tv MTP Daily MSNBC February 27, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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these guys are never going to miss these things until they are gone. >> that's right. and the nation deserves a daily press briefing right now. >> my thank to my guests. "mtp daily" with chuck todd towards right now. ♪ welcome to thursday. it is meet the press daily. good evening. i am chuck todd in washington. the president is trying to assure the public that the u.s. is prepared for the coronavirus as the number of cases rise around the world and has public health officials in the united states are now grappling with a situation in california after the first case of the virus was found in someone with no known link to others with the infection. markets are clearly rattled. wall street tumbled again, down for the sixth straight day. today was the single worst day for a point drop for the dow and the s&p. not percentage wise but the single worst day point drop as stocks are on track for their
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largest weekly loss since the 2008 financial crisis. japan took the step of asking all the country's schools to close for a month even though it has not experienced a sharp increase in reported cases. even facebook is doing something it has been loathe to do, banning misleading ads, which is a practice it still will not do for paid political ads even if they knowingly spread conspiracy theories, but they are doing it for coronavirus, they claim. and as the president tries to tamp down on the escalating public anxiety in an election year his success or failure may influence the public's trust on government agencies. the president has spent the better part of three years trying to delegitimatize institutions and media. yesterday he attacked press outlets he doesn't like trying they are trying to make him lock bad by inaccusing panic.
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yet loyalists like rush limbaugh are using conspiracy theories to sew doubt about information coming from public health officials who happen to be appointed by this president. and president trump doesn't appear to be doing anything to stop him or anybody else. politically speaking the president may have to reap what he has sewn when it comes to the public's trust or lack thereof in the institutions built to keep this democracy healthy, pun intended. as far as everyone else, as historian jon meacham told us, he hopes the government has it under control because god help us if they are spinning this or overstating it because it is a matter of life and death. here to help us understand, former u.s. surgeon general dr. murphy, and of the "washington post," tony republican. mr. murphy, he want to start with basic public health warnings. what should average americans be doing right now?
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>> well, the precautions we should be taking is number one to ensure that we are focusing on preparation and not on pang. i know there is a lot in the news about coronavirus. we have to watch vigilantly what is happening in the united states as well as countries a turned world. make no mistake there is a connection between what happens here and outside of our borders. for the time, what we need to do is make sure we are taking basic precautions to prevent the spread of respiratory infections like washing hands regularly, making sure if we are sick that we see a doctor and get evaluated and to make sure if we are coughing or sneezing we are doing it into your sleeve and again washing hands regularly. these are the basic techniques we use to transmit the transmission of infection. >> i want to ask you about -- we have three different news outlets are reporting on a whistle-blower complaint. it alleges that hhs staff were improperly deployed and not properly trained or equipped to operate in a public health
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emergency situation. the complaint alleges the workers were potentially exposed to a coronavirus because steps were not taken to protect them even though they had face to face contact with returning passengers. i assume there is protocol at hhs that goes beyond one administration here. does this make sense that this would be this much of a confusion -- this much confusion at hhs over this? >> well, first of all, this is very disturbing news that's coming out. there is more we need to understand about the complaint. i think we absolutely need to take it seriously. we protect whistle-blowers for a reason. he we want them to come forward and tell the truth about what is happening inside the government to hold all of us accountable. complaints like this are serious. there are protocols in place. what you find in government is when you move fast without the required oversight or resources, things break sometimes. and those can have consequences. what we need to understand here is why were these workers if it is in fact the case that they
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were not trained that they were not prepared to deal with people who potentially were infected, why was that the case. >> you had to deal with public political pressure when you tried to make just -- talk about gun violence and thing like that. what does that feel like when you as a public health officials are feeling political pressure? because that is what we think is happening here. >> it is unfortunate because it is a distraction. what is critical when you are facing a potential public health crisis is number one you let public science guide decision making. number two, you give freedom of public health experts to speak directly to the public and don't attempt to muzzle them or have them soften their views on issues. and third you invest and build partnerships domestically and abroad. we know with our experience with zika and ebola during the obama administration that the health of people and the state of health care systems around the world fact our own.
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>> if you few doctor anthony fauci were the lead on this, would you feel better? they have not made him the lead. >> they have not. but there are others who are qualified. tony is extraordinary as a leader. so is ann schuppa of the cdc. thank god we have public servants who have been there for dc aids approximate who have person is with outbreak responses. >> tony rahm i want to ask you about the unusual decision by facebook to do what they are doing on coronavirus because it flies in the face of what they have refused to do on sort of your -- on your basic political conspiracy theories that happen. but there seems to be a distinction. they are allowing some virus conspiracy theories to circulate on their platform, just not paid ones. what -- how are they drawing this distinction? >> for facebook it is all about combatting what they are calling harmful misinformation. and so that's taken two forms. first facebook has said you cannot post or share organic
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content. things that aren't paid for that promote falsehoods about the ways the virus can be cured. you can't say for instance as some people actually did, that drinking bleach addresses the coronavirus. the second thing is that you can't run ads that misstate various treatments or forms of p preveng. you can't be a spammy business that claims it is putting out a mask that is more effective than it actually is. as you pointed out, facebook has been less willing to be aggressive about policing speech, whether talking about politics or other instances in the health space. but facebook and the rest of the sil cone valley is certainly approaching coronavirus in a much more aggressive way. >> does it not remind them up to the radio independence patioer that a they have the ability to do this if they choose to, and b, they realize that it is harmful to mislead and misinform people on a virus that may be
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misinforming and misleading people on other stuff is also harmful. >> no matter how it goes the stakes are high for the company. on one hand, you have the fact that the entire world is watching. people who want the see facebook taking a heavy hand to content on line are going to say hey what about this other stuff? we had a conversation about the anti-vaxxer movement on facebook, which they are trying to tamp down and fake cancer cures which continue to go viral on there. the flip said is that if facebook proves and other tech companies proven they can't prevent harmful coronavirus misinformation you are likely to see folks in washington and elsewhere calling for more regs regulation. those who want to cecil cone valley regulated might be emboldened if companies like facebook don't do good work here. >> as a doctor i am sure many
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have brought you the snake oil, but how much as has this exploded on line that has made a public health emergency sometimes harder to deal with because of the conspiracies or the myths out there? >> what happens on line is directly related to whether things get better or worse. people get misinformation on line. and that misinformation can explode. at a time when there is great fear and worry, then people will sometime take the advice they get on line without checking with other sources because they want to protect themselves and their families. that's why it is especially crucial in those moments that on line sites, social media sites and others, recognize that they have a responsibility to ensure that accurate reliable content is getting to their users. >> are we comfortable that we are getting accurate, reliable content from the government? >> well, i think when i hear from public health experts who have a track record of guiding us through epidemics like this one i do feel that when i hear it. >> but you know -- you know
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these people. so you know, oh, i can trust what the cdc head says. but people are going to listen to the president. if he is contradicting what these asterisk experts say what does that do. >> i think it is highly problematic. i think a good president and good leader not only know when to step up and also know when to speak up and when the give the stage to those more qualified than them on scientific issues. that's not to say the president shouldn't have a voice or shouldn't be out there but when it comes to krigting scientists that's a problem and puts the entire country at risk. >> tony rahm, i notice there has been this conspiracy theory having to do with rod rosenstein's sister that has really gone haywire. it's -- i guess whether it was started by rush limbaugh, or certainly advanced by him. and you have very prominent folks on facebook and social
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media circulate this, this is something they are not deleting. >> none of the companies are deleting it although i think you are going to start seeing facebook put it through the fact checking process. if it deems it problemth aic it might label it and demote it in the news feed. but it speaks to exactly what you said, which is this distinction between harmful misinformation and straight up misinformation that may or may not be harmful which sounds like a weers distinction to make but there are bad things and inaccurate things that you can say about coronavirus that can still go viral on facebook and google and twitter no matter the fact that these companies are doing much more now to police this stuff. >> time word for you mr. murphy. when i informed my son there was only a 2% death rate so far from coronavirus, he went oh, whew. meaning -- he was getting all of his news on social media. i got -- he wasn't fully informed about how harmful it is and how harmful it isn't.
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what would you say to most americans. you have a respiratory infection, you worry about that. who should worry the most and who should go about their daily lives shhh we have not seen transmission here in the united states. in fact, we have just a case that was confirmed earlier today in california. that is good news. but i think it is likely we will see local transmission here. what is on our side is that we have a health care system that if supported and resourced properly by the government can, i think, keep us safe and can protect us. but there are certain thing we have got do. we have got make sure we expand testing capacity, which is too low. we have got to make sure we are also working with health care systems to ensure they are prepared to train and broke their, woulders and we have got to get the resources in place. every time we run into an emergency like this, the administration, public health experts go begging congress to allocate money.
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we shouldn't be having to do this time after time. >> crisis to crisis. thank you sirs. up ahead, we have got more on credibility and the coronavirus during times of crisis, the country historically looks to the white house for both reassurance and reliable information. what happens if you can't do that? later the growing angst over bernie sanders inside the democratic party. how far are party insiders willing to go to stop sanders from becoming the nominee. and how long are his rivals willing to fight? we have michael bloomberg's answer to that question coming up in an exclusive interview. sleep this amazing?
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i have been beating her routinely at everything. same thing with chuck schumer. >> that was vice president pence with a warning against bart sanship which he delivered to a cpac audience after the president attack ed -- -- i know this president doesn't know nuance, and i know that republicans are going to find a way to not be overly critical of him. but we are in a case where you reap what you sew. he spent a lot of time bashing institution asks now he is wondering why people are questioning him. he should look in the mirrors. >> i think he is a product of americans bashing institutions and not trusting institutions. >> he has been the lead guy for a while. >> the government is not an
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institution people have trust in no matter who is leading right now. >> the president is doing it. would you dog him? >> i would caution any candidate not to use disaster response this their campaign. >> well, you know, i think that it is demonstrating that one can govern when there is an emergency when there is an exogentsy. it is an important thing for most candidates to bring up. but it is a difference between that and making ate partisan issue. you saw the president stand with public officials who are trying to give the public information so that they don't start a panic and he is contradicting their message for the sake at swiping at democrats on this. it is a difficult thing. look i am not saying that the president is the only person who was doing this. on capitol hill there was a lot of swiping back at the president on the part of democrats. but the top -- the top goal right now should be giving the public the information they need, which it doesn't seem like they have yet, and getting a clear plan in place. it seems that the president is
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working at counter-purposes with his own team. >> joel, this president never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity. to be totally crass here, this could be a time to look presidential, this could be a moment where there is total chaos in the democratic field to be a demanding presence to be taking care of the public and to be worrying about this. he to me looked basically like through his performance last night threw that tonight awi. >> he is going to keep whatever candidate comes out of this muck in the race by his own self. governing is cool when it is not overrated when you have to fill jobs at random cabinet outposts or random deputy of customers xyz, department of transportation, department of health and human services. it is important to fill those positions, important for people to have confidence in government. this president has failed on it. it is fair the point that out.
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i don't think you should politicize it. but it is fair to point that oumt i think it is going to come back toite him. >> the easiest thing for him to do yesterday is anthony vouchee is the point person here. >> he is at the top of the administration's response. >> handing this to pence feels like a bit of a -- if you are mike pence, you are like, gee, thanks. >> vice presidents claim the job is not worth a pitcher of warm spit. >> i don't think it was spit. >> now it is not. so this is going to be a good challenge for him. >> the two of you, watching facebook in this, have they opened themselves up because on one hand if they can police misinformation in ads this way, does this open them up to this criticism? >> it disproves the point they made before that they shouldn't dip their toe in the water or they shouldn't be a part of this discussion. they are saying we don't people
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drinking bleach because it is bad information they are getting off of our site. >> commercial posts. >> paid advertising. >> commercial paid advertising but doesn't have one for political speech. i think that line still exists. they have taken the line that political speech is protected by the first amendment more than other speech. commercial speech goes through a fact checking process. people are dubious about that process. it is outsourced. it third party organizations who do it. >> if they didn't have a third party organization they would say why are you doing it internally? >> candidate like biden probably this the aggregate benefits because i am the steady hand at the wheel. i think i would -- i don't know if we can draw a straight line, a linear, you know, relationship between joe biden doing better in a moment like this, but it would seem to me that this would help a joe biden. >> versus bernie sanders i think it does help him. >> bernie sanders is prepareding the most radical change in health care delivery, and i
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think biden benefits from not bog there. go ahead. >> the president is going to make this about him no matter what it is. this is just the latest example of that. you saw in the press conference that he was even giving his own advice about how to avoid the virus, and much of which was inaccurate and contradicted what the experts said. the president internalizes everything. as long as this is before him, he will use this as a political -- as a political tool, and make himself the face of it. >> what i am curious about isser clearly is motivated by the stock market. >> yes. >> what is the response today from the markets to what he did last night? it was a resounding oh, what you just did -- i mean that's a -- i don't know how he's going to react to that. >> i think there is a reason that press conference was held at 6:30 long after yesterday's markets closed. there was an expectation. that is one of the primary driving forces of this. he is blaming democratics and
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the democratic primary for the stock market collapse. it is not just the virus, but the u.s. response to it. >> i want to correct one thing. a lot of them say bernie sanders is also a driver in this. market sources show -- they quote a lot of analysts as saying part of this is coming because of bernie sanders is the prospective nominee. >> i believe there is going to be a bernie drop in the stock market. when nottol until he is a nominee. what make that not work joe biden is the front-runner. >> there is no question display chain concerns are a part of it. but the democratic party veering that far left -- >> i don't disagree that if bernie is going to be the nominee you will have a wild stock market ride just like we did when it was announced that trump was president, market
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drops 800 points, then it bounces back. i don't deny it but it is hard the make that case today. >> see where we are in two weeks. >> nice try though. all right i am going to pause the conversation here. we are going to -- speaking of bernie sanders we are going to talk more about that. then we will see when exactly the delegates will have an influence on the stock market. up ahead, with democrats divided can anyone stop sanders? new interviews with michael bloomberg and pete buttegeig next. in america we all count. no matter where we call home, how we worship, or who we love. and the 2020 census is how that great promise is kept. because this is the count that informs where hundreds of billions in funding will go each year for things like education, healthcare, and programs that touch us all. shape your future. start here. learn more at
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so, we have the momentum, and i think a lot of the super delegates are now beginning to look at which democratic candidate is in the best place to defeat donald trump. i think some of them are beginning to understand that it is bernie sanders. welcome back. that was bernie sanders suggesting in 2016 that convention delegates could throw the democratic nomination his way each if he didn't have a majority of the pledged delegates if they thought he was the most electable candidate against donald trump. we may see some of his rivals using that argument against the current front-runner. joe biden is up big in the latest poll out south carolina. if he gets juice heading into super tuesday it gives the likelihood that this could head to the convention with no candidate holding a majority of delegates. while the super delegate rules
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have been changed, some of those democrats insiders say they are willing to use the mechanisms at their disposal in 2020 to nominate someone other than sanders at the convention over concerns about his electability. the "new york times" looked to 93 party officials who are also super delegates and found yoet overwhelm i overwhelming evidence of handing the delegates to him. here's michael bloomberg with my colleague, kasie hunt on this topic earlier today. >> are you committed to staying in throughout? >> absolutely. why would i spend this time and money out of my life, and wear and tear -- which i love, incidentally. it reminds me of my three chains in new york. this difference is here i have go to the fly from event to event. there i used to drive from event
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to event. i love it. i am going to stay to the bitter end. if bernie sanders were to get a majority, then of course not. >> a majority is a line for you, even if he has a clear plurality you will stay in. >> one vote away from a majority, then you have to think about it. but if it is just a flurlity you have got to be in it to win it. anybody that goes -- i am running a race and i am behind with one lap to go. what am i going to quit? no, you run harder. >> well, kasie hunt joins me now from houston, texas, where she caught up with bloomberg. kasie, is this a candidate that realizes why he is struggling right now or is he sort of trying to blow past the tough ten days he has had? >> i think he's trying to keep it head down and see the mission through, frankly, chuck. i mean they all say privately they think their numbers are rebounding a little bit from the wake of that pretty bad debate
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performance. and when you are on road with mayor bloomberg you realize he's kind of in it too far -- certainly to get out before super tuesday but even perhaps farther down the line. i mean, this is not a half baked idea or something that's not fully thought through. i mean, they are executing this campaign at, you know, the highest level that i have certainly seen in my time covering these campaigns. it feels like bar far sort of the -- by far sort of -- it is hard to describe, but the most pulled together. every professional -- >> sure. >> t is crossed and i is dotted. frankly, he has got the resources to actually stand behind that threat. i think the question is going on on super tuesday is he able to hit viable in a way that gets him the kind of delegates that will justify him staying in? if he doesn't he may have to rethink it. i didn't get the sense from talking to him both on camera and off camera -- this is not a
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man who is used to being trifled with or makes decisions to spend this kind of money lightly. i think that determining through in my conversation with him. >> he is a metric and a data guy. what is the metric he is going to measure success or failure on on super tuesday. for me, if he is third and not second i would think that's a metric he would view as a failure? >> that is a question of mine that he most definitely dodged, chuck. i think that your interest in its answer helps speak to why he dodged the question, because if they set, you know, that bar in the wrong place headed in, they put themselves in a little bit of a corner. you know, i think that, you know, the question is going to be does he kamm come out seeming as though he is a potentially serious contender who could wield significant power at the convention in milwaukee? if he is in that position i think based on what you just played and what he told me,
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there is no reason in his mind to step back from that. because, you know -- if you view it as long road in which he is essentially collecting power for the moderate wing of the party -- as long as he is doing that he seems to be meeting the goal here. >> what does he think of joe biden's today? he didn't run at first because of biden. he got in because of biden. what does he think now. >> my sense of that is that, you know, he was driven in part by the sort of disappointment in joe biden's campaign. you know, i think it is -- it's been something of that biden stayed as strong as he has. it is clear now that michael bloomberg's entrance into this race didn't completely collapse joe biden. joe biden may be doing it to himself with pour showings in the states where michael bloomberg didn't compete. but i think the thinking that they have is that he can't take
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it all the way. whether that turns out to be the case, i don't know. i think one thing they have to grapple with is -- and what happens you are hearing that in his thinking on the convention, did michael bloomberg's entry into the race sink joe biden just enough to let bernie sanders's 25, 35% lock up this nomination? that's kind the opposite outcome of what bloomberg set out for here, chuck. >> i can't wait to see the whole interview. good work and thanks for the interesting delegate news there. let me turn now to one of my colleagues and another interview with a presidential candidate pitching himself as a sanders alternative, pete buttegeig today sat down with kristen walker this afternoon. >> you have said that senator sanders is too far left to be the nominee. are you helping him win by staying in the race? >> here's what i would say, there needs to be an alternative. most democrats are looking for a candidate other than bernie sanders. i have got the most delegates other than bernie sanders.
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the most votes other than bernie sanders. i am the only one to beat him anywhere on the map this year. so if the question is who has the strongest alternative, so far that's been us. >> kristen welker joins me now from columbia, south carolina. the key phrase there, everything he said to you is true right now, but on saturday will not be true anymore. and i guess the question is, then what? >> everything changes, potentially on saturday chuck. you are absolutely right. i tried to nail him down on the specifics of that. does he need to come in the top three in order to stay in this race? he wouldn't commit to that. what happens if he comes in fourth or fifth? does he need to drop out? i pressed him on that. he wouldn't commit to that either, chuck. but let me tell you a couple of tea leaves that we are getting. some in my interview, and some developments since then. one i pressed him on, okay, if you are going to go all the way to super tuesday, name one state
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that you feel like you can win. where are you most bullish on super tuesday, chuck? he wouldn't commit to any particular him repeatedly on that. he said look we are competing in all of the states. he acknowledged he has to have a strong showing here in south carolina. just moments ago our team that covers pete buttegeig, vaughn hillyard and priscilla johnson reported out that on the day of the voting buttegeig is going to be holding a virtual town hall here. no in-person events. and then he goes on to super tuesday states tennessee and north carolina. reading the tea leaves for what his camp is bracing for, for what could potentially be a disappointing showing here in south carolina. because of the diversity factor. he said ultimately i will be able to compete in the more diverse states.
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he didn't prove that in nevada and it doesn't look like he is going to prove that here in south carolina. >> has he realized that as joe biden strengthens, it makes his case harder to make? >> there is no doubt about that. and you could see him wrestling with that answer. bottom line i said to him, look, does this become a two-person race on saturday if joe biden has a strong showing here? do you concede that? he wouldn't go so far as to concede that point, chuck. but it is clear that he knows it becomes a lot tougher for him if biden who right now is leading at least in one new poll by 20 points over bernie sanders. if he comes out with that type of a big victory it is going to make the case for the other centrist candidates like pete buttegeig and amy klobuchar that much harder to make because you have a number of centrist democrats saying hey we have got to start consolidating around one candidate if there is going to be a true alternative to senator sanders, chuck. >> yes, ma'am. kristen welker in columbia,
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south carolina, thank you. catch more of her interview with pete buttegeig tonight on the "nbc nightly news." and there will be more of casey hundred's interview with michael bloomberg tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. up next, democrats soul search over sanders and the super delegate equation. keep it here. my grandfather had an amazing life, but ancestry showed me so much more than i could have imagined. my grandfather was born in a shack in pennsylvania, his father was a miner, they were immigrants from italy and somewhere along the way that man changed his name and transformed himself into a
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your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. vomike bloomberg has a recordgue of doing something. as mayor, he protected women's reproductive rights. expanded health coverage to 700,000 new yorkers. and decreased infant-mortality rates to historic lows. as president, he'll build on obamacare, cap medical costs, and will always protect a woman's right to choose. mike bloomberg: a record on health care nobody can argue about. mike: i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message.
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the way i see this is you write the rules before you know where everybody stands, and then you stick with those rules. so for me, bernie had a big hand in writing these rules. i didn't write them. >> to be clear, would you continue your fight for the democratic nomination even if another candidate arrived at the convention ahead of you in the delegate count? >> yes. >> welcome back. like michael bloomberg, elizabeth warren says she would also take her campaign to the democratic convention even if she were trailing another candidate in delegates. with me now, ted strickland, he
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endorsed joe biden in 2020 primary. i want that caveat out there. but i am speaking to you today as a long time party leader on this. and you have been around a convention or two. what is the line for you? you know, i feel like this is a very subjective question, electability, et cetera. where do you think is the line where it is legitimate to have a convention discussion about the nominee if he doesn't have enough pledged delegates to get it on the first ballot. and when is it. 30% of all kell gats? 40%? what is this line for you? >> i am not sure there is line. but we have rules. and i agree with elizabeth warren. we ought to follow the rules as they have been written. and if someone comes to the convention without the required number of delegates, then that changes things dramatically. you know, on the second vote, the delegates can change if they
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choose, and the super delegates or non-pledged delegates with weigh in as they should. that's what the rules say. and the rules should be followed in my judgment. >> the decision to vote for somebody -- give the nomination to somebody who has received fewer votes in the primary is going to be a tough one if that is indeed the decision by the convention. >> yes. >> what -- what is the line where it is worth having that fight? and when is it not worth having that fight? i moon you could blow up the party if you do it the wrong way. >> well. i think there is the danger of the party blowing up as it is. i hope that doesn't happen. but, chuck, our moral imperative is to defeat donald trump. and we have got do everything necessary to make sure we have the strongest candidate leading the ticket. not only for the presidency, but for the sake of the supreme court going forward.
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for the sake of a chance to win the senate. for the sake of holding onto the house. that means all of us should be committed to making sure that the person at the head of our ticket is the person who can actually win in november and defeat donald trump. and that's the only -- only thing we ought to be thinking about at this point. >> governor, there is an inconvenient set of facts out there, though, which if you just looked at polling data, bernie sanders is no better or worse muched up against donald trump in any state. in fact there is a new wisconsin poll out today, he's the only one ahead of trump. he does slightly better than biden does. they are basically interchangeable, biden, and sanders, at this point. i know you can assume oppo is going to get dumped on him. how do you make this case when the data says what it says? ? >> well, he may be getting a national polling results that show that. but i'm from ohio. and the states that are going to
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determine the winner of the election are the midwestern states, -- pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin. i believe with joe biden at the head of our ticket that we have a fighting chance in ohio. that's what we ought to be thinking about, how are we going to defeat donald trump. everything is important, health care is important, the environment is important, the courts are important, but nothing matters if donald trump wins. and donald trump can win if we make the wrong choice as to the person who is heading our ticket. >> why do you think joe biden has had trouble taking this electability argument and being able to galvanize democrats around him on it? >> well, you know, joe biden has been vetted, and vetted, and vetted. and we know joe biden. we know his positives, and we know his negatives. and there are negatives.
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but i don't believe bernie sanders has adequately vetted. you know, it seems as if the other candidates have been even afraid to criticize him. and why is that? because he's got a base of followers that are devoted to him. but i believe that, although there is that danger that you mentioned of having a splintered convention -- >> right. >> i believe it is important that we do what we must do to have the strongest person who can win in november. if it turns out to be bernie, i will support him. but right now i think joe biden is the person that is best prepared to beat donald trump. >> look, i am reminded of another former ohio governor who thought their party nominee wasn't going to be the best candidate and he turned out to win. john kasich was out here swearing donald trump hasn't been vet, wait until he's vetted. it is a very similar argument -- you are laughing because i think you thought the same thing. >> it is true. that's true. and there are some similarities
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between what happened with the republican party and donald trump and what appears to be happening within our party in terms of senator sanders. senator sanders is that great man. i agree with nearly everything he says. but joe biden is a man who is -- i mean the country needs joe biden right now. why do i say that? we are tired. we are tired of the hate. and thevitriol. and we want someone who can pull us together. someone who is decent to the core, someone who is experienced, someone who can lead this country and bring us together. and i believe joe biden is the man who can do that. >> former ohio governor ted strickland. if joe biden has a good super tuesday i have a feeling we are going to be having the convention conversation the rest of the spring and summer. anyway thank you sir. coming up, we have got more on the possibility the contested
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convention, plus new poll members on voters' health care concerns and what it could mean for the election. this commute's been pretty rough, huh? it's great actually, i've been listening to audible. it's audiobooks, news, meditations... gotta go! ♪ ♪ hey! you know, i do think it's weird you've started commuting when you work from home. i'll be in my office.
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there's nothing to stop you from moving forward. try to win by attacking, now, we know the trump strategy- distorting, dividing. mr. president: it. won't. work. newspapers report bloomberg is the democrat trump fears most. as president, universal healthcare that lets people keep their coverage if they like it. a record on job creation. a doable plan to combat climate change. i led a complex, diverse city through 9-11 and i have common sense plans to move america away from chaos to progress! i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some... rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints.
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ready and we haven't even had super tuesday. part of me thinks why don't we wait till we see where the delegate race is because there's a lot of assumptions people have made about bloomberg, biden and bernie. >> it's just a few days away and we've been waiting for long time. but that's right. nobody suspected it would still be this many people still in the race, that it would be this divided, especially in the nonsanders lane. and there's so many variables in this that we need more. i always thought of the first four primaries as a puzzle. we haven't got all four corners yet, let alone super tuesday, which is going to fill in a good portion of the center. it shows how jittery folks are if we're already talking about contested conventions and plans for super delegates and all that. >> this is it the path to a
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muddle convention. >> the dnc set it up this way. >> they did and with counsel of bernie sanders, by the way, and a lot of his supporters. i was listening to governor strickland. this week was the week the establishment decided no way in hell are we going to allow this to happen. you saw all the opo come out about bernie sanders. they deedicide this is the week to do it, the only chance you got. >> i'm trying to remember when the republican establishment got their last stand. i guess it was in indiana. are the democrats waiting too long? >> the question is does it help or hurt? when youven have an antiestablishment insurgent, when the establishment attacks t
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makes them stronger. and truism is bernie never quits and bernie deciders never deciding he's out of the running. >> that was donald trump. >> hard to stop something with that endure ngs. >> i think the addition is the latinos out west. this is a common wealth. i hope i have it right here. it's a poll we've done with the commonwealth fund -- common wealth health fund. if you or a family member have a issue worsen after putting off cost? and 22% said yes. 18 to 34, 31%. and groups of the highest response rates of putting off health care, young adults, those with under $50,000 and latinos. that is the bernie sanders coalition. the medicare for all message
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does speak to that group of voters who also have concerns about health care. >> it definitely speaks to those voters we saw from bernie sanders success and it doesn't scare away as many people as they thought. >> i think this is what is powering him out west. >> a lot of things have changed or been unusual. that is a huge issue for democrats and a pairilous issue for democrats. >> they still have more confidence in democrats over trump on health care. >> but older voters, split -- trump splits them. and if republicans are splitting with democrats on health care, that's great because it's a democrat-dominated issue. i think burn's appeal, that's the gamble they're making.
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they did well because of another group. their question is can a white guy near 80 put back the obama coalition? >> the obama coalition is not coming back together. it's the sanders coalition and it's getting enough african americans and this diverse coalition he's already got. >> i think this is the thing to understand about bernie, he's the first major candidate with a latino coalition behind him.
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that's all we have for tonight. "the beat" with ari melbourne starts right now. >> the first human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus hitting california. also senator elizabeth warren's back story. how the deep history of her populous ideas are still shaping the race in ways people may not always see. and we're going to famed red rooster in harlem to talk about bernie, bloomberg and more. and is the president facing growing concerns about the coronavirus, anxiety about how prepared he is to handle it? health officials scrambling to learn how a
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