tv MSNBC Live MSNBC February 23, 2020 1:00pm-2:00pm PST
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results continue to come in. it is now crystal clear, bernie sanders is the one to beat. i would like the welcome my panel, brittany cooper of rutgers university and the author of the book "eloquent". emeril ruiz worked on kamala harris's presidential bid. jessie rice. and rashad robinson, the president of color of change. before we even get to bernie sanders himself and his candidacy, we have to talk about the latino vote in nevada, the latino operation that they put together. for years, we have heard, if you build it, they will come. is this a wakeup call for the entire democratic establishment about what is actually necessary to turn latinos out? >> absolutely. i think that senator sanders did an incredible job investing in the latino community in nevada. i ran nevada for senator harris
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and hillary clinton. but it was -- even a year ago, senator sanders, it was very clear he was already investing in the latino community. he hired a young latina to be his organizing director. she was an obama organizer in 2012 tasked with organizing a large portion of the latino vote. so they been heavily invested. they have been building upon what they built in 2016. another frep that was there, edgar from texas, a volunteer for senator sanders they would go to the casino entryways at 6:30 in the morning to help organize culinary members. they did a full-court press, and it showed. >> rashad, draw a line for me. 2015, you have black lives matter orring protesting at bernie sanders events to this moment where it seems all of a sudden sanders is in the best position the bring together this coalition. how much of that is about
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movement building and what the movement did to get him there. and how much of it is about the sanders campaign heeding the message and strategically doing what they knead in order to win. >> it is both. the movement pushed and raised their voices and senator sanders was smart enough to listen, to bring some of those people into his campaign to find ways in which he was going to make some changes, to some of the ways that he was communicating. and more importantly, to talk about the actions he would take in very clear ways. as i said behind the scenes of focus groups of young black folks who talk about sort of why they may not have voted in '16 and talk about what they sort of want out of the upcoming election, they don't buy sort of incremental stories. if you were making minimum wage at a verizon store in -- ten years ago, your life has not drastically become better or worse given who is president of the united states. so if the person running can't tell people a deep story about
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hero asks villains, how they are going to fundamentally change the problems that are facing, then they don't buy it. i think that's why he has been doing well with young people of color. >> he has the hero asks villains thing on lock. brittany, does this answer the lingering questions that there were about sanders' candidacy and viability? >> i don't actually think so. the stats i have seen suggests that he didn't win the black vote as far as we know yet in nevada n. fact, the black vote went for biden. he came in second place. i think we have to have a conversation about how he is in fact doing. he is polling well in nevada with male voters. but there is an 8% vote unless women actually went for sanders. it is not actually a totally clerestory. i think there is a story to be told about his organizing but there are concerns in his candidacy being able to track with black voters. older black voters who are a consistent part of the
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electorate still are going for biden. i have reservations about that of course but we have got to begin to think about what is driving young non-black voters of color to really like sanders and black voters to be more conservative and lean for centrist? i think it is a racial story in this country that's about diss trusting that american politics will take care of black voters ask. folks are like we are trying get back to a status quo that actually makes sense to us. i think biden is going to have a bloomberg problem. but as far as nevada goes, biden is pulling out the black voter by 39%. >> the establishment has to begin coming to terms with what a sanders candidacy looks like. >> i don't think we know enough until we see at least south carolina. i halloween we have not yet seen a state go to the ballot that has a significant black
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population that reflects the black population in the country. when you talk about iowa, new hampshire, even nevada, which is more diverse than those two states it is still not as black as the average in america. i think south carolina will tell us a lot. i also think what we are seeing is, again, a reflection of the american political apparatus where we are already deciding without actually having heard from black people yet. once eactually see black people go to the polls maybe then we can draw some conclusion. until then, i would -- i would wait. >> we will come back to that question about south carolina. i want to tick through the other finishers in this race. joe biden finishes second in nevada. but he finishes 20 points behind bernie sanders. where does that leave him going into south carolina, going into super tuesday? >> i will say this. i think that second place is a strong place for joe biden in nevada. it is the first time that we see a microcosm of our country. since the very beginning of this
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race, vice president biden has said that south carolina is his fire wall. that's where they expect to be strongest. i agree with everyone here, is that we have still not heard from the black vote. and south carolina will be that first opportunity. you know, he didn't just win the black vote in never darks he won it by double digits. i think that's a really strong showing. if he can have energy after this week's didn't going into south carolina i think he is in a good place but we are going to find out a lot more. >> where does he need to place specifically? >> first place. handily. not by one point. >> yeah. it has to be handily. >> a double digit win at this point because he is not raising money, he's not having a big turnout to his rallies. his staff won't let him out to meet and talk with people and engage with folks. so if he actually can't turn in a serious victory -- the question is not can you get the hardened status quo people who are going to vote every election in democratic primaries. that's actually not the task in
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this election. the question is can you expand the base? can you get people who otherwise might sit home and show up. if you can't raise small dollar donations, if you can't get people to show up at your rallies to show up on social and support you despite -- you know, both president obama and president trump both are people that had strong fan bases that were willing to go the extra mile for them in deep ways ask. that is, in this moment, thing that we need. and the democrats are going to need someone that's going to go the long kind of be able to pull people out for the long stretch. >> there is a theory i want to ask you about, brian class from the "washington post" says that biden should look for a progressive vp heading into south carolina and announce it preemptively, right, so he would go in there -- you are laughing. but we saw ted cruz do it with carly fiorina to little avail. but this is a strategy we have watched people deploy before. does it behoove him to say i am
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making kamala heirarris high vi president. >> i would love that but he needs to show that he can bin, needs to show he has a base. he has a real opportunity to did that in south carolina. south carolina, in 2008 and 2016 really defined the race going into super tees. we will see. in a week we will know where we are headed. >> your giggles tell me everything i need to know. >> biden is committing the hillary clinton gave from 2008 assuming that south carolina is in his pocket. right? there is nothing to suggest that he actually has it on lock. black voters are all tee all over the place at this point. we have seen all of these mayors coming out for bloomberg. that's deeply earn can go. young black voters seem to like sanders. biden hasn't told a clerestory. all he said is i was obama's vice president and black voters love me. i think black voters can start to not like you when you become entitled to their vote and when you are not speaking to their issues. >> when you literally call them a fir wall.
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it is said warren waited too late to go on offense and draw a distinction between herself and specifically senator sanders. where do you see the disconnect between warren's debate performance which theoretically should have revved her engines and her placement in nevada? >> i am going to throw my grauntlet down and say it is straight up sexism. i think folks want to make it about something else, about her quality as a candidate. i don't think that's true. when you look at the front runners in all of the primaries other chan klobuchar showing in new hampshire it is all white men. i think bernie sanders escapes the white man sort of argument because he is so pregnantive that folks are like well he is not gt acting lying typical white men in politics. when you see that buttegeig and biden and bloomberg are other front runners, part of what i think the voters are telling us is that they think it is going the take a white man to beat trump. the other thing i think, too, is that as the progressive argument
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goes, i think many left progressives, particularly those in the sanders camp are really okay with the argument that gender actually doesn't matter here, that it is secondary or tertiary, that they don't have to attend to representation, they can just get to the gender stuff at the level of policy. i think that's a problematic argument. we are seeing feminists may going that argument, too. i am a feminist saying that's a wrong headed calculation. >> let me ask you about the strategic calculation on the warren campaign to play nice with sanders and not draw those distinctions until this point. is it too late in the game to be now talking about some of the issues like filibuster that are now being put in stark relief? >> i think two thing. one is i think every candidate missed an opportunity to contrast with senator sanders last fall. if you see how he rose, he was holding steady. how many debates did we go through where he was not really
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challenged, right? it was other candidates going up against one another. i don't think that was just senator warren. second is i hope it is not too late. the good news is we still have 54 states and territories that have not made their voices heard and this race is volatile, so anything can happen. all right, our next stop, south carolina, where voters will have a major say in who wins next weekend. and super tuesday, why it could be the last chance for candidates stake their claim on the mod are the lane. -- moderate lane. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ what's going on? it's the 3pm slump. should have had a p3. oh yeah. should have had a p3. need energy? get p3. with a mix of meat, cheese and nuts. that's ensure max protein,
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if pete buttegeig were to win the democratic nomination he would be the first openly gay candidate to do so. that means in the run up to south carolina we have heard a lot of speculation whether he can win the support of black voters of faith. alphonso david is the president of the human rights campaign and joins us from south carolina. what were you doing in south carolina? >> hi there, good afternoon.
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i am here in south carolina to mobilize our voters. we have lgbtq voters here in south carolina. more than 137,000 lgbtq voters. and we have more than 289,000 proequality voters. our goal is to mobilize them so they can participate in this election. >> we often talk about different demographics of voters as though they exist in completely accurate worlds, right? as though there are lgbt voters and black voters and there aren't lgbtq voters who are black. who do you see as far as overlap between the communities? >> this communities all care about pro equality. lgbtq voters, black voters, landinx voters all care about equality. we have been living under a trump administration that treats us differently because of who we are. all of the voters are mobilized to support a proquality
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candidate. these are candidates i have been running the last several months. they support proequality issues including lgbtq issues and issues of people of color. yes there are lgt voters who also happen to be people of color. they also happen to be immigrants. we need to make sure that these candidates are aware of the issues that affect our community. we also have to make sure that our voters, the candidacies -- or the constituencies that we are talking about are mobilized. they are educated about the issues, and they go out and actually vote. we also want to make sure their votes are protected. there is a issue of voter suppression we are seeing all over this country and we need to make sure their votes are protected. >> always such a tricky issue. we know when we tack about voter suppression it often has the unintended consequence of actually dampening turnout of making people less motivated to vote. how do you both grabwell the reality of that and at the same time remind people how critical
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their votes really are? >> we entered into a partnership with stacey abram and her organization fair fight to emphasize the issues that directly affect people of color and lgbtq communities. we will get a lot more information about the ways in which we are seeing their vote suppressed. but separately, we also need to make sure that voters are informed about registering, but also making sure that after they register that their votes are still being counted. it is one thing to register toet involvement we also need to make sure the votes are counted. we are making sure all voters are educated about the process, that they understand absentee balloting, provisional balloting. those are going to be very important to making sure their votes are actually counted. being registered to vote is just step one. we also need to make sure all of these votes are counted and we are doing that work all over the country. >> alphonso thank you for joining us.
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>> thank you. i want to ask you, because, you know, part of what we have been hearing now for week is this question about black voters of faith and whether or not they will have an issue with a candidate who is openly gay? there are people who say don't even ask the question, let's not talk about that. is it fair game? is it something we should be talking about? how do you talk about it in a way that is future looking and not stuck in a by gone past? of course we should be talking about these things, having conversations, digging in looking at numbers and be critical and ask more than what is on its face. heading into south carolina in 2008ings barack obama it was unclear how he was going to confirm in south carolina with black voters. they were going with the folks who had a long standing relationship with the community. it wasn't until things broke that obama came ahead. there were thing about his age.
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how long he had been engaged in the community. there were all sorts of questions could he actually win. pete buttegeig has real questions about his actual record. it has nothing to do with his sexual orientation. as someone who leads eequality groups for gay and black people. he is the mayor of the fourth largest city in indiana. there are all sorts of reasons why people feel he shun be the next president of the united states. i think it is unfair to consistently put these ideas on black voters as if they are sort of uniquely challenged by homophobia. the fact of the matter is that the black representative from south carolina who represents south carolina is the most pro lgbtq member of congress from south carolina. the black members from the south are the most pro lgbt members
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from the south overwhelmingly in the numbers in the democratic caucus or against republicans. >> let me ask you a different question? yeah. >> you bring up mayor pete's record. if you lock at almost all of the candidates they all have had to answer questions about their history when it comes to racial justice. have we gotten to a point where they have answered those questions sufficiently? and are we also making a mistake by acting as though that is the singular issue that needs to be answered for in order to bring black voters to the polls. >> i don't think it is a singular issue but i think for black voters who are pragmatic as brittany pointed out earlier it is critical to feel like you have someone in office who you can look at and know what they have done to know what they will do. what we are seeing is that with someone like pair pete and others in the race there is not that history. as black voters we can't afford to take chances. we see bernie sanders doing well
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in black communities as well. it is not to say that chances will never be taken. but it is to say that given the presidency, given to someone who has not run anything bigger than the fourth biggest city in indiana has higher stakes for black communities who are just more at risk in every way, every juncture and every policy in america. >> in the load-up to the last debate every black leader i spoke with said something you said the me a week ago, which is that an apology is not enough. we need to know what your plan is in order the repair it pro actively moving forward, which is why i think it was surprising to some of us watching bloomberg's presentation on the debate stage. because it was as though a tucked in apology was going to be sufficient. i want the read you something. bloomberg got into the race by arguing he would be a bernie i slaer if biden collapsed. but biden's refusal to complete
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means bloomberg will keep biden wound asked the non-sanders candidates further divided rather than preventing him. downing that is fair? a bloomberg at this point more of a boone to sanders than to anyone else? >> absolutely. i think that bloomberg's presence in the race continues to divide the centrist vote. now the question becomes whether or not progressives actually have it in the progress. even in the early primaries the progressive candidates still aren't necessarily -- if you put them together, sanders and warren together, they are not necessarily in percentages leading when you put the centrists together. if we can knock some of the center folks out, klobuchar, boris johnson, any of them, biden, i think there is going to be a tug between the center and the left in the party. i don't think it is going to be adjudicated on the basis of bloomberg. the other thing that i think black folks is got to think
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about is is pragmatism going to save us in this moment. or is it the time to make the case for some vision? >> isn't it possible that what people want is both? >> i think that people -- i think that black voters know particularly you can't have both. you don't get it both ways. i think someone has to make the argument that we have got to take a leap of faith. that's the place where i wish the black church and black people oface faith would go to use faith to make an argument about what kind of future do we want to have. i am a church go. i go to a progressive baptist church in philadelphia, black baptist church. i do know this model is actually possible. that's the thing that i actually like about buttegeig. i think he is making the argument for the rise of a progressive left movement of faith. he hasn't capitalized on that argument particularly well. if he would, then i think he would be a more interesting candidate. >> i am going to keep the panel
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with me. next saturday msnbc is the place to be for coverage of the south carolina primary. i will be charleston hosting live coverage starting at 2:00 p.m. eastern. stay with us when the polls close and results start coming in. h at 6 p.m. eastern and 3 p.m. out west. speaking of south carolina, kasie hunt is there, she has joe biden on her show tonight. see that tonight at 7:00 eastern on "kasie d.c." still ahead, the latest on the claims that russia is meddling. i don't add up the years.
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new, boost women. vo:for president.ver that's mike bloomberg. a middle class kid who built a global company from scratch. mayor of new york, rebuilding the city after the 9-11 terrorist attack, creating 450,000 jobs. running for president - and on a roll. workable plans to deliver on better health care. affordable college. job creation. common sense plans to beat trump, fix the chaos in washington, and get things done. mike: i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message.
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the white house is dismissing reports that russia is again interfering in the 2020 race. >> have you seen analysis from the intelligence community showing that one of russia's aims in its election interference is to help president trump? >> yeah, i have not seen that. and i get pretty good access. as you know. i have seen the reports from briefing at the intel committee. i wasn't there, but i have seen
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no intelligence that suggests that. i have also heard from the briefers that that's not what they intended the story to be. so, look, who knows what happened over at the house in the intelligence committee. but i haven't seen any evidence that russia is doing anything to attempt to get president trump reelected. intelligence officials briefed the white house and congress last week was russia to trying to help trump win re-election. any also warned of attempts by the kremlin to assist bernie sanders's campaign. joining me now, dan deloose, and alex thompson. dan, i want to start with you. why is the national security adviser dismissing reports of russian interference when you have u.s. intelligence and law enforcement officials confirming it? >> it is pretty extraordinary. really kind of shocking. the only answer we have is that he works for a president who
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really has consistently rejected intelligence reporting about the last election and what russia was up to and how it sought to interfere and meddle in the 2016 election, and how it sought to help his candidacy and damage his opponents candidacy. i think that's the only answer we have at the moment. it is kind of a baffling answer that the national security adviser gave. and also, it was just a few days ago that the head of the national counter-intelligence committee was saying they were very concerned about russia interferes in this election and they were even worried about deep fix. >> earlier today the president denied being briefed on russia's efforts to help the sanders campaign. take a listen. >> nobody said it. i read where russia is helping bernie sanders. nobody said it to me at all.
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nobody briefed me about that at all. what they try and do is certain people like certain people to have information. no different than it has been. but i have not been briefed on that at all. nobody told me about it. >> alex, do we know for a fact that the president was not briefed on this? >> no, we don't. >> i would say that his comment about bernie sanders is a very classic trump tactic where it's you know, what you say is what you are, where he is now saying that, no, the russians aren't attacking -- aren't trying to help me. they are trying to help bernie sanders. you know, it is a very, i'm not the puppet, you are the puppet remark that he had in exchange during the debate with hillary clinton in 2016. now what you are seeing is that this is going to be probably the most politicization of intelligence in an american election in a we have seen in a while. what you saw is bernie sanders's
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campaign manager then went out and suggested that the trump administration was leaking this information in order to potentially knee cap bernie sanders before the nevada caucus. so this is just going to get much, much nastier. >> let's be clear. for russia this is to the about helping the sanders campaign. it is about meddling in our democracy. dan? >> yeah. i mean, this is a very dangerous place that we are going to. if -- it is one thing to have intelligence that raises very serious questions and describes threats to our electoral system. it is another thing when the political actors cannot agree on the facts. actually reject the intelligence that's being provided to them. and we have -- it becomes kind of a referendum on truth. and we enter a very dangerous situation given how incredibly polarized our politics are. and this goes to the fact the head of national intelligence,
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joseph mcguire was sacked the other day, apparently, or reportedly because he was telling congress about this russian meddling. so we have a situation where you have a president who potentially is rejecting intelligence that he doesn't like. >> i mean, to that point, alex, you have o'brien this morning commenting on reports about russia trying to help the sanders campaign. take a listen. >> how is russia interfering in the 2020 election? >> well, there are these reports that they want bernie sanders to get elected president. that's no surprise. he honey mooned in moscow. >> to dan's point about how dangerous it is, what is o'brien doing there? >> i mean, i think, again, he is trying to respond to suggestions they are trying to help president trump and they are trying to muddy the waters and say, no, russia actually wants bernie sanders. i believe in another interview
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he suggested that it was because bernie sanders visited the soviet union in the '80s n. another interview he suggests it was because bernie sanders wants to withdraw from the military. they are trying to divert attention to some of these reports that russia is trying to help president trump. now what you are seeing is that russia is really not repeating the 2016, but building upon it. you know, they are not just pushing information into the u.s. via facebook. they are doing everything they can to get americans to organically push it because while facebook has found ways to cancel foreign accounts, it still isn't very well equipped to cancel accounts when americans are organically sharing these things. all the meanwhile you are going to see russia to continue to ramp up its efforts in order to interfere in this election and we are about to see one of the nastiest elections that we have certainly seen in our lifetimes. >> thank you so much. up next, one of the big
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prizes on super tuesday. we are talking about texas. we have a congresswoman from the aleppo star state who is trying to help joe biden win big there. ♪ if you looked at america like a bird and that was all you knew, would you really understand it, with just that point of view? we've got a different way to look at it. from right here on the ground. we don't just the united states. we see united towns. from where we sit, just down the street, near the post office, by the park,
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when we stop and look around, what we see are sparks. sparks of hope, of compassion, of communities who stand firm. when neighbors lift each other up, expecting nothing in return. we're grateful for what you bring, and all the sparks you've shown, in the thousands of towns that we get to call home. ♪ (announcer) winning awards is great. but doing all the work that takes you there? that's the hard part. at verizon, being reliable means working to always be reliable. it's why we earned more awards again this year. just like last year, and the year before, and years before that. all these awards are real proof that we built a network that really works for you. the network more people rely on. now experience america's most-awarded network on the phone you love, the amazing iphone. plus, up to $650 off the latest iphone when you switch. with apple music included.
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ncan it one up spaghetti night? cleaning power of liquid. it sure can. really? can it one up breakfast in bed? yeah, for sure. thanks, boys. what about that? uhh, yep! it can? yeah, even that! i would very much like to see that. me too. introducing new tide power pods. one up the toughest stains with 50% more cleaning power than liquid detergent. any further questions? uh uh! nope! one up the power of liquid with new tide power pods. try to win by attacking, now, we know the trump strategy- distorting, dividing. mr. president: it. won't. work. newspapers report bloomberg is the democrat trump fears most. as president, universal healthcare that lets people keep their coverage if they like it. a record on job creation. a doable plan to combat climate change. i led a complex, diverse city through 9-11 and i have common sense plans to move america away from chaos to progress! i'm mike bloomberg
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and i approve this message. super tuesday is just around the corner. after placing a distant second in nevada, is it now or never for team biden? congresswoman sylvia garcia of texas is joining us. she supports joe biden's campaign. congresswoman, thank you for joining us. i have to ask you, after that showing in nevada, 20 points -- a second place showing, but 20 points behind senator sanders.
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does the campaign consider that a win? >> well, you know, it is -- we still don't have the final tally but our internal data shows us we will have a strong second win in nevada. it will help propel us into south carolina with an even stronger showing. and ultimately of course coming here to texas where we are ready and people are excited and are voting. >> what dynamics are at play in texas that you believe allows the vice president to make a pitch to voters in the state? >> i think the first thing that's important to note is that he's got a history here. we know his record. we know joe biden. his know he's an honest, decent man that care as lot about the thing that we tear about care a texas. we have seen a decent voter turnout. in harris county, my home area, in becks ar county in san antonio there has been an 50%
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increase in early voting when you compare 2020 now to 2016. i think those are two really good areas particularly for joe biden when it comes to the latino vote and the african-american vote. i think that's what's significant is that texas looks more like what america looks like. it's got a heavy latino population. it's got a heavy african-american population. it's pretty mixed. so i think that's the kind of barometer that we need to really show that joe biden's strength. i think we are going to do really good in texas. >> when you talk about a border state like texas, immigration of course comes into play. the vice president has been pushed on his record on emigration going back to the obama administration recently making a series of commitments specifically on deportations. do you think the vice president should have come forward with those promises sooner? >> well, you know, i think, you know, alicia, immigration and
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immigration reform is very, very important to us, especially when we have seen our children being torn apart -- being torn away the their families at the border. you know, no one has lived that more than el paso and the valley. and i think it is significant that the vice president did this at the border area with the congressman who also visited with congressman gonzalez. we are also supporting them. he went down there directly to see what was going on down there on the ground. that's the kind of person he is. i think that latinos know that joe will honor his promise of the 100-day moratorium. that joe will make sure that our children are not torn apart from their families, they are not put in cages. they know that joe is an honest, decent man with a great heart. they know he is catholic and that he shares our values. i think latinos will vote for joe biden. >> congressman garcia, thank you
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for joining us. >> thank you alicia. let's bring back ourible pachl we talked a lot about south carolina. let's look past south carolina to super tuesday. of course there are states demographically diverse, but there is diversity in another way. look at california. latest data shows nearly 45% of registered voters are democrats, almost 24% identify as republicans and nearly 26% don't have a party preference. are there more tests for the moderates when you look towards super tuesday? >> yeah, i think this is where it starts to get really excite being who potentially should be the nominee, who can galvanize the right set of base to take us over the line. i mean, i do think there is a lot of questions for the moderate for the establishment. there is big question, right, do the moderate policies actually get to us where we need to go? brittany was just talking about this. a lot of the facts of the matter is you know, corporations in
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this country have to do less and make more and everyday people have to do more and they are making less. that is what is happening over and over again. so a bernie sanders sort of insurgency is really a remind hear the the establishment, the status quo forces, of political party that should have big enough apparatuses if this is what they believe that they can be sort of taken over in this way it is a direct attack on the fact that status quo ideas have failed time and time again and people don't believe that their lives can get better by a lot of the moderate positions but those in the status quo is about getting back to where we were, but a lot of people weren't in a good place. >> moderate candidates have what four years ago would have been considered very progressive platforms. what they are saying is that their approach to how they plan to govern is fundamentally different to sanders.
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>> it is an interesting argument. i actually think that part of what the democratization of social media has done is given people the sense that they have a voice, they can say what they think. >> yes, it has. >> we all know. it leads to -- i i this it leads to a spirit of ungovernability. people don't want top-down kinds of sbagss. so this argument about the status quo doesn't actually work. that's the thing. it is falling down. this is why bernie sanders and donald trump have so much traction because they have a grievance argument that say the system is rigged. this is where they oddly converge that the system is against them. >> in the obama years they looked at a candidate who was promising hope and change and fundamentally when he got to washington didn't have the people power necessary to push some of those bigger reforms through. like when i talk to young
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people, right, i am always -- it is always noteworthy to me there is a residual frustration with the obama years? yes, i think we could see that again under president bernie sanders. i think klobuchar has made this, less than 15% of senators signed on in support of medicare for all. young people were supportive of the progressive ideas. i know i am. but they are very, very hard to implement. the thing about the status quo, the establishment, et cetera, we have to also consider the down ballot races. and a lot of the races that were won in 2018 that got us back the house are moderate candidates, moderate races n. texas, collin allred, lizzy fletcher in houston. you know, that's something we have got to be thinking about, too. i mean, progress is progress. and progress is still going to be better than another four years of donald trump. >> we have also got accept the truth there is no going back. >> you get the final word on
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this. >> there is no going back to a status quo in which just sort of mildly problematic white people get to lead the government. that's what i think so many people are striving for. but the path is forward. there is no going back. >> the white house chief of staff says the u.s. is desperate for immigrants. if you think that doesn't mesh with white house policy, you are not alone. we will talk about it next. pay for what you need. what do you think? i don't see it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ oh, it's beautiful. so you guys are welcome to use the car while i'm at work. i'll text you a key. how do you text a key? it's technology, dear. i got this. better text it to me. it has to be a smart phone, dad. are you saying i gotta dumb phone? no. it's cool. we'll just do it old school. hyundai digital key; now there's a better way to share. hey, press that button there. only on the all-new sonata.
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. the u.s. needs more legal immigrants. actually, according to acting white house chief of star mick mulvaney we're desperate for them. this comes from an audio recording obtained by "the washington post" where mulvaney said legal immigrants were needed to help fuel economic growth. the panel is back with me. i think a lot of people, josie, would look at that and say that seems contradictory. what do you make of the claim? >> it is contradictory. we're talking about an administration that's done everything possible to make legal immigration impossible.
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on friday with the supreme court ruli ruling about public charge. we're seeing if you don't make a path to legal immigration you can't get legal immigrants. the idea that mulvaney wants it both ways is so outrageous andaand a -- to how the president runs his administration. >> it's a test to break down the systems to give the people let's power and hierarchy systems more power. then they'll be able to dig in and get the immigrants from the places they want immigrants from. this is exactly things that we've heard about sort of already the process of taking some countries sort of off the process of being able to -- people from certain countries being able to come here. so this is part of a process and a strategy of starting to narrowly define the type of people who should be coming to this country and the people who cannot come to this country. to make this country whiter and whiter, to prevent people of
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clol fr from coming to this country. it is contradictory. but make no mistake, they are playing a long game about power and demographics and trying to, through everything from how this connects directly to voter suppression to the attacks on dreamers to all of these things, reshaping the demographics of this country. >> i wanted to get to this story because i think we're in a moment where there's so much going on that it is easy to lose track of some of these threads, we're in a post impeachment environment. we're in the middle of the democratic primary and those things get top billing. yet, the fabric of this country is being changed minute by minute through decisions and choices and proclamations like this. >> it's so -- it's phead spinnig to keep up the level of pace. we have to be clear about this story, right, donald trump is a prior to supremacist.
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he ran as a white suprem acist. he ran in a way in which he wants to terrorize people of color. here's the thing that matters, i think, because we're in an election season, liberal white people have to reckon with this. they're implicated too. their desire to return to a status quo means they're not far apart from conservative voters trying to make america great again. they want to go back to this version of america that somewhere between 1950 and 1990 in which either you have outright terror towards people of color and a mistreatment of immigrant folks or you have mild liberal racism and you have the likes of a bill clinton governing. so we see white voters in the aggregate on both sides of the line pushing for this kind of america that feels familiar to them and the thread through it, the most uncomfortable thing, is what white people's place in it is not challenged.
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they dominate everything and do very well. this is the world that trump is fighting for and this is actually why i think that liberals and progressives are going to have more of a battle in 2020 and the election than we think because there is still this core sentiment that though some liberals don't want to see america oppressed people of color they also don't want to be a minority in the country because psychologically they can't deal. white dominance is rooted in the idea that when i go everywhere and see everything i see myself. a world in which you see a panel that looks like this really does mess with folks' sense of their own safety and security in this country, white people, i mean. >> i have about a minute left and so i have to pick up on that. where does that leave democrats, then, in terms of how they position themselves on immigration? coming into this they thought it was enough, we're not donald trump, it's not. >> it's not enough. here's the truth, families are still separated, still being separated. if you go to them -- on the border where i grew up the refugee camps are growing every single day. it is really important that
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every single one of the democratic candidates, especially those running federally, but especially our presidential candidates really distinguish themselves and put forward positive immigration policies. that are not just going to undo the clock on what trump has done but also go further. >> yes. >> this is an incredible panel, brittany, emmie, josie and rishad. coming up, michael bloomberg talking about his bid for the white house, see it on "politics nation" at 5:00 eastern. now starting at $7.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. the better question would be where do i not listen to it. while i'm eating my breakfast... on the edges of cliffs... on a ski lift... everywhere. ♪ download audible and start listening today.
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that wraps it up for this hour. now i turn it over to reverend al sharpton at "politicsnation." good evening, and welcome to "politicsnation." tonight's lead, popularity contest, the third nominating contest of the democratic primary went to senator bernie sanders saturday. just like the first and the second. and after his projected victory last night in nevada's caucuses he now leads in the delegate count with 34 national delegates in the sanders column. entrance polls showing a lot of key demographics where democrats were o
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