tv Lockup Fairfax Extended Stay MSNBC December 7, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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darker guy hit the light-skinned guy first? >> it come like a sucker punch but i couldn't tell who did what. >> the biggest woman in the jail works to shed the pounds. instead of eating like six ea sandwiches, i'll eat two. >> and her past. >> it's like every part of my body's been used sexually at least once. ve
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>> and -- >> they call me giraffe. call me pterodactyl. they call me all types of [ bleep ]. >> a bullied inmate is pushed to the breaking point. >> the way you acted, we're not going to have that here in our facility. >> why all this stuff just coming at me? ♪ in recent years, the communities surrounding washington, d.c., like those in fairfax county, virginia, have become some of the wealthiest and fastest-growing in the nation. due in part to low crime rates. >> we do not have the same amount of serious crime as maybe the district of columbia. so we can concentrate more on all the little things. if you take care of the little things in fairfax county, you don't have the big things.
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>> and behind the walls of the fairfax county adult detention center, deputies say they practice the same philosophy in managing the inmates. while some of the 1,200 men and women here are convicted, most are currently charged with crimes and are awaiting trial of the resolution of their cases.nd but staff say no infraction is too minor. >> we have tough rules. we enforce those rules. and it's considered tough jail in the end. >> even a discarded tissue in the female housing unit brings a reprimand. >> tissue over here, who was at this phone here? y'all don't want to be locked somebody got to move that paper towel over there. >> i'll get it. >> things are just as strict t when it comes to the tidiness of individual cells. >> no wrinkles. i try my best. >> make sure when i come by your door your back is off the doors, both of your arms by your side. >> we hold what's called cell inspection. inmate has to go throughout the cell and clean his cell and it
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has to be done in a straight way to where the post deputies go through those cells and make de sure that all the necessary h stuff is in there. neat, clean, and in orderly fashion. >> unlike full contraband shakedowns where every inch of the cell is inspected, these daily checks are simply for cleanliness.da and today that's good news for jasmine slaughter. >> i just got some toothpaste in hope she don't find it. >> why is it contraband? >> anything that's not in its original container is contraband. >> why isn't it in its original container? >> because i don't have regular toothpaste, i have the toothpaste the jail gives you and that toothpaste is horrible. >> all right, go ahead and lock it. >> slaughter says she's in jail for hanging around the wrong crowd at a local walmart. l >> i went into the store with some of my friends and they were stealing tvs and computers and e all types of electronics, and i was in the bathroom. so when i came out, i was questioned, detained, then i wa arrested and charged with grand
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larceny, which i don't understand why, because i wasn't stealing anything. >> slaughter pled not guilty but admits to a history of stealing. >> i would get away with it. stealing clothes. constantly get away with stealing. for so long i've always looked for, you know, acceptance from people. like, i wanted friends. and, you know. when you want friends, you try to -- you do things to impress people.u >> my mom always told me, somebody wants you to constantly do something for you, they're not your friend. and me being a stubborn teenager, being stubborn, i didn't listen. i got away with a couple of times, then it started catching up to me. >> slaughter has a separate charge of perjury in a neighboring county. she's pled not guilty there as well. but will remain housed at fairfax county until her grand
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larceny charge is resolved. she says her unusual appearance has led to cruelty. >> oh, what's that on your skin, is it contagious? everyone asks me that. no, it's just eczema. it's not even that bad. that's all i hear all the time. >> slaughter did not want to discuss why she has no eyebrows or lashes.htan but it's led to unwanted nicknames. >> they call me giraffe, call me pterodactyl, they call me all types of [ bleep ]. i know on the outside i don't look like this. i do makeup, i do hair, i do lashes, i do everything. so i don't look the same. >> you know she ain't got no eyebrows, no eyelashes. i'm not trying to be funny or put her down or anything but this is a jail. people in jail talk. >> they call her avatar. they call her alien. i mean, it's just cruel.ey >> avatar. that's her new nickname. people are actually calling her that on the block now. >> i cry a lot.
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because i never heard, i never understood -- i'm always misunderstood. i'm always singled out. i'm always the and it hurts. >> she's like scaly a little bit. and she's tall and slinky, you ' know? >> ginger lucas is serving nine months after pleading guilty to selling crack cocaine to an mo undercover she's been here several times before for convictions including theft, forgery, embezzlement, and prostitution. >> crack cocaine, i used to be addicted to it. and i was just doing anything and everything to get the moneyn to supply my habit.o you know how they say if you smoke crack you lose a lot of weight? bull [ bleep ]. i was eating and smoking at the same time. >> after i go on like my binge
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and stuff i would just like go on another binge and just start eating.d so pretty much i had two -- two addictions. >> lucas says she's the largest woman in the jail and at her heaviest she weighed nearly double her current 320 pounds. >> probably about 580, close to 600. if i laid on my back, like hip and ass would hang off the bed. i'm sorry, i got a lot of ass. >> but lucas says she's used her weight to make a lot of money. >> i do strip sometimes. big girl strip club. all over maryland and d.c. full nudity, where you wear like a g-string. y it's like -- it could be like black or clear. your get those specially made. >> though lucas is imposing, she's popular on her housing unit. >> i been knowing ginger awhile. she a good girl.
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>> i was really intimidated by ginger at first because of her stature and the look on her face. but she's actually very sweet and like cuddly. >> deputy. >> she wasn't this size when i first met her. what size, that didn't mean nothing to me. i didn't care about that. >> james davis has been in a relationship with lucas for the past nine years and is a father to one of her six children. they were both arrested for dealing crack cocaine to an undercover davis also pled guilty but was sentenced to five years. compared to lucas' nine months. he will soon leave her behind when he transfers to prison. in >> she's just a cool person to be around. i mean, she was always herself. she never wanted to be nobody else. i mean, the first day i met her, it's the same person she was i then, the same person she is now. >> he's actually -- would have been the only person that's stand by me through rough periods.
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he doesn't -- make me feel like i was wanted, like i was special. >> with her boyfriend headed to prison and her children missing her and living with various family members, lucas says she's finally ready for change. >> i don't want to go back doing what i was doing before to get me in all this i already lost james right now. i haven't seen him in almost a year, i probably won't see him ' another three, four years. it kind of hurts. it's on me to make a change. not only for me but for my kids. coming up -- >> it was really, really disappointing. re >> new troubles for jasmine slaughter. and -- >> that's where he hit you? >> just happened so fast. >> who threw the first punch? >> he hit me first. >> there are no get out of jail free cards following a monopoly brawl. when you have pain...
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one of the policies in the tightly run fairfax county adult detention center requires medium and maximum security inmates to be locked out of their cells all day long. this way they can be better observed by the post deputy, the officer who mans the security station that looks out over five different units. up to 20 men at a time must coexist in the small day room or common area between cells. >> i hate this place, man. it's just a nightmare. >> the cramped quarters can cause tempers to flare. >> where you going? what's happening? >> fight. >> deputies have just broken up a fight between josh franklin and darrick elmore. it occurred somewhere between park place and marvin gardens. >> couldn't beat me in monopoly, that's it. got jacked. got jacked up. >> what's going on? >> we were playing monopoly,
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basically. he just made a big scene out of it. talking about i'm not doing it correctly. basically tried to put me down like i was doing it badly. know what i'm saying? it was in a very disrespectful manner. >> so he hit you? >> just happened so fast. >> did you fight back? >> not really. >> so then who threw the first punch? >> he hit me first. >> he hit you where? >> hit me on this side of my face here. >> right here, by your eye? >> yes, sir. i ran up to defend myself, and i dual punched him. >> inmate elmore didn't want to tell the story, inmate franklin did, therefore we took the time to speak with other inmates in the block to determine what actually occurred. >> so then the light-skinned guy hit the black guy first or the darker guy hit the light-skinned guy first? >> it took a few minutes for anybody to hit each other. they were pushing each other back and forth, you know, like kids do. then it just -- it just erupted. >> go ahead. >> kind of looked like a sucker punch but i couldn't tell who started what.
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they weren't trying to hurt each other, it was more -- i don't know, what's the right word to say, pussy-footing around? >> that's an option. >> well, that's what they were doing. >> another inmate says he knows exactly who started the fight. >> if you can have a seat on the bench out in the hallway. >> aldon alexander is josh franklin's cell mate. >> elmore got up in his face, you know. and pushed him. elmore pushed him. >> okay. elmore pushing? >> yeah. >> both men will soon have hearings to determine how much time, if any, they will get in disciplinary segregation. as harsh a housing situation as any we've ever seen. >> from my personal perspective i feel i should be found not guilty. but -- only god knows right now, you know? >> i mean, this is jail. people lie. it's one thing, it's filled with liars and it's filled with thieves. i don't believe almost in anything anybody tells me in here.
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>> who really started the fight? >> he started the fight. he started the entire thing. >> but elmore has a reputation for fighting. he's serving a one-year sentence for assault on a police officer. >> when you resist arrest they try to make it like you're out looking for police officers to beat up or something and that's not what it is. i don't put my hands on someone unless they put their hands on me. >> elmore says that's exactly what franklin did during their monopoly game. but franklin says he would never hurt anyone. >> i'm the most kindest guy on the block. if not the most encouraging. >> i'm a very religious guy. i stand on the bible. reading scriptures of encouragement to encourage myself in this time of affliction.
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cling to what is good. be kindly, affectionate to one another. >> franklin does bible study, you know, every day. he basically walks around in his cell preaching to himself. you got a lot of guys, they call it jailhouse religion. you do your dirt on the outside, but you get to jail, all of a sudden you're a holy roller. >> i don't hide behind anything. what i do is i just basically keep my head on straight by not thinking about what i'm here for, you know. >> what franklin is here for is the stuff of nightmares. he has pled guilty and is awaiting sentencing on four convictions. rape by force, sodomy of a helpless victim by force, robbery, and illegal use of a firearm. according to prosecutors, franklin contacted two women on a website known for escort service ads. he met them at a hotel where he drew a gun and forced each woman to have sex with him.
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then authorities say he made them have sex with each other. after franklin left the hotel, the women called 911 and he was soon apprehended. despite his guilty plea, franklin has a different way of looking at it. >> people have different perspectives. they see it different ways. the situation is like a youth mistake that everyone, you know, seems to have in their youth. and nine times out of ten, most of them learn from it, you know. >> but this might not be franklin's only mistake. during his stay here, new rape charges were filed against him in nearby arlington county. after franklin is sentenced for his crimes in fairfax county, he'll be prosecuted in arlington as well. though he says he is innocent, he might decide to enter a guilty plea. >> if you're innocent, why not fight it?
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>> because, like, i have -- i have fear in my heart in regards to, like, what will happen if i do. i don't want the worst punishment. i always keep in mind the worst punishment and what can happen, you know, if things go wrong. so i try to keep it in my, you know -- coming up -- >> i'm the one person that motivated everybody on the block as far as, you know, reading the bible and doing everything that's right. >> josh franklin and darrick elmore plead their cases to avoid disciplinary segregation for fighting. >> this guy frank is -- he's crazy, man. now i got to be disciplined because of this guy? i just don't -- i don't think it's fair.
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and she's well known to staff but for the wrong reasons. >> she was a management issue. loved to fight. loved to fuss. didn't -- i mean, she disregarded authority. she didn't care. >> a few years earlier when lucas was even bigger than she is now, private first class clayborne had to take her to the ground to break up a fight. >> yeah, she took me -- yeah, that little thing is strong. >> from training -- it doesn't matter how big they are. you have to take them down when you can. sometimes when you're by yourself. she's changed a lot. a heck of a lot. >> it hasn't just been a change in behavior. at her heaviest, lucas says she weighed nearly 600 pounds. she's dropped almost half of that and wants to lose more. >> people make fun of you sometimes. can't do a lot of things i want to do. what is it, six flags? you know they got the new superman and all them rides out
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and all that. well, i couldn't even fit in them. it was like i'd be like this, and i couldn't close the thing. i'm like -- it sucks. >> how does it make you feel when that kind of stuff happens? >> it hurts. it hurts my feelings. but i got to do something about it. this weight got to go. i watch what i eat. like instead of eating like six sandwiches, i'll eat like two. i'll walk around the gym about 41 times. i do just like leg routines. strengthens your legs. i can't do a pushup. i will not do a pushup. >> and today lucas has reached a new milestone. she was issued a smaller uniform. >> what's wrong with your jumper? >> you don't pay no attention, claiborne, do you?
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>> what, a smaller size? how was i supposed to know? >> i was in that big old parachute. >> lucas' physique has been a source of emotional pain, she's not always been sensitive about the feelings of another woman in her unit -- jasmine slaughter. >> avatar. that's her new nickname. people are actually calling her that on the block now. >> slaughter is awaiting trial for larceny in fairfax county, but she's just returned from nearby stafford county where she was sentenced on an unrelated charge of perjury. >> it's really, really disappointing. they gave me five months. so hopefully my time runs all together. that's what i'm hoping. i'm just a little depressed, you know, behind it. tired of inmates. just tired of being around them. >> the feeling seems to be mutual. after slaughter tells others about her court appearance. >> talking that dumb [ bleep ]. >> it's not dumb. >> [ bleep ] don't want to be bothered with you no more, that's it.
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>> brenda brewer has been in and out of the jail over the past 30 years and says she doesn't want to hear slaughter whine about her problems. >> we playing cards, and i ain't going to hear that [ bleep ]. she want us to baby her. i'm not going to baby her. you broke the law, so evidently you broke the law to get here. to do something. so i'm not going to baby you. you tell me something, i'm going to take you just like it is. >> you know, miss brenda, she's old. so i respect older people. but -- she really struck a nerve. >> [ bleep ]. put an egg in that shoe and beat it. ♪ beat it beat it >> i just got bad news [ bleep ] -- >> i'm ready to give up. >> come on, just play. >> i just want to be heard. i want to be understood. i want to be listened to for once. one time. you don't get that here. all you do is get punished, punished, punished.
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coming up, jasmine slaughter is forced to leave the housing unit. >> miss claiborne was like, you're making it worse for yourself. i said, i don't care anymore. >> running up the steps crying, talking about it's on now, it's on now. >> and -- >> you pled not guilty to fighting. i'm finding you guilty. >> josh franklin and darrick elmore learn that the penalty for fighting over monopoly isn't paid with paper money. to our military service members at home and abroad for all their hard work and sacrifice. we all sleep easier knowing you're out there keeping us safe. and on a personal note... sfx: jet engines ... i just needed to get that off my chest. thank you. geico: proudly supporting the military for over 75 years. sa new buick? for me? to james, from james. that's just what i wanted.
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an investigation is ongoing in to the deadly shooting in a naval base yesterday, it's said that the suspect, assady student played videos of mass shootings in a dinner party in the past week, three were killed in the attack. a report was laid out for impeaching the president. historical argue -- arguments were given. now, back to "lock-up."
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at the fairfax county adult detention center, feeding the 1,200 men and women incarcerated here falls to inmate workers like rasheed conte. in this kitchen, they learn to do things big. >> right now what i'm doing is i'm just going to boil the potatoes first, for 45 minutes or an hour. then i'm going to take them over, mash them with butter and milk. most jails use instant potatoes. we're using real potatoes here. >> conte is part of a crew that serves about 26,000 inmate meals a week. >> they order approximately 30,000 pounds of food per week. 18,000 cookies, 10,600 eight-ounce cartons of milk. approximately 1,400 pounds of sandwich meat per week. the food is prepared by inmates.
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every 30 days they're down here working, they could receive five days shaved off their sentence. >> i try to do my best when i cook. you know what i mean? it's not that bad. could have been worse. i've seen worse in other jails. the food is not that bad here. >> not every inmate likes the food, but it's almost gourmet when compared to a special meal the jail calls nutritional loaf. >> that's how they feed us in here. you don't want that. looks like a handful of [ bleep ] -- >> an unseasoned mixture of carrots, potatoes, beans, bread, cabbage, and onions. the loaf is served to inmates in disciplinary segregation three meals a day, six days a week. >> there's no texture, no taste. the crunchiness doesn't help either. it smells disgusting. >> and the loaf may soon be on the menu for darrick elmore and josh franklin. they recently got into a fight over a game of monopoly. today, they will plead their cases in hopes of staying out of the harsh confines of
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disciplinary segregation where restrictions go well beyond the food. >> all right, mr. franklin, let's finish up. >> lieutenant suarez will conduct hearings for both men starting with franklin who was recently convicted of crimes including rape and sodomy in fairfax county and now faces rape charges in a neighboring county. he's brought two witnesses who will testify not only about the fight but about his character. >> all right, mr. franklin. you asked for these two as your witnesses for this hearing. is there anything you want to ask them? >> did you see him throw the first punch at me? >> elmore was saying something because he takes monopoly so serious every time. and he shoved franklin twice, then he threw a punch. >> all right. >> i would like to say that i'm particularly the one person that, you know, seems to motivate everybody on the block as far as, you know, reading the bible and doing everything that's right. >> yeah. i will say that he does lead a good example as far as trying to lead people toward the bible. and ever since i met him, he's been a good spoken person.
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you know, he doesn't curse, none of that stuff, so -- >> yeah. >> okay. thank you both. you can go back upstairs. >> all right. >> now suarez will hear from darrick elmore, who is serving one year here for assaulting a police officer. >> in the chair to your left. >> he'll have to go it alone in the hearing. >> he asked for three witnesses. none of his three witnesses wanted to come down. one was unavailable. two basically declined, did not want to be a part of it. >> this guy, frank, he's crazy, man. he just got mad because he lost the game. next thing you know, he wants to fight about it. now i got to be disciplined because of this guy? i just don't -- i don't think it's fair. >> so it was basically him by himself saying that i didn't start it, the other guy did. but the other guy had more people in his favor. at the end of the day, i couldn't say that one assaulted the other because there was no sort of independent witness to verify. as far as the fighting goes, what i do know is that there was a physical altercation. you can attest to that, basically that was your testimony.
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whether he started, you started. i know it happened. the witnesses concur that it happened, the post deputy's investigation shows there was a physical altercation between the two of you, okay? you pled not guilty to fighting. i'm finding you guilty. i'm taking into account the fact that you haven't had any disciplinary issues since you've been here. again, fighting won't be tolerated. so i'm giving you ten days d.s. i just need your signature on my copy. right there. >> i'm glad i only got ten days. could have been a lot worse. i could have had up to 30 days in the hole, so -- like i said, i'm reading my bible and exercising. i'll come out of the hole stronger than i was when i went in. >> franklin's punishment for the fight takes a different turn. >> as far as sentencing goes, i'm giving you ten days d.s. i'm suspending the ten days. this is not your first time in front of me for a hearing. >> yes, ma'am. >> okay. even since the last time that you were before me for a
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hearing, you caught another charge for defacing county property and were given five days' suspended d.s. time. so i am reinstating those five days that were suspended previously. okay. i just need your signature on my copy. as far as franklin, i did give him the benefit of his witnesses and the report in his favor. at the same time, without a deputy to witness any part of the altercation, it really was one person's word against another. but he had some suspended time hanging over his head, so i gave him the five days suspended time, just for the simple fact that he hasn't stayed out of trouble. >> both men are moved to disciplinary segregation where they will be confined to a single-person cell and have all their possessions taken except for one religious book. they will have their mattresses removed from their cells during the day, and of course will be served the nutritional loaf. the same fate might be in store for jasmine slaughter. >> i have a hearing coming up because i got three in-house charges.
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>> slaughter violated a jail rule by being under her covers after 8:00 a.m. >> i was only going to give her extra cleanup duties for being under her covers, for violating that rule. that's what i was going to do. but i guess she was upset about that, so she start fussing at everyone and had a lot of loud outbursts. >> sheila hastings says she was one of the targets of slaughter's anger. >> i looked at jasmine, so she rolled her eyes at me. so i'm like, why you rolling your eyes at me? i ain't do nothing to you. i looked back at her again, why are you still looking at me, bitch? i got up and said, i can look at anybody who i want to look at. >> according to private first class claiborne, slaughter threw another sandwich at an inmate. >> i had her go up to her cell and pack her things. >> she turned around and look and said [ bleep ] y'all, i mad. [ bleep ] leave me alone. >> went up the steps crying, like, "it's on now." we ain't know what she was talking about, what was on. >> patricia says she understands slaughter's actions. >> there's mean girls in this place.
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they make fun of her. unfortunately, it all came to a head. she just had enough, she snapped. >> miss claiborne like, you making it worse for yourself. i said, i don't care anymore. >> next thing i know, the deputy come down the steps. four or five more officers in there. she got bad with the officers. i mean, it was a sergeant. she got -- jasmine got bad with the sergeant. the sergeant put the handcuffs on her and escorted her out. >> slaughter was confined to a cell on another floor pending a disciplinary hearing for refusing orders. >> i think she's better off housed with less people, or even by herself. >> why is all this stuff coming at me? i just don't understand. >> having all these girls picking on her, it seems so unfair to me. i really think she shouldn't have been treated that way. and i don't think she should have been the one that goes down there. it should have been the ones that started all the mess for her, calling her names. >> so fairfax ain't [ bleep ]. i can't wait to leave here.
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tell them the same thing when i go to my hearing, too. the same exact thing. i'm going to write it up better. >> in preparation for the hearing, slaughter writes out her testimony. >> explain to them everything. but i don't even think that's going to do anything. they're not going to care. coming up, jasmine slaughter mounts a highly detailed defense. >> is there anything else that deals directly with the refusing to obey a direct order? >> yeah, everything. >> go ahead. and -- >> for the gifts and the calling of god are even vocal -- >> josh franklin is confronted about the disparity between his self-image and what his charges might say about him. >> one could say this is a serial rapist. what would you say to that? 5g experience for america. it's 5g ultra wideband-- --for massive capacity-- --and ultra-fast speeds. almost 2 gigs here in minneapolis. that's 25 times faster than today's network in new york city. so people from midtown manhattan--
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behind the walls of the fairfax county adult detention center, jasmine slaughter says her life has consisted of chronic teasing by other inmates about her appearance. >> they call me giraffe, call me pterodactyl, they call me all types of [ bleep ]. >> they call her avatar. they call her alien. >> go ahead and have a seat at the table. >> slaughter was recently removed from the unit for disobeying orders and yelling at other inmates. now she could wind up with time in the jail's highly restrictive disciplinary segregation unit depending on the results of a hearing with sergeant taggart. >> go ahead and tell me what happened. >> okay. i wrote everything down so i don't forget nothing, okay. when claiborne told me to go upstairs and pack my staff, i did. but as i went up the stairs, i said [ bleep ] you, bitches, got what you wanted. i put my hands behind my back and left with them. her supervisor was like, "nobody
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cares about that crying." this monopoly game is not -- is not hers, and i could play. the game is over anyways. it's all she said, "i don't like you. you're nothing but a bottom bitch." i said, "whatever, i'm going under the radar again." she asked who else was at the table -- >> let me stop you there, ma'am. does the rest of this novella deal with the incompatibility issue? >> yes. >> okay. i'm dismissing that charge. why don't you go ahead and move on. >> she asked who else was at the table and said -- >> is there anything else that deals directly with the refusing to obey a direct order or the -- making a false statement? >> yeah, everything. it's not that much. it's just -- only a little bit. it just looks like a lot because i didn't write on the back. >> go ahead. >> she asked who else was at the table. quintella, kanesha -- >> they have a right to get their story out. that's my job is to hear them out. you know. i did stop her for a moment, but she wanted to make her voice
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heard. so i went ahead and let her continue. >> i been called names such as avatar -- giraffe, e.t., and bottom bitch. too many wrongs in the beginning to my wrongs, in the beginning. but i'm not a troublemaker. and that's all i have to say. >> okay. all right. let me finish this up. i'll call you back out in a couple of minutes and give you my determination, okay? go ahead and grab your stuff. i'll put you back in the cell. >> sometimes people do become emotional during these hearings. but they don't have any effect on the outcome. you know, whether they're happy, sad, you know, depressed. i mean, it doesn't change the actions that they've already taken. so whether you're laughing at it or crying at it, the sentence is going to be the same. >> i'm so glad, i wrote my paper today, because i wanted to bring everything as fresh as possible from the pod over to here to show them that i'm not down
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there starting stuff. i feel like somebody finally listened to me. like finally sat there and listened instead of cutting me off. i mean, that really made me feel a lot better, that i could let it out to somebody else. so maybe he can be in my shoes for, you know, those five minutes. >> slaughter's violations make her eligible for up to 30 days in disciplinary segregation. a decision that's up to sergeant taggart. >> for the charge of refusing to obey a direct order you pled guilty, i'm finding you guilty. that's punishable up to 15 days of disciplinary segregation. i'm going to be giving you 15 days of disciplinary segregation, i'm going to suspend eight of those days. that means you have seven days to do for that charge. for the charge of making a false statement, you pled guilty, i'm finding you guilty. that's also punishable up to 15 daysed, i'm giving you 15 days of that, i'm going to suspend eight days of those days as well. you'll have an additional seven days. incompatibility, you pled not guilty. i told you i was dismissing that charge outright. basically from this incident,
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you have 14 days of disciplinary segregation that you'll be serving. me personally, i don't care about looks, i care about actions. okay? and the way you acted is not going to be -- we're not going to have that here in our facility, okay? you have any issues with that other inmate you let your post deputy know. any questions about that, ma'am? >> mm-mm. >> okay. let me get a signature here. >> it's not that bad. it's not that long. i mean, i don't mind being by myself. it's just -- not going to eat that loaf. that's the only thing. >> head on back to your cell. >> still, i have to take accountability for what i did. it wasn't right to go off like that. i won't do it again. i won't because i don't want to be in this situation again. >> slaughter's not the only inmate on the move. ginger lucas was transferred to a unit on the older side of the jail where the cells and common areas are smaller and more crowded. >> it's dirtier down here. i'm trying to get moved out of here quick. i don't like it. >> the transfer as well as five days' loss of commissary
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privileges, came as a result of an argument lucas had with a nurse. still, these sanctions are less severe than disciplinary segregation. but more painful to lucas is not knowing whether her boyfriend, james davis, is still in the jail or if he's been transferred to prison. >> i wrote james a letter. haven't got a letter back yet. >> who did you send it to? >> his mom. >> jail policy prohibits inmate-to-inmate communication, so lucas mails her letters to davis's mother, who then forwards them to davis. >> last time i talked to him was last month when i got a letter from him. so i don't know if he's gone or if he's still here. >> i want him to know that i'm here. i'm not going nowhere. i mean, people may say i should leave him alone, but i love him. he's got my heart. i just want to tell him that i'm here for him.
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coming up -- >> my best friend that got killed. she got shot in the head. it was a trick. he just came up and just boom. i was standing right next to her. >> with her release date approaching, ginger lucas considers the dangers of her career as a prostitute. and jasmine slaughter experiences the loaf. but right now, is not the time to talk about it. so when you're ready, search 'my denture care'. poligrip and polident. fixed. fresh. and just between us. tthe bad news? outhe perfect photo is not.d. depend® fit-flex underwear offers your best comfort and protection guaranteed. because, perfect or not, life's better when you're in it. be there with depend®.
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you have power over pain, so the whole world looks different. the unbeatable strength of advil. what pain? hour 36 in the stakeout. as soon as the homeowners arrive, we'll inform them that liberty mutual customizes home insurance, so they'll only pay for what they need. your turn to keep watch, limu. wake me up if you see anything. [ snoring ] [ loud squawking and siren blaring ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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which gps are you using anyway? a little something called instinct. been using it for years. yeah, that's what i'm afraid of. he knows exactly where we're going. my whole body is a compass. oh boy... the my account app makes today's xfinity customer service simple, easy, awesome. not my thing. at the fairfax county adult detention center, josh franklin recently received five days in disciplinary segregation for fighting over a game of monopoly. >> for the gifts and the calling of god are irrevocable. >> prior to getting into trouble, he would conduct bible studies for other inmates. >> what actually happens in the spiritual realm is awesome. is awesome.
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because believe it or not, like, it's a lot of people in here that question, you know, the purpose of their lives. question why they're here on the earth. and basically, you know, that's what my studying, that's what my zeal is, is to answer those type of questions. >> and recently, franklin has had some big questions to answer. he has pled guilty to rape by force, sodomy of a helpless victim by force, robbery, and illegal use of a firearm. he's awaiting sentencing but has recently received new charges of rape and other alleged crimes in a neighboring county and must soon answer those accusations as well. but first he's confronted with another question. >> you're saying this is youth mistakes. but one could say this is a serial rapist. what would you say to that? >> that not true. it's not for one to judge, as well. so i know what happened, and god
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knows what happened. but at the same time, i feel that god allowed me to be in this situation so that i might submit fully to his will for my life instead of just living a life of partiality. living a life that's going to church one sunday and partying the next. the way i keep my peace, the way i sleep at night is by reading this book right here and letting my mind stay at ease knowing that i didn't do it. that's how you can have peace. >> franklin could be sentenced to decades in prison for his fairfax county convictions alone. ginger lucas, on the other hand, is nearing the end of her nine-month sentence. now the mother of six must decide what changes she will make on the outside. >> i don't want to go back to the strip club. i don't want want to go back to
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being around drugs, being around fast money. i don't want to put myself in that predicament. i want to get away from all that. >> lucas must also consider whether another source of income will be in her future. she has frequently worked as a prostitute despite the dangers. >> my best friend that got killed, she got shot in the head. it was a trick. he just came up and just boom. i was standing right next to her. i've been through it all. i've been shot. i've been stabbed. i've been raped. even though i've been through so much, i still have a good personality. overall, i'm still happy. >> how do you manage that? >> i don't know. honestly, i don't know. i should be a [ bleep ] wreck right now, but i'm not. >> lucas says what she did as a prostitute could make a wreck of anyone. >> how much would you pull in in a night, let's say? >> depends on like what the client wanted, what type of fetish he had. i've given golden showers, brown showers.
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you know. i have had guys wanted me to carry them on my back for like 20 minutes and wrestle. and it turned them on. i'm like, okay. people have some weird fetishes. i had a guy liked sweaty pits. like every part of my body's been used sexually at least once. >> you can laugh about it now obviously. but what does that do to you? doing all that stuff. >> i just liked the money. guys will pay anything to have their fantasies. even women. fantasies are like the strongest thing in the mind, you know. they'll do anything for it. so pay. pay me, baby. i'll make your fantasy come true.
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>> lucas's boyfriend, james davis, is still awaiting his transfer to prison to begin his five-year sentence. he says he sold the drugs that earned him that time to help get lucas out of prostitution. >> the only reason why i did it, because i didn't want her to go out there -- i knew what she was going to have to do if i didn't help her somehow. she would have had to go to prostitution. i didn't want her to go out there and something happen to her. then that's going to be on my conscience. i still feel the same way about it now as i did when i first met her. even though i'm going through this. i mean, i still feel the same about it. >> he sends me birthday cards. i want to cry. missing him. miss my kids. that's just been on my mind. i just got a lot of [ bleep ] on my mind lately.
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it's crazy. >> jasmine slaughter's two-week stay in disciplinary segregation is almost complete. unlike most inmates, she's gotten through it with a smile on her face. >> i just made the best of it since i've been here. that's what she -- the girl always said in 17. she's like, you're not even upset. you're just normal. i'm like, i mean, what else can i do? nothing else i can do than just sit here. >> slaughter didn't even mind the nutritional loaf. at least in moderation. >> there you go. a little bite. of beans. ugh. >> though most inmates can't wait to leave disciplinary segregation, slaughter has made a special request. >> i asked to stay here. i just want to be by myself. i don't want to be in population anymore. it's too much drama.
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i don't want to be in the mix or anything. i don't want my name in anything. i don't want any more issues with deputies, inmates, nothing. i'm just in a different place now. i'll be okay. i'll be fine. ♪ >> you are already clean because of the word which i have spoken to you. abide in me and i in you. as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless
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you abide in me. for the gifts and the calling of god are irrevocable. i'm craig melvin. >> and i'm natalie morales. >> and this is "dateline." >> it's a murder mystery. you've got a wealthy family. it's something for everybody. >> there is a club of people consumed by trying to figure out what happened. i've never seen anything like it. >> reporter: almost everywhere robert durst goes, mystery follows. a missing wife. >> everything about this reeked of murder. >> reporter: a murdered best friend. a dead neighbor. >> it's hard to understand.
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