tv MSNBC Live Decision 2020 MSNBC March 16, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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commit that i will in fact appoint, pick a woman to be vice president. there are a number of women that are qualified to be president tomorrow. i would pick a woman to be my vice president. >> that is the farthest joe biden has ever gone, pledging diversity and gender on the ticket if he is the nominee. a big story at a time there are many big stories. as always, thanks for watching "the beat." i will be back. keep it locked on msnbc. good evening. i am steve kornacki in new york. good evening. i'm steve kornacki in new york. seeking to stem the tide of the outbreak, the coronavirus taskforce announced new, more stringent guidelines for the next 15 days. >> my administration is recommending that all americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from
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home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than ten people, avoid discretionary travel, and avoid eating, drinking in bars, restaurants, public food courts. >> no matter who you are, please stay home. if someone in your household is diagnosed with this virus, the entire household should quarantine in the house to prevent spread of the virus to others. >> it isn't an overreaction. it's a reaction we feel is commensurate, which is actually going on in reality. >> this comes as millions of americans are hunkering down and adjusting to a new, more isolated way of life. could go on for months. president trump warned the country could be dealing with the pandemic through the summer. >> it seems to me that if we do a really good job, hold it down
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to a level that's -- people are talking about july, august, something like that. >> so far, more than 4,000 coronavirus cases have been reported in the united states in 8 -- and 81 people died from it. it is a global effort to try to blunt the virus. france is joining italy implementing countrywide lockdown. canada closed borders to all nonresidents. saturday, president trump expanded the u.s. travel ban to include the united kingdom and ireland. earlier today governor mike dewine requested postponement of tomorrow's presidential primary in ohio until at least june 2nd. illinois, arizona, florida are still scheduled to hold primaries tomorrow. six counties in the san francisco bay area are asking their residents to shelter in
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place and this morning the governors of new york, new jersey, connecticut announced a coordinated plan to block gatherings of more than 50 people and to close down casinos, gyms, theaters in their states. bars and restaurants will only be allowed to offer takeout. they join several other states with similar measures to enforce social distancing. federal reserve in a surprise move meant to boost confidence in the markets made an emergency cut in the key interest rate sunday, slashing it by a full percentage point. despite that move, stocks dropped sharply, the worst day since 1987. meanwhile, u.s. supreme court postponed oral arguments the first time in over a century. president trump and vice president pence briefed the nation's governors on the crisis earlier today. according to "new york times," which heard a recording of the call the president told governors they shouldn't wait for the federal government to fill the demand for medical
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equipment, the president telling governors respirators, ventilators, all the equipment, try getting it yourselves. we will try backing you, but try getting it yourselves. for more, i am joined by the governor of new jersey, phil murphy. governor, thank you for joining us. it is 7:03 eastern, 7:04 eastern now. you recommended a curfew for residents to begin 56 minutes from now. what are you hoping happens then? >> steve, first of all, miss you on the jersey beat. secondly, it is not a curfew per se. it is a strong passionate recommendation against any nonessential travel between 8:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., beginning tonight, and for the foreseeable future. as you already rightfully pointed out, we took an enormous further aggressive steps today as relates to social distancing, with new york, connecticut, might add pennsylvania joined
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us, we've got to flatten the curve at all costs, break the back of this right now. and if we succeed in that, we'll be able to take the pressure off the health care system and god willing save lives as a result. >> you're asking folks tonight, overnight to do voluntarily stay in place voluntarily, sounds like no legal enforcement. but in terms of closures of businesses, what is happening on that front exactly? what's going to be closed in the state of new jersey for the foreseeable future? >> yeah. largely anything that's nonessential and they fall into a couple categories. gyms, movie theaters, theaters generally are closed for the foreseeable future, anything nonessential has to shut each night at 8:00 p.m. obviously the essential, grocery stores, pharmacies, et cetera have the ability to stay open. we shut effective 8:00 tonight
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any establishment, dining or drinking in either restaurants or bars. that will now be take out and delivery only. our casinos are shutting for further notice tonight at 8:00. we announced the public and private schools effective at the end of the day tomorrow will be shut for further notice. again, we are strongly asking, pleading folks to stay home. this social distancing is the one most important and most powerful weapon we have to be able to crack the back of this. and that's what we're pursuing aggressively. >> when you say the foreseeable future, the folks you're talking to, experts, federal government, do you have a sense what that means? are we talking weeks? months? what could that be? >> i'm not sure i'm smart enough to know, but it certainly is at
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least weeks and may be many, many months, and that's probably the big ask at this point. we're hoping for the best but we're preparing for the worst, and that's the way we'll continue to be. we have been on this since january. i established a whole of government taskforce i think february 2nd. we have been at every step of the way, whether it is testing, social distancing, trying to stay out ahead of this at every step of the way. that will continue to be our m.o. >> what you're describing in your state and around the country, this is extraordinary, the kinds of steps we're talking about. closing down restaurants, closing down bars, nonessential businesses, asking people to stay in place overnight. not just sort of in terms of economic numbers but in terms of jobs, in terms of people's ability to make mortgage payments, make rent payments, people going without paychecks, working as waiters, waitresses, what have you, what is this going to be like? how is this going to impact life
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in new jersey, is there anything you as the governor of new jersey can do to mitigate that? >> it is going to be tough as nails, no question about it. you mention the call with the governors, with the president and vice president today, we have been in regular contact. i spoke to vice president pence on friday night and our asks have consistently been personal protective equipment. we need a lot more of that. secondly, boots on the ground. good news there. fema picked new jersey as one of the initial 12 states to help us do drive through testing. i called up the national guard effective today. i think in combination between the guard and federal boots on the ground we'll be able to be much more aggressive on testing, delivering food to kids who only get their best meal of the day from school, maybe reopening wings of hospital if need be, repurposing buildings, and the third request is financial. there's no amount of money any
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state, governor cuomo said this about new york the other day, certainly is true for new jersey. we'll do everything we can for our workers, for small businesses, for anybody impacted by this, and by the way, our health care workers are heroes. but there's no amount of money any one state has. so we need an enormous amount of help and support from the federal government in the intermediate to long term, will continue to ask for that and stand tall for that. >> governor phil murphy of new jersey. thank you for taking a few minutes. appreciate it. >> thanks nor having me, steve. >> president trump was asked today by a reporter to rate his own handling of the coronavirus crisis. >> i'd rate it a ten. i think we've done a great job. i would rate it at a very, very -- rate ourselves and the professionals, i think the professionals have done a fantastic job. as far as the testing, you heard the admiral. i think the testing we have done, we took over an obsolete
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system or put it maybe in a different way, a system not meant to do anything like this, we took it over and doing something that's never been done in this country. and i think that we are doing very well. >> and i am joined by janet napolitano, the president of the university of california and former secretary of homeland security in the obama administration. thank you for joining us. let me ask you, what we just heard from the governor of new jersey about the steps taken in his state, seeing it in some other states as well, he is asking residents stay at home overnight. 8:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. voluntary. asking them to stay home, closing down casinos, restaurants take out only, nonessential business. is this something you think has to happen at the national level, too? >> i do because this epidemic is happening at the national level. i live in the bay area in
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california and the 6.7 million of us who live here have just been ordered to shelter at home until april 7th. so activity in this area is going to cease. university of california, the nation r nation's largest research university, we began several weeks ago converting campuses to remote learning, shutting down dormitories, dining facilities. obviously we're concerned about our work force, particularly lowest paid employees, trying to help them out through this crisis, but like governor murphy, we don't have a good understanding of how long this is going to go on. that's one of the great big unknowns that we have. >> yeah. i mean, the unknown here in time, the unknown in terms of talking about bending the curve,
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exactly how bad this is going to get in coming days and weeks. you have been in an administration before dealing with sort of the national scope of these things, obviously not something quite like this, but what steps does the federal government, what steps does the administration need to be taking right now? >> it needs an all of government approach. needs to deal with a number of issues tisimultaneously. it needs to deal with the testing issue and availability of diagnostic testing, needs to be dealing with the supply chain for personal protective equipment. it needs to be constantly reminding people that they can help themselves by coughing in their elbow, not handshaking, washing their hands regularly, sing a song like happy birthday while you do it so you are sure it is a thorough wash.
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those simple steps add up if everyone does them. >> you mention the testing, too. what is your sense of where that stands and what can be done to speed that up and get that volume of tests that are needed to meet demand and potential demand, what can be done to get that in place quickly? >> one thing that can be done is speed the approval of different types of test, be they emanating from the private sector or emanating from the nation's universities. the university of california, for example, at our hospitals they have developed new tests that we are currently being able to deploy to patients in the hospitals so enlarging the source of supply. that's the number one thing. >> what is your sense, too, i'm curious, this is unprecedented, what people are increasingly
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being asked to do here. it seems in crises in the past, there's a can do spirit, and this instinct people have, okay, let me get up, pitch in, let me do something. it seems the do something that people are being asked here is essentially nothing. it is stay home. don't go out. don't be among people. it is don't take action. that seems like a particular challenge from a leadership standpoint to sell people on. >> well, it is but it's a fairly straightforward message, it's that people can do a lot to help themselves and their communities if they reduce their social interactions or in the case of some areas of the country basically eliminate those social interactions until as you say we bend that curve. and it is the curve that's so worry some because if we continue on the same slant we're on right now, we are going to
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overwhelm our health care system, and that is the biggest risk we face. >> all right. janet napolitano, former homeland security secretary. thank you for joining us. appreciate it. >> thank you. coming up, mixed messages sent over the weekend amidst warnings to stay home as much as possible. some lawmakers suggested it is okay to go to bars and restaurants. are leaders adopt ago more unified front when it comes to social distancing? plus, big picture questions everyone is asking. will the country have enough tests to go around, and personal questions like what do i do if i think i have symptoms. we have some of the most informed experts here to take us through all of it and more. stay with us. remo stay with us [ siren ] give me your hand! i can save you... lots of money with liberty mutual!
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nationwide quarantine? nsc knocked it down, but at this point -- >> at this point not nationwide. there are some places in the nation that are not very effected at all, but we may look at certain areas, certain hot spots as they call them, we'll be looking at that. but at this moment, no, we're not. >> welcome back. that was president trump earlier today saying he is not considering instituting a national lockdown at this point. experts have urged people practice social distancing, the idea of avoiding large groups of people, staying home as much as possible. of course, that's been easier said than done, especially for people flying back this weekend to crowded airports or to people lining up to buy groceries. some people spent weekends crowding bars and restaurants like nothing was out of the ordinary. cities like new orleans, having to send police out to disband large gatherings. others took advantage of places like disneyworld magic kingdom that were still open until
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today. joined now by dr. leanawynn, and provost of initiatives at university of pennsylvania, and richard soreno, former chief of boston ems. thank you for being with us. appreciate it. dr. wynn, let me start with you. the idea of a lockdown, heard the president asked about it, this is happening in other countries. there are pockets of the country people are told to shelter in place. realistically, do you think the american people should be expecting the possibility at some point in the next few weeks that becomes a national order? >> well, we've seen a dramatic shift, even in the last couple weeks, where two weeks ago it seemed unimaginable to be banning gatherings of more than 10, 15 people, we were
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cancelling large events. that seemed to be the big event of the day. now the message of social distancing is getting through, but people aren't voluntarily complying with it. that's why i think we see more and more restrictions being placed. i hope the american people take this time to heed the warning of public health experts to know we have a very small window that's closing when we can make a big difference in stopping the rapid spread of covid-19. if we heed warnings, do things voluntarily, stop going to big gatherings, then we don't need a national lockdown. let's hope people do it on their own, see it as a chance to help each other and our neighbors. >> i have a two part question for you, picks up where she left off. the idea there's a limited window now to take these actions, these drastic actions, and you keep hearing the term bend the curve, the idea we keep
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seeing the case reports go up, to try to stabilize that number, bring that number down. take me through, first of all, first part of the question is what would that achieve. if you bend the curve the next few weeks, what specifically would be achieved by that? >> well, so if we just let this virus go, we are likely to see something like 10 million cases at the peak, but you have to build up to the peak, and 1 million deaths. if before april 1st, we're able to get social distancing in place, we're able to prevent people from congregating, we really do that effectively, the modeling suggests we can take the total peak number of cases down below a million, maybe as low as 6, 700,000, and total deaths below 100,000, as low as 60,000. that's a huge difference, first
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of all, lots of suffering doesn't happen, lots of people that would have otherwise died stay alive, and second and most importantly from the standpoint of the whole of the population, we actually end up not overtaxing the health care system, not making it breakdown. what does breakdown look like? looks like no elective surgery, people with myocardial infarction can't get into the hospital. looks like we have to choose between people in intensive care unit, who gets a respirator, who doesn't. and that's what is one of the things which is so critical. there's a human cost in suffering and there's a medical system and keeping it functioning. those i think, that is why acting so fast is so important. why is it difficult to act fast? lots of people don't feel sick. and even people that have the virus don't feel sick. so it is hard to tell them you have to take this action, even though you're feeling perfectly
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fine. >> so let me get to part two of the question. you set it up well. makes perfect sense to me and everybody that listens to this, the idea you do a dramatic social distancing, you're not flooding hospitals, gives everybody a chance to take stock of this, not going to have an explosion that otherwise would have. so we do that a few weeks, do that for a few months, bars are closed, restaurants are closed, schools are out of session, everybody is staying home. at some point we have to start returning to something resembling normal life. we're human beings. you can't be cooped up in the house forever. at that point if there's no vaccine, which they say is a year or two away, no credible treatment for this thing, isn't everything you described going to happen then? >> it is going to happen again. you will release the social distancing and then have recrew did he sayance of the virus and at a lower level.
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you'll have given the health care system time to sort things out. so you will have lower virus spread, fewer people suffering, health care system still functioning, and so by doing this over and over again, you can actually coast through the worst parts. >> so rich soreno, the message being put out there then to stay home, to do social distancing, all these sorts of things, we ta talked about over the weekend folks watching news, you saw new orleans, saw crowded bars and restaurants. my sense, curious what yours is, my sense is there was a backlash that took hold over the weekend and maybe that message is resonating a little more with folks, maybe a lot more with folks monday than it was friday. is that your sense? has this dramatically changed the culture of the country in the course of a weekend? >> i think it has. i think a lot of people in the country have realized that they
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can make a huge difference, individuals can be the heroes in this. they can look and see how they can make a difference, that they can help save their neighbors' lives, and simple things, like you look at what happened in 1918, philadelphia decided to hold a parade and they did. st. louis at the same time decided they weren't holding a parade. we saw a big difference in deaths and people that got sick. in philadelphia, it spiked, st. louis it was down. big difference. social distancing, stay home. it will have long term impact, it will flatten the curve, and help save lives. that's important, how we -- what the individual can do. individuals are huge, this is not whole of government or whole of community, it is individuals. it is government, it is the business community, the faith based community, and the public at large, how we can all come
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together, help each other out through this. that's what's going to get us through this. >> bending the curve, it flattened the curve. that's the expression we hear. that's the goal. my guests staying with me. quick break. the public has questions about what's happening, about what happens next. we have the public health experts sticking around to join us to answer questions that may be on your mind. stay with us. be on your mind. stay with us ♪ ♪ you work hard for your money. stretched days for it. ♪ ♪ juggled life for it. ♪ ♪ took charge for it. ♪ ♪ so care for it. look after it. invest with the expertise of j.p. morgan, either with an advisor or online, through chase. after all, it's yours. chase.
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how many venlt layors and will it be enough sfl. >> i can get back to you with the number. we have quite a few. if it is not enough, we will have it by the time we need it. hopefully we won't need them. >> that was president trump addressing concerns that hospitals might not have enough life-saving equipment to respond to the growing pandemic. even with far reaching restrictions states are putting in place, new york governor cuomo said today it might not be enough. >> the wave is going to break on the hospital system. we are doing everything we can to flatten the curve. i believe we have taken more dramatic action than any state in the united states. i believe we've had the most effective response of any state in the united states.
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i don't believe we're going to be able to flatten the curve enough to meet the capacity of the health care system. >> back with me, dr. wynn, dr. emanuel, and richard soreno. let me start on what governor cuomo was saying. that was a very ominous remark. >> yeah. >> saying the wave will crash on the health care system. we talked in the last segment of a window of opportunity to avoid that. he is saying we're not going to. does he have a point? >> he may have a point and there may be a point in different parts of the country where the number of cases does overwhelm the health care system. president trump couldn't give you the numbers, but numbers are that we have just under 70,000 intensive care unit beds for adults, separate from nicu and
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pediatric icu beds. that's not a lot of beds for 325 million americans. some areas have more, some areas don't have enough, and i think he is worried about the combination of a big covid-19 outbreak and areas that may not have sufficient elastic capacity and excess capacity. in addition, we don't have that many full fledged ventilators, there are about 95,000 in the country, including strategic reserve. we have other ventilators that are not fully, not full fledged. there's also a shortage of ventilators. and there's also human resources, nurses as well as respiratory therapists, and that is another area that i think we have to rapidly train up people to be able to service the ventilators. >> doctor wynn, i'm curious, you
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have concern about whether the health care system is equipped to handle this, you've got folks doing their best to stay home, to stay out of public settings. certainly know if they go to the hospital or a medical facility, perhaps chance of exposure to something like this might be greater, given the clientele at a moment like this. what is the practical advice for somebody sitting home, watching this now, who wakes up tomorrow and says geez, i feel a little feverish. it is 99.2. maybe i am feeling a bit of a cough. what do you do? >> don't go to the er. that's the most important thing. let me back up a moment. you talk about supply and demand issue. supply and demand are of health care services. so hospitals at this time need to ramp up as much as they possibly can, they need to be freeing up capacity, telemedicine, opening new bed
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spaces, maybe the military needs to be involved to open new beds to have more supply of services. but we're trying to flatten the curve to reduce demand of services. one concern i hear from emergency medicine colleagues around the country is patients are flooding the ers now. we don't even have covid-19 in many of the communities, but patients are coming in, saying they're worried about coronavirus, which i understand why they're worried, but the er is not the place you go if you are the worry well. only go to the er if you need er services, otherwise you could be infected, you could transmit it to other people, and frankly you take up space somebody else needs to get acute care. also, ers don't have enough tests for all the reasons we talked about. if you're not feeling so great, call your doctor. ask your doctor what you should do. most likely we don't have enough tests, you're not going to get a test, but if you need to go to
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the er, the doctor will contact the er directly, give you explicit instructions so when you go, you can avoid infecting other people and protect yourself. stay out of the er. and very importantly, hunker down at home. social distancing is going to protect you and your family, and also reduce demand for services so we can all protect our communities. >> dr. wynn is pointing to a troubling category that's kind of emerged here, a lot of this is anecdotal, but we're all hearing accounts, seeing them reported here and there of folks that you wouldn't classify them as the worried well who fear this in an abstract sense, folks that are running fevers, folks that are getting 100.3, maybe have a cough or fever, this sort of thing, and are going to the doctor and are being told you're not a candidate for testing, we don't have the tests, there
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isn't anything i can do for you. what's the practical advice for folks that fall into that category? >> i think folks that call into that category are people if they have a fever above 100.4, have a dry cough going on for four to five days, contact your doctor, then the doctor can recommend whether or not to go to the hospital, if that's necessary at that point. the other part of this that's important is we have to be honest with the people, and as we're honest with people with trusted, good information, have empathy for those that become sick, a lot of people we heard that have the sniffles or a cold are being treated like no, i can't go near you. we have to have empathy for people that are ill. we also have to for people that can stay home, be conscious of your actions. as a community, we'll get through this. >> sorry, we're out of time.
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i appreciate having you. really appreciate the insight. hopefully you'll come back. this is not going away anytime soon. closer look at the economic impact of the outbreak. will tried and true economic remedies work in the face of what's essentially a medical crisis? we're back after this. medical crisis we're back after this. (janine) i used to be a little cranky. dealing with our finances really haunted me. thankfully, i got quickbooks, and a live bookkeeper's helping customize it for our business. (live bookkeeper) you're all set up! (janine) great! (vo) get set up right with a live bookkeeper with intuit quickbooks. fidelity has zero commissions for online u.s. equity trades and etfs, plus zero minimums to open a brokerage account. with value like this, there are zero reasons to invest anywhere else.
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they're going to be great. the fed, phenomenal news, what they're doing with the incredible company is phenomenalness. but take it easy, relax. we're doing great. >> welcome back. that was the president's message yesterday as americans faced long lines and empty shelves at growth restores. among other things, the president touted the federal reserve emergency decision over the weekend to cut interest rates to nearly 0%.
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the lowest they have been since the 2008 financial crisis, even that dramatic measure couldn't avert a massive selloff today, another one. the dow plunging so quickly, it triggered a halt in trading, another one, within seconds of opening bell. by market close, it was down almost 3,000 points. marking the worst loss since 1987, decline of nearly 13% for the day. despite parallels to the 2008 financial crisis, white house economic adviser larry kudlow this morning reiterated his belief the fundamentals of the economy are still strong. >> we've been assured in recent weeks that the fundamentals of the economy are strong. >> yes, yes. >> do you still believe that? >> i believe so. important point, so does the president. fundamentals of the economy are strong. >> late this afternoon, the president adopted a markedly different tone on the subject of wall street and where the economy may be heading.
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>> is the u.s. economy heading into a recession? >> well, it may be. we're not thinking in terms of recession, but in terms of the virus. once this goes away, goes through, and we're done with it, i think you'll see a tremendous surge. >> and this comes as a republican senator is calling on the president to take a, quote, step back from his public statements on the outbreak. that's coming up next. on the ok that's coming up next. helping many people with type 2 diabetes like james lower their blood sugar. a majority of adults who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. here's your a1c. oh! my a1c is under 7! (announcer) and you may lose weight. adults who took ozempic® lost on average up to 12 pounds. i lost almost 12 pounds! oh! (announcer) for those also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. it lowers the risk. oh! and i only have to take it once a week. oh! ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ (announcer) ozempic® is not for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis.
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with a painless, one-second scan you can check your glucose with a smart phone or reader so you can stay in the moment. no matter where you are or what you're doing. ask your doctor for a prescription for the freestyle libre 14 day system. you can do it without fingersticks. learn more at good morning, mr. sun. good morning, blair. [ chuckles ] whoo. i'm gonna grow big and strong. yes, you are. i'm gonna get this place all clean. i'll give you a hand. and i'm gonna put lisa on crutches! wait, what? said she's gonna need crutches. she fell pretty hard. you might want to clean that up, girl. excuse us. when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. -and i'm gonna -- -eh, eh, eh. -donny, no. -oh. welcome back. when it comes to the coronavirus
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outbreak, president trump has not consistently been on message with the government health experts of his own administration. now republican senator susan collins of maine is telling him to take a back seat to the professionals. in a statement to nbc news, she said this, quote, i would like the president to step back and appoint one of our public health officials to be the spokesman as we go through dealing with this novel virus. peter baker and elise jordan, former white house aide in the george w. bush administration. thanks to you both for being with us. peter, we played a little of the president sunday. i noticed late this afternoon when he and other administration officials spoke, there did seem to be a markedly different tone the president was taking. it seemed as if perhaps last week he had been trying to coax the markets with his words into some measure of stability and now after seeing yet another plunge today, he was offering a message of hey, maybe there will
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be a recession. i think the line he used to paraphrase was the markets will ultimately be okay but you have to take care of coronavirus first. has there been a shift along those lines in terms of his thinking and his administration's approach? >> i think you did see a different tone today, saw a president willing to admit this is a serious situation, one in fact that will last until july or august. remember, just a few days ago he was telling us this would burn off by april or may and that this would miraculously go away, under control. he admitted today it is not under control. there are still trumpian flourishes. gave himself a ten for his performance. denied he said it was tremendously undercontrolled, even though he just said it yesterday. but broadly speaking i think it was a sober tone, more serious tone. he didn't even take the bait to go after cuomo as much as i would have expected him to under other circumstances.
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i think that the collapse of the market today after the fed cut the rate to near zero had to be sobering. he put so much stock in the fed rate as a solution to all things economic and it didn't work. he looked at this, said he had to come out, present a different tone. >> elise, i thought it was striking, he was asked about possibility of recession, he didn't wave the question off, he said it is possible. >> today was positive in the sense it seems like the president understands that this is a serious threat to the whole society, that he isn't going to be able to talk away through magical marketing, that he is actually going to have to be sober with the american public about what's ahead. i'm reminded of the iraq war years when so often it was dismissed as a communications problem, not a policy problem
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with how we were executing the war. and so many times this is true where congress bears the brunt of blame when problem and there be a shift and i hope we're starting to see that shift with the trump administration now taking seriously through concrete measures to ensure public safety. >> the other question there, too, peter in terms of policy in terms of propels, if the president is now looking at this and if his administration is now looking at this as it is possible there's going to be some kind of a recession here and certainly just given the limited economic activity we're going to be seeing because of these social distancing measures, is there a policy agenda that is taking shape here? i started a mitt romney republican senator from utah put out this idea of give every american a check for $1,000 right now, try to get some kind of stimulus and security for americans.
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is there a policy agenda that the administration is sort of kwo cooking up here against this public recognition of potentially a recession is on the horizon? >> there is and it's basically combination of stimulus and bailout. two words you won't hear the trump administration use because they're associated with the last two presidents, things that might have been unpopular with voters. that's what they're talking about. larry ckudlow talked about the bailout combined with aid to workers in the house bill would add up to $400 billion. he said he didn't want to use the word stimulus, he said financial aid. he says if you add the payroll tax holiday the trump administration would like to do, it would get up to $800 billion. on top of that, assistance out airline industry of perhaps $50 billion. these are coming together in the combination of discussions that the white house right now and on capitol hill.
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we don't know where it's going to end up. but you're right, the government is trying to figure out how to use the economy to at least keep it sustained until this virus works it way through its course. >> meanwhile, as all of us were absorbing all of this over the weekend, the two remaining candidates for the democratic presidential nomination, joe biden and bernie sanders faced off in an unusual debate setting. there was no audience in the auditorium and the podiums were six feet apart. here is a bit of what we saw. >> we're spending so much money and yet, we're not even prepared for this pandemic. >> you have a single payer system in italy. it doesn't work there. it has nothing to do with medicare for all. >> we got thousands of private insurance plans. that is not a system that is prepared to provide health care to all people. >> this is a crisis. we're at war with a virus. we're at war with a virus. it has nothing to do with
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co-pays or anything, we just passed the law saying that you do not have to pay for any of this, period. >> bottom line is, we need a simple system which exists in canada, exists in countries all over the world. >> this idea that this is his only answer is a mistake in notion. >> of course, there are four more democratic primaries scheduled tomorrow. i should mention there is a little news. the governor of ohio today moved to postpone his state's primary for tomorrow. a court ruled in the last hour, though, against that so there will be as of right now a primary in ohio tomorrow and three other states. jordan, bernie sanders was behind going into the debate last night. he's lost most of the recent contest and fallen behind in the delegate count. obviously, we will get some results it looks like from the states tomorrow to see if anything changed there. i'm just curious, given everything around us right now in terms of this outbreak and in terms of what that's doing to
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americans' lives, how do you see this democratic campaign looking after tomorrow night? >> the win jud seems to be goinn the opposite direction of bernie sanders and certainly, steve, i would never talk numbers when you're hosting the show because you can break it down infinitely better than i can but i just don't see where some extraordinary event bernie sanders has any fighting chance and last night was a last stand of sorts and i was surprised that biden did as well as he did. he kept bringing it back to medicaid for all and joe biden focused on the urgency of the moment and that was appropriate for these crazy times that we live in. >> jordan and peter baker, thank you both for joining us and we're back right after this. bot we're back right after this. tv sports announcer: oh! let's go to a commercial.
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as we discussed, the presidential race goes on sort of. debates in empty studios, no more rallies for a very long time and maybe not even many more primaries. there are states holding presidential primaries tomorrow but after that, who knows. georgia was set to go next week but postponed their primary until at least may. louisiana's primary was scheduled for early april, now it's been postponed at least two and a half months.
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kentucky pushed its back today, too. this will probably happen in a lot more states, as well. the only thing i can remember like this is back on 9/11 when the world trade center was hit that awful morning, the primary election for new york city mayor was underway, votes were being gas b cast but immediately kancancell and three weeks later tried it all over again. it was a complete doover and work ed fine. the campaign proceeded and new york had a new mayor and a stead duh pr did presence of returning to normal. the situation now feels different. we were stunned on ne9/11 and saddened beyond belief but filled with a resolve to get back own our feet and moving again and we did. the return to elections and politics was part of that. now, though, now it's about waiting, sitting still, being patient, keeping distant.
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we're humans. everything inside of us says get going again. we can't. not now. not for awhile. that includes elections. we had pauses before in our country but never one quite like this. thanks for being with us. don't g ao anywhere. "all in" with chris hayes is next. good evening from new york. i'm chris hayes. everything is different now. it is disorienting and surreal to remember where we were just a week ago. and to see where we are now and to imagine where we might be a week from today. the whole world is battling an unprecedented enemy, this coronavirus pandemic. it is going to take drastic measures, drastic social disruption for us to get on top of it. we're starting to see what the disruption and consequences of the outbreak looks like day by day. right now we have over 4300 confirmed cases in the u.s. but we know there are many, many more out there.
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