tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC August 29, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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rather than normal people. they have the legitimacy they need to understand. >> grace blakely, thank you so much for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> we have something special scheduled tomorrow night. "all in" with a live audience. limited edition. don't forget tomorrow 8 p.m. eastern. bring your live show pants. that is "all in." >> you cut to the -- >> different pair. this is -- we're not -- we're not just coasting here. we're working very hard. there's another pair. >> no fly by night operation. >> no, there's not. >> two pairs of pants. did you get the pants at the same time. >> i did. >> same pants, different color? >> basically, yes. i'm glad there's going to be a lot of scrutiny on how i look, my body. >> i'm sorry. >> thank you for inviting that. >> what it is, i'm projecting because i'm afraid of pants on
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television which is why i never say it. >> hence. >> i'm standing. >> i take it all back. you're going to be awesome. >> thank you. >> nobody is going to look at your pants. >> thank you, my friend. >> thanks to you at home for joining us this hour. big show tonight. there's a whole bunch of developing news we have been watching over the course of this afternoon and into tonight and we've got an update tonight on this story that we have covered pretty intensively over the course of this week, that until now as far as i can tell hadn't received any other national news coverage. this is the story we've been covering on this new show on the new policy by the trump administration that they didn't announce but it came to light when families of seriously ill children started getting letters last week from the trump administration telling these families that although they may have had permission to stay in this country before, specifically because their children were receiving advanced and life saving medical treatment here, the trump administration, according to these letters, no longer respects that and so these parents are now being told to
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take their kids out of medical treatment, which in some cases will result in the deaths of these children. trump administration is now sending these letters telling these parents to take their kids out of medical treatment and get out of the country by next month. so this story perced in the local press in massachusetts first, in the boston area, and then in florida yesterday. well, as i said that we should maybe anticipate, we are now seeing big-time national coverage as people start to realize what exactly the trump administration is doing here even though they never made a policy announcement that they're doing it. tonight this story is now on the front page of "the new york times." it is breaking and expanding as a national story, as we knew it would. we are going to have more on that tonight. we actually have a doctor who will be joining us tonight that will have a story that you are definitely going to want to hear. we are watching, of course, this projection of the possible track for hurricane dorian. the islands in the immediate
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path of the category 1 hurricane are the bahamas. as you can see from the track there, one of the distinct possibilities is that the storm will continue to barrel in this same direction into the weekend which could see it smashing into the eastern coast of florida as a category 3 or even category 4 hurricane. now this has been a storm that has been hard to forecast precisely, that's part of why the virgin islands were somewhat taken by surprise by the direct hit the storm gave the virgin islands on the way to the northwest. there's still a range of potential outcomes both in terms of the path and in terms of the timing, but the planning for the southeastern united states is basically for the whole of florida's atlantic coast, like from miami all the way up to jacksonville to get ready for what may be a major hurricane arriving as soon as monday morning. we have eyes on that this morning and throughout the evening. this is going to become
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increasingly an urgent situation. today president trump canceled a planned trip to poland with a white house statement saying it was in response to the hurricane bearing down on the eastern coast of florida. that hurricane may absolutely be why president trump is canceling his planned trip to poland, but whether or not it is, that cancellation also happens to have some really interesting knock on consequences that are not about the storm at all so we'll be talking about that a little later on as well. that is all ahead. first, tonight, do you remember when vice president dick cheney accidentally shot a guy in the face? remember when that happened? i know we play a lot of archival news footage on the show. usually we get international news reels. we could do that. i've got to say, this particular moment in american politics, when vice president dick cheney
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shot a guy in the face and we all found out about it through a really weird series of circumstances, it was so weird, it was so impossible to understand at the time that it happened that i feel like the best way to get a sense of what this was wliek it unfolded at the time is actually to watch "the daily show" from the time. >> vice president dick cheney accidentally shot a man during a quale hunt at a political supporter's ranch making 78-year-old harry whittington the first person shot by a sitting vp since alexander hamilton. hamilton. alexander hamilton, of course, was shot in a duel with aaron burr over issues of honor, integrity and political maneuvering. whittington was mistaken for a bird. the other player in the drama,
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ranch owner, katheryn armstrong. >> we were shooting a covey of quale. the vice president and two others got out of the car to walk up the covey. a bird flushed. the vice president took aim at the bird and shot and unfortunately mr. whittington was in the -- in the line of fired and got peppered pretty well. >> cheney talked about it. >> katheryn suggested, and i agreed, that she would go make the announcement, that is, that she put the story out. i thought that made good sense. she was the immediate past head of the texas wildlife parks departme department. >> so she outranked you? is that how the government
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works? the hierarchy basically, president, ex-head of the texas wildlife parks department, vice president? >> miss you, jon stewart. the man who dick cheney shot, for the record, he ended up okay. he's alive in kicking, in his early 90s now. to this day i believe he still does have some pellets lodged beneath his skin, but the woman you saw in that daily show clip, the woman who outranks the vice president, the woman who initially reported to her local paper that the vice president had shot a guy in the face the previous day, katheryn armstrong, it was her ranch, the armstrong ranch. the texas observer calls the armstrong ranch, quote, hallowed ground for republican politicians. the arm strongs of armstrong ranch fame, they are a storied, well-connected family in texas republican politics. you can see the connections in action years later, in 2014,
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when george w. bush's nephew, george p. bush, was elected to manage texas's sprawling oil and gas resources. george p. bush was elected to that gig he cleared house at his new office and he decided when he was looking to hire that he would reach out to the armstrong family from the ranch where dick cheney shot that guy when he was looking for somebody to fill a top job at the state oil and gas agency. he ended up hiring the daughter of katheryn armstrong. a young woman named ann idsol. she ultimately got hired into donald trump's e.p.a. in washington overseeing the environment of texas and several other states. she became the head of epa region 6. when she was appointed to that job, again, to the epa, she waxed poetic at the time to the texas observer about all of this climate change nonsense everybody's been talking about. she told the texas observer
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there is still, quote, a lot of ongoing science. h'm. and she said that the climate has been changing since the dawn of time. quote, i think it's possible that humans have some type of impact on climate change, i just don't know the extent of that. so obviously she was the natural choice to get promoted from that epa region 6 job that trump initially put her in to early this summer trump moved her up to take over the job of being our nation's top clean arao figuresal. she became the second person to hold that job in the trump administration. the first guy had to resign in the midst of an ethics investigation into meetings with his formal oil and gas and lobbying clients which he was charged with regulating. that he had to go, let's bring in the woman and say the climate has been changing since the dawn of time. have you visited my family's ranch? today we got the trump
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administration's first big move. quote, the trump administration is moving to erase owe boom ma-era rules on methane omissions from the oil and gas business saying the federal government overstepped its authority when it set limits on what scientists say is a significant contributor to climate change. methane is about 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide in trapping the earth's heat according to estimates used by the epa. the environmental defense sfund estimates it's missions cause about a quarter of the planet's warming. a wall street journal analysis recently found the u.s. oil and gas industry's methane emissions alone were equivalent to greenhouse gas emissions from more than 69 million cars. methane emissions just from oil and gas companies are the equivalent to greenhouse gas to
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69 million cars. this rule role back from the trump administration is so draconian, right, so hard line and so unexpected, even the oil and gas industry isn't cool with it. quote, some companies, including exxonmobile and royal dutch shell, have warned the trump administration that a lack of government-backed minimum requirements to curb emissions could undermine the requirements to curb emission. we've been trying to make fracking for natural gas seem like an ecologically good idea. we've been trying to make this fuel. if natural gas is going to be allowed to willy-nilly spew into the atmosphere the most potent greenhouse gases without any constraint at all, it's going to be really hard for us to
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maintain that fiction about how awesome and green natural gas is. you're going to make it really hard for us to make that case. i mean, even with the goal and gas industry, what with all the concern about the climate and everything, it's interesting, even the trump administration as they are doing this, they don't seem to understand what the problem is. ann idsal, the heir to dick cheney's favorite shooting ranch, she's our nation's top air clean ee sfish ent, ann said i don't see there's going to be some big climate concern here. climate? why? what? what does -- what does methane have to do with -- what? why is this even a climate thing? nobody said climate to me. and, i mean, this roll back would be an unfortunate idea at
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any time given what's going on in terms of climate change. even the fill-in gas company says so. at this particular moment like this week, really? literally, this week the amazon rain forest. right this second it's on fire and having its worst year on fires causing a global frequentout of the uncontrolled fires. while the world's largest tropical rain forest is ablaze in the amazon, the trump administration this week also moved to chop down the world's largest temperate rain forest from the washington post, quote, president trump has instructed ago cult turm secretary sonny purdue to exempt alaska's 16.7 million acre tongas national park. the move would affect more than half of the world's largest
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intact temperate rain forest. the tongas is a massive stretch replete with old growth spruce, hemlock and cedar, rivers running and dramatic fjords. in addition to being massive and 40% of the salmon in the western united states, the tongass is a massive buffer for climate change for the whole globe. don't take my word for it, do it based on the pictures. they need to let the tongass be drilled and mined and not just chopped down. this was from last summer addressing climate change on the tongass national forest. they currently see quester and
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store large quantities of carbon. the good news for southeast alaska and the temperate rain forests is the relative stability of coastal rain forest buy onlies. the climate niche is particularly resilient to respected changes in climate over the next 30 to 50 years. the tongass is doing important work. the tongass is resilient and stable. it eats up tons and tons and tons of climate change accelerating carbon from the atmosphere. how resilient is it against mining, oil and natural gas. >> right. >> the usda announced the
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importance and now this past week president trump has ordered sonny purdue to allow that to be chopped down. just take a slightly wider view on this for a second. this isn't like the trump administration acting at large. part of what is going on here is the silent catastrophe of one specific part of the trump administration. i don't know why this hasn't had more attention. there is a governing catastrophe that hasn't had much attention and it is called the usda. u.s. department of agriculture. it's not just a catastrophe to places like the forest acknowledges it. even on donald trump's own terms the usda is a disaster. he thinks he can count on rural
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folks in general, farmers in particular to being a c constituenci constituencies. they are quite obviously making that constituency a problem for him right now. just scan the headlines right now that trump's getting out of farm country. trump's trade war could cost him with a key constituency, farmers. iowa corn farmers to trump, the government put us in one hell of a bad situation. agriculture is in one hell of a bad situation right now. the government has put us in this situation. a soy bean farmer in ohio saying, quote, i couldn't vote for trump again. i have to protect my business. every time i go to the grain elevator it's fricken trump this
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and friken trump that. as for all of the problems he has caused for america and the americans, his proposed solution has been to go socialist on it. it's to directly pay farmers. give farmers billions of dollars in cash bailouts to make up for how badly the trump administration's policies are hurting american culture. tens of thousands of u.s. farmers still haven't gotten payouts they have promised. the administration is hoping to pay out payments. we were told, quote, we had farmers waiting at the door from 7:00 in the morning to 7:00 at night to get their payments and they're not getting them.
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so amidst all of this, this is a real problem, amid all of these worsening headlines and this increasingly bad situation that the president has created for american farmers, the president recently dispatched his agriculture secretary, sonn sonny perdue, to soothe some of the tensions that have been created with american farmers. well, how did that go? >> what do you call two farmers in a basement? i said, i don't know, what do you call them? he said, a wine cellar. >> whin -- two farm zblers a basement. initial laughter being over taken by the booing there. donald trump's agriculture secretary getting roundly booed at the annual minnesota farm
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fest for talking about american farmers as a bunch of whiners. two american farmers together, you know what that is? whining. set them in a basement, that's a whine cellar. to a room full of farmers. that's what counts as political outreach in donald trump's u.s. department of agriculture. one of the stories we've been covering is about this fubar situation the usda got themselves into with trying to get rid of the scientists. they've done good work for generations. it's one of the scientific cores of the u.s. government. while under sonny perdue and donald trump, half of the scientists would have to move halfway across the country or be fired. >> the trump administration went out of its way to say this
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wasn't an attempt to get all of the scientists to quit. no, no, no, they're providing research on these. this was about efficiency. this was about saving money. this was about running the u.s.d.a. as a more efficient, effective administration. that was their move until trump budget director mic mulvaney let the cat out of the bag while talking to a bunch of republicans earlier this month. >> you've heard about drain the swamp. what you haven't heard is what we're doing. i don't know if you saw the news the other day, just tried to move two offices out of here to missouri. guess what happened? guess what happened? more than half the people quit. now it's nearly impossible to
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fire a federal worker. i've tried. you can't do it. >> by saying we're going to take you outside of the area, and they quit. what a wonderful way to streamline government and do what we haven't been able to do for a long time. >> the trump administration was so excited to tell republican donors about this. you know how hard it is to get rid of federal employees? we can shed the dead weight. they have been so psyched to the point that they have been adding insult to injury, not only shutting down the scientific core of the agriculture department, but then in the middle of doing so they told the workers they were trying to get rid of, by the way, we told you we would pay you $25,000 buyouts to leave? actually we're making it $10,000. you still want it?
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we could fire you if you'd rather. they're starting to realize all the workers they got to quit their jobs, all of the workers they stream lined out of the federal government, it's possible that they needed them. the washington post said the many departures were unable to be followed by law. congress uses these estimates on wheat to determine how to help farmers become more competitive with their counterparts overseas but the entire existing team that produces reports is otherwise done. that means they're faced with having none of the highly
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qualified and experienced scientific workers and paid by congress to do. so what are they going to do? now they have to get back all of the workers. >> the trump administration is now scrambling. some usd apply yees they forced to quit. they were for things they needed them to do. come on back. come on back part time for half the pay. apparently there's still stuff that needs to be done. they were doing stuff and dead weight didn't make us more efficient. >> so what the trump administration is doing to the usda is a catastrophe for the workers and the ability of the agency to do what it does. it's turning out to bei a
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catastrophe for farmers. the latest thing, to roll back the protections on the huge wilderness in alaska, that isn't just going to have ramifications for the president or this country, that could have ramifications globally. hold that thought. mm, uh, what do you do for fun? -not this. ♪ -oh, what am i into? mostly progressive's name your price tool. helps people find coverage options based on their budget. flo has it, i want it, it's a whole thing, and she's right there. -yeah, she's my ride. this date's lame. he has pics of you on his phone. -they're very tasteful. he has pics of you on his phone. you wouldn't accept from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one.
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last month, july 2019 was the warmest month ever recorded in the state of alaska. the average temperature was 5 degrees above normal. several thousand walruses came to shore on july 30th because of the rising temperatures. to the extent that alaska and the rest of the planet have any way to slow the march of climate change, that reprieve will come from places like the tongass national forest, the world's biggest temperate rain forest. even the trump administration's own usda says the coastal forerest land of alaska is a globally important sponge for carbon sequestering it and
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staving off worldwide. therefore, naturally, the president has ordered them to open up the tongass to oil and gas and mining and logging, just chop it down. joining us now from juno, alaska, is eric jordan. he's trying to keep the trump administration from opening up the arctic for drilling. thank you for making time for us. >> thank you. >> as far as you understand this decision-making process around the tongass national forest, do you believe that this is in motion? is this being floated as a trial balloon? does it seem to you that the trump administration has a plan for actually doing this? >> we do believe that they're in process to attempt to exempt the tongass from the process of the
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rogueless rule. the forest service is apparently preparing an environmental review document and preeng to go out for public comment on the proposed rule as soon as early this fall. >> can you describe for us the consequences of this kind of development in the tongass? starting locally, but expanding outward we've been talking a little bit about how valuable the tongass has seemed in terms of the global mitigating impact. what would it mean in alaska? >> the tongass is so important for so many reasons, both people here in alaska and people around the country and the planet as you recognize. the forests of the tongass provide habitat for wildlife that are important for people around the globe and people here in the region, grizzly bears, wolves, other creatures that are rare in other parts of the globe
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are more common here and depend on a healthy old growth rain forest. the salmon that you mentioned earlier that are in alaska's waters still wild are a key part of the economy of southeast alaska and are important for people who make their way of life based on salmon in the region. in addition, the unique tongass national forest and its wild areas draw visitors from around the country and around the world and last year we wanted to see the spectacular space. and together with the fishing industry a visitor that tourism is the mainstay of southeast africa's area. they are protecting the roadless
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areas. these are very important to -- >> sorry to interrupt you. i know we have a long delay between here and juno. let me ask you, mr. jorgansen. do you anticipate there will be a legal fight with the trump administration if they move forward to try to make this change? >> before they can make this change they have to go through the substantial public process and justify the change and justify the reversal of course. this rule is popular nationally. we know it has bipartisan majorities in favor of it around the country and here in southeast alaska. there will be an opportunity for the american people to speak out in favor of the tongass and protecting this area going forward. and if the administration proceeds in the end with a rule to exempt the tongass and
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removes these protections of these wild wilderness areas, there can be litigation to challenge it. in that litigation the question will be has the administration justified this major change? have they explained this? have they defined the new science that justifies this change of course? >> eric, managing attorney for the alaska regional office of earth justice. thank you for helping us understand that impact. really appreciate you being here tonight. we have much more ahead tonight. do stay with us. ♪ ♪ applebee's handcrafted burgers now with endless fries starting at $7.99. and get more bites for your buck with late night half-priced apps.
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here's what to watch for tomorrow that could be a big development and a big story. in 1996 a new painkiller hit the market. take the next step in pain relief. oxycontin. oxycontin turned out to be a highly addictive painkiller. oxycontin came on the market in '96. in '97 the company that made it already knew that it was being abused. the president of the company purdue pharma responded with a plan. we may need to start a campaign to focus on the untreated patient in severe pain who is mobilized and given his pain back by our products. the company gets word that their new pain drug is being abused, in other words, and the president of the company suggests this new plan not to address the abuse or the addictiveness of their drug, it
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was his own idea for a pr plan to push the drug harder to try to drown out those early concerns that they knew about. that email from him was among the documents gathered by prosecutors in 2006 as they prepared federal criminal fraud charges against purdue pharma. this month "the new york times" has portions of the memo. prosecutors recommended felony charges against multiple purdue executives that could have put them all in jail. ultimately purdue's lawyers bargained the prosecutors down. what resulted in the end was one charge for the company and just misdemeanors for the executives. purdue ultimately had to pay $600 million. that minor nuisance for a company that had made billions of dollars on oxy, it was barely a pothole on the road to the multi-billion dollar opioid
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catastrophe to ultimately kill more than 400,000 americans. purdue see skapg basically unscathed all those years ago with the help of lawyers including with the help of the president's lawyer, rudy giuliani. they continued unabated for another decade, but that didn't stop thousands of cities and counties and states from suing purdue pharma themselves, for among other things, fraudulently marketing oxycontin, misleading the public about the risks of abuse. now here in 2019 it's all coming to a head which is worth watching in tomorrow's news and over the next few days. there is a federal judge who's overseeing a combined docket of more than 2,000 of these lawsuits against purdue and other companies. these companies have insisted that they haven't done anything wrong, that if these cases go to
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trial, they're sure they'll win, they're happy to fight. in the wake of a big verdict in oklahoma, nbc news broke the news that purdue pharma is actually trying to work out a way to open its checkbook and make this problem go away once and for all. under the proposed settlement it's being reported that the sackler family would hand over $3 billion personally as a family, don't worry, they'd still be billionaires, they'd have their company declare bankruptcy. it's interesting, those terms were supposed to be private. the judge in this case had imposed a strict gag order barring anybody from speaking to the president. the ap reports that the sackler family wants this to get them off the hook for the combined 2,000 cases in ohio, but they want this settlement to settle
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all cases everywhere. now whatever you think of this as a potential fate for the company that brought us oxycontin and the family that helped sell us all of it, whatever you think about what their multi-million dollar payment should be, it's not supposed to be a matter for public comtemplation. this is supposed to be something mulled over just by the pl plaintiffs and tomorrow, as best as we can tell, the plaintiffs will have to tell the judge in the case what they think about the offer. there are going to be many, many, many judgment days when it comes to true reckoning days that killed while they were doing it. one of the judgment days, potentially a very important one, looks like it will be tomorrow behind closed doors in a very important ohio courtroom. we shall see. watch this. blast detergen
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university of california has a good children's hospital. when isabel was 7 years old she was invited to come to that facility for treatment. isabel had been born with a rare genetic disease called mps 6. it means that her body is lacking an enzyme that she needs for all sorts of things. it causes severe damage for her body and her cells that won't get better. ucsf wanted to launch an important clinical trial to launch a treatment. they needed her to be in the trial to do it. rare is an important word in this story, right? her rare disease. by definition, for any rare disease there just aren't that many people who have it. there aren't that many patients. the way you get new cures for rare diseases is to find patients who have the diseases and get them involved in testing
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potential cures. you need to be able to find patients to develop the cures and beat those diseases. that's how it works. so isabel, she and her family were invited to come to san francisco for this experimental treatment. because they were able to do that, ultimately the treatment that isabel received in that trial got fda approval. that fda approval basically would not have happened had isabel not been able to come to ucsf to take part in that crucial trial. well, today she continues to be treated at ucsf. she gets weekly intravenous infusions. remember, again, she came in for the first time when she was 7 years old. because of her illness, her family was told that she might never make it to see age 8. isabel is now 24 years old. she's a suma cum laude college
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graduate. she started a scholarship fund for students with disabilities. she says she may want to go to grad school. she teaches dance to other kids who are also patients at the children's hospital that saved her life. she still needs treatment. again, she needs weekly intravenous infusions of this treatment. she needs surgery. she has a tracheotomy which is a delicate thing and needs consistent and delicate care. she is alive well past what would have been her life expectancy. she is alive. that is a contingent thing. her doctors say if she stops treatment she will die and not on some daze distant horizon but in a matter of months. the trump administration has just sent isabel and her family a letter ordering them to get out of the united states in 33 days or she and her family will be forced out for deportation. for isabel, this is simply a
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death sentence. the treatment that is keeping her alive is literally not approved for distribution in the country her family is from. that's the treatment that is keeping her alive. weekly iv infusions. she doesn't get that treatment, she'll die. she's been told to get out of the country. trump administration's offering no appeals process. her member of congress, mark desonyea, kamala harris have written to the trump administration trying to advocate with the federal government on her behalf, but there's no process for them to do that. there's no appeal. there's been a pronouncement to isabel and her family, get out and get out now. the plan, in other words, is to kill this young woman. she was, again, invited to the hospital for this clinical trial which could not have happened without her. that clinical trial, because she was in it and because it worked,
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produced an fda treatment that saved her life and others who have this genetic disease. her family with private medical insurance. her family came to this country legally. she has never done an illegal thing in her life. but the trump administration plan is apparently to kill her. one of her doctors joins us next. ♪ i planned each charted course ♪ ♪ each careful step ♪ along the byway ♪ much more ♪ much more than this ♪ i did it my way (announcer) verizon is america's most awarded network and the only one with the galaxy note10 5g. right now, when you buy one, you get a galaxy note10 free. that's verizon. [ text notification now that you have] new dr. scholl's massaging gel advanced insoles
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with softer, bouncier gel waves, you'll move over 10% more than before. dr. scholl's. born to move. this is jamie. you're going to be seeing a lot more of him now. -i'm not calling him "dad." -oh, n-no. -look, [sighs] i get it. some new guy comes in helping your mom bundle and save with progressive, but hey, we're all in this together. right, champ? -i'm getting more nuggets. -how about some carrots? you don't want to ruin your dinner. -you're not my dad! -that's fair. overstepped.
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new treatment for a rare genetic disease. it was a hard road to get there because the disease in question is rare, so finding enough patients to test it in clinical trials was a hard thing. doctors at ucsf's benioff's children's hospital found a young woman in guatemala named isabel bueso who was willing to participate. ms. bueso and her family have been told by the trump administration that they need to get out of this country within 33 days. that among other things will end her access to the drug that is still keeping her alive and that she helped developed for everyone else in the world who also has this rare genetic illness. joining us is dr. paul harmitz who has treated her since she was 7 years old and led the clinical trial to treat her disease. thank you very much for being with us tonight. >> thank you, rachel. it's really, this has been a
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devastating two-week feared and we appreciate your help trying to tell isabel's story. >> it's absolutely horrifying. i have to ask you basically if i have explained this accurately, if this is the situation her family is facing. >> you did beautifully, even without a biochemistry background, which is remarkable. but we feel like we have given isabel a death sentence, just as you described it. when we surveyed in the early 2000s, 2001, and isabel participated, a hundred patients worldwide, which we figured was 10% of the population, we didn't find any patients much beyond age 20. that was sort of the cut off in the survival with her type of disease, and so at this point, my prediction would be if we stop enzymes, she's going to rapidly move into that category
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of disease level, and whether it's months or one to two years, you're really handing her a death sentence. it's as if we're pulling the plug on a respirator or stopping feedings for a patient that needs that type of support, and i think we you know, have really devastated this family, so, you know, we couldn't do these trials. the families are unbelievable in their willingness to move from around the world to a site that's experienced in these very sophisticated trials. they relocate, they live one to two years at the home site and sometimes the option to go back to the home country does not materialize, the countries can't offer the therapies and as you
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described, she only had the option of staying, and she stayed for now, most of her life, i mean, she's really grown up through the grade school, high school, college, now she's looking at graduate school, and what sort of career and jobs she can pursue, and she's a really amazing child and young adult. she's one of the leaders in our program and the entire nation in terms of mps, and it, i think, you know, i hope we can see a change in policy so they're able to move back to their normal life. >> dr. paul harmatz, pediatric gastroenterologist. i can't imagine this is not going to continue to be national news until it's resolved. you and your colleagues being able to talk about it is important. we'll be back with you to talk
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that's going to do it for us tonight. i will say one note about the last story we covered. over the course of the week we have been following what started off as local reporting and is now national news about this unannounced policy change by the trump administration where they do appear to be targeting the families of kids with cancer, kids with cystic fibrosis, kids with rare genetic diseases and other kids who need life saving advanced medical care and have been given permission to live in this country on that basis. this story, credit to wbur in boston, the boston globe in boston, commonwealth magazine in massachusetts, for being the first news outlets to report that, it then moved to miami herald who started reporting it out. today it's on the front page of the "new york times" and we expect in coming days to see this become a lightning
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