tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC August 22, 2019 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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and you can move forward together. >> common ground is a contrast to the rhetoric of the trump era. what we can expect in the future? >> higher ground is a reflection of both of us. so that means that, you know, our platform is going to look a little bit like everything. just like the world is a little bit of everything. >> higher ground makes it clear michelle obama is still telling everyone go high. that does it for us tonight. thanks for watching "the beat." "hardball" is up next. >> a worried king. let's play "hardball." >> good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. rattled by the u.s. economy and his prospects for re-election. an unsettled president trump is
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working through a week of unsettled chaos. he's picked stupid fights with an array of perceived adversaries. he ignited outrage by saying jewish americans are disloyal if they vote democratic. he accused his enemies of conpiring against him to crash the u.s. economy. he's ginned up a fight with denma denmark, of all countries, because it rebuked his offer to buy greenland. is this the behavior of a level-headed leader? as "the new york times" reports, some former trump administration officials in recent days said they were increasingly worried about the president's behavior. suggesting it stems from rising pressure on mr. trump as the economy seems more worrisome and next year's election approaches. that may explain why the
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president went off into la la land during a 35-minute q&a with reporters yesterday. among other things, the president called the prime minister of denmark nasty. he contradicted himself on gun safety measures. and he defended his accusation that jewish democrats are disloyal. well, the president's changing stance on whether to soup up the economy only adds to the confusion this week. on tuesday, trump said he was considering a payroll tax cut to boost the economy. only to roll it out 24 hours later. >> payroll tax is something we think about and a lot of people would like to see that. that very much affects the working -- the workers of our country. >> will we see a payroll tax cut? >> i'm not looking at a tax cut now. we don't need it. >> wow. equally confounding is that the same time trump attacks jewish americans for voting democratic, he's become flummoxed they're not lining up to support his re-election. that's according to "the washington post," which reports that trump leaves his support for israel should automatically trance mate to electoral support from jewish americans. meanwhile, according to a new poll, the president's approval rating has ticked down slightly
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to 36% now, with 62% of americans disapprovindisapprovi. more than 3 out of 5 don't like his presidency. i'm joined by former democratic congressman donna edwards of maryland, sam stein, politics editor of the daily beast. ron reagan, welcome back, ron. and susan del percio is a republican strategist. ron, just in from italy, i assume, as always. let me ask you this. what have you missed? have you noticed the strange oddity, crotchety,i irritable would be a sterile word. he wants to fight with everybody, including the quiet american loving danes. what's up? >> well, it's craziness, but i take a little umbrage at this idea that we have to ascribe it to something like the economy or his anxiousness about re-election. he's acting the way he's acting because he is who he is and what he is. and we have to stop being surprised about any of this kind of stuff. it's only going to get worse as
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we get closer to the election and more pressure mounts on him. look, the economy may be heading into a recession. that puts pressure on a president. you know what truman said about heat and kitchens. the presidency is full of pressure. if this is enough to push him over the edge, really, let me state the obvious, he does not belong in this office. >> i'm going to argue with ron for the first time in a couple months here because of this. i think going to war with denmark is still freaking news. i'm sorry. it still makes my list. this is like a mel brooks movie. i mean, what? i'll go back to you, ron. why do you think it's okay or this fits the pattern of our lives now. he wants to go to war with greenland. if you wrote this description in hollywood, nobody would buy it. >> it's not that it's okay. it's normal for him. i mean, yes, this is completely crazy, of course. buying greenland, like it's a
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chunk of manhattan real estate or something you can pick up for a song. but this, you know, every time i come on the show when i get back from europe, we have a discussion about how crazy donald trump has been while i have been gone. i think it's about time we acknowledge he's been crazy because he is crazy. and it's just going to keep going. >> if we were in a hospital and a good nurse or doctor, we would have a chart, a very strong diagonal line heading up skyward in the craziness department. >> i agree. >> let me go to susan, because susan, i noticed you reading one of the magazines i read like "variety" that james cagney's 50-acre estate in martha's vineyard is for sale. that's what trump should be looking at. not greenland. prime real estate. retirement real estate in martha's vineyard is what he should be looking at. your thoughts. >> you're absolutely right, chris. the president, now i'm not a doctor so i'm not going to go
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into his mental health and where he may be, but this is a president who is acting as he always has. he's scared. he gets defensive. he's not a leader. no one ever follows him. he may give orders, and people may follow them, but they're not inspired by him. he's living in the land where only suffknts survive. that's all he has around him. that plus the economy plus the poll numbers coming out against him, he's nothing more than a frightened child who has a lot of dangerous things he can do. >> do you have that from the inside, from the kind of people who sit in the office from him? when he comes out with these ideas, do people shake their heads and go and get in the other room and talk about him, or what is the humanity like around him? >> from what i hear, people try to keep their head down.
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the ones i know of just try to get their job s dup and not let him cause damage. there's also those who are enablers. let's not forget, donald trump is not -- he doesn't do anything. i wish he would do something. he lets trump be trump and let him make his phone calls to people. you know, and call his friend jim, whoever that is, and get opinions. >> harvey. harvey, the rabbit, for all we know. >> for all we know. so that's where we are. >> okay, let me go to donna on this. you're a politician. first of all, there jewish community, generally since i was born, especially democratic going back to the fdr times. new deal democrats, generally. they are, they're socially liberal, blah blah blah. trump thinks he can buy them by moving the embassy. i mean, look what he's doing. how come they're not being bought? it's all transactional with him. he doesn't understand the acquisition mentality of his. i acquired your votes. what gives here? >> this is the thing, it is about a transaction, so he's making the tic tauk list of all
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the things he's done, and darn it, why aren't you with me? it turns out jews like a whole bunch of other voters don't just vote on one thing. they vote on a lot of things. and you know, when i think about my own relationship with the jewish community actually goes back to childhood where jews and blacks lived in the same neighborhoods because we couldn't live anyplace else, so we lived together. those sort of things, and he doesn't factor any of that stuff in. not about history, not about relationships. it's all about what did you do for me, because this is what i did for you? >> what can i buy from you? "the new york times" points also after casting off advisers who displeased him at a record rate in the first two and a half years in office, mr. trump now has fewer aides around him willing or able to challenge him. much less restrain his -- you're an expert on this, well, you are, because you know politics, and the daily beast knows all about this stuff, this intrigue. who is left that can say, mr. president, i think you have lost it? who is willing to say to him, are you sure? >> no one, really. this is partially because people
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have left and they haven't backfilled the positions. it's partially because trump has evolved in the office. >> scaramucci was too sane for him? think about the people who left. these are not exactly buttoned down people. >> so we didn't start in a great place. when trump did take office, he was humbled to the degree that donald trump can be humbled. >> omarosa. too restrained for him? >> he has his generals. >> and they're gone. >> mad dog mattis. >> increasingly, he is someone who feels he needs to rely on his own advice, use his best counsel, his own political adviser. let me say one thing. we talk about how his craziness is a vulnerability, and truly, it is, but i don't think it's number one vulnerability. i think exhaustion is. i think people are tired of this. >> collective exhaustion. >> let's go back to ron on this. ron, you have this captain quig
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notion of this guy, right? he's playing with ball bearings, wonder who took the frozen strawberries. you're laughing. your dad, i do know this, once said people get tired of politicians. you have to be like a hollywood actor and keep a little bit of this, a little bit -- trump is in our face starting at 6:30 in the morning every day. i go to a party, we should have like, you know, i'm sorry, this is the zone you can't talk about trump. let's talk about that. when are we going to get tired of him? >> sam makes a very good point. people are going to get exhausted by him, and this is, you know, a sociopath like trump, this is one of their secret weapons. they're crazy 24/7. they're working it all the time because it's who they are. but for everybody else who just wants to have a life and kind of live, go to dinner and enjoy themselves, it becomes just incredibly exhausting to keep up with this 24/7. >> they're wearing the hats, the maga hat. they put the hat on when they get up, they take it off when
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they go to sleep. maybe they sleep with the hat on, i don't know. >> it's all the time. >> you think he's certifiable. you think he's certifiable? >> i'm not here to diagnose him. >> yes, you are. >> well, i mean, i'm using it in a colloquial sense. i'm not a psychiatrist. all of us can recognize crazy when we see it. >> when you're in italy because i know you go over there lot, when you're in a country, really interesting country, they read the paper, they know what's going on. what do you say in defending our country led by him? >> oh, well, i don't defend our country led by him. i try to defend our country and reassure them we have a chance in less than two years to right a serious wrong. but really, you know, i think donna was saying he's always been this way. he has always been this way. we knew this was coming, or we should have before he was even nominated. he's always been this person, so what did we expect was going to happen when we -- >> you sound like -- that is
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donald trump's snake story, right? >> his snake story? >> you know, sam? you invited him. you invite the snake in. what do you think it's going to do? it's a snake. >> ron is completely right, right? prior to running for office, he led the birther movement. and we suddenly act like, well, he's a political figure. but obviously, he's always been a conspiracy theorist. >> we'll have more of this misheg mishegas, as people say, complete craziness, with my guests who are sticking around. coming up, donald trump's delusions of grandeur have gone biblical. >> somebody had to do it. i am the chosen one. >> that's going to go in the history books. he's now calling himself, as you saw there, hands up in the air, the chosen one. he tweets a quote calling himself the king of israel.
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is this reality show presidency finally jumped the shark? >> plus, how basketball's superstar steph curry is helping to change lives through the game of golf, and a generous donation to a major university. something really nice to end the show with tonight. much more ahead. stick with us. mething really nie show with tonight. much more ahead. stick with us. you're out there,
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nobody knows the system better than me. which is why i alone can fix it. >> welcome back to "hardball." that was president trump accepting the republican presidential nomination back in 2016. trump's dilutions of grandeur have developed into something of a messiah complex now. yesterday, he quoted a right-wing conspiracy theorist comparing him to the second coming of god and called himself the chosen one when it comes to handling china. >> somebody had to do it.
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i am the chosen one. somebody had to do it. so i'm taking on china. >> likening himself to a god, trump earned the ridicule of the new york daily news. look at that cover who mocked the president on its cover today. the last whopper. not talking about the burger either there. and here, look at this. disciples, his apostles. there's mike pence looking very beataffectio beaffection, and you have ben carson and melania, and betsy devos. they're all worshiping him. we're back with people who are not doing that tonight. donna edwards, sam stein, ron reagan, and susan del percio. this is scary. >> yes. >> when you make yourself into a diety. >> the question is does he believe it? >> well, the chosen one is either -- who is this guy, what is he making of it? it's frightening. i'm dead serious. >> some people, but they're
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usually on the corner with sandwich boards over their bodies speaking about something. what is an interesting thing here is we have a very problematic confluence of forces. one is an incredible narcissist in donald trump who was a narcissist prior to becoming president, and then the presidency, which is the most powerful position in the world. when you combine those two things, it might affect your self-perception. >> you know, in certain ways he is the king. his long ball game he's played while we're chuckling at his sometimes near insanity, he's probably -- he gets re-elected again, two more supreme court justices. he'll have a 7-2 court for the next 30 years. there's a king-like power. when you say wait a minute, he's doing all the crazy stuff with denmark. also ready to do that again if he gets re-elected. >> also things like completely ignoring everything having to do with the rule of law, ignoring the congress as a legislative body. all of those things because he said he wants to be in charge, and what really gets me is that --
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>> i'm the one who calls the shots. >> but he completely confuses religion. he inserts like the second coming, talking about judaism, and no, those two things don't go together. >> sort of been an issue for about 2,000 years. donald trump' bleeelief in his superiority is no surprise. listen to some of the things he's said in the last couple years. >> i will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created. i tell you that. >> oh, are you happy you voted for me. you are so lucky that i gave you that privilege. >> let me tell you, the one that matters is me. i'm the only one that matters. >> i do solemnly swear that i, no matter how i feel, no matter what the conditions, if there's hurricanes or whatever, that's good enough.
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will vote on or before the 12th for donald j. trump for president. >> ron, i don't know what to say about that except the obvious comparison to what happened in the '30s and '40s in europe, but let me tell you, when i went to catholic school, they used to have pictures of jesus. i'm a catholic, i wasn't just a catholic. i am one. they used to have pictures of jesus holding one finger in the air. it was like the way the messiah, our messiah, spoke to us when he gave us the beliefs, our beliefs. trump does that, i have never known a politician in my life to put his finger up like that, like this. like i'm the one. i'm the chosen one. listen to my words. >> tiny little hands there. yeah. >> you couldn't resist that, could you? >> you know.
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why not? well, he is a narcissist, of course. and all of this is sort of a defensive strategy for the narcissist. he doesn't really think all these things inside. he tries to convince himself of them, but let's remember. it's worth remembering, i think, he didn't really want to be president, and he didn't prepare to be president. it was all a big infomercial for him, and now it's kind of a reality show. he's obsessed with ratings and things like that, but he doesn't actually engage with the idea of being the president of the united states. not interested in learning anything in particular. and so he just sort of floats along day to day in this stew of chaos that he creates. >> i think you're right. you know, susan, i don't think this guy did a lot of book work getting ready to be president. i don't think he read many history books, if any. i don't think he read like most politicians, great biographies which any politician i know
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reads biographies. not interested in how people got to where they got. no intention of learning himself. no auto diadect effort to help him lead. >> because he's not a serious person. he is not a leader. i can't -- i want to stress this enough. people follow leaders. they're inspired. he tends to bring out that dictator sense of -- >> mussolini. >> mussolini, follow what i say. you must obey me. my father used to say, obedience i can demand. respect i must earn. he's not earned anyone's respect in the white house. he's learned what those powers are, to your point earlier, of what he can and cannot do. but when it's time to get something done like health care, he fails. he failed miserably. >> he likes rallies, though. >> he likes people -- >> with the car horn blowing. really, i remember those old news reels and people yelling deutschy, and blowing their car horns. i think he likes that. >> of course he does. i mean, that's who he is. he is a narcissist. he only likes the adoration of
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it, and again, he only can tolerate people who will bow to him. that's it. >> can't beat that. thank you so much. there is no accolade that president trump thinks is beyond his reach, however, speaking to a group of american veterans just yesterday, president trump said he wanted to give himself the medal of honor. the congressional medal of hahn, the nation's highest award for military valor. here he is. >> nothing like the medal of honor. i wanted one, but they told me i don't qualify. i said, can i give it to myself anyway. they said i don't think that's a good idea. today, giving that award of medal of freedom to bob cousy, the basketball great. there's a difference -- somebody briefed him on this, a difference between the congressional medal of honor and the medal of freedom, lie he learn ed about it overnight. he's also spoken about getting
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the nobel peace prize. >> prime minister abe of japan gave me the most beautiful copy of a letter that he sent to the people who give out a thing called the nobel prize. many other people feel that way, too. i'll probably never get it, but that's okay. they gave it to obama. he didn't even know what he got it for. >> again, his lack of -- a thing called the nobel prize. a thing called. like there's no information. >> he doesn't know anything. he doesn't know anything. i mean, you hear this over and over again. you know, the frederick douglass quote, it really goes back. he doesn't know. he doesn't read. he doesn't actually want to know, and he's sort of losing that in his own universe, which is why he loves standing in front of a crowd and having people recite after him, because it's all about him. >> president trump has welcomed those who have compared him to the second coming of god, actually, it's a totally different reference. it wasn't long before republicans were attacking president obama for what they
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said was a messianic complex. here's rush limbaugh in 2014 criticizing obama. >> you watch obama, he makes a speech, does an appearance. uses terms like my military. i really do believe this messianic complex still exists. i think that he thinks that all of us are totally focused on him. just like he is. >> of course, rush limbaugh thinks in terms like my military indicates a messianic complex. i wonder what he thinks about this. >> what i do is i authorize my military. we have the greatest military in the world. i see my generals, generals are going to keep us so safe. >> my generals and my military, they have decision-making
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ability. >> mine. ron, mine. mine. i own these people. your thoughts. last word on the messianic president we have. >> well, we don't need a messianic president. look, this president is rotting our democracy from within. he's destroying our alliances on the way to destroying, let's say, nato and the eu. and more importantly than that, at a time when the united states is engaged in this sort of global struggle, we and the west, with autocratic regimes like vladimir putin, since
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become clear that i'm not going to be carrying the ball, i'm not going to be president so i'm withdrawing tonight from the race, but i have to tell you, look, i have been fighting climate change for 25 years and i have never been so confident of the ability of america now to reach critical mass to move the ball. >> welcome back to "hardball." that was washington state governor jay inslee on rachel, officially dropping out of the democratic presidential race. and expressing his optimism about climate change action, however. many of the 2020 candidates tweeted their thanks for his work in bringing climate change to the forefront of the discussion. he's the third candidate to drop out of the race along with eric swalwell, a regular on this show, and john hickenlooper who announced today he's going to run for the senate in hopes of defeating the incumbent, cory gardner. as the field narrows. several candidates are still hoping to make it on the stage for the third debate, which is just three weeks away. as of today, ten candidates have
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qualified for the debate. there they are. three candidates have met the donor threshold but not the polling threshold, which is two points in four polls. tom steyer needs to have 2% support from one more poll to make the stage. if it happens, the candidates would again be split into two debates. but if no one else qualifies by next wednesday, there will be one debate with everybody on the stage together and that means elizabeth warren and joe biden, as well as bernie sanders, will be next to each other, and abc will put them next to each other. the topic of elect nlt, which biden has centered his campaign on, will likely come up in the next debate. here is biden yesterday. >> everything every one of us in the democratic party, all 400 of us running, no, all of us running, we all have visions that are falling in the same general spectrum, but none of it matters unless we defeat donald
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trump. none of it. the person viewed as who is best capable of defeating this president rises above the test of i have to agree with the person 100%. i have always been -- i have done very well in states like pennsylvania, and i think that i have as good a chance or better than anyone to be able to win in those states. >> i think that's a good format for biden to talk one-on-one with someone like that. anyway, it's a topic that biden's opponents have been forced to face. you're watching "hardball."
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right now. >> i think the biggest risk we could take is try to play it safe. so i think this idea of electability is an illusion and a dangerous one. >> i have been to blue states, red states, purple states, red parts of blue states. all because i'm reaching out to run for president of all of america. and i think a lot of folks are ready for change in 2020 is our big chance. >> we need a candidate that is not the safe bet. we need the candidate that can speak not just to the head but to the heart and the gut. that's the candidate who i am. >> in other words, a long shot. i'm joined by jason johnson, politics editor -- i would say that if i was him, too. bet on the long shot. and susan page is washington bureau chief for "usa today." i think polls -- right now, what do the polls tell you about who is electable? >> i have always said that joe biden, elizabeth warren, probably baitso o'rourke, are electable. whether or not they're viable,
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which is you can win your party's nomination, is something different. i think joe biden has a better chance of winning a general election than he does of winning the nomination. i think we have to separate -- >> too bad it's not first. >> he could pull that off. >> i don't know because i think -- your thoughts. >> there are other things to look at besides polls. polls are one thing, but you can look at the turnout, do they connect with the crowds. do the crowds get excited, are the crowds more excited after the event than they were before the event? that's an important thing to look at. so i think by that standard, joe biden is obviously the front-runner, but elizabeth warren has done pretty well by the standard of getting people to be enthusiastic about her and to like her better after the event than before. >> i think she's the favorite right now to win iowa, and once you win iowa, it's a whole new
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ball game. >> if you want to show you're electable, win something. >> here's the catch. if you're talking about intensity and ground game, bernie sanders has a great ground game, he has intensity. the reason i question whether or not he's electable is i don't know if bernie sanders has hit his ceiling. the people who like him love him, and they don't want to support anybody else, but i don't see -- elizabeth warren has jumped because she ate all of kamala harris' supporters. i don't see bernie sanders pulling supporters away from other people and gaining in his lead. >> although it's interesting because we have seen them pulled from somewhat the same group of voters. similar positions, yet not attacking one another. interesting approach for them to take. if they keep doing it, that has served elizabeth warren's interests because she's not annoyed bernie sanders supporters in a way that would make them -- >> which is easy to do. >> which would make them less likely to support her down the road. >> what i think is a problem with the joe biden thing. but she basically said even if you don't like his health care, she should have said it more eloquently and said if it's not progressive enough for you, but people don't like being told what they can't do. that's always been my experience. when people say you can't vote for reagan? oh, yeah, i'll make up my mind. you can't vote for these other
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candidates because they can't win in a general? oh, yeah? i'll make up my mind. don't tell me i have to vote for biden. i think that's their strategy right now. >> people who win the presidency have voters who want to vote for them. they're not voters who make some calculation down the road. it's someone they like, they believe in, they're enthusiastic about. i think that attitude does not serve vice president biden well. >> let's talk about the debates coming up. i'm big on small debates. like two people. we're not going to get that for a while, maybe three, but three doesn't even work because ross perot screwed the whole thing up with the games he plays. the rent's too high kind of character. or the 999 guy. we don't need that stuff. we need people actually running for the general election right now. so my hunch is if we get a debate with elizabeth warren, joe biden, bernie sanders on the stage together, with the outliers who are really gaming this thing or gunning for it, like cory booker and buttigieg,
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are they going to go to war? >> i don't think the top candidates are. >> kamala too. >> yeah. >> are they going to go to war? are they going to wait for cory. >> they're going to let them -- >> the pie charts. >> they're going to do the suicide mission, and the top three candidates are going to try to establish themselves as trying to be electable. elizabeth warren hasn't attacked many people. bernie sanders didn't. he left it to his surrogates. >> enough about the emails. >> he's the guy, i'm not going to do that. i don't think we're going to get this big melee from the top three. >> i would like to umimpressions of all the candidates. >> i can do bill clinton a lot better. let me ask you about this. why are some of these candidates -- we're covering everything tonight. why are some of them not able to break out of 1% or 2%? what is it that has ke kepkept -- i
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inslee, got nowhere. there's a lot of whom it's not working. i'm not going to name them, but they have to decide. there's so many people who have not gotten launched. failure to launch. what's going on? >> i have a story. look, tim ryan used to be my congressman. i think he's great. he doesn't have a story. jay inslee, look, the guy looks like christopher reeve. great image as a president, but he didn't have a story other than climate change. you have to have a narrative in ord toer to break through the 20-something people. these bottom feeders didn't have a story. outside of marianne williamson, who she got googled a lot, but it didn't turn into numbers, you have to have a story to make people pay attention. >> can kamala break out of the 5% and 7%? >> sure. it's pretty early. let's remember, we're -- it's august. and it's not even election year. >> i'm stunned for had erto be near the top of the field. >> we have seen this in the past where a candidates who gets
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counted out, trump comes around and wins the nomination. so the candidates who are still in the race and who are doing the slogging through iowa and new hampshire and south carolina and nevada, i wouldn't count them out. >> let's talk about the black/white thing because it's really talked about. i hate talking about this because it sounds like south africa. we're talking about tribes, but let's face it, it's the way people vote in many cases. african-american women, they're not breaking for buttigieg, not breaking for even kamala yet. >> nope. >> they're breaking for trump. who i am saying? >> not where i go. >> you know what i meant. they're breaking for biden. >> breaking for biden and breaking for warren. right? they're leaving bernie. bernie, it's biden and bernie who are doing the best with black voters. elizabeth warren has been doing better and better with african-american women who tend to be influencers and bring black men along. pete buttigieg is doing terrible, even though he's trying. >> that's orientation. is it? >> no, that's not what it is. it's because of his youth, because of his background, and
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it's because of his own staff. if you notice the campaigns that tend to be doing better with black voters have high name recognition or they have actually hired black staffers. >> that's smart. >> that makes a difference. >> boy, that's complicated. >> exactly. >> thank you, jason johnson. thank you, susan page. >> still ahead, why an nba star's pledge to fund a golf prac at a historically black university is a really big deal. the president of howard university is going to join us right here in just a moment, next on "hardball." the president of howard university is going to join us right here in just a moment, next on "hardball. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ (gasp) (singsong) budget meeting! sweet. if you compare last quarter to this quarter... various: mmm. it's no wonder everything seems a little better
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back to "hardball." monday, three-time nba champion steph curry announced he would sponsor howard university's first division i men's and women's golf teams bringing the team back to the school for the first time in decades. curry, an avid golfer himself, spoke about the importance of the game. >> it's extremely rewarding to be here. i know, again, what the game of golf has taught me. obviously, i play basketball full-time and enjoy that part of my -- or that career path, but in terms of what golf has taught me about the different places it takes you, the thingatize teas s you about yourself, the people you get to play with. >> "the washington post" reports curry is making a seven-figure donation paid out over the next six years aimed at giving howard a time to raise an endowed fund that would make the program self-sustainable. it was made at langston golf course when is named for john mercer langston, virginia's first black congressman and
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howard law school's first dean. it's long been difficult to assess by the access by communities of color with barriers ranging from hard line racist practices to more systemic practices involving the locations of the courses. the president of howard university spoke to reporters about the significance of curry's gift. let's listen. >> i want to also address mr. curry. you know, we are in a very interesting time in our country and our nation's history, no doubt about that. there's a lot for us to be cynical about, a lot for us to be disappointed by, especially in terms of the rhetoric. but one of the things that i think we all must make sure we double down on is investing in the people who invest in us, and one of the things that we have to take pause today among everything else happening is to realize that mr. curry represents what is great about america. >> i'm joined by the president of howard university, president
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dr. wayne frederick. thank you, sir. let's talk about the particular issue of the big fund. the money that steph curry is giving to the university, howard university to get golf going. let's talk about that and what it means to you, that somebody is giving away a lot of money to something good. >> i think it means a lot, you know, like i was saying on monday, there's a lot of cynicism about what's taking place in our country, and i do think that there's a lot of good that's taking place, and a big part of this gift is to create scholarship for students, a big part of having the program as well and getting an endowed fund is to make sure those scholarships can be given every year going forward and that ability to access an education today in particular in terms of where we are as a nation and in terms of where african-american students are i think is also critical. >> curry's one of my heroes because i love the three-pointer, and especially the three-pointer because it's so unlike anything else in sports. it seems magic, you know. home runs are one thing. when you throw that ball up from mid court when you're moving, and you're going left to right,
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i mean, it's right to left, and you're in the air and you somehow hit that ball right there and it doesn't even touch the net, that's magical. tell you about this guy's gift in life. he has talent like something. >> he does, but i think the other talent that he has is his humanity. i think he's a very, very good american, very, very good human being, and i think that comes out in interaction, you play four and a half hours of golf with someone, you can really see a lot of their genuine character, and he's just as nice as he appears. >> let's talk about golf as game, i'm trying to learn it, which is dangerous at my age, but i'm trying. i do think it's mental, although there's some really stupid brilliant golfers out there, some politicians i know. but howard, i got an honorary degree there a few years ago. it's fantastic that school, i think people should pay this attention, the greatest orchestra i've ever heard at a college, without a doubt the best speakers. john legend was there, and the
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secretary of education. tell us about howard. >> howard is a historically black college and university. about 10,000 students, 44 states and countries. if you look at what we do in terms of graduation rates in terms of giving access and the opportunity for students, we do a great job. we're the number one producer of all the african-american physicians in this country. the largest number have come from howard university. >> how are people of color this your community where you lead dealing with trump? this too shall pass is one attitude. what's your attitude? >> my attitude is that i think the pendulum swings in this country, and i think when you have a george bush, you end one a barack obama, and you end up as some people would say in my community with a donald trump. and hopefully again it will swing back. i think there's always some self-correction. however, in the moment right now i think we must not be distract bid the rhetoric but must be
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focused on the issues. there are people hurting in this country for different reasons. we have significant issues whether it's gun violence or income inequality. i think those issues need to be addressed. what we do at howard is try to produce young people who can go out in the world and solve those big problems. >> how are young people today dealing with the cost of tuition that come from familys that don't have money? >> it's difficult. it's definitely an issue. at howard we give tuition rebates. we're starting to create a two-year track. we've allowed students to go to summer school for free. they are making good progress and have zero balance in the spring. we've done some innovative things and our graduation is up as a result. we're trying to attack that issue by giving students an opportunity to me tick late more quickly and give parents an alternative from taking up loans such as a tuition rebate. >> kamala harris, one of your graduates. >> one of my alums.
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smart, gifted. >> you're smiling. are you guys rooting for her? >> i think very highly of her. she's a very talented person and i think she also is representing a very, very significant movement in the country in terms of younger people, african-american women, that there's a lot to be happy about to see someone like that simply have the opportunity to even give this a shot. >> she's a contender. >> absolutely. >> thank you. >> dr. wayne a.i. fredericks. what great university. google it, great graduates. up next, president trump has lost his confidence. don't you think you want to hear me on that point? you're watching "hardball" coming back. at fidelity those zeros really add up. ♪ maybe i'll win ♪ saved by zero liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, hmm. exactly. so you only pay for what you need. nice. but, uh... what's up with your... partner?
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donald trump's been acting like a loser, where's the edge of confidence he used to have. he now seems ready to fight anyone or anything no matter how small. denmark? is trump afraid to take on somebody his own size. it all shows me that trump finally knows his situation. if he loses in 2020 it's because he can't out rival his worst opponent of all, that would be himself. over the last week instead of criticizing his rivals with his usual bravado, the democrats, the media, what he calls the deep state, foreign governments, everyone really, he seems to be
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barely holding his own. again, denmark? why did he go along with his trip to that country and then join a conversation he started about buying greenland, the old trump a few weeks ago would have had more fun with this thing. could it be the recent polls? trump picked a fight with fox news over the weekend because their numbers show that democrats have more than a fighting chance to knock him out of the game next year, but i think the deeper thing bugging the man in the white house could be the failure of his big casino bet on that tax cut. it was supposed to get the gdp rolling into next year's election season. it was supposed to be the deal closer, the case that no democrat could beat. who would dump a president who brought the country prosperity, but trump doesn't have that ace in the hole anymore. he sees the democratic front runners rising in the polls and the economy falling, and with had his dream of a two-term legacy, a bright glamorous set of pages in the country's history books, and that's why he's so crotchety. when you can't take it out on
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the world, just be miserable around the house, and that's what trump's been doing, and unfortunately for him, looking like he's doing it. and that's "hardball" for now. "all in" with chris hayes, live show right now. tonight on "all in". >> i'm not going to be able to stay here long because this fire is spreading. >> as the catastrophic fires in the amazon burn, the unmistakable political roots of the world's climate crisis. and my interview with the latest candidate to unveil a climate plan, senator bernie sanders. then, how the rag tag republican plan to primary trump is getting more serious. >> this is the time where somebody's got to be brave. >> why the shrinking field for democrats could be a good thing. >> i'm john hickenlooper, candidate for united states senate. and new scrutiny for donald trump's attorney general as we learn more from the jeffrey epstein investigation. >> and i think he made a rational
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