tv AM Joy MSNBC March 15, 2020 7:00am-9:00am PDT
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you can't, you know, drivers, freelancers, people who do deliveries, people who work for grubhub. it is a thing to worry about. it is a concern. >> and i was in a diner the other morning where the owner was really making a point to talk to all of his customers including me and say, you know, we're going to have food the whole time, be open the whole time and i think he was saying it for our benefit and for his staff's benefit to say i'm going to try to keep this going. this is my business, i depend on my employees. if people stop going to the diner, he'll have a problem making payroll and this is going to happen across the country, at place after place and this is where -- this is where a crisis becomes a recession and we have to try and do our best to make sure our fellow country members don't get into that situation as much as we can help it. >> well, ali, i think everybody else heard you more than i did, you're low in my monitor, but as usual, you are the greatest. you're the best guy to talk to about the economic issues. i'm wishing us all well. it is sunday, so we're praying. >> that's right. >> thank you very much, my
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friend. appreciate it. welcome to "am joy." as the coronavirus continues to play out, and wreak havoc on our daily lives, our economy and frankly our psyches, we're still only just beginning to process the cost of the frankly incompetent management of crisis by the trump administration. here is where the map stands today. there are almost now 3,000 confirmed cases of covid-19 in the united states. including 60 people who have died. and so you can understand how fast this outbreak is moving. i want you to compare the map last sunday, when there were 395 confirmed cases, and 19 deaths. with last week, there were 300,000 confirmed deaths -- and looked at that way, it is clear the pandemic is growing exponentially. what is not clear is that the president and his administration have any kind of a handle on it. donald trump, whose history in
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business and entertainment and now in politics is frankly capable of containing the growing threat to public health. let alone assuaging public anxiety. and that is frankly scary. because you need a president to be capable at a time like this. yesterday, donald trump made a brief appearance at a sprawling press conference that featured vice president pence, and the surgeon general, jerome adams and even the hud secretary ben carson, who is a neurosurgeon, though he didn't offer any medical wisdom. the rare press conference at which we finally learned that trump would be tested for coronavirus despite his initial defiance in saying he wouldn't, the white house says he tested negative, by the way, we are watching a president try to make it appear as if he has everything under control. trying to stop the stock market from crashing again, trying to be -- trying to seem like a president. and yet when questioned about the effect that their slow start
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had on the united states, here is what the surgeon general said. >> no more bickering, no more partisanship, no more criticism or finger pointing, there will be plenty of time for that, but we all need to hit the reset button and lean into moving forward the health and safety of the american people as our top priority. >> sorry what? where was the prioritizing of health and safety when the trump administration said no thank you to the world health organization's gold standard covid-19 test? and made the cdc try to make their own, which turned out not to work? where are the widely available tests today? and what about the president's own downplaying of the coronavirus threat, which, of course, triggered his political followers in congress and in the media to follow suit. making millions of people ignore coronavirus as nothing more than a flu, the thing hyped up by democrats and the mainstream media. the poll shows the damage the first weeks of the crisis has
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already done. many don't believe the severity of covid-19 will get worse. that's on donald trump and his media and his fellow republican politicians who do whatever he does and whatever he says. democrats in congress have been taking this threat very seriously and this week they stepped forward to craft a bill to help those soon to be hit economically by the coronavirus crisis. here's what the house originally proposed. free coronavirus testing, paid sick leave so hourly workers can stay home when they're sick, extended unemployment benefits for those displaced by the drop in customers, and food assistance for those in need. and then along came steve mnuchin, mnuchin, the treasury secretary whose most recent claim to fame was hiding trump's taxes from congress was the white house's negotiator. the bill passed late friday night with exceptions. not just for the smallest small
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businesses with fewer than 50 employees, but also this country's biggest businesses, those with more than 500 employees like mcdonald's and walmart and amazon. the businesses trump, mcconnell and house republicans already gifted with a $1 trillion tax cut in 2017. who now get to decide whether or not they want to give their employees paid leave during this crisis, which could go on for who knows, weeks, months, when people could be without a paycheck. this is the second bill pushed through congress by speaker pelosi and the democrats with some bipartisan support to address this crisis. the first being the relief bill that democrats boosted from the $2 billion requested by the white house to $8.3 billion. it has been kind of a stark reminder in these last several weeks of the frequent contrast between the priorities of the two political parties, in terms of how they deal with crisis and who they focus on helping. we have several members of congress joining us this morning and joining the discussion first is katie porter of california,
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congresswoman, lots of people anticipating hearing from you this morning, i want to first -- i think a lot of people want to thank you for standing up for the american people in terms of trying to get testing for people that is free. can you just tell us, as of today, is free testing available to any american that wants it or in some limited form or what is the status as far as you know? >> the questioning i did with director of the centers for disease control was designed to make sure that nobody hesitates, nobody who is symptomatic, nobody who is having trouble breathing, who has a fever, who meets the symptoms of coronavirus, that nobody hesitates from calling a healthcare provider, and telling them they think they may be sick, because they either are uninsured or underinsured. so that's the goal. we do the no have the capacity in the country and you heard dr. anthony fauci, who i have a lot of respect for saying we have simply failed to dlifrt
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te deliver the tests we needed to deliver in the time we needed to do it. i appreciated his honesty in the committee. the goal is not for everyone to be rush out and be tested, but the goal is to make sure we don't allow infection to spread because the government won't step up and do its job of using the existing law that provides for help and public health emergencies to protect those who may otherwise not come in or not call because of insurance or underinsurance or the fear of the financial consequences. >> one of the questions we got, we put out a tweet, and you got a lot of praise and also some questions, here's one that is asking along the same lines, will we have widespread testing following the model of south korea, which has been one of the gold standard countries in terms of the way they have done f so, when, if not, why. i would add to that, is it possible that we might be able to have states in this country get access to the w.h.o. test,
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which is very effective, being used all over the world, including in south korea. is it possible that congress could mandate that americans can get access to that test? >> absolutely, congress should be pressing for more testing and that's something that, you know, that was the part of the point of the hearing that i was at was doing my job, fighting for the american people, pressing on this point about testing. it is clear that we're already behind where we should be, weeks behind in terms of testing. and so one of the things i want to emphasize to people, we need to be using the testing to identify those who are showing symptoms. if you're not sure if you have the virus, or if you're totally healthy and feel great today, there is still something you can do to help stop and slow the spread of this pandemic, practice appropriate social distancing. and so we absolutely have a problem with testing, the w.h.o. testing we should be accessing those, we didn't that was a big failure on the part of the trump administration. the fact that the president isn't taking personal responsibility for the decisions here is infuriating to me.
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and so there is a problem with the amount and distribution of testing. it is going to improve, there is going to be more access to testing, we do have first drive by testing available in new rochelle right now, new rochelle, new york. we'll see more of that, we're also working -- i'm personally working with the university of california system to see if we can use their lab equipment, if it can be brought to clinical standards so that we can expand the testing capacity. making use of that existing research equipment. >> i'm going to play this q&a that a lot of people saw this week, lawrence o'donnell and other people have played it. i want to see if we can get an update from you on the status of what you were asking. you're asking robert redfield a question. >> we asked for a response yesterday. the deadline and the time for delay has passed. will you commit to invoking your existing authority under 42 to provide for coronavirus testing
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for every american regardless of insurance coverage? >> what i was trying to say is cdc is working with hhs to see how we operationalize that. >> you don't need to do any work to operationalize. you need to make a commitment to the american people so they come in to get tested. you can operationalize the payment structure tomorrow. >> i think you're an excellent questioner, so my answer is yes. >> excellent. everybody in america hear that, you are eligible to go get tested for coronavirus and have that covered regardless of insurance. >> so is that now the case, congresswoman, that people can be fully covered by -- regardless of what kind of insurance they have, getting tested for coronavirus, they're covered? >> that's the promise that the cdc director made that regardless of insurance, the government will pay any additional cost beyond insurance or the full cost if there is no insurance for coronavirus testing. now, in the part of the clip
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that follows that, i make clear not everyone should be tested right now and it is really important that people, if they have symptoms, the first step to do is to isolate yourself, the second thing to do is pick up the phone, call your healthcare provider. and carefully follow their instructions. you mention what south korea has done with testing, it has been very effective, but we're also learning that if even one person, now we're calling this patient 31, if even one person ignores the instructions, they have the potential to infect hundreds of other people. so there is an obligation on the government, and i intend to hold director redfield -- he was under oath when he made that statement to me. >> i'm sure you will, no doubt about that. congressman katie porter, thank you for your time this morning. thank you. hopefully she can hear me. joining me now is congressman charlie crist of florida who served as governor and attorney general of florida. congressman, thank you for being here.
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and you're in a very unique position -- >> great to be with you, joy, thank you so much. >> you're a unique position, you've been a governor of the state, so you understand this, i think from both of those two points of view. the first question i want to ask you, i had a friend that texted me from broward county this morning who is now staying home, because there are now cases in broward county. where i used to live. and so people are very nervous. and so one question i would like to ask, this person has a senior citizen in their family, a senior parent, what should people be doing if they're not symptomatic, just really more afraid of what is happening out there, vis-a-vis their parents or seniors in their family? is it safe to visit folks because they don't want to leave them on their own? >> sure it is. i mean, you know, comforting your family members, particularly seniors, when i finished this, i'm going to go see my mom and dad. dad is 87, mom is a little younger. and but i think it is important to do that. show them love. show them how much you care. put them at ease. people should not panic, they
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should be smart, and not have, you know, social interaction beyond what is responsible. but, you know, seeing your family members and having the sunday to show them your love, god's grace, if you will, that's very important. i would encourage that always. do it smart and do it reasonably. >> let's also talk about the bill that has now gone through -- fairly bipartisan bill in the house. but some of the changes that were made to it after steve mnuchin got involved in the negotiation have disturbed a lot of folks as they looked at it. the bill guarantees sick leave to 20% of workers, bill g emplos are not required to pay any sick leave. what does that mean for the other 80% of americans who are not then covered by guaranteed paid leave? >> i think you're going to see this thing expand.
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the speaker wanted to get something passed, very smart of her. she's incredible. and speaker pelosi wanted to get something passed. and make sure that we had something ready for the senate to vote on, hopefully on monday. they're out there this weekend, hopefully on monday they'll take that up. i think that was responsible. it is an amazing bill. you have paid leave, you have sick leave, you're providing food for the poor, it is very comprehensive, joy, i think that's an important first step, but the longest journey begins with one step. we can always improve what has happened. and i'm sure that we will. i'm confident of it. >> right. and, well, you know, one other question i want to ask specifically, because you also were education secretary, commissioner, in florida, you know about that as well. >> a lot of jobs. >> you had a lot of jobs, you had a lot of jobs. taking the west indian route, a lot of jobs. >> floridians have been very kind to your friend charlie. >> yes, absolutely. what do you make of this sort of back and forth between different states, in new york city they're not closing schools in some states they're closing all of
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the schools. where do you stand on the idea of whether or not there should be comprehensive public school closings at this point? >> i think they should close them all. the idea here, you and i know this, it is applying common sense frankly, you don't want too much public contact. the more contact you have with other people, what is it, 250 people where they say you don't want to have crowds that large, why we have no sports right now, frankly, and that's prudent. that's being smart. so i think the notion that they do that is right. but it ought to be unilateral. what is good for the goose is good for the gander. all americans need to be properly protected. to apply common sense. to have a sober position that understands we have to be clear eyed, steady, confident and led by good people who understand what is right. and this is not about right versus left, it is about right versus wrong. and it is right to do the right thing now more than ever. >> and before i let you go,
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florida is going to go ahead and hold a very important primary vote, a few states have decided not to hold their votes. and a lot of those -- a lot of voting takes place in schools, schools, libraries and other places like that. how do you think that this crisis will impact the vote in florida? >> i don't think it will impact it very much. floridians are excited about this primary on tuesday. we're going to see a great debate tonight. i look forward to it. i'm supporting joe biden. i endorsed him last september. he's the leader we need now more than ever. he's a man with great experience. a great heart. and put through an awful lot emotionally and god has tested him. and he has met that test every single time and been made a better man because of it. and i was campaigning with his wife joy last sunday here in tampa bay, and they're ready, they're ready for this. and i know that floridians are excited, they'll turn out -- we're the third largest state in the country, the largest swing
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state in the country, which, joy, if you ever play chess, that makes us the check mate state. what i mean by that is whoever wins florida becomes president of the united states. and so i think that vice president joe biden is going to do very well here on tuesday in the primary. but keep our eye on the ball. i'm an old quarterback, he's an old wide receiver, got to get in the end zone on this thing. the most important thing we can do to change is happening in america today is win november 3rd. that's what we have to be focused on. i know vice president biden surely is. >> congressman charlie crist, as you said you had a lot of jobs in florida. i appreciate you sticking around to touch on a little bit of all the different things you've done there. thank you very much, appreciate it. >> thank you, god bless you, i appreciate it. >> thank you. same to you. joining me now is congressman from colorado, joe nagoose who serves on committee. good morning, congressman. >> good morning, joy. >> good morning. let's talk about this drive through testing. colorado has done something i
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think that is really putting colorado out ahead of the pack in terms of getting testing done. this is from u.s. news, with one drive through site, more colorado patients are lining up than testing staff can handle. the office of colorado governor jared polis said the site had to turn away patients because it reached capacity after wait times exceeded approximately three hours by 11:00 a.m. not all residents who suspect they have been infected are allowed in line. patients must get a doctor's order, they have to show signs of a virus. is there a plan to expand that testing that you know of in the state of colorado? >> first, let me say this, you noted this, the absence of leadership at the federal level, this vacuum, i think state and local leaders have stepped in to roll up their sleeves and provide what my good friend representative crist mentioned, steady, clear eyed confident leadership. that's been the case here in colorado. as you know, having grown up in colorado, wee are resilient and innovative. the governor with his leadership team and the health officials at
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the state level taking the initiative to deploy drive through testing, which worked successfully in other countries, i believe colorado's was the first if not the first to be deployed here in the united states, it has worked well, it enables the processing of more tests quickly and also relieves some of the pressure on healthcare facilities, hospitals, emergency rooms, clinics, where folks who might be presumptive positive with the covid-19 virus and are not coming into contact with our front line healthcare workers and others who may be afflicted by other diseases. there have been some challenges as you mentioned, it is not without challenges, but the hope i believe is to continue doing it and potentially in other parts of our state that have been particularly hit hard, hot spots, if you will, the governor just yesterday activated the national guard and has been deploying medics in the national guard, very talented officials to be able to help in that process. but look at the end of the day, the reasons for the challenges
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that we're facing here at the local level are federally borne that is to say you need to scale up testing at the federal level is just substantial and you've noted this on your program previously, those of us in congress have been beating that drum including my friend representative porter. we need the federal government to scale up its testing capabilities and in turn will be able to do more innovative things like drive through testing in our state and elsewhere. >> on that very manner, you mentioned the national guard, a twitter question that came in this morning and it says the following if our hospitals get overwhelmed, what is the plan? at what point do we go to a war footing as far as manufacturing masks, ventilators and other supplies or employ medical military personnel to help? >> it is a great question posed by the questioner you mentioned there. i would say it is sort of two fold, with respect to the national guard, the decisions as to deploying the national guard, activating the national guard and deciding their appropriate
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role was up to the governors our respective states. there are a number of things that i think the federal government could be doing and dod, representative andy levin out ofrecently call for the dod to use statutory powers to expedite production of personal protective equipment. there is a desperate need for personal protective equipment, masks, gloves, across our country. and the need for us to really expedite production is necessary. something the federal government should be doing and is not doing. certainly those of us in congress will be continuing as i said to beat the drum on that front as well. as i talked to my local partners here, again, very talented and thoughtful county commissioners, mayors, leaders of the clinics and so forth, it is clear there san equipment need and we need to increase production capacity, manufacturing capacity in our country on a very tight
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timeline. so, look, the trump administration was asleep at the wheel. we all know this. at the end of the day, we have an opportunity now, given the appropriations bill that we passed in congress, $8.3 billion for our health infrastructure to fund personal protective equipment as well as a number of other important aspects of our infrastructure, we have an opportunity to get this right and to really meet the challenges that we're facing today. >> and you mentioned money, i have another question that came from our -- one of our viewers, it said the following, is congress going to ensure as we're spending tremendous amounts of money that nepotism and profiteering does not play a role in any aspect of our response, vis-a-vis testing and treatment, medical supply companies, pharma, et cetera. jared and company, not jared kushner but anybody in the administration shouldn't be making money off of our suffering. >> i can assure your questioner that this congress is not going to shirk its oversight
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responsibilities. we never have, as you know. i don't believe we will in this instance. the oversight responsibilities, the oversight and government reform committee and the other committees of the jurisdiction as the money is being appropriate wilde ensure that it is being appropriated correctly and that it is being expended correctly by the administration so we don't see any kind of corruption or nepotism or any of that nature. the price gouging concerns a number of us in congress and i think there are a number of us having some conversations as to whether or not we need to make statutory changes in federal law to prevent some of the terrible price gouging happening. you saw this by the new york times yesterday. there is a lot for us to do. it is all hands on deck for everyone. it is important, while we take this very seriously and be responsive that we also not create a panic and that people, you know, take the necessary precautions, but also be kind to each other in this moment where
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we are facing some unique challenges. we faced challenges before. we will face them again. i have no doubt we will meet the moment and i'm perhaps being more particularly inspired now because of the conversations i had with some of our local leaders, the front line healthcare workers who are just working tremendously hard sacrificing for us right now. not just here in colorado, but across our country. >> indeed, indeed. thank you very much. appreciate your time this morning. >> thank you. >> okay. and be well. coming up next, you'll hear from two people who are quarantined in italy and hear their warning for americans. amicerans.
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applause on saturday as the nation of 60 million people remains on lockdown. italy is one of the hardest hit countries with more than 1400 deaths. schools and mu zamz aseums and universities are all closed. it is a similar scene in spain where yesterday became the second -- which yesterday became the second european country to impose a nationwide lockdown. in france, all shops, restaurants, movie theaters and nightclubs are being shuttered. it is a level of disruption that is hard to imagine, but it could be something americans may have to get used to. joining me now is nia dunkly, an american and duccio an italian quarantined together outside of florence. we spoke yesterday, i wanted to have you on because the story you told me was pretty harrowing, if you can briefly walk me through, you moved to italy when? >> i moved here about -- seven
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years in august. and i pretty much -- i came here to study and then stayed on and have pretty much been working here at one of the local universities, but i still come back to the states every -- twice a year, something like that. >> so walk me through how things began, how you and duccio went from normal life and very quickly to what you're living through now, complete lockdown. >> yeah, what is really interesting is i was planning on going back to the states right in the midst of all of this. so our normal life was kind of being shaken up just slightly because i was, you know, planning this big trip back when all of this hit. so it really disrupted our lives majorly. and basically we went from in such a short period of time from, you know, having the
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freedom to kind of go out and do everything we needed to do, busy running errands and then the next day basically we couldn't do that anymore. that was taken away from us and we were kind of left to be able to just go to the supermarket, go to the pharmacy, but our lives pretty much now centered inside of our homes. >> and duccio, talk about how comprehensive is this. aniya mentioned going to the supermarket, the store. what are you allowed to do outside of your home or apartment? >> good morning, joy. let me first say something, because i think this is very important that you all can take advantage of our experience. recently in the last two weeks, pictures of how italy was spreading the virus, and this is not something that regards china, italy or spain and by now you know that all.
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we just experiencing something that most of the others will face in ten days and that is you have to be locked in your house. because only by being locked inside your house you can slow down the capacity of this very easily productive virus to spread around. basically there is nothing we can do, we can stay home, watch movies, talk to friends, and stay home. you can go and buy groceries and there are some areas around here which are -- supermarkets and hospitals and primary services, but this is the only right now the only instrument that we have to bring down the curve in which the virus is spread. so it is very important that everyone understand, it is not something about italy or france or spain, just the difference of eight, ten days.
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>> yeah, absolutely. you made that point yesterday that, americans sort of are right now where you guys were ten days ago and now it changed dra m dramatically and people need to take this seriously. >> yes, i try to reinforce that every day with family and friends. i get it, you guys don't really see it. we didn't see it either. we see it now. and the reality is that the only way to get ahead of this is by extreme social distancing, and testing, testing. i mean, without numbers you really have no grasp of how quickly it is spreading and how to stop it. >> and, duccio, the government there in italy has been very proactive, it seems, at least from our point of view. is that your point of view as well. it seems the italian government acted fairly quickly and sort of done a lot to try to contain this. >> well, i have to say i'm very proud of what they did.
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there were some hesitations at the beginning. they didn't realize how fast it was spreading. we hadn't been starting enough china because we never could imagine it would come here so fast, that's why it was -- but, yes, they reacted pretty fast. other thing interesting is what we see right now, what we see now are a picture of what was happening eight, ten days ago. so basically the numbers that social protection showed us every day is the activities that were happening eight days ago. so we kind of assumed that in a week or ten days from now, we will see the consequences of the lockdown. but every day in the next ten days we see numbers increasingly in a very scary way. >> absolutely. and, finally, last question to you, is your family back home getting the message? do you think that -- as you're
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seeing it, you're talking to family that people are finally waking up to how dramatically their lives are going to have to change in order to get a handle on this? >> slowly. duccio and i have been tag teaming each family member, each person that calls me to let me know how serious it is. yesterday i called my father and said hey what's going on, he said i'm at barnes & noble and i said, why, you should be home, you should be home, in your home, with the door locked, you're elderly, i need you to get this through your head. it is taking time. but that's why it was so important for us to get on the phone with you and express that. they're not listening. and these are my family and friends. so -- >> well, i appreciate it. my friend paul porter, a great thank you for introducing us. aniya and duccio, be careful, be safe out there, and thank you for informing us. >> thank you so much.
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coming up for our viewers brarksi i bracing for what this week could bring on the coronavirus. s weekd bring on the coronavirus i'm your 70lb st. bernard puppy, and my lack of impulse control, is about to become your problem. ahh no, come on. i saw you eating poop earlier. my focus is on the road, and that's saving me cash with drivewise.
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implementing the things we're talking about. >> by now, i'm sure you know the phrase flattening the curve. the idea that by social distancing, staying at home, washing our hands, we might slow the spread of coronavirus so we don't overwhelm our healthcare system. what we know if we have been successful, joining me now is joseph fare, epidemiologist and msnbc science contributor. thank you for being here this morning. let's just -- thank you. let's answer that question, how will we know if we flatten that curve so things are not getting worse like this, they're getting less than worse. >> the only way to know is the diagnostics. i'm sorry to keep coming back to that point. the only way we'll know is having the diagnostics rolled out everywhere across the country. that's when we know where the curve is, period, and how we flatten the curve. that's how we focus all of our measures, that's how we focus our public health interventions, who has it, who is the most at risk, who do we get into a hospital, and who did we isolate. >> would it be more efficient, i
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asked you the question the other night when we were on together with joshua johnson and chris jansing, why couldn't the united states just buy the w.h.o. tests, it is efficient, it is work around the world. would it be more efficient for congress to pass a bill saying we're going to appropriate x amount of money and be done with it? >> it would be more efficient with regard to fda approval because that test has been worldwide spread, you know, spread throughout to the world, used throughout the world, i should say and we have more data on it. the way you get through emergency use authorization is the more data you have, the more tests you've run and the more tests you validated, it goes faster through that process. it would make a lot of sense to do that. though we have engaged the commercial sector, roche is a world known brand for diagnostics, no doubt their tests will work as well. i have no idea how widely it has been spread across the world,
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the w.h.o. test has been spread throughout the world. >> should we be rationing this test? it seems that some people can get it and some people can't, there has been nba players who have been able to have whole teams tested. but then people who are showing respiratory distress who can't even get access to it. >> there is going to be rationing and i can't speak to the celebrity aspect of it. but there is going to be rationing at least based on the criteria. right now with the fear hysteria and panic from basically mixed messaging by officials and politicians et cetera, that everyone is panicked, everyone wants to be tested, that can happen. we don't have enough and labs are a lot like any other business, once there say backing log, it is going to take them a significant amount of time to catch up, even though it is only around two to three hour test to do in and of itself. but once they have thousands and thousands of samples that means labs working around the clock and so people are going to have it meet a pretty strict criteria, especially individuals that are in the high risk categories and have had known
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contacts with confirmed cases, we are going to want to test them first. >> and what should -- we had three members of congress, one of whom was a former governor on this morning, what should mayors and governors be doing? we can't necessarily count on the administration, what should mayors and governors be doing in their cities and states. >> social danistancing, we're n powerless to stop this spread and we're not powerless as individuals to flat than curve as dr. fauci said. he's absolutely the best at what he does. and so we can ourselves flatten that curve by implementing measures, but it does take every single person in this country being on the same page. this is not a hoax. it is a real thing. and we all have to be on the same page with no shaking hands, you know, social distancing, et cetera. >> should cities and states be shutting everything down, schools, restaurants, bars, clubs, events, should everything be shut down right now?
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>> you know, that's a hard question to answer because we don't have the data yet. and without the diagnostics we don't have the data. that being said, i can tell you that france and spain and italy, one month ago, never imagined they would be shuttinging everything do everything down but the essentials. >> you've been through this before, dealing with the ebola crisis on the continent, on the african continent. how does this play out? should we expect this to get worse before it gets better? >> absolutely. worse doesn't mean we'll see massive dieoffs. worse means we'll see more cases than we had. i want to emphasize that first. this doesn't mean everything ev to die. but >> in dealing with something like this, just from your -- as an epidemiologist, for people who recover, because we talk about people, you know, unfortunately who don't survive
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this, then there are others who do survive it, they do recover, should we expect to see people with ongoing lung capacity issues, ongoing health issues related to loss of lung capacity because they suffered having the virus in the first place? >> i'm not a physician myself. but what i can say is if you develop the pathology associated with the disease, if you're the 80 percentile that gets mild to moderate cold-like symptoms, the data has shown so far those people recover and are just fine. if you progress to the disease phase, which is really what we call covid-19 is the pathology, then you can expect maybe having some longer term lung problems. >> yeah. thank you very much. we appreciate the information as always. hopefully you can come back often and we can keep people up to date. thank you. later today, get more of your questions answered from our x t experts here at msnbc. start tweeting your questions now. tweet them #msnbcanswers.
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no more bickering, no more partisanship or finger pointing. there will be plenty of time for that, but we all need to hit the reset button and lean into moving forward with the health and safety of the american people. more stories of how people protect themselves, more resources that we've unleashed, less stories of what happened in the past. again, there will be time for that. >> has he met donald trump? welcome back. during the briefing on saturday, the surgeon general took time out of what was supposed to be the white house briefing to essentially tell the media to be nice to donald trump. it was an extraordinary use of his time as the surgeon general. and he was not alone. dr. ben carson who is both a neurosurgeon and for some reason the department of housing used his time with the microphone to tout a national day of prayer. and meantime on fox news, the
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word of the day is pivot since apparently the dear leader has finally realized coronavirus is an actual threat. with nearly 3,000 cases in the u.s. and 100,000 globally. and the crisis has hit close to home for republicans. multiple people would attended cpac have gone on voluntary quarantine after one person tested positive. and several people who attended a dinner at mar-a-lago are also vaektd affected after several members of the brazil delegation tested positive. and ronna mcdaniel is in self quarantine while she awaits test results. in fact mar-a-lago has become what "the daily beast" calls a petri dish and a hot zone. and in this mask joke by matt
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gaetz has stopped being funny. and just to deep it from falling into the memory hole, recall before it was declared to be a full blown pandemic, trump and his fox allies consistently down played the seriousness of the virus even accusing democrats of exaggerating the threat as part of a scheme to take trump down. >> tonight i can report the sky is absolutely falling, we are all doomed, the end is new, the apocalypse is eminent and you are all going to die, all of you, in the next 48 hours and it is all president trump's fault. or at least that is what the media mob and the democratic extreme radical socialist party would like you to think. >> the chorus of hate being leveled at the president is nearing a i can't shem dough crs blame him for the virus that originated halfway around the
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world. this is impeachment all over again. >> they say the mortality rate for coronavirus is higher than the flu. but consider though that we have a flu vaccine and yet in 2019, 16,000 americans died from the flu. and imagine if we did not have the flu vaccine, the flu would be a pandemic. >> and pivot! some fox hosts have now softened their tone. >> look, bad things happen. and in virus is one of them. but setting off panic around the world is not the answer. >> make no mistake, in ser situations, truth matters, facts matter, and unfortunately, there has been way too much politicizing of this, too much, well, untruths being told and actually some even weaponizing what is apanic. >> the coronavirus is a major event and will affect your life and it is definitely not just the flu.
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>> being on. g okay, get this, tucker carlson even privately urged trump to take the threat of coronavirus more seriously. according to one person with knowledge of the conversation. so at least he has expert guidance. coronavirus can be more severe and even more deadly for those ages 65 and above and for people with underlying conditions. and on the age side, it means that the todown play of the vir threat is not juster 1307b eres irresponsible, particularly for the older viewers who are less likely to believe that the coronavirus is a serious threat. thanks to their favorite president. joining me now is eric boller, author and political analyst and also michael steel, karine jean-pierre, and also jennifer rubin, opinion writer at the "washington post." thank you all for being here. i'm tempted to go to eric first
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because he is not being with us, but i have to go to you first, mr. chairman, you used to run this joint. >> very different joint. >> it was back in the day. it seems like a long time ago. but the thing that is consistent, fox news really does hard to try to be supportive for republican presidents. it is a thing they tdo. but in this case, their own viewers have been put at greater risk than other americans because they -- they are being told by the president for weeks that this is not serious, it is not real. and that is reflected on the air and now they have got to turn on a dime. your experience with dealing with fox news and what it can bring about, is it possible for fox news to now turn this ship around and convince these same view, many of whom are older people, vulnerable people, that they need to be careful and take precautions? >> i think so. and i think that you will see
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that. because the reality of it is now that the president has pretty much acknowledged, okay, yeah, this is a problem, and would he going to put the government at work do that as we saw from both his press conference and the on going to put the government at work do that as we saw from both his press conference and the one with the surgeon general, institutions like fox and other organs out there that have as you showed an earlier clip were like, oh, this is just democrats being crazy democrats, now realize that they are looking at their numbers and seeing that, oh, wait a minute, our audience is being impacted. the people that we're speaking to are actually being him paiktsed. and it may be touching closer to home for their own families and relationships. so i think that you will see that pivot. it won't be as abrupt as pivot! but it will be as you saw in these clips a sults change where they still kind of do the old narrative about, okay, everybody is acting like their hair is on fire, but maybe just a little bit. >> there is reporting that --
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and just put yourself back in the old rnc josh. mack of the white house is mad because mcdaniel is disclosing that she is quarantining. so you get more in trouble it for being honest. >> and here is the problem again going back to fox. the image from the president's breaks skfrns was him sitting there with all these people around him speaking and spitting into the microphone, grabbing hands, talking to people, which is a counter narrative to everything that the rest of us are being told to or not do. and so then ronnment a says i have to self quarantine because i like others have now -- have the possibility. the president of course touts, oh, well, i've been tested and i don't have this issue. we don't necessarily know that
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for sure. but that is the problem. so if he is out here saying, well, i don't have it, why are you telling people you do, that is a back narrative because of problems for folks like ronnment and members on the hill. >> and so fox news reportedly benched trish regan who is the lady with the very large blond hair who was being very serious about saying it is just an attack on president trump and a new impeachment. so they benched her show. koogd to the washingt according to the "washington post," there is an op-ed in the "washington post" that says that rupert murdoch could save lives by forcing fox to tell the truth right now. and so let's acknowledge the obvious, there is no more important player in influencing trump than fox news. and no more powerful figure at fox than its patriot yaarch. and murdoch might consider that with the median age of viewers
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being around 65, they are the most vulnerable to the coronavirus threat. do you see any possibility that fox may want to try to save its own viewers by forcing the narrative to change? because they will act together. >> anyone waiting for rupert murdoch to do the honorable thing will wait a very long time after someone who has watched him for 20 years. fox news has been getting people killed for years. just look at their crusade against affordable health care and expanding medicaid. this is not unusual for them. it is far more dire. i mean, i've been watching and documenting fox news for 15 years. i mean, they are a canckacancer this country. so who knows what they are going to do. their programming is to vilgly gvilgly vilify and stir hatred. and one thing i think that maybe people don't understand, you know, they think that fox news is just a conservative news organization and it is not that
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dangerous and maybe that is what it was when it started 20 years ago, it is clearly morphing into something far more sinister and it is brainwashing. people say you shouldn't use that rhetoric, that is an exaggeration. but this is textbook brainwashing. so when people wash fox news, the hard core viewer, they don't pick and choose which topics they think they believe or maybe they are not going to believe. they are all in. they believe everything. and so even during a pandemic, people say why would you believe misinformation about a pandemic. they believe misinformation about everything. and that is the danger of fox news. >> and just to play it for the audience, examples of it, this is a trump supporter in charlotte, north carolina. this is at a trump rally on march 2. so not this week, but in march.
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the same month. talking about coronavirus. take a listen. >> do you have any concerns about the handling of coronavirus so far from president trump? >> no. i think that he is taking it one day at a time and i really think it is a hoax. >> when you say hoax, what do you mean? >> i think it is made up by the democrats. there are more cases of the common flu than coronavirus. >> and that is coming right off of what the people hear on the network and from the president. there is also a "washington post" piece that talks about the fact that older americans where more worried about coronavirus unless they are republican. that we now have a situation where trump's own people are actually in greater danger, but those of us who live in this earth can't reach them, they are not listening to anything we say including something like you as a former republican. >> no, and there is a particular
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cruelty/irony that it is their core viewers, the republican older viewers, who are the most at risk. and when you think about it, which party immediately canceled all of their rallies? which party immediately started having their political figures really portray and use their lies as an example? it was the democrats. so typically there will be less democrat deaths because there will be less mass gatherings rkt, there will be less opportunities for people to congregate and share this horrible disease. so it is really a very short sided strategy. but i think now the name of the game is how do they get back on planet earth and part of the way that i think that they where doing it is down the memory hole. he jumped right on this right away because of all this planning that we're doing so well. which is head spinning fthe res of us who watched him for weeks
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saying this is a hoax. but suddenly he has been the most proactive -- >> like the toughest on russia. >> yeah. and so they will contort themselves to get in line and get in sync. and we're always saying but, but, but, pointing to the past. and they don't. they simply move with the flow. every day is a new day, every day is a new story line and they will stick with it. i think the problem will be what happens unfortunately if we start to follow that italian model where we have mass casualties. and our lives are not disrupted for a week or two, but we're talking months. and that is going to be some serious stuff. and i don't know if their brainwashing is so strong as to carry on and make excuses for trump during that, but this will be some serious stuff. >> and also your 401(k) is your 401(k). i flipped around and watched cnbc, fox business, our network and cnn on the day that the stock market was really crashing.
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and even fox had to rot it. at this point -- cnbc is pro business and not necessarily a verse to donald trump. but everyone had to say the same thing. the other worry i think that lot of people have is that the easy pivot is race, ethnicity. they say it is a foreign virus. i've noticed people tweeting chinese coronavirus. >> that is what tucker carlson said. >> and trying to like isolate to sort of a racial thing. which fits more in sort of what the trumpism model is about, it is foreign, as in trump continually saying it is foreign. you almost get the sense that he really believes that only foreign people have it and if he keeps all the foreign people out, no one will get it. >> it plays right into his whole kind of platform on how he sees the world and how there is him or us and the other like the way he guides us consistently and constantly. here is the thing. xenophobia and racism has always played a role in outbreaks, a
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yellow fever, spanish flu, it is unfortunate. and the world health organization said recently the stigma sometimes is more dangerous than the actual virus. they actually said they didn't want to give it a geographical name because it would do that. and fox news was racist before and during the coronavirus they will be racist after the coronavirus. i think the difference is that they have been -- they are all in on being state tv for donald trump. and so they will continue to give the misinformation. the danger is, so, yes, you have asian americans who are lives are seriously in danger. and you have their own viewers who can now the ones who are 60 and older who are watching, this is a health crisis that we're in, this is a global pandemic as the w.h.o. have said. and they are putting their lives in danger. and so that is where we are
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right no is tw is the danger of fox news is putting out there will hurt people and not help them. >> and you touched on something at the beginning of your question which i think we can't slip on. and that is the stock market, the 401(k). the reality is, what changes this much more than anything else is the impact that the market is having. the truth is wall street taketh a lot faster than they giveth. but they watched sometimes $1,000, $2,000, $3,000 leave in a day. and so whether you are a fox viewer are or not, your reality is reset by the fact that that promise of this administration that this is the greatest economy and you are going to do the best ever is coming right up against the reality of wait a minute, i just lost $3,000 in my
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401(k) on a tuesday, what does that mean for friday and next week. >> and my first job in local news was a fox affiliate. but i can tell you that local news will notice that even if fox news tries to play it up, local news will notice that the bars are closing, are closing, local people are dying. they doesn't escape the news news. >> and fox news as you say will somewhere to pivot have to pivot as folks have said as uk officials are warning people in britain. so it will be impossible to be in denial. they can be in denial about russia, they can be denial about benghazi and a lot of political things. and even though we look at it and say it doesn't make sense, factually you are just wrong, but local news -- and what michael because talking about, think about small businessman, your indicatoring business that is gone, your restaurant, you
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will lose 30% of your business. this will hit folks who watch fox news over and over. why are my kids home from college, what is going on? so they are in denial. but again, their go-to programming is always paranoia, ha hate and division. and so interesting to see how they deal with this. >> and people are starting to tweet the pictures of people buying guns, there is this other way this this can can go. >> and a lot of republicans made a bargain with trump. maybe he is racist or crazy or danger dangerous, but look at my 401(k). those are just words. this is my life. when that crumbles, their bargain is broken. they are getting nothing from this. so unless that they are super charged only about the supreme
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court, they have got nothing from this president. and how long are they going to stick around when those kind of soft republican what we used to call country club republicans now realize he is bad for my wallet. >> and it is not as if joe biden will crash your 401(k), right? if you are presented an alternative and you are still getting your money, hard to see how he holds on to somebody when they are not getting out of him. we'll so what happens. a lot of people are dedicated. almost religious. thank you all. and stick around, because next how our new normal is already altering our election year.
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spend so much more than other countries, we have millions who may be dealing with the virus but cannot go to the doctor because they cannot afford it. >> and a new realty is setting in, states are trying to grapple how to combine social distancing with primary voting. georgia is the second state to postpone it presidential prim y primary. and four states still plan to hold primary elections on tuesday. but there are still growing concerns over voter turnout. if many people just opt to stay home. traditional rallies have been called off as both campaigns turn to online and virtual events. and even tonight's presidential debate will have no studio audience. joining me now is michael steel and karine jean-pierre still with us. so let's talk about this.
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donald trump can't do rallies. that is his thing. he can't do it. >> he will force the issue. and there is no indication right now that -- >> do you think that he will do them. >> there is no indication that the president does not plan do a rally in the next, what -- >> he canceled one last week though, didn't he? >> i don't know if he canceled. >> it would be odd if he tried do them. it would be dangerous. >> but his inclination is to do them. >> let's assume that he can't do them. we saw on abc news last week, one of his former aid i goes was saying that it would put him off, he will be off key. whereas on the democratic side, there is a concern that maybe biden is not the best rally guy and he has to compete with bernie who has these huge rallies. in this case for joe biden, now he doesn't have to do it. >> and it was the most presidential thing that we've seen in this discussion short of the president behind resolute
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desk. but then what the president said decide minutished the moment. >> and crashed the stock market. >> right. so you have these competing interests and visions of how you tell the story. and how you engage the public. the idea that we're now going to have to do this as arm's length or through video is going to be a new dynamic for all the candidates. but here is the thing to the broader question, it is important i think for people to understand certainly on the democratic side where they can get some leverage, senator widen and senator klobuchar are both pushing forward legislation that i'm supporting through the u.s. vote foundation as chairman, that the states just abolish any prohibitions to absentee ballot voting. and so if the president and the candidates can get behind that kind of initiative, that engages them more directly with the voters on something that speaks to the fundamentals of voting.
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but also gives them hey, i don't necessary haveily have to wait line. >>s like absentee balanciloting maybe they won't stop it. i had to get that shade in. so maybe this is the one thing that they won't suppress. but i want to read this tweet from joe biden, the right to vote is the most sake read american right there is. state election officials are working closely with public health officials to hold safe elections. if you are feeling healthy and not at risk, please vote on tuesday. if you are exhibiting symptoms or might be at risk, absentee or vote my mail options are the best way. and having worked on the successful campaign, the fear is that people get afraid to vote. older voters are the more consistent voters. the church voter. that they stay home. that throws everything off.
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so what the democrats now need to see is that people still vote, it is just hard to do it now. it will be tough. >> it will be really tough. and the last few contests that we've had in this democratic primary, you have seen high turnout, which is incredibly impressive and that is what democrats want in a primary, which will be a tough general election going into november. look, the problem is we're in a dark hole. we have never seen anything like this before. we don't have historical context, we don't have data, we do not know how this is going to play out. which makes it difficult for the campaign, both biden, bernie and the party, how do you move forward. and we saw illinois, we saw -- not illinois, pardon me, louisiana, georgia, they have postponed their primaries. probably that will continue to happen. >> yeah, it was surprising. so for bernie and biden, let's talk about them, they now have two different sosort of prime d.
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bernie sanders has a strong case to make on universal health care because of this. we're now fighting over whether or not people can get tree test gz and this wouldn't be a testing if we had true lly universal health care. and that is his ideological center. whereas biden doesn't necessarily need to have one, he was vice president, he was vice president to a very popular president, he can do these set pieces where he stands there and does a presidential address and contrast himself with trump as sort of ignore bernie sanders. if you are advising these campaign, how should 50e67 plea it? >> you look at bernie and the what the house passed, a lot of those are progressive ideas, paid leave and all those things that they are pushing north. things like bernie have been pushing for a long time that would really help people.
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>> without xt evethe exemptions though. >> right. and bthen buyeiden, because he the number two to obama, there is a state manship, he looks presidential in many ways. that advance team did a great job in setting up that speech, he did a great job in delivering it. and so that is the contrast and that is what is hard for bernie. but he can continue to push those ideas that will help people in this time. but, yeah, as you see in the last couple of contests, people have chosen biden because of his past, because he was the vice president. because they see him as being able to lead in this moment. >> and the if you are advising, attack each other or attack twruc trump? >> my advice would be -- well -- >> pre-sent that tend that you
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want -- >> here is the deal. biden will look at better any going really? and then talking to the american people. bernie will spend a lot of time going after biden because he has to. and to your point, he is pushing the narrative that will make the case and pivot every chance he can back to if you had my universal health care plan in this crisis, these things would be addressed. but that does not give comfort to people to tell me what i could have otherwise. what biden is going to say if i'm advising him, you just keep talking to people like you did in that presser where you give them comfort and you give them focus and you give them the direction you think that we should foe when you are president. remember, you were vice president during a health crisis. so you have that space to your
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point that you can own. if i'm bernie, i'm going to say, well, you're going to have to bifurcate your screen, do a bit of a hit here, but you also have to give people comfort. and i don't know if bernie can do that second part. >> it will be interesting. and there will be no audience, so no one to applaud you if you do well. >> and i'm so excited about that. that is a blessing. changes the whole thing. >> and we all agree on that. look at that bipartisan. on tuesday, race to the democratic nomination continues as voters das their balancast b four states. and it is so much fun breaking down the results. watch the live primary coverage on msnbc. coming up, your moral moment. coming up, your moral moment ♪
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needed paychecks and tips when they stay home or their workplaces close. the bill passed by the husband frid house friday sought to address that, but it is leaving many people out. the bill only requires sick pay for companies fewer than 500 employees leaving hundreds of thousands relying on their employers to do the right thing. and bishop barber is joining me on the phone. and so i know that you wanted to talk with me about the debate tonight. but just very quickly, on this issue of employer leave and benefits for people who are going to get hurt by the coronavirus crisis, republicans really stood in the way of the clean bill that the democrats wanted and added all these exemptions. what do you make of that instinct to protect wealthy companies rather than people who are in need? ? you kn
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>> you know the song that says grant us the courage of facing this hour. and there is a virus of greed that even in a time of crisis still exists. and not only are republicans standing in the way, but why did the democrats cave? how can he leave out millions of people in times like these and say that we'll graces of the companies to cover them? before the virus we had people living without a living became and in poverty. and this shows that something is wrong when even at a crisis we still will cave in or give into this virus of greed. it is wrong and that is why we have to demand this we deal with the issue of poverty and low wealth as a center piece issue of our society. >> and what did you want to hear
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from the do democratic candidates tonight? because there is a core belief that the party wants to help people who wheare left out econc pi. what do you want to hear from joe biden and bernie sanders. >> well, they do, but they wata about the working class and act like poverty is a curse. republicans tend tody minute d, democrats run from it. and a few months ago, the poor people's campaign called for a full debate on poverty and low wealth. it didn't happen. this weekend, we have pushed cnn, dnc, univision, our call out to hundreds of thousands of people in a tweet and email storm. and this is what we're saying and what we want to hear. the coronavirus is sx posing even further that the real numbers of the poor and low wealth people, 250,000 people who die every year from poverty and low wealth, was already facing this before this virus.
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and we need them to tell us how they are going to deal with the issue of poverty and low wealth. we can't ignore it anymore. we can't pass bills that leaf out millions of people pmt a. and we don't want personality deny doo endorsements. where do you stand on poverty and low wealth and how will the policies of the administration address these issues. we can't ignore this. we can't make it marginal. we can't give little cute statements about it every now and then. we have to begin to deal with policy. and i'm from the south. one-third of all the poor people live in the south, one-third of poor white people live in the south and exorbitant amount of african-americans. how can you say you run in the south and support people in the south or even appreciate the black vote or any vote from the south and you are not going to address the issue of poverty, the issue of the interlocking
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injustices like systemic racism and denial of health care. we are demanding through 25 questions tonight that we hope will be answered, if not will be furnish pushed into further debates. >> and if you want to know more about the campaign, you can follow bishop barber and you will tweet automatic those questions? >> we will tweet them out. they are coming out in a second and they on the poor people's campaign website. >> absolutely. thank you, sir. really appreciate it. more "a.m. joy" next. more "a.m. joy" next no. uh uh, no way. ♪ come on. no. no. n... ni ni, no no! only discover has no annual fee on any card. wean air force veteran made of n.doing what's right,. not what's easy.
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starting very soon and i'm talking about days to a week, we'll see a revving up of the availability and implementation. saying a test is available isn't the end game. saying it is not only available but you can actually get it. the ultimate goal is to get to a drive-thru. are we requesting to hagoing to tomorrow? unlikely. but will we have much great her availability and implementation of testing in the very near future? the answer is yes. >> a steady voice throughout the crisis, dr. fauci tried to strike an optimistic tone as he made the rounds on the sunday morning talk shows. but is that enough to counter the negligence frankly that we've already seen from the trump administration?
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joining me know is kathleen sebelius and lorne m. johnson, a midwife, and dr. davidson from the committee to protect medicare. thank you all for being here. i'll go to you, kathleen, and i want to play one more bite of dr. fauci on cnn. take a listen. >> are you thinking that hundreds of thousands of americans could die from this? >> you know, i say that and it sometimes gets taken out of context. we have to be realistic and hochbs, y honest, yes, and to think that we have to not worry about everything, that won't happen. it could happen and it could be worse. >> that is very bluchbt aplunt credible. is this too little too late or
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are they on an appropriate line now? >> well, it strikes me that first of all we are the nine weeks into this outbreak and we are told that in a week we may have a test up and running that could then ramp up to be widely availab available. as speaker pelosi said, this is about testing, testing, testing. we need to get a handle on who has the tryrous and then you can begin to appropriately isolate people, have people self mitigate. but in the meantime we're really shooting in the dark. so thank god for the house who took leadership in the families first package of legislation to drive money into the economy and into people's pockets for sick leave and family leave and degree testing and unemployment insuran insurance. i agree with bishop barber that we should not rely on the largest companies saying that
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they will follow suit. they just got an enormous tax break, they should be mandated to provide paid sick leave for their employees. but this is a big step forward. and governors are also taking a big and important leadership position in assessing what is going on in their borders. but we have to get people tested. bycontrast, h 1 nch 1, within between weeks cdc made a million tests and were sent to 140 countries around the world. and so we are way behind. and we have to catch up and we have to begin to look the a hospital capacity and stockpiles of equipment. and what will happen to health care providers as the schools close down and kids don't have child care or daycare, how do we make sure that they can question to work to and did their job,
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how do we have enough health care providers. so we're playing catchup as we anticipate the next wave. >> and so are health care providers -- you are based in california -- being adequately cared for in terms of making sure that the nurses have daycare available, that they can get the test? is that happening right now on or do you see it ramping up? >> sounds like they are trying to ramp it up a little bit, but it is not too late. i'm glad that we are starting to do something. it seemed like even the president is starting to take things more seriously. but i think -- you know, we had plenty of time wasted and now is the time for us to really get these kits so that we can have it ready to have people tested. i have a friend that called me from kodoor rekorea, he said th
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there are test places all over the place. and here me even as a health care plofgrofessional, we don'te anything to test the health care professionals that are taking care on the front liline of the patients, we have to call them and make sure that they stay home and not come in unless they really have to. so we have a government that didn't seem to care much about the people, care more about himself. and so it is his reputation in terms of what he wants to do, what looks matters more than getting the right things to the people. and i believe that the governme governments that t has the responsibility to make sure that we are safe. and we have a steady voice from dr. fauci that we have been getting. that is the only steady voice
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that we really have to listen to and i think that that is very important. >> indeed. let me play him one more time. this is chuck todd interviewing dr. fauci this morning. >> would you prefer a 14 day just sort of national shutdown to slow this down? >> i would prefer as much as we possibly could. i think that we should really be overly aggressive and get r criticized for overreacting. >> have you made this point of view inside the administration? >> yes. and. >> i've seen it said whatever we do will look like an overreaction now but probably underreaction later. so do you agree -- seeming tooff react is better now? >> absolutely. the governor in michigan shut down the schools and my dids where doing online learning. we have an email chain going from fellow providers sharing data from last nirtght's shift, here is how we department with the patients. but you again, s rk, circular ls
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still travel, this seems crazy to me because it is here. >> yeah, travel where, cleveland? >> yeah, i'll travel from europe and china and the other is exposure to a covid-19 positive patient. and if we're not testing, the circular logic is is that we'll never find it. so is this a political reality that we have a president that wasn't prepared that got into the national security and outbreak infrastructure to deal with this problem. so we don't know who might be positive and we've probably all ben exposed at some point. we all expect to get it at some point and hope that we're one of the few young healthy people who actually gets very sick, but it will pull us out of the circulation of providing for these patients. so if you have a heart attack or stroke our broken one, there is no capacity. so people will die from something else other than coronavirus because they aren't built for this.
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and dr. fauci has been said decide, he's been honest. we need to tamper that, tamper the 5b89 for the virus to spread. >> they should just let him talk and no one else. thank you all, appreciate you very much. and up next, a lot mayor be changing in the world. but one thing that will never change, some folks out there still won the week. ver change, some folks out there still won the ekwe hey there! kelly clarkson! what're you doing on our sofa? what're you doing on your sofa? try wayfair. you got this! woah. yeah! let me try! all alright, get it! blow it up! that's what i'm talking about. except that's my seat, so.
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all right, so maybe after the movie let's talk about that bedroom of yours! when was she in our bedroom? but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr, a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections like tb; don't start xeljanz if you have an infection. taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra can increase risk of death. serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. as have tears in the stomach or intestines, serious allergic reactions, and changes in lab results. tell your doctor if you've been somewhere fungal infections are common, or if you've had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. needles. fine for some.
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♪ ♪ ♪ all we need is someone to lean on ♪ billions of problems. dry mouth? parched mouth? cotton mouth? there's a therabreath for you. therabreath oral rinse and lozenges. help relieve dry mouth using natural enzymes to soothe and moisturize. so you can... breathe easy, there's therabreath at walmart. normally on this show we play a fun theme for who won the week. this week will we do things differently. this has been a rough week for everyone. anxiety out there. we thought it would be nice to spread joy despite the grim news. >> you didn't tell me that part. now it makes sense. >> we have to manage him on a
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daily basis. >> now it makes sense. >> we will go ladies first. think about it. ruminate on it. >> i have to think about how i will deliver mine since it's supposed to be about joy. i pick yamisha. white house correspondent for pbs news hour. my haitian sister friend. as many of us saw, because it went viral, she held donald trump to akouccount and asked a question, what happened to the white house office -- that pandemic office that was disbanded in 2018 under the trump administration clearly? i think it's very layered. >> let's play it quick and let you comment. >> you said that you don't take responsibility. but you did disband the white house pandemic office and
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officials that were working in that office left this administration. what responsibility do you take to that? officials that worked in that office said that the white house lost valuable time because that office was disbanded. what do you make of that? >> i think it's a nasty question. what we have done is -- tony said niemtimes we saved thousands of lives. when you say me, i didn't do it. >> i didn't do it. a nasty question. here is the thing, it's layered. we know he does not like president obama. him disbanding that office, it was -- it's not surprising. the nasty question, quickly, we know how he feels about women, in particular black women. he thinks they are nasty. has this nastiness toerwards th. kudos for her. >> you are on the spot.
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>> the winner for me was america's governors who brought sane, concentrated focus, discipline, resources and results to addressing this issue. governor hogan of maryland, my governor, our governor is the head of the national governors association. all of the governors working together from inslee to baker to hogan, cuomo. >> california. everybody. >> hats off to you guys and gals who are doing the work that should have been done. >> absolutely. health care workers and nursers. i was going to pick that, but i couldn't resist picking a non-coronavirus who won the week. ariana cotton who won the week. this little girl stole my heart. she was saying she felt she was ugly and her -- i think it was her mom in the video says you are beautiful. captured the hearts of america. my girl tamryn hall had her on
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the show. she got a celebrity visit from angela basset. >> you went on tv or social media and you said that you are feeling better. right? how are you feeling? >> good. >> what do you think? what do you tell yourself every day? >> i am beautiful. >> say it louder. scream it. >> black and beautiful. >> yes, ma'am. >> my baby. she got a visit from a celebrity. she's so sweet. there she is. there's the celebrity visit. i was screaming with her. >> oh, my god. >> her mom was screaming. i would be, too. that's wonderful. you are a beautiful little girl. we love you. you are the best. you are beautiful.
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lots of news. >> yeah. you have had it as well. it's news, news packed. it's super interesting. thank you for promoting mike tirico coming up. people spend sunday watching sports. not so much now. we will get to that. be safe, my friend. >> thank you. good day to you from msnbc world headquarters in new york. it's high noon in the east. how long will this go on? new insight in the past couple of hours into the coronavirus crisis. >> i think americans should be prepared that they're going to have to hunker down a significantly more than we as a country are doing. >> we will see the number of tests go up dramatically. >> this is a crisis that will be with us, i believe, at least six months. >> we know there are a lot of people out there carrying this. >> the long wait for answers as patients line up for testing. a new poll shows whether many
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