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tv   Velshi  MSNBC  April 11, 2020 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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. 6.6 million more people
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filed for unemployment benefits this week. american businesses say they're not done laying off yet. 1.7 million coronavirus cases worldwide, and it's still barely touched some of the least-prepared nations. and 95% of americans are under stay-at-home orders, orders many of them simply cannot afford. "velshi" starts now. good morning. it is april 11th. i'm ali velshi. the world reached a new milestone surpassing 100,000 deaths from covid-19. here in the united states there are now more than 496,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus, and 18,651 deaths. new york is now the covid-19 capital of the world. new york state has more confirmed cases of the virus than all countries reporting positive test results. and new york's death toll stands
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at 7,844. >> in the past two weeks i've probably seen as much death as i've seen in the past three years. it's bad. it's really sad. i feel at this point everybody we intubate, it's terminal. i don't -- it almost feels futile. >> almost feels futile. as you can see from this map, there are many more hot spots kindling at various degrees across the country. one of those places is now philadelphia. a city that the white house is calling a hot spot of particular concern. it has almost 5,800 confirmed cases of covid-19 and has had 137 deaths. joining me now from outside the university of pennsylvania medical center in philadelphia, mara barrett. philadelphia officials are pushing back against the white house's characterization of their concern about the city becoming one of the next hot
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spots, but the numbers they're painting might be a different picture. >> that's right. here in philadelphia they saw the highest death toll in one day with 33 deaths here in the city. of course we're about 90 miles south of new york city and weeks behind that city when it comes to the positive coronavirus cases and deaths. the mayor here is cautiously optimistic because over the past couple of days they've seen a stable uptick in positive cases, about 500 per day, but it's important to note that as we've seen in our reporting that this virus disproportionately affects african-americans, and in philadelphia that's about 45% of the population. so we need to watch that as the apex may be the next upcoming week or the week after that. the mayor is in adamant that he's in extra need of ppe, masks, gloves, gowns in hospitals as well as rapid
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testing. this comes as the department of health and human services shut down two testing sites in philadelphia. one right in the city at the phillies stadium and one out in montgomery county. montgomery county was an early testing site, each of those sites were seeing 250 patients a day. just yesterday pennsylvania health department asked for a reversal of that decision because they need the help here when it comes to testing. just behind me at the university of pennsylvania's medical center, researchers are working on a trial for that drug, hydroxychloroquine, that the president has touted as a potential solution after we've seen success in rheumatoid arthritis, malaria and other diseases like that. researchers tell me as they conduct this trial that time and patience is important and that nobody should be taking the drug yet, even though they're optimistic that it could be a solution, they need the time to make sure it's scientifically something safe for patients to work on.
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in the meantime, they tell me that people really need to work on prevention and that social distancing, because that proves successful here in philadelphia. the mayor adding that the social distancing could be a new normal until the summer and through the summer. >> you are standing in front of one of the finest hospitals in a city that has some of the finest hospitals in the country, yet you are in west philadelphia, very close to those high african-american populations in which we are seeing these spikes in major cities like detroit, like chicago, like milwaukee, like philadelphia, where it is hitting, as you said, minority populations harder than it is the general population. thank you. on the economic front, the federal reserve has drastically increased its efforts to save the american economy, announcing yesterday 2.3 trillion more dollars aimed at small business, that might not be enough
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reassurance for the 6.6 million new americans who filed for unemployment insurance last week or the 6.6 million from two weeks ago, or the 3.3 million from the week before that. this graphic, this is an interesting graphic, the thing that the right line you see -- the right side is not part of the graphic. that's the spike. this goes back to 1970. look at where initial claims have been from 1970 to 2020. look at the right side of that. we have never seen numbers like this. it shows how severe and unprecedented those numbers are in modern times. i want to tell you about what speaker of the house nancy pelosi has been saying in public. she's been saying what more and more people are saying behind the scenes. >> we had the depression because so many people are out of work. that's why we have to get the system energized and working. let's get out those unemployment checks. let's get out those direct
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payments. >> the novel coronavirus pandemic has left our nation's medical stockpile nearly depleted, despite his own widely criticized response, president trump is threatening to withhold funding from the world health organization saying the organization has gotten every aspect of it wrong. now, it's worth noting right now that the world health organization, whatever you think of it, whatever criticisms exist, declared a global emergency one month before president trump proclaimed that the disease was very much under control, and six weeks before trump declared his own national emergency. the world health organization responded to trump saying now is not the time. president trump has no public events scheduled for today, and as of now there is not a coronavirus task force briefing scheduled either. joining me now is internal medicine doctor lippi roy and chair of the department of african-american studies, eddie
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gloud jr. both of them are msnbc contributors. where are we in the arc of this thing. you've been talking about fatigue and stress from those on the front lines. it's been over a month that people are working several shifts in a row, seven days a week, sometimes without the necessary protective equipment. the white house continues to tell us there's enough of it going around and you and other doctors continue to tell us there isn't. >> good morning. it's good to be with you. yeah, there's so many concerns on so many different levels. yeah. here on msnbc we've had a string of health care professionals on saying the same theme, inadequate protection for the front line doctors and nurses and respiratory therapists. this is key, it's these frontline health care workers that are exposed to the most highly infectious men and women and they're in close contact. there's no such thing as
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physical disinstanctancing in t hospitals, in icu settings, you have to be very close to take care of patients, that's why it's critically important to have the protective -- the appropriate protective equipment. that's on that side as far as the health care workers and we have already talked about the rising rates of burnout and how burnout was a problem before this epidemic. it is an epidemic amongst health care workers, clinicians, doctors, it will only skyrocket as this pandemic progresses in this country. and remember dr. fauci said yesterday or the day before, when the projection of deaths decreased from 100,000, 200,000 to 60,000, which is an egregiously high number, he said those projections change because the model is hypothetical but the data is real. so we have to constantly readjust, readjust, day by day if not hour by hour. that 60,000 number is contingent
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upon all of us practicing physical distancing, the hand washing, covering or faces, all of these preventive measures are critical to keep the numbers at a plateau and hopefully at a downturn. >> eddie, you wrote in the "washington post" on april 6th that these numbers are uncertain but mass deaths are at our doorstep. if we do everything right and shelter in place we may still between 100,000 and 240,000 dead. these are staggering numbers, more importantly they are real people. mothers and fathers, uncles and aunts, daughters and sons, friends, people whose death will disrupt the lives of families and runs the fabric of communities across the nation. those who survive this madness will have to figure out how to live together in the company of grief. even if the new numbers suggest 60,000, we're at 18,000 right now, that's triple. there's nobody we know, dr. roy,
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eddie, you, me, there's nobody who doesn't know somebody who has now lost somebody to this illness. and, eddie, this is our new normal. so when we talk about getting back to normal, we're not just talking about the economy, we're talking about a post-disaster world. >> you know, first of all, good morning. i think you're absolutely right. when donald trump talks about opening up the economy and emphasizing that's who we are, it reflects who he values and what he values. what we do know now is this, when we see this kind of mass death, people are grieving. they're grieving in particular sorts of ways. their loved ones many times are dying alone. they can't be there with them. they can't tell them that i love you. they can't run their fingers through their hair. they can't hold their hand. so there's the grief surrounding ordinary death, but then there's the regret, the debilitating regret that often surrounds
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death. that is that i wasn't able to be there. i wasn't able to resolve that argument. so moving forward, who we are will fundamentally change because we're experiencing death in this way. it's not an individual private matter. this is happening on a collective level. particularly when we see these mass burial trenches, when we see these morgues, these makeshift morgues. this is happening in the public's eye. so we have to address this, i think, directly because how we grieve now will impact how we heal. we need to understand that. >> you talk about mass burial trenches. there's one here at hart island in the bronx. it's truly unbelievable to see coffins being put into trenches to make space for the newly dead. dr. roy, for people who do know someone who has become ill with this, can you explain to me
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whether covid-19 causes viral pneumonia or acute respiratory distress syndrome? what's the process here that we v. to heal that causes people to be in icu or need ventilators. >> we're talking about terminology that most of my profession we're used to talk about, but the general public it may be new to them. the vast majority of people who will get covid-19 experience mild symptoms, they'll get better, resolve on their own. but for those who require hospitalization, they're developing symptoms, respiratory symptoms that require a higher level of care. symptoms might start off with a fever, cough, difficulty breathing. the vast majority who then go on to, say, require ventilation or icu level care they're
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developing viral pneumonia most often. pneumonia is when the air sacks of our lungs fill up with air, sometimes even puss if it's a bacteria pneumonia. this is a viral pneumonia. when the air sacks fill up with fluid, it becomes very difficult and painful for a person to breathe. now, ards, however, as you astutely point out, it's acute respiratory distress syndrome, that's a life threatening lung disease, respiratory disease. it's not an infection, but the leading causes of ards are infection or trauma. these are people usually so sick they're already in the hospital. and we don't have treatment or any type of a cure for ards. the management for ards is supportive. in other words, we give medications like diuretics to remove the fluid from the lungs, when required mechanical vent
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la ventilation to support their breathing. ards is associated with a high mortality rate, as high as 30%. we've been seeing people come off of the ventilator and get better, but those are the clarifications to be made. >> dr. lipi roy, thank you for joining us. eddie glaude, please stick around. still ahead, two tech giants coming together to curb the spread of coronavirus, but are there major privacy concerns that will get in the way? plus with so many people at home, new york city is unrecognizable. but don't be fooled, the big apple is alive and well and supporting its own. ♪ it's up to you, new york, new york ♪ it's tough to quit smoking cold turkey. so chantix can help you quit slow turkey.
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as technologists propose contact tracing plans as a more innovative way to contain the coronavirus, google and apple, competitors, are now announcing an unlikely partnership to do that. the companies say a bluetooth based contact tracing app is expected in may and it would work for all ios and android phones by tracking those who crossed paths with a newly diagnosed patient. numbers from bloomberg reveal the system would have the potential to monitor about a third of the world's population, something that the president says could concern many people. >> we know they've done that. it's highly -- it's very new, new technology. it's interesting, but a lot of people worry about it in terms of a person's freedom. we'll look at that, a strong look at that. >> so what does this mean for your privacy and are we ready to give up that digital freedom as
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a possible solution to this massive crisis? joining me now is jacob ward. we think back to 9/11 in that moment we were ready to do anything to keep us safe. we thought the terrorists were going to destroy life as we know it, and if we had to impose on our privacy a little bit to do that, a lot of people thought that was fine. most people thought that was fine. some people said this is not fine, it's not the time to think about this, panic shouldn't allow you to give up your privacy. the same conversation is happening now. if my phone can save me from getting coronavirus, i'm thinking that's a good thing, except now my privacy is being traded away for that again. >> it's a really complicated question, right? up until now the rules for life under pandemic have been pretty straightforward. stay in your house, six feet apart, wear a mask, wear gloves, all of that, everyone can get and it applies to everybody equally. now we're looking at this next
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phase of life and it's going to be what everyone is telling me is going to be infinitely more complicated. who is allowed to come out of their homes? countries across the world are grappling with this. in italy they're sampling the blood of about 100,000 health care workers to figure out who has the antibodies that suggest you already had covid-19, and may, in fact, have some immunity. the regional president of that region is basically saying at that point we could issue licenses to people that would allow them to come out of their homes and work. how is that going to work in the united states? this apple/google partnership is one of the proposed solutions. you would, in fact, have a system whereby your phone uses its bluetooth connectivity to determine how close you have been to other people. because once you come within six feet, bluetooth can tell. it would connect that to the testing history of all of those
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people and make it such that when one person in your contact chain has tested positive and your phone shows that you have been in close contact with them for enough time, it will notify you and you perhaps go under quarantine. this is echoes of the kind of system they're talking about in italy, the kind of system used in china. you have to show a green logo on your app in order to get on the subway or go out to work. that's the kind of system we're talking about. but that's right, we have never thought about this really before. we gave away certain freedoms after 9/11, in this case apple and google are insisting they will not be giving away your data to the government, that bluetooth is a way to keep you a anonymo anonymous. maybe all of that is true, it's a complicated situation. all of us locked down, you and me sitting here inside are wondering how will we know when it's time to come out? maybe this thing is a way to do that. >> jake, a lot of people including me, i've got safety systems on my phone which do not
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allow location tracking, location history, a lot of people say don't allow bluetooth or communications to be active on your phone. that would require a behavior change from a lot of us who think privacy is primacy, right? >> that's right. there are two phases to this project. the first one is basically they open up a system that would allow public health authorities to build apps that you could then plug into, download on to your phone and opt into. the second phase of that, they would release their own apps and those would also be opt-in. this is didn't, of course, from how we have seen past -- basically the governments around the world have been asking for a direct connection, that's not what is happening here. maybe this is a way out of it. >> jake, thank you very much as always. i always remind people that it all looks the same now that we're in our homes, but you're three hours earlier than the
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rest of us, so it's still the middle of the night for you. thank you, my friend. the coronavirus is killing african-americans at twice the rate that it's killing people of other races. there are a number of reasons why. coming up next, we'll explore why the pandemic is especially brutal for some people of color. is your sanctuary. that's why lincoln offers you the ability to purchase a new vehicle remotely with participating dealers. an effortless transaction- all without leaving the comfort- and safety of your home. that's the power of sanctuary. and for a little extra help, receive 0% apr financing and defer your first payment up to 120 days on the purchase of a new lincoln. won't be a new thing. and it won't be their first experience with social distancing.
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in normal times life moves fast and we get consumed by our work, our friends our family. so many so we very often don't take notice of all the people around us who make our daily lives work. it's easy to forget about the workers whose names we don't know who stock our store shelves, who make our coffees, who check us out at the grocery store, the hard working people we never see who pick our produce, who keep clean our spaces at work or come and clean our homes or take care of us in hospitals. these are the people we take for granted. the people we debate often
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abstractly when we discuss minimum wage, there are some low-wage workers in america getting paid just $7.25 an hour. that comes out to $15,000 a year. some undocumented workers make less. these are the workers who are forgotten, unnoticed, underpaid, often uninsured and work multiple jobs. they are, in fact, the backbone, the foundation of our economy and they make up 44% of all workers in the united states. it's only now in our own moment of need that we realize they are, in fact, essential. of course not essential enough in some cases to receive an economic rebate check from the government or other benefits of the relief package. not essential enough to have health care. not essential enough for us to raise the minimum wage. not essential enough to have paid sick leave or child care. of those low-wage workers, many are undocumented, as i mentioned. undocumented workers have carried the brunt of this pandemic in many sectors.
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undocumented workers make up 14% of our agricultural work force. the people who make sure our food makes it to the supermarket so we can stay fed. they make up 7% of health care aides, keeping us and loved ones healthy and safe. they make up 8% of those working in food services. without low-wage workers and undocumented workers, many of our lives would fall apart. mine probably would. why is it there are no protections for the most vulnerable in our economy? no big checks. no insurance. no fancy tax cuts to help them? sure, we clap every night at 7:00 p.m. here in new york. we post on social media to thank them for their work, but what will we do when this pandemic and the urgency that comes with it is over? how many of us or our legislators will stand up and say enough debate, let's raise the minimum wage. let's pass universal health care. let's help those making minimum wage working multiple jobs
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trying to raise families. these jobs have always been essential. they have always kept our big cities and small towns working smoothly, quietly in the background. the it's only now that we realize those who don't have the luxury of health insurance or the luxury of working from home as i am doing because these are luxuries. and fighting those battles for us on the front lines are not luxuries. those people are facing a pandemic head on to make sure our economy keeps running. so let's make sure that when we come out of this pandemic and we will, we do what we can to provide for them the way they provided for us. our offices, schools and playgrounds. all those places out there, are now in here. that's why we're still offering fast, free two day shipping on thousands of items. even the big stuff. and doing everything it takes to ensure your safety. so you can make your home everything you need it to be.
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speaking of mothers, we need you to do this if not for yourself, then for your mother. do it for your granddaddy, do it for your big mama, do it for your pop-pop. we need you to understand in communities of color we need you to step up and help stop the spread so that we can protect those who are most vulnerable. >> that was the surgeon general of the united states, jerome adams at friday's white house coronavirus briefing discussing something we've talked about on this show for weeks now, how covid-19 cases and deaths will disproportionately affect communities of color due in part to long-established health disparities in this country. here in new york city, the epicenter of the virus, early
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data shows coronavirus is killing african-americans and latinos at twice the rate of white residents. this is what one emergency room doctor comes from all this. >> i fear that those who have died during this pandemic will die as martyrs, but i hope their deaths will actually lead to fundamental change and hopefully a gross overhaul of our u.s. health care system. a system where everyone has equal access to care and the same level of care no matter the color of their skin, the size of their wallet, their legal status, or whether they have been incarcerated or not. >> joining me now is reverend william barber, the president of the repairers of the breach and the co-chair of the poor peoples campaign. nicole hannah jones, award winning journalist for the "new york times," lead on the 1619 project and back with us, professor eddie glaude of princeton university and an
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msnbc cribber. thank you for joining me for this important issue. nicole, one of the remarkable things about the 1619 project that you're working on, when the first africans were brought to american shores against their will, is that there has been disparity, some of which goes back generations that have set in to cause the things that are causing african-americans to contract and die from coronavirus at a higher rate and some of this is historical and will need massive change to fix. >> yeah, for sure. if you look at the conditions that a large number of black americans live in, it's not surprising that black americans are bearing the brunt of this coronavirus. when you look at black americans remain the most segregated group of people in the country, the most likely to live in areas with lots of pollutants, toxins in the environment, live in areas that don't have access to level one trauma centers, the most likely to be working in the service sector, public-facing
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jobs, least likely to have cars, more likely to take public transition, all the ways this virus was spread, and at the top of that living in conditions without access to quality health care, that made them more likely to get the virus and more likely to die from it. >> dr. barber, you and other african-american pastors are meeting this week to discuss how some of these inequalities can be fixed. are you looking at this from the perspective of the coronavirus emergency or generally speaking how health inequality could be fixed. we could be talking about coronavirus, we could be talking about heart disease, we could be talking about diabetes, we could be talking about a lot of things that affect people of color in this country differently than they effect the general population. >> we as pastors will have a press conference and make some demands. you could talk about what's happening now, you could talk
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about what's been happening. one of the great veil yours 'r what the srnurgeon general saids taking no responsibility for the systemic realities of what's happening, many of which the trump and pence administration and republicans and others have helped perpetuate. the issue is not race, it's the reality of systematic racism that's caused so many african-americans to die disproportion in t disproporti disproportionately. the coronavirus is revealing that. think about it, every southern state where you have suppression, those who are in office because of racist voter suppression have been denied medicaid expansion. denied it to millions of people that disproportionately affects african-americans. we know from studies from the
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institute of medicine that african-americans have less access to affordable high quality health care and often receive lower quality care than white counterparts. those are reality. >> eddie, to this -- to the degree that this is actually who we are as a society, the statistics don't surprise you at all. >> not at all. when we call attention to this deep structural reality that makes particular populations, particularly black folk and brown folk vulnerable, you get a kind of idea lodological respon that has been cultivated for the last 40, 50 years but it a part of our country's discourse since its founding that is our condition is a result of some choice that we made this is to echo reverend barber's critique of the surgeon general. yesterday i made a basic point about our population being disproportionately vulnerable to
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the effects of the virgus. tucker carlson last night on fox news talking about we called the coronavirus racist. that we were engaged in victimology again. what we see here is a reluctance on the part of the country to actually confront the suffering that black communities are experiencing, that brown communities are experiencing. to confront that suffering is to confront their implication in it. so part of what we have to do is to try to not only call attention to the reality, but we have to deal with this environment, this ideology that has framed how a large percentage of americans underblack suffering, how they process the suffering of people of color. we have to try to change that at its root. >> nicole, looking at new york city and coronavirus by an economic divide. in zip codes with the highest
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positive cases, the income is $26,708. in zip codes with the lowest positive cases, $118,000. if you look at milwaukee, detroit, chicago and philadelphia, african-americans make up similar proportions of those populations, but their rate of death is three to four times proportionate to their representation to the population. >> yeah. i want to piggyback on what eddie said, look at how the rhetoric around this virus has changed now that we know lots of black people are dying from it. no one was talking about personal responsibility when we thought this was a virus hitting all communities the same. we only start to see that when we see it's black people who are dying. when you look at -- in new york, for instance, i started working from home about a week and a half to two weeks before the entire city was locked down.
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i work the type of job where i can work at home. you look at where the virus is hitting the most deadly, it's communities without the luxury to work from home. it's the people who you so beautifully pointed out in your opening montage, the people we see as the service sector, who make sure that our city runs, who are driving the buses every day, who are delivering our mail, who are the cashiers at the grocery stores, they cannot work from home. on top of that, they were already dealing with grave inequalities before this virus hit. they were already living in underresourced communities. i think the most fascinating thing is we thought that this was a virus that only killed older people until it came to the united states. then we see that black americans go through what is called weathering. black life here is so difficult, black people age more quickly, we get the comorbidity diabetes and hypertension at younger a e
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ages. we have to deal with these fundamental inequalities, but we're always here. >> black people in america have similar underlying conditions to elderly people in western european nations, like diabetes and like heart disease. revere reverend, to nicole's point, yesterday at the daily press briefing, the president, the surgeon general, and the vice president all did talk about personal responsibility. it seemed to be in the context of people of color, that you need to take better care of yourselves, and then you won't have the same exposure to this illness. >> that's an old argument. it's been made for years and years and years when people particularly who have participated in passing policies that disproportionately hurt african-americans, then they turn around and try to suggest it's a matter of personal responsibility. that is why we must challenge so hard and that's why it's so ugly for the surgeon general to do that and to be black and then to
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try to use the naacp to make their point. we need a real rescue people. we had a rescue people for the wealthy corporations, but we've not had a rescue bill for the poor, so we've abandoned millions of african-americans and white people in appalachia. let me drill down on this african-american piece. in mississippi, 52% of people in mississippi are poor and low wealth, but over 57% of people of color in mississippi are poor and low wealth. mississippi refused to pass the affordable care act. when you pass a bill for trillions can of dollars to corporations but you refuse to provide health care for the uninsured, refuse to pay sick leave, no national rent moratorium, no help to pay rents after this, no internet for children, no moratorium on water shutoff, what you're doing is exacerbating the inequities and
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the officials that already exist in our society which is why we must have a rescue people for all people and a rescue bill that deals with the poor, otherwise we're still a troubled nation. >> thank you to the three of you for shining a light on this important issue. reverend dr. william barber, nicole hannah jones, follow her on twitter and read her remarkable work and eddie glaude, thank you. a moment to remember one of the lives lost to the coronavirus. christopher david loesh passed away march 25th in amityville, new york. it was the day before his 50th birthday. chris grew up in freeport, new york, joined the local fire department in 1997. he was a first responder on 9/11 and volunteered at the freeport fire department until his death. he played hockey and basketball. he was a single father to his 16-year-old daughter caitlin and his 20-year-old son, ryan.
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chris coached ryan's hockey team from kindergarten through high school. ryan said his dad loved pulling pranks. one night when ryan was sleeping, chris due a mustache on his son's face. in the morning chris hurried him off to school before ryan could notice his new look. chris traveled regularly as a sales executive for underwriters laboratories but most enjoyed working from his boat or a chair on the beach. chris met his girlfriend, meredith, at the gym in 2017. she recalls how the two of them could talk for hours. saying "chris told me almost every day that he was the luckiest guy in the world." goin, we've had to alter our classroom settings. we have to transition into virtual learning. on the network, we can have teachers face-to-face with a student in live-time. they can raise their hand and ask questions. they can type questions. we just need to make sure
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there are new details on provisions in the coronavirus relief package. the trump administration is now saying that large airlines will have to pay back some of the $32 billion in bailout money they received. now, that could be a big problem if that money, which was supposed to stop massive job losses as a grant turns into loans. airlines might decide to refuse those loans and to lay off workers instead. here to tell us more about this is sarah nelson, the president of the association of flight attendants which represents nearly 50,000 flight attendants of 20 airlines. these payroll grants were the only two workers first
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provisions of the cares act out of the $2 trillion, 1 and a quarter percent was allocated by congress to go directly to the workers. if this works it will be a good example of how we can use sort of taxpayer money to save jobs in the future. what's the roadblock? >> ali, we have to look at how this happened, so this is a mold for the rest of the industries across america to put this into paychecks and save jobs. and let me just take you back. we proposed this provision because we've been through bankruptcy. at the end of the longest bankruptcy in u.s. history, the unit united airlines bankruptcy the airlines went after our pension while they gave the ceo trust and awarded hundreds of thousands to executives. at that time nancy pelosi led a vote in the house to stop termination of our pensions. the senate failed to act and the white house failed to act. speaker pelosi was there with us
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and understood what happens when you put together a bailout that's focused on the corporations and not the people. she gave us the power during that time to negotiate twice what united was willing to pay in a pension replacement plan, and she set it up so that we could live to fight another day. when we are facing this crisis and we were putting together this package, it was speaker pelosi and it was chairman defasio in the house who had the imagination to believe that we could put together a workers first package, and so they led with this aviation provision that keeps the payroll going. it's a real people's byailout ad keeps jobs going. and they joined arms with senator schumer and got this into the bill. but the republicans came in and gave the secretary the ability to put financial instruments on those grants, which makes them not grants. this is not the spirit of the bill, and let me just say, ali, that there is senator holly and the progressive caucus in the house who are now saying that this should be the template for everyone. and this was speaker pelosi who made this possible when no one
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else could imagine it. when i was talking to progressive friends who couldn't even imagine that we could build a people's bailout, and she did it, and she's going to be fighting hard now to keep this in place so that this can be a template that can be used for every other worker across the country because it matters what we do now. >> so sarah, to progressives who say i don't want to give money to private corporations without the threat that there will be some equity that they'll have to give up to the taxpayers because that feels like a gift, what do you have to say to them? what some people are missing is that these fwragrants go straigo payrolls. it's taxpayer money that goes straight to people being paid. it's not money the company can use for other purposes. >> these grants are specific to go to payroll and people's jobs. i will tell you if the airlines have to pay this back, what the investment bankers in mnuchin's office are trying to set up is the idea that we should be lucky to have a job because in october what they're going to do is use
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that against the workers. they're going to take it out of our hyde. they took $7 billion yesterday. that's what mnuchin is saying here. he's taking $7 billion out of the $2 trillion package and taking that away from the workers and lessening what is designated for us. this is going to destroy the workers first package, and it's going to make people on the front lines hurt in the fall. >> sarah, thank you for continuing to bring this to our attention. if this package were to work the right way, it can be a model for how america deals with those workers on the front lines who can be losing their jobs. coming up in the next hour, personal finance expert suze orman is going to answer your questions about protecting your finances during this tough time. send your stories, your questions to suze to we're going to do our best to answer them. more "velshi" after this break. copd makes it hard to breathe
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6.6 million more people filed for unemployment benefits this week, and american businesses say they're not done laying off yet. 1.7 million coronavirus cases worldwide, and it's still barely touched some of the least prepared nations. and 3595% of americans are unde stay a the hot home orders, ordy of them simply cannot


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