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tv   First Look  MSNBC  December 27, 2019 2:00am-3:00am PST

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be built and sitting at nearly 90% of his own party. that is our broadcast for tonight and good night from nbc headquarters in new york. president trump spends another vacation day thinking about impeachment, lashing out at his opponents in personal terms and claiming it makes it hard for him to deal with foreign leaders. >> plus, new signs that secretary of state mike pompeo is on the way out. the "washington post" reports that the search is already under way for his successor. we are going to run through some of those names. and breaking overnight, at least 15 people zed, dozens more injured, after, dead, dozens more injured after a passenger plane goes down shortly after takeoff. we will tell you what the survivors are saying this morning. . . good morning, everyone.
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it is friday, december 27th, i'm ayman mohyeldin, yasmin has the morning off. we begin with president trump. still lashing out over impeachment, while on vacation at the mar-a-lago resort, the president tweeted or retweeted 35 times yesterday, attacking democrats, house speaker nancy pelosi, and the districts she represents. in one post, he claimed, quote, the radical left, do nothing democrats, said they wanted to rush everything through to the senate because president trump is a threat to the national security. they are vicious, will say anything, but now they don't want to go fast anymore. they want to go very slowly. liars. >> he also tweeted despite all of the great success that our country has had over the last three years, it makes it much more difficult to deal with foreign leaders and others when i'm having to constantly defend myself against the do nothing democrats and their bogus impeachment scam. bad for usa. and on pelosi's home state, the president said quote, california leads the nation by far in both
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the number of homeless people, and the percentage increase in the homeless population. two terrible stats. crazy nancy should focus on that in her very own district, and helping her governor, with the big homeless problem. we are also hearing from another u.s. senator, who will serve as a juror during the impeachment trial. john kennedy of louisiana was asked to react to the these remarks from colleague lisa murkowski who is concerned about mitch mcconnell's coordination with the white house in planning the senate trial. watch. >> in fairness, when i heard that, i was disturbed. if we are tasked as the full senate, to do impartial justice under the constitution and the law, that's the oath that we will swear to uphold at the commencement of this proceeding, then to me, it means that we have to take that step back from
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being hand and glove with the defense. and so i heard what leader mcconnell had said. i happen to think that that has further confused the process. >> the senator is entitled to her opinion and senator mcconnell is entitled to his. we all see the world from our own bell tower. i will share with you my opinion of what is going on. it is all very odd. nine out of ten senators secretly don't want to hear this case, and the tenth is lying. now, many of them are not going to say that publicly, but that's how they feel. speaker pelosi knows that. and basically, what she's telling us is that the senate is
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prohibiting, let me try that again, the senate is prohibited from doing from what it doesn't really want to do unless we do it in a way that she approves of. and i find that very odd. i don't know why the senator is taking that position, or rather why the speaker is taking that position, it is as if she has gone from folly to farce. >> meanwhile mcconnell is being called out in an op-ed published in his hometown journal, the louisville courier journal, donald trump has violated his oath, mitch mcconnell is about to violate two. greenfield writes this. every senator has a constitutional obligation of impartiality but mcconnell's role as a senate leader makes his obligation even more important and crucial to the constitutional framework. this is not a time for political
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cynicism or constitutional faithlessness. mcconnell's loyalty to trump should not overwhelm his loyalty to the constitution. if he fails in this, he is not only violating his article one oath on impeachment but article six oath to support the constitution. i spoke to greenfield last night, and asked him to expand on that. >> back in the day when the constitution was written, political parties, as we now know them did not exist. so the thought was that the congress would be the control, the power against the presidency, and it would provide a checking function of the presidency, especially in those rare circumstances in which the president has abused his power. and when the president has abused the power of the office, the only legal remedy is impeachment. so when senator mcconnell says this is a political act, it is a political procedure, that's flat wrong from a constitutional perspective. it's legal and the remedy is
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impeachment. and under the constitution, every senator is required to be impartial. and he's already said that he is going to violate that oath. >> now two law professors who testified on opposite sides of the house impeachment hearing are now battling out in print. professor jonathan turley, called as a republican witness during the house impeachment proceedings wrote in an op-ed that the notion that president trump is not technically impeached until house speaker nancy pelosi actually sends the articles to the senate is false. he writes while this theory may provide tweet-ready fodder for the president to defend himself and taunt his political adversaries, it is difficult to sustain on the text or history or logic of the constitution. make no mistake, the house speaks in its own voice and in its own time. it did so on december 18th, 2019. turley was responding to noah feldman, harvard law professor, who despite being in favor of the impeachment wrote in an op-ed that trump would not be impeached until the articles
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were delivered to the senate. if the house does not communicate its impeachment to the senate, it hasn't actually impeached the president. if the articles are not transmitted, trump could legitimately say that he wasn't actually impeached at all. former massachusetts governor deval patrick's 2020 campaign has experienced a setback after it failed to collect the 11,000 signatures needed to qualify for michigan's march 10th primary ballot. patrick joined the race after the state had prepared its initial ballot, meaning his campaign had to collect the signatures to qualify. however, even though patrick's campaign submitted over 13,000 signatures by the december 13th deadline a report by the michigan department of state removed 5,000 signatures due to error, incomplete addresses or incorrect dates and it left him 6,085 signatures short. and michiganers deserve to be able to choose from their full range of choices for president,
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and we are weighing our options to ensure that deval patrick is on the ballot in michigan on march 10th. the michigan board of state can vancors will meet this morning to consider whether patrick will be on the march ballot. still ahead -- >> my question for you, sir, is home alone 2 your favorite holiday movie. >> well, a i'm in home alone 2. >> it was an honor to do it. and it turned out to be a very big hit, obviously. so it is a big christmas hit. one of the biggest. so it is an honor to be involved in something like that. >> why the cbc has removed president trump's home alone cameo from the broadcast. we will show you how the president responded to this international incident. that story and a check on weather when we come right back. hi, i'm dave. i supply 100% farm-fresh milk for lactaid.
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it's real milk, just without the lactose, so you can enjoy it even if you're sensitive. delicious. now, i've heard people say lactaid isn't real milk. ok, well, if it isn't real then, i guess those things over there can't actually be cows. must be some kind of really big dogs, then. sit! bad dog. the unitedllaxin'. explorer card makes things easy. traveling lighter. taking a shortcut. woooo! taking a breather. rewarded! learn more at the explorer card dot com.
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excuse me where's the lobby? >> down the hall and to the left. >> thanks.
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>> so that was it. that was the entire cameo. that few secs that you just witnessed right there, trump's cameo back in the original 1992 christmas classic, home alone 2, lost in new york, but viewers watching the film in canada on canadian television this holiday season would have missed those maybe five seconds, oh, i stand corrected, search second scene as part of an eight minute trim from the movie by the canadian broadcast corporation to allow for special time. while the edits were made in 2014 when it acquired the broadcast rights for the film the move recently sparked outrage among the president's supporters who view the omission as politically motivated. trump responded to the cbc for editing the cameo blaming none other than the canadian prime minister himself, justin trudeau. trump quoted, i guess justin t didn't like me making him pay up
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on nato or the same. and then said the movie will never be the same. just kidding. >> and donald trump jr. calling the edit absolutely pathetic. >> let's turn to our home alone expert here in the studio, nbc meteorologist michelle grossman. it is an international incident. >> and i watched home alone maybe four or five times this season. >> all the original form with, you know, trump's cameo and everything? >> i saw the cameo, many, many time, yes and then my 6-year-old calls him "donald trunk," so we watch that. kind of glad it's over. let's talk about weather. we have mild, mild air. staying in place through the weekend for many of us. and you can see the map, the jet stream dipped so low allowing the warm air to come up and seeing temperatures 15 to 25 degrees above typical this time of the year and temperatures record breaking in some spots, you can see all of the colors on the map indicating that warm air, cleveland today, 50 degrees, and that's 12 degrees
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typical for this time of the year. chicago, 46. and they broke a record at 61 degrees yesterday. no complaints there. and 64 we're looking in nashville. 15 degrees above normal. saturday, same story. then things start to change on sunday. we have cold air back to the west. and we are going to set the stage for some snow in the northern plains. and this is where the cold air is. where you see the purples and the blues. so minneapolis, 32. billings, 41. 41 in denver. as we mentioned, we will see some snow on saturday, and some blowing snow. and maybe blizzard conditions. so rough travel here in the middle of the country, in the northern plains, down to the central plains, and weather winter alerts are in place now, and winter storm warning where you see the pink, north platte, we have the blue, the winter storm watch, so it is going to be very, very tricky travel here as we head through this part of the country, the southern plains we are looking again at some pretty heavy rain. this cross-country thermal will development as we go throughout the day will strengthen. and heavy snowfall in the rockies and four corners. rain and ice in the plains. as we go to saturday, this is
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the bull's eye for that really tough travel time. many of us are still traveling home. maybe we have new years eve plans that we need to get to. this is tougher in the middle of the country. you can see the blue back to the west on the cold side of the storm, six to 12 inches of snow, and then some very heavy rain, even severe weather on the southern side of the storm. this is up on sunday, temperatures start to crack in the midwest and again, this will set the stage for some cold rain, and also some freezing rain, in parts of the upper midwest into the great lakes. by sunday, we are looking at pouring rain in the east. the good news for the east though, we are looking at that warm weather in place so it looks to be mainly rain for all of the big cities as you travel home on sunday. so a little piece of good news for us in the east at least. >> all right. thank you very much, michelle. appreciate that. still ahead, a lighter take on one of the biggest issues of the 2020 presidential race. journalist and comedian francesca florentini joins us for a look at her new special.
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back in a moment. t her new spec. back in a moment steyer: i'm about to say two words
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that will make washington insiders very uncomfortable: term limits. you and i both know we need term limits, that congress shouldn't be a lifetime appointment. but members of congress, and the corporations who've bought our democracy hate term limits. too bad. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message because the only way we get universal healthcare, address climate change and make our economy more fair is to change business as usual in washington. what is medicare for all? there's no exact definition. because it doesn't exist yet. but the basic idea of the two proposals in congress is that the government runs one national health care program. and everybody is on it. private insurance companies are pretty much put out of business. and doctors, hospitals, and pharmacists bill uncle sam. co-pay, premiums and deductibles would mostly disappear. but nothing in life is free. the government needs money to
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pay for all of that care. which means side effects could include a payroll tax, income tax, progressive tax, tax on wealthy and treemy wealthy and imposing fees on institutions and negotiate with drug companies and pharmaceutical companies. >> that is a clip from the msnbc special airing this sunday, red, white and who, francesca takes a closer look at debate on health care in the united states. fran ches francesca joins us now. i love that parody that you did on like the pharmaceutical advertising. >> yes, indeed. you saw the dog kiss. i think there was a freeze frame on that. yes, no, no, that is great. on national television, kissed by a dog. this is fun. >> let me play you this sound bite from, because i know you spoke to bernie sanders, this is a signature issue for him, obviously something he has focused his entire campaign around. let me play you what he has to say for medicare for all and we will talk about it afterwards.
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watch. >> let's say that i like my health insurance. >> good. >> i like the logo. i like the billing system. i like that they play careless whisper when i'm on hold with them. >> i've got some bad news for you. despite that you love your insurance company and you love arguing with them you will have to find somebody else to argue with. >> okay. >> you're going to get all of the coverage that you into ed. >> the idea that somehow it is going away -- >> the point that nobody loves their insurance companies. what people love is the doctors, maybe the care they got in the hospital, and you will retain that. and in fact, you will have more choice. on the medicare for all, everybody is in it together, you go to any doctor you want. >> it is a side of bernie sanders we don't get to see too often on the campaign trail, relaxed in his element talking about what i was suggesting, a signature issue. do you think though he has moved the needle on the debate about medicare for all for the presidential candidates in the primary season? >> oh, yes, no question, he's moved the debate. i mean ever since he was running in 2016, or in 2015, he has
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moved the debate. he set a watermark for democrats. and we've seen that actually medicare for all is polling really strongly with americans. it polls, even the low polls are around 51%, and that's pretty good. 51% of voting age americans, come out to vote for the president. so we have to remember that, you know, things like social security weren't popular, or medicare when it first, you know, was introduced, was unpopular, but from americans i spoke with, we went to three different states across the country all in different states of health care, so national health care policies playing out for them really differently. and we're always told that americans, they just don't want government-funded health care. >> they have a choice. >> they want choice. >> you know, we always think, you know, americans on our health care, it is like a bad boyfriend, you know, like we're afraid if we break up, we won't find anything better, so we're like well we will just put up with this. he never washes the dishes. you know, like that.
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and obviously, it is a little more serious than that. but it seems like from the folks i talked to, for example, uninsured people who just turned 65, a woman with leukemia who said she would be dead if she didn't turn 65 and wasn't able to get treatment for her leukemia, and that's thanks to government-funded health care. >> well, i will say quickly, one of the arguments people make against the medicare for all program that is advocated by bernie sanders, including some from his own party is, it is going to be too expensive. i think you asked him about that. let's watch what he has to say and i'll talk to you about it. >> how much is medicare for all costs, how many iraq wars? >> that is a great question. >> like one and a half. >> i mean that is a hard apple to orange to make. >> here is the more important point. people say medicare for all is expensive but the status quo, you don't brink in the cost efficiencies for medicare for all. and there are estimates out
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there we will be spending $150 trillion over the next ten years for health care so we're spending far more than any other country per person on health care. >> so he's taking an answer to it, because going back to my first question a little bit, other candidates in the primary debate have kind of qualified the medicare for all, they have certainly adopted the mantra of medicare for all but added on if you want to keep your private insurance and he is against that absolutely. he is saying the government can in fact get rid of private insurance and totally afford to do so. >> i think the reason, and elizabeth warren has a different approach, the reason that bernie's medicare for all policy is bad is that you eliminate the private health care system, is some of the things that we uncovered, and the americans have known for a while, which is when there is a profit motive in our wellness, in getting healthy, if we have cancer and someone is making money off of us being able to survive that cancer, or and we're going bankrupt over it, that is a moral problem.
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that is a crisis. and what we found actually that, you know, we always talk about tax, people don't want to pay more are and it is har hard to know how much it is going to cost and it is hard to know how much our health care costs would come down because people aren't going to emergency rooms. it is difficult to project ten years in the future. but what we did see, for example, voters in utah, a red state, they voted to expand medicaid, and voted for a tax increase. which the activists there were like floored. they're like we openly said there's going to be minimally more taxes. and this red state passed it. >> let me play, because i know you sat down with one of the lawmakers who got this done. let me play you this sound bite and then we will talk about it. >> so you are saying that even though the people voted for this ballot measure, they want medicaid expansion, they don't really know what they're talking about? >> they understand the concept. what gets lost are these really complicated details. which are how do you structure
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the program, how do you pay for it. there's a lot of stuff in there. >> but isn't that your job. they said we wanted to do this. >> that's right. it is our job to figure it out. >> and your job is saying great, we will figure out how to pay for this because we live in a democracy, we're doing it. >> i'm supporting things, that if it were up to me, i would probably not to support but i'm trying to do my best to implement the will of the voters in my district. >> it does not sound very democratic that a lawmaker elected to implement the decision chosen for by the people turns around and says i am going to sit this one out. >> absolutely. after that ballot measure in 2018 was passed, gop legislators in utah were like cool, cool, cool, we're not going to pass that. now, however, they did just, in the last week, get medicaid expansion passed in utah. and it is going to be implemented is what i mean. and there might be work requirements, and there will be rigamarole from that but what is interesting about medicaid expansion, i think a lot of
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deuce understand fully what the affordable care act included, and that was medicaid expansion, and 14 states have yet to expand medicaid. which was stipulated under that policy. under the legislation. because they say it is too expensive, we don't want government-funded health care. well, it is not actually that expensive for those states because the federal government picks up 90% of the tab. so you know, you have a lot of fiscal conservatives who are saying, well, you know, it doesn't make sense for us, but then you have, you know, the activists in utah telling me, what do you mean? this is already paid for. this is already in the legislation. so at a time of repeal and replace, i think a lot of -- >> a lot of court challenges as well, with the affordable care act, setting it back a little bit. >> so many and i think americans are saying we want more health care, not less. >> francesca, congratulations on this. we will be excited to watch it sunday night. thank you very much. the program is "red, white and who." red, white and who.
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>> secretary of state mike pompeo, reports suggest that president trump is already searching for his replacement. we are going to tell you who could be the nation's next top diplomat. those stories and a whole lot more straight ahead. it's finally time for... geico sequels! classic geico heroes, starring in six new commercials, with jaw-dropping savings. vote for your favorites at: ahhh, which way do i go?! i don't know, i'm voting for our sequels. with geico, the savings keep on going to a screen near you. not the leg! you dang woodchucks! geico sequels. vote and enter to win today!
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welcome back, everyone. i'm ayman mohyeldin, we begin this half hour with breaking news overseas. at least 12 people are dead and more than 60 people injured after a plane crashed shortly
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after taking off in kazakhstan this morning. nbc news correspondent molly hunter is standing by in our london bureau with more details. what more can you tell us about this tragedy? >> reporter: amin, that's right, it took off this morning at 7:05 according to flight aware and the associated press. by 7:22, it had crashed, shortly after takeoff, lost altitude serve quickly. you can see parts of the fuselage broken up into a two story building. we know that dozens, at least 60 people are in the hospital right now. and we know that the airline had eight planes total and now it was flying from southern kazakhstan, to the capital, and we know that all flights have now been suspended. a little bit more information about the company, about the actual flight, it was a small dust built aircraft 100, introduced in the 1980s, and went bankrupt and cease the production in 1996, so the newest the plane could be at the
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newest at least 25 years old. we haven't heard a cause of the crash yet. the deputy prime minister says they are investigating, has suggested it might be pilot error, but we should get a lot more in coming hours. amin? >> all right, nbc's molly hunter, thank you very much for that update. it is avalanche season and dramatic video shows the moment skiers were swept off a trail at a swiss resort yesterday. at least two people were hurt and a number of people were buried as the avalanche ripped down the slopes in switzerland. the injured skiers were flown by air ambulance to a nearby hospital. on wednesday. it was close call for a man in you thank you near park city, and the snobder keeps going and going, the same area where a man died earlier this month. firms warn skiers to be careful and have the proper gear. after north korea's announcement of a christmas gift to the u.s., tensions have been running high. japan's public broadcaster mistakenly reported that north korea had fired a missile into
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the sea off japan's northern coast, according to the guardian, the news flash ran on the state broadcaster's web site. before it was ultimately corrected, the broadcaster apologized saying it was intended for quote training purposes. the false alarm comes as pyongyang's year-end deadline approaches for u.s. concessions over north korea's nuclear program. and yesterday, president trump warned russia, syria and iran against killing civilians in syria's idlib province, tweeting out russia, syria or iran are killing or on their way of killing thousands of innocent civilians in idlib province. don't do it. turkey is working hard to stop this carnage. according to reuters, russian and syrian forces have stepped up their bombardment of idlib known to are the last pocket of rebels resisting the central government in syria. as a deescalation deal broke erd between turkey and russia and iran appears to be unraveling. president trump's comments come as he draws closer to president
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erdogan, even after northern syria against american-backed kurdish allies. authorities raided the moscow headquarters, using power tools before dragging navalny out, according to supporters. it was conducted by the federal bailiff service and conducted into a video investigation of medvedev. the federal bailiff service says it carried out the operation as part of the criminal investigation and had not detained anyone during the raid. he is a critic of vladimir putin and barred from running against the president in last year's election. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is a little closer to remaining israel's next prime minister after winning a landslide victory to maintain the leadership of the likud party. the "washington post" frames it, the win suggests he remains highly popular with his base
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despite criminal indictments and the failure to twice form a government this year. in two months israeli voters will go to the polls for an unprecedented third time in less than 12 months since prime minister benjamin netanyahu and benny gantz were both unable to form a government after the two previous rounds of voting. well, yesterday's win comes as prime minister benjamin netanyahu faces charges of bribery, fraud and a breach of trust, a first for a sitting israeli prime minister. all of that could jeopardize his ability to eventually form a government should his party come out on top. prime minister netanyahu has adamantly denied any wrongdoings. secretary of state pompeo has been coy about a kansas senate bill, "washington post" reporter josh rogin says many are jockeying to replace him and president trump is seeking successors. trump has been tossing around names for pomz's successors with lawmakers and successors and rogin reports the person most often mentioned to succeed mike pompeo is roberts o'brien, and
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trump really likes o'brien, and has given him increased diplomatic responsibilities since he became the president's fourth national security adviser back in september. and the other main contender at this point, according to rogin is treasury secretary steve mnuchin. some officials believe he is angling from the job and some say he is simply am contention but not actively lobbying. he is very close to trump personally and has been treasury secretary for almost three years. other names discussed for pompeo's replacement include ambassador to germany, and the state department envoy to iran, brian hook, and republican senators marco rubio of florida, and tom cotton of arkansas. and president trump last night retweeted a post featuring an article naming the purported whistle-blower those complaint led to his impeachment. the initial post came from his re-election campaign's official war room account, aimed at the whistle-blower's attorney, mark zaiz and reads quote, the cia whistle-blower is not a real whistle-blower, and links to a washington examiner article that
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includes the alleged whistle-blower's name in the headline. as the daily beast reported last month, trump had gossiped for weeks about his alleged whistle-blower with various friends, and media figures, and senior administration officials, and had asked some people if they thought it was a good idea for him to publicly announce or tweet the name. according to the beast, several people close to the president, such as ivanka trump and white house counsel had privately cautioned him against saying or saying the name in public arguing it would be counterproductive. and unnecessary. still ahead, this morning -- >> we'll begin immediate construction of a border wall. >> i'm going to build a wall that is going to be really a wall. >> it is not going to be a little wall. it is going to be a big beautiful wall. >> it has to be a real wall. not a toy wall. >> not a toy wall like we have right now. >> it is not a wall. it is a little fence. >> it is ten feet tall, it is a fence, see that ceiling, that ceiling is peanuts, folks.
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>> build that wall. build that wall. build that wall. >> president trump is still pushing his border wall. it is not only democrats getting in the way, but also apparently texas land owners now in it as well. we will dig into the big story on the front page of this morning's "new york times." your first look at "morning joe" back in a moment.
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how many miles of wall has been constructed, not wall that is replacing old wall, but new wall has been built to this point? >> so 78 miles of new wall has been built. >> so much of that obviously is replacing wall that formally existed, the president said was insufficient. how many miles of wall now exist where there was no wall whatsoever. >> so again, my response to that is every mile of wall that is being built is a new mile of wall. >> no disagreement. but how many, for a breakdown,
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how many miles formally existed, that have now been renovated or replaced and how many miles new where nothing existed? >> right now the 78 miles that have been built, have been built where there was an existing form of barrier. we just started breaking ground in rgv where we're building miles of new wall, where there has been no structure there at all. >> so that is just now starting, the construction of new wall begins actually now. >> that's correct. >> that was nbc's peter alexander pressing the trump administration on the border wall. the los angeles times editorial board has a new op-ed, three years in, trump is still pushing his crazy border wall. writing in part this, from the earliest days of his campaign to become president, donald trump seized on the construction of a beautiful wall along the u.s. mexico border as a solution to what he asserted is the dangerous and costly problem of illegal immigration and although the government has managed to erect a total of about 93 miles of new fencing, nearly all of it
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update ors replaces existing barriers, still the administration is pressing forward with what seems like desperation to build up to 500 miles of gnaw wall by the end of 2020. which means the wall will probably once again be a major campaign issue in the coming year. joining me now is homeland security correspondent for "the new york times," here with this morning's cover story, entitled texas land owners are a barrier to trump's wall. an interesting dynamic in all of this playing out. walk us through what you learned in your reporting about these texas land owners and the fight they're putting up to the president's wall. >> well, i learned that, you know, in addition to kunding disputes, a lawsuit into the contractors, for this construction project, that the very people who live along the border maybe the most significant challenge for president trump when it comes to meeting his deadline of building
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450 miles of new wall, by 2021. these are people who live alongside the border, and while some of them do support the president, do support his message on border security, they have an issue with a wall dividing them from, at what may be some of their farming land. what may be some of their business. now there are going to be gates in that wall, but for many of these people, it is both sentimental, and it is a matter of what they say is government overreach. >> so let me kind of zero in on that point, because the perception is probably people who own land along the border would be among the most, you know, biggest advocates and supporters of border security, because perhaps the logic is they're immediately impacted by it and many would argue they're probably trump supporters, but give us a sense of what is the argument they are making as to why they do not want these border walls and fences running
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through their property. do you get a sense for example as you were saying how much of their businesses would be affected, their farmland would be cut off from them? >> yes, so one thing that was reminded to me, while i was down there, is that the border wall actually doesn't run exactly on the u.s./mexico border. in some locations, it is actually a mile within the united states. so for one individual, that i interviewed, that means that more than 300 acres of his 500 or so acres of farmland will now be south of the wall. so for him, that is a major impact on his business. now i should say for some people that are down there, not everybody supports the president, and it does tie in to the effectiveness of the wall, and whether it is worth all of that money, and for others, you know, maybe they grew up next to a wildlife refuge as well, and for them, it would be disrupting
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the wildlife along that area. one thing should be noted, though. and that's despite all of the concerns that i heard while i was down there, for this article, these land owners don't have many options. you can pretty much, you know, discuss the offer that the government will make with you, and voluntarily work with them on that, for a sum of money, or you're going to risk being taken to court. and at that point, the government does have the ability to assert eminent domain powers. they can argue that it is an emergency to build this wall. and in some cases, actually what we're seeing often here, is that the court will actually then grant the government possession of the land, through a declaration of taking act, and what one lawyer described that to me as, is basically you're agreeing to sell your car and then you're working out the price of the car after the fact,
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after you've handed over the keys. some of these people still haven't been paid, even though they have already agreed to voluntarily allow the government to access their land, and start planning for construction. >> wow. incredible. it will be interesting to see whether or not this becomes a signature issue for the trump's campaign as it was in the 2016, in the 2020 race. thank you very much. we will be reading your front page story is in this morning's "new york times." do you not want to miss that excellent reporting. vermont senator bernie sanders 2020 campaign is catching the attention of democratic insiders as new reports highlight his potential to win the party's nomination. "politico" reports that over the past few week, democratic officials, political operatives and pundits have reconsidered sanders' chances in 2020. they point to senator elizabeth warren's slide in the polls and bernie sanders enduring the ups and downs of the primary race including his bounceback after a heart attack in october ever. while other candidates are dropped out or polling in the single digits, with less than
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six weeks until the voting begin, sanders sits on top of the polls in iowa and other voting states. his supporter's loyalty has made him a contender with 60% of the democratic iowa caucus-goers saying their support of the vermont senator is locked in. according to the latest des moines register poll. this could result in a strong showing for sanders at the february caucus where candidates must receive at least 15% of support at a caucus site in order to collect the state's, or the site's share of delegates. still ahead, president trump in search of positive news during the whole impeachment process finds what he is looking for in the stock market. the stories driving your business day, straight ahead. i am all about living joyfully.
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. welcome back, everyone. let's get to some of the top business stories make headlines. the end of your rally on wall street continues to roll on if the saw another record high yesterday with the nasdaq crossing 9,000 for the first time. s&p saw its 34th record close for the year. the s&p has returned more than 50% since trump was elected. that's more that double the 23% average market return of presidents three years into their term. the index gained more than 28% this year alone, well above the average 12.8%. that was the return of year three for past presidents. the president took a bit of a victory lap retweeting the cnbc
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headline. there are also analysts who say the market rally is one big bubble that could burse in the 2020 or last as long as interest rates remain low. thousands of sky watchers gathered across parts of the middle east and asia to witness the sun forming a rare annular solar eclipse. it produced a stunning ring of fire which occurs when the moon covers the sun's center but leaves its outer edges visible to form a thin ring. it was visible from parts of saudi arabia and several cities in citi singapore, indonesia and guam. the next one will occur on june 21st, 2020. after that, annular eclipses are dicted to occur in 2021, 2020103, and 20 twnt 4. let's get a quick chick on your weather with michelle. >> we're looking good this weekend in the northeast, but
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it's that location of where you are in the country as we head through the next couple of days. we have tricky travel in some spots. if you're a warm weather lover we are 15 to 25 degrees above average in terms of temperatures where you see the oranges, the yellows, reds, indicating that warm air in place. so from the southern plains all the way to the ohio valley, into the northeast we are looking good. we have some cold air back to the west. minneapolis just 32 degrees. 41 in billings, 31 in denver. this will set the stage for snow this weekend. we're looking at the potential for 6 to 12 inches of snow and even blizzard-like conditions. the blue is winter storm watch and warning. will have some tricky travel saturday and sunday as we get closer to the northeast. so, pierre, you are under that winter storm warning as well. in terms of travel and airport, we're looking at impact in
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denver, albuquerque, phoenix. the roads won't be easy as well. maybe you're head back from your holiday travels, headed to your new year's eve travel. we're looking at tough roadways on i-25 denver to albuquerque, flagstaff, phoenix to tucson on i-10. this will be the big mess, we're looking through the blowing snow from the northern plains down to the south. we could see some severe weather, seeing some heavy rain as well. lots of likely air troubles on saturday. you'll want to call ahead if you're traveling on saturday and take it slow on the roadways here. 80 denver to chicago, minneapolis, i-35 to dallas. sunday, this moves off to the east. we're looking at pouring rain on sunday. the good news is we're not look at snow but we're looking at some troubles at the airport, cleveland rain and wind and again on the roadways as well. at least it's not snow, but
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tricky travel as we head towards the northeast on sunday. monday we turn much colder in terms of the temperatures. >> we'll start talk about that new year's eve forecast hopefully. thanks, michelle. up next, the regulation on drones. the new proposal just put forth. and coming up on "morning joe," president trump spends another vacation day lashing out on impeachment as another senator joins nancy pelosi. jonathan la year with his new reporting. also the reverend al sharpton sheer. and brett stevens with his new piece on what it will take to beat donald trump. "morning joe," everyone, just moments away. donald trump. "morning joe," everyone, just moments away. they never stray from their predetermined path. but this season, a more thrilling journey is calling. defy the laws of human nature. vacation day lashing out on
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moments away. au sales event. vacation day lashing out on moments away. oh! oh! oh! ♪ ozempic®! ♪ (announcer) people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of once-weekly ozempic®. in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7 and maintained it. oh! under 7? (announcer) and you may lose weight. in the same one-year study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. oh! up to 12 pounds? (announcer) a two-year study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. oh! no increased risk? (announcer) ozempic® should not be the first medicine for treating diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not share needles or pens. don't reuse needles. do not take ozempic® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to ozempic®. stop taking ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, itching, rash, or trouble breathing.
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t-mobile, the first and only nationwide 5g network. the faa has released the most comprehensive proposal yet to regulate drone usage in the u.s. designed to make the sky safer by monitoring consumer and commercial drones alike. >> reporter: in the skies across america, more drone liftoffs than ever before from hobbyists to delivery drones. a sweeping regulation could bring realtime tracking to most drones as soon as they take
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flight. think virtual drone license plates with beacons that broadcast the identity and location. a track system that regulators say is needed before massive fleets of drones start make the kind of same day deliveries like amazon, google and ups have been thinking about for years. the new rule will monitor where every drone takes off. the ntsb already investigating several instances of drones crashing into aircraft and even a hot air balloon into idaho seen here from the drone's camera as it hits the side and tumbled out of the sky. >> a drone hitting an aircraft of any size is potentially a life or death situation. >> reporter: dozens of other drones getting way too close. >> we missed the drone by about 30 feet off our right wing. >> reporter: sometimes shutting down air traffic in places like newark or during wildfires.
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>> got a confirmed drone sight. >> for now it's only a draft giving the public another 60 days to comment and then three years after the regulations or finalized to take effect. until then were any large scale deliveries are still a few years out of reach. >> that does it for me on this friday morning. "morning joe" starts right now. prime minister netanyahu about [ inaudible ]. >> well, he's two faced. >> do you think that germany's -- >> and honestly, he's a nice guy it find him to be a very nice guy. but the truth is i called him out on the fact that he's not paying 2% and i guess he's not very happy about it. >> president trump clearly was very unhappy with canada's prime minister, now is he blaming justin trudeau after trump's cameo was cut from canada airing of


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