tv MSNBC Live MSNBC March 29, 2020 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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. hey there, i'm joshua johnson. a stark warning from the man who has been the face of information in this pandemic. as the u.s. tops the world in coronavirus cases, dr. anthony fauci projects we could see between 100,000 and 200,000 deaths from coronavirus. the administration's response coordinator brought a clear message today. >> when this virus comes to your metro area, please stay in your metro area where your care can be provided because it's spreading virus more quickly around the united states. >> that comment came after confusion from the president that he was considering quarantining new york, new jersey and connecticut. instead, president trump took to twitter to announce a strong 14-day travel advisory. new york's governor, at the epicenter responded today, attempting to bring some calm and confidence.
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>> look, this is new york. we are going to make it through this -- we have made it through far greater things. we are going to be okay. >> we want to do our part to help ease some of your anxiety through all of this. this hour, we'll answer more of your questions about the pandemic with our team of experts. that's how you can reach us on the screen. first, the latest on the efforts to contain coronavirus. let's go to monica alba at the white house. i wonder what the fall out is, if any, from the mixed messages from the president. everybody's heartbeat fast. the 32 million people who live many tristate area before he tweeted i'm not going to do that. what? >> reporter: not just panic, r you're right. a ton of confusion as the president really went from fleet floeti i -- floating this to reversing
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it in matter of hours. he said he would be meeting and talking to his task force and they pushed back hard and let him know this wouldn't be the best idea given there are already stay at home regulations if more of the people in this tristate area. it wasn't just those leaders in those state who is had some criticism for the president. take a listen to what speaker nancy pelosi had to say when asked about it this morning. >> the president, his denial at the beginning was deadly. his delay of getting equipment to, his continued delay of getting equipment where it's needed is deadly. now theest be thing to do would be prevent more loss of life rather than open things up. >> reporter: the big question here now what will the next set of guidelines be. what will we hear from the president, the vice president and the rest of the task force. they are expected to brief here at the white house and remember tomorrow is the end of this
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15-day effort to slow the spread. we're not sure what exactly comes next. will those be national guidelines. remember be president set easter as an aspirational goal but that language has softened in cent days and his top health officials, the people guiding him, advised this morning it would be way too soon to do that especially in the hot spots. new york is really suffering right now and as we look ahead to the other places that might be quite inflamed in the coming weeks when we talk about new orleans, detroit, chicago, there's a lot of concern about what any of this opening back up of any businesses could mean for the rest of the country. >> i was wondering whether we would get clarity on the various pieces of potential policy that we heard from the white house. when is this potential easter opening. that seems to not be going on anymore. we heard of the strategy to categorize the nation into high, low, medium counties or
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parishes, where you live. we have a conference coming up. any idea on that. >> reporter: it sounds like they haven't decided which is a critical piece of this puzzle. we know adviser met last night. it sounds like they won't be ready to give these conclusions on what comes next until tomorrow or news. we're told by white house officials they intend to keep the current guidelines going until tomorrow. we may not know. sounds like tonight they may be framing where we're at. yesterday was the first day in kaupa couple of weeks where they didn't have this comprehensive briefing. a lot of questions coming out of the quarantine issue and also where we are with testing. where we are with some of this protective equipment for medical professionals and the defense production act. the president hinted he woud contin -- would continue to use it. we're not sure if other companies have been compelled to do the same.
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we don't know if he's doing to be ready to announce what the next steps are, at least nationally. >> thanks. let's get to some of your questions starting with medical questions. our guests will answer from their expertise based on what we know now. we're learning more about this virus all the time. what you hear from us today, might be different from what we have said before. that's too be expected. rarlgs o of what you hear from us, nothing we say should substitute for the guidance of your doctor or financial doctor on your specific situation. welcome, every one.
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good to se ye you back here. it's good to be able to look at you. >> it's been surreal to look at different cameras. >> i'm not still not used to it. >> we're physically distanced. >> we're socially distanced. it's good to have you close enough to answer questions. let's get to a question from gail first and dr. azar, maybe we start with you. gail asked, if the covid-19 virus only stays ready to infect on surfaces for three day, why can't the surgical masks that are in short supply be used again after the three plus days are over? i would worry about hospital workers doing this, i would think that the public could do this. >> i think gail asks a very reasonable question. there's lots of different information on how long the virus survives on different types of material. i would argue the surgical mask is considered more of a porous
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material than stainless steel or plastic. it may not last a few days on it. the cdc issues very specific guidance on limited reuse and extended use of masks. that don't recommends using any that are soiled, damaged, hard to breathe through. a lot of different hospital systems have devised new ideas for disinfecting masks. some are using vaporized hydrogen peroxide. i would say until or unless we get better guidance from cdc on disinfecting masks, i would be cautious about doing that. >> president trump did tweet about this not too long ago. here is what the president wrote. quote, hope the fda can improve mask sterilization equipment, a sap, the governor of ohio, there's a company which has equipment that can sterilize
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masks quickly, unquote. what are your thoughts on possibly sterilizing and reusing surgical masks? >> it's not out of the question. it's one of the things we'll try. also some manufacturing of clothing, including big underwear manufacturers that are on the slerj verge of making ma that are possible in a washing machine that can be reused over and over again. they have to be stable enough to withstand the washing cycles and make sure they are approved to make sure they are firlti infilt the germs. nursing homes are running out of the face masks and quickly than the hospitals. they are in the pipeline.
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>> dr. roy, i understand some ve ve ventilators are used in applications where a cpap machine would suffice. a continuous air positive pressure machine is some that people wear that have sleep apnea. are those interchangeable pieces of equipment. >> i'm impressed are your knowledge of cpap equipment. >> when you get one you learn a lot. it doesn't control the flow out. it's not breathing in and out. >> it continuous positive airway pressure. both cpap and mechanical ventlation, are machines used to
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help people in respiratory distress. they operate differently and stage of use are different. the cpap provides constant pressure so consignificant air flow at constant pressure. the machine that is operated by highly specificized people enable you to control respiratory rate. the amount of oxygen provided, the pressure, the volume of air. all of these can be finely tuned. the key difference in terms of infectivety is with a cpap or a by pap machine air can escape. those parol accouticles can infr people. a ventilator is a dloezed
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system. >> how can a carrier of covid-19 spread the disease if they are asymptomatic? how is it possible with a carrier with no symptoms? >> that's a great question. unfortunately, we know people that are asymptomatic or presymptomatic do shed virus in their nose area and the throat area. we know that from studies and in the laboratory we know that and we just know clinically that it is happening. even a heavy cough doesn't need to be a full blown cuough. it doesn't need to be a full flown sneeze. we know folks are passing virus.
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that's how they are passing it before symptoms start. >> you're not asking us to run away from everybody who clears their throat, right? >> obviously, not. asymptomatic people are passing this virus. i think it gave everybody pause we don't know the true pene penetrance in the community. the person not clearing their throat could be contagious. >> that's partly why i think this potential quarantine that president trump floated yesterday panicked so many people is that we are still learning about the nature of the way that this virus moves.
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it's part of the justification some law make makers that said have a new orleans license plate we have to turn you around. that's been rescinded. that's kind of the concern that it can spread in so many ways. >> my sister-in-law was stopped yesterday with her new york license plate was let through. for a few inches. in terms of people having intimate contact, they are very close to one another, that could be a problem. could be a spread. if you're six feet away, walking in a park, you're not going to
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catch likely, likely not going to catch coronavirus from the person who is just breathing normally in that kind of circumstance. it's really a question of functional distance from somebody who is asymptomatic versus somebody who is symptomatic. >> this is one of the more maddening parts of coronavirus. if you live if new york and i take the subway and there's people all up and down the subway train. some with masks own but deep into their phones and trying not to breathe on one another. it's unnerving when you think about i could be this far away from you and not cough, sneeze, even clear my throat and i could be carrier and not know it and pass it to you and you think because you're wearing mask that you're safe when the reality is if you don't have coronavirus and you're using a mask, you're wasting mask that a health care worker needs.
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>> the information is evolving. we have a lot of information from previous coronavirus but the data is changing. people are getting confused. it seems like they are getting con flikflicting information. this is realtime science and data playing out, clinically in the community. i just encourage people to just try to listen to this news. watch the cdc guidelines and just listen to the people and those sources that are really kredsab credible. >> coronavirus is a type of virus. >> it's family of viruses. >> we'll get to some more medical questions in a minute. >> everybody stick around. you stick around as well. coming up, we'll take a deeper
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look at how coronavirus is hi hitting our economy. you can see where the dow jones sitzes now. how are workers holding up. our panel will answer your question a the economy and your finances during the pandemic, next. your finances during the pandemic, next tv sports announcer: five seconds left. oh ho! yeah, that's my man there. tv sports announcer: time out. let's go to a commercial. nooooooo! not another commercial! when you bundle your home, auto and life insurance with allstate
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coronavirus continues to spread with no sign of slowing down. millions have filed for unemployment benefits. time is especially tough for some gig workers. air bnb hosts and uber the drivers have seen their income drop or disappear. business would be booming now in the capitol, it's cherry blossom season.
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before i get to the two of you. i need to correct something i just said. there was the graphic of the dow jones that showed where the markets where. i said it was futures now. that's not true. i misread that image. futures are actually down just over 4%. think dropped 915 points. that's where pre-market trading will begin. sorry about that. ali, the biggest concern for d.c.'s tourist industry. what would that be? >> reporter: u yo mentionyou me is cherry blossom season. march and april are the key months for tourists to be coming to the district. just the d.c. tourism bureau says they lost more than $78 million in business so far. there's the tourism piece of this which is hitting the district really hard. we know that local businesses and other nonnonessential businesses are closed until the end of april.
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you see this pandemic across the country. we know the total on local businesses is strong. there problems in the wap it funds d.c. d.c. is a territory, not a state. it doesn't have representation in the senate. it's been treated like a territory in that bill. it's spritzi isplitting about $. compare that, that few hundreds of millions of dollars that are going to d.c. to the roughly $1.25 billion that the other 50 states are getting. they have more coronavirus cases here than 19 other states. this is something that they would like to see rectified. they don't have a voice to speak for them in the senate.
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listen to how he put it. >> people of the district of columbia send the irs more tax revenues than the people of 22 other states. yet, when it came time to write the formula for distributing emergency funds under the coronavirus, they weren't part of the kind of funding formulas they normally are. >> reporter: there is chance dha wi -- this will be fixed in phase four. they hope more money is coming down the pipeline.
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>> if you're delivering food, you might be running yourself ragged. yesterday i took a lyft and my driver said he is parking for the foreseeable future because business is terrible. where does this go from here? >> innovated by companies around here and san francisco in was supposed to be the future of work. flexibility, the ability to make your own hours and somehow taking away from the companies the burdens of having to provide the social safety net that you and i get from being full-time employees of a company. the problem, now is that all of that business has dried up especially for those drivers who say there's no business. as you say drivers like yours are parking their cars for the time being. it's a desperate, desperate
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moment in a american economy for all of these people. the statistic is that 49% of americans can't put together an extra $400 in an emergency. imagine people who do not have unemployment insurance, do not have any kind of health insurance because they work in the gig economy. they are facing a desperate thing. there's some good news coming on the horizon from this new stimulus bill that's providing an infusion of cash they would never get. >> quicks like uber and lyft is been fighting, including some legal battles over whether or not their drivers are contractors or employees. some of those companies have said they will extend certain kinds of benefits like health benefits to make sure their drivers aren't kind of left in the lurch as coronavirus continues to spread. does that undermine their previous arguments. if they are willing to give
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employees benefits of a full-time corporation like you and i get, then they are not contractors anymore? >> there's a tenuous situation of them trying to say they're not employees. they are workers. they are drivers and delivery couriers but are not employees. under new legislation here in d california, under a new judgment by attorney general they are supposed to be treated in that way. the new bill this has come out that will offer relief to them will offer unemployment insurance they would never get otherwise. they can get up to about $450 a week here in california plus a $ $600 pay out on top of it.
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ke with survivor without the social safety net that people who aren't full-time workers enjoy. that's the question that will have to be sorted out. >> say nothing of the workers who are contractor who clean the floors or sort the food in the cafeteria at apple or facebook. thank you. now let's get to some of your questions. glad to have you both with us. let's start with you with a question from earnest. i'm a 67-year-old man living in new mexico on social security. my question is do we have to pay back the stimulus money we are given? >> the answer is you do not have
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to pay back this money, which i know will come as a great relief to a lot of people. the question i'm hearing a lot of is, okay, if we don't have to p pay it back, what do we do with it? the answer was something that jake ward talked about just a few minutes ago. we know that most americans, about half of all the people in this country do not have emergency savings. at least enough to tides them through a situation like this. if you need this money to put food on the table, by all means, put food on the table. if you have kmuf money so this truly is surplus, maybe you want to think about supporting some of the small businesses in your area, but if you're in between and you don't have that cushion, that couple of thousands dollars that you could rely on in an emergency, this is an opportunity to keep some money liquids and available for these true emergency situations.
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>> we should note that $1200 is not going to absolutely everybody in the country. there's an income, cap, right? >> absolutely. it starts to be reduced when you hit an income of $75,000. that's for a single individual. once you get to $99,000, it taps out. those are doubled for married couples filing jointly. >> let's get to a question from mike who asks what is happening with working hours and conditions for latinx and other immigrant workers in factories and fields that give us maeeat, fruit and vegetable sns. >> we're seeing the pandemic has impacted u.s. farms. president trump recently restricted immigration from mexico to try to curve the coronavirus pandemic. because of that, mexicans are a key cheap labor force used by many u.s. farms.
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the biggest concern is a shortage in the labor force. what is needed right now is more protection for these workers. more protective equipment but social distancing. that may impact productivity at these farms but it's critical and very necessary at this time. also, meat plants. we're seeing them work on changing their sick policy leave. usually workers take punitive consequences for taking time off being sick. given this illness, for the work force it will be negative in a worker gets sick so they are revisiting their policies there. it feels like those workers are caught in the middle between being low income workers who are migrant workers and also working for large companies mp they are
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kwe squeezed in the middle. >> if they get sick, that will impact the bottom line, for example, these meat plants. they have to take measures. they have to help protect these workers because that would also help their own financing. when you look at the impact, we're seeing consumers at restaurants, because so many have been closed, demand for pish, chicken as gone down. all of that is impacti ining th farmers. >> rick asks now that the latest stimulus package is passed, i hope it will help individuals and small businesses. i can't help but wondering where this was coming from and why it wasn't used on infrastructure
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and who will be required the pay it pack and who won't. >> it's great question. rick is not the only one asking it. alexandria ocasio-cortez was asking a similar question earlier on her twitter feed. the answer is this money is going to come from the government. the government while it may not physically print money, will be making this money available as digital currency. . it will get repaid or not. >> it kind of sounds like we're saying we don't have it, but we're going to spend it any way. >> my intro to economics professor said when the government needs money, it has a way to find it.
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>> thank you both. coming up, the psychological impact of quarantine. what's the best way to cope? our panel of doctors will answer your questions just ahead. stay close. l answer your questions just ahead. stay close ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+/her2- metastatic breast cancer, as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole, and shrank tumors in over half of patients. patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs that can lead to death. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including trouble breathing, shortness of breath, cough, or chest pain. before taking ibrance,
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welcome back. the full psychological toll of social distancing is unclear. studies from past outbreak show this isolation could come from a cost. 34% of those quarantined reported high levels of psychological suppretress which indicate mental health problems and anxiety. let's answer your questions about the psychology of quarantine and isolation. do keep your stories coming? joining issues a psychiatrist and clinical assistant.
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marsha says my husband and i have been home bound for three weeks and realize this isn't going be a short term situation. we're in our late 60s and very strict with not socializing with anyone. facetime with family has become helpful. while i'm keeping busy during the day at home, i am having trouble sleeping. how can i relax and have faith this is going to get better? >> first of all, i'm really glad to hear you're staying connected even though you're social distancing. at the same time i want to say that sleep really is a window into a person's mental health. i have a lot of patient who is say i'm not feeling anxious or depressed during the day but i have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. goodygiene begins during
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the day. if you're able to go out for a walk and able to get access today time sunlight thart will e important in keeping your sleep/wake cycle in check. a lot of time we cope by remaining distracted which can be helpful and healthy but it's not giving us an opportunity to label our emotions and to be able to talk about them. i would talk about them, keep a journal and challenge some of the negative thoughts you might be having. lastly, an important part is relaxation and unwinding and unplugging in the last hour of bedtime. that means no essential immedia -- social media, no news. not even talki ining on the pho. all of these activities can be stimulating for some people. the keep is developing a very routine sleep and walk
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questioned and minimizing your distractions and interactions with other people and stimulating activities during the night and doing something that is soothing and warming. >> shelby says i'm worried about my parents and tell me them to stay home. i can't control what they do. i'm aphrase they can't take this seriously enough. how can i express my concerns to them. >> shelby, i'm with you in the sense it's a bit of a role reversal where a lot of us are telling our parents to be safe. this is a technique i like to call x, y, z technique. in situation x, when you do y, i feel z. in the midst of a global pandemic and you're not talking it seriously, i feel hurt and unseen and unheard. letting a person know that
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you're concerned about them, that you care about them, it's all really important to validate what they are going through and say i understand you want to continue life as normal but here are the facts and the consequenc consequences. you have a roam and responsibility in flattening the curve. this could be your parents but it could be anybody in letting them know how you feel. lastly, i call it broken record technique. keep repeating yourself until you get them to change. >> this can be scary enough to deal with as an individual. i imagine when you're talk about parents or kids or anybody you love, it becomes frighten with the urgency of i don't want something to happen to you. i understand the tension. >> i love the x, y, z technique. i'm going to remember that. it leads people to belaif have
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ways that are not great. o the first one is routines. especially if you're a parent with children. it's really important that they see you in stable situation. you have control over the situation. you have to sometimes fake it but for your children there's a lot of things we can do to help make sure their lives are routine as possible. routine is extremely important. a schedule. things to do that could help you alleviate some of the boredom and stress associated with being cooped up. we're at the beginning of a struggle between the forces that are pushing for the economy to recover and what we need to do to protect the public's health. in some ways it's an extremely important public health measure that we have created this relief package. this $2 trillion in way to remove the stress of am i going to be able the pay the rent and buy food. if you don't relieve that, it's
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impossible for somebody to relax. for any parent that's worried about those things, that doesn't have a stable idea of how they will support themselves, that just really adds to the anxiety and contributes to sleep disorders and everything else. the economic relief and the routines and being able to function and calm down during this crisis are things that can happen. we need to make those correct decisions. >> i imagine this puts more pressure on clinicians. their bed tiside manner matters more than ever. >> it does. i was talking with some of my colleagues how we transitioned our outpatient visits to virtual visits. what's missing there is the physical closeness and the physical examine but on the other hand there's ban lot of time that is spent talking now. what doctor sue is accustomed to
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doing with patients. it's taken on a different, i've taken on a bit of a different role. the patients are in a different as a ruvulnerable situations. w we're helping each other through it. they go through losses like anybody does. everything has taken on a different tone and we're all knave ga kna navigating through it. >> i think it's worthwhile to share your stories. i deal with anxiety and depression. i've been on medication for anxiety and depression for a year now. it's worth sharing your story to let people around you know ha they are dealing with doesn't mean there's something wrong with them. doesn't mean they are broken and it doesn't mean they are alone.
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we really appreciate you making time for us. thanks very much. >> thank you. thank you for sharing your story. >> the rest of the panel stick around. we have more stories and questions to share in a minute. d questions to share in a minute we are all one jeep community and we can help. so we're offering payment assistance, 24/7 support and the option to shop at we're offering 0% financing for 84 months with no payments for 90 days. because better days are just down the road. ♪ better days jeep, helping you drive forward. ♪ better days stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some... rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue.
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we'll continue reading your questions. keep your answers super tight because we have plenty of good questions to get to. first of all, dr. azar, i heard warning not to take ibuprofen for fever with covid-19. what do the experts say about this? >> the fda and the world health organization weighed and say there's no compelling evidence that nsaids and ibuprofen can worsen symptoms. it can be used as a fever reducer. >> that post that i saw on facebook isn't true that if i take buprofen i will die of
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covid-19. >> they also were not thought to worsen covid-19. you have to continue taking those meds. >> i'm very salty about facebook posts that lie about coronavirus. that's a topic for o whole other post. whykits? >> we need an hour for that one too. >> we don't have an hour. >> from the very beginning we messed up the process for identifying a test that doulcoue circulate widely. we didn't take tests that were offered to us by the world health organization. this will require a postmortem to what went wrong. we're incredibly far behind the rest of the world in terms of how many people have been tested. that's hampered our abilities to understand how many people have and are walking around the virus. it's clearly just catch up.
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>> five second answers. dr. roy, why doesn't the whole country just go on lockdown to stop the spread? >> that's a great question. that may be the direction we could be headed. right now we're doing this piecemeal but it's going to be day by day to see how this progresses. >> you use ultraviolet light to kill coronavirus. >> sunlight, we don't know -- it's not a reliable way to kill the virus. we don't know the strength that's needed. how long sun lieglight would be needed. aging, burning, skin cancer, ubc is the hospital grade stuff that can kill the virus. not something for regular personal use. you have to be specially trained and need special equipment. >> dr. roy, i will come back to you. what can normal people do to help our health care workers right now before we go?
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>> three things. promote your own self-care when at home. med at a tim meditate, eat, donate blood. one in seven people require blood. people like sickle cell patients, live disease, contact the american red cross and donate blood. >> thank you so much for answering our questions and thank you for spending this time with us and sending us your stories and questions. the news continues after the break. the break. ou shop with wayfair, you spend less and get way more. so you can bring your vision to life and save in more ways than one. for small prices, you can build big dreams, spend less, get way more. shop everything home at
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if you could test today, millions of people, you could send them to work tomorrow. >> we have a long way to go. the big headline are ve ventilators. >> we have hospitals that are at capacity. we're running out of ppe as well. i'm grateful we got a shipment from fema yesterday but we'll be in dire straits again in matter of days. >> every one is afraid. you think these police officers are not afraid to lever their house. you think these nurses are not afraid to go into the hospital. they're afraid, but something is more important than their fear. >> hello,
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