tv First Look MSNBC September 27, 2019 2:00am-3:01am PDT
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down and full on crazy as they are back home, that is our broadcast for tonight. thank you for being here with us and good night from our nbc news bureau here in london. panics administration officials try to figure out where to go next as an impeachment inquiry ramps up. according to nbc news, white house officials are unsure of how to proceed because there is no apparent plan in place to deal with the situation. >> plus, new polling shows an increase in support for impeachment after house speaker nancy pelosi announced an official inquiry this week. we have a look at the biggest moments from the acting intelligence chief joseph maguire yesterday and what we learned from the whistleblower complaint.
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good morning, everyone. it is friday, september 27th. i'm ayman mohyeldin alongside yasmin vossoughian. we begin with the fallout from the escalating impeachment inquiry of president trump. white house officials are scrambling to figure out their next steps for countering democrats impeachment push. one person close to the white house tells nbc news there appears to be a rising sense of anxiety, unease and concern inside the white house. that the whistleblower's allegations could seriously wound the president. one source familiar with the situation described to nbc a sense of total panic. all of this over the past week, to address this new reality. another person familiar with the discussion described the mood inside the white house as shell shocked. with increasing wariness that as the impeachment inquiry drags out, the likelihood increases that president trump could respond erratically and become quote unmanageable. according to "washington post," trump's advisers are envisioning a split screen strategy in the
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coming week, the post notes trump is considering stepping up the fall schedule of campaign rallies to galvanize supporters outside of washington and portray house democrats as liberal insiders focused on impeachment instead of governing. >> yesterday morning, at a private event at the u.s. mission, to the united nations, here is a video obtained by bloomberg. >> i want to know who is the person in the room that whistleblowed. who is the person who gave the whistleblower the information. you know what they used to do in the old days, right? spies and treason, right? we used to handle it a little differently than we do now. >> so those remarks sparked a sharp rebuke from the chairman of the intelligence foreign affairs and oversight committee. their joint statement reads in part, this, president trump is fully aware that our committees are seeking testimony from this whistleblower and others,
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referenced in the whistleblower's complaint, as part of the house's impeachment inquiry. the president's comments constitute reprehensible witness intimidation and an attempt to obstruct inquiry. we condemn the president's attacks and we invite our republican counterparts to dot same. >> the new poll that shows a 13.3 in favor of impeachment, the stunning shift comes days after house piecy nancy pelosi announced a formal inquiry. the new consult online poll shows a seven point jump in support of impeachment proceedings for the weekend while opposition dropped six points leading voters divided. and half of americans say they back impeachment in a new huff post poll. up three points since over two weeks ago. and an number pr/pbs news hour poll conducted on wednesday shows support number voters of the house impeachment inquiry 49 to 48%. meanwhile almost 60% of voters
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that back impeachment in the political morning consult poll, that president trump committed an impeachable offense, that is a record high. coming up on "morning joe," an exclusive interview with house speaker nancy pelosi about her decision to open a formal impeachment inquiry into president trump. so let's dive into some of the many important details of the whistleblower complaint itself. so the whistleblower lodged the formal complaint over a belief that the quote president of the united states is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 u.s. election. that post quote risks to u.s. national security and undermines the u.s. government's effort to deter and counter foreign interference in u.s. elections. per the complaint, quote, the interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the president's main domestic political rivals. it all stems from the july 25th phone call between president trump and ukrainian president zelensky. multiple white house officials
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with direct knowledge of that call told the whistleblower this. after an initial exchange of pleasantries the president used the remainder of the call to advance his personal interests. the complaint says that white house officials were so deeply disturbed by what had transpired on the phone call, because they believe, quote, they had witnessed the president abuse his office for personal gain. >> so white house officials and lawyers then intervened to quote lock down the official transcript by removing it from the computer system typically used to store such records and the transcript was loaded into a separate electronic system managed by the national security council normally used for information that is of court especially sensitive nature and reserved for code word level intelligence information. such as covert action. a white house official told the whistleblower that is an abuse of the secure system, since quote the call did not contain anything remotely sensitive from a national security perspective.
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multiple white house officials also told the whistleblower that this was quote not the first time the trump white house placed a transcript of one of president trump's calls quote into this code word level system, solely for the purpose of protecting politically sensitive rather than national security sensitive information. >> the acting director of national intelligence joe maguire appeared before the house intel committee moments after the whistleblower complaint was released and he was asked about those coverup allegations. >> so would you also want to know though, considering that you are the director of national intelligence, and transcripts are being moved into a secret intelligence system, whether other transcripts perhaps, maybe the president's phone calls with vladimir putin, with mbs of saudi arabia or erdogan of turkey or kim jong-un, would you want to know if those were also being improperly moved because the president is trying to cover up something? >> congressman, how the white house, the office of the executive, the executive office of the president and the national security council
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conduct their business is their business. >> maguire also told lawmakers he believed the whistleblower acted in good faith, breaking with president trump, who called the complaint a quote political hack job. however maguire was grilled on first alerting the white house of the complaint before the justice department and before congress. >> so you went to the subject of the complaint for advice first about whether shoe provide, you should provide the complaint to congress. >> couple of things. one, it did appear ha it has executive privilege. if it does have executive privilege, it is the white house that determines that. i cannot determine that as the director of national intelligence. >> but in this case, the white house, the president is the subject of the complaint. he's the subject of the wrong doing. >> as i said in my opening statement, i believe that everything here in this matter is totally unprecedented. to me, it just seemed prudent to be able to check and ensure, as
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a member of the executive branch, before i sent it forward. >> joining us now is professor of political science at brown university and author of the book "the oath and the office, a guide to the constitution for future presidents" corey breckschneider interesting title. >> yes. >> the more relevant than ever before. >> right. >> considering what we learned yesterday, from the testimony, some of which we just heard, and of course, after reading the whistleblower complaint, and the readout of the phone call, what do you think democrats' next steps are here? >> the subtitle speaks to that. it comes from a house member during the nixon impeachment, republican member, who says look, we need to use impeachment as a guide to the constitution for future presidents and his point is this. that impeachment is not a legal process. it's a process of the congress people making a decision of whether or not the president has so lowered his office that he merits removal.
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and in order for that to happen, the congress has to teach the american people both the future american people, but also the american people right now, about what's been done, what's wrong with it, and why action has to take place. that happened during nixon and that's the process that we're about to enter right now. >> you have written that piece recently for the guardian, and you replied by saying no, does trump need to break the law to be impeached and then say the democrats should not narrowly be focused on the issue of ukraine which coincidentally seems why this has gained so much momentum so quickly because they have narrowly focused on this singular issue to get to this impeachment inquiry. explain to us why you think they should not just focus on the ukraine issue. >> i think the term high crime of course invites the thought that the president has to have committed a criminal offense. but that's not the meaning. high crime in misdemeanor, you won't find it in criminal law, in the criminal law case book. it refers to a lowering of the office. and the burden is a lot lower. so you don't have to show that a
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crime has been committed beyond a reasonable doubt, for instance. it's enough that we have a preponderance of the evidence that we believe the president's lowered himself. on my view, yes, begin with the crime, of course, that should be the first article of impeachment. it is clear to me actually that the president has broken the law and demeaned the office in this instance. but the inquiry has to be broader than that, too, so there should be other articles of impeachment that follow as in the nixon case, that talk about abuse of power more generally. the emoluments clause for instance is on the table. the use of the president's office in order to make a profit that even came out in this phone call in the ukraine, where the president of ukraine was bragging to him that he stayed in trump tower. so yes, i want to say a broad inquiry that teechs the american people about this process and shows them too the burd has clearly been met because it is not a criminal standard. it is about the lowering of the office. and i think that americans will see that that's exactly what has happened here. >> corey, stick around. we will talk to you again in a little bit. thanks. still ahead, with a growing number of democrats calling for
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impeachment, we're taking a look at new reporting about the party's strategy for getting it done quickly. >> plus, we will show you how republicans are responding to the trump/ukraine scandal knocking acting dchlgd ni joe maguire's testimony yesterday. those stories and a check of the weather when we come back. eck oe weather when we come back. but we're also a company that controls hiv, fights cancer, repairs shattered bones, relieves depression, restores heart rhythms,
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welcome back. as of last night, a total of 225 u.s. house members have expressed support for some type of action regarding impeachment. that's 224 out of 234 house democrats plus one independent. and as lawmakers push to keep the impeachment investigation narrowly focused on ukraine allegations, house speaker nancy pelosi yesterday made it clear the inquiry would not be bogged down by the numerous trump investigations already in progress. >> the inquiry and the attempt in our caucus is that our focus now is on this allegation, now all of the other work that relates to abuse of power,
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ignore subpoenas of government, of congress, abuse of, contempt of congress, by him, those things will be considered later. >> and some democratic lawmakers and aides tell the "washington post" they believe, quote, impeachment articles could be ready for a house vote around thanksgiving. joining us now on the set, msnbc legal analyst danny cevallos. let's start with the alleged new allegations that are unearthed in the whistleblower complaint, where things go from here. talk us to about the significance of what you heard from the whistleblower's complaint that can be used in the basis that strengthens the impeachment argument. >> the whistleblower complaint contains some very damning evidence but to a large degree, in my opinion, it contained information that we really got first-hand from the transcripts or the memo of the phone call, whatever you want to call particular the day before. and in a way, it, the release of that transcript, we'll call it, for the moment, sort of
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diminished the effect of this whistleblower complaint, once it was released. although, make no mistake about it, the allegations in there are deeply concerning. but a lot of them, we knew were going to be in there, because we had already had the release of the telephone summary report. >> what do you make from yesterday's testimony, with regards to joseph maguire and the fact that he didn't necessarily promptly hand over this complaint to the house intel committee? >> in some ways, maguire came off as a somewhat sympathetic figure who is just seeking to try and do the right thing. there are reports that this is a job that he didn't necessarily relish, and that he didn't like being put in this position but when faced what to do with this complaint, he sought counsel. that is a very natural emotion. boy, here is this really important document, what do i do, maybe i should just solicit some -- >> what about the fact that he sought counsel from the white house. >> that was my next sentence, yes. now the concern become, as adam
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schiff pointed out it may not have followed the law, the sal low dig tats of the law, when you start dictates of the law, when you solicit information from the white house, the same bran thatch is the subject of the complaint. >> and the department of justice which is part of the complaint. >> exactly. everyone within the executive branch. so you can see how this went sideways. but may have begun with good intentions. even if the ultimate result did not follow the letter of the law. >> what you are saying here, and it is interesting, he made that argument, the reason he did that is because of executive privilege or the possibility that executive privilege may be exerted over that conversation. but the reality of it is, there was no communication between the president and any of the intelligence community that was there, and was he trying to assert executive privilege as in the conversation between president trump and president zelensky but at that point it would seem somewhat strange that he is taking it to the white house. of course, the complaint is based on the president's
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conversation, and a whole other set of issues after the fact. >> it seems to me, from yesterday's testimony, that maguire was erring on the side of extreme caution. the fact that it even might, in his mind have involved privilege to him meant that he had to go the extra step and again solicit that advice. but the problem here, appears to be that that advice came from the same branch that may have been implicated. and you're right, when it comes to bridge, executive privilege, it's not absolute. we know from attorney-client privilege, involving an attorney and a client, and if it doesn't, pring is gone. executive privilege is somewhat different and not absolute. it has many limits but you can see how maguire. >> maguire was trying to err on the side of, this is an important moment in history i should probably get some advice. maybe where he went wrong is where he went for that advice. >> danny cevallos, always a
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pleasure. thank you. a quick check on the weather with nbc meteorologist bill karins. >> a crazy weekend. we will see some areas of the country that are going to be digging out of an epic snowstorm while other locations will be seeing some of the warmest temperatures they ever had this late in the year. a big divide across the country with record heat likely in many areas. dozens of cities are going to be setting record highs next week in the areas of east a and so hot and so dry, we are calling it a flash drought. because some areas haven't seen rain in like three or four weeks. this is what we are expecting today, for the record. yesterday, by the way, macon georgia, 102. montgomery, alabama, 100 degrees. atlanta, a record high of 85. richmond had a record high. raleigh was also a record high. these are the record highs that we will set today. atlanta should be close or tied. birmingham should break. nashville should break. areas of kentucky, tallahassee, should break your record high. you get the idea. and then we are going to go from this weather map to this one. this is the northern rockies.
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this is montana. this is idaho. this is yellowstone here in wyoming. this is the snowfall map. this is the first snowfall map that is shown of the upcoming winter season and the fact that we have this area of a foot of snow, that's huge, and that includes from great falls, all of the high terrain, could see much more than a foot. i mean at one forecast, with the highest elevations calls for up to four feet of snow. i mean that's pretty crazy for this early in the season and i know a lot of the farmers in that area still have crops in the fields and stuff like that, and alfalfa has not been harvested yet and doing that in the snow with inches of snow, some crops could be lost. so that is not exactly a blessing. >> as far as the heat goes today, the heat in the south, perfect weather, northeast is gorgeous today, pretty nice through the rockies and salt lake city and denver and phoenix was good at 86 and enjoy your semi warmg air today because it only gets colder in areas like billings and through the west. so pretty incredible weather pattern as we end september wer a lot of extremes.
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>> i know which part of the country yasmin would rather be in and not the southeast. >> the northeast is a pretty good place to be today. >> go get your ski on up in the northern rockies. >> not quite quet. >> thanks, bill. the trump administration slashes the number of refugees allowed into the u.s. to a record low. and a new labor secretary. those stories and more next. because the self-cleaning brush roll removes hair while i clean. - [announcer] shark, the vacuum that deep cleans now cleans itself. it's something we take personally, and believe in passionately. it's the idea that if our mothers were diagnosed with cancer, how would we want them to be treated? that's exactly how we care for you. with answers and actions. to hear your concerns, quiet your fears,
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- [woman] with my shark, is deep clean messes like this, this, and even this. but i don't have to clean this, because the self-cleaning brush roll removes hair while i clean. - [announcer] shark, the vacuum that deep cleans now cleans itself. the trump administration is limiting the number of refugees
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that will be allowed into the united states next year to 18,000. that is down from the current limit of 30,000. the new limit is more than an 80% decline compared to president obama's last year in office, when the u.s. allowed 110,000 refugees to resettle inside the united states. officials say the trump administration is reserving 4,000 refugee slots for iraqis who work with the u.s. military. 1500 for people from central america. and 5,000 for those persecuted for religion. the change is part of the effort to reduce the number of migrants entering the country. eugene scalia the son of antonin scalia has been confirmed as the new labor secretary. he was confirmed in the senate with a 53-44 vote and replace alex acosta who resigned after his involvement of jeffery epstein's plea deal. scalia worked at gibbs and dunn and crusher, at the law firm, where he defended powerful corporate clients that dealt with government rules.
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he has also worked for other prominent american corporations such as goldman sachs, bank of america, ford, facebook, delta, marriott and juul. and trump first announced scalia's nomination for labor secretary back in august and faced heavy pushback from labor unions because of his resume with large corporations and work as a corporate lawyer. minority leader chuck schumer addressed his concern following the confirmation on the senate floor yesterday. >> mr. scalia's nomination is a slap to the face of labor. because mr. scalia's life work has been utterly opposed to the mission of the agency to which he is nominated. he has sided repeatedly with the large corporate interests against working people. if any working person doubts that president trump does not have their interests at heart, look at who he has nominated. >> coming up many republicans are still standing by president trump in the wake of the
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whistleblower complaint. but we're starting to see some fractures. we will show you one important moment when a gop lawmaker criticized the president yesterday. >> plus, a look at rudy giuliani's role in the ukraine scandal amid reporting that the u.s. envoy scrambled to contain giuliani's damage to national security. we will tell you about that when we come back in a moment. erica. that's why the nfl chose verizon. because they need the massive capacity of 5g with ultra wideband, so more screaming, streaming, posting fans... can experience 5g all at once. this is happening in 13 stadiums all across the country. now if verizon 5g can do this for the nfl... imagine what it can do for you. - [woman] with my shark, i deep clean messes like this, this, and even this. but i don't have to clean this, because the self-cleaning brush roll removes hair while i clean. - [announcer] shark, the vacuum that deep cleans
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phishing. malware. risky sites. it can help block all of that. get fast internet and add comcast business securityedge for just $29.95 a month. it's one less thing for us to worry about. comcast business. beyond fast. welcome back, everybody. i'm yasmin vossoughian alongside ayman mohyeldin. it is the bottom of the hour, let's start with the morning's top stories, a whistleblower's complaint made public yesterday revealed that the trump
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administration's special envoy for ukraine ambassador curt volker scrambled to quote contain the damage the national security inflicted by the president's personal lawyer rudy giuliani. the whistleblower says he heard from the multiple u.s. officials starting in mid may, that they were deeply concerned about giuliani, circumventing the national security decision process, by engaging directly with ukrainian official, and relaying messages to and from the u.s. government. the whistleblower also said that state department officials including volker and the u.s. ambassador to the european union spoke to giuliani in an attempt to contain the damage to u.s. national security. in the complaint the whistleblower states that multiple u.s. officials told him that volker and sonlen, quote, provided advice to the ukrainian leadership about how to navigate the demand had made of ukrainian president zelensky. according to the whistleblower, they also gave advice on how to quote understand and respond to the differing messages they were
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receiving from giuliani, versus u.s. officials, who represent the united states on ukraine issues. in an interview with nbc news yesterday, giuliani called the claims nonsense, and prove allies. >> the whistleblower complaint reveals that white house officials and lawyers work to quote lock down the transcript of president trump's july 25th call with ukraine's president by placing it an electronic system managed by the national security council which is normally reserved for code word intelligence level information such as covert action. the complaint also states that this was quote not the first time this was done to protect politically sensitive information. and new reporting reveals more of the extraordinary steps taken by the trump white house to shield the content of the president's calls with foreign leaders from the american public. according to the "washington post," the number of aides allowed to listen on secure drop lines and the list of government officials allowed to review memos of trump's calls have both been cut over the years.
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also less copies of transcripts sent to government agencies and those that are sent are stamped quote eyes only, do not copy. and even some officials tasked with delivering call memos have had to sign for the records to create a custody record in the event of a leak. according to people familiar with the moves. former senior administration officials even say that trump aides grew so fearful of leaks that at one point in 2018, defense department officials were asked to send back transcripts of presidential calls to the white house. and "the new york times" reports that the white house received advance notice about allegations against president trump's dealings with ukraine. quote, even as the whistleblower's complaint was moving through a process that was meant to protect him against reprisals. according to the times, which cited two people familiar with the matter, about two weeks before filing a formal complaint that offered special legal protection, the whistleblower first submitted anonymous accusations that were shared with white house and justice department officials. >> while the acting director of national intelligence testified before the house intel committee
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yesterday, speaker nancy pelosi lambasted his handling of the whistleblower complaint by consulting the white house before lawmakers. >> i think what the dni did was broke the law. the law is very clear. the dni shall convey the complaint to the intention committee. the very idea that the subject of the complaint is who he went to, to find out it was okay, to go forward, i think is wrong. >> pelosi also accused the white house of a quote coverup based on allegations laid out in the report. >> the complaint reports a quote repeated abuse of an electronic records system designed to store classified sensitive national security information. which the white house used to hide information of a political nature. this is a coverup. this is a coverup.
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>> meanwhile, minority leader chuck schumer took to the senate floor to furth he question the trump administration's purported actions. >> if this was all so innocent, why did so many officials in the white house, in the justice department, and else where, make such large efforts to prevent it from being made public? >> and many top republicans were quick to either defend president trump or simply offer no definitive stance following the release of the whistleblower's complaint. >> you said a lot about democrats but what you didn't do is defend the president. is the president defensible in this case? >> yes. what in this case rises to impeachment? this is a president of the united states that had a conversation with a leader in another country. never before has a president had to put forth their conversation.
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>> i just read the complaint. as to the transcript, you can judge for yourself, if that was something that amounts to a quid pro quo. i don't even think it's close. it was a nothing burger for me. the phone call with the president, and the ukrainian president. as to the allegations in the complaint, it is clear to me that it is a narrative being created from secondhand sources. >> we're committed to gather the information before we reach conclusions. other people who don't have this responsibility can reach conclusions right away, and i don't fault them for that, but we've been asked to look at this, and we've made big steps today, and in my case, i'm not ready to make any conclusions yesterday. still ready to gather more information. >> i speck, spoke to zelensky.
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i never had an indication that he felt pressure whatsoever. it all makes sense to me. i know everybody wants to paint it as a horrible thing. it makes sense to me. >> a moment during the intel hearing when republican congressman mike turner criticized the president before slamming the whistleblower, watch. >> i've read the complaint. and i've read the transcript of the conversation with the president and the president of the ukraine. concerning that conversation, i want to say to the president, this is not okay. that conversation is not okay. and i think it's disappointing to the american public when they read the transcript. the complaint we now have, mr. director is, based on hear say. the person who wrote it said i talked to people and they told me these things. and the american public has the transcript, or the complaint, so they have the ability to compare them. >> meanwhile, two republican governors have publicly thrown their support behind the impeachment inquiry into president trump.
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governor phil scott of vermont and governor charlie baker of massachusetts, both vocal trump critics said yesterday they in fact favored the investigation. governor scott added if he could wait for more information before calling for further action against the president. once again, coming up on "morning joe," an exclusive interview with house speaker nancy pelosi about her decision to open a formal impeachment inquiry into president trump, you do not want to miss that. joining us again is author of the book the oath and the office, a guide to the constitution for future presidents, corey breckschneider. we were listening to what some republicans were saying yesterday after the testimony. despite all of what we learned, you certainly see a lot of republicans definitely sticking behind the president. what do you think would be the tipping point for them, if there is one? >> i think as the evidence comes out, the details of the phone call, this whistleblower is a hero, he's spoken the truth, and just the details of what he is reporting, he looks certainly very credible. this is somebody who is coming from nonpolitical agency, who is
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just trying to take his oath seriously, to respect the constitution, to protect it. and as we get the details of what is happening, my hope is that first of all, the american people will begin to see that this president needs to be removed, that he has failed in his oath, and that members of the congress, including senator, not all of them, of course, but we just need a sliver to get to the two-thirds, that they will start to change their mind as well. and they will think back to the founding, george washington said in the first inaugural, this office is not-for-profit. it's not about emoluments. it is about serving others. and he said in the second line, i lowered the office so much that i violated fundamental dignity, if i, george washington, violate that dignity, subject me to constitutional punishment. and that's the message that i think republicans need to hear, it is a message for all of us, and it transcends parties. >> it seems it is part of where we are now. >> and let me ask you about the white house. what is the fact that we heard this yesterday from the dni, that in fact he went to the
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white house first, possibly to exert executive privilege over the whistleblower's comments. what does the white house advanced knowledge of the complaint tell us about their strategy and what they're handling? >> it is an indication of guilt, i think, when you're covering up, that suggests that you did something wrong, and certainly in the nixon case, calling attention to the water gate investigation, which might have been seen as a sort of a irrelevant weird break-in, that helps people to focus, and the american people who are the judges in this case, along with their representatives, are going to look at this coverup, and they're going to say, why was the president trying to hide this in the first place? even though he pretends to be transparent. and i think as you begin to get drawn into the facts, you will see that a, a crime was committed and certainly a demeaning of the office and consistent of the standard of high crimes an misdemeanors, it's not about a crime, it is about lowering the office and that has clearly occurred. >> what do you make that the action of the dni, did not necessarily address the question
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as to whether or not he shared this information in the report and any conversations he had with the president and basically exerted executive privilege and said i am not going to share any conversations with the president and basically answered a question later on in which he addressed a conversation with the president. >> it is clear who he sought advice for about the meaning of executive privilege. my guess it is somebody very lose to the president. the president himself. that's not what executive privilege means. and it is ironic, too and we have to focus on this. nixon claimed of course executive privilege to resist a subpoena. to resist the rule of law. and the supreme court and the u.s. versus nixon rejected that. they said a president is not above the law. and nixon's resistance to his subpoena, the repeated abuse of executive privilege, led to an article of impeachment. i would like to see that here, too. >> corey, always a pleasure. thank you very much. >> thank you. still ahead, lawmakers on capitol hill strike a deal to avoid another government shutdown. details on why the celebration may be short-lived. >> plus bill karins is back with another check on your weekend forecast. your first look at "morning joe"
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welcome back, everyone. the senate has avoided another government shutdown by passing a short-term spending bill which the president is expected to sign. in fact, the bill passed the senate by a vote of 82-15. just days before the september 30th deadline. the house set the bill in motion by passing it last week. now like last year's spending bill, president trump requested government funding for his border wall. in this issue, it continues to be a barrier in those negotiations. democrats offered amendment to trump's request for $5 billion to fund the wall but the amendment was defeated in the senate appropriations committee. lawmakers will continue to negotiate on the border wall funding issue before the short-term spending package expires nover 21. let's get a check of the weather with nbc meteorologist bill karins. >> remember last fall, it was very humid and warm and this is just the opposite and now we're dealing for the most part, it's hot and dry. i mean a flash drought has
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developed throughout much of the eastern half of the country. because for about the last month, it hasn't rained and it was just day after day of the brutal heat to. give you an idea, right here in atlanta, you walk outside, it is 78 degrees. it doesn't sound so bad if it was in the middle of the summer, that temperature is how it should be for your high in the afternoon. so your morning low, we're supposed to be kind of the coolest. is where your high temperature should be. and that's how out of whack we are. it does feel like august out there. in many areas and so we keep showing these map, the arrows here, in the orange, and the red, that shows you how much warmer than norm tal. is atlanta is going to be 93. it should tie or break the record high set 15 degrees warmer than it should be. that's the case through tennessee and alabama and mississippi. and montgomery was 100 yesterday. we should be up there close to 100 once again today. and yesterday was one degree away from the all-time warmest september temperature. so pretty crazy stuff. we could see some severe storms today. isolated but have that umbrella handy, if you're doing air travel out of o'hare or kansas city international, you may have
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some delays out there to deal with. we will not see anything too horrible but we will see isolated, you know, large hail and damaging winds. i don't think we're with the tornado threats to bad. and as far as the weekend goes, it all about the heat in the south and the east, and the big old rain and snowstorm for areas of the north and much of the east coast will see a dry and very warm weekend, and the only stormy spots will be the northern plains and then that heavy snow event we talked about earlier in idaho and montana. but yes, it looks like we have about, another six, seven days of this incredible warmth and then by about thursday, friday, of next week, that's when all of a sudden you start pulling out the jackets. >> always have to. thanks, bill. still ahead, one fast food giant jumps that the whole plant-based meat crazy with the new offer. we will tell you about that. >> and one of the most anticipated stock debuts gets off to a very rocky start after peloton wipes out $900 million of investment wealth. details on the story driving business day, coming up. driving business day, coming up.
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welcome back. the second largest airline company in the world, delta airlines, is expanding its global reach after buying a stake in latin america's largest airline. cnbc has more from london on this. good morning. talk to us about this. >> yes, kind of a surprise to be honest. because last time we saw a merger was lamb from chile and tam from brazil and for a long time they were partners with
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american who were looking to make a similar investment. and it seems like delta has beaten them to the punch. they are moving things around in terms of the global align alliances. and what is interesting, go. they're continuing these joint ventures trying to get exposure from non-u.s. routes. this seems to be the latest instance of that. another story watching yesterday, the peloton, we've had some pretty unsuccessful ipos this year. we were canceled just a few weeks ago. we talked about uber and lift before, disappointing investors. peloton fell 11%. this company sells exercise bikes and treadmills and exercise classes, something that i know you, ayman, love, love doing. it's really going dob a bing.
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it's going to be a big question where people spend lots of money on these expensive bikes or it's a software subscription firm. it's going to be hard to analyze. >> he just walks around the city -- >> i always love going for a good jog and -- >> i have class pass. i'll tell you something that's closer to my heart which is mcdonald's. that's more likely -- >> but not the -- >> yeah, let's talk about it because it looks like they're trying to jump into the plant-based burger bandwagon. what can you tell us about their plt. >> yeah, plt, it's fun, there's no bacon, there's no beef in this burger. essentially they're trying to launch this in the way that many of their competitors have already done. they're using another recently ipos company's product beyond mo meat. they've got nonmeat burgers in germany and israel and they're launching this not too far from where you are.
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you will have to go to toronto. there rp a few restaurants that will be launching this. look at this from a financial perspective, people have loved these stocks and the stocks have jumped 11% on this news. >> sounds like a fun day. >> all right. thank you. coming up on "morning joe," the trump administration finds itself in panic mode. the latest on the white house's scramble to combat the latest push on the impeachment of president trump. in joins morning show for her latest decision on the impeachment of president trump. you will not want to miss that conversation. "morning joe," everyone, just moments away. nversation. "morning joe," everyone, just moments away. ng the best price. these'll work. the utter delight of free wi-fi... .
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mike allen. good morning to you. >> good morning, guys. it was fun to be at the adult table with you and i'm going to wish you a historic friday. this is a week we'll all always remember. >> talk about axios one big thing today. >> the one big thing is joe biden's family problems. top democrats are telling us that it was the vice president's family that almost kept him from running and now could help drag him down. democrats say they're worried that the ukraine story just targeted at president trump could wind up being an albatross for joe biden. the former vice president will get associated with an un -- with an ugly process with an unpopular issue. and that that will help -- that he'll become basically collateral damage in this. part of this is because he's having to answer questions about his family at the same time that elizabeth warren is rising in polls. >> so to that point, what are
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you hearing how democrats, as you mentioned there are say big concern for them, but how could it impact the democratic field and how it shapes and how people may rally behind him in the democratic party or cut him loose? >> one of the great democratic advisers, someone at the moment who is not associated with one of the campaigns, said that president trump who can always sense weakness knows the vice president worries about his son and to sort goff aft after him target him on issues related to hunter biden. and everything in the world can't necessarily undo all that attention. the biden campaign advisers tells us that the vice president's going to keep talking about gun control, climate change. he's not going to ignore the president, is but going to talk about other issues. and here's what the biden campaign is banking on. behind the scenes they tell us that because people have an emotional connection to vice president biden, because he's been on the public scene for so
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long, that that will protect him. but, it could be that the bottom line, as we say at axios, is that the person who benefits most politically from the ukraine scandal is elizabeth warren. >> so earlier, mike, we played some sound republican lawmakers really down-playing these claims against the president. what are you hearing about the gop's plans to combat this and what could be the tipping point,s a asked earlier, for the gop? >> so axios elina tree has been up on capitol hill all week. and she's hearing a lot of republicans saying that they plan do attack this the way that they did the mueller report. you're hearing a lot of them trying to discredit the whistleblower rather than try to deal with the substance of what the whistleblower is saying. and "morning joe's" jonathan lemire have a story talking
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about these tactics. you not only try to discredit the person making the accusations but you roll out rudy and have republicans there to acts a chorus for you. >> thank you very much. we'll be reading axios am in just a bit. you can sign up for that newsletter at "morning joe" starts right now. we begin the week at a remarkable point in american politics. the white house trying to hammer congress by silencing a whistleblower. >> it's an incredibly significant day with nancy pelosi getting pushed very hard by the democratic caucus on the question of impeachment. >> is rudy giuliani the president's private lawyer. >> says he is or. >> someone tasked by the state department to conduct government business. >> says he is. >> we have word now that we have the whistleblower complaint. it's been released to the public. it's been declassified. it's been partially redacted.
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>> mainly he sought to pressure the ukrainian leader to take actions to help the president's went 20 re-election bid. >> whoa. >> there it is in a line. >> willie geist. >> did what he's been accused of doing, it's impeachable. >> and that brings us to today, friday, september 27th here at the united states capitol in washington, d.c. this morning we have an exclusive interview with house speaker nancy pelosi, her first since democrats formally began pushing toward the impeachment of donald trump. there are several new developments in the scandal that has brought the u.s. government to this precipice. a white house in panic, the president on attack, and a growing numbers of americans involved in removal the commander and chief from the office. >> willie geist is with us. willie, i must say review of the
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