tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC August 19, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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this narrative of southern heritage, without really asking what does that mean. >> yeah. >> we get this narrative of well the problem was just the south. without figuring out, okay, so what happened in oakland? what happened in chicago? what happened in new york? and by not having that kind of history, then we have so many americans walking through wanting this very, believeing in this very kind of nice pat sanitized narrative that then doesn't get at the kind of structural issues. >> yeah. and people just don't know a lot of it. at the basic factual level it's amazing to me how many people know about this. thank you both. >> that is all this evening. the rachel maddow show starts right now. i'm sorry, i'm 30 seconds late. >> that's okay. i will keep you longer, because i don't have to ask you whether you had a good vacation. ki tell you did. >> because of my instagram
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photos and my wife supporting the rachel maddow hat? >> that means you are just a very nice family. >> we're always promoting everywhere we go. >> i can tell you had a great vacation, i can tell are you firing at your live cylinders. i have to ask you about this live show. >> yes. >> will you do live audience. >> yes. >> live taping. no. >> yes. >> are you nervous, are you psych. >> i think it will be fun. i like theater. i like crowds, i like people. warm rooms, human bodies there their heart beats. you can hear them when they laugh. i like all that. >> it takes all kind to do this work. i want you to figure out what you are like, your pontiac keys are under the seat, oprah moment is going to be, like there has, if you will do this as a regular thing, i will donate swag, i'm just saying. >> you are invited. >> thanks, my friend, thanks, a lot. >> happy to have you here, happy monday. the department of defense has just released this slow motion
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video showing the launching of a cruise missile. a to himahawk missile from a portable launching platform. see how it's on a trailer? you can actually see the wheels on the trailer from the thing it's being launched from. this was a missile that was shot off by the u.s. military yesterday at 2:30 p.m. local time off the coast in california. from an island san nicholas island. san nicholas island is the most far flung of the channel islands. i think it's 60 miles off the coast down by long beech, california. we do not know exactly where this to himahawk missile was aimed, west presumably. out into the pacific. but we do have a written assurance today from the defense department that the missile quote accurately impacted its target after more than 500 kilometers of flight. and that more than 500 kilometers bit, that
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specification in the defense department announcement about the missile. >> that is very, very news worthy, because until about five minutes ago, a missile going just over 500 kilometers was not allowed. a cruise missile capable of hitting a target just over 500 kilometers away until very recently. >> that is a missile that was banned in this country and the united states said we did not have and would fought use. the reason for that is because of this moment. ronald reagan and mikhail gorbachev in 1987 signing a treaty that banned both them and us from having missiles that are what they call intermediate range. the treaty was signed in 1987 and, thereafter, the u.s. and the soviet union together took off line more than 2500 missiles with this intermediate range, missiles designed to fly between 500 kilometers and 5500 kilometers, more than 2500 of them were taken offline. well, that treaty had been in
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effect since reagan and gorbachev signed it when the soviet union existed. it was president donald trump who decided to pull the u.s. out of that treaty this month on august 2nd and us pulling out of that treaty is how we got this missile launch yesterday. 60 miles off the coast of long beach, california. just two-and-a-half weeks after we pulled out of that treaty. we are already showing off that we've got these missiles back online and they are ready to go. never mind we haven't supposed to, we haven't had them in our arsenal, we haven't supposed to have had them since 1987. we got them and they're working perfectly. thanks. if you had one space on your bingo card for 2019 that you think you could be pretty confident wouldn't get filled in this year, right, that might be the bingo card space that says new nuclear arms race with soviet union. who would have thought that's what we will be doing in 2019. >> that is apparently what we are doing in 2019. that's a part what the u.s.
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military is doing is showing off this military to himahawk yesterday afternoon, whatever is going on appears to be the backdrop to what happened in russia a week and a half ago with this mysterious nuclear accident on the white sea in the northwest corner of russia. we still really do not know exactly what happened there and the russian government's explanations and misdirections and complicated obscuring phrases about this thing have made things worse fought better. the "wall street journal" has now just reported what seems like an important if you development in this story, which is that it would appear that the russian government shut down monitoring stations nearby the blast site that are monitoring stations that test for radiation. "wall street journal" reporter michael gordon, long-time national security reporter, he had this scoop this weekend that the two monitoring stations nearest to the plablast site we dark and stopped transmitting radiation shortly after that
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initial blast. that was the initial scoop by michael gordon this weekend. today michael gordon has new reporting that a few days later after the two monitoring stations near the blast site were shut down mysteriously, the russian government shut down another two monitoring stations that were further away a few days later, which suggests they might have thought they covered up the problem when they stopped reporting radiation data close to the site, within a few days, though, if they realize they had to shut down further radiation monitoring sites further away from the blast site hundreds of kilometers away from where they thought they were sort of safe, well, that suggests maybe the problem is proving too large for their initial coverup. so the coverup, itself, is having to expand its geographical reach as well. we are also getting the first models of the potential radiation plume from the site of the blast, which is not
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comforting. we will talk with "wall street journal" reporter michael gordon about that and more coming up in just a few minutes. but as you can feel in your gut right now, that is not awesome. >> that said, there is a lot to get to, there is a lot going on. this was actually an awesome site to behold this weekend in hong kong, awesome in the sense of large and awe inspiring. look at that. dropped out. can you guys drop that lower third chyron there, thank you very much. the overall population of hong kong is just under 7.5 million people. what you are looking at here is nearly one-quart ter entire population of hong kong turning out in the streets this weekend for pro democracy protests. and they were doing so in the face of absolutely torrential rain storms. i mean, on a per capita basis, this would be like if over 4.5 million new yorkers turned out for a single protest. if you compare the new york metropolitan area with its population and the population of
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hong kong, can you imagine 4.5 million workers at a single protest. it's massive numbers of people. almost a quarter of the population of the city. and it's interesting, well, while protesters have used umbrellas to great effect for all sorts of reasons and their earlier marches, this time it was just really helpful for everybody to have an umbrella because of the rain. protesters used their umbrellas not only to keep themselves dry, also look to help out random reporters who they happened upon on scene while they were doing live shots of the demonstrations. those are people hang by these reporters that needed some help. if organizers are all right that there was 1.7 million people in the streets of hong kong yesterday, that would make this the largest protest in hong kong since the initial huge protest in june that resulted in the dropping of a new law that would have basically brought hong kong under chinese control when it comes to the criminal law. that's the extradition bill that
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started all of these protests in hong kong, even though that bill is dead, as you can see, the protests are not stopping and not shrisking and as of this weekend, china is still doing big showoffy, intimidating military exercises, just immediately over the boarder from hong kong, hint. hint. but this weekend at least it appears they did not try to club and tear gas their way through this absolute sea of humanity that turned out to protest for democratic freedom. so this is a turning point. we shall see. there were also protests this weekend in all 50 u.s. states. this is a shock from st. louis, missouri. gun reform groups met at state capitals and local landmarks and town squares all over the country this weekend to try to press for new federal policies regulating guns and ammunition and gun accessories. and they really were all over the country. all fi50 states, baltimore,
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maryland, san francisco, california, boston, massachusetts. they were everywhere. in terms of the prospects for reform in washington, the democratic-controlled house has already passed legislation that would very simply require a background check for all gun purchases in the united states, something that huge majorities of the public, including huge majorities of democrats and republicans and gun owners all say they want. democrats are coming back early from their summer recess to work on yet more gun reform legislation. but that background check thing has already passed. >> that is one of the most popular policies on any subject in this country and it has already passed the house. it's done. it could be taken up by the senate at any moment if republican senate leader mitch connell dand it come up. in terms of the practical politics here, there had been some i think mild tempered hopes that if the white house strongly supported this universal
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background checks thing, if there were strong support for such a measure from president trump and he actually put his shoulder into it a little bit. >> that might be enough to persuade mitch mcconnell to persuade enough republicans to say yes to it given how popular that policy is. well, president trump did initially come out and say he was strongly in support of universal back checks and now he has already flip-floppered on that. now he has taken aback and signaling that he might not support that at all, despite what he said just a couple weeks ago. looking around at all these rallies around the country, looking at the polling on this issue, even among republican voters, i mean, democrats continue to believe that democrats at all levels can and should run on this issue. democrats running for president, for senate, for congress, everything else, all over the country. democrats continue to believe that republican entranintransign this issue, specifically on background checks to buy a gun. democrats think the republicans
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are so out of step with public opinion that they will pay an electoral cost for it if they stick with this position. republicans apparently do not share that view. they are apparently as dug in as ever. now we know whoever is whispering in the president's ear about this turned him around on this back check issue so hard and so fast, it was like he was on a three-inch leash. literally, two weeks ago, he was talking about how much he's in favor of intelligent, strong, universal background checks. it will be the best background checks ever. now he's not for background checks. so again, we shall see. but the people matter on this. right? the public sentiment and public pressure on this are not going anywhere. thus far, republicans are refusing to engage with even the most moderate, the most popular reforms, eventually, this is going to break. like i said, lots going on tonight. but here's a story that just broke this afternoon that i think is likely to have pretty profound consequences all over the country.
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and one of the reasons we know that or at least we have reason to suspect that is because we've already seen a few little case studies about how exactly this is going to go wrong. because there are a few states that sort of beat the rest of the country to the punch line on this one. i will show what you i mean. here is a deeply, deeply, unhappy press release that was set out by the new hampshire department of health and human services in january, 2017. you see the headline there, a press release. new hampshire is experiencing an outbreak of gonorrhea. oh. dateline, concord, new hampshire, new hampshire is experiencing an outbreak of gonorrhea. gonorrhea is a reportable sexual disease. between 2007 and 2013, the number of cases reported in new hampshire was approximately 130. however, the state has received
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report of 465 cases of gonorrhea just in the year 2016. which represents a more than 250% increase over the previous baseline. so like if you work for state government in new hampshire, that's not like red letter day. that's not banner day. right. the day you have to send out the press release about the state experienceing a horrific outbreak of gonorrhea. turns out the gonorrhea press release was good practice. within five month, new hampshire had to put out a another press release with the same cherry tone. dateline, concord, new hampshire, new hampshire is also experiencing an outbreak of civ syphilis is double that of previous years. so again, these are not happy press releases. right. this is not something the state relishes having happened or i'm
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sure they do not relish having to announce this. putting out these press releases about the state having an outbreak of syphilis and gonorrhea, lots of local coverage of the various std outbreaks spiking in the state of new hampshire. they were on it in terms of helping out, raising awareness and promote best practices for identifying, treating these cases. but as the state of new hampshire has been coping with this difficult problem with this spike in sexually transmitted diseases, there has been a major complication that is believed to have worsened this outbreak. here's the concord monitor newspaper from just a few days ago. quote, the trend lines are clear. a 17% increase in chlamydia rates in new hampshire. 103% surge in syphilis rate. a 352% explosion of gonorrhea. new hampshire has had a
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disconcerting swell, swell of stds in recent years. as these infections remain prevalent, they say the absence of a budget this summer is hurting the ability to combat them. a decision by the trump administration to add new restrictions to federal funding for healthcare clinics that provide abortions, most notably planned parent had has taken a bite out of services. an attempt via state money has also been put on ice after a budget detail by republican governor chris now issunu. one casualty of that funding crunch providers say, has been std testing. efforts to help granite stateers diagnose these conditions and treat them are facing significant reductions. yeah, nothing like cutting all the funding for std testing in the state that is having a huge outbreak of multiple stds.
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i wonder what the outcome of that will be? the trump administration new funding restriction referenced here by the paper in concord, it's sort of kicking new hampshire where it hurts at exactly the wrong time. this is a new federal policy from the trump administration set to go into effect tonight. it's effectively a gag order for clinics that do std screening, and contraception services. there is a longstanding prom p program that pushes about $260 million a year to health clinics all over the country, supports specifically those kind of services. under this new plan that goes into effect today, thanks, to president trump, any clinic anywhere in the country that gets that money is banned from ever mentioning to its patients the existence of abortion services. the new gag rules that are you not allowed to refer a patient to a place where they could get an abortion if they wanted one.
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there are no federal funds that are expended right now on abortion services at all. that's not what this is. this is about speech. are you not allowed to describe that abortions are legal and available and tell somebody where they can get one. healthcare providers are ban fareed saying that if they take any of this federal funding from this particular program that supports std screenings, contraception services, cancer screenings, et cetera. it appears to be a calculated way in particular to try to put planned parenthood clinics out of business let alone any other service provider that does abortions or has links to other entities that do. now a bunch of states have decided they're not going to go along with there change in policy. bunch of clinics, including clinics in new hampshire have already opted out of taking these particular federal fund who ill this rule change has been pending so as to avoid potentially running afoul of this rule change and letting that put a bulls eye on those clinics so the trump
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administration can try to come shut them down. there is active consideration to try to block this gag rule. now as of today as the rule nevertheless is slated to go into effect tonight, planned parthood says all of the clinics will withdrawal, which again is $260 million that goes to health clinics every year. now planned parenthood is not closing its doors. they are no longer going to have access to this major funding for std screenings, planning, education services which is stuff they provide all over the country, which is stuff a lot of places need. new hampshire, ahem. there are more than 100 counties across the country where planned parenthood is the only provider of comprehensive contraceptive services. and the federal funding that supports those things for millions of american women is now being essentially cut off from planned parenthood as a way to try to box them in on abortion politics. obviously, planned parenthood
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and other providers want to beat this thing in court. they want the policy to go away. it goes into effect tonight. what is this decision by planned parenthood likely to do in those communities where planned parenthood is really the only provider? what is this likely to donationwide? as this new rule goes into effect tonight? joining us now is alexis ma gil johnson, the acting president and ceo of planned parenthood, thank you so much for joining us. it's nice to have you here. >> thank you for having me. i know this is a complex policy and its effects, particularly the effect of what planned parenthood has decided
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am pronouncing it wrong. i have been working on it all day long. you the, ok is the name of an icelandic volcano. glacier, so ok's glacier. this is what it looked like in 1986. this is a big slate of ice stretched over more than a square mile. this is what it looks like today. about five years ago an icelandic geologist declared it's no longer a glacier declaring that it no longer has the scientific qualities of a glacier and has gone extinct. that means the area can no longer be called ok's glacier. climate change looks different all over the world. but in iceland, this is how it is showing up. it's the first lost glacier. iceland is called the land of fire and ice because of its
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volcanos and its glaciers. glaciers cover about 11% of the country but as global temperatures keep rising, scientists say the country's glaciers will keep going the way that ok did over the next few deck e decades and within a few hundred years, iceland will have precisely zero glashs. it's not iceland's fault at all. nearly 100% of iceland's electricity comes from renewable sources. but the rest of the world isn't going that way so iceland will be one of the places that quite acutely pays the costs this weekend 100 people including iceland's prime minister climbed up to the top of what used to be ok's glacier to hold what was basically a funeral. the geologist declared it extinct brought a death certificate. the final act of remembrance was the placement of a black on the stone of this used to be dplash
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yes or no. it has the months and year, here's what it says. it says at the top, a letter to the future. ok is the first icelandic glacier to lose it's status of a glacier. over the next 200 years, all our glaciers are expected to cover the same path. this monument is to acknowledge we know what is happening and what needs to be done. only you know if we did it. it signs off with a date august 2019 and the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere as of the last three days 415 parts per million. the two-party american political system has somehow produced one major political party where nearly every single elected member of one of our two parties has decided that this is something that is just not happening. or if it is, who cares? how we will explain that in the future as the richest and most powerful country on earth at the time this was happening. how we explain that in the future will probably not fit on
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disaster. >> a 14,000 ton tourist is dead in the water. its crew short on time, this was designed to counter american tourships. the kursk fails to sign if. a dozen ships, the sub is located an estimated 480-feet deep on the sea floor. according to russian naval spokesman, his crew videotaped in port this may could still be alive. the head of the russian navy tonight saying oxygen will run out friday. situation critical. >> vladimir putin's government waited a full day-and-a-half before publiclying a knowledgeing that anything at all happened with the russian submarine or 180 sailors sure to suffocate on board. putin refused all offers of foreign help, there were many. he spent the first few days
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overseeing the response of thatster from his vacation she did not your honor from. russian people very quickly directed their anger over that horrifying disaster right at him. >> reporter: russia's furious, public criticism of the navy and a president on vacation this week unprecedented. newspaper headlines, the kursk has sunk. so has people's protection from danger. anger inside russia at a boiling point. an unsuccessful rescue. a four-day delay in calling if outside help. a president until today was on vacation. >> today as the news of the sailor's arrive, he is at the end of a journey that, hope is all but gone. authorities try to consol them the anger is clear. many relatives don't accept the explanation for the accident and have little faith in a rescue effort. they hoped new russian leaders
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would be more opened than the communists. they expected more from president putin. it's a shame for the whole nation. i think people will stop trusting him. >> i'm still holding out hope my husband will come back alive, she says. if the government had asked for hope the first say, they would all have been saved. today russia's president criticized for doing nothing, made his most impassioned remarks yet about the disaster saying he has pain in his heart and tears in his eyes. >> august of the year 2000, vladimir putin's first year as russian president. a horrifying tragedy if human terms, right. in political terms, an early lesson for how their new leader would govern in the face of a crisis he did not want to talk about. now almost 20 years on, vladimir putin is still president and there seems to be no plan for russia ever having another one after him. but now, this summer something quite reminiscent of that kursk
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disaster appears to have happened again. twice. the first time was last month. another nuclear submarine disaster. 14 russian sailors killed and de ja vu, that accident was not announced until 24 hours after it occurred. it took three hole e whole days for vladimir putin to admit that a fire had taken place on board a nuclear powered sub. still, in effect to no information has been released about the condition of the nuclear reactor on board that sub. that was in july. that was just last month. then a week and a half ago, we learned of another incident, this time some sort of an explosion at a missile test site. russia's military initial lip said nothing about it being an incident with any nuclear implications. they just described the thing that blew up as a liquid fueled rocket. there was no release of anything toxic or elevated radiation levels. that was not true. officials said they had risen to 16 times their normal level in one nearby city and the state nuclear energy agency, excuse
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me, the state nuclear agency would admit five of the nuclear scientists were killed in the blast. today at a joint press conference alongside the french president, vladimir putin told reporters there was no risk of increased radiation levels after the plast. raid jags i yax shouldn't go up at all. no worry, everything is up to date control. which would be great, it would be easier to believe after worrying reports from the "wall street journal" about nuclear monitoring stations, literally radiation detecting monitoring stations in russia that appeared to have been shut off right after the explosion. >> that story and the reporter who broke it joins us next. who broke it joins us next lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7 and maintained it. oh! under 7? (announcer) and you may lose weight. in the same one-year study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. oh! up to 12 pounds? (announcer) a two-year study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events
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if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. mothat a handle is just a is or -- that you can't be both inside and outside. most people haven't driven a lincoln. discover the lincoln approach to craftsmanship at the lincoln summer invitation. right now, get 0% apr on all 2019 lincoln vehicles plus no payments for up to 90 days. only at your lincoln dealer. . first we got news of a mysterious blast, some sort of an explosion a week nal a nal-and-a-half ago in russia, we know it was nuclear and we know the response has been marked
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locally by local and at the national level, national secrecy. the russian government has not been forthcoming about what exactly happened at that missile testing site that killed, first they said two people, then they made it seven people. over the weekend, national security correspondent michael gordon at the "wall street journal" reported that two russian monitoring stakes that measure radiation, took two of the stations closest to the blast site shut down mysteriously 48 hours after that explosion. there is a monitoring station that is designed to detect nuclear radiation, radioactivity in the atmosphere and for some reason they went silent at exactly the moment you might want to ping them to find out if they were detecting radiation in the air after this nuclear accident. because the story gets creepier by the hour. today michael gordon updateed that report, because it turns out, after those initial two monitoring stations nearest the blast site went dark, a few days
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later, three days later, two mormon tores went silent. the first pair went dark 48 hours after the explosion. the next pair went dark three days later. that next pair a little farther away than the first two that went dark. now who knows why? maybe they are really having some technical difficulties, which is what the russian government says. based on other monitors around the world, analysts project the radio active plume from that explosion might have billowed out like this, moving west and south and east day-by-day sprawling out of the russia environment. as michael gordon reports today, it's possible that russia is trying to minimize publicity about the plume and the radioactive elements that it contains. does russia get to hide how much happened? how much does the world get to know? what is in that plume?
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blakal joins us, thank you for your time. >> glad to be here. >> let me ask ahmeta question first. i have been covering this the last few days since we learned about it. it's been very, very hard to get information. let alone information you can cross check and get different sources on. has this been difficult to get? >> well, the actual episode is still ollie of the a mystery. president trump has said the system that was being tested was a nuclear powered cruise missile and that seems to be the case. but the russian government has not been transparent and most of what's known about this is in u.s. intelligence channels, so it hasn't been easy to get in all of this. >> in terms of these monitoring stations that you've got the scoop of, two of them went dark right away. another couple soon thereafter. i wonder if the types of monitoring that's done at these stations, could they, could that data, if those monitoring stations were still live and the data they usually do, could that
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shed light on exactly what it was that blew up and the type of device that seems to have caused this disaster? >> well, the russian government seems to think so. rachel, what there are, there are hundreds of monitoring stations around the world to monitor a treaty, a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty negotiated signed by a lot of countries but never taken effect legally and monitoring stayings exist and a good -- monitoring stations exist and a good number are in russia. two days after the accident, the explosion, the two sites that monitor radioactive particles in the air that were the closest to the accident site mysteriously stopped reporting to the organization that collates all this data, which was a very weird coincidence and the russians haven't provided a good explanation for it and then just a couple days later, two more
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went offline. >> is it possible that more than four are offline? do we understand the full universe of data here? >> well, the american government has its own intelligence information about this. but this data is fed into an organization which is supposed to monitor and support this nuclear test ban treaty and they're located in vienna, so thoe they get these continuous streams of information and then office, poof, there is an incident report, that two stations are offline and then another two and i've interacted with the head of that organization and they've gotten to the russians for an explanation object what's going on when these stations are going to come back online and the russians haven't provided one. nor did they provide one to the "wall street journal" when they asked? >> in terms of the importance of this data, if these monitoring stations do go down, i mean, who knows if they're still operating as normal and they just are not being allowed to report their data to vienna, who knows if the
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i'd love to you have back as you continue to report this up. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. stay with us. stay with us keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for hiv in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights hiv with three different medicines to help you get to undetectable. that means the amount of virus is so low it can't be measured in lab tests.
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gregory craig, president obama's first white house counsel was back in court today for his federal trial in d.c. ooze the only person from a krakt administration to be indicted as a result of the mueller investigation for work he did alongside trump's campaign chairman. the craig trial continues apace. they report tonight that the judge at one point lit into flynn's defense -- into gregory craig's defense team for talking about stuff she had told them to leave alone in court. according to the reporting, there was much huffing and puffing in the courtroom and even throwing around stacks of paper. very exciting. the greg craig trial will continue to continue this week. elsewhere and continuing mueller related proceedings, we're still awaiting sentencing for trump
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national security adviser mike flynn. general flynn plead guilty to lying about his contacts with the russian government while he has been awaiting sentence forg that, flynn last week asked permission to go to this conference, to go to a conference in atlanta in early september. something called the digital soldiers conference. at that event his lawyer said he would be fund-raising for his legal defense fund alongside another convicted trump campaign adviser george pop dop list also convicted in a prosecution that derived from the mueller investigation. nice group of guys. on friday the judge in mike flynn's case district court judge said yes, gave mike flynn permission to go to that event. but they pointed thought isn't a typical fund-raiser even for multiple mueller investigation felons. it's a fund-raiser organized by a prominent supporter of the q nonconspiracy theory which is a far right very engaging
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conspiracy theory based on the belief that there is a global ring of satanic pedophile that's donald trump and mueller are working together take down. so dan he friedman and this digital soldiers thing is part of the conspiracy and the logo for the conference is an american flag with a big q on it. it wasn't that subtle. the organizer for the record denied that the q on the flag had anything to do with the q conspiracy theory. but he also said he totally believes that theory which he believes is good for america. so we got flynn asking permission. we got the reporting on what exactly he's xl permissiasking permission to go do and he could go but by saturday morning, he is out of the lineup for the conspiracy theory fund-raiser.
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flynn's lawyer announced the change of plans on twitter con denli de deming what they said and condemning the mother jones reporters that reported on it. there say status conference next week in flynn's case where we'll find out if prosecutors are finally ready to try to sentence him one more time. it's getting weird in the meantime. watch this space. watch this space that's why with dell small business technology advisors. you'll get tailored product solutions, expert tech advice and one-on-one partnership. call an advisor today
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with discounts on car insurance. -what? ♪ -or maybe he didn't know. ♪ [ chuckles ] i'm done with this class. -you're not even enrolled in this class. -i know. i'm supposed to be in ceramics. do you know -- -room 303. -oh. thank you. -yeah. -good luck, everybody. that's going to do it for us tonight. now it's time for the last word. good evening, lawrence. >> good evening. you know how proud the great celtics legend bill russell is of his basketball accomplishments? >> sure. >> he's even more proud that his daughter is a harvard law school graduate. i'm very proud that karen russell a frevend mine and that's the kind of name-dropping i thought i needed to lead into
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