having covered the trump campaign back in 2016, how different this is now, the apparatus, riga marrow of donald trump the candidate, a shoestring budget looking back. the rnc is fully on board, one and the same figuratively, arm working to get donald trump reelected. this is a big number and the president and his campaign manager are going to love it. >> it is a big number and shows the president's campaign will actually have real strategy and are doing things throughout the country to move him forward. i'd just like to do back to that military parade. one thought i'd like to put out there. instead of making the members of
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our military work that day, shouldn't they have the day off instead of entertaining donald trump. second, with all the money it costs to run this event, wouldn't it be better spent giving veterans meals or a place to sleep that night or something else? i don't think this is reflective of a -- i think this is reflective of a president who doesn't have his priorities straight. >> i think those are important points to raise. talking to people on the national mall and folks in washington, around the country we sent our crews to, they believe the military is undercelebrated in this country. there are some folks who want to say thank you to the military in a way we don't normally get to with this kind of parade, not saying that should or shouldn't happen. for some folks there is a real appetite to have this celebration and honor the military everybody in america respects and admires. that's absolutely right. people want to celebrate the military. they worry about donald trump's
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speech being political. >> it's not a military holiday, a day to celebrate american ideals and founding. to celebrate the military, well-deserved, we should celebrate the military everyday, it changes what this day traditionally means. >> thank you so much. see you in about an hour. chris jansing picks up the coverage right now. thanks so much. i am chris jansing in for stephanie rhule. new fund-raising numbers show the race nor the democratic nomination is tighter than ever, brand new cnn poll shows how crucial early debates can be. senators kamala harris and elizabeth warren getting massive post debate bump all at the expense of joe biden, the front-runner now just a few points ahead. already we're seeing a shift in candidates' game plan including one struggling campaign's
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