tv MSNBC Live MSNBC March 21, 2020 4:00am-5:00am PDT
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midst of the coronavirus pandemic. shortage of supplies. the growing worry for medical workers putting into stark terms. >> where we can see something coming and we can't get the resources to avert it is ridiculous. it should not happen. >> veterntilators are to this w what missiles were to world war ii. how close washington is to make a deal to help americans.
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to give you perspective, that is now one-third of all the coronavirus cases in the united states of america. it is about two-thirds of the cases in the state of new york. i hate to say this but it's true. we are now the epicenter of the crisis in the nation's largest city. >> and the white house confirming last night a staffer working in the vice president's office tested positive for coronavirus. the white house saying neither president trump nor vice president pence had close contact with that person. we have a team of analysts and correspondents. we begin with mara barrett in
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union scare. good morning to you, mara. what are all those tents behind you? what are you seeing? >> there behind me is the farmers market that typically happens every saturday. it is going on business as usual with a bit of adjustment. the farmers market is deemed essential, along with grocery stores, liquor stores, things of that nature. and so here he's also adding guidance that workers, visitors, attendees should stay six feet apart, social distancing, bring your hand sanitizer. i took a wander through as they are setting up here, a lot of vendors have masks on and gloves as they are handling the food. they tolls me they are advising customers not to touch any of the products as they are looking through the market today in order to stop the spread of coronavirus. as we just heard, bill de blasio
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talking about the spike. 14 new deaths in new york. that brings us to about 40 deaths here in new york city alone. the governor here is working in tandem with the governors of connecticut and new jersey to work in tandem to issue protections for people to make sure any spread of this virus t can't be tempered as quickly as possible. . >> can you step aside and ask your cameraman to zoom in a little bit more to see how busy that is. it doesn't look like much yet. granted, it's only 7:00 in the morning. some semblance of normalcy for new yorkers who go here. you know, one would think, well, it's a mass gathering should that be in place. yet it falls into the guidelines of food distribution, right? that has to be the reason why it is still up and running. >> reporter: that's exactly right, alex.
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there's fresh produce. lots of people are bringing in their foods from outside the city. these are small businesses. this is how a lot of these people make money. it is essential that these people are making money and practicing safe social distancing. it opens up in an hour. we will see how busy it gets later today, alex. and we will see if people are following the governor's guidelines. >> last question for you, maura. you said all the vendors are using gloves, wearing masks and the like. the patrons, those going to purchase things, you can't touch thing. it has to be only handled by the vendors? or how is that working? >> reporter: that's what they're advising, alex. obviously as people are touching, if you haven't washed your hands, you're spreading. it is not a hard and fast rule. most of the workers are wearing gloves and masks but not all of them. sit concerning as we are looking at people handling food and items that will be transferred
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among many people. we will see how it all gets into action later today, alex. >> maura barrett, thank you so much. some sense of normalcy with a farmers market on saturday. garrett haake is live in chicago where a similar stay at home order is going into effect today. how are folks in illinois preparing for this one, garrett? >> reporter: well, alex, the city of chicago had been walking toward this stay at home order for a couple of days before the governor put it into place. they extended the break in the school year until late in april. you saw more and more people get off the streets. we had restrictions on bars, restaurants, and social gatherings for several days. the governor's order last night, which doesn't go into effect until 5:00 tonight, allowed people certainly in the greater chicagoland area, which of course is a huge percentage of the total population here in illinois to get used to this idea. you also heard from the governor and chicago's mayor last night urging people to treat today almost like any other day.
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to not go out and panic pie, not feel like you have to overstock, not clear out the grocery store shelves. all those services will remain open as the stay at home order goes into effect. some of those we were talking to, it seems like the orders were listened to. take a listen to some of the folks here in chicago. >> everything at home, we can still go out and get food and stuff. so should be all set there. yeah, i think we're ready for it. >> i'm not going to lie, this is dessert. it is something happen. we're going to be stuck indoors. i know i should be eating healthy, but i'm sad. brownies make me happy. >> reporter: alex one thing that may help a little bit in the implementation of that order today and tomorrow, it's cold in chicago. it is not expected to break freezing until about 3:00 this
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afternoon. spring coming a little bit late here in the windy city. might keep more people off the streets. as folks ease into this new normal. . >> where is your hat, garrett haake? i don't want you out there suffering the cold for heavens sake compounding all the issues we're having anyway. let's go live to beijing where the infection rate is slowing down. that has got to be welcomed news. what's the latest on that, janice? >> for a third straight day in wuhan, which is where the outbreak started, they had no new locally transmitted cases. over 80,000 confirmed cases across china, 3,200 deaths. the vast majority have been in wuhan and surrounding hubei province. this could be a sign that things are maybe turning the corner.
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some businesses in wuhan have been able to reopen. families are being issued a pass. one person is able to go shopping for a couple of hours. these are small steps toward whatever the new normal will be there after a two-month lockdown across the city. there are still restrictions in place across the country. the main concern remains imported cases. these are people coming from other parts of the world that are now at a higher risk of transmission. people like me coming back earlier this week from japan and the uk. i'm now in quarantine. i'm being isolated for 14 days. i'm very fortunate that my husband and my son moved to a temporary apartment so i can at least do my quarantine at home. other people who are now arriving are needing to go to do their quarantine in a government-appointed facility. officials here, as well as officials and tkpwhofts around
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the world, believe that controlling the borders, tightening the barriers for entry, this is going to be a primary tool in containing the virus. the concern here of course is that they want to kick start the economy. this is the world's second largest economy. they want to start reviving it. but they also don't want to trigger a second wave of infection. . >> hey, janice, do you know anything about the details there in japan? you said you have been there. i'm just going to look at a text from a friend of mine, expat living over there in tokyo. she said there is a lot of concern because in japan they are reopening schools as normal this week after what had been a break. she texted concern because a lot of expats are now flying back into tokyo. that's where she lives. because the kids have school starting back up again. do you know anything about those concerns? >> well, there are legitimate concerns. those concerns exist here as well. over the past couple of months,
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a lot of expat families left clean. they are trying to make plans to come back. the schools remain closed here. the situation in japan, they closed the schools as a preventive measure. they haven't had the explosion in cases that i think maybe some people were expecting. it isn't clear whether that's because they haven't been testing as much as say a country like south korea. but the fact remains some areas of japan believe they can start to push through this. there are very few indications here that schools are going to reopen any time soon. there are some provinces where kids have been going back in a more graduated way. the older kids are going before the younger kids. we are not seeing that yet in the major centers like shanghai or beijing. the concern is they don't want to have new cluster created among children. >> wondering long term about the olympics of course.
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set for later on this summer. usa swimming put an official request to ioc suggesting they delay by one year. it is all about being able to hold the competitions and decide who gets to go to the olympics. anyway, lots going on over there in your part of the world for now. thank you so much. now to the white house with kelly o'donnell standing by for us. what is this about? >> reporter: certainly the white house is looking at ways to try to address this and at the same time trying to find ways to calibrate the response. for example, we have seen the white house not authorizing a national lockdown, instead letting states make their decisions about asking people to stay home. it is asking americans to comply, asking american businesses to step up. we have not seen the president use the force of law to compel them to do so.
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some examples, urging construction companies to donate their industrial masks for hospital use. and asking businesses to ramp up production. but not ordering them to do so. the president's pandemic response, part action and part aspiration. . >> i sure as hell think we ought to give it a try. doctor touting use of a malaria drug. but dr. fauci urging control. >> are it was not done in a clinical trial so you can't make any definitive statement about it. >> reporter: using other authority, the president restricted border crossings from mexico and canada, extended the tax filing deadline from april to july, and to address critical shortages of medical supplies, the president talked about the defense production act to compel private manufacturers to make equipment but also stressed companies are volunteering. >> when we need something, we will use the act.
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companies in a totally different business are willing to do things and make things. they are willing to make product for us, medical product, that we need very badly for the states. >> reporter: on the upheaval to everyday life. . >> i'm very honored by the way the american people are taking this so seriously. >> reporter: but aoe erupted at peter alexander when asked to calm fears. >> what do you say to americans right now who are afraid. >> i say you are a terrible reporter. i think that's a very nasty question and i think it's a very bad signal you're putting out to the american people. >> reporter: same question, different response from the vice president. . >> do not be afraid. be vigilant. >> reporter: this weekend top lawmakers are negotiating plans for direct payments to help millions of americans. >> we're working and we're going to deliver. >> reporter: but the personal weight of some senators is under scrutiny after they sold millions of dollars in stock before the market tanked.
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georgia republican kelly loeffler said financial advisers made her trades. >> i have no involvement in these decisions. i don't have conversations with them about any of this. >> reporter: and this morning we have word of the first known case of affecting a white house employee. so what we are told by officials is that an individual in the vice president's office has tested positive for the coronavirus. officials say that person has not had direct contact with the president or vice president and they are doing what's known as contact tracing to try to sort of understand the extent of the risk. but that is the first time we have seen a positive case inside the staff of the white house. alex? >> all right. kelly o. at the white house. thanks, kel. dr. phillips, thank you for being here. so the president and dr. fauci, they were both asked about testing at yesterday's briefing. let's take a listen to it.
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>> there are americans that have symptoms and they can't get the tests. what do you say -- >> well, i'm not hearing it. >> i get the same calls that many of you get. that someone goes into a place who has a symptom and wants to get a test. and for one reason or another, multiple logistic, technical, what have you, they can't get it. that is the reality that is happening now. is it the same as it was a few weeks ago? absolutely not. >> dr. phillips, conflicting answers there. in your mind, where are we as far as testing goes? you think everyone who needs to be testing is getting one? and does everyone need to be tested? >> sure, alex. that's a good question. i have to say that was a very remarkable exchange i thought between the president and dr. fauci going back and forth about how they see testing. what i can say is that it does appear that there are perhaps more testing centers.
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now, ers are offering some testing. even here in new york state where i am, there are drive-through centers to get testing. however, these come with caveats. you need to have a doctor's prescription or doctor's recommendation to get tested. and this can kind of turn into a little bit of a cyclical situation. for example, some of the ideas that the doctors have to adhere to to order a test for a patient, number one, they either have to be very ill and have tested negative for other things that could cause that illness, like irregular flu or strep throat. number two, they need to have had direct contact with someone who tested positive for coronavirus. so we can see how if one of the ideas to get tested is you had to have been in contact with someone who tested, many people in your community won't be
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tested and that will create a cyclical situation where no one can't be tested because there are no positive tests on which to base the recommendations. >> very interesting conflict internally speaking on that. okay. what about treatment? lots of discussion about possible treatments for covid-19. the old malaria drug, choloroquine. abigan and using blood that is recovered from patients who have themselves recovered. any of these treatments, are they viable? >> we certainly hope so. the most important thing is there are no fda-approved treatments now for coronavirus. what we are doing, what we see, and i have never seen drug manufacturers really rise to the occasion like this. they should be commended. we are looking at ways to
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repurpose drugs which are fda-approved but for other illnesses. choloroqui choloroquine, the drug you just mentioned, it was also discussed at the press conference yesterday. it is an old drug. first approved in 1949 for practice layer ya. and hydroxycholoroquine used for autoimmune disease. there have been small studies. dr. fauci called them anecdotal. because they are so small, one involves 20 to 30 patients in france. to put it in perspective, they have been used on thousands if not thousands of people. but we are working with what we can with coronavirus. small studies, 20 to 30 people showed in those who are moderate to severely ill, especially those who have the severe pneumonia that comes along with coronavirus, hydroxycholoroquine, choloroquine, could be helpful. >> okay. >> there are some other drugs. one is remdesivir, which is an
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were anti ebola drug, all purpose anti viral. there is hope behind that. it is being used widely in china. drug manufacturers are giving it in bulk to china for experiments in that way. the last thing you had mentioned was a monoclonal antibody, where you are taking antibodies and developing treatments based on people who have had the disease and recovered from it. that would be something different. it wouldn't be to treat people who have the disease. it would help them -- help people to prevent becoming sick in the first place. . >> okay. >> so, for example, health care workers, people who are really in the front lines who may become sick. >> right. >> someone living at home with someone who has the virus. these are some of the ideas we're looking at. >> you are very generous for saying choloroquine. i can say it now. dr. holly phillips, thank you so much. taking shelter in place
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seriously while still saying calm. we will hear from a psychologist next. and the mind-set behind people who panic buy and why ready looking all those supplies is just not necessary. supplies is just not necessary ingredients tl 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference. that's ensure max protein, with high protein and 1 gram sugar. it's a sit-up, banana! bend at the waist! i'm tryin'! keep it up. you'll get there. whoa-hoa-hoa! 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. ensure max protein.
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download the blood donor app. visit or call 1 800 red cross today. you can make a difference. 25 past the hour coming back on the air this morning, lots of cities waking up to empty streets. not many cars on the freeways in denver, colorado. we should note it is only approaching 5:30 in the morning local time. if it's anything like new york and when i drove in to work this morning, empty highways, which is pretty unusual in new york city and i'm sure as well for denver. let's check on a similar scene in las vegas. very little activity in sin city. only 4:30 in the morning there. usually there's 24-hour activity in sin city. san francisco, nobody on the roads there at all as of 4:30 a.m. there.
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of course san francisco has been in a real lockdown and shelter in place for quite some time. very empty street that people are definitely paying attention to those new rules in the straight of california. one doctor in chicago is using straight talk to win over skeptics on why she should stay at home and shelter in place for two and a half weeks. >> no vaccine ready available to stem the tide. all we have to slow this spread is distance, social distance. without taking drastic measures, the healthy and optimistic among us will doom the vulnerable. these restrictions may seem, in the end, a little anti climactic because it is really hard to feel like you're saving the world when you are watching netflix from your couch. but if we do this right, nothing happens. yeah. a successful shelter in place means that you're going to feel like it was all for nothing.
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>> joining me now is psycho therapist and author. the latest book "thriving after trauma" stories of living and healing. that's an appropriate book for these times. shari, thank you for joining me. is this the best way to manage this with a direct approach like we heard from dr. landon or do people need to be coddled a little bit. >> i think we have to be more in the middle. we don't want to go to one extreme or act like nothing is happening. i think to follow the guidelines and listen to what people are telling us but to also still live our lives and stay in connection and know this is a temporary thing as bad as it feels and as scary it is to reassure ourselves sometimes multiple times a day it will be okay. if they do what they tell us, it will be okay. >> shari, what's interesting is
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the panic buying in stores. the paper products aisle, fresh produce, meats, dairy. how do you explain this panic buying? we have heard time and again from food suppliers, retailers that there is plenty of food in the country. it's just almost more a matter of the manpower to restock the shelves. what do you think drives this behavior? >> i think because we don't know when this will end. we don't have a date. people are thinking, even though we are being told this is happening right now, it feels like it is going to be going on forever. people are so afraid that they are going to be trapped in their homes and that they won't be able to get what they need for their families. and i also think when it comes to buying, it's something we have control in. everything right now feels so out of control. the news. people are dying. all these awful things are happening. but one thing that people can do
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is they can feel comfort knowing they have a full cart of food, supplies, especially for people taking care of little ones, people who are taking care of elder people. so i think it is more an emotional reaction to all the stress that is happening right now. >> yeah. with regard to isolation, there is something we all have to be practicing to various degrees. but how long can this realistically be expected to last without everyone falling into facets of depression because of this isolation? >> yeah. again, i feel awful saying this but i think the depression has already set in for so many people. people before this happened struggled with anxiety and depression and feeling isolated. so i think what we need to do is we need to be careful about what we mean by isolation. when we're told you need to keep six feet distance, that does not
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mean we can't be close to people. it does not mean we can't talk to them. right now the challenge is finding different ways to connect with people through words, body language, even on face time, to be able to say things like i'm sending you a hug. i'm sending you well wishes. so if we can focus on the power of our family connections, people we love and put that in the forefront, we won't feel as isolated. >> yeah. a lot of emoji sending with big hugs. that it's one of my favorites right now. shari botwin, thank you. appreciate it. up next, a look at the lockdown for millions of americans and the latest celebrity to test positive. celebrity to test positive (burke) at farmers insurance, we've seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even a "gold medal grizzly." (sports announcer) what an unlikely field in this final heat.
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when ourkids, bedtime!her kids moved in with us... ...she was worried we wouldn't be able to keep up. course we can. what couldn't keep up was our bargain detergent. turns out it's mostly water, and that doesn't work as well on stains. so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. kind of like our quiet time. [daughter: slurping] what are you doing? don't pay for water. tide is concentrated with three times
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pandemic headlines. in this weekend, more than one in five americans will be under orders to stay home. states across the country are ramping up restrictions as the number of coronavirus cases climbs here in the u.s. overnight, illinois becoming the latest to order people to stay inside. >> i don't can many to this decision easily. i fully recognize inthat in som cases i'm choosing between saving people's lives and saving people's livelihoods. ultimately you can't have a livelihood if you don't have a life. >> more in just a moment. as of midnight don't, the u.s./mexico border will be closed to nonessential travelers. similar restrictions announced earlier in the week for the border with canada. those go intoistic tonight as well. and on capitol hill, senators are hashing out the third bipartisan aid package. this one will include relief checks for taxpayers. our reporters on the hill say
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senators were negotiating late into the night with a vote expected early next week. well, here's a look also at today's national newspapers, everyone, and how they are reporting on lockdowns going into effect. this in california, illinois, connecticut, new york. as this virus is spreading across the country, the orders covering 75 million americans. kathy park is joining me with more on this. i mean, these are drastic measures, kathy. i know governors are talking about why the steps are necessary. >> yeah. alex, good morning to you. for one in five americans, staying indoors will be the new normal for the foreseeable future. as the governor takes historic action to stop the spread of the virus. pressure is building on several fronts as we enter a new phase in this time. this morning millions across the country waking up to their new reality and laying low. in, in, where the number of positive cases has spiked to nearly 8,000, governor andrew
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cuomo announcing friday that 100% of nonessential workers must stay home. . >> this is the most drastic action we can take. >> reporter: connecticut quickly following suit. and rt staing today, all residents in illinois are under a strict new stay at home order. >> i don't come to this decision easily. i fully recognize that in some cases i am choosing between saving people's lives and saving people's livelihoods. but ultimately you can't have a livelihood if you don't have your life. >> reporter: 40 million california ans are already under a similar mandate as the governor projects more than half the state's population could be infected with the virus. with more states issuing sweeping new measures to slow the spread, president trump responded to growing questions about a national lockdown. >> we are working with the governors, and i don't think we'll ever find that necessary. >> reporter: as busy streets and iconic landmarks come to a stand
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still, testing is picking up at drive-through sites but not nearly fast enough. in new jersey, people were turned away just hours after opening. and with more people staying in, online orders have surged. temporarily shutting down amazon prime pantry. wall street also ramping up its worst week since the 2008 financial crisis. as a virus tightens its grip, more people are going public with their diagnosis. andy cohen said he, too, tested positive for covid-19. from the lifecare center of kirkland, this 90-year-old great, great-grandmother is recovering from the disease. her latest test result came back negative. news we needed to hear. to an effort to maintain social distancing guidelines, king county, the city of seattle,
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will close basketball and tennis courts, picnic shelters and playground equipment. parks and trails will remain open but people are encouraged to use good sense. >> that 90-year-old, i'm applauding her. good job! such positive news. coronavirus having a massive impact across the globe. there are nearly 272,000 cases confirmed around the globe. and over 11,000 people have died. let's go to nbc's molly hunter live in london where boris johnson launched a new nationwide lockdown. with a good day to you london time. how is this particular lockdown comparing to what we are seeing here in the u.s. . >> hey, alex. good morning. good morning from london's famous area. normally on a saturday this would be packed. market it's, tourists, people doing their shopping. as you can see, there are people
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still out and about going about their saturday morning business, at least for now. this morning desertedeerly quiet streets not just in rome, also in paris, madrid and central london. europe is now the epicenter of the global pandemic. more people are dying of covid-19 here than anywhere else. and hospitals now preparing for the worst. in italy, the deadliest day so far in any country. 627 people tied friday, pushing the country's death toll to over 4,000, with more than 47,000 total cases. in northern italy, sky news gained access to an icu there. the doctor had advice for the rest of the world. >> i would suggest just shut down to stop all the outbreak and not come in this kind of situation. >> reporter: here in the uk, finally catching up to its neighbors, closing schools, and announcing a sweeping social shutdown. on friday night, bars,
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restaurants, gyms and theaters all going dark. but not quite a full lockdown. . >> you may think that you're in vipsable, but there is no guarantee that you will get mild symptoms. >> reporter: the biggest fear, the same as back in the u.s., overwhelming the health care system. but there is hope. it comes from the numbers. >> where the number of locally transmitted cases has now dropped to zero. that's partly pause of the measures that have been in place for a couple of months here, like quarantine. people like me who have just come back to china need to spend 14 days in isolation. >> reporter: but hope also comes from the applause. in city after city this week, greatful nations clearing for their health care workers. now, after the government's new restrictions, cafes, bars bakeries all closed except for takeout. the rest of europe not ruling
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out stiffer, tighter restrictions in days and weeks to come. alex. >> molly hunter there in london. thanks, molly. the trillion dollar rescue plan. who will get a check and month won't, once that deal is signed. won't, once that deal is signed. ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance.
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goldman sachs with stunning unemployment claims this week. mind you this week alone will clock in 2.4 million, the largest increase in claims on record. in the meantime, building negotiator on capitol hill is promising relief to major industries and everyday americans sending checks to those impacted by the pandemic. under the current proposals, $1200 for americans who make up to $75,000 a year, double for those who file jointly and make less than 150,000 together. every additional child will tack on another $500. joining me now is alexis christop christopherus. how long will this help keep them afloat? >> alex, good to be with you. one of the criticisms is it's a one-time check. you just laid out what that will mean for millions of americans.
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$1200 if you make $75,000 or less. two weeks for a couple making less than $150,000. how long is that one time check going to go, especially if you don't have a job two, three, four months. many people are equaling for an expansion of unemployment benefits. we have seen this happen before most recently during the 09-08 crisis when president obama had to expand unemployment benefits twice actually both in 09 and '13 as we saw the unemployment rate top out at 10.4%. so these one-time checks certainly helpful but is it the answer going forward depending how long this pandemic lasts 1234 probably not, alex. >> is there a date by which people are expected to get these checks? >> that's the big question. no, there is not a date right now. it typically takes two weeks after you filed. but we are expecting that to
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take longer this time. you know, these cities and states are crushed right now with claims. 281,000 claims this past week alone. 2.4 this coming week. as they work their way through all of that paperwork, you could be looking at getting a check four to six weeks from now, which is unacceptable. and a lot of people are not going to be able to meet ends meet during that time. >> what about other things the government is trying to do to help the financial stress in america, moving tax day back to july 15th, halting at least briefly any interest payments on student loans. what other things could be done to help americans? >> you could dispense more checks to americans more frequently. expanding the unemployment benefits is probably the best way to give people a steady regular paycheck while they see their way through this. no interest loans a great thing. small businesses which are the
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backbone of our economy. giving those small businesses a life line so they can continue to keep their workers on the payroll, especially those who may be out sick, may be out with the coronavirus. it would be very helpful right now. >> you are very helpful as well. thank you so much. shutting down the beaches and keeping people out of the bars. safety measures coming to spring break towns to keep everyone safe. spring break towns to keep everyone safe no no no no no, there's no space there! maybe over here? oven mitts! oven mitts! everything's stuck in the drawers! i'm sorry! oh, jeez. hi. kelly clarkson. try wayfair! oh, ok. it's going to help you, with all of... this! yeah, here you go. thank you! oh, i like that one! [ laugh ] that's a lot of storage! perfect. you're welcome! i love it. how did you do all this? wayfair! speaking of dinner, what're we eating, guys?
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as 75 million americans are ordered to stay at home, one part the country is doing the opposite. now local officials there are taking matters into their hands after spring breakers are partying up in florida. let's go to morgan chesky on the clock on miami beach. it is about 8:00 in the morning, morgan. what are you seeing and what are you expecting today? >> reporter: alex, we are seeing the opposite of what we would expect to see this time of year.
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empty beach as far as we can see. miami p.d. and now we're seeing beaching not down here in miami, but all up and down the coast. this morning, the party is over. after criticism from across the country about younger people ignoring orders of social distancing. >> this is so unintelligent and reckless. i can't even begin to express it. >> you are not immune. everything we say and urge applies to you as well. >> reporter: local officials throughout florida are shutting down the beach to spring breakers and residents. in miami south beach, known as spring break capital of the world, closure came in stages. earlier in the week, a small
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stretch along the city's famed ocean drive. by friday, all public beaches shutdown. clearwater beach waiting until the end of the week. the safety measures through the florida panhandle. >> it is unfortunate. it happens. it's okay. >> reporter: the shutdowns came after a report from the cdc suggests younger adults accounted for 30% of the covid-19 cases. in response, the u.s. surgeon general turned to influencers to help. taylor swift and kylie jenner. >> she has a platform and a voice. it does help. >> reporter: this morning, despite mounting pressure, florida governor ron desantis will not step in. >> the rest of the world is on lockdown. we are not open to be a party. >> reporter: now north carolina and south carolina and texas are following in his footsteps.
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leaving residents critical of the move as the nation fights a growing pandemic. now these closures may keep future beach goers from coming in contact with each other. consider this, in march, before the heightened concern surrounding covid-19, there was a beach festival here in miami that is reportedly linked, alex, to nine positive cases of covid-19. >> yikes. interesting. lack of uniformity and response from different governors. that said, thanks from miami beach, morgan. thanks for watching. i'm alex witt. i'm back at noon with the white house task force news conference for you. first, the system was blinking red. a new report highlights the classified warnings u.s. agencies were issuing as early as january about the coronavirus and the danger it could unleash on the world. ali velshi is next with more. mornings were made for better e things than rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis.
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