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tv   Velshi  MSNBC  April 5, 2020 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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r. that's why, when every connection counts... you can count on us. ♪ good morning. it is sunday, april 5th. i'll ali velshi.
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there are 310,000 con frmed cases of covid-19 here in the united states. 8,405 have died. new york continues to be the hardest hit. reporting 630 deaths. and nearly 11,000 new cases in just 1 day. in total, 3,565 people have died in new york and more than 4,000 remain in intensive care. yesterday, with four days to go before new york reasons out of ventilator, oregon came to new york's aid with a massive gift of generosity. 140 ventilators. >> which is -- i tell you, just a -- astonishing and unexpected. and i want to thank governor brown. i want to thank all of the people in the state of o oregon for their thoughtfulness. this is unsolicited. at first it was a kind gesture.
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i know governor brown and she's a kind person, but it is also smart from the point of view of oregon. why? because we're all in the same battle here. >> in new york city, there are 69,606 confirmed cases of covid-19. joining me nbc news correspondent cory coffin at the field hospital in central park. it is a surreal situation at central park. tell us what's going on. >> reporter: yeah. surreal, bizarre. all of these words apply here this morning. it is a beautiful spring morning out here. normally we wouldn't have the sidewalk to ourselves. we would have runners, bicyclists, people walking their dog. on the lawn here people exercising or playing games. it is just such a different scene. it is not what new yorkers
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expected coming out of weinter and the long winter. no doubt, there are runners, bicyclists up there. this is just one portion of central park that is blocked off for this makeshift hospital here. all of this being put together in concert with mount sinai across the street. samaritan's purse getting up and running. 68 beds, that includes 10 icu beds and 10 ventilators. and the need is great. what we are hearing is that they're currently treating some 30 patients with 5 of them in intensive care. five of them needing the ventilators. and this really did start as a way to provide some overflow beds from the hospital. obviously it was greatly needed because they have got it half filled and say on friday they had eight, some eight ambulances
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waiting to get the patients inside here. even though this is a bizarre sight, this is the first time that samaritan's purse done anything like this in the united states. and this is certainly new for new yorkers out here as they come walking by wearing masks in public. it is really not new for central park. there was a general hospital built here in the 1800s further north of where we are right now but this need is only going to grow larger and we are going to see if they'll need to add any beds because the 68 will likely get filled up they estimate by this week, ali. >> cori coffin, thank you. stay safe out there. reporting live from a field hospital set up in new york city's central park. in addition to those 140 ventilators sent from oregon, governor cuomo announced china is sending 1,000 ventilators to new york, two days after a
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russian military cargo airport arrived with supplies. now the berlin state minister accusing the quite of an act of modern piracy after the u.s. intercepted a shipment of masks in taiwan going to a german police department w. the trump administration still saying desperate u.s. states should continue to bid against each other and against fema on the private market, things are likely to continue to get worse. >> you know, the federal government says the stockpile is about 10,000, moves a little bit. say it's 10,000. that's for the nation. that's for the nation. so there's no place, there's no repository that is going to have everything that we need. >> we shall not be competing on a marketplace for tests an gowns an masks in this difficult,
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difficult time. we don't have the power or the resources to compete with new york city. we can't -- if new york buys masks for $7 we can't buy masks for $8. it means we go without. >> the pace in the u.s. is alarming. as you can see, the number of reported cases is rising far faster compared to other countries. the u.s. is yellow line right at the top. here's how the president described the situation yesterday. >> this will be probably the toughest week between this week and next week and there will be a lot of death, unfortunately. >> joining me now is dr. rob davidson, an emergency room physician in spring lake, michigan. executive director of committee to protect medicare and in new york city the host of the dean obala show, a columnist, as well, for "the daily beast. good morning an welcod welcome .
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doctor, the briefings continue to have conflicting information. dr. fauci said americans should wear masks to protect other people from the spread of the disease. the president immediately said, i'm not going to wear a mask in the oval office if i have to meet a dictator. puzzling to pick that example and again he continues to say america's got to get up and running and not peaked in a place like new york. how are we supposed to deal with the conflicting information coming out from that one place? >> i tell you. it's frustrating to me as -- yesterday -- i caught -- briefing while i was -- and for my family -- a video. talking about -- and untested drug. but i think we need -- dr. fauci -- other professionals and governors who are giving us conflicting -- in this time.
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>> hang on far second. we are having trouble with your audio and i want to see if the control room might be able to fix that. i'm going to bring dean in. dean, what do you make of what's going on this week? you would think that two and a half months since the first case in the united states we would have consistent sy from the white house but we are arguing of ventilators, where they are. you saw jared kushner come up, apparently in charge of something here. saying it was -- seemed like an antoinette thing. fend for yourself. >> during the flu season on average about 33 new yorkers die from the flu. so i hope that makes a contrast on how lethal this virus is. and, ali, we can't expect a
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change in tone from donald trump or having son-in-law go out there. trump is trump. you know, only imagine if two months ago donald trump said what he said yesterday to the country. we'll go through a difficult time. we are gone to invoke the defense production act for ventilators and personal protection equipment that we need from across the country. we are going to have private companies make it so that today we would be ready but trump didn't do that. members of congress in a letter march 13th begging him to use it. he wouldn't use it and worse his tone, ali. you have captured it well from five weeks ago at a rally and donald trump infamously said that democrats are politicizing this virus and calling it the democrats' new hoax. his words and went on in the rally to slam the media, the media hysteria and it was warning of the risk of this virus and it is not just a month ago. i want to point out march 24th donald trump on fox news where he said we don't shut down the country over auto accidents and
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flu and flu outbreaks. that was a week and a half ago. donald trump continues to undermine this and worse, ali, the media outliers of sean hannity attacking governor cuomo yesterday. tucker carlson slamming dr. fauci. to me it's very little they do on fox news not directed by trump or in their mind part of the trump messaging so americans don't know what to do, who to look for and we are less safe because of donald trump's failure. >> dean, it is one thing to go back to those days in february and march, march 12th the president was still saying this is not particularly serious. i think it was the first day he said i knew it was a pandemic before it was called a pandemic but the minimizing still continues. jared kushner saying the other day this is the federal stockpile, not the state stockpile. i think every american watching that for those watching it were
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surprised. assuming when the federal stockpiles medical supplies, oil, things like that, that would be for use by mitt romneys. we were treated to something, different interpretation by jared kushner at the white house. this is our federal stockpile. you states need to figure out your own stuff. >> it is unreal. it is not our stockpile and the trump family's or the federal governments. it is our stockpile. it is our tax dollars that paid for that to be ready as a supplement. we have governor cuomo begging, begging for weeks, mayor deblasio begging for weeks. donald trump, use the defense production act. even ted cruz a few weeks ago urging him. those supplies are there for america in need but i want people to think about this. we would not have to be here where the governor of oregon to
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save lives and china and russia to save us and that generosity is great. if donald trump used the powers of a wartime president that he claims to be, defense production act, in fact, he used the defense production act before this, but this time he belittled it and a chamber of commerce, a pro business interest group lobbied him, don't use the defense production act getting in the way of corporations. for trump, it's profits over people and we're seeing it right here. ali, this is a bigger picture question getting through this and on the other side. do americans trust donald trump with the next crisis? i think that was not expected to be the question of 2020 election but i think it really will be. do you trust this man to lead us the next time he is re-elected? >> dean, you'll stick with me through the course of the show. he's a columnist with "the daily beast." dr. rob davidson, we'll get him
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back. we're having trouble with the skype connections. that was these days. i'm in my home and everybody's in their homes joining many e from skype an i guess that tests the pipes out there. let's talk about italy, the first country in europe to witness the wrath of this virus and hopefully it is turning a corner. what can the u.s. learn from that country's experience? we'll ask mateo renzi, italy's former prime minister, when we come back.
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italy's finally turning a corner in the fight against coronavirus. the situation is critical and number of new cases is declining and in a new milestone, more than 20,000 people have recovered from coronavirus. i want to go to nbc's matt bradley live in st. peter's square in rome. matt, what is the situation there? >> reporter: well, as you can see, ali, this is the lockdown. holy week is now indoors.
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there's no one in the square today here. this should be packed with tens of thousands of faithful carrying, you know, paulms and olive bramp oli oli olive branches but there's the police telling people to leave. the lockdown is entering the fifth week and why we have seeing it coming up in the numbers, even though it is devastating for the economy. this is a lesson for the u.s. seeing the effectiveness of this lockdown, starting to see a plateau. i don't want to be too optimistic. we have seen a couple of days with them going down but starting to see convincing evidence that the lockdown really has been working and that's because, you know, the policymakers were taking this very seriously. the police were controlling people. they're just over behind the camera there. looks like they will fine
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somebody. they have fined tens of thousands of people and the fines increasing. and that's why people are abiding by it. even in the south of the country where the disease like here in rome hasn't been nearly as widespread as it is in the north in lombardy. there the province probably the most devastated place in the entire world because of this disease they have now said that you have to wear masks every time you go outside. that's now the new local law there in the north of the country and policymakers, not going to want to lift this any time soon. we know they're lifting it probably the day after easter. i would suspect and people who we are hearing from in the government thinking they will extend it to the 1st of may. they don't want to reverse the delicate progress they have already made. and in spain, france and germany, starting to see the cases rising, spiking. they could see a secondary wave of ennexts from outside if they lift the restrictions. that's something we saw in china
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and elsewhere in asia and italy won't want to repeat that. ali? >> matt, thank you for your continued coverage from italy. italy may be turning a corner but it is not out of the woods yet. one of the hardest cities is bergamo. we have a full report from london tonight. "coronavirus -- into the red zone" here on msnbc. my next guest is a member of the italian senate. he was the prime minister until 2016. mr. renzi, thank you again for being with us. something matt said struck me and it is something that you have said, too. that is that reopening or beginning to get to the other side does not mean a return to normal. it does not mean a reducing the vigilance. in fact, you are quite concerned
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if not handled properly italy could see a resurgence. >> well, first of all, good morning. if you look, unbelievable of matt's explanation show just some minutes ago with the piazza in the lockdown time i think really we are in the middle of an unbelievable, unbelievable emergency. but first of all, i think when we met just some days ago when we have the first connection with you, you remember i advised, please be prudent, be safe because the problem of italy today will be the problem of united states of tomorrow. and really, that happened. now in italy the situation is that. we have -- we must create a new normality because for the next two years, one year enough, two
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enough, we will fight against coronavirus. until the vaccination because we will be safe, ali, in the next 18 months, 24 months. so the question today for italy is, reduce the level of hospitalization. very important. and that happened in the last days. the second point is step by step, reopen the plants, reopen the place for job because we cannot close for two years a country and then create a new normality maybe with the mask, with the protection, with the social distancing. so we have one year and that's very difficult in front of us. i hope that will be not only for italy because this is not now it is clear the problem of italy but it is a problem of everyone
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around the world. >> and that's why it's useful for us to sort of look at italy as an example given we're seeing in spain, the united states, these kinds of numbers. we saw in italy higher mortality numbers. part of that people say because we don't know, a similar problem in the united states, we don't know how many people got the virus so you can't really determine what the mortality rate is unless you know exactly how many people got the virus. are we ever going to get to a point where we are testing the right number of people to determine exactly how deadly this infection is? >> it's very hard because we don't know was this really the number of the people really infected? for that it's important in my view i suggest for my people mass screening with the new test because if we -- we can also
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discover that a lot of people maybe are infected from coronavirus but without symptoms and that's very important because that means we have antibodies and we are ready to come back to normality. unfortunately we don't know a lot of things about this virus but i think italy three weeks ago was the only problem in the narrative around the world and this was false. now we have to understand that italy had some problems different than other countries because the level of mortality in italy is high, too high. unbelievable. and we don't know the reason. particularly in the north of italy. lombardy, bergoma. it's i think, i think this is my personal view.
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i'm not a doctor. to reduce the level of mortality for the next weeks and the next months the best way is first mass screening of the people to understand if some of us yet arare infected. use technology because in some countries, for example south korea, we can check, very interesting relationship between the number of people infected and a low number of died. that it's important. maybe thanks to technology. so we have to follow the science. we have to follow the suggestion, the advice of doctors to reduce the risk. but at the same time political decisionmaker have to think about the world of tomorrow
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because this coronavirus is not simply a virus. it is a change of era. it is a change of season. and that is still also for politics but also for economy, also for hoeealth care, for everything. >> matteo renzi, thank you for joining us again. the former prime minister of italy, now a member of the italian senate. still ahead, a silver lining in all of this, drastic cut to global carbon emissions. why now is the time to change the way we think about climate change. but first, a message of an iraq war veteran who's now a hero wearing a different uniform. >> as a health care provider, as a veteran of war, i feel it's my duty to warn you. this virus is very insidious. it's only a matter of time before it hits your community, before it touches your loved
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one of the by-products of the economic freeze brought on by the coronavirus pandemic is reduction of carbon emissions. that makes sense. some soon tiss believe that the levels may drop to numbers we have not seen since prior to world war ii. now, according to the hill, with americans working from home and industries slashing production, seen ti scientists estimate a decrease in carbon output of 5% or more on year over year basis and trump administration is trying to roll back obama era vehicle emissions raising the ceiling on emissions for years to come and gutting a united states' biggest
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efforts against climate change. joining me now is former epa administrator, jeanna mccarthy. a thing we have discussed for a long time, emissions standards for cars are what we consider the low-hanging fruit, right? that's the easy thing that we can do. we can call for greater technology, technology exists, automakers prepared to engage in it and the way in which we can do something that we always do which is drive more than any country in the world drives and save energy while doing it so it seems like moving back ward on this is the wrong thing to do at this moment. >> well, it sure does to me and i think to the breathing public it ought to, as well. i know our attention is focused on coronavirus and it should but rolling back car standards is exactly the opposite of what you'd want to do to keep people healthy. so we're actually risking public
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health at a time when public health is the key issue that we need to advance on. excuse me. and so, ali, we talk a lot about these issues. the car standards that the obama administration put out was welcomed by the car industry. these changes clearly are not. they're rolling back the requirements for pollution that keep people safe. they are rolling back our opportunity to protect public health at the very time when public health is at risk. we are also talking about a change in the standards in a way to lose 10,000 to 20,000 jobs f. you care about jobs don't go with the rollback. if you care about money don't go with the rollback because by their own admission it costs more than $20 million more than the obama administration put
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forward so it doesn't make sense from any standpoint and, ali, as we talked about all the time this is about how you move to a better future. we should not be investing what they're doing today in polluters, in giving favors to polluters like the non-enforcement policy, this rule that does nothing but benefit the oil industry. what kind of future do we want? do we want to give people better health at the time they need it and move to a future to reduce pollution that actually causing respiratory damage? what will we do today and what signal are we sending the future? is it a clean energy future? are we going to continue to focus on fossil fuels and oil industry benefits at the risk of you and i and people? that's what the issue is at risk on climate change. >> and i think one of the issues is with the drop in the price of
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oil, we saw it bounce back a little bit last week but the drop in the price of oil, gasoline prices is lower tending to resulting in americans driving more, consuming more and seeing an opposite affect but you did point out that the fuel standards resulted in a reduction of 455 met trick tons of emission, equivalent of 100 million vehicles driving far year and saved drivers $86 billion at the pump so the fact is fuel emission standards, tightening standards hurts no one. i remember years ago ford came up with a truck, an f-series truck, redesigned it to be lighter, lighter materials with more fuel efficient engeneral and nobody driving it lost any power. if you like a big truck and tow a lot they did that while reducing fuel emissions. >> all the owners of these big
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auto manufacturing companies sat on the stage with the president and with lisa jackson at the time who was the administrator of epa and celebrated the rules we were rolling out because they were in bankruptcy. we brought them out of bankruptcy with federal dollars and then they got to sell more cars than ever before and year after year they kept beating their own record so there is no reason for this. the industry is not calling for these types of rollbacks so you have to ask yourself, what is the administration doing? why are they rolling these back when it costs money, costs jobs, it adds more air pollution at the time when we are most at risk of respiratory disease? and it impacts people in poverty and low-income people the most. people of color, as well. we're not even addressing watershed offshoots when people need water to wash their hands.
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can we focus on the needs of today and how to build a better future and stop thinking that we can save the fossil fuel industry somehow at a time when we have to recognize that that's no longer our future? we have 3.4 million people working in clean industry today. clean energy. let's move that forward. let's think about where we want to head, not how we preserve the backwards movement that this administration seems to constantly be thinking about and investing in. >> former epa administrator gina mccarthy, thank you for the continued conversation on this, within of the most important issues for us. thank you. a moment to honor a live lost to coronavirus. 87-year-old keiko nutz passed away in isolation on march 30th and didn't die alone. video calls from her eight children, her 28 grandchildren and her 10 great grandchildren
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brightened the final days in a louisville, kentucky, hospital. she was born in japan in 1932, worked as a stenographer as the local u.s. army base. there she met an american soldier of carl nutz and fell in love after he stopped to ask for direction. they married and she moved with carl to his hometown of louisville in 1957. she learned english while raising two daughters and six sons and after carl's death in 1974, she spent more than 30 years leading bible study at the southeast christian church in middletown, kentucky. saying at the age of 80, i work for god. he hasn't fired me yet so i guess i'll keep volunteering. her family recalls the generosity when her granddaughter was in college and reluctant for support, she hid dollars in the pages of the bible. yen that writes to the absolute
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best grandma, i can't wait to share heaven with you one day. my gums are irritated.
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i don't have to worry about that, do i? harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. crest gum detoxify, voted product of the year. it works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. gum detoxify, from crest. back in january, when the coronavirus had begun spreading in china, the west largely ignored it. the chinese government down played the situation, oppressing those who spoke out, quelling dissent, refusing to give accurate numbers of those who
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were infected. dr. li who first warned in december of 2019 was told to recant, to stay quiet and not cause alarm. eventually he died of the virus himself as the situation continued to worsen. the chinese people themselves are not to blame at all here. they were told that things were under control when they weren't. chinese premier xi jinping is praised for hand tlg virus despite weeks of underreporting numbers until it was too big to keep quiet. organizations like the world health organization refused to call it a global health emergency, instead shockingly praising xi for the transparency. over the last 30 years as the chinese government has grown in power and economic dominance, the ability to hold it accountable has diminished. with the world depending on china, there's little room for criticism of its actions. we know that the government
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arrested local journalists and in the wake of coronavirus kicked out foreign journalists. we have known for years that china has a tendency to conceal information to maintain control. we've seen them go head to head in brutal protests with citizens in hong kong and mistreatment of minority groups and the world health organization, the united nations and even our own president have applauded china's handling of coronavirus despite knowing that things are not as they seem. a recent u.s. intel report confirmed what many china experts warned, that china continues to down play the scope of the virus concealing the number of cases and deaths. this set a dangerous precedent, degrading science and truth in favor of control and political expediency. china is apparently getting back to normal. factories are started again and life may continue as before except that it can't. because this time those lies
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have brought much of the world to a stand still. china's government must be held to account, if not for all who have been wronged then for the preservation of truth in science and in fact. trust in our leaders an our health care providers diminished at the most critical moment. it is more necessary than ever for us to push for the truth that we need to stay safe. to keep your body healthy for the future. shouldn't your toothpaste do the same for your mouth? now with crest pro/active defense, future proof your whole mouth. its active defense technology neutralizes bacteria to shield against potential issues. crest. and i don't count the wrinkles. but what i do count on is boost high protein. and now, introducing new boost women... with key nutrients to help support thyroid, bone, hair and skin health. all with great taste. new, boost women. designed just for you. new, boost women. yoall this grass.. all this mulch. all these projects to do. you need a tractor that can do it all right. you need the #1 selling
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the coronavirus has been shown to disproportionately infect and kill more men than women but women may be affected in other ways. women in the united states dominate both health care and caretaker positions so despite their lower rates of infection women are the majority of the nation's front line workers. according to a gallup survey women even those in the workforce carrying the brunt of household and caretaking chores
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and traditional gender roles among couples are largely adhered to in the united states. helen lewis wrote that one of the most striking effects of the coronavirus to send couples back to the 1950s. across the world, women's independence will be a silent victim of the pandemic. health crises tend to have a negative affect on women's rights and independence. financial struggles lead to a rise in domestic violence. quarantines make it difficult for women to report their abusers. diversion of medical care leads to higher rate of deaths in childbirth and a lack of access to birth control. women who lose work in pandemics take longer to get rehired. with me now to discuss this further is david mill band, the ceo of the international rescue committee. david, thank you for joining us. one of the things you have been able to do for the viewers is make us aware on a global scale of the things not clear to us.
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we spend the days thinking of masks and rates of infection and mortality but there are people on the edges of society globally who will feel the affects of this harder today than for time to come and one of thoem >> yeah, thank you very much, ali. the international rescue committee is a global humanitarian organization so we're working in the world's war zones, in the refugee hosting states. these statistics that you just flashed up about the threat to women in america is magnified many times in the places where we work. we know that women are about 75% of those who are effected, we know there are a large majority of those who take caring and nursing roles in the communities in which we work and we know that they are especially exposed to high levels of violence that you rightly reference. we've been calling on the international community to use this short period of time before this pandemic hits the most
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vulnerable around the world to take preventative action to set up the hand washing stations, to set up the triaging facilities, to make sure there is the fever testing. of course there would be disproportionate benefit to women and girls if this preven tif action would be taken. >> you did point out that this has still mostly effected the developed world. we've seen instances of this in some camps and we've seen it in gaza but in a lot of these developing countries what we've learned is the best way to implement broader education or broader primary health or primary education is through educating women in these areas or empowering women to do things. we found that in the world of micro finance, that women do particularly well on those areas because a woman is central, particularly in the developing
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world, to a family's existence. so that is also a structural problem. if more women get infected and/or die, you see family units breaking up and you see greater poverty setting in. >> i think you're making a vital point. i would say two things are absolutely critical. first of all, the community makers in these displaced communities are often women and community making is not just about home making. it's about the economy, it's about education, it's about, frankly, the future of the next generation. the second element that's absolutely key is the way in which caring responsibilities are distributed and of course the structures of power in many of the places that we work are deeply unequal, deeply injurious to women, and we fear that the 13, 14 and 15-year-olds sold off for marriage, the girls who started school but aren't able to restart if and when these schools are re-opened, these are the challenges that are magnified in the humanitarian
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emergencies arnold taround the world. although the community set goals five years ago, the gender gap in so many aspects is increasingment juincreasin increasing. the progress towards universal primary education has been stalled and young girls are bearing the greatest brunt of that. >> i want to bring in sally engle mary, an nyu professor and the author of the book "human rights and gender violence." i spoke about the effects here in the united states and in the developed world of domestic violence of women who have less freedom to be able to leave a situation and can spend their work day away from a potentially abusive partner who may be sheltered in place with them in a time when shelters are less available and services are less available. there's interesting things
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happening in the world. in france we saw a report on cnn that women are using code words at pharmacies to escape domestic violence. a pharmacy inspired by spain, pharmacies have been telling victims to head to drug stores and they can use a code word, mask 19, to the pharmacist behind the counter. these problems of the diminishing women of roles in society are exacerbated in crises like this. they're not helped. >> that's absolutely right. there are many reasons for thinking this effect of the coronavirus is going to make the problem of gender-based violence far worse than it already is. many of the ways we've put protections in place for women over the last 40 years are no longer so functioning, the police, the courts, shelters, which means that women are going to be much more likely to be captured, caught in small spaces with abusers and unable to escape.
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one of the important dimensions of violence against women is that it's typically caused not just by the patriarchal structures of society which clearly privilege men and of course added strength privileges men's violence, but also very often domestic violence is inspired by a sense of vulnerability and insecurity that men feel about their ability to manage. it's very closely related to poverty and economic crises. having greater economic difficulties is going to make this problem much worse, and often the batterer is afraid that he's going to lose his partner, that he depends on his woman and he needs her. so the strategy is usually to use forms of humiliation and degree gra days and name calling before the violence actually starts. this should be a warning sign to women if they have any way of escaping, that once this begins, then violence typically follows.
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i think the problems of having, say, furniture repossessed or losing a car is going to make the batterer's desire for isolating the woman and subjecting her to his controlling behavior, it's going to be much worse. of course the other factor that exacerbates this problem is alcohol, and in so as far as people are turning to that for comfort in this time of real anxiety, it's going to be another contributing factor. there's every reason for thinking this problem is going to get worse and the solutions for exit for women are going to be significantly diminished. >> thank you to both of you for shining a light on an important issue of the situation of this virus and how it affects different people differently, particularly women. thank you to both of you. at the top of the hour we're
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