tv AM Joy MSNBC August 25, 2019 7:00am-9:00am PDT
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g-7 summit. where today he reversed his take on the escalating trade war that he started with china. turns out, yeah, sure, shrug emoji, he does have second thoughts about slapping more trade tariffs on china who responded to his first tariffs by announcing this week they plan to hit the u.s. with new tariffs on $75 billion worth of goods. trump's remark led to trump's staff having to rush out and put out yet another fire. this time white house press secretary stephanie grishp was tasked with that particular assignment. well, here's a photo of her since you probably don't know what she looks like since the white house doesn't do press briefings anymore. trump's answer has been greatly misinterpret and that he really meant was he regrets not raising the tariffs any higher. this of course is a coda of a bizarre week in trump land. so extreme he compared himself to god. it started on wednesday when
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trump quoted a right wing christian conspiracy theorist who said trump was, quote, like the king of israel and that jewish people and israel, quote, love him like he's the second coming of god. and then later that day in front of the cameras in broad daylight trump made another god comparison saying this while looking to the heavens and telling reporters how amazingly his trade war with china was going. >> somebody had to do it. i am the chosen one. somebody had to do it, so i'm taking on china. >> yes, this actually did happen. you saw it, you heard it. but when the backlash ensued the suggestion that the donald thinks he's comparable to the lord, well, trump back-pedaled and then he blamed the media for simply reporting what he had said. >> you know exactly what i meant. it was sarcasm, it was joking. we were all smiling. and a question like that is just
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fake news. >> he doubled down on his denial on saturday after arriving in france if the g-7 by tweeting he was simply being sarcastic and having fun. what, america, you can't take a joke about donald trump being the second coming of god? look, it reality is none of trump behavior is normal and increasingly people are asking whether it's so abnormal it makes him dangerous as president and should prompt serious discussion of his removal via the 25th amelt. so we decided to ask an expert. joining me now is a retired assistant clinical professor affpsychiataf of psychiatry at harvard medical school. you contributed to a book which makes the case that his behavior is not just weird, there's a danger in this behavior and we should be thinking about it from a clinical perspective. you've not actually examined donald trump yourself, he's not your patient so i want to make that clear.
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when you hear this string of things donald trump does where he definitively says a thing, gets rebuke for the thing, when there's video that shows he wasn't joking, no one was laughing, he was talk to the press who he doesn't joke with, and he goes back and forth on these issues, and takes that, yes, that is me, what do you take from that kind of behavior? >> well, donald trump does have a fundamental psychological problem. he needs to be loved all the time. he needs to have power over everyone all the time. once you get that idea down, the rest of his behavior and his speech makes sense. he also doesn't -- >> go on. >> i was going to say he also doesn't have any respect for the truth or for honesty. they don't mean anything to him because he can't care about them. his focus, again, is always on himself. and to be -- to care about being
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honest to people rather than lying to them means you'd have to care about your effect on them. are you going to harm them, are you going to mislead them? but since he has no conscience for that kind of thing, he never expresses regret, he does terrible things to people, to children who are being detained in cages are a good example. he has no regrets about these things. the children, of course, purely amount to a crime of humanity. if you think about it psychologically, this is what some of us one called a soul murder. that's what he's doing to these children. his ability to do that fits perfectly with this kind of very deep sickness where other people don't matter and he can hurt them to whatever extent he wants. >> i know tony schwartz a bit,
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got to know him through dealing with the donald trump phenomenon, he of course wrote "the art of the deal." it wasn't a cowrite. i don't think donald trump helped that much. here's tony talking to cnn in october of 2016. >> this is man who cares only about himself and his world view is something like this. it's very narrow and he lives in a kind of tiny nar cystic bubble. that's actually something that is extraordinary about him. the almost complete self-absorbtion. >> george conway whose wife kellyanne works for donald trump tweeted out a specific diagnosis of what that is. he says it's mulig independent narcissism. that was in response to a tweet in which michael cohen, his former lawyer said he's capable of behaving kindly but he's not kind, he's capable of being loyal but he's fundamentally disloyal. would you agree what those two men are describing is what donald trump suffers from, he
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has a malignant narcissism and what you just described, is that what it is? >> absolutely. he has no ability to love people because it doesn't matter who they are or what they do. and he turns on them. and so the comment has said that he has no -- he can appear to be boil, but he's not loyal. that's true because he doesn't really care about other people. only if they love him, then he says he loves them. but of course he doesn't. >> there is an exception it seems to me. there is one exception to donald or somexes to the people that donald trump -- as you said he doesn't have the ability to love, but he keeps saying he fell in love with kim jong-un. he expresses great devotion to vladimir putin to the extent where it's almost eerie, that he seems absolutely devoted to putin as if he's almost like a father to him. here he is talking about vladimir putin. this is actually from june, and this is from bloomberg.
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trump baunldonded with putin. get rid of them, fake news is a great term, isn't it? you don't have this problem in russia, but we do. why would they kill journalists over there? we also have putin answered in english, it's the same and they chuckle. why does he seem to be almost like a son to father devotion to these dictators? and throw in the saudi arabian royal family to that. >> yeah, he's extremely successful sociopath. that's why he's successful. there's a manere of normality, and he says he likes people, he loves them if they're useful to him, if they add to his power. that's what happened with the north korean leader. as long as he's useful to him, he loves him. as soon as he would disagree
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with him, he would turn on mim. he would turn on putin. but your point on playing up to putin is a good one because of the fundamental insecurity he also attaches himself to people who he sees as powerful. so he wants to be one with them, but only for that reason, only to increase his own power. if they were to disagree with him, he would hate them. >> can you describe, then, what in your view -- and again we're keeping in mind here you haven't diagnosed him in person -- but donald trump's attitude towards his own supporters because there's times -- well, he didn't know this guy was a supporter but he attacked this guy having a weight problem, et cetera. they're not the original base he was looking for as a marketer. he wanted to people who were successful, he wanted hollywood to love him. he clearly desires for "the new york times" to praise him and love him, he wants the media to love him. he wanted elites when he was in new york to praise and love him. but now his base is essentially
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working class white americans and the very, very rich. those two groups of people mooch do you think he has some affection towards the working class base that he is -- no. >> no, not in the slightest. that's the point. and if any of them speak up, he will attack them as he always does. it's hard to convey this that people think of him and they describe him in normal terms as if he's just like anyone else. he actually has a kind of rare disorder. being a severe psychopath or sociopath is not a clear condition, and this is person as i said with fundamental emptiness inside in terms of a capacity to appreciate other people and the fact they have rights or feelings. it also means, of course, he is anti-democratic, small d, person. dem
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democracy means nothing to him because that would mean you have concern for other peoples feelings and thoughts. it's all about him. so the people who follow him are people who buy into the idea that he is god. and many of them have said that. you know, they think of him that way because he presents himself -- and of course they would like to have a leader who was god-like. who wouldn't, right? but they're being conned by him. and when the veneer starts to fall away as we saw in the press conference the other day, it starts to pull apart, then you see this kind of predatory, paranoid, enraged, uncaring person underneath. >> wow, well, that is sobering. i feel like we've been too reluctant in the media to talk about this stuff. >> i think you have. >> i agree with you on that. thank you so much for sharing
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that information with us. and coming up, if you're wondering who would benefit from more interest rate cuts, we have your answer. the guy we just talked about, the naricist in chief donald trump. that's next. naricist in chief dd trump. that's next. every day, visionaries are creating the future. so, every day, we put our latest technology and unrivaled network to work. the united states postal service makes more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. e-commerce deliveries to homes the first survivor of alzis out there.ase and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. join the fight with the alzheimer's association.
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so give us 10 minutes. if we can't offer you faster speed or better savings than your current internet service, we'll give you 300 dollars for your time. call now to get your comcast business 10 minute advantage. comcast business. beyond fast. remember trump flipping out friday at his fed chair for not dropping interest rates basically to zero and then he
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tanked the stock market? surprise, it may have been personal. a new report from "the washington post" finds donald trump would personally benefit if the federal reserve were to lower interest rates. according to "the post" review of trump's financial disclosure forms. quote, in the five years before he became president trump borrowed nearly $360 million via five loans from deutsche bank. the payments on those paurpts vary with the interest rate changes, so if his payments could actually drop by millions of dollars a year if the fed cuts the rates further, which might explain his obsession with a rate cut. >> interest rates are low. i think i could be helped out by the fed, but the fed doesn't like helping me too much. i would like to see a cut in the fed rate because that should have happened a long time ago. we really need a fed cut rate. so we're looking for a rate cut. we could be really greatly
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helped if the fed would do its job and do a substantial rate cut. the fed should be cutting. we'll see what happens with the federal reserve, whether or not they finally get smart and reduce interest rates. jay powell and the federal reserve have totally missed the call. >> joining me now is author of" it's even worse than you think, what the trump administration is doing to america." even in my own interviews for the book i just wrote, the worki working theories one of the ways he can help himself financially is to force the fed to cut interest rates for him. your thoughts. >> let's distort the entire economy to help donald lower the interest rates on his golf courses and forget about all the prudent savers earning about a tenth of a percent in some cases and no inflation of it rate of their savings. >> he doesn't care. there's also this other story
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out there about donald trump to the same topic inflating the value of his scottish golf resorts. this is from the huffington post. ifflate said those resorts value by $156 million per u.k. findings. they're $65 million in the red. his u.s. disclosures say they're worth at least $100 million. is that one of the ways that he's played the game, right, is that he tells different governments different things about what his properties are worth? >> donald has been filing false financial statements his whole life. remember during the campaign he said he was worth over $10 billion, but when he tried to file his disclosure form and he tried to file it without signing it, his net worth dropped by about 90%. he just makes this stuff up. and the debt he has that we know
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about, may not be all the debt he has. because of the way the rules work, there may be underlying conditions in trump's organization that we don't get to see because they're not on the surface of where he's obligated in various ways for other loan payments. >> so let me just read you the statement. this is the comment they gave back about the huffington post director his family business that operates his resort responded through officer allen garten who said two statements are filed under a separate filing and legal standards. the filing each have distipgt reporting standards thus the two filings should not be compared. is that true because the rules are different in different countries, you can file completely different slewations of your proper evaluations of your property? >> no, that's not what's
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happening here. their required to file revenue, property loss and assets including liability like debt. and those numbers are absolutely reliable and it shows the trump golf courses are losing money. would you pay $50 million or as donald claims for one of them $200 million for a golf course that loses money? a golf course would create 600,000 -- he's violating the law but the only people that can enforce that law is the president himself or his attorney specific bill barr. >> this is alexandria ocasio-cortez, a very intriguing division she had for michael cohen back when he was testifying before her committee in february. take a listen. >> i want to ask a little bit about your conversation with my colleague from missouri about asset inflation. to your knowledge did the president ever provide inflated assets to an insurance company? >> yes. >> so you're saying that that is
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a crime because inflated property is a crime. is that a crime that could be enforceable by new york state authorities because we know his attorney general will not? >> well, can be a crime. and the federal ethics disclosures are not a new york state law. but i am sure that donald is vulnerable if either vance or the attorney general wants to pursue donald over false filings and false statements. and the insurance claim issue was a very interesting one because it suggests that donald knowingly valued something more than what it was worth and that's insurance fraud when he filed a claim. >> do you think he knows he could be in trouble here and that's part of the desperation you're seeing out of him? this week he seems particularly off-key. >> donald is getting more predictably erratic and the more he's pressed about the things that bothers him and he can't stand being made fun of, the
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more the real erratic donald trump is going to emerge. >> we appreciate your time. and coming up, trump accuses jewish voters who aren't with him of disloyalty and pulls back the curtain on his ugly attitude towards them and the message he's trying to send to right wing christians. that's next. send to right wing christians. that's next. ♪ corey is living with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of her body. she's also taking ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+ / her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole was significantly more effective
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the idea that we're talking about the president of the united states using an anti-semitic trope sitting in the oval office is absolutely mind-boggling. jews aren't a political football. we shouldn't be used as if we were a tool in a partisan debate. we're not a monolith, and the loyalty we have as americans is no different than the loyalty of any other american. and if anything i'm just sick and tired of having to deal with this kind of bigotry. >> in case you forgot what donald trump said to prompt that reaction, here it is. >> any jewish people that vote for a democrat, i think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty. >> the very next day trump tweeted a thank you to a right wing commentator for saying that jewish people love the president, quote, like he's the king of israel, like he is the
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second coming of god. joining me now is a religious reform activist and author of "why i am an atheist who believes in god "and jen ruben. we know in the 1830s, 79 to 17 voted for a democratic candidate. here is the way that donald trump on the other hand has spoken about jewish people. this is from the republican jewish coalition. this is a 2015 speech. here it is. >> i'm in a different position than any of the other candidates. i want your support, but i don't want your money. again, i don't want your money therefore you're not going to support me because stupidly i don't want your money. we don't build gas stations in
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the middle of you know afghanistan for $43 million. do you want to renegotiate deals? some of us renegotiate deals. i would say 99.9% -- is there anybody that doesn't renegotiate deals? perhaps more than any other room i've ever spoken to, maybe more. >> i'll undo my face, i'm sorry. this is guy who reportedly said he want wanted guys with yomakas counted and on and on with charlottesville, and what is going on here, jennifer, please explain this to me. >> this is a guy who's anti-semitic but he thinks what he's saying is complimentary to jews. that is true. all of this is also evidence of what you and i have talked about
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a lot in the last year or so. he doesn't care about american jews. he cares about ehis evangelical base. so he's both anti-semitic and proisrael. it has nothing to do with geeish americans. he expects jews to vote purely on israel, for us to be disloyal and not to consider anything else. and of course jews have traditionally voted their values and every time he attacks immigrants, the rule of law, american jews don't like this, and they're one of the groups that has opposed him the strongest. so i think what we're seeing is the real donald trump, how he really thinks, and that whatever he's doing for israel or to israel is a way of carrying on his cultural wars, a way of carrying on his war against muslims, his way of stoking his base. has nothing to do with the long-term relationship of u.s.
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and israel, you know, relations down the road, which have been damaged by this. and i think leave us out of this, stop using us as a football. >> frank, can you explain this to those because there's a lot of expression of love for israel and there is an evangelical sort of obsession with -- can you explain what that is about because it does seem like the end times don't go well for the israelis in this scenario, but please explain. >> i come from an evangelical background and my father francis shafer was an evangelical move in the '70s and '80s and then i fled the movement. so i look back on it as someone who grew up in it. only 144,000 jews will survive
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and those are the ones who will, quote, have been saved and believe in jesus. so the evangelical fascination with israel like donald trump's is not the love of israel, it is the love of the apocalypse and israel plays a part in this. i want to note something here and that is trump has had a racialest, not just racist but racialest fixation his whole life. his dad and he conspired to keep black people out of their buildings, he takes out full page ads about the kids falsely arrested in central park. this goes on and on, and this is part of this. not only is the evangelical white nationalist voters his real audience, and they are very suspicious of jews, very anti-semitic to their core when it comes to them saying jews are all lost and going to burn in hell. they love israel because it is strong, it goes to war, it looks like them, there are guns around, they fight. lastly i want to add one more
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thing. i don't think that the full understanding of this thing has come about. and that is that trump has painted a target on the back of liberal jews. he has said if i love in 2020, you know who to blame. and who is it? it's the jews again for being, quote, disloyal. and i grew up in europe, i grew up up at a time there were still marks of the second world war. when the gas chambers and all that were not meccas for real towerests yet. he perhaps doesn't understand what he's unleashing but when you participate a target on the back of jews and say your disloyalty will cost me the election, that's what he's saying. it has nothing to do with the jewish vote. he is now back in the camp of white nationalism and the genocide that came about in europe when hitler blamed the jews for their economic problems in the winemar republic. make no mistake, this is horror
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and coming from the american president. he's a disgusting individual and he has to be stopped. and this puts the stakes of 2020 even higher. the real message is the opposite of what he said. and that is those who are loyal americans are going to rise up and vote against this racialist disgusting human being. >> the thing about that even more terrifying to that very point, it's a weird thing where donald trump says all these things about being pro-israel and the jewish people should be with him, and yet what he's unleashing to frank's point is a lot of really frightening anti-semitic violence. we even saw members of the beasty boys graves desecrated in new york -- so it is a strange thing to happen. do you ever wonder why jared kushner who is his son-in-law and jewish doesn't say anything about any of this? he's been really quiet through all of this. >> i assume it's some
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combination of pathology and greed. you notice ivanka and jared have been out of town through all of this. i want to pick up on something that was said that was really important. when trump attacks the caravans and attacks those people coming in, that is message that resonates with white nationals. and what we saw in pittsburgh is that playing out. jews have been welcoming to immigrants, they have immigrant aid societies, and that white nationalists went after those jews because he believed they were assisting in bringing in black and brown people that were going to destroy whites. he's already put a target on american jews backs. so the jews will not replace us where he thought there were some nice people there, that's another instance of it. all of the things trump hates, cities, the elite, the media,
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these are all buzz words in anti-semitic tropes. and what he's painting a picture of is the jews. i ooefbl city dwelling elitists patrolling the media. >> we need twice as much time because we didn't even get into the idea of him likening himself to god and we've not heard boo or really nothing from the christian right supposed to believe in god. thank you very much. coming up, democrats looking to take on trump need to be ready for an october surprise every day. are they ready? we'll discuss next. are they ready we'll discuss next so, every day, we put our latest technology and unrivaled network to work. the united states postal service makes more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. e-commerce deliveries to homes this is anne marie peebles her saturday movie marathons
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are the most at risk for severe illness. help prevent this! talk to your doctor or pharmacist today about getting vaccinated against whooping cough. talk to your doctor or pharmacist today the first survivor of alzis out there.ase and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. join the fight with the alzheimer's association.
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this is where we are today. one morning after the friday bombshell that rocked the trump campaign. a 2005 recording obtained by nbc news in which trump and access hollywood's billy bush discussed trump's advancement to women in the crudest possible term. it was the most stunning october surprise in the history of october surprises. the infamous "access hollywood" tape released one month before election day. everyone democrats, republicans, voters and probably even trump
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himself believed the maga campaign had collapsed entirely. well, we all know how that turned out. so how will democrats respond this time now that trump's political future seems once again to be teetering on the edge. i'll start with you on this because a lot of people believed that that tape was the end for donald trump. and here's the way the clinton campaign then kind of from then on really hit donald trump on his ethics. this her ad. this is cut three. >> i could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose anybody it's incredible. when mexico sends its people, they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists. you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. you've got to see this guy, oh, i don't know what i said, i don't remember.
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>> it was pretty clear about 60 million people didn't care they were watching the way donald trump spoke. and the more bravado he showed, the more his base liked him. how dedemocrats respond to the fact he's gotten even more bizarre, accused of even more sexual misconduct, a rape, it doesn't impact his supporters at all. will it this time impact democratic leaning voters to actually be more afraid and vote? >> well, i think we saw in 2018 that democratic voters did turn out in massive numbers in opposition to trump. and i think that may well -- i hope and expect that lots of democrats will turn out in 2020 against donald trump. i do think the nature of the crisis trump is in right now is very different from previous crises in that the situation is that he -- and what i do think is causing his panic is that the
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news around a possible recession and at least economic softening are not just events that are happening in the world, but democrats can tie an economic recession to donald trump's own actions. i mean presidents come and go. presidency ups and downs in the economy, but it's rare you could have such bad economic news tied directly to a president's actions and a trade war with china, and basically creating global panics around his words. his actions are different, and recessions affect people. they affect people very directly. they affect people differently than even a president's disgusting behavior. if your paycheck goes down, that's even different from trump's actions or your job is threatened. even just the idea that a recession would happen because in part -- in any part because
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of what a president does i think is real kalg. and i think democrats can tie -- it depends on what happens but i think democrats can very effectively tie problems in the economy to donald trump himself. >> so, rachel was on with us yesterday and she made kind of that same point. here she is talking about that second piece of it, that donald trump can't keep hiding the economy's flaws. take a listen. >> there is going to be as, you know, a panelist pointed out, a reckoning coming. he has been able to use bail outs and, you know, delayedets of these tariffs so far to hide from the white working class, the effect that they are going to have. but come december, come christmastime, these tariffs are going to be felt, and then it becomes up to the democrats to leverage it. >> she also said yesterday and has said on other interviews including with lawrence o'donnell, we need to really be thinking not so much about
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voters who will flip because trump voters don't flip, it's almost a religion at this point, but about democratic voters who for whatever reason wurp eren't motivated in 2016. all of the clips they saw, the things they heard, it didn't frighten them enough to stand in line necessarily. hic's turn out rate actually went down, and what she's seen in the numbers from 2018 is those voters are no longer complacent and it's the lack of complacency that's going to be the difference. >> first building off what neera said, you do have someone sitting in office who's making life much worse for himself. if he on monday were to say i'm dropping the whole tariff thing, he'd have to swallow a good dose of humility, but, boy, would things at least even out in the markets for a while. but the flip side is in terms of the guests you were showing the clip, that is, you know, presupposed that someone is
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going to look at rational numbers. you have someone saying don't believe what you hear, don't believe what you tell them. and i don't know if there are american voters who feel it in the pocketbook enough to say that guy is lying or if it's -- don't forget we'll know in a year from now and two years from now a lot better what's happening economically right now. we're talking about a huge economy that you don't always know when you're in a recession or recovery. i mean, george bush when he lost to bill clinton, we are already in a recovery, but it didn't do him any good. but i think the real problem watching that ad that was heart breaking is, you know, there were five different things and i saw that ad two minutes ago and i can't even remember the five different things. and i remember a few weeks after that the campaign tested an ad about the "access hollywood" tape and most people in the focus group didn't understand, they didn't remember what it was ability. and there's a real problem here in that, you know, when you look at the word clouds, these things
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that sum up what was focused on in 2016, you had the thing was just filled on the trump side. and on the hillary side it was e-mails. and it really worked for him because his noise is so overwhelming that it tends to even out. now, the problem that he has now and i think that he had in 2018 is that there's got to be some subset of people who thought he would drop the act if he ran, and he was just being a carnival barker and people say things during campaigns. the problem now is it's not any particular scandal, it is the totality of the noise itself that has become an issue that seems particularly women supporters of his are not taking well to. >> and neera, do you think the democrats will be able to avoid the temptation -- because our poll we have coming out today says about almost 6 in 10 voters say they feel good about the
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economy and they feel pretty good about their own political situation, which leaves me to think democrats will not be not tempted to make an economic argument against him. i wonder if democrats will be able to avoid the temptation of trying to woo trump voters over rather than getting excitement among their own base and getting them out. >> i think this is a critical issue and even in the primary people are debating it. and ong it's really vital to get that set. it is incredibly important that the democratic ticket excite the democratic base. first, second, and third order of business. but what happened in 2018 i want to be really clear about this is that it is an and strategy. it was impair tav to excite the base, imperative to bring out millennials and people of color, and that did happen. but at the same time we did have
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candidates not -- and people weren't trying to get the trump base because i think personally that's just hard to do, but there were soft trump voters. and felipe made this point which there are voters in 2016 who took trump's -- who didn't take him literally but took him seriously. a lot of women thought it was an act, and a lot of those voters switched. according to some analysis 90% of the house victory margin were from people who voted for trump in 2016. so i think there's a possibility to do both because that did happen in 2018. excite the base and -- and this is vital, reach out to not trump base voters but to swingable voters. and that's important in the midwest where 50% are white
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voters. >> we will see. i'm sorry we don't have more time. a quick clarification i am required to read is ell columnist carol who accused trump of rape. l columnist carol who accused trump of rape. usaa took care of her car rental, and getting her car towed. all i had to take care of was making sure that my daughter was ok. if i met another veteran, and they were with another insurance company, i would tell them, you need to join usaa because they have better rates, and better service. we're the gomez family... we're the rivera family... we're the kirby family, and we are usaa members for life. get your auto insurance quote today. enterprise car sales and you'll take any trade-in?rom
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>> it ises the same thing >> all right. >> if that's a dance, i am going to win that one. >> what are we doing here? >> okay, nice, you are a good spinner. there we go. >> so entertaining. he's hoping that you forget about him as white house's suppress secretarpress secretary marked with lies. lies started on day one. >> do you remember this? >> these attempts tolessen the
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inauguration were shameful and wrong. >> followed by many lies with reporters. former congressman joe walsh made this announcement earlier today. >> have you reach a decision? >> yes, it is great to be with you. i am going to run for president, i am happy to be on your show announcing my candidacy. we got a guy in the white house who's unfit to be president. it stuns me that nobody stepped up, nobody in the republican party stepped up. >> interestingly enough, when donald trump was running for president, that same guy that you saw joe walsh, on november 8th, i am voting for trump. on november 9th, if trump loses, i am grabbing my musket. joining me now is eric bohler and tiffany cross and jason
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johnson and jennifer ruben a. jason, everybody got to get a second lane and act. joe walsh was a pro-trump and now he's been on twitter shifting to be antitrump and now he'shappening? >> you got sean spicer on "dancing with the stars." i didn't know you can dance without a spine. it is all a hustle. i don't believe any of them, i don't believe omarosa and scarramucci or any of them. now, they got kicked out and now they're trying to find another way of money. hollywood prompts them up and ignoring the deaths on the border and suffering we had in this country and anyone who tries to make these people to be cute caricuture.
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>> there is nothing funny about it now and then. sean spicer is an embarrassment for american democracy. you have omarosa and scarramucci, i have zero interest on either of these people. i want it etched to this tombstone of every person that help helps elected this man. to your point of somebody's cute and we are laughing but people are suffering all over the country by this rule. >> the boycott trended after sean spicer got on board.
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i felt that launch convinced me of an agreement. there is an attempt to normalize and not trump himself -- may must treat him as wacky joe bush. with trump is mr. trump, sir, mr. trump. there is this attempt to make them fun, right? >> right. >> i understand this is abc entertainment and not abc news. we saw some reports anonymous staffers upset and sean spicer to be apart of it. what has abc news done institutionally to stand up to donald trump? there is not a press briefing in 160 something days. what has abc news done to make it known it is awful and
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democrat i can and n democratic. >> even if your abc entertainment is something dangerous to our democracy, you don't reach out to hire this guy. >> ej, it is all across the board. we have sarah huckabee sanders going to fox news which makes sense. she will be doing her own job lying for trump. reliance prieb priebus joined the navy and hope hicks is at fox news and . h.r. mcmaster at stanford and gary cohn at harvard and corey
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lewandowski who harvard also gave the same opportunity. there is no penalties, ej. people like gary cohn stood right there and let trump say things about charlottesville despite the feedback they staged the caging and all the horror and encouraging nationalism. there is no penalties. that's my rant. >> one i actually respect and i disagreed on everything, reince priebus joining the navy reserve. a man of service to make up for other forms of service that recently did. i think what you are seeing is kind of free screening of trump people. they are stream one who had remained loyal and will use whatever curators anybody could give them to propaganda for trump. fox news is the obvious place to
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do that. there is a second board, his board have gone silence. brooking institutions where i worked and 62% of turnovers. it is amazing how many people are silent. you have other people as jason pointed out who are going to have a new career trashing trump and having work for him and there will be clearly be an opening for them. that's why i go back to your earlier segment, i think a lot will depend for the future on how badly trump is beaten in 2020. for my point of view is not sufficient that he lose, although that would be very important. it becomes a repudiation of everything connected to this administration so there is not this welcome to all these folks for having served in some kind of normal administration and trump keeps defining the idea that it is a normal administration and to get
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totally discredited. i think it is very important not just to have a result where trump loses but actually a discredit in large numbers by the voters of the united states. is that going to happen, jennifer? >> the fact that major university are opening their doors and welcoming these people. you have major networks opening their doors and trying to make them cute and let them dance on tv. there is no penalties. it is hard to imagine when someone down the road, republicans get elected president. they'll just hire these people again. this is an extreme administration that's dangerous. if you are latino right now, you need to carry your birth certificate around. they're so scared that they'll be scooped up and stolen. yet it is fine. go and dance on tv. >> it is incredible. >> i wrote a column way back when around the time sarah huckabee sanders was denied
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service at restaurants. we should be shunning these people and shaming these people is a statement of moral indignation that these people are not fit for polite society. any institutions, university of virginia had a relationship with mark schwartz who's back with the administration. any institution of higher learning and any news organizations or any entertainment organizations that has a news outlet that hires these people. i want to echo what ej says. we have to collectively burn down the republican party. we have to level them. if there are survivors and people who weather this storm, they'll do it again and they'll take it as confirmation. i it pays to ride the waves. up and down the ticket, federal state and local artists.
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oh you can't criticize us, it will deter public service, it will deter people who are liars and enablers and really bad people and they should be deterred. they don't get to escape accountability. that's our job to hold them accountable for the rest of their lives. here is a challenge that i have of my political scientist friend here, jason, the problem is some of it is normal. >> right. >> if you leave to jennifer's point, it is not like the next time they get power, they'll spoil the entire landscape to and over 1.9 million tracks of pristine land in the west which they have doing right now. not because trump is in it because republicans are there. they're not going to hand our courts over to the far, far right that wants "the hand maids' tale" to be real.
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mitch mcconnell wrote an interesting piece in which he talks about how wonderful a filibuster is. he's going to do the same thing. >> so there is as couple of things with this. jennifer and i talked about this last year when mark schwartz got hired at the uva. it is not a problem to bring in a former trump's person if you hold him accountable. when these people get all scot-free, when they get the nice offices and don't have to face protests ordeal with anybody on campus, that's the problem. the issue i see here, with the trump administration is the same thing that happens with bush. >> remember john yu. that's the danger of this. if we do not learn how problematic these people are. that was one disgusting example of gaslighting i have seen.
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he's the person in the political science will be saying bringing down the republican party. it is mitch mcconnell who knew the rules and broke them in in order to push forward a white nationalist agenda. that's the kind of guy we should constantly hold accountable. >> somebody says to me this week and i thought it was so smart that it is almost as if mitch mcconnell's plan is that they know the demographics are what they are and the only way they're willing to hand power to the non-white majority in this country is the country is completely a shell and broken and they'll hand them the broken pieces and keep all the wealth himself. >> we can spend an hour of mitch mcconnell's shady business. his wife has businesses in china and how she helped the aided some of mitch connell's business in interest. i want to move on and shout out
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the national association of spanish journalists disinvited fox news from sponsoring their conference because of their hateful rhetoric. thanks for your awful but we don't want your money or affiliation affiliated for us. this is how you lead and how you address some of these issues and another uncomfortable topic that we have to talk about. life after trump. some of our new friends are going to become some of our old friends. i remember a lot of the things these writers or commentators when they were a democrat in the white house. i wish and hope they recognize the same thing you said that you are not complaining about, this monster you created, this is what you helped get the situation. now that he's gone, where do you stand? are you going to go back to those ways and talk about the next democratic president? i remember what you were saying two years ago when you were flirting with this guy on shows and etc. >> joe walsh being the first
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one. >> really quickly. >> go ahead ej. >> yeah, well what i want to say is that's why i think it is so important to repudiate two different kinds of right wing politics in the next election. obviously everything is associated with trump and what's happening at the border and various forms of racism. that's got to be repudiated. also when the extreme right taken over the republican party and deregulation packing the courts, you need the next election that's so important rendering a verdict on both of those forms of right wing politics if we are to have any chance of a different kind of moral responsible conservetism or some kind of party that's not like what it becomes the last 15 years. >> jennifer, oit is true the
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republicans are saying this is not normal. it is not true. you had a tradition in the republican movement for the conservative move m fment for ag time of not believing in climate change or allowing a lot of drilling and coal minding or spoiling the environment. it is not like that is news. donald trump is not the perfect vehicle. he does not care. is it true? preserving the republican party still preserves that and those folks will go -- joe walsh will go back to what he was before after donald trump is gone. >> i can only speak for myself and that phone booth full of republicans. but my motivation at least is twofold of what ej said. this is a dysfunctional antigovernment party. that's not what the country wants and needs. the proof is in the pudding.
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they're under lining -- people don't like it when you come after medicare or medicaid. so my hope at least is that after this debacle, a liberal republican party will rethink itself and go back to that wonderful document that is relian priebus puts out in 2012, that was the autopsy report. they had to go for immigration reform and shed their nationalist rhetoric and had to really talk about pocketbook issues and look at it from the point of view of the middle class. that's the only way we are going to get there. if they don't then they're going to lose election after election and frankly that would be fine, too. my hope is that the democrats don't blow it. my hope is the democrats are able to pull together a coalition that is large enough to govern. >> yeah. >> we can have same governance
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for a period of time. >> i got to get eric in on this, too. the other part is us, the media. >> right. >> the normalization is not just coming from the street. it is coming from the box. it is coming from the tv and there is an in assistansistance trump is gone, don't you think people are going to go what do you think of president harris or warren s warren -- they're going to ask him. >> reporters are tired of saying what do you think they don't say maniac, i will. republicans have said for two years we don't care. they get a complete pass. democrats are hammered time after time. every member of congress issued a statement. they are normalizing that. they're norm alizing so many
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other things. the press won't call him a liar or racist and after this week of the chosen one. >> we did a whole block on a block. i agree with you. >> thank you. >> that should be the problem is so many news organizations and journalists, once you do one of those they thiings, call him a r a racist. that's the story of the rest of his presidency and they don't want that fight for the next 16 months. >> the reason why some of this is normalized is, the lack of diversity. >> how many people in the top ranking position hear a guidance on this and standing by or stop you making embarrassment guidance. >> 90% of the 2016 was white.
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>>. >> every policy out of the administration should be viewed in the frame. you got to figure out if they are going to happy hour or if someone haltom cithat's an abus are they going to a kid's party. >> the reality is i have this set of old "new york times" front cover to show how benign the kofcover is. benign things. they just want to see them as normal. i don't know where that comes from. it would not be so if those leaders were not white men.
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>> white republicans. there is a sense of conservatism is normal. white conservative men are the norms. elizabeth warren depicted and some sort of crazy communist. >> by the way, she's gaining ground in the polls and has quite steadily for the last six months. look, i think that from the beginning when trump came along, the media had to take a long look at itself and say we have ter certain rules that is we apply to normal politicians and sometimes to saddle out to get away from this stuff. as soon as trump came along. i thought at the time i wrote in that period, you could not, there was certain kinds of e-mail including dictators and you cannot do on the one hand or
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the other hand journalism with them and while trump is not quite there. he's clearly somebody who lies repeatedly and took too long to use the word lie and currently was racist and you saw it goes all the way back to berthism ir. whether you are a white man like i am or african-american or any kind of person. when you look at trump, it should have been clear that those rules just don't work with this guy and we better rethink things in dealing with them. i think slowly that has happened but more slowly than i would have liked. >> i am going to give aaron the last word on this. thank you for making the distinction between the entertainment media and the news media of this. i never heard of president obama's cabinet members being offered and not that they would
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have done it. you should be on "snl" or cameos in movies now. this guy and his team are being on both end, it is relentless and not stopping. i promise you it would not be done with a democratic president. >> trump came in through the door of reality tv, right? media liked that and they loved that idea and he's being viewed as a celebrity even though he's burning down our democracy. >> it is a huge problem. >> jason, tiffany and ej will be back with us. thank you eric bohler and jennifer rubin. thank you all, go off to brunch. we would like to join those who are sending well wishes to supreme court justice ruth bader, she completed her
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new york times magazine has launched a pouwerful story. to help americans understand the consequences that persist even today. the project receives praise from readers from academics and forces readers to take a hard unfiltered look at the implications of race in this country. of course cue the backlash from the right. >> the whole project is a lie. certainly if you heard african-american and slavery is at the center. for most americans most of the time, there are a lot of other things going on. there are several hundred thousand white americans who die in the civil war in order to
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free the slaves. the krcorrespondent behind the project, nicole hanna jones and adam sewer. nicole, thank you so much for doing this project. i have my copy of it that i am so grateful that a friend got it for me. how hard was it for it to happen? was there a lot of backlash? >> i understood what we are trying to do. not that i am aware of. when i went and pitched it to chief of the magazine, he says yes, let's do it. it expanded to be far more than what i pitch. what do you want people to take away. i read through this and i have seen visuals of it. what do you want people to take away. >> i know the anniversary is coming up. most americans had no idea that it was the anniversary.
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i think it is too foundational for it to pass like that. the other thing is i want you to understand that this was not an issue that something that happened 150 years ago. i know you get this all the time. i do, slavery was a long time ago, get over it. what the mag sceazine is doing you can see the legacy is playing out right now. if we are not able to deal of not what happened in the past, what are today's ramifications then you can look across our society and see the effects of it. you can look at it right now on the screen. >> this was yesterday. get over it. that's a clan rally yesterday. adam sewer. there are two sets of implications of slavery that are super present particularly right now. there is the economics you know,
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consequences that black people have paid. does it surprise you that there are some white americans who don't want to deal with either one of those things that some are talking about. >> tit is one thing to portray slavery as kind of the redemption arc of white americans and black people assort of our american history, helping people being their better selves. it is a completely different thing when you place black people at the center of the history and tell our stories that way. that accounts for our backlash from people who have not engaged the text of the project and offended by the concept. >> just very point. people went to a plantation in
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the south and angry slavery portrayed it. some of the negative reviews of this place. i was depressed boo i ty the ti left. the brief mentions of the former owners were defamatory. >> i am not surprised at all. that's why the project exists. we have been unable to grapple with the amendment how our country was founded and what has happened in the history of our country. someone mentions this the other day. after the holocaust, germany went through this. we never had it here. you can't imagine going to a concentration camp and talk about why were they talking so much of the jewish people there.
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that's accepting. we can't deal with the hypocrisy that's central to our founding and ideals that we have to have about ourselves. >> the way our education was put together was creating civic and citizens and the truth which was disturbing. >> i think of nicole's point, we have the opposite process in the united states. what happens 30 or 25 years after e mmancipation was the confederate took all the government and reimpose white supremaci suprema supremacy. along with that came with the propaganda campaign whose effects we are still feeling to paint the south as a heroic defender of this lifestyle and black people who are unfit for self government were tragically given rights they were not prepared for. just to give you an example of how this still affects our
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thinking, we had an article in the atlantic a few weeks ago of reagan and nixon talking about u.n. vote in the '70s. they were saying oh look at those monkeys, they are not even comfortable wearing shoes yet. this idea that black people were unfit for government was used to justify slavery or after the civil war stripping the democratic rights of the black people. it is delusional to think these things are still affecting us. if you are the kind of person who wants to believe a pure national myth that founder were civic secular god's. it will be hard for you to grasp that. >> what is the next thing? this is so comprehensive. what's the next piece that you want to do to further this education that you given us. >> there are two things. this project comes with a curriculum. it is sponsored by educators and parents can go online to get the
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entire k-12 curriculum built around that. hopefully 20 years from now we don't have to reteach adults. if we know we are still grappling with this legacy that black people are at the bottom of every social indicator today because of this, what do we then do and what is owed and how do we remedy this? >> that'll be a huge fight. >> yes, you know. >> thank you very much. nicole, congratulations, it is an excellent piece and adam sewer, thank you very much. >> more "am joy" after the break. after the break. every day, visionaries are creating the future. so, every day, we put our latest technology and unrivaled network to work. the united states postal service makes more
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iranian foreign ministry says they will not have discussions or negotiations with the american delegations. basically president macron has been working hard at this. he's trying to allow iran back to the negotiating table to re-negotiate the deal if the united states backs off some of those sanctions because he does not believe the american maximum pressure campaign will lead to iran in any sense surrendering. national security adviser john bolton is here with the president and it will be interesting to see if president macron can sweet talk him into talking to the iranians. no sign at the minute there will be a handshake between president
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tru trump, we don't know how long it will last or how long he'll be here for. president macron is trying to open up for possible negotiations. >> looks like macron is stepping up to the leader of the free war world. >> reporter: that's correct and in the absence of you like of angela merkel whose time is running out and she's on her own political difficulties. he's stepping up and he desperately wants a success at this summit as well as the success of simply reducing tensions in the persian gulf which has financial markets and european and world capitols a bit different. >> bill neely. thank you very much. we appreciate that report. >> more "am joy" after the break.
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trade war with china. larry kudlow making the sunday's show round to insists that we misunderstood his comment. >> ej, i want to go to you first. i thought kudlow was against tariffs but now he's twisting himself like a pretzel to make all this defense. he's now trying to clean it up. >> i know he said "i here by order," he says you begin to look or you begin to search for ways. >> well, i am thinking about - >> no, your thoughts, ej? >> first of all, i want to say i misunderstood your question so anything i will say from now on i am going to do so in five minutes, give me a break.
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first of all, imagine barack obama and i hate to go back to that a lot, my word, trump is giving orders and i am ordering american companies not to do business with china. which is a republican president who's supposed to believe in free markets and he's doing all this deregulation for corporate america. if obama said that, he would have been compared with joe stalling. they had to go back and forth on that. trump turned around and said no, i have this power. so that's scary. the last week, i hate to ever say this is a turning point because it never seems to be a turning point but i thought the last week was particularly kind of nutty because he is endangering the one asset he really has which is the obama economy has not been elected
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yet. and i think that when we look back, if he does end up in deep trouble and i think you had more porter and a good piece on this in the new york times. a lot of journalist ks coveringn the white house took a step, look, this is crazy and dangerous. >> it is a never ending wheel. it never ends. >> i know. i always regret when i say it a turning point. >> you didn't see me say that on tv. >> exactly. >> so on "i here by order great american companies to stop investing on china." then he followed up on that. i have a 1970 law.
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>> well, that was the verbal equivale equivalent, we heard and sa saw -- the danger is when you have immediate that does not l hold accountable. new york sometimes get in trouble for holding headline and repeating things. you have a president dictating to the private sector. we have breaking news banner where it is not breaking news. we saw his comment about shooting immigrants as as joke. it didn't sound like a joke to me. we have to start taking this president a lot more seriously and waving these red flags when it happens.
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we see when we don't. he's getting away with these things. >> we had a conversation this morning with donald trump saying okay, i will regret the trade work. five minutes later, he make it worse. you can see in headlines or some paper remaining that donald trump takes back his comment or regrets. two more sound bytes. these two must go great together like cookies and mint. here is the cookie and mnuchin and the other person defending trump today. >> when the president says something how seriously and literally should we take it? >> i think most of the time you should take it very literally. i think sometimes he says things that are meant to be a joke. the comment recently on the chosen one, that was said tongue and cheat. that was not meant to be a serious comment. the president is serious about
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china and trade. he's determined and trying to correct something that got on for the last 20 years that we have an unfair trading relationship that's been a tremendous disadvantage to u.s. companies and u.s. workers. >> some of it is literally. sometimes it is literally. here is another one that takes all that back. >> chairman xi is not the enemy of the country but he didn't say the same of fed chairman powell. >> i want to comment on president xi on powell, i don't think it was a literal comment that he's an enemy. you know my position on the fed is -- >> okay, it is not literally anymore. >> you know , every time mnuchi
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comes out or any people on this depe defending him, i would be really rich. like tiffany says look, his team does one thing but these people have jobs. you would think they have something to do but coming out and justify nonsense. certain people in the press has certain relationships with him. >> my panel is sticking with us, coming up, these fine folks will tell us who won the week. s will tell us who won the week drive safely.. . with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that.
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clearly very worried about losing it which is why he defended the filibuster. john hickenlooper moving to the senate race in colorado. if he is, indeed, the strongest candidate, he'll win that candidate. he's been running ahead of the incumbent republican. you have charlie cooke moved a race from leaning republican to a tossup, and then you have trump wrecking his economy again with his own words which sure won't be good for thom tillis in north carolina or joni ernst in iowa. i think, and i mean this after the last segment, literally, i think chuck schumer and the democrats won the week. >> and chuck schumer don't win too many weeks. he's probably glad to hear that. i'm just saying. tiffany cross? >> all right. everybody who knows me knows that i am an animal lover. mine goes to julian castro.
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he released his plan for animal welfare cleverly titled the paw proposal. if you're indifferent to animal suffering, it impacts your life. our meat consumption impacts everything around the country. even the brazil, amazon rain forest is impacted because of the amount of meat we consume. this is -- it cast a wide net of influence on how we treat our animals. other than that, they're living beings who deserve, and anybody who knows me or follows me knows i have love in my heart for the people always. there's space to have love for the people and for the furry friends and animals. he had a little puppy dog in the photo with him. i love pit bulls. they're my favorite breed. they're amazing animals. save a pit, euthanize a dog fighter. once again, castro is thinking about something nobody else in the field is thinking about.
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he was the first to put out the plan. bravo, shoutout to your campaign manager who has guided the campaign in a great way. >> i'll say, julian astro might be the best candidate who isn't doing well. the content of what he's doing, you would think he'd be doing better because he's a quality candidate, but he can't get out of 2 %. very interesting. okay. well. >> come at me, bro. >> you know you got to bring it. your chief rival next to you, who won the week? >> this week it's sound cloud rapper tony tigg. why is sound cloud rapper tony tigg the winner? there was a fight between a bunch of bernie supporters. this supporter decided he was going to go out, get in the lab and make a distract against the terrible media people who attacked him, against me.
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he wins the week because i've always wanted to be name checked in a bad rap song. >> we got into this track. >> i got name tracked in a distract. he really, tony, you should do this. this is your 15 minutes of fame. make it happen. >> the fact that tiffany was not in the dis-tack. >> he needs to step up his game. >> because they're not, you know who really won the week in asap rocky? the best story this week was the say asap rocky got out of jail in a foreign country. his team of -- donald trump's team of black people, the internal trump black people were like we'll get you out of jail, but all we want is a thank you for donald trump. they got characters involved and phone calls to the manager. when he finally gets out of lockup, comes back to the united states, what did asap rocky do?
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ghost. he ghosted the white house. he said thank you to people who sported him, thank you to his family, thank you to god, and that's not donald trump. and didn't thank the white house. and not because i'm saying to be mean to donald trump, but that's gangster. that's the most rapper thing i've ever heard in my life. >> he's made some questionable comments about -- >> he has. >> about black women, and i just want to say asap rocky -- >> this is your chance to come up an change your life, asap. you did win the week this one time. jason johnson, tiffany cross and egd ionne. egd ionne. r 18 year old was in an accident. usaa took care of her car rental, and getting her car towed. all i had to take care of was making sure that my daughter was ok.
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