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tv   Kasie DC  MSNBC  February 2, 2020 4:00pm-6:00pm PST

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days for this country. the latest poll from cbs news shows bernie -- joe biden and bernie sanders tied for the lead at 25% each. and people were in attendance for a rally at ceder rapids and andrew yang, and reportedly told the crowd, we are past the fire code as the new "wall street journal" poll shows 46% of americans approve of the job that president trump is doing while 75% disprove. after the republican majority in the senate succeeded in blocking witnesses in the president's impeachment trial this week. a vote on the final verdict set for wednesday. that means tomorrow president trump fwhwill enter the house chamber as the president technically still on trial.
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it also means they're getting john bolton's spot, instead of his first-hand knowledge against ukraine. i would like to welcome in my all-star panel. and my good friend, katy ter. chief correspondent for the "washington post." and tim albrtdau. and the chief public affairs officer for move welcome to all of you on what as the be one of the most uncertain -- we really have no idea who's going to come out on top tomorrow night? >> no, we don't. the polls, over the last month, most of them have shown senator sanders and vice president biden up top. but match up overall. in talking to campaigns through friday, before everybody arrived for campaigning. >> everybody parachuted back in here. >> i got the sense theucter
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campaigns believed bernie sanders would turn out the most voters on caucus night. but not that he necessarily would lead on delegate businessfobusiness before they do their realigning. the order of finish will have some impact going forward and perhaps a real impact. >> and i've been watching your reporting. what have you learned since you've been out here? >> the other campaigns do feel like bernie sanders is the big threat. but bernie sanders's campaign, they're unwilling to say that they are confident, victory, victory party. >> i think that's tomorrow. >> biggest thing i've noticed is voters continually say they're not quite sure who they like. there are bernie sanders all about him and same with warren and some of the other candidates, biden as well. burt once you get past the first handful of people, it's like i'm
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not quite sure i'm going to make my decision on caucus night. this is all about peer pressure. so when you walk in the room and your friends and neighbors are caucusing for biden and you're considering warren, are you going to move over to your friends and neighbors? it's about ground game and who you know in that room and i doenl don't think we should trust any single poll right now. >> you have been in the trenches. what's your sense of where things stand here? and what happens if bernie sanders comes out the victor? >> really echoing what you have been saying. it's so fluid. when you dig down deeper, see larger number of people who haven't made a decision. and people say they could be convinced to go with someone else. we haven't seen this. we didn't see this in 2008 or 2016. the question is what type of
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electorate is going to come out? is it that progressive we want change electorate? comfort? 2004 or -- i think what i've been hearing a lot of is high turnout. a lot of folks have been telling me high turnout. >> suggesting the highest ever. >> which means a lot in this caucus environment. >> tim alberta, how, in your view, does the impeachment process we've been so hyperfocussed on in washington, how is it effecting what's going on out here, if at all? >> formidable than anybody might really think. i think democrats who are fired up about it and some have tuned it out at this point. they're perhaps a later prupencety caucus goer. and in this environment, we really don't know how the last 20 to 25% of the caucus-going electorate is going to vote. at this time four years ago
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marco rubio wound up hitting 23% on caucus night. so, there is a sense, even among the sanders campaign, which i think is pretty confident at this point is somebody could break late and nobody's talking about joe biden that much because his crowds are small. but joe biden isn't that rock star. they're not drivicing across th state like these other candidates. he can be sneaky strong in a way we don't suspect at this point. >> i talked to both the former vice president and governor. and basically put that same question to them. your crowds are smaller. they're less enthusiastic than we're seeing for the candidates. how much does that concern you? he said, look, biden is a known commodity in the state. you don't have to come out to
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events. so, you should not equate enthusiasm crowd size with what happened on caucus night. >> you had to be starting quite a lot. >> the folks that were just coming to trump, it's a friday night. are you going to the movies or going to see the show that is donald trump? they're there to experience it. they're not serious about voting for him. that's what i heard over and over and over again. these are people that would sit out overnight in the snow to wait to get inside. and they were not only enthusiastic, they were completely committed to going to vote for him. i will say on thursday he was here in des moines to see him once again. and these are people that have seen him before. so, they're committed. he had a 7,000 person at capacity crowd, fire marshal
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shut them out. and it's me telling people when you're looking as enthusiasm, it can matter and right now donald trump maintain as lot enthusiasm in these states that could decide the election. >> and one thing, and full disclosure, i have been at home covering impeachment until very recently. i'm relying on all of you. and in iowa. but i have heard people make comparisons when you talk about the size of joe biden's krourd, they compare that to hillary clinton and what happened in 2016 and raise a flag about hey, can we actually beat donald trump with somebody who doesn't necessarily have the same kind enthusiasm we know from our lessons in 2016 can make a difference? >> look, i agree with katy t matters. especially when you think about an iowa caucus in particular, because that's happening tomorrow. we're asking people to do a lot. you're asking people to take time off.
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you're asking people to go against their neighbors. the only way you get folks to do that is if you're excited about your campaign. and when you look at the general election, i'll repeat myself again. to beat donald trump. yes, he's incredibly unpopular. impeachment is insane right now. but you're going to have to expand. they're going to have to expand their beige. they have to get people who don't come out and vote and they need a diverse coalition. and that means enthusiasm. >> that takes us to "the washington post." while the party has struggled toance arbasic question, how do you beat trump? the results will offer the first moment of clarity to test whether they want democratic revolution to counter trump's republican one or whether the party wants a more traditional,
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return to normalcy nominee running on more kitchen table, uncontroversial issues. this seems to be the biden verses bernie in a nutshell. >> i think prior to the last ten days or so, it looked like this races might be headed towards biden verses bernie. that's clear within the party. and i think what the biden folks are counting on is, in the end, people who are undecided will go for a safer choice, rather than take a risk. >> tim, let me ask you. one thing i've been turning over in my head. i covered bernie sanders campaign on the road for months in 2016. and he ran it to the end. as democrats are grappling with this challenge, i'm wondering if there isn't something going on with the electorate. and bernie sanders' team gets upset when you compare him to
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donald trump. but at the same time he seems to have tapped into an anger in the democratic electorate and expanded it in a popular way that reminds me of some of the anger we heard from trump voters. do you sense that at all? >> definitely. certainly trade. democratic party over mobilization verses persuasion. how do we beat trump? i think bernie is the one candidate who says i can actually do both. whether he can or not remains to be seen. if you look at the self-styled or more progressive candidates running in 2018, they were largely -- on the strength of a boldly progressive vision for america. they took back the house on the strength of dozens of these center candidates who talk about working with the republican party and some talk about fighting against gun control efforts.
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this was not a liberal message. >> it's a great point. >> well, i think that's where it gets interesting. there's a belief that donald trump was this political phenomenon and he won wisconsin in a way no other republican could. but donald trump won fewer votes in wisconsin than romney did in 2012. so, what's the common denominator there? it's not that donald trump was able to turn out these massive numbers. it's that they connect would somebody in the democratic base and donald trump's going to have a heck of a hard time hanging on in those midwestern states. >> we're following very closely. just ahead an exclusive with joe biden. we're right back on a special iowa caucus edition of "kasie
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welcome back to a special iowa caucus edition of "kasie d.c." tied up in washington. former vice president joe biden has been trying to take advantage of their absence.
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nbc news correspondent has been with him just about every step of the way for quite a few years and he joins us with his exclusive interview. where's everything stand? >> reporter: kasie, wasn't that long ago the biden campaign was writing off iowa. but since they launched the no malarkey bus tour, they've been all in here, sensing an opportunity to put an end with a strong showing for you. another day in iowa, another day on the bus. unlike after he launched his third white house bid as he face as critical test. >> my gut tells me things are going well and it's going to be close.
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>> reporter: in a last week, with many rivals tied up in washington, 23 events in nine days. in between, using his time on the bus to check win family, rally union allies. so, there's not a wasted moment? you take time off between? >> not a lot. >> on stage more like a general election. >> america will have a chance to answer does the character of a president matter? >> reporter: 17 republicans thought they knew how to beat donald trump and lost. hillary clinton thought she knew how to beat donald trump and lost to him. what mang youz think you know how to beat donald trump? >> i think two things. one, everybody's on to him now. i think the way to go after donald trump is to point out
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what he hadn't done. what he won't do. and point out why it's important that bad things he's done, how badly it's hurt the country and the character of the country. >> reporter: while he emphasizes one on one connections, battling the perception of an enthusiasm gap. you seem to be making a pitch for the head, not the heart? >> i think it is both. the vast majority of american people know me. and i think they, by and large, based on polling data, the good news they know me, the bad news they know me. the attacks on me and my weaknesses are real. the attacks on my strengths aren't going anywhere. >> reporter: they echo his core argument about electability. >> we have to get a good democrat in there. so, he's our man, someone who's going to beat trump. >> reporter: so that's the biggest selling point to you,
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somebody who's going to beat trump? >> absolutely. >> bernie's dilemma, from my perspective, is he is not being straight forward on how he's going to get done what he's suggesting and the cost in what he's suggesting. >> reporter: biden insists iowa won't be make or break, taking a long view of the race. >> nothing happens on monday is going to end this campaign. it's a very different circumstance than it has been in the past. i think it's going to be a really tough contest here. one of the things i think you're going to see a bunch of us coming on bunched up. i mean, i'd rather have an outright win. don't get me wrong. i think i have a real firewall in south carolina. then we have the super tuesday states with a significant number of minorities running, i think i'm going to do fine. >> reporter: so, no regrets? >> no.
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the only thing -- i made a commitment to bo, not that i would run, but that i would not back away from things -- and so, as long as i remember home base, remember who you are, just be who you are and make your case. if my case can be made in a way people accept it, all the better. if they don't, they don't. >> reporter: kasie, we continue that part of the conversation informally. saying if biden had run, he would be a 54-year-old president but the real reason he's running is because donald trump. >> reporter: always illuminating. biden used the phrase, taking the long view of this campaign. and made me wonder, how are they
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thinking about mike bloomberg and the pressure he is potentially biting on the biden campaign? they're making the argument, behind the scenes, that we're going to be here if biden falls apart. and there's question about whether biden can financially go the distance. how is the campaign worrying about that or not? >> reporter: you hit the nail on the head. because on paper, they believe they can win a long delegate battle, if that's what this race turns out to be. but in reality, they know if it falls short in iowa, it's a weak frontrunner and that leads to donors holding back their cash and that could prove to be fatal. he's had some help from super pack. but you look at super tuesday, they just won't have the resources to compete with a mike bloomberg who will be waiting
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out there to make an argument he couldn't get done. now get behind me. >> thank you so much for your reporting today. and all of the days you have been pounding the pavement on the trail. the panel is back, including msnbc contributor, maria theresa kumar. you went to a biden event while you were here. >> a few of them. >> what did you hear from caucus goers? >> they have been, as we've been talking about, stronger and less energetic from the crowds. they want to see him come out and foikt. they want to see him defend himself and his family forcefully. i was talking to a couple that came in and they liked amy klobuchar. but they were at the biden event because they wanted to see the vice president take on this president because they felt he was slandering him. they were ready to be swayed in that room and they walked away
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not suede. and that seems like a loss for the campaign. i kept going back and forth about this. i said why doesn't he do that? and he's not going to play the president's game. i've been hearing people on the trail who say they wanted biden to testify. they wanted to see him confront his former colleagues, the people he's known for decades in the senate and look them in the eye and say you were on my side about this forever and you're only doing this for the president. they want to see him show he can take the president on directly. >> obthviously the impeachment trial has meant the biden name has been for the senate. interested in having it be so. and he asked joe biden about his son, hunter.
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let's watch. >> well, first of all, there are no charges. it's kind of fascinating. the charge was he was on a board. what it is, is it looks bad. that's number one. number two, the reason not to testify, the -- everything he's always done t has nothing to do with the charge against him. >>. >> you don't lead with packaging exactly what the other side is accusing you of. what he should be saying is this is not about me or hunter or any of the implications. this is about the constitution. when in fact, what we do know for a fact, that it is all on the hands of the president and we have the receipts to prove it. the moment you start explaining, you're losing.
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he sounds like he's weakened by it. >> exactly the same thing. i would say look, donald trump is scared of me. he's scared if i'm the nominee he's i'm going to beat him. he's using his office to do that. it's about donald trump. and he is the problem. that's it. that's what you say. >> what's your take away on biden's performance and the risks going forward for him? >> his performance on this stump, as kasie suggested, has lacked the kind energy you would expect to see in somebody who's been through this several times, who knows what's at stake. i was struck the other day that in two events, he gave his speech, answered questions, etc., and then he sat down and the governor got up and basically made the argument
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about why you need to vote for this man, as opposed to the vice president doing that. >> and he almost seemed to be shrinking back from the camera in a way you wouldn't anticipate from somebody being so forward. >> right. you would expect at this point, every candidate to be leaning in and making that pitch and he hasn't done that. on the question of hunter biden, i talked to a woman earlier in the month and again yesterday about -- she was doneicided. she said i think they, being trump and the republicans, have already effectively made that case about hunter against him. i don't know whether that's true or not but that's the perception of some voters who otherwise might think biden would be an effective candidate. the question undecided voters
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are making is do we take what we think is perhaps a safe choice without fully being aware if that's a safe choice? >> people gravitated to amy klobuchar. is she the one that comes out winning out of this whole scenario? >> she showed up the other night when the senate trial adjourned a little bit earlier. frrlts and she packed a room up in counsel bluffs. packed a bar on four-hours notice. and it was a dynamic crowd and she was pitching them and talk about impeachment and about i'm somebody who can work from the other side. i'm from minnesota. i turned a bunch of counties that were red, blue. it's considerably bigger than what biden is getting. >> and she's raising money. >> as the second choice, not first choice. >> and one thing i will say is
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she's been working hard in the impeachment process. she's been in front of every camera making her pitch and flying out here late nights, early mornings. we'll see if it pays off. when we come back f ghosts of 2016 haunt the 2020 campaign. 2016 haunt the 2020 campaign i switched to miralax for my constipation. stimulant laxatives forcefully stimulate the nerves in your colon. miralax works with the water in your body to unblock your system naturally. and it doesn't cause bloating, cramping, gas, or sudden urgency. miralax. look for the pink cap. it's either the assucertification process.
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i believe i speak for all of the other democrats competing in this primary. certainly i hope that we're going to win. but if we do not win, we will support the winner. and i know that every other candidate will do the same. we are united in understanding that we must defeat donald trump. >> senator, bernie sanders trying to put out claims to the 2017 fight after prominent
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sanders surrogate did this on friday. >> i don't remember if you guys remember last week when someone by the name of hillary clinton said that nobody -- we're not going to boo. we're classy here. >> also, boo. >> right. as you all know i can't be quiet. no, year going to boo. that's all right. the haters will shut up on monday when we win. there we go. tlaib has since apologized, saying in a statement i allowed my disappointment with secretary clinton's latest comments about senator sanders comments get the best of me. this story line raises another issue within the electability argument. who is the candidate that can unify the party? shaq brewster, who is following
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the sanders campaign. great to see you. this is a moment that came at an unfortunate time just days ahead of the caucuses. are they concerned about this fight that has reexploded. the quote from hillary clinton in that magazine piece and i believe it was a documentary, saying of sanders nobody likes him >> right. there was that documentary and the podcast taping on friday where secretary clinton went after senator sanders supporters. and they didn't do enough to unify the party in 2016. it's very clear this was a distraction for the sanders campaign. and until yesterday was not able to be in here in iowa, making his case to voters. they wanted to focus on turning out people, their coalition out here. one of the more understated
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elements of this back and forth is it wasn't rival campaigns that sent around this clip you played with rasheeda tlaib. it was sanders supporters who said thank you for fighting for us and saying whaurt we want to say. there's a deep divide among sanders supporters and other democrats in the races, from the feeling that establishment is pushing back. they feel like there's a sense that just like they believe what happened in 2016, that this time around there's an entity a group of people that are going to try to take this away from the people. and that's why there are people so willing to send this around. it's a divide already there among senator sanders supporters. >> i mean, how do they solve this? i mean, this is a raw divide. sanders supporters are extremely angry about what happened to him in 2016.
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they perceive it in a way that gets everybody going, quite frankly. >> none of this is helpful for the voters we're going to need to win the white house on the progressive side. for better or worse, bernie sanders is going deep and bringing in a lot of african-americans, youth, young people and latinos in a way other candidates aren't doing. he needs to make sure everybody is lockstep with him to make sure all of his new voters come out and vote in the middle -- in next november. so, having any candidate right now beat themselves up and trying to basically do the work of the right is not helpful. so, the more they can have these conversations and say our job is to beat donald trump at any cost and year going we're going to s nominee and my voters are coming with me. that has to be the message.
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>> here is how elizabeth warren framed the unity argument, trying to bring together the establishment, democratic party and new voters sanders have energized. watch. >> i also want to say a thank you for everybody who got into this presidential race. there are some still in, some who aren't still in. but i want everyone to stop to thing that the folk whose did this, it is hard. and people have to sacrifice a lot to do it. the people who did it, did for a love of country. and they brought their good ideas, their enthusiasm, their talent. and our job, as a democratic party, is both to say thank you and to come together to beat donald trump.
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>> and showcases people that cogges for hillary for bernie and for trump. >> i think what's clear is a lot of the candidates are trying to find a way to differentiate themselves while not angering supportrs for the other candidates. they want to be able to bring everybody under that tent because if you're not going to get every single democratic voter to vote for you, and count in november, then they stand to lose to donald trump. there's a great fear what happened to hillary clinton can happen to them if they don't turn out everybody, not just in the total vote but in the significant places, michigan, wisconsin, minnesota, ohio, that did not show up. they don't want to anger anyone. >> and that includes especially south carolina. and the first real test with african-american voters who are really, in many ways, a critical
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constitchancy to pull out if you're a democratic nominee. and a new poll shows bernie farther ahead than we've seen before. 20%. that's higher than where he has been. do you think there's a world in which he can generate support from the african-american base in the democratic party? >> he has made an effort to expand his base and make it more diverse. if you remember in 2016, when it got to more diverse states, he did continue to as well. and so, as you were saying, he's expanding, especially with young voters, young african-american voters. like nevada is going to be interesting because there's a latin community excited about bernie sanders. so, they have been much more smarter about it. i do want to say this. if democrats relitigate 2016, they're going to lose in 2020. and bernie sanders is not the problem, hillary clinton is not the problem.
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it's donald trump that's the problem. >> i think a challenge with her messaging was unity and basically the best candidate money can't by. that's a dig at bloomberg and she has to make sure the messaging is all on. >> right. thank you, my friend, katy tur, thank you. when we come back, last night we were stunned when the final iowa poll was graft. thank goodness we have seasons. thank goodness we have seasons when you shop with wayfair, you spend less and get way more. so you can bring your vision to life and save in more ways than one. for small prices,
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who is going to win in iowa? and it all comes down to ground game. in the final days, of course, it comes down to gram game. >> that's what it's going to be, a ground game, ground game, ground game. >> a lot of it is geing it come down to ground game in tight races. it always does. >> so many cliches, so little time. hundreds of national reporters have descended on iowa to see for themselves what it feels on the ground ahead of tomorrow's caucuses. one of the snapshots we were hoping to get was the des moines register poll.
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it was supposed to come out last night but was ultimately cancelled. what that leads us with is this massive bernie sanders crowd last night. and relying on the kindness of people who know this state best. people like former iowa state director. and matt paul. and the chairman of the iowa democratic party. it's great to see you. i want to talk about what we're seeing from our post back inside the beltway. and frankly, there's been so much focus, as this process has unfold undericide the event. so all of the news, for a lot of us is coming straight out of the white house. let me start with you. what is different about this year in iowa that you think is worth highlighting? >> i think -- well, one thing i think is the number of kand dtds we have, the number of great candidates we have still here until the last minute.
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there's so many undecided. so, walk nothing to caucus night. and i think this is going it get decided in the room tomorrow night. >> we were talking about rural areas of the stated and democratic enthusiasm across the berd. what are you seeing happening there? what does it have to do with president trump, if anything? >> in 2016 president trump did very well in rural parts of the state. but right now we're seeing a lot of excitement and energy in these parts of the state that democrats haven't been doing as well in. and i saw a candidate in orange city iowa. i think -- >> do i have that right? >> the heart of cork digsricate. i think there are 1,000 registers democrats and 15,000 republicans. like, there's a lot energy and excitement in all corners of the party in all corners of the democratic coalition and it's really exciting right now. that's what these caucuses do is
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help bring people out. >> you ran the state for hillary clinton, obviously. the results, i remember flying out of here. they were ton tested, we should say. but there's no doubt that hillary clinton came in here and built a real organization in iowa after she had a negative experience in 2008. you had every organizer in the field, every county covered. who do you see doing that this time around? whose organization is in the best position? >> this is a very long weekend for them. i went through this last cycle. and this is the longest in four days of their life this final weekend. especially with impeachment. they're going to super bowl weekend. you're a day out from the caucuses and you can't knock doors because you don't want to anger somebody getting ready for the chiefs and 49ers' game.
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so, it's hard for them. >> it's true. >> still a way to get voters to show up. >> i think we've seen -- elizabeth warren has had a strong organization here. senator sanders has come back to iowa. he is -- good candidates get better. good campaigns get better over time and i give him credit for building off of what he had in 2016. >> there's speculation that at the bernie's team, or perhaps any one of these campaigns might declare themselves the winner in iowa before there are official results. smart strategy or not? >> risky. listen, the caucuses are not perfect. but they have remain first, because they've always improved. the democratic party has worked hard and the chairman can talk about this better than i can. but i think transparency has increased.
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so, you'll see initial alignment numbers when they break into their groups for the first time. what matters is the state delegates. how do you become the democrati iowa is great but it looks nothing like our party. it looks nothing like the rest of the country. we need to start this race in a place that's more representative of a wider, more diverse group of people. what do you say? >> listen, the demographics of iowa are what they are. but what we have done as a party, and what caucuses allow us to do, is to be able to always improve, always change bring more people into the process. for example, this year we have satellite caucusing for the first time. we have sites specifically targeting different communities whose voices haven't always been heard in the party. several sites spanish language sites, for example. sites targeting people with disabilities. we have been working to proactively put dozens of language translatortranslators,
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language translators in sites where we think there will be need to make sure we're ready for that to make sure this process is more accessible. and over the course of this, we're going to bring more people out. >> quick last word. you work very much on these issues turning out latino voters. how has this worked from your spective in terms of what the chairman is talk about. >> this is interesting. we can talk on the mechanics side. what was interesting voter latino basically talked to 10,000 caucus voters, encouraging them to participate. the people that were doing the calling, the texting, there was about 30 people in the room, they were all young people, and when i asked them are you going to -- how many times are you going to register to vote, this is my first caucus and i have never done it before and i'm 18 years old. and iowa really represents what's happening in the rest of the country. the majority of whites in this country are 54. ai si is reflective of the wave that is coming this year. >> all right. we're going to talk all about that and much more coming up in the next hour.
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matt paul, troy price, teresa, thank you for being here. we'll have much more to come on this special iowa caucus edition of "kasie dc." we are live from java joes in des moines. from java joes in des moines give me your hand! i can save you... lots of money with liberty mutual! we customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ it's timcan it helpltimate sleep nukeep me asleep?he sleep number 360 smart bed. absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 24 months on all smart beds. only for a limited time
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♪ the late-breaking front-runner on the democratic side but paul simon and mie call dukakis are nipping at his heels. bruce bab bot, if he does well will be better than expected. ditto jessie jacjackson, first prize for most famous photo of the iowa campaign. [ cheers and applause ]. >> that is a vintage photo. this is a tradition like no other, the caucuses here in iowa. they have picked presidents especially on the democratic side. thank you to all who came out this afternoon to watch with us, and linda and dennis, you guys, have never missed a caucus, i'm told in the 56 years you have been married. are you on the same side? no? why not? who are you caucusing for? >> elizabeth warren. >> you sir? >> bernie sanders. >> bernie sanders. why bernie sanders? >> i think he has the best chance of uniting the country. we need to unite the country. >> you, why elizabeth warren?
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>> i like the things she's running on. i think we need time limits, too. and i think it's time for a woman. >> time for a woman. there you go. we are live here in des moines. we have another hour of "kasie dc" coming up from java joe's when we come back. [ cheers and applause ]. ♪ ♪ 1 in 3 deaths is caused by cardiovascular disease. millions of patients are treated with statins-but up to 75% persistent cardiovascular risk still remains. many have turned to fish oil supplements. others, fenofibrates or niacin. but here's a number you should take to heart: zero-the number of fda approvals these products have, when added to statins, to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. ask your doctor about an advancement in prescription therapies with proven protection. visit
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welcome back to the second hour of our very special iowa caucuses edition of "kasie dc," live from java joe's in des moines. where else would you want to be one day away from the iowa caucus. and, by the way, it's also groundhog day. we wanted to take you back four years to an iowa moment that we never get tired of reliving. >> what's your favorite county in iowa? >> well, my favorite county in iowa and i'm not going to get into that because this is not a history class, but my favorite -- one of my favorite places is iowa itself. and iowa is great because the people are great. the people are workers. they're wonderful people. and they like me and i like them. >> there are 99 counties in iowa. you can't name them? >> it's not a question of naming them. i can name many more than one? >> such as? >> who is the president of -- who was the president of a certain county. we don't do that. >> that was five years ago. now, that man, president of the united states.
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he did not win here in iowa, i would like to point out. the question that all democrats are asking in this state, above policy questions, is who can beat donald trump? >> there's a lot of discussion, as you know, about electability. >> i have won literally every race i have ever run, back to fourth grade. >> i took on trump all over the country. and we beat him. in fact, we beat him like a drum. >> people who are betting real cash on this have me as the heaviest favorite to beat donald trump. >> put on your practical iowa hats and really think not about what you necessarily want or -- it's not about us as individuals. >> the president's approval rating has actually ticked up compared to where it was before impeachment in the nbc "wall street journal" poll just out today, president is at 46% approval. it's almost the highest rating of his entire presidency. the president was here in iowa
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just last week and mick mulvaney and more than republican surrogates are coming tomorrow. perhaps no one framed the political moment that we're in quite like republican senator lamar alexander, whose decision not to call witnesses in the impeachment trial was seen as the pivotal moment this week. >> he shouldn't have done it. and now i think it's up to the american people to say, okay, good economy, lower taxes, conservative judges, behavior that i might not like, call to ukraine, weigh that against elizabeth warren and bernie sanders and pick a president. >> joining me now on set a reporter for the new york times and msnbc contributor jeremy peters. national political reporter for the washington post jenna johnson and the president of red waves communication and senior adviser to the jeb bush 2016 campaign david. welcome all. it's great to have you guys.
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jenna, i'll start with you. first time on our show. great to have you. you have been following these candidates for so long now. i just -- i'm interested in kind of the observations you've been making in the last day or two about who really in the democratic party is capable of doing what its voters are demanding, which is beating the president. >> well, if there was an easy answer to that, the caucuses wouldn't be so confusing right now, but people are divided on what it's actually going to take to beat donald trump. is it someone who can appeal to moderates? is it someone who can win over republicans who are fed up with trump? is it someone who can marshall major movement, who can pull in new voters to the process? people can't really agree on that. and that's why we don't really have a super clear idea of who is going to clearly win the caucuses tomorrow night. >> jeremy, why is the clear answer to this question not joe biden as we sit here one day before the caucus? >> i don't know that it is.
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i think that we really have yet to see joe biden tested under the spotlight for an extended period of time just to see how well he holds up, how well voters respond to him. i got to say, i saw him yesterday in cedar rapids, and there was an energy there. he really roused the crowd. the audience was engaged to an extent that i didn't see with some of the other candidates i was out on the road with yesterday and over the past couple of days. no. he had a connection with his audience that was unique. at least what i've seen so far. >> alexi, what's your reporting been on the ground the past week? >> well, we have been talking to voters about viability. amy klobuchar might not reach the 15% viability threshold, i was talking to her supporters last night who would you caucus for if she didn't reach viability the overwhelming answer is joe biden. the common thread they think it's someone who is moderate,
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pragmatic, really smart is how they describe both biden and klobuchar take to beat donald trump. but to jenna's point the campaigns themselves can't even clearly define what it would take to beat donald trump. i was at a reporter round table hosted by bloomberg news with senior advisers from pete's campaign yesterday. i asked them that very question, how do you define what it would take to beat donald trump. they sort of said it's building a big coalition. is that winning over moderates, disaffected republicans that seems like a difficult task to fill but it's all the questions that are floating around that lead to these results where it sort of looks like a jump ball between a four-way race right now. >> what lessons did you learn in 2016 trying to beat donald trump in a primary that you think democrats should apply in this case? >> well, it's that the establishment voters and pundits and people like us, we don't really understand maybe what electability really means. you got these two competing arguments coming out and neither one is winning out. one is, well, we have to go with this big broad coalition.
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win back the obama trump voters and then you have another argument which is coming mostly from the sanders folks who are saying, we got to energize all kinds of new people, bring new people into the process and i don't think that anybody knows which of those two arguments is right. i think if you could find a candidate that could sort of thread sort of both of those sort of arguments, that might be buttigieg at this point. that's who i think will have an advantage. >> so, to go back to lamar alexander and that quote that he gave to chuck this morning was the kicker of a new york times story where he said functionally if you're a republican the way you're thinking about this is do you want the strong economy, the judges that mcconnell and trump are putting in or do you want to vote for elizabeth warren, are you still a republican? >> yeah, absolutely. >> just to be clear. sometimes we have some back and forth. but do you think it's possible for democrats to nominate somebody that disaffected perhaps never trump republicans actually show up for? >> probably, although i don't think that should be the focus. i really do think that trump is
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such -- he changed the electorate in a pretty big way in the republican party. i think you'll need the same kind of denamic on the democratic side. you need to have a new electorate. if you try to put together the same map from 2016, it's going to be hard to do. you know, each of these candidates has a totally different argument for how they're going to actually recreate a new coalition and new map. and so, certainly buttigieg has done a good job of trying to appeal to republicans. biden does as well. i think klobuchar does as well. sanders and warren are definitely running in the more progressive lane and not really speaking to republicans, although there are plenty of trump voters who caucused and voted in primaries for sanders in places like wisconsin and michigan and here. >> so to that exact point, jenna, does this simply represent a clash of the elites versus blue collar voters, is that what we're looking at here? there are some people who supported -- i remember going to bernie rallies in 2016 and the question wasn't between bernie or hillary. if bernie is not the nominee,
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i'm going to vote for trump. >> right. >> yeah, that's one part of it. but i spent a lot of time in counties that voted twice for obama and then voted once for donald trump. and i mean, people just want someone who will be a voice for them. and, you know, sometimes that's bernie sanders. sometimes that's donald trump. sometimes that's elizabeth warren depending on who you're talking to, but there is a feeling in these places that washington just doesn't understand what life is like. sure the economy is booming, but booming for who? >> right. >> you know, they just feel like life isn't necessarily getting better. you know, there are some trump supporters who feel like the president hasn't delivered for them. but they don't want to just vote for someone who is not trump. they want to believe in someone else. >> right. one question i had as i've been covering impeachment is, you know, just how that is impacting here on the ground in terms of joe biden and joanie ernst is up for re-election, the senator from iowa. she had some i found to be
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illuminating when she came down to the microphones in the senate earlier this week. watch. >> iowa caucuses, folks, iowa caucuses, are this next monday evening. and i'm really interested to see how this discussion today informs and influences the iowa caucus voters, those democratic caucus goers, will they be supporting vice president biden at this point? >> so, david, did she give up the game here in how the president is attacking joe biden? >> look, i think you had to watch the lead-into her remarks the senator was talking about the bidens and barisma. taking on their own it looks like she was saying the quiet thing outloud. >> yeah, it did. >> a lot of this impeachment stuff has revolved around the whole biden question, obviously. and we'll see. he's using this to fund raise. he's put it in his remarks over
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the last few days. so, i think both sides are kind of playing politics with this a little bit. >> yeah. it's no secret i think that republicans would love nothing more than for the impeachment trial to muddy up joe biden's campaign. president trump tweets publicly and talks publicly about bernie sanders in a way that is clear that he wants him, not joe biden, to be his nominee because he thinks that'll have an easier time beating senator sanders label as a socialist than joe biden, but that's not happening. conversations i had with voters since wednesday throughout the state of iowa, hunter biden has come up one time from an amy klobuchar event who said he would caucus for joe biden if not amy klobuchar. >> interesting. the impeachment trial forced several 2020 democrats off the campaign trail last week. one hoping to capitalize was pete buttigieg. here is buttigieg making the media rounds this morning. >> well, it's about making sure that we had the right approach to defeat donald trump. we don't have to choose between
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revolution and establishment. >> it's just not true that you would have to choose between -- status quo or a total revolution. >> there's another way i think would be the most effective for governing and for winning. >> joining me now from down the street in des moines is msnbc road warrior vaughn hillyard following the buttigieg campaign of late. vaughn, what have you been learning? are they in a good position to capitalize on the events that kept a lot of their rivals in washington? >> reporter: over the last three weeks pete buttigieg held nearly 50 events around the state of iowa and jenna was talking about, he had the opportunity to go into a lot of these counties that went by overwhelming numbers for donald trump but had previously voted for barack obama. these are the type of voters that shown the willingness to be independent. look to the 2016 caucus about 20% of individuals that took part in fact democratic caucus identified themselves as independents.
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the reality is tomorrow in this caucus, there's not much of a competitive gop caucus taking place, so there is that opportunity for the influx of republicans and independents to come and take part in the democratic process. that to a large extent is what pete buttigieg is relying on. we are here about ten minutes down the road from java joe's. this is pete buttigieg's final campaign rally before tomorrow's caucus here. and over the course of especially this last week, he has really hit that home of bringing on independents and republicans. the question is, to what extent do those independents and republicans want to come and take senator the likes of lisa walker, a strong democrat, she said she's going to caucus for pete buttigieg, but her republican husband has said he will vote for pete buttigieg in november over donald trump, but he doesn't intend to caucus tomorrow and change his party registration. i want to let you hear from pete buttigieg himself just a bit ago down the road in coralville because there's a realization within this campaign that they do need to also win among
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democrats. that is why you have heard him really suggest that he is the individual of this race that is fresh, a fresh voice, and the one that can stick to 2020. this was him just a bit ago. >> and i know this is groundhog day. but tomorrow is the day after, so let's agree that the less 2020 reminds us of 2016 the better. we'll have a different kind of election inside and outside of our party. >> reporter: kasie, over the last year you could suggest that joe biden, elizabeth warren and bernie sanders had the luxury of not having to necessarily introduce themselves to the state of iowa, being well-known figures but pete buttigieg, you could make a case that it has benefitted him because he has been able to introduce himself as an individual from a town of 100,000. the old industrial midwest surrounded by agricultural economy. pete buttigieg hit the pavement, gone across the state from rural counties to the more metropolitan areas. tomorrow, the question is, was it all good enough to pull off
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an iowa caucus victory? >> indeed so much on the line coming up tomorrow night. vaughn hillyard, thank you very much, my friend. we have so much more to come on "kasie dc." we're going to talk about how bernie sanders is trying to appeal to latino voters to win in iowa. and one of sanders top advisers joins me on set after their massive event last night. you're watching "kasie dc" from java joe's on the road in the iowa caucuses. joe's on the roa iowa caucuses. when i started cobra kai, the lack of control over my business made me a little intense. but now i practice a different philosophy. quickbooks helps me get paid, manage cash flow, and run payroll. and now i'm back on top... with koala kai. hey! more mercy. (vo) save over 40 hours a month with intuit quickbooks. the easy way to a happier business. with the world's first invisible trailer.
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♪ we are here in iowa on the eve of the iowa caucuses. there are some people this time around who are raising the question of whether iowa should still be the first state in the process. here is julian castro earlier this year on "kasie dc." >> i actually believe that we do need to change the order of the states because i don't believe that we're the same country we were in 1972. that's when iowa first held its caucus first. and by the time we have the next presidential election in 2024, it will have been more than 50 years since 1972. demographically it's not reflective of the united states as a whole, certainly not reflective of the democratic party, and i believe that other states should have their chance.
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>> and joining our panel now is editor at large at the 19th erin haines. great to have you on board today and congratulations on the new venture. >> thank you so much. >> we are of course here in iowa. i don't think our fans here necessarily agree with mr. castro. which is fine. this is a process that is leftover from a time when they had to -- it literally took this long to get the choices of the delegates from these small caucus sites all the way up to picking the delegates for the democratic national convention. but erin, there has been a conversation about whether or not the demographics of this state represent the democratic party. some people wondered, okay, should we put perhaps a state that more represents both the party and also the country at the beginning of the process. >> yeah. i think that's exactly right. look, this is a process that is really so unique, right? really to -- it highlights the best of our democracy and what civic participation really means in this country. the voters are really so up
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close to the candidates, but i do think that there is an argument, a conversation to be had about whether, you know, given our more diverse electorate whether we should be expanding that conversation. look, as representative castro mentioned, this is a process, a tradition been around since 1972. i have friends who are younger than that. so, it's not as if that is a tradition that has been so long standing that we can't have this conversation given where we are with the changing diversity in our electorate. >> you have a new piece out for the first time in history and correct me if i'm mischaracterizing latinos will the largest group voting? >> the two parties are looking a t the demographic changes that are happening around the country that just simply aren't reflected in places like iowa, new hampshire or to an extent my home state of illinois just next door. so i think it is high time that the country has a conversation about the order in which the states are voting, especially
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when there's so much emphasis placed on who emerges as the winner in iowa and how that dictates the rest of the pry mafr process when millions of people have yet to vote after iowa. it doesn't have to be a contentious thing and wrong with being white or being an iowan. plenty of great things to both of those aspects, but we think about the 2018 midterms in which we had more women of color specifically and people of color running for office. mostly as democrats but voting as voters for the first time. we see that in the piece you just mentioned from me at axios how that will continue in 2020 and beyond. that will change the composition of the country and i think after we have seen these changes happen, it's time have a conversation about what this could look like. >> latino voters make up about 6% of voters here in iowa. and the sanders' campaign has made a major push to get them out to caucus. here is msnbc alicia mendes. >> we are a small, tight community. >> reporter: more than 50,000 latinos in the state are registered to vote, but in 2016,
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fewer than 3,000 actually caucused. the sanders' campaign sees that as an opportunity. they tell us they've spent a million dollars to mobilize this community. very first ad the campaign ran in the state was in spanish. and they've organized bilingual caucus trainings like this where voters come from the soccer and stay for the civics. misty, sanders iowa state director. her task is twofold. convince voters to support sanders and con vens them to caucus period. >> a lot of folks just don't understand how the caucus plays into the nomination and plays into how we elect our next president. >> this woman is caucusing for bernie, as many in this room affectionately refer to the senator and she convinced her dad to support him too. there's just one hurdle -- >> i'm not sure if he's going to actually caucus. not knowing exactly what's going on and how it works is probably very difficult for somebody that doesn't speak english. >> reporter: this year there
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already six spanish satellite caucus sites. the number of latino caucus goers could increase to 20,000 or more. but the sanders campaign says they'll count any growth over last election's turnout as a success. >> even if we don't get quite the number we want, the engagement you'll see it doesn't go away after caucus night. >> our thanks to alicia mendes for that. jenna, you have reported on this as well. >> it sure seems that way. i spent some time on the south side of des moines, just a couple miles from where we're sitting now. and just walked around and talked with people. people who don't show up to rallies, you know, but who are still politically engaged. the name we kept hearing again and again and again was bernie sanders. representatives of his campaign had personally reached out to them. and some of them were talking about caucusing. almost always for the for the first time. i think it's important to
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remember that while iowa is a very white state, there is diversity here. there is a big and growing latino population here. and this was an opportunity for candidates to reach out to those voters and hear from them. and what that guide the work that they're going to be doing in other states. and while every campaign has a latin organizer or someone in charge of outreach, what we're seeing with the sanders' campaign is that they have 22 latinos on their iowa staff. they put a lot of money into this. this wasn't just translating what they already have into spanish. this was a whole strategy, you know, making latino voters one of their top priorities. and we just haven't seen that from other campaigns here in iowa. >> erin, what is your reporting shown on this? it's interesting to me to hear jenna say that because when i covered bernie sanders in 2016, this was one of the criticisms, it's something i think they really took to heart. >> i think that's exactly right. both with latinos and black voters the question is has
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snashtd sanders learned the lessons from 2016 particularly on issues of race and going after latino voters, particularly since vice president biden seems to have such a stronghold with black voters in states like south carolina and in the super tuesday states will come 72 hours after that. i think that to the extent that senator sanders can make in roads with latino voters, 28% voted for president trump in 2016. he does see an opportunity to take his message to them and maybe put them in his coalition in a way that he maybe has not been able to do so much with black voters up to this point. >> erin haines, jenna, alexi, thank you for being here. when we return, i'll talk live to jeff weaver, senior adviser to bernie sander's campaign as they bring out the biggest crowds so far of the cycle here in iowa. ♪ as a caricature artist,
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♪ we are in the final stretch before the iowa caucus. here to talk about all things bernie sanders with me is jeff weaver, senior adviser for
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sanders 2020 campaign. i would say right at the heart of the sanders brain trust, sir. we spent a lot of time together when i was covering bernie in 2016. >> yes, four years ago. >> great to have you on the show. obviously expectations are pretty high for bernie sanders. what have you guys been doing differently here in iowa this time around than what ewe you did in 2016? >> fist of all a lot of people reported we had a lot more intimate events than the senator had last time. last time we had a real challenge in introducing him, getting his name id up and this time we started with almost 100% name id. he would talk to caucus goers and they would tell their stories as opposed to his story. as you said in the last segment, we had a really incredible outreach to latino voters in iowa, a silent group of folks who not participated last time or any time in fact caucuses and trying to bring out that community. >> there is a lot of fear among the democratic establishment so to speak or among elected democrats that bernie sanders
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will proceed to lose to donald trump because he can't appeal to voters the middle they'll be afraid of his socialist label. how do you respond to those critics? >> two things. first of all f you look at national polls and this has been the case for the last four years that head to head against trump bernie had beaten him in the battleground states. look at the people who were saying they're afraid of bernie sanders. what is their real mote sflags they're not worried about down ballot democrats. consultants and others who make a lot of money v a lot of power and prestige base on their position. what they understand is if bernie sanders is president, they will become irrelevant and the people of iowa and other places will be the voice that matters in this country. those people are afraid. they're afraid of being irrelevant. >> mike bloomberg is in this race not here in iowa but spending millions and millions of dollars already on tv. >> sure. >> he's ticking up in national polls. and the line of thinking seems to be if joe biden collapses in these early states and bernie sanders seems to be on a glide path to the nomination, he'll
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come in and try to take it away. what is the strategy for going up against him and how do you see something like that ending? >> look, i think what we need to remember is that this is the democratic party, so it should be controlled by rank and file voters. michael bloomberg is trying to buy his way on to the debate stage and buy his way into the white house. he skipped iowa, new hampshire, south carolina, nevada, states where you have to have a lot more contact with voters. what does that say for somebody who doesn't want to come to small venues in iowa and shake hands with people? that's a real statement about what their vams are and what they're trying to do. we will go after him because bernie sanders always stood by working people. he is a grass roots funded campaign. mike bloomberg is obviously a super rich and successful guy trying to buy his way into the white house and that's a very sharp contrast for voters. >> are you prepared to take this all the way to convention if that's what happens with mike bloomberg? >> look, we'll support whoever the nominee is. obviously if there is a contest going on where there are multiple candidates who could be president or nominee including bernie sanders, we will
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obviously take it all the way to the end. >> what do you say to the sort of hand ringing, they're afraid of bernie sanders. on the other hand, there are, you know, disaffected republicans, there are a lot of moderate voters, people that voted for obama twice and then for trump. do you think those people would actually go for bernie sanders? >> well, if you look at pennsylvania, for instance, which is a battleground state, the place where you saw people voting for obama twice and trump were in places like scranton, pennsylvania. working class, formerly industrialized communities who did not feel like the moderates were speaking to their interests. in fact, those people would vote for bernie sanders over donald trump. the other thing i would say is in the last midterm election, the moderate, wanted bernie campaigning for her, the governor of wisconsin wanted bernie sanders competing with him. that's because they know that he has general election credibility. >> so, at a sanders rally on
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friday night, rashida tlaib encouraged the crowd to boo hillary clinton. was that the right thing to do? >> well, she's already apologized for that. i'll let her apology stand for that. >> does that sentiment concern you at all that people are so angry and relitigating the fight of 2016 and not being able to move forward? >> look, there is some i think under the radar sort of relitigation i think on both sides. i think it's better if we look forward and not backwards. that's my experience. >> what was your response when hillary clinton was quoted as saying about bernie, nobody likes him? >> again, i prefer to look forward. we have a big task ahead of us. we have to defeat donald trump. we have to transform this country. we have to put power back in the hands of working class people. we do not have time for petty inside fighting frankly. >> jeff weaver, thank you for coming on the program. great to have you. >> happy to be here. michael bloomberg of course is picking a fight with president trump over golf. president trump tweeted a picture of himself playing golf today. you're watching a special iowa
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caucus edition of "kasie dc" from java joe's here in des moines. ♪ mornings were made for better things than rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis. when considering another treatment, ask about xeljanz xr, a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis or active psoriatic arthritis for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. it can reduce pain, swelling, and significantly improve physical function. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections like tb; don't start xeljanz if you have an infection. taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra can increase risk of death. serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. as have tears in the stomach or intestines, serious allergic reactions, and changes in lab results. tell your doctor if you've been somewhere fungal infections are common, or if you've had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. don't let another morning go by
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that, really. does that mean everyone else gets a box? >> i guess if they want one. we'll have to negotiate boxes. >> it's interesting. cory booker and all these people couldn't get any of the things that bloomberg is getting now. i this think it's very unfair for the democrats, but i would love to run against bloomberg. i would love it. [ cheers and applause ]. ♪ >> wow. that was president trump talking about michael bloomberg in his super bowl interview with sean hannity. after he tweet storm from the president last night with an array of attacks on michael bloomberg, bloomberg campaign released a statement that reads, quote, the president is lying. he is a pathological liar who lies about everything. his fake hair, obesity and spray-on tan. oh, boy, joining our panel is monica back with us, jeremy peters and david. there is so much here, guys. yeah. so, jeremy peters, let's start
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with where the president left off. clearly bloomberg has gotten under his skin. >> yes. this is not hard to do, right? and bloomberg has figured this out, i think, better than most of the people running for president on the democratic side right now. it's a number of reasons. and not all of them i think are easily replicated by other candidates. he gets under trump's skin so much because michael bloomberg is what donald trump claims to be. this uber successful man who built his own company up from the ground and it's like the richest man in new york city, right? that's not donald trump. >> so this strategy didn't work last time for marco rubio when he was running against trump, getting down into the mud with trump. that seems to be what bloomberg is doing, trading personal insults. will it work in this case? >> there's a real debate in the democratic party whether or not that's effective. i think in isolated spats like this it comes and goes. it's easily forgotten.
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this won't be michael bloomberg's campaign strategy and it can't be. >> right. mon karks you are covering the trump campaign day in and day out. how much would you say they are focussed on running against michael bloomberg versus what's unfolding in iowa bloomberg is m.i.a. >> look at today, two is running giant ads in the super bowl, michael bloomberg and donald trump. there's no mistaken those two are going back and forth because of the amount of money and resources that they have but certainly in terms of the early states we don't see michael bloomberg here. the trump campaign is focussed on fanning out all their surrogates for a republican caucus that is happening here. wait a second, why is that happening? isn't it a fore gone conclusion that donald trump will be winning on monday in the republican side of things? the answer is yes. but because he's running as an incumbent they can flexing of the organizing game, heading into the general election, we'll be formidable while the democrats figure out their
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stuff. the president loves anything that's going to put them in the spotlight and not democrats ahead of monday's iowa caucuses. >> so this fight between bloomberg and trump that's been brewing, it's been playing out on the air waves. this is not the super bowl ad that will run later tonight. look at a little snipet of how bloomberg is trying to push trump's buttons. >> when you were mayor the city gave trump a contract to operate a golf course. yes, that's true. but he was the only bidder. and running a golf course is the only job that i would hire him for. >> wow. and yesterday bloomberg or i'm sorry the president tweeted a photo of himself golfing. i think we can put it up on the screen. there we go. getting a little exercise this morning. dave, we just had bernie sanders' campaign manager on. bloomberg in this race, you know, when you listen to kind of how people who are supporting bloomberg already are talking about it, kind of because there are a lot of people afraid bernie sanders will win the
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nomination otherwise, does bloomberg have a case here with people like yourself with republicans who don't necessarily want to vote for elizabeth warren but might consider a mike bloomberg? >> in the general election there might be a case from here. iowa moved off the map as a swing state. i don't think that any of the democrats will come back and run a strong general election campaign here and for bloomberg as an iowan and lifelong iowan done these caucuses so many times, i don't know how this works when you're basically absent for the first four contests and he has to almost have a perfect storm with biden kind of collapsing in the first couple of states for him to really have an argument to carry on in march. so, we'll see how it works. the general election, he might pull back a few moderate republicans who left the party, but i don't think that iowa is really going to be on the map in 2020. >> fair enough. jeremy, i feel like the lesson we learned in 2016 was that big money didn't buy you very much. jeb bush's superpact dumped $100
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million into the race and sorry, dave. sorry, dave. we can ask you about that, too. but it doesn't seem to be making a difference with mike bloomberg in the national polling, why? >> this is really interesting. one, bloomberg is playing in places where other democrats are not. so those ads are popping up his name recognition and helping him with unfavorability ratings. he does have rather high unfavorability ratings. that's a big problem for him if he doesn't nax. i think bloomberg's appeal in a general election in some places like iowa or even in -- >> let's talk about michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania, right? >> exactly. detroit suburbs, suburbs of milwaukee, bloomberg has an appeal to those voters who feel like the republican party no longer represents them and can't vote for trump but they're not there yet with a bernie sanders and elizabeth warren or maybe a buttigieg or biden. >> let's look what we have on our screen right now. which candidates do you recall seeing ads for on social media, tv?
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>> 60% of people have seen ads for mike bloomberg. that's stunning, monica, when you consider the rest of this field. this is a real test of how this system is built and what dave is talking about. they used to be able to -- rudy giuliani tried a a version of this. failed miserably. can it be different? >> flooding the air waves. bloomberg's approach seems they take a page out of the trump play book, i need to get the name recognition out there and get in front of it. something else he is doing that is also something that the trump team does is this counterprogramming angle. that's what monday night looks like in terms of what the trump campaign is doing but also look at if we look ahead to the schedule the trump campaign will be in new hampshire the night before the primary there. and so, yes, michael bloomberg is not playing at all in the first few early states, but the trump president trump isn't either but neither can resist. they want to be the story if they're not the ones competing. that's a very interesting parallel between the two of them.
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>> yeah, for sure. when we come back, many will enter, a few might claim to win. we're going to hear from ally ve tally up next. you're watching "kasie dc" from java joe's here in des moines. g java joe's here in des moines. l. that's why i take osteo bi-flex, to keep me moving the way i was made to. it nourishes and strengthens my joints for the long term. osteo bi-flex - now in triple strength plus magnesium. with the world's first invisible trailer. invisible trailer? and it's not the trailer right next to us? this guy? you don't believe me? hop in. good lookin' pickup, i will say that. oh wow. silverado offers an optional technology package with up to 15 different views - including one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible. wow. - that's pretty sweet. - that's cool. oooohh! that's awesome. where'd the trailer go? i love it. it's magic.
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[ applause ] welcome back to a special iowa caucus edition of kasie d.c. we look at who has been putting in the work and where they will potentially be able to win the state, dare i even ask who, if anyone has an edge right now on the ground, allie. >> yeah. in my conversations with sources over the last week, things are really muddled here on the ground. but i will say the only thing that's clear on the ground here is decision time. many will enter. few will win. we tend to hear a lot of the same words like ground game, realignment. there are a lot of ways for campaigns to win iowa. and just as many to lose. do hit the pavement. ground game is critical
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everywhere, but especially in iowa. >> this to me is what iowa is all about. >> candidates generate buzz and enthusiasm. >> i'll do my part, but the rest of it is the face to face to face. but it is organizers who make sure caucus goers show up and caucus. take elizabeth warren, who has had organizers on the ground here since last march. some so deeply meshed in these communities that one organizer had a goat named after them. bernie sanders energized young voters to nearly beat hillary clinton in 2016. while you are here, don't take any place for granted. after all, only one candidate can win des moines county. >> it is getting into rural iowa and talking to folks out there. >> rural iowa trends red, but there are still delegates to be won there. that top wester corner is congressman steve king's district. yet, democrats like joe biden,
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pete buttigieg and tom steyer have been spending precious time there. in 2012 rick santorum won by making rounds everywhere. this year amy klobuchar has hit all of iowa's 99 counties. >> one lady just said, i guess i just needed someone to knock on my door. >> impeachment couldn't have come for a worse time for senators in this case. >> i think that's where iowa is at this year. >> that's a problem. >> that's a real problem for the senators, absolutely. >> then there is the swinging counties. 31 of them went from obama to trump in 2016. >> this is calling out to progressives, yes. moderates for sure. but a lot of folks i like to think of as future former republicans. >> 1,400 supporters across these counties. >> the opposite of donald trump is an asian man who likes math. >> there is one number in
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particular everyone will pay attention to early on. >> hit 15%. >> at caucus sites around the state, candidates need 15% support to be considered viable. if they're not, their supporters have to pick someone else or stay uncommitted. this is why second chances are so important. >> even though people say, yeah, that was my first choice, they still listen. >> this year we will see more data than ever before. we'll see total numbers of voters before they realign, after they realign. that means a few candidates could be declaring victory, blurring the lines between winning and spinning. one more quick tip, try not to yell at voters. >> corporations are people, my friend. where do you think it goes? >> in your pocket. >> whose pockets? >> sir, i'm having a conversation with you, but not to yell at you. >> you're a damn liar, man. you want to check my shape, let's do push-ups.
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>> don't be unkind. >> it's that simple. >> so just that, kasie. so when you are thinking about as a campaign how best to win iowa, the thing you don't generally have to factor in is impeachment. we know we're catching the candidates on both sides of this. the senators in this race have been juggling impeachment even after this weekend when bernie sanders, amy klobuchar and elizabeth warren. most are going back tonight or tomorrow and then back to iowa for caucus night. >> thank you so much. we're having trouble doing you because you are out doing your job. thank you for that. elizabeth warren in the background with her. we were laughing a bit about that sound byte. corporations are people here, back in 2012. >> i think monday will -- i think second place race is really important. my guess is sanders is peaking
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at the right time and surging. it will really send a message to new hampshire who comes out in second place. if it's buttigieg, i think he catches a rocket ship into manchester. >> all right. thank you guys so much. i'm so sorry we're out of time. thank you so much for watching us. buckle your seat belts for monday night. continuing coverage continues. i've always loved seeing what's next. and i'm still going for my best, even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin, i'll go for that. eliquis. eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. what's next? sharing my roots. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to,
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