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tv   Deadline White House  MSNBC  March 20, 2020 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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but they do always come back. this one maybe long and deep but it is going to come back. i am going to see you right back here tonight at 10:00 p.m. for "the last word" and saturday and sunday at 8:00 eastern and saturday at 8:00 p.m. southeastern and sunday and i will join you for special coverage for coronavirus. thank you for watching. "deadline white house" begins right now. aloha, namaste and happy friday. i am in for anicole wallace. state of illinois is joining california and new york. more than 70 million americans and counting find themselves under instructions to stay out of the workplaces and off the streets and in their domicile
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except for essential works and activities. gavin newsom led the charge shutting down the most papadopoul papadopoulpopulas state. 56% of the state, more than 25 million people would be come infected with coronavirus over the next eight weeks. this week new york governor andrew cuomo followed suits with similar measure. cuomo resisted of stay-at-home order. he announced the policy takes effect sunday night, became essential and unavoidable. >> i said from day one this is science and math. watch the number, you have the density control.
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the number starts to go up. if the number does not slow down, tighten the valve more. if the number does not slow down, tighten the valve more. if the number does not slow down. close the valve. we are closing the valve. >> we are going to take it to the ultimate step which is we are going to close the valve. the rate of increase and the number of cases pertains a total overwhelming of our hospitals system. >> we have been calling new york ground zero for coronavirus. today confirmed cases in the states are passed 7,000 with more than 4,000 of them, roughly of a third of the national total concentrated in new york city where mayor bill debla blasio a crisis of resources and running out of equipment within two or three weeks.
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that's a problem from coast to coast as more than 60,000 cases have been confirmed nationwide with a death toll surpassing 200. joining us now from los angeles, the mayor there, mr. mayor, nice to see you. >> you and i were texting last night, give us a sense of how things are looking out there a little less than 24 hours after the decision was made and the order was announced by governor newsom. >> folks are not on the streets besides critical workers. they have going home before the order was given here los angeles and statewide. i applaud the governor for doing that. it was the right thing to do. northern california done it. i called them to let them know we are going to be doing it as well. when it feels wrong. it is the time to do it. by the time it feels right, it is too late. i got off the phone call with
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couple hundred mayors around the country is do this now. a protective shield, every single place is now coming to and the sooner you can do this, the better off you will be and the quicker you will bget out o this. >> you and governor newsom working closely on this. new york city and state, slightly different situation. we have a mayor and governor who don't always see eye to eye. you and newsom and gavin working closely on a lot of things. sounded that you were heading this direction, maybe ahead of him on the statewide level, is that what i heard you say? >> i think we are an hour earlier. it is not about who's first, it is about the right decision. this is a public health emergency that i would implore every plit olitical plealeaders
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to it quickly. this is not a shelter in place. thank you msnbc for not using it. this is not a lockdown. people can still walk and healthy and connect with friends over the phone. workers are still working. this is looking at history, 1918 shows us, places that acts slowly had more deaths. if you believe all human life is precious, do this now and those who say the economy can't take it, the economy can't take more cases. the economy can't take more deaths. these people won't go to work later because of the health crisis. right now if you can keep them home while they're healthy, that's much better to do. you have to be brave. i did this with a heavy heart but i did it with a clear mind and resolve to get this done. >> i will give you credit where credit is due mr. mayor. >> you were the one who said to me as we were communicating this. shelter in place was the wrong language and stay-at-home is the
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right language. i took it to heart. here in new york and any place that already gone into one of these modes or considering going into. there are a lot of concerned citizens that about what this will mean for them or what the exceptions are and how the enforcement is going to work and arrested if they get outside their house to walk the dog or going to the grocery stores. the starting point to get people feeling comfortable is stay-at-home rather than shelter in place. >> talk about those exceptions and how it is going to work there in your city. i know with los angeles and the right language wondering what their life is going to look like. let's say what the exceptions are and how enforcement works first. >> broadly, it is about what is you can do as much as what you can't do and let me start with psychologically how it heals. we know the first couple of days it will be extremely jarring on top of economic locations people are feeling. life settles in.
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i talk to folks around the world, mayor in milan and folks in hong kong. life does settle in. when people are buying guns or talking about social unrest. this is a public health emergency. crime is down. acts of generosity is up. we encourage people to be healthy. go with one other person or keep your distance. go out for a walk. i took my daughter for a walk this morning as i was teaching her because her principle is her mom. i have been assigned as the science teacher so we are talking about pollinators and bees and hummingbirds. life continues. it sounds like there should be birds chirping and deer running around. it is hard days. the exceptions are things like
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extra credit c critical infrastructures. the financial mechanisms we need through banks and accountants who can make payroll. if you go to . the sooner you can prepare, the calmer things will become. >> the big crisis here is the question of supplies. he's focusing on the hospitals and about the shortage of medical supplies. i wonder how bad and how the circumstances are out in los angeles and most importantly what you're hearing from the federal government in terms of the health that you may expect. >> we hear mixed things of great cooperations and some assistance. at the highest level, we are not delivery clerks. we are not expecting the cavalry
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to come. it is a national travesty. i believe there could be a second spike when the flu season picks up in september and november. we need to be prepared for this. l.a. has a special role, l.a. long beach ports have 43% goods in america. truck drivers bringing in supplies from around the world. we gone one of the areas and asking this em to stas asking them to step up and not just first responders but medical personnel but some of our grocery clerks and protect them and making sure they can show up to work healthy. there is not enough and there are 200 swabs we got. 200 swabs.
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we need to do thousands of tests. we are scrambling everyday to find these things everywhere. we are talking about things like converting hotel and dorm rooms. are you guys about to make moves out there. >> it is underway. our homeless population here, remobilizing, 1600 beds we'll have ready by the end of this weekend. 6,000 beds by a week or two later. we secured about 400 motel rooms. we are looking at that being quickly four digits into the thousands with our county to make sure not just folks who are homeless but people who are patients can go into the area. we are looking at all the spaces and places especially near hospitals and one thing is counties sometimes are not set up to plan further than right now and so we are just saying how can we help as a city and 88 other cities of l.a. counties can reoffer our surplus property and can we do something next to
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the hospital. counties don't run all the hospitals. leadership requires mayors and others to bring everybody together and say this my bae a confederation when it comes to healthcare but we need to act together. we have been doing that on tests and hospital beds. i think it may be six or nine days off before we are overwhelmed. >> i know you got to go. i got two quick ones for you. you mentioned the time frame. i know you can't with any certainty talk about how long the stay-at-home order will be in place. as you imagine right now, what's the minimum you can imagine this going on for, days, weeks or months? >> months for sure. >> we said one month but looking at places like china and wuhan, that was a two-month order in a place that had a lot more control over people movements. i love to be able to lift that up in three months and we'll look at it. i want to be honest for everybody and preparing for
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this, we are looking at two months. >> we have seen a real study in contrast here, our governor today and this press conference basically says the bucks stop with me. if this does not work, it is on me, i take responsibility whether it goes right or wrong and the president of the united states had a different attitude. i am curious of how you are handling that question in los angeles, does the buck stops at the mayor's office or at some place else? >> it better stop hes here and white house and everything in between. this is when leaders lead make unkof uncomfortable decisions and bring people together and stop the squabbling. if you are going to complain about something, bring a solution to it. i want to end on a positive note. as tough as we have seen some of the political leadership, i have seen more leadership from
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everyday americans that i have seen in my life. this was the toughest day i have been elected officials in my life and yet when you think about the acts of kindness and how crimes have fallen and how people are stepping up and feeding folks and catching them, we have so much more work to do especially for our immigrants. we can't forget about them. i have been blown away of the spirit of the nation. that'll is spinspire us to get through this. >> mayor, take care of yourself and thank you for spending a few minutes with us today. >> much love brother and strength. >> peace, brother. the state of illinois ill substitu instituted its stay-at-home
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order. essential work or activities is in play. you can see there the governor pritzker announcing that order goes into effect tonight in illinois. let's bring in now to continue this conversation. dr. peter hotez for vaccine development in houston and our msnbc kimberly atkins for boston public news. dr. hotez, having watched the white house, we have not played that sound today. having watched donald trump today in the white house, help me if you can, is it your sense right now that the government that there is some lack of clarity about this. the president turned on the switch here or still remains to be done? >> yeah, i don't know in the working zone but first of all, i would like to say that i was really impressed with the mayor
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of los angeles, his comments. of all my talking points, he hit all of them. and that was a great example of what we want to hear from mayors across the nation. congratulations to the mayor. one of the things that there are two-points that i would like to add onto that, that are important to stress now. one is we have a vulnerable group of hospital workers, front line healthcare workers right now and physicians and nurses getting exposed to the virus. we got to figure out a way to get them protected equipment and implement therapies including antibody. the white house and the fda really take on.
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the second piece and no one is really talking about this very much is the extraordinary impact out of mental health of america. we are hearing stories, more and more about how it is playing out right now is i am asking a lot of depression and psychiatric morbidity because of this. we should not under estimate this. in my opinion, the mental health impact of this pandemic is almost as great as the toll of infectious disease. i am an infectious disease expert. we have to provide low cost mental health through phones and through this social isolation. i predict unless we have some intervention, we'll see a big increase in suicide rates in the united states and possibly other evidence of psychiatric of
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morbid dit morbidi morbidity. those are the two things i want to push right now, taking care of our workers and our health professionals. >> this question of medical supplies and all of these cases particularly in new york mayor de blasio is pushing to get a stay-at-home in place. governor cuomo cited today. and dr. hotez says it again. "the new york times" says skepticism that he put the defense production act in motion. mr. trump claims that his news briefing after invoking the act on wednesday, he began using it. the president did not say how this was different from the government's previous efforts to
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include masks. people are really confused and really confusing of some conversations that president trump had with chuck schumer. can you help us what's going on with this vital question. >> it is uncertainty and should be clear to people of the difference between just acting and telling people to go out and produce more and other state officials to get out and buy it and for the president to invoke the power under this act, given him the power to recollect and manufacture. stop producing what you are producing right now and producing things like face masks and respiratories. governors and lawmakers on capitol hill have been calling for the president to do this for days because it is very clear
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both have local official and healthcare professionals that most healthcare, hospitals and other healthcare providers are operating with weeks' worth and days' worth of equipment. some have run out all together. you have from private industry, we can if we have the support from government, we can produce things like face masks and trying to produce some of these stuff. it is there waiting to happen. it takes the president or taking that final steps. he said he did but it seems unclear at this hour. >> dr. hotez, i want to stay on this topic before we let you go and ask you about this question. there is one of the most alarming headline we have seen all week is headline about people trying to improvise some of these equipment. this morning on "morning joe." i am going let that footage play
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right now. people try to learn how to do homemade, sew a hospital mask. what people have been reducing to at this point. th this is a single sewing machine and a woman here showing you how to do it, a homemade hospital mask. one, is this generally safe to go about making these homemade masks? is it safe? given the demand we are facing in the demand that we are about to be facing. no matter what the government does at this point, can we catch up? >> yes. this is devastating. these kinds of homemade masks, the problem is you don't have quality control. you don't really know if this is
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adequate or not. some case it may be or some case it may not be. today is going to be match day, a big celebration of medical schools when medical students finding out where they'll do their residency. last year at this time i was celebrating with the love of my medical students i was mentoring who are going to bellevue hospital and going to nyu and columbia and new york hospital and going to ucla and now i am looking at this a year later and i am saying oh my god, what have i done? i sent them to hell and unprotected in these hopespital. nurses are being put in harm's way because they don't have equipment. if these physicians and nurses get sick, they can't take care of themselves and the whole thing collapses. this is the most vulnerable part
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of our epidemic right now. >> dr. peter hotez, that's a sobering set of words and imperative message to folks at the white house and the government all across the country. when we come back, donald trump was asked by one of our own to address the feels of millions of americans. he's telling that questioner that he's a terrible reporter. as trump fails every test put before him, there are governors across the country passed with flying colors. that's the accusation being made today. we'll take a look, coming right up. a look, coming right up u love from the comfort of home... if it ever makes it there. spend $30 and get free delivery at red lobster dot com.
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there is no magic drug for coronavirus right now. on this issue -- >> maybe or maybe not? >> is it possible that your impulse put a positive spin on things giving americans false hope. >> no, i don't think so. >> look, it may work and it may not work. i agreed with the doctor, it may work and i may not work. i feel good about it. it is just a feeling. i am a smart guy. i feel good about it and we'll see. we'll see soon enough. >> what do you say americans who are scared, nearly 200 dead and 14,000 and millions as you witnessed who are scared right now. what do you say to americans who are watching you right now who
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are scared? >> i would say you are a terrible reporter that's what i would say. >> i think that's a nasty question. it is a bad signal that you are putting out to the american people. the american people are looking for answers and they're looking for hope and you are doing sensationalism and the same with nbc and comcast. i don't call them comcast, i call them con-cast. you want to get back to reporti reporting. i happen to feel good about it. who knows? i have been right a lot. >> a stunning grotesque and appalling moment on when the president should be addressing the americans during the time of
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crisis. guys, i do not love doing media criticism and media stories. i would rather be talking about the crisis of the country facing in terms o f the coronavirus. you see donald trump in a moment we declare of a wartime president rising to the moment and fight off the enemy and instead of answering the question. in case if anybody did not hear it. what do you say to americans who are scared though, nearly 200 dead and 14,000 and millions who are sick. what do you say to americans who are scared right now? the most anticipated question that a journalist would ask a president during this moment. the president chose to attack journalism. i will start with you. >> the only conclusion that i
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can reach is trump would rather be talking about this than the fact that he was up there disputing healthcare expert of this efficacy of malaria drug. he acted as if his optimism of this drug had no adverse consequences. you can see foresee the situation and trying make a run and get a hand on this drug and people needing it having different cult to get access to it. those are serious medical consequences to be cavalier about this stuff. i think it is worth talking about how he treated peter which is a totally fair question. we should not take our eyes off
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that important point. >> of course. david jolly, the president says i feel good about this drug. i feel good about it. governor cuomo talking about treatments. well, it is all about science and not all about mhis feelings. you tweeted that you thought it was a full melt-down by trump. the attack on the press and our colleagues and the stuff that sam just mentioned. take your pick of what you want to address first. >> well, peter was being generous in the way he approached the question. the predicate for the entire story is the president of the united states disputes the nation's leading health experts on whether or not there is a therapeutic available to address this virus. donald trump is saying something different than the leading health experts. mr. president, you have millions of americans scared and your message is not clear, how would
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you like to reconcile that. >> donald trump knows this has gotten away from him and he can't spin his way out of this. what i would offer in this moment is leadership fails, we have to assume the mantle leadership ourselves. we have to practice stay-at-home and amplify the message of our experts and rely on pastors who are saying we are not going to have church services and governors who are saying we are closing all essential businesses because that's what required in this moment. what donald trump is unwilling to tell the american people is that this is going to get much worse. the answer to this is not as simple as he wants us to believe it is. what donald trump also won't tell us is the economic impact is far worse. the trillion dollars bill on capitol hill is not going to fix it. fix is going to be some where of the magnitude of $5 trillion. on the health side, what is required as a national lockdown? leadership in this moment is not
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being honest by the american people. we need leadership who's honest and discipline in their message and willing to make hard decisions on behalf of us, on behalf of us the people they lead to protect our health and the economy that we'll rely on for years to come. >> kimberly, peter alexander did not need a defense for me. he's unairingly fair in his coverage. donald trump seems to be triggered by and he clearly, his reaction to peter's question and later in the press came back around and attack peter again suggests that as david jolly suggested, there are other things that worked here, displays in this case are jerked by deeper things than the nature of the question. it could not be the question that drove his reaction.
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what do you make of trump that many people noted that donald trump made a shift. it was that market shaft, the shift from two months of there is no worry here, there is no problem here and we have an invisible enemy in this virus. i am the wartime commander. he made the shift but he ended this week with this displacy. what do we make of the totality we see this week and the punctuation mark and behavior of this press briefing made for the week. go. >> i will start by saying his reaction to peter was visceral in a lot of places. we heard president trump himself say in interviews since he was on the campaign trail that d demograding the press. at this point it is important
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for the people to have factual and accurate information. what peter recited were these statistics at that point about deaths and infection in this country, numbers that americans see rise. not only it was not high and tight fastball as sam says. it was an opportunity that the president missed. what the president could have said americans are not helpless. we need americans cooperation in order to keep this pandemic from being worse to flatten the curve. americans keep themselves safe and family members safe and communities safe by staying in doors and listening to what officials are telling them and making it a moment where americans are feeling invested in getting through this and getting the better of this.
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that it will be hard, harder times are ahead and it could last a long time. that will would have been a great moment for the president to use. he chose the approach of attacking the media. >> we'll take a break in a second. i want to put a picture of someone in the white house of the briefing room today. that's shaean spicer. that's the person who the person called on after he attacked peter alexander. he answered that question respectfully. this is apparently how the president would prefer to have his press core. he prefers to have a former secretary of his sit ting in th audience asking questions. that's the "reporter," the person who sat in the press briefing room who donald trump
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treated with respect. that's where we are headed now. wartime leadership that's defined after donald trump. a vacuum of the leadership i am talking about here. who's taking up that mantle? that's coming up next. mantle? that's coming up next. a new di. but when you're with fidelity, a partner who makes sure every step is clear, there's nothing to stop you from moving forward. a partner who makes sure every step is clear, we're finally back out in our yard, but so are they. scotts turf builder triple action. it kills weeds, prevents crabgrass and feeds so grass can thrive, guaranteed. our backyard is back. this is a scotts yard. stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some... rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief.
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call now aag is working to make your retirement better. dr. fauci says the lagging testing was in in fact a failing. do you take responsibility for that and when can you guarantee that every single american who needs a test will be able to have a test. what's the date of that?
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>> no, i don't take responsibility at all. >> i accept full responsibility if someone is unhappy or someone wants to blame someone or complain about someone, blame me. >> what leadership skills are lacking on the part of president trump. we are seeing abundance from mayors across the country and governors. governor cuomo leading his own state of pandemic. >> c andrew cuomo has a mixed reputation. he's sometim he really emerged the last week
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s or so. he's a master class in crisis management. do a little comparison and contrast with cuomo of what you are seeing of him and the president of the united states. >> it is interesting of these types of crisis are best handled by the types of politicians are not deal makers and you know the types of, the introverts in the way. people are exceptionally organized and decisive and ordering and bossy. that describes andrew cuomo. donald trump, this is not a crisis suited for his temperament. he likes to talk and not decisive. he shifts blames aulnd he's not transparent. also to level with the public.
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we now watch a week plus in his briefings that trump has led in heech o each one and where we find later of the fact that certain things he says are not true. what you want at this moment from someone at the helm. i thank cuomo to his benefit and really shown that what we need is decisive action and people taking tough calls and on the federal side, we have not had that. >> david jolly. you got in on andrew cuomo. first and for most. leaders at the local, third of all science matters. love and compassion, dealing with the fears and anxiety of
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the people and cities and states is an important job for someone to lead an executive role. that's you know what we are seeing from those folks. it can't help but be noted how much it stands in contrast to the absence of all of those things coming out of the white house. >> well, there is another fundamental element to all this john, that's trust. and the ability of voters to trust their leaders. you had your own criticism you alluded to andrew cuomo. but i don't think there were issues of him lying to new yorkers. it is perhaps he made a leadership decision that maybe voters did not like. bush xliii when he came in, he was extremely unpopular. when 9/11 happens, the people
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decided that we can trust him. donald trump is not trusted by more than half of the country right now. trust is one of those things in politics and every walk of life takes a lifetime to build up and a moment to lose. donald trump if he had any trusts in that reservoir of goodwill, he lost it repeatedly time after time. from the time he was a candidate to becoming president. when he would lie to the american people and get caught. as sam says, you can go through the last week of conferences promise after promise that's not true. that's a challenge for us as a nation and not one that i have an answer today when half of the nation can't trust our president. >> kimberly, do you think it works for voters? traditionally the circumstances is voters would be i trust my
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mayor and governor and my president. in a moment like this, you would like to look at all of them for leadership and different settings and circumstances for different things. do you think voters in places like new york and california and illinois, are they content to write donald trump out of the picture. we are not going to get it from donald trump. it is fine, i got a governor i trust or a mayor i trust. do you think they miss what they are not getting from donald trump. >> yeah, i don't think you can say any of this is going to be written off. i heard as i have said from people some of whom are expressing a satisfaction with their state and local officials throughout all of this. it shows they are paying attention and the way that all levels of government are responding to this crisis.
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i have to believe at some point mainly election day in november when it is time for voters to have their say that's going to be a big factor in what they do. >> voters are aware and seeking answers and looking at it and measuring what the responses is. >> some of these national opinion polls show that there is growing faith in the way trump is handling this. it is weird to try to figure out what it is because it has been -- the conclusion i reach is that there is a rally around the president, a collective hope that he'll rise to the equation and he's out there everyday and feeling this vacuum and speaks an hour and a half and two hours, he's filling it
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unsteadily. if i am a democrat, i would be worried. they're not countering this. it is a crisis that the president has to deal with solely, the municipalities and governorships are doing their own thing and they have to because it is an emergency. >> david, we have to go to break here. sam got to go. we got to pay the bills. after this break, insider trade, lawmakers forced the answer of a suspicious timing of their suspicious financial maneuvers. suspicious financial maneuvers
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a number of united states senators today are being forced to explain suspiciously timed stock transactions. propublica reported that richard burr sold off a significant percentage of his stocks unloading between $628,000 and $1.72 million of his holdings on february 13th. that is a week before the market tanked, and as the senate intel chairman, burr had attended high-level briefings on the virus but that time. burr says he relied to public news reports to guide his stock selling decisions. but it's not just burr. georgia republican kelly loeffler and her husband who happens to be the chairman of the new york stock exchange, began to sell shares of ultimately worth more than $3 million, the same day her committee held a private meeting with top health officials. the senator said the stock sales
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were made by third party advisers without her or her husband's involvement. oklahoma republican james inhofe gave the same plngs when asked about some transactions of his at the end of july and california democrat dianne feinstein says it was her husband who sold some stocks, not her and her assets are all in a blind trust. guys, we have kimberly and david still back with us here. i want to focus on this because this richard burr thing in particular is a burr under my saddle. you have burr at senate intel taking a bunch of private briefings, getting briefed in great detail about the threat of coronavirus. he writes an op-ed. a fox news op-ed february 7th. thankfully the united states is better prepared than ever before to face emerging public health threats like the coronavirus due to the senate health committee. congress and the trump administration. that's february 7th. so let's keep this in mind here.
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on february 27th, burr is doing a private briefing. let's play this sound. a private briefing where he says something slightly different. >> there's one thing i can tell you about this. it is much more aggressive in its transmissions than anything we have seen in recent history. it is probably more akin to the 1918 pandemic. >> so that, david jolly, is the public richard burr. everything is fine. and that's the private richard burr, we've got a real problem on our hands and in the middle of that we've also got richard burr selling a bunch of stocks. on first pass, what do you think about that? >> yeah, so i'll confess to having practiced securities law 20 years ago so i know just enough but not enough. the damning part of that tape, john, is it shows richard burr knew. he was in possession of material nonpublic information at the time in which he was being recorded. and that is the standard for insider trading.
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classic insider trading, and it can be criminal. if you were in possession of material, nonpublic information about something that would affect the stock price, in this case, across the board but as we know with richard, but he unloaded hospitality stocks. he had a precise knowledge that it would hit this particular sector. if you trade on that material nonpublic information, you are guilty of insider trading. now what you immediately do in your defense is what richard burr did today is to try to go back and point at all of the information otherwise out there and you say that information is what informed my trade. but if it appears that richard burr did what he did in this case, he belongs in jail. and maybe other senators belong in jail as well. >> so here is -- that's david jolly's point of view. he's a man with ethics and a conscience and understands securities law. the more striking reaction to this, someone who doesn't have, i believe, any of those things under normal circumstances. we got to see this guy on fox news, tucker carlson, reacting to this story.
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let's play that. >> maybe there's an honest explanation for what he did. if there is, he should share with the rest of us immediately. otherwise, he must resign from the senate and face prosecution for insider trading. >> kimberly atkins, it's pretty bad if you are a republican and tucker carlson is on television calling for you to resign. is that the kiss of death for richard burr? >> well, look, i'm going to let tucker speak for himself. he has no problem doing that, and he uses his megaphone to signal to washington for sure, but the problem is, aside from this being a terrible look for senator burr and all of these senators, and there may be an ethics investigation that he's calling on, right now, in washington, it is all hands on deck for coronavirus. every member of congress that you talk to, that is the only thing they are talking about right now. so bringing attention away from
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that and focussing it on an ethics investigation, this couldn't be worse timing for that. and in addition to the securities law that david pointed, to there's the stock act which prohibits members of congress from acting on nonpublic information. the problem is both of these things, it's terribly difficult to prove. it's hard to get inside one person's head and say what they knew and exactly what information they were acting on and whether or not they made these decisions. so it's a terrible look. perhaps what tucker meant is that he wanted to avoid this side show and the easy way to do that would be to step down. but right now, when everyone is focused on stopping a pandemic that's putting americans' lives at risk, this is the last thing washington needs. >> i don't know whether richard burr will be able to -- whether insider trading will be able to be proven but it looks like he was profiteering in the middle of what president trump is
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calling war time and that's a very, very serious moral and political failing indeed if true. we'll be right back after this break. the network has to be prepared to absorb whatever is going to come its way. we're always preparing. make sure that the network is working all the time. (vo) we're relentlessly committed to the network. so in times like this, we can all stay connected to work, school, and most importantly, to each other. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair®. we've got the retinol that gives you results in one week. not just any retinol. accelerated retinol sa.
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2:00 pm
my thanks to david jolly and kimberly atkins and everyone else who was here today. it's been a rough week for america. thank you for hanging in there with me this week. nicolle will be back this weekend. walk your dog this weekend. "mtp daily" with chuck todd starts right now. ♪ welcome to friday. it's "meet the press daily." we've got a packed show for you. a series of stay-at-home orders are blanketing states and cities. chicago, new york and l.a. all in some form of this. moments ago, the governor of illinois ordered that state's 13 million residents to stay a


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