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tv   First Look  MSNBC  November 18, 2019 2:00am-3:00am PST

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it is going to be another busy week in the im people probe, with several key witnesses set to testify about how president trump pressured ukraine to investigate joe biden and his family. >> plus president trump is
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facing accusations of witness intimidation. after attacking former ambassador marie yovanovitch on twitter as she was testifying on friday. >> and the president makes an unannounced visit to walter reed medical center. the white house says it was nothing out of the ordinary. even though it wasn't on his public schedule. good monday morning, everyone. it is november 18th. i'm ayman mohyeldin alongside yasmin vossoughian. it is going to be another busy week in the impeachment probe of president trump with several key witnesses expected to publicly testify. tomorrow morning, we will hear from jennifer williams, an aide to vice president mike pence, along with the national security counsel's top ukraine expert alexander vindman. tomorrow afternoon, lawmakers will hear from former ambassador kurt volker who served as a special u.s. envoy to ukraine and tim morrison, a former white house national security official. wednesday, we will hear from eu
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ambassador gordon sondland, who acknowledged delivering a quid pro quo message to you cray ukraine. and then laura cooper wednesday afternoon and david hale, the third highest ranking official in the state department. on thursday morning, lawmakers will hear from fiona hill. you may recall she is the former national security official who served as the president's top russia adviser. on friday, we heard from former u.s. ambassador to ukraine marie yovanovitch and the most stunning part of the testimony may have come just after president trump decided to weigh in. in the middle of her public testimony, the president tweeted this, everywhere marie yovanovitch went turned bad. she started off in somalia, how did that go? then fast forward to ukraine where the new ukrainian president spoke unfavorably about her in my second phone call with him. it is a u.s. president's absolute right to appoint ambassadors. intelligence committee chair adam schiff called it witness intimidation but president trump
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argued it is freedom of speech. here is how it all played out. >> the president implicitly threatened you, in that call record, and now the president realtime is attacking you. what effect do you you think that has on other witnesses' willingness to come forward and expose wrong doing? >> well, it's very intimidating. >> designed to intimidate, is it not? >> i mean i can't speak to what the president was trying to do but i think the effect is to be intimidating. >> well, i want to let you know ambassador that some of us here take witness intimidation very, very seriously. >> witness intimidation by the president of the united states. we take this kind of witness intimidation and obstruction of inquiry very seriously. >> i'll tell you about what
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tampering. is tampering is when a guy like shifty schiff doesn't let us have lawyers, tampering is when schiff doesn't let us have witnesses, doesn't let us speak, i have the rit to speak, i have the freedom to speak just as other people do. >> do you believe your words -- >> go ahead, please. >> quiet, quiet, quiet. please. >> do you believe the tweet can be intimidating. >> i don't think so at all. >> house democrats are calling president trump's tweets attacking marie yovanovitch mid-hearing on friday as an example of witness intimidation, gop lawmakers largely refraining from criticizing the president, as you can imagine, with several republicans on the intel committee dodging the topic entirely. and in fact, according to "politico," congressman mike turner of ohio refused to answer the question about the tweets, as he ducked into the house floor. while congressman john ratcliff quickly whipped out his cell phone and began talking into it. you pretend you're talking, even though your home screen is clearly visible to anyone around
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you. no call in progress. republican congressman liz cheney of wyoming told the associated press that trump quote was wrong to post tweets critical of yovanovitch during her testimony saying that she quote clearly is somebody who has been a public servant to the united states for decades, and i don't think that the president should have done that. and perhaps the strongest defense of trump's actions, gop senator ted cruz of texas, wrote on twitter, quote, this may be the single most ridiculous claim of the dem show trial. no, the president's tweeting is not witness intimidation. you may not like the tone of some of the, or even many of his tweets, but it is absurd to suggest that tweeting is an impeachable high crime or misdemeanor. house speaker nancy pelosi reacted to the incident in an interview on cbs yesterday. >> i think even his most ardent supporters have to honestly admit this is the wrong thing for the president to do. >> the president and perhaps some at the white house have to know that the words of the
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president weigh a ton. they are very significant. and he should not frivolously throw out insults. but that's what he does. i think part of it is, is his own insecurity as an impostor. i think he knows full well that he's in that office way over his head, and so he has to diminish everyone else. >> and former independent counsel ken starr weighed in on fox news during a break, during the hearing on friday. >> i must say that the president was not advised by counsel in deciding to do this tweet. extraordinarily poor judgment. the president frequently says i follow my instincts. sometimes we have to control our instincts. so obviously, this was, i think, quite injurious. i don't think it rises to the level of intimidation, of a witness, but i think that's the way it is going to be characterized. >> the hearings continue to
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piece together eu ambassador gordon sonland's unique go-between role with ukraine. a source with direct knowledge of dave holmes' closed door testimony on friday telling nbc news that the korea foreign service officer overheard a phone call between sondland and president trump, in which the president asked sondland if ukraine would investigate the bidens. sondland replied the ukrainian president zelensky was quote going to do it adding that the president would do quote anything trump would ask him to do. holmes testified that the conversation happened on july 26th, the day after the call between president trump and ukraine's leader at the heart of the inquiry. the state department officials claim, backed up what boss bill tay tore revealed during open testimony last week. >> president trump on friday released a rough transcript of a april phone call with zelensky and differs from the summary released months ago.
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according to the "new york times," the memorandum of the call shows the two men praising each other predicting a warm era between the u.s. and ukraine with no mention of investigating his political rivals. however, in a white house read-out of the call in april, provided to reporters after the call took place, the administration says a promise to work with zlenski to increase democracy and increase prosperity and root out corruption. >> the discrepancy was blamed on the top expert of ukraine alexander vindman saying the president continues to push for transparency in light of the baseless accusations and has taken the unprecedented steps to release the transcripts of both phone calls with president zelensky so every american can see he did nothing wrong. it is standard operating procedure to provide readouts of
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phone calls with the foreign leaders and this one was provided by the ukraine expert. ahead of the presidential call, the national security adviser approves a draft press release, based on prepared talking points for the call, which is then typically updated to reflect topics that were actually discussed on the call. the story goes on to say, quote, given the call occurred on sunday, april 21st, 2019, the white house may not have updated the press release to reflect the contents of the call before it was publicly released. joining us on the set is danny cevallos and senior writer at roll call, niels lesniewski. so in april, the readout of the call, the word from the white house was to implement reforms that strengthen democracy, increase prosperity and root out corruption, but according to "the new york times," the memorandum of the call shows the two men praising each other's political acumen and predicting an era of warm relations. how might these discrepancies in these two separate phone calls
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from the white house play a roll in the impeachment inquiry? >> well, first of all, i would assume the national security counsel staff actually works on sundays, so -- >> we would like to think so. >> updated because it took place on the weekend, that is kind of a problem at the outset. but i think it will raise more questions about the accuracy of information. and probably more fights, whether they're in court or just in the court of public opinion, over the accuracy of statements that are made by the white house and the accuracy of records that have been kept by the white house. because certainly, it does not seem like the readout of the call that we all received in the media lines up with reality, and it will be interesting to see, remember, it's documents like this, that are provided to the investigators, and they turn out to be misleading, then that is
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more for mr. schiff's investigation to go after. >> danny, let me get your thoughts really quickly on what transpired on friday, which was during the testimony, or the inquiry of marie yovanovitch, the president tweeted, obviously it has been described and characterized by democrats that it was witness intimidation. you're the expert here. you know a lot more about this. does this rise to the level of witness intimidation? i mean what do you, how do you calibrate, how do you characterize what witness intimidation is, and given the fact that this is coming from the most powerful man in the world, does it have to be so explicit like if you don't do this, or if you do this, i will do this. >> no, federal law contains a broad prohibition against what it calls witness tampering. now, the case for the prosecution is that this fits neatly into the statute. it's an act taken with the corrupt purpose of influencing someone's testimony. it doesn't matter that the witness was actually influenced. in fact, in some cases, the witness doesn't even need to receive the threat or the
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intimidation as long as there was an attempt and the intent, the corrupt intent to change the testimony. now, the case for the defense is that there was nothing intentionally wrong about this statement. instead, he was commenting on her unfitness, her lack of fitness for her job, which was relevant to her testimony, and there was no, there was no intent to change her testimony, or anything like that. he was just commenting on her being a bad ambassador in his mind. however, the problem with that is that he has no first amendment right to tamper with witnesses. the courts have held that for a long time. that you don't have any first amendment right to say things that might intimidate witnesses. so, and also, even if he was commenting on how good she was at her job, or bad she was at her job, if it was done with an improper purpose, it can be witness tampering. >> do you think this tweet could potentially end up in an article of impeachment? >> i do, because it fits, like i said, into the statutory
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definition of witness tampering. and even if it is a close call, you don't need an actual crime to be an impeachable offense. >> let's go to niels quickly, who we will hear from jennifer williams, vindman, sonland, david ale and fiona hill. a lot of major voices this coming week, we will be hearing a lot. take us through what you're looking for in the lineup this week. >> sure, quickly, i think that sondland's testimony is the one that we're going to be all paying attention to the most, and if someone is going about their normal lives somewhere and not paying attention and not watching wall to wall coverage, he would be to me the one to watch, because his memory seems to be evolving throughout this process, as to what exactly transpired in conversations with trump, and with ukraine, and so
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if his evolution continues under oath, middle of the week, that may be the most news worthy item. particularly also as a political matter, just ahead of the democratic debate. >> niels lesniewski, live for us in washington, d.c., danny cevallos here on the set, appreciate it guys. thank you very much. and still ahead, what we're learning this morning about the president's unannounced visit to walter reed medical center over the weekend. >> president trump surfers back-to-back losses in key gubernatorial races, first in kentucky and we saw it happen again in louisiana. and those stories and a check of your weather when we come back. ♪oh there's no place like home for the holidays.♪
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president trump was at walter reed national medical center on saturday for what the white house said were medical tests as part of the president's annual physical. the appointment was not on trump's weekend public schedule.
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his last routine checkup was less than a year ago in february. white house press secretary stephanie grisham said the 73-year-old received a quick exam and lab testing. she was asked about the circumstances surrounding the checkup on sunday. >> i understand it wasn't a scheduled annual visit. can you tell us what it was? >> yes, absolutely, we've got a really busy year ahead, as you can imagine, and so the president decided to go to walter reed and kind of get a head start with some routine checkups, as part of hissage exam. that's all it was. it was very routine. we had a down day today and he made the decision to head there. >> there is no truth to the rumors that it was something else because the rumors are flying. >> oh, the rumors are always flying. absolutely not. he is healthy as can be. i put a statement out about that. he's got more energy than anybody in the white house. that man works from 6:00 a.m. until, you know, very, very late
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at night. he is doing just fine. >> and this marks trump's ninth visit to the hospital since taking office. we bring in meteorologist bill karins with a check of the weather. different parts of the country, different stories. >> 90 in downloun l.a. areas on the east coast one of the coldest starts to november in 50, 60 years. that continues today. it is a raw day in areas of new england, from boston to the cape, windy and occasionally rainy and the surf is pretty rough out, there, too and enjoyable in the ohio valley and light rain and freezing drizzle in ohio and eastern pennsylvania. winter weather advisories are up. not below freezing anywhere. kind of patchy. but 13 million people are impacted here all through central and northern portions of new england but we worry about a little bit of a light glaze out there, on some of the bridges and here is the forecast, two storms for the northeast, and light drizzle or freezing rain in new england, and then the rain returns this evening, so you notice that rain, as we go
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through 6:00 p.m., from norfolk to virginia, approaching dc, it looks like dc, the rain window is about 7:00 to 10:00. and new york city, rain window later than that, more like 8:00 p.m.-ish to midnight. when we wake up tomorrow morning, a snowstorm. one to three inches is possible from the capital district northwards up to northern new england. of course, the higher elevations, we will see a little more. here is the snow forecast. it has been quite a winter season already. in northern maine. caribou was negative numbers. the earliest they've had negative temperatures. cold in northern new england and i know killington is one of many ski resorts that is already opened up, and as far as the ice forecast goes, again, a light glaze this morning, not really anything that is going to cause power outages or anything, a little slippery and if you want great weather today, florida, not too bad, after a cool weekend, and 75 san antonio, and dallas, looks good, and new orleans not bad. new orleans not fine and the changing weather to the northwest, and we're finally
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going to end the dry hot summer in areas like l.a. today, 91, but tomorrow, things change, and the temperature drops to 75, as that storm system will kick on in, and our friends in california, one more day today, of high fire danger, and then the rain should be here late tuesday, into wednesday. >> quick question for you, on the east coast, time to lace up the skates out in lake basset or not yet? >> it is getting there. >> who knew. >> there is ice on some of the lakes. >> amin, an ice skater. >> he loves all of that. >> oh, wow. >> yes. >> how do you know so much? >> he wants to go ice fishing with me. >> sign me up. sign me up. >> the shack. the fire on the ice. >> that's what i would like to see. >> not going to happen. >> thanks, bill. appreciate it. still ahead, former new york city mayor michael bloomberg used to defend stop and frisk policing practices but now that he is considering a presidential race he is apologizing for it. we will have those new comments for you coming up next. ha een delayed." t-mobile makes the holidays easier...
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understand something that i long struggled to admit to myself. i got something important wrong. i got something important really wrong. i didn't understand that back then. the full impact that stops were having on the black and latino communities. i now see that we could and should have acted sooner. and acted faster to cut the stops. i wish we had. i'm sorry that we didn't. but i can't change history. however, today, i want you to know that i realize back then i was wrong. and i'm sorry. >> now, this new stance comes as the 77-year-old billionaire is expected to enter the 2020 presidential race and filed to be on the primary ballot in the states of alabama and arizona. >> and republican operative roger stone was found guilty on friday of all seven counts against him making him the sixth
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trump aide or adviser to be convicted of charges to be brought on by the russia investigation, stone is charged with making false statements of congress, obstruction and witness tampering and faces up to 20 years in prison. president trump tweeted shortly after the verdict, writing, so they now convict roger stone of lying and want to jail him for many years to come. what about crooked hillary, comey, strzok, page, mccabe, brennan, clapper, shifty schiff and all the others, including even mueller himself. didn't they lie? stone's sentencing is set for february 6th. still ahead, democratic governor john bel edwards wins a second term in louisiana dealing a major blow in the president. >> south bend mayor and 2020 candidate pete buttigieg comes out as the front-runner in a new iowa poll. we're digging into those numbers and much more next. ore next wit, struggles in the spider's web. with every attempt to free itself, it only becomes more entangled.
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welcome back, everybody. i'm yasmin vossoughian, alongside ayman mohyeldin, it is the bottom of the hour, let's start with the top story, john bel edwards narrowly won a second term as louisiana governor beating the republican challenger by 1.4 percentage points in a state that president trump carried by nearly 20 points back in 2016. a wealthy businessman and long time republican donor tied himself to the president and he often railed against undocumented immigrants on the campaign trail, and portrayed edwards as a quote liberal socialist leaning governor. but edwards, a conservative
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democrat managed to remain fairly popular by frequently breaking with national democrats, he signed into law one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country, favored gun rights, and touted his willingness to work with republicans. >> our state of law for louisiana is always more important than the partisan differences that sometimes divide us. >> and as for the president, god bless his heart. >> gop gubernatorial challenger eddie rispone came up short despite a flood of support from republicans including president trump and vice president mike pence. >> soon, the people of louisiana will head to the polls, you know, i'm really here for a little different reason, it is called early voting, do you believe it, that's how much i like eddie. i'm here for early voting. you know, you can go out and vote, i said well, not a lot of people do that, they say in
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louisiana, 40% of the vote is early voting, i said like i said, i think i'll come. i'll come. but you are going out to replace a radical liberal democrat, as your governor, john be l edwards, has not done the job, you're going to have a great new republican, tremendously successful man, as your governor. eddie rispone. eddie, eddie. the early voting is already under way, and i think i'm coming back here on thursday, do you believe it? i'm doing a double? i'm doing a double. >> in kentucky, we elected everybody. the governor got brought up in a few short days, 19 points, i went, we made a speech, the
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whole ticket was there, everybody won big, governor's a really good guy, but 19 points, it is a big thing and he lost by a few thousand vote and the headlines next day, trump took a loss. trump took a loss. you got to give me -- >> trump's visits to louisiana, along with a slew of tweets surrounds rispone marks the second gubernatorial election in southern states this fall where trump has hitched himself to the losing candidate. earlier this month in kentucky, governor bevin lost re-election after the same on his behalf. pete buttigieg seeing a clear surge of support in the des moines register poll. mayor pete sup 16 points, since september, putting him up in first place with 25%. elizabeth warren comes in
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second, nine points behind with 16%. joe biden and bernie sanders follow tied at 15% while senator amy klobuchar is sixth at 6 partner and the cbs news u gov poll, topped the field in iowa, with 22%, each while buttigieg climbed one percentage point short at 21%. and warren at 18. and klobuchar and harris round out the top six with 5% each. in the latest cbs news u-gov new hampshire poll, senator elizabeth warren leads that race by nine points with 31%. former vice president joe biden followed with 22%. bernie sanders at 20%. rounds out the top three. mayor pete buttigieg is at 16%. senators amy claklobuchar and kamala harris round out with 13% each. niels lesniewski is back us with. let's discuss the major surge that mayor pete is having.
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how do you explain this surge in the iowa polls? what's at play? >> well, mayor pete buttigieg is certainly defending a lot of his effort and his campaign's effort in iowa. certainly if you hear from, and you listen to some of the other democratic presidential campaigns, there are some that would make the argument that iowa is not representative broadly, of the democratic coalition. we heard some of that last night, coming out of las vegas, was there was a big democratic primary, or caucus event, out there. and so i think that the question really is going to be, if this were to hold, and the mayor were to emerge number one, or number two, out of the iowa caucuses, where can he go from there? does he get the sort of momentum that makes him more viable in
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new hampshire and then more viable in the more diverse voting states in nevada and in south carolina? >> i want to turn back to the republican law of the governor's mansion, to an incumbent democrat that you just ticked through a little bit earlier. what might this mean for the president heading in 2020? >> he's going to win kentucky. he's going to win louisiana. i think there's little chance he loses those states. but certainly, the fact that they are deciding the white house and the trump political operation, that they are spending time trying to get these victories in these states that are going to be red in a presidential year, is a sign of potential trouble, particularly in the suburbs, where, you know,
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where you're not necessarily going to be having trump supporting eager trump supporters in 2020, it's not a good sign for the white house, and i don't frankly understand why they necessarily went and did two rallies in louisiana, in a state where there's an incumbent democratic governor, who was up for re-election. >> nonetheless, they did, and didn't necessarily turn out for them. >> thanks, appreciate your appreciate. in a closed door investigators, with impeachment investigators jennifer williams a top security aide to vice president mike pence say these listened in on the july 25th phone call between president trump and ukrainian president vladimir zelensky, and said that trump's insistence that ukraine carry out politically sensitive investigations was quote unusual and inappropriate. according to reuters williams said the conversation was more political in nature than phone calls with other foreign leaders. and included what she thought
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were specific references to trump's quote personal political agenda. during her hours long interview, williams detailed the reason vice president mike pence abruptly canceled his trip to sustained zen zelensky's trip, the chief of staff asked her, that pence stay home. and president trump went after vice president mike pence's top national security aide jennifer williams on twitter yesterday, after she reportedly told impeachment investigators she felt that trump's efforts to pressure ukraine were quote inappropriate. in a tweet, the president wrote in part, quote, tell jennifer williams, whoever that is, to read both transcripts of the presidential calls. and see that just-released statement from ukraine. then she should meet with the other never trumpers who i don't know and mostly never heard of,
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and work out a better presidential attack. williams is set to testify publicly tomorrow. still ahead, fox news host chris wallace goes after a top republican for mischaracterizing impeachment testimony and president trump. >> and plus what we're learning about a meeting between former national security adviser john bolton reportedly tried to convince the president to unfreeze aid to ukraine. that story and much more when we come back. that story and much more when we come back. (woman) but to businesses, we're a reliable partner. we keep companies ready for what's next. (man) we weave security into their business. virtualize their operations. (woman) and build ai customer experiences. we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. like 5g. almost all the fortune 500 partner with us. (woman) when it comes to digital transformation... verizon keeps business ready. ♪ - [woman] with my shark, i deep clean messes like this, this, and even this.
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official to look into new opportunities for cabinet members and top national security advisers. to further persuade trump that releasing the money was in the country's best interests. morrison's testimony also touched on bolton's suspicions of trump's irregular policy-making team, particularly the work of european union ambassador gordon sondland. while referring to sondland's efforts in ukraine, he said this, the consistent direction by ambassador bolton was to quote not get involved and make sure the lawyers are tracking. bolton sheds new light on the national former security adviser as democrats continue to push for bolton to testify. and fox news anchor chris wallace admonished steve scalise for distorting testimony, and when asked if he would accept gordon sondland's testimony if he had a quid pro quo scalise deflected the question. >> if gordon sondland says the
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president told him condition aid to ukraine on investigating bidens are you going to say that he is wrong, that he is lying? >> look, i know you've been asking, and others have asked hypothetical questions, let's talk in reality, why don't we look at the three witnesses who fuel actually did testify this week, all three were asked whether it was john rat cliff or chris stewart, did you see any impeachable offenses, did you see bribery, any of that, not one of those things were mentioned, not one person said they saw -- >> sir, with all due respect, with all due respect, that very badly mischaracterizes what they said. they were asked, william taylor, for instance, the acting ambassador of ukraine, was asked whether or not those were im peachable offenses and he said i'm a fact witness and not there to pass judgment. >> a tweet following the interview, trump slammed fox
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news, steve scalise blew the nasty and op noxious chris wallace, away on chris' lowest rated morning show. >> and the book deal, it is an audio book. >> an audio book. >> it is an audio book coming out later this winter for the holidays. >> dramatic read. >> with the long road trips. going on a road trip. what a dramatic reading of the president's tweets. >> how is the weather looking? >> stubborn. >> that's a good way of putting it. so the weather pattern, this november, i don't have to tell you this, but much colder than areas in areas of the east and much warmer than norm until the west. if anyone in the east wants to talk to their friends in the rockies, they're waiting for the next cooler fall weather to arrive. it has been very warm. today, we will do it again. chicago and new york, eight to ten degrees below normal, denver, 64, and salt lake city near 60. and tucson, 84.
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and look at l.a., almost 20 degrees warmer than it should be. and we could each see a record highs out here. seven locations forecasted to break record highs in the west. and about 22 locations will be at least lose to breaking record highs where in the east it is far, far away from anything close to that. let's give you the week ahead forecast and what we're doing. again, there is not a lot of icy weather in areas of new england. but the freezing drizzle overnight, make sure when you walk outside, double check the sidewalk to make sure it is not too slick and you might have to did a little bit of scraping on the windshield, too. sunny and warm in the middle of the country. here is where the pattern changes this week, this storm on tuesday will dive down, we are going to get a little bit, not a lot, but a little bit of rainfall from los angeles down to san diego, and then we start to see the storm getting a little bit bigger with snow in the intermountain west. and we warm up in the east as we go throughout thursday. and then by friday, the rain arrives again, with a little bit of rain and snow in northern new england, too, on friday. so we're not going to see a lot of horrible weather for anyone
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traveling this week but just warm in the east and here in the west, you are getting away with shorts and t-shirt force another couple of days. >> thanks, bill. still ahead the president ties the state of the economy to the impeachment probe. that story and other stories driving your business day coming up. ther stories driving your business day coming up receding gums, and possibly... tooth loss. help turn back the clock on gingivitis with parodontax. leave bleeding gums behind. parodontax.
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doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacist-recommendeding? memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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president trump took to twitter over the weekend, where he touted the state of the american economy and warned of the consequences of impeaching him. in a tweet on saturday, the president wrote in part, quote, dow hits 28,000 first time ever,
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highest ever, gee, pelosi, and schiff, have a good idea, let's impeach the president. if something like that ever happened, it would lead to the biggest fall in market history. it's called a depression, not a recession, so much for 401(k)s and jobs. >> there you go again, touting the audio book coming up. that's just shy of the $2 trillion that was initially targeted. they're planning on selling a 1.5% stake in the company, 1% to go to retail investors, half a percentage points to institutional investors.
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will be issuing a share point of 30 to 32 reals. the biggest ipo that has happened was the alibaba one back in 2014 on the new york stock exchange that raised $20 billion. keep an eye out for a potential record-breaking deal there. also, reports out of reuters on fridays suggesting that the white house administration are considering extending the licenseex to some u.s. companie for them to continue dealing with huawei. back in way huawei wyou way ma placed on a list and they were not a allowed to deal with some companies. it looks like they're going to be dealing with thatik for 90 days. they are asking for a full-term
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exemption and that be they would like to continue dealing with huawei irrespective of the national security. >> i have to ask you about this. both the new mexico and mlb -- >> love those joy sticks. >> look toing crease their player value like video games. how are they l hoping to do so? >> playersop have long made mon on theav side, supplemental ince from selling their likenesses, i their faces to video games and theseeo trading card games. g now they're looking to take it to'r a new level. they're partnering up with a private equity firm. players from the nfl and major league baseball teams will be participating and joining forces with red birds capital partners to form a new company called one team that will essentially aim to maximize the profits that theyiz can use from selling on their intellectual property. something to keep an eye out e for. this year alone nfl made $120 million from just clear
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spaces for video games. >> highly coveted to be on one ofon those video game boxes, especially going into the holidays. thank you. coming up next, jim vander hi vandehei of axios one big thing. we're looking aton who will be testifying before lawmakers as the impeachment probe into the pref president ramps up. "morning joe" dr. contributor said it seemed anything but normal on the president's physical. "morning joe," everyone, just moments away. s physical. "morning joe," everyone, just moments away. now in one pot, and with tendercrisp technology, you can cook foods that are crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. the ninja foodi pressure cooker, the pressure cooker that crisps. cake in the conference room! showing 'em you're ready... to be your own boss. that's the beauty of your smile. crest's three dimensional whitening... ...removes stains,... ...whitens in-between teeth...
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. >> announcer: axios one big thing is sponsored by bp. all right. joining us now from washington, d.c. with a look at axios a.m., the cofounder of axios, mr. mike allen. good to have you with us. what is axios one big thing for today. >> the one big thing is trump
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ink leaks inc. leaks on itself. one of the most surprising things in this impeachment hearings is how much comes out because of the president's own aides and allies or appointees leak it or release it. we have this week on wednesday the star easy, eu ambassador gordon sondland. so much of that testify of revolve around a phone call from president trump to him that apparently was overheard by a bunch of people at the table. we heard that testimony last week in one of the opening statements that president trump was talking so loudly that other people could hear it. it wasn't on speaker phone, but other people could hear it. and apparently the president was talking so loud that ambassador gordon sondland was holding the phone away from his ear and that's why you suddenly have all these other witnesses.
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you add to that the butt dial from rudy giuliani to one of your nbc reporters where he was talking about the bidens. and all of this started the president releasing the transcript of the do us a favor phone call. all of these things coming out of trump world voluntarily. >> mike, we mentioned earlier these new polls showing mayor pete buttigieg at the top of the democratic pac in iowa. what is axios learning about how the trump campaign is reacting to this? >> yeah, jonathan swann talked to a number of people close to the trump campaign, and they're very concerned about mayor pete. there's a couple things about this. one is karl rove, the great republican strategist, told us that mayor pete is, as karl put it, less scary to suburban ooit than other candidates out there. as you talk to people inside the trump campaign here's what they said they're thinking about. they think he's a better
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political athlete than joe biden. more sort of naturally talented. less life and professional experience, but has what it takes in the view of these people. and second, they say that he would be much tougher to demonize than elizabeth warren, much more difficult to portray him as a socialist lefty, which of course is what they have up their sleeve for elizabeth warren. here's a fascinating insight into trump world's thinking. if they want to pick one state, that if you tell me who wins that and wins the presidency, a lot of them are talking about wisconsin. they say you parse it through and they think in the end pete buttigieg would be better for democrats in wisconsin than elizabeth warren and that makes trump world worried. >> really quickly, what can we expect this week as the public impeachment hearings continue? big week with some of these key testimony's. >> yes. job one for democrats is to show how close the president was to this action. to all bring close to him, republicans are trying to put
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separation to say that these are either secondhand accounts or the president wasn't involved or didn't know. democrats are doing the opposite. that will be the contest as you watch these hearings, how much can they put trump's literal fingerprints on what's happened. >> mike allen live for us in washington, d.c. thank you very much. of course we'll be reading axios a.m. in just a bit. don't forget you too can sign up for that newsletter by going to >> that does it for us on this monday morning. "morning joe" starts right now. you've got to get your friends, you've got to vote. because if you lose it sends a really bad message. you can't let that happen to me. >> the top office in a deep red state turning blue over night. andy bashir declaring victory as kentucky's next governor. >> i lift him up a lot. trump took a loss, you've got to give me


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