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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  February 15, 2020 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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thanks to you at home. right now michael bloomberg and his campaign are responding to attacks on his record to report that bloomberg wants hillary clinton to be his running mate. and is there strive between bill bar ig oig and the president? and the dim being process under way. and one of the moderators will join me. and we have two big stories. tonight on the campaign trail, early caucusing is under way right now in the state of nevada. and that is where a majority of
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the candidates are tonight. anyone not in nevada is campaigning in states that vote on super tuesday. and the bloomberg campaign is the other big story. actually several big bloomberg stories. the first, bloomberg campaign is responding to a report that bloomberg is considering hillary clinton as his running mate. and the second story is from the "washington post." the bloomberg campaign responded claiming that the former mayor doesn't tolerate discrimination or harassment. and josh letterman is in las vegas. all right, josh, what can you tell us? >> reporter: well, there has been a busy day of campaigning here in nevada as the candidates fan out ahead of this debate coming up early this week and then the caucuses over the weekend. we heard from harry reid, haven't heard him much in public recently, but he was out casting his ballot as early voting kicks off in nevada today.
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and he was asked by some reporters who were out there today what he thinks about these growing concerns within the democratic party about the prospect of a bernie sanders nomination. and how he would actually fair against president with a lot of people expressing concerns that the socialist label could hurt him in a general election. take a listen to harry reid. >> bernie, when he came to the senate from the house, he had been treated not very well in the house. what committees he could get on. and i treated him like any other senator. and he became chairman of the budget committee, did a great job. so i care a great deal about bernie sanders. and he has gotten where he has by having people supporting him. and so i'm not going to be critical of bernie sanders. all the polls show if he does become the nominee, he will beat
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trump. >> reporter: and this contest here in nevada, the first real test for whether these candidates will be able to appeal to a voters including hispanics. and we were just inside a joe biden rally behind me, and he had one of his more enthusiastic crowds and felt more like a rock concert, people out of their chairs dancing a bit and a very diverse crowd for him in nevada. >> and i want to ask you about the bloomberg campaign, they are dealing with stories on two fronts, first the as toer about whether or not he would consider hillary clinton as his running mate and also accusations from the past. what are you hearing from the bloomberg campaign 12? >>. >> reporter: they say that the fact that he keeps coming under attacks, basically wr relally r about him, is a sign that his rivals are worried about mike
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bloomberg is rising in the national polls, spending more than $300 million of his own money on organizing and ads p s they say that many of these issues have been litigated in the past and it doesn't reflect who he really is and his record of governing in new york showed that he cared very much about african-americans, about women, and others who have been calling in to question his record in light of some of the new recordings that have come out. >> josh, thank you so much. our panel tonight, liz plank and gentlem jamel smith and you had a case of the giggles. what was going on there 1234. >> the idea that someone's actual record discussing what someone has actually done in a workplace1234. >> the idea that someone's actual record discussing what someone has actually done in a workplace234. >> the idea that someone's actual record discussing what someone has actually done in a workplace34. >> the idea that someone's actual record discussing what someone has actually done in a workplace4. >> the idea that someone's
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actual record discussing what someone has actually done in a workplace. >> the idea that someone's actual record discussing what someone has actually done in a workplace. who someone actually is or what they believe, that is astounding to me. the suggestion that bloomberg's campaign is making that -- bringing that he is things to light, and by the way it is coming out of the 3rfof the pre bringing them to light is somehow -- you know, a sign desperation. what is a sign of desperation is a man spending $600 million to have himself a possibility for president when he could have been spending that money to not just simply promote alternatives that are already present in the field, but also to help build an infrastructure within the democratic party that could have actually strengthened resources for generations to do. instead he has used that money to put himself forward as a very, very flawed candidate. that frankly probably will not be the nominee of the party. it doesn't seem like -- >> don't say it, or else it will
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happen. >> doesn't seem like the money will be well spent. >> and when you have been on the trail in iowa, in new hampshire, what have you heard from undecided voters? >> people bring up michael bloomberg. when you ask them a question about who he they are supporting, michael bloomberg comes up a lot. i think that he is the flavor of the week right now. maybe it won't last. maybe he will -- because he has a lot of money and he is putting a lot of -- he is putting a lot of money into the ground game in all these state, maybe he will do better than we thought but these questions are extremely important. we keep asking can a woman be president, let's ask if someone w sexi who is sexist be president. a lot of things we can't put on air because it is so offensive. and the cases of racism, the things that he's said and done. and now if he has that record when it comes to women too, that is not who the democratic party wants. >> the bloomberg campaign will
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push back and say these are allegations, these are old cases that the articles may be new, but the cases are from the past. one of the core questions that we've been asking about all of these democratic hopefuls is whether or not they can build a coalition of black and brown voters come november. can michael bloomberg do that especially when he is up against these stories? >> i was talking to analysts about this yesterday and they were all talking about how unprecedented his campaign is. not just how much money he is spending, about where and how he is spending it. and the fact that this budget, the fact that he has no budget, is -- >> a different type of budget for sure. >> but not only that, it is coinciding with this change in advertising, you know, how campaigns reach out as far as data modeling. the fact that more companies can now build a user profile of you. and it is easier to target people these days. i kept hearing fromterrifying.
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>> because that is data. and then there is the raw emotion of what is behind many of these experiences and many of the policies. you wrote a piece for rolling stone that looked at both his record with red lining, things that he said about that, also stop and frisk. >> right. i think what we need to settle down and xmen here exachl exai within the democratic party. it is not simply about the rush to judgment within -- that happens after iowa and new hampshire every time that we have a presidential election. the fact that we've just had a president who survived impeachment and is now emboldened to think that he can pretty much do anything. you see him tweeting today calling himself a king. and obviously acting in ways that be did the fefit a king. we see him acting in ways that
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frighten the american public. and when he does this, people get scared. people think that he is not going to be beatable. and so what do they do? they turn to someone who they don't fully understand but looks like and projects the ideals of masculinity that looks like that guy can beat someone like trump and that is not necessarily the case. >> and trump is attacking his masculinity by calling out how short he is, we often talk about the gendered way thatgove goes after women but he also does it with men. >> and we had new york congressman greg meeks on. take a listen. >> i don't think american voters are always -- they are sophisticated voters. they vote their interests. they know their interests is making sure that donald trump is defeated. that is absolutely their
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interests. and so they will move in the direction that they think who is the best person to defeat donald trump and then who is also going to talk about their agenda which is home ownership, reducing the wealth gap, getting people back into the workforce, at jobs that can really pay a decent salary. and they are looking at michael bloomberg and what he has done in those areas. >> you had a strong reaction to that and yet that is the argument that people will make. >> if we want to talk about a presidential candidate who is going to talk about home ownership, how about we not elect the guy who blames the 2008 economic crisis on red lining. how about that? how about we talk about that, gregory meeks. how about we discuss the other candidates in the race who actually want to promote black home ownership, who want to promote elimination of police brutality. this is a guy who for 12 years
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as mayor of this city did nothing to eliminate that. in fact exacerbated the problem. and so, you know, sorry, you know, this man did nothing to stop the violation and subjugation of black people in this city. and you want to tell me that made man is not going to adopt that model, we'll trust him in the white house not do the same thing? i'm sorry. >> weshlll, up next, presidents have never used their power over the department of justice the way donald trump has. a former deputy assistant general joins us next. and the president wants to use more money to build walls along the southern border. we'll talk about how donald trump is eroding checks and balances. ♪ limu emu & doug [ siren ] give me your hand! i can save you... lots of money with liberty mutual! we customize your car insurance
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critics are worried about the president using his power over the department of justice. william barr says that the president is making his job a lot harder after a week of
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presidential attacks on prosecutors who oversaw the case of roger stone. >> i'm not going toe bulled or influenced by any. i'll do what i think is right. and, you know, i think that-i cannot do my job here at the department with constant backgroubacground commentary. >> prosecutors recommended 7 to 9 years, but under barr, the department of justice shortened the recommended sentence. and senior department officials have also stepped in to change michael flynn's sentencing recommendation. joining me now harry litman. and i have to ask you, when you hear in a there bill barr, do those assertions sound credit
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b able to you? >> i think they do. it is against the backdrop of pro trump conduct, against the stone debacle really where he intervened and it looked terrible. but goes on tv and pushes back. i know some people think that maybe that is ais orchestrated. i think that is way too subtle for president trump. i think that that pushback, it was a little pushback, but genuine. likewise, they decided to dismiss the charges against andy mccabe which infuriated trump also yesterday. so there has been cross cutting action in the department this week. and nothing to match the real travesty of the stone move. but i think that that pushback yesterday and saying that it is impossible to do my job was justified -- i mean was bona fide. >> and president trump quoted bill barr in a tweet this week saying that the president has never asked me to do anything in
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a cringe cariminal case. didn't mean i don't have the legal right to do so. i do. but i have chosen not to. help me make sense of that and what is in the president's legal right? >> well, bill barr and others would say nothing can stop him, but of all the norms that trump has busted, this is one that he has busted to smithereens. i was in the department during the clinton impeachment years and there couldn't have been -- there wasn't permitted to be a whisper between white house and doj. now, what trump is saying is basically i'm the head of the executive branch who will tell me what to do? you can take that position, but there is a very long, very strong tradition mem orial lize in all kinds of guidelines saying that the white house and
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department of justice talk only in the most narrow of circumstances so he is completely undermining long standing practice. >> and i want to ask you what you are hearing from prosecutors. there was "new york times" piece that reports that prosecutors across the united states who spoke on the condition of anonymity said this week that they had already been wary of working on any case that might catch mr. trump's attention and that the stone episode only deepened their concern. they also said that they were worried that mr. barr might not support them in politically charged cases. have you spoken with prosecutors who feel the same way? >> you know, i have. look, prosecutors are not a h hysterical bunch. they are pretty even keeled normally. but this episode with stone really shook people to their core because you had the prosecutors on the case making their recommendations and then the boot of the top comes and
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sort of kicks them in the teeth and that really undermines things in a way that just isn't do at doj. so the worry is not simply that trump will tweet and be unhinged, that is sort of par for the course now, but the department will back him and in a way that really cuts the rug out from under prosecutors. there is deep demoralization at the department of justice over this. by the wait, that is one the reasons that barr felt that he had to go on tv, had to actually do some sign of pushback. >> all right. i want to bring back in my panel. you had a slightly different take on that sound from barr. >> you yes rkyes, first of all the false equivalence. he equates the president's tweets with the press and our role in pushing back and questioning what the accidedepa
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justice is coming. we have a role in holding him on account. so the idea that he can't do his job because we hold him to account or question his actions is ludicrous. and second of all, the idea that that constitutes, you know, a legit pll louisiana jit matt pushback on the question seems question i believe and the mccabe action is more so. one interview does not constitute to me actual resistance. i need to see a lot more from bill barr if i'm ever going to believe that he is actually broken from the president. >> air wieric swalwell was asket an additional impeachment. here is what he said. >> might you impeach him over this? >> we won't take our options off the table, but we won't let him just torch this democracy because he thinks that he has been let off once and we won't come something about it. >> is there an appetite for
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that? i think it is let's get to the election. we just want to get to the election and get it over with. >> and what is the point, because at this point it is going to happen. we have an entire republican party that is no longer serving the country but serving the president. including bill barr. they don't sound like officials, they sound like people who have been taken hostage. i think that we -- you know, it is not about the tweets, it is about the crimes. it is not about the journalists uncovering the crimes, it is about the crimes and i really think that the trump administration is turning in to a pyramid scheme for old white men. either you get subpoenaed and you end up in prison or on "dancing with the stars." i know you want to laugh at that joke. >> all i can see is the shimmy.
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>> i just had a quick point. what barr is saying, it is not an equivalence with the press. when trump tweets, he is in an impossible dilemma because it looks like he is be ununder the behest of trump. if he doesn't want to do, it loo looks like he is going the other way. i believe mccabe is the real pushback. but trump is a schoolyard bully. and this interview really did go after him. you can see trump is really apoplectic about it and his advisers are telling him relax, bill barr is the greatest thing that happened to you. but i don't think that it is a modest thing for him. >> we've spent nearly four years now worrying about what makes trump angry. who cares anymore?
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i have to be honest, like whatever makes trump angry, it is not like having a real effect on the american people. like it just doesn't matter. >> even if there are people inside the doj listening to that? >> seriously, like what -- like what does that matter in terms of like -- what effect does that have on -- what consequences does that have for the american people? that is what i need to know. >> consequence is if the doj is responsive to it, which we don't want to happen. >> that is what i need to know. >> and i do want to ask you attorney general barr set to testify before the house judiciary committee. what will you be listening for? >> first, that is an estern and i away. the 31st. he is a tough witness. and what i will listen for is if he gives any quarter or if he is in sort of neff complain never explain never apologize, you negotiation kind of mode.
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if he just pushes back. all right. thank you so much. and we're just four days away from las vegas. i'll talk to a moderator. and plus some of the strawberries that ended up in the white house are being picked by the migrants and facing deportation. part of a new series called what is eating america and the host joins me later. 45 plus at average risk. i've heard a lot of excuses to avoid screening for colon cancer. i'm not worried. it doesn't run in my family. i can do it next year. no rush. cologuard is the noninvasive option that finds 92% of colon cancers. you just get the kit in the mail, go to the bathroom, collect your sample, then ship it to the lab. there's no excuse for waiting. get screened. ask your healthcare provider if cologuard is right for you. most insured patients pay $0.
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we're just four days away from another debate wednesday night in las vegas. i asked one of the moderators what we can expect. vanessa, thank you so much forable wifor being with us. you will get the chance to ask the candidates about the major issues. what will we hear? >> i think that we'll have a great opportunity to hear from
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candidates firsthand what are their plans to talk about the economy, climate change, health, politics. so basically we will have an opportunity to hear more in-depth what are the plans for the different issues. >> climate change an issue near and dear to your heart. how do you see the issue having changed since four years ago? it wasn't necessarily center stage in many of these debates. >> absolutely. you are absolutely right. and actually yesterday from pew research center that was saying that for the majority of americans, this was a very, very important issue and the environmental protection was out there with the economy us a most important issues for voters. so definitely we have seen a change and i think it has to do with the reality that we are facings consequences and impacts the climate change today. this is not anymore a distant phenomenon that we were not going to be able to see. this is something that is happening today that is
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affecting everyone. >> the latino electorate is a critical vote in the state of never nevada. which issues are important? >> climate change is the most important issue. and when you think about latinos, 30% of the population of never neff are nevada are latinos. and when you talk about climate change and the environment, of course it is going to affect us all, but not everybody equally. minorities are more affected by the impacts of climate change. and to give you some numbers, latino children are 40% more likely to die from asthma, children of any other any other ethnic group. and when you talk about our community, half of our community 20 more polluted cities in the country. so this is important for them because of course it is impacting their life every day.
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>> and an important union chose not to endorse any candidate. how does that play into the dynamics of this race? >> well, i think at the time of -- actually i had the opportunity to live in las vegas when i first came to the states for four years. and this is an amazing population. a very diverse population. there is a lot of people that work in the hospitality industry, a lot of people that work at the hotels. but also people that work in cultural and i think that it is going to be a very important election because they will choose the candidate that represents what is more important for them. and according to the polls, climate change is going to be one of their main priorities at the time that they go to the polls. >> vanessa, thank you and good luck on wednesday. >> thank you so much. the panel is still with me. we heard about yes, there is iowa, new hampshire, but when
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you are talking about a diverse electorate, you have to look at nevada and south carolina. what will we see? >> nevada will be super interesting, it will give us the first window into the latino vote and how it is breaking down. i think over time what the two main things that we hear about the latino vote, it is not monolithic. >> if i had a quarter every time i heard -- >> yeah, and that is the other thing that you hear a lot is that latinos don't vote. they are caught in the perennial cycle where campaigns don't reach out to them so they don't head to the polls. but you are seeing that change this year. you are seeing the latino vote is becoming of age, a lot of the youth vote is very energized. >> and in the past a lot of it has been an effort around naturalization and now it is about latinos turning 18 and voting. this is an important state for
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many candidates, it is especially critical for joe biden. >> and joe biden has been staking his campaign on this, that i will bring out black and brown voters. he was doing very well in the polls during the summer. but bernie sanders is surging to the top. you even saw it in iowa. he opened up the satellite caucuses. he was on the ground early. much earlier than the other candidates. and he is doing the same thing. i think a lot of that was lessons learned from 2016. >> and an investment made. >> and in 2016, his coalition wasn't as diverse, didn't have as many black and brown people. and yeah, they have been there for almost a seeing them doing outreach actually having staff on bernie's campaign who played a key role in craftingism grace
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pograce -- immigration policy. >> and not getting the endorsement was big for biden. >> and i think it speaks to the change within the leadership of the union itself. it was predominantly white and it is now increasingly latino and i think that that is the story moving forward. >> i actually wonder if that has anything to do with the momentum in the race. hearing a lot about biden's campaign, you know, suffering a bit with its funding. but also frankly, he's had some disappointing finishes in the early contests. that said, you know, the delegate count is low. we talk about it maybe carrying too much wait. still more time to make a comeback. so the lack of an endorsement was i think very disappointing for him. the culinary union not endorsing, i think that --
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>> there is a message there. >> it can still hurt bernie sanders still because i think that their criticism of bernie sanders and the medicare for all plan and potentially elizabeth warren, i think that also could play a factor still going forward. >> and it opens the way for pete, klobuchar, biden, to still gain ground. you and you still see the split, older latino voters tend to prefer more moderate. they remember biden's legacy in a way. so it will be interesting to see what happens. >> only a new days away about why is the trump administration sending federal government forces in to some of the country's largest cities? and remember to watch the democratic debate this wednesday from las vegas live coverage starts at 9:00 p.m. eastern. we made usaa insurance for members like martin.
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we're going to be signing today and registering national emergency. we want to stop drugs from coming into our country. we want to stop criminals and gangs from coming in to our country. nobody has done the job that we've ever done. i mean nobody has done the job that we've done on the border. >> that was president trump exactly one year ago today declaring a national emergency on our southern border so he could bypass congress to get a
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wall built. flash forward to this week and there are new reports that the pentagon plans to pour even more money, nearly 4 billion, for his wall and it would have an impact on the purchase of new military aircraft, vehicles and weapons. this would mark the second year in the row that the trump administration has diverted money from the pentagon to use towards building his wall. correspondent alexa lioto is on the ground with more. >> reporter: and the pentagon's decision to divert $3.8 billion in funding to help the president construct his border wall faced sharp criticism this week. house speaker nancy pelosi issuing a joint statement with senator chuck schumer criticizing the decision and talking about congress the only authority with the ability to appropriate funds. and you also have a top republican in this case
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representative thornberry saying that he does support the wall but would rather the funds be coming from the department homeland security rather than the u.s. military. now, secretary of defense mark esper defended the legality of the trump administration's decision as well as the pentagon's. but again, these funds are drawing from military activities. they are specifically impacting the air foors and tforce an air would cut back on programs with the ability to purchase military equipment, so less money for vehicles and airplanes. and the same thing goes for the national guard and the reserves as well. so those funds that $3.8 billion is supposed to be going toward building 177 miles of additional boundary. and that is in states like california, arizona and texas. and we'll be learning more about what the boundary are look like and the time line of when it will be constructed hopefully
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soon and we'll keep you yip dated dat updated on the latest. >> alexa, thank you so much. and i also want to take a liste updated on the latest. >> alexa, thank you so much. and i also want to take a liste updated on the latest. >> alexa, thank you so much. and i also want to take a listed on the latest. >> alexa, thank you so much. and i also want to take a liste on the latest. >> alexa, thank you so much. and i also want to take a listen to sound of the president talking about progress of building that wall . >> right now we have 122 miles of wall that has been built. and i don't know if you can see this, but it is pretty impressive. these are different shots. we've had to bring in the fire departments and things to get people down. they have climbed the wall. sometimes with drugs on their back, oftentimes. and they are great climber, but they couldn't get over the top anti-climb panel. so if people wonder what that is, it is an incredible thing. it makes it virtually impossible to climb over the top. we think by the end of the year at 400 miles and shortly thereafter at 500 miles. and the panel is still with me. is this a promise that he made to his base. >> and he lied during the state
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of the union saying that 500 miles had been already done and that is what he is trying to accomplish. and i've reported from tijuana and i didn't see any gangs with backpacks full of drugs. but look, border crossings are down and undocumented people, half of them file tax returns, they give and basically contribute billions of dollars in taxes to the economy to help fund programs like medicare, medicaid, social security, which the president has chosen to cut this week. one of the things that has happened. and so it is part of his campaign promises, it is part of high school d high school discours his discourse. >> and now tipping over into the conversation sanctuary cities where they will spend special forces in to sanctuary cities.
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>> and you see cities like los angeles already resisting this push. the federal government is putting ice o.c.e. forces puttin to their cities and trying to actually, you know, round up undocumented, unauthorized immigrants. i think that it is a recipe for unlimited number of human rights abuses, you know. it really is a recipe for disaster. >> what does it tell you that he is doing it right now? >> it was center to his 2016 campaign and it will be central to his 2020 re-election campaign. and the majority of the fence that has been built, it is actually replacing barriers that were already there. i think that is also important to highlight. >> and appropriate $3.8 million
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from military, you know, that is $3.8 million frankly maybe the military may not even need, we could be using it for nutrition assistance and other things. >> and let's underscore this is supposed to be part of the checks and balances. the power of the purse strings that congress has to rein in the executive. if they have an executive constantly going behind their back and reallocating money, they no longer have that check and that balance. >> we had one republican who isn't up for re-election, he did speak up and had a strongly worded statement. so maybe that is the limit of the resistance. i think we're in big trouble. and straight ahead, what is on your plate and who helped it get there? a celebrity chef is talking to me about the connection between food and social issues, nest. (h. . (howling wind)
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food business. perfect for recent immigrants like mohammad. >> how did you start the truck? >> i work six, seven months. then i learning everything. i buy one and then i buy other one. i have six now. >> you have six trucks? that's the american dream. >> yes. >> mohammad! where's my buddy? there you go. good luck with everything. >> are the ones that don't give excuses. they're actually blessed with opportunity to belong to a new place. they don't want to take anything from anybody. they only want to be part of it. >> i asked him what was his secret, and do you know what he said? i worked hard. >> when it comes to america, food and politics go hand in hand in more ways than one. however, immigration specifically has long played a crucial role in the development of american cuisine. msnbc's new original five-part
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series "what's eating america" explores those hot-button social and political issues that impact voters through the lens of food. with me now is andrew zimmern, he is the host of this new series and award-winning tv personality and chef. well, i am hungry. i am inspired. i think that is probably what you are trying to evoke. but why focus on this question of immigration? >> immigration informs everything that happens in this country. from our foundational existence wau all the way through the election of 2016 where it was trump's paramount speaking point, all the way through the latest news today. you were just talking about it. and food touches everything. it is the cultural rock around which so many people are hearing things. and one of the reasons why i wanted to tell these stories was i always feel that food is a great lens through which to view things. not everyone is going to understand or reads the front page of the newspaper. not everybody understands what it means to be sending special
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forces into sanctuary cities, right? and rounding up undocumented workers. but the fact remains that documented and undocumented, h2b and a visa migrants of all kind make up over 50% of our food system. not just people picking lettuce in the fields of california but picking crab in maryland. trucking, shipping, cooking, serving. you start to remove people from the system, we don't eat. our food system collapses. so when people sit there and say, well, it doesn't really affect me. or they bury their head in the sand. or they're not out protesting in the streets, these immigration actions from the white house. or the lack of immigration reform up on capitol hill. what they're doing is they're dooming their food system to disappearance. and when coffee is $7 a cup and there isn't any strawberries in the market and the orange blight
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is wiping out the orange groves in florida, people are going to start thinking more about immigration and climate crisis and the issues we cover in this show. >> we often forget there is another side toe that equation, which is the person who employs that undocumented individual. what did you hear from employers? >> universally, and i mean 100% -- i often don't like to talk in extremes. but we probably spoke to about 30 different employers. everyone said the exact same thing. without their workers, they could not keep their doors open. and, in fact, asked for more workers. one of the most failed years in american food production was three years ago when they had a lottery system for some of these visas where people were only abo60% of the countries got the employees they requested through the h2a program. we're talking about the billion-dollar fishery and multibillion dollar tourism.
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>> i think often when we talk about immigration, people imagine image it as us having one border. and people think of it predominantly as a southern border question, when in reality, this affects every nook and cranny of this country. >> people think southern border to mexico and only related to fil fi fields and farms in california. if you want to go to the jersey shore, people want to go have their crab cake or lobster. the people putting food on plates of americans are food system workers, the vast majority of which are documented, undocumented, and visaed workers from other places. we spoke to the lady in salinas valley. strawberry farm. one of the three largest in the country. and she said that in ten years that she had been there, and by the way she is mexican -- mexican-american. in her words, be very clear about it, she said quote/unquote
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we have not had, in the ten years i have been here, an ordinary american. and what she meant by that is someone who looked like me. come to apply for one of the jobs there. now, what's the flip side of this is this is an international development issue it's a national security issue. these work, pay taxes here so it paves our roads and puts money into our public schools. then they send money back to, let's just say, mexico, for example, since they are at our southern border and we are talking a lot about that this weekend. that money goes to pay for tuition for kids. it keeps families safe. a safer, more prosperous mexico on our southern border means a safer and more prosperous america sitting above it. >> all right. well, you and i will talk about repatriation sometime. andrew, thank you so much. don't miss the premiere of "what's eating america" tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. and i want to thank my panel, liz, jameel, and jasmine. join me again sunday 4:00 p.m.
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and then again at 11:00 p.m. tomorrow night for a special about the issues and plans the presidential candidates have coming up tomorrow night. ahead in the next hour of msnbc live, the president and the department of justice. is he abusing his power? congresswoman sheila jackson lee will join us at the top of the hour. now through february 24th. score extra savings on mattresses from tempurpedic, serta, beautyrest and sealy, starting at just $399! kick back and relax while we do all the heavy lifting. because every single mattress ships free! you don't want to snooze on these deals. shop now through february 24th. only at
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