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tv   Deadline White House  MSNBC  August 31, 2019 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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i mean, all the oil industry has been there for years. those are the cities i think president bush 41 started in that, in a little patch there in midland. so many oil companies there. you know, it's just good -- a good spot of america. >> yeah. >> it's a good place. hot summer, warm in the winter. it's unusual. doesn't have a lot of, you know, really, really awful crime there. they have crime like everyplace else. not unusually high crime. still some border smuggling. this is kind of sad somebody running around. a lot of those plots have been stopped, richard, after dayton and el paso. there was a whole slew of people calling into the tip lines and we saw the news last week when
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people were slowing people and even some white supremists, isis candidates. so this contagion, i call it, you know, didn't take hold and -- but a lot of the plots were busted because family and boyfriends, co-workers, neighbors called the police and federal agents and said, hey, this guy is talking about killing people. you've seen a whole bunch of those busted in the last couple of weeks. we can't get every one. it sounds like we've got one here that slipped through the cracks and is taking out their angst on the population of central texas. you know, hopefully it will come to an end shortly once the police overwhelm the guy or, like i say, in central texas you may die from a rifle shot from one of the citizens.
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it's a pretty well armed area and it's generally rural. the cities are thriving cities but they're smaller. you know, like you said, 120,000. you know, not metropolises so, you know, the guy could run into a neighbor and he says -- or i'm interested to see if it turns out to be two shooters, it could be, or one seen in different spots. >> jim cavanaugh, still with us. stand by. we're at the top of the hour. it is just after 6:00 p.m. eastern. it is around 5:00 in odessa, texas. we are following breaking news coming out of odessa, texas, as well as midland, texas, where at the moment we are following a potential multiple -- or at least potentially two shooters,
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multiple people shot in texas. as we follow this breaking news, i'll give you the latest details that we got from the odessa police department and the director of public safety saying to nbc news, it is early on at the moment. i'll also read for you here what is on screen which is odessa police department, active shooter, please share. subject, possibly two is currently driving around odessa shooting at random people. at this time there are multiple gunshot victims. the suspect has just hijacked a u.s. mail carrier truck and was last seen in the area of 38th and walnut. all law enforcement is currently searching for the suspect and more information will be released as soon as it becomes available. also from the midland police department, in is what they posted. they say, update. we believe there are two
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shooters in two separate vehicles. one suspect is believed to be at the synergy in midland and the other driving on route 250. the two vehicles are a gold white small pickup truck and u.s.p.s. postal van. there are reports of an active shooter at the home depot in odessa. please stay away from the area and stay in your homes. we will update with more information as soon as possible. again, this is coming from the mid land police department as well as the odessa, those posts came in in just an hour. also as i was mentioning earlier, the odessa police department just speaking with nbc news and being able to provide early information, very
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clear in saying the details are still sketchy. sharting started -- i'll read what we have. shooting started in mid land. not sure how many were injured in midland, texas. the shooters, and they're unsure at the moment if it's a multiple shooter situation or single or three or four, just shooters, proceeded then to odessa. the shooting started on 42nd and john bend, shepard park way at the movie theater area. no shooting inside. all of the records happened outside of the building. this is coming from the director of the public safety at the odessa police department. jim cavanaugh is on the phone with me right now, former atf agent. they're saying anywhere from 10 to 20 injured.
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10 to 20 injured. details still sketchy. you can probably imagine here as we've covered these sorts of incidents unfortunately many times before, jim. the director of public safety trying to get all the information they can give to media to potentially warn citizens, residents of odessa and mid land. it being an active shooting, there's concern more could be injured and potentially loss of life. jim, when you look at the details that we got from the director of public safety just in to us at nbc news and what they're able to tell us at the moment, what's your feeling? >> well, you know, if you're in command there, you want air operations. this guy is in a postal van or white truck that was described, you should be able to get a handle on it. postal van sz look like blobs.
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they ought to be able to locate them. they have daylight. this is reliable information. this is from public safety. ten people shot outside a movie studio. they don't have a firm handle on the number of attackers, one or more. they do not seem, richard, which is significant, to have anybody in custody or anybody bottled up and that's really where they've got to get. that's the urgency of the situation is you have to get the person located so you can stop this. we're so used to shootings being inside buildings and office places and virginia beach.
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now we have outside shootings, the garlic fest in dayton, oregon, nightclubs. we are starting to see outside shootings. it's different for the police than dealing with stb inside the building because responding and the person is inside the building, they can isolate them easier, lock it down and move in on them. when you're on the street and already in a vehicle instead of on foot, each dimension gives the officers another dimension to deal with. now they have to deal with that. >> jim, i just got this in from atf dallas. what they are saying. this is obviously an agency you know quite well, that they are responding to reports of a shooting on ih-20 near odessa,
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texas. that's all that they're saying at the moment. breaking, atf agents are responding to reports of a shooting on ih-20 near odessa, texas. so this is all falling into place in a way if we try to understand the narrative here, jim, right? in that we have vehicles that shootings are outside, again, according to odessa police, not inside the building. we're hearing that it's on a freeway that there are reports of shots here and so this active shooting situation that we're watching, how common is it to have a moving vehicle? this is a case we're able to understand based on odessa police and midland police, they're shooting outside. they appear to be moving. there are now reports on a freeway. how does police, local law enforcement here react to something that may be mobile right now with potentially again a gun out a window or out of a
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vehicle moving? >> well, dispatch, they're all tied together. texas dps, dispatch down there runs the highways to get the sheriff dispatched and then you have all the city police. so they are all connected. once they've been getting a report. the guy gets on the freeway, if there's two of them, random they're here one minute, somewhere else the next. if they stay on a steady tract. otherwise you have to get air up to get on top of it. if they're turning, taking different paths all the time it becomes a little more difficult for you to keep up with them because you're moving and they may take a turn and go north to south.
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if you stay away that long in that very open country there, richard. very open country. open wide space in big sky country. these guys are on a highway that's open and air operations are going to be able to pick them up fast. troopers on the road, they're going to be able to locate them. they're not going to get anywhere in a postal van, if they're still in that. even a small toyota pickup. this is an exercise. it's random people. any human being. the targeting goes to motive. this sounds pretty random, but sometimes random things can be shooting certain people don't like. so we don't know.
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we don't know. it's a person who wants to kill everyone on earth. i'd like to see it come to an end soon. i'm sorry to hear there's ten people shot. heart goes out to midland, texas. >> we're just getting another piece of information. this coming from the texas alcoholic beverage commission and they are saying the tabc agents are on the scene in odessa in response to the active shooter situation. this is not what you see on your screen right now. this is a different tweet put out by atf dallas. i'm reading directly from a different post and that coming into us and it says tabc agents are on the scene in odessa in response to the active shooter situation. agents are working with odessa police to secure crime scenes and assist as needed. if you are in the area, stay sheltered and obey local first responders. again, this is an active
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shooting situation that we are watching coming out of odessa, texas. both police departments are coming. they cannot confirm. they're saying details are shaky at the moment. multiple gunshot injured. >> no reports of fatalities. >> this is an hour and 13 minutes old so far. now i remember this active shoot er. we are now hearing ten injured and one dead confirmed. that is what we're hearing right now. are we hearing that from local police? is that where we're hearing it from as i get the notes right now from my producer? ten injured, one confirmed dead.
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one shooter. ten injured, they're also saying one dead. jim cavanaugh, stand by for a second. i like to bring in former fbi assistant director, frank faglusi. frank, you just heard the information that just came in from us from odessa police. can fbi get there? are they already there. they're probably moving quite quickly at the moment to get resources to odessa and resources to mid land. >> this is an all hands on deck. there's no doubt they're being deployed and racing. getting direction from the highway patrol and local police as to which exits might need to be blocked, what entrance ramps
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might need to be blocked. the fact that a u.s. postal service truck may be involved and/or hijacked certainly brings the possibility of federal charges into this. no one is worried which statute applies. if you have a badge and a gun, you are getting deployed and trying to bring some order to what is a fairly likely chaotic scenario. >> part of the chaotic scenario, they're talking about an active shooter at a home depot. local atf there, there is an active shooter situation on a freeway in addition to that, ih-20. what sort of tactics might be deployed here if you have an active shooter that appears to be moving and very mobile in a vehicle, potentially two vehicles? >> we've heard this over and over again. the initial reports on something like this are often wrong.
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one of the things that often is wrong is the number of shooters because particularly in this scenario you see someone -- the shooter is moving. he is that he transit. you might get reports of multiple shooters when indeed it's one. we don't know yet. jim mentioned this earlier. i can't emphasize this enough. air resources are critical for law enforcement. you're going to see sheriff's helicopters, state highway patrol planes up in the air. it's helpful that a postal truck may be involved. they have numeric numbers on the roof. they may be abandoning that knowing they stand out like a sore thumb. people need to stay indoors. the danger is there. you have to make some law enforcement tactical decisions about are you blocking entrance ramps to the highway and roads so that you don't add additional
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innocent victims to the scenario. are you blocking exit ramps to keep the bad guy on the highway and keep additional victims on the highway. commanders are making decisions like that right now in split seconds. >> frank, one of the concerns you were saying a moment ago is deploying the resources immediately. this is all hands on deck as you were describing. what about the location you just mentioned. air resources being very essential here. where are the hubs of resources in the state of texas or close to the state of texas, again, putting on your fbi assistant director hat for a moment. where would you deploy? where are they coming from generally speaking here? >> well, the good news is there are fbi satellite offices in the area so they're called resident agencies. those are smaller satellites of the fbi so you'll have those people deploying right away and then you've got field offices in el paso and dallas and san antonio who have major tactical s.w.a.t. teams that will be
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rolling towards the area and staging if they're needed as well. but there's no question, richard, that the remoteness of this area, the smaller population area means they are not significant hubs for federal law enforcement but nonetheless they're big enough to have what we call the satellite or resident agencies. >> i want to bring in former u.s. attorney and joyce fans who used to prosecute atf cases here. this is a space you also understand, joyce. when you look at the information that has come in so far, what sort of details might you be looking at as we're in an active shooter situation? we're about an hour and 20 minutes into this. we have multiple agencies as frank and jim cavanaugh were describing now being deployed and having to work together. all hands on deck situation as frank was just mentioning. we're just getting in the initial reports from the odessa police where they are confirming, according to odessa police specifically here, ten
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injured, one dead, that being confirmed at the moment right now. they were earlier saying, odessa police, ten to 20 injured. some video we're just getting in on the right-hand side. again, it's from our affiliate there. is this odessa? odessa video that we're just getting -- this is our first video of the location from our affiliate in odessa, texas. you can certainly see law enforcement there crouched behind several vehicles. this could be the home depot that they were describing earlier. shootings outside a movie theatre. joyce vance, i wanted to show you the video and get your thoughts. what are you watching? >> well, there's always a lot of chaos early on, richard. it's important for us to remember that these reports come in and the early reports may be incorrect, but while the shooting is still going on, the
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most important aspect of this is public safety. people need to listen to law enforcement. they need to stay in their homes. they need to stay out of harm's way and they need to make it possible for law enforcement to in this case get to multiple situations as quickly as possible to control the scene. as frank pointed out, this is a little bit unusual of a shooting because there are reports of a postal -- we don't know if it was a postal officer that was hijacked or postal vehicle but there are those reports. that might actually mean down the road we'll be looking at some kind of a federal prosecution, but no one's thinking about that right now. right now am we are working to get the count of a number of shooters. working to make sure that those shooters can safely be put into custody so they wouldn't continue to pose a risk for people and taking whatever steps law enforcement can take to
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ensure public safety while this investigation begins to go into its active phase. >> jim cavanaugh, you've heard what both joyce and frank have to say as well as what's new at least in our conversation is this information being confirmed by odessa police. again, that's only odessa police. and some video, again, that we're able to share with our viewers and whether it's the ih-20. there were reports of a shooter on ih-20. this would make sense if it were to be. we've taken video from our affiliate from odessa, texas, affiliate kwex. we're always trying to understand the video. in an active shooter video we
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have to be careful as well. it is put on delay in case there is a situation where these scenes, these pictures become sensitive. but from what we've been able to share right now, what are you taking away from it in terms of this active shooter situation? >> well, if they've located the vehicle, that's really important because they've got to identify the shooters. we have an application in where i don't know if he could make this go. you have a lot of this kind of homicidal maniacal rage going on where people are going to drive
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around a city and shoot ten people. they're going to get confronted by law enforcement. they're going to get surrounded by law enforcement and their options are very few. surrender, get arrested. shooting at the police and get killed or shoot themselves. one of those three scenarios play out this afternoon. hopefully on a remote highway where law enforcement officers can, you know, isolate the person and the only one harmed is the shooter. not the officers. all the troopers and the officers and the highway.
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shootings, robberies, killings. you'll be surprised how quickly uniformed officers can isolate suspected vehicle even in large cities. they're out there all day on the street. they do the streets, they do the highways. when descriptions come in, we know their paths of possible travel. we know the egress, ingress, we know where they can go. we know how to get there and we have the collective force, the collective wisdom and force of the police. i wouldn't be surprised if it was some kind of a standoff going on on a highway off off the interstate somewhere. >> frank, does that make it easier, the fact that these two cities are more isolated than dense so you could cordoned off these two cities in an active
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shooter situation? >> it's positive. there are pros and cons to the remoteness and population of these two cities. it absolutely helps in the sense that you know how to block off access and egress to your cities. people who don't belong there stand right out. the locals know that. they'll stay inside. the police will flood the zone and they will be able to identify, but i want to go back to something jim said because he's on the money. it's the very high risk, volatile nature of what we're hearing is taking place. by that i mean for law enforcement. law enforcement is going to have to put themselves in jeopardy here to end this thing and this means that the fact that this is a moving shooting, the fact that these people or person is desperate, this desperate means that law enforcement is in great
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danger so the faster they can get tactical teams in place with heavy body armor, kevlar helmets that are equipped to deal with this, the better off they'll be and the less risk for the police officer on the scene. >> wet had some video that we showed a moment ago that appeared to be of a freeway, a highway in texas, odessa, midland area. coming from our affiliate. as we look at the video, traffic stopped. we see 18 wheelers, one after the other not moving or moving quite slowly. a vehicle driving shooting this video, filming this video with a -- it looks to be a road, could be a freeway going the other way. that is not moving. this may be related to atf saying that active shooter reports on ih-20. a freeway, about 170,000 in
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midland, 120,000 in odessa. we are hearing now we are awaiting a news conference from odessa and texas officials. so that is new. we're now getting word, news conference from odessa and texas officials. when they do, of course, come to the microphones, we will go straight to that. when we hear that they are going to have a news conference i guess, jim cavanaugh, the question is does that mean we're more towards a space where they have more details? they feel comfortable announcing they're having a news conference? will this be to warn the public in the odessa/midland area if this is still an active shooting scenario which we have got no word other than it is still an active shooter scenario? >> richard, it doesn't tell us either way. they could announce they killed
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the shooter or announcing that he's still loose. what goes to the heart of it though is it's a good job by the chiefs or the sheriff's there to get information to the public. even if the scenario is over, you want to allay everyone's fears. if it's not over, you want the collective intelligence from the population to help you apprehend and locate shooters as quick as possible. it's smart money to say we're going to have a news conference. get some information out quickly. not the delay in taking every last bit of information. you could almost want to initially and you want to leverage that. everybody's response to these things, the agency, the atf,
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fbi, dea, marshals. all the agencies respond. texas rangers. that's good. what the commanders have to do is leverage that. they have to leverage the power of all of the response coming in. they could do that smartly by using the power to plug those agents and officers in to the investigation, to crime scene processing to evidence collection. they've got to organize it and make sure there's nobody else out there hurting anybody in central texas. all of the things that law enforcement can do are being done sounds like. highway block does sound like they might have somebody cornered up there on the highway with the traffic blocked. they're going to put theirs with it. if you are alive, you surrender.
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>> i just got more information into nbc news here. according to three senior u.s. law enforcement officials, this reported -- this information given to nfc nebc news investigations, according to three people briefed on the shootings in odessa and midland, texas, they are saying at least 20 people are injured and there is at least one fatality after a shooting occurred at least in part on i-20. we don't have -- of that video seems consistent with this reporting and three senior u.s. law enforcement officials saying that the shooter or shootings in midland, texas, 20 people at least injured. at least one fatality. this after a shooting that
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occurred at least in part on i-20. additionally, according to three senior u.s. law enforcement officials, a texas was not known at this time. preliminary reports from the scene are spotty and are indications that one suspect is either shot or in custody. frank, that information just in from three senior u.s. law enforcement officials and the detail of a texas state trooper being shot, does that tell you there was gunfire shared here going back and forth clearly as you see a texas state trooper again injured at the moment? >> well, it raises the possibility, just the possibility, that when you combine the fact that we have a highway involved, now we reportedly had this.
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there's a possibility this went very badly and that a trooper went over perhaps for a traffic violation and he simply did not want to be stopped. it sounds like there may have been an exchange of gunfire. we don't know. it's very, very early. i go back to what i said a few minutes earlier. this means very high risk for law enforcement. we don't know if there's high powered weapons involved, handguns. it almost doesn't matter at this point. the trick is to contain. when you hear reports of this many people being shot, reportedly 20 -- >> right. >> -- that is a lot of people to be injured in this incident. so we don't flow if that means they're shooting from a moving car. it's actually pretty hard to shoot people on a highway. they're protected by their vehicle. you're in your vehicle. so we don't know if they got off an exit and doing a shooting
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video. the two significant things, a trooper shot and 20 people injur injured, they're hurt on hurting people. disregard. it's very unlikely whoever is behind this will simply throw up their hands and surrender. >> what we're also hearing is that one shooter was killed in the incident. the reporting does not say at the moment whether or not, according to local law enforcement here, whether or not there was an additional shooter. earlier on both midland and odessa were making themselves and one shooter has been killed. joyce vance, as you have worked on many cases with atf here, what are some of the details
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that stand out? again, the latest piece of information, local officials saying one shooter confirmed dead. >> well, like frank says, it's possible now that we know there's been a law enforcement could have ended with a traffic stop or finding the suspect and this is the problem that we face so early. the potential for ongoing violence and harm to people. we have to make sure that law enforcement can do its job but will i think move many facts. i suspect that the press conference will be held because law enforcement has some details to share with us. one of the most important things they'll be looking for is whether this was just one shooter, whether it was multiple shooters. are there perhaps vehicles that contain additional weapons or
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booby traps. same thing for homes, are there other firearms and other things they need to take into control to keep him safe. i understand we'll have information about the identity of shooters and information to help law enforcement identify vehicles, homes, other places that might still pose a public safety threat. breaking news coming out of odessa. according to midland, it has been confirmed that the active shooter was shot and killed at the synergy in odessa. there is not active shooter at this time. all agencies are investigating reports of possible suspects.
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two key pieces of information. it is confirmed active shooter has been shot and killed. second, no active shooter at this time. at least midland police are saying one active shooter was shot and killed. it appears that, we have the microphones and this video. we do expect a news briefing to be coming up whether in the next 5, 10, 15, potentially 30 minutes. again, mid land and odessa areas there has been an active scenario shooting. 20 injured, one dead. now in mid land, texas, police saying no active shooter at this time. jim, so it appears that in the arc of following such short stories, we're moving towards
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the second half at least? jim cavanaugh, are you there? can you hear me? all right. jim is not there. frank, as you listen to these details, that have just come through. it appears. i am not an active shooter at this time. >> we talked about that being predictable. we do move into the next phase, that we breathe a sigh of relief and this looks like it's over. the investigation just before the judicial district involved federally, the fbi field office is involved here. very same district, very same fbi office based in el paso that had to deal with the horror of the el paso shootings. their resource is being culled
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out for crime scene coverage and investigation and here we go once again. while our congress is on break, we deal with this with the public and with the law enforcement sector. >> again, watching breaking news coming out of texas, odessa and mid land. new police department. the active shooter was shot and killed in odessa. they are now saying there is not an shooter. it's been updated in the last ten minutes. of course that difference means concern for the safety of those in the public. it appears in the moment that they are in tai different phase, citizens, residents in the odessa, texas, area can breathe more easily at this moment.
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we're going to be right back on the breaking tips. 20 injured in west texas. we are waiting nor a news briefing to start. we'll have it right here for you on msnbc. each charted course ♪ ♪ each careful step ♪ along the byway ♪ much more ♪ much more than this ♪ i did it my way (announcer) verizon is america's most awarded network and the only one with the galaxy note10 5g. right now, when you buy one, you get a galaxy note10 free. that's verizon. when your v-neck looks more like a u-neck... that's when you know, it's half-washed. downy helps prevent stretching by conditioning fibers, so clothes look newer, longer. downy and it's done.
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we are following breaking news here this hour on msnbc
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coming out of midland and odessa texas. we got news in the last five minutes that an active shooter scenario, that the shooter was -- or suspect was killed and that there is no longer an active shooter situation. up to this moment, up to the last five minutes before we went to break, all we knew was at least one was dead and 20 were injured in this active shooter situation. so it appears that we are now in a different phase, that the active shooter scenario is now over. however, it is unknown and we will get more information as time does pass by in terms of the numbers of those involved. we do not know if at least one dead is indeed the shooter. that has also been reported from local officials. we are waiting. we're watching a camera at the moment because both odessa and texas officials are saying they will have a news briefing. they will give us the very latest. we expect it to be happening in this room here in odessa, texas,
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where the local time is 5:43 p.m. we've got word of this active shooter situation about an hour and 40 minutes ago. it appears it has moved quickly to an ending for the suspect. nbc investigations, tom winter's on the phone with us right now. you had been following this since the very beginning. tom, what do we know about what has happened and what might be some of the details around it. >> richard, right now a lot of the details are frankly a little bit thin and a little bit sparse. what we do know is apparently somebody at some point was engaged in a shooting on i-20, a highway there in the odessa -- somewhere between odessa and midland. at least in that general region. we know 20 people have been injured. we have been told there is one fatality. we know the suspect is dead. we don't know if he's included in that count. what we're trying to figure out and what the reports are, it's a little bit spotty at the moment,
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is whether or not there are several scenes, in other words, several areas where there was shooting or if this was all contained to the highway. it is understandable, this is certainly no criticism of authorities there, it is certainly understandable that when something like this happens it is a little bit tough to get hold of the details. there's a lot of eye witness reports. those are inaccurate because of how confusing the situation can be. just have to wait and get some more of those details. i can tell you that the atf in dallas, fbi field office out of san antonio which covers this area, they've already sent teams and they're providing resources and the u.s. attorney, john bash, who handles the western district of texas was involved and some of the pieces are involved in the case with the el paso shooter, their office has been briefed and they're paying attention to it as well. sadly, we've heard a texas state trooper has been shot and we
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don't know the condition of that trooper at this moment. so in addition to the injured, we also have law enforcement that's been injured as a result of this shooting which, again, still trying to get a bit of a handle on how many scenes there were. how did this occur? and as far as any other details that you might want around this time, which is, you know, what type of weapon may have been used and details on the suspect who's apparently deceased. that information, it's just much too early to say. >> one of the questions has been here, as you noted, tom, is whether or not there was one or two shooters. they were not clearness necessa at this moment. maybe we'll get that definitive answer during the press briefing sometime very soon. there's also the location and remoteness of these two cities as has been mentioned by both frank and joyce and as well jim cavanaugh. in your reporting of active
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shooter situations like this, the remoteness of cities versus the -- and included in that is the density. how does that affect how resources are deployed along the way in these unfortunate scenarios? >> well, i think when you look at it and you look at law enforcement's response, i think law enforcement throughout the country is acutely aware of how to respond to these units because frankly there's just been so many of them and so many of them have had to deal with them. you need to respond right away. you need to confront the shooter as soon as possible. the idea of waiting for more resources is unfortunately something that's not afforded. these typically end quite quickly. when confronted or when you confront the suspect, they tend to end quite quickly as well. so that's the training at this point. again, the details as far as where the scenes or scene may have been, it's a little bit difficult for me right now to
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kind of -- i don't want to say diagnose but at least analyze what may have happened here with respect to how they would have responded fwu does appear any time you stop the shooter and as you mentioned, it's been about an hour and 40 minutes since we got the initial reports, the shooter is dead. so it appears at least there was a successful response here and obviously, you know, somebody firing a weapon can injure 20 people, can injure people very quickly. we know there's a law enforcement texas state trooper injured in this. definitely law enforcement tried to engage this individual and it appears tried to engage with them very quickly on in the process. >> frank faglusi is still with us. frank, as we look at that time line that tom winter underlined for us. we got first word of this incident about an hour and 45 minutes ago.
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we now understand that the active shooter, at least from one local law enforcement department saying there ace no longer an active shooter situation. was this fast? was this a quick end potentially to this scenario? >> so the answer is it depends on what we're comparing our data to. most law enforcement shootings shall over in mere minutes but when you look at something of this nature, shooter in transit. long stretch highway. lots of exit ramps, i think it's fast. i think this is -- to get this thing wrapped up and resolved in an hour is fast given the circumstances, but i can tell you and any law enforcement officer knows this, one hour of sustained active eternity. it's an eternity. it seems even longer than that. on the plus side, yes, it's over, it's resolved, yes, it was
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done in an hour. the data shows us this can be done in mere minutes. this must have been painfully involved. >> joyce, as you were looking at the new details and within the that the suspect was killed and that no longer, according to midland police department officials, is no longer an active shooter situation. we did not hear that from odessa police at the moment and both of those two police departments were reporting, were stating on their facebook page that they had an active shooter situation. but for the moment, as we try to understand what had happened or is still happening right now, what is your reflection on these details about this new phase that we're in? >> well, we're fortunate that law enforcement was successful in ending the shooting part of this crime and ensuring this active shooter didn't impose any
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more danger than he already had. now it's important for law enforcement to be careful, to make sure he was acting alone, to make sure that there is no one else still out there who might inflict more damage on this community. as frank pointed out, it's an eternity, an hour to have an active shooter. we know he wounded possibly 20 people. we don't know if he's included in the death count. we're told one person has been killed, or if that's someone else. but pretty quickly we'll begin to get information on the kinds of guns or gun that he was using. we'll learn whether he had access as we've seen in some of these other crimes to high-capacity magazines that made it possible for him to continue shooting, and whether this accounts for this relatively high count of injury to people or whether we have multiple scenes where he stopped and reloaded with a single gun and moved on to another location. it's still too early to know this, but as frank points out,
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yet again we're in the el paso division. they're already dealing with another mass shooting, and over the labor day holiday when people should be having barbecues, when people should be out with friends and families, law enforcement in this area, everybody, it's all hands on deck to deal with this, and the entire community will have to be fearful until we learn the outcome of this incident. >> it is tough if you're sitting there in the seat of the state house and century the governor didn't want to have to get yet another report of a shooting in his great state of texas. this is what he and the first lady said about this incident in odessa and midland. the first lady and i are heartbroken over this senseless and cowardly attack, and we offer our unwavering support to the victims, their families, and all the people of midland and odessa. the state of texas and the department of public safety are working closely with local law
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enforcement to provide resources as needed and deliver justice for this heinous attack. i thank first responders who have acting admirably under pressure. i want to remind all texans we will not allow the lone star state to be overrun by hatred and violence. we will unite as texans always do to respond to this tragedy. that coming from the governor, governor greg abbott of texas as well as a statement from the first lady of texas. frank, the governor is going to have to come to the microphone again and he's going to have to reassure fellow texans all will be okay. you heard from the statement, he's already saying we will stand up to hatred. the question is, what will be done next? we look at the map here as both and you joyce were remarking. it's not too long ago that we were on air with el paso. now we're on air here on a
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holiday weekend about odessa. what can they do? >> yeah. i think details are going to be become very important. we all know we can't jump to conclusions and assume certain things. we don't know the motivation here. we don't know if the guns were legally purchased. we don't know if they were automatic or semiautomatic. we don't know if they were large-capacity magazines. so when we hear the details, and we may be hearing them very, very soon, we'll be able to develop some posture here, whether anything could have been done to prevent this, whether this falls squarely on the whole notion whether we need a domestic terrorism law that will allow law enforcement to get in. we simply don't know whether this was a car stop that went horribly wrong or whether it was more of some kind of planned, premeditated act. clearly i think america is growing weary. i can show you my law
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enforcement colleagues are growing very weary of the gun power that's on the street and their inability to deal with it, for things, for example, like red flag laws that some states have, some states don't, the ability to take a gun away temporarily why you adjudicate whether this person should have had a gun in the first place. all of this discussion is -- we're ready for it, we're long past due for it. let's hear the dials and see where we go. >> an unfortunate data point to that discussion that is certainly ongoing not only in the state of texas but also in washington, d.c., and throughout the country. we are, again, following breaking news coming out of west texas. at least one dead confirmed, 20 injured. the active shooter, dead. we'll continue following this breaking story on msnbc. short break and we'll be right back.
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and we are usaa members for life. get your auto insurance quote today. . breaking news coming out of west texas. there's a news briefing that is ongoing. we'll go straight to west texas right now as we hear from law enforcement officials there. >> what i'll do is give a very short opening statement. i'll take a few questions. surely you guys understand that this is a very fluid situation.
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that we're going to have to get back to. and understand also we will have periodic updates. this won't be it. we'll keep you guys informed and make sure everyone knows what's going on. okay. [ phone ringing ] what a horrific day for odessa. millen county. let's start at the beginning. situation started about 3:17 this afternoon when a trooper tried to stop a gold honda. when the trooper got the car stopped, he was then shot by the occupant of the car. the vehicle continued westbound into the city of odessa and shot
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an individual at i-20 -- excuse me. apparently the subject then drove on our east loop to 42nd street where there were multiple scenes and multiple victims. at some point the subject stole a mail truck, ditched his car, and there were other victims after that. the victim then went eastbound back on 42nd towards senjie, class local movie theater. at that point was contacted by law enforcement. the officers from the odessa police department, the midland police department, the texas department of public safety, and i'm sure others. this is a fluid, changing situation, so please understand what i'm telling you is not written in stone. these facts, this knowledge can change.
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okay? at that point this subject was contacted by law enforcement. and an exchange of gunfire happened and that subject is deceased at that location. we have law enforcement injured, we have the dps trooper in midland county. one officer and one opd officer that were struck. as far as civilian casualties, we have at least 21 victims, 21 shooting victims, and at least five deceased at this point in time. please understand that this is not just an opd and midland pd thing. both the sheriff's office was involved in the hunt for this guy. our local school district police department, our university of texas


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