tv Morning Joe MSNBC February 24, 2020 3:00am-4:26am PST
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monday morning. i'm yasmin vossoughian alongside ayman mohyeldin. "morning joe" starts right now. do you know how much, though, do you have a price tag for all of this? >> we do. and, you know, the price tag is -- it will be substantially less than letting the current system go. i think about $30 trillion. >> just for medicare for all? >> just for medicare for all. >> a price tag for all of this? >> no, i don't. you mentioned making public colleges and -- tuition free. what we want to do. >> you know the program but don't know how much the price is. >> i can't rattle off every nickel and dime but sbre accowe for, medicare for all, options to pray poor it. >> that's the issue. threatening to pull the party apart. can challenges facing america be addressed through changes to the
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current framework, or does the nation need a top to bottom reset? >> going to completely radically change the economy in a way it hasn't been changed since this republican-was formed in 1789, do you actually need to know what it's going to cost? i think most voters you would think certainly in a general election would say, yes, we really do need to know, if you're going to radically create a revolution and radically overturn every economic institution that's in place, that, or at least the way we approach economics in this country, you're going to have to give us a price tag. he still can't do that. elizabeth warren did and suffered another poor finish in another important primary or caucus. >> we think. i mean, still counting in nevada. what's going on? good morning and welcome to
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"morning joe." it's monday february 24th. to tart things off the host of msnbc the "politicsnation" and president of the national action network reverend al sharpton. and former chief of staff to the dccc and former director of strategic communications for hillary clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, adrienne ed rod is with us this morning. watching everything unfold in nevada all weekend long. on the other side the globe, president trump is in the middle of a packed swing through india. he spoke to a crowd of more than 100,000 people this morning, and is now touring some of the country's most important landmarks. we'll dough live to the a.p.'s jonathan lemire traveling with the president in a fminutes. back here at home, wall street facing a huge sell-off. fears about the coronavirus, spreading quickly around the world. we will also go live to south
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carolina in just a few moments as the democratic primary shifts now to that state. but first, let's lay out where things stand after nevada. senator bernie sanders won saturday's nevada caucuses in commanding fashion with nearly 88% of the vote in, nbc news projects biden will finish in second place. right now at 21%, quite a distance from bernie sanders at 47%. mayor pete buttigieg sits in third place and despite a strong debate performance senator elizabeth warren is in a disappointing fourth just as she did in new hampshire. her neighbors home state. sanders won with a broad coalition of support. he dominated among hispanics with 51%. he won more white voters than any other candidate. he was second only to joe biden among black voters. he won 49% of voters who describe themselves as very liberal. he tied biden among democrats
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who describe themselves as moderate or conservative. he ran away with young people, winning 65% of voters under 30, and 57% of voters under 45. he also dominated among those who say they prefer a candidate who agrees with them on the issues, and placed first among voters who say their priority is to beat trump. here's sanders addressing supporters after that sweeping victory. >> trump and his friends think they are going to win this election. they think they're going to win this election by dividing our people up. based on the color of their skin or where they were born, or their religion, or their sexual orientation. we are going to win, because we are doing exactly the opposite.
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we're bringing our people together! [ cheers and applause ] >> big win for bernie. here are the second and finishe to sanders big win. >> do you think bernie sanders is capable of beating donald trump? >> i think it would be -- i like whom ever the democrat is to beat donald trump. i'd vote for mickey mouse before i'd vote for donald trump. the answer i don't think te can beat trump and keep a democratic house or get a democrat senate. >> one shot to take on this president. let us take a sober look at what it is at stake for our party, for our values and for those with the most to lose. there is so much on the line. senator sanders believes in an inflexible ideological revolution that leaves out most
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democrats no the to mention most americans. >> reverend al sharpton, first talk about nevada. what happened. why was it such a huge bernie sanders victory and is that just a sign of things to come over the next few weeks? >> it very well could be. it was a resounding victory i think for senator sanders and i think it showed how many in the democratic party want to see the party really stand for change in a direct way. at the same time, it shows what the challenge is now for sanders, because he is now a front-runner that now has to prove that he can broaden his base to where he does not put senate and house seats in jeopardy. otherwise the moderates will consolidate and try to stop him. the other thing i think that i take of note, mika and joe, is that he still has to work on the black vote. let us not forget, he came a long way from where he was with the black vote, but if the exit
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polls are correct, almost three quarters of the black voters in nevada voted against him despite the fact he surpassed in every other area, and that will affect him in south carolina and affect him in other states on super tuesday where he's going to need a substantial black vote, and if he's the nominee, a huge black vote in november. now, his supporters are saying you're doing much better and don't listen to people like sharpton, but i'm saying to him that if he is going to be the nominee victorious, he should not accept being second place or doing better. he has to work on the black vote issue. he has to work on areas that would show he can is expand his base without losing his core. >> adrienne, talk about the second-place finisher joe biden. we said on this show on thursday and friday, he had to finish in second place. he actually did finish in second place, in a fairly comfortable
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manner. now let's just move it on. he's got to win south carolina. he's got to have a big win before super tuesday to push him through super tuesday. from what you saw in nevada and what you're seeing early in south carolina, with talks of a possible jim clybourne endorsement, is joe biden in a position to win south carolina? >> now, joe, he is in a position to win south carolina. i think he's going to be happy that the south carolina primary is coming up in a couple days instead of two or three weeks from now, because bernie sanders is starting to close that lead that joe biden has had for a long time and enjoyed in south carolina. a couple of things. one if clybourne is endorsing joe biden, huge, huge boost. you cannot imagine or think of anybody in south carolina who can give you a bigger boost in that state than jim clybourne. that's going to be a big, big boost for joe biden. you know, and secondly, he does
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need to win. i don't think it needs to be like a one or two-point win. it needs to be a pretty resounding victory for him to get mow minutes mentum he needso super tuesday. i've looked at, in the super tuesday poll, the magic number, 15% threshold you have to get as a candidate to qualify for delegates, in some states only two or three candidates at most, sometimes just two candidates, bernie sanders and joe biden, are the only ones that are hitting that threshold. so the longer that we've got four, five other candidates that are sort of duking it out for that moderate vote and keeping others under 15%, it's going to be that much more difficult for somebody like joe biden or even somebody like mike bloomberg, depending which is doing, out-performing each other in those states, it's going to be that much more difficult for them to get delegates. so, yes, joe biden with a win in south carolina will have a lot
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of momentum going into super tuesday. a lot of other candidates still in the race assuming they remain in the rain on super tuesday that much more difficult for sort of the alternate front-runner to bernie sanders to do well in those states. >> and a column was writing comparing the sanders, the never bernie crowd with a never trump crowd and one of the things he said that allowed donald trump to win in '16 the fact you had people like jeb bush and john kasich and others hanging around, that they could win the race. amy klobuchar finished a disappointing, 4% i think, in fifth place. >> yeah. >> sixth place. people are talking about how as well as she's done, as good of a campaign she's run, it is time for her to get out of the race. also a lot of people starting to talk about elizabeth warren, who finished weak again. she was, finished in fourth
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place in her neighbors home state where she was supposed to win in new hampshire last week. this week another disappointing finish. she's maybe in single digits. she's up to 10% now, but she's in single digits in most of these counts. is it time for elizabeth warren? if she keeps finishing in fourth, fifth place, time to her to get out of the race to help consolidate efforts against bernie sanders? that's what a lot of buzz on twitter suggesting that's the case, and some democrats i talked to are frustrated thinking it's really time for some of the candidates to step out and let the field narrow, and focus. now it's on to south carolina. where the candidates will debate again tomorrow night ahead of saturday's primary, and there is an impending big endorsement expected wednesday for joe biden. joining us from charleston, south carolina, msnbc
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correspondent vaughn hillyard. vaughn, what's happening? >> reporter: jim clybourne is expected to endorse former vice president joe biden here in south carolina today. we're five days away from this primary and reverend al mentioned. when you looked for years ago here in the state, hillary clinton pulled in about 84% of african-american support over bernie sanders. a big change over the course of these couple of years. this is where you find yourself with pete buttigieg. he said in his speech after results starting coming in, it's time for country to take a sobering look where the race is heading. s s s at the same time, you saw where he came in, in the race. he was on saturday morning, i talked to pete buttigieg. he told me we could wake up march 4th the day after super tuesday with bernie sanders in an unsurmountable delegate lead.
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that's where the question comes in for pete buttigieg. what role does he play in the race? pulled in just 8% of support among communities in nevada. so this is the point. if he comes into a distant third or fourth place here what role does he play going forward heading into even super tuesday? and you can't ignore tiom steye, appearing on the debate stage. he poured more than $20 million into this state alone. twice that of pete buttigieg. the dynamics are paramount in the next days. having those conversations with voters, i was over in california a week ago, and there were folks still skeptical of what role these other candidates are able to play, from amy klobuchar to elizabeth warren. so, yes, you can amass more than $10 million off a debate performance or as amy klobuchar said yesterday, technically has,
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is in third when you look at the popular vote after the first three states. at the same time, south carolina's going to play a clarifying role over these next five days. >> vaughn, thank you so much. reverend al, talk about that. in south carolina. talk how one election really does have an impact on another. last week i talked to several leaders who were talking about the possibility of jim clybourne and other leaders in south carolina possibly going over to michael bloomberg. then, of course, michael bloomberg had a terrible debate. joe biden finished strong. a strong second. in nevada he finished second. do we see a possibility of a biden resurgence with a victory in south carolina? >> it is possible to see a resurgence. i think right now clearly the momentum is behind sanders, but if joe biden wins a definitive
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victory there and if, again, we cannot see sanders capture the black vote in terms of the majority. he's doing much better than he did in '16 and he's worked hard at it, but he has to show where he was able to go way ahead with the latino vote in nevada, he can do in a state with black votes. if that does not happen, people will start saying that he has a black problem and he needs to deal with that. this gives room for a biden resurgence. s you go into super tuesday, which goes into many states that the demographics are much different, it could launch a biden comeback, depending whether or not bloomberg gets that huge plane he has on the runway off the ground or not, which right now they tr gunning engines but we haven't seen take off. following breaking news
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around stocks. they've tanked due to kearns over t over t over the -- concerns over the coronavirus. markets are precipitously selling off and it has to do with spread of the coronavirus. we've known quite some time the chinese cases were escalating. now is team seems investors tu attention to casesous of chinatwo in particular in focus. south korea, 750 cases are more of confirmed coronavirus making south korea the most infected country outside of mainland china. also what's happening in the continental european situation, italy. that particular country has now seen over 130 cases and 5 deaths tied to this particular virus. that means the european side of things are seeing that kind of spread as well. so between south korea and
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italy, and the escalating numbers there, that's the reason why you're seeing markets sell off the way they are. the issue now, whether or not we see a situation where governments intervene even more. that's what traders and investors will look closely for. are they taking further steps in places like italy or surrounding countries in europe and what exactly is south korea doing to help stem infection there's? we've heard the government invoked emergency powers to allow them, if they need to, to restrict travel and also inject more money in the money system in case things go really bad. right now, heard anecdotal evidence in places like italy and south korea grocery stores running low on supplies, people are stocking up. all of those are reasons why there is this kind of market sell-off. we'll monitor it. that's why year suing this to start the opening bell. over to you. >> thank you. dom chu, thank you very much. still ahead on "morning joe"
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we go live to india for an update on president trump's state visit there. jonathan lemire has the latest on what the white house hopes to achieve next on "morning joe." ♪ limu emu & doug [ siren ] give me your hand! i can save you... lots of money with liberty mutual! we customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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the true strength of india is found in 125,000 beating hearts in this stadium and the millions and millions of people who have seen and witnessed our great friendship and admiration today. >> that was president trump speaking earlier today to over 100,000 people at a rally in indian prime minister modi's hometown. the president and first lady melania trump arrived in india today, the world's largest
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democracy, for a two-day state visit branded [ speaking in foreign language ] prime minister modi and president trump are expected to announce new agreements on purchase of u.s. military equipment and possible energy cooperation against the backdrop of influence. prior to the trip, said they will rely concerns about the treatment of religious minorities in india. this is president trump's first visit to india as president and the fourth consecutive u.s. president to visit the country. joining us now in new delhi, india, white house reporter for associated press jonathan lemire. what more can we expect froms visit and what is he hoping exactly to accomplish? >> reporter: hi, mika. this trip is going to be a lot more style than substance, and pageantry over policy.
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the president and first lady right now are en route to the taj mahal given a private tour, the famous wonder the world within the next half hour or so. he arrived earlier today. throngs are people in the streets, treated to dancers, musicians, in prime minister modi's hometown. he stopped by mohammed gadny's humble home today and scene the site for gandhi and over to the stadium where people were packed in emphasizing u.s.' friendship with india and the u.s. indicating they have a tight bond. not expect to be much. armied sale armed sales, yes, and trade between india and the united states but not expected to be a breakthrough. this is more about sort of
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re-emphasizing the friendship between these two nations and giving his president campaign commercial-ready b roll. certainly a good look for any white house to have a president on the world stage particularly when you can contrast that against the democrats back home campaign. >> who, of course, can't even count votes in their early elections, nevada, just like iowa. it's unbelievable. jonathan, talk about the relationship, the positive relationship between the two leaders of the two largest democracies in the world. both -- i won't quite say strong men, but two -- two leaders who have strong-man instincts, and, again, like i said, the two largest democracies in the world. these two get along fairly well. don't they? >> reporter: they do, joe. you're right. strong tendencies if nothing else. the back half of a home in home,
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if you will. hosted a rally in texas, in houston called howdy modi and over 50,000 mostly indian-americans packed the stadium and an even bigger crowd today. the world of the largest cricket stadiums, one of the two largest in the world. modi is a noted hugger. the president isn't a hugger but allows modi to hug him from heim to time and they share sort of a same populist streak and there's a connection there as well. modi is having a little tough time here in india. the economy has really stalled. there's, here in deliin delhi, financing has run out. trade tension, as well there is an alliance needed to attempt slow down the rides of chinhe r right here in the neighborhood and the president offered brokers peace talks between
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india and ancient rivals pakistan, although it's not clear anyone will take him up on that. as you noted to, mika did, treatment of muslims here in india. it's no the sure whether the president will address that publicly. that's not usually his style when jooverseas's sometimes bris it up publicly. unlike other presidents, promoting american values on the world stage, this president doesn't seem to do that. at least not publicly. >> well, of course, also, many people said that perhaps this was for the president to help promote his struggling brand, business brand, outside of the united states. trump has more properties, more ko condominiums, skyscrapers in india than any other place in the world and you talked about the economy that was really dragged down in india right now. certainly donald trump and the trump organization are acutely
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feeling that pinch with a lot of their buildings unoccupied right now in india. >> that's true, joe. there's none here in delhi but one in mumbai and other projects in the western part of india that have really stalled and just before he took office the trump organization struck a deal to license the trump name on the buildings soon to be a boom here in india but their sitting largely earlity because the economy slowed down so dramatically. tomorrow the president will be here in delhi. a few meetings with modi and streeted to a state dinner raising the question what is the president going to eat? modi is a noted vegetarian. promotes vegetarianism every chance he gets. the president is known for steak, cow, not on the menu.
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whether the president is willing to try delicacies or whether the secret service and white house officials imported some of his own favorite meals back from the white house. >> all right. jonathan lemire, [ speaking in foreign language ] thank you very much. coming up, more from -- >> a quite spiight seeing. coming up, bernie sanders and criticism from competitors he's never gotten anything done. we'll talk about that, coming up. >> announcer: "morning joe" is sponsored by -- (whistling)
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mad? you exhaled? silently hissing is all. i was in the house year after year after year. i passed more bipartisan amendments than anybody else in the house. >> in terms of getting your bills through congress, seven bill, primary sponsor on that got enacted. two were involved naming post office buildings. >> yeah, but if you look at the affordable care act my name was not on that bill, but you speak to anybody in congress, i led the effort to bringses 11 billion more into commune health centers and expand our primary health care in this country. i mean, look, as you well know, anderson. congress is a complicated place. >> senator bernie sanders in the interview that aired last night on "60 minutes." joining us now, historian and author of "soul of america" and rogers professor of the presidency, jon meacham, nbc
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news and msnbc contributor. >> jon, four years ago when donald trump was running for the republican nomination, you and i were talking. you described the gop as an airplane that had been hijacked by donald trump yet everybody in the back of the plane were cheering the hijackers on. four years later, seems it's bernie sanders that has burst through the cockpit door and the passengers once again cheering while those owning the airlines are pulling their hair out. what's happening? i think we're, without getting into false equivalency about sanders and trump, i think that we are living in a kind of political equivalent of climate change. extreme weather. a country that, where a sufficient number of voters could send someone of trump's
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political character to the white house is, to some extent and at some measure reacting to that by sending someone who on the ideological spectrum is about as far away from the incumbent as possible. as a clinical matter, that kind of makes sense. right? if there is revulsion against what the president has been doing to and with the country. then it's understandable that a significant number of voters would want to go as far in the other direction as possible. and i think what -- it's not it as though the democratic primary voters don't have a range of choices here. the problem with democracy as we know is, you know, you can't only be for the result when you agree with it. and so that's where the democratic party clearly has a huge number of folks who think
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this is heading towards a cliff, but nobody's checked with the voters, apparently. >> hmm. >> jon, you talked about a false equivalency between bernie sanders and donald trump, but just how disruptive would it be for the democratic party to nominate someone who calls himself a socialist, whose programs certainly are socialist, and his promises to take the american economy into a direction it hasn't been in since our republic was founded in 1789? >> yeah. here's my, the dorkiest illusion i can think of at this hour. i knew that would surprise you. >> thank you. >> yeah. >> this is like 1948, but there's no dewey and no truman. right? it's thurman and hentry wallace. it's -- 1948, an amazing presidential election where strom thurmond breaks away from
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the democratic party on segregati segregation. hentry wallace, former vice president progressive candidate, upper case p. tom dewey and harry troop didn't occupy center of left and center right positions, but here we are in 2020 and it's almost as though we have thurman and wallace, in the dewey and truman slots possibly as the nominees. >> right. >> so in many ways, right, that is a pre-codification, the full manifestation of the tribalism that's become the defining ethos of our era. >> and how frightening that from the center of that, of course, you've removed the two figures in 1948. >> yeah. >> who were actually people who knew how to make washington, d.c. run and mika, in this case, we have a president who clearly doesn't know how to make washington run, and if you listen to his colleagues, a
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democratic front-runner, who's never effectively done much in washington, d.c., either in the house or in the senate. >> well, let's get back to looking at some of the sound we have here. sanders also defended past comments he made about former cuban leader fidel castro. >> back in the 1980s, sanders had some positive things to say about the former soviet union and the sandinistas in anything raug wa. >> everyone convinced. >> here he is complaining why the cuban people didn't rise up and help the u.s. overthrow cuban leader castro. >> gave them health care, totally transformed the society. >> we're very opposed to authoritarian nature the cuba. it's unfair to simply say everything is bad. you know? when fidel castro came into office he had a massive literacy program. is that a bad thing? even though fidel castro did it? >> a lot of dissidents
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imprisoned. >> and we condemned that. unlike donald trump. let be clear. i don't think that kim jong-un is a good friend and i don't trade love letterses with a murdering dictator. vladimir putin, not a great friend of mine. >> you know, mika, clips keep coming out of bernie sanders coming back from the soviet union and instead of talking about the gulag and talking about the millions and millions of people imprisoned behind the iron curtain he's talking how pretty the subways are and how they value the arts. here you have fidel castro, talking about castro, just, again, in his hemisphere as repressive and repugnant a leader as there has been and you have bernie sanders talking about literacy programs and how wonderful things were. again, this is recurring and, listen -- sure, people can change, and bernie can now say that he's very worried about how repressive he was.
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a third grader could look at these clips and let you know, and there are a lot of them, that donald trump is going to take every one of these clips and the republicans are going to take every one of these clips, praising communists, praising these brutal dictators, and they are going to turn it into, especially the castro one, turn it into commercials that are going to completely overwhelm voters in southwest florida -- southeast florida, and we'll, i think, seriously damage bernie sanders in the state of florida, if he is the general election candidate. and, again, this is -- these -- democratic candidates really are not vetting bernie sanders. elizabeth warren decided to go after everybody on the campaign but bernie sanders last time and attack him. i tweeted something about that, and, of course, got responses, oh, can't women attack -- yes,
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women can attack whoever women want to attack. they also can end up in single digits if all they're doing is attacking everybody on the stage but bernie sanders and that's exactly what happened to elizabeth warren. so with bernie sanders, he's really gotten a free pass up to this point from his fellow candidates. >> adrienne elrod, do you agree with that and what are you hearing among democrats about the vetting of bernie sanders? or lack thereof? >> yeah. you know, i certainly agree with it. in 2016, we tried very hard on our campaign to put a lot of this research out there and it was sort of hard to get the media to take him seriously as a candidate until it was almost too late. both of you recall it was a very competitive race with bernie sanders. you know, iowa was very close. we narrowly ron io lly won iowa. beat us big time in nevada and a huge resurgence in south
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carolina which carried us through the process. it was often hard to get not only the media but voters to vet him. he was never a front-runner but a close competitor of ours. not properly vetted, a lot of people believe that. to the point joe made, there's a lot of information out there. youtube video back when he lived in vermont and had a public access television show. he used to write a lot of material for some of the local liberal publications. a lot of information out there, but there's not really time right now, i think, if you are a democratic challenger to bernie sanders in his primary to get this information out. we've got a debate on tuesday. i would caution any of the candidates onstage who are trying to take down the front-runner, bernie sanders, not to go after mike bloomberg this time but focus ire and their, draw contrast between
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bernie sanders and his record, because this mate be the last moment, this debate on tuesday and, of course, south carolina to try to ensure that he's not the nominee. super tuesday, 40% of delegates will be awarded by the time polls close and the votes apportioned on super tuesday. this could be, this could be it. so i don't think he's been properly vetted. i don't know how much matters at this point. i was just in nevada. i mean, the crowds there were so -- i mean, the enthusiasm that bernie sanders has been able to generate among a diverse coalition is nothing to laugh about. it's significant. i don't know how much they care when it comes to the voting process and if there's enough time for candidates to do this effectively. >> donald trump for the long time considered too much of a joke, considered too extreme. >> it's the same thing. >> too extreme to vet. oh, he'll never win. bernie seen that way.
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too extreme to ever win. never really being in that front position to get the sort of vetting that front-runners usually get. so that is part of it. also, though, rev, let's talk about that debate and other candidates. again, actually making sure that bernie sanders is vetted, because if he gets to super tuesday and has not been properly vetted and a lot of this information is not out, well, he's off to the races, and, know, any thoughts of elizabeth warren possibly doi doing -- how she did in nevada certainly went down the drain quickly and did so when she started telling short jokes. >> yeah. i -- i -- i really think that we must look at this as not vetting of bernie sanders to stop him but to clarify where the party's going. if you are concerned about where the country's going to go, and
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whether or not, therefore, he can deliver. an example from what you raised, joe, is, how do you have a debate in las vegas that had the largest shooting and killing of people in recent history, if not history of the united states and they don't even argue or raised question of gun control and bernie sanders past position on guns. i mean, you're right in las vegas and they were so occupied on bloomberg they didn't deal with that. how do we deal with the fact that bernie sanders had to struggle against pete buttigieg, that no one in the world outside of south bend even knew who that was eight months ago. >> yep. >> in iowa, and, of course, he won new hampshire. he won new hampshire last time. it's a border state. he's impressive now, because he won nevada. he has traction and momentum, but he must be vetted for his own good, because if i'm bernie i want to take all the shots
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now, because if he is the nominee, he will get it all from donald trump and if you don't train well in boxing, if you don't do it in the gym, you going to get knocked out in the ri ring. those concerned about health care, voting rights and others can't afford to send a guy in the ring that has not been trained and cannot take blows. so his followers need to quit hitting sensitive or overly sensitive and get him ready if he's the nominee or get another fighter in the ring that can take some punching and training. >> reserve rand al, you talked about las vegas. about the incompetence of mike bloomberg, staring around the stage like it's the first time he's ever been in front of a microphone and he's a guy done more about gun control and didn't have the where the withall to talk about that on the stage with the nevada
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primary coming up. talk about one missed opportunity after another. a lot of democrats have to be looking at him going, are you serious? >> absolutely. i sat there in amazement at the debate that bloomberg did not bring up his own record with gun control, which he does have some credit he could take there. >> uh-huh. >> and he just, was reacting to being hit all night. a missed opportunity there, and our people have not raised with bernie or biden the crime bill. i absolutely was one of those leading the fight against stop and frisk but the crime bill hurt people that are still in jail, and we've given them a pass. bernie voted for it, and biden wrote it. so we can't act like it's only a one-sided thing and think we're going to come out and win this in terms of the democrats in november. let's not forget, if hillary clinton had got 13,000 more votes in detroit, we would have turned michigan around in the
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electoral college, more in wisconsin, more in pennsylvania. i don't think we're looking seriously how donald trump got there and when i keep saying there's no consolidation of the black vote or the right attention there, i'm not saying that only because i'm black. i'm saying it because i see a country that is in trouble and if the democrats don't fight the right fight, we're going to have four more years of donald trump. >> hugwhew. up next, a rejection to remove the judge from the case of roger stone. what she said about the allegations of bias next on "morning joe." hills, you crush them...
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burman jackson, the judge who sentenced president trump's longtime adviser roger stone to more than three years in prison last week rejected stone's request that she recuse herself from a potential new trial. the pending recusal motion argued that jackson could not impartially evaluate the request for a new trial over allegations of juror misconduct. stone's lawyers alleged that a juror misled the court about her ability to remain unbiased and fair in the case and pointed to comments jackson made during stone's sentencing when she said jurors had served with integrity under difficult circumstances. in a six-page order released last night, jackson defended her remark and said it fell short of the kind of evidence of bias that would require a judge to step aside. in her order she wrote in part "judges cannot be biased and need not be disqualified if the views they express are bracase what they learned doing the job
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they were appointed to do." stone's motion for a new trial remains pending before jackson's next filing on the issue due later today. joining us, dave arenberg. dave what do you think of jackson's denial of roger stone's aguess motion to disqualify her? >> mika, i agree with judge jackson. this motion to disqualify her was based on the fact she praised integrity of the jury. that's the kind of statement judges maim all t s make all th doesn't mean bias and she's alloweds to form late opinion based on what she learns at trial. if she really wanted to stick it to roger stone she could have locked him up when he repeatedly violated her gag order but she didn't. could have locked him up when he posted that inflammatory picture of her on social media with
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cross hairs over the photo and didn't. could have sent him to jail when convicted but didn't. could have locked him when he was sentenced and didn't. contrary to what we all thought would happen. yeah, he shouldn't be sending a motion to disqualify her and probably should send her a gift basket instead. this is all about, mika, appealing to an audience of one. not the judge, but the president who wields pardon power. >> so is that what it's about, then? trying to get a pardon? >> what it seems like. in fact, judge jackson seem eed glee. a scathing drop mic order, nothing else than putting out into the public the word bias next to the word judge and the
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right wing em oh chamber responded with tucker carlson saying judge jackson needs to be impeached. i mean, it's really crazy. she's doing her job. and they're hoping that they could get him a pardon, but we all thought that judge, excuse me, president trump would issue a pardon, but after the november elections. after all, roger stone knows where all the bodies are buried. prison is a rough place for a guy like roger stone so putting out false allegations of judicial bias to give president trump the talking points he needs to issue that pardon sooner than lateran. >> and do you think attorney general barr is really going to resign if the president continues to attack the judge or members of the jury? >> sort of said he would. right? upset if the president continues to -- >> exactly. >> but he hasn't. i guess his resignation letter
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must be lost in the mail or something, because the president keeps attacking the jury and the judge here. so, i mean, that's bogus. that threat to resign is as bogus as his four-page memo summarizing the mueller investigation. you know? he is doing exactly what president trump wants him to do. serving as the president's defender and he's upset at the president, because the president shined a light on his activities undermining the rule of law. so, no. he's not going to resign, because he is doing what the president wants him to do, being the president's roy cohn. >> dave arenberg, thank you very much. coming up, the "washington's post" robert costa joins us with new reporting on bernie sanders and the debate among democrats whether sanders can beat the president. "morning joe" is coming back in two minutes. with sofi, get your credit cards right by consolidating your credit card debt
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i know that i'm 20 years older. i have all my marbles could run for office if i wanted to. sew i don't know if age is really a matter except for experience and the years he's put in and i can't understand why according to the polls he's having problems with older citizens, like me. why wouldn't an older citizen vote for somebody with that kind of a record? and with that kind of experience? and honesty and trust? it just doesn't make sense he's not getting my generation, but i think somebody younger like bernie is just a perfect candidate. now, he'll be around a long time. welcome back to "morning joe." bernie sanders picked up endorsement of legendary comedian and actor dick van dyke on friday. not to be out done, former vice president joe biden is offering to be cher's opening about the in las vegas after the singer
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expressed her support for his s caption "do you believe in life after trump" and clint eastwood says get michael bloomberg in the white house. >> kind of interesting, especially clint eastwood, always seen as a conservative's conservative. very interesting that he's a bloomberg supporter now. >> yes. welcome back to "morning joe." it is monday, february 24th. with us we have the host of msnbc's "politicsnation" and president of the national action network reverend al sharpton. historian, author of "the soul of america" and rogers professor of the presidency at vanderbilt university jon meacham, msnbc news and nbc news contributor and joining the conversation, eddie glaude jr. and karen
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tumulty, and from the "washington post" and msnbc political analyst robert costa, moderator of "washington week" on pbs. and house editor for the cook political report, dave wasserman joins us as well. thank you all. great group. and as democrats turn their attention to this weekend's primary in south carolina, new numbers show joe biden with a slim lead in the palmetto state. the latest cbs news poll has the former prvice president in fron with 28%. just four points behind the big winner in nevada, bernie sanders, with 23%. both are stickley tatistically h the poll's 5.5 point margin of error. next is tom steyer, 18%, elizabeth warren at 12%, pete buttigieg at 150 percen10% and
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at 4%. biden continues to lead among african-americans his support plummeted. biden now with 35% is down 19 points since november. meanwhile, steyer is in second with 24% up 22 from three months ago and sanders is just one point behind with 22%. a lot to go over there. >> a lot to go over, but before we get to south carolina why don't we go back to nevada and talk about what happened? >> they're still counting. >> looking through the numbers. first of all, yes, still counting and seriously why the didn't nc would allow any site e a caucus and acknowledge dell grits from 2024 is beyond me. still at 50% yesterday after. but all that being said, they're up in the 80s now, and, oh, no. now we're at 96. we've got sanders at 47%. biden 20%.
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buttigieg, 14%. elizabeth warren at 10%. that's the top four. dave wasserman, your takeaways from nevada? >> keep in mind those numbers are final alignment. only about one-third of people going into the caucus supported bernie sanders. he got a lot of support from people who'll re-aligned. the good news about stopping boes bernie, two of the three he's come out on top are caucuses. the bad news for people who want to stop bernie is that there are so many candidates still remaining in this race adding into super tuesday that are effectively zombie candidates. under 15%. >> which ones? >> buttigieg, klobuchar. tom steyer. you've got a variety of candidates still in the race, waiting for their state --
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>> let me stop you there. what about elizabeth warren? she finished in fourth place basically in her home state and finished in fourth place here after everybody said that he performance in nevada's debate would propel her to first place and if you disagreed you were a massage ni misogynist. she finished fourth in new hampshire. is she a zombie candidate just like buttigieg? just like, who else did you say? amy? >> yes. the reason is that she's under 15%. i'm not saying that her campaign is so terrible that she's a zombie, but if you're under 15% of the vote in states and districts you're essentially zeroed out in the delegate count. that's the minimum threshold. that effectively means the pool of delegates that are available, gets thrown into, to be awarded to candidates who are above 15%, which inflates bernie sanders's delegate share. if he wins about one-third of the vote on super tuesday which
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is entirely possible and is the only candidate who hits above 15% in virtually every state and district that means he could get close to half the delegates available, and i don't think democrats realize just how catastrophic that could be for the rest of the field's chances. >> and yet bob costa, i don't see amy klobuchar getting out of the race? certainly not mayor pete? certainly not elizabeth warren. we'll see what happens with tom steyer in south carolina, but tom steyer, you wonder why he hasn't been funding other people race's and be anti-trump movements from the beginning of his campaign. >> it's a vanity project, joe. >> well it is a vanity project and been a vanity project for a very long time. and it's a vanity project that could help re-elect donald trump. but so, bob, tell me. do you see any of these candidates doing what would make political sense from the
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distance, and dropping out of the race so bernie sanders doesn't get a disproportionate share's delegates or super tuesday? >> at this point, based on my conversations with democrat officials across the democratic party, no one is eager to get out. in part because they're unhappy with mayor bloomberg spending so much money on super tuesday states and vice president biden and mayor buttigieg and others hoped to get a bounce out of nevada, out of south carolina going into super tuesday, 14 states in early march almost a third of delegates you can win are on that day. and they now feel like he is splintering the moderate wing of the party. so the idea of getting out, who would they get out to support? they don't really like the idea of supporting a billionaire who they see as buying the race in some way. at the same time, if vice president biden can have a significant win in south carolina and try to assert himself as the sanders alternative next saturday night,
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they feel maybe that's an option. at this point, senator sanders is gaining among african-american voters and others in south carolina and elsewhere. which makes that possibility slim by the day. >> yeah. but we've seen a few of these races before, and we've seen what dave wasserman calls zombie candidates. people that have run good dp campaigns but never took off. finishes third or fourth in the first three or four contests, if you don't have a connection with black voters, moving forward to south carolina and beyond, what good does stumbling on do, but rack up larger debt and end of the day, help bernie sanders get elected? >> i think that there's something else going on here, too, which is that look at the dynamic of bernie sanders' support's in iowa and new hampshire, we basically looked
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at his traditional supporters. young people. people on the far left. in nevada, he won every single demographic with the exception of voters over 65 and african-americans. and even among african-americans he really cut into joe biden's support. so while this is happening, bernie sanders is doing what i think a lot of us were skeptical that he could do, which is really expanding his reach within the democratic electorate. so, you know, at this point i think it looks like he may have won nevada. possibly with more votes than the next three competitors combined. so he is picking up real momentum. this is not just, you know, that the rest of the field is fractured. >> you know, we -- the rest of the field, of course, is fractured, but he did pick up momentum in nevada. we'll see. again, a caucus state. we'll see how he does in a
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primary state. this, as we move in that direction, eddie, but it is difficult to see a lot of these candidates getting out of the race when you see the personal dynamics between a mayor pete and amy. they don't like each other. elizabeth warren. she just loathes bloomberg. in fact harks been reduced to telling short jokes now about mike bloomberg. reminds me what happened when marco rubio started losing to donald trump. he started making personal jokes as well against donald trump. that didn't work out too well with him and now elizabeth warren is telling short jokes about michael bloomberg. the rest of the field doesn't like michael bloomberg. they don't like the idea that this guy's going to come in and try to buy the nomination. >> a guy who was a republican. >> at the same -- >> a guy that was a republican. at the same time, if the goal is for moderates to stop bernie the long every these candidates stay
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in the race the more they help bern any a big way on super tuesday. so how do you see this working itself out? >> i'm not quite sure, joe. all the candidates, all the quote/unquote zombie candidates believe they are in fact the best representative of that moderate lane and until their money dries up, until the money dries up they'll continue to believe that, i think. look what happened to, even though elizabeth warren came in fourth in nevada, but after the debate she still brought in $9 million. so she thinks her campaign is strong. you see pete buttigieg. right after the nevada -- results of nevada coming out trying in some ways to make the race a two-man race in ways between him and bernie sanders. we know that bloomberg has his billions. tom steyer, i mean, look at all the investment in nevada that he made and look where he came in. right? i mean, 2%? something like that? when we think about what tom steyer will do in south carolina, how he in ways is
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siphoning off black votes where will the black voters end up? with biden or bernie sanders? fascinating to are me, joe, as i look at jeff jethe votes, histo turnout for nevada caucuses. think about the number of new voters who came into, participated in, in the process? we see bernie sanders and cha campaign doing exactly what that he wanted to do. that is attempting to expand the electorate. this campaign we have to look at closely going into south carolina and super tuesday. >> reverend al, talking about zombie candidates. hard to call mayor pete that quite yet. after all, he finished in first. finished a close second, finished in third here. we've got to see whether he's going to be able to pull off what would seem to be an impossible task and pick up black voters in south carolina. he and elizabeth and others have not been able to do that as of
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yet. and i want to follow-up. eddie brought up a great point. tom steyer spend millions and millions of dollars in nevada. we saw a lot of polls that showed steyer going near the top of the pack, but when it came to caucusing, people didn't caucus for tom steyer. he had a bad day. looking a the polls in south carolina, numbers inflated again. i wonder to those poll numbers, do they turn into votes in south carolina more than they did in nevada? because certainly it was a big bust for him in nevada? >> i agree with you raising that question, and i agree when you continue to raise, there is a difference between a primary and a caucus. when a caucus state, steyer may have spent millions, but he did not have the ground organization to bring people to the caucuses. that will be different in south
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carolina. that is also the danger for a candidacy for bernie sanders who i think does have momentum but had ground organization there. will that have the same ground organization in south carolina, particularly if it is true that jim clyburn, the best organization in south carolina, goes with joe biden, and i think, again, people keep running over south carolina like it's a bump stop on the way to super tuesday. it will define where a lot of the black vote is going, and no nominee, as you just said, joe, can be serious about winning the white house if they are not going to really have real strength and relationship in the black community, and i am still raising the bernie sanders -- you are right there to grab the nomination but you must deal with your question of the black vote. why is biden holding on to it?
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you can't keep telling me because he was there with obama, because that, to me, would have resonated in many areas, latinos over 50%, kaushg caucusing over nevada and black voters going three quarters against you. i'm saying south carolina is where i've got to prove i can deal with this. >> look what bernie sanders said over the weekend. called them multigenerational the democrats are stepping back now. not just about sanders. the real question facing democrats at the moment is, is this new ascendant left championed by senator sanders also represented by aoc and other members of the new left, is this new left taking over the democratic party? does that include african-american voters? young voters now older voters in many of these states? and robert reich and jesse
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jackson spoke to me yesterday saying they can trace it back to 2008, the financial crisis. this isn't about the personality of bernie sanders. it's about grievances on the left about the party establishment, about the failure to enact certainly policies and the sanders moment right now is a culmination of a project that's been really a decade long. >> uh-huh. i wonder, i mean, the common cause here is beating trump, and, joe, is it too soon? because we've only seen caucus results to look at, like, where steyer voters would go if he dropped out? where klobuchar voters would go if she dropped 0 ut? where warren voters would go? because i mean, their candidacies at this point at least for some of these folks are fairly impossible. are they not? >> they are. look at elizabeth warren. see what happens in south carolina. finished third in iowa. and we heard for a year she had the best ground game there and was going to do great. she finished fourth in new hampshire. we heard for a year that that
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was her home state and had a great ground game there. she finished fourth. >> uh-huh. >> then we heard she had a great ground game in nevada. she finished fourth. we have south carolina coming up. we'll see what happens there. >> just raised $9 million. >> great. that's fantastic. michael bloomberg spent like a couple hundred million and didn't do him a lot of good. did it? the other night. we'll see. maybe she does better she's got -- she's got to start over performing instead of underperforming. i don't think anybody out there who's strident, anti-warren person, like attacking warren, would suggest that she hasn't run a great campaign, because as we've said time and again, she's run a great campaign. i also remember back in 2008, you and me and everybody on the panel declaring that joe biden and chris dodd were winner of
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every one of those debates. wasn't there year. it was barack obama and hillary clinton's year and those two got out of the race quickly. so it's time for elizabeth warren to overperform. she's underperformed greatly in every single event she's been in. there's just no denying that. >> uh-huh. >> amy klobuchar. boy. she either has to really overperform in south carolina, like she did in new hampshire, or she's going to -- it would make sense for her to get out of the race. again, this isn't my first rodeo. this isn't a lot of people's first rodeo. we've seen this time and time again, jon meacham, who is it that says, once -- it's easier to start running for president than stop running for president? by the way, the guy from minnesota, harold strassen, who seemed to run every four years. well, we've also seen this in campaigns where from a distance it's obvious. these people are not going to
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win, and a lot of times they're angry at other people. i think back, you know, pat buchanan and others were very angry at dole. very angry at the republican establishment. they just refused to get out. bernie sanders also, very angry at hillary clinton. refused to get out of that race. and sometimes people hold on a lot longer than they should for the good of noernt only for the party but also the good for themselves. >> well, imagine the ambient reality of a presidential candidate's life. they spend years only seeing their own name reflected back at them. if they're standing in a room, standing at a rally and had to raise the money to get the signs made and had to talk about themselves forever, and it's incredibly difficult to go from the adrenaline and the absolute
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single-minded devotion that this requires. what richard ben kramer wonderfully called what it takes. it's terrible to admit that you might not have what it takes to win. even though you have what it takes to run. one of the best examples of this is george herbert walker bush refusing through april of 1980 to get out of ronald reagan's way. to the point jim baker had to push him out of the race thereby preserving his viability to become vice president and then president. but bush flew from a hotel in newark, i think at, trying to make the new jersey primary work and baker calls him back to texas and bush is riding on a legal pad, i will never give up. i will never give up. so you put -- that's the reality for these folks. what i think we're seeing in a larger historical sense at the
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moment is the results of a 60-year sorting within the parties themselves. harry truman lamented in his retirement that he worried about a day when all the liberals, prossives, ended up in one party and all the conservatives in another party. that the parties would then fail to serve as a mediating institution and simply become a provocative one so that the general election became more of an existential struggle every four years a as opposed to a choice from the broader center of the country would feel after the couple. a lot of people fee that's exactly what the problem was and is. if you're looking for a 60-year thing, i understand that, this started in '64 when the democrats and republicans began to change so radically. >> hmm. >> yeah, and it is -- i can't imagine how difficult it would be, as you said, jon, to defeat
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your entire life to running for president and then just understanding after two or three very quick weeks where everything comes at you very quickly that it's just not in the cards this year, but certainly anybody getting out of the race this year can take to heart at knowing that most people running for president don't win the first time they run. sometimes it takes two. even three times. ronald reagan's a perfect case of that. dave wasserman, so tell me. let's dig a little deeper into what you said before. you talked about on the first ballot only about a third of a choice for bernie sanders. if this was a primary we'd be talking about bernie getting in the low 30s instead of in the high 40s if it were a primary instead of a caucus. as you dig into those numbers and pick them apart, what do you see there? how broad is that coalition? is he still coming up short with black voters or with hispanics,
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or is he really building a sort of coalition, especially focusing on the first ballot votes that all he'll get in primaries, is he really building an expansive coalition to help sweep him to the nomination? >> a couple things. first, the fact that he won 40% -- 47% of the delegates is on track to win majority of delegates out of nevada could be replicated in a primary where he wins only about a third of the vote. because there are so many zombie candidates he ends up with half the delegates nap cou. that could be true as well. i take issue with the notion he's bringing new voters into the process. no evidence higher than '08, in fact, well short of that level of turnout in iowa, in nevada, in new hampshire and to the extent higher turnout than past years, it's typically been in
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suburban moderate areas where we're seeing former kasich and rubio voters potentially cross over and vote for candidates like pete or amy. that is really the irony here. that's the, where the democratic party has been growing in these suburban moderate areas of the country, higher until, higher education. that is not bernie sanders coalition. in a way, turning back the clock to a working class support to try to win upper midwestern states. you pointed out earlier, joe, i think bernie takes florida off the table and puts it into trump's column. >> dave wasserman, thank you very much. and still ahead on "morning joe," a few decades ago, this was the trump taj mahal. today, it's this. my, how things have changed. up next, in the fight over medicare for all, congresswoman on the front lines and joins us next on "morning joe."
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