tv Kasie DC MSNBC August 4, 2019 4:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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the most common side effect is nausea. quit smoking slow turkey. talk to your doctor about chantix. welcome to "kasie dc." i'm kasie hunt. tonight, 29 people are dead in a pair of mass shootings in texas and ohio s dozens more are injured. in custody and alive, a 21-year-old white male in el paso and in dayton, a 24-year-old white male was killed by police. the texas district attorney is pursuing the death penalty. the justice department says they are treating the el paso shooting as a domestic terrorism case. the president of the united states spoke briefly today. >> hate has no place in our country. we're doing a lot of work, a lot
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of people are working right now, a lot of law enforcement people and others. spoke to members of congress about whatever we can do and a lot of things are being done right now as we speak, condolences to all. we have to get it stopped. this has been going on for years, for years and years in our country. we have to get it stopped. we have done much more than most administrations, and it's not really talked about very much, but we've done actually a lot. but perhaps more has to be done. but this is also a mental illness problem. if you look at both of these cases, this is mental illness. these are really people that are very, very seriously mentally ill. >> words and phrases that president trump did not use today, terrorism, white nationalism. but the fbi is investigating the el paso case as domestic terrorism in part because of
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links to a document posted us phrases like hispanic invasion. where have we heard language like that before? >> the country puts the name in the bbasket and you pick people out of the lottery. let's see, this one is a murderer. this one robbed four banks. this one, i better not say. this one, another murderer. ladies and gentlemen, another murderer. think of this, do you think they're going to put their great citizens -- they have great people like we have great people, do you think those people are going into a lottery? no. this is an invasion. when you see these caravans starting out with 20,000 people, that's an invasion. i was badly criticized for using the word invasion. it's an invasion. but how do you stop these people? you can't.
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that's only in the panhandle you can get away with that statement. only in the panhandle! so it's a tough situation. but if they change the loopholes, we'll have it perfectly. when the wall is finished, it's going to be great. >> the president of the united states this spring making light of an audience member who suggested shooting immigrants. tonight it's difficult not to watch the grief across these communities and not think words have consequences. i'll be joined here by top reporters, experts and politicians throughout the night. in the 8:00 hour i will talk to senators elizabeth warren and amy klobuchar, both running for president. mean while, the el paso police just gave an update moments ago. let's watch. >> good afternoon. let's begin. i'm sergeant robert gomez, el paso police department, public information officer. this will be our afternoon
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brief. this will be our last brief of the evening. next brief will be some time tomorrow afternoon. we will announce it and as we have been doing, we will announce it on the el paso police department's twitter page. first, i want to address the crime scene or the crime scene recovery. i can report at this time all of the bodies from the walmart have been removed to the medical examiner's office. we have completed that phase of the investigation. the crime scene is reduced to only the walmart and the walmart parking lot. i want to reiterate from yesterday that absolutely no incidents occurredal cie-- occud at cielo vista mall. we had earlier reports of incidents at the cielo vista
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mall. i can confirm today the incident is contained only to walmart and walmart parking lot. the reunification center i'm pleased to announce is fully staffed. >> joining me from berkeley heights, new jersey, nbc white house correspondent kelly o'donnell. kelly, our friends at "the washington post," philip rucker, wrote tonight in looking how the president has responded to this, we're no longer asking the question about whether he will respond to a mass shooting or traj dliek thtragedy the way he the past but whether his words will mass the carnage we have seen. what are your sources say how the president is thinking about this? and i know we're supposed to hear from him tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. do we know what he might say? >> well, it's been a layered response so far, kasie.
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and what the president revealed in the first wave of his response is the characterize as do-no-harm presidential reaction, offering the prayers, blessing of the two communities, thanking first responders. the kinds of comments you would expect. they're appreciated but they don't change the circumstance. and a certain distancing and avoiding of the harder situation. the president has addressed in the most simple way a bit of the motivation piece by saying hate has no place in our country. that's about as close as we've seen him get to a piece that might get to motivate but he's now speaking of mental illness, which certainly in many mat shootings has been a component but it raises a question we don't have the answer to, is he somehow conflating mental illness with white nationalism or acts of terrorism, which
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would be elite, beyond what is in a legal statute and also still raises questions? is that somehow a way for him to distance himself in terms of the rhetoric that he uses where he often will argue that his words and policies are not a point of igniting the actions of others, and certainly we have seen in many instances where political rhetoric can be something that can inspire people for good and perhaps for less constructive purposes, and we don't blame the individual politicians. but is there an influence? certainly democrats are pointing the finger much more directly at the president. what the president did not do today when there was ample opportunity to do so was to address the issue of white nationalism. his own daughter did. she is not only first daughter but a senior adviser to the president. she did it in a series of two tweets, where she said the people need to raise their voices against this. this really is the substance of
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what she had to say, that white supremacy, like all other forms of terrorism, is an evil that must be destroyed. so she got in front of her own father, the president of the united states, to in some ways get ahead of this issue. the president did say he will speak tomorrow. he even previewed the time, 10:00 from the white house. he also said that he spoke with members of congress, no specifics, suggesting, that there are some steps that could be taken. we did see the president take action after the las vegas concert-related shooting on bum stock. so are there things constructive he can do? perhaps. but what we have not seen him do is talk about the connection, if any, to political speech, his own policies, his own tenor and what might be contained in some of the writings or motivations of this particular el paso gunman. so far the president has not done that. kasie? >> kelly o'donnell, thank you very much. for more details on the shooting in el paso, i want to bring in
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nbc news miguel almaguer. miguel, what have we learned since this tragedy unfolded yesterday? >> kasie, as we just heard the walmart over my shoulder here remains a crime scene. investigators are still here poring over evidence. it's where the gunman unloaded round after round. we're told there's upwards of 3,000 people signed that walmart when the shooting took place but not everybody left with their lives. >> run, run! >> reporter: as the onslaught of gunfire erupts, chaos turns to carnage at a el paso walmart. the first 911 calls flood in 10:39 a.m. >> they were pulling people out shot, covered in blood. >> reporter: the active shooter spraying round after round into crowded families shopping for school supplies. the gunman seen here with his ak-47-style rifle wearing eye protection. >> once he saw people start running from him, you hear pop, pop, pop, pop, pop and increased
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the round of fire to kill as many people as he could. >> reporter: with frantic shoppers running for cover and others paralyzed by fear, stores in the nearby mall go into lockdown. >> the shooter is this way? >> reporter: 10:45 a.m., six minutes after the killing spree began, police arrived. soon after the suspect, patrick crusius surrenders. investigator says they found a racist manifesto and the 21-year-old was targeting certain victims. you say the suspect had been cooperating. in what ways? >> he's volunteering pretty much information on his own. >> reporter: he said he expected to die but surrendered? yes. >> reporter: with dozens injured, the people were everywhere. >> blood everywhere. i said i need to find daughter and the girls. >> reporter: many desperate to
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find loved ones. >> i'm tired of waiting and waiting. i want to know where my mom is. >> bless those kids. he barely got to see life. >> reporter: with victims ranging in age from 2 to 82, some of the injured remain in critical condition. off-duty army specialist glen oakley saved children separated from their parents. >> it hurts me, i lost like they were part of me. >> reporter: tonight a community in shock and grief this, time at a shooting at we walmart packed with families. the police chief tells me the subject expressed no remorse and no guilt after the shooting. he said he was both cold and calculated. again, that walmart was packed with upwards of 3,000 people. the death toll and the number of those injured could have been so much higher. kasie? >> miguel almaguer in el paso, thank you very much for your reporting tonight, sir. i'm joined now by nbc news
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justice correspondent pete williams. he, of course, has been following the shooting in el paso as well as dayton closely. pete, i wanted ask you about where things stand in terms of this investigation as domestic terrorism and what we know about that screed that was posted online. >> the domestic terrorism label is a possible federal charge. it seems like they will file hate crime and gun charges, which could lead to the death penalty. this is a sort of standard thing the justice will do in a case like this, they will file the federal charges but let the state go first. texas will go first on its charges of capital murder charges. it's pretty clear now, investigators now say they strongly believe that patrick crusius wrote this internet essay that was posted just 19 minutes before the shots rang out in el paso. and it's anti-immigrant, it's racist, it's anti-government. he says in the essay he had been thinking about this attack for
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about a month. he talks about his weapons. he also says, one of the few references to the president, he says that he formed these views long before donald trump came on the scene with his campaign. and he also cites approvingly the shooting in march in new zealand that targeted two mosques and that shooter in turn had supported the norwegian gunman who shot 51 children. so you see this pattern emerging of where these white supremacists are inspired by other acts of this kind. so this does seem to be domestic terrorism. this does seem to be white supremacist violence. on the other hand from what we know the dayton shooting does not seem to show that. the police chief said there's no evidence at this point of bias, they don't know what the motive is, and complicating this is the fact the gunman's sister and friend were all in the same car with the gunman when they arrived at a parking lot earlier in the evening and then they
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split up and who knows why the sister was among the victims. the companion was also shot but survived and has been helping police. so two very different -- it would seem two very different motivations here. >> christopher wray, the fbi director was on capitol hill recently warning about this threat of white nationalism and white supremacist terrorism. what tools does the fbi have to try and combat these kinds of incidents? how is it different -- our posture has been so focused on islamic extremists for so many years, what are the challenges from turning our attention to fighting this threat? >> the same challenges that exist trying to resist the people inspired by foreign terrorist propaganda. these are lone actors. they don't often communicate with others. in this case patrick crusius they say did post this thing on a violent website but only a few minutes before the shooting. so there was no time to do anything about it. as a matter of fact, it's not specific about the target. it doesn't even mention el paso.
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so that's one problem, they don't communicate with anybody. who knows whether the gunman in dayton was talking to anyone. that's the main problem here. but these common investigators look for clues. >> pete williams, thank you always for your reporting on this. after you make some phone calls, let us know if you would like to come back with additional breaking news. but i want to warn you our next story includes video that's very difficult to watch. about 13 hours after the mass shooting in el paso, at least nine more people killed and 27 more injured in dayton, ohio. officials say a gunman wearing body armor and carrying a 100-round drum for ammunition opened fire in a crowded bar early this morning before being shot and killed by police. authorities identified the shooter as 24-year-old connor betts. as pete williams pointed out, authorities say his 22-year-old sister was among the dead. according to dayton police, several officers happened to be near the bar at the time of the
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shooting, and it allowed them to neutralize the shooter approximately 30 seconds after the first shots were fired. a short time ago police released surveillance footage. i want to warn you, some may find it extraordinarily disturbing. you can see people running into the bar as the gunman opened fire and police officers on top of the screen engaging with him. the shooter runs into the frame at the bottom right-hand corner, attempting to enter the bar before being struck multiple times by police. joining me now is the mayor of dayton, ohio, mayor whaley, thank you very much for being here with us this evening. >> thank you. >> the first responders acted so quickly to make sure it was not so much worse than it was but i know your community had a very
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difficult year. this obviously is a very difficult day. i know you spent a lot of time speaking to victims and their families. what are they talking about to you today? >> it's a difficult day for dayton, of course, but we're completely amazed by the heroic nature of our first responders. and really in a place like the oregon district, where many day tonyans have a story, where it is very safe, young people convene on a nice saturday night to enjoy time with friends, and for it to be just in the matter of 24 seconds changed so dramatically. we're certainly grateful to the first responders able to respond so quickly. i believe maybe it's the quickest response ever in these mass shooting that's we are grateful for. and now the work is to help the victims, families, and those
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injured and work to heal our community. >> at this point what do we know? we've gotten early details about the shooter, the weapon that he used. do we know more about how he acquired the were legal or any other thing that could help prevent or at least give us insight how to prevent future events like this? >> oh, we know that he purchased the weapon legally. it is an ak-like gun, long rifle. he then did -- for lack of a better word -- boosted it up to be able to run those magazines and shoot as many people as possible. and i think for us and here in dayton, the question is why would anyone ever need any sort of gun like this? we're certainly in southern ohio, we're a place that likes hunting and certainly value
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people having the right to handguns. but for a gun of this nature to do this kind of damage in 24 seconds begins to ask the question, what are we doing here? >> yes. what are the next steps here for your community as you begin to heal? i know there's been conversations about vigils this evening. how do you pick up and move forward after something like this? >> yeah, the governor wil tonig. there will be a vigil in the oregon district. the oregon district is the neighborhood named by the american planning association as one of the best in the country two years ago. it's very walkable. the business association felt very strongly we should have the vigil in their neighborhood because it is the community's place for gathering. we will be doing that tonight at 8:00. and i know the community will come together strong.
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we've had a lot of tragedy this summer. in may we were hit with 14 tornadoes that tore through this community, and then the senseless act of violence that happened last night. one tragedy was an act of god, and the other tragedy i believe was completely preventable. >> mare nan whaley, thank you so much for taking time out of your evening to join us today. we're, of course, thinking of you and your community as you begin to recover from this horrible tragedy, that as you point out, could have been prevented. our reporting is just beginning tonight. senator elizabeth warren is going to join me in the 8:00 hour. i will talk to senator amy klobuchar as well. first, ben collins joins me in just a moment with what he knows about the suspects in these cases and the online culture that can be fertile ground for
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welcome back. joining me now is nbc news ben collins, who covers information extremism online. so file like, ben, you have to spend a lot more time than i'm ever interested in doing in some of the darkest things on our internet. >> it's not a healthy thing to do, trust me. >> thank you for all of your reporting on this. we want to talk to you about this screed that was written by
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the el paso shooter, posted just minutes before the shooting unfolded at walmart that talks about warning of a hispanic invasion, using a lot of other extremist, racist rhetoric that was posted on 8chan, which is a message board that seems to foster a lot of this. can you walk us through what happened here? what is this place online, and how are shooters across the globe seem to be collectively drawing inspiration from this place? >> sure, it's a totally anonymous place and that's a big deal for people who want to root on mass murder and tell people to go read white nationalist manifestos and do thing thats are quasi legal in other countries and totally legal here. that's what happened. this guy followed the path of the christchurch shooter who posted a manifesto on this website shortly before he went and committed a terror attack. and that's what happens on this site too.
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they talk about this. they talk about going to -- like this manifesto specifically said, go hit a soft target because the race war is just starting. they're going to let us out of prison at the ends of this thing. that's how they talk on here. the race war has begun. they're doing pop-up civil wars all over the place. and today go and brag about 8chan. that is the point of this website. it may not have begun that way. it began frankly to harass people because 4chan, another site like it, wasn't enough for them. but now it's become just a white nationalist dumping ground where lots of manifestos are spread and people cheer each other on to hate minorities. >> i want to show you the minority of the house of representatives was talking about potentially the root of everything that unfolded in el paso and he blames video games, partly because of how this is talked about on the site.
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let's watch and i will talk about it. >> i look at this evil act, and let's condemn it for what it is, evil, evil. i say how long are we going to let, for example, and ignore at the federal level particularly where they can do something about the video game industry? >> the idea of these video games to dehumanize individuals to have a game of shooting individuals and others, i always felt that is a problem for future generations and others. we watched studies shown before of what it does to individuals. when you look at the photos of how it took place, you can see the actions within video games. >>, ben, i saw some of your tweets on this and you talked about sometimes the language of video games is used on this site but pushed back on the idea that was what was actually happening, this person was inspired by video games. >> i want to make this abundantly clear. there's nothing in this manifesto that says anything about video games at all.
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it's white nationalism and anti-immigrant rhetoric and taking over texas. that's what he talked about. they do talk things like high scores on 8 this chan, which me kill as many people as possible and get a high score. but that's because that's the language of teenagers, that's the language of disaffected high teenage youth. those are the people on this website. they get to these places because they're radicalized from things like youtube videos from youtube tutorials of video games and things like that. that has nothing to do with video games. that's white nationalists recruiting people on youtube who are liftless and disaffected and have no prospects in their life. they say go to this other channel where youtube white nationalists can talk to you. they gained a system true video games that has nothing to do with the video game itself.
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it's nothing to do with the content of the video games. we have to make that clear. this is a white terror cell that has taken over this website. and it's not being looked at the same way isis is looked at on the internet. >> ben collins, thank you for your reporting, sir and best of luck to you. i'm sure we will be coming back to you as you follow all of this darkness online. so thank you very much. when we return i'm joined live with senator chris coons as calls mount for senator mitch mcconnell to bring the senate back from recess. i'm nobody's sidekick. [ "psa" by jay z ] such a diva. woo! (vo) vfundraising. giving back.
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senator pat toomey was one of the architects for a plan for bipartisan gun reform. he been reluctant to revisit the bill after its failure before. but tonight he's calling for its passage again, saying, quote, we must do more to keep guns out of the hands of psychopaths. toomey was also part of a rather memorable exchange with the president during an hour-long televised meeting with senators in the wake of the shooting in parkland, florida. >> i'm the one bringing it up, and a lot of people don't even want to bring it up because
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they're afraid to bring it up. but you can't buy a handgun at 18, 19, or 20. you have to wait until you're 21. but you can buy the gun, the weapon used in this horrible shooting at 18. you are going to decide, the people in this room pretty much are going to decide, but i would give very serious thought to -- i can say the nra's posopposed it and i'm a fan of the nra. there's no bigger fan. these are great people. these are great patriots. they love our country. i'm curious as to what you did in your bill. >> we didn't address it, mr. president. >> you know why, you're afraid of the nra, right? it's a big issue right now. a lot of people are talking about it. but a lot of people are afraid of that issue. raising the age for that weapon to 21. >> i have a suggestion, my reservation about it, frankly, is the vast majority of 18, 19 and 20-year-olds in pennsylvania who have a rifle or a shotgun,
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they're not a threat to anyone. >> so attempts to pass that background check bill since 2013 have been unsuccessful. we do hear from senate minority leader ch leader chuck schumer calling for an early return of the senate. and joining us now, senator, i'm always delighted to see you but saddened by these circumstances. thank you for being here. >> thank you very much, kasie. it's been a striking weekend. the idea we had two very different incidents so far apart in our country yet tragically close in circumstances, 29 killed, 50 or so injured. as you described in detail in the last segment, it's clear the motivations of the el paso shooter were racist and violent and intent on causing as much carnage as possible. there are things we can and
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should do. we should go back to the session in the senate. first let me remind you the house passed a bipartisan-enhanced background check bill 150 days ago and sent it over to the senate. it's been sitting and waiting for action on the senate floor. all mitch mcconnell has to do is call it up for a vote. the co-sponsor with senator pat toomey, who you just had on a clip from the parkland debate, that would provide notification to local law enforcement when somebody is prohibited from owning a weapon goes into a federally registered firearm dealer, tries to buy, they lie and try, so they check the box on the background check form and says nope, i'm allowed to buy this. they run it through the nic system, national background check system, and say you're prohibited. right now in 30 states, including my home state of delaware, nothing hans with that information. in pennsylvania, pat toomey's state, state police are notified and they have arrested several
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hundred people last year for committing that crime of lying and trying to buy a weapon. it's an excellent predictor someone will then go try to get a gun through a straw purchase or through the gun show loophole or by stealing it. this strikes me as simple common sense bipartisan legislation. we should be able to pass. the chairman of the judiciary committed to passing it. we also recently had a strong hearing on extreme risk protection orders on ways that we could identify circumstances such as happened in parkland, florida, where a deranged individual's clearly intent on using violence and owns a weapon that would allow for an expedited process. there are things we can do, kasie. we have to do more than express our concern and thought about thoughts and prayers. >> i think my question for you, senator, i understand that and i know you and many of your colleagues on the democratic side had been advocating for much of this. but the reality is the american people don't really see anything
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happen at all in congress. is there really any hope that something meaningful could change in the wake of this given what we have seen play out so far? >> kasie, let's be clear again. the house has taken up and passed several pieces of legislation that would address these problems we have with gun violence. we have had hearings in the senate judiciary committee. the challenge is the republican majority leader, and his refusal to give time on the floor for their to be a vote. the challenge is we've got a republican majority in the senate, just to be blunt about it, that has not stepped forward and taken action on a number of different bills that really could help address the problem we have in the united states of gun laws not being thoroughly enforced and guns getting in the hands of the wrong people. that's why there are not laws being passed. president trump in a clip you
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played right after parkland said he would be willing to sign legislation but has backed off of that position. i think we have to call it into question, come back into session and make it clear, who is willing to take action and who isn't? >> that was going to be my next question to ask you, would you support this emergency session. so thank you for answering that. my next question is, is there any chance that mitch mcconnell does such a thing, brings the senate back in august? >> i think it's highly unlikely. i think the majority leader mcconnell has refused to take up responsible bipartisan legislation that would deal with emergency risk protection orders, that would deal with high-capacity magazines or banning weapons of war from the streets of our cities, or that would deal with enhanced background checks. senator toomey made a determined effort with senator manchin of west virginia a number of years ago to try to pass background checks but was unsuccessful largely because the majority leader was unwilling to give it
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time on the floor of the senate. that's where responsibility for this lies. >> one of the other -- i suppose former member of leadership now, republican leadership senator john cornyn and formally the number two republican in the senate, his home state of texas where this el paso shooting unfolded. he spoke to our gadi schwartz, who was on the scene in el paso about what happened and what to do next. i want to show you that and then we will talk about it on the other side. >> you know we live in a country where law-abiding citizens can keep and bear narms under our constitution. i believe in the bill of rights. but i believe people who are mentally ill, committed felonies and disqualified from purchasing firearms and dangerous people like this young man, we need to find a way to stop them for their own protection as well as the protection of the community. but i would rather get to the root causes rather than an in inanima
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inanimate object of the firearm. the person is pulling the trigger, not the weapon itself. >> senator, we've had this conversation so many times, it makes me sick to think about the number of times we had to have a conversation about mental illness and people who have died from guns. this conversation is a bigger one because of what we know about the motivation of the el paso shooter. so my question for you is do you think that republicans, your republican colleagues, should be acknowledging that in their responses to questions about what happened here, and do you think the president's rhetoric contributed to what happened in texas? >> yes, i think we should, all of us in congress, be recognizing we have a real challenge in our country with domestic terrorism and white nationalism. in a recent oversight hearing on the judiciary committee, fbi director chris wray, who was nominated by president trump, confirmed by the senate, spoke directly about the real challenge we have in our country. we have a challenge with
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domestic terrorism from folks who are motivated by bigotry and racial hatred, and we also have ongoing concerns about extremism of other kinds and the challenge we were trying to address in that oversight hearing was making sure that we are dedicating an appropriate amount of law enforcement froeresource investigating, blocking, stopping acts of terrorism in the united states and being clear-eyed in the ways in which rhetoric nationally by the president and others can encourage or give a sense of support for folks who are motivated to give acts of extremism. obviously the president is not directly responsible for the individual in el paso. you can't really ascribe the motivations of a deranged anyway to -- >> cory booker said directly he thought the president was responsible. >> i agree with a number of guests that said the president's rhetoric contributes to a national environment that and
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courages this sort of thing. >> senator, thank you for being on the program. keep us posted on whether mitch mcconnell will come back and do some work here. thank you. >> thank you, kasie. senator elizabeth warren will join me live at 8:00 p.m. so does senator and presidential candidate amy klobuchar. much more "kasie dc" in a minute. minute ... oh delicious. or delicious... or fun. ♪ but since you need both car and home insurance, why not bundle them with esurance and save up to 10%. which you can spend on things you really want to buy, like ah well i don't know what you'd wanna buy cause i'm just a guy on your tv. esurance. it's surprisingly painless.
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order online for delivery. panera. food as it should be ♪ corey is living with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of her body. she's also taking ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+ / her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole was significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus letrozole. patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests,
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a friend of the show, phil rucker, writes in "the washington post" tonight -- quote, president trump has lentlessly used his bully pulpit to decry latino migration as, quote, an invasion of our country. he has demonized undocumented immigrants as thugs and animals. he's defended the detention of migrant children, hundreds of whom had been held in squalor, and he's warned that without a wall to prevent people from crossing the border from mexico, america would no longer be america. the piece goes on, quote, after yet another mass murder, the question surrounding the president is no longer whether he will respond as other presidents once did but whether his words contributed to the carnage. joining me now, former senior adviser to ted cruz and msnbc political analyst rick tyler, senior washington correspondent from politico, anna palmer and president and ceo of vote latino and msnbc contributor maria
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teresa kumar. let me start with you. there are a lot of people of hispanic decent that are afraid tonight. >> the moment he went down the escalator and tried to create a wall we heard the dog whistle. we knew he was talking about every single latino american in this country. yesterday was the largest massacre of latinos in american history and it's incredibly painful. i have family in el paso. i just spent time in el paso. we returned from el paso on wednesday. i can tell you in el paso, which is 85% hispanic, people are afraid. people are walking around with their passports. people who are american citizens, wehetoric but policy changes that inflect danger in the community. he established a denationalization task force, u.s. citizens brought up in the immigration system held for weeks at i.c.e. without remorse.
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and more recently he last year defunded the counterterrorism task force, which brought together agencies, experts from all of these different agencies to actually look at what is happening today to do surveillance to ensure there were not individuals doing white national supremacists. what the president's done is given agencies to hate and has not denounced it. we need him to use his platform to say we're all americans and we need unification. >> rick tyler, you used to work for senator ted cruz from texas, representing the state where this happened. he wrote actually on twitter today, quote, as the son of a cuban immigrant, i'm deeply horrified b hateful anti-hispanic bigotry expressed acism is ooter's so-called profoundly anti-american. we must speak clearly to combat evil in any form it takes. what we saw yesterday was a heinous act of terrorism and white supremacy. ted cruz can say it.
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why can't president trump? >> i don't know. normally -- look, i the shooter. everybody should. >> obviously. >> but i also blame president trump, and i tay it this way. when you havespeak, your respon about what you say, and the president has consistently said things like "invasion," he laughed at one of the supporters who said, you know, shoot them, when he talked about immigrants coming over the border. that's a responsibility. so -- if you want to tweet out racist tweets and laugh at "shoot them" and cull 2 an invasion, guess what? you own it. this is yours. there's a link. the president now justifies it. he has now legitimized it. so you have young white men, white supremacists being radicalized and when the leader
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of the free world can't condemn that's correct the leader of the free world says things that enforce that, that's a serious problem, and we're not talking about with a lot of twit terr followers, but someone we're supposed to be able to look up to. this is unlike anything i think you or i have seen in the course of doing this, but the without does seem to be following the president in a load of these situation when we're having a conversation about the squad, for example. they sort of explained it after the fact by saying that, actually yes, this was part of his strategy to divide people, to gin up the, younow, if it was -- i still it was it was more than a dog whistle in 2016, gotten a lot louder. what's your sense of h how did this unfold?
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what do we know about how the white house is going to handled this? >> we don't know a lot. he is not comfortable as the compassionate leader of this country. several times he hasn't risen to the task. can he use the words that ted cruz and other republicans that frankly often don't come out so forcefully, are now willing to tweet about or say publicly. there are no two sides of this -- there's not two good people like he tried to say with charlottesville. whether eeven says -- he basically stands aside and does not back away from send them back, he's talking about 132 million individuals. there are 132 million of us, people of color. there's not one who i've met
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that have -- when i talked to my staff after the day of the "send them back" chants, grown women were crying saying the trauma from their childhood playgrounds was very real. this should be something the republicans should stand firm and say this is not our country. what he's opening up is a pandora's boxened i believe the majority of americans do not side with this rhetoric. >> let's talk about how the white house chief of staff this morning on abc characterized white nationalism and its relation to this shooting. watch. >> i don't think it's at all fair to sit here and say he doesn't think that white nationalism is bad for the nation. these are sick people. you cannot be a white supremacist and be normal in the head. >> so, rick tyler, for that to be true, you know, the president was asked about this tonight
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when he stepped off the helicopter. no mention of white nationalism at all. did talk about mental illness, but can't seem to make that bridge even though mill vainie was talking about it there. >> this is typical of the white house. they're always trying to backfill what they wish the president would say and hopefully one day he'll say it. he's never going to say it. they try to backfill policy. so mulvaney says the president has to say it, has to rye assure the country that he is not -- at least not encouraging racism and white supremacy. >> i think the tough part is when david duke endorsed him, he pretended to know he did not have any correlation or knew who david duke was. that is out of the box. what he needs to do, if anything, is say, america, we are going to move forward together, because together we are stronger, recognizing we
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still understand the other currents, but he has to bring the country together. i think that's too big a feat for him. >> i think there's real questions whether that's even possible. rick tyler, anna palmer, maria could you mar, thank you for being here. we're going to hear from senator chuck schumer, calling for an emergency session of the senate. we're back after this.
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welcome back to "kasie dc." i'm kasie hunt. it's been one of the bloodiest weekends in recent history. earlier the president said, quote, hate has no place in our country, but so far he has not been inclined to say that the el paso shooting is related to white nationalism. 2020 presidential candidates have not been. >> in my hometown of el paso, decreases texas, there is right now an active shooter. >> america is under attack from home-grown white nationalist terrorism. >> this echos the kind of language that our president
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encourages. >> they are basically the same phraseness that manifesto you would hear come out of the president of the united states as mouth. >> the words of the president has consequence. we have a presidents of the united states who has chosen to use his words in a way that have been about sowing hate and division among us. >> it breaks my heart to have to say this is the person we have who is president of the united states. >> the president is a cultural figure in the united states, and that cultural figure can have us reach for the stars and go to the moon, or that cultural figure can tell us, you know, go back to where you came from. >> his rhetoric has fueled more hate in this country. >> talking about invasions, and infestations and below up blip countries. >> he stock exchange racism. it doesn't just offend our sensibilities. it fundamentally changes the character of this country, and it leads to violence. joining mess now is
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democratic senator from massachusetts and presidential candidate elizabeth warren. senator warren, thank for you being here tonight. >> thank for you having me. i want to start by simply asking you, you know, we have heard a lot about the plans you have for the country. what is your plan to on make sure that something like this doesn't happen in an american community again? >> well, let's start with the fact that every one of these people who was killed, this is someone's mother, someone's child, someone's sister, someone's brother. these are or neighbors, our friends, and the sorrow keeps mountling. we're talking about mass shootings today, but these shootings are occurring on our streets, our sidewalks our playgrounds. they don't get these kinds of headlin
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headlines, but they are happening. we really have to ask our esselves the fundamental question, why is it we can't do something about it. the majority of americans want to see us put sensible gun legislation in place, to get the guns out of the hands of people who pose threats like this, and yet it doesn't happen. the reason for that? because the gun manufacturers own washington. this -- they are the ones who call the shots in congress. that is corruption, pure and simple, and one of the reasons eye run foss president of the united states is to fight back against that corruption, and to fight for sensible gun safety legislation to protect all of our families. >> why should americans, i believe, if you become president, something will be different after new town when obama was president, nothing changed. weaver seen this escalation, horrible shooting after horrible shooting. what would you do as president
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that's different from the track record we have seen? >> well, part of it i'm willing to attack the corruption head-on, including the corruption of the gun manufacturers that hire all the lobbyists that call the shots in washington. but the second part is six years ago the senate passed by a vote of 54-46 background checking. i say they passed. that was the majority, but not with a filibuster in place. it wasn't good nufds to get the job done. on the first day i'm president, the republicans want to try to block things, we get rid of the filibuster and go with the majority vote. we just can't have a world where the wealthy and the well connected, the guys who hire the lobbyists keep calling the shots. we know the sensible things we need to do. >> i take your point, but a president can't end a filibuster
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by themselves. >> but a president can certainly lead the charge, and the president right now as a candidate can run on it. i will do everything i can by executive order, but i will also lead on the argument of getting rid of the filibuster so that by a majority we can do what the he american people have sent us there to do the filibuster is blocking action on guns. it's part of the way that the gun manufacturers hold congress enthralled, and we've got to stop that. i want to also talk about this screed essay ridge by the man who is now in custody in el paso, and authorities are convinced now he posted it 19 minutes before this shooting began in el paso, according to reporting from our pete williams. it uses racist language, talk about a hispanic invasion. my question for you -- do you
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think the president is responsible for what happened in el paso because of his rhetoric? >> white nationalism is a domestic terrorism threat. it is a threat that is every bit as big and as -- poses a threat to the united states very much like foreign terrorism does. the president has embraced white nationalists. he has encouraged white nationalists. he is there with white nationalists, and when white nationalists embrace him, call him their friend, i take them at their word on that. >> do you think he is a white nationalist? >> well, he certainly has done everything that the white nationalists have wanted him to do. the whey nationalists have celebrated him. since he has been in office, since he has engaged in one ugly statement after another, day after day, we have seen hate
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crimes on the rise. we've seen this kind of domestic terrorism on the rise. this is where we are right now t. are the actions of a white nationalist, and they put us all at risk. they put this entire country at risk. >> so we saw a bit of breaking news here, the national rifle association just released a statement on both of these shootings minutes ago. they say, quote, our deepest sympathies are with the families and victims of these tragedies, as well as the entire communities. we salute the courage of the first responders and others offering their services. they go on to say the nra will not participate in politicizing of they tragedies, but will work in good faith for real solutions. i have covered quite a few of these efforts, snorp, since the shooting at new town and have reported on on how the nra
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actually operates in his situations. what would you expect that statement to mean, work in good faith. >> it means once again the nra will be on the front lines making sure that nothing happens. they're going to do the dirty work of the gun manufacturers that fund them. they're going to make sure that nothing really happens. mitch mcconnell should call us back into session tomorrow morning. we should vote within 48 hours on the two background check bills that have already passed the house. let's vote on them. let's have a real response. it's not everything we need to do on gun safety, but we could take important tips and demonstrate to the american people that the giver manufacturers are not the ones calls the shots in washington. >> senator harris has outlined a plan that would use executive orders to try to make some changes to our system of regulating guns. you mentioned previously you
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might be open to some type of executive order. what do you think would be within your power as president to do on guns without the congress? >> well, one of the things we know we can do is step up more on background checks, for example. we could do more on funding for research into gun violence. there are places where we could do more. i will use everything possible that is available to the president of the united states to lead on gun safety, to protect our people. it's alsos a place that we can really help lead the fight. look right now. moms demand action are out there saying they want to see real change. our kids march for our lives are out there. this is democracy at work. if they have someone in the white house who is on their side who says gun safety should matter to all of us our children
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should not go to school in fear, because they could on get shot? they are in fear of walking down sidewalks? that if we lead -- if i lead from the white house, if we also at the same time have a big push nationally, i think that's how we get congress to act. that's how we get real accountability. this is about making democracy work again. how can it be year after year after year that the number of people who want to see gun safety legislation keeping goods up, including gun owners, and yet the gun manufacturers manage to keep congress from doing anything. that's corruption, and we need to fight it, and we need to fight it now. lives are at stake. senator, final question before i let you go. the republican party in congress this past week lost its sole
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black republican in the u.s. house of representatives, will hurd announced he is retiring. that leaves senator tim scott in the republican party. they also have 13 women, i believe at least one of whom is retiring from the house of representatives. are we at the point in our political system where one party on represents people of color and the other party doesn't? and is that a dangerous situation for us? >> look, these how republicans have enabled donald trump. he lhas day after day made racit remarks, remarks against women, fought against immigrants, fought against people who worship differently. the republican leadership in washington, republican leadership around this country has largely been silent. they have enabled him to continue in that direction.
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that means they increasingly become the party of racism, of sexism. they are the party of anti-muslim. they are the party that does not represent the kind of america that we want to be. a party that valuing each and every person. they become a party that becomes narrower and that turns on itself. that's not who we want to be as a country. i truly do believe in the worth of every single human being. the way we build an american that really works for every human being is we take back our government. that that's what democracy is about. we have a government working better and better for the rich and powerful, working better for the gun manufacturers, and the giant oil companies. i'm running for president, because i want to see america that works for everyone else. >> senator elizabeth warren, thanks very much for coming on the program tonight. >> thank you. >> i appreciate it.
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joining mess is democratic senator from minnesota, and also presidential candidate, amy klobuchar. >> thank you, kasi eise. if you're president, what are you going to do to try to make sure this never happens again. >> i sat across from the president of the united states after parkland because i was pushing on gun safety legislation, and i literally witnessed him nine times -- i kept track of it on a piece of paper, nine times he said he wanted universal background checks and wanted to pass gun safety legislation. he never did it, because the next day he met with the 2346789 ra and folded. so whim president, i'm not going to fold and i'm going to get these bills passed. there are things that you can do
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immediately as president without congress passing anything. with you jump does that tart the research it is centers for the disease control, which has been halted. you can close the loophope hole in the boyfriend legislation, that domestics abusers cannot get guns if they've been convicted. you can make sure that you push the background check system. there's a number of things can you do, and then introduce, which i would do if the first few weeks, sweeping legislation that solves a lot of these difficult, difficult problems. why is someone like that guy in dayton getting an assault weapon with that kind of high-capacity magazine power? that makes no sense. he killed nine people in one limit. you put limits on those. you put limits on assault weapons. why ban them, but at least the president could be talking about
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putting an age limit on the perform of them. you put in the universal background checks, the bump stock provision, the extreme risk provision. each of these shootings may involved different fact patterns, but there's a number of solutions when packageding to, would move us forward. this president has basically lied at that meeting on tvn front of the american people and never did it. i will. do you agree with your colleague senator warren that ending the filibuster is something that would benefit the country and could then be used to pass a package of gun laws that so far the congress has not been able to pass? >> well, i think it's leverage we can use, but if we don't take back the senate, it makes it that much harder. those bills are sitting on mitch mcconnell's doorstep, basically a graveyard of legislation. the american people spoke. they voted in record numbers.
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they put in people all over this country, including in purple and red districts, that voted for gun safety. the senate is behind and mitch mcconnell is behind. i think we should go back tomorrow. i would love to go back tomorrow and get this down. i notice senator schumer would like to go back tonal. let's get this done. >> we have senator schumer speaking now. we'll bring our viewers his remarks in a few minutes, but i want to stick with you. i want to talk about the motivation that the el paso shooter revealed when he posted this screed online talking about a hispanic invasion, do you believe, based on reading that and knowing what the president said in and out every day, that
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the president is responsible for what happened in el paso? the person that's responsible it the perpetrator himself. that is clear, and there will be a criminal proceeding on that. but what the president has done is he has fueled hate in this country. we just had a hearing last week and senator durbin and i pushed the fbi director on why we were seeing this escalation in numbers of hate crimes. some is mass shootings, but others is just everyday bullying, assault, things look that. it doesn't really matter what religion or somewhere someone is from, if they look different, they have become much more a victim of a hate crime or hateful language. so i believe -- the fbi director didn't say this. he said snuff it may have been underreporting in the past. i believe the president's rhetoric has fueled more of this hateful behavior and hate crimes. we have seen it in my own state. i remember the little 4-year-old, the little family
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that goes out to dinner. they go out to dinner with their parents and this guy walks by and said, you four go home to where you come from. the little girl said i don't want to go home and eat dinner tonight, mom? you said we could eat out tonight? think of the words of that innocent child. she didn't know what she was talking about. she only knows one home. that's my state. she only knows one home, the united states of america. this hateful rhetoric that he espouses every day on twitter and how he talks about immigrants and how he talks about people of color, it has created a culture. we need to remember who we are as a country. that's why this presidential race is so important. it's a moment in time where we talk buck that soul of america, where we look out for each other, this beacon of democracy, we remember that many of us stand on the shoulders of immigrants. they don't diminish america. they are america. >> do you think president trump is a white nationalist in i
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think what he said -- remember what he said after charlottesville that there were two sides? i think he was speak as a white nationalist when the other side is could you clukts clan. i have said in the past he has racists. he has followers clearly their white nationalists and racists. for me, yes, that exists, but what's important for me and should be for the people watching right now is, how do we solve this? we solve this by taking this to the people for gun safety legislation, and we solve it by winning in 2020. the oemotion of the people to get this done, when our country is way off the ma'am, with the mass shootings, we go to the ballot box and we vote. having someone from a hunting state who's been a prosecutor like myself, been for the assault weapon ban in a purple state, in a punting state, i think that's a good person to
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lead the ticket. you want it at the debate last week, which very sadly because of these events feels like a long time ago, you made a statement at the top of one of your answers where you said, there are a lot of people who voted for president trump who are not ratee racists, but obviously the rhetoric las escalated in a pretty dramatic way, and frankly we have seen representation among women and people of color, and the republican parties and in congress drop dramatically to the point where it's almost nong existent. how do you knit that back together after what has on happened? >> first of all, as i was thinking as i heard you ask the question differently, anyone who has spoken differently in hi own parties, he goes after them, jeff flake, you know, superstar, has to leave their -- basically leave the senate, because he
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knows he can't get reelected because of being different from donald trump and being willing to tame him on. there are numb bus examples of that with republicans. it's like in his party right now, he says how high can you jump, and a lot of people say, not only will i jump where you are, i'll jump higher, and in the democratic party, we have differences. that's obvious, but what unites is not only though we are u. unified to beat this guy, but the idea that you can have differences of opinion, but your leader isn't going to kick you out just because you disagree. that's what this guy has done. that's one of the reason that i believe a number of women and people of color are leaving their party. we welcome them to our party, but as we move forward with these debates, i think it's important that we keep kay that what unites us is much bigger
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than what divides us. that's comes to issues and not kicking people off their a health care, and working toward comprehensive immigration reforms, and hopesfully the debates will give us an opportunity. but right now, this moment in time, we should be pushing gun safety legislation 24 hours a day. the american people are listening and they're ready to go. >> senator amy klobuchar, change you for being on the program tonight. >> thank you. we have a lot more to come tonight. authorities in texas say the el faso shooting will be treated as domestic terrorism. what exactly does that mean? we are back, right after this. that's a win. but it's not the only reason i switched. geico's a company i can trust, with over 75 years of great savings and service.
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. welcome back. moments ago we heard from senate minority leader chuck schumer. let's listen to a bit of what he had to say. >> we need to close these loop holes once and for all. 90% of all americans, 80% of all gun owners are for closing these loopholes. the house has passed legislation, by partisan that would do just that. but the senate, leader mcconnell refused to let the legislation come to the floor. i'm here tonight to say that majority leader mcconnell should once and for all do the right thing, gavel the senate into an
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emergency session, so we can take immediate action on the bipartisan, already passed house bill that will close the loop holes that allow people who shouldn't have guns to have them. joining me now former fbi assistant director and msnbc security analyst frank fugluzi, and nate snyder. thank you both for being here. frank, let me start with us. there has been this increased focus obviously, but it didn't just start with el paso. we heard from the fbi director christopher wray very recently in congress talking about how this threat has escalated. what are the challenges facing our law infers month officials in trying to fight domestic terrorism as opposed to the international terrorism we have spent so much time talking about this past decade? >> well, you're right, the fbi
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has been wringing the alarm bells. it's sad that people haven't been adequately listening. just april, they created a hate crime fusion cell, because it's really complicated to deal with domestic terrorism. it's one of the reasons why we don't have some law on the federal books called domestic terrorism. we have plenty of law, material support, lots of undercover operation, and informant development on blog sites and web sites we know are associated with al qaeda or isis. we do that because we know al qaeda other eye says sites are where people go to talk about killing. on the domestic terrorism side, because of our free speech and privacy rights that are the basis of our government and democracy, we stay away from those sites, because people are free to speak as we wish about who they hate or what skin color they hate. the problem is there's a gap.
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we're know throat when we start talking about from hating those people to killing those people. it's time for a discussion in congress to ask law enforcement what tools do you need to stop this from happening? >> i think we have the sound of christopher wray talking about this threat. let's watch. >> through the othird quarter of this fiscal year had about, give officer take, about 100 arrests on the international terrorism size, which includes the home-grown extremism. >> this year? >> this year, but don't quote me to the exact digit, on the domestic terrorism side. a majority of the domestic terrorism cases that we have investigated are motivated by some version of what you might call white supremacist violence. >> that warning coming in july.
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nate snyder, you have the fbi saying to all of us, hey, we have a problem here, las this administration shown willingness to actually try to help that problem, or have they allowed our capabilities to atrophy. >> i think when it comes to this administration specifically, they have systemly neglected and atrophied the actual capabilities that would be working to prevent terrorism attacks like we saw in el paso. >> how so? >> well, specifically my former office, the office of targeted violence and terrorism prevention in about 2016, 2017 had a budget of around $22 million, about 40 full-time employees. where you look at it now it has a budget of about 2.7 to 3 million and talking about maybe if you're lucky, but eight full-time employees. >> a fraction what was it used to be. >> that is correct. >> unbelievable. what can be dough immediately to try to address this problem? >> i think it goes based on whey
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shared. fund that office specifically for domestic terrorism prevention services. two, you can expand the jurisdiction of the national counter-terrorism center to deal well domestic terrorism. you can also reinhaving investigate the executive committee, and also look at other things like partnering up with various partner tech companies, like there's this one entity called global internet forum. it's a partnership with twitter, i believe, facebook, youtube and microsoft. they understand tech a lot better than frankly our law and policy makers do. so i think those are certain things that could be done almost immediately. last thing out there dhs is working on a prevention plan. it's in draft format, i believe. that needs to be expedited and released. >> frank, last word to you on this. what realistically do you think can we do immediately?
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what's your answer to that question? >> let's talk about what can be done really immediately. we are watching a radicalization process take place of young people toward violence. they need to hear from the person they think is giving them the license and freedom to act violently. that's the president. we need to hear from that person strongly condemning and rebuking this ideology. that will put an obstacle on this path to violence. all right frank, nate, thank you both very much for joining us us on this difficult evening. whether we return i'm joined by congresswoman karen bass, and former congressman tom coleman about what has been done, what can be done and what if anything will be done in washington? dong will be done in washington [ dogs barking ]
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welcome back to "kasie dc." joining mess is democratic congresswoman karen bass of california. she's also chair of the congressional black caucus. also with me former republican congressman tom coleman. congresswoman bass, let me start with you, because, you know, quite frankly i'd like to hear your response to what has happened in el paso in particular with this, you e,
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eskate/screed we have seen from the shooter now in custody referencing an hispanic invasion, and other comments that are racist and deeply offensive. do you think the president and his rhetoric bears some respond response for that. >> absolutely. it reads lie a script from a trump rally. i mean, trump was very clear when he came down the escalator what was his first speech about, attacking mexicans. he's called repeatedly against an invasion at our border. i absolutely think hi receipt ricks was a contributing factor. i feel sad that my colleague re colleagues have not spoken up at all. >> what is the view inside the
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democratic caucus about what to do next? i know there's a call tomorrow with all of your members at noon. there have been calls for congress to come back to emergency session. obviously the house has already passed a pair of gun violence-related bills. >> right. >> so what now? what action can the house take to try to do something in the wake of these tragedies? >> well, i think we need to look at white supremacy, white nationalism. i will tell you that in judiciary, we have had a hearing on that. i know a couple other committees have, too, but we need to get the republicans to admit that it actually exists, because they are in complete denial. they will not even accept a discussion around the issue. in fact, they brought african american witnesses to -- who essential said that the white supremacy was in the democratic party, which means they didn't even take the topic seriously. we need to look at domestic
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terrorism. we need to look at what we need to do in order to prevent this, because it's very hard to address a problem if you will not even exist -- if you will not even admit the problem exists? >> congressman coleman, it's been a little while since you were a member of the house of representatives, but you did serve as a republican. do you recognize this republican party and the rhetoric that this president has put out there and that has, you know, found itself reflected in the manifesto? >> i certainly recognize it. i don't agree with it, and kind of paraphrasing ronald reagan, he didn't leave the democratic party, the democratic party left him. the reverse for me. the republican party left me. i think karen is absolutely right in what she's saying there. it's disappointing. i mean 50 years ago when i decided as a young person to enter politics, i chose the republican party, because in my
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home state of missouri, it was the reform party. that state has now turned completely opposite of what it was. it was all democrats, then a few of us got elected, now it's all republican. the who are party has changed in the sense that they don't want a big tent. trump has commandeered the party. he has taken it over. you know, it was done in the '16 election. it's no longer the party of republicans that i know. and a lot of people i think you havely see that "r" and think it's the same party. it certainly is not. donald trump is not the old republican party. >> so from what we can tell, this is still one of the only statements from republicans calling out this attack, as white nationalists, a tweet from ted cruz talking about the bigotry. this is from george p. bush -- i proudly served as a naval officer when our mission was to fight terrorism. i believe that remains a
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national priority, including standing firm against white terrorism here in the united states. he goes on to say, this is a real present threats. i'm fraying po the victims of the shooting in el paso and asking all americans stand firm of all forms of terrorism. he uses that phrase "white terrorism." why is it that george p. bush is so alone in using this language in the republican party? >> well, first of all he's in texas, and it's going to impact his political career and life. he's also the grandson of herbert walker bush, who i was very close to. i think if he were alive, he would be coming out with the same statement. >> congresswoman bass, let me ask you -- we were having a much different conversation about race last week, the week before that, with the president's racist tweet about the squad with his comments about baltimore, you i know were just
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on a trip to ghana with our top leaders, with nancy pelosi, there was a picture that ilhan omar posted of herself with pelosi that really stuck out in my mind. what was that trip like for you? and what were some of the questions you got about the climate here in the united states from foreign leaders abroad? >> well, first of all it was a wonderful trip, it was an incredible honor to be there with nancy pelosi and 13 members of the black caucus. this is the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first africans on the continent in the united states, so we want to do go back to the origins of slavery. we visited the duncans where our ancestors were held for months before they were put on ships. we also have the opportunity to watch the it is speaker address parliament. so people on the continental --
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and i travel to the continental frequently, they are looking at the united states completely puzzled. people viewed the united states has the rock, the solid, you know, light. now they're confused, especially because remember, what the president had to say about the african countries. i took the opportunity when he made that derogatory statement, to go to the african union, which is located in georgetown, all 50-plus ambassadors are there, and i apologized on behalf of the american people, because i think it's very important that we are honest with people enter nationally and that we distance ourselves. i think it's very sad. let me just say one other thing, too. whenever there is a situation of domestic terrorism and we note the majority of the time the individual is a white male, then my republican colleagues always want to talk about mental health. o'malley said today white supremists or people who are
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white nationalists, that's a mental illness. if the american is middle eastern origin, then of course they're a straight terrorist, but my republican colleges who always want to talk about mental illness, when it comes down to it, they won't butt any resources there. they want to say it's a mental health issue, and at the same time they're trying to destroy the affordable care act. so it's filled with contradictions. i hope that the representative that is there with you, maybe he can organize other republicans and they can take their party back. now it's been taken over by extremists. >> congresswoman karen bass, with a mission for congressman tom coleman. thank you both very much for your time tonight. >> thank you. when we return, i'm joined by a former staffer for mitch mcconnell to talk about what her former boss is likely to do next. at her former boss is likely to do next one to five? it's more like five million. there's everything from happy to extremely happy. there's also angry. i'm really angry clive! actually, really angry.
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mitch mcconnell should call us back into session tomorrow morning. we should vote within 48 hours on the two background check bills that have already passed the house. >> we ought to come back into session and make it clear hog willing to take action and who isn't. >> i think we should go back tomorrow. i would love to go back tomorrow and get it done. let's just get this done. senators elizabeth warren, chris caoones and amy klobuchar
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joining to -- and joining mess is katy kay, and antonia ferrier. antonia, i have to start with us here. what are the chances that the leader calls an emergency session? >> i have not spoken to him about t. but i would not say high, but that doesn't mean that congress has a role to play here and putting aside some legislation, there is an opportunity in september, there's a lot of appropriation bills, a few things i would just. ♪, we can talk about increased resources in the fbi, doj and dhs to combat domestic terrorism, particularly white national terrorism. i think they can do that. number two, they could start looking at some of these red flag laws. and numb her three, they can increase funding and resources in terms of mental health.
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i think there are real concrete things that can be done. i thy september is a good time to do it. they have to get the spending bills done before the end of the month or there is a government shutdown. >> senator klobuchar said earlier there's some -- and frankly the polls shows that to be true why not do that bill? >> it's not usually the case that the senate takes up and passes whatever the house passes. i would imagine the senate would want its own input. usually when you have national polls they don't tell you all that much, like certain states the commonwealth of kentucky is pretty pro-second amendment rights. >> i take your point, but i think people in the country are tired of this happening, and tired of answers that say, hey, our system is so broken. i mean, they just want something to be done. >> no about it. i understand that, and i think
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for all the people in the country, they want an answer. i'm not entirely sure if this is the answer that will be the rea change and stop this. it is something democrats have talked about for a long time and i know they're passionate about it. i'm just not entirely sure given the five hundred million guns in this country, we're talking about the purchase of new guns, that could be a part of this. i just am saying i think we need to think about this and given that we're talking about white supreme schiacy as a national t we can't just look immediately at gun laws. i'm suggesting it should be broader and deeper. >> this affects the united states in a way it doesn't affect most western countries. >> you are ten times more likely to die from gun violence in the united states than any other
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country, venezuela, columbia, honduras or even syria. other countries do not have this problem. other countries do have mental health issues and video games. in countries that have had mass shootings where they have had mass shootings, they have taken action to restrict access to guns. it's simply about guns. and access to guns and gun culture. >> you mentioned white supremacy. does the president's rhetoric around race contribute to events like the one we saw in el paso. >> that's a really good question. i can't get into the mind of that sick, sick man. >> he gave us a window into his mind with an essay. >> i think the president has a responsibility to speak much more differently than he does. i'm not sure that's going to change. i would hope he does. i'm a person that respects the
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president won the election in 2016 but i expect more from the rhetoric and language from the highest office in the land. i hope tomorrow provides an opportunity for him to have some real perspective and hopefully he can turn the page and really try and provide some moral guidance that he really needs to show right now. this is not the time for name calling. i think he will see that at the beginning of this week. i hope he doesn't revert back because words matter. language matters and that's what we should expect from our highest elected leaders in times of great crisis for them to step up and say enough. >> it is not just the president's words. it is what the president allows other people to say at his rallies. >> not laughing, joking about it. >> and not shutting down that kind of language. i can't think of another area of public policy in the united states, whether it is health care or terrorism, whether
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legislators would be this fatalistic and say, well, we can't do anything, we can't fix it. on all of those other issues, congress would say we have a role. we have a role in legislating this. and it is astonishing in a sense that on this one issue legislators will say on the republican side it's not our job to be involved in gun control. >> i'm not sure that's exactly right, but i understand what you're saying. >> all right. jason has covered immigration policy extensively for us. we joins me now. jacob, we want your perspective of what unfolded in el paso and how the president's rhetoric is contributing to all of this. i mean, what do you see in what has unfolded in the last 48 hours? >> the first thing i want to say is el paso in all my time covering immigration being down in the border is one of the most, if not the most warmest, welcoming places that i have been. and i have never seen or heard the type of rhetoric in el paso
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that this young man allegedly put in this manifesto or whatever we want to call it. the thing that i just don't understand is why we continue to have people today ask why or how did this happen. the president of the united states has never hid his racism. he's never hid his naked self-interests. he is the one that put the children in the cages down on the border and separated it. i saw with my own eyes. despite the fact that immigrants that come to this country don't come to the southern border. they come through airplanes and they land here and over stay their visas. this is the president that called immigrants rapists and criminals. talked about infestations and invasions. when the nra donates $20 million in 2016 he call it is nra good american patriots.
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it is clear as day to me why this is happening and it should make all of us sick. it is obvious. it is right in front of our faces. >> antonia, republicans have started retiring from the republican party when they have come out against this president in a forceful way. jeff flake, will herd, the only black republican in the house. is there a place for people who disagree with this president and the republican party? because i'm not hearing a lot of condemnation for the president's language from republicans today. >> sure. there are many who have very different opinions from the president. mitt romney is a loud and vocal voice. i have not heard him today on this issue, but he has made it very clear when he disagrees with the president, he will say so. i think sometimes the president's rhetoric is so consistently over the top sometimes that they have to make a decision about when they want to do that and they sort of calibrate. now, that's not a salve for
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today. i understand that. there is a lot of people who want and wish to say more. but they haven't. and that can be disappointing. i appreciate that. having said that, i do think there are a lot more sort of people who have tried to steer the president and, so, being caught to condemn, they're trying to steer. whether or not that's what people think they should or should not do is another question, but that's what many of them do do. >> jacob, what's your sense of having, you know, spoken to -- been to the border so many times, somebody like will herd who understands the conditions at the border, has, you know, a perspective that's unique in the congress. he was the only border -- he's the only republican to hold a seat on the u.s. border. losing that perspective, what does it mean for republicans? i mean, they barely have it as it is. >> i think it's catastrophic. will herd, if i'm not mistaken
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in the 23rd congressional district, represents more of the southern border than anyone else in the congress. it's no coincidence that will herd was opposed to president trump's border wall as the president described it. will herd speaks in nuanced tones about what goes on down there. the president doesn't understand what it's like down at the border. most republicans -- frankly, most americans don't understand what it's like. which is why it is so critical to have people representing the border to get what's going on down there. >> jacob, i know you spoke to elijah couple iummings for your episode of "american swamp." he of course has been in the news around this conversation we have been having nationally about race. what can you tell us about what you learned from him and what you will explore tonight? >> he tells myself and katy.
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we went to see him on several occasions, once before the democrats assumed the majority and once after that there is a moral imperative today to investigate this president from that oversight committee. it is what made the president so uncomfortable a few days ago and caused him to lash out at cummings. i see it directly connected to what we have seen play out. not because of the president's racism but also because of what is happening in realtime. elijah cummings wants to have oversight of this president. it is his constitutional duty and he tells us all about it. >> be sure to stick around for the second episode of american swamp. jacob, thank you very much. we look forward to that episode. thank you both very much for being here tonight. we will be back with you next week from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. eastern. but for now, good night from washington.
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they make you feel like you're in the club. it is like $100,000 feeling for free. it looks really quiet. so does that mean nobody is around? >> i don't think the season technically has started yet, number one. and number two, the president is not clear. he's in washington. this is mar-a-lago, the private resort in palm beach. one of many properties part of the trump family business, which
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