tv Up With David Gura MSNBC August 17, 2019 5:00am-7:00am PDT
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. that's it for this hour. i'm kendis gibson. i'll see you at 2:00 p.m. time for "up" with david gura. this is "up," i'm david gura. congressman rasheed tlaib says thanks but no thanks to israel after the country reverses course saying she can visit her grandmother. the congresswoman says she cannot go under oppressive conditions to humiliate her. so the president's attacks continue. >> this has become the face of the democratic party. the president doesn't need to run against joe biden. he can run against them. there's growing concern about the global economy and how that could lead to recession here in the united states.
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president trump is trying to push past that making this pitch to voters. >> but you have no choice but to vote for me because your 401(k)s down the tubes, everything is going to be down the tubes. and why is president trump obsessed with buying greenland? >> greenland is covered with ice and iceland is very nice. >> it's saturday, august 17th. the trade war continues. germany's economy is falling apart. the stock market had its worst day of the year. >> for years every one of the world's economies has been doing [ bleep ] great. growing. nobody, they said, could screw it up. enter trump saying hold my beer. joins me this morning is shannon pettypi. let's begin with the latest news on rashida tlaib announcing she
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will not travel to israel. she planned to make that trip with two other members of congress, but israel under pressure from president trump announced she and congresswoman omar would not be allowed to visit. on friday israel said tlaib could visit her grandmother if she limited what she would say and where she could go. the israeli government used my love and desire to see my grandmother to silence me and made my ability to do so contingent upon my signing a letter reflecting how undemocratic and afraid they are of the truth my trip would reveal about what's happening in the state of israel. president trump pounced on the decision not to go. it was a setup he said on twitter. and the only real winner here is tlaib's grandmother, she does not have to see her now. shannon, let me start with you.
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your sense of how the relationship between the u.s. and israel has changed. the president focusing his ire on these two congress women. it's going to have implications here more broadly. >> right. he's using u.s. relations with israel, so u.s. foreign policy to carry out his domestic agenda frying to make these two women the face of the democratic party, and branding the democrats as too far to the left. he has thrown u.s./israel relations into the middle of that. for trump, this is a little win. one short news cycle, then everything will move on. for israel, this cost them a lot of points in congress especially with democrats. the democrats in congress tried to make sure these women could go and have this visit. it hurts them with democrats, it hurts netanyahu with his own constituencies making him look like a puppet of trump's who
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will do whatever trump wants. before this was announced officially, the president was tweeting it would make israel look weak to let these women in. >> i want to ask you what it means for the relationship, also the financial relationship. tlaib says racism and the politics of hate is thriving in israel the american people should fear what this will mean for the relationship between our two nations. how does this change that conversation? >> it's a risky strategy for the israeli prime minister to alienate the people voting on u.s. aid to israel. it's risky for him to make enemies of the democratic party. he got criticism from pro israel lawmaekrs including chuck schumer. at some point the pendulum will swing back. there's a conservative hard-right mentality as part of the base. what happens with u.s./israel
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relations when the democrats take over, which will happen at some point. >> it's astonishing how this happened in the open. a few weeks back the israeli am bar ambassador saying it was his thoughts that these women would be allowed to travel to israel. the latest iterations, the letters that were sent back and forth were out for review. this is not how policy is conducted traditionally. >> no surprise because trump is presidency. that is what fascinating about this week alone. this is different than any other previous american president. this is different than how america's dealt with foreign allies. donald trump loves doing things out in the open especially when lease trying to strongarm someone like netanyahu and israel to bar these political opponents. congresswoman tlaib said she
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would impeach president trump right after she was elected. that got under his skin. donald trump likes to make these women of color, already vili vilified, vulnerable members of society feel like this. i think it's to further vilify these people who he wants to identify the further democratic by. >> you have politics on both sides of the aisle talking about israel, talking about the relationship between the u.s. and israel to impose domestic politics on that relationship is something different as well. >> i'm highly skeptical that the president can make two members of congress or four members of congress the face of the democratic party when democrats are fighting it out in a presidential primary, going to have a figurehead at the end of it who is the face of the party. president trump also said maxine waters before the --
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>> nancy pelosi, yeah. >> these things don't work as one thinks they might. there's a long way to go between now and the election. it will be defined by the presidential nominee. what president trump does, which his predecessors didn't do, use the power of the presidency to go after political opponents. using his alliance with israel, using his influence over the government of israel to attack a political adversary. >> i don't think this strategy will be that successful. other republican strategists think the same. this would be like democrats trying to make sarah palin the face of the party. he risks this backfiring on him like he did when he attacked the squad and told them to go back where they came from. that hurt him with women voters in the suburbs who are supposed to be the whole swing vote here. here is he attacking two congress women, the first two
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muslim women elected to congress. there's a big risk here in the strategy. he gave them a day of blanketed news coverage, two congress women, freshmen members of congress, who should be getting no attention like most freshmen member of congress, they were headline new force a day now. >> how did he approach this issue at the rally in new hampshire? dimension them directly? what was the audience's response. >> he barely mentioned it. he talked about it on twitter that morning. when he was departeding the white house he talked about them. i was personally prepared for a squad attack. that's what i thought the story would be. i barely mentioned them in passing. i think that says something, too, about he's messaging to his base at his rally that he doesn't need to try and characterize these -- the face of the democratic party to his base at a rally, but to the outside audience, the broader
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audience, that's who he is trying to message this too. >> there's the politics of this and the personal attacks therein, or as a product of this. i read that tweet where the president said the winner here is her grandmother who lives in the west bank, in her 90s. we saw him put grandmother in quotation marks as well. your sense of the shooting one's self in the foot, scoring political points while attacking the most human quality of all of this, it's bound to make people feel discomfortable unease or anger towards what the president is doing. >> i don't have a strong enough sense among voters, folks that i talk to who supported obama twice and flipped to donald trump, that they are willing to 2ku ditch him for his personality just yet. they think he's annoying, chaotic, unpredictable.
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they say things like we wish he would stop tweeting, stop making these personal attacks. it's not enough for these voters to walk away from him in 2020. i hear them talking about their own personal financial situations, ltd stathe state of economy nationally for them and in their homestates, i think that's why he focussed on the economy and the potential of an economic downturn if someone like elizabeth warren was elected. what we know about president trump, there's no level so low that he's unwilling to stoop toto. we found out he was attacking one of his own supporters because that person was overweight. the white house officials sort of cleaning up the situation when they revealed he called this supporter at end. they indi not only does he stoop to these low levels time and time again, he takes pride in it and he doesn't apologize.
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there's a subset among his base, mostly white and voted for him because they love his bravado, there are people who like that, that he does that. >> this is about the relationship between donald trump and benjamin netanyahu as well. we're a month away from that election in israel. explain that relationship, how that is what is driving all of this. the president's clear affection for benjamin netanyahu, his interest in that elek shucelece what he's doing for netanyahu in the u.s. >> for president trump, it's all about evangelical voters, they are a part of his base. there are always theories they'll win jewish americans, finally this is the election where they turn. it never happens. the jewish americans vote democrat bay margin of 70% in the last election, in the 2016 election it was bigger than that. that part won't work, but the president wants to hold
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evangelicals, he believes this stance will help that. >> coming up, a warning sign we have not seen flashing in more than a decade, worry about a recession and how that could effect the 2020 election. what is spooking investors and why. one prominent economist says that's a vote of no confidence in the president. he president what's going on? it's the 3pm slump. should have had a p3. oh yeah. should have had a p3. need energy? get p3. with a mix of meat, cheese and nuts.
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work. rallies will be held this weekend in all 50 states to pressure the senate to pass background checks and red flag laws. digital ads will target specific gop senators. president trump has expressed concern on expanding background checks. next hour we will be joined by democratic congressman from massachusetts, seth moulton. last night the president had dinner with the ceo of apple. it's the fifth time the two of them met this year. during the trade war, tim cook decided his best defense is a charm offense. this week the stock market plunged, trump called on the ceo of a big bank for his assessment, he delayed new tariffs, but he continues to look for men and women to blame and institutions as well. this week it was the federal reserve and journalists. one of his allies telling axios
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the president may be running out of tools to boost the economy without the narrative on the economy he cannot win. economic trends tend to predict electi election outcomes, and recessions with be kryptonite. this was the president's economic pitch this week at rally. >> you have no choice to vote for me because your 401(k)s, down the tubes. everything will be down the tubes. so, whether you love me or hate me, you have to vote for me. joining us now is dan drezner. dan, great to have you with us. you write the concerns have not dissipated when it comes to the global economy. how loudly are these alarms sounding? how worried should we be about conditions globally and how might they affect us here? >> globally you should be pretty worried. there's been a number of major
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economies that already tipped towards recession. we saw germany had negative growth in the second quarter. same with the uk. argentina is in freefall. china's economy is also slowing. while the united states is not as reliant on the global economy as some of the other major economies of the world, it's somewhat reliant. furth furthermore, none of these economies will be rebounding soon. it's not like the ecb can cut interest rates anymore. that will be a drag on u.s. economic growth regardless of what the federal reserve does or what the trump administration does. so in some ways that's the problem that trump has. it's not just that a lot of his sort of policy quivers have already been shot through the tax cut and the budget deal, it's that he is actually at the mercy of forces beyond his control. >> how much of the blame can we lay at the feet of president trump? i wuas reading paul krugman's column yesterday, he said maybe you can't put all of the
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problems on president trump, but you want the united states to be positioned smartly in the face of these global headwinds. how much of a role does president trump, the trump administration have here and the global economic conditions we're seeing? >> presidents always get too much credit for a good economy and too much blame for a bad economy. the unique thing here is how much president trump is reliant on a strong economy to maintain his political viability. his approval numbers are already weak. low 40s. not a good place to be for a president who is going to be up for reelection. if the economy weakens, then the bottom stalls out. he scores poorly on almost every other policy issue. he scores poorly on leadership and character. he has raised spending, he's cut taxes by a lot. interest rates are still relatively low. what are the tools remaining that he has to boost the economy? i'm not sure i see any. >> you heard a bit of his
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argument he made there. you were at that rally. how crystalized is his message? he talks about the fed a lot. i think that's an abstract thing to people who follow the economy. he's basically saying be blind, look ahead. we'll be fine. of course there's going to be a recession at some point. >> this week he started blaming the media for the economy, the media wants to tank the economy, like somehow we have the power of the global economy. his pitch he made in new hampshire where he says you have no choice to vote for me but your 401(k) will tank. you know who that message is to? relatively affluent older people. most of us here won't have to worry about 401(k)s for 20, 30 years. that's a message to people he already has appealed to. he already has in his corner. so you can't underplay how important the economy is to his re-election. i was in pittsburgh. he did an event at a factory there, plastics factory. i was talking to the workers. one after another would say they
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dislike most of his message, they dislike him personally, but they really like his commissiec message. they feel like it's hard to disagree with that. on election day will it come down to moral character or money? it's hard to tell. if you knock the legs out of the money economy side, you just have the moral character left, that one he is losing peoples backing on. >> you have been in iowa, talking to voters. how much confidence in the message is there? what is your sense of patience for that message? >> i was at a diner in minnesota talking to various swing voters. they are sort of giving him the benefit on the potential trade war with china and the tariffs he wants to place on them. saying and hoping if it works out that could lead to significant growth for the economy. they all agreed if it doesn't work out, we will more than likely be in recession, at which
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point they will blame donald trump for that and vote against him. what's fascinating with the economic message, when people are losing jobs, whether it's in lords dow lordstown, ohio or other places, most do not blame trump for something like that. they don't necessarily blame him for the low wages they're seeing, even though there's more jobs they have to piece together. any don't blame him for those things. if a recession happens, any will blame him for that. i think they see the way in which he's handling china, the way they think is good when he's strong and sort of a bully with them, but they will totally leave him if it doesn't work out in their favor. y >> you wrote a book about how the economy responded to 2007 and 2008. how strong is that system now? i think a lot of folks are saying we're not looking at the kind of recession and crisis we had in 2007 and 2008.
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when you look at the integrity of the system, how strong is it and well equipped is it to deal with a downturn that some say we'll see soon. >> the odds that we'll see what happened in 2000, the worst financial crisis in a century, that's extremely low. we'll see a global downturn if that happens. that said the problem is much weaker than in 2008. the fact is interest rates across the board are much lower, across most of the major economies. more importantly there's no kind of significant major coordination among the major g20 economies. indpeed, one of the sources for the slowdown is the fact that donald trump keeps talking about sanctioning and/or raising tariffs against the other major economies of the world. he has done so repeatedly against china, he has done so with steel and aluminum against the european union. so the global economy has to deal with what economists refer to as open mouth operations by
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the president which is he keeps injecteding uncertainty into what's happening. even in the case where he temporarily delayed the tariff imposition in september. the problem is that doesn't affect uncertainty. uncertainty is a killer for investment. and that's the source of the slowdown. it's not consumption. consumers are still spending a fair amount. what's happening is that businesses have decided we don't want to engage in significant amounts of investment. >> dan drezner, thank you very much for the time on this saturday. >> happy to be here. new polling numbers shaking up the 2020 race, cuts into joe biden's lead and his electability argument as another candidate for the democratic nomination dances his way, quite literally, to the next event.
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putting her at 20%, and in second place, but still 11 points behind vice president joe biden. in the lastest poll biden and warren are neck and neck. asked which candidate they would back if a primary were hold today, 21% said joe biden, 20% said elizabeth warren. i will nod to another piece posted this morning. joe biden's strongest selling point he's most likely to beat donald trump is losing its edge as elizabeth warren vaults into second place because of a growing number of democrats who think she can win the general election. let me start with the fox news poll. what does this tell you? as you read that and see this movement, i'm struck by how when you look at elizabeth warren, it's been an incremental rise in the polls is that your biggest takeaway? >> that's right. she had a steady rise in the polls. she has done this by grinding it out. there's not been one single issue that's led to it, but she
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built a campaign apparatus. she's branding herself as a candidate with a plan. it seems to be working for her. one big vulnerability she has and still what is this notion of can she be on the stage with donald trump perform well and win? that is starting to change in her favor. noticed the 14-point jump in the poll since june in terms of whether she can win. biden still own electability. he is seen as the safest pick to beat donald trump. that's where he's strongest. if democrats can neutralize that advantage, the entire complexion of the race changes. >> is there sexism? people have said for so long elizabeth warren is not electable. now that's shifting. where was that coming from before when people were saying she wasn't electable. >> it's a great question. i think it's partly sexism. a lot of older women look at 2016 and think the country won't elect a woman. >> this will be a hillary
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repeat. >> yeah. >> to that point, let's look at the numbers. this piece was fult l of anecdotes. a desire to vote for elizabeth warren if it was a dnl of the hea decision of the heart, but the head is prevailing. they talked about three dozen sfloerts thr voters in three states about this. how much does that matter? >> look, anecdotes or polls which is more important? >> yeah. >> i don't think at this point we shouldn't put much weight in anything. it's august. everything coming out of ira will chan iowa will change the narrative. if you go back to 2003, 2004 when all of a sudden who was talking about john kerry, john kerry wins iowa, it's his to take home. i don't think we can start placing bets until we get to iowa. but in trumpland, they are
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certainly taking elizabeth warren more serious now. they have been for a little over a month now, they started shifting more resources into looking at her. i think there seems to be a confidence that trump could beat her easily. they think the goofy elizabeth warren, the pocahontas thing will stick, it will just sort of brand her in a way that will make her unfavorable with voters. but there's also concern about her, she has one thing that is trump's strength, authenticity, what you see is what you get. she has a brand and a message. you might not like it or agree with it, you know who she is. that, they feel like, is trump's biggest strength. they feel like she has that above any other candidate. maybe bernie sanders, he also has that. she has a strong appeal in that. >> i was amused at the president saying he could reprise the racist slurs as if he had stopped doing them. not that they had not stuck. that will be something to watch here. it's an issue, aside from the
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polling thing, of enthusiasm versus pragmatism. that's been a story since the beginnings of the primary season. we talk about biden's electability, his prominence has been cut into a little bit what does that say to you about that argument which is central to what the democrats are dealing with >> i think elizabeth warren and joe biden even though they're close in age look totally different on the campaign trail, on the national stage during debates. joe biden is familiar to a lot of people. i think that's why he's leading the polls so far. elizabeth warren brings something refreshing and predictable to people. this message that she's been belaboring over and over about i have a plan. here's how will i pay for it people want to know how you will pay for things. people don't like when they hear medicare for all, that's good, but how will we pay for it? that's easy to label as a socialist policy for republicans
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and trump. i think she presents herself almost as the adult in the room. when everyone else is trying to tear down each other to make themselves a front-runner for how ever long it lasts, we saw this with kamala harris and joe biden, lauren doesn't take that route. she made a jab at john delaney at last debate that was smart on her end and authentic. it was sort of reinforcing her message, she's a fighter, she has a plan and she's running because she belief believes in. people are recognizing that more and more. it's not just voerts s ivotersd new hampshire. it's black voters, too. she dominates with black voters than some of the more minority candidates in the field. that's a fascinating trend to watch with elizabeth warren that joe biden has not tapped into. >> we'll get new data tomorrow, a new poll coming up tomorrow. outrageous comments from
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wondering alloud if there would be any population of the world left if not for rape and incest. those remarks drew swift condemnation, but we've been here before. as the a.p. reports congressman king could benefit from the simple fact that since he was first elected in 2002 he made so many comments prompting outrage on topics from immigration to race and that one more controversial statement may not carry as much weight. in 2006 he likened the deaths of undocumented immigrants to a slow motion holocaust. in 2013 he opposed the legal status of dreamers accusing them of smuggling drugs across the dessert. at the 2016 republican convention, king said nonwhite groups have not contribute the as much as whites to civilization. in 2017 he said mixing cultures will not lead to a higher quality of life but a lower one. earlier this year king asked why terms like white nationalist and
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white supremacist have become offensive. after that comment his committee assignments were taken away. joining us from atlanta is garrett haake covering the campaign and the hill for us, what recourse, what more recourse do republicans have? we had this cycle of condemnation in the past after comments were made. he was stripped of committee assignments. is there more republicans can do vis-a-vis steve king? >> there is. they could kick him out of of the conference entirely, make him a man without a country in the u.s. congress. or congress could vote to expel them with two-thirds of the vote. there's an interesting dynamic for democrats in this case. as odiuos as the comments are, the best possible thing that could happen for democrats here is steve king wins his primary in the spring here and remains the republican nominee for that seat. he is in a three-way primary right now.
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it's a tough one for him to win. but that is iowa's most conservative district. democrats have now finally gotten the candidate they want, j.d. shulton. he's back in the race. he has gotten a ton of support. he could win iowa's fourth district, be the first democrat to represent it in a long time. but probably only if steve king is the nominee. so as much as democrats and the rest of the country are offended by what steve king has said this time, it may be the best possible political strategy for democrats to hold their nose about this one and keep quiet on this and make sure steve king holds on to the nomination for that seat so their guy can beat him next fall. >> what more can you tell us about the iowa 4th congressional district. this is a wide swath of iowa, the northwestern part of the state. i wonder what voters there want in a candidate.
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here's you have an abortion absolutist, if you want to put it in the most charitable terms what makes somebody like je j. shulton electable. >> i get the midwestern thing, he checks every midwestern box i know to be true within myself and my family members and folks throughout the midwest. he tries to show up to as many places as possible and try to debunk the myth that only democrats can go to certain places. it does vote for republicans time and time again. they have voted to elect steve king after he made all these comments. it's interesting that despite all these things they will vote to re-elect him. but j.d. shulton came within a
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narrow loss to king in the last election. that momentum will only carry him forward. if he shows himself as trag mattimat matt pragmatic and measured that will resonate with voters. >> a man stripped of his committee assignment, not a man without a country, but what power does he have? if i'm a resident of the fourth district, what confidence do i have that he can get something done for me in washington. >> he has this pedestal, he's spouting what he's spouting, that is all he's able do at this point. >> not much power without committee assign thes. he is not known for passing a bunch of legislation. he's not known as a particularly active member of congress that gets stuff done. every time he has an incendiary comment, i think it's deliberate. he's trying to draw attention to an issue, trying to draw attention to the fact that most
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republicans don't support exceptions for rape and incest. that's what he believes. every time he does that, he moves the needle a little bit. what used to be very, very conservative now seems more moderate. he had that effect on the immigration debate in 2013. he is in a very vulnerable place to your question. the most effective things republicans can do is support his primary challenger. >> some are giving money now. >> help us understand the relationship between him and president trump. there is a strategy here or something we see unfolding here, people becoming immured to the comments he's making. is it a wink and nod relationshrelatio relationship between him and the president? >> i believe some reporters asked the president about the steve king comments as he was leaving for an event, he said oh, i don't know about it, i haven't heard about it. i'm sure if this thing turns
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south, the president will say, steve king, never met him. when you put up those comments there, i don't think we have gotten any more sensitive to issues. i think there's a few third rail issues here now that there weren't in 2013. but it's not like the electorate has gotten more sensitive. if anything, yes, because of the president they have gotten less sensitive. things like this take away the news cycle from president trump, which is never a good thing for the president. he wants to be controlling and dominating the news cycle. it's never good when it shifts to somebody else. one thing i would say about steve king, they say he has an agricultural district dependent on immigrant labor. we saw i.c.e. raids this week. the point they brought up, they said if these continue, steve king and his district will be affected by them. that will have economic implications for his district, too, when you have to find
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workers for those plants, fields and factories. >> garrett, thank you very much for joining us. he will join us on set tomorrow. looking forward to seeing you here at table on sunday morning. jay-z facing criticism for an unprecedented partnership he brokered with the national football league. how the music mogul is defending the deal despite his support of colin kaepernick. >> only way we'll move forward is through conversations. and i guess my speaking out brought about a conversation which brought about a conversation which led to a partnership. great riches will fu when liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wow. thanks, zoltar. how can i ever repay you? maybe you could free zoltar? thanks, lady. taxi! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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the most effective way, then protest on the field. but if you have a vehicle that can inspire change and speak to the masses and educate at the same time as well. tell people what's going on so people are not controlling your narrative. >> in february reached a settlement with colin kaepernick, criticized jay-z's deal saying he quote knowingly made a money move with the very people who have committed an injust inches against colin. he's using social justice to smooth it over with the black community. >> let's tackle the first point here. what jay-z is trying to do with the nfl. yes, there's the economic component of this. the halftime shows, the concerts, there's the social justice component as well. how explicit were they about what that is and what kind of a difference do you think he could make? >> that's the thing we don't know in this decision kind of blind-sided everyone. when you lock at jay-z's track record of all the things he's done in the community over the
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past what, 10, 12, 15 years in giving back and being a voice and champion for social change and social injustices. this is what's made this thing so interesting. and frustrating and eye-opening to people. because if you have been a fan of jay-z like i have for what the last, 20-something yoers, they're giving him a side-eye, giving that you're doing this deal right now with the nfl. especially coming off the past three years, with what's going on, especially the things that roger goodell, who is leading the most popular league in this country and the things they've done, especially when it comes to social injustice. i'm not really sure and i'm worried, i'm frustrated. i hope, i pray that jay-z can make things happen. but it's not looking that way at all. >> it's about the second part of this. that involving colin kaepernick, i read there from eric reed, a lot of people weighed in criticizing this jamal hill of the "atlantic" among them. saying jay-z is hypocrisy, given the nfl what it wanted.
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guilt-free access to black audience, culture and entertainers and influencers, are you surprised how indirectly this was dealt with? he was asked questions about that press availability with roger goodell. but what do you make of that? you mentioned the side-eye. what do you make of jay-z's seeming ability to excuse that, or as he put it, to move past it to acknowledge the grievance that we've seen from the protest movement and say, explicitly as he did, that we need to move on to action as a result of that? >> that's what's so problematic about this. if jay-z came to the table and he didn't just deal with the nfl and it was like hey, i want to go into business with you all, i want to do all of these things, let's deal with the super bowl and push the conversation forward, it would be great. if he said hey, we got to get colin kaepernick a job, that guy has now, when he took a knee, let's go back to 2016. he took a knee because he wanted to bring awareness to something. since then, from the players coalition making their deal, when they decided to stop raising their fist or taking the
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knee for the $the 9 million the nfl gave to them, to this deal that jay-z has done. why he say he understands kneeling, he's like, let's move past it. kneeling and protesting was about bringing awareness, while this money helps and we do need someone at the table to bring more change that's going on, the awareness doesn't need to necessarily go away. all the things that people were kneeling raising their fists for are still happening. but if people start doing that, then it feels like the problems have gone away and they haven't. and the money doesn't necessarily solve those problems. it takes time for that. so unless jay-z came to the table and said, hey, you know, there are reports that he wants to be a majority owner and it could happen sometime soon later down the line. we don't know. unless jay -z is the own of the team and callan copper knick is the starting quarterback, then what is all of this for? it seems to make no sense, it's frustrating, coming from the
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person that we believe wouldn't do something like this. >> carron phillips. breaking news this hour, a suspect has been take noon custody by the new york police department in connection to a rice cooker scare that caused evacuations friday in lower manhattan. if you were riding the train had you to deal with results of this. police arresting a man who allegedly left two rice cookers in a subway station downtown, causing police to shut down the area. investigators later determining the objects were not explosives, we'll bring you updates as it develops. coming up the top of the hour, israel's decision inflaming political tensions here in the united states as the president doubles, triples, quadruples down on attacks on a democratic congresswoman and how america first is making the world worse.
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this is "up" i'm david gura and president trump continues to attack his political adversaries to excite his base. in a tweet president trump says he wants israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu to block two elected members of congress from visiting the country. represents ilhan omar and rasheda talib, both of whom are muslim women critical of israel.
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op twitter the president said they're fast becoming the face of the democrat party. and they hate israel. well prime minister netanyahu saw the tweet and said the soul purpose of the lawmakers' trip was to quote harm israel and increase incitement against it. the prime minister's decision was roundly criticized. senator marco rubio called it a mistake to deny the lawmakers entry. maine senator susan collins said the administration should have encouraged the visit. apac the american-israel public affairs committee said every american member should be able to travel to israel. >> congressman seth moulten and eli, a contributor to the "nation" magazine. a long-time adviser to secretary of state hillary clinton co-host of the podcast "unredacted" and the bringer of munchkins.
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>> for myself. >> congressman moulten. i want to get your reaction as a lawmaker, a colleague of these two representatives, to when we saw this week. that is, a country deciding that duly elected members of congress should not be allowed to travel to that country. >> it's short-sighted for america and for israel. it's child's play on the international stage. i mean we of course have to be able to criticize our allies and we have to be able to engage in a debate with them. i went to israel to talk to prime minister netanyahu in the midst of the iran nuclear deal. he was a chief critic in the world of that deal. i went to him and asked him face to face, i said mr. prime minister i don't think it's a perfect deal, either. but tell me how you get a better deal. he couldn't answer that question. and the next week i came out and supported the deal and president obama had my statement on the home page of white for the next three weeks, the point is we need to be able to engage in that dialogue and debate.
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what trump is is doing is turning israel into a partisan issue. >> he's turning it into a partisan issue, a wedge accomplish, domestic politics intercede into domestic politics in a way we haven't seen before. >> it was disturbing for both countries, these are two longstanding democracies, the united states and israel who have alliances that actually transcend party. and have so for years. and it's really disappointing to see the president of the united states even with an ally, side with a foreign country over supporting americans. and i think what it really goes to is the president's message and the message of his supporters, which is that these two members of congress as well as others in the squad, so to speak, are not legitimate members of congress. they're not american citizens. because of what they look like. the way they pray, where they come from.
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and it's really very dangerous, because this really is part of the larger message about trying to brand the united states as a white-only country. and that's what the president is running on in 2020. and that's what we're talking about here. >> this brings up the issue of norms and erosion of norms. you have a president with petty, political grievances, disagreements, dislike toward these two members of congress. a broader group of members of congress as well. but he has now allowed that to eclipse what mara is talking about. this longstanding relationship, the geopolitical relationship between two countries. >> i don't have a plan for middle east peace, if i did, i would put it in a cover letter to the "new york times," how can a brother get a job. here's my plan. obviously i don't know how to solve this. but what i do know for sure is that donald trump is not interested in solving it. he is not interested in peace in the middle east. he's interested in demonizing women of color in this country
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for political gain. i want to say one other thing -- talib is absolutely right to not go to israel. there are people in this country, we have a generation of people in this country who remember what it was like to be told -- you can get food, but only from the back of the kitchen. you can ride the bus, but only on the back of the bus. who stood up against that? people of color and jewish americans stood together to reject that kind of treatment. and talib now puts herself as part of that struggle. she will not go to israel as a second-class congresswoman. and i believe that a majority of people of color and an overwhelming majority of american jewish people, will join her and support her and join her in that fight. all right. so this -- trump's attempt to shave off the jewish community from the communities of color in this country will not work. it has been tried before in this country and it didn't work then and it's not going to work now. >> picking up on that, philippe, i'm going to quote from tom friedman, a long-time columnist.
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lived in the middle east. jerusalem bureau chief. >> he stole my lay-down seat, just to warn you. >> i'm going to say this as simply and clearly as i can -- if you're an american you and are planning on voting for donald trump because you think he's pro israel, you're a damn fool. >> well it's true. but the fact that tom is writing that is part of the problem. look, this is the usual you're saying erosion of norms, i think we're beyond erosion, i think we're in the whatever rust becomes. but this is the most recent, it's egregious, this something they've been doing for a while. trump and his minions, about trying to loosen up american jews from the american party and i think they're having a little bit of success with it. maybe not this episode. because this episode is a mess. but that is part of their plan,
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the extent that these people plan everything. it might have some effects in places like florida where there's a if i'm an american jew, i understand there's usually an instinctive, no tolerance of criticism of israel policy. in this case you had apac who was telling trump that what he was doing is wrong. what bothers me for the 100th time with this is the guy ran and said i'm going it do what i say, and i'm going to say what i do and i don't care about being correct. he clearly told the israelis not to let them in. what is to do with the constant scaredy cat routine of just own up to what he said. he claimed he was proud of being this straight-shooter, he didn't care politics and political correctness be damned. >> we've had that rhetorical baptism for stephanie grisham, the white house press secretary saying there were no directives
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from the president, and the president saying he had talked to people over there, he wouldn't reveal who they were. congressman moulton, rasheda talib said this is likely to cause lawmakers to re-evaluate that relationship. bernie sanders was talking about the aid that u.s. gives to israel. if they're going to start putting restrictions on who can travel to the country, which lawmakers can travel to the country, maybe it's time to look at the aid package again. i want to get your sense as you look at that relationship from where you sit in the congress of how much re-evaluation is taking place, how much evaluation is likely to take place as a result of this? >> i know that voters on the ground are talking about it. i did a town hall in iowa last night and i was asked about the u.s./israel relationship. so the fact that the president is essentially succeeding in trying to make it more partisan, is dangerous. it's dangerous for us, it's dangerous for israel. israel remains one of our oldest and closest allies in the middle
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east. our one democratic ally in the middle east. that's a relationship we need to maintain. will it be more of a fight in congress? i'm sure that it will be. it's yet another way in which donald trump is failing in his fundamental duty as commander-in-chief, to keep us safe. he's a weak commander-in-chief. and this is an argument i keep making on the campaign trail. it's something that americans need to understand. he's not upholding his promises, he's not speaking truth to power. he's just playing politics on the world stage. it's dangerous for our national security, it's dangerous for israel's national security. and ultimately it's an embarrassment to the rest of the world. >> he has this fantasy about american politics, you look at what he tweeted last night. like it or not, talib and omar are fast becoming the face of the democratic party. his sense of the out-size role of these lawmakers is strange to say the least. it's just how the politic works is so skewed. >> one of the funny things about
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this is it is true that i think among the establishment democratic leadership, there are concerns about having the entire democratic party branded as the party of aoc for example. or of the left flank. so that's kind of going on in terms of 2020 on the one hand. the funny thing is that the president gives these women, specifically, these women of color so much more power. than -- >> he's elevating them in talking about them. >> and tweeting about them. and also, what is there to fear for having two members of congress, duly elected members of congress, come to israel or to the occupied territories? i mean why should a democracy be so afraid of having two members of congress from an allied nation come and look around? so i think it's a really bad look for both netanyahu and donald trump. you know, i think a robust democracy can handle people who have different opinions and this
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really makes both leaders look as weak as they are. >> lastly? >> i think it's important to mention that it's a bad look for netanyahu and trump. american and israel are good allies, but we're not being good friends to each other right now. right now the entire world sees donald trump kind of drunk with power. stumbling and slipping in his own filth and netanyahu is saying here are the car keys, you're good to drive. netanyahu is weak and afraid and everybody in the world sees it and donald trump is like go get 'er done, bro, do what you gotta do. >> with the keys and everything. you had this two elements, other elements, one is that you know, we've been hearing for two and a half years that donald trump has a peace plan.
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and that jared kushner is holed up in the white house coming up with this genius peace plan. i'm no middle east peace expert, i don't think this somehow you get parties to the table when you keep colluding with one of them. at the expense of the others. and there's a reason why we've made no headway. he thinks it's as easy as i'll move the embassy. and in the meantime that's not happening he's taken a step backwards. he's trying to as we said make these congresswomen and bernie sanders and socialism or whatever he doesn't like, the face of the democratic party. okay. fine. that's his game plan. our game plan is simple -- we're going to make donald trump the face of donald trump. and that's all we need. >> congressman, last question to you here, about the role of congress in all of this. i think more broadly about what's being hammered out at bedminster, the future of afghanistan, you have an administration that is circumventing the role of congress. as the president said yesterday
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willing to make a deal with the taliban without the involvement of congress. here you have the president as philippe was saying telegraphing if you want to be charitable about it, with a the prime minister of israel should be doing. what's your response to that? i go back to you as the lawmaker, as the member of congress watching this happen again and again, the white house taking on this outsized dare i say inappropriate role. >> of course trump is circumventing the congress. he's circumventing the constitution, flaunting the constitution, i want to take some responsibility in congress as well. that's why it's our job in congress to hold him accountable. the fact that we refuse to hold impeachment hearings when the president is flagrantly violating the constitution and flagrantly violating the law. we're not doing our job. the politics are tough, the timing might not be perfect. it's our constitutional duty to hold the executive accountable.
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to hold trump accountable. that's what we were elected in the house majority to do. it's why i was the very first candidate on this entire campaign in 2020 to come out in favor of that position, it's the right thing to do and we've got to uphold our end of the bargain, too. >> the impeachment dance. >> congressman seth moulton will come back and talk about campaign politics. from a looming recession to a protracted trade war to a trigger-happy north korea the consequences of trump's trade policies coming to fruition. >> for this day forward, it's going to be only america first. america first. winning interface. winning interface. ♪ ♪ award winning design. ♪ ♪ award winning engine. ♪ ♪ the volvo xc90.
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in terms of airing out complex stuff and stuff that we're fighting about as citizens and as partisans and as independents and voters and nonvoters, airing it out, having us all having the same information enables us all to be better citizens. welcome back to "up" i'm david gura. president trump's america first philosophy looking untenable. there's a great piece by michelle goldberg in the "new york times" today which tracks the conflicts and tensions around the world. north korea's nuclear tests continue. there is the trade war with china, the clashes in hong kong and kashmir. russia plans to med until our next election. just had a failed nuclear test as it looks to beat u.s. defenses. isis researching in syria and the united kingdom still facing brexit now a few weeks away. new conflicts are not a new phenomenon. as another columnist points out, william galston who writes for "the wall street journal," president trump has consistently chosen to hush america's voice in the face of actions of other
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countries that undermillion democracy, human rights and the rule of law. he seems to believe that what governments do within their own borders is their own business. joining us is ambassador christopher hill and professor at the university of denver. let me ask you about this. william galston stalks tauks about president trump's doctrine of moral indifference. do you agree that we're seeing that in relief and as you look around the world. let's start with hong kong, how are we seeing that play out, ambassador? >> we have a president who fundamentally doesn't not understand global governance, doesn't understand the role of the united states and the role of allies, we have a president unmarked by any wisdom or just education on the subject. so he kind of calls for this idea, look, for years our approach to other countries has been a situation where we have given and gotten very little. it's this kind of victimization narrative. so i think today what we have is
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a president who is so wholly ill-equipped for dealing with these problems, and he basically kind of falls back on certain kind of broad ideas that somehow you know, those are problems related to other countries. not related to us, we need to focus on other things. now what we've seen with the israel situation, we have a president who is absolutely dedicated to the proposition that he can politicize anything and everything. it's truly i think the worst leadership we've ever had. frankly since king george iii. >> philippe it's not thoughtful engagement, i'm going to pause there. george iii. >> damn. >> it's not thoughtful engagement. educated engagement. we saw this week when he suggested that president xi should go to hong kong to meet with protesters. when he does weigh in, it's so wildly wrong and misguided. what do you make now?
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two and a half years in to what we've seen as a result of that? >> he's wasting our time. we're just not getting anywhere on any front. we're regressing on so many fronts. but what strikes me, they're very few things i give donald trump credit for. one of which is how there's always a tweet for something. because he spent a lot of time over the last ten years and now we're seeing how he does it. he just spends all day every day tweeting whatever comes into his mind. whether it's israel whether it's aoc, i'm sure it will be one about you know j. lo and a-rod's new cars they've given each other. but it's -- it's -- >> tell me more about that. no. >> he got her a porsche for her 50 th. she got him a ford bronco, an old-school ford bronco for his 44th. >> you digress. >> it's an utter waste of time but meanwhile it's not, we might
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be at best suspended in animation, but everyone else is moving forward. so you know i see north korea, our special envoy there. the north koreans this is not just that they're continuing their ballistic missile program. their nuclear development. it's that we now have other people aside from russia, who have invested interest in keeping donald trump in office. i would almost put kim jong un above vladimir putin or anyone else. because he's getting a world that's by the way, north koreans have a pretty robust cybercapability. just ask sony pictures about it. >> i was going to add that essentially the lack of moral leadership seems to be giving carte blanche to dictators, thugs around the world. who just want to have their way, whether it's with their own people or you know, by invading other kuns. by causing refugee crises. i think what we're seeing is the
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lack of moral leadership from the united states. which is destabilized the western alliance and europe is having its own problems, so i think that combination is really emboldening people like vladimir putin. i think the other sad part is that you know we are wasting time. we look at something like climate change. we should be leading the way. instead we're retreating. and we're running out of time. >> eli, we talk about how iny r inurred we've become. the world isn't as used to it still. do you agree with that, that the two and a half years into this presidency, world leaders folks around the world are still confused by this president. that perhaps he still holds somewhat of an upper hand as a result of that? because they haven't figured him out? >> i don't know that i would use the word confused. they're laughing at us, right? we're a joke. we were talking about the lack of moral authority. we lost this before.
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bush, cheney and the tortures did grave damage to our global standing. obama spent eight years clawing that back. kind of speech by speech. and trump shows up and he's punted it into the sun and they're laughing at us,is the nervous laughter, it's like this guy is he crazy? >> greenland is laughing at us. >> and what we see is that we used to have all of these tools. hard power and soft power to effect our view, our values across the world. and trump has taken all of those tools, he's dumped them in the river because obama used them better. now we're facing the consequences of that. and it's going across the world. i think you pointed out a good thing, like britain is also kind of like -- dee dee dee, germany and france cannot police the world by themselves, they know that they've tried. it's that, that's why all of this is happening across the world. >> you're bringing us back to king george iii. let me conclude with ambassador chris hill.
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michelle goldberg is pessimistic in her piece, she writes we could get through the next 17 months through a world that looks basically recognizable. it will never again play the same leadership role internationally that it did. elie making this point just a moment ago, all that had happened being reversed so completely. do you share that pessimism that this is something that's irreversible? >> no, and never is a long time. there's been a heck of a lot of damage all over the world. part of what the president does in saying america first is to say america alone. you can't trust anyone, anyone, especially foreigners. so to be sure, there is a lot of work that needs to be done and frankly speaking. i think we can manage these next few mondays. but if it's another four years after that, i think it's a big problem. and so one thing i think americans need to understand, trump has 44% or 46% or whatever, overseas he's got no
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support. i'm not even sure people want to see him expound on some issue. whether it's japan and korea or kashmir or something like that. he's so wrong so often. it's, it's something where i think many countries are just deciding they're looking at the calendar and saying we hope this is a 17-month proposition and no longer. >> joining us from boston, ambassador chris hill from boston on this saturday morning. up next, we're not for sale, but we are open for business. greenland sounds off over one of the more absurd headlines to come out of the trump white house, that's next. ♪ limu emu & doug look limu. a civilian buying a new car.
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this is "up" i'm david gura and the president is apparently serio serious, about the u.s. buying greenland. his flare for real estate has not dimmed. he's talking to aides about the idea with various degrees of seriousness. the new york city "times" reporting that privately mr. trump's advisers are highly skeptical that such a move could ever happen.
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greenland, quick to respond to the story. the ministry of foreign affairs tweeting we are open for business, not for sale. spent some time imagining what greenland might look like in the eyes of one donald trump. maybe trump tower on a glacier. marla, you brought this up in the last block. i struggle with, how seriously to treat something like this. the president can say something that i would imagine might be flip or serious, but it becomes something that dominates the news cycle for 24, 36 hours. this takes me back to my tabloid days. which donald trump is a creature of the tabloids. hold on, "fjord to trump: drop dead." >> not everything is for sale, mr. president, okay? which i think the greenlanders made clear when they said -- and i quote.
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this is -- >> final proof that the president has gone mad. so i mean i think it's absurd. on the other hand, greenland does have a lot of fresh water so that's -- i go back to the quote i read in that lead about the cravenness of his advisers. clearly some went and told "the wall street journal" that he had been having these conversations. but the fact that they smile and nod before they go to the newspaper to talk about this thing. says a lot about the way this administration is run. the way that it's structured. that something so crazy, can be given, if not agreement, can be given a nod and go on. >> trump is basically lex luther and pulls down the map and says land, it's the only thing they're not making more of, folks. and all he's got is a bunch of miss tessmockers, saying we'll look into that right away. mr. trump. where are the people who are
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willing to tell this man, no, you're stupid and crazy. he's probably looking at a map that still shows greenland the size of africa. he probably still thinks it's green because he never got the leif ericsson message and he has people around him who won't tell him -- no, who won't tell him this is crazy. who won't tell him, could we do something about puerto rico? which is actually part of our country before we start tilting at the windmills in greenland? it's a real problem. >> we move from eric the red, to donald the orange. >> think this one is one worse, because he didn't just pull down the map and point to greenland. i think someone on his team told him that there had been conversations in the past about -- >> denmark takes a hit every year. >> he didn't just wake up to this. what is even worse is that someone maybe even said this as a joke in passing. and the guy has probably been obsessing about this for months, they went to "the wall street journal" last week. but when i hear these things, i think this is just tuesday for
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them. this is one of the things why we want to read books about what's going on there. one day it's greenland. it's probably spain next wednesday. >> it's going to be -- >> if i were canada, i would be nervous. >> what i note here in three weeks time, president trump is scheduled to meet with the prime minister of denmark, the country that controls greenland, the queen as well and leaders of greenland and the faroe islands. what's that meeting going to be like. fantasy meets reality? >> at that moment when the foreign minister of the prime minister of denmark meets with donald trump at that moment we are all the foreign minister of denmark. we get to deal, they get to deal with what we see every day. they sit there with their eyes rolling and sure they're very proper. i've been in rooms with these folks, they're not gregarious.
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denmarkians are a calm and they'll say mr. trump, thank you, we like it, too. we're glad you like it. but it's not for sale. we do want to talk about why it's so important. because it's part of the arctic and you know it's one of the seven countries that have a vested interest in keeping the arctic on top and he'll say we had a great meeting, we talked about it. you know i said i wanted it. but we'll see, we'll see what happens. some drivel like that it's comical. these folks are laughing at us, better to laugh at us than us to -- it's not like we invaded greenland. >> i don't think they think it's as funny as we do. >> people who need the united states, whether it's nato or just for the sake of structure and stability. and then there are people who benefit from our chaos. this is not the 100-yard dash. putin does not need to beat trump to the finish line.
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putin just needs to trip trump out of the gate. that's much easier. and as much as we joke about it, that's what we're seeing, the notion of chaos, which trump thinks helps him domestically and i could probably make an argument that it does, it does not help the united states internationally. he's also aware that internationally greenland has zero electoral votes and the world has zero electoral votes, so what does he care? >> we'll do a show from there. >> he'll care when it melts. >> he'll care, it's mara's point if you're going to take an interest in greenland, as we've been saying this is where, this is where the ice is. this is what's melting and if you were going to actually care about something this would be a good time to start caring about what's happening to our oceans and our glaciers, but he doesn't even -- john cornon last night was talking about, it's just hot, chuck, it's just hot in the summer. these people will not engage with the very real threat and crisis of climate change. >> we had the hottest july on
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record. and senator cornyn said -- >> i went to greenland with secretary clinton. she went on behalf of president obama. >> she was looking for property? >> no, it's got the biggest mailbox for santa. to meet with other members of the arctic council to talk about melting and soviet aggression in the area because it's seesier now for soviet subs to operate. this is how people take things seriously. if the danish are smart, they will say sir, this is an important topic. let's talk about the arctic, let's talk about, let's down the road we can talk about a deal or something or condo or. >> santa's largest mailbox. >> forget about the white house, up next, the true fight for power being waged in washington, why democrats are looking to the 2020 contenders for help in their uphill battle to reclaim the senate. a wealth of perspective. ♪
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it's as important for democrats to win the senate as it is the white house. as the "washington post" aaron blake writes there are not many high-profile democrats running for senate. the pressure to change that is becoming more overt. as party hopeful of winning back the presidency in 2020 confronts difficult math when it comes to also taking the senate. three men who are feeling that pressure most acutely. one of them, former colorado governor hickenlooper said he's going to think about it after suspending his presidential campaign this week. >> today i'm ending my campaign for president. people want to know, what comes next for me. i've heard from so many coloradans who want me to run for the united states senate. they remind me how much is at stake for our country. >> well the other two have said unequivocally they are not interested in running for the senate. >> i will not in any scenario run for the united states senate. >> it's not something that i'm considering. even if this doesn't work out. and -- >> you wouldn't do it? >> no, absolutely not. >> kengman seth moulton, he's a
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candidate for the democratic nomination, as you listen to john hickenlooper's message, how resonant was it for you? what did you think of why he decided to leave the race? >> i thought about talking about the horse race in august, months before the first primary or caucusgoers go to the polls. is just too early for our party. and it kind of reminds me of the first time that i ran for congress. i ran against an sl 1 -year incumbent. and the democratic establishment, the political pundits of massachusetts told me that not only was i going to lose that race, but seth, you'll never be involved in democratic politics again, because you dared to take on an incumbent. they were saying to this young combat veteran, do not participate. in the democracy you just risked your life to defend. but the point is that the difference i was hearing from voters on the ground was real. voters on the ground wanted a different voice, they wanted more voices in this race. that's exactly what i'm hearing
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from voters on the ground in this presidential primary. i'm hearing it from caucus-goers on the ground here in iowa who say they're not satisfied that they found the right candidate yet. want different voters. and ultimately, it was a tough race in the first race i took on for congress. i was down by 53 points in the first poll that we did. but i came back and won by is 1 because i ignored the pundits and listened to voters on the ground. >> mara, there's a piece by your colleague at the "times," one giant eye-roll at folks like beto o'rourke or steve bullock who say they don't want anything to do with folks in the senate. a the fact that a currently underemployed democrat who is at 0 to 1% in the polls is now treating the idea of running for the senate a massive booby prize threatens our institutions. >> one of the things that democrats could learn from republicans especially during the bush era is how to run for and win every seat.
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from local offense up to the white house. so it's not actually just about winning the white house. it's important to win the senate it turns out. and congress. but it's also you know, judicial appointments are important. state senate appointments are important. because that will redraw your electoral map and i think democrats still despite the significant losses that they've had this year on the supreme court. they still are not learning that lesson. you know you should have a deep bench for every office and i think it's pretty frustrating to those of us who want to see just a robust, competitive democracy that democrats are not getting the message. you have i don't know, more than a dozen democratic candidates for president. but they're not interested in running for senate. i mean some things are wrong there i think that the democratic leadership should really take a hard, long look at why it's local races aren't that competitive. >> philippe something is wroten in the state of russell, the other senate office building. there is to me as an outside
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observer, something so broken about the senate. i can sympathize with those who say -- what could i do, were i go to to washington? i'd have to deal with, if they don't get the majority. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell being the grim leaper. how many sympathy do you have for that argument? >> i have a lot. i worked in the u.s. senate in the russell building for seven years under then senator clinton. it's a difficult place. in particular with governor h k hickenlooper and governor bullock, hickenlooper said i chose to run for governor, i'm choosing to run for president, i believe what i with do in terms of the executive. i don't know that i would be the greatest legislator. i think that's sort of an overall take. but when you look at this legislator, you think why do i hell do i want to go to work every day and have to deal with mitch mcconnell or lindsey graham or people throwing snowballs on the senate floor to prove there's no global warming. i don't think people should be
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pressured to leave the race or run for something that they don't want to. there's a backdrop here, too. all these seats, certainly the texas seat and the colorado seat have multiple people running for them. and look i don't want , i want o take the senate back, it seems to be the step-child that no one is paying atension to. we took the house and we want the white house, but unfortunately we're not going to get anything done until we take them all. you know there are people running, we took the house back last year, it wasn't because of big names running, twaus twas because of genuine excitement. new blood, new people, young people. different kinds of people. more women, more people of color. i'm not exactly sure how that squares with dear three white men we need to you help take the senate back. >> seth moulton, gun policy protests across the country in all 50 states this weekend. the house is coming back to look at legislation related to gun policy. wath to get your perspective on
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where things stand. now that we're in the depths of august. you're on the campaign trail in iowa. there's a sense that the cycle is repeating itself with people outside of washington. what are you hearing on the ground as you talk to prospective voters in iowa about gun policy and the prospect for change? >> i'm hearing that people absolutely want to get it done and they want leaders on both sides of the aisle with the courage to do it. and we talk a lot about how we need the courage in the republican party for those people to stand up to the nra, for mitch mcconnell to have the simple courage to have a vote, a debate which is his job in the united states senate on these bills. we also need democratic leaders who are willing to reach out across the aisle and find places where we can bring republicans together to get these pieces of legislation passed. i have the two most bipartisan gun bills in the last congress and that credibility that i brought to the debate as someone who has had actually had to use guns, as a marine infantry
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officer, i had to use guns in combat. guns have saved my life. i get what this is about. i get how to preserve the second amendment while making sure that we have reasonable restrictions on gun ownership. that the vast majority of americans agree with. this is the kind of leadership that we need in order to actually get something done. something that people on both sides of the aisle can respect. something that's reflected by the fact that 9 6% of americans want universal background checks on guns. that's something we should be able, that's a compromise we should be able to find in the united states congress. >> seth moulton, the congress from massachusetts, the a democratic candidate for president. what jeffrey epstein's attorneys are still not satisfied with and the questions they are asking, next. or say you can't believe... much of a hassle it is! and tell anyone who'll listen... (garbled)'s so expensive! she said it's so expensive. tell me about it. yes.. well i'm telling the people at home.
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complete investigation to the cause of the death. let me turn to you and have you react to this news. the result was anticipated at the end of the week. we have seen the conspiracies that emerged after the immediate aftermath of this death. your reaction to what the attorneys are saying. >> just react. >> there's not -- i don't -- i -- >> and that's the show. >> william barr cannot be trusted. can we just start there? william barr has been nothing but trump's, and i don't trust him or anybody working for him. in my experience coroners do not have a track record of lying to people, right? so i'm inclined to trust an
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autopsy, but that's by a very, very small thread. to say there needs to be an independent investigation is the most obvious thing in the world. this administration has no credibility, has earned no credibility. we need a special investigation to figure out exactly what happened. i want a tick to be that every second epstein was alive, at every second when they figured out he was alive and a chain of custody for me to believe them. >> i'm going to turn to you. >> react. >> not ask you to react but in focus, is this correctional facility here in new york and you focus on such things in your day-to-day job. your reaction to what we see. >> this is a federal facility. it's in manhattan. el chapo was kept there for a while. in part the issue here is that we have a failed prison system across the country and so you know, these things happen every day. it's unacceptable, whether it's
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a famous prisoner or not, there's abuses that go on, that is the landscape that we're deal with. you don't have to be conspiracy theorists to ask yourself knowing full well what these prisons are like. how could we have allowed this to happen? who was responsible for ensuring that it did not happen? and that's actually what i am most interested in. >> can i just -- >> very quickly. 20 seconds here. >> what would they have done if obama would have lost el chapo. >> that's a dark hole to go down. >> el chapo now in colorado out of manhattan. they're going to kill me if you keep talking. they're going to yell. >> the thing to look at is whether he killed himself, i think that's pretty obvious but did someone help him not have a roommate the night before, did someone help him get nonpaper sheets. >> the tick to be, ellie joining me here. thanks to all of you being here on this saturday morning.
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tune in tomorrow. we'll be joined by nikole hannah jones. and christina greer, that starts off at 8:00 a.m. eastern time sunday. up next, the growing fears of a possible recession, how the president is already teeing up who to blame. already teeing up who to blame d this is me now! i got liberty mutual. they customized my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. then i won the lottery, got hair plugs, and started working out. and so can you! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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eastern time. time if am joy right here on msnbc. >> that guy has a serious weight problem. go home, start exercising. i did the pocahontas thing. i hit it really hard. and it looked like she was down and out but that was too long ago. i should have waited, but don't worry. we will revive it. it can be revived. >> benjamin netanyahu bowed to president trump announcing they would deny entry. >> they're saying thanks but no thanks, greenland is not for sale. but president trump sees it as a place with immense resources. >> good morning, everyone. i'm sitting in for my good friend joy reed. as you heard in that montage there donald trump has spent much of his vacation dispensing
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his usual mixup including pressuring democratic congresswomen. congresswomen tlaib is rejecting their offer on the grounds it is too restrictive. we'll have an update on that in a little bit but all of trump's finger pointing may be to distract from the one thing he was hoping to help his re-election bid. a rocky week which included its worst day of the year. some say trump is worried about signs we are headed for a recession but publicly he is still trying to take credit for any economic success. >> let me tell you, if for some reason i wouldn't have won the election, these markets would have crashed. and that will happen even more so in 2020. see, the bottom line is i know you like me and this r
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