tv Politics Nation MSNBC May 3, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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tonight's lead, mayday. as americans clamor to return to normalcy in advance of summer, many of their governors despite declines in both coronavirus cases and deaths continue to wait for a sign that the coast is clear to reopen their states. a fair point as the nation now has more than 1.1 million cases of covid-19. nearly 67,000 americans dead from the disease. in another milestone, six months from today, americans will render judgment on who will lead our changed nation as president. apparent democratic nominee joe biden, who signaled on this show last night that he will yield to science as he plots our national way forward, or president trump, who according to a "washington
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post" this weekend was, in, and will likely remain beholden to the markets. a new report detailing his desperation to reopen the country and the diskconnect between his white house and health officials over what matters more, empty coffers or full coffins. meanwhile, hundreds of the president's supporters on the ground already have their minds made up, as we saw protests continue around the country this week in states like michigan, where armed demonstrators stormed the state house, commanding their state reopen and continuing to flout public health guidelines. no mask, no distance, and no concern for their own health. or the worker, largely black and brown, that they so desperately want to see returned to serve them. joining me now is the mayor of
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san francisco, london breed. mayor breed, you were one of the first cities to go in a stay-at-home order or a shelter-in-place order. where are you now in terms of the way you're conducting the city? are they still in a stay at home or shelter in place? >> well, we do still have a stay-at-home order, but we also have opened the doors to construction workers and we're looking at allowing various industries to return. but umpme but implementing the kinds of guidelines we will see to keep people safe. the fact is even though we've seen a bit of the flattening of the curve here in san francisco, it has not dropped. we still have cases. we still have people die, and we still have a need to make sure we are protecting public health, but we also have the opportunity to look at various industries throughout our city and make changes to those industries to
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keep the workers safe, but also to get people back to work. so that's what we're doing in a more responsible way. >> so when you say "a more responsible way," how do you pond to those that just want to open the doors back, people go out and act like they acted before this happened, and many of those demonstrations like the armed demonstration in michigan that is sawing that their rights are somehow being violated? >> well, this is not unfamiliar to our country. in fact, over 100 years ago when the spanish flu basically killed millions of people worldwide, san francisco was in the beginning in november of 1918 when we were hit, we basically stayed at home, sheltered in place, closed the churches and the schools. two months later, november, everyone thought we were in a better place. everyone went out in the street,
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partied, threw out their masks and then all of the sudden it hit our city even hard. >> and we were devastated. so we only need to look at history to know that we are not there yet. and it means that we have to be very careful about what we really want to do as human beings. we all want to get out there. we all want the get back to work, versus what is the most responsible thing to do. and that's really what i'm focused on. >> the federal government, there has been some movement around trying to force the federal government to do more for cities and states in this -- discussed this next stimulus package, because many cities and states are finding themselves in real deficits. and to try and stop the necessity of laying off first responders and laying off essential workers, cities are saying and states are saying we need some direct money. i was part of a civil rights
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leaders call which speaker nancy pelosi where she talked to us about that. do you agree that cities like yours needs the federal government to come in with more money to offset some of the spending cities have had to put out? >> oh, definitely. there is a need in all of our cities because we're being expected to do things outside of what we budgeted for. so we're for the first time ever looking at a budget that we already approved and the loss of almost $500 million in this existing fiscal year. and the last thing we want to do is start laying people off, but we are focusing on making sure that we are prepared and our hospital, that we have what we need to keep people safe, protect public health. it is definitely impacting the dollars that our city used to help with housing, to help with police and fire and other services. this is something where we need
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more action, more support from the federal government, especially for many of the cities that are hard hit. >> how do you react to it being said by some in the white house that they should not give aid to sanctuary cities? the courts seem to be trying to knock that down, but you have a city that would fut their playing politics in terms of how we do an immigration policy to determine some of how the federal government will give aid to cities? >> i think it's really sad, and it's disgusting. this is a city built on immigrants. some were brought over here by force like our ancestors and others are here working in our cities and in our countries. thing is not a time for divisiveness. in fact, sadly, the president tried to pull this before on san francisco, and our city attorney dennis herrera took the federal government to court on two occasions and won in both cases.
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so we know it doesn't have a leg to stand on. we can't focus on being divisive right now and tearing our country apart. we need to focus on how do we make sure that we protect public health, how do we make sure that we get our economy going so that people can get back to work. how do we protect the future of our economy as a whole, not the politics that divides us. this public health crisis does not discriminate against anyone because you're black or white, a democrat, republican. no one is immune from the impacts of what this coronavirus has done to public health. and so we need to keep our focus on that and unite and come together. >> people are saying i'll be glad when we get back to normal, but for some normal was not fair and equal. and you have dealt with homelessness and disparities in health care in different parts of your city as aggressive as any mayor i know in the city.
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i mean in the country. how do we as we try and come out of the grips of this pandemic also try to use this as an opportunity to try to make health services more equal and distributing various services more equal so we have a new normal, not just the old normal, which became very apparent to people when we saw how this pandemic hit blacks and people of color more than it did others based a lot on health services and other factors. >> well, i think we can't keep just talking about it. we have to really focus on delivering. and what i find is what we're saying in our conversations and in our government policies, we are saying one thing that we want, but the policies that are a part of our everyday live, federal and state, and even local policies don't lend themselves to actually delivering for people. i mean, here in san francisco,
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you have an african american woman whose mayor, but you still see over 30 -- almost 37% of the homeless people who are in the city are african american. disproportionately african americans are affected by a criminal justice system, by education policies that don't work. there is something wrong when we are continuing to invest resources, and we still see the negative outcomes within a particular population which means it's time for policy shifts. it's time for deliberate investments. it's time to start focusing on doing a better job to support this community specifically and not lumping african americans into one particular category, because when you look at the disparity, even with the coronavirus and the number of african americans disproportionately in this country that are getting infect and dying, we know that there has to be deliberate investments and activation of this community differently than we've ever done
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before. these policies are discriminatory on the national level, and they need to be changed. >> all right. san francisco mayor london breed, thank you for being with us. joining me now, mark muriel, president, ceo of the national urban league. he is former mayor of new orleans, and let me announce here first, author of the upcoming book "the gumbo coalition: ten leadership lessons that help you inspire, unite and achieve" which is available for preorder right now. i'm going get back to the book in a moment, though, mayor muriel, but first you heard the mayor talk -- the mayor talk about inequalities need to be addressed. and you and i and others in the -- that head national civil rights groups have been speaking with speaker pelosi and chuck schumer and even the white house around these issues because
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nothing has made it more plate important to americans than how we've seen the results of who has died at a higher rate and who has in fact been found positive at a higher rate than this covid-19. national urban league has been one of the leading forces around trying to address this. what needs to happen, mark, and how bad is it? >> first of all, reverend, thank you for having me today. i thought mayor breed hit the spot on a number of issues. right now what we do not want to do is to rebuild the public health system 2 way it was. it needs to be built in a reformed way, in a way that is equitable from access to treatment to its entire creation. so if congress is to put together a marshall plan for health care, there's got to be
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equity. there's got to be inclusion. there has to be an understanding that hospitals and a emergency room in poor neighborhoods and neighborhoods of color is not as good as it is for wealthier americans or middle class americans. that has to be addressed because this covid-19, we're seeing that in a big way. secondly, i want to be as unequivocal as possible. congress has got to provide financial support for american cities without condition, without rider, without playing games. these are police officers, firefighters, sanitation workers, recreation workers, and their families. and they're essential employees. and it would be hypocritical to rush to the front of the line to support airline and hotels with a $500 billion credit facility and then turn around and make excuses for those public sector workers who have been essential to our ability to navigate in
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covid-19. and i think the civil rights community is aligned with our local elected officials on that basic principle. >> now one of the things we have also worked together as a coalition on is the fact that the stimulus bill did not in come any way in terms of supporting small businesses, black businesses and brown businesses, and many of them because the lenders that was used. when you look at big banks, i can show you some of the data. the percentage of banks that do not give loans to blacks as opposed to others, the percentage of other things. these were the institutions, the original stimulus went through. and therefore they took care of theriault big depositors, their big businesses, and one of the
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things we worked on talking to secretary mnuchin who i did give credit got on the phone with us and others is dealing with it on the second round. there was 60 billion set aside, but we don't know whether that did more or any equal the way it should be. as they talk about another stimulus package come, share with our viewers what they're doing because these businesses employee a large majority of people in our communities and are the ones that can least survive two, three months. they need the influx of money, and it keeps people working. it's not about a guy making a lot of money as an owner, it's about keeping people employed and serving the communities. >> let's look at some facts, reverend. there are approximately 8 million plus businesses in the united states. about four million of them have four employees or less.
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when it comes to african american businesses, there are about 2.5 million. 90% of them have one employee or less. in round one, two-thirds of the money went to publicly traded companies. that was never the purpose nor the intent of the money. in round two, you and i and many others fought for this carve out for minority institutions and minority serving institutions. until we get the data, we don't know if it in fact levelled the playing field or made it more equitable. i hope so, and i know a number of banks who voluntarily sought to address who is going to be prioritizing round two. what we need fundamentally, reverend, is we need a pool of money that's limited to businesses that have less than five or less than ten employees, nonprofits that have less than five or ten employees, and maybe a cap on loan size. that way it's not going to be a rush to the front of the line to
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see who has the best accountant, the best lawyer, the best connections, the best banking relationships. if this program is going to go forward so, if there are not stringent conditions going in any further round, i just think that the intent of it was never the execution was never consistent with the intent of the program. i might add this. they threw out the sba size guidelines. the sba has size guidelines on what a small business is. congress and the administration, this was the administration's idea say if you have 500 employees or less, quote, you're eligible for this program. so there was a failure of public policy on the executive and at the legislative level. round two, because of your advocacy, my advocacy, the advocacy of many is much better, but we have to get the data to see. >> and i put up business owner,
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blacks 95%, latino, 91%. native hawaiian or pacific islander 91%. asian, 75%. all of them likelihood of being denied by mainstream banks. that's why we're doing this. i need to ask you this. you have written a book. we were teasing each other because both of us are working on a book. yours comes out this week and mine is weeks away. you call it the gumbo coalition. why? what is gumbo coalition mean? >> gumbo is a great new orleans dish, my beloved hometown, the city that i left, the city of my birth and heritage reflects a food, an incredible dish that is made up of a variety of ingredients. and you can continue to add, and it gets stronger. so my idea of gumbo is the idea of multiculturalism, multireligious. and in america where everyone sits at the table on equal
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terms, and in the gumbo coalition, we talk about ten lessons, and i tell some stories. reverend, you're in one of the more interesting stories, and it involves our work with the obama administration, and some of the heat and shade we took from some of our old friends about the way we decided to align ourselves with president obama and not not play craft politics. >> i've gotten a free copy, but it will be out on tuesday. and i've read over the weekend. the book is a great book. it is almost as good, marc, as your mother's book. and don't forget, she brought that book on "politicsnation" as well. bob moarc morial, thank you. shifting gears to an institution currently in crisis, the u.s. postal service. something so foundational to this country that is
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specifically listed in the constitution. but today the postal service faces financial peril. as americans rely on it now, more than ever. joining me now is the president of the american postal workers union. mark, tell us how much trouble the postal service is, how much trouble they're facing right now. >> well, first, reverend sharpton, thanks for having me on. the -- let's just deal with the impact of the pandemic. the covid economic impact on the postal service, the health and safety impact. we're on the front lines. we're essential workers. we're carrying out the mission of binding the country together and i think the people greatly appreciate that. but this very same pandemic is wreaking havoc throughout the country economically, and it's wreaking havoc with the economics of the postal service. public postal service and many
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listeners may not realize this, it does not receive taxpayer money. it runs solely postage, postal services. and that revenue enables the post office to carry out its mission of universal service to everybody. the universal service. >> i think that's important. the postal service gets no federal money. go ahead. >> and so what's happening now is, and that revenue enables the postal service, and it's a great equalizer. it's a small deed democratic right of universal service to all of us, no matter who we are, where we live, from the most concentrated urban center to the most remote rural outpost. but what's happened now is strictly with the pandemic is mail volume has quickly fallen at an alarming rate. and it makes sense. business is not malg. the restaurants aren't mailing
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coupons. no retail versaillesing come and shop our sales. grandpa like me can't get to the store to buy the birthday cards for the grandkids and mail them. so what's happening is there is a precipitous drop in revenue. upward the postal service predicts it would be upwards of 50% covid-related. a and what would happen, and it's dire and it's real is the post office could literally run out of money some time this summer or early fall. and of course if you run out of money, then they're not going to be able to carry out the mission. >> and we've heard the president act as though he would not do anything to prevent that. he wouldn't let certain monies be put in the stimulus package. nearly half of the postal employees are people of color, and more than 100,000 are veterans. why are republicans so desperate to put these people out of work, mark? >> well, reverend, i don't think it's all republicans. we have really strong bipartisan
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support throughout the country on both sides of the aisle. it's worth mentioning that pew research does a poll every year. postal service rates the highest, postal workers the most trusted. the last poll a couple weeks ago was the highest ever. that's part of the appreciation of the people of the country for what the postal workers are doing during this pandemic. 91%. and it was equal amongst those who identified as republicans, those who identified as democrats. the postal board of governors is bipartisan. it has a republican majority. they've made a robust request for real relief, not more debt, real relief. and even on both sides of congress and the house and the senate during the big stimulus, $2.2 trillion, there was bipartisan support for real relief. they were shot down by this administration because quite
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frankly, they have an agenda. you don't have to listen to me. they put it in writing. june 2018, they want to break up the postal service, sell it to private corporations, and have the question of whether people get mail, packages and what condition based on whether somebody can make a quick dollar, not based on public service. so they -- and what happened in congress, and i think it's unfortunate. one is i think it's shameful that the administration would use this crisis to try to carry out an agenda like this rather than set good policy and defend the people of the country. >> we're going to follow this. we're out of time, but we're going to follow this, because all of us depend on the service of the postal service. >> we're asking all those who appreciate call congress, tell them we need to be in the next stimulus. genuine relief for the people of this country so we can carry out the mission both in times of crisis and in ordinary times as well. thank you so much for having me. >> the mail must be served. the mail must go on.
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mike dimonstein, thank you very much for being with us. joining me now is alina maxwell. she is former director of progressive media for hillary clinton's 2016 campaign, and an msnbc political analyst. and irwin haynes, editor at large for the 19th nonprofit focused on intersection of gender politics and policy. let me start with you, erin. you wrote an article saying that the reopening of the south, the southern states which we've seen georgia and others, you wrote an article in "the washington post" saying the reopening is a threat to blacks. explain. >> well, yes, reverend sharpton. thanks so much. good to be with you. my home state, georgia, along with other southern states reopened this week.
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i talked to in my reporting several black activists who are alarmed and frankly call this a death sentence for millions of african americans. african americans we know from the limited amount of data that we have on the racial disparities of this pandemic account for -- the largest region in the country. six in ten black people call the south home. so when you -- in the country including in the south, you have an incomplete picture of what the threat is, and you all -- this pandemic is affecting african americans not only from a public health standpoint but from an economic standpoint. so they're having to really balance whether they -- have not gotten their stimulus checks yet, as you've discussed already on this program. you have african american businesses that have not been able to qualify for those loans. people are faced with the choice of whether to go back to work or stay at home to keep their families safe.
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so this is i think really acute in this particular part of the region since that is where most of us live and work. >> your sound is going in and out. let me ask zerlina this. the impact on blacks disproportionate, the impact on the virus, and the terms of those that have been found positive, those that have died, have been disproportionately on blacks and people of color. and you contrast that with what errin is saying is going on in georgia and other places with armed people marching on state houses like in lansing, michigan, all white. i didn't see any blacks. if there were, there were only one or two in the crowd. who what are we looking at here, zerlina? in the middle of a pandemic, in the middle of a national emergency, why all of this racial contrast? >> one of the things i think is so, so interesting is as soon as the news media hit upon what
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errin was talking about, the disproportionate impact on black and brown communities, you saw some white americans say well, now it's time to open the economy, as if the deaths of black and brown people wasn't enough to stay at home. it wasn't enough of a reason for them to stay at home and keep everyone safe, as if we're not as valid, which is the core of the black lives matter movement ultimately, right? it's treating every single life as valuable and equally valuable. i think it's so interesting for folks to go and protest to reopen the economy. if you lost your job, let's be clear, you can go and get a job. there are jobs at grocery stores and jobs in these essential profession where people are going out and risking their lives to ensure people can put food on the table, that people can go to the hospital and get all of the needs -- their needs met. if you need a job, you can go get one. i think part of the problem is those people want to reopen the
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economy without even giving one ounce of consideration to the workers, which allow this economy to run. and that is a really big disconnect between what the protesters are talking about and what's actually happening. when america gets covid, black america is die, rev. >> now errin in georgia, for example, and i have an office of national action network in atlanta. so i'm very familiar with the feelings on the ground there and the activists, many work with us, is that there was no real as a resulting, conversation, dialogue with people that had to go back to work or those groups, churches, organizations that represent them. the mayor of atlanta was against this. i mean, this has been done with complete disregard to the people, as zerlina said, that are the majority of the ones that are going to are to go and risk their lives to go to work and open up these businesses.
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>> correct, reverend sharpton. and, you know, you mentioned the mayor in atlanta. a lot of black mayors are -- with southern republican governors. there were a couple of governors who did, and there certainly are governors who local officials -- but the governor of georgia a lot of the black governors, i think the black mayors that i've heard from in states. -- the message out on their own to their community, to their cities. a lot of them majority black as well. and a lot of these folk are looking for trusted information there is a lot of disinformation. >> yeah. all right. i'm going to have to hold there it. zerlina maxwell and errin haynes, thank you both for being with us.
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coming up, despite billions of dollars being set aside by the government for minority business owners, the owners are still facing a handful of obstacles in retrieving those funds. i'll speak with a member of the congressional black caucus about how to improve this seamingly broken system. but first, my colleague richard lui with today's other top stories. richard? >> all right, thanks, rev. i'm richard lui at msnbc headquarters in new york with the news update for you this hour. at this hour, more than 1.1 million cases of coronavirus now confirmed across the country. the death toll now standing this hour at more than 67,000 people. despite that number, starting tomorrow, more than 146 million people spanning over two dozen states will see an easing of coronavirus restrictions and specifically in missouri all businesses have the green light to reopen as long as they practice social distancing. and the search for a cure has been kicked into overdrive.
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one oxford scientist working to develop a covid vaccine says trials are ready to move overseas and could hit the global market by june. protests against respective states' stay-at-home orders, they continue. white house coronavirus task force coordinator dr. deborah birx says the protests are devastatingly worrisome. she fears many could contract the virus and take it home to family members. she cautions if they do participate, they should follow mask-wearing guidelines. i'm richard lui. "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton continues right after the break. t after the break. which is why when it comes to his dentures only new poligrip cushion and comfort will do. the first and only formula with adaptagrip cushioning technology. choose new poligrip cushion and comfort. the coronavirus continues to affect us all, and we are here, actively supporting you and your community. every day, we're providing trusted information from top health experts...sharing tools
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the last stimulus bill, black owners are still facing roadblocks in accessing those funds. according to an expert cited in our nbc reporting, while not intended by those who wrote the bill, these charges are the result of societal inequities that have spanned centuries. joining me now is democratic representative sheila jackson lee of texas. she is a member of the budget committee and the esteemed member of the congressional black caucus. congresswoman jackson lee, black business owners have 95% likelihood of being desnide ppp loan according to the center for responsible lending. and it's nearly as bad for other entrepreneurs of color. how is congress actively fighting to address this disparity in the next bill?
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>> thank you, reverend. it's very good to be able to be with you and all of your viewers. we have not only pneumonia in the business community of the african american community, meaning that from covid-19, we have developed pneumonia and every other ailment in the business community because there has not been an attention to the vitality of small businesses and african american businesses and that means the voice of the congressional black caucus, the conscience of congress working with members of congress who happen to be african americans, who have these voices because they're in the community collaborating with their colleagues in the dramatic caucus have to have the strongest voice. that is why in the second go round that we just voted on at the end of march, we put $370 million into the ppe
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specifically to ensure that at least $60 million was going go to our smaller banking entities. the ppe does not come directly from the sba. it comes from the smaller banking entities or the banking entities which unfortunately in the first go round told black businesses there was no room at the inn, closed the door in their faces because they didn't have a credit card or a loan or a bank account with them. how ludicrous. and then how would you allow the los angeles lakers and rout chris house and large hotels to get the ppe? so we had to put a stop sign, reverend, to open the door for small businesses, what we continue to do. and finally, we also recognize small banking entity, minority banks, small financial institutions that were shut out as well. well, the congressional black caucus working with our colleagues, the speaker of the house and leadership said no, we cannot continue that way. in the last bill we have made
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provisions and as we have gone home, we have heard of success stories. the pneumonia, the cold, the covid-19 still pounds on black businesses, just as it does on african americans who have suffered covid-19. >> no, i must say that the speaker pelosi, the chair of the congress worked overtime with many in the civil rights community on this, as did many big black businessmen and businessmen of color who weren't going to benefit from it, but wanted to help, the robert smiths and the chuck phillips and others saying this is wrong. and clearly, we hope as we go for another stimulus bill that we see even more put there, because these are the people on the ground that employeed the people that need to be taken care of that don't have other means of employment in many of our communities. >> you're absolutely right.
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these are also the voices that the community listens to. that business that is in their community owned by an african american is usually the benefactor, the person that gives to the faith institutions, that gives to the little league. but i also want to make this point that the congressional black caucus in cooperation with the economic health has focused on the physical health. we know there has been an article in "the new york times" that if this government had any leadership kwoer leadership, we could have saved first 90% of those who died and at least 50% of those who died if he had had social distancing, the end of community-spread, wearing masks as early as january and february. but we know the large number of those individuals that lost their lives are african americans. someone gets a cold, we get pneumonia. and so the testing protocol did not come into our community as early as it should have. it was a collaboration of the congressional black caucus, our
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chair, chairman bass and all of us working together. i set up four sites in houston and am now collaborating with others up to seven testing sites. the point is that also impacts our black businesses in terms of the physical health of our communities. so we're trying to doubly work on the physical health, meaning, reverend, as you know we have four foot data collection. whenever you ask the question, no one has an answer. contact tracing, if you will, to find out who was exposed to whom. why did the meat packing, which hazma jordan minority persons at the meat packing, but meat packing, and to get a defense production act to insist that those poor folk could back to work to produce meat. all of that in the eye of the congressional black caucus because we're matching economic health with physical health. and that's why we're going to stay on the call for -- when i say that calling, for more resources for our black businesses.
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>> we're going stay with you, texas congresswoman sheila jackson lee. i'm out of time, but thank you. we're definitely going to stay on this because we're talking about our money. switching gears. it's been a while since i've been able to speak to you here in my active capacity, that of a civil rights activist. in the last two months, much has been said almost overnight about how this pandemic has laid bare certain truths about american inequality. but for black americans, these truths were never a secret. comes even before this crisis hit. such has been the case in glenn county, georgia, of 25-year-old ahmad r. berry, an unarmed african american pedestrian who was shot dead in the town of brunswick in february after being pursued by three white men, at least two of them armed in a pickup truck. according to the police report,
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one of the men, retired brunswick investigator gregory mcmichael initiated the chase when he supported arberry, quote, hauling a, his behind, through his neighborhood and assumed that he was an active burglar. never mind that arberry was actually jogging through that neighborhood as mcmichael enlisted the armed backup of his son travis and an unidentified neighborhood because he thought that arberry had just burglarized a house under construction, compelling him to make a citizens arrest. more than two months later, neither mcmichael has been arrested, him or his son. a memo from a previous district attorney on the case claiming that they had, quote, probable cause to believe arbury was committing a crime, justifying a
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citizen's arrest, their firearms protected by state's open carry law. the memo adds when arbury seized travis mcmichael's shotgun as allegedly depicted by video of the altercation, he became the aggressor and subject to deadly force under state law. as we are heartened by stories of sacrifice and heroism during this time of shared hurt, we should also remember that injustice does not take a break, even in the midst of a pandemic that's supposedly equalizes us all. and so we won't slack, not in the least bit when we see black people shot dead in the streets of one of our black estates, or anywhere in the other 49. rest in power, mr. arbury, until justice is done. i am honored to say my next guest certainly will not.
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and that is joining me now is juan decooper, amad's mother and the attorney for mr. arbury's family. tell me, attorney merritt, what happened here and why haven't we not seen a grand jury convened to really go through the facts here when we have an unarmed young man jogging that's dead? >> what you have was three southern georgian white citizens who essentially put together a posse and lunched a young man in broad daylight. amad arbury, by all accounts, even by those of his accusers was seen running down the road. he was not carrying any stolen material. the worst that can be said about him is that he stopped at a home that was under construction, and he allegedly looked in through the window before carrying on
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his jog. the reason that we have not seen an indictment in my opinion is because these men were white. these men have strong law enforcement ties. the father, gregory mcmichael being law enforcement for 30 years, specifically working in the district attorney's office who would have been responsible for arresting these men, that d.a. recused herself. it passed over to the next county, and there the district attorney failed to disclose his close ties to this family. ms. cooper and her diligence discovered those ties and asked that he recuse himself. he did but not before offering a very poor opinion on the state of the law that would have justified the shooting. >> ms. cooper, first of all, my condolences on the loss of your son. and you've had to deal with this during the pandemic where you could not even really show the funeral and to deal those that wanted to rally with you.
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but tell us. your son was jogging. he would go out jogging. and this was not something abnormal for him. and then you hear all of the sudden he is approached by armed guys. they didn't call police. they didn't call backup. they go and approach him, and he ends up dead. tell us what you know. ms. cooper, i think we lost ms. cooper. let me go back to you, attorney merritt, and see if we can get ms. cooper. let me have you answer that question. tell what's happened? what exactly transpired according to ahmaud's side. >> what ms. cooper was told, the first thing she was told was that her son was involved in the burglary of a habitat, and that the homeowner stopped him and had to use deadly force to do that. that was the initial story that she was told. it was later, weeks later in the newspaper that she read some theory that he was shot in the
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street, and that it was self-defense. it was only recently when "the new york times" article came out about this time last week that this theory that they were attempting to perform a citizen's arrest was floated and that was the theory they decided to stick with today. ms. arbery and myself have net with new district attorney, tom durgin who is handling the case, and he has given some positive signals he plans to move forward with criminal charges against these individuals. >> now the fact that one of the people that was involved in this shooting, the father i believe was a law enforcement person is certainly one of concern that there was a lot of involvement by law enforcement in the area that would not be inclined to try and be involved in this case because they were dealing with someone they worked decades with. is that not part of what has been related to us? >> that's exactly it.
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this is a strong law enforcement family, and law enforcement community that is not inclined to bring charges against white man for the murder of this 25-year-old unarmed black jogger. as a result, it is incumbent upon us to press the decision-makers to take this out of the hands of the local district attorneys, and my preference is that it goes up to the u.s. attorney's office or the department of justice. >> all right. well, we've been unable to reconnect with ms. arbery, but we're going to follow this case, and we clearly want you to keep us informed. and we'd love to have ms. cooper on. with the pandemic, we have to deal with things in ways that we sometimes lose our guests, but certainly share with her as i have before our sympathy, and we will be following this case. attorney merritt, thank you. and thank you, ms. cooper. she was onscreen but we lost
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her. thank you her for being available to us. up next, my final thoughts. stay with us. of items you need to your door fast the way it works best for you. even the big stuff. you get a delivery experience you can always count on. you get your perfect find at a price to match on your schedule. you get free two day shipping on things that make your home feel like you! wayfair. way more than furniture. dad, i'm scared. ♪ it's only human to care for those we love. and also help light their way. it's why last year chevron invested over $10 billion to bring affordable, reliable, ever cleaner energy to america. ♪
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♪ i feel good. i knew that i would ♪ >> that was in 2003 when i hosted "saturday night live," and tracey morgan came and tried to be the young al sharpton talking to the old al sharpton. as i imitated james brown who was a dominant figure in my life. today is james brown's 87th birthday. from when i was a teenager on, james brown was the dominant figure in music. he changed the beat as we celebrated it, to put us on the one. he made people proud, with say it loud, and i am black, and i am proud. and his music spanned half a century or more. and every birthday, may 3rd, i'm won that will call his name and remind the world of his contribution because he changed the culture. he changed the world.
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and he believed in a little guy from brooklyn, a little kid that came at that point from a single-parent home. he became a dominant figure and father figure. i did an instagram live with his daughters today because james brown is someone that we should not forget. and even in the pandemic, i played some of his music to get me up. there is something about his sound and the memory of his belief in me that i will never forget. and i am proud also that about 12, 13 years ago i reconciled with my father. my parents broke up when i was around 10 or 11. and he was a big james brown fan. i spoke with him today as i celebrated in the midst of all of this misery, the birthday of the godfather of soul, james brown. if someone has meant something in your life don't take them for granted. always thank them for doing what they didn't have to do.
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that does it for me. thank you for watching. i will see you back here next saturday and sundayate 5:00 p.m. eastern. up next, my colleague andrea mitchell picks up the coverage. p.m. eastern. up next, my colleague andrea mitchell picks up the coverage. . eastern. up next, my colleague andrea mitchell picks up the coverage. mitchell picks up the coverage
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3:00 pm
i'm andrea mitchell in washington as we continue our coverage of the coronavirus pandemic. here are the facts at this hour. beginning tomorrow, more than two dozen states will be reopening some part of their economy. from retail and beauty to construction and elective surgeries. arizona, indiana, missouri, and ohio are just some of the states with partial reopenings planned. but many are still worried that it may be too soon. and as more states begin reopening, protests by americans living in states that are still under strict restrictions are increasing even though they do not reflect widespread polling indicating most americans want to wait longer. still protesters rallied this weekend calling for an end to the lockdowns in those states. one of those states still underics strict restriction is new york, the u.s. epicenter of the virus. the nypd isn't
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