tv MSNBC Live MSNBC March 28, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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informative presidential communications that help the public protect themselves during this pandemic. today trump chose another opportunity to soothe himself rather than the public with a fun photo op in front of a big ship, well done, sir. joining me now is madeleine dean. congresswoman dean, thank you for being here. glad we cleared up, we brought on a constitutional lawyer to debunk the idea that donald trump could quarantine states just in case they had questions. he's been told that he cannot do that, so he's doing a strong advisory from the cdc instead. what do you make of these reversals that trump keeps doing on the things he says he's going to do and the advice he's giving the public? >> thank you for having me on tonight. >> i guess what i leaned upon is what you heard nancy pelosi say from the floor of the house yesterday, and she said it over and over to our caucus as we've been on call after call, she
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quotes pope francis who said he prays to enlighten those this are responsible for the common good. i pray for this president to enlighten him that he is responsible for the common good so not to just bow to the whims of somebody in florida who said, you're sending too many people who are sick down here. we have to listen to the scientists, the doctors, to dr. fauci and others to make sure we're doing the most effective things we can possibly do to stop the spread of this pandemic. >> do you think it would help the public -- and not because of a partisan difference with him between yourself and him, do you think it would help the public if donald trump stopped talking, stopped doing public statements and let dr. fauci be the only one who tacks. >> let me tell you something, literally from the floor of the house yesterday, it was an extraordinary moment, i've only
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been in congress a little more than a year, it's been a heck of a year. but i will tell you it was not a mart san day. while there was small bickering and silliness, obstruction by a single member of the republican party. you saw a house united. a house united that sends $2.2 trillion in relief. it's called the cares act. it is not a perfect bill, but it's a robust bill that sends important resources to our hospitals, to our state and local governments, to our schools, to small businesses, to medium businesses and large. important money to individuals and families. so what "hope is that the president does quiets down, listen to the experts, follow their guidance, so that the american family can have the confidence that their government has their back, their government will lift them up, and that this
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president will not get in the way of that. >> let me play the governor of your state, tom wolf regarding the bill you were talking about, the $2 trillion relief bill, take a listen. >> we're still trying to figure out as late as just a few hours ago at our daily staff meeting what exactly is coming to pennsylvania. we're working with governor relations folks in washington, and our representatives in the house and the senate to try to figure out exactly what is coming to pennsylvania and when it's coming. we'll keep watching that, but certainly appreciate the timely action on the part of the federal government. >> we know that one of the things that did come out of the package that's in the package is a relief on student loans. payment suspensions until september 30th for those paying back their student loans. eligibility if the money was borrowed within the last ten
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years. i think that is an inarguably good thing. what would you say to pennsylvanians who are asking what they individually are going to receive and what the time line is going to be? >> i hope the time line is as rapid as it could possibly be. to governor wolf, who i've been on the phone with him and his entire administration, throughout the course of the last month or six weeks throughout the coronavirus. they've been at the forefront of it, $150 billion is going out to states to help them and local municipalities get through this epidemic, that's just one piece of this $2 trillion bill. another part of it is exactly what you just pointed out. $30 billion is going toward education. i have to admit that i and members of the house voted for a $60 billion benefit and relief package for our school districts, k through 12, head
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start, food programs and also student loan debt relief. i was very proud to have in the house version of this bill, which did not make it to this final version. student loan debt relief of $10,000 per student. you saw that senator warren and vice president biden endorsed my bill, it was not just mine, others supported me in 2, but that would get relief to $10,000 per student loan borrower, we have to do that. as you know, we're not turn with our packages of relief. this is not one and done. this was the third in three bills, we will do another, and i will fight hard for greater student loan debt relief. including $10,000 per borrower. and we should drive interest rates down to zero on student loan debt. >> madeleine dean. thanks for being here, stay safe, really appreciate your time tonight. >> thank you, joy.
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>> thank you so much. cheers. and for more, i want to bring in my panel, e.d. dion. how progressives and moderates can unite to save our country. >> the author of the wonderful book moving forward, and jonathan capehart opinion columnist for the washington post and the great cape up segment. let's talk about this for a moment, i'm going to start where i ended up, with you, jonathan, we find ourselves often in this job trying to find a way to report what donald trump says without taking it so seriously that we go off on a track behind it. because a lot of things he says he literally tries to pull out of dreamland somewhere. >> the reaction that the producers and i had i had a
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conversation saying, you can't do that, that doesn't sound legal. our thinking was, let's find a constitutional lawyer. donald trump does tend to pull the media along behind him like they're on a sled to things that are just never -- they're just not possible how -- and i'll ask all of you this question. how do we deal with him differently. the things he says cannot only be dead wrong, he's giving people advice to take medicines and things. >> one. we're caught in this dilemma in the press. he's president of the united states. whether you like it or not, he's president of the united states. when the president says something and you're a member of the press, you have to report it, but the next hurdle is, once he says something, when you're on that sled as we're all on that sled, we're being dragged along. we must tell the american people
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what he's saying is not true, it's misleading, misinformation, it's dangerous, depending on what bucket that falls into. and so i think -- what we have to do, and what you and other producers in television in editors and newsrooms have to listen to what the president says. if you do, you then must provide the context to the reader and the listener that what the president is saying is not possible. it's not true. and let's keep something else in mind. we have seen over the last two weeks, the president make all sorts of promises and pronouncements that ended up either not being right or true or even forthcoming. he just went down to have the -- what is it, the harmony come up to new york. didn't he promise that 10 days ago? >> the comfort, yeah. >> the comfort, we find out it's actually sitting there in norfolk under repair.
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the president always makes pronouncements, but if you listen carefully, he always also provides himself enough outramps and outs so that if what happens it turns out not to be true. because he knows he's not a lot of the time telling the truth, and just talking out of the side of his neck as my grand mother used to say, he never wants to be proven wrong. he makes this pronouncement, i'm going to quarantine new york, new jersey and connecticut maybe if it's possible. cdc says, i'm going to leave it to them, and it's not going to be required at this time. we have been through this dance before, we know what this is about. and i think we in the press, at least, the four of us here have been more diligent about when reporting on what the president says, providing context to people so that they know that what he's saying at that particular moment is not true. and not possible.
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>> let me go to my -- my two friends to the left of you, i'm stage left of you as i'm facing you, are both -- you guys are both college professors as well as in this business as they say, and i'm going to go through with each of you to have a chance to talk about this, careen, you have students that you're teaching how to navigate politics and the media, and then i'll ask e.j. the same thing. donovan gave away our e.p.'s name. he's going to be mad at you. and we were going through how many things donald trump has said in the last month. in the last two mows, he said the democrats characterization of the virus is a hoax. he said it's going to be 15 days and done. the warm spring weather will get rid of it, it's going to be done. there's a cure for it, and then some guy heard him say it on fox, took it, and the couple took it and the husband is now deceased. he said easter we're all going to be back to work. he's going to quarantine three
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states. logic, no, you can't. i don't know how you teach students how to deal with political communication if the political communication is fictional from the president? >> yeah, i totally agree with you, joy, these are not normal times. this is not like, donald trump is not like any past presidents we have had. it's incredibly abnormal. he's not fit. we see it now more and more, that he shouldn't be president. but we've known that from the beginning. and so here's what he does, he comes off with a half baked idea. and what he's trying to do, he's trying to win the new cycle. he's not trying to fight the disease. and so the -- this is a man who wakes up every morning, he gets his policy briefing for fox and friends, and then he goes and figures out, how am i going to get that headline, that news headline, how am i going to calm the markets. that's where his mind is, he's not proactive, he has no plan, and so we have to continue to
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call him out and let folks know, this is not normal, this is not the way a president should behave. and let's not forget, he goes on twitter, he attacks democratic governors, he makes it about his polling, it is all about him. we have such a self-centered president, and that is one of the main problems, so i teach my students all the time, understand the history, understand where we are, understand this is not normal times, ask the questions, continue to read, continue to really understand the moment that we're in, and we have to call this out. because he lies over and over again. the problem that we have now in this moment is that people are dying. and more people will die. and so we have a president that's being incredibly reckless, and this is again, we talked about this earlier on a.m. joy, why you have these democratic governors and local mayors and elected officials who are taking the reign because there is a void. and that's what we have to pay
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attention to. that's who we have to trust, we can't trust the federal government. >> and e.j., it is almost as if andrew cuomo is sort of interim president. the challenge that we have as the media, and you've written about a lot of presidents, e.j., the challenge for the media is that -- as jonathan said, he is the president, so his pronouncements in theory can have some power. he can put force behind them, whatever the powers of his office are, but he is misleading, and harming people with the things that he's saying. we have this huge back and forth over whether to give him air time at all. whether he should be allowed to say things on live tv, even if you fact check it later, that are just not true and that can hurt people, it is a difficult position, because the media is not used to dealing with a president like this that just says things he makes up, and it's very difficult to figure
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out what to do. >> no, that's 100% right, i do want to shout out congresswoman dean for saying that she prays for the president. because only a miracle will get donald trump to think about the common good instead of himself. and i do think that's one of the problems we face. no president in history has ever conditioned aid to states in an emergency bring whether they say nice things about him or not. this is an unprecedented presidency, as we all agree. and i think we have to begin to ask of donald trump, the same questions we ask of somebody else. if somebody else goes out there on a regular basis and lies and lies and lies, we tend not to give that person free air time. so i really do think the time has come for the networks to think about that briefing every
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day that the president does, that is really for him, just a substitute for his campaign rallies. if he wants to put up health officials who will give the country useful information, great, that should be aired. but over and over again he says things that he can't deliver on. he has gotten a whole day of headlines on a quarantine that he probably never had any intention of putting into place in the first place, because he didn't have the power to do it, but politically it was lovely, because it was a way to say, this problem we have in the country -- he pulls it all back. this -- the media's got to start
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thinking about how to deal with an unprecedented president. >> and jonathan, the challenge here is because you have people who are self-quarantining informally. and so what donald trump has now produced is, if you look at polling, democrats are more likely to believe that covid-19 is a lethal threat and they ought to self-quarantine, they ought to do social distancing than republicans. have you state governors because they're looking at donald trump con stan thely in their sideview mirror want to please him, don't want to make him mad or believe everything he's saying, won't do the things that are logical to protect their own people, protect their own residents, you have people taking incredible risks, and entire states where they're refusing to accept reality because he won't accept reality.
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maybe it's real, okay, it's real, it's difficult to turn that ship around, we're still one country in terms of where you can travel. you cannot quarantine states. people can still travel around, some of whom are taking incredible risks. >> right, when it comes to quarantining florida, but then you find out that -- oh, that's just for flights, you can drive over the border, none of it made any sense. it's not just the president or the governors, you also have senator rand paul or matt gets, these were two people who didn't take this seriously at all. senator paul didn't -- was waiting for his test results, and still went to the gym and met with colleagues and pretended like it's no big deal. and then announces later in the day that he's positive and he's going home. i mean, this -- this whole thing is -- it is maddening, and what
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makes it even more maddening, joy, we're dealing with an unprecedented president. we're dealing with a president for whom -- because we're still talking about him. it's all about talking about him. >> yes. and those policy briefings, with his -- you know, sort of warm up act, in the beginning where i think we've talked about this before. it's just breaking his campaign rallies that he can't do, because everyone's self-quarantining, bringing them into the briefing room, i want to give a shout out to a lot of the legitimate reporters in the briefing room who are asking him pointed questions and getting president trump to reveal himself to be a moral void,
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lacking empathy. >> most people -- his people don't believe it, though. >> if we're going too air the president's statements, they have become partisan campaign statements, so the same amount of time ought to be given to his opposition, split it between joe biden or bernie sanders. give some time to nancy pelosi or chuck schumer, but don't let him have unlimited access to the airwaves for doing something that is 100% about re-election. give other people equal time to raise those questions. because the reporters can't raise the questions as pointedly as opposition voices could. and their voices need to get the same amount of time he's getting for a lot of this stuff he's putting out there. >> yeah, i think that is a very fair point. should these campaigns, the biden and sanders campaigns be thinking about doing a daily presser of their own?
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>> yeah, i think so. i think these -- the last two candidates that are around, bernie and biden should be holding virtual town halls, more virtual town halls, they should be holding press conferences, with governors, democratic governors, have those conversations, put it out there, show what leadership looks like. this is not normal times, he is not a normal president, and we can't cover him that way. and that is the problem, we have to remember that this should not be the way that we should have gone. donald trump knew about this virus in january. and didn't do anything until march. he lied about it. he downplayed it, and really what his campaign slogan should be, is make america sick again, because he doesn't really care. he cares about his own personal survival. and so we have to be really clear on that, and those campaigns need to show that contrast. they need to be out there, i know it's difficult with social distancing, not being able to do
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large rallies and town hall, use the internet, use what we have, and show them what leadership looks like. >> everybody told you all, every single person told the united states this man was not fit to be president. hillary clinton tried to tell you all, people don't listen. you want somebody to have a beer with. you can't have a beer with someone if you're in self-quarantine. >> people try to tell you all, we tell you. e.j. dionne, all them told you, you should listen to them. thank you very much. louisiana emerges as the latest hotspot of the coronavirus. so you can bring your vision to life and save in more ways than one.
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transferring those who test positive for the virus to angola, an allen correctional center. two facilities that are known for their horrible conditions. this plan has come after two workers at two different prisons tested positive for covid 19. joining me to discuss is alana odoms abear. thank you so much for being here. this plan is alarming, because of the places that they are trying to send people, angola is notorious, and the idea of sending people there it feels like the creation of a helper colony. can you explain what they're doing. this is a speculative plan, a dangerous plan that the department of corrections is attempting to come up with,
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frankly it puts the lives of thousands of -- tens of thousands of very vulnerable people at risk. we've heard that the department of corrections is putting this in place to stop the spread. this is the worst possible plan they could come up with. we already know that louisiana state penitentiary has been one of the deadliest prisons in the country. thousands of people languished there in incredibly squalid conditions. there have been conditions the aclu has gotten for the way they treat people, the squalid conditions. and this is something that is unacceptable. and the outcry has to start now,
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if they were thinking of putting this plan in place, this needs to be completely averted. >> the incarceration in louisiana is quite large. there were 15,000 people incarcerated in state facilities. louisiana has a very large incarcerated population. who -- the challenge is, for the average members of the public to understand what this -- why this matters to them. why they should care about people who are in prison, potentially being exposed to this virus. can you lay that out for people, why this should matter, other than just being a human being that cares about other human beings. >> absolutely. i think folks know by now that louisiana has the highest encarceration rate in the world that's per capita, that's our
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prison population, we also have the highest pretrial incarceration rate in the world, and i want the public to understand, those people who are languishing behind bars in local jail facilities, these individuals pretrial have yet to be charged and they are awaiting their trial behind bars, and we at the aclu authored a landmark report called justice can't wait, an indictment of louisiana's pretrial justice system, essentially what it shows is that there are over 15,000 people who are awaiting trial behind bars in louisiana who have yet to be a convicted of any crime. we can deem these people innocent until they are proven guilty and 57% of those 15,000 people are charged with a low level nonviolent offense. while the average income of
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louisiana is about $27,000. the average bail is just about $24,000, we can see a system of injustice that is -- is just insidious in louisiana it is a system that is driven by money. it is a system that is driven by profit. so many people who are in prison, merely because of the size of their bank account not because of guilt or innocence. that's why the american public should really care about this. and then there are another 30,000 people who are in our prison system. and we've actually taken herculean measures to reduce that number. in 2017 the state of louisiana passed the most comprehensive package of criminal just is reform that the state has ever seen. and that reduced our presidenten population by about 4,000. and we still continue to see that we are number one. and i think what people should realize is that there are many people who are coming in and out
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of our prison facilities. this goes for administrative staff all the way to corrections and guards, and they are not being given the appropriate ppe, they are not doing the appropriate sanitizing and disinfecting surfaces inside the prison. they're not doing anything that the scientists, ep deem yolgsists and researchers say you need to do to stem the tide of this infection. those individuals who are coming in and out of these facilities are going to be coming in contact with our loved ones, our families and ourselves. we have to stop thinking we can be separate. we are all in this together, and we cannot put aside people that are incarcerated. >> it does affect you in every way. allen correctional center is the other one, if you want to know about angola, i highly recommend you watch "the 13th." thank you so much for your time tonight. really appreciate the work that
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you do. >> thank you so much. coming up next -- >> thank you very much. really appreciate that. >> coming up next, remembering a civil rights icon. ♪ limu emu & doug [ siren ] give me your hand! i can save you... lots of money with liberty mutual! we customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need!
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overnight we learned that civil rights icon passed away at his home in atlanta at the age of 98. he was a dear friend to dr. marken luther king jr. they organized a pivotal moment in the civil rights movement. the historic bus boycott in montgomery alabama. the king center described lowry as a champion for civil rights, a challenger of injustice and a dear friend to the king family. he's being remembered as someone who never waivered in his efforts to urge african-americans to exercise their hard won rights by registering to vote. in 2009, president obama awarded
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lowry the medal of freedom for his commitment to social justice. >> reverend joseph e. lowry has marched through life from the montgomery bus boycott to protests against apartheid he has served as a tireless beacon for nonviolence and social justice. the united states proudly recognizes this outstanding leader. >>. >> rest in peace reverend lowry, let's hope we as a country do better to live up to your legacy. we'll be right back. needles. essential for the sea urchin, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr, a once-daily pill for adults with moderate
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it is clear to anyone who's been paying attention, the coronavirus crisis has brought out the very worst in donald trump. david corn writes, trump viewed the burgeoning crisis to him not the nation. and he took the steps he usually does in so many circumstances, claimed he knew better than the experts and relied on bluster and b.s., he did all that instead of adopting early measures that could have slowed the transmission of the virus. two other fundamental elements
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of interrupt's character are likely shaping his response, his obsession with revenge and sense of fatalism, both are exceedingly dangerous for the american public. joining me now is david corn and sarah kensior. the invention of donald trump and the eye roegs of america. two of our good friends, let's talk about your article, how have these character traits shaped donald trump's response. why should anyone be surprised this is the way he's governing in a crisis? >> we shouldn't be surprised. thanks for having me. i hope you are doing well. >> i've been writing about this for weeks. it sounds hyperbolic to say that, but it is an obsession. he used to give these speeches showing -- to thousands of people who would pay $20 to get the keys to trumpian success,
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and he would say over and over again that his number one rule of business was if someone screws you, you screw them. you don't just screw them five times over, 10 times, 15 times, and the guys at wharton won't tell you that, but i'm going to tell you that, we see just in the last 24 hours that he won't even call the governor of michigan by her name. if they don't treat us right, we don't call. this is all about him. he has this -- you know, it's almost like -- part of his driving motivation, maybe even more so than the pursuit of money and fame. it is to seek revenge. a couple years ago, he tweeted out this great alfred hitchcock line, revenge is sweet but not fattening, that's funny. it's great for alfred hitchcock to say that. but terrible for a guy who's dividing a country is still that
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deeply motivated by revenge, he can't put aside his petty grievances and deal with governors of states where thousands of people are about to perish. >> yeah, and you know, sayre remark you write about authoritarian governments, one of the things that seems to bind these kinds of governments is that the leaders concern and em357b8g think is only self-directed. what donald trump lacks is the prime directive of president's in crisis is to empathize, to kash about the dead, the suffering, trump shows none of that. he shows no concern whatsoever for anything other than who's being nice to him, that's it. >> yes, that's exactly right. and that's how he spent his entire life. you can trace that through his life, through his days in the 1980s, where he would brag about various collapsing industries, allowing him to profit from 9/11 where his gut reaction to 9/11, is that his buildings were taller, to the 2008 financial
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crisis that he again said he was excited about, to his utter apathy to the deaths of soldiers and their widows, his reaction to natural disasters like hurricane maria, i've spent my life studying authoritarian states, he is easily as bad as dictators i've seen worldwide and he's united with them, we've seen this from the start his relationship with putin, with mbs. he's never been here to serve the american people. he's never been here to serve america, and now we're self-isolated in our homes with a death toll that is expected to double by the day, and this is a crisis. this is an emergency, it's been an emergency since 2016, and it's remained so now. and now it is not a matter of red or blue, but of life or death. and people need to take this very seriously, they carpet expect him to change. he was never going to pivot. his goal is always to pivot
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america to his perverse sickening, sadistic view, and that's exactly what he's done. >> we have some sound problems with sarah's connection, just noting that. this is what we're having to do, we're all doing this from home or skyping. david, i'm going to come back to you and ask you, the challenge is, that for his supporters, his base, they see it completely differently. they see him as the defender of the faith. there's almost a religious devotion to him that is unbreakable, even when they suffer. i don't remember if you read this piece this week, a man who recovered from covid-19, thinks trump is doing a fine job. he just suffered and doesn't think it's a problem, he's locked into donald trump's world view, even when he's suffering. there's an unbreakable nature of it, one wonders if the lack of empathy is donald trump or the ideology that he's inflicted, or
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brought out of people. >> well, to call it a personality, where what happens to donald trump is what matters the most, so how he's doing, how people are treating him, as sarah just said is the priority, if you're part of that cult, what happens to the cult leader is your top priority even more so than your own situation at home. it sounds kind of rational. i thought it was an interesting moment in the last day or so, when i kept waiting to see what happens when death starts hitting areas that he needs for his electorate victory. we figure that -- that's what he cares about most. it sounds crass, but it feels that way. he doesn't need new york, california, the state of washington, we have nine out of ten states that have the largest percent of drives in deaths in the last couple days are all red states. michigan to me, was very telling, because he needs
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michigan to win. michigan's a tossup state. for him not to be able to keep his eye on that ball and instead get into a you know what match with this governor who's doing everything she can, she even mentioned her name, she was just elected and he needs some of those people to vote for him. he can't even put what we think are his political interests over his own psychological desires and cravings and needs to get into these fights and trounce his enemies. he likes nothing better than trashing enemies. that's a negative way to look at life, but i think that's what's happening here. >> fortunately, that's why you don't elect someone like that as president. >> people were warned, every biographer told us who he is. one quick update to those of you at home, the story we've been talking about throughout the show tonight.
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donald trump may not be issuing a quarantine for the tristate area, but the cdc just issued a domestic travel advisory for new york, new jersey and connecticut. refrain from nonessential domestic travel for 14 days, effective immediately. it does not apply to essential employees. the cdc playing clean upfor donald trump as one does. every day heroes taking care of the least among us. ♪go your own way copd tries to say go this way i say i'll go my own way with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. do not use anoro if you have asthma. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate,
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6:51 pm
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badly hurting. but chefs are still stepping up to help their communities, like chef jj johnson and his team in harlem, who have been delivering food to new york hospitals, women's shelters, as well as their fellow restaurant workers, who have been laid off. and joining me now is jj johnson, chef and owner of field trip restaurant in harlem, new
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york. jj, talk about what you're doing. this is -- this is wonderful. and i have to say the whole restaurant industry, it is very much a family. you know, i'm friends with melv wilson, who i'm sure you know up there in harlem. and there is a sense that the industry really is a family, including the people that work for you. >> yeah. yeah. yeah. field trip is my first place i own right here in harlem. there was no way for me to shut the doors. just looking at harlem as the greatest community in the world. and just not feeding people that need food in their houses but there is abundance of children and first responders that are looking for meals. and field trip and my team, we decided to take that on. we took it to twitter. and now, people are buying meals for first responders and -- and kids. so it's really great. it's full circle. it's keeping my staff employed. and i know my fellow chefs want to do the same thing. and we're ready to do it. >> and -- and can you talk about the need?
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because, you know, i think that people don't understand the reality. a lot of people don't. that a lot of people don't even have savings. they don't have $500 sitting in the bank for when an emergency strikes. and so the food runs out pretty quick because you are spending all that's coming in. so tell me about the level of need you are seeing, and also the part of it, as you said, that's going to first responders. >> so the level of need is big. harlem is a working-class community. there's a bunch of other places in our country that are working-class communities. people that share a room. maybe have a small fridge. live check to check. and it's -- it's really hard for them. so for somebody to be able to walk into field trip and to grab a meal or -- or harlem grown to call me and say can you feed 165 children that haven't had a hot meal in two weeks? yes, they're getting a meal at their school. but in their shelter, they haven't had a meal in two weeks and there's 14 of those shelters here in harlem. so there is tons of kids that are not getting meals.
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there's people walking in, asking me can they work for food for their family? and we're feeding them. so, you know, just not here in the restaurant industry am i trying to figure out how to stay open and make sure that my staff is getting a check to pay their rent or put food in their fridge. the people that are walking through the door time to time, you know, leftover food that we have, we're handing out to them and their family also because we're all in this together. >> yep. absolutely. and thank you for saying that because harlem is not all gentrified. it is still a working-class community, real talk. jj johnson, field trip. thank you so much for everything you are doing. god bless you, man. and keep it up. thank you so much and be safe. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. and that is it for me tonight. thank you so much for watching and we do hope you will tune in again tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. eastern for a.m. joy right here on msnbc. keep it right here. we got more for you on this pandemic. stay safe out there.
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>> thanks at home for joining us this hour as well. i am very grateful you are here tonight. we are going to have speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, joining us live here in just one moment. you know, in -- in times like these, if we are lucky, somebody steps forward. unifying figure. somebody who brings us all together. reminds us what we all have in common, despite any other differences that might have kept us apart in the past. today, it was a republican congressman from kentucky. a man named thomas
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