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tv   Velshi  MSNBC  March 1, 2020 5:00am-6:00am PST

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feeding america is working to solve. through a nationwide network of food banks, feeding america serves virtually every community in the united states, including yours. see how you can help your community. visit together, we can solve hunger. together, we're feeding america. >> they don't call it super tuesday for nuth. 14 days to incubate. why authorities believe that number could be the biggest number in the fight against coronavirus. 40 million americans live in poverty in the richest country in the world. we'll talk to a man on a mission to change that. "velshi" starts now. and good morning to you. i'm ali velshi live from msnbc
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headquarters in new york. we begin with former joe biden's projected win in the south carolina primary last night and while it was expected, his huge margin of victory was a surprise for some. he pulled in nearly half of the vote. bernie sanders is projected to finish a distict second and tom steyer is projected to be third and just below the delegate threshold. he dropped out of the race last night as the results came in. pete buttigieg and elizabeth warren are projected to finish fourth and fifth respectively. you can see amy klobuchar a distant sixth. exit polling showed he dominated the demographic with 60% of the black vote and so far biden has won 36 of the 54 delegates available in south carolina. sanders has secured 12. six remain to be allocated.
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while sanders remains the delegate leader at this time, biden has gained ground. what it means, he discussed what it means at his boisterous victory party last night. >> those of you who have been knocked down, counted out and left behind. this is your campaign. just days ago, the press and the pundits have declared this candidacy dead. now, thanks to all of you, the heart of the democratic party, we just won and we won big because of you. i told you all that if you could launch a candidacy, you launched bill clinton, barack obama to the presidency and now you launched our campaign on the path to defeating donald trump. >> msnbc garrett haake joins me
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live on the ground. the question wasn't largely whether biden was going to win but whether biden winning gives him a boost heading into super tuesday where he trails bernie sanders in many of the biggest states. >> yeah, ali, it's true. you have to look at sort of the results here and what biden can do with them is two separate things. on the results side in south carolina, he outperformed every poll and won every metric and won in every county here. the kind of victory that no other candidate has been able to claim except for really bernieened isbernie sanders' victory wasn't as complete. wasn't just african-american voters, but he performed well with white voters and won voters who were in favor for medicare for all. how deep his root go in this state. this separate challenge is how do you replicate this on a 14-state scale in three days? there is no gym clyb jim clyburg
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and millions of early votes have been cast and to try to capture this momentum and bottle it up and put it into play an enormous challenge for a campaign up to this point has been cash strapped and not message disciplined and now an influx of cash. they got a message they can use and how quickly can they turn around and sell it and capture the available vote left in the super tuesday states? a whole separate set of challenges, ali. >> we do not have new reporting on what has happened in terms of fund-raiser for joe biden overnight. but i'm assuming from what you're saying some pick up in that. that has been a problem for joe biden. an area where he's lagged. gary headache in columbia, south carolina. joining me from houston, texas, randy winegarden. she introduced elizabeth warren at the rally last night in
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houston. in her personal capacity, she's backing the massachusetts senator. i'm going to get right to it, though. warren is projected to finish a distant fifth in south carolina. and even with super tuesday coming out, a brand-new poll out of massachusetts, her home state, shows warren currently in a statistical tie with sanders. while another new poll shows sanders actually ahead of warren in her home state. how does the campaign regroup and reset the course quickly? randy, good to see you. thank you for being with us. you and i were together several month ago where your group and other groups of teachers got together, listened to candidates. with an eye to what they would do for public education, which you and i share as being one of the major concerns in this country that requires leadership from the federal administration. tell me about your choice to support elizabeth warren. >> so, you know, after -- first of all, after that amazing forum, ali.
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we thank you for your and rahema's great moderation of it. our leaders have been talking basically nonstop not simply about needing to defeat donald trump and, you know, i think it's pretty obvious given his response to the coronavirus why that's important. but the notion of we need to actually move forward on a working family's agenda. and that includes economic, as well as public education, as well as health care. so, two weeks ago our executive c counsel we looked where the statement positions and track records were and said that in this month where most of the delegates are going to be selected for the democratic national convention really push people to run for delegate, endorse support the following
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three candidates. bernie, elizabeth or joe. and so what i did was what many of our other leaders have done, as well. which is to actually say this is the candidate that i am personally supporting. we have lots of locals who have supported, you know, bernie. some have supported joe. we have some who have dooley suppo supported joe and elizabeth and some in massachusetts that supported elizabeth. but the reason. we're really trying to be engaged at the moment that all the delegates are being selected and the reason i'm supporting personally elizabeth is, a, she's a teacher. and her plan for education for public education for higher education, it is the most impressive game changer that i have seen in, you know, the years and years and years that i have been fighting to make sure that every kid gets a shot. so, when you look at her, it's a
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lived experience. it's bold plans and if you look at what she did with the consumer agency during the obama administration, she actually gets things done because of that. >> that is a fact. i remind people all the time, anybody who gets a mortgage on the front page it tells you, if you pay your minimum payment every month, this is the total cost of your mortgage. something no american knew and something elizabeth warren made them all understand. let me ask you about unions and health care and all of the things like that. one thing we saw in the exit polling and medicare for all continues to be the preferred outcome for a lot of people. a number of unions didn't like that in terms of unite here and the culinary union in las vegas. they didn't like that and did or did not totally endorse somebody and the union members said, i'll actually take it. unions had a problem in the last election in which leadership made certain decisions and the rank and file didn't support
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those decisions. so, is this a different approach for you where you're saying these are the candidates we generally like. this is the one i happen to like. you could support it or not. >> you know, i think that if you, so, you and i have had this conversation about medicare for all versus a public option and other things like that. i think what has happened is and i give bernie a lot of credit for this. there's a sense that our health care system is broken. it's broken. and when you, you know, when people are spending $1,000 a month on deductibles or on premium payments just like in terms of student debt. we have an affordability crisis. so, what people see in medicare for all is a sense of, you know, great britain, canada, israel, other countries basically make health care a public good. basically make it a right. and the sense that we need to do that in this country is what i think you're seeing in the poll results. the issue becomes how do you
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actually make that happen and what you're seeing from labor leaders in nevada, myself included, is that since we have been negotiating health care for all these years, we know all the traps about it. so, you're talking about a value statement, which i believe in medicare for all as a floor not as a ceiling but what you're seeing is that it's the rubber hitting the road of how to do it not just the value statement. but how to do it. so, i think it's a false choice. i think what you're hearing from all those candidates is that health care should be a right, not a privilege. and we have to figure out the road to get there. >> less space between them than it appears to be. >> exactly. >> you and i have been talking policy, policy, policy. >> if you're policy oriented, then elizabeth warren does seem to be a good choice for people because she's got a policy for everything.
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and it occurs to me that her having a policy for everything, which i said a year ago, i thought was really good. you could take it all and we could study it and rip it apart and criticize it. she did something. she went out on a limb farther than some other candidates did and it seemed to hurt her in the polls. when she put prices on things, including medicare for all, which bernie sanders hasn't done. it seemed to hurt her. it seems counterintuitive. but her having detail has not resonated with all groups. >> look, i think that part of the, you know, dilemma in this direction is that we had a lot of great, you know, this is positive as well as negative. we had a lot of great people running in the democratic primary process. and one tries to find the distinctions between them. i don't buy this moderate versus progressi
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progressive. what you saw last night in south carolina is you saw voters saying, we trust joe biden. and in a period of time with huge disinformation, that kind of trust factor is important. i think what you see in terms of elizabeth is that she has three things. but, you know, people see her as a brainiac and there's so much disinformation that comes from the right wing. there's a question about whether they, about the trust of those numbers. i do not know another elected official. i've worked with her closely for the last six years when she's been in the senate. i don't know of another public official who asked the tough questions, who understands policy and has an uncanny ability to make policy a reality. that's what she brings to the table. i think we're going to see over the course of the next few
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weeks, you know, whether or not she can competitively. i think if you look at what happened in south carolina, all the pundits and what they were saying about joe biden before his decisive victory. you know, it's a different conversation today and i think that that conversation that she brings to the table about, you know, a lived experience of being a janitor's daughter in oklahoma and how she has risen to be a first, a special ed teacher, harvard professor and now a senator, you know, who brought the consumer protection board that helped so many americans. i think that is an amazing lived experience in america. >> randi, thank you for always making time for us on the show. randi weingarton american federation of teachers. biden secured the endorsement of south carolina congressman and house majority whip jim clyburn.
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that is the big one. nbc news exit polling shows how influential that endorsement was. nearly half of south carolina voters said that congressman clyburn's support is important. while we knew biden had major support in the black community, he overwhelmingly captured the category. take a look at this. 61% of black voters chose joe biden. joining me here in new york, the president of color of change, rashad robinson and the host and managing editor of united states of anxiety kai write also a columnist with the nation. i don't know how you're awake. you were on tv very late last night. i'm not sure how i'm awake. what, in your opinion, happened last night. we went into this thing not just with polling that showed joe biden was ahead but what ended up happening is he was way ahead in that polling which is exactly what happened with hillary
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clinton in 2016 and happened to barack obama in 2008. black voters, particularly older black voters are very reliable voters and they go out and do what they intend to do and they did it in south carolina. >> south carolina is a state of very traditional capital democrats. yes, black voters. it's almost more that they're democratic voters. this is not a place where you have a lot of sort of, where do i fit on the party attitudes about democrats. these are democrats. and, so, they delivered for the party candidate. and i think while biden is important in this, much more important in this is jim clyburn. it is very important that he is in charge of his state party and he delivered his state party for the candidate. the question is whether or not you have that in any races moving forward. >> and rashad and i were discussing this last night. biden is not leading in most super tuesday states. bernie sanders is.
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and in some of the states it's close. biden doesn't have the money to do what bloomberg is doing going out there with a bunch of ads and maybe he raised money overnight. we don't know yet. what he does get is this free media push. the conversation about joe biden surging. you saw him on stage. he was electric. a joe biden you haven't seen in a while. >> it will hurt bloomberg. putting money in these states and you see his numbers tick up. a lot of those numbers are when people are looking at biden maybe he can't get over the line. i think in some ways there is going to be a deeper, moderate split especially if folks like buttigieg and klobuchar continue to stay in the race. i do think this conversation about the way in which black voters delivered this race and how important black voters are going to be over the course of the, you know, of this race. does bring up a really deep question for the democratic party, but particularly for any
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candidate that wants to lead. is what is their plan to deal with voter suppression? and i'm not talking about the -- >> so, what are you going to do? what do you do to make sure they all do. >> what kind of legislation will you introduce when you become president. what is your campaign strategy to deal with the fact in the primaries there is voter suppression, but a tremendous amount of suppression to block these very voters that delivered this victory and you need deep levels of turnout from black folks. >> maybe that's why everybody needs stacy abrams that's what i'm saying. maybe she doesn't need to be your running mate, but in charge of your campaign. >> yesterday we were watching joe biden vote. mike was there and he asked him about the coroncoronavirus stuf then an unusual press conference with the president of the united states and the fact that mike pence is in charge of this thing
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and mike pence is, seems to be scared and he didn't want to have needle exchange when there was an outbreak in 2015. mike pence wrote a blog that said smoking doesn't kill people. at some juncture americans are looking to these candidates not whether they will beat strump or like their policies, but what will you do when coronavirus comes. >> people are wrestling with do they want to upset the apple cart and start over with a, are they voting on competence in this moment of chaos. i think that's one of the big questions for tuesday. so, mike bloomberg is going to have -- >> has some ads going on tonight. >> make an unchallenged case for themself as the unconfident leader which as money allows them to do. >> biden gets to make a similar pitch because he was the vice
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president of the united states. >> he was the vice president of the united states. now a lot of people have voted in california and texas. so that's a big deal. so, i think the question is going to be whether or not democratic voters look at this moment and say, well, this is a case for universal health care. >> there's coronavirus, universal health care would solve a lot of it. >> very clear we need a better health care system or, oh, my goodness, we need a familiar hand at the wheel for this and then i think that helps biden a lot. >> certainly a window a lot of people are looking through as we have seen this first major challenge to this presidency in terms of this crisis. thanks to both of you guys for kicking it off this morning. rashad robinson and kai wright columnist with "the nation." coming up the first death from coronavirus in the united states has been confirmed and another new case is reported. with the number of new cases now at just 87,000 globally, we'll have more on what you need to
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know about what is becoming a public health crisis. that's next on "velshi." introducing the all-new sonata with remote smart parking assist. ♪ have a good day. and hyundai digital key. a better way to stay one step ahead. but when allergies and congestion strike, take allegra-d... a non-drowsy antihistamine plus a powerful decongestant. so you can always say "yes" to putting your true colors on display. say "yes" to allegra-d. fidelity now has zero commissions for online u.s. equity trades and etfs. and fidelity also offers zero account fees for brokerage accounts, plus zero minimums to open an account.
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this morning, the centers for disease control is investigating the circumstances surrounding the first coronavirus-related tedeath in e united states. another case in illinois raising the total in that state to three. in washington state, health officials reported the death of
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a man in his 50s who also had underlying health issues. the individual who had no recent travel history and is believed to have contracted the illness through community spread, which is the new phase of transmission associated with kovid-19. two women from the area also tested positive for the virus. >> what we're seeing is the tip of the iceberg. we're seeing the most critically ill individuals. usually that means a significant percentage of individuals of less severe illness floating around out there. >> all right. this brings the total number of coronavirus, confirmed coronavirus covid-19 to 71. globally that number climbed just shy of 87,000 while nearly 3,000 deaths have been attributed to the disease worldwide. on saturday president trump addressed the nation.
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>> our country is prepareded for any circumstance. we hope it's not a major circumstance, a smaller circumstance but whatever the circumstance is we're prepared and i'd like to just ask and caution that the media, we will respectfully ask the media and politicians and everybody else involved not do anything to insight a panic because there's no reason to panic at all. >> we're going to get into that in a second because it's not really us. donald trump, once again, downplaying the magnitude of the current situation while placing potential blame on others. it came at a time when you actually require your government and a leader that you could trust in an effort to keep you and your family safe and not offer misleading statements as trump has consistently demonstrated when it comes to this deadly virus. take a listen. >> when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away, i hope that's true. as the heat comes in, typically
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that will go away p. i don't think it's inevable. one day it will disappear. we're ordering a lot of different elements of medical. the democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. and this is their new hoax. >> this is the new hoax. the democrats are politicizing the environment. when it gets a little warmer, it will go away like a miracle. joining me now brandy and dr. joseph fair, medical contributor with msnbc news, he is an infectious disease specialist. i'll do my best not to drag him into the somewhat political discussion we need to have about this because a lot of bs flying around. and, in fact, when the president talked about the media and some politicians, there is a woman who is running for the california 34th district, joann wright, who is perpetrating a piece of nonsense out there that bill gates was involved with something with this vaccine and
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that's just one piece of it. the president says it will go away like a miracle. the vice president has said in 2015 when there was an outbreak of hiv in scott county that needle exchanges does not prevent spread. maybe it took a while for us to understand that smoking kills and we all knew it in 2000. this is worrisome that it's not trolls you are familiar with on the internet. these are main stream people, rush limbaugh telling people nonsense about this infection. >> yeah. just like a real epidemic we're seeing it smart small and it's really ballooned now. so, we're seeing this, you know, from the far right corners of the internet and places like this russian-backed website. that's where all the gates foundation stuff started. and now it's reached to people who are in real positions of public trust and that's where we're concerned. you know, we're seeing it really started as a disinformation
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concern and now it's grown to these message that it's not that scary. you shouldn't really be worried and while calming is important, right. you don't want to be panicked. but we want to be prepared and we want to look to people in the public trust that we can trust and be informed by. that is why it's so important and we go to verified news sources and not look to facebook, twitter and youtube for our news. >> the cdc have real information on them. a little bit like covering hurricanes. a lot of guys saying you're hyping this whole thing. you should know it is coming and you want to board up your windows and evacuate your house and get the necessary food. if i'm wrong, we're all good. if the other side is wrong, bad things could happen and people could die. you are really, really good at this. people were tweeting me all day when you were on yesterday. you are calm and measured in what you say. give us the calm and measured view of how we should look at this infection. >> right now, for your average
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american citizen, your risk of getting covid-19 is relatively low. it's low for most of america right now. what's particularly concerning right now and i'd say something that worries me a lot is where this first death did occur which happened to be in an elderly care home. those are the highest risk factor patients and the health care workers working in that facility. i'm particularly concerned about other patients being infected. but as far as your average tennessee native in rural tennessee or somewhere else in the country. right now you don't have that big of a concern. >> little bit like terrorism. it's never actually going to take us all out. no terrorist has been more successful, and 9/11 and it makes everybody fear it could happen to them even though the likelihood of it happening to you is really low. >> terrorism is a good analogy.
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we know it is not going to happen every day, but we want to be prepared when it does happen. an analogy would be our own public health and defense forces who are constantly on the outlook for new diseases like this and spreading out in the world. >> a question asked yesterday of the president and it was asked about vice president pence and his history being a bit of a science and being in charge of this. the president is in the center of the screen and mike pence is off to the side as the question gets asked. take a look at pence's face. >> what guarantee can you give americans that political considerations and ideological issues will play no role in your government's response to this virus. >> so, joseph, i'm not going to cause you to get political on this. we knew in 2015 that infection spread with needles. it is widely accepted. the needle exchange amongst
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people who use drugs is good public policy because i you are to spread lots of things that don't get spread by needles. that does worry me. >> i think he had ideological differences with the practice, even though it was widely accepted at the point. obviously, you try not to mix your ideology with public health, but sometimes that does happen, unfortunately. >> thank you, both, for being here. brandy is with nbc news and medical contributor and also with us here now at nbc news. near delegates up for grabs breaking down one of the most critical days of 2020 next on "velshi."
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warn the us is underprepared. managing a crisis is what mike bloomberg does. in the aftermath of 9-11, he steadied and rebuilt america's largest city. oversaw emergency response to natural disasters. upgraded hospital preparedness to manage health crises. and he's funding cutting edge research to contain epidemics. tested. ready. mike: i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message.
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all right. south carolina's over. let's take stock of where things stand in the democratic race as we head into super tuesday, which believe it or not is just two days away. if that feels new to you, it is. as things stand, senator bernie sanders has the lead in total delegates so far. you need 1,991 delegates to win. bernie sanders has 57. joe biden has 51. buttigieg who was neck and neck with bernie sanders before this is now just at 26. elizabeth warren is in fourth place with eight delegates. by the way, some of these will change when the remaining six south carolina delegates are allotted. pete buttigieg is not going to change probably. he might get something. elizabeth warren and amy klobuchar at 7 and steyer is
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expecting one. nevada, new hampshire and south carolina only add up to a mere 3.9% of the total delegates available. let's look ahead to super tuesday. this is the fist tirst time we'e michael bloomberg's time on the ballot and we will not have steyer on the ballot any more and that matters for a couple reasons. 16 contests a bunch of states and democrat abroad which have a whopping 13. 1,357 del gregates are up for grabs. it includes veritable treasure chest of 415 delegates in california alone. it's the first time that this state's primary is held on super tuesday. it used to be in june. this is now a very big deal and texas it also in here, a very big deal. 228 votes there. the real clear politics polling average shows that sanders has a sizable lead in california. warren is actually in second
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place there. and statistically outside of the margin of error she's even ahead of biden. now, what we need to see is whether biden gets any kind of bump because of his success in south carolina. bloomberg also polling fairly well and here you see the rest of the race. let's talk about texas. 228 in texas and sanders is also in the lead in texas. 28.3 versus biden's 20.3. now, think about this for a second. if you are a steyer supporter and you have no one to vote for right now, do you add that to biden and does biden get a bump from what happened in south carolina and is he competitive with sanders in that state? bloomberg is in the number three spot there. elizabeth warren already in texas is at 13% there and hoping to do better. 110 delegates are available in north carolina. that's the third biggest place that has a super tuesday contest. many of the candidates were
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there during their time in south carolina they would pop up to north carolina. there are 75 delegates up for grab in minnesota. there's very little doubt that amy klobuchar will pin her hopes on this. ahead by ten points. 91 delegates in massachusetts, a place where you could expect elizabeth eer warren to win, sh really needs to win. that could be make or break for her. look at the poll with sanders ahead of warren in this particular poll but the margin of error is 4.4%. statistically tied and bloomberg is coming in third and steyer has 2% there. if you think the steyer voter might go to warren and might go to biden and might not help biden enough. if it goes to warren, that is kind of interesting. ubur poll which shows sanders with a statistically important lead over warren because the margin of error is 4.9%.
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he's at 25 versus 17. biden is in fifth place in this poll of massachusetts. this is why super tuesday is very important. by the way, may seem like a throw away, but democrats abroad actually have as many delegates as sanders' home state of vermont. well, almost. 13 here, 16 here. so, the way it looks on monday, you're going to see bernieened is sanders do very well in vermont and we have a lot of things we have to look at. coming up next, joe biden coming off a major win in south carolina as bernie sanders faces a litmus test for his improvement. more on this fight for super tuesday delegates when "velshi" continues. like.. pnc easy lock, so you can easily lock your credit card when its maximum limit differs from its vertical limit. and clover flex, for when you need to take credit cards when no one carries cash. or requesting a call to help get a new credit card-
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delegates and likely dpoeg to be a three-way race between sanders, biden and bloomberg. joining me now allison anderson and writer for "washington post" and also msnbc contributor. jonathan, i have to look at one of your tweets that you sent out i think overnight where you said i've been saying for months that black voters would look at iowa and new hampshire and say, we hear you. but black south carolina would say now hear us. and that's what biden's resounding victory they've been heard loud and clear. what does the influence of that oversized victory got nearly half the votes in south carolina and demographics that everybody thought he was losing. you and i had been talking about this for months. he didn't lose any of it. he did better against that particular demographic than expected. >> right. this was a situation where, you know, folks are watching people write off vice president biden
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and talking about gaffes and misspeaking and lackluster energy at rallies and then the voting started happening and, you know, you see the states that are high 90% white voting for other candidates and african-americans had been hearing, well, one, black voters have always known this, but part of the political chatter now that the back bone and the foundation of the democratic party is the african-american vote. if you're sitting here in south carolina and you know that you are 60% of the democratic electorate, you will watch all these states. but you have your own mind and you have your own relationships and you have your own concerns. and when it was your time to vote, as we saw yesterday, they went into the voting booth and they made their voices heard. i've never doubted it for a moment, even when the polls came out. those really scary polls for the biden campaign that bernie sanders was within five points
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of him. when i saw those polls and another one came out saying virtually the same thing. it didn't make sense to me just given, given what i know about black people. so, last night what we saw was vindication for the biden campaign, the 40 years of relationships in this state and also what we saw was the independents and the mindfulness of african-american voters for whom as we all have been talking about for months now, ali, as you know, for black voters ending the trump presidency is priority number one. and still, as we saw last night, vice president biden is the person that black voters see as the person who can do that. >> amy, one other thing you tweeted about at exactly the same time that jonathan did last night was a message to amy klobuchar and pete buttigieg suggesting that joe biden is now in your lane. he's taken your lane. you're suggesting that those two get out of the race.
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>> i am. you know, i think one of the things that we can take away from the results of the south carolina primary is that joe biden is really who moderate voters are coalescing around. that's the lane. and that buttigieg and amy klobuchar's best service on behalf of democrats is to get out of the race and make sure that their supporters who are largely white moderates are part of the coalition that we need to win the white house in november. it's the best thing that they could do at this moment. i think for south carolina, one take away i have is, you know, they have no early voting and for that situation in south carolina, no early voting means the strength of name i.d., the strength of james clyburn's endorsement. you know, played a major role. we're moving into super tuesday where you have early voting states. where you have campaigns like bernie sanders who specialize in
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getting their votes in the bag early. they're organizing strategy in big states like texas and california. that's going to be a major factor going forward. it's not just name i.d. or just surrogates but the ability to organize the voters and i think as the field itself starts to narrow around who's the progressive choice and who's the moderate choice, organizing on the ground is going to become a really big factor. >> i notice you're not making reference to tulsi gabbard but more importantly elizabeth warren. >> yeah, i think elizabeth warren's big opportunity is coming up tuesday. and it is true that amongst women of color, which is the group that i organize with, she's captured the information and the support of many black and brown women. but hasn't registered yet in the first four states. so, we'll see, especially in california when is my home
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state. she's got a lot of visible support. the question is, can she bank her votes and organizing in, you know, on the ground to actually make that real. so, we'll see. i think in terms of progressives, women of color the most progressive voters. elizabeth warren is someone who has the inspiration and the plans in the primary does she have the votes. i haven't written off elizabeth warren, i think she's still a competitor, but we're going to see how she does in these big states. this is going to be make or break for her on tuesday. >> aimee, thank you. jonathan capehart pulitzer prize winning writer for "washington post" and msnbc contributor and someone i lean very heavily on for his political analysis. thank you. president trump selected his new intelligence chief but his pick is drawing a lot of pushback. a look at texas congressman john ratcliffe when "velshi" returns
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president. ratcliff was dismissed by both to take over the last national intelligence who was approved by the senate. the most obvious red flag and there are many for ratcliffe is that he has zero intel experience. he has no background or foundation that would make him the right person to lead an intelligence community that is often itself under attack by the president. there are other red flags, however. me now is brett special envoy for the global coalition to defeat isis and senior foreign affairs analyst. brett, good to see you, thank you for being with us. >> thanks, ali. >> i don't know where to start with this guy. not that he doesn't have the experience, more complicated than that. he had very specific experience catching and convicting terrorists, which also isn't true.
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>> well, ali, a lot to unpack here. first, i think there is a reason that president trump tweeted out himself that he was dropping t ratcliffe as a nominee and there are laws that govern all of this. the dni position very uniquely congress put a requirement in a statute that the nominee must have extensive national security experience. so, joe mcgwire who was the acting dni and his deputy had about seven decades between them of extensive intelligence and national security experience. but there is something else going on here. to keep rick grenell acting position -- >> just want to remind my viewers, ambusder to germany who the president has named as the acting dni and according to the law for the moment, rick grenell was only able to stay until march 11th and now continue the story. >> that's key. because this is governed by law. a constitution and a statute.
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so, ambassador grenell can only stay in position until march 11th unless there is a new nominee, as there is now. if that nominee fails in confirmation or withdrawals another six months until there is another nominee. i think the president might have gotten some legal advice that ambassador grenell is coming up to a deadline and therefore they renominated ratcliffe. a lot going on here. another problem in the dni. the dni puts out a report every year called the worldwide threat assessment. important to inform congress and the public and the basis of the intelligence community. this year that report has been under wraps. it's not coming out publicly. no hearings about it and the question is why. what's in it? came out a year ago as an excellent report. everybody can read it. talked about the threats of pandemic viruses and talked about russia and china working closely together than any time in the last 50 year. it's an important document. right now it's under wraps.
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a lot of problems here to unwrap and it's all legally mandated so congress really has a critical role to play. >> it is a remarkably important position. many people who think that our infellgence communities rely on the idea that there is someone who is coordinating it all. brett, i appreciate you getting up as early as you have. former special presidential envoy senior affairs analyst for nbc news and msnbc and worked under various administrations. coming up, more on what elth officials are expecting as it escalates. and save in more ways than one. for small prices,
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