tv MSNBC Live MSNBC October 19, 2019 4:00am-5:00am PDT
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impeachment inquiry. but just within the last 24 hours there have been some head-spinning developments, let's bring you up to date. >> i want to start with this mick mulvaney confession in the white house, because it was a confession. >> acting white house chief of staff mick mulvaney openly saying there was a quid pro quo with ukraine. and an admission he's now trying to backtrack. >> the white house is blaming the media for taking mulvaney's words out of context even though we heard him say what he said. >> a prominent republican nonetheless, john kasich, the former republican governor of ohio today came out in favor of impeachment saying that mulvaney's remarks were the tipping point. >> the speaker has said we're going to proceed expeditiously, which i interpret as potentially, something is done prior to the end of the year. >> support for impeachment continues to tick upward. 52% of americans now support
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removing trump from office. through impeachment. according to a new gallup poll. that's the highest level of support yet since the ukraine scandal broke. >> energy secretary rick perry of texas, who has announced he is leaving is refusing to comply with subpoenas for documents about ukraine. >> and a new reporting last night, two sources tell nbc news that diplomat george kent told congress that jewell tried to secure a visa for an ousted ukraine prosecutor promising dirt on democrats. >> all right so clearly we have a lot to get to this hour with our team of reporters and loirts on the impeachment crisis and the latest in northern syria. this big headline you're seeing there from the "washington post," in admitting, then denying quid pro quo, mulvaney turns harsh impeachment spotlight on himself. let's get to kevin cirilli, chief washington correspondent for bloomberg news and francesca
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chambers. you were at the press conference, the briefing room. mulvaney acknowledged the president had saudi a quid pro quo for providing ukraine with american aid. what was the mootd like? >> he was given multiple opportunities to explain himself, but at no time in the room did he say there was no quid pro quo. which the president had said repeatedly. the white house line on this is actually been quite firm. so why mulvaney didn't say that in the room, is unclear. then he put out a statement clarifying his remarks the same day, there was a mad scramble inside the white house to get that statement out in time for primetime television. now we see mulvaney will be going on a sunday morning show, so the clean-up circuit continues, not very helpful for mick mulvaney. >> interesting to see how well
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he does with the clean-up there. because he tried it some five hours later. kevin, politico in the meantime is reporting that mulvaney is on thin ice. what are you hearing on this? >> you know, look, i think that the press conference was obviously less than ideal for the acting chief of staff. but you know, i actually think that his job is quite secure. i think that you know he got out there, and gave a press conference that was a marathon. marathon mick for all intents and purposes. and while there was clearly some push-back, and it prompted the department of justice to release a statement, i candidly i think his job is quite safe in the eyes of the one person who matters, and that's president trump. >> are we not hearing anything within the walls of the white house? i can't imagine that the president was very happy with that performance by mulvaney. or was he? >> i actually agree with kevin, i have been told by white house officials that the president was pleased with his performance. that he liked the way that he
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handled the media in the briefing room there. yesterday the president then moved on very quickly when he was asked about mulvaney. he said that he clarified the statement already. now he did not go into depth and say anything like mick is doing a great job or anything like that. at the same time the president hasn't pulled any of the classic moves yet. my sources have told me where he starts calling around asking his friends and family whether he should replace mulvaney. that's generally a signal when the president is looking to oust someone. that hasn't happened here. >> it's important when you hold two jobs in an administration head of omb and acting chief of staff. you would have to replace him for two things. he has his position locked in in the administration. as we said, mulvaney tried to walk back his remarks. but the damage was done. republicans in congress are the ones expressing their dismay. including this one lawmaker who
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even hinted that he's open to impeachment. >> whatever might have been great and clear before, certainly quite clear right now, that the actions were related to getting ukraine to do some of these things. we're not supposed to use government power and prestige for political gain. >> is that an impeachable offense? >> i don't know. i want to study is is it some more. i want to hear the next set of testimony next week, but it's very, very serious and troubling. >> kevin as you know, the republicans have been militant in backing the president during the impeachment investigation. so how significant is something like this? >> i'm going to be honest, saying something is troubling is very different than saying is that something causes them to vote for impeachment or even to remove someone from office. that's a line and i'm curious for francesca's take on this. when i talk to republicans, they
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say, they want to tell suburban voters that they're taking this serious seriously. that they're studying and going through it. but that's very different than coming out and calling for someone to be removed from office. and that's what i heard there. >> francesca, weigh in on this. ? there's an absolute difference, even within the democratic party, there's still a split on this. if democrats believe that president trump should be impeached, or they had enough evidence to do so, which are also two different things, they would hold an impeachment vote right now and they're not ready to do that. because they're continuing their investigation. we heard adam schiff and nancy pelosi talk about it this week. they do not believe they're at a point yet where they can do that. and they would have public opinion on their side. whether or not they think they can get to that point this year, that's an open-ended question. and there's also a question of not just this year, whether they
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could get to this before thanksgiving in order to move this into the senate, assuming impeachment passed in the house before christmas time. and nancy pelosi was asked about that this week and she said she's not looking at a timeline. she's looking at the truth line. so still unclear whether they'll look into that this year. >> not the timeline, but the truth line. and you heard hakeem jeffreys, last night. saying they hope they can get it done before the end of the year. breaking news from overseas and the conflict between turkey and the kurdish forces. in spite of a pause in fighting, we saw some small amount of smoke rising from kurdish territory in syria today. nbc's erin mclaughlin is in the region across the syrian border what are you hearing with the
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pause in fighting and any skirmishes that have been taking place. >> at the moment it's pretty quiet here. just a mile behind me is the turkey/syria border and beyond that is the kurdish city of ras al-ain. yesterday morning we saw heavy clashes unfolding here, despite the cease-fire. this morning is a different story. we've only really seen small arms fire sporadic, mortar fire. nevertheless, the kurds continue to allege that turkey is violating the cease-fire arrangement that's been brokered by the united states, the sdf putting out a statement saying that the turkish military is stopping the creation of a safe corridor in ras al-ain, which would allow civilians and injured out and humanitarian aid in. so far we've seen no evidence to corroborate those claims. we haven't heard from turkey on that. nevertheless there are serious
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questions, outstanding questions as to how this agreement is going to work. especially considering we're seeing reports from inside the city that indicate that turkish military is preventing sdf forces, kurdish forces from leaving the city. a requirement of the agreement that in five days' time all kurdish forces need to leave the so-called turkish safe zone and then you have president erdogan saying if that doesn't happen by the end of five days he'll continue his assault. so a lot of questions going forward as to how all of this is going to play out. >> a very, very delicate cease-fire or pause is taking hold. at least for now in syria. erin mclaughlin reporting from the border town in turkey. president trump insists this nonconventional approach, his nonconventional approach to foreign policy will pay off. >> we've had tremendous success i think over the last couple of days. little bit unconventional.
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a little bit of hard love, i told you that. a little, it was a lot of pain for a couple of days. and sometimes you have to go through some pain before can you get a good solution. but the kurds are very happy about it. president erdogan in turkey is satisfied with it. and we are in a very strong position. >> kevin and francesca are back with me. let's pick up on where the president left off right there. is anyone in the president's inner circle supportive of this syria policy decision? >> well republicans certainly supportive of the foreign policy decision as mitch mcconnell coming out to blast the decision, pretty rare within the republican party. they're usually fairly in lock-step with trump. even if they don't necessarily privately agree with everything he does, so that was pretty significant. but you've also heard almost every other major republican in congress and in the senate come
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out and say that this is not what they think that the president should be doing. the president in that same exact pool spray went on to talk about how there's a lot of sand in syria. and that it's up to the people who live in the neighborhood, to figure it all out. and i think that that really reflects what he's always thought about all these things. which is that it's not the united states' problem. and the united states shouldn't be there. >> even as he sends about 1,000 troops to saudi arabia. to help with their issues, right there. kevin, that "washington post" opinion, that piece that francesca was referring to, the majority leader mitch mcconnell said trump's troop withdrawal order combined with turkey syria, was a strategic nightmare. why do republicans kind of find it easier to openly criticize a president on this particular issue. >> you know that's such a great question. i've been trying to figure that out for the past couple of weeks up on capitol hill. there seems to be a difference
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in how republicans are able to criticize the president on tariffs, foreign policy. but impeachment is a nonstarter. and the reason what i'm hearing is that as it relates to national security for example, i mean, you just really seen this environment kraelted by senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. by senator lindsey graham, republican of south carolina where they say these political attacks are not going to be personal. but they're going to stand up for what they believe in. a quick point that i would note here, is that senator graham praised the cease-fire. i can tell you that in talking with sources, there's an open question mark about what happens after the cease-fire. and what happens post cease-fire. that's going to be a continuing question, kendis. for the administration to have to fire. >> the cease-fire wrapping up on tuesday after 120-hour pause. francesca, what's the president's response to the criticism that he's getting from those fellow republicans on this?
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>> he's the president of the united states, that's his response to the criticism. i ran for president, i won, elections have consequences, we saw him hitting back pretty aggressively at lindsey graham this week. that exposed a rift between the two on foreign policy. he directly challenged lindsay graham. you were talking kevin about how you're curious about how the cease-fire will play out. i'm curious to see how the relationship between lindsey graham and the president will pay out. they've been golfing buddies, they've gotten quite close, despite the president's criticisms of graham's best friends, john mccain and their differences in foreign policy. is this a split that will stick? or is this something that can be repaired? >> he attacked senator graham the same day, virtually within the same 24 window that the meeting with pelosi and schumer ended abruptly this allows him from his supporters' standpoint to run as an outsider, to say that he's pulling back troops and is indicative of that rare
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libertarian streak that exists in the republican party and with tulsi gabbard. >> that's true. some strange bedfellows right now in the political world. thank you. now to the other break news we're following from overseas, it's a brexit showdown. in parliament this morning. a rare weekend session of the british parliament is under way. live pictures, prime minister boris johnson is asking members to approve the break-up with the european union. and the opposition is standing firmly against the deal. >> voting for a deal today won't end brexit. it won't deliver certainty and the people should have the final say. labor is not prepared to sell out the communities that we represent. >> he won't trust the people and he doesn't trust the people by delivering on the result of their referendum in 2016.
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>> and it comes as massive protests are about to get under way any moment now in london. nbc news correspondent steve patterson is joining us from westminster. steve, so what's happening in parliament right now, when can we actually expect a vote? >> you know kentis, as with all things brexit. it's a bit complicated. we expect a vote in a few hours. it could last or stretch on into the evening hours. but it could not one of two ways, but maybe one of many ways. at least three. the first is that parliament does decide to side with the prime minister, boris johnson and his plan for brexit. in which case after a certain grace period, sort of the uk decides what they're going to do with all of these trade deals with different countries and implementations go forth that they will ex it from the european union. the second is they decide to go against boris johnson. they vote down his measure today
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in which case johnson would be forced to send a letter to brussels to ask for an extension, to decide what now to do for the future of brexit. something he definitely does not want to do. the third and what is looking to be maybe more likely, is this amendment, this is what members are talking about, as we speak. this amendment, would side with johnson's proposal. but they would ask for stipulations on the legal obligations to come first before they definitively vote yes or no on what's happening today. that would delay everything that's going to happen or the decisive measure of what could happen in parliament today. that's something that johnson absolutely does not want to happen. walking into parliament was going to be very dramatic. we have to wait a few hours to see exactly how this is all going to shake out.
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in the house of house of commons how contentious it is. we can show you the back and forth between members inside. take a look at this. >> the prime minister has returned from brussels to present a deal that he knows, that we all know, is actually worse than theresa may's deal. a deal that would see scotland shafted by the united kingdom government. >> i think it, he's being a little bit, a little bit churlish in his response. this is a great deal for england, it's a great deal for wales, it's a great deal for scotland. >> and you hear the back and forth. as for what happens next, it's all up in the air, all contentious, it depends on what decision is made today, as far as the overall vote. as far as what happens with that amendment. which is what members are deciding as we speak, kendis day
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in central london. if it wasn't so serious, it would be quite entertaining to watch. 24 hours that could change the future of that country. he's a key witness in the impeachment inquiry, what he told congress is now coming under growing scrutiny. a member of the house foreign affairs committee that heard from him joins us next. puberty means personal space. so sports clothes sit around growing odors. that's why we graduated to tide pods sport. finally something more powerful than the funk. tide sport removes even week-old sweat odor. it's got to be tide. we have some great new ideas that we want to present to you today. [son]: who are you talking to? [son]: that guy's scary. the first item on the list is selecting
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because turkey is doing what they're doing. i didn't need congress sanctions that are tougher than congress and i was prepared to do that. president trump brushing off congress as he celebrates a temporary cease-fire or pause between turkey and the kurds in syria. the pause in fight reeg mains fragile. today after a rocky start in which there were reports of continued fighting at key border towns. joining me is new york representative adriana espilat, a democratic member of the foreign affairs committee. congressman welcome. i know you've been following all that's been taking place there in the syrian/turkish border for some time. what do you think of the pause in fighting. >> fighting continues and we see how turkish army refuses to allow the kurds to leave that protected region, the corridor. >> the president saying sanctions are no longer needed. do you think they are?
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>> i think the turkish army will continue the assault on the kurds. hopefully it will not be general si cide. but we've heard the -- genocide we should have sanctions until we see that there is a real truth to what the turkish say they will do. >> the president has had quite the victory lap since the cease-fire was brokered between theot the kurds. here's what else he had to say about it. >> i want to thank and congratulate president erdogan, he's a friend of mine. i'm glad we didn't have a problem. because frankly he's a hell of a leader and he's a tough man, he's a strong man. and he did the right thing. i really appreciate it and i will appreciate it in the future. >> a hell of a leader, tough man, strong man. what do you think of erdogan. >> he hangs around with tough
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company. putin, erdogan. these guys are a real thugs and for the president to call him a good man, it's a bit of a stretch. >> the president saying at a rally, they're like kids, let him fight it out a little bit. when you heard the president said that, reflecting to a conflict where you had some civilians that were killed, what do you think of that? >> referring to the killing of people as a schoolyard dust-up? is unacceptable. people are still being killed. there's bad blood there between the kurdish and the turkish army. i think unfortunately the fighting will continue, unless the kurdish army is assisted to get out of the region which seems not to be the case. >> the president is still planning to have erdogan visit the white house come next month. just a few weeks away. you think that should be called off? >> absolutely. no question about it. >> let's talk about impeachment. there's a lot that talk about impeachment. you guys are putting yourself on
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a tight deadline. by you guys, i mean the democrats. your committee is one of three that's been holding some depositions, keys this week was the ambassador to the eu, gordon sondland. who testified for quite some time, he also offered his statement there, debbie wasserman schultz, told nbc she's concerned he's been less than truthful. was he telling you the truth? >> i don't think so. if you look at his testimony, you will see that his statement, you will see that he referred to the issue of corruption in the ukraine. on several pages of his statement. and of course, certain company were hunter biden was affiliated with was mentioned to him. but yet, you know he seemed not to know that hunter, hunter biden was part of that --
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>> did you get any interesting revelations with him? >> i think he was very disingenuous if not lying. >> do you think the white house gave him his talking points? >> i won't go there. i don't know if that was the case, but if you read the statement -- if you read the statement you will see clearly that this guy was really either playing dumb or was lying through his teeth. i think certainly there's some gaps in his statement. that he he should have known if he's someone of that stature. within the state department, he should have known some of the things he claims he didn't know. >> you took part in a number of depositions this week. they were long and they were many. what would you say was the most crucial revelation from the investigations, i think again if you go to the statement you will see that a lot of it goes to jewell angle and many of the witnesses are referring to rudy giuliani. and if you're talking about rudy
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giuliani, then the question, the real question is are you talking about the president of the united states. was he in power to do what he did by the president of the united states? did he keep the president of the united states abreast of everything he was doing? i think that's the real question. >> all right congress mam, we'll leave it there, you lost a big colleague this week. >> a horrible loss. >> and a great man. >> congressman, thank you. >> appreciate your time. up next, more trouble and more troubling questions, that is about the actions of rudy giuliani and why he could be facing some big legal problems. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance,
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we're following breaking news and some impressive photos coming from overseas, this is in london, and this camera shot is just going to keep going and going and going. a sea virtual ocean of people, hundreds of thousands there, these are people who are angry at the current plan or the uk to leave the european union in just about ten days. on left of the screen is a live picture of parliament house. this is a rare scene, rarely do
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they have a saturday session. but right now they're debating the plan that has been posted there by boris johnson that's been negotiated in brussels just this past week. you can see the opposition is against it. right there in the parliament house and as well, outside with those hundreds of thousands who have gathered there just after noon in the uk. the other breaking news we're following from the middle east. and the kurds economiesing new concerns about what may follow turkey's pause in fighting this as the president maintains this unconventional foreign policy move that he says will yield some better outcome. nbc's kelly o'donnell at the white house with more on this. kelly, good morning to you. >> good morning. president trump claimed on twitter thousands and thousands of lives in syria and turkey may be saved by the temporary cease-fire. but he did not directly acknowledge the lives already lost. the president is telling republicans to stick together on foreign policy and impeachment.
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>> ignoring his critics. >> we've had tremendous success i think over the last couple of days, a little bit unconventional. a little bit of hard love. >> president trump defended his withdrawal from syria. dismissing fears -- >> we have isis totally under guard. >> rejecting the deadly consequences for u.s. allies targeted by turkey. >> so you have the kurds who we're dealing with, i'm very happy about the way things are going. >> clearly unhappy republican senate majority leader mitch mcconnell who published a stinging rebuke. without naming the president, he calls his syrian decision -- a grave strategic mistake. that will embolden our enemies and weaken important ail lineses, but painting his move as a success, the president also offered a head-scratching claim without evidence. >> we've taken control of the oil in the middle east. the oil that we're talking
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about. >> notably the president had little to say -- >> i think he clarified it. >> when asked to explain act the chief of staff mick mulvaney's admission and then denial. the president had withheld military aid to try to get ukraine to investigate corruption. >> i have news for everybody -- get over it there's going to be political influence in foreign policy. >> the admission prompted former ohio governor, republican john kasich, to call for the president's impeachment. >> i say it with great sadness. >> but mr. trump seized on testimony from a former state department official. george kent, who told congress that in 2015, he had raised concerns to vice president biden's office about the appearance of son hunter serving on a ukraine energy company board. >> he excoriated the obama administration and joe biden and joe biden's son, saying he has tremendous problems, tremendous
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problems with joe biden's son and the ukraine. >> and in another new development, trump's personal lawyer, rudy giuliani, asked the state department and later the white house to issue a visa to the united states for the controversial ukraine prosecutor that as vice president joe bide-helped to remove from office. jewell and his associates interviewed that prosecutor by telephone, and then his successor in new york city at jewell's offices, as a part of their investigation into ukraine. kendis. >> kelly o'donnell. jewell at the center of this investigation. thank you. because we also have new reporting, about jewell as well as the chief of staff. mick mulvaney to tell but. caught up in the house's impeachment inquiry. democrats are building a case for impeachment on jewell. and mick mulvaney is walking on
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thin ice after thursday's press conference where he essentially admitted to then, walked back the existence of a quid pro quo. joining me now, msnbc local analyst and sicynthia oxny. i want to start with you cynthia. the new nbc reporting on jewell. who apparently as you heard kelly say attempted to secure a visa from the state department for an ousted prosecutor, victor shoeken. what are we to make of this? >> well jewell has major legal problems, he has the partisan frick and frack campaign fraud conspiracy that he's being investigated for. he had received money from them. $500,000 through one of their businesses. he's tied up in that investigation. and "the new york times" has reported an extension of that, is that he's been investigated
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being investigated by the southern district of new york for federal failure to violations and there this would seem to fit into that. the fair violation is that you have have advocated for a foreign person to influence u.s. policy. that's what we're saying happened here. he went to the department of state and tried to get this disgraced prosecutor, shokin, a visa to come to the united states so he could gin up his biden controversy. when the visa was rejected, he went to the white house and they rejected it as well. so it seems to fit into the investigations that we already have going about jewell. and creates more trouble for him. >> and speaking of jewell, danny, there's a lot, his name was mentioned quite a bit this past week during testimony in impeachment probe. fiona hill on monday testified
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that jewell ran a shadow foreign policy campaign there in ukraine. you have the eu ambassador, sondland, who said that trump directed jewell to push the ukraine scheme. john bolton saying i'm not part of whatever drug deal sondland and mulvaney were cooking up. what position does all of that pull putt jewell and perhaps mulvaney in legally. >> at the core of the controversy is one major question, who exactly is rudy giuliani? and what hat is he wearing? because ultimately it seems he's wearing too many hats, that may be the thing that will sink him. what i mean by that is he is not a member of the state department, he's president trump's personal attorney. he appears to be conducting attorney-esque activities for other individuals who have been indicted that would clearly have some kind of conflict at least with the united states. or trump or both. and ultimately the fact that
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rudy giuliani is, has his hand in too many areas, may be what ultimately sinks him. because that's going to be a major problem. just for example, the two individuals recently indicted. it is not per se criminal that rudy giuliani may be aware or associated with criminals in his role as an attorney. but what if he was not acting as an attorney? there's no indication that he definitely was. so with all of this apparently extra state department activity that rudy giuliani is engaged in, that's going to be a real problem for him. >> picking oun what danny was saying right there, jewell when he was asked to give, when he was subpoenaed for some documents this week. he said he was protected by attorney-client privilege and executive privilege. does that rationale hold any sort of water? >> he's saying that he's covered because lawyers don't have to,
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there's an exception to ferreira for legal representation which doesn't seem to apply here in the shokin case, it has to do with judicial proceedings and investigations. he's kind of pulling everything can he to use as an excuse for not testifying. ultimately it won't work. at some point a judge is going to say you have to turn over these documents, you have to testify. but of course that takes time as we know. but that's the strategy that has worked for this white house. which is just to throw the kitchen sink and stall until after the next election. i don't think it's going to work this time. but certainly it has worked in the past. >> it's been successful for some members in the white house. cynthia oxny, danny savallos. who is the loser in syria? it's tough to quit smoking cold turkey.
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. are you here to salvage your reputation, sir? >> i don't have a reputation to salvage. now to the big winner following president trump's week in foreign policy. and according to edward luce, the u.s. editor at the "financial times," it's russia. you see the headline, russia reaps windfalls as a result of trump's moves, edward luce is joining me from washington, d.c. how do you see vladimir putin winning? >> so in syria, in particular as you know, he's been the russians
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have been there for the last five years. but they haven't been able to operate with impunity, the americans have been there with their kurdish allies in northeastern syria. that's been vacated. the russians can assist their client, assad, to regain control over almost all of the country. with the exception of the turkish-held parts that trump has enabled erdogan's turkey to take over. so this is a piece on the chessboard. if you think of it, like a bishop on the chessboard that president trump has simply handed vladimir putin. i think in a more sort of serious level, though, america has kind of walked off the chessboard. the middle east is you know a place that america has either well or badly, sometimes disastrously been the main outside player. and trump is withdrawing t inin
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the middle east. russia is seen more responsibly as the responsible, predictable outside player. that's something you can't put a value on. but it's a huge game for putin. >> do you get a sense this was a coordinated effort by putin? obviously he's good friends with erdogan. he plans to have meeting with erdogan fairly soon. he's good friends with say sad as well. this is all coming together. has this been part of his grand scheme. >> i wouldn't actually be a grand scheme. i think puten is more of an opportunist than a great grand strategic planner. he's taken advantage of american moves, of american mistakes. he's become great friends with all the regional leaders that includes netanyahu in israel that includes mohammed bin salman in saudi arabia. you remember the high five putin and mbs exchanged last year.
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and it includes erdogan. erdogan is strategically perhaps the most windfall there. because turkey is a member of nato and it is russia's longstanding aim to weaken and break up nato and turkey's continued membership with nato is very much in doubt. it should be added that turkey is buying russian anti-missile systems, which put it at odds. which compromise its nato supply of military systems and again put a huge question mark over turkey's nato membership. all of which is music to russia's ears. >> that's why a lot of people were wondering why the united states would do anything that would benefit turkey, especially after they bought those weapons as a nato member from russia. ed luce, we leave it there. big questions about why
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traders made billions of dollars in profits at the same time as major announcements from the trump administration. just a coincidence? or is there something strange going on? another look at the massive protests taking place in london. as a debate on the brexit deal is under way. many hitten the streets, they're opposed to the deal. a live report coming up. ♪ ♪ the calming scent of lavender by downy infusions calm. laundry isn't done until it's done with downy.
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♪ all we need is someone to lean on ♪ jefferson, the black womb killed by a white officer in fort worth has been delayed. jefferson was shot and killed in her home while babysitting her nephew. a growing mystery. vanity fair out with new remarks that took place in lock step with several trump announcements. the pattern is raising questions about whether they knew what president trump was going to say and do in advance.
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joining me now is the authority of the report and special correspondent for "vanity fair." william walk me through all of this. what did you find and what do you think is happening here? >> well, so, i'm a reporter. people call me and share with me their observations, once i validate, i reported. some who trade on the chicago mercantile exchange have seen unusual activity making hundreds of millions of dollars. they are wondering who is hind these trades and realizing that they are tied to certain events
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that trump statements or meeting with president xi have shown to be moving the market. basically, traders are not stupid. they have figured out that trump likes to talk about and move the market. he's said so himself. they've keyed off commentary about china and have been able to make a lot of money. whether this is nefarious, who knows. the point of the article was to raise consciousness and ask people who can investigate to investigate. >> what do you think is the most glaring example you found? >> it is like sophie's choice. you are asking me to choose
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between my children. each one is in its own way. look at the example of the biaritz at the g7 where he said the talks with china were back on and the market goes up. obviously somebody made a big bet in the e mini's futures market. it turns out trump kind of f fabricated that. he said, i do that to make the market go up and manipulate the market and it comes out saying this is a violations of insider trading. >> a lot of people saying there could be criminality there. john conway who is a lawyer
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picked up on your reporting and thought that was a little suspect. we'll leave it there with you. thank you for being here. >> thank you. the president's men are all at the center of the impeachment battle going on. we'll get to the center of that coming up. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. i wish i could shake your hand. granted.
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this hour of msnbc live. i'll be back later today at 2:00 p.m. eastern. time now for "up with david gura" and our substitute host today. he's nice and warm in the studio. >> this is "up," i'm jonathan in for david gura. nbc news now reporting rudy giuliani attempted to secure a visa from the state department for the ousted former state leader. and support for president trump in his party starting to wane. mitch mcconnell now saying an impeachment inquiry is inevitable. >>
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