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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  April 26, 2020 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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we have lots to take you through immigration in the way they wanted to because americans president trump on the defensive outpouring of support for separated families, for and his fall out on ingesting migrants. disinfectanc. he said when he was directing to i think that's happening on covid. we have seen millions stand up lab assistant. and give money. the official white house transcript tells a different story. >> when the person in the most people recognize the failure of the government to respond to the powerful position on the planet, family separation crisis, the people listen. we have seen an increase in immigration crisis. people calling poison control. >> i'd like to bring in robert costa. he's a washington post national our government should be making political reporter and nbc news political analyst. sure that migrants are safe. the american people are filling all right, robert, i want to in the gaps. start with you. you had the president engaging ultimately, despite all of this, in a tweet storm against the media over these communities. it's going to take the then you have the official white government passing a better house transcript telling a stimulus package that fighting different story. for families for us to be able here's what dr. birx had to stay to respond to immigration, to
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about it today on "meet the respond to cash payments and to press" take a listen. respond to the covid crisis. >> you said he was digesting >> thank you all so much for information at the time when your time. up next, millions of that came out of his mouth. americans are struggling to put do you have anymore information food on the table and the and are you concerned that nation's food banks are struggling to keep up with demand. we'll talk with the head of the people might take bleach because san antonio food bank who has of what the president said? seen more need than ever before. >> i think i made it very clear seen more need than ever before. in how i interpreted that. it's a voice on the other end of the phone. i made it clear and so has a note to say you're on our mind. dr. fauci and every one a willingness to come to you. associated with the task force. this is not a treatment. the world and how we interact with each other is changing. >> robert, when you talk to but that will never change who we are at lexus. these health official, these health experts. what do they say about how it now, more than ever, you and your needs come first. complicates their job getting the proper information out when find out what service options are available they are up against the in your area at first president making these type of comments in these briefings? >> in recent weeks they have told me that this latest episode is not isolated. there's a culture inside the trump administration that
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creates problems between his inner circle and the experts. we see it with dr. red field talking about the second wave and then standing next to president trump who asserts the doctor was misquoted and now dr. birx in this position of defending or trying to explain the president's comments. again and again, pattern inside of this administration of making health officials feel like they are at odds with the commander in chief in how they message and commune kaicate about this viru. >> take a look at this briefing by the numbers. 35 briefings since march 16th where the president spoke for more than 28 hours eating up 60% of the time. you can see there the number of hours spent on a attacks. the number of hours and minutes spent praising himself and his administration. would we be in a different place if the bulk had placed on science, testing and getting
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americans the information that they need on this virus. >> i think his poll numbers might be in a different place. i think the white house has done other than when the president upsi undermines them, other when dr. birx and dr. fauci speak pps if he, if the president just let them talk, let them lead the way they have been trained the lead, let them lead the way that everything they know, that they can bring to the public, his find out what service options are available poll numbers would probably be frustrated that clean clothes you want to wear always seem to need an iron? better. try bounce wrinkle guard dryer sheets. people want to grav staitate tos the bounce wrinkle guard shorts have fewer wrinkles and static, and more softness. their leaders in a time of it's the world's first mega sheet that does the job of three dryer sheets! crisis. if he just stepped back and showed responsibility. bounce out wrinkles. showed courage by saying let the scientist take the front of this, that would probably be navigators of the turf and keepers of the green. good for him at the end of 2020 to the rural ramblers, back to the landers, in november when we get to the election. head turners and stripe burners. i'm not saying he's going to run with us on a john deere mower. because this is more than just grass.
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lose. i'm not going to say he's going it's home. search john deere mowers for more. to win. these are unforced errors that in these challenging times, he could take some political wins from if he just stepped we need each other more than ever. we may be apart, but we're not alone. back. use aarp community connections to find or create a mutual aid group near you. stay connected and help those in need. soon, people will be walking back through your door.. you. there's a debate about happening about when to open and how to soon, life will move forward. open. it's acting as if there's two competing interests. we'll welcome back old colleagues, get to know new ones there's economic interests and health interests when those two things are happening in tandem. some things may change, but we'll still be here, does the president talking about right here, so you can work on the business economics and the rest of his team talking about health of getting your business back. concerns underscore the fact that they are approaching these at paycom, our focus will always be you as separate and rather than related conflicts. and we'll see you soon. >> it's true they have been take a look at this. serious for the president. he's prioritized short term just a few weeks ago this photo economic considerations from the of thousands of families lined beginning of this which is why
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up outside the san antonio food he was slow to declare a bank went viral. national emergency. since then the demand for food which is why it took the stock in texas continues to soar. market crashing for him to stimulus checks from the federal escalate a full scale government have helped them keep administration response to this. up supplies, but the food bank says it's not enough to meet the growing demand. with me now is eric cooper, the president and ceo of the san antonio food bank. eric, great to see you. you and i spoke two weeks ago. he's taken a turn now with the bleach and the lysol problem. you had more demand than you had whether he can stay away from ever seen before. this, it remains to be seen. two weeks later, what are you seeing? >> alyssa, as you know, we were serving 60,000 people a week it's already deeply frustrating before covid-19, and now in the he cannot do these big rallies. middle of the crisis, we're the daily briefings on the coronavirus are the next best feeding about 120,000 people a thing to that. we'll see. the answer is it depends on the week, and that is the case for president's whims from feeding america food banks across the united states. day-to-d all of us seeing this day-to-day. >> robert you have the would you say journal reporting is that unprecedented demand. white house is in talks to the lines are long and we're remove alex azare as hhs working as hard as we can to make sure that everybody gets food, but it has honestly been secretary. how seriously are they considering that move in. private philanthropy that has >> the washington post has followed up with its own report truly been the food supply that that echoed what was seen in the
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stocked the shelves of feeding journal's reporting that america food banks. secretary azar is on thin ice we are waiting on support from with this administration. the federal government that will he's seen as someone on the get here this summer, but people inside of the west wing as a have to eat in the meantime, and our food banks are relying on volunteers and that private possible fall person because of the way he approached president philanthropy to stock our trump in february and march. shelves at the moment. his allies, to be clear, think >> when people come to you and to the food bank, what is it he has done everything in his that you're hearing from them? power to respond to this >> yeah, they're just pandemic and the white house overwhelmed themselves. says he has not, at least at the discouraged. i met a woman and her husband, moment, on his way toward the they're expecting their second child, and she wasn't expecting exit door. to get laid off and was. she's worried about her health care. she's worried about contracting the coronavirus. shows you how much debate there she's worried about how she's is inside the cabinet but who is gonna nourish her growing baby. responsible and when the public and, you know, thousands and does start to roar even more about how this was handled, who thousands of families we're will put out there as a target of the ire and criticism that is sure to continue to come. seeing, and the stories the same, many of them -- 50% have >> you give us a sense of the never asked for food before. names that are being floated as they're learning that.
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a possible replacement, robert? we're educating them about this >> you have scott gotley is supplemental nutrition assistance program, s.n.a.p. close to the president, the s.n.a.p. has the analybility to former fda commissioner. he's always been someone who has been discussed add a possible these families out of the parking lot and into grocery cabinet member to come back sba stores, but the federal this administration at a higher government not only needs to give them the maximum amount level. they can, but increase that chris christie has remained close. maximum amount by 15% to 25% so seeing him coming in at hhs would be unusual but you have those kind of names being that will reduce our demand at discussed in an informal way. our local food banks. there is some promising support it's still secretary azar running hhs. that is coming out is the coronavirus farmer assistance program, and that will kind of take some of the surplus agriculture products and produce, protein and dairy that restaurants used to buy, buy that and provide that to food >> the white house said they banks. and so feeding america food were blind sided when they learned he would file a banks throughout the country are whistle-blower complaint. what does it tell us about the working with food distributors to funnel that food then to decision making happening inside the white house? families like these that are in >> i think it tells us it's just our lines so that at the end of another situation where no one the day food should never go to waste and families that are is kwiets sure wquite sure who hungry should get access to good decisions. it goes back to why so many
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people want the president to lead in a way that makes sense nutrition. >> eric, do you have a sense of is it's hard to know what to if governor abbot does decide to believe and who is in charge and reopen the state of texas, what all of those other things. that will mean for the families coming to you right now? until they figure that out, >> well, at the end of the day, you're going to have all kinds the ability to shorten our line is a living wage. of stories about is someone going to be replaced and who will be the fall guy. it's actually -- it's not great families having access to employment, and that was a to be having this conversation struggle for many families before the covid-19 crisis. that the white house may be looking for a fall guy in hhs as the state opens back up, i especially when we know that the think it's going to be slow going. economy doesn't like chaos. many businesses are closed, and so they've got to re-recruit their displaced workers. many of them are afraid to go to work. many on the front lines of restaurants, hotels, they worry, are they going to be safe? so i think much more needs to be how will they explain that away done, and the personal safety in that causes more chaos in this situation that doesn't need aspects of business, transportation, logistics, the to be there. supply chain has been altered. >> i want you to listen to what alexandria ocasio-cortez told my it's going to take some time to colleague rachel maddow about the relief bills that have gone get that back in the state where through congress. take a listen. the supply can meet the upcoming
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>> this small bill, while demands of the state being open, something may be better than but we couldn't be more excited nothing, it is happening in the about the potential of getting context of congress having gone on recess for a month. we are going to pass a small beyond this crisis, but we want to make sure every texasenn is e potatoes bill and then we are talking about recessing again until may 4th. and i'm not sure how it's going every time we pass one of these to come together. >> all right. eric, thank you for your time. bills, we're hearing the real that wraps it up for this hour. solution is coming in next bill i'm alyssa menendez. and the next bill and next bill. at some point we have to raise our hands and say when is the the reverend al sharpton takes solution coming. over at the top of the hour. he has senators tammy duckworth and sherrod brown coming up next on "politicsnation." >> this is a frustration i heard echoes by many members. is there appetite to do a larger, more comprehensive ♪ package from folks on capitol hill in. >> there is appetite. this is shaping up to be one of thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread the bigger battles coming up. to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. there's been a lot of drama ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor
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surrounding these packages. is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+/her2- metastatic breast cancer, the next package is looking quite different. as the first hormonal based therapy. there are priorities that democrats had. most notably aid to state and ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed local governments that were not disease progression versus letrozole, included in this. and shrank tumors in over half of patients. patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. there's some oppositions among ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs that can lead to death. tell your doctor right away republicans. i think representative if you have new or worsening symptoms, including trouble breathing, shortness of breath, alexandria ocasio-cortez was spoints poin cough, or chest pain. pointing out her district in the bronx is most affected. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, she is one of five members that voted against it. or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, the other four were all republicans. i think we're looking at a much are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. more protracted battle the next common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, tiredness, nausea, time around. sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite. be in your moment. the republicans, republican ask your doctor about ibrance. governors as well, who are clamoring for this. this is a complex battle.
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that's ensure max protein, with high protein and 1 gram sugar. it's a sit-up, banana! bend at the waist! i'm tryin'! >> thank you. georgia is one of the states keep it up. you'll get there. whoa-hoa-hoa! moving to reopen businesses but 30 grams of protein, several mayors say they don't and one gram of sugar. ensure max protein. support the plan. i'll ask one of them why, next. you have seen the aents-shutdown protests but who is really behind them? stunning report, coming up. y be? stunning report, coming up hold my pouch. trust us. us kids are ready to take things into our own hands. don't think so? hold my pouch. that family doesn't have to take out of their house. it relieves stress off of me to let me know i'm doing something good for the community, that liberty mutual customizes your insurance, i just love hitting the open road and telling people not just papa john's. so you only pay for what you need! [squawks] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread
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to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+/her2- metastatic breast cancer, as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole, and shrank tumors in over half of patients. patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs that can lead to death. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including trouble breathing, shortness of breath, cough, or chest pain. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite. be in your moment.
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ask your doctor about ibrance. ♪ be in your moment. still fresh... ♪ unstopables in-wash scent booster good evening and welcome to "politicsnation." ♪ downy unstopables tonight's lead, dereliction of duty. swithout even on yoleaving your house. as the debate rages about when just keep your phone and switch to xfinity mobile. and how to reopen the country in you can get it by ordering a free sim card online. the midst of the coronavirus crisis, i truly wanted to once you activate, you'll only have to pay for the data you need- starting at just $12 a month. deliver an optimistic message on this spring sunday, but i'll there are no term contracts, no activation fees, have to save that for the end of tonight's show. and no credit check on the first two lines. because i found even my most get a $50 prepaid card when you switch. basic assumptions about our nation's leadership called into it's the most reliable wireless network. question. and it could save you hundreds. in addition to my own xfinity mobile. presidential run, i've met with every sitting commander in chief
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featuring the emmy award-winning voice remote. access to your favorite apps, including netflix, prime video, youtube and hulu. all without changing passwords and inputs. the most 4k content and movies and shows on any screen. the best entertainment experience all in one place. parts of america are reopening four states. in georgia dine in restaurants and movie theaters will open their doors joining nail salons and tattoo businesses that resumed business this week. the state has over 23,000 covid 19 cases and over 900 deaths. mayors across the state are still urging residents to stay home. this includes the mayor of athens, georgia. thank you so much for your time.
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what is your response to the governor trying to open the state? >> it's clear we need a well crafted plan for reopening businesses and states. we have haven't experienced that sustained reduction. in many ways the plan that the governors laid out feels like fishing in the creek. we need an understanding of how the metrics will be associated with some specific reopenings. that it provides clarity for everybody. we need to do this in a way that's measured and this isn't what we had thurs far.
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>> when you hear from your constituents, what is their concern? >> concern for their own held and loved ones and employees and neighbors. it's the very, very rare business here in athens that suggested that they will be reopening here in the next week. whether you look at very small businesses or very large chain restaurants that are headquartered here. they've recognized that there's no way to safely reopen with the employees that they have and with our current health care -- apparatus. we can be conscious of these things at the same time. i would call upon state leaders and federal leaders to be thinking of how the support for businesses and individuals can be expanded. it would be possible for this governor and this congress and president to put more resources into individual unemployment supports. what we have come out what had been a fantastic economy, wildly
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recognized as historically and unemployment which means that departments of labor were relatively understaffed compared to the waves of unemployment filings that we have right now. putting some resources there as well as into testing and ppe and contact tracing are all rational responses that authorities could make. >> one of the forts coming fights about whether funds go to state and local governments. what do you want people to know about what that would meep for you and your city? >> as i follow this conversation, i've heard some of the distractors around questions like underfunded retirement programs being a rationale for this. as mayor of a jurisdiction that's done a very good job funding our retirement programming and post-employment benefits it would be possible for congress to craft a package
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that's explicit about what funds can go to and what they can't. let's make sure that localities and states can pay our first responders. it's true in almost every jurisdiction in the country as it's true here in athens that the bulk of our annual budget goes to police and fire and courts and first responders and so these are the folks on the ground now. they will need continued support. congress is uniquely positioned to be able to provide the support. >> all right. thank you so much. >> thank you. stay at home orders for about a dozen more states are set to expire this coming thursday. however, for anti-quarantine protesters that's not soon fluff. the last couple of weeks protesters have been defying state mandated orders and call on political leaders to lift them. the protests have seemed
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spontaneous, there's a powerful network supporting them behind the scenes. with me now is tony, the tech policy reporter for the washington post and an msnbc contributor. great to see you. who is behind these protests? >> it's baa bit of efverybody. some are organic and authentic. there's a network of well funded conservative groups that are taking to sites like facebook and other organizing tools to drive these protests which so happen to be in major political swing states. we give an example of one of them. it's a group called convention of states. it's got ties to the koch network and through facebook and a series of ads they were helping to promote some of the protests we have seen across the country targeting these stay at home orders that are critical to the public health response to coronavirus.
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>> who are they target and hoping to activate? >> i think they are looking to activate conservative who is are very frustrated here. we just heard if the mayor. there are people legitimately upset because they are out of a job pnds they are having a hard time accessing things like unemployment benefits and so for those people, there's a desire to get out there but for many of these conservative group, some of it is political. some is about activating conservatives frustrated entering an election season and some of it is economic because the donors behind the organizations, the past donor vs a stake in what happens in individual states and the kind of businesses that are allowed to be open and those that required to be closed. >> we have seen the president encouraging these protests on twitter. what type of impact does that have? >> i think it's a huge impact if you talk to experts who say people take their cues from the
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president. as you have talked about and others throughout the day, we saw what happened when the president talked about drinking bleach or taking bleach as a solution to that had the affect of people thinking about remedies or cures. the same is true on the economic side. when people say the president tweeting liberate michigan, for example, as he did about two weeks ago, people look at that. they take cues from that. they take political cues from that. it has the affect of activating the conservative networks that have driven some of these protests. >> thanks so much. >> thanks for having me. doctors say the fastest way to reopen the country is to put widespread testing in place. up next, we'll talk about where america's testing and tracing systems need to be and the new studies under way. a few weeks ago you saw these pictures at out of san
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white house says social distancing will be a norm in the u.s. through the summer. the coronavirus task force coordinator told meet the press today that current ways of testing will work through the spring and summer, but the u.s. need a breakthrough on testing to get the country back open. >> other technology that we think can come online within the next two to three weeks that will be a breakthrough in the rna type testing. i think also, just for ease of use finding out how we can do testing like they do with flu. it can be used as a screeningtist. just allow you to screen large numbers of individuals quickly.
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>> i want to get you take on what you make of dr. birx saying we need a breakthrough and a breakthrough my be on the way? >> in terms of what she means by we need a breakthrough is right now, for most of the outbreak we had to take a swab and stick it far in the back of someone's nose and take a sample and locate the virus a and do that which takes time and clinical skill. in an ideal world there's a test where you're using a screening to say make sure people could go to work in a hospital and school and testing frequently and making sure they weren't asymptommatic carriers.
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there are some candidates that are working on things like that. i'm not certain what she is referring to when she refers to something coming through very shortly. i'm as hopeful as anyone. >> dr. fauci says the u.s. needs to double testing capacity before lifting lockdowns. what will it take to get from here to there? >> one thing we can say for sure is people hope for technological miracles to save us. that's a very american way to think about it. what we have seen is that's not how it goes. it takes longer than people expect. it takes weeks or or months to get a lot of these new tests spun up. you think about what doubling capacity means. for most of april, we were plateaued. only in the last couple of days
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we seen large numbers of tests coming through beyond what we were seeing in early april. i think that would mean something like getting to say 400,000 or 500,000 ktests per dy reported. maybe that's possible with existing technology but it's probably not. we preeobably need to see different type of tests roll out. different methods for getting specimens. there's a bun p of different things. testing wasn't slow to ramp up and it won't get faster ramping up because of one reason. >> yesterday i was asking about antibesi antibody testing. he said it's taken up a disproportion nagtion nate amou space in the conversation. as we look at these antibody
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tests can they tell us that might be useful in combatting this virus? >> i would say they are useful as an early piece of data for fe people tracking and modelling this outbreak. they are not useful to the public now. most of the tests have not been vetsed by the fda. it will be a lot of false positives so people come up saying they have aentsbesides that don't. even when they are accurate we won't know they mean the person is not themselves. for all those reasons combined, i think they are taking a disproportionate part of the public imagination while at the same time the basic principal is extremely -- is going to be extremely important in months to come when we really understand
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exactly what those antibodies mean fands there's way to use them to assure people they will not get sick and be using their plasma to help other people. very exciting. not where we need to be at a practical level to be meaningful. >> more than 94,000 confi0,000 covid-19 in the u.s. how say that's an undercount. how so? >> maybe we're at 10% of the actual cases out there versus what we have been able to confirm with tests. one way we know that is looking at the positivity rate of these tests. if two out of every ten petests are coming back positive, you know you're not testing widely enough. one reason we know that is if you look at other countries that have less severe outbreak, maybe career will have two out of
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every hundred test come back positive. i think those are the kind of numbers we would like to see. >> does testing work if it's not nationalized? >> as in not every one has access to it? >> if it's not coordinated at a national level. >> that's an interesting question because so much of our system is built around local level interventions for things like this. theoretically in a classic outbreak you have areas of the database where things were moving such that you could help raise warning flags but ultimately the methods of suting down, methods of resource
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allocation would depend on the state's decision. this is something we haven't done before. i think you need a good collaboration between local officials and health departments because that's the way our system is set up right now and then oversight at the federal level which will help make everything more efficient and potentially allow us to allocate resources efficiently to places where they are needed. >> all right. thank you both so much for breaking this all down for us. up next, the white house is getting back to its base. the president putting a new immigration ban in place this week. we'll tell you about the new lawsuit aimed at blocking it. tw lawsuit aimed at blocking it any. any. so, when you get a check... you can deposit it from here. and you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. you can save for an emergency from here. or pay bills from here. so when someone asks you, "where's your bank?"
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well america is focused on the coronavirus pandemic, the who i s white house the make changes to immigration. trump bans immigration for 60 days. his reason, to protect american jobs. the comes as many mixed status families are still being denied stimulus checks and the fate of daca remains in the balance. great to see you all. kit ly
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kate lynn, you had litigate tors from several groups filing an emergency motion to halt trump's new ban. where does this fight go from here? >> it's not surprising that the president's immigration ban, though it's much more limited than we originally thought based on the dwetweet that announced s coming. it's bafaced its first legal challenge. many will come. this one points out people who will will be prevented from getting green cards during this 60-day pause that exists which the president said he may extend based on the state of the economy when those 60 days are up. some of the examples that the lawyers gave when they filed this case in that federal court in oregon were grandparents, for example, who had been waiting in line for green cards who may have been on a their way to the u.s. to provide child care for medical workers or people who work in food service and would allow those workers to continue working through the pandemic by taking care of their kids.
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those grandparent ks not get visas or green cards while the ban is in place. they also talked about teenagers, for example, or young adults who have been waiting in line. in some cases for year or decades. if they are blocked from get dg green cards while the ban is in place and they turn 21 years old, they will have to start over and wait in another long line in order to come to the united states. those are some examples of the groups that the lawyers are seeking to try to protect. >> on a call with surrogates, senior advicer to the president said the most important thing is to turn off the faucet of new immigrant labor. mission accomplished with signing that executive order. i want to get your response and your sense of whether this gets extended past 60 days. >> i think what's important to recognize is in 2015 when the president went down the escalator in trump tower and launched his campaign in
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anti-mexican sentiment and this is stuff that president trump believes. president trump is accountable for everything stephen miller does. this has nothing to do with pandemic. this has nothing to do with keeping the americans safe and prioritizing our public health. this has everything to do with trying to cut legal immigration which is something the white house through stephen miller tried to do on numerous occasions in 2018 and lost in a republican controlled house and senate. that's what they are doing. they are trying to set up an ongoing conversation to restrict legal immigration and exploiting the fears of americans while doing that. >> i want to ask you a question just to follow up. we often have this conversation about who has the presidency and who is the president listening to. why is miller able to be so uniquely effectively? >> he was not running some conservative think tank four
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years ago. he was the comm staffer for one of america's most racist senators? modern history. he has helped usher in a number of policy advisers from anti-immigrant portions from the center for immigration studies and fair immigration. both organizations that sound like very mundane names but are really, really far right extremists. those folks work in the department of homeland security and that's who he is coordinating to usher forth these policies. we are deporting children who are showing up at our border unaccompanied to guatemala with very little supervision. it's not just about family migration and asylasylum. they're attacking it at every angle and wake up every day looking for an opportunity to do so. >> in addition to to daca,
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there's the reality that mixed status families who filed joint taxes aren't getting stimulus money. what type of impact does that have on those families? >> we are talking so many of the domestic workers that we work with. some of whom are daca resip yentss. the mothers of darca recipients. it's really tough. those checks would make a big difference. they make between 11 and $13,000 a year. they have living in extreme poverty and being excluded from relief. not because of any mistakes they made but because of related to all of this work in immigration. we can't share our bounty with anyone because they are others.
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that's the going to make it so scary to migrate that people never migrate again. >> i.c.e. officials access to database of daca recipients. what does that mean? >> it depends on how the trump administration decides to proceeds with that information. we have heard to dramatically or drastically different scenarios discussed. one in which the administration does pursue daca recipients for deportation and another this which they deenton't. you can imagine the policies the trump administration has introduced. one of the most emotionally charged for americans is daca
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recipients and their well being to stay in the united states. it's hard to imagine they would be pursued for deportation. it was also hard to 3457bimagint the united states would begin separating families or begin deporting, as we talked about, undocumented minors who come here on their own by themselves to guatemala which just began during the pandemic for the first time. we'll have to see if it's not pursued in a direct warks y, it could be pursued as a threat. if you don't agree to this, whether this is funding the border wall or if you don't agree to that, which is legislative changes to restrict green cards then we may go after and try to deport daca resip yentss. it becomes a carrot and the tick situation.
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one other thing i wanted to point out about restricting the stimulus money and not offering that to people who file taxes who are undocumented, is that is targeting individual who is have chosen to identify themselves by saying i'm here, i'm undocumented but i'm working an i want to pay taxes so i'm going to register for one of these id numbers and now that registration is rendering them ineligible for the stimulus money where as an american citizen if they are married to an undocumented individual who doesn't have a number and isn't filing taxes, that american citizen might be able to get the stimulus money. that's the irony if they are going after individuals who aren't paying and putting into the collective pile of money that all americans can benefit from they are sort of missing the mark. to restrict
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