tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC October 7, 2019 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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leader of ukraine, further taking down the president's defense. >> it's really part of a mounting body of evidence along with those text messages and this witness testimony that trump wasn't just being trump on that phone call. betrayal, president trump ordering american troops to abandon the kurd allies. green lighting turkey's president erdogan who has threatened to wipe them out, even angering some of the president's strongest defenders. >> the kurds have nobody to count on because we abandoned them. this is a big win for iran and assad, a big win for isis. >> and alternative facts. republican lawmakers twist themselves into rhetorical pretzels defending the president leading to this rare exchange on "meet the press". >> senator it's pretty clear we're only dealing with the facts that we have, not the facts that you wish them to be. >> i can't get the answers and i
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can't get the answers, the american people can't get the answers. something pretty fishy happened during the 2016 campaign and the transition in the early part of the trump presidency and we still don't know. >> we do know the answers. ♪ >> good day, everyone. i'm andrea mitchell in washington where president trump is lashing out on twitter after learning there is a second whistleblower who reportedly heard that call to ukraine's president and is willing to cooperate with house investigators. more vitriol from the president for nancy pelosi and adam schiff using words like high crimes and treason, then calling for their immediate impeachment even though members of congress cannot be impeached. as well as a new screed against the sole republican critic in the senate mitt romney. joining me now kristin welker. former fbi assistant director for counter intelligence and a
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senior director in president obama's national security council. what is going on at the white house? >> reporter: this second whistleblower deepens the controversy for the president, for this administration. it deprives them of the argument that the allegations against them are based on hearsay. of course, we have the notes from the transcripts so people were able to see what president trump said to the president of ukraine, at least the notes of that phone call with their own eyes. but that is why you have president trump taking aim at the whistleblower, the press secretary stephanie grishom trying to dismiss the significance saying it's part of the broader witch hunt against president trump. it underscores some real concern behind the scenes about what the second whistleblower might have to say. will this person further the narrative? it comes as we're expecting the standoff to intensify between the white house and capitol hill. administration officials telling
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us over the weekend that early this week they expecting to send that letter to house speaker nancy pelosi essentially saying they're not going to turn over any documentation until the full house votes to, as they say, officially open an impeachment inquiry. there's nothing in the constitution that requires that although the past three impeachment inquiries have started with a vote in the house. bottom line, the white house signaling they do not plan to cooperate. >> and there's been an unprecedented attack again by the president and his defenders. we saw this on "meet the press" with ron johnson against the fbi and the cia. this could also include as bloomberg was reporting on friday night a wholesale wiping out of national security council members who are detailed from the intelligence community. the president using labels like deep state. what are you seeing here? >> well, what we're seeing is what trump views as a direct threat. the intelligence community represents two things that scare
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the president. they represent knowledge and they represent truth. and when you have knowledge and truth, you have power. so trump sees this as a power threat to him and he's got to lash out at people who possess truth and knowledge, because when it comes out, it becomes clear that witch hunt is not what's rhappening but rather we have people who have really seen the witches, they know the truth, they've got the scoop. you're going to see an increasing effort to taint the cia, the fbi and the entire national security council in terms of the detailees there because they represent a clear and present threat to the president and his agenda. >> and there's a letter that you're on from 90 former national security council members that says in part, he or she, the whistleblower, has by law the right and indeed the responsibility to make known
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through appropriate channels indications of serious wrongdoing, being a responsible whistleblower means that by law one is protected from certain egregious forms of retaliation. there have been a lot of threats from the president of retaliation and claims against the whistleblower and now a second whistleblower has stood up apparently according to the whistleblower's attorney. also this report by jennifer jacobs that we have not confirmed frankly that the president has ordered all of these detailees, so many from the national security council staff, the people who do listen on these calls and take these notes, not cia but others potentially to be removed, to be sent back to their apparent agencies. >> it's incredibly on brand for donald trump because rather than cut down on the betrayal he's essentially taking aim at the fact witnesses, people whok coud
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blow the whistle. the fact that we now have two whistleblowers is in some ways the least surprising document. i say that remembering the first line in the original whistleblower complaint. in the course of my official duties i have received information from multiple u.s. government officials is how that whistleblower started that complaint. in some ways trump has invited this on himself because he has tried to per son fie t personif. he has tried to kill the messenger. this is about our national security and the need to place that oath that we swore to the constitution ahead of any loyalty to a single president. >> ron johnson's pushback against chuck todd was so unprecedented for this senator. he also said in answer to
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chuck's final questions there do you trust the current cia and fbi and he said no, i don't. what signals do that send? >> this is deeply disturbing on a couple of levels. first of all, let's remember that the current directors of cia and fbi are indeed trump appointees. even on a dieeper level i'm really concerned about what this says to our allies who have to work with us, our intelligence community every single day. and then i get very concerned when someone at that level says that because at some point our administration is going to have to confront adversaries or present our allies with serious intelligence that calls for it to be acted upon. they can look across the table at us and say is this the same intel from the same intelligence agencies that you say you don't trust? why should we listen to this? it has harmful effects for
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foreign policy, for morale, for recruitment. michael mcfaul is a former ambassador and joins me now. this has been an extraordinary series of events. there's the fallout from the phone call which now implicated the vice president of the united states, the secretary of state, the energy secretary, the president's personal lawyer, who knows who else. and tough witnesses lined up now, those agreeing to cooperate and the secretary of state pushing back and not turning over to this moment as far as we know documents from the state department about this entire episode. >> shocking ining is the right.
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it is an irony that secretary pompeo is the one not turning over these documents when he proceeded during the benghazi hearings to ask the same from the oesh whitbama white focus on the facts, which are simple and clear and it doesn't matter who testifies in the future and it doesn't really even matter if we have three or four or more whistle-blowers. all the facts are in the transcript of the phone call from president trump to president zelensky and then c p corroborated by the text messages released last thursday when mr. volker testified. they were offering an oval office visit with the president in return for one investigation of the vice president's son and, two, investigation into alleged ukrainian involvement in our 2016 election. it's just clear as day we don't need any more whistle-blowers. >> let me ask you about the former ambassador to ukraine and
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an experienced diplomat in both russia, ukraine and the region. she's supposedly going to testify. we don't know how forthcoming she will be, but she is one of the witnesses who has agreed to show up. but the fact that she was pulled back from her post and has been supplanted really by this eu ambassador when ukraine is not part of the european union and this other ambassador was a political appointee and contributor. >> yeah. it's just shameful. it's thepower of people around the president at the expense of national security interest. i have known her for over 30 years. she was a top notch diplomat. serving for democrats and republicans and she, obviously, clashed with this conspiracy.
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the prosecutor general who at the time mr. giuliani was in consultations with said the ambassador was getting in the way of what you're trying to do and the private people basically working with this to get rid of our u.n. ambassador general. >> we're referring to the political contributor upwards of $1 million to the trump campaign who, according to the text messages was circumventing william taylor who succeeded and marsha in the ukraine post and another career diplomat and the only one in this whole group who was pushing back and saying it would be crazy to withhold security assistance to ukraine in exchange for help with a political campaign. >> yes. i think ambassador taylor who you are referring to who is now
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out in ukraine serving as our temporary ambassador. he's the real hero here. he was not willing to play along with this scheme and it's just, i want to just emphasize all the evidence is there in the text messages and in the transcript. everybody should just go and read them closely because what you see here in the text especially, is it wasn't just a phone call, a one off phone call with the president, you know, asking for a favor one time. that was part of a scheme over many, many months to try to do this quid pro quo. thankfully ambassador taylor pushed back. but why ambassador sondland is involved, completely mysterious to me. ukraine is not a member of the european union. the united states is not a member of the european union. it seems to me reading those texts that he's just the trump spy to make sure people like volker and taylor do what they're supposed to do. i look forward to his testimony tomorrow. >> the other piece of this, of
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course, is vladimir putin. who benefits most from the freeze, the temporary freeze as it turns out of $391 million in aid to ukraine at a key moment when a newer president was taking over and trying to negotiate with russia. >> obviously, vladimir putin. but i think it's bigger than that, andrea. we look like we cannot do foreign policy in the name of national security interest. we look like we can't basically run a play that is designed to advance our interests and our allies. so, on an even broader platform, i think putin and all of our competitors and enemies around the world benefits from this very tragic moment in terms of american foreign policy. >> ambassador mike mcfaul, thank you so much. abandoned. president trump gives into turkey's demand to move in against allied forces in syria sparking condemnation including
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the fight against isis who says the president is committing malpractice. brett joining me next right here on "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. nbc.uppo and ease into quitting so when the day arrives, you'll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or life-threatening allergic and skin reactions. decrease alcohol use. use caution driving or operating machinery. tell your doctor if you've had mental health problems. the most common side effect is nausea. talk to your doctor about chantix. there are lots of people who are confused about which medicare plan is right for them. hey,
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fighting isis in effect by the announcement that came last night. a dramatic policy change was announced on sunday night reversing the president's own commitment and the long-standing advice of past secretaries like jim mattis and u.s. diplomats in the region and even his closest senate ally senator lindsey graham. why? the president talked earlier in the day and long try to wipe out the kurds who he considers a threat to his hold on power. the endless and ridiculous wars are ending. we will be focused on the big picture knowing we can always go back and blast. he added, as i have stated strongly before and just to reiterate, if turkey does anything that i and my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits. i will totally destroy and
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obliterate the economy of turkey. >> formernato supreme ally commander and analyst. brett, you resigned in part when jim mattis resigned after the president tweeted that he was withdrawing all u.s. forces from syria. that was then slow walked in the succeeding weeks and months. but this looks like the final pull back of the remaining special forces and a green light clearly to move in. >> these are the most consequential decisions a president can make. we have american military personnel on the ground in syria carrying out a mission that he had authorized and then from a call with a foreign leader, it happened twice now, very impulse e ly reverses gear. this is no way to run the
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country and i don't say that lightly. this is very serious. no one knows what to do. i see the administration scrambling to make sense of what is happening. the president is all over the place. his tweets indicate that he has no real idea or conception of what is happening on the ground. so nobody really knows where this is going. we can go back in if isis comes baic. look, we took isis' capital without a single life because the syrian kurds did the fighting. they lost thousands of fighters. if he thinks we can go back in, who will do the fighting? does he want to put american troops in those cities and towns to do the street by street fighting? i don't think so. this is totally incoherent. it applies to foreign policies across the board. and this is just the latest example. >> admiral, when he says he can go back in, i know from my sources back in december when he tweeted that withdrawal announcement, not only a shock to the military, the u.s. military, it was a shock to the
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brits who were on the ground with their own special forces. our allies did not get a heads up at all. as a formernatoee e o commander is the effect on the u.s.? >> it will have a ripple effect throughout our global structure of alliances. i was struck, andrea, by the president's tweet that we're now going to focus on the big picture. news flash, this is the big picture. this is the connective tissue that brings our allies, partners and friends to conduct these operations. i get it, we have middle east fatigue. people want to come home. but doing so opens a pandora's box and throws the field open to iran. by the way, right next door in iraq we're seeing today riots. a lot of discontent in the government system. this kind of decision will have
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impact way beyond the immediate area and it is a fundamental part, therefore, of the big picture. we are not going to simply go back in there. the way i would think of it is, it's like a forest fire. we put out the fire but still a lot of embers on the ground, except when we go back in, we will not have any firefighters helping us do it after we abandon them in the field this way. it is a mistake. >> and admiral and brett mcgurk this is the last inspector general report from the pentagon that said while the territory is gone, rakka was retaken as you have pointed out, brett. the isis fighters are resurging and the refugee camp can no longer be guarded and 18,000 fighters in iraq and syria who are coming back. so, those embers are absolutely there. the president as recently as
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june 29th at the g-20 specifically said at a news conference with the japanese prime minister, he specifically said he would not yield to erdogan's demands to go back in and take out our allies. watch this. >> president erdogan, he's tough, but i get along with him. he wanted to wipe out. he has a big problem with the kurds, as everyone knows. and he had a 65,000-man army at the border and he was going to wipe out the kurds who helped us with isis and we took out the caliphate. we have 100% of the caliphate and i called him and i asked him not to do it. >> can i just make a military point here, andrea. >> yeah. >> which is we don't have to send 150,000 troops here. when i commanded the mission in afghanistan, fraor example, we d 150,000 troops. we had almost 200,000 troops in iraq when brett mcgurk was there
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doing fine work on the ground. those days are gone. we don't need to send 100,000 troops in there. the irony of this is that it is well within our capability to have a limited number, a few thousand troops in syria could make all the difference in the world. this is being penny wise and pound foolish to withdraw them. >> brett, in addition to the diplomatic fallout. i know americans, all of us are, wary of the endless wars, but this does seem like the president trying to notch up a political victory so that he has a campaign talking point. i got us out of syria. >> well, maybe, but just to follow up on jim's point, we have about 1,000 troops on the ground in syria. i spent a lot of time on the ground in syria. i've seen this thing from the beginning. they are dependent upon what we call the syrian democratic forces. a force of 60,000 syrians we helped built. and the back force are the syrian kurds. if we betray them, we can't stay. we were dependent upon that
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force for our force protection and logistics and everything. that allows us to operate with a light footprint with very few forces. one more thing about what president trump says. he talks about the isis fighters in the camp. we were asked to build u.s. prisons for them. none of this is true. these fighters in this camp are being guarded by the syrian kurds. if the kurds now have to face an attack from turkey, these fighters may well get out. no coherence here and no plan and a very dangerous, risky situation. no way for any president to make the most consequential decisions of war and peace. it's just very troubling. >> well, brett, the president has been threatening, in fact, for days, to no longer guard those camps and just let the isis fighters go back to europe saying europe won't take them, so i'm just going to let them go. how foolish is that? >> where does a president get his information? we're not guarding these camps.
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americans are not guarding these camps. the inspector general report you just referenced go into this in some detail. it's not an american prison. they are being held by the syrian kurdish forces. the syrian democratic forces. if the syrian democratic forces now have to face an attack from turkey, that means even less resources to guard these fighters. again, a total lack of coherence and the president seems to have ideas in his head that bear no relation to the facts on the ground. very dangerous when presidents make consequential historic decisions without facts. this is happening across the board on foreign policy and this is the latest example. i'm thinking about the americans on the ground in syria who are sent there to do a mission. the trump administrations expanded their mission. we're going to stay on the ground until we end the syrian civil war which will take year. that is the trump administration policy for better or worse. but president trump i don't
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think ever signed off on that and he now just reversed course, again, after a call from a foreign leader. >> andrea, just final point from the pentagon perspective here. everyone was absolutely flabbergasted by this. i tell you that as a fact. nobody saw it coming and that is a real problem when you're trying to conduct not only foreign policy as brett points out quite well. but also military operations. that kind of whip sawing effect is extremely detrimental, not only in this tactical situation, but strategically as our planners try to prepare in other theaters from north korea to afghanistan. it is a very dangerous way to have a collision between foreign and military. >> one has to ask, where is the secretary of state in all of this. thank you all, very much. coming up, republican
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reckoni reckoning. new reports that lawmakers in the president's party are paralyzed by the impeachment dilem dilemma. stay with us on "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. even pet care services. and there's never been an easier way to get great advice. a place for mom is a free service that pairs you with a local advisor to help you sort through your options and find a perfect place. a place for mom. you know your family we know senior living. together we'll make the right choice.
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i'm asking a simple question about you clearly were upset that somehow there was an implication that military aid was being frozen because the president wanted an investigation. why did you? >> because i didn't want those connected. and i was supporting the aid, as is senator murphy and as is everybody who went to that initial inauguration. here's the point i went forward. when i asked the president about that, he completely denied it. he adamantly denied it. he angrily denied it. >> republican senator ron johnson ducking questions from chuck todd on sunday. bringing up past investigations ignoring the president's controversial phone call about ukraine. joining me now is robert costa for "washington post" moderator of "washington week" on pbs and ashley parker white house
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reporter and msnbc senior political analyst, as well. welcome, both. ron johnson just completely imploded on "meet the press." and, clearly, was surprising to chuck todd and to all of the viewers, as well, that ron johnson who had criticized what went down and reading off of notes and citing lisa page and peter struck from the fbi as though they were cia analysts. he was even getting his talking points from the white house wrong. >> andrea, senator johnson's remarks on "meet the press" are indicative of lawmakers and roan leade leaders are responding to this measure. they're rallying to the president's side. going to the barricades politically. senator johnson, for example, has told me in recent days that he would like to perhaps mount an investigation of hunter biden and the biden family finances
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with regard to ukraine and he's the chairman of the homeland security committee. that's no small thing to say for him. and you see senator johnson being very much like congressman jordan in the house. ready to be there for president trump who they say is the leader of their party despite this impeachment process. >> mitt romney tweeted on thursday when the only american citizen, president trump singles out for china's investigation is his political opponent in the mist of the democratic nomination process to suggest it is anything other than politically motivated. this resulted in a tirade from the president attacking mitt romney over the weekend. i'm hearing that the great people of utah are considering their vote for their pompous senator mitt romney to be a mistake. i agree. ashley, what is going on there? >> well, for a lot of the
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republicans who bob was just alluding to, they look at what happened with senator romney as a cautionary tale. and they realize that if you cross the president and keep in mind, in those tweets, mitt romney was quite critical, but he didn't actually say it was an impeachable offense. there is a world in which he could be far more critical. if you lightly criticize the president the message trump sent is i will come after you. i will come directly after you in very personal terms and a lot of republican senators don't want to see that. mitt romney is a slightly different example. he is actually unfedered and popular and he sort of sees this as a last act. he feels confident in his seat but also has a wife, five children and a number of grandchildren, a ton of money. for some reason, things go awry he has a post-political life. not many senators are in that position. they watched what happened with mitt romney and decide to retreat and be silent. >> and bob costa, you and ashley
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are reporting on a complete break down of any kind of action on the republican side. it's been, it's been extraordinary. i mean, susan collins kind of dipped her foot in the water. you heard from nikki haley who may have future ambition -- he even say it was an offense? >> entirely overhauled by the celebrity populism by candidate trump and other forces on the right from talk radio to conservative media and steve bannon and other figures who tried to inject the republican party with totally new ideas. so, these republican lawmakers when i'm up at the capital they say they sometimes barely understand their own voters and at the same time, they also see president trump as useful politically to get a tax law through. to get conservative judges
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installed on the federal bench. so, it's a transactional relationship and a bewildered position for many of these republicans as they move forward. they don't know who else could win a state like wisconsin or pennsylvania. so for now they operate often in fear. >> robert costa and ashley parker, thank you. to be continued. coming up, the tax battle. president trump losing the first round of his immunity claim against a new york probe into his taxes. what's going to happen next? that's next right here on "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. you just saved a bunch of money by switching your boat insurance to geico. it was easy. folks, can it get any better than this? is that what i think it is? that is an armada of tiny sushi boats. awesome! i forgot to pack lunch. you had one job... chopsticks wasabi and soy! comin' in a little hot. it only gets better when you switch and save with geico.
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a federal judge has eviscerated the president's records that he should not have to turn over his tax returns. the judge calling the president's claim of immunity. the president's strategy is working because he has now won a temporary stay from an appeals court keeping his taxes out of view for now. msnbc barbara mcquaid joins me. what about the president's claim of immunity from the state, the manhattan's d.a. to look at his taxes. >> well, the judge completely a annihilated that theory and what president trump tried to say here not only immune from prosecution, he's immuned from investigation. investigators can't even look at things like tax return documents to investigate a president.
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what the judge here said is, of course, we can. he said the olc opinion was not deserving of the kind of recognition it seems to get by the public. so, that was one thing. but he said even if it were true that a president cannot be charged, it does not make sense that the president cannot be investigated because it's important to gather evidence so that he can be charged after he leaves office or so any co-conspirators can be charged with crimes now. >> i also want to ask you, barbara, about a new step from the three house chairs who are leading this impeachment inquiry. subpoenaing both defense and state department documents regarding the hold up of that aid to ukraine and saying that they were surprised by it, as well. obviously, the state department has yet to turn over any of the documents that secretary of state pompeo was supposed to turn over as of friday night. this is a new and also omb.
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mick mulvaney is the director and acting chief of staff. >> andrea, this says to me that they understand why this scandal is so different from the robert mueller scandal. this isn't about joe biden or about tundermining the 2016 election. this is about holding up military aid in abuse of the president's power in exchange of getting something of value that he wanted. they're going to the heart of that. what were the directives and reasons the people were being told to hold up this military aid. the abuse of power that happened here by president trump. one thing that will be interesting to see is whether those documents get turned over or we see executive privilege. you know, this cry by president trump to fight all the subpoenas is something that i think could ultimately be itself a basis for impeachment of this abuse of power to override the checks and balances that exist in our courts and in congress. >> barbara, thank you so much.
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thanks for your legal analysis there. coming up, biden striking back. the former vice president has a new counteroffensive against president trump. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. ter-work decompression zone. so when my windshield broke... >> woman: what?! >> vo: ...i searched for someone who really knew my car. i found the experts at safelite autoglass. >> woman: hi! >> vo: with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield... then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! >> woman: safelite has service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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corruption comes from the president corrupted from the state department and the defense department and the justice department. all about making sure that he, in fact, allows somebody else to pick his opponent for him. i'm not going to talk about anything other than what the facts are. he's indicted himself by his own statements. this is not about me, it's not about my son, not a shred of evidence done that has been wrong. >> former vice president joe biden responding over the weekend to president trump's unfounded claims about biden's son in ukraine. the biden campaign announced their plan to counteract the president's efforts to put the former vice president in the middle of this impeachment debate by, quote, sticking to the facts. but "new york times" reporting biden is being faulted by some democrats for not responding more forcefully. joining me now joel payne and kimberly atkins senior washington news correspondent and boston's mpr news station
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and also msnbc contributor and jeremy peters reporter for "new york times" and msnbc contributor, as well. jeremy, first to you. "the new york times" reporting faults the biden the biden's ca not being more aggressive. >> this is a huge liability, andrea. this is trump's sweet spot. his campaign and the president himself time and time again when they are attacked have taken this kind of yi know you are bu what am i approach? no, joe biden, you are the one, you and your sons were corrupt. in ordinary time, most other democrats kind of shrug off but it is proven so effective because of president trump's unique amendment to command the attention of the media and drive the news cycle. whatever he says because it
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comes and was at sheer volume and force, ultimately ends up changing the tune here and that's what's happening here with biden. already you are seeing him struggle with how to push back. >> joe payne, is he dammed or he does not dam going -- opening up a whole pandora's box. if he's not aggressive and does not push back, many democrats will say is he tough enough to take on donald trump in the elections. >> i love jeremy framing the news cycle. that's what we call where i am from lying and operating without shame. that's what the president does. he's been telling this story of joe biden for a while now. i think with democrats are frustrated with the fact that joy d joe biden is forced to respond on trump's term.
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that's problematic. he has to talk about it on president's terms and democrats looking back to 2016 and thinking of what happened with hillary clinton and looking back in 2008 and 2012 of what happened with barack obama and some of the lie that is donald trump reported against president obama. i think democrats don't want a repeat of that. democrats going onto school for how not to be swift voted. some democrats are probably going to want more fight out of joe biden. again, no matter how hard joe biden fights, donald trump is the bully puppet out of the white house everyday. >> we have seen donald trump tried to frame and identify his opponents and try to define them for voters. we saw that with everybody from hillary clinton and the lies he told about ted cruz's father. that's what he does. that's something every democrats
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need to be prepared for. that's why some folks i talked to were perplexed that it took biden so long to hit back. everything he says about his family and wanting privacy is notwithstanding. he's in this race and he knows what he's up against. something more than an op-ed is something a lot of people are looking for. >> jeremy, what about the head to head matchup, 48-39 and elizabeth warren 45-41. biden is way out front in these poll poll poll polls. >> this is one of the states of wisconsin where trump won by a hair. i have been out talking to voters in all three of these states. the support among the people that we call the obama trump voters. has really slipped. it is not all gone by any sorts of imagination and there is time
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to recover all these unknown variables including who'll be the democratic nominee and the president's late possible impeachment or really kind of clouding the picture here. what we do is his support is soft. this kind of polling. these numbers are what the trump campaign and the rnc are looking at themselves in their own private polling data. i will pull one number out of there that i thought was really surprising. 20% of the people of wisconsin say the new allegation of ukraine could change their view of the president. for somebody who's so well known to the american people and somebody about whom the american people have fixed opinions already. that 20% number is pretty striking. >> indeed it is. joel payne, jeremy peters, thank you to all. the unstoppable, jimmy carter building a habitat for
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natureville and i fell down and hit my eye on a sharp edge and had to go to the hospital and they took 14 stitches in my forehead. but, my number one priority coming to nashville to build houses. [ applause ] >> 95 years old, jimmy carter at the auditorium in nashville rallying volunteers ahead of a home building project for habitat for humanity hours after suffering from a fall. he's out on the job site leading a new build for habitat with his black eye, 14 stitches. this is a man survived brain cancer, broken hip not too long ago and tomorrow he'll be joining me as my special guest right here on "andrea mitchell reports." you are not going to want to muss it.
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that does it. i am still stunned looking at his black eye, get better mr. president. follow the show online and on facebook @mitchellreports. >> here is "velshi & ruhle." >> we'll definitely tune in tomorrow. >> thank you, andrea. >> it is monday, october 7th, coming up. breaking news, more subpoenas just issued in the impeachment inquiry. a second whistleblower is coming forward. this person's lawyer says they have firsthand knowledge of important events. >> republicans struggling to defend president trump, the politics trying to protect the president. president trump is pulling u.s. troops out of northern syria to allow a turkish operation there. a decision that's being slammed by lawmakers on both sides of the isle with some republicans calling it a
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