tv MSNBC Live MSNBC March 22, 2020 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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johnson live at msnbc headquarters in new york. good to be with you today. we're starting out with breaking news from washington on a number of fronts. we have just learned moments ago that senator rand paul of kentucky has tested positive for coronavirus. he's the first u.s. senator to test positive. this comes as congress is racing to finalize a coronavirus economic rescue bill as the cases continue to rise. speaker nancy pelosi seems to be saying there is no deal. the speaker was asked about a vote on the bill, expected tomorrow. pelosi said there is no bipartisan deal right now, and that she would introduce her own measure. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says the talks are still under way and they will vote on the bill tomorrow. >> we're still talking about those issues where there is still some disagreement. make no mistake about it, we'll be voting tomorrow. the wheel has to stop at some point and i don't want any of
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you to buy the notion this isn't a thoroughly bipartisan proposal already. >> easy to see why we need relief. there are more than 29,000 cases of coronavirus nationwide including 369 deaths. the united states now has the world's fourth highest number of confirmed cases. according to johns hopkins, that puts us behind china, italy and spain. testing is ramping up in the u.s. but in the hardest hit areas, like california and new york, only healthcare workers and hospital patients are getting tested. those workers are also upset that they are in their words at war with no ammo. doctors, nurses and first responders are running out of protective equipment like masks and surgical gowns, putting their own lives at risk. but will we ever have enough to actually keep up with coronavirus? honestly, we might not. here's what fema administrator peter gainer told nbc's chuck todd this morning on "meet the
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press." >> are you confident you have the ventilators and the n-95 masks this country is going to need in the next six weeks? >> we are working to source from all different kinds of manufacturing, there is manufacturing lines coming up and running and these are finite limited resources, you know, will we ever have enough? i'm not sure. >> we begin at the u.s. senate where the future of a coronavirus stimulus package suddenly seems uncertain. senators plan to take a key vote on that economic package in about an hour. today's action call eed cloture would prevent a filibuster. what is in the bill before the senate and why the disconnect with house senates. before we talk about the bill, we need to talk about senator rand paul who tested positive, what more do we know? >> well, we know that senator rand paul was asymptomatic, not that he came down with symptoms,
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but because of his extensive travel events he held, he was test tested. that is something available to congress and members of the senate through the physician here. he tested positive. he's being quarantined. we don't exactly know where at this moment, whether that's in washington or in kentucky. but we know that rand paul was on the senate floor extensively over the past week, including on wednesday, when he was introducing an amendment to this legislation that we have been discussing and we can tell you, joshua, there are concerns among senators who are still here, democrats in the senate learned during a caucus meeting they were having just a few moments ago about his diagnosis. there is discussion now according to a source familiar with that meeting about whether senators should stay here, whether it makes sense for them to be in this building or whether they should go home. that obviously would throw a wrench into the negotiations that are ongoing right now on this legislation. but the sense of urgency to get something passed now even more
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intense with this news about rand paul testing positive for coronavirus. >> yeah, throwing yet another wrench in an already difficult process that may be more difficult now based on what we learned from house speaker nancy pelosi. here are two sound bites back-to-back, one of speaker pelosi, and one of senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. you'll notice the difference. >> we'll be introducing our own bill and hopefully it will be compatible with what they discuss on the senate. >> so no deal that is bipartisan at this point? >> so no deal from speaker pelosi. we heard from mitch mcconnell earlier who is right? is there a deal? isn't there a deal? are they voting? aren't they voting? what's up? >> reporter: the path forward is very unclear. democrats seem to be much more pessimistic about getting an agreement than republicans that we have been hearing from. inclu including mitch mcconnell, including kevin mccarthy, the republican leader in the house, who say they're very close, that
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the meetings they have been having here at the capitol today have been quite productive, but the message from nancy pelosi from democrats is there is still a wide gap between the two sides on this, that there are major issues that democrats feel have not been resolved, that they think need to be addressed in terms of the way corporations are going to be restriction ere using the money they would get to make sure it is spent in the way to help americans and not to help their own financial bottom line. they're planning to have this procedural vote in an hour to try to clear the path for a vote to take place tomorrow, on a deal, if they're able to reach one. but how exactly they're going to narrow that gap in a few hours remains very unclear at this moment. >> what do we know so far about what's in the package that the senate had planned to vote on? >> well, we know they're looking at about $1.5 trillion package that involves a lot of elements discussed in the last few weeks including cash payments to americans. we don't know exactly what the final amount will come out of that, but we know they want to
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get money into the hands of americans fast. there is also elements of this that would boost unemployment insurance, address the payroll tax issues, so that businesses, particularly small businesses are able to help and get some assistance. and then, of course, also some help in there for industries that are suffering, such as the airline and cruise industries. >> thank you, josh. that's nbc's josh lederman joining us on capitol hill. with regards to world leaders testing positive, we have breaking news out of germany. germany's chancellor angela merkel is in quarantine. the decision was made after she came into contact with a doctor who tested positive for covid-19. now, earlier in that day she announced a drastic nationwide contact ban as they put it that would stop all gatherings of more than two people, but, again, we should be clear she is in quarantine, we do not have confirmation yet that she has tested positive for coronavirus. we'll keep an eye on that story as the day goes on.
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texas is reportedly facing massive short falls in testing for coronavirus. according to the dallas morning news, many tex reasons still wa waiting to get tested. sam brock picks up the story from houston. that doesn't make sense to me. i thought it was the deal that if you are sick, and if you're in a hospital, you are at the front of the line to get tested. is this just a matter of not having enough supplies, an organizational problem? what's going on? >> reporter: all of the above. you're exactly right, josh. the issue now is going to be capacity. as they are bringing more and more testing centers online, more people are being tested, the number right now for texas is about 9,000 tests, which is a heck of a lot better than it was only a few days ago, but definitely not on par with some of the larger states like new york, like california, so the process right now is just trying to get people tested who are symptomatic and could pose a risk to the community. right now i'm at the texas
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medical center, this is a sprawling complex of four different hospitals, 24 facilities, the biggest medical center in the world. i was talking with healthcare folks here, the biggest question they have right now, how long is this going to last. if it is going to be a few more weeks, which seems unlikely, or it is going to be six months or longer that would go a long way towards determining whether or not they'll have the supplies they need. the staffing they need, the physicians, nurses, et cetera. there is some physicians here i'm told who are so unnerved by what they're seeing and the changing guidelines of re-using masks that they asked to sit on the sidelines. there are others who stepped up in their place working double shifts, 24 hour shifts, but right now they have enough staffing and they do have enough supplies at the moment. what they're doing at the hospital right now, everything is on lockdown, in terms of getting in and out, they're checking patients before they come in and all elective services, all nonessential cases have been ruled out for the time being. when i spoke with the regional director for houston methodist,
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there are seven emergency departments. what he told me was that telemedicine is going to be so critical on all of this, helping people while they're not necessarily just in the hospital, but also at home. here is dr. neil gandhi on what physicians are doing to help right now. >> telehealth is two fold. we can use telehealth within the hospital as a strategy to conserve ppe. if we're communicating with the patient, via an ipad, we do not have to wear masks. we do not have to go to the patient's room, i can ask a nurse to ask basic questions from outside of the room. >> reporter: and so they have seen this, joshua, the use, deet employment of telemedicine on a scale that has never been deployed right now for obvious reasons. this goes as far as the doctor was saying, even when you're in the hospital, if a patient doesn't have serious symptoms, where it has to be person to person, they can be communicating through an ipad, that alone will help to save use of ppe and masks. and there have been drives going
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on throughout texas in san antonio where they're asking folks in the construction industry, home building industry, that uses n-95 masks that could be applicable in the medical arena to donate those as well. they're going to draw supplies from whatever they can to address a surging crisis that is only looking to continue. >> we are expecting to hear from texas governor greg abbott in a few hours. any idea what he might say? >> reporter: certainly is going to involve expansion of supplies. we know within the last day or so he has lowered the standards or tried to increase the supply of people, the army of first responders of nurses that can come in to the fold here, not necessarily needing to go through all the steps of their graduate degrees to be deployed right now. that's just trying to ramp up physicians, nurses, healthcare practitioners. whether that involves testing,
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tighter rules, houston is the fourth largest city in the country now and the only of the top four that is not currently under a stay at home order. states like new york and california are, could be going in that direction as well. we're going to have to wait to find out and should know the answer in a couple of hours. >> sam brock in the fourth largest city with the world's largest medical complex, sam, thank you for talking to us. let's bring it back to new york, the center of america's coronavirus outbreak there are more cases here than any other state. this afternoon new york's governor andrew cuomo confirmed that more than 15,000 people have tested positive. 114 have died. more than 9,000 of those confirmed cases are in new york city. the governor has been using these briefings to speak candidly, acknowledging our fears, urging cooperation, and calling forth our courage. >> america, because we overcome adversity and challenges. that's how we were born. this is a period of challenge for this generation.
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and that's what has always made america great, and that's what's going to make this generation great. i believe that to the bottom of my soul. we're going to overcome this, and america will be the greater for it. and my hope is that new york is going to lead the way forward. >> mara barrett is in new york city with the latest. we heard governor cuomo's hope that new york will lead the way forward. new york is dealing with the same kinds of shortages of testing materials and protective equipment that the rest of the country is dealing with. where does new york stand right now? >> reporter: hey, joshua, so next steps for the governor, we heard from him a couple of hours ago at that same daily briefing. he approved the javits center behind me to be one of temporary hospitals to treat coronavirus for new york city patients. we're just in central manhattan, so it is a very convenient location and they're also looking at two locations upstate
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at state universities in new york, along with the westchester convention center. these four sites have been approved as temporary hospitals, but the problem is that with that approval they don't necessarily have enough staffing or supplies. the javits center can house up to 2,000 patients, but they need additional help from the federal government and president trump to expedite the approval process to get this rolling. he noted with that 15,000 cases in the state of new york, only 13% of those positive cases are hospitalized. and so they really need extra beds, supplies and treatment facilities to help these patients with coronavirus. but i also wanted to note there is struggles getting patients tested in new york. the new york city public health department sent out a letter to new york city hospitals yesterday basically advising only patients that are currently hospitalized with severe symptoms should be getting tested. they're discouraging all outpatient testing. so the problem is if you're not getting tested, you still are going out and interacting with
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people and you could become a carrier for this virus. this comes on the heels of the fda approving a new test that will actually come up with results within 45 minutes of a patient being tested. so that could be very beneficial in getting this virus more contained going forward. >> yeah, definitely eager to see how that rapid test turns out. mara barrett here in new york, thank you very much. if you're wearing a surgical mask, and you are not either sick with coronavirus or caring for someone who is, you may be part of the problem. the world health organization says you are better off washing your hands often. the mask you're wearing would have done more good for the hospitals and healthcare workers and governors who are desperate to stockpile them. there say shortage that could raise our death toll. yesterday, nbc's kelly o'donnell asked the president about ordering factories to make supplies under a law called the defense production act. >> one of the things we're
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hearing from governors, they can't find supplies, and prices have gone up. you've talked about the act, but not yet compelled any companies. why not? >> we have so many companies making so many products. every product you mentioned, they stepped up. we were discussing it before. we never have seen anything like it, where they're volunteering, we want to make masks. >> let's discuss it with dr. lena wen, the former health commissioner of the city of baltimore. it has been a while since we spoke. good to talk to you again. >> nice to see you too, joshua. >> can i play one more clip from the governor's press conference. he was talking about this shortage and the role the federal government could be playing. listen. >> the federal government should nationalize medical supply acquisition. the states simply cannot manage it. this state cannot manage it, states all across the country can't manage it, states that are dealing with the highest case load can't handle it, but you're
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hearing it all across the country from states, they just can't deal with finding the medical supplies that they need. and that's why i believe the federal government should take over. >> president trump responded to that on twitter, before we get to the tweet, dr. wen, could you clarify for us how this works under normal circumstances, what is the balance is supposed to be between what cities, counties, states do on their own and what the federal government is supposed to do? >> well, the problem is that the public health infrastructure in our country has been decimated over the years. there is a saying that public health saved your life today, you just don't know it. that public health is invisible, by definition, the success of public health means that something didn't happen. but then we pay attention when there is a pandemic, when people are dying. and local and state health departments suffered from budget cuts for so long that there is really very little reserve. and this is why when there is an
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outbreak, whether it is a need to ramp up production, there really is not much capacity in local and state health department departments. that's why we look to the federal government. we need a national coordinated response. i see what is happening on the front lines with healthcare workers, who are begging over social media for things like masks and goggles and gowns, who are looking to see how can they make a gown out of a rain poncho. this is totally unacceptable in the u.s. and of all things, we need the federal government to come in and not just say, let's rely on the goodwill of industry, but we need to plan and we need to protect those who are on the front lines. >> let me get to that tweet from the president. the president tweeted, quote, the governor of illinois and very small group of certain other governors together with fake news and cnn and concast msdnc, a dig at our parent
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company, shouldn't be blaming the federal government for their own shortcomings. we're there to back you up should you fail, and always will be. to an extent, there is a kernel of truth to that. i also understand where governors are coming from in terms of this being an unprecedented emergency. how do you see it? >> this is a pandemic. on the scale of something that none of us have seen in our lifetimes. it is already a public health emergency, a public health crisis. whether it turns from a crisis into a catastrophe depends on the actions that we're taking. and it almost doesn't matter who is to blame. so what if maybe cities and states could have done more, should have done more, the federal government should have done more, could have done more. this is where we are now. and we need for everyone to do what they can, in cities and states are already doing what they can in saying we just have no more reserve. we need to call upon the federal
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government now to do their part. which at this point requires a war time mobilization. we're seeing numbers like we will not believe. just a week ago, we had 3,000 cases in the u.s., 24,000 now and many tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands in the weeks to come. >> thank you, dr. wen, for making time for us. that's dr. leana wen. much more coming up in this hour on msnbc. just ahead, fighting cancer within you and coronavirus around you. we'll meet a cancer patient whose hospital visits feel more tense than ever. in our next hour, the experts will answer more of your coronavirus questions. email us. how is this outbreak affecting you? don't forget to include your name and your city. >> woman: what's our safelite story?
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the president of the american hospital association describes this pandemic as a once in a century event. he is urging congress to provide $100 billion in emergency funding to ease shortages at medical facilities. in hard hit areas, testing resources are too scarce to screen anyone for the virus except healthcare workers and hospital patients. some say they fear doctors could soon have to make some tough choices. much like what we're seeing in italy right now. joining us now is shetal chef and dr. lippy roy. glad to have you both with us. let me start with you, how are you feeling? how are you doing? >> i'm okay. i'm as well as we all can be at this time, right? >> i hear that. i hear that for sure. how has this affected your treatment in terms of having to go to the hospital, continue your breast cancer treatment with a compromised immune system and knowing what all is going on around you? >> i think for anyone who is in
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the cancer community, we all are feeling the same in that we're scared because we're having to decide what is worse for us, coronavirus or the cancer. every time we go to the hospital, as you mentioned, we're immunocompromised and possibly being exposed. we have to make decisions on what we're going to compromise. >> i think her feed froze up a little bit. let me come to dr. roy first and ask you to clarify for us, not just what patients like shetal are dealing with, but any patient might be dealing with during this pandemic. >> so, first of all, my -- i'm sending positive thoughts to her and patients with cancer and any type of illness. cancer is not one disease, it is multiple diseases, and -- but right now we're kind of following the guidelines set forth by asco.
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i would recommend anybody with answer, family member with cancer, to check those guidelines. i think the primary advice would be for anybody with cancer to really speak to their specific oncologist and care team for specific recommendations and guidelines because treatments, chemotherapy, immunosuppressive therapy, they all vary depending on the type of cancer. >> can you hear me? >> yes, i can. >> this is one of the weird things about doing this is that dr. roy is like right there, and i'm looking this way as though we're not in the same room. now i can look at you directly and look at you directly. this is much, much better. talk about what some of the precautions we're taking, the impact it is having on you, social distancing, and constant hand washing and all of that, is that helping? is it not helping? what is your experience? >> we're doing that anyway because we're immunocompromised, something we do on a regular basis. the larger things that we're seeing is that obviously we
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can't take support in with us. we're not able to take visitors in with us. we're not able to take unnecessary risks. so even our treatments and our exami scam exams, we're trying to decide what is necessary. the hardest part for us we know we are compromising the protocol that has been set for our treatment, and that is something we have to live with. >> dr. roy, there is certain procedures that are already being put off, elective, nonlife saving procedures, that's got to get dicey, even when you're dealing with cancer patients, maybe depending what stage of cancer they're in, whether they're dealing with metastatic cancer, it feels like so many tough choices. >> tough choices is an understatement. and, yeah, exactly. look, all of this is suboptimal. none of this is ideal. we're doing things that no doctor or healthcare professional would do. but we're far from ideal circumstances.
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so, yes, we still have standing by the recommendation. almost i think instruction to hold off on elective procedures, no matter what the field, oncology, cardiology, doesn't matter. we have to preserve the protective equipment so that the doctors and healthcare professionals who need it in the face of this bioepidemic have it available. >> last few seconds, anything you would like doctors around the country to know about people like you going through this situation, before we go? >> i mean, we're so grateful. the doctors and nurses keep showing up. i can't even imagine what they're dealing with. they're at the front lines and i'll tell you, i heard from a friend of mine going through treatment whose nurse didn't have a mask and they didn't have enough and they're all sharing masks. they're supposed to be single use and they're still administering treatment. and it is a no win situation for anyone in that situation. and so we're grateful, we're all in it together, trying to do the best we can, but it is all kind
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of which is worse, we don't know. >> yeah. >> strength to you, all the best to you and your treatment regiment and dr. lippy roy, good to be sitting right next to you and hearing from you. thanks very much for making time for us. >> thank you. coming up, how are restaurants enduring this pandemic? when you shop with wayfair, you spend less and get way more. so you can bring your vision to life and save in more ways than one. for small prices, you can build big dreams, spend less, get way more. shop everything home at
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if you are planning to travel abroad, don't. if you are an american who is abroad, come home now if you can. that is the travel warning from the state department, it is the strongest possible advisory in light of coronavirus. but heeding that warning is getting harder. with more countries closing borders and setting their own restrictions. steve patterson is in los angeles with more on the struggle of getting stranded. steve, what's being done to get folks home? >> it is a struggle, first of all. the state department says they have though established a task force to bring americans home from countries where borders
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have been shut down, and officials say they are actively working to make that happen. but the scope of this is so huge. we don't have an exact number of how many are stranded, they don't have an exact number and getting them out has to be a very tailored process. there have been a few cases of success. a few days ago, 264 americans were flown from lima to d.c. there was another flight out of lima to miami. and there is a broad effort to get a charter plane into about a thousand people stuck in morocco. but there are still thousands of people stuck overseas in peru, in morocco, in haiti, argentina, honduras and others, and several of them aren't just people stuck on vacation. these were athletes, doctors who were trying to help impoverished nations, students studying abroad and terrified they can't get home. many of them are in countries where commercial flights are over. beyond that, these are places that implemented far more draconian messages to slow the virus than here in the u.s. we heard accounts out of peru
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where all you can do is go to the grocery store or go to the pharmacy within curfew and that's it. there has been signaling that the u.s. is ramping up to do more. the military recently flew a group of americans out of honduras, but the messaging to stranded americans is this. alert the u.s. embassy, wherever you are, and keep raising the flag, but you got to wait it out. that's leaving a lost people nervous who are running out of patience, running out of money and running out of medication. the clock is ticking for a lot of folks out there. >> sounds like the kind of thing that can be scary on different levels depending if you're in venice versus venezuela. hopefully question get the americans home. thank you, steve. that's steve patterson in los angeles. florida is setting more restrictions to crack down on people continuing to ignore social distancing recommendations. you may have seen pictures from the last few days of tourists and locals, flocking to the seasides. that eventually after days of debate led officials to close
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many but not all of the beaches across the state. in my beloved miami, some determined partygoers thought they found a loophole. we're got athod at that. officials closed the loophole after the miami herald reported on it. county police say they are ramping up enforcement. florida has lost at least 13 people to coronavirus with more than 800 cases reported. florida is just one state where coronavirus is crippling the service industry. restaurants and bars are shut down, millions of workers face uncertainty or unemployment. here in new york, the red rooster restaurant in harlem is no exception to that. but its owner and head chef is giving back to the community through a unique partnership. joining us on the line is marcus samuelsson, the owner of the red rooster. welcome. >> thank you for having me. how are you? >> i'm well. how are your folks doing? are they well?
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what's going on with the restaurant and the staff? >> well, i mean, it is really -- this is the hardest thing that has ever happened to the whole restaurant community. we think about what a restaurant means, it is the heart and soul of any community, right? you think about the 50 many restaurant workers in this country, and right now about 80%, 90% are unemployed. this is really, really difficult time, we really need the government to step in there and help us out. in harlem, we thought about it on two different levels. one, to help the food and secure people and we partner with the kitchen, it has become a community kitchen. we serve up to 500 to 600 people a day. but then too also, what is going to happen to our staff, and how can we really, you know, we need this bailout.
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it helps all restaurants, you know. amazing organizations like independent restaurant coalitions that work together on a bill right now in congress because, you know, we're not -- when we get a bailout, all we want to do is to restart our restaurants again and hire back people. our bailouts are not to do any corporate buybacks. that doesn't exist in our industry. >> to that end in terms of what may or may not happen while waiting on congress to do something, you are involved in this partnership. tell us briefly if you would about this partnership and what it is intended to do. >> it shows how we decided right away to come together, work really quickly together, get a bill into congress, we can get the bailout and get help because our restaurants, you know, 50 million people in this country are restaurant workers. that's a massive number. and all we want to do is to get
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that support so we can start our businesses again and start to rehire people. we need help. we need support. we need loans. we need debt free loans, we need to start back up our business. restaurants are really the hart and soul of the community. it is not just restaurants. you think about all small businesses. the barbershops, all of that is closed. it has a huge impact on 50% of the workforce in america. >> marcus samuelsson of red rooster in new york. thank you for making time for us. >> thank you for having me. thank you. we'll head to the front line of the pandemic. an er doctor tells us about the shortages they're facing. remember, next hour, our experts will answer your coronavirus questions. tell us your story, (woman) somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right past them because she didn't know they were talking to her. (deborah) i just could not hear. i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair, but nobody even sees them. (avo) our nearly invisible hearing aids are just one reason
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new york has the most coronavirus cases in the country. more than 15,000 confirmed across the state. at least 114 people have died. doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers are fighting around the clock to save lives. they face long hours, growing numbers of patients and dwindling supplies. joining us now is one such doctor, who works at the er of north well health, manhattan. welcome. >> hey, thank you so much for having me. >> i should note i may need to interrupt you for a news conference with mayor bill de blasio. i would love to know what are some of the challenges we're facing. is there one compromise or one shift in particular that stands
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out the most to you in terms of the way that you're practicing medicine these days? >> well, you know, we're prepping for the long-term. we don't know how long this pandemic is going to last. and we are preparing for the worst. we're hoping for the best. we're being very mindful about our use of our supplies and anticipating there might be issues with supply chain, there might be issues with running into shortages of personal protective equipment and things like that. but the prepping that we're doing at my facility is really for long-term. we have stock, we have personal protective equipment, should we face a surge, you know, we feel prepared to handle that surge, but if the surge were to last several months or longer than that, we're really -- we're really prepping for the assumption that if this goes on for several months as opposed to several weeks we could be facing shortages of things and so we're really trying our best to be
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mindful about our use of our personal protective equipment and, you know, not be wasteful in what we use on a daily basis. which is important. >> er doctors have to make hard decisions every day. i can only imagine you might be dreading some of the even harder decisions you might have to make if your hospital was truly overwhelmed. >> absolutely. i mean what they're facing in italy and what they faced in china is a true nightmare for us er docs on the front line. the er doctors, the icu doctors i work with, they're among the bravest and best in modern medicine and i admire so much of what we're able to do on the front lines and the fact that people have no fear when it comes to treating the very ill, the very debilitated and this is something we're facing that is very concerning for a lot of different groups of people, not just, of course, the elderly, the immunocompromised and the young healthy patients, you know, where we're concerned for all walks of life in dealing
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with this terrible virus. >> how would you grade the support you're getting so far from the city, from the state, from the federal government? >> i would say that it stands to ramp up quite a bit. but i know that given the amount of hospitals that there are across new york city and new york state, i feel that the medical community along with the city and the state and the federal government, i'm really, really hoping that the response will be robust when it needs to be. and i'm really encouraged by a lot of the reports i'm hearing about disaster training protocols and surge plans and things of that nature. i'm glad we're all having an open conversation in the medical community about what we anticipate our future needs are. it is important to keep talking and have those conversations so that when the time comes, we're very well prepared. >> and how are you and your doctors doing on a day to day basis? are you okay?
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>> we're okay. okay is -- okay is a good way to describe it. we're a group of people, i work with a very tight knit group of people, some of the best doctors i've ever worked with. and we really have tried to be supportive of each other, tried to be mindful of each other, respectful of each other and try to help each other out. we're a small group. we don't have, you know, we're not in a big tertiary care center. i work in a small freestanding er in greenwich village and i'm proud to be part of this team where, you know, when my chairman said, hey, guys, this is an all hands on deck situation, these are the things we need from you that everybody really is rising to the occasion and doing what they can in anticipation of the worst. >> i hear that. we wish you all the best in dealing with the worst. may the worst never come, but just in case, we do wish you all the best. thanks for talking to us. >> thank you so much. thanks for having me. another vital supply during
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this outbreak, alcohol. some cities and states are designating liquor stores as essential services. we'll explain ahead and keep an eye out for that news conference with new york mayor bill de blasio. stay close. hey there! kelly clarkson! what're you doing on our sofa? what're you doing on your sofa? try wayfair. you got this! woah. yeah! let me try! all alright, get it! blow it up! that's what i'm talking about. except that's my seat, so. all right, so maybe after the movie let's talk about that bedroom of yours! when was she in our bedroom? no. uh uh, no way. ♪ come on. no. no. n... ni ni, no no! only discover has no annual fee on any card.
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in just over five hours, new york's strictest coronavirus regulations yet will take effect. all nonessential workers will need to stay home. that does not include grocery stores or pharmacies or liquor stores. new york is not the only state with this rule. it's unclear why selling beer and wine and liquor is essential in a pandemic. for others it's kind of obvious, like it or not. what's the state's argument for considering liquor stores essential? >> reporter: well, before we get to that, i want to paint a picture of what we're looking at out here. right mow the owner of this liquor store tells me 96th
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street and columbus on a sunday would be pretty busy. this is much different. people are outside. there's a whole foods down that way. there's trader joe's that way. people are still trying to get groceries. i have seen people working out too. this place will stay open at 8:00. the owner believes they are deemed essential because if not, it might make the pandemic worse. people might try to get their alcohol across state lines. >> what are liquor store owners telling you? i imagine their business is booming now. >> reporter: it is booming. there's been a steady stream of people. they are ruling here. they don't have anymore than three people at a time. earlier we saw a socially distanced line outside. people still want to get their wine and spirits but the owner tells me they are busy. they cannot keep some brands on the sheflves. he said he's trying to keep my
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employees on the payroll. >> there's some concerns that the incidents of say domestic violence and other social ills might arise as a result of leaving these stores open. >> reporter: yeah, i asked the owner that. listen to what he had to say. doesn't sound like we that interview. i did ask him that. he said that's always been a problem. people maybe who are dealing with addiction, this is a stressful time now. they might imbibe a bit too much. he said he's worried if places like the close, more people wouldn't be able to pour a glass of wine and let off that steam. thank you. it's been a somber weekend with
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millions of americans disruptsing their lives. that is not hold up i planned so spend my 40th birthday. it is what it is. perhaps you'll celebrate with me. consider having a 40-minute conversation with someone who is isolated right now or donate $40 to a local nonprofit or think of 40 different things you are grateful for. by the composure is 90 today. we can save our minds and our hearts. at my age, i'm busy enough trying to save my back and my knees. coming up, we're watching capitol hill ahead of a key stimulus vote. we are prepared to answer your questions on coronavirus when the news continues on msnbc. want to brain better?
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>> woman: what's our we were on a camping trip... ...when our windshield got a chip. >> man: we drove to safelite autoglass for a same-day repair. >> woman: and with our insurance, it was no cost. really? >> man: safelite has service we can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ that sofa on tv is iexactly what they need. and now, they know it too. that's the power of targeted tv advertising.
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