tv MSNBC Live MSNBC May 13, 2020 10:00am-12:30pm PDT
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the mayor of washington dc extended to june 8th. and a call for a baitout of the states. they said we cannot afford a partisan process to turn this into a political football. and the nonessential travel ban between the u.s., mexico, an canada is likely to be extended. the kaiser family foundation said 20,000 families could use their employer based insurance. that number could go up and you know what that means, health insurance coverage will continue to go up. with me now is my coanchor for the next two hours, katie turr. >> we're approaching 1.4 million cases of covid 19 across the
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united states. more than 83,000 people have now died the university of washington's tracking model is now projecting that the death toll could rise to nearly 150,000 by early august. new polling shows that most americans remain worried about the threat of the virus despite states reopening. according to that poll, two out of three think large gatherings of adults will not happen until july or later. today, former fda commissioner scott gotlegotlieb says things not decrease soon. >> reopening against that backdrop, and you will start to see spikes of infections in parts of the country that have
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been largely unaffected to this point. >> they have a copy of the guidance on this reopening that was sidelined by the white house. the stark difference in the final white house plan and that design by epidemiologist is the covid 19 cases will likely surge after states reopen and that local governments need to continuously monitor their communities closely. joining us now is the digital senior reporter san nonp-- shan pe petipeace. >> we know the difference between what they were putting out was different. but also they would have been more detailed. they could have given pizs, states, and cities real detailed
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steps to take for reopening. instead we have a lot of states, cities, and individual mom and pop shops trying to figure it out for themselves. the latest that we're hearing from the white house is they have no plan as of now to release these, but the cdc director was saying yesterday that he does expect for something to be posted soon into whatever soon means we'll see. but certainly seen these but they only came to light because of the reporting by the ap here. >> and senator chris murphy really pushed him on that, but now one quite knows what soon means. chuck, over to you. a new list of hot spots
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paints a very different picture. the case numbers are rising sharply across the country with some cities seeing over 600% increases. a separate list are places to watch. there has been a 269% increase in new cases. we are live in charlotte with the latest there. and you see charlotte, you see a rise there, and there is a big event planned in august that a lot of political junkies are wondering about, that means convention worries. >> yes, we saw data from the white house task force, and there is also a new projection here that says 4400 north carolinans can die by august. that projection is from a research firm that had another projection just a couple of days
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ago, and that new number is four times higher than their most recent projection. we're in east charlotte, one of the most diverse neighborhoods. across the street here is a screening site. you see cars lined up waiting to get tested. some cars leaving now. you see the tents set up as well as countless health care professionals trying to help as many people as they can. officials here tell me they feel like things here are starting to move in the right direction, but there is some concern that an increase in the greater charlotte area talked about that 269% increase in a period of seven days and how it could impact the progress they're making here. you have to remember that area they're talking about there is the greater charlotte area and that includes about 11 counties
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and also some in carolina. initially there was concern from local leaders that the testing sites were predominantly located in more affluent largely white communities. they feel like there is expanded access to testing and one commissioner says this county is still vulnerable. listen here. >> i think we moving in the right direction. we're not at the testing levels that we want to be at. we will continue to work with our partners, we appreciate what they have done thus far in regards to setting up sights where we have recommended. we know we have to expand testing and we want to get to those levels where we're supposed to be. >> so last week north carolina
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started phase one of their reopening process. right now there are over 15,000 confirmed cases in this state, and just under 600 deaths. >> referee: alison, thank you. katie? >> one month ago the university of washington's mhie model predict predicted 74,000 americans would lose their lives. what has changed and what might the numbers look like one month from now. joining us is dr. vin gupta. let's get into the numbers here. when we look at maps across the country and where the test or the positive cases have stabilized. where they're declining, some people are pointing to places
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like georgia saying they have been open for a couple weeks and they're not seeing a rise in the cases there. especially when they say it is likely to be higher than they were projecting a month ago. >> thank you, i think what we're seeing here, and every model, every critique of the model or any other model that is out there, the big critique is that it is only as good as what you put into it. now the university of washington model is more refined and able to say well, in three days there is now an estimated 10,000 more deaths. four times higher deaths expected in north carolina alone relative to 72 hours ago. and we're building in mobility data. now we can track how much
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americans are moving as we're liberalizing social distancing rules. and this is the key piece in places like north carolina where we're seeing a lot of movement. in georgia not as much movement as you thought we were expecting to see. people are worried, they're not necessarily saying and agreeing with what the governor is doing. so that is key in interpreting these results and the precision of the model. >> so what we're looking at, what changes with these reopenings of the states, we need to focus on how much people are moving in that state, does it need to be coupled with increase testing to get a really accurate picture of what is happening. maybe the testing is not going to be increased alongside some of these states that are being reopened? maybe the numbers will be artificially deflated or decreased. >> it is important, absolutely, an important question.
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let me try to parse it out. number one i said this and i will say it again, go to it should be used by any policy maker nationwide when thinking about reopening at the state level. that metric, that model looks at icu vetability. are there enough beds available if we get this wrong? if we're opening up way too soon. number two, to your point, what is the testing rate? not just what is the testing rate, but what is the positive testing rate. how many are positive? if that number remains high, and in a lot of places it does, that means we're only testing those we think are positive. the metric that is key and you don't ever get this from the president of the united states, the number of tests per confi confirmed positive cases of
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covid 19. we're 17 times lower than what the chezech republic and estoni are doing. we're narrowly focusing on those we think will test positive, and those disseminating the disease are a symptomatic. so yes, it is important. >> you have to look at the numbers with a critical eye. chuck, you have a question? >> yeah, we're unpacking some of the new cases data, and if you take out the coastal states, there is a difference. the curve is bending downward, take the coasts, you're seeing that. everywhere else, it is plateauing or a little bit on the rise. we're also seeing a trend line it seems that ex-urban counties
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are starting to see a rise in cases. we're not going to have one new york, it looks like a lot of sioux falls. is that what the next month or two will look like where there is just like 15 hot spots around the country? none of them will feel like one new york city, but maybe collectively like one new york city? >> absolutely, this goes to some of the initial segments that are to say that 27 million americans that we think are now going to not have any durable access to health care, that is huge. the reason that matters is most people in the united states still need a dr or a nurse practicer. if you don't have that that is a huge piece of the puzzle to get testing on board. yes, exurban areas will be hit because we're not testing there to the agree that degree that w
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other areas as well if is no coincidence that leaders are speaking and elevating public health experts to be at the podium. and then those like senator rand paul, who is a menace, demonstrating bad behavior with masks. the only senator in the entire hall that tested positive for covid 19 that had the gall to then go and not wear a mask, and number two he was offensive to dr. fauci today. leaders like that mean it's no wonder that places like kentucky are places we are l be concerned about. >> dr., thank you for your time today, chuck, over to you. >> a little non-corona update, paul manafort was released from
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prison today because of concerns about coronavirus. he will be confined to home confinement. pete, kind of a -- frankly a busy day in your neck of the woods. i have to say my obsession is the argument about the faithless electors and that happened in the supreme court. what did we learn? >> that they're not going to buy that presidential electors are not bound by the states to vote for the popular state. so they have some faithless electors. and they told us on the people court that all of the cushion says is that sure, you can require a person to take a
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pledge, but once that agree in december to sit down and vote, the state vanishes from the picture and then has nothing to say about how they vote. justice sam chul said they thought that could create chaos. they thought there would be a concerted effort to try to influence the electors to vote a certain way or to possibly even bribe them. and they say if you attempt to vote, and vote for a character from "the lord of the rings" they can't do anything about it? they say that states can choose their electors, it doesn't explicitly prohibit the state from controlling how the
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electors vote. so as you know so well, people that don't like the electoral college, hoping the supreme court would create a ripple in the pond and lead people to change the system. i don't think that is going to happen. >> i'm surprised that they don't view the faithlesssympathetical. i will say the direct constitutional words in there. one other case i want to ask about. he put a hold on tossing out the case, that was unexpected? >> yes, i think it was unexpected. it was unusual. you remember the justice department said look, we don't want to prosecute this case any more, we're asking you to dismiss the case and you don't have any choice, the justice department said, so the judge said i want to hear from people
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on both sides. but at the end of the day, i don't know what choice he has. don't see how he can compel the government to proprosecute the case anyway. if he gives up, who will he prosecute to carry on the sentencing, but it will be very interesting exercise in trying to shed more light, shall we say, on how they got here. >> they don't want to make it go away quickly. and that in and of itself is a fascinating decision. pete williams, thank you, sir. >> i'm still trying to get over the reference to "lord of the rings." >> coming up in a moment, russia sent dozens of ventilators to the united states, the same time that russia now believes could be to blame for two deadly hospital fires in their country.
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investigators believe the fires may have been caused by a short circuit or fault in those ventilators. we have more from moscow. >> a new nationwide suspension after two of them malfunctioned and caught fire in hospitals in the last several days killing six covid patients. they're the same ventilators they sent to the united states last month as part of hum humantarian aid flight. however, new york state health officials told nbc news today that they have never been used. they're being returns to fema shortly. vladimir putin say russia was prepared to begin a gradual fazed easing. but they suggested this might
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not be the case. just yesterday the kremlin spokes person dimitri was hospitalized with the virus. today was the 11th straight day in a row they announced a 10,000 plus case growth confirming new cases brings us to a total of 240,000 nationwide. chuck and katie, back to you. >> matthew, thank you very much. how concerning not only for the case numbers in russia, but the ventilators catching fire, being sent here, such a mess. >> it is, and it is, look, you're starting to see countries that thought they ducked the wave in mash much and april and they started to flex their
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muscles. they have saying just because you made it past a pomonth, a f weeks, a first waive, it can still come hit you. amid the race to find a cure, science and politics are often at odds. we saw the nation's top scientists speak frankly. tomorrow we will hear from dr. rick bright who says he was retaliated against for pushingback against the white house. in a nonprofit research organization, eco health allian alliance, they had it cut amid chine chinese labs, peter dashik. so just walk us through this story of how this happened. what is your best understanding?
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i mean talk about dealing with -- you're dealing with a real virus and a different kind of virus seemed to hit your organization. >> this is a classic example of why politics and pandemics don't miss well. . we have been identifying viruses and working with chinese colleges. you can't work in foreign countries without foreign partners. this is all being vested by the nih. and everything was going okay. we scored in the top 3% of proposals that approved the work. they looked at all of the organizations that they were planning to work with and they approved it and then suddenly we had a reversal. we don't know why. we don't know what when happened
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behind that decision. the work that we did in china, finding sequences in pats and close relatives. it was used in the tests of remdesivir. it hurts on american lives and national security to not have feet on the ground in forng countries where viruses emerge from. >>. nih will not discussion internal deliberations on grant terminations. when working with the chinese, how much -- what are your ways of trying to make sure you're not -- that you're dealing with data on the up and up.
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that you're dealing with scientists that are not feeling the pressure of their central government. >> we have worked for 15 years, we work in foreign countries around the world. we know that behind the scientists that we collaboration is a machine with a government that has certain agendas. we're very careful. we talk with fellow scientists. duo research and we public it in international journals. we talk to our agencies about results even before we publish them and we had no problems at all getting access to data from the work duo in china. i think that is something very valuable. cdc can't just walk into china and do work on viruses. scientific collaboration like this is critical in an era where pandemics will continue to emerge from places like china.
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we better be ready for those pandemics if we're on the ground. >> kati, i know you a question. >> where is the research going that you have accumulated? >>. >> we have others that we work with. this is the only contract in china. i think right now that is on hold. we're not going to continue that work right now. we have a lot of data that we have accumulated that we are in the process of publishing. generally with our chinese collaborators that will come out. that is critical. we will get this information out to the public and other scientists so they can work on vaccin vaccines. that is critical to what we do, but i think we need to look at it seriously and i don't think it is optional.
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in the era where pandemics are coming quicker, spreading faster, and killing our economies, there will be more and we know where they will come from and it's countries like china that we need to work with to work with them and stop them. >> can you kwaquantify this set back. the research you were gathering, how much longer will it take us to check out what you were researching. how much further will it put us on the search for a cure or a vaccine? >> yeah, this was a five-year grant. we lost five years of work essentially. that is quite tragic. the other ironic thing is they continue, i'm sure, and we will be able to partner with them.
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it hampers our understanding of what is going on on the ground. scientists have been fighting this outbreak for a few months longer than us. there is a lot of information about how to deal with it and we would be much better off working with them. >> peter, very quickly, if you got more money to continue your relationship with china from an independent group, would that be your preference now? >> we're going to -- we're a nonprofit based in new york, and we seek funds whereever we can. this is not an effort to raise money. we just focus on the mission and on the science that we're trying to do. we want to get back out there and help stop this sort of thing from happening again. we have been talking about it for 15 years, let's continue that work.
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>> peter of eco alliance, thank you for coming on to tell us about it. ka tr kati? >> coming up, new polling on governors and the leaders during this pandemic. the decision to reopen quickly may not be so popular after all. we'll break down the numbers after a quick break. we'll break down the numbers after a quick break. with my hepatitis c... ...i felt i couldn't be at my... for my family. in only 8 weeks with mavyret... ...i was cured. i faced reminders of my hep c every day.
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president trump is making comments about the presidential election. joe biden suggesting that president trump would try to quick back the election somehow, a rationale of why it can't be held. and then in an interview with the coronavirus task force, kushner was asked that. >> is there a scenario where there is too many problems with coronavirus that the election will be pushed back. >> i'm not sure i can commit one way or the other, but right now that is the plan. >> given that ambiguity that game a social media jump rising on the left.
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kushner laddter clarified i'm n aware of any discussions of trying to change the date of the election. i believe congress would have the power to do it, but not the president. president trump himself says he has not thought of moving the date. it is worth mentioning that only congress can do this. kati. >> chuck, house democrats released a $3 trillion relief bill. so joining us now is garrett haak. how much of this is likely to get through a republican led senate? >> as it resists right thousand, none of it. this will be something that has to be negotiated in a similar way that the cares act was. the house democrats can pass the bill on friday, but getting it
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through the senate and something that the president is willing to sign is a different thing. you heard this this morning when he said this is a negotiation. these are their priorities, these are what white house democrats believe is important and there are elements in here that are very similar to the mmts mm elements in the cares act. there is just trillions of dollars. you see an expansion of the version of unemployment insurance. you see more money being paid out directly to individuals. all of those things are elements that republicans voted for in the past, but they're things that republicans particularly in the senate are saying we don't need now, or at least we don't know if we need yet. so that is kind of the state of play in terms of turning this hero's act into a law. >> garrett with a reality check, as always. over to you, chuck. >> we have seen new polling
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getting insight into what they think about the governor's handling of the coronavirus outbreak. this does not divide by party, per se. for more on this, we're joining by steve kor knacky. i have to tell you what was fascinating, i'm always a little skeptical of some of these panel surveys that try to survey all governors and all states and claim to do all of this, but it is interesting, the outlie ars. >> yeah, a mix of red and blue governors here, they look at the 12 largest states and they said do you approve or disapprove of how your governor is handling the coronavirus. you see the results here in these states, and the most
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popular governor, this is ohio, this is mike dewine. the pattern is the governors that have been the most proactive in terms of restrictions. one of the first states to respond in thunderstorms of shutting down schools, closing large events, and ohio is there sitting at 90%. if you go to the other end of the scale there, the lowest approval rating, that is george and what has been the story in georgia, an earlier easing of restrictions. the scale has been more than we have seen in other states and we see again this seems to be a response to the public for that as well. while there is a vast difference it is a little more of a apply
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cased picture, the least popular versus most popular, there is also more testing in georgia. more testing to reveal more cases in terms of the death rate that is basically the same, and in terms of where things are going we mentioned georgia easing all of those restrictions and they have not yet seen any massive up take. right now they're flat. ohio is down a couple weeks ago, and the pogtivety rate, the percent of tests that come back, they are lower in georgia in fact. >> it has been initial results like that that led, i think, to more and more growing debates in different states about how to do lock downs. thank you. coming up, casinos are being
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culinary workers union organized a caravan of hundreds of workers on the strip last night. they want to know what the plans are to key employees and customers safe. joining us is ggadi schwartz. >> yeah, that union is massive. 98% of their membership right now is out of work. there this is the las vegas strip. this is what it looks like today. a few cars coming down, the lights off, fountains are off, it is very depressing. we're hearing that some of them may be opening up in the next month or so. the union has been organizing, gathering about 1,000 people, got into about a thousand cars yesterday, and they came down into the strip protesting and
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demanding more transparency and wanting to now how the casinos are going to protect them and their customers when they reopen. the depressing part is that the 1,000 cars that started to come down this canyon of casinos looked very insignificant showing how dire the situation was out here. it didn't even look like traffic on a normal day. here is what some of the members had to say. >> we want las vegas to be safe, we want to come back to work safe. >> what are you opening happeho? >> we worked at the paris for 21 years. we want masks and gloves and what we deserve. >> and things as simple as gloves are extremely important. if you think about gambling, there are so many parts that are communal. you have poker chips, the cards,
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the shows, people are packing in. it is a everyosituation that is just about ppe. it comes down to specifics. they are hoping they get answers to it. we understand that some of the casinos may be reopening at the beginning of pocket, and it is still too soon to tell. for the time being this is what it will continue to look like. >> have they gotten any answers at all from the casinos? >>. >> yeah, they have a 7 point plan, the union say that's it addresses a lot of their concerns like plexiglass. they also say they will open up some of their locations on a limited basis pumping in more ox
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skr oxygen. but they also want to make sure everyone is on the same page. all of the casinos give detailed plans when it comes to reopening. katie. thank you very much. chuck, over to you. >> as states release more data, one trend is becoming clear. hispanic and latino communities are disproportionately impacted. they are dieing at more than double the rate of white people. we are joining morgan in east harlem, new york. the front line workers, the essential workers, a lot of first generation americans who happen to be hispanic or latino, that is driven some of this. what else are we learning about all of this? >> that's right, chuck. you nailed it. the reality is that this is a
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trend we're seeing now all across the country. we're here in east harlem, spanish harlem, as it is called, and as you mentioned here, latinos are dieing from covid at a rate twice as high as white t example, 42% of the cases there are among latino residents. and that number doubled in just the past month. and even when you go out west, you look at states like utah, if you look at the infection rate, that number is five times higher among latinos than it is against their white counterparts when you look at that kpaur scomparie question is why is this happening in experts say three dominant factors at play. one, latinos are overrepresented when it comes to service jobs that require physical contact. and, two, it's really difficult to socially distance or physically distance when many people come home to families with multiple generations living in the same home. and it's fear. you're dealing with 20% of latino population that is
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undocumented: undocumented. so of course there is fear about reporting symptoms and fear of going to the doctor and fears of immigration status questions. take a listen to someone we spoke to had to say. why do you think the latino community is being affected by this virus in such a strong way? [ speaking spanish ] >> translator: well, our culture is about being in grooves. we live in groups. and every house you have a lot of people living together. and, of course, we -- many of us use public transportation. [ speaking spanish ] what's happening here with the latino community with respect to coronavirus? >> there's a huge portion of people that are undocumented. so what happens is they do the
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jobs that other people don't want to do. and so they are risking their own health, risking themselves. and so as latinos, we do the jobs that other people don't want to do and we're there to do it. chuck, that is why cities like new york and chicago are now finding these more creative ways to reach these latino communities and that includes bilingual tv ads, radio ads and multimillion dollar ad here in new york. chuck? >> yeah. that one piece of the fear factor, i don't know how you fully get rid of that in this political environment. but that is all of those factors need to be addressed. thank you very much. katy, over to you. chuck, coming up, the change that's could be coming to the democrat democratic national convention this summer.
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. the coronavirus outbreak already pushed the date of the democratic national convention in milwaukee for mid july to essentially mid august, the week of august 17th. now the democrats are step closer to going all virtual. the party's rules committee just adopted a rez tlusolution to al them to participate in means that allow for appropriate social distancing. the convention organizers can change the size and dates of the vent in case any additional plan is needed. you know, katy, the most interesting suggestion i heard came from somebody that is technically in charge of the convention, the speaker of the house. you have a sitting speaker of the house, usually it is sort of the person that sort of -- the chair of the convention when they call them in if your party has the speakership. she was suggesting one day, big
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football stadium, outdoors. put 15,000 people in an 80,000 seat stadium. i floated that by some dnc types and they didn't like her idea. the fact that speaker pelosi is throwing that out there, if there's a convention in person, that's probably the only way to do it, katy. >> i mean, viewed to get a blimp to do the balloon drop. and who knows how precise that would be. >> i like that idea. a blimp balloon drop. that's fun. they have to put andrea mitchell in the middle so she can be in the middle of it. >> i want her driving the blimp. get her the goodyear blimp. >> i don't know. i think we're out of luck this year, chuck. i'm not sure if this is going to be virtual at this point. coming up next, we'll travel around europe from germany where infections are tripling, to italy which may speed up the reopening. you're watching msnbc. you're watchg inmsnbc.
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good evening, it's 11:00 a.m. out west and 2:00 p.m. in the east. we start with a warning from the united nations. the world economy will shrink by 3.2% this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. that will be the sharpest contraction since the great depression. a key sector of the u.s. economy is collapsing under the weight of the health crisis. a new study fines 2% of small businesses, that's about 100,000, have closed for good. the restaurant industry has been hit even hard we are 3% permanently out of business already. and with fewer americans dining out, more eating at home, that is good news for grocery stores, bad news for consumers. who are paying nearly 3% more for food. this is the steepest increase in nearly 50 years. in texas, stay at home orders were lifted and
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businesses reopened, battle is brewing between the attorney general and democratic leaders of dallas, austin and san antonio. he is threatening legal action over restrictions including a requirement to wear facemasks. joining me is katy tur. before you get to that, what we're seeing in texas, it just -- these large states with very diverse populations, the cities governed by sort of people that lean one way by party, the states govern the other way. these could be some sticky political and legal battles between state ags and local mayors. >> no doubt about that. you look at grocery stores and how groceries are costing more. it's no wonder we're seeing the dramatic lines at food pantries around the country. people are losing jobs, taking pay cuts. cost of food is going up.
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and it's putting the average american or so many millions of americans in a really tough spot. it's part of the reason why those lines at the food pantries are so horrible to see. let's look at the numbers across the country and find out where we are in terms of this virus. latest data from "the new york times" shows that although the national curve is flattening, total cases continue to climb. in new york, once considered the epicenter of the outbreak, total cases have plateaued as new cases here have declined. again, the virus continues to spread across the country. remember, we're just 174 days away from a presidential election. and which political party you belong to could influence how you choose to take part. at least if you're in one particular swing state. a new university law school poll of wisconsin voters finds about two in three democrats, 66%, say they plan to vote by mail in november. and just 25%, republicans, say they will mail in their votes
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with 6 in 10 saying they plan to vote in person. i imagine that number is heightened, chuck, because of what we saw with the wisconsin primary and the rise in cases after people went out and voted in person were forced to do so because the republican legislature there wouldn't go along with delaying it. >> you know, i'm -- to remind myself to stop being surprised about being surprised. but something -- i've been covering -- >> haven't you learned anything? it's 2020, chuck. >> i've been covering elections for a long time. i remember when it was the republicans that insisted on having absentee ballot programs and early votes and convenience voting and things like this. anyway, this conspiracy theory, these things sort of go in cycles. but what is clear from the polling is that president virtue signalled that says to the
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troops and they're saying mail balloting, i don't want to do that. >> the mail in fraud instance was in north carolina in 2018 in the republican party. >> yeah. they're few and far between the voter fraud incidents. these are always solutions in search of a scandal. anyway, let's begin in pennsylvania for this hour. speaking of politics, a political divide is forming over reopening the state. that process is already underway. democratic governor tom wolf is facing backlash from the more conservative counties that would like to fully reopen. this comes one day ahead of president trump's planned visit to the state. joining me now is our own mora barrett. we've been hearing this on the ground from our key sources in western pennsylvania. and you're now there in person.
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so tell us about how bad this divide looks. >> yeah, so as folks and businesses in western pennsylvania start to reopen, people here in eastern pennsylvania are starting to get more and more frustrated that they're not open as well. the president visiting here tomorrow, he's inserting himself in the middle of the argument earlier this week tweeting he is also in support of businesses reopening. we're here in downtown. you can see there are 15 businesses in the square here. all of them except for the deli is closed. local officials are pushing the democratic governor to let them get into the first phase of reopening because they want small businesses to help each other thrive. but this week the governor said that any county that's could be pushing to reopen too early he called them cowardly and selfish and even threatened to cut off their federal stimulus funding. i spoke with the county commissioner here and asked him how he felt about that. take a listen to what he told me. >> i was really offended by
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that. i was -- you know, the governor called the county commissioners a bunch of cowards. and i don't think we're a bunch of cowards. we're boots on the ground telling the governor to open up lehigh county or other counties because of what we see here in our local levels. for him to dangle the carrot of cash over the counties is wrong. we're all in this together. we all have to fight this together. and it's a shame it's becoming a republican-democrat fight. >> now brown is a supporter of the president and obviously pennsylvania is a key battleground that the president is looking to win in just a couple months coming up in november. but brown also noted he wants to focus on what the doctors are saying and what the medical professionals are saying because he really doesn't -- he's not sure what the president's motive is when he comes tomorrow. he asks, is it a campaign event?
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it is something he's actually thanking the medical professionals that are helping the country? he's no the sure. he says he hopes it doesn't cause mass hysteria amid all of this uncertainty. chuck? >> well that certainly doesn't portend for a very smooth visit tomorrow. obviously something we should be following very closely and we will be. so thank you. katy, over to you. chuck, illinois saw the single biggest jump in coronavirus cases. the state reported 4,014 new inspections on tuesday. we should note illinois hit that new record in cases on the same day it hit a new record for tests. the state conducted 30,000 tests in a 24-hour period. joining me now from chicago is nbc news correspondent kevin tibbles. so a record number of infections. and a record number of tests. correlation? explain it to us, kevin. >> well, i think the correlation
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there is that they're testing more people. therefore, they're finding more people who actually have covid-19. but one part, one stat in the middle of all that that i should also highlight for you is the fact that they still maintain that they're flattening the curve and looking at the mortality rate in order to do that. and what people are saying is that it is now taking as much as five days for as many people to pass away from this thing as it did just a month ago. so mortality rate that was doubling every 2 1/2 days is now taking five days. and that combined with other statistics that they have shows that the state may actually be starting to level off. but i was interested in listening to you two banter about what's going to be happening this fall with regards to conventions because just north of us here is a state called wisconsin and they, too, are watching their numbers rise
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and in some places quite dramatically. so this is far from over out here yet. in spite of the fact the governor here in illinois and the mayor here in chicago in particular have been so vocal and seem to have the public support with regards to this but so vocal in getting people to stay home and stay alive which is the slogan of the day out here. >> tibbles, very quick -- i don't mean to jump in. >> go ahead, chuck. >> sorry, katy. i was just going to ask -- we do this to each other. we're learning. the governor wants to bring the legislature back in springfield though. tell everybody to stay at home. that looks like that could be tricky. >> well, i think, first off, the governor has had legal challenges. some down state took him to court over the fact that we're supposed to stay home and
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actually won. the second part is that there are a number of businesses down state and you were talking a little bit about that earlier as well in that, you know, illinois is a very diverse state when it comes to business, when it comes to farming. there's a lot of territory out there outside the borders of chicago. and obviously, chicago the third largest city in the nation, is where we're really facing a big problem with regards to covid-19. so there is a back and forth as to who can open down state, perhaps. or whether or not you stay closed. and so far in springfield, capital of the state, they have not been back for safety reasons. and now there is a bit of a groundswell of people asking why haven't they come back? and the governor obviously wants to get some more money out to the communities here and that can't happen unless people go back to work. >> kevin, i was going to mention
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that if we're looking at the conventions, i think what -- is so concerning is just the amount of business that brings in to milwaukee in terms of the hotels, the restaurants, the tourism. that's millions and millions and millions of dollars that they potentially stand to lose by not having people show up to the convention. >> yeah. and i'm sure millions and millions of those dollars have already been spent in terms of, you know, in the buildup to this thing. and, you know, in the midwest out here, you know, political conventions may come around every four years. you know, there are fall fairs, everything out here is on hold. and it is costing -- it's not only costing millions of dollars but, you know, the stress levels for small businesses out here, i mean, it's -- you can't put a dollar figure on stuff like that? >> yeah. the infrastructure and the foot
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traffic. there is growing concern that is continuing to grow about the mysterious covid-19 illness in children that we've been talking about for the past week. the new york department of health is now investigating 102 possible cases in this state. governor cuomo has directed hospitals to prioritize testing any children showing any symptoms of what they're calling pediatric multisystem inflamatory syndrome. joining us now is nbc medical contributor dr. natalie azar. so, doctor, we've been talking about this. the numbers keep growing. what else are we learning? >> well, katy, you know, i think with this disease we're always -- we seem to have more questions than answers. i think in this situation we can describe what's happening. we're certainly a long way away from describing why this is happening. as we have discussede, it has
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similarities to toxic shock syndrome. there was a recent series reported from the journal of pediatrics out of d.c. trying to really give a little bit more description about risk factors and clinical differences between the patients that were well enough to be outpatient and those hospitalized and critical. >> you talk about toxic shock syndrome. most women have heard about that. what is that in children? >> here's thou is -- why it is being talked about in this context. so if we talk about some of the more common symptoms that we're talking about in this pediatric syndrome, we're talking about a us is staund fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, the red eye, swollen hands, skin rash that can progress to this
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discoloration, bluish discoloration, trouble breathing, rapid heart rate. so what is happening here? in traditional disease, there is infla inflamation of the arteries and can lead to aneurysms which is a weakening of the wall. in the case of toxic shock syndrome which typically follows staff infections and certain strains of strep, you have this exuberant inflamatory reaction, this immune reaction that sets up this potentially catastrophic inflamatory reaction. we talked about that in adults and we talked about that as being one reason why adults who fair poorly with covid-19 and end up having this widespread activation of the inflamatory cascade that can lead to shock and organ failure. that's what we're describing here in the particular with the kids it's -- it appears that the heart is the organ that is targeted and there is evidence of significant heart muscle damage. and this can lead to pump failure where the kids actually
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need medicines to maintain blood pressure and that's a shock state. >> that's absolutely terrifying. dr. natalie azar, thanks for coming on. we'll stay on this story. chuck, over to you. >> thank you. two researchers at harvard affiliated hospitals announced they're using a form of gene therapy to develop a coronavirus vaccine. the method includes using a different virus to inject dna into the patient's cells. they would instruct cells to make a coronavirus protein that would stimulate the immune system to fight off future infections. so far it's only been test ond mice but the director and founder of the research center at mass general hospital dr. mason freeman played in human tests of the vaccine. he joins me now. so, dr. freeman, i guess the beauty of this is you don't put this virus into somebody as the vaccine. that's what makes this -- gives you the abimenlity to speed up
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research on this? >> good afternoon, chuck. yes, that's right. that is the typical viral vaccine has either ben the whole virus inactivated as many people probably old enough to have gotten the polio vaccine can remember, but what we're doing in our current vaccination programs is putting a genetic program in that tells the person who is being vaccinated cells to make the antegen that their body will raise an antibody to. it's a much different way to do it than historically been done and much quicker than the older way of doing it. >> do we have a successful -- do we have a successful vaccine that you would compare this potential to? >> well, the state of the genetic vaccines is still fairly new, chuck. we have lots of data that we can generate antibodies that look very promising at being able to inactivate a virus. but the genetic vaccine that's
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have been entering into the clinic for the covid-19 pandemic really entered the clinic for the first time in march and all we have at the moment is good safety data to some of them. we're waiting to see whether or not they're going to produce the kind of vaccine we need to protect people from the infection. >> i'm curious, given what we're hearing about the different ways this virus can impact the human body, does that complicate what you're trying to do especially now that we're learning -- we just had the story about what we're seeing in kids. it is a genetic trigger. you're working with dna in order to create this vaccinek vaccine. does this complicate it? >> let me make sure we got the tale straight. the virus that we're using, we call a vector. it's inactivated harmless vector. it carries a gene and coating part of the covid-19 virus, the
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protein we want to make the antibody to. the covid-19 virus has to get into cells in order to divide and to cause disease. and the antibody that we hope to raise would block the virus' ability to enter the cell and all of the down stream events that you're talking about including the syndrome you just described in kids, we think would be completely prevented by blocking the virus from getting into the cells and dividing. >> and very quickly, what's your time line? what's the best time line that's realistic in your head? >> we have a time line planning to submit the ind to the fda which has the right to review and then approve any new therapy going into humans, we expect that to happen by the end of the summer. we expect to be in the clinic in the early fall and in one month we think we will have adequate data to show that viruses that we're using to prevent covid-19 is actually safe and producing
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the immune response that we need. >> well, dr. mason freeman, good luck. we want to take a ton of shots on goal, right? and see -- we may need many of these. >> ours is different. >> we may need many of these vaccines, actually in the long run. well, good. >> ours is different. >> good luck. >> thank you very much. >> appreciate it. >> you got it. we'll be watching. much appreciated. katy, over to you. delays are a tricky thing. we're still working it out. coming up, we're working from home, a lot of us. and is it how we could wind up working for good? plus, germany's daily infection rate tripled this week. it is the cost of reopening too soon or the result of expanded testing? first up though, congress could vote this week to change how they legislate during this pandemic, how it legislates, how proxy voting would work next. every financial plan needs a cfp® professional -- confident financial plans,
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antigen. house democrats released the latest relief package which they could vote on as early as friday. also expected on the docket, a bill that would allow proxy voting in it the house. means congress could conduct some business remotely during the pandemic. but the change would only be for this pandemic. nbc news capitol hill correspondent garret hague joins us now. not that we want to blow through what the house is going to do.
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but this is very much step one and it seems as if on the big plan that speaker pelosi rolled out, it was designed to say here are the democratic priorities. now let's start negotiating. is there anything, any movement at all on the republican side of the aisle? >> it doesn't look that way. this is different than the other c.a.r.e.s. act. there wasn't this behind the scenes negotiation between the speaker and the treasury secretary, for example. much this is democrats putting out a marker saying this is what we believe in. much this is what we want to see. it's that trillion dollars for state and local governments. it's increasing the direct payments to individuals. it's continuing those payments for unemployment insurance. and essentially, dropping it in the republican controlled senate's lap and saying here's what we believe. what are you going to do and try to turn up the temperature? you had mitch mcconnell saying he didn't feel a particular urgency to act right now. democrats are going to try to
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make sure he does feel that and they hope that the situation in the country which is in fact very urgent in a lot of quarters will increase pressure on republicans to do something or the at least come to the negotiating table. >> very quickly, two pieces of process business. the proxy voting issue. there was a time it seemed like they wanted to try to do this in a bipartisan way. it looks luike they're going to put the rule through. >> yeah, the republicans made it clear they don't want any part of this. what we're going to see on friday is this other vote on proxy voting on the floor in which one member can essentially carry the proxy votes for up to ten other members. so you don't have to bring the whole house back to vote on the floor. and it would change the rules around things like committee hearings so that if people are present via video conference, they count for a ququorum. republicans put together their plan to how they see this to go
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forward. they're not interested in participating. >> and finally, the sioux city journal is reporting that steve king told a forum on monday night he reached a deal with kevin mccarthy to get seniority in committee slots back. what do you know and hear on this? >> well, we reached out to mccarthy's office for any comment on. this we've not heard back yet. i can tell you this will not be welcomeded news among republicans who cast steve king out into the wilderness and took the strongest actions this he can take on their own to remove him from committee and polite society in any meaningful way on capitol hill. taking all the political power as social capital here. he's being primaried. i think there is a couple of -- i think there are two republicans prime airing him in iowa last time i checked. this will be unwelcomed news to the rest of the conference if true, again, no the yet
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confirmed by mccarthy's office. >> right. and one wonders how much of a role the results of the primary play which come up pretty soon in iowa and maybe that is a little bit of what king got mccarthy to agree to. we shall see what the real story is. garret hague, you'll get it. thank you, sir. katy? >> and as congress prepares to work from home temporarily, corporate america could transition to working home permanently. what could that mean for city life? our colleague nbc news technology correspondent jake ward in san francisco has more. >> reporter: empty office towers don't mean just a change in how we work, entire communities relocated to new places. a corporate headquarters can put tens of billions into local economies. whl amazon considered building a headquarters in maryland, a state study estimated it would bring in $17 billion. in charlotte, bank of america has 180,000 employees working
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from home during the pandemic. austin based dell expects half of their 160,000 staffers to never go back to their desks. here in the san francisco bay area, google and facebook have announced that most of their workers will be at home for the rest of the year. but now twitter announced that its workers will be at home from now on. and that's going to have an enormous impact far beyond just empty desks in a building like this. nail salons, barbers, shoe repair, dog groomers, bars, the list is long of those who depend on working a crowd. and they all stand to suffer if the kmucustomers don't commute . there are stores in walking d distance of many tech companies. >> we've seen the dry cleaning and laundry business go down 75%. one of the hardest hit industries other than probably airlines and hotels. we're optimistic that through adapting with those changes that we can continue to survive and
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thrive. it will be a new world. >> reporter: for the folks that made a living selling to the lunch crowd, twitter's announcement means the pain of the pandemic could be permanent. >> our sales are 40% lower. being able to service more of our community is going to be more of our focal point instead of just looking towards upstairs within our building. >> reporter: working from home may be a chance to stay safe while we wait for a vaccine. but city life may never be the same again. >> i don't know. working from home is getting a bit dull for a lot of people, a bit lonely. jake ward, thank you very much. daily infections in germany tripled this week. italy speeds up the reopening. what europe could show us about our future next. (music)
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restaurants. nbc has reporters fanned out across europe to bring us the latest on the outbreak there to help us get a sense of what could be coming here. we'll start with our global correspondent in germany where the daily infection rate has tripled as the country eases its restrictions. carl? >> yeah, chancellor today warning the nation from parliament, the building behind me, no the to give away the gains that the country made by reopening too quickly. the country is reopening even as some concerning statistics start to come in. just yesterday as you mentioned, new daily infections tripling, in fact, the chancellor's emergency break being pulled in about four different small towns across the country. those regions now considering reimposing some lockdown measures. but the country is confident these are just isolated cases. in fact, the big news coming from germany today is that the country plans to at least partially reopen borders with
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france, austria and switzerland. by mid june we could go back to boredle borderless travel. so that is good news. >> carl, thank you very much. and now to italy. officials are considering accelerating its reopening plans. our nbc news foreign correspondent matt bradley is in milan. what is the new time line? >> yeah, katy, it's a really dramatic shift. they're basically moving this up, crunching it by two weeks for bars, restaurants, kacafes, all the things that really make italy italy. now they're going to open them on monday in some regions throughout the country. you know, the system here in italy, it's a little bit like in america where power is from the federal government to regions. so basically the federal government said they're going to allow regions to determine on their own whether or not they're ready to allow for bars and restaurants and cafes and the other things to suddenly reopen. now what they're probably not
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going to be doing here where i am, i'm in milan, this is the hardest hit region in italy. it has probably about half of the deaths of the entire country. they're not going to be opening up. i've been talking to people around here, they say that they want to open up. they're eager to get back to work. but they're worried about a rebound of infections just like my colleague was saying in germany and in south korea. katy? >> matt bradley in italy, thank you, sir. now to the netherlands. restaurant owners are finding creative ways to reopen safely. our nbc news global correspondent joins us from amsterdam. all right. our glassed in booths the future? >> indeed. a lot of creativity here, chuck. you know, first of all, here they call it an intelligent lockdown. a lot of the dutch people say they don't like being told what to do. it's about self regulation. the they have also started easing restrictions this week. but bars, restaurants, and ka
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cafes, they won't open for another two weeks. people are starting to think outside the box on how to keep social distancing measures in place. the restaurant behind me decided to use boxes. the green houses, we saw them in action last night. you have servers in face shields and gloves and also they serve food on wooden planks. i spoke to a local councilwoman. she said she got a lot of ideas from restaurant owners that want to get the cash flow going again. this is a restaurant/art space but starting to day they also started offering funeral services. why not? chuck? katy? >> i know it's chilly there. i imagine just eating outside in the open air might be a little safer than eating inside of a glass box. thank you very much. and the economic fallout from coronavirus poses a unique challenge for the european union as a whole. the eu's economic commissioner
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warns today that an uneven recovery could present a crisis to the block of nations. cnbc anchor and reporter joins us now from london. so just walk us through what the difference is living in france, living in the uk, living in sweden compared to living here in the united states in terms of what you can expect financially when this pandemic is over. >> to help businesses and households weather this storm, european governments at both the national and european level have stepped up thur support especially for the labor market. they offer short term working schemes, wage subsidies and support for businesses. germany in particular has been very robust in their support for the labor market. about half of all of german firms are now accessing
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reducedreduced hours work scheme. we also have a reduced scheme in place. they announced the retention scheme that provides 8 0% of th leave of employees that have been put on leave because of the coronavirus. so economic activity has fallen sharply in the european union. it's now expected to contract 7.5% this year. the measures put in place by national governments in particular are helping to cushion the economic blow. but still more needs to be done at the european level. that's what critics say. the european commission is currently drawing up a recovery plan which could provide up to a trillion euros more of support. st but we need to see more financial details, still a number of unresolved questions when it comes to this european wide program. putting it all together here in europe, a lot of the focus has been on the labor market and on job retention. in the u.s., a lot of the support schemes involve extended
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unbloime unemployment benefits. different approaches for sure. guys? >> thank you very much. chuck, over to you. thank you. i still try to figure out when i'm going to go to a restaurant/art center/funeral home there in amsterdam. still digesting that one there. all in one great -- all in one location. anyway, up next, a big move by the nation's largest public university system, california state. they're calling off fall classes in person already. up next, how shutting down 23 campuses will have a huge impact on the state's economy. t tom styer joins us next. tom styer joins us next. and playgrounds. all those places out there are now in here. that's why we're still offering fast, free two day shipping on thousands of items. even the big stuff. and doing everything it takes to ensure your safety. so you can make your home...
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now to california where tesla defied local government and restarted production at its bay area plant this week. now the third day back to business, tesla and health officials struck a deal. our affiliate in kntv has more from fremont, california. >> reporter: it appears the dispute has come to an end. the county says that tesla can now go beyond basic operations this week and resume full production of the electric vehicles here at their plant in fremont, california, starting this monday. as long as the automaker sticks to the safety precautions both sides agreed to. the county says it had productive conversations with tesla about its site specific
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plan for a safe reopening and came to an agreement after suggesting some additional safety guidelines. fremont police will help verify the tesla is following social distancing protocols and sticking to its side of the agreement. you'll recall that tesla reopened the factory monday after governor gavin newsom of california lifted restrictions for manufacturing in the state. but the county did not lift those restrictions which meant that tesla was in violation of the county's shelter in place order. tesla since sued the county in federal court. reporting here in fremont, california, bob rodel for nbc news. >> and cal state university, the largest four year public university system will move all instruction for the coming fall semester online. that means 23 campuses across the state will stay shuddered this fall. a devastating blow to a local economies that relied on over
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500,000 students, faculty and staff each year. joining us for more details on california's path forward, former democratic presidential candidate and now chief economic recovery adviser to the governor of california. so this news, tom, first it's good to see you. but this news that cal state is deciding not to have any fall semester classes in person, that's a huge bit of news that people are wondering -- they're wondering what does that mean for the other universities in california? what does that mean for the other universities across the country? but what does it mean for the local economies around those universities and what recommendations are you making to the governor in order to shore up those community spaces? >> katiy, as i say this as education reopens across california, it's a very nuanced situation just the sway reopening businesses are.
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so that what governor newsom has done from the beginning is to phase the reopening of california businesses and to also put in protocols for each one of the phases. so when you think about education, it breaks down into the different levels of education. what that involves and whether there's -- whether it's a residential education too. so what the governor has been doing across the board is working to come up with a phased reopening of the state, doing it in ways putting health first, making sure that citizens, workers, and customers and students are safe and then putting in the rules, having to do with things like social distancing, masks, cleaning of surfaces to make sure that as we move through those phases that both working people and customers, their health is put first. that if we do that, that's the way actually to get the best
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recovery to recover as fast as safely possible is actually will bring us the most recovery long term. and that's the attitude that he's bringing to the reopening of our education system as well as our businesses. >> tom, i'm curious though. the you just describe what you thought was going to be, look, california is going to be -- this is a phased process and this is different regions of california are going to be in a different state at different times. but cal state decided, nope, it's across the board. i mean, that's a big setback for those local economies and those communities. and it means there is basically even if you reopen them, they're not reopened if there is no students on campus. how concerned are you about that economic impact? >> well, chuck, i think the point that you're making is a good one. this is a big state.
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there are 40 million people in california and there are a lot of overlapping jurisdictions. but the person who is leading the charge intellectually and from an administrative stand spoi point is governor newsom. right before you talk about the cal state system, you talked about tesla which it appeared a week ago as if there was something where they weren't going to be able to open the way they thought they were based on phase two of the reopening of california businesses and based there on manufacturing be allowed to start opening last friday. but actually what you saw happening was a process of communication where the different people involved established a good communication, established the idea that each party was trustworthy and was actually considering both health and the fastest possible safe reopening
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and work through a process to come up with a good solution. and i that i what we're going see in the reopening of california is that there is going to be a lot of detailed work like that to work through a lot of good communicating and sharing and trust to make sure that the outcome is best for the working people of california, for the students of california and for consumers. that's a process that's going to be very detailed. and i think there's no way around that. what i can say is look at the histo history history of what's going on during this pandemic in our state. take a look at the health statistics. putting health first has really worked. all the analysis says about being careful about health, making people safe, taking care of their lives is actually the thing that in the long run works best for their jobs and livelihoods as well. that's what we've seen out of
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this governor and this administration. >> tom, are you guying preparing for the uc system to stay the same as the cal state system? if so, are you promising enough testing for the fall to make sure you don't get another round of universities across the state to say we're not ready to take students? >> let me be clear about one thing. my task force is advisory and these decisions will be made by the governor. what's clear and what he said con stintsly is how importantly he takes testing, how fast he's pushing the get that around as much as possible. as you know, the ability to have ubiquitous chief testing done routinely on a broad base is really, really important to a lot of outcomes in terms of reopening society. but so are other things like having an effective therapy or an effective vaccine. i think one of the things that you have to take into consideration as you think about
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this is we're going to be managing in an environment going forward with a lot of unknowns, that absolutely no one can know. what we've seen is the ability to have the right priorities which i think putting health first is the right priority, and to make the kind of on-the-spot smart decisions which we've seen out of this governor and this administration, is actually what's going to let us move forward effectively. of course there are going to be bumps in the road. that's the natural situation in a crisis. the question is do you have a clear framework to handle that? are you effective in making decisions? that's what we've seen and that's what i expect we'll continue to see. that's what my task force is trying to enable, is to give the best information to the most people across the board. >> tom steyer, in my opinion, the great state of california, my home state, tom, thank you very much. >> no doubt about it.
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i'll tell you, that cal state news, that sent shock waves throughout the entire community. up next, we enter the uk and go across the pond where scientists are working to train man's best friend to sniff out this virus. if these pups can pull it off, it could be vital to reopening the world to business and travel.
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there are bomb sniffing dogs, why not virus sniffing dogs. as governments around the world ease the lockdown, they're looking foyer creative ways to protect communities from another outbreak. joining us is willem marx who is in the uk with this latest innovation. willem, what have you got? >> reporter: chuck, over the last couple decades, there's a solid body of academic research that shows that dogs are particularly adept at identifying the smell of disease.
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they've done it with ma lar yeah, various types of cancer. what they're trying to do in this building behind me over the next eight weeks is learn exactly what the odor associated with covid-19 is and then teach a group of dogs to identify it successfully. that could mean these dogs by the end of the summer would be able to operate in a big airport like heathrow in london, identify passengers that may be asymptomatic or pre symptomatic, carrying the virus without even knowing about it, pull them out of a line, get them secondarily checked and potentially put them into quarantine. that could be one way governments are hoping they will be able to try to ease the lockdown on travel in particular, chuck. >> thank you very much. chuck, for me this is just another reason to convince my husband for us to get a dog. i've spent this whole quarantine -- >> my dog was acting a little odd over the last week and that was our theory.
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maybe she smells the virus coming and we don't know it yet. we were all a little nervous. i've also read that some dogs are getting their own version of quarantine fatigue and a little bit of too much owner fatigue hanging around them as well. katy, we did it. that is it for us this hour. thanks for watching. thanks for trusting us for the last two hours. nicolle wallace and brian williams pick things up after the break. iams pick things up a the break. who has time for wrinkles? neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair®. we've got the retinol that gives you results in one week. not just any retinol. accelerated retinol sa. one week is all it takes. neutrogena®. our bargain detergent couldn't keep up. with us... turns out it's mostly water. so, we switched back to tide.
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and our exclusive bubblemassage. everything is installed in as little as a day by a kohler-certified installer. and it's made by kohler- america's leading plumbing brand. we need this bath. yes. yes you do. a kohler walk-in bath provides independence with peace of mind. good day. brian williams with you. nicolle wallace joins us momentarily. first a look at the headlines and the facts as we know them at this hour. nearly 84,000 americans have died from the coronavirus, roughly 1,500 than this time yesterday. the death toll expected to pass the 100,000 mark by the end of
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next week. more proof today of what we already knew. massive job losses caused by this pandemic having a disproportionate impact on low income americans. federal reserve chair jerome powell said almost 40% of households making under $40,000 a year lost a job in march. powell also says the economy could become stuck in recession if congress and the white house don't approve more aid to address the economic fallout. at this hour, a house panel convening remotely to talk about how to get the country up again safely. unlike yesterday's senate hearing, the witness list includes no current administration officials because the white house declined to make anyone available to speak to the democratic cli controlled house. former trump campaign chairman paul manafort will serve the rest of his jail sentence at home. the 71-year-old released from a federal prison in pennsylvania this morning because of concerns
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that he could contract the coronavirus even though the bureau of prisons says there are no known cases in his facility. manafort was convicted in august 2018 of tax fraud and other charges related to work he did in ukraine. at this point we're joined by my colleague nicolle wallace, host of "deadline white house." nicole, i wanted to make sure you were read in along with our viewers on this development. dr. rick bright, the top vaccine doctor in our government who was ousted from his position at health and human services last month will testify before a house committee tomorrow, and in advance testimony we have this quote, he's going to warn of the darkest winter in modern history. he plans to tell lawmakers on the committee, quote, our window of opportunity is closing. if we fail to develop a national coordinated response based in science, i fear the pandemic will get far worse and be
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prolonged causing unprecedented illness and fatalities. so nicolle, there you have it. i guess we'll hear it in great detail tomorrow. >> and it's remarkable because there's a real pattern emerging. the people who are basing their predictions and their warnings to the american people based on science and not any allegiance to donald trump are all saying the same thing. dr. fauci yesterday with that sort of haunting phrase that we'll lose our grip on this if we go back too soon and it spirals out of our control. you can almost imagine scientists and doctors having that feeling that it's outpaced them, the rate has outpaced their ability to track and squash it. dr. bright was fired because, of all things, refused to get on board to the cheerleading of the hiydro chloroquine.
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the war on science is just as haunting is just as brazen and just as dangerous to the american people. it's amazing. >> dr. bright's warning comes, as nicolle mentioned, a day after similar themes from dr. fauci yesterday. >> there's a real risk that you will trigger an outbreak that you may not be able to control which paradoxically will set you back, not only leading to some suffering and death that could be avoided, but could even set you back on the road to trying to get economic recovery. >> there's mounting evidence today that backs up those warnings from dr. fauci. a university of washington model quoted by the white house and others now projects that 147,000 americans could lose their lives by early august. that's 10,000 more people than its last update this past
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sunday. one reason those projections are rising, more americans are venturing out of their homes. cell phone data analyzed by "the new york times" found that 25 million more people left home on an average day last week during the previous six weeks. and if people return to work, the associated press reports that thousands of workers are getting sick on the job. according to the ap, of the 15 counties with the highest per capita infection rates between april 28th and may 5th, all of those are homes to meat packing and poultry processing plants or state prisons. all of this underscored by former fda commissioner scott gottlieb on the "today" show this morning. >> make no mistake, as we reopen the country, we'll see an uptick in cases. we've always expected that. the only difference is we've got more spread than what we expected. we thought we'd see more sustained declines in new cases. that ups the risk that you'll have a surge in cases or a slow
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burn through the entire summer where we go into the fall with more risk. >> joining our conversation dr. nahid ba dill yeah, soeft professor from boston school of medicine and former senator claire mccaskill. doctor, the science is so clear, i guess it's an encouraging sign that the public is putting its trust and viewing as the most reliable source of information scientists and doctors. what is the prediction for what the coming days and weeks hold for us as many states begin inching towards some version of reopening. >> nicole, as you mentioned, one of the most popularly used models which some think it underestimates what will happen, that we will see greater number of illnesses and deaths as we reopen. that's based on what we're seeing in terms of where states
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are when they're reopening. we have noticed that there are still risks that people will get -- we'll get clusters of disease and it's only a matter of how good you are at that point in being nimble and ensuring that that doesn't become, as dr. fauci said, something that we lose our grip on. how we do that, the data is already out there. the knowledge is already out there. it's ensuring worker and consumer safety. it's ensuring that we have the ability to test and trace and isolate patients that are sick. it's giving hospitals the resources, the space, the staff, if we see more cases, to take them into place. it's protecting the vulnerable populations and taking advantage of a public -- the sacrifices the public has already made and supporting them through good scientific data on how they can keep themselves safe. >> claire mccaskill, i always,
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as a political practitioner and host of this show, i have always believed that the voters, the viewers are smart, they figure things out and they can handle the truth. it is abundantly clear that the bleakest assessments, the most ominous words like what brian read from dr. bright about the darkest winter coming our way, about tony fauci talking about losing our grip, that may not be the sunny optimistic spin coming from trump, but people when they're frightened, they just want the truth. they want to be able to make plans for their families. they want to figure out when they will realistically have income again. what do you make of the public processing this in a way that is very much inline with the facts and not at all synced up to donald trump's spin? >> well, the weirdness is that i think people are beginning to realize they're going to have to fend for themselves to some
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extent. they're going to have to figure out how they're going to navigate their lives and stay safe. one of the things that came out of the hearing yesterday which was astounding is that, while the cdc and the white house have done guidelines about when do we reopen, which are being ignored, by the way, how many days of the trajectory going down and so forth, different gates you're supposed to hit before you reopen, those are being ignored. the cdc is refusing to post the guidelines on how you reopen. what is the controversy there? what's the fight that's going on internally within the white house between the scientists and those people who can give the public good information about how they can keep safe? what should they ask for at work? what should they be looking for at work if they go back to work in terms of keeping themselves safe? the idea that that has not been posted should really anger people. people have to fend for themselves and we can't even get
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the information from the people who have it because the white house for some reason is blocking it. >> dr. bhadelia, the bit that nicolle just read about hot spots, we have a hot spot in the state of tennessee. we talked about it in our broadcast last night. up 1,000 percent over the last eight days. you realize there's a correctional facility there. for anyone with blood flowing through their veins, it triggers your empathy because you can't imagine a scarier environment. you can't imagine a friendlier environment for the virus. that's just what the virus likes. but unless -- forgive me, your name is paul manafort, we can't swing open the gates of all our federal and local correctional facilities and let everybody out, so what do you do? we have these hot spots piling up across the country in factory
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settings, correctional facilities or in the case of nashville right now, identifybly a homeless population gathered together. >> brian, that follows the pattern of what we're seeing for hot spots all across the country. what do nursing homes, prisons, meat packing plants, what do these facilities have in common? they have a lot of people living or working together in close proximity. so it really -- as you said, one part of this is re-evaluating do we need to have all these people in one space. if they are in one space, how do we put into place the infection control and engineering measures to help separate people to keep them safe, to keep disinfecting those common spaces. two, how do we keep surveillance of those populations high. director redfield yesterday mentioned the plan that cdc wants to do surveillance of people without symptoms in these clusters of cases such as prisons or homeless shelters or nursing homes to keep an eye on
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whether asymptomatic cases are driving -- cases where there are no symptoms or driving clusters of disease, that's going to be important, the testing and tracing and having those measures put into place and, as mentioned before, the cdc guidelines that haven't been published, do pcontain those infection control guidelines. >> senator, a question for you about sive vicks. fox news last night in primetime continued their campaign against dr. anthony fauci. fans of fauci and facts in medicine have been buoyed by his poll numbers, americans in overwhelming majorities believing in his leadership and expertise. how do you make sure that people in red states as well as blue states demand and believe the science? or do you fear that's already cooked in some areas?
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>> well, i think in some places it's cooked. you have people that say i don't need to wear a mask because god is going to protect me, but, by the way, i need to carry an ar-15 which is weird. but i was really encouraged by liz cheney. she put out a very strong statement in support of dr. fauci. there are some republicans that get it. i think in that hearing yesterday you saw a lot of respect and deference for dr. fauci. the only one who took a swipe at him was rand paul. all the rest of them i think realize that he is someone who is way more reliable -- and the public gets this -- way more reliable than the guy who, as my friend nicolle would say, hangs out in the office with no corners. >> dr. bhadelia, claire mccaskill, thank you for starting off our coverage at this hour. thanks for having us in. when we come back, all the president's men. as we mentioned, former trump
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kpain chairman paul manafort released from prison over coronavirus fears. the judge puts the brakes on the unprecedented move to drop the charges against former national security adviser michael flynn. later, president trump heads to pennsylvania tomorrow. that state embroiled in a battle over how to reopen its economy. now the president is inserting himself into that fight. we'll be right back. like way more vanities perfect for you. nice. way more unique fixtures and tiles. pairing. ♪ nice. way more top brands in sinks and faucets. way more ways to rule your renovation. nice! on any budget, with free shipping. wayfair. way more than furniture.
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former trump campaign chairman paul manafort released from prison, set to serve the remainder of his 7 1/2 year sentence from home according to his attorney. his lawyers say he was permitted to leave in the midst of a pandemic due to his underlying health conditions. manafort has been in prison since december after being convicted of tax and bank fraud. he was charged by special counsel robert mueller after concealing millions of dollars representing pro-russian figures in ukraine as one does. there's also news in the case of a former member of trump's inner circle, former national security adviser michael flynn. the federal judge overseeing his criminal case has now opened the door to allow third party briefs outside of doj and flynn's lawyers as he takes on this case and before making a decision as to whether or not to dismiss these charges.
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this comes after attorney general bill barr made the unprecedented move to direct u.s. attorneys to not prosecute flynn after flynn admitted to lying to the fbi about conversations with russia's ambassador to the u.s.: we are so happy to discuss this with our next guest, a former u.s. attorney for the northern district of illinois, the host of the "on topic" podcast. counselor, good to see you again, good to be able to talk to you again. how are we to think about mr. manafort? we have heard about releases in the case of even michael cohen who is back at home i think by now in his new york apartment wearing an ankle bracelet. he had an outbreak at the facility where he was serving. if reports are to be believed, there were no cases of coronavirus, only fear thereof
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where manafort is serving. in a cynical age, it would make you think he has a friend up high in the organization. >> look, there are inmates across this country who are making petitions to get released. i recently handled a sentencing for a client, and that issue of the coronavirus was front and center. i think it's front and center in a lot of cases. there's a policy, a compassionate release policy that allows in certain circumstances for people to go home. the issue with manafort is he doesn't qualify for that policy and the actions recently by the trump justice department led by mr. barr suggests the president's friends get special treatment. there are legitimate concerns about fairness because there are thousands and thousands of people across the country who would like to be released. >> i've been told michael cohen's release has been delayed without further explanation.
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i have a dual question on the judge sullivan/flynn matter. number one, if this goes through, does it become the flynn exception that lawyers like you go before the court and say, look, i know my client copped to a guilty plea, but he's thought better of it since? that's number one. number two, is this a crafty move by judge sullivan opening the flood gates to anyone with an opinion on this case including but not limited to a document signed by 2,000, i'm sure more by now, former doj personnel who think this is the definition of a bad idea? >> well, the first point, people like me who now are on the other side of the aisle are going to be citing that doj motion in all sorts of cases. essentially it reads like a bad defense brief. it's essentially saying that the practices that the justice department and fbi have been engaged in in countless cases
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are somehow unfair or unjust or merit a different result. i suspect defense attorneys are going to try to use it elsewhere and it's going to go nowhere because it runs counter to the way the law has been interpreted for quite some time. really my issue is that the reforms to the criminal justice system need to be fair, not without special treatment for the president's friends. as to the latter point, yeah, it is going to open the flood gates to people like myself who signed that letter to make our views known. frankly, what it suggests to me is judge sullivan is not just going to dismiss the case quickly because the government doesn't want to go forward, the doj doesn't want to go forward that is. he is going to ask some difficult questions. this is something that i think the doj should be very uncomfortable answering some of those questions. >> renato, can you just talk about where we are? you've got william barr, someone
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not rifling through cases looking for uninjustices. he's undone roger stone and undid it and purged that case, one career prosecutor from the department itself. the second is mike flynn where he's now reversed a guilty confession, lying to the fbi, a guilty plea, restated by mike flynn multiple times in front of judge sullivan, he's now seeking to reverse that. if there are no other cases that bill barr reaches ihis arms into -- >> what it says is that criminal defendants in this country need to hire lobbyists instead of criminal defense attorneys. it's all about currying favor with trump and currying favor with his crowd. what it says to me about mr. barr is he views his role as advancing the political agenda of donald trump and his administration rather than
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unbuysed administration of justice which is what everyone expects an attorney general to be. after all, he represents us, not trump. >> renato, there's also news that today on the intelligence side donald trump's -- i think it's been four years he's been asking for the group of national security officials who might have been privy to the conversations that america was listening to between the russian ambassador, sergey kislyak and anybody, anybody receiving intercept, intel during the transition would have been listening to or privy of the kinds of things ambassador kislyak was talking about, one of those happened to be donald trump's incoming national security adviser mike flynn. the person that donald trump has tapped to oversee intel, like the person he's tapped to oversee doj is now fulfilling donald trump's year-long desire to out and seek to criminalize national security. where are we if doj falls into
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the hands of bill barr and the intel community false into the hands of someone all too happy to do donald trump's bidding? >> what it means is that the apparatus of government paid for with our tax dollars and is meant to protect and serve all of us is instead being used to advance really what is little more than a conspiracy theory. we've heard trump say obamagate. he couldn't answer when he was asked what obamagate is. because joe biden doesn't have a butt hurt email scandal that trump can use, he's trying to manufacture something. there's no allegation of actual misconduct here, even by barr's justice department. they're essentially trying to create a lot of innuendo and a lot of innocent people who are involved in serving our intelligence community are ultimately going to get caught up in it. >> renato, great to see you
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again, thank you for spending time with us today. when we come back, as we approach our next break, how the debate over reopening is playing out in the critical state of pennsylvania. the state's governor is at war with conservative counties there who want to open faster than state guidelines allow. just to keep things interesting, trump visits the allentown area tomorrow while the philadelphia democratic congressman is asking him to stay away from the state or, as we call it around here, wednesday. we're back with that after this. woman: my reputation was trashed online.
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president trump heads to the battle ground state of pennsylvania tomorrow afternoon, but not for one of his signature rallies, at least it's not being bui billed that way. instead he'll visit a lehigh valley medical distributor that's provided ppe, masks and surgical gowns to front lines across the country. this is days after he put pressure on the state to reopen. he wrote, quote, the great people of pennsylvania want their freedom now. trump has been wrangled by polling showing a lot of americans rank their individual governor response above their own. democratic governor tom wolf of pa is standing his ground. on monday the governor threatened to withhold federal money from counties that
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