tv MSNBC Live MSNBC April 19, 2020 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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hello, everyone. tsz been one month since california became the first state in the nation to impose strict stay at home orders. coronavirus continues to claim hundreds of lives every day. there are growing protests against the orders across the country. coming up this hour, the mayor of austin, texas, joins me to talk about the demonstrations in his city.
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plus, florida congresswoman will talk to us about a potential breakthrough in the next round of stimulus negotiations and what she hopes is in the bill. >> they defund the world health organization due to claims it wasn't transparent. we've just learned today experts from the u.s. were working at the who and sent the trump administration notifications on the coronavirus as early as december. u.s. and international officials told "the washington post" more than a dozen u.s. researchers, physicians and public health experts were working full time at the geneva headquarters of the w.h.o. as the coronavirus emerged late last year. they discovered it to the trump administration. this matters because trum thp week announced he's freezing funds to the who in the middle of a pandemic. claiming it failed to communicate the extent of the threat in a timely fashion. let's bring in dr. sarah lyn mark, former senior medical
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policy adviser at the white house, h.h.s. and nasa and erin hanes, editor at large on "the 19th." and katherine lucy, white house reporter for the wall street journal. dr. mark, i want to start with you. what is your reaction to that new reporting about the who trans mitting information about coronavirus to the trump administration as early as december? >> i'm actually not surprised. we've always had government officials at the who and they're often frequent communicate ok's. that's what you do with the information. i think the other thing we have to keep in mind is that as public health officials come in, we knew we had something very serious. p tens of millions of people were quarantined. new hospitals were being built very quickly. health professionals were ordering ppe. the signals were there. >> erin, we know why the
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president blames who because it gives him someone to blame. it means then doesn't have to take responsibility. but what does that mean as we look forward, as america continues to grapple with coronavirus with, the response to coronavirus? where does it leave the country if the president is pointing fingers at the w.h.o., threatening to defund the organization? >> i think what we're seeing is really an attempt by this administration to try to discourage any kind of examination of missteps and real time. it's unclear if the administration is willing to reckon with any responsibility that they might have for their response to this pandemic. you know, to your point, in "the washington post" story, it did mention that there were other world leaders that were expressing support for the w.h.o. even as, you know, the administration tried to focus on touting its successes or what it sees as successes, for example,
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shutting down travel to china early on while really trying to assign fault to countries like china and organizations like the w.h.o. but, you know, i think what we know is that americans are scared. they're frustrated. they're very anxious. and, you know, when we see issues like the racial disparities on full display with this inequality that's been exacerbated by the crisis, americans are really focused on the facts than the theatrics of this pandemic. and that is really what they are wanting to hear and anything else they're really viewing as a distraction and really wondering what, you know, grievances or attempts to focus on other things, what the news value is of those kind of conversations. >> dr. marks, i think erin has it right. i want to hear from you as a health expert and health professional, someone that worked in a presidential
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administration. how much does it hobble the response moving forward if there's not a good working relationship with the w.h.o.? >> you need the w.h.o. w.h.o. is an organizing body. it connects with all the countries around the globe. they do not do the surveillance. they're dependent on the various countries to do that. you have to have an organized body. one thing we have to keep in mind is this is an evolving situation. we're dealing with a novel virus. what we know right now may change two hours from now. so the question you have to ask is information being withheld in nefarious means or is it because just don't know? you base a lot of policies and decision onz what you experienced and gone through. so, for example, when you look at sars, the early 2000 influenza, you have to ask yourself, what is the information we got from china during that time and that helps to guide you with the information that you expect to get from them going forward. we need to have full transparency from all countries
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and we need to support in my view the who. you often do that when dealing with a very difficult situation with a patient. either the patient is not doing well or the patient has died. and it allows clinicians to understand what has happened so that mistakes are not made again. and you learn from the important lessons. >> katherine, america needs double the levels of testing we're seeing if we want to reopen the economy. given that that is the truth, the facts that we're hearing from medical experts, why is there any conversation happening about reopening the american economy? >> certainly there is a lot of that concern about testing and about how not much testing needs to happen. we heard the vice president
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talking about this this morning expressing confidence that testing would increase. the president, as we know, has been very eager to find ways to start getting things back. he has been concerned about the impact this had on the economy which he saw previously as his re-election argument, the way he was going to pitch himself for a second term. so he really has. i meanwhile saying that he would lead the states he hasn't been interested in finding ways in some parts of the states depending on the circumstances, finding ways for places to try and come back. and some of what the white house is trying to do is trying to thread the needle there, look at what locations have a lower level of cases, what kind of thing you have available. so certainly they are hearing very strong push back from governors across the board. the governors have been raising themselves publicly saying they need more of the resources. and that's something that as you think about the president
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casting blame on the world health organization, on china, on other outlets, that is one of the issues here is he is himself keeping a lot of incoming the resources, medical supplies, and his own administration response. >> i want you to pick up where katherine just left off, right? we have been hearing a lot of pushback from governors. we've even been hearing pushback from wall street as you reopen too soon there is going to be significant economic damage. what is the president hearing from congressional republicans? >> well, i think, you know, the economic and public health -- they're tied together. and i think, you know, you have seen the president kind of going back and forth between saying that he had the ultimate authority to decide about reopening to really kind of
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shifting to saying that the governors would be the ones to really make that call. but then also getting on social media and saying things like liberate minnesota, liberate virginia. you know, liberate these states that have democratic leadership and we're seeing, you know, protests if folks in those states who are supporting the president's message in that regard. so i think what congressional republicans are concerned about is the president and the party taking responsibility should too early of a reopening really kind of restart this pandemic and undo a lot of the progress that the country has made and flattening the curve and getting us to a point where we can reopen safely. >> dr. mark, these are very often presented as competing interests, right?
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there is a health crisis, economic crisis without acknowledgement to the fact that these crisis are happening in tandem. walk us through what happens, what the cost is if the economy reopens too soon, if all of the measures are lifted and people are just out there going back to the way things were. >> it's a really good question. health decision are often made against a backdrop of political and psycho social environments. so when our tool kit right now, we have social distancing mitigation. the dwoent have a cure. we don't have as we know it the moment very, very effective therapeutics. we were basically doing a very large experiment to see if social distancing would work on this very large scale. unfortunately, it seems to be doing that. what we need to consider going forward is that the best offense is defense. and what do i mean by that? we need to ensure we have surveillance which is testing, tracing, being able to
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quarantine and isolate folks as well as having infrastructure. we know people are going to be infected. the we need to be able to care for them. what we have done basically over the last month is bought ourselves some time. now with that said, i know the basic credo for all americans is life, liberty and the pursuit of has beeniness. sometimes we have to modify a bit of our liberties so that we can live and so that we can pursue happiness. i think until we have met the criteria of instra structufrast across the states, we have to be careful n regard to opening, it will be rolling. it will probably be regional and it may be a revolving door where people come out, they go about their lives but as we seat numbers climb, people may need to come back in and have effective social distancing. >> all right. dr. mark, erin and karntherine, thank you. the mayor of austin, texas will be here and we'll talk about the demonstrations in his city. he'll tell us what needs to
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happen before austin will be open for business again. and there is new polling out in the race for the white house. see who voters think will handle a crisis better, president trump or joe biden. here's the thing about managing multiple clouds for your business. when you've got public clouds, and private clouds, and hybrid clouds- things can get a bit cloudy for you. but now, there's the dell technologies cloud, powered by vmware. a single hub for a consistent operating experience across all your clouds. that should clear things up. ♪ ♪ ♪
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president trump is leaving it up to govern dwrorz decide when to reopen the states, new polling from nbc news and "the wall street journal" found that nearly 0 nearly 60% of registered voters are worried about more coronavirus spreading and deaths. 32% are worried if the country takes too long to loosen restrictions, it will harm the economy. meantime, protests erupted across the country calling for states to loosen the stay at home restrictions including a rally in austin, texas. it was promoted by a far right website. for texas, plans to reopen the state start as this week. but will happen in phases according to governor greg
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abbott. >> we must put health and safety first. we must prioritize protecting our most vulnerable populations. we will be getting input from medical professionals as well as business and community leaders to determine the safe and sure way to reopen business in texas without spurring the spread of the coronavirus. >> state parks reopen starting tomorrow. surgery restrictions will be loosened starting late tuesday. and retail stores can provide curb side pickup starting friday. joining me now is the mayor of austin, steve adler. thank you for joining us. first, i'd love to get your reaction to the governor choosing to begin opening the texas economy in phases. >> you know, there are a lot of people that are hurting. so everybody wants the economy to be opened up. i was encouraged he said that the first criteria is public
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health. i was encouraged that he said he was going to be governored by the science and the data. the governor is saying all the right things. we'll hoed him to that as we see what it is as it develops. >> so what is the difference between saying the right thing and doing the right thing? what is it you will be looking and watching for? >> huge difference between saying the right thing and doing the right thing. we have to define the virus, isolate it and then treat it. that's what the shelter in home policies were all about. that does not change as we go forward. that will not change all the way to getting a vaccine. so when we're taking a look at how it is that you might slowly gradual in steps reopen the economy, the emphasis still has to be on doing everything that's necessary to find the virus
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which means we have to do thousands more tests than we're doing now every week. when we talk about isolating the virus, we need to make sure that somebody is out that is anywhere, if there was somebody that is found to be positive, with he can get back to everyone that was around that person. so that we can contact trace so we can continue to isolate the virus. we can build a cocoon around our most vulnerable. then treat it. finding it, isolating it, treating it do not change. so anything that we do to reopen business is going to have to demonstrate how it helps with those three things. >> there were protest this is weekend in your city. what is your message to those who turned out to protest. >> any large gatherings like that is a concern to the health
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of the people that were there but the community generally. i mean can you be asymptomatic with this virus and pass it to other people. so people gathering in situations like that are being selfish, i think. i hope the virus was not there. but to those people i'll say that we do want to turn back. we want to adapt our economy to a new normal. it's going to be a while before the economy really gets a chance to open up. we're going to do it in a measured way that's guided by science. but i think that any group gathering for any reason right now like that demonstration is really an unfortunate thing. there are better ways right now to express your first amendment rights. >> when you talk about plans moving forward and how much of that is tethered to available testing, what is the available testing like no you in your city? >> well, up to this point, we
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haven't had enough testing. we've been competing with the states and jurisdictions. and now there are more supplies coming on the market. we have contracts over the next couple weeks that will bring 20,000 tests into our city. we have changed the way we're going to be doing tests and now we have an outward facing way for anyone in our community to go and sign up for a test, go through and assess the process. so the number of test weerz having is catching up. we need tests that not only a lot of tests and we need the results back quickly so that information we get is really actionable. and any conversation that talks about adapting our businesses to be able to reopen has to be built around testing capability, contact tracing, wherever people might be gathering in that scenario and then isolating the
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people with the virus. >> for you as a local leader, as someone who has a community that is both dealing with this health crisis and also dealing with the economic fallout that has accompanied this health crisis, how does it complicate your plans, your messaging to your constituents to have federal leaders who are trying to say that these are in fact competing interests? >> the message coming out of washington nationally has been difficult for us this entire process all the way back to the beginning when the crisis was being minimized. and we stepped out and we shut down south by southwest here. that was a horribly painful decision to make given the impact on the economy. we did it at a time when our national leaders were suggesting that actions like that were partisan and political, nothing could be further from the truth. i think now pretty much most
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everybody in this community looks back and realizes we did the right thing then. but that messaging coming out of washington, the messaging that suggests that everybody should go back to churches for easter, the messaging that this will be over quickly, that we're going to be able to return to the same kind of economic activity in the same ways that we had before any time soon is misleading. it's no the right. and it sets us up for more difficult period where we're trying to educate our community with the truth and the facts and the science. >> all right. mayor adler, thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. now to south dakota where the situation at the smithfield foods meat processing and more than 600 employees at their sioux falls facility tested positive for covid-19. joining me now is a reporter for
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the august leader, the paper that first broke this story. tell me what are you hearing from those that work at the plant? >> so what i'm hearing right no you is people are kbernd their jobs after this shutdown. they are happy there's a two week shutdown at least to make sure that the facility gets cleaned and that people who have suspected illness can make sure they're treated. but people are waiting to see what's going to happen next. >> of course. your paper reached out to smithfield foods in regards to a possible reopening. this was their response. we recognize the critical and essential nature of our work at the facility for the local community. for farmers and for the entire food system. smithfield will resume operations in sioux falls once further direction is received from local, state, and federal officials. what have you heard about what a reopening will look like?
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>> right now we're waiting for the cdc to give their own report. they were in sioux falls last thursday. they toured the facility. and they are going to give recommendations. our governor said that she will consider reopening the facility based on those recommendations. so we're waiting to hear back on that as well. part of the issue with smithfield foods -- sorry? >> go ahead. >> part of the issue with smithfield foods was that none of the social distancing was being adhered to. it's a close proximity plant where on the assembly line you're within three feet, one feet of other people working on the product, on the hogs. you're also stuck together in the lunch rooms or the locker rooms, shoulder to shoulder. so a lot of what it did is it's just people being in close proximity to each other and it
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was difficult to have any precautions there for the workers who are concerned about their safety. >> i think part of the reason this story attracted so much attention is that more than 55% of cases of covid-19 in south dakota have been connected to employees at smithfield including one death. has the facility taken any responsibility? >> smithfield put a press release out saying that they were closing based on recommendations from state and local officials. but in the press release they didn't mention of the workers or the conditions that workers cited or accused them of. and they haven't responded much to those. so i haven't heard much responsibility being taken for
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that. >> okay. mckenzie, thank you so much for that reporting from south dakota. we appreciate you. nc up next, congress may be close to a deal on the next relief bill. i'll talk to a member about congress who should be getting access to that cash. i'm alphonso, and there's more to me than hiv. there's my career,... my cause,... my choir. i'm a work in progress. so much goes... into who i am. hiv medicine is one part of it. prescription dovato is for adults who are starting hiv-1 treatment and who aren't resistant to either of the medicines dolutegravir or lamivudine. dovato has 2... medicines in... 1 pill to help you reach and then stay undetectable. so your hiv can be controlled with fewer medicines... while taking dovato. you can take dovato anytime of day,... with food... or without. don't take dovato if you're allergic to any of its... ingredients or if you take dofetilide. if you have hepatitis b, it can change during treatment with dovato and become harder to treat. your hepatitis b may get worse or become life-threatening... if you stop taking dovato. so do not stop dovato...
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a potential breakthrough in negotiations to add more money to the small business paycheck protection program. >> i think we're on a very good path. first of all, i support the c.a.r.e.s. act. we were pleased to turn it from a corporate trickle down bill to a worker's first bubble up and support the ppp. so as they have committed the money that is there, we want to add more. >> i think we're making a lot of progress, i had multiple conversations all weekend with the leadership about the senate and the house. i spoke with chuck schumer this
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morning. he's on after. only small business owners that happen to get the complication in at the earliest possible moment were likely to get funded. debbie, it's great to see you. i'd love to get your reaction to this latest news that we might be close to a new deal. >> i want to take a moment to say we're working relentlessly in the past week to reach an agreement, a bipartisan agreement to provide additional funding through this emergency aid relief package. no you what happened is we had
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passed the cares act and $350 billion for small businesses which included that paycheck protection program. those funds ran out fairly quickly because it went mostly to those businesses that have long term relationships with the financial institutions. minority owned businesses, farmers, fishermen, they were not able to access those funds. that's why all this past week we've been in negotiations and i'm pleased to say that i think we're going to reach a bipartisan agreement that will include additional funds for small minority owned businesses and veteran owned businesses but also to hospitals. hospitals are really facing dire straits. >> in addition to what you're talking about the relationship between some companies and the banking institutions, there is reporting from stephanie rule that the rules for qualifying for the loans were so loose that program was opened up to many businesses and people who weren't the intended recipients
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including wealthy folks who were able to form llcs. how do you then write these provisions about the make sure the money is getting into the hands of the people it is intended for. there is community development banks and the areas so that they can actually provide the funds to the minority owned businesses and veteran owned businesses. they want us to send an additional $250 billion and it would have gotten us to the same place we are right now. the funds would have run out very quickly. so we have been advocated for the very small mom and pop shops that we have especially here in south florida.
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i'm sure you have seen that footage. what is your reaction to the governor choosing to reopen the state. he knows no borders. i don't understand what this governor is thinking. he's already been ranked 50th in how he's handled the pandemic. he continues to make these decisions putting our lives at risk. before we can have a plan to reopen in beaches, we need to have science based approach which we have been working on in congress. we need to ensure that we're past the peak that we have enough equipment for a hospital workers and we can have a rate of infection that is below 1. we're not near that yet.
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or pay bills from here. so when someone asks you, "where's your bank?" you can tell them: here's my bank. or here's my bank. or, here's my bank. because if you download and use the chase mobile app, your bank is virtually any place. visit new polling out this morning gives us window into how the coronavirus will play into the
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2020 election. 44% approve of president trump's handling of the pandemic and the ma jord, 52% disapprove. when it comes to trusting trump's word on coronavirus, 36% say they generally trust him while 52% say they do not. 42% are not aware of the statements and have no opinion. i would like to bring in our msnbc political analyst and director of progressive programming at sirius/xm, also with me, an msnbc contributor and vice news correspondent. i know you have both looked at this poll. what jumps out to you? >> i think what jumps out is the fact that there is work for joe bide tone d biden to do. no presidential contender has ever had to campaign in this set of circumstances. so that means that joe biden has
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unorthodox opportunities to go more digital. he is already starting to do that with digital town halls, virtual fundraisers. but he needs to do more of that where he is speaking directly to the constituents that he needs that are being most hurt by this current crisis. but also, in turn he needs to understand out in november. we were there in 2016. one thing we need to focus on is how to get black and brown turnout in the worst of circumstances. i don't mean just in the pandemic. we'll be hopefully, god willing, coming out of the worst of this. i don't know what is going to happen though. we'll listen to the scientists only on that. but he's going to have to figure out how to make people feel safe to go to the ballot box. but he is also going to have to give them reason to go. so i mean i liken it to. what you're doing to get a black person to leave the house and go vote and stand in the rain for an hour to vote for you.
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>> he failed tookt. so now trump and allies are launching negative attacks against joe biden to hide the truth. here are the facts. the trump had left us unprepared for a pandemic. then biden told trump he should insist on having american health experts on the ground in china. donald trump left this country unprepared and unprotected for the worst public health and economic crisis in our lifetime. and now we're paying the price. all the neg-aative ads in the world can't change the truth. >> you have the biden campaign putting out this ad. then you have the polling that shows 42% of those voters who
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were polled don't really know where biden is on this. where does that leave the vice president's operation. he has to listen to people right now. right? people are feeling very vulnerable. people are feeling scared. he needs to listen. he needs to listen to the black people that put him where he is right now to latinas that are scared, to young people that are skeptical and progressives that also have doubts. he needs to listen. what we know which is not what that ad is telling us, what we know is that the real victims of this pandemic are the koir core the democratic party, black and latino people. they need to feel like they're being heard and that's how the platform needs to be informed. now that, is you know, people can disagree or not. but it's important for the campaign to understand that one of the biggest ways to reach, for example, to latinas is online. i would question and i would ask myself does that ad reached audience? does that reach the core of the
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party? latinas are on line and we live on our phones more than any other demographic. we share videos more than any other dem graphic. those are the type of questions that i would be asking myself and the campaign. >> there are a lot of endorsements rolling out for this week and there was a lot of chatter about who he will choose to be his vice-presidential running mate. i have been sort of astounded by the number of women who are raising their hand and making the case for why it ought to be them. they're trying to decide who they need to bring to the table to round out the ticket. can you make a number of arguments. you can make the argument p he needs a woman of color in order to motivate some elements of the base that might otherwise be undermotivated. but there is also an argument he needs someone with name recognition, right? we've seen polling that shows that if that is what he's going for, that leaves him with elizabeth warren. so your two cents on what it is
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they're thinking at this point? >> i think they have to think more about the coalition they're trying to build than the candidate they're trying to select. because the coalition you're trying to build is made up of black and latino people impacted. you're look forg a candidate that can speak with credibility and authenticity directly to the communities. stacy abrams comes to mind. that's because she's demonstrateded through actual campaigning in georgia how to build coalitions not only of black and brown people. sow you're going to need a candidate that is going to be able to speak to the issues and if you're speaking to a certain group of people about black mortality or talking about universal childcare, you're going have to taylor the messages to the lived experiences of the communities. i think that, you know, biden has a lot of work to do. there is a generational gap in
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terms of rhetoric with how old the democrats speak to these communities. donald trump said what zrou to lose? he was sfoeg a group of black people. it turns out our literal lives and so it's literally a question of life and death. i think there is an opportunity for democrats and joe biden, no matter who he picks as vice president, to speak directly to the heart of those issues because people are in pain. the numbers don't do justice for the fact that people are losing family members. i've lost three family members since this started. so the numbers on this screen don't really do justice to each and every one of those numbers.
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they represent a life and someone living the worst day. >> speaking of life and death, you have great reporting. i only have 30 seconds. tell us about the work you're doing at vice. >> absolutely. so we just got back from the border a couple weeks ago. we found that one of the trump administration's biggest anti-immigration policies which the remain in mexico policy is putting in danger migrants at the border and american citizens. we're talking about the pandemic, we also have to think about how the u.s. immigration policies are putting at risk people at the border. we found that cartel specifically are benefitting from this policy as they are kidnapping cuban migrants. they have family members in the u.s. again this is a moment we're all talking about the pandemic. it's important to understand how all of these different policies are intertwined and how something as abstract as remain in mexico can affect people's livelihoods at the border. >> thank you both as always. the world is focused on the
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coronavirus, the trump administration has been quietly pushing its immigration agenda. we'll talk about that next. here's the thing about managing multiple clouds for your business. when you've got public clouds, and private clouds, and hybrid clouds- things can get a bit cloudy for you. but now, there's the dell technologies cloud, powered by vmware. a single hub for a consistent operating experience across all your clouds. that should clear things up. at&t knows you have a lot of things on your mind. staying connected shouldn't be one of them.
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custody of thousands of migrant children has advanced policies favored by white house senior adviser stephen miller. it includes postponing putting them in is safe homes. thaupg both thank you both so much for being here. tell what you say this means and what it means for these children. >> this is another really dangerous policy coming from the trump administration. at this moment where we know the safest thing is for children and families to be together and to be safe and together and sheltering at home, the trump administration is looking at ways to keep children apart from their families. this is another example of where cruelty is really what's driving the policy. particularly one of the aspects is to keep children in border
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patrol custody where we know more children have died in other other place in government custody. this is aimed at being cruel to the most vulnerable amongst u.s. it flies in fathe face of publi health advice mp. >> michelle, there's been a rapid rise in deportation of children and teenagers who arrive without a adult guardian. what are some of the dangers that these children face? >> what we have seen is the administration has taken advantage of this moment to expel, in their own word, expel children, anyone seeking asylum or protection at our border. what's important to note is covid-19 did not eliminate the dangers that people are fleeing. those dangers continue. when we expel vulnerable asylum seekers including unaccompanied children, we are throwing them
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right back into those dangers. a lot of the elements that they have been fleeing know this and take advantage of this very issue. we know that a lot of the forms of violence these children are fleeing in the first place are actually exacerbated under current conditions. traffickers and kidnappers, cartels are waiting right there at the border and that's why we have seen these kidnappings and these dangers go up. >> michelle, there are these changes in policy, there is what's happening at the border and what is happening inside of detention facile tiities across america. just 400 detainees out of 42,000 have been tested so far. what does that mean for those inside the detention facilities and the communities that interact with those folks? >> as you can imagine, detention centers are not safe during a
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pandemic. social distancing is virtually impossible and many of these facilities don't have sufficient soap, water and availability for people to keep the precautions that we have been told to take. it's been made very clear by all public health experts that these facilities are not safe places. they are not there serving any kind of a sentencing. they are awaiting civil proceedings. alternatives have been shown to be protective. they could be all released. it's really endangering not only the people in there but the people who work there to keep them in there. >> lindsay, the immigrant defenders law center sent a letter to dhs and cdc highlighting that legal guidance issued by the u.n. reapology
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agencies in the covid-19 pandemic made clear the u.s. did not put in place measures. why is that being ignored? >> the administration is taking advantage of the fact that we have this global pandemic to further the xenophobic policies they have been trying to put forward. while the rest of america is sheltering in place and listening to public health guidelines and local governments are telling us to stay at home, they using this moment to further policies they have been trying to put in place all along. one of the most important b is they have been fundamentally dismants dismandi dismants ling our asylum system for the last two years. victims of domestic violence cannot enter the system. they've done it by every single turn looking for ways to keep
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unaccompanied children from vinds indicating their right to seem asylum. they using the crisis itself to close our borders to people who are seeking our protection once p again. >> thank you both so much for your time. that wraps it up for this hour. i will be back at 4:00 p.m. my colleague joshua johnson takes over at the top of the hour. when you shop with wayfair, you spend less and get way more. so you can bring your vision to life and save in more ways than one. for small prices, you can build big dreams, spend less, get way more. shop everything home at
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