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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  April 24, 2020 11:00am-12:31pm PDT

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it is 2:00 p.m. in the east. here are the facts this hour. president trump now says he was being sarcastic when he floated the idea of americans ingesting disinfectants as a remedy or treatment for covid-19. here he was yesterday followed by today.
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>> i see the disinfectant knocks it out in a minute. one minute. and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning. you see it gets in the lungs and it will be interesting to check that so you can use medical doctors. >> i was asking a sarcastic and very sarcastic question to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside. it would kill it on the hands. and that would make things much better. that was done in a form of a sarcastic question to the reporters. >> to be clear investing chemicals like bleach can be fatal. and this morning lysol issued a warning saying nor circumstances should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body. and now the fda is issuing a warning for another one of the president's suggestions, for
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weeks the president touted an anti-malaria drug called hydr y hydroxychloroquine. they say the drug should not be used outside of a hospital or clinical trial explaining the drug has been linked to serious heart rhythm problems. cardiologists have been warning of this for some time. the state of georgia is opening up businesses to day despite warnings from experts and the president that it is just too soon. mr. trump said publicly that he disagreed strongly with republican governor ryan kemp's decision but the associated press reports that the president gave the governor his approval earlier this week. >> good evening, i'm katy tur. we're in east new york in brooklyn. we're outside of a church where catholic charities is holding a food pantry, a pop-up food pantry. down this block right here, there are a number of people lined up now against the
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building because the rain is so strong. but that line stretches all the way around the block. in fact, it's gotten a little shorter the past few minutes they expect to hand out 1,000 bags of food. enough to feed three people for three meals. take a minute and consider the big picture of what's going on in the country right now. 47 million people relied on food pantries before the pandemic hit. when unemployment was at record lows. there were a number of jobs out there. where we made incredible gains since 2009 and the great recession. now that all the jobs are wiped out, consider what the need must look like now. a number that they can't even begin to calculate. and then consider what it's going to look like in the coming days and the coming weeks and the coming months as we continue to be locked inside and the
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economy is still shut down. we're going to get into all of that during this hour. but first, we want to take you across the country. there are still more protests. there is also some reopenings that are happening as well. let's start in georgia with nbc news correspondent sam brock. sam, georgia's reopening places like bowling alleys, hair salons, nail salons. what's happening out there? what is the reaction been? >> i think the reaction, katy, good afternoon. the economy is very much part of this conversation. the reaction is why are these the essential businesses? why is a bowling alley or a gym or a salon or a barbershop, why are those ones deemed essential and opened up sniffirst? occasionally you'll hear a honk or two from cars. they've been going for the last three hours with signs and sirens trying to alert the governor here that they don't think his decision making
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process right now is sound. some of the signs say we're not the petri dish state, we're the peach state. we're not guinea pigs. i mean some snarky creative signs. i spoke to barbershop owners, salon owners, movie theater owners, it is very split. very divided on the sentiment about. this we were at a barbershop earlier today. people were going n a lot of folks coming back for business. temperature checks were given for every customer that goes in there. fewer than ten people allowed in the shop at any one point in time. they wipe down all of the chairs and sanitize everything. i will tell you this, the employees have to wear masks, katie, the patrons do not. so you wonder if it that protects, you know, pat tron fr patron from the barber. he says that since 1959 he describes why it's a good idea to reopen barber shops right now. >> the south is a lot different
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from up nornl. new york is hit hard. all places have been hit so hard. we haven't been hit hard like that. we got hospital beds. if we do our job with the secretary of state and governor has put the rules and regulations in for us, i think it's better now than it's ever been. i mean, we clean up after every customer. we are wearing gloves. hey, our customers are in better shape now coming in than they've ever been in our country. >> now you hear the emotional tenor of this. many business owners are worried about their employees and their own livelihoods. that man tommy thomas says he thinks the business can sustain another month of this. he is worried about employees. he wants them to get paid to pay their rent, utilities. the this again is the pivot point right now as folks try to address a public health crisis with what is obviously also an economic crisis. katy, back to you. >> bills are coming due.
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so many americans are living paycheck to paycheck. you understand the frustration. and the fear of being told to stay home. you also understand the fear of leaving your home and worrying that you have to put your life at risk in order to keep paying your bills. sam brock, thank you very much. let's go to chicago now. shaquille brewster is there. shaq, it is supposed to start right now. what you are seeing? >> that's right, katy. it just started a couple minutes ago. there are a few thousand people here already. we're on the steps of the state capitol. people are just trying to argue that the state should reopen. interest for this protest grew after the democratic governor extended the state's stay at home ordinary that was originally supposed to end today. he extended it to may 26th. people are frustrated with it. i spoke to one jashgs you sgent said he wants to see more of what's going on in georgia right
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now happen in wisconsin. listen to what he told me. >> i really like what the governor of georgia is doing. he's opening up the state. i would like that here. and you don't have to open up your business if you don't want to or you don't have to go out if you don't want to. but it is open. and then you get to choose. and i like the choice, the options that we can have. >> i spoke to a hairdresser who was in near tears explaining how she was frustrated by the situation saying she wants to operate her business again saying she got that government stimulus check. she got the -- she applied for the ppp loan but she knows she just may be a couple weeks away from closing down her shop. i also spoke to the lieutenant governor of this state today. he explained -- wisconsin saw a spike in cases yesterday. they're increasing the testing in the state. they saw a spike in positive cases yesterday. he also said unlike other states, some neighboring states, minnesota, for example, where
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you see the government starting to reopen in phases. the they can't do that in wisconsin. he says because of steps that happen here. it was just two weeks ago, katy, there was that election that you had there. the lieutenant governor saying 23 people that went out and voted including poll workers tested positive for the virus. he said scenes like this won't help the situation either. katy? >> it is a highly contagious virus. shaq, forgive me, i can't see you. i don't have a monitor. some of the protests have been political and political signage. what are you seeing there? is this a largely political protestor are these people that are protesting the shutdown itself? >> you have both, katy. i they this is political but i want to stay out of it. this is about my business. there is over my shoulder, it's out of the camera view. you see a plaque that says trump 2020. you see people talking about the
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governor. there is anti-abortion signs. there is long guns that are out by the protesters. so yes, there is a political tone in it. one of the groups organizing this is a pro gun group. another is a small business caravan. so we have people prioritizing both issues. katy? >> such important context. let's go to garret hage. you're in texas. retail to go? tell me about it. >> that's right, katy. texas tried to take a little bit more of a cautious approach to reopening at least so far. they're modelling retail to go on to go restaurants. just like you would see a restaurant. people pulling up to establishments like the one behind me, picking up an order they may have placed online or over the phone and going home with it. this is an opportunity for businesses to do something of a soft relaunch, for business owners to get back into their stores and take inventory and
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take stock how they might open should the governor decide to loosen more restrictions on other businesses as he's expected to do on monday. i talked to one store owner, he said it is helpful and a start. she's both excited about the prospect of reopening and a little bit concerned about how exactly it would work. take a listen. >> if the governor says when he speaks on monday that he's ready to reopen businesses like yours, are you ready? do you know how to do that safely? >> we're not ready. that will take a little time. we're concerned about her own safety and safety of the customers that are family and we care about them. >> there are real challenges for business owners that might try to reopen. if you sell clothing like the business where i was at this morning, how do people try on clothes safely and know that something they try on is not contaminated?
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if you sell books, how do people come in and pick up, get their hands on books they may not buy? what do you do in those situations? there are lots of issues that have to be worked out logistically. even for relatively straight forward retail operations like that to resume. and those are among the considerations that the governor of texas and his strike force are considering as they try to prepare some way to get this economy open again at least slightly come as early as next week. >> garret, i would love to go to a bookstore and hand sle some books. that's what i do generally before i buy a book. you make the point there, it's so hard to open a store like that because that's what people do. they walk in and they touch everything. garret, thank you very much. let's now go down to kentucky where the governor of kentucky, the democratic governor of kentucky joins me. governor, thank you so much for being with us. i want to ask you about the reopening your state. you have seen some protests there to your shutdown. what are you looking at?
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and what are your plans? >> first, let me start by saying to the people of the commonwealth of kentucky and america that we're going to get through this. and we're going to get through it together. and we're going to get through it by continuing to be united. yes, we see a few dozen people who might not believe that this virus is real or who might not believe it's as deadly as it is. but what i see all across my state is mill upon millions of people that have been willing to sacrifice for each other, that are passing this test of humanity about putting other people's lives ahead of their own economic self interests. so i believe that the real amazing thing here is that in are this crisis, in my state, there have been democrats or republicans just americans versus this coronavirus. and they have flattened the curve in kentucky in a way that makes me so proud of them. and we would have lost countless additional lives to date but for people's willingness to be healthy at home which is what we
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call our program. now we're working on moving from healthy at home to healthy at work. we have to do that in a smart, safe, slow and gradual way that is driven by science and the data that signed off by our public health officials. and so what we're doing is we're starting it in health care itself. you know, we've had stop a lot of elective procedures and shut down different office visits that are for other things that people need to stay healthy. and we see some people showing unat our ers a little more sick than they would have been but for this coronavirus and not being able to see their doctor. so next week we're going to allow certain visits that don't take up a bed so that we have those if there is a surge that don't take up too much ppe and we're going to see how our health care system can respond in a first gradual reopening phase. they're in the best spot to do
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this. they're also trained to deal with the virus itself. and they do it safely. >> will you be testing patients who are am coming in for another procedure or another checkup or surgery for covid-19 before the doctor -- you said less ppe. don't you need to know whether that person has the disease? they may be an asymptomatic carrier in order to know the doctor can wear less ppe? >> even in the gradual opening that we're doing in health care, there are a number of procedures that we won't be doing in this first phase. once we move into a second phase where we have more intensive procedures, yes, every single patient is going to have to be tested because of the interaction and the contact that will be there. for what's allowed in this first phase, everybody's going to have masks and gloves including the patients themselves. there's going to be no waiting room. the parking lot is now the
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waiting room. and a number of additional steps that our health care industry which wants to do this right has agreed upon. again, it's what we plan to do when we're able to open other parts of our economy. we do it slowly. we do it safely and we make sure that we thought through each step. i don't want to be the fastest to do this. i want to be the smartest and the safest. >> governor, today andrew cuomo was out again talking about a comment that your -- one of your senators made that states should just file for bankruptcy if they don't have enough money on their books. governor cuomo addressed it yesterday and again today. want i want to play that sound bite. >> mitch mcconnell is a taker, not a giver. new york is a state of givers. we put more money into the federal pot every year. we're the number one state in donating to the federal pot.
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number one. kentucky is the number three state in taking from the federal pot. they take out more from the federal pot than they put in. >> leave that aside for a moment and focus on one other thing that he said, in addressing the bankruptcy argument that mitch mcconnell is making, he said fine, pass a law that makes it legal for states to file for bankruptcy. let's see what governors would actually do. are you as a governor someone who will be willing to consider filing for bankruptcy for your state if the federal government wouldn't give you money? >> well, despite being inn. differein different parties, senator mcconnell and i have a good relationship. we worked well during this coronavirus on a number of areas where kentucky and the country needed help. but i disagree with him strongly on this issue. not only states but also local
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governments have to have budget relief, direct stimulus funds from the federal government f we don't, it makes our economic down turn a lot longer. it will make it harder to protect the most vulnerable and provide resource that's people desperately need to get through this worldwide health pandemic. we were in 2008 and 2009 and certainly we should be willing to do it when we face an adversary like covid-19 which is devastating different parts of our world. this is something that congress has to do. i believe that it's congress' obligation. yes? >> governor, i'm sorry to interrupt you. i thought you were pausing. just to be clear, in paying for the states right now and handing over the states money in case our viewers didn't know this, that would mean that ems workers get paid. it means firefighters get paid. cops get paid. teachers get paid. those are the people that need
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the cash. there was somebody on governor cuomo's team according to reports that said this would be a blue state bailout. do you see this as a political thing that only blue states need bailouts and not red states during this pandemic as if some blue states maybe didn't properly manage the crisis? >> i can tell you as part of the national governor's association, every single grofrn overnor in country believes we need direct federal assistance with not just state but local budgets. remember what we do on the state and local level. it's our budgets for our teachers and public education system. for our first responders, ems, firefighters, law enforcement. it's making sure people are safe providing food assistance, economic development, running so many important programs. the no, this isn't partisan at all. in this type of time, what states have had to do and how we had to pause our economy, it's a
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need of every state whether they're red, blue, the virus doesn't care about any of that. and we shouldn't right now either. you know, we in kentucky right now are more united than we've ever been. pushing aside all these divisive issues and in washington, d.c., let's see that type of unity too. just realizing that this is a once in every 100 year situation and doing what is necessary to support our states, our local governments, and helping us work out of this. we all ought to learn through this. so many of the things that divided us in the end aren't all that important. look at the lives we're trying to save. look at the steps that we have taken. we ought to be more connected as people now than we've ever been. and in my state, i've seen more compassion, more people reaching out and helping each other. i look back at what we call the greatest generation and what they did. we're facing a pretty big adversary too. if we do this right, maybe we go down as being known as the
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kindest generation. a little bit of that kindness in washington, d.c. would certainly help. >> wouldn't that be something? kentucky governor andy beshear, thank you very much for taking the time to join us. we appreciate it. and still ahead, we said it earlier, but there are now disinfectant companies handing out warnings saying, hey, listen, don't inject our household cleaners into your body because of a suggestion from the president. plus, new york is being hit really hard by coronavirus through no fault of its own as we just addressed. it is a highly populated place where a lot of travelers come. coming up, the congresswoman who represents this district i'm in right now tells me what new york needs and why it should matter to the rest of the country if you didn't already get it from governor beshear. more and more people are turning to food banks like the one i'm at today. the line has been long. pt i' i'll speak with vp of catholic charities and a priest here as well. charities and a priest here as well in these challenging times,
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age is just an illusion. how you show up for the world, that's what's real. what's your idea? i put it out there with a godaddy website. we're in front of a church in the brooklyn neighborhood. despite the rainy day in new york, there is line around the block all day long. it was supposed to end a couple hours ago. that line is no longer there. but there is still people coming in and out. they're getting two bags of food, in you have to feed, i believe, three people for three meals. let's get into. this there is a lot of need
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here. joining me now is catholic charities of brooklyn and queens senior vice president of mission. and the chaplin for the nights of columbus, gentlemen, thank you very much. i'm sorry i'm going to be yelling at you both from a distance. >> not a problem. >> we'll try to make this work. first off to you, the need here in this neighborhood, tell me about it. >> okay. well, i think a lot of people in the country don't know brooklyn in the way that we know it. and that's because of these neighborhoods that are always been of high need. when you combine that with the virus and the unemployment that is just people whose normal work is not going to be on a laptop out of their apartment, they're the people that are service workers, they're the people that do restaurants, all of those kinds of jobs closed down and they don't have any cash. >> so these are a lot of the essential workers, the p em that go to the restaurants that deliver your groceries, deliver your food. >> yes.
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that's who lives here. >> it's an area of high need. we certainly have read and in terms of seeing the virus being particularly high in this area, a lot of that has to do with the fact that there is not affordable housing. so you have families doubled up. so you have kind of a crowded space. there is a lot of things going on. there is terms of hypertension, asthma, all of the different sorts of things that are typical in neighborhoods like this, we knew this was a need. >> father, 47 million americans rely on food pantries before the pandemic hit. that's a lot of americans. that's when things were really good. what do you expect in the weeks to come and the months to come as people are still at home? >> sorry. it's new york. a lot of people have loud cars. >> certainly, you know, new york city it's diverse.
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different economic levels. but this is hitting everyone. certainly those who are working. the need is going to constantly be there. we're predicting that the need is going to get worse because people are going to get tired. i mean right now the momentum of coming out and giving food and donating food is there. what happens when this goes into an eight week time period? so that's why the nooiknights o columbus, we have given a million dollars for the various churches in what we call leave no neighborhood behind to feed them. 50,000 came over here right now. the men are helping catholic charities and volunteering to move the food. you have the money coming in and the volunteers. it's going to have to keep going on. >> let me ask you about the volunteers. a lot of times at food pantries, the volunteers are elderly. they're people most at risk for this. there are food pantries that head i can't have you come in and volunteer. i can't put you at risk.
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and therefore the food pantry can't open. so with the knights of columbus volunteering, what does that mean? >> we knew that catholic charities was going to be able to move the food in. you know? we knew they were going to be in trouble with the volunteer base. the volunteer base would be scared. but the elderly volunteers are not going to be able to come out. that's why we offered our service and that's why we're here. we're catholic charities and the diocese of brooklyn is queens and kings county and with them. we know they're going to need, you know, goods to have all the food sitting there. we don't want it sitting in a warehouse. we want it in someone's house. >> let me ask you about the supplies. i had been reading that even though the need for food pantries are up, the supplies are down. >> yeah. some of that has to do with the whole -- can you imagine the whole distribution, where things come from. all those things get kind of messed up. but we have in our office, we have a lot of people tracking where we can find, there's a lot
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of upstate farmers, they're at risk of basically tilling under the produce. and so we made some nice connections for people to go up and take some trucks up to upstate new york and bring them down from the farms to bring them here. >> a lot of farms told me, farmers have said we had so much produce we couldn't off load it all because the restaurants are closed. they donated. and there's a giant warehouse, my colleague craig melvin was showing this up in hunts point. that's distributing a lot of that food. >> yes. it's wonderful. unfortunately wonderful that we have some opportunities there t but, yes, those supply chains are always a bit challenging. there was a point when you couldn't get one pound bag of rice. >> wow. >> they just -- you couldn't order it. it wasn't available. so we find different ways that
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we can go through and find these things. >> there is a point where a bag of -- a pound of flour was up to $90 on amazon the other day. >> oh, my goodness. >> people are using so much of it to try to make bread. thank you very much for joining me. i appreciate it. and thank you for standing in the rain six feet apart. it's been great. thank you. thank you for all you do. we appreciate it. >> thank you to coming to the neighborhood. we really appreciate it. >> we are -- it's a pleasure of ours. stay with us. we'll be right back. ours stay with us we'll be right
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i see the disinfectant knocks it out in main, one minute. is there something we can do something like that by injection, inside or almost a cleaning. because you see it gets in the lungs and does a tremendous number. it will be interesting to check that so we don't have to use medical doctors. it sounds interesting to me. >> today president trump said he was being sarcastic when he suggested or wondered out lloyd if injections of disinfectant can be used against the coronavirus. makers of lysol has issued a statement telling people please do not inject cleaning products into their bodies. a suggestion that president made. not to consume cleaning solutions is a remedy or treatment either. this comes as the fda issued a
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warning about another treatment that the president had been touting for weeks the president promoted hydroxychloroquine. today the fda stressed it should not be used outside of a hospital setting because it can cause abnormal heart rhythms and dangerously rapid heart rate. joining me now is nbc news digital senior white house reporter shannon petty. shannon, the president says he was being sarcastic and he was talking to reporters. yesterday as we saw in that clip, he was talking directly to dr. birx and the dhs gentleman that was there presenting that -- those slides about sunlight. what kind of cleanup is the white house trying to do here? >> right. well, as you noted, everybody can watch the clip. they can decide for themselves whether that is the president being sarcastic. he was just asked about this in the oval office and tried to back walk these comments on the disinfectant. some saying he thinks they can be used on the hands. he doesn't think they should be
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injected in any way. he did stand by his belief that the sun xo could have some bene. went into a riff whether the sun can be used as a cure. the presentation yesterday is talking about using sun as a disinfectant. he is pushing this yfd a cure. to your point, they have been in cleanup mode all day. the press secretary put out a statement accusing the media of taking the remarks out of context. which has been a reoccurring theme we've been hearing from this new press secretary. and then saying that president had urged people to get medical advice about coronavirus treatment from their own doctors. but yesterday the president at any point didn't recommend that americans go to their own doctors to get their medical advice. one more thing i would note from that oval office break, you mentioned hydroxychloroquine and the f.d.a.'s new warning. despite that, the president is still, you know, seems undecided at least about the effects of hydroxychloroquine. i said he talked to the president of honduras who talked
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about incredible results that they saw there. despite studies in the u.s. from the va and now from new york state that show no benefit or even a potential harm in the case of the va study. >> shannon pettypiece. thank you so much for filling us in with that context. we appreciate it. let's bring in dr. irwin redlener. i want to play a moment from yesterday's briefing between reporter phil rucker who we all know and the president. phil was asking the president what he hopes to be giving people or what he believes people are expecting of him while he stands at that podium and addresses the nation on this pandemic. here's phil. >> you're the president, people tuning into the briefings. they want to get information and guidance and want to know what to do. they're not looking for rumors. >> i'm the president and you're fake news.
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>> so the president turned it into a confrontation. i ask this question because i think some people might laugh at the idea of injecting bleach or using it in your body or sunlight and think that is ridiculous. but dr. redlener, a lot of people are really scared of this pandemic. they're really scared of this virus. they're looking for solutions. they're looking for the president. they're already a number of -- a rise in the number of calls to the cdc, the poison hotline for people who are ingesting things to try to clean themselves out. before the said this. what does it mean when the president of the united states throws things out there, becomes a sounding board for ideas on national television in the middle of a crisis in. >> katy, there is almost no words to describe the inappropriateness of what the president said yesterday. and i think either he doesn't realize the impact of his words
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on all of his, you know, loyal followers or he does realize it. and he's trying to create a situation where people are putting themselves in very serious harms way. you know, we were very critical when he came out with recommendations on the hydroxychloroquine. and as you pointed out, the studies have shown that it's dangerous. what he was talking about yesterday far exceeds the danger associated with those remarks that suggest even minimally that somehow ingesting or injecting, you know, rubbing alcohol or clorox or lysol or anything else like that is just absurd to the point that it's really hard to believe and comprehend that the president of the united states would say that.
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the sunlight and the uv light which, you know, who knows? there may somebody benefit and certain uv light. right now that is actual dlafrpg us are. using the wrong kind of uv light can cause blindness and other harmful effects. by the way, puerto rico and florida are having upticks in the cases of covid-19. to this whole idea that somehow sunlight and heat is the cure all is also just absurd. it was a -- probably the most outrageous remarks he's given in a presidential briefing and memory. and he's given some doozies. this is the worst. >> let me ask you that. that came into my mind as well. and i know we asked this question. you mentioned two very warm places. singapore is also dealt with this. this idea that the heat is going to somehow just wipe away this disease and maybe it will come back in the fall, i don't -- what is the evidence to support that? and what do you make of the gentleman from dhs that came out
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and sprepresented the slides shg what uv light did during the lights. the head of the science and technology division at dhs made a presentation that was both slides and it is incoherent. and the research was horrible and it was just amazing that he was allowed to get up there and say the thinged he said. but like i said, almost every utterance about this that came out of that guy's mouth is against the presidents was proposterous. it is misleading and very dangerous. to suggest that, you know, warmth and sunlight is going to cure this is flying in the face of a lot of facts that we do know about the occurrence of covid-19 and very warm and sunny environments. the so it was nonsensical to say the least. >> so the president is making a suggestion about uv light &
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there is a second camera shot of dr. birx sitting off to the side and they push it on her face as the president is making these comments. and a lot of people are considering her expression to be one of disbelief. what do you make of the position that both she and dr. fauci are in right now backing up a president who comes out and says things that have to be retracted by the fda or at least corrected by the fda and the makers of household cleaning products? >> i feel sorry for dr. birx and dr. fauci. i can't even imagine what was going through her mind while he was saying that. you know, you have to give her credit and fauci credit for hanging in there for the american people. but i think she's in an
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intolerable position as a person and as a professional and having to figure out how to respond. i think she sort of hedged the question when it was directly put to her and shifted to something else. but, you know, fauci and birx really, the american people need to thank them for being there. but i don't know how they tolerate it. just proposterous nonsense coming out of the mouth of the president, having to hang in there is, i guess, a credit to their stamina and their commitment to what is right. i don't know. i mean, it was so ridiculous what the president is saying. i literally while she was talking, i'm thinking oh, my god. what is she actually thinking right now? other than i wish i was home? >> dr. redlener, thank you very much for joining us. coming up right after a very quick break, congresswoman nidia valasquez represent this is district and talks about the help the states may be getting soon and rest of the country as
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that is -- that was before a crisis that potentially would put so many more into poverty. joining me now is the congresswoman who represent this is district. new york democrat nidia valasquez. thank you very much for joining us. tell me about the people who live here. >> thank you, katy. thank you for having me. well, these are hard-working families. they work more than one or two jobs. and they play by the rules. and, yet, this is what this pandemic has exposed. extreme poverty. we must acknowledge the latino and african-american people are suffering a higher mortality rate from coronavirus. in new york, latino community has been among the hardest hit. and there are a lot of reasons for that. latino people are being harder
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hit because they are lower income, less likely to have insurance and they are concerned about treatment costs. so you have to wonder, you know, here we live in new york, one of the most wealthiest cities in the world with the best hospitals in the world. and, yet, latinos and african-americans are the most vulnerable ones that have been hardest hit by this pandemic. >> let me ask you this. we are hearing a lot of people who are very worried about the bills that they're going to incur for getting treatment for covid-19 or going and getting tested and finding out they don't visit and treatment for what is ailing them in a hospital. a lot of americans don't have health insurance, potentially even more now that so many have lost their jobs. is congress considering a way to
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relieve the hospitals of the bills that they are incurring so debt collectors don't end up chasing the neediest americans for contracting a virus that they couldn't help? >> well, yesterday in in the pa package that we passed, we included $25 billion for testing. and that will provide great resources for new york, new jersey, connecticut. and we are going to go in to work. already we're working on the next package that we'll provide more money for hospitals as well as localities and the state government. this is a national crisis. the federal government must show up and that means providing the resources that help families being made whole. and to address the issue of the
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fact that so many hard-working families lack health insurance. and the federal government must play a role in making sure that they have the treatment that they deserve and that the hospital has the resources that they need in order to provide the services that people deserve to have. >> and even when you have health insurance, sometimes you may get a surprise medical bill that you're not covered for or co-pays or additional bills for hospital stays that are also unaffordable. so congressman valasquez, thank you for joining us. thank you for shining a light on that. we appreciate it. coming up next, yesterday we took you into caesars palace which is closed and staying closed according to the owner. today we're going to take you to another casino which is already making plans to reopen. stay with us. stay with us oft music) - [female vo] restaurants are our family. the cornerstone of our communities.
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we want to bring you an update from a story that we reported yesterday. police in westport, connecticut have canceled the plan to use pandemic drones to monitor people in that community after complaints about privacy. the drone program would have scanned for fever, breathing patterns, heart rate and social distancing from 190 feet away. the announcement came an hour after we aired our story and westport pd said they heard the concerns and are reconsidering the technology for future year. there is also an ongoing debate across the country about when to reopen businesses. health and safety is now being pitted against the economy as the pressure increases to lift lockdowns. people need to earn a living. we get that. nevada's lockdown was scheduled to be lifted on april 30th. it will be extended but without a formal time line. and casinos are making their own
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plans. steve patterson is in las vegas. so steve, yesterday you were talking about sei talking about caesar's staying closes and today treasure island have another plan? >> yeah, but first, a few small wonders that i want to point out. normally this place would be so bustling, i wouldn't have a chance to walk. but i want to show you across the street, why not if you can see he did, another wonder that you can even see across the street with how much traffic that there would be, but you can see he t t see the boarded up businesses right there. and back that way is treasure island. now, this is one of a few casinos that we've gotten in contact with. i spoke to the ceo of caesar's. treasure island says that they are planning, planning, to take
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reservations on may 15. but the small print says based upon the recommendations and guidelines from the governor. and the governor says unless he sees a sustained decline in the number of covid cases, this state will remain closed. they will follow that and most of the other casinos will as well. i want to take you to some sound that we got from the ceo of caesar's. listen to this. >> what you will see is social distancing in the casino and by that i mean i have other slot machine, three people at a table, maybe every other table, restaurants at 50% capacity. vegas is probably one of the most resilient places upon the planet. vegas will come back from this, no doubt in my mind. >> again, all of this is incumbent upon what the governor decides and again the governor
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has not indicated that he will lift this order unless again he sees an increase in the decline number of cases of covid. no indication that that is happening right are now. back to you. >> steve, it is so remarkable to consider that it was only mid-february that it seemed like our entire news organization was in las vegas covering the caucus there. and the debate. and to think that in the span of two months, that place would just be completely empty and shut down and that you would be able to walk and talk through empty streets, the empty strip with a mask on. i mean, it is a small -- it is a small wonder. steve patterson, thank you very much. and that will do it for me during this hour here from east new york, brooklyn. thank you very much for joining us and taking a moment to understand the crisis of the need for food, for people to eat across this country. remember, 47 million americans relied on food fridays befo pan
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this pandemic and imagine what number that will go up to. thank you for joining me. k you e and save in more ways than one. for small prices, you can build big dreams, spend less, get way more. shop everything home at
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with xfinity a breeze. visit today. a. 3:00 p.m. in the east. br brian williams here with you as we are reached a grim milestone. let's get right to the facts as we know them this hour. the u.s. death toll has now passed 50,000 and the number of confirmed cases in our country, nearing 900,000. a reminder however, we still have no idea how many americans have this because only about 1.5% of americans have been tested thus far. some nonessential businesses in georgia like gyms, hair salons,
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tattoo parlors opened their days today for the first time in weeks. the reopening is despite misgivings from president trump, public health experts and some mayors. georgians who are not happy with governor brian kemp's decision to reopen some businesses gathered in atlanta today to protest the decision and urge the state to keep businesses closed until it is safe to reopen. as we mentioned, the president finally split with the governor yesterday. meanwhile, protestors are gathering at the wisconsin state capital to call on state lead hers there to reopen the economy. the demonstration is one day after tony evers extended the safer at home order as it is called until may 26. and president trump has signed a nearly $500 billion piece of legislation that replenishes a fund to help struggling small businesses, that legislation also includes more money for
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hospitals and testing. it was at that event in the oval office, that bill signing, that the president reacted to the story that everyone is still talking about today. and that is this -- his suggestion yesterday that one way to file the coronavirus may be by injecting disinfect tabt into the human body along with inert is being uv light inside the human body. but the president however now says on the i believe jenjectin disinfectant front, he was being sarcastic. all evidence to the contrary. >> i see the disinfectant knocks it out in a minute, one minute, is there a way that we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning. because you see it gets in the lungs and does a tremendous
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number. so it would be interesting to check that. so that you will have to use medical doctors -- >> i was -- it was a sarcastic question to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside. but it does kill it and it would kill it on the hands. and that would make things much better. that was done in the form of a sarcastic question to the reporters. >> at this point let's bring in my colleague nicolle wallace. you heard the man, that was done as a sarcastic question. i mean, here we are applying reason. he was looking right at the experts. he said to one of the reporters in the oval office i was looking at you, the reporter corrected him and said mr. president, i wasn't there yesterday. but people have sense they have branl brains, they are make their own judgment. >> and for five year, we've had conversations and they are always blunt on or off tv.
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that is bs. and what this revealed is not just his idiocy, but the frailty of his ego and depth of his ignorance. and so that is the national crisis today. and if you look at how the private sector and state governments and other parts of the federal government have had to respond to donald trump suggesting that medical research go into investigating whether or not injecting bleach or disinfectant into the body to, quote, clean the lungs might be looked at, don't take my word for it, look at what the state of washington did, look at what the corporation that makes lysol did, and then i suggest you look to the fda which today issued a warning about the last little bout of quackery dispensed from the white house podium and that
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is about an unproven drug therapy. but we have one of our reporters who has done some great reporting on this 16 hour after the comment defense about sarcasm and that is white house correspondent kristen welker. what do you have to share, what have you learned about the 16 hour defense strategy to come up with blaming this on sarcasm? >> well, this is reporting that was done by myself, my collea e colleagues, and it is based on conversations with a number of stra administration officials and allies outside the white house. and we can tell you that some of the president's own aides were gobsmacked when they heard him make these comments from the podium yesterday. in fact, some officials started texting each other, one even saying this is going to be a problem. so they knew immediately that
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this was something that would need to be cleaned up. and based on my conversations, it is important to underscore that this was not something that had been discussed beforehand. we know that there was an oval office meeting, during that meeting bill brian of dhs was talking to the president, to the task force, about possible ways that you could essentially stomp out the coronavirus on surfaces. so that includes with disinfectants. he also made the argument that recent studies show that uv rays, heat, could potentially weaken the coronavirus, its ability to be transmitted between human beings. but that in no way did this have anything to do with possible treatments. one administration official said that it appears that he con fladed some of these ideas. pld president as you said played it off as sarcasm, but no doubt that you did see not only private companies like lysol but
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state and other officials take the comments very seriously. maryland emergency management agency said that it received several calls about disinfectant use and that the coronavirus warning that residents, quote, under no circumstances should any disinfectant product be administered into the body. so very real reaction to the president's remarks. and officials stressed what the president tried to communicate today, that he was in no way suggesting that people should actually inject disinfectants, that obviously by all accounts that would not work be. but again, it did come on the heels of this briefing that they got that disinfectants would work on surfaces and only on surfaces. so the reaction and fallout continues. there is some frustration with the fact that it took about 12 hours to put out a statement essentially saying that the
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president's words were misconstrued when in reality he has only been quoted. he will hold another briefing later on today, undoubtedly he will get a whole lot of questions about this. >> is there any plan to try to get ahead of this, for him to come out and make a statement saying i misspoke, i made a mistake? >> at this point in time, i'm not getting any indication that that is going to happen, but i wouldn't be surprised if it does happen. i know that number of top officials are dealing with the ongoing fallout. they are trying to figure out the best way to address this. and again, i would stwres that we did have those comments this morning and a lot of officials thought that what 1450 hashould happened that they should have a frank discussion with the president last night, saying let's put out a statement, let's clarify this tonight so that this doesn't get out of hand so that we don't have to deal with something that becomes an ongoing issue tomorrow on a friday. but they did wait until this
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morning for that statement. i would not be surprised if you saw a very robust defense from the podium are by president trump about this later on today. >> defensive comments like a doubling down or walkback in. >> defense is sarcasm. a walkback. i think that what you will see from him is that he will lean into the fact that these were sarcastic remarks but nicolle, that is not what caylee said. she said the president's comments are being taken out of context here and of course again we just underscore, we're not taking anything out of context, we've in fact played the president's comments in full. so it is notable that you have his newly installed press secretary saying one thing, and then a very different message from president trump himself. and of course this is not the first time that he has tried to dismiss the controversial
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comments he's made as sarcasm or joking. >> she should figure out how to get the lie of the day down. thank you, kristen welker. and it does occur to us often that you are a veteran of similar cleanups in aisle three, except usually you kept the damage down to a single hour and not a multiday event. we want to bring into the conversation democratic senator tammy duckworth of illinois who is kind enough to join us. senator, we're all parents here. and no matter what age your children, you know how difficult it is during these times. you of course have the littlest one of all at home and say nothing to the fact that we're battling this propaganda from the white house and undoubtedly you will have some americans looking to see where they can get their pine scented internal cleaning injection today.
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and it is just all kinds of wrong. >> oh, my gosh. you know what, i'm so glad that i had my conversation with a 5-year-old about not ingesting tide pods. even she knows that injecting bleach into the human body is not a good thing. this is a ridiculous thing that the president said. but speaking to what you said earlier, i mean if this president came out and actually apologized or said you know what, i misspoke, i was wrong, on anything that he said, it has been a lie or mistruth in his last 3 1/2 years in office, you could come that every day until november and still not get through every lie that he's told. >> in the meantime talk about your constituents, talk about your constituents who have now missed represent, mint, missed . and like every member of the senate, you have people back home who never dreamed that they would be in line at a food bank
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and here they are. >> exactly. so if you are hungry like i was at a child and you have hungry children, if you have missed your paycheck, your rent payments, you are out of work, you are scared right now. and this is a tough country and we are strong people. but it would be really helpful if we had real leadership in the white house that was doing things like coordinating the efforts to getting medical supplies out to the states instead of telling the governors go fight each other for it, let it be the wild, wild west. we have farmers who are flushing milk down the drain because they are not allowed to ship them to the food pantries. we've asked the department of agriculture to please change the rules at least during the pandemic to allow some of the food to be donated to food pantries. but we still haven't heard anything back. it is very unfortunate. >> senator, brian and i spent two hours focused on the
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questions around testing. and one thing that everyone agrees on in the scientific community, without testing, it is impossible to have an informed conversation about opening up anything. where do you think we are right now and where do you want to get to for your state and for the country at large on testing? >> we need widespread testing that should be available and right now we don't have it. and we've asked the white house time and again, something as simple as how many tests do we night or how many te need or how many tests do you have. and they can't answer the question. the trump administration does not know how many test kits they even have access to or even which states need them the most. it is a basic math problem and they can't figure it out. we can't move forward without advanced and widespread testing program. you know, i would hate for us to reopen the economy, everybody goes back to work and then a second more deadly wave hit the country because we didn't have enough testing. and frankly right now i think
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that the way we move forward is to do it cautiously, but in such a way that we don't actually create another spike in infections. >> mitch mcconnell yesterday said that states struggling can file for bankruptcy. of course that is not a thing, not legal. >> no. >> where do you come down on what should be do for 125istate that are struggling before they are in a position before they contemplate something like that? >> well, one of the things that can be done right now is the trump administration can release the funds that we passed in the c.a.r.e.s. act that included $150 billion to go to states and local municipalities. the first $50 billion of that was supposed to go to each of the 50 states. and then we asked them to please send money to local municipalities so they don't have to go through the statehouse for them but the department of the treasury said it was too much trouble. but they could release to the states and let them pay some bills. and they need to release to the
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hospitals as well who are on the front lines of the pandemic. >> senator duckworth, she has served her curve overseas and now in her kitchen. thank you very much for having us in this afternoon. and taking our questions. we appreciate it. stay well, good luck to you. coming up for us, as georgia reopens, we have new data about where the virus has been and where it may be heading. steve kornacki will be at the big board. and later, we'll talk to one of the frontline warrior, an icu nurse in knock who says her team doesn't have the personal protective equipment that they need. ann jenkins with aarp. the coronavirus continues to affect us all, and we are here, actively supporting you and your community. every day, we're providing trusted information from top health experts...sharing tools to help protect families from fraud... and creating resources to support
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today hair salons, fitness center, massage therapist, bowling alleys are officially open for business in georgia. governor brian kemp there announced that he would ease restrictions earlier this week even though his state did not meet white house guidelines on reopening. governor kemp's decision drew rare criticism from the president. >> i had a good talk with the governor the georgia. >> earlier in the week you did not convey this kind of message. was there is a change? >> i didn't like the fact that he is leaving certain things -- i want the states to open much more than he does. but i didn't like to see spas at this early stage. i wasn't at all happy because --
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and i could have done something about it if i wanted to, but i'm saying let the governors do it. >> with us now is correspondent blai blaine alexand ander. and i've been trying to figure out whether there were lines of people waiting to these services. what have you found? >> reporter: you know, i'll tell you that it is absolutely a mixed bag. starting this morning, we have found businesses that have opened their doors, that have been willing to serve customers for the first time for the first time in six to eight weeks. but in terms of how many are coming in, it is an ebb and flow. i think this is probably a good examp example. this is tony's barber studio. he is closed right now, but he's seen about eight people come inside throughout the day. now, keep in mind this is atlanta on a friday afternoon.
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typically he tells me they have about 30 to 40 customers in here. but you are seeing waning numbers because he is being selective in the number of people that he is bringing in, but quite frankly not all of his clients coming back and not all of his barbers feel comfortable coming back to work. but as you look inside, you can see that they are removing some of the chair, they are completely blocking off the waiting area. they are making it so that nobody is waiting here inside. and they are taking -- making sure that everyone comes in has a mask on. that is a requirement. so those are some of the people that i'm hearing from who are opening today. the interesting thing about tony and what i've heard about other people as well, this was a difficult decision. he said that if he could afford to financially, he would not be open today. he said the only reason he is opening is because he was in such dire straitstraits, he has that he needs to pay. so that is why he is opening his
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doors. we've talked to some shop owners who say that they are not opening their doors. but on the other end, we say they put the precautions in place and they are happy to open their doors today. >> blaine alexander, thank you very much. as states begin to reopen, we have new information about why the virus could be headed next. steve kornacki is joining us at the big board. >> we've been learning together, i think learning a lot here. here is the geographic distribution of the virus. it has been concentrated so far and that might be changing. first of all, this is where we are right now. of course more than 900,000 or approaching 900,000 cases total in this country have crossed that grim milestone of 50,000 deaths. the bubble here, this is the
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distribution, bigger the bubble, more in the terms of caseload. try this here, new york city metro areas, not just new york city, this is the suburbs on long island, north jersey, westchester county, 5% or so of the population of the united states, this is right here at this dot and nearly yet 50% of the deaths so far have been right here in the new york city metro area. 5% of the population, nearly half of the deaths in the country. and then if you take it one step further and you add in five more metro areas, boston, philly, detroit, chicago, new orleans, a grand total of six met troall t areas, 60% of the deaths in these areas. and that is how concentrated it is.
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here is the question. are they starting to peak or get past peak in some of these places and move to more different rural areas? so we took a look and we said where were the largest average daily increases in cases over the last week and let me show you what we found. by the way, we're not talking big metropolises, north dakota, kansas, high with nebraska, iowa, ohio. and when you look at the picture in these states, you are seeing a different kind of story than you are seeing in new york and new orleans and all these other places. you are seeing isolated outbursts. north dakota, big increase. you can trace it so grand forks, you can trace to a single factory. that is the reason for it there. when you talk about iowa, you are talking about a pork processing plant. when you are talking about nebraska, you are not talking omaha or lincoln, not the
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population centers, you are talking about smaller counties, rural counties where there is what? big meat processing plants, big pork processing plants. ohio, you are talking about a prison, about 50 miles north of columbus. they tested the presumptive nominee neshs nominee -- tested the prisoners, 80% came back positive. so you are seeing factories, meat processing plants, pork processing plants, a prison in the case of ohio. those are the types of places where you have large gatherings hundreds of worker, prisoners, large gatherings of people in indoor spaces, that is what you are seeing the explosions. so you are starting to see it in different kinds of places and within those places, it is those factories, it is those processing plants, you got a bunch of people together. >> steve kornacki, thank you so much. so interesting. and brian, when you think about our conversations last night about testing, at some point the
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federal government will have to deal itself out of the conversation other than maybe enhancing the supply chain. if people want to go back, they will need companies to protect them and that might be where all the push comes around testing. >> yeah, i heard an expert on that front say yesterday this is not hard ideally depending on your leadership and your society. the american people have proven themselves to be very compliant and observant, a lot because they are scared and don't want to get this and we have the means, we have the discipline to go after all of those hot spots. so now the governor of north dakota, we're looking at you and nebraska and kansas and iowa and all these places where we've seen these outbreaks. anyway, it is a continuing story. but we did i'm many to say toha
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touch on a lot of it last night. up next, we'll meet a critical care fuss working with covid positive patients in anxious icu in new york. among her concerns, this ongoing lack of personal protective equipment. no matter what you hear at the white house briefing, it is real. we'll also talk about reopening the country too soon. >> icus are full, we can't open this country. you want to live, stay home. it needs to be closed, please. d.
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