tv First Look MSNBC April 22, 2020 2:00am-3:00am PDT
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tuesday night. thank you so much for being here with us. on behalf of all of my colleagues on the networks of nbc news, good night from our temporary field headquarters. good morning, everybody. it is wednesday, april 22nd. i'm yasmin vossoughian. we've got a lot to cover this morning. we're beginning with the stark new warning from the director of the cdc, as some states announce plans to reopen. robert redfield, telling "the washington post," a second wave of coronavirus could be worse because it could coincide with the start of the flu season next winter. he discussed the strain that two simultaneous respiratory outbreaks would put on the health care system. and urged state and federal officials to use the coming months to prepare for this possibility. the cdc director is stressing the importance of social
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distancing. and called protests to lift stay-at-home orders, quote, not helpful. yesterday, the president was asked what happens if the virus makes a comeback after social distancing guidelines are relaxed. >> i would say, you keep away until this thing is gone. it's going to be gone at some point. it's going to be gone, gone, i would say you keep away, and do the social distancing until such time you know when it's gone. we'll know when that time is. >> and researchers have found that the use of the drug hydroxychloroquine to treat the coronavirus has no benefits and could cause more benefits than routine care. the associated press is reporting the study that's the largest look at the drug analyzed 368 male covid patients at va medical centers across the country who died or were discharged by april 11th. researchers found that 28% of
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those given hydroxychloroquine died, versus the 11% who received routine care alone. they also found that hydroxychloroquine made no difference in the need for a ventilator. the president who has appreciately touted the use of this drug was asked about the study during tuesday's task briefing. >> i wonder if it's your certain, this va study showed that actually more people died that used the drug that didn't. i'm wondering if governor cuomo brought you back any results? >> no we didn't discuss it. and i don't know of the report. obviously, there have been some very good reports and perhaps this one is not a good report. but we'll be looking at it. >> not necessarily taking responsibility there from the president. also senator lindsey graham voiced his concern that georgia might be opening up too soon, tweeting this, while he supports a small reopening of his home state of south carolina, he does, quote, worry that his friends and neighbors in georgia
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are going too fast too soon. president trump yesterday was also asked about senator graham's comments on georgia's plans to reopen. >> lindsey graham is saying he is concerned that georgia may be going too far, too fast, and it could affect people in south carolina. obviously people travel back and forth between states. how do you protect the people of south carolina, for example, from a potentially bad decision by a governor in georgia? >> so, he's a very capable man. he knows what he's doing. he's done a very good job as governor of georgia, and by the way, and south carolina, governor mcmaster also. so you have two very capable people. we're going to find out. in fact, i'm scheduled to speak to the governor of georgia in a little while. >> well, there is a concern what happens in georgia -- >> well, i've got those concerns everywhere. as far as they could come back
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together with heavy on the flu and much lighter on -- i really believe we'll be able to put out the fires. it's like fires and we've learned a lot. you know, we've become very good at this, when you look at what's happening, you look at the numbers coming down, a lot of states are in great shape. you see a lot of openings, obviously, i'll be speaking to the governor of georgia. >> and a lawsuit against democrat tony evers yesterday, as states across the united states are deciding on when to actually reopen their economies. the lawsuit was expected after evers health secretary last week ordered most nonessential businesses to remain closed until may 26th. even though the original order was set to end on friday. and dozens frustrated eye with
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cooper, in raleigh. in is that state, protesters were seen on the streets of rally, carrying placards and banners and chanting escorted by police and motorcycles surrounding the executive mansion. let's get into this, white house reporter for politico, gabby orr. gabby, good morning to you. great to see you on this wednesday morning. let's talk here about the timetable to reopen georgia, which is one of the most aggressive, as we've seen so far, in the country. you've got the governor pushing to reopen the state's economy by the end of the week, including movie theaters, nail salons, spas, that kind of thing. gyms. then you hear republican senator lindsey graham warning it could be too soon from, of course, south carolina, a neighboring state. saying georgia could be too
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soon. what do you make of this clear divide here? >> it's definitely something to keep an eye on, as a lot of you saw states reopen their economies, georgia, south carolina, as you mentioned, also tennessee, the governors in each of these states are trying to begin reopening parts of their economies by the end of april, in some cases and may in later instances. they're reopening movie theaters, department stores, retail facilities. bowling alleys in the case of georgia. and so there are questions that are being asked about the necessity of a lot of these places opening. and whether or not it's too soon, given the current testing capabilities in the u.s. we have been hearing from top trump health officials lately of these daily coronavirus task force briefings that the ideal capacity would be around 500,000 tests per day. and currently the u.s. is below
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250,000. so, we do have a long ways to go before we reach that threshold. and that raises a lot of questions about whether this is the right time to be opening parts of the economy. one thing i am looking at today is the outcome of that phone call between president trump and governor brian kemp in georgia. they spoke during a group call with governors at the white house earlier this week. but i'm curious to see if the president himself who has urged on protesters lately who are dense social distancing guidelines and stay-at-home orders, whether he had any advice for the governor of georgia. >> look, and i think an important question that was asked at the coronavirus briefing last night which is is there going to be a moratorium on some sort of domestic travel, considering that georgia is ahead of the curve and trying to open when it's not necessarily time for that state to open, if there's necessarily a spike in a state like that, while you have other states flattening the
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curve, it could do harm to other states if folks from georgia are traveling asymptomatic and continuing to spread that disease. that's an important question there as states are beginning to open their economy. gabby, tell us about your new report that came out on the president, eager to hit the road, despite the growing pandemic? >> right, the president has been holed up in the white house as we know for about six weeks now. he's made very limited trips outside of the executive complex. and he's been telling allies just over the last week, based on my rmy reporting that he's eager to get back on the trail. he wants to do campaign events. he's looking at specifically what vice president mike pence has been doing lately which is visiting health care manufacturing facilities, going to distribution centers, things that allow the administration to tout its response to the
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coronavirus. and president trump wants to model his upcoming travel after that. right now, we know he'll number west point to deliver a commencement speech on june 13th. outside of that, his aides are looking to add more official events to his list in the coming weeks. >> gabby orr stay close. we'll talk to you in a bit. we have good news on the senate passing 484 billion coronavirus relief plan that includes aid for small businesses and hospitals, as well as money to expand testing. the house says it hopes to approve the legislation as soon as tomorrow, and the president said he would sign it into law. the legislation would increase funding for the paycheck protection program by $310 billion. it would also boost a separate small business emergency grant and loan program by $60 billion. and direct $75 billion to hospitals. and $25 billion to a new coronavirus testing program. also, the telling reporters that
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a 60-day ban on immigration will only apply to people applying for permanent residency, declaring it necessary to protect american jobs as the economy continues to struggle during this pandemic. >> by pausing immigration, we'll help put unemployed americans first in lionne as america reopens. so important. is it would be wrong for americans could be replaced by new immigrant labor flown in from abroad. >> so, while the order is still being drafted, the president says there will be some exemptions. listen to this. >> some of the people say it doesn't track with opening up the country to shut down immigration across the board. for companies that -- and the pipeline that's already in place. what do you say to that? >> well, i think it really does. i think it's very strong, obviously. it's countrywide, as opposed to specifically like china, or some of the other ones that i've shut
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down. we're going to see -- you'll see a very accurate definition tomorrow after it's completed by the attorneys. all right. still ahead, everybody, the president has undercut his administration's own guidance on lifting lockdowns. but the attorney general is threatening governors with legal action. danny cevallos is going to weigh in on that. also, house speaker nancy pelosi is sounding off on the president yet again, using the words "total failure." what she's saying ahead of her live interview on "morning joe" later this morning. we're back in a moment.
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statement of interest and side with the plaintiffs. >> that is attorney general bill barr speaking with radio host hugh hewitt. with coronavirus restrictions that are burdensome impinge minutes on liberty adopted from the limited purpose of slowing down the spread. he added we did not adopt them as a comprehensive way of dealing with the disease. if orders begin to impact interstate conference, the justice department would join lawsuits begins the governors. with us, msnbc legal analyst and my friend so great to see you on this wednesday morning, danny cevallos. danny, good to see you this morning. >> thank you. >> i've got to say i don't necessarily understand all of this, how this case has any legs
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in general considering the fact that the governors have put this in place to protect the health and welfare of the citizens of their state. can the president effectively pressure governors to modify the orders? >> the constitution supremacy clause does not mean that the federal government can tell the states what to do. actually, the framers envisioned quite the opposite. the federal government is one of limited powers but the federal government has a couple options in this space. first, if there is an existing lawsuit it can file what's called a statement of interest under federal law. it's like what we call an amicus brief. and it's like saying, hey, we're interested. and believe me courts sit up and take notice when the department of justice files a statement of interest. another way is that the department of justice actually bring lawsuits under another
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federal statute to enforce these rights. if the justice department believes that individual rights, civil rights sometimes, are being violated by state or even local governments. so there are a couple different ways. but one, the statement of interest is not compelling, it's just very much that, a statement of interest. the other, the justice department takes to the courts. so neither of those are orders by the federal government to compel states to do these things. >> so there is one suit that it seems as if may actually meet the attorney general's criteria for the doj to actually get involved. and that is the wisconsin legislature, suing its governor. why? what you can tell us about this? >> the legislature sued the governor, more specifically, those under the governor's command for essentially shutting down businesses without following at least -- allegedly, without following the right procedures and exceeding their
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powers under state law. now, it's an interesting interpretation of state law. and specifically, how much power do those under the governor have, equal within the state government agencies. how much power do they have to issue these regulations, and can they exceed a certain amount of time, can they be indefinite? can they shut down businesses forever? and i've been saying since the beginning, there will be a lot of litigation over what is considered essential and nonessential business. we all have an idea, especially locally about what essential and nonessential business is and that varies significantly from place to place. a lot of people don't necessarily realize to new yorkers a dry cleaner is kind of an essential business if you don't have a laundry machine in your apartment. but then again, here i am in florida and i never realized that landscaping can be so essential but down here when
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things grow quickly it seems to be essential. but into the essential and nonessential businesses, look for governments to get into a lot of litigation when they shut down companies and industries over what is essential and what is not essential and whether the government has exceeded its authority both in time and scope. >> i mean, it's bound to happen when you have local governments and the federal government at that dealing with things for the very first time. not necessarily having any precedence for it. danny cevallos, my friend, thank you as always. zbli still ahead, everybody, two weeks have passed since they risked to cast their ballot. now several new cases possibly tied to the election. we're going to have an update on that, next. studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization.
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silence, silence, silence, he has refused. so he's engaged in distractions like immigration. distractions like supporting people on the street. they're all distractions away from the known fact that he's a total failure when it comes to testing. >> that was speaker nancy pelosi last night following her joint press conference with senate minority leader chuck schumer, where she expressed how president trump's lax response to the deadly coronavirus, it's impeding the federal government from properly addressing the crisis. the house speaker will join us later on "morning joe." you don't want to miss that interview. also, after crowded voting scenes in milwaukee, wisconsin, shocked the nation earlier this month, the city has related cases to eathe election. six infections as well as one
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poll worker, officials will have numbers on that as well as official deaths linked to the polling stations. this is exactly why the primary news in wisconsin -- why so many primary voting sessions have been cancelled. during this voting season. because of the spread of the coronavirus. with that, i want to bring in nbc meteorologist bill karins for us who has been tracking the number of cases throughout the country, along with the weather. hi, bill. >> hey, good morning, to you, yasmin, happy earth day to everyone out there, 50th anniversary of earth day today. we'll get to that in a second. let's get to the horrendous day yesterday. the most deaths we had reported in one single day in this country going through the pandemic. on to the maps, we're now over 45,000 total fatalities in this country. april 11th was 20,000. so, we have not really slowed
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down the pace at all for fatalities, as you notice, we're now the number one deadliest. yesterday alone, almost 3,000 deaths. we haven't showed you this graph in a long time. remember at the beginning of this we were trying to explain to people where we're flattening the curve. i put the "x" where we are, but the long tail, all of the blue, where we slowly go down. this is a slow long process. we didn't want to overwhelm the health care system. that's what we're trying to do. obviously, today being earth day, if you can get out in the yard, get out there safely with the kids to teach them a few lessons. we haven't forgotten what's going on with our planet. it's the 423rd consecutive month with woabove average temperatur. we still have the most carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that
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we've ever recorded. yasmin, obviously, we just fix the problem that we have going on right now with this obvious virus, but we can't forget about this other huge scientific issue that people have to believe in, and believe the scientists, we need to solve that obviously. >> absolutely, thank you, bill. still ahead, another sign that new york may be over the worst of the virus. governor andrew cuomo who met with the president yesterday at the white house just yesterday said he no longer needs the navy hospital ship the "comfort" deployed to the harbor last night. we're going to tell you what else cuomo discussed. that's coming up next. g up next.
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welcome back, everybody. i'm yasmin vossoughian. we're going to begin this half hour as the coronavirus death toll in new jersey saw its biggest spike yet. climbing by 379 deaths just yesterday to a total of more than 4,700. the jump is coming as a number of new cases has been showing signs of leveling off. more than 92,000 people have tested positive for the virus, roughly 1% of the state's population. governor phil murphy toured new jersey's third field hospital in atlantic city's convention center yesterday. the space will take in 250 patients and include an on-site testing center and pharmacy as well. the state took a knock to its crediting rating in three years which would make it harder to
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borrow money in records stemming from this outbreak. also, the president met with governor andrew cuomo yesterday in what both leaders deemed a productive conversation. the two agreed to solidify the federal government's role in doubling testing capacity from 20,000 to 40,000 per day in the coming weeks. watch this. >> i had a very productive meeting with governor cuomo as you probably saw to discuss his statewide testing strategy, and how we can work together to help expand it with the goal of doubling testing in the next few weeks. >> we agreed that a state government should be responsible for managing the actual tests in their own laboratories. let the federal government take responsibility for that federal supply chain, for the national manufacturers. and that's what we agreed in this meeting.
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and to attempt and make all efforts to double the number of tests that the state is taking from 20,000 to 40,000. >> so, the governor also described disparities in federal aid, in a lot of states hardest hit by the virus which he said trump seemed, quote, open to addressing in the next piece of legislation. let's get into this a bit. joining us once again white house reporter for politico gabby orr. gabby, let's talk about testing here. the senate just passed a $484 billion covid-19 relief bill. a stage 4, shall we say, that's going to include additional funding for a national testing plan. at this point, is that going to be enough? considering the fact that now we are seeing states draw down some of these guidelines. the need for testing is going to be that much more important. >> right. as the rate of infections slow
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in the number of states looking to reopen their economies, testing is going to be crucial. it's something that health experts and lawmakers from both sides of the aisleal agree on. and it's something that they've pressed the white house to focus on in the coming week as they do try to open up america again phased approach. the bill that you mentioned includes $24 billion to go to a national testing development and distribution program. but at the same time, that's not necessarily enough and certainly something that will be revisited as congress moves into a phase 4, looking at economic stimulus, but also providing funds to health care facilities, hospitals and states that need it. in order to safely reopen up their communities. >> let's switch to immigration here while i have you, gabby. president trump saying he's going to sign an executive order blocking most people, as he's saying for 60 days from
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receiving a permanent residency visa or a green card. but the immigration ban is going to exempt temporary foreign workers. and that is, as we all know, the biggest source of immigration at the moment. give us your thoughts on that. >> well, look, the president on monday suddenly announced that evening that he was going to be banning all immigration to the united states for an indefinite amount of time. fast forward 24 hours and yesterday, we found that this is actually going to be a 60-day ban on permanent visas and a few other types. so, the administration hasn't implemented a full ban. but they are certainly taking some measures to restrict permanent residency visas and others to the u.s. right now. at the same time, the president has indeed carved out a number of areas that will not be affected by the ban. including as you mentioned, seasonal workers, foreign
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workers in crucial industries such as health care. so the primary purpose of this according to administration officials is to protect american workers. and that's something that the president is going to have to more clearly define in the coming days, as he issues this order and faces questions and leakly some challenges to it as well. >> yeah, i certainly think we're definitely going to need more clarity on this order. politico's gabby orr, great to see you this morning. also, the president speaks with the uk prime minister boris johnson yesterday. johnson is feeling better and recovering from the coronavirus. and reaffirmed their cooperation to reopening the economies and making sure that medical care and supplies do reach all those in need. and discussed their, quote, shared commitment for reaching a united states/united kingdom free trade agreement.
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joining us now, nbc news correspondent cal perry, great to see you today. talk to us about this conversation. >> yeah, the two sides are quick to say that these two men are friends, that boris johnson is recovering, he almost died from the coronavirus and that the two are catching up. this is has a history of being politically expedient at times and at times not politically expedient. you remember when boris johnson was going through the election, president trump went and visited. and there was that baby bloom there. right now they need to get together on coronavirus. we understand that's what they spoke about, specifically how the g7 can help. hanging over all of this is a trade deal that needs to be done. uk has been through brexit, i don't think that boris johnson is going to be happy with covid going on. obviously that was the basis of the call.
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hanging over all of this, boris johnson is under tremendous pressure with respect to covid. we don't think that came up in the call. >> let's address that political pressure here. as you mentioned the uk government facing backlash over its slow response. boris johnson advocating for basically herd immunity at the start of this whole thing. >> yeah. >> what does the time line look for for possibly restrictions being lifted, considering the fact that uk was late even imposing those guidelines? >> nothing will be lifted until at least may 7th. three things dogging this government. first there was an opportunity for britain to enter into an european agreement to get that medical gear that ppe gear. they did not. this is a country running out of pro ppe gear. the second thing you mentioned
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herd immunitimmunity. it's based on if anybody got it, the herd, it would not occur. that is not based in science. and boris johnson who was seen just a few months ago as handling the situation very well is now at a hospital and being asked the questions why the uk didn't lock down soon enough. why it didn't have an agreement with other countries in europe. and what is the situation with the death toll. is the death toll being undercounted in the united kingdom because they're not talking to the care homes, yasmin. >> i feel like this is the beginning because of so many countries discussing the handling of the coronavirus as we begin to emerge from this fog. nbc's cal perry, thank you my friend. by the way, cal is going to have a report on how global stay-at-home orders have impacted the environment for the better. you don't want to miss that. still ahead, everybody, americans may soon be able to test for the coronavirus from their own homes.
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welcome back, everybody. the fda has approved the first in-home test for the coronavirus. a nasal swab kit that will be sold by labcorp. patients are going to swab their own nose using a testing kit and mail it to the company in an insulated package. the company said that the test would first be available to health care workers and others who may have been exposed to the virus. the test will be available at a cost of $119. the consumers would have to pay out of pocket for the test and ask their insurers for the price of the test. the prutrump administration has said that they're not going to have to worry about the cost but now seemingly, they'll be charging for them. let's go to bill karins who is
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standing by. obviously, bill, as you know, the tests saying that they should be covered by the federal government we'll see what happens when you submit that cost to your insurance agency. nonetheless, having an at-home test could be a clagame-changer because it does eliminate the need for the ppe when testing individuals. >> i think we'd all love to go to the drugstores and get the test. to see if we have the antibody test. that would be fantastic. let's talk about cases. yesterday we were at 800 cases. now 819,000 on the curve. five new states report their highest daily total. just because new york city passed their, doesn't mean other places, virginia, arkansas, kansas and wyoming all reported peak cases yesterday. as far as what we're dealing
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with the daily growth rate, that plateau is -- but, we're all going slowly down. we'll all remember march, we'll never forget that. this painful process, april, may, even into june, those steps are slow. painfully slow. right now, the growth rate is 3.5%. as far as other concerns on this earth day today, unfortunately, we have a possibility of severe weather and the possibility of strong tornadoes. we're going to watch you, dallas, late in the day. that will push into areas around shreveport, texarkana, little rock, louisiana. then tomorrow, once again, and this has been the hot spot for severe weather this spring, right through the southeast. georgia, southern half of south carolina and even north carolina, tomorrow a chance of tornadoes. that risk is especially high in areas like alabama and georgia. for the rest of the country it is chilly and cold in the northeast. i apologize.
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it's been snowing overnight, yasmin, in areas of western new york. legit lake-effect snow going on. it's a frigid earth day in the northeast. march was so nice in the northeast and april just miserable. >> you can tell how i feel about that just the way my arms are talk right now. the body language for you. bill karins, i miss you. great to see you this morning, my friend. always appreciate it. still ahead, we're going live to cnbc for an early look at what's driving wall street. as we go to break, lighthearted news during dark times. ikea is one of the companies that closed its doors did in the pandemic, while the company may be unable to make onsite furniture needs, it's making sure the customers won't go without its iconic meatballs while at home. unlike that multifaceted dresser in your bedroom, the recipe requires only six steps to
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welcome back, everybody. the turmoil on the world oil market continues this morning as prices drop to more than a two-decade low. cnbc's julianna tatelbaum is joining us live from london on this. wow, some ups and downs to say the least. that's putting it mildly when it comes to oil here. talk to us about what we can expect today with markets, julianna. >> that's absolutely right, yasmin. to say the least, it's been a volatile couple of days for energy markets. we've seen another wave of fresh selling today. what's interesting about the selling we're seeing today, it's actually shifted to brent crude which is a more international gauge of energy markets. yesterday, a lot of the attention was on wti which is a
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u.s.-centric, brent crude,ing there were concerns aroung storage capacity as demapped has taken a huge hit. investors brace are for more pressure in energy markets as we wait to see how the demand picture evolves. some news on the stimulus front, the u.s. senate has passed a fresh coronavirus relief pack ainge with almost $500 billion worth of money earmarked for the first round of stimulus. this comes after the first round of stimulus was gobbled up almost instantly by small businesses. this agreement comes after a standoff of democrats being unable to secure more funding for the states. but the bill was passed unanimously. it's being backed by the white house and provides a fresh $320 billion in loans to protect small business paychecks.
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it also includes funding for hospitals and other health care providers to the tune of about $75 billion. so some good news on the stimulus front. and the government is reportedly sending stimulus payments people who have passed away. this is a strange but not all that surprising development. the irs is under a huge amount of pressure to push out money as quickly as possible and they don't always have the latest, most up to date data when it comes to those who have passed away. jasmine. >> a lot of businesses as we have talked about, julianna, are suffering amidst this pandemic, but you also have businesses reporting some earnings. what can you tell us about this? >> that's right. one of the key names this week has been netflix which last night delivered their results showing that i whopping 15.8 million users side 15.8 million users signed up in the last three months.
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but they have cautioned investors not extrapolate that kind of user growth. he does not expect to see those numbers come through in the remaining quarters of the year. back to you. >> it's likely all 15.8 million of those individuals did get a glimpse at tiger king. julianna live from london. thank you so much. great to see you this morning. coming up next, a look at axios' one big thing. and coming up on "morning joe," coronavirus diplomacy. we're going to talk to john kerry about how the pandemic has impacted china's relations with the rest of the world. plus, with the latest coronavirus relief bill in the senate and awaiting approval by the house, house speaker nancy pelosi will be our guest. "morning joe" is moments away. "morning joe" is moments away. . 300 miles an hour, thats where i feel normal. i might be crazy but i'm not stupid. having an annuity tells me that i'm protected. during turbulent times, consider protected lifetime income from an annuity
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thing today. >> it's a scoop. we have the first look at the biden campaigns plan for using the virus crisis against president trump. alexis mccommanned got a five-page memo that outlines what they're going to be pushing their allies to say and what the candidate himself is going to be talking about. and they call it the four cs, critiquing the president on the virus. they start with the cover-up. they say that he was slow to this. second is the chaos and the -- and what we've seen on your air with the actual handling of it once it hit. then you have what they call corporate favoritism and caving to lobbyists. so what we see is the biden campaign trying to put forth an organized, disciplined response to what's going on with the virus at a time when they have so much trouble getting attention. the bully pulpit is always going to drown out a challenger, it's a classic challenger dynamic even more so in this age when
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everybody's focused on the white house and what it's doing about this crisis. what the biden campaign will tell you is that all that attention isn't necessarily good. >> so american voters obviously living the pandemic right now, so not necessarily surprising to hear that, mike. but how does the president, then, plan to frame the biden camp during its campaign? >> yeah, so you can look at branding biden, and i talked to trump campaign officials who have a very specific plan for this. so we've talked on first look about the idea of #beijing biden that the trump campaign has been putting out. they try to combine that with the idea of an establishment career politician. so they'll say joe biden 50 years in politics, not quite. he was nauinaugurated 46 years .
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but they're going to argue that the way you tie a bow on those two issues, soft on china is a word they'll use and career politician is that over the time joe biden has been senator, chairman, vice president, that the establishment has wanted to get closer to china. and we're seeing new polling this week, china decreasingly popular with the american people. what the biden campaign will tell you is this isn't going to be a slogan contest and they're going to point to the biden record as something that people will actually reassure voters. someone who's been there, been foreign relation chairman, can hand a handle a dangerous world. >> let's talk about howard schultz, the ceo of starbucks who at one point was running for president, dropped out back in september. i know axios has learned a bit about what schultz support to now and what he's saying in the midst of this pandemic. what are you learning?
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>> yeah, this is a first look for first look. we're told that howard schultz is going to be out talking about a marshal plan for small business. he's been quiet since september when he pulled back his campaign. he's going to be out talking about what he calls transition loans, transformation looans to help businesses get back on their feet and maybe become the next starbucks. >> all right. mike allen, thank you. i'm going to be reading axios a.m. in just a little bit. you too is sign up for the newsletter at "morning joe" starts right now. if you listen to his press briefings what's he do? it's all about him. it's not about -- it's not about us, it's not about the american people. he talks about the governors should thank him for what he's done. what the hell does he think his job is? the people should understand that he knows what he's doing. he initially said this is is going to go away in the warm weather. i mean, look.
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franklin roosevelt world war ii said, look, the american people can handle anything. but you've got to tell them the truth. and he doesn't tell them the truth. >> former vice president joe biden last night. good morning and welcome to "morning joe." it is wednesday, april 22nd. along with joe, willie and me we have white house reporter for "the associated press" jonathan lemire. over 40,000 americans have died from the coronavirus in just over one month's time. and yet the director of the cdc is warning the expected second wave later in the year could be even worse as some states announce plans to reopen. robert redfield tells "the washington post"
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