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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  April 18, 2020 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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first up here on msnbc, how soon is too soon to start reopening the country? this morning where the battle lines are being drawn. >> some point in the not too distant future we're going to have our country back. >> testing is a part, an important part of a multi-faceted way that we are going to control and ultimately end this outbreak. >> it's up to the governors. it's up to the states. well, then provide the funding. also, new concerns about the food supply after the virus spreads at several meat packing plants. what to make of an experimental
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treatment some are calling a break through. thousands of family lining up for a food giveaway. the question about whether donations can keep up. a very good morning to all of you. it is saturday, april 18th. good morning, everyone. i'm alex witt. and this morning there are more than 700,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus across this country. at least 36,000 people have died. here's the very latest this morning. a growing push by the white house to start reopening the economy. vice president mike pence said states have enough tests to start reopening under phase one of the white house guidelines as the administration faces pressure to ramp up testing. >> we believe today that we have the capacity in the united states to do a sufficient amount of testing for states to move into phase one at the time and
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manner they deem to be appropriate. >> new predictions from a forecasting model shows at least four states, hawaii, montana, vermont, west virginia, may be able to start loosening social distancing regulations as early as may 4th. while several other states will probably a need to wait until june or july. meanwhile, some states are already starting to ease restrictions. popular beaches like neptune beach, atlantic beach and jacksonville beach reopened yesterday. the mayors said they are open for exercise purposes only, not for tanning or gathering in large groups. protesters in several cities across the country are pushing for app end to stay-at-home orders. all of this comes after controversial tweets by the president calling to liberate certain states like minnesota where protesters rallied against the safety measures recommended by the administration.
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so let's begin here in new york where the total number of cases is approaching 230,000 now. more than 16,000 possible deaths and an average 2,006 people are showing up every day at the hospitals. the official count has not always included the high number of deaths at nursing homes. more than 3,300 with counties near new york city being hit the hardest. cori coffin is meaning me from a understanding home outside queens. with a good morning to you. governor cuomo is also feeling the pressure from the president to reopen new york city. >> reporter: alex, good morning to you. and he says that's the number one question he gets on a daily basis, when can new york reopen. a very public tiff that i will get into in just a moment. but all of this coming as governor cuomo also has to deal with the reported surge in cases
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in nursing homes, including not only cases and deaths as well. here at sapphire nursing home, a reported 29 deaths. but employees who work hearsay that number is likely closer to 60. they are concerned the nursing home isn't properly reporteding the cases. nbc news tracked some doubling of cases and deaths for covid-19 across the nation at nursing homes in the past week alone. it also includes a case in new jersey where police found 17 bodies in a makeshift morgue after an anonymous tip there. new jersey's attorney general is investigating now. governor cuomo in new york issuing an executive order requiring that nursing homes report covid-19 cases and deaths to loved ones and to state authorities within 24 hours. governor cuomo issued an executive order last week requiring a ramp up in testing and roll out for more testing as a requirement for reopening the state. of course he's getting pressure
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from the president to do some of those reopening procedures and testing as quickly as possible. but in a very public back and forth we have seen this week, the governor is responding from tweets from the president where the president accused him for not being grateful for the federal aid he had received so far. listen in. >> first of all, if he's sitting home watching tv, maybe he should get up and go to work. i have said a number of times. i don't know what am i supposed to do, send a bouquet of flowers. i said thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. now, going forward, we're still in the midst of it. the president doesn't want to help on testing. he said 11 times -- he wants to say, well, i did enough. yeah, none of us have done enough. we haven't. because it's not over. >> reporter: it is not over yet.
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governor cuomo drawing the president's ire for seeking out more federal assistance when it comes to testing. the president said i gave you everything that you could possibly want and more when it comes to ppe, when it comes to hospital beds, and you didn't use it. governor quo me then said that was based on federal projections, mr. president. as we know, the president has said he will leave it up to states for reopening. and that timeline in new york and regionally looks like it will be have he very earliest may 15. thanks so much. in pennsylvania, several meat packing plants are planning to reopen after 100 workers tested positive for coronavirus. mara barrett is in one of those plants. what's the latest there? >> reporter: good morning, alex. jbs beef plans to reopen monday after being closed three weeks. 17 people here tested positive.
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one of their workers unfortunately passed away. in the past couple of weeks the state issued new guidance for worker safety as people in plants like this are handling food that then go to mass grocery stores for consumers across the state. they are requiring that workers get handed out masks and maintain social distancing even in tight corners. along assembly lines it's not easy to maintain social distancing. they tell us they are installing plexiglass dividers on the assembly lines and in break rooms. i talked to a union rep who toured the facility. he called the protocol good but not great. he is waiting to see what that execution looks like once they get reopened on monday. but like other governors across the state. pennsylvania's governor tom wolf is facing pressure to reopen more businesses across the state. plants like this are considered essential businesses because they are processing food. but pennsylvania has seen some of the highest rates of unemployment since nonlife
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sustaining businesses closed mid-march. the governor gave a speech yesterday on what he will look at and standards when he thinks about reopening the state's economy. take a listen. >> never have we had a forced stop of our economy and our workforce. pennsylvania's businesses are in an unprecedented position. many shuttered across the state to protect against the spread of the deadly coronavirus. but moving to reopen large swaths of our economy now or reducing our flexibility to respond is only going to prolong this crisis. >> reporter: pennsylvania is the fifth highest most effective state when it comes to coronavirus. and the cases are still ticking up. so the governor says we're not in a place of considering reopening just yet. we will lay out a further timeline next week he tells us. but of course one of the standards he outlined yesterday is the state is going to need
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adequate protective equipment and testing before he can consider that reopening in that regional manner. of course we will see a national shortage on both fronts >> thank you so much from pennsylvania on a rainy saturday. let's go to the medical concerns about roping. dr. me is dr. holly fellowships, internist in new york city, and dr. gar sa of ssm health and head of the st. louis metropolitan task force. welcome to you both. dr. phillips, you first here. what do you think needs to happen before we start to reopen the country? what do we need to see? >> i think public health experts as well as front line responders agree we need three things. number one, widespread testing. that means anyone who needs a test and has symptoms can get it. anyone who wants to safely go back to work or school can get it. and surveillance so we can get
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ahead of outbreaks before they happen. the second thing is contact tracing. it will take a huge ramp up in public health infrastructure to find anyone who may have been exposed in the event of a cluster or outbreak. last thing, we really need our health care system to be restabilized. right now all resources, both human resources and material resources are really going into treating covid-19 as well. they should be p. but before we can really safely open up our communities, we really need our hospitals to be able to respond to routine, you know, matters that keep us healthy. >> yeah. >> heart disease. diabetes. all of these things. >> dr. phillips, we have lost dr. garza. i will stay with you and hope to bring him back. let's listen to dr. fauci at last night's task force briefing >> given what i have just said and what i think you are going to hear, what we need in the first phase, if these things are
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done correctly, there will be enough tests to louse us to take the country safely through phase one. >> our top three things. number one is testing. how far away are we in the country overall to be able to have the testing capacity we need to get back to normal? . >> well, you know, i think some of these things are nuanced. i think it is very fair to say our capacity to interpret tests has improved dramatically, right? in many places we have labs that are available to interpret a huge number of tests daily. but there are still gaps. hospitals, front line health workers saying, sure, the labs can interpret tests but we are missing critical supplies. we don't have the swabs to send in the tests, the reagents, the transport mediums. and those are things missing from a supply chain which essentially makes the idea of
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testing essentially impossible. they are controlled in phrarpblg part by the federal government. i think we need to see increased cooperation both between the states and the federal government and we need to listen closely to our health care providers and the people running the testing centers who say we understand capacity has increased. but we're not there yet. >> yeah. so with regard to reopening the states, we are seeing waters being tested in florida. you have texas where parks are scheduled to be opened on monday. what are your thoughts on that and the risks of reopening too soon? >> you know, i understand entirely how anxious everyone is to get back to work and back to normal. unless we do have widespread testing, unless we are able to contact trace and get ahead of any outbreaks, all of the sacrifice we have made the last
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three or four weeks or six weeks in some cases will have been for nothing, right? this virus doesn't respect state lines just because one state has a low number of cases today doesn't mean those things won't change on a daily basis. so i think we really all have to work together. patience is going to be key here. and opening too early can cause much more harm. >> yeah. glad to say we have dr. alexander garza back with us now. you saw at the top of the show video protesting stay-at-home orders, defying safety measures. they don't wear masks or gloves. i was shocked to see that in the protests. what about gatherings in a large group. how dangerous is that still? >> yeah. it is still pretty dangerous. the way to think about it, whatever increases the probability of transmission of the virus are the wrong things to do. so that's why the large
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gatherings, we are not doing sports venues, not playing baseball right now, all of those things. it increases the probability of transmission which increases infection, patients, which increases number of people dying. so it's a very simple math problem. >> okay. dr. garza, may i also ask you, sir, about remdesivir, the prospects of this. the reports of early success. what are your thoughts on that? >> so the early results are promising. there was one study that came out just recently showing very promising results. but you have to take it with a little bit of caution. it's a single study. there's multiple studies going on right now. and it isn't the gold standard, a randomized controlled trial you to take it with just a little bit of caution until you get all of those other tests together, aggregate the data, and then are able to look at it. but the early results are promising. >> okay. we will end on that positive
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promising note. dr. garza, dr. phillips, always good to see you. thank you very much. the growing debate between the trump administration on easing virus restrictions. kelly o'donnell is at the white house for us. we saw it play out quite literally between new york governor cuomo and the president. but let's talk about the main sticking points. >> reporter: lots of tension between the president and governor cuomo. here at the white house, the coronavirus task force is saying when it comes to testing it does not believe that the widespread testing of all americans is actually needed or practical. instead, their plan in this first were phase of the rollout is to target those most likely to be exposed. think of first responders and health care workers and then test when there are pockets of illness. but there is fierce debate, as you have been arguing here with your experts and talking about what some of the situations are. there is a debate should there be broader testing in order to
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get people back to work. one key to reopening the country, unlocking greater access to testing. the president put the burden on governors. >> governors are responsible for testing. and i hope they're going to be able to use this tremendous amount of available capacity that we have. >> reporter: with charts, graphs, and experts the white house argued that the scrambling for coronavirus tests and related supplies raised by governors is being fixed. >> we will have and there will be enough tests to allow us to take this country safely through tpaeu phase one. >> we're going to work with the states. >> reporter: but the president pounded three states with democratic governors for their virus restrictions on twitter friday. liberate, he declared, hitting michigan, minnesota and virginia. >> i think elements on of what they have done are too much. >> reporter: the president praised statehouse protesters, many of whom did not wear masks
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or practice social distancing. >> they seem to be very responsible people to me. they have been treated a little bit rough. . >> reporter: given the scope of financial hardship, the president lashed out at democrats insisting congress must replenish aid for small businesses. . >> nancy pelosi is away on vacation or something. and she should come back. she's not doing her job. >> reporter: the administration announced a new $19 billion relief program to pay farmers and buy their products. >> mass purchases of dairy, meat, and agricultural produce to get that food to the people in need. >> reporter: eager to reboot, the president says he looks forward to some day campaigning again but would prefer rallies without social distancing. >> it is a lot of flavor. i hope we're going to have rallies. i think they're going to be bigger than ever. >> reporter: and today mike pence is traveling to colorado
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and will deliver the commencement address for the air force academy. a return some some of the normal we would see from the white house. we are told it will be a virtual graduation. on monday prbgs the president of the task force planned to test it to governors. on friday in a conference call with senate democrats, there was a lot of heat and fire over this. o one, angus king, said he was so angry because he believes the white house approach to testing is a dereliction of duty. >> thank you so much, kelly. battle lines. the protests over michigan's strict orders to keep things closed. now the president is getting involved. congressman debbie dingell joins me next with her reaction. ke was perfect for you. nice. way more unique fixtures and tiles. pairing. ♪
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welcome back, everyone, to msnbc world headquarters in new york. check out, orlando, florida this
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morning. hazy, humid, 89% there. not too pleasant perhaps. might want to stay indoors. or not. you have been doing a lot of that lately, right? michigan is the state with the fourth highest case count in the country. 30,000 confirmed cases there. more than 2,000 have died there. that's the third highest in the united states. but earlier this week protesters gathered outside the state's capitol rallying against the new guidelines on social distancing. democratic congresswoman debbie dingell. thank you for joining me early on a saturday here. let me get you to what you have said you have done. you spoke with governor whit me. she was nervous how people would react. were you surprised about the protest this decision sparked? >> so i've been through a lot of emotions this week, alex. i haven't talked to the governor since this whole thing happened on a regular basis. she's a good friend.
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there has been a lot of tough decisions and a lot of very heavy, significant responsibility on her. this particular demonstration on wednesday really bothered me. i am now someone who has been inside her house 34 days. yes. that's not what you think of with debbie dingell. i understand the cabin fever a lot of other people are feeling. i understand emotions are high. but i was upset because people weren't wearing masks, they weren't physical distancing. they weren't wearing gloves. we are already living in a state on edge, full of fear and bringing this kind of i call it fear and hatred with the confederate flags and with hitler signs. it just added to the tension of the moment. >> yeah. >> i think it's really important we protect people's freedom of
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speech. the constitution matters. but we also need to make sure we are keeping people from dying. those statistics that you just cited -- i mean, michigan's modelling for what could happen and the number of people could die required strict measures. and i think people maybe don't understand how real the threat is of more people dying. or for us to look like new york and is and continues to be real. >> let me tell you, the folks who clearly don't have a clue about the people who are dying. they are wearing signs without gloves. they are wearing no masks. the irresponsibility of the young woman looking like she is in some sort of drive-through and puts i will not comply on the sign. it's nothing short of irresponsible. but who are these people? they have trump signs, maga hats. some are holding guns. when you talk about these
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protesters, they appear by some to be militia groups. is that possible? is this all politically motivated? what's the motivation here? >> look, i think we do know we know some of the people who have been encouraging this. we have to dial it down on both sides and get the politics out of this right now. because it's not going to help anybody. i don't want anybody else to get sick or to die. and i don't want anything bad to happen. >> congresswoman, how can you say we are going to dial down the politics? when you have the president saying to liberate your state, liberate minnesota, liberate virginia. that's political right there. >> yes, it is. and you know what, i have told people let's not bite. i called a lot of people yesterday afternoon and told them how scared i was and how we
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had to get this dialed down. adding this kind of kerosene to a tinder box is very dangerous. i'm not going to tell you who i called or who i the texted. but i connected with a lot of people on both sides of the aisle. and i said we've got to work together. we've got to pick this down. that's how you have to dial it down. >> what's the reaction from people on both sides of the aisle? are you getting a uniform response? >> fred upton, one of my best friends, immediately joined me in trying to get people to dial down. i think my democratic colleagues understood this was escalating at a very dangerous level. and i spoke to two people, senior people, i'm just going to leave it at that, who have said you are going to see -- hopefully you're going to see a difference in tone. look, leadership right now is trying to deescalate something like this. i understand how frustrated these people are.
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but let's not politicize a time that is already way too raw. it just takes a spark to start an explosion that with this virus already out there could be very, very dangerous >> yeah. as if it's not dangerous enough already. democratic michigan congresswoman debbie dingell. my friend, good to see you. good to see you looking well as well. >> good to see you. meantime, heartbreaking images from food banks around the country. the demand is overwhelming. the new concern, can donations keep up? you can help fight with one world together at home. supporting the world health organization lady gaga, elton john, taylor swift, lizzo. many more. 8:00 p.m. eastern here on msnbc. you're clearly someone who takes care of yourself. so when it comes to screening for colon cancer, don't wait. because when caught early, it's more treatable.
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where did that come from? the kitchen. it was halftime.
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i feel brave. we feel brave. my team is fearful and yet at the same time fearless. we don't know if we may or may not be exposed for the day or what we might bring home to our families. but what we do know is it's our duty to care for these patients and we're their best chance of surviving this. >> bless the nurses. one of the emotional stories from the front lines of the pandemic. the confirmed case count almost 700,000 here in the united states. more than 36,000 have died. the u.s. navy will investigate the "uss theodore roosevelt". they will take nasal swabs to find out how many have been exposed to the virus. 600 crew members tested positive and one member has died. the president of the european commission apologized to italy for the lack of support
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at the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak admitting to one from the eu was there to help italy a few months ago but is now showing solidarity. more than 170,000 confirmed cases. beaches and parks have reopened in parts of northern california. santa cruz county opened this recreational area after a week of being closed. they have basketball courts, skate parks, other sports-related areas remaining closed. citations can still be issued in any public space for gathering in groups oren gauging in other activities that are deemed nonessential. moving to south carolina, dozens of people lined the street in spartanburg to celebrate front line workers. a parade of police cars and fire trucks blaring sirens and honking horns. they clapped to show support. newspapers around the country are reflecting the pressure on states to reopen despite high
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rates of infection and death. the governor is not ready to start raising restrictions they say. on the right, countless hurdles before sporting events can go on even without spectators. city schools will stay shet for the rest of the year. erie times news reports a new spike in the number of cases there. the photo highlights long food lines outside city hall in philadelphia. on the front page of the new york post, a rare site these days. a funeral with paul barriers lined up carrying the casket of an nypd officer of the virus. and stunning imaging playing out nationwide. americans lining up for food bank distributions on a rice of unemployment. morgan chesky outside of dallas food bank. thousands of families. it's just such a burden and so
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emotional to see it. what's going on there, morgan? >> reporter: alex, good morning. you can see the images. it is tough to realize that's how many people are now forced to rely on somebody else for their next meal. just yesterday alone, the north texas food bank fed more than 2,000 families. it's the dawn of a new day here. they are preparing to feed even more people as millions across america face a tragic new normal. >> reporter: the images are staggering. thousands of families lined up for a food giveaway. this one in san antonio. some arriving the night before to secure a spot in line. >> i was, wow, so many people in need. >> reporter: organizers say more than 2,000 families registered. 70% of them first time food bank visitors. >> it's embarrassing. this is the first time i have ever done this. >> reporter: as tens of millions
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of americans find themselves out of work, scenes like this were playing out across the country. in florida, new york, maryland. >> people don't have the money they had a month ago. they need to spread their dollar as far as they can get it to spread. >> reporter: in san antonio, organizers feed 60,000 families in a typical week. now that number has doubled, prompting a new concern, can donations keep up? >> reporter: support is coming from lots of places. i just worry that the support or the supply won't meet this demand. >> reporter: this weekend would have been the start of fiesta, the equivalent of married draw and huge money maker for local businesses, now left fighting to survive. they have opened a restaurant generations famous for food available 24/7. now with employees furloughed, pete's is selling groceries just to stay afloat. . >> i have literally worked here since i was a kid.
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to have to put a chain on the door every night and walk away, it breaks my heart. >> heartbreaking for so many people nationwide. alex, at the north texas food bank alone, they have handed out more than 6 million pounds of food. staggering amount. >> staggering. i have to tell you, it is not embarrassing. there is no shame in needing to feed your family. morgan, thank you. in georgia, hundreds of cars lined up for a food drive at the atlanta motor speedway where families could receive 40 pounds of food. joining me now keisha lance bottoms. good to see you again. and looking so well. we're glad to see that. what are you seeing in your city? talk about the toll this has taken both economically, emotionally and otherwise. >> reporter: well, it's been very stressful, alex. like so many people across the
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country, people in atlanta are anxious. it's an uncertain time. they are concerned about their health and also how they will feed their families. but thankfully, we were able to anticipate some of this as a city. so we put into place a series of executive orders that has allowed us to deliver meals to students, to our public school students and also to our seniors. we have escalated our summer food program that we normally do for kids in summer camp. so we have been able to fill in the gaps. and like the rest of the country, we are waiting over the next couple of weeks just to even see if our stay-at-home orders and some of the other things we have put in place will have an impact. but thankfully, even before the federal government stepped up, we were able to begin processing small business loans through our economic development arm. so we will continue to
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anticipate what the needs are and fill in the gap as best we can. >> when it comes to reopening, early may, is that too soon do you think? i'm thinking about what the president has suggested with his reopening guidelines. >> alex, i received my high school senior invitations in the mail and i'm trashing them. i don't have any expectation of anything will change by the first of may. and i think for us to rush to change by the first of may would be irresponsible. as much as all of us would like to get back to semblance of normally, we can't do it now. we don't know what our rates are in georgia. we have over 17,000 people who have tested positive. and we're not testing people with mild symptoms and people who are asymptomatic.
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>> it's been said state officials want to start testing anybody with symptoms. but do you have the tests to do that? >> no, we don't. our governors office has been working with us to stand up additional test sites. but we just don't have the capabilities yet. we don't have the testing machines. we don't have the test kits in place yet. i know when we get them in we will get additional testing but we aren't there yet >> how about the virus showing it disproportionately affected people of color. is that the case in atlanta as well? >> it absolutely is the case. and i knew that before the data even showed it. the reason being, when our test numbers were still at 1,000, i knew 10 to 15 people who were positive at that time. and i thought that was an extraordinary amount of people for me to know personally. then i realized it is hitting
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the african-american community and the science has now confirmed that. there are so many people in our community who are sick and have these underlying conditions. i have four children in my household who are asthmatic. we know that is an underlying condition. we have some of the highest asthma rates in the country. there is a nursing home, a senior care home just down the street from me. not even two miles away. nearly 80% of the people in that facility have tested positive and many have died. >> yeah. that's got to be frightening. atlanta mayor leash that lance womans take care of yourself and your city. a tall order. look forward to seeing you again. coming up on msnbc, we've got an interview with another biden supporter. we know that keisha lance bottomsis one. senator elizabeth warren on "am joy" with joy reid. back to nature.
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there are some unintended consequences of stay-at-home orders in the nation and the world. not all are bad. let's go to anne thompson who is joining me now to talk about what the world looks like just days before we celebrate earth day. let's talk about the coronavirus and what it has done to pollution levels, ann. because there is good news to
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report. >> reporter: yeah, i do, alex. it really is one of those unintended consequences. even with this mask on. here in new york city, you can tell the air is cleaner. it certainly is clearer. and that is just one of those benefits from the shutdown. it's a different kind of spring awake epping in california's yosemite national park. black bears, bobcats and coyotes with the place to themselves. >> for the most part, i think they're having a party. >> lions reclaim the road. from the great outdoors to the world's great cities, the shutdown illustrating our impact on the planet. >> now we have seen pretty dramatic improvements in things like air quality around the world. >> reporter: marshall burk teaches earth science at stanford university. >> is this a realtime experiment
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on our impact on the environment? >> reporter: it is a realtime experiment. i don't think it's an experiment we wanted to run. this is not the way typically in that environment. >> with fewer cars, trains and factories, the change is stunning. venice's famous canals now clear. wuhan, china, according to nasa, air quality improved 30%, almost 50% to milan italy. skies clearer in l.a. himilayas, finally visible. improvements coming at a horrific economic cost. >> clearly we're going to be in a spiral here if we don't find a way soon to reopen the economy. . >> the environmental benefits may not last if we return to business as usual, especially now with the trump administration's roll back of pollution controls. but there is a way to have a strong economy and a cleaner environment. >> as we go forward, maybe we'll
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see more people only commute to go work four days a week instead of five. maybe we'll see people not flying as often to conferences and instead they are relying more on video conference. >> adapting to protect yourselves and the planet. now, you may be wondering about what's happening with carbon dioxide emissions, they fuel climate change. they're dropping as well. sit estimated they are dropping 4%. but that is not enough to stop the trajectory that we're on to a warming planet. alex? >> i have to tell you, though, i feel like applauding you. really good news in these dark days. thank you. the president and the protesters, how his tweets are encouraging a backlash against state leaders. as demonstrators push the economy to get back up and running asap. when you shop with wayfair, you spend less and get way more. so you can bring your vision to life
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behind the president is eager to get the economy back up and running. they claim keeping businesses shutdown would do more harm to the nation and the coronavirus itself. joining me now is morgan chalfont. morgan, the gop is touting a quick reopening. is this an appeal to the president and financially strapped constituents or what americans really want right now? >> i think, you know, we have seen republican elected officials more likely to ee echf the message from the president. he has touted a quick opening and some states could get back to work may 1st or loosen restrictions. we are not seeing this is a sign to happen quickly. ea even for areas to open quickly. governor greg abbott loosening restrictions yesterday.
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schools will be closed for the rest of the year. it is a grat wadual process. they are trying to encourage the need to get back. it doesn't seem that will happen quickly. >> you have a president who appears to push all of the governors to lift the stay at home orders. the presideresident later defen those, morgan. >> you talk about the states. michigan, minnesota, virginia. do you think they should lift the stay-at-home orders. >> i see where they are. i see where they are working. they seem to be responsible people to me. you know, they have been treated a little bit rough. >> he may think they are responsible because they are wearing maga hats and pro-trump
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signage. is this political? >> as you mentioned, some of the supporters appear to be trump supporters wearing clothing supportive of the president. i think where this could be a problem for trump is this is encouraging the protests. especially in republican areas. it could put him in conflict with republican governors. a number of governors issued orders yesterday are democrats. it could be an issue if this encourages widespread protests where we see stay-at-home orders. >> morgan, i'm sorry for the brevity of the conversation. see you later. that is a wrap for this hour. i'm alex witt. thank you for watching and we'll see you at noon. i'll talk to the governor of connecticut about the timeline for reopening.
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