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tv   MSNBC Live Decision 2020  MSNBC  April 13, 2020 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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>> but they're there. they're on ground. they've got local mayors, local representatives. they have people that do it -- what we did last time is unprecedented. we literally rebuilt tests, we rebuilt a whole industry. what we inherited from the previous administration was totally broken, which somebody should eventually say not only were the cup boards bare as i say, but we inherited broken testing. now we have great testing. i left the top executives at abbott, who would have thought that would have happened where they have a great test and what i will do, unless you have any further questions for the secretary of treasury -- do you have anything for steve? secretary of the treasury? if it's for me we can wait. we have to get him back to work >> okay. secretary mnuchin, question from one of my colleagues not able to be in the room, they're curious about the sba rule that prevents small casinos from getting some
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of this relief. is that something you're taking a look at? is there going to be a change -- >> not small casinos, but there are such things as small taverns and restaurants that have literally small gaming things and we are coming out with some is additional guidance on that. i want to be clear it's not small casinos. >> mr. secretary, there was a letter that some house republicans sent this weekend about liquidity for mortgage services, can you explain what you're looking at on that front? >> i think i commented on this a week or so ago. we had a subcommittee task force that specifically studied this issue. we have all the appropriate people on it. jen my may has taken action. we've had conversation with the fhfa what they will do for fannie and freddie and said to the extent they need certain authorities from the treasury with we will accommodate that. we're aware of the issue. we've been studying this issue
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way before covid and had concerns about some of these non-bank servicers not being well kaptized. we'll make sure the market functions properly. >> thank you, sir. we have seen in a number of these relief bills that democrats and republicans have been able to push forward different non-coronavirus specific funding priorities. are you trying to keep funding specific to coronavirus and then if there are going to be other additions, for instance, a change to labor rules or something that many on the left want, some on the right are wondering if you should be pushing for their preferred add-on. >> i think our expectation has always been this is covid related. some people have a broad view of what covid related is because it has impacted almost every single business. i think the president has talked about the kennedy center, which is a good institution. obviously that was not the major priority of the bill, but they
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were hit with covid related. but no, the president has instructed we want to be very specific in the next bill. it's covid related items. >> it's been reported that the kennedy center, so you understand, that was done -- the democrats wanted it in. we didn't want that. they wanted it in and we had to agree to get something done for the workers. we want this to be for the workers and for company that employ the workers. that's what we're looking for. we're not looking for extraneous nonsense. >> it's reported you argued at the time the china ban was being discussed that was too disruptive to the global economy? >> let me be clear i had nothing to do withes the china ban. i wasn't on the task force at the time. i'm not sure -- i think i was traveling at the time. i never had any -- i was not part -- i did become active after the china ban. the report in t"the new york times" was not accurate. i was not part of the task force at that time and i was not involved. as a matter of fact, i think i may have been traveling.
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>> a proposal by senator hawley to get direct payments to employers to pay people who have been laid off and keep people on payroll, does the administration support that proposal? >> again, that is the ppp. the ppp is basically sending money to small business, 50rs of american workers, to keep those people paid. it's the most efficient way. every dollar we do through that one less dollar of unemployment and more importantly, we want those people to have -- be associated with the business so as soon as the president is ready to open up the economy those businesses are together. we don't want those businesses to fall apart. that's why this is a successful program -- >> are you talking about the unemployment? sending it indirectly to the states? we prefer it was sent directly to the people. the democrats wanted to be sent through the unemployment system and, you know, i've talked to you about it, we have 40-year-old equipment in many of
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those systems that are run by the state. i hear they're getting the money out anyway. >> some of them are and some states aren't. we're working with the states to try to update their computers. it's a long haul. >> thank you. >> thank you, mr. president. >> phase four, steve. phase four. come on, steve. >> a quick question about something you just said, you said when someone is president of the united states, their authority is total. that is not true. >> okay. you know what we're going to do, we're going to write up papers on this. it's not going to be necessary. because the governors need us one way or the other because ultimately it comes with the federal government. that being said, we're getting along very well with the governors and i feel very certain that there won't be a problem. yeah, please, go ahead. >> has any governor agreed that you have the authority to sti when their state -- >> i haven't asked anybody because you know why, because i don't have to. >> who told you that the president has the total authority? >> enough. please. >> you mentioned the vice president's call with the
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governors today. governor hogan of maryland has urged your administration to ask congress for $500 billion to help stabilize budgetary shortfalls created by coronavirus -- >> nice of governor hogan. we appreciate his statement. >> governor cuomo said the c.a.r.e.s. act ignored -- that request -- >> which one? >> he said the c.a.r.e.s. act ignored the budgetary shortfalls. >> well, they're looking at things in phase four where they have, you know, where they talk about states and they're also talking about hospitals. they're talking about states who have been battered and also talking about hospitals and we're willing to look at that. >> will you urge congress on their behalf? >> we'll see what we come back with. >> but they are talking about states and hospitals. >> thank you, mr. president. governor of michigan gretchen whit mer has on thursday signed an executive order banning the sale of nonessential good. if other states -- >> the sale of what? >> non-essential goods, banned
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the sale of nonessential goods, many are calling this unconstitutional. as president do you think that if other states were to follow her example in the coming weeks that federal government should intervene? >> i don't think that's going to happen. i think it's very extreme, but she's doing it and i think it's going to be over a long way before we have to start thinking about it too much. it is strong. it's a very strong position to take. but they're making a lot of progress in michigan so let's see how it all works. >> what is the status of the funding for the world health organization? >> we're going to be talking about that very soon. i'm getting a full report. i'm not happy with the world health organization. not happy with the world trade organization either. we've been ripped off by everybody. this country for so many years has been ripped off by everybody, whether it's the world health or world trade. they're like -- i call them the bopsy twins. they look at our country for years and years we had people that did nothing about it. we're doing a lot about it. we'll have a report.
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we're also talking about the world trade organization. but we made a lot of progress there winning cases for the first time because they know i'll leave if we don't get treated fairly. this kupcountry, our country, w at a point where we rarely won lawsuits in the world trait organization. they know i'm not playing games. we will pull out if we have to. we won a $7 billion lawsuit which was very nice. >> do you expect a decision this week on cutting funding for the w.h.o.? >> i would say by the end of the week i'm going to make a decision on that. >> a lot of -- right now a lot of things happening. >> china, why are there no consequences for the misinformation -- >> how do you know there are no consequences? >> you have been asked. >> how do you -- >> what are the cu quenshes? why would i tell you. >> people are concerned they stonewalled -- >> you started off saying why are there no consequencesp why are there no consequences -- >> how do you know?
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you're going to find out. >> you said you didn't -- >> you would probably be the last person on earth i would tell. go ahead. >> yeah, please. >> mr. president, this is a question for mr. vice president, do you agree with the president's statement and his understanding of federalism that his power is total in the way he described it? anything you would like to add or context the way he was discussing that? >> i support the president's leadership under the national emergency declaration that he signed. we're standing before you today for the first time in american history when all 50 states have issued emergency declarations. and the territories. this is an unprecedented time in the life of the nation. fortunately, as the president has reflected and our health experts will continue to reflect, because the american people have heeded the president's coronavirus guidelines for america, because state governors have taken those
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and implemented them, even in states where there was not a significant outbreak, and implemented additional measures as we provided them with data about cases and best practices, we're making real progress as a country. >> sounds like more circumscribed than the total? >> maybe no mistake about it, in the long history of this country, the authority of the president of the united states during national emergencies is unquestionably menn unquestionably plenary. you can look back through times of war and other national emergencies. as the president said we'll happily brief that. but in the days head what the president has charged us to do is work with our health experts, bring together an extraordinary group of american business leaders to counsel the president, working with the cdc, we're going to produce new guidelines based upon the data for every state and territory in this nation.
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we're going to give them guidance and as the president has indicated we'll continue to respect the leadership and partnership that we forge with every governor in america, but this is an unprecedented time. i -- i have to tell you, when you look at the fact, despite the heartbreaking loss of more than 22,000 americans, when you look at the fact of what the health experts told us this could be, i think -- i only can feel a sense of gratitude to the american people. gratitude to the extraordinary team that has counselled this president, the steps that president trump has taken, the policies that governors have implemented all across america. i mean, we were discussing today at the task force that when you look the at the european union as a whole, they have nearly three times the mortality rate that united states of america
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has today. that is a tribute to our extraordinary health care workers, their dedication, their tireless work, but it's also a tribute to the fact that the american people put into practice the mitigation efforts that the president counselled the nation to do on the advice of our best scientists now more than a month ago. and our hospitals were not overwhelmed and are not overwhelmed at this hour. i have to tell you, standing here today, i couldn't be more proud to stand alongside this president and to be a part of this team that has served the american people during this challenging hour and i just say to you, to every american looking on, as we see the numbers leveling and maybe even beginning to go down, i just encourage you to keep doing what you're doing. because of the sacrifices that americans and american families have made through these mitigation efforts, you're
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saving lives and you're seeing our nation through this time. >> did the states tell you -- you've been talking to the governors quite a bit, did the coalition on the west coast and northeast tell you what they are going to be announcing before they announced it? >> governor phil murphy and the governor of connecticut expressed today that they were going to be speaking on a -- discussing on a regional basis what their recommendations would be. we assured them -- we assured them on our conference call with 48 governors that were with us today for the better part of an hour and a half, we told them that what the president would be producing is directed to be produced are additional guidelines for the states, certified by the cdc, that would inform those governors and local communities and mayors about the best way forward based on the unique circumstances that those
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state a states and communities are facing. the american people have seen the experience in washington state where this really all began for us and in california, and now the extraordinary challenges in the greater new york city area including new jersey and connecticut, the challenges in new orleans and louisiana and detroit, still chicago, parts of houston, but they're also seeing that in each one of those cases, the mitigation efforts are truly working. and so we'll -- we'll work with those states and in is some cases it will make perfect sense to work together on a regional basis. the president will be -- i'm sorry, i didn't hear your question. >> can you tell us, did they let you know? >> i didn't hear the statement. >> we would like to have their cooperation and we are going to have their cooperation. they will cooperate perfectly, watch. >> let me just affirm what the
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president said, we heard it again today, what i think was our ninth conference call with governors, is -- i think every american would be proud to see the partnership that this president has forged with governors across the country. it is an extraordinary statement and you will see some data when the admiral gets up, but the flow of resources from around the world we've moved into areas that have faced challenges, i mean this president has directed us to ensure that every state has what they need, when they need it and the spirit that i heard again from republican and democrat governors was reflective of that partnership. as we move forward to the president's goal of reopening america we expect the same kind of partnership in the interest of the nation. >> all right. go ahead. new face mask. go ahead. >> sir, if you can hear me through the mask -- >> barely. >> can you. >> i hear you well. the district of columbia argued
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they were short changed in the funding bill because they were treated as a territory instead of as a state will that be made right in phase four? >> we're looking at that, certainly. i heard that complaint, but the mayor seems to be very happy with everything we've done. she was on today saying very good things. go ahead in the back. >> mr. president, you talked about this being the mo difficult decision that you are going to have to take about whether to reopen the economy. i wonder how much it weighs on your mind the thought that if there is a second wave you've reopened the economy, and you might have to shut things down again. >> it does. i hope that won't happen. i certainly hope that won't happen. it does weigh on my mind. in the back go ahead. >> mr. president -- >> thank you. a question for one of my colleagues who wasn't able to be here. china deployed an aircraft carrier into the south china sea this weekend amid claims by
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chinese state media that covid has reduced u.s. military readiness in the region. what kind of responses are you thinking of? will you have a response to this action? >> china has their own difficulties. we have a relationship with china that we're not happy with certain things that happened over the la period st period ofd i've been explicit about that. no, china is -- we've seen what they did, we've seen many other things they've done, pro and con, and we'll be just fine. >> where you said you're putting together the economic task force and that you thought that the recommendations were happening earlier than expected did you mean to suggest that it could be before may 1st that you start recommending -- >> i don't want to say that. we're going to be putting out guidelines and recommendations fairly quickly in a few days.
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>> rolling out that it would be before -- >> i'm not going to say. certain states are doing well. big parts of the country are doing very well, really very well. so we're going to be putting out recommendations and guidelines very soon. >> would your guidelines fit each area or be a uniform set of guidelines? >> i don't want to tell you now. right now we have a strong indication that we know pretty much we have some good ideas and i do want to get -- i want to have -- we'll have video conference or at least a conference call with a lot of very good people having to do with certain fields, whether it's energy or entertainment and restaurants, et cetera. we have to get people back into restaurants and do what we have to do. it should be deductibility. you'll get them back so fast. i mean they used to have deductibility, the restaurant business, it was one of the hot businesses and then they ended it a long time ago, many years ago. we may need that to get people
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back into the restaurants. >> michelle obama today [ inaudible ] talked about mail-in voting nationwide as a possible solution on the states and said it shouldn't be a partisan issue. have your advisors told you that could save lives? >> absentee ballots? >> i don't know what she did. when did that happen, today? >> a nonpartisan group -- >> i wish her luck. >> mr. president, there's a little bit of confusion about your phone calls yesterday with president putin. the kremlin is saying that you discussed current issues of ensuring strategic security. that wasn't referred to in the white house read out. can you enlighten -- >> we discussed many things. we discussed many different things. it was primarily a call on the oil as you can imagine. and they were very helpful in getting a stabilization price, a stabilization of the number of
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barrels. i think the number issing if to be closer to 20, maybe 15, but closer than to 10 and it was a very important call. i spoke with the king of saudi arabia and that was a very important call. and the bottom nine is opec plus, called opec plus because there are other states also, other nations. we came to a very good agreement. >> what was the part about strategic security? was that -- >> i would say mostly we were talking about china. we were talking about their borders. we were talking about our borders a little bit. our borders with mexico. as you know mexico is a big part of the deal. and mexico really it was very complex from the standpoint of mexico. it was not an easy deal for mexico and the president we appreciated a certain amount of flexibility. we talked about borders and china and mexico -- >> it sounds like arms -- >> we did talk about the arms. that was an important part of the call. >> abbott labs you said testing
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is going great. we know they have the machines sent to some of the governors but some are saying they don't haves the materials to actually conduct -- >> they have to get the material. you know, the governors have to get the material. if they can't get it they see us. >> the federal government is distributing -- >> the local governments, governors have to get materials. they have machines. we're going to go and i ask mike to go into it, they have very powerful machines they don't know they have. i'm not talking about abbott. i'm talking about the governors. they have machines that are used for this, you know what i'm referring to -- >> the two -- >> the very powerful machines where in a certain state's case they're only using 10% of their capacity and they didn't know it. that happens to be illinois. >> real quick, the 15 minute tests you sent out, the new one in the rose garden, they say including the governor in new hampshire, they don't have the cartridgeses to conduct the tests. >> what do you think the answer is? >> rapidly increasing the numbers. >> rapidly increases.
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pretty quickly. >> 50,000 a day -- >> you have other machines where they can really work -- a lot of the states have the big machines that can do as lot, they didn't know they had them. they didn't know they had them. and mike is going to be talking about that. >> and you remember you mentioned several weeks ago the google was putting together that website where they would handle the drive-through testing -- >> google and apple. >> have you moved past it? >> a lot of people don't like it from the standpoint of constitutional rights. some people don't like it. they are working on it. >> the testing website. >> i know that. i know. >> google and it's only operating at five counties in california right now. >> google is looking at it but google is working with apple and looking at something. we have the greatest companies in the world looking at this in a year from now everything we're looking at now is going to be obsolete. we have things happening unbelievable. i saw a presentation today that i can't talk about yet, but it's
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incredible. plus i think they're doing -- tony, i think they're doing well on the vaccines and i think you will have an answer for vaccines i believe that there's some great things coming with respect to that. you need a testing period but you will have great things. >> on the contact tracing that google and apple are doing, different subject, on the -- >> this is the google and apple, i don't know if it's a partnership or what, but they're working on some -- more than one element. they're working on a couple things. google is also working on something as you know having to do with testing. i believe they're doing that in a singular fashion. >> my question is not about the drive-through testing website, on google and apple's contact tracing they want to -- they've got this process now where they can put, you know, a contact tracing on your phone if you opt in you can be alerted if you've been in contact with someone with the krocoronavirus -- >> a lot of people have constitutional problems with it, you know that it's an amazing
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thing. and it would be actually, as you know, other countries are thinking about using something similar but not as good. >> what other countries -- >> i hear singapore is. singapore had a setback because they had a break, but they will take care of it. i know that folks in singapore, they're doing a great job and put it back very quickly. singapore and other countries are looking at other things and some constructions are doing other things. >> would you prefer that americans use some other system -- >> i don't want to get into that. we have a constitutional thing, more of a constitutional problem than a mechanical problem. but we will be making a determination on that. that's something we're going to be discussing with as lot of people over the neck four weeks. that would be a very accurate way of doing it but a lot of people have a problem with it. >> testing question for maybe dr. fauci as well, can you talk about where the antibody test is and how quickly -- >> i think i can speak -- i have to leave. moving along quickly, moving
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along well, a tight eest going y years, we have incredible versions of it. the antibody test, moving along very well. okay. any more covid-19? >> theodore roosevelt have you determined the status of captain crozier -- >> that's going through the navy as i understand it. the navy is going to be making decisions on all of that. and they had a break -- i don't think the ship should have been stopping in vietnam when you have a pandemic to be honest with you. i don't think the captain should have been writing letters -- he's not earnest hemingway and he shouldn't have been writing letters and i don't know who gave the orders to stop in vietnam but they stopped in vietnam and they get on and now you have over 500 sailors and people on the ship that are affected. i don't know whose idea that was but that wasn't a good idea in the middle of a pandemic. yes, please. >> i have a question on -- >> on this question of
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constitutionality, i'm wondering what changed your view? >> nothing changed it. i know what you're going to say. nothing changed it. the fact that i want to rely on states or maybe will or maybe have and the fact that we've gotten -- that's one thing. the fact that i don't want to use the power is another thing. >> from the standpoint of the constitution you thought it should be up to the governors. >> you can look at constitutional, federally, any way. the fact that i don't want to exert my power is different. we have the power. does the federal government have the power. the federal government has absolute power. it has the power as to whether or not i'll use that pour we'll see. i would rather, john, i would rather work with the states because i like going down to a local government. that's why with i guess now seven states, not eight, south carolina did, you know, they went away from what we discussed the last time, so that's why i looked at the individual states they're doing a very good job,
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really doing a very good job. i would rather have them make the decision. the fact that i would rather have, that's fine. but i have the absolute right to do if i want to. i may not want to. we have a very good relationship. we'll see what happens. if you noticed a few states you're talking about they're with democrat governors. if governors are doing a good job -- and they control it better. you don't have somebody in washington saying set up a tight ending tight in the parking lot of a walmart. and we're in washington and they're in a state very far away. it should have always been. i've always said it was. but the relationship we have now with the states and governors is very good and we'll be announcing over the next very short period of time what we're going to be doing. a couple more. >> on coronavirus and joe biden. he's the presumptive democratic nominee do you have any plans on when you'll start sharing or the white house will start sharing some of the information about the coronavirus -- >> nobody has called about
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coronavirus, about -- from their standpoint. look, they had the h1n1, which is swine flu, and that was a big failure. that was a tremendous failure. they had a lot of failures. you take a look at what -- at the history and, you know, 17,000 people died. and you talk about late. they were so late they were late like it never even existed. that was a big problem. caused a lot of other people a big problem too. so, you know, if joe biden would like a briefing i would certainly get him a briefing. i don't know what he would do with it. >> jared and ivanka serving on the new task force -- >> good evening. we have been keeping an eye on the president speaking from the white house. this briefing was not used to provide initially any actual critical information or medical information about the pandemic. indeed, much of what characterized the core of the
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presentation at the top of the briefing was the president responding to and attempting to refute the explosive "new york times" investigative report on what, according to the "times" reporting and several experts and sources including within government saw as the president's failure to act back when it mattered early in the pandemic spread towards the united states. there was also the distribution, the playing during the briefing of a video that seemed to defend the president's tenure, but to be clear did not provide any new or medical briefing information. the other thing that happened that you should know dr. anthony fauci, part of the white house task force basically spoke about hot spots like new york that are showing signs of flattening the curve. the president also asserted he believes he has some kind of ultimate authority to decide how the country will reopen and talked about doing that sooner than later. we have heard including from governors today about the fact that under the police powers doctrine as well as the way most states run a lot of those
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decisions will be handled at the state and local level. governor cuomo pointing out today that the decision to close down often occurred at the state level, wasn't something the president leaned into. the governor of new york asking why would the president want to be taking the lead on the opening when they didn't make the hard closing. i want to get into it with dr. pat tell, dr. davidson, and our white house correspondent for pbs news hour. dr. patel, let's begin with the medical side of this. as i mentioned, dr. fauci spoke today. i'm going to play in a few moments for people who didn't see part of what he said. your view about the sliver of this briefing that might be called actually informative which came from this update that while it has been a very tough, horrific week for the country, there are signs of flattening.
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>> the nature of the hypothetical question was, if, in fact, we had mitigated earlier could lives have been saved, and the answer to my question as i always do and i'm doing right now perfectly honestly say yes. that was taken as a way that maybe somehow something was at fault here. i can tell you the first and only time that i went in and said we should do mitigation strongly, the response was yes, we'll do it. >> you said there was pushback. where did that pushback come from -- >> that was the wrong choice of words. >> are you doing this voluntarily or the president -- >> everything i do is voluntarily. don't even imply that. >> dr. patel? >> yeah. i mean dr. fauci is a class act, what can i say. i think the sliver of hope is that despite not mitigating early enough, we actually have been seeing and i have to caveat this only in largely kind of
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pockets of urban areas, but we are seeing a decrease in the doubling days and unfortunately, though, that doesn't apply to all of america and i do worry that if we continue to see this slowing that we still need kind of national stay at home policies or we're going to see hot spots emerging in rural america and other parts of cities in the united states. >> dr. davidson? >> yeah. and i actually just worked a shift a few days ago in rural america and about half of my patients were suspected covid-19, a couple sick an got admitted to the icu, the rest sent home and more than half couldn't get tested because our criteria are set by the number of tests we have with available. we're seeing our peak about four to six weeks from now by all the models and that is with rigid -- or with some degree of social distancing and so if we base everything on some plateaus in new york city or southeast mesh
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began or other urban areas, the rest of the country doesn't abide by those rules and this virus doesn't understand, you know, urban versus rural versus state lines. i'm just very concerned that the lack of testing which we still haven't completely been explained when we will have the tests and why we don't have the tests that's going to hold us back. >> understood. dr. patel, i also want to remind everyone we have the governors out there, we have all of the local activity going on in addition to whatever the president tries to use this tv time for, take a listen to some of the governors we've heard from around the country. >> yes, we've never been here before, but that doesn't mean you can't ensure public confidence that you're doing everything you can to do it in a smart way, informed way, guided by experts and data and science
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and not in a political way. >> sometimes we all think we're going to turn a switch and we're going to be back to normal and that's just not going to happen. >> this is not going to be a rush the gates, everybody is able to suddenly reopen all at once. we have to understand that we must reopen in a way in which we are able to stimulate the economy while at the same time ensure that we contain the spread of covid-19. >> dr. patel, your medical view of that? >> i think that governors are right to try to caveat that this is not going to be a flip the switch moment and, in fact, it's probably going to take a couple of times of trying something, honestly, and potentially having to roll it back or change the course, but what's frustrating is that you have a president who, you know, weeks ago said that the strategic national stockpile was, you know, really not for the states and now you
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hear the states have to follow his command. i am concerned medically that our patients and maybe more importantly our frontline health care workers are left without as consistent message. >> yeah. both important points you raise there. i want to ask the doctors to stay with me, thank you, i'm going to come to you, but i have to fit in u.s. senator chris murphy who has a window for us as we've been in the breaking coverage, thanks for joining us. >> thank for having me. >> your response to what we saw at the white house today? i told viewers earlier as part of our coverage, it was not as a factual matter a briefing because it wasn't providing medical information. you're a senator in the opposition party. your response? >> well, i didn't see all of the briefing. i did take a look at the video that he played at the opening, pure propaganda. and i think we better get used to this as we get closer to the election the president is going to use all of the powers of his
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disposal in the oval office to try to get re-elected. that's the reason he's trying to get rid of the inspectors general, the reason he's making it clear if you criticize him and you're a governor you're not going to get as much equipment as governors who say nice things about him. this is a president who is getting ready to use every official power he has at his disposal including the lectern in the briefing room to argue for his re-election. joe biden's name didn't show up on that individual by accident. they will start talking about joe biden from the briefing room through the president's official channels constantly and we all have to be ready to deal with that. >> do you think that is an abuse or misuse of that government taxpayer funded ven knew? >> not only is it a sort of ethical abuse but a legal abuse. you cannot use official resources to campaign for office. every single one of us who serves in the federal government is exceedingly careful about
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making sure we are not using anybody who works for us or any phone that's been given to us by the government in order to run for re-election and the president is throwing all of that caution to the wind. so he and the people that work for him are not only engaging in a general moral abuse of office, they are also violating the law. >> that's striking coming from you and let's viewers have a different sort of perspective on some of what the president was pushing today. does that raise the onus on either your party in congress or the aforementioned joe biden to do more on a daily basis? we checked on this. he has held some sort of virtual streaming meetings and a weird time for everyone who is used to normal life changing, right, and he campaigned as you know today i'm sure with bernie sanders endorsing him virtually, life in the pandemic. there is a question here over whether your party in the senate
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or house or the nominee if he's going to get name checked should be holding daily briefings contra what we saw in the white house? >> i think joe biden is doinging it right. he's not the story right now. the story is the american public and the american gofvernment's attempts to turn the corners on this virus. i don't think it's a coincidence as the president has been standing up every day before that lectern his approval ratings has been going down the distance between he and joe biden in the polls is growing bigger. the more the american people see the president and his transparent political agenda the worse he's doing. i would rather he let the expertz do the talking but i think his political party would rather that he let the experts do the talking. joe biden is not the story right now and i think it's okay that he is allowing the medical experts to take the front seat. >> copy. i hear you on that. before i lose you, let's look
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forward, what, if anything, does congress still have to do in your view to continue to help the country during this tough time? >> so a lot of us had hoped that president was going to use the powers he had to require manufacturers to make more personal protect five equipment and components for tests. what scares the heck out of me we are not testing enough. that is a production line problem. one of the things congress needs to do is pass legislation requiring that president start to rec question sigs manufacturing capability for the manufacture of tests and equipment. he has the power. we've given him the permissive ability to control the manufacture of this equipment. that's not good enough anymore. congress needs to come back into session and require the president to start taking over the manufacturing and the distribution of this equipment and those tests. that's one thing we need to do
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amongst a longer list. >> appreciate the detail and focusing in on what can be done. senator murphy, thank you very much. >> we have a lot more right now including a response to something the president has been claiming. you may have seen he thinks he and he alone will decide whether to reopen the governments of the country, the economy of the country, that's not quite the case, though. moments ago take a look at president speaking on the authority he think he has. >> the president of the united states has the authority to do what the president has the authority to do which is very powerful. the president of the united states calls the shots. they can't do anything without the approval of the president of the united states. >> i'm joined now by a governor in the cross hairs of all of this colorado governor jared pollis. thanks for joining us. your response. >> thank you, ari. well, obviously it's the governors making these decisions, republican, democrat, in the field every day. it's the governors who made the
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decisions about what steps to take when we acted early. we closed our bars and restaurants in colorado, we moved to a stay-at-home order. depending on the data and situation on the ground different governors have made different decisions, well informed about the republicans and democrats, but it was not the president making the call, it was the governors. >> when you look at this "new york times" reporting which again the president basically felt compelled to respond to, they worked up this edited video to try to defend his record, kind of a political defense according to the senator we just heard from, what does that tell you about this article, this report hitting home and what did you think of what was inside that report? >> well, i think it's ridiculous that during this pandemic, at this moment in time, anybody is focused on the politics, ari. everybody should be focused on how we can keep people safe, save lives and get america going again. that should be the goal. it should not be about a finger
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pointing of who is to blame or what's to blame or who did what when. we're on the same team here, team america. >> there has been, of course, this back an forth with dr. fauci, some of his remarks which were a little unusual because he says he didn't take his orders from anybody but went out of his way in washington speak to walk back at least the way his comments had played yesterday along with this other reporting and criticism of the president. for context, dr. fauci has, you know, been widely heralded by folks including across the political spectrum, you mentioned a time to put politics aside, take a look at something we pulled together, some of the other presidents talking about fauci they've worked with in the past. >> i think of dr. fauci, probably never heard of him, he's a very fine research, top doctor at nationinstitutes of h >> those who know tony admit one
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flaw, sometimes he forgets to stop working. he regularly puts in 80 hour weeks an from time to time, he's even found notes on his wind shield left by his coworkers that say go home you're making me feel guilty. >> perhaps simpler times. your view of dr. fauci and this apparent clash with president trump? >> i'm glad that dr. fauci is on the job and brings his long experiences to this health care crisis and i hope he's able to keep his energy focused on the future and planning of what we need to do to save lives and get the economy open and doesn't have to divert his time to these political finger pointing games. >> and governor, what are you doing on the front of coordinating with other states right now? >> yeah. i think it's important, i was really excited to see the regional approach in western united states, eastern united states. here in colorado surrounded by many republican states, it needs to be more bipartisan. it's harder to reach consensus.
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some states bordering us that don't have a stay-at-home order. we would love to time all of this along with our partners in other states. i text a number of them regularly and we talk from time to time and have a good working relationship and it's appropriate that the governors on both coasts are working with one another along a timeline that makes sense reejly. >> copy. appreciate getting your view on several topics tonight. thank you. >> thank you. >> as promised i want to bring in dr. pa tell, dr. dadeson and yamish. i had to get some of our politicians and public officials in there while they have their windows. we've been waiting to hear from you, thank for your patience. you have been in that briefing room and covered this president. eagle eyed viewers will recall when he has attacked the premise of your questions as well. even by this standard, though, did you see today as something different and perhaps even more extreme? >> for a president who has made
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it a pattern to have remarkable days, this was possibly the most remarkable white house briefing i've ever seen. this was a white house briefing where the president in the most overt way i've ever seen, turned the white house briefing room into a sort of campaign rally. we've heard from people close to the president he likes doing these briefings because he knows a lot -- millions of people are watching but to play that individual that was essentially a campaign-style individual shows and underscores that president is really using part of these briefings to really talk about his own image because he's worried his election -- his ability to be re-elected will be tied to what some see and i will say many see as his failures when it comes to coronavirus and this idea of absolute power he was talking about is to me the complete opposite of what the republican party stands for, that's the party that's usually of small government in the tenth amendment of the constitution still stands, states have rights and the president is not acknowledging that. >> well, you just said it.
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i think for people who follow the news, we've seen them play fast and loose, but it is striking to hear you say this was the most overt use of the briefing in that manner and emphasize for viewers trying to keep up with all of this the president has every right to go out in other forums and make his case. everyone is well aware of how he uses campaign rallies or twitter or all kinds of interviews which he can do or on social media. he has more options than any president in american history by the technological era we're in. what you're pointing out does dovetail with something the senator brought up, senator m murphy, this is a taxpayer funded space and many would argue even more seriously, this was a briefing that has been offered daily by the coronavirus task force to provide medical information. you're pointing out this creates an even bigger challenge for journalists like us who want to
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cover him fairly and get the medical information out when videos are distributed that that that video could have been put out by the campaign and would have looked like one of the youtube videos they put out. >> it would have -- i can't imagine that campaign isn't looking at this video saying this is what we should put out from our own campaign. i think what we saw today was really just a remarkable moment of the president being openly candid about the fact that he's using the briefings as way to talk about his own re-election campaign, to push back against people he feels threatened by. he's clearly threatened by the dogged reporting of the "new york times" and nbc and other networks and other newspapers showing all of america that he had -- he made big mistakes when it came to the coronavirus. that doesn't mean that president is not making -- is completely messed up everything and like this is not something i'm trying to underscore that president is a complete failure but what we see is there were failures on
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the part of president trump and he's not admitting that and using the white house briefing to make the complete opposite remark. he was cherrypicking a lot of the information that he was sharing, which is what made it a campaign style individual. >> really important points here again to give context so viewers can make up their minds. thank you so much. dr. pa tell and dr. davidson, appreciate the medical expertise. knicks christoff has been doing some important reporting we want to bring you. this is something very, very significant, looking at this crisis from inside bronx hospitals. >> i spent 12 hours by his bedside with all my ppe on. he would grab my hand and i kept telling him everything is going to be okay and we're doing the best we could. i could see the fear had in his eyes and it was heartbreaking because this is still so new to us. we're doing what we can and we
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>> welcome back to our special coverage. for all of the reporting and discussion about how this pricrs a playing out, not many people see what's going on deep inside hospitals that are dealing with coronavirus hot zones unless you have the unfortunate situation of being in there as a patient or perhaps a health care worker but two "new york times" journalist got extra access to
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the city's hospitals to show everyone what is going on and what it looks like. have a look. >> the red phone rings constantly signaling the arrival of another patient, so many there is a traffic jam of stretchers leading to a small army of doctors and nurses. they are about to attempt a last desperate step, an inftu bag in >> this spews virus into the air leaving staff at enormous risk as they try to save the patients life. >> someone code, someone dies, you go to the next patient. you don't have time to process the emotions before you get home. >> that's an excerpt from the work of nick kristoff. what did you see in there that
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you want people to know about? >> well, you know, whatever the president says, hospitals are overwhelmed. i saw traffic jams of stretchers trying to enter the emergency department and i was really struck by the emergency department workers, the doctors, the nurses, the technicians, the respiratory they are perapists, cleaners. they were scared but they are showing incredible courage and compassion. i spoke to one doctor, a resident physician who was going around and trying to save patients' lives and infew baiting them and treating them and then she goes home at night and cries. because it's not what she had ever expected when he signed up to be a doctor. they don't really have great
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tools. ventilators don't always work. they respond with the hand holding got to me. they go out of their way to hold patients' hands and an expression of compassion and empathy and dignity that i found really moving. >> let's take a listen to a bronx hospital doctor discussing the risk posed to everyone in these conditions. >> i would say in the intensive care unit, the second patient who came in and tested positive was a 27-year-old. i'm 29 right now. i'm just as healthy as this patient. it often times feels like a roll of the dice. >> we see the grim statistics. we cover them. people heard them. there is of course evidence for why this is a greater risk to the elderly, and yet, your video here, your reporting, what you saw in there reminds everyone
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how many young people still can be at risk. explain. >> yeah. that's right. look, most of the people in the few hospitals that i visited were indeed in their 70s, 80s and in some cases 60s. in some cases 90s. there were also some younger patients. less common but they were there in their 30s, 40s and occasionally in their 20s. much of the time they had co-morbiditie co-morbidities, obese, asthma, diabetes. not in every case. one of the young doctors was, in fact, he was himself, he got covid and he was in the icu himself. he just got out on thursday. so the doctors are naturally deeply concerned. nobody really knows what protections are necessary and yet, they go out and do their utmost to protect the rest of us and their plea to all of us is,
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you know, be careful. don't just think you're invincible. follow social distancing. and that helps keep them alive and also keeps the doctors alive, too. >> amen to that. i'll ask you one of the tricky questions that people in our business ask but you're a pro, so i'm sure you've asked it of others. what did you see up close that is different from the portrait we may all get from reading and from watching on television at a far? >> what i think is a hard to understand until you see it right there is the fear and the loneliness. everyone in that ward had covid, absolutely everybody. not one of them is a lowed to bring a family member or loved one with them. so they are there, you know, stretcher to stretcher to stretcher wearing masks but
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feeling completely alone. they're terrified. they're not sure if they will see loved ones again and that sense of loneliness, you know, even when they look at the nurses and doctors who were doing their best to help them, they often can't even see the doctors' eyes because they're wearing these tented ski masks for protection and that sense of loneliness and fear as their struggling for a breath as they don't know if they will leave alive and see the body bags removed. it's hard to see if you don't see it and it scared me. >> just today in reporting on this, i spoke to two young kids whose father died last week as a nurse, and they were recounting how you don't get to go to even a normal funeral. you don't get to do that. i mean, it's bad enough you lose
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a parent, it's unthinkable and you don't even get, what you're talking about, a form of connection through the hardship. >> that's right. i mean, you know, what -- we talk a lot about ventilators but, you know, the secret -- what's hard to talk about is that most of the time ventilators don't work. in new york city, it seems that 70 to 80% of the time a patient is put on a ventilator ends up dying and so when a patient is in oxygen distress, there's a rush to get them intubated on a ventilator, then the doctors, nurses know this may be their last chance to speak. that tube goes through their vocal cords, they may not have another chance and they will be sedated so they try to connect them with a phone or ipad to face time their loved ones, to let everybody say, you know, i love you and yet, i saw an infew
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base there wasn't time. they were fighting to save this woman's life and there wasn't time to make that kind of a call and much of the time there isn't and this saves people's lives but not often enough. >> yeah, it's really sad. you're bearing witness to it which hopefully means something to some of the people involved. appreciate the reporting you're doing and joining us. we're over on time but i'll tell everyone watching, keep it here. "all in" with chris hayes starts right now. good evening from new york. i'm chris hayes. they knew, they knew and they were warned. they knew and they knew and they knew and they were warned and they were warned and they were warned and they did next to nothing. there is a mountain growing by the day of investigative reporting how much the trump administration knew about the threat posed by the coronavirus, the extent


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