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tv   AM Joy  MSNBC  March 28, 2020 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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when things that have previously done in the light are
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forced to the light stuff happens. you start asking questions, stuff happens. there's sthig about the effect of sunlight.
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from our perspective, everything is not fine. i don't have the support that i need and even just the materials that i need physically to take care of my patients and it's america. and we're supposed to be a first
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world country. >> good morning and welcome to a.m. joy. this week colleen smith an emergency medical technician in elm hurst hospital in queens invited the new york times to see for themselves just how overwhelmed she and her colleagues are as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. it's one of the hardest hit locations in new york city as well as it's located in queens which happens to be the hometown of donald trump. this headline by our colleagues at wnbc underscores the the extent of the nightmare at elmhurst hospital. on wednesday 13 people who tested positive for covid-19 died there and by sun rise thursday the line for people waiting to be tested stretched down the block. queens now accounts for the most cases in the city with more than 8,000 as well as the most deaths of any of the five buroughs.
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124 people have died there. new york city remains the epicenter for now of the covid-19 pandemic with more than 26,000 cases. overall there are now nearly 45,000 people who have tested positive for covid-19 in new york. this is the highest by any state by far and 519 people have died. we can now add another daunting milestone. the united states has the most covid-19 cases in the world after surpassing the 100,000 mark last night with 1605 deaths. as hillary clinton tweeted yesterday, donald trump did promise america first and yeah, when it comes to the most cases in the entire world we are unfortunately first. governors throughout the country meanwhile, particularly new york's andrew cuomo continue to plead with the trump administration for help in getting more ventilators and other emergency medical supplies. while donald trump spends his time eating up all of our afternoon air time with these
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supposed press conferences and complaining that governors are not being nice enough to him including the governor of michigan who says that vendors have been told not to send supplies that are desperately needed to her state. and here is what donald trump said about the plea from his home state, again, the hardest hit state in the nation with this request for 30,000 desperately needed ventilators. listen to what he said. >> new york is a bigger deal but it's going to go also, but i have a feeling that a lot of the numbers that are being said in some areas are just bigger than they're going to be. i don't believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators. you know, you go into major hospital sometimes and they'll have two ventilators and all of a sudden they're saying can we order 30,000 ventilators. >> well, maybe trump is just a little bit mad that governor cuomo has become a kind of acting president providing the leadership that donald trump
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clearly is not capable of. >> i said to the white house, send us the equipment that we need, send us the personnel, as soon as we get past our critical moment, we will redeploy that equipment and personnel to the next hot spot. and i will personally guarantee it and personally manage it. so if you send us 15,000 ventilators, and then after our curve, los angeles needs 15,000 ventilators, we can take the equipment from here, we can take the personnel from here, we can take the lessons from here. >> joining me now is joseph fair, msmbc science contributor. former acting administrator for the centers of medicare and medicaid services and dr. patel
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a primary care physician and former policy advisor in the obama administration. i'm going to go to you first, joseph fair because i know you went through a lot of the nightmare similar to this during the ebola outbreak and you were in congo dealing with this. this is what brooklyn hospital center is reporting. this is from the new york times. more than half a dozen hospital workers have contracted the virus and close to 50 staff members were exposed by just one patient, the hospital's first who developed symptoms after being in the icu for a different medical problem according to hospital leaders. some of them have been in quarantine. most worrisome at the start of the week two staff members were receiving intensive care themselves. it feels one employee said like an invisible war. talk about how this should have been working because you have people who may be coming to the hospital for something else, a heart attack, you know, a severe flu, something else and then they're exposed and also
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potentially exposing other people. how should this be working to try to protect people who are not yet exposed and also hospital workers? >> well, i think the dramatic irony of all of this for me is i've spent most of my career responding to outbreaks around the world. and we have a standard protocol that starts with diagnostics first, roll out diagnostics everywhere because that's how we determine who needs to be isolated and who needs to seek care. we pay people to stay at home to keep them socially distanced. we issue federal mandates in whatever country we are in. we advise them to lock every everyone down. we give them money immediately to stay at home because we know they need food and supplies and we only urge those who really have the symptoms to come in for care. in this case it's a bit different because we are urging people not to come to the ers just because you're exposing everyone else.
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but what we would do in the cases -- in other cases of outbreak is we build those field hospitals first and that's where we send the patients so we can keep them away from the normal sick people so they don't contract the disease themselves because they're already in a high risk category just being hospitalized. >> that makes sense. so basically you would block out emergency rooms and traditional hospitals for somebody who thinks their appendix is burst or had a heart attack, they should be going there and field hospitals are where everyone who suspects they have covid-19 are going. is that what you're saying? >> exactly. we spend the majority of building those hospitals, paying people to stay home, shutting everything down so we can ensure social distancing is happening and we try to do that maybe not on a country level but in this case it would need to be a country wide level. >> and we do know that new york is setting up that kind of a field hospital, the javits
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center is being converted for those in new york. that is precisely what the governor of new york is doing. i think they are fighting to catch up and try to get ahead of this thing. let me go to dr. patel. a new york hospital desperate for ventilators is treating two cases on a device intended for one. here's a bit of it. i know you know this. it says he used this method in 2008 when he was working in las vegas. the new york hospital that they're referring to is columbia presbyterian in manhattan. is this what we're down to because there are not enough vents? eventually they're hooking up two people to one ventilator. how many people can be treated by one ventilator at one time. >> >> it's the colleague that i knew and she actually did kind of now a very well frequented youtube video that she did in the aftermath of kind of the vegas, shootings to actually illustrate in a trauma setting and that's really what it was
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used for, how to set up two people on one ventilator. it's now being used not just in new york, it's being used right now in michigan and in other hot spots around the country. so your question of how many people can you use on one ventilator, to be honest, it's all being made up at the last minute. it's not like there's a clinical protocol that tells you, yes, go ahead in covid-19 and set up two to one so let me just stress when you hear the administration and specifically the president say that this is overblown or new york doesn't need all of this, honestly, let him go i a head and try to find the protective gear to go and himself look at what's happening on the ground and just to add to it, joy, you've talked about this in other settings, we've got a disparities issue. one burough compared to the other and that's revealing the cracks and the populations that these hospitals are trying to serve, they are desperate for some sort of help and that's where we need the assistance
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today. >> and let me stay with you, doctor. there's also another story in the "washington post" that you're having hospitals considering universal dnr. do not resuscitate for coronavirus patients. prioritizing the survival of the ones, these are draconian, terrifying things that we're hearing coming out of hospitals. is this something that you've heard of before? >> no. i mean, joy, none of this has ever been heard of before and just to kind of level set, any of these scenarios, any of these scenarios would be unprecedenced and if a doctor even mentioned the idea of a universal blanket the not resuscitate might be grounds for dismissing that doctor from practicing but that's what it's come to and by the way, all of my colleagues that are working on these hospitals in the front line have told me that they are actually
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desperate for some sort of guidance because they do not want to be the ones making decisions for other people and in particular, all these patients, there's no family member, there's nobody there to hold their hand if they're dying. they're all there doing what they can in isolation and joy, just to even paint a more grim picture, they're doing a lot of procedures through the equivalent ofsa ran wrap. i mean, that's what's happening around the country. we have such little protective equipment, getting to those doctors and nurses and therapists that they're trying to stitch together what they can. so making this about ventilators and focusing something that is absolutely not true is yet again another hoax by the president that called this a hoax in the first place. >> yeah. and to -- i'm going to bring andy in in a moment but i want to go back to joseph for one moment because the other issue and i have talked to you and bent your ear about this so you
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know i'm obsessed with it the idea that we're not testing enough people. if we were mass testing you could delineate who is exposed, who's not, you could get more data. we're still not going it. this is from arizona, california, maryland about the shortage of testing supplies. the testing shortage could end coronavirus screening a california hospital is running dangerously low on swabs for coronavirus testing highlighting yet another obstacle that we're facing in terms of testing. i'm just so scared, a headline as more marylanders see a shortage of tests. i am frustrated and i think a lot of people covering this are frustrated that we cannot test enough people and i'll confused as to how a first world country cannot roll out enough tests to match the number of humans that live in this country. i don't get it. can you explain it. >> we didn't engage the private sector early enough. we are where we are and they're ramping up quickly. abbott released that they have a
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new 15 minute test that could be a game changer in this, but of course it's going to take time for them to all ramp up their supplies and one test is not the same as all of the tests, so each of these individual companies that are submitting their individual tests will have to be approved. there's the test for acutely, are you acutely ill which is the swab test and there's even problems with the supply chain on the swabs themselves. i had colleagues tell me that they can't import swabs from china because it is under the new trade restrictions that we implemented last year on the type of cotton being used so these are regular cotton swabs but we didn't import them due to trade restrictions so every part of the testing is becoming complicated. everything from trade restrictions to ramping up to getting it through the fda, so engaging them late put us really behind but now that they are engaged let's hope that you know, at least that's a silver lining that they be able to ramp up the testing fast enough to get it nationwide. we are seeing shortages everywhere so we have actually absolutely no idea where we are
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on the curve or how steep that curve is right now when we talk about flattening the curve. >> okay. so i want to ask if andy can hold on. we have a little bit of technical things going on but i do have some questions for you, so let's take a break, we'll come right back and we'll have andy join the conversation. give us one minute. we'll be right back. ean feeling? start with a round brush head. add power. and you've got oral-b oral-b's round brush head surrounds each tooth to remove more plaque. for a superior clean, round cleans better. oral-b. but allstate helps you. with drivewise. feedback that helps you drive safer. and that can lower your cost now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? we find a way to get through it. is faced with adversity, it's not about taking care of ourselves, but taking care of each other. checking on our neighbors...
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lockdown and it was good for them, why can't mississippi? well, eric, i will tell you that mississippi is never going to be china. we are going to make decisions that are in the best interest of mississippiians. >> just one representation of an apparent hesitancy among red state to implement strict measures to slow the spread of coronavirus. governor reeves signed an order aimed at limiting physical interaction but still declared
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most businesses in the state to be essential and so able to remain open. so far, blue states like new york have been the hardest hit but cases in the rest of the country are rising fast. such as in new orleans, louisiana, where the number of cases and fatalities has skyrocketed. some are pointing to the mardi gras festival season as a reason for that. more than a million people gathered in the city over the weeks leading up to mardi gras day on february 25th. joining me now is benny thompson of mississippi and cedric richmond of louisiana. thank you for being here. have you been in communication with your state's governor about this resistance on his part to close the state down, to slow the spread of the virus? >> well, we've sent the governor a letter sharing with him what our concerns about his statement as well as what my office as chair of the house homeland security committee can offer
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him. one of the things, joy, that everybody will tell you, that in this time of crisis, accuracy and transparency is important. so what we are trying to say to our governor, you have to be truthful, you have to make sure that what you say doesn't create a situation that's worse. so i'm optimistic. he's a new governor and every now and then, you know, new people make mistakes. so i'm looking forward to him providing a little more definition to what his executive orders mean. >> but the thing is that it seems that ideology is trumping to -- to use the term sort of logic. i mean, you have the governor of mississippi say we're not going to be china and taking an side logical approach to the idea. but people's lives are at stake.
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at what point -- how much time does he get to have and how many people are going to die in the meantime? >> well, i think again, he's new. this is his first time being in a crisis like this. i hope he's consulting with experts on what he should be doing, and the isolation is important. you have to separate people. all of the health experts say we have to do it. so i'm looking forward to him stepping up and saying look, as your governor, we can do better. i'm going to do better, i'm not going to override local mayors and local supervisors in what they do. i'm going to work with them. but i'll provide the leadership. i'm not getting into a philosophical war with china or other countries. if you look at what south korea did, they did a wonderful job at getting their hands around it, but what the leadership in that country did was they locked down
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the country so that people could not move around and so what we're going to have to do here in mississippi is something similar, but gun shops and a lot of other places, not the necessary businesses that we need to have open. >> yeah. let me go to you congressman richmond because it seems that we are speeding toward a red state/blue state dichotomy in terms of being able to control the spread of covid-19 where blue states are being aggressive, even some with republican governors like maryland, some purple states like ohio are being very aggress i have about trying to implement the logical, what scientists say need to be done and you have a lot of red states and i'm thinking you know, not just louisiana but florida, texas and other red states saying we're not going to do it. the problem with that is we're one country where people can travel from one state to the other and some of these states in the south have not expanded medicaid. they don't have the strongest
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health care systems and the making sure people who are poor are insured. are you concerned there's going to be this breakdown? mardi gras still happened in the midst of a pandemic. >> let me say this about mardi gras. there were no red flags, no warning signs for our mayor or any others to see and look, i look forward to the day when we get past this as a country and we can start congressional hearings so we can find out who had what information when and who they gave that information to. but now is not the time to do that. we have to get past it. i believe although we're a red state, my democratic governor and my mayor and my other parish presidents are doing an incredible job and showing real leadership. leadership is about making the necessary decision so they are letting science dictate what they do and i would just hope that other governors would follow. i mean, jackson, mississippi, is only two and a half hours away
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from our capital in baton rouge. those governors should be talking. whatever they do affect what is we do and what our people do affects what happens to them. so we really should be better coordinated. >> and let me just ask you, congressman richmond, is louisiana and you're right, there is a democratic governor has been elected there. has medicaid been expanded in louisiana? gee, medicaid has been expanded and we've been making substantial gains in our health care but i will tell you this is hitting us hard. if you look at our deaths and i believe the number of deaths we have is 119 deaths, but if you look at our children living in poverty, 28%, if you look at obesity 36% of the people in state. if you look at diabetes and then if you look at the people who have died from this coronavirus, you will see that 41% of them had diabetes.
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31% of them had kidney disease and only 5% of them didn't have any underlying conditions. so we really need to focus on the health outcomes of everybody but we need ventilators, we need ventilators and we need them now and so that's the plea i'm making and if you're a health professional out there, you can go to the website and sign up. delta will fly you here for free if you're willing to volen tier. so a nurse or prespiratory thert or anybody else. we will not be divided. we beat everything but we'll have to come together to do it. >> absolutely. the challenge, however, is in a state like mississippi that is not expanded the affordable act. has not expanded medicaid, whose government is extremely conservative when it comes to spending on the poor, and which
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has the largest percentage of african americans in the country by population as well as the largest percentage of poor people, your state, sir, how do you move a government that won't move on health care even before a pandemic to change its mind and behave differently toward its struggling citizens and toward its citizens of color and there are a lot of white poor folks down there as well. so how do you change its mind if the pandemic isn't changing their mind? >> no question about it. we have a problem. i hope our leaders in this state will address it forthrightly. to be honest with you, we did not accept medicaid expansion. one of the problems we'll have with this pandemic is even if you are identified, there are no present coverage for those persons who are hospitalized. we'll pay for the test, but that's all. so if you are one of those unfortunate persons, you'll have
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to pay your bills, so hopefully in the cares package that we passed in congress yesterday some of the monies will come, but you know, in this time, congressman richmond is right. this is a whole government approach. all of us have to work together and hopefully at the end of this pandemic cooler heads will prevail. one of the things i plan to offer is just like we did in the advent of 9/11. we will have to come back and look at this pandemic and see what we did right and see what we did wrong so if in fact it ever happens again, we will have the blue print on how to address it. >> congressman thank you both for being here, really appreciate both of you and stay safe out there. and coming up, we'll tell you what the $2.2 trillion economic
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the bill that was put on the -- forward last saturday by senator mcconnell was a corporation, corporate down bill. trickle down as usual. what it turned into was a bubble up legislation, workers and families first. they never thought they would be supporting the provisions that are in the bill that relate to unemployment insurance and how has expanded in so many ways. the bill was jujitsu. we took their bill and turned it around. >> on friday congress passed a historic $2.2 trillion economic rescue bill aimed at putting a floor under the many of americans who had been furloughed, laid off or lost freelance and gig work during the pandemic. they managed to stop some of the republican attempts from diverting aid away from workers
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and toward major corporations so almost all adults will receive a one-time payment of $1,200 with an additional $500 each per child and those that have been laid off will receive monthly insurance payments which have been plussed up with an additional $600 per week on top of what you would normally receive from most states and a much needed oversight committee to monitor the staggering $500 billion assistance program to the country's largest employers which republicans and treasury secretary insisted on as the white house negotiator. the oversight is designed to ensure that the money actually benefits workers and is not diverted to corporate favorites. so that's the good news. well, and now the bad news. republicans still found a way to get their agenda into the relief effort. the department of labor announced they are instituting a three month exemption and waiver to some affirmative action
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obligations in certain federal contracts like construction. it's hard to swallow the idea of a $500 billion corporate bailout at all when according to the 2018 small business administration, a whopping 99% of all business qualify as small businesses, not corporate giants and we should be clear this is not a stimulus bill. it's not designed to stimulate the economy by encouraging you to go and spend money, it's designed to keep the economy from falling off the cliff. it's an economic rescue bill and among those not being rescued, cruise ship companies which are also incorporated in other country to avoid taxes but never fear, donald trump is still donald trump and on thursday he actually encouraged those companies to circumvent that little loophole by registering their little headquarters in the u.s. so they can glop up some of that sweet, sweet bailout cash. joining me now to discuss the details. seth harris, the acting
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secretary of labor in the obama administration. on the positive side, how do workers who have been displaced actually get the money? is it -- and just explain the difference between the lump sum check and the monthly checks. >> right. so the -- first of all, good morning, joy. >> good morning. >> the check from the treasury should simply arrive, everybody who has filed a tax return and people who are on social security who have not filed a tax return, the irs already has your income information so if your income is below $99,000 a year, you should receive a check sometime in the next few weeks. secretary muchen says it will just be a couple of weeks. i think it's going to be a little longer for that for direct deposit and even longer for checks. the monthly unemployment checks require you to file with your state unemployment insurance system so you need to try to be patient, wait for the website to
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work, wait online at a safe distance at the unemployment office. file your unemployment claim. you'll need to give them a pay stub or a w-2 form showing how much you're earning and they will process that and you will get your plussed up unemployment insurance dollars. they also expanded the group of people who can get unemployment insurance so gig economy workers, freelancers, other independent contractors, self-employed people can now get it. that's very good news but unemployment insurance system was hit with a tsunami of claims to please be patient. >> that's a good point because i think in a lot of states the system is crashing and they're not getting through on the phone. just be patient. so to reiterate, i know a lot of freelance employees, a lot of people doing hair and makeup in this business, they're not doing it now.
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people who drive lyft and uber, people who work a 1099 and paint houses you're saying they also will be able to collect the unemployment insurance part of it and the lump sum. >> yes, they all get a lump sum but in order to get that lump sum check, which i'm calling stimulus checks, i know you're not using that phrase but those funds will come to people if they have filed tax returns in 2018 and 200019. go ahead and file it get a 1040ez, get it in there and opt in to direct deposit. what the democrats did and you were right -- sorry. go ahead. >> no, go on. >> i was just going to say, you are exactly right in praising speaker pelosi and leader chuck schumer for the amazing job they did in transforming a huge corporate giveaway bill into a workers first bill and one of the ways they did that was to expand the group of people who
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are eligible for unemployment assistance. they created a new program called pandemic unemployment assistance that will go to those people you were talking about, the independent contractors, the freelancers, self-employed people, people who are working in the gig economy. that's critically important because those people have been left out really since the beginning of the unemployment system. >> yeah, absolutely. and bernie sanders had an epic rant on the floor where he was, you know, doing his arm waefzing thing and yelling and i think quite rightly at republicans who were agast that people who were unemployed or lower income working folks would get like a tiny bit of extra money but they didn't mind giving $500 billion to these big corporations. let's talk about that bailout because it bothers a lot of us, a lot of folks out there that watch this show, bothers me personally, i've been ranting about it on twitter. these companies, walmart, amazon, a lot of these companies don't even pay taxes.
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they got a giant give me, more than a trillion dollars from the tax break that donald trump shoved through with paul ryan when paul ryan was speaker. they got that money. i struggled to understand why they can't use the money they banked at the time to saifz themselves. why are they back with their hands out? how can it make sense that they should get more money and get more money than small businesses get collectively as another bailout? i struggle to understand that. can you explain it? >> i'm not going to defend it. i'm simply going to try and explain the logic and again how the senate and house democrats made a bad situation better. they were successful in conditioning the receipt of that money on workers getting payroll checks first. so in order for a corporation to be able to take money either under the big business bailout, that $500 billion pot you were talking about or for small business to get their money in the $377 billion small business
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loan facility, they're being very, very strongly insent vised to keep people on their payrolls. now, that's important because as i said we've got a tsunami of unemployment claims coming in because people are just being shut out of jobs because their businesses are closing down. if we can help their businesses to stay open and keep those workers on their payrolls, require that they keep those workers on their payrolls the economic situation is going to be a lot better because even if the best of circumstances, unemployment assurance is only temporary. we want to keep people on their paychecks as long as we possibly can. so good for schumer, good for pelosi that they got that in there but i share your concern that this is going to be a massive gaveaway to some of the healthiest corporations in the world, some of them are in truly dire straits, but maybe they shouldn't have done those stock buy backs they did after the tax cut that president trump gave
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them. >> hole low. -- hello. let's do two pieces. let's do the airlines first and by the way, i have a suggestion for an oversight board to oversee who gets that money. i'm going to suggest elizabeth warren, bernie sanders as the two senators and three house members, adam schiff, val, she used to be police and katie porter. that's my panel. you guys pick your own sort of favorite panel. let's talk about the airlines. because the flight attendant's union, we've had the head of the flight attendant's union on this show. they actually worked out a pretty good deal. can you explain? because now the airlines will get bailed out but there are very big caveats on that bailout that are going to be good for not just flight attendants but for baggage handlers or cleaners as well. >> this is the difference between having a union in america and not having a union in america. let me say it helps a lot to have a great union leader like sarah nelson who lead it is flight attendant's yununion.
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that money will not only go to the airlines to keep as much staff as they possibly can, but also working with the service employees union, making sure that all of those contractors and subcontractors, the people who provide food, the people who do cleaning, the people who are gate assistants in some cases, that those companies also will be able to get some of this money and will be protected as well and will be able to keep their jobs because that's one of the industries in america that's been hit hardest because travel is effectively shut down not only in the u.s. but around the world. so outstanding leadership and the union movement really proving its worth in this difficult time. >> 100%. lastly, let's talk about small businesses. i have friends that own restaurants that are employing lots and lots of people, bartender, waiters, et cetera. what will small businesses, construction companies, little tiny businesses, what are they
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going to get and how do they get it? >> that's that $377 billion pot of money. it's going go out in loans to those businesses. if they use that money to keep people on their payrolls, the loans will be forgiven. so it will essentially be a grant. so the real incentive and again, the democrats and the house and senate got this done. they really fought for this. the goal is all about trying to keep those bartenders, waiters, construction workers, service employees and others on the payroll at their original paycheck level, their usual paycheck and that way they'll be able to support themselves and also -- and this is critically important. it will keep the business functioning so that we can quickly recover when our economy is able to open back up. if we have a bunch of small and mid sized businesses going bankrupt, liquidating, people just walking away because they don't want to acquire more debt, they don't want to, you know,
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have to pay rent on an empty store front, then we're going to recover much more quickly. if those businesses die and those workers are lost then we're in big trouble. if we can keep them going for as long as we can we have a chance of getting a quick recoverygoin a quick recovery. >> you're really great, can you come back another time? this is the stuff people need to know. >> i'm available, joy. thanks for having me on. thank you very much. listen, for all the viewers out there, this is the importance of government. people say my vote doesn't count, this is proof. there's a different. these two parties wanted very different things. you should readily thank negroponte noich and the democrats. they came through. you made what would have been a terrible bill, a big, giant ugly giveaway to big businesses to something -- the bill ain't
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perfect, but it's better than what it would have been. one of the exonerated five. so you only pay for what you need! [squawks] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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even on nights and weekends. go to to get started. as a senior citizen, are you willing to take a chance on your survival in exchange for keeping the america that all america loves for your children and
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grandchildren? if that's the exchange, i'm all in. i want to, you know, live smart and see through this, but i don't want the whole country to be sacrificed. if you think it sounds crazy what the republican governor of texas is suggesting, that your parents or grandparents, grammy and grampy should be prepared to die, it's important to know he's not the only voice. listen to what glenn beck told his listeners. >> i would rather have my children stay home and all of us who are over 50 go in and keep this economy going and working, even if we all get sick, i would rather die than kill the country. it's not the economy that is dies, it's the country.
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um, okay you don't have to be a ph.d. if we have to make that decision -- we can actually do both. we have to fight this outbreak. and yet like the chairman of paychex who told bloomberg, quote, the damages would be worse than losing a few more people. a few more people? yeah, sure, let's let them die for the trump economy. millions of them, just let them die, as this dystoppian approach seems to have been inspired from the very top, by president trump was pushing for businesses to be
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opened by easter, and churches could be packed. all based on a back-to-work order that trump does not have the power to enforce. as of yesterday, he apparently has decided to listen to the medical experts and has walked bake the easter timetable. >> on monday will be the end of the 15 days to slow the spread. do you expect you will simply renew the guidelines? or do you expect there could be some modification? >> i'll by sitting down with this brilliant woman and brilliant man and lots of brilliant people that work with them, right, deborah and tony? and we'll be making that decision. >> what do you tell those folks you have to wait. >> i tell them if it's your life and your safety, and if we need more time, they're not going to have a problem waiting it out. joining me is tom nichols,
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opinion column u.s. from "usa today." , and david kay johnston, and founder of, and author of "moving forward." david, you win the battle of the book titles appropriate to the moment. i'm going to go to you on this first the idea that people over 50 should be prepared to die, that is millions of people should be prepared to die in order to keep the stock market buoyed and keep the economy humming in a country that is shut down because lots of people are dying. as an economics guy, how do you strike it? just the ethics are insane,
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banana ramma insane, but what do you -- >> these every edge arous people who work in the house of mania, and they have forgotten about the sanctity of human life. the size of this problem is enormous. i wrote a piece a week ago pointing out this last 18 months, which is the official position of the trump administration, the minimum cost will be $5 trillion. if it lasts two years as the german health officials say, we're looking north of $7 trillion. those are very conservative numbers. the cost will be enormous, but what about human life? what has happened to respect for human life? it is atrocious to hear elected leaders, 1u67 as glenn beck and the governor of texas, talking about their religiosity to take these kinds of positions.
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>> tom, the pro life -- i've heard very similar arguments made as to why we should have unlimited gun purchasing, any kind of weapon, up to things you would use in a war, because if some people have to die, it's worth it to have my second amendment liberties. i have heard this kind of argument before it's on the jim jones scale of saying that me -- they're claiming -- and the "we" sometimes morphs into "they" when people make these pronouncements, but people over 50 should be willing to kill themselves, to put themselves at risk for certain death by going back in and working and working so the economy will be strong. it is a doomsday cultist sort of way of speaking. is that where the republican parties morphed or just a
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worship of -- >> we don't have to pick between those two. part of what you're seeing is a republican party that is now trying to bend itself and twist itself like a pretzel to get around whatever position they need to stake out to be on the right side of donald trump. but there's always been this kind of weird inconsistency within -- i don't want to an say the republican party, but the conservative movement that is pro-life when it comes to abortion, cheers on the death penalty, and now it has decided that perhaps some kind of voluntary euthanasia or self-inflicted euthanasia is worth saving the economy. it's always been an inconsistent position. part of it has been so people on the right can stake out what they believe to be the ultimate moral high ground of being pro-life, anti-abortion and
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therefore by taking that position you can't argue with them about anything else, because they believe they have staked out the highest ground there is. i think what they're showing now is how incomprehensible that whole position is. >> i picture people, you know, in their sort of setup, sort of wheezing their way through the wheel, because they have to turn the wheel for the economy, that it is all about keeping the gold flowing and that the gold must flow even if you're dying in the process of working. i don't foreseem themselves doing it, but -- when i interviewed michael steele for the latest book i wrote, he described this moment as almost ballism, as is the golden calf, and the rep -- he's a former seminaryian, so he described it
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in those terms, for donald trump to induce this very hard-core christian audience to believe that, it strikes me as not just rhetoric, because people do whatever he says, and you see governors doing what he wants in florida, in red states, in texas, that's the danger. they might do it. they might have their people go back to work. >> mississippi is already saying they're going to consider it. >> when you say go back to work because we want to get the economy humming, the economy for whom? if what he's doing is exposing people to danger, this makes us unique from other species. when you're saying our loved ones might be exposed for moan, it doesn't make sense, and it's
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malpractice of public servitude. you said to see the leadership in governors in cuomo and gavin newsom where they're taking care of people, that there should not by a falsanc false equivalency. it's our duty to make sure we're taking care of each other. china just opened themselves up after six weeks of question and answer te-- quarantine, because that he humanity is far more important, but it's the long term we should be looking at. this is a moment for someone in the oval office to say we're all in this together, and we have heroes every single day. just look at our public health workers, the individuals deliver our food, at the front likes picking our food to make sure that the basics do not get -- do not stop. he should be highlights those
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individuals. this idea that i have to give up grandma or grandpa? that's fundamentally crass. that's not who we are. >> there is culturally in a lot of culture, a great refverence for the older. my godmother, my aunts who are 86 and 85, my husband's grandma is in her 80s. these are the people we treasure. >> they are our sages, the ones who help us navigate, share their wisdom. i've had these conversation with his my grandmother, and she remembers when she had to leave her husband -- when he had to go to korea and the real sacrifices those individuals made. talk to any veteran who has a loved one in afghanistan, and for us to saying well, you know
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what, i can't stay home for six weeks because that's too much trouble? shame on us. >> exactly. there are people who sacrificed during world wars, right? and lived through the depression, and for the is that to be screaming in at least workers will have their i have been shocked by the lack of, and not for people. we knew that -- >> yeah, that's exactly right. we have a moment where donald trump is a cult lead er and very cultish way, and people
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are dies. these are people's lives , until we deal with the public health. and here's what is happening. yes, this is. >> what he's doing is he's thinking how am i going to get reelected in november? how am i going to survive and not get blamed for this? he has no responsibility for what is currently happening, although he knew about this two months ago, and did absolutely nothing? he's the one who said we don't need the tests from w.h.o., the world hess organization. he's saying we don't need 30,000
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ventilators. he's the one who has been lying to the american public, downplaying this threat. look, by saying -- and i know he sorta kinda stepped away from t it. >> and not the public health. >> yeah, to all those pastors out there, please do not immediate for easter. it's not safe. let me go back to david for a moment. the reality is for people particularly hourly workers, waiters, waitresses, you know, if they have to wait four weeks to have any money in their pockets, even that is too long. a lot -- they had to go to work if the you offer the dole,
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people will sit loam all day. that's ridiculous. people want to work what about people not doing the basket work, so how does the economy not completely implode? how does whose the rational way? about have been people risk death? they're not out -- >> if we don't get control of this by using physical distancing, hand washing and the other recommendations of the people moo know what they're talking about, then we will have a much worse catastrophe on our hands. that's the essential ingredient
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we keep in mind here. we are going to see a 20% or more unemployment, which you have written about, and we're going to see problems with workers, particularly who don't have unions of being forced to go to job situations. . we've had this issue arise in western new york with a chocolate-mea factory that's been deemed essential. we can't live without chocolate for a while. so the important thing to do is to not have the pandemic get worse through mismanagement. by the way, just to be clear, as the only grandparent i think in this group and someone who has grown adult grandchildren, i'm not lining up to die for the economy. there are stories -- >> thank you. [ laughter ] >> -- and exposing spies, but i'm not doing it for the economy. this is absurd.
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there's have a moral base to what we do. we need to follow best practices, or we'll gel worse economically. >> yeah, a lot of us had -- man, back home, there's like -- [ laughter ] so, tom, you know, how do -- i guess the question would be how do we then bring a rational conversation about this to the sort of microcountries inside the understandings that are governed by this very arch-conservative velocity. louisiana has changed now, because they're more of a mixed economy, but we have such a dichotomy between the philosophy of even republicans like mike dewine in ohio, and a mississippi governor. how do you get -- because the thing is the threat doesn't end because one or two states fix it, right? if one or two states react wisely, but then the state next
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door does the opposite, it's the same, the other state is a wide-open market, it doesn't help. how do we have that states and people to convince them to save their own lives? >> well, two things. first, i think the magnificent incompetent andself centered next of donald trump has been a boom for federalism. people are remembering in a way we didn't used to, my governor has powers here. my state actually matters, and i think, you know, we're starting to see, it does matter who runs your state. the president isn't the emperor of the united states and there's only so much he or she can do so that's been actually a healthy thing. it's forced people to remember
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that they have state houses. the other thing that's been fascinating is the real acid test is whether or not your local and state governments are helping you to state alive. some are doing better than ears. i think that rational conversation that you were talking about, joy, that happens when people start getting sick in places like they would get sick. the thing that will keep -- is something like a pandemic, on this i'm sorry to be right, but what will happen is the states around those states will start taking measures. i'm sitting here in rhode island and my governor has basically closed the state to people from new york. so if you're a new yorker and want to come and state with me in rhode island, i'm sorry, you're out of luck.
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but, you know, to do their best, the state of rhode island, the nearby state of massachusetts has said if, you know, you're coming in and out, 14 days' quarantine, that is the requirement. i semisome of those red states with those governors will learn the hard way that maybe science is more important than being part of the cult. >> it is true, everybody go out and buy the "hamilton" mix tape. if you want to learn about how the country would be set up. maria, the reverse of that is that, boy, it would be a whole different country if we had universal -- fully universal health care, right? you also had, per the whole federalism argument, states go to court to argue, so now you
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have some, to people on the right wing. there's a lot of right working poor who do not have health care, and do if they test positive for coindividuv covid- this a moment up how do we really have that conversation again about making sure that every american has health insurance, or that we go to some other system? >> i think this is a moment where there's not one person in america who has not crossed their mind, if i do have covid-19, can i get treated? can my love ones get treated? it's time to have an honest discussion of the income disparity, even if you're considered solidly middle class, a visit to the hospital emergency room can basically wipe you out, even under aca
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because of so many strains on the system. there was a woman who walked out with $39,000 in debt. who can do that? very few people. we know that the majority of americans have less than two months of, you know, savings in their account. let alone african-american or latino who oftentimes have less than $200 on a good month. so this is an opportunity for us to be really, you know, self-reflective. it's so interesting, watching how so much of these major shocks to our system have unfold unfolded. when we're talking about immigration compensation, whether it means transferring from, you know, from, to a gig economy, how do they become tech? we're having they fundamental conversations when it comes to even now this pandemic. it's an opportunity for us to recognize the importance of public servitude, the people who
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are championing you to -- the reason that the democrats were able to pass such a comprehensive piece of legislation that is really talking about making sure people get checks to their doorstep in three to four weeks is because, remember -- because americans went out and voted in droves in the midterm election. we saw a wave of congressional elections that speak to our values. now is the time for us to continue to think about really big and provide a social safety net when it comes to -- is that it does not discriminate based on race or socioeconomic status. >> absolutely. you know who looks smart now is andrew yang. the rest of the world is talking about whether universal income, a thing we first started hearing about from dr. king, we'll still having this conversation. it seems that something like that might actually be a smart idea.
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>> yeah, you were talking about disproportionately who it's affecting, if you think about the politics of this, which is how donald trump is looking at this, rural americans, white americans are his voters. those are the same people getting hurt as well, because of his policies, because of the decisions he's making are hurting. one thing that we're seeing right now in this moment, and we have seen it many times before, but now we're talking about people's lives an how deadly this situation is, is how inept and ill-equipped donald trump is as a you want. what we're seeing is the lack of leadership from federal government, but then we see governors and mayors stepping up to fill the void. this is not how it should be, being this is where we are. donald trump is refusing to use the full powers of the federal government to attack this crisis, to deal with this crisis. this is a situation we're in right now, so thank you to the
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governors who are stepping up and making these really hard decision on their own and not getting the help they need from the federal government. absolutely. to all those voters out there, i've been doing my voter chats on tiktok, when you're hiring a governor or you're not hiring a religious leader, not somebody to back up your beliefs. you are hiring the ceo of a company called the united states. think of it as a company. if you would not hire this person to run your business, to run a restaurant for you, don't make them president. you're hiring a crisis manager. who would you want to manage a crisis? you don't vote based on who you want to have coffee or a empire with. you vote for something you think can manage a crisis. >> tom, that's me, not my guests. tom, maria, david, and careen,
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you all hit me up on twitter if you want to complain about what i just said. next up, we'll tell you if any of the 2.2 trillion will find its way into the trump families and -- pockets frustrated that clean clothes you want to wear always seem to need an iron? next time try bounce wrinkle guard dryer sheets. just toss it in the dryer to bounce out wrinkles. we dried these shorts with bounce wrinkle guard, and a pair without. the bounce wrinkle guard shorts have fewer wrinkles and static, and more softness. it's the world's first mega sheet that does the job of three dryer sheets. it also comes in unscented. if you don't love bounce wrinkle guard, we'll give you your money back. everyone said i was crazy. when i started this commute, so fifteen years ago, i got my first subaru and i did it anyway. my outback always got me there. so when it was time, of course i got a new one. because my kids still need me. and i need them.
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. you're going to -- >> we'll try to get that in the legislation, yeah, we'll try to figure that out. the judges are not interpreting it correctly. well, they did it. in a huge win for democrats, donald trump and his beings will not be getting any money from the $2 trillion rescue package passed by congress. that would be a problem for trump since many of his businesses are temporarily closed. joining mess is faron hold, report who covers the trump family and its business interests. david, explain how the how have
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things changed for him? >> pretty sharply. he does have some commercial real state interests that are a little let vulnerable, a lot of what he does is tourism, renting a room every day. a lot of his hotels in the uk and ireland, doral, miami, those that aren't closed are like at 10% of normal capacity. they had to lay off hundreds of workers. so you see a business he really depends on for bringing in cash every day almost shut off. >> and the one that's been most egregious, mar-a-lago, which has taken in lots of foreign money, the occupiesy rate i imagine there is down to almost nothing, so he's no longer taking in that
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kind of money either, right? >> yeah, i don't think many foreign visitors are coming now. what we have heard is about 10% occupancy, so it's still open, but the restaurants are closed. a lot of is basically shut down. >> the other issue for donald trump is that he's able to glean a lot of the business and a lot of the money he and his family has taken it from fellow government workers essential. you had the attorney general throw parties there, you've had the secret service using this, the secret service paying government carts when he's going golfing. how much money are we talking about? if you can estimate has been coming from fellow members of the federal government? >> well, what we know so far, and it's very, very paltry, because the freedom of information act is so long. we know about income trump has gotten from his own travels. the secret service goes with
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him, and he can charge whatever he likes. it's like $650 a night for every room. the overall fraction of his business is small. i still don't think we know the enumerator. >> there is a question of, now he there have been other hotels that have volunteers to open up their facilities to help people in terms of field hospitals or to use to house people who may come through. >> it's happening in new york and in chicago, where closed down hotels are being repumped in chicago they're paying. look, we have asked the trump organization, they haven't responded. in chicago we know they're not part of the program so far. in new york city we haven't
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gotten an answer out of the state. both andrew cuomo and trump, if this was happening, i think they would tell us. >> they would say something. >> what about the children? >> the adult children, they seemed to derive most of their income and, you know, you're the expert on this, from his business us, things with his surname on them. so in terms of their income, without these hotels, without these resorts and the money coming in from them and the foreign emoluments coming in, where do they get their money? >> well, the main sort of income, if the hotels and restaurants are closed is a couple office buildings that don't even have their name on them, one in new york, one in san francisco. trump, thus a giant stroke of luck, wound up with 30% of someone else's two office buildings. those produce a lot of cash. it will continue to produce it for a while just because it's so heart to get out of leases. remember, they have huge outstanding loans on doral, on
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the d.c. hotel, chicago, other places their closed or running at a tiny capacity. do they start worrying about whether they can pay those loans? that's the next question. >> ands let's talk about jared for a moment. rather than relax the rent requirements for his tenants, and some of hess tenants are in tough positions, in maryland and other places, that they are enforcing to the maximum that they want their money. what about his income? a lot of it does come from being not the best landlord. >> i'm not the world's experts on jared kushner, but i have read that. at the same time the kushner company is asking for leniency from its lenders -- there's a retail state in times square, so they're forcing others to make payments while they're trying to get out of themselves. i think you went to harvard,
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we're looking into everybody's homes. we'll talk about that next time. next up, how the coronavirus is taking a toll on americas's prisons. your home, from inspiration to installation. like way more vanities perfect for you. nice. way more unique fixtures and tiles. pairing. ♪ nice. way more top brands in sinks and faucets. way more ways to rule your renovation. nice! on any budget, with free shipping. wayfair. way more than furniture. but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr, a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate.
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shots could be heard as prisoners filmed themselves trying to flee. riots over sanitary conditions brought out in this and eight overcrowded detention facilities across colombia. >> deadly riots erupted as a prison in bogata, colombia. the prison population is, according to a legal aid society, coronavirus within new york city jails is spreading at
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a rate seven times faster than the city itself. it's prompted new york state to announce the early release of more than 1,000 inmates being held on parole violations. yousef salem joins me. and vince -- thank you for being here. yousef, talk about what it means, let alone for something you didn't do, but being inside one of these facilities, how cramped is it? how crowded is it? is it even possibly to socially distance when you're inside a facility like this, unless you are literally in solitary. you're talking about an impossibility the worst part is where -- stacked on top of one
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another. one person gets sick, the whole tier gets sick. you can imagine sometimes you have five in a cell, depending on the xhuchbt. every single person, 50 beds per tier can get tick at one particular point in time. you're talking about a situation that is very -- this is a nightmare waiting to happen. >> are we talking about, let's say 1,000 people, is there a lot of health care available in if one got sick, what happens? >> absolutely not, there is no health care. there's no meaningful health care. we're talking about something that's meaningful, will save your life in a crisis, and right now we're in a major crisis. you have people sometimes in
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gyms on bunk beds. i'm trying to describe where i was and how you feel and how tragic it is. when i was there, at least at least one person per cell. when i was leaving at least two people in front of you and saying every single cell on every tier was going to get double bunked. this is a nightmare. >> and, you know, vince, aside from the fact we should re having a larger conversation about our justice system and how we treat people and treat people many of whom are not even guilty of what they've done, that's a whole different conversation, but in other countries these conditions have let to riots, breakouts, because people aren't just going to sit still and watch person after person get sick, not these rampant in fact,
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most advocates are essential calling for the same things that -- our incarceration system -- mass incarceration is just inhumane, no getting around it. on top of that, a pandemic like this, it really requires government to think very differently. we know that government can thin differently. the governor has released about -- the board of corrections in new york has called for 2,000 people to be released. that includes people with underlying health issues, includes people that are elderly, includes people that are on what are called city sentences, but the way that we have to think about this now is that the same amount of energy that it takes to get the state and the city to get all of us to
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shelter in place that's the type of energy we need with respect to our prisons. the way we stick people in these cells, in the best of times on the suniest day, is a horror show. now we have a situation where we're essential keeping them in containers where that virus is going to spread. so when we are standing in line to the grocery store and saying six feet apart, you can't do that at righters. there's no way to do this. people are sleep to e to head. i'm glad there are lawsuits being filed to get a range of these people out of jail. it totally possible. >> and then the people we're incarcerating at the border. a lot of us have had this dark thought that, god forbid, there's a pandemic, even flu or
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measles or something that takes place inside these places we're caging kids. the same with our prison system. you go home at the end of the night or you're there two, three days, if you're sick and you're a guard, you're then taking it out of there. the risk is not just to the people inside, right? that might be the case if it weren't for all of the people that work at the jails, that work at the i.c.e. facilities, that go home every day and they come back and introduce the virus. then we're in a situation where the state and society is introducing a virus into a state facility and will not let anybody leave. that's a state-created harm.
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i'm note blaming the united states or the state of new york for creating the coronavirus. what i'm saying is we have to stop thinking about people we've stopped schools, closed colleges, and yet we expect to, at least for men and women to sit there while this virus spreads, and then we'll say, we don't want to let them out because we have the virus? that's crazy. >> and then what about for, yusef, you have visit are, people coming to see their loved ones, they're coming in and out. how much separation is there? are there still open facilities where people are able to tough their loved ones, or is it all behind glass? that's another potential way this could come from inside these facilities to the outside. >> right. you do have a lot of facilities that still are the ability to
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loved ones to meet with one another, but we're talking about the humanity. we need to be able to see everyone in our society, where behind bars or not, as being full human beings form the capacity for the system to say the shut down -- and let's keep the other part going, even with the fact, that keeps people, hope alive. you have a lot of people who have not been sentenced yet. i'm thinking about a colleague -- colleagues in the system right now waiting to go to court. waiting for their court date, and now this pandemic has hit, and now we have a petrie dish where people can't even guess loving visit action from a loved one because of this happening.
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this is one of the worst night mares that inmates can ever experience, and it's happening right now. >> absolutely. vince, you know, it's happening even to children, you know, there are teenagers being arrested. who have not even been sentenced and who are awaiting trial, and who are also stuck in these kinds of facilities just like these migrant children are stuck. what is the legal liability of a state or of the federal government in terms of the system if some were to get sick or, god forbid, die because they were not protected in these facilities? >> well, there are children, senior citizens, folks with underlying issues that should all be released. the problem, joy, the way the law is structured is very, very difficult for a prisoner to be able to sue the city or the state for something like this. there are all of these federal
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laws and state laws that create real loop holes and obstacles for people to file a lawsuit. that's largely because the system fears that the inmate will sue it out of existence. now we have a situation where there's a violence and that horrible that's going on the first people they would talk to and say can they do this? like the mayor and the governor can release these people very quickly, and we also need federal prisoners released and need to deal with the homeless population. we need to think about all the people that are vulnerable in our society and make them all safe. >> absolutely. vince warren, always yeah to talk with you.
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yusef salaam, so much respect to you. both of you are fabulous. stay safe. really appreciate you. up next, your moral moment. bishop william barber joins me when we come back. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ (announcer) once-weekly ozempic® is helping many people with type 2 diabetes like james lower their blood sugar. a majority of adults who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. here's your a1c. oh! my a1c is under 7! (announcer) and you may lose weight. adults who took ozempic® lost on average up to 12 pounds. i lost almost 12 pounds! oh! (announcer) for those also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. it lowers the risk. oh!
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she spends too much time on the internet. according to the census, you can complete the census online in no time at all. shape your future. start here. complete the census at what some of our republican friends still have not given up are the need to punish the poor and working people. you haven't raised the minimum wage in ten years. minimum wage should be at least $15 an hour. you haven't done that. you've cut program after program after program, and now horror of horrors, for four months workers might be earning a few bucs more than they otherwise would. after some fireworks during the debate there was a refreshing display of bipar sanship this week when congress
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passed and donald trump signed a nearly $2.2 trillion rescue package to address the fallout of the pandemic. it gives more than $2500 billion -- $500 billion to big businesses, but what about the poorest of americans? joining misis bishop barber. thank you for being here. i'm going to start off with the down side of this. what you saw here are democrats really having to fight to get republicans to accept that poor people and working people should get something at all. we still have people's water being shut off. rashida tlaib was tweeting about prohibition, which more than 80 members of the house supported, including debbie dingell and dan
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kiltee. >> that's right. one of the reason the poor people's campaign is going -- march on washington and while we put on the a budget response is the experts are telling us this stimulus leaves out millions. we don't have a prohibition against water shutoff. we don't have a prohibition against evictions. we have millions of people, up to 140 million people, like lola, who works part time as a cashier, sleeping in her minivan with three children, because rents are high in san diego, has no fixed address and therefore may not get the one-time payment, doesn't qualify for unemployment. this bill didn't do anything to raise living wages. it's a one-time cash assistance. $1200 is not enough, did not fund health insurance for the uninsured. this bill will leave out millions, joy, millions of
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people, part-time workers. that means they get knowing, they don't have paid sick leave. it didn't provide the $50 billion we need for child care to cover people. it didn't do anything about health insurance for the uninsured. there's so many holes in this bill. while it was made better, anytime a congressman celebrates -- the representative from california and says how great this is, and then says how great everyone was doing before the coronavirus, when in fact 700 poor people were dying a day prior to the coronavirus, we really have a problem. what we see in this bill is the corporations got aplentiy, the
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pentagon got aplenty, but it did not touch the people who are hurting. speaker pelosi says this is just bill number three, but thought the last bill. so apparently there would be a list to get more done. you have homelessness right now, 493,000 people on average of homeless any day in the united states. the projected cases among homeless people with a 40% peak infection rate would be 197,000 people are projected to be afflicted with coronavirus with coindividual 19 -- covid-19. what should be done in the next bill? >> first of all, let's talk about the next bill concept. corporations and businesses
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don't have to go to the next bill. what we see operating here is shock doctrine. we're in the midst of a disaster. the corporations lobbied to get the most up front. it's homeless are not taken care of, the virus still spreads. we need a bill that starts from the bottom. it should have been done this time the homeless, the parttime workers, the people who are still having to go to work and fix the bottom. if you don't, the germ doesn't know bottom or top. the germ just knows infection. the virus just knows infection. we should be making sure we have so many -- some of or homeless people been going into abandoned houses and putting up quarantine. we have abandoned houses to make sure the homeless have a place to stay, but we need a bill that starts there. >> i want to give you an tuned to talk about dr. joseph lowery
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away who passed away. i wanted to i have good you an opportunity. >> he was a tremendous fighter. he stood up and stood up to the president. that's why one of the reasons the poor people's campaign, we're standing up to trump, calling for the go back for easter. we need nonviolent noncooperation, do not go back to work our church on easter. instead tell them to fix the bill and deal with the people jesus really cared about. we're going to have a major campaign around that, and now with dr. lowery passing, his spirit will be with us. he always stood up to power and said do right be the least of these. we must continue to do that. in his passing, we must rise up. remember all of those who have passed before us that did not
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take their keys from the empire and from the white house, but took their keel from the moral perspective of our society and our religion. amen. beneficiary mop william bashur also a tremendous advocate. thank you for being here. more "a.m. joy" after the break. g fish oil supplements you should know they are not fda approved... ...they may have saturated fat and may even raise bad cholesterol. to treat very high triglycerides, discover the science of prescription vascepa. proven in multiple clinical trials, vascepa, along with diet, is the only prescription epa treatment, approved by the fda to lower very high triglycerides by 33%, without raising bad cholesterol. look. it's clear, there's only one prescription epa vascepa. vascepa is not right for everyone. do not take vascepa if you are allergic to icosapent ethyl or any inactive ingredient in vascepa. tell your doctor if you are allergic to fish or shellfish,
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8:59 am
good day, everyone, from msnbc world headquarters here in new york, we are just about high noon here in the east.
9:00 am
welcome, everyone, for "weekends with alex witt." on the rise, the latest numbers on the coronavirus spread, and the doctors and. >> announcer: -- nurses facing it head-on. >> it's like a war zone with very limited resources. every time i leave for a shift, i cry. every shift i have worked, i've had cried. because of the pain and suffering. long lines, big worries, the anxiety that many americans are experiencing right now. the about-face on face mask. maybe they offer protection after all. but we have this breaking news here, in fact, today the number of cases in the united states reaching a new high surfacing 100,000 that number more than any other country in the world.


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