tv AM Joy MSNBC May 23, 2020 7:00am-9:00am PDT
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weekend more than 1.6 million americans have tested positive for covid-19. pat reck ewing revealed that he is one of those newly confirmed cases. also just under three months of the first reported coronavirus death in the united states, more than 96,000 americans have died. 96,000 americans have died of covid-19. and a new study suggests utd did not have to be this way. if broad social distancing measures had been enacted earlier researchers say roughly 36,000 american lives could have been saved. had the administration acted one
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week earlier. 36,000 doctors and nurses and parents and grandmas would likely still be alive. and if social distancing practices had been put in place, 54,000 people would still be alive and nearly a million fewer cases. consequences. another one of the consequences has been a major economic collapse. more than 2.4 million americans filed for unemployment just in the last week bringing the pandemic related job less to more than 38 million and while americans grapple with this reality and brace for a summer of suffering you'd think the people in congress would be working to make up for the sluggishness of the
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administration by taking action. if you thought you'd be be wrong. >> the pandemic will not prevent us from achieving that goal. >> with the backdrop of 1.6 million americans sick and more than 96,000 dead from covid-19 mitch mcconnell isn't moving on another relief bill for you. nope. take mississippi state judge cory wilson who in 2014 called the affordable care act illegitimate and perverse. he's repeatedly gone after voting rights. lgbt rights and abortion rights. he supported the complete and
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immediate reverse val of row v. wade. while you've been watching this covid-19 disaster roll over communities and especially communities of color, but touching every single community of color. he's pushed through eight judges since the first confirmed cases of covid in the united states but the latest relief bill which would help millions of struggle americans right now, mcconnell and his colleagues swiftly call that dead on arrival. perfect. joining me now is a congressional scholar and president and ceo on civil
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rights and i will start with you because the logic in mcconnell's mind is that this crisis changing nothing. that all of it still matters that he gets as many judges as we can cram in to change the judiciary but he's leaving people languid. we know people could have been saved if he acted earlier. your thoughts. >> the position two weeks ago warned congress not to come back because of the danger to their staff. mcconnell brought everybody back to jam through those judges. we have a republican party which is on the wrong end of demographic history which is
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damaging their base because of their loyalty to trump. if they can get in judges mostly young ones, they can extend their hold even as the american people don't want the policies that they promote and that's mcconnell's goal and now having brought them back recklessly he's had them leave town before they can act on the most important thing that americans need to have with more and more people out of work leaving people hungry. >> it's not even gust the fact that his judgment remains. we don't care how many people die, we're going to cram all the
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judges in. the daily beast reports mcconnell to move quickly on confirming his protege to the bench. this is a federal judge there kentucky. he has close tied to supreme court justice and has a high played role. in 2019 mcconnell recommended walker to a position of federal judge. hae had never practiced law, had never tried a case and had never served as a judge in any state or local court. let's just listen to senator dick durbin. >> you have tweeted over 30
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times your attempt for the affordable care act. you have at least a moment of pause in your efforts to stop the insurance to so many americans? >> i reiterate my view about the importance of access to health care. people of good faith, people of reasonable minds could disagree about aspects about the affordable care act. >> your thoughts on these judges that mcconnell is throwing in? >> first of all i'm so glad that you're covering what's actually happening in washington right now and one of things that i think is also -- adds kind of fuel to the fire of outrage is
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that justin walker's position doesn't even become vacant until september. so senate republicans are pushing through judicial nominatio nominations. the unemployment rate is reaching 20% and the house of representatives has passed this last week and what are they doing this week? they're advancing these kinds of judges who have blatant anti civil vierights and i don't knof you remember but even in the early days of this global pandemic mcconnell made headlines for recessing the senate negotiations during the covid-19 so he could visit and
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these are the priorities right now. you've got a bill seeking to stop the bleeding and aiming at some important reforms to address the disparities we're seeing in real communities and real pains and it's only getting worse and you've got mcconnell prioritizing the advancement of nominees who are intent on dismantling the health care system. they are not moving at all and remind you, this bill has things like saving the u.s. postal service which delivers medicines and essential services to people all over the country.
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90% of veterans get their medicines from the postal service. you've got aid for front line workers and yet you've got mcconnell now prioritizing these judges. this country is so much in need and communities are so much in pain. >> he is running for re-election and if democrats were to net four seats, he would not be majority leader. this is why you have to vote because senators decide. i mean, he gets to decide what's on the floor. let's let donald trump respond. there are two scandals that we're reporting in this block which is the judge thing, the obsession of power but the other
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thing is the death toll. here's trump responding to the findings on thursday. >> testing now we're almost up to 4% so some of the european countries are 4 to 5%. >> there's many per capitas. you can look at any category and we're really at the top meaning positive on a per capita bases. >> that was donald trump showing that she doesn't know what per captamines but here he is responding to the columbia stud city. >> i put a ban in people coming in from china. i was way early. columbia is an institution that is very liberal.
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i think it's a political hit job if you want to know the truth. >> your thoughts, nor man. >> the war on science and on experts go back before president. we ought to note that not only do we have a level of ignorance that's just astonishing from a president but my favorite word through all of this has been the worst kind of government and if you think about that ban on travel to china, americans and china and were tested when they came back. we didn't do much of anything about europe and the explosion of the northeast is those that came in from europe. the testing has been abominable and now of course we see they
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they're trying to hide the test results and hide the cases in florida and other cases. they're trying to jigger the data. the refusal of the senate to do anything to check and balance it, look at the five inspectors general that have been fired including acting ones replaced in the state department illegally by political crow anies w -- cronies. we've never seen anything like this in the history of the country and the senate itself who has a deep responsibility to check things is itself an outrage. >> we saw what they did on republicans and now donald trump is doing the same thing to american govern nors. one of the challenges here, he
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can't articulate the problem, he just doesn't know what he is talking about a lot of times. here he is talk about his own tests -- his own test for coronavirus. >> i tested positively toward negative. i tested perfectly this morning. positively toward the negative. >> i don't know what to say to that but the issue is that there is a civil rights aspect to this because the suffering is disproportionate in communities of color and i'm going to let you address that because that's an important piece to this. >> yeah, i don't know what to
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say to that either and i want to say that right now we are very dangerously approaching an aauthoritarian situation refuting the facts, refuting the truth. we're at a place where the racial aspect of race. it's now bearing out gross racial disparities in who is dying of covid. black communities are dying at significantly higher rates from covid than other communities and as you said the number is approaching 100,000 people in this country who have died and science was bearing out that the government could have taken measures and refused to do it. we still don't have test ago t the scale that we need it.
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we don't have the kind of tracing that would allow us to control this and meanwhile we're undermining our people's communities, we're undermining our democracy. you've got folks putting our democracy at stake and i think this is why it is utter i unconscionable that the senate is not doing its job at this moment. >> i want to thank you both. i want to show a picture that i don't know if donald trump would be excited about it but he did actually put a mask on. there he is. he was captured on camera with a mask on when he did this visit
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to the factory. he took it off for the cameras but there he is. pompeo's taxpayer funded wishes and caviar dreams. ms of all the places you're looking forward to where will you go first? ♪ wherever you may go lexus will welcome you back with exceptional offers on exceptional vehicles. get zero percent financing and make no payments for up to 90 days on all 2020 lexus models. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. for up to 90 days on all 2020 lexus models. your bank can be virtually any place you are. you can deposit checks from here. and you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. and pay bills from here. because your bank isn't just one place. it's virtually any place you are. just download and use the chase mobile app. visit
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i recommend it for the president. frankly should have done it some time ago. there are claims that there was an investigation that the inspector general was engaged in. i have no sense of what's taking place inside the inspector general's office. couldn't possibly retaliate. i've seen the stories that someone was walking my dog to sell arms to the dry cleaner. it's just crazy stuff.
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>> he thinks that he's in the clear now that he's gotten state department inspector general watchdog steve lenik fired. he was hosting lavish dinners at taxpayer expense with a guest list of billionaires, supreme court justices and big wigs. they were elaborate unpublicized affairs that he and his wife began in 2018 and held in the diplomatic reception rooms and complete with extensive contact information that gets back to susan, pompeo's personal e-mail address. joining me now global affairs contributor and former und
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undersecretary of state and senior advisor also in the administration so you ladies will not relate to this activity but i'm going to have you comment on it anyway. here is one of the dinner invitations. it's a master guest list that we've gotten for every dinner through 2019 and showing the future dinners that were on the books as lawsute as november. is this a thing that one does when one is secretary of state? >> i think all secretaries of state have dinners but they usually involve bringing in foreign guests for serious diplomatic purposes. sometimes there are outsiders but it's usually around a topic that we're trying to understand. you know, pompeo has a big job
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in the midst of holding these dinners and thinking about holding such dinners. we have issues taking place in venezuela where the president and secretary pompeo are considering whether they want to go to war. we have the meeting that took place last week where other countries try to solve this pandemic and the united states was nowhere to be find and we have pompeo taking trips to kansas and holding these dinn s dinners. this is not what we need our secretary of state to be doing. we need him to be addressing issues here and around the world.
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>> nbc news has a report on whether mr. lenik was investigating these dinners. it is unclear where the inspector general was inspecting the dinners but hae made some kind of inquiry into the protocol last week before he was fired. and this is the state department's statement to nbc news. i should read that. state department spokeswoman said the dinners are a world class opportunity to discuss the mission of the state department and the complex foreign policy matters. your thoughts? >> let's not forget where pompeo comes from. this is exactly the type of
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thing they decried using elite access to government with taxpayer dollars. i had never heard of a harvest being brought in to entertain american big wigs and ceos. the inspector general was investigating three different things for pompeo. there was ignoring work place violence from his protocol staff. there's his own personaler rands being run and also by congress directed itself an investigation into whether or not the arms sales were completely out of order and out of line with u.s. foreign policy. he's already hosted these dinners which would be bringing ceos overseas or even a public
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diplomacy which would be building those net works and those connections. as you said it's an ex- tex of the grif we see coming from the white house. it goes straight to the state department as well. >> thank you for reminding our viewers that the tea party movement when the polls bored out it was upper white class americans who didn't want other americans so get their more jaj relief. >> he made a secretive trip to florida while on the tail end of a diplomatic trip and he huddled with the republican billionaire while on a supported visit to
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kansas. the exact number of the meetings is unclear though there is a pattern of activity and all the dinners might make him damaged goods if he wanted to run for a statewide office. he might be looking higher than that to be president. what would you say about a foreign country where there is a taking in lots of money, coraling with the super rich and attempting to roll over into term innoce permanent power. >> i think we would say that it was corrupt. that we we are seeing here as we eave pointed out that is a pattern that takes place at the white house and takes place obviously here at the state department where officials are really gained for themselves.
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but in the process of their official duties it's really inappropriate and i think what's very concerning here as well is that you all have reported, nbc has rorleported that not a sing democrat was at any of these dinners and not selling arms to saudi arabia was one of the bipartisan bills and the trump administration used a very questionable emergency powers to sell arms and obviously the inspector general was looking into that and it was sort of cure yio curious. he said he had no idea what steve len ik was doing but then he had submitted questions there this investigation so he belied his own statement and what we have here is very concerning
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circumstances. this is not what a secretary of state could be doing. >> this as the republicans have given out $50 billion to the airline industry. some people are really benefitting from this behavior. thank you so much to both of you. please be safe and later on we will have more on the grift surrounding trump. >> and claims that two of trump's favorite governors have cooked the books. s favorite gov cooked the books how about no
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threshold to collect retirement benefits early. donald trump is facing bipartisan pressure to extend the deadline but here is what mark es per had to say on friday. >> the national guard has done a tremendous job. we have them out on the streets doing tests to treatment to helping out nursing homes and delivering food. if they have an assignment that's verified by fema my view is we should extend those tours of duty if you will. i've shared that with the white house. >> don't go getting all tearry yeahed about their service. and coming up next, the states
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order. >> she says she was ousted from the project for refusing to quote, manually change data to drum up support for the plan to reopen. state officials have disputed their allegations and saying she was fired for insubordination. columbus now running for georgia's seats and the commissioner after agricultural services. thank you for being here. mr. kemp seems to -- i'm going to let you comment on it. what's going on in georgia. >> they've gotten caught with their hands in the data cookie jar. they changed the x axis on a graph to support the governor's
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decision to lift the stay at home order. they arranged the columns by height not by date so that it would look like it was on a downward trajectory. it turns out the highest new cases was on april 27th. that's the highest rate in april and then he lifted the mandatory order three days later. of course three days before the highest rate he had opened up the tattoo parlors and massage businesses and so forth. so anyway it looks like they are trying to manipulate the data. i think this is consistent with what they have seen by republican leaders and others who you have interviewed on your
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show. they keep comparing it to car crashes and so forth. of course we actually try to prevent car crashes throughout mandating air bags and things like that. they changed the color sensitivity of county maps in order to make it look like it was less intense. they cherry picked data to make sure hospitalizations was down. we are exactly where we were four weeks ago and it looks like we're going to stay at that level and there will be no downward trend for at least the near future. >> unfortunate. let me put the numbers up here. 41,482 cases. let's talk about florida just a
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little bit. let me play for you the official who was fired, rebecca jones, she was on cnn last night. >> now it's impossible to know how reliable that data is because they change the way the data is calculated. they change how they record the data and the data isn't there when it crashes. >> and you have a piece out in the orlando sentinel saying that the governor has frozen you out of coronavirus plans. talk a little bit about that and can the data be trusted at all? >> good morning, joy. it's great to see you again. that's the problem and why is the data important?
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the data is important having accurate and important. making sure their businesses are open and they're relying on this information to open back up our state and i have been critical of the governor. i've tried to work with him from day one because trying to hold him accountable to the information, i've been excluded from the task force. i've asked for members to come to cabinet meeting but i have no doubt that the governor is not going to bring them forth to the cabinet he's been unwilling to work with me from day one. we have misinformation coming out of our nursing homes and out of our prisons and people can't
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trust the information so how are they willing to go to the beaches, go to their local restaurants? how are we going to get tourists to come back if we're not giving accurate information to allow people to have what they need to make personal decisions for themselves but this is right out of donald trump's play book. this is dangerous and risky to the health and wellness not only to individuals but to our economy. >> and florida has the oldest population in the world. also has disney world. let's look at the numbers here. this is di santis' statement about why she was fired.
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the spokeswoman for ron di santis. we're going to go back and forth. the thing is, you've seen this pattern isn't just in the two states that you are representing. in arizona, a lawsuit filed about the state allegely unlawfully with holding covid information. unlawfully with holding long-term care, and argue the state is using undeniably false facts. you can go on and on. there is the sense that some of these governors, republican governors in particular, they want the states reopened come what may and that has a lot of implications including on voting. you're running for election, are you confident that this governor will protect the voters in your state? >> there's a remarkable continue
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knewty knew -- continuity of what's going on. some of those same techniques of data manipulation is occurring in georgia. combining sets of testing. you also see them moving the time in which they declare a new case so that they can take advantage of prior dates when they want to, when they happen to be lower. one thing to keep on eye on we have had a spike over the last two days of new cases. that would be perfectly timed with a new flare up in georgia with opening the state up. it will be interesting to see if there's some sort of republican political effort to work the data in a particular way because
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it's too big of a coincidence that this is happening. this has infuriated the voters of georgia. it looks like we're having a remarkably high turnout of voting. there have been 700,000 absentee ballots requested in georgia. and the numbers are substantially larger than the 2018 election and we're on track to have one of the biggest turnouts you know, that georgia's ever had in a pry pair so we're up 703% in early voting
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so far when you consider all ballot, republican and democrat. >> that is actually good news. florida, you know, strikes me that has sort of the perfect storm of potential risks. agriculture, a lot of seniors and tourism and so if the governor is mismanaging the covid-19 pandemic, it will reflect eventually really in the population in florida in a way that i think will be shocking and terrifying do you think that's part of the reason they're being so odd with the data because it is the perfect storm. >> absolutely. our economic driver is tourism so if we're not protecting our seniors and giving them ak information. i've got to make sure the data
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is correct to go out and be in the public. the same thing opening up disney, the cruise line industry, in order for us to get our tourism back, we've got to make sure that the information is accurate sure the information is accurate. this is a pattern of deception we're seeing from our governor over and over again. very risky. i'm no the surprised ms. jones spoke up, and then was fired. every day we're hearing more and more information, even if our department of health knew there were cases before they were telling the rest of the state of florida. >> that's pretty terrifies. both of you please be safe. thank you so much for your time this morning. as we approach 100,000 dead in the united states from covid-19, donald trump today is at his golf course in sterling, virginia. as usual, the white house has not confirmed that the president
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is actually golfing, but it is 73 degrees and sunny in the d.c. area today, so happy golfing. next up, trump tv's latest desperate attempt at relevance. t desperate attempt at relevance a lot of folks ask me why their dishwasher doesn't get everything clean. i tell them, it may be your detergent... that's why more dishwasher brands
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>> announcer: meet brad parscale. brad is getting rich. how rich? really rich. the but don't tell don't. he would wonder how brad can afford so much. a $2.4 million waterfront house in ft. lauderdale. two it florida condos worth almost a million each. he even has he own yacht, a gorgeous ferrari, a sleek range rover. brad brags about using private jets. oh, my, brad is a star, and why not? brad's worth every dollar. just ask him. good morning, well cub back to "am joy." the group of republicans turned trump critics called the lincoln project is back, after the previous ad drew an angry twitter diatribe, but this time they turned their sights on the
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grifters in trump's orbit, namely the trump campaign manager whose br rose to the to. according to "new york times," parscale said he makes between $700,000 to $800,000 for his campaign work. compares son, obama's campaign manager made much less than that. until the end of march of this year, he raked in roughly $40 million through thinks ties to a number of dark money organizations and pro-touch super pacs. some of these groups were founds, as he told "the washington post," they're likely illegal. breaking the law for trump is
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not new, of course. paul manafort, mickael cohen also come to mind. brad parscale is the latest und underdling. the big grift, or who sadly and seriously consider downing hydrochlorine per trump's prescription. it's not some weird thing that brad parscale is doing. it's a common hobby among those in trump's circle. who can forget sean spicer's disastrous turn on "dancing with the stars." or anthony scaramucci's stint on "big brother." . a talk show features four lady
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trumpers set to launch, calling themselves the right view. a very unsubtle play on the popular abc show "the view." and the original launched under 20 years ago under barbara walters and has featured current and other talents, and has always included conservative women as well. t the hosts talk issues. this show is a bit different. one of the co-host of trump 2020 senior adviser named mercedes schle pp said the goal was to make talk shows great again. isn't it a wee business deceptive by copying another show? and making it clear in your
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promo that you're copying that show? by twitter this week had the perfect reference for that. >> look, we had this little misunderstanding, hmm? see, they are mcdonald's. i'm mac donnell's, right? they have the golden averages. the mine is the golden arcs, see? [ laughter ] >> joining me now is kurt bar della, msnbc contributor and former republican spokesperson for the house oversight committee. tom nichols, a column u.s. from "usa today." michael steele, msnbc political analyst -- stop laughing, you're making me laugh, and rick wilson
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for the lincoln project. that first one is a classic. one of the greatest movies ever made. i'm going to punish michael steele for laughing, and i'm going to punish rick wilson. you're both on time-out. michael steele, what is happening? the democrats are the left coast party, the celebrity party. literally that was the accusation again barack obama. he's a celebrity, we're the serious grownups. now all they want is to be the celebrities. >> uh, yeah. the yeah. [ laughter ] but they're not. look. i think we just have to start with a harsh reality, and rick
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has talked about this and written about this. to be -- we all have. we all know what's up. this idea you're going to start this about the republican party used to be -- that's important to note, all right? there is that. look the orbit of trump is about celebrity, after all he was a celebrity tv star. it is about the money grab of the party. this is one of the reasons why little known and talked about when i became chairman and traveled around the country talking with committee members, the 168 members who make up the rnc, one of the key things they talked about was the grifting. they got tired of people making money off the party and not seeing the return off the ground whether it came to grassroots operations. when i became chairman, 38 states didn't have web sites for operational in 2009.
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so that was one of the problems and frustration. they saw the money going in directions that had nothing to do about the party and the growth of the party, and everything to do about individuals getting the fast cash and making big. it was on contracts which were largely unknown to most of the members. so that has not changed. it's now gotten bigger. this idea they're putting up this tv show is, yeah, it's a counter-narrative to what is successful in mainstream media. they'll trash it, they'll talk about it. they'll say this is from a right perspective, but the reality is it's copycatting, but it's also a form of celebrititizing these individuals, because that's what trump likes to say, celebrities saying positive good things about him in an ether where that's not the case. >> you know, the sense, rick
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wilson -- i won't take credit for this. chris hayes has said this a lot -- what is remarkable about donald trump, if there is a lot of marks, he's one of them, right? he's one of the people they use. he's his own customer, consuming his own product. the grift is so real. the as the president's inner circle prepared to take office, brad parscale's effort to created an affiliate pro-trump super pac days after his, and he registered a new firm in august, which he split with the co-owner of his san antonio firm. he sold his half to a penny stock company called cloud commerce, then went on to purchase a compete data it data
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propia. do you think that trump understands people are doing that to him? >> i think trump would shoot at him through one metric. he's shoveled hundreds of millions on to facebook and other advertising outlets and his numbers are right where they were. his return on investment is terrible. he is kind of a sucker. these guys are playing him, milking him like a cow. i never want to see that image in my head again, but they are taking donald trump to the cleaners. and brad has spent an enormous amount of money and trump's numbers haven't moved. what has happened? brad gout a ferrari, he got a lan rover. he got a 2.5 million house on the water in ft. lauder ddalela.
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he got a yacht. being in political consulting is not a vow of poverty, but he as told trump he has this secret sauce voodoo that anybody can help you do it. facebook is helping trump do it right now. they don't need trump. the theory of the case is brad is the conduit. he's paying laura lee trump ever month, paying kimberly gilfoye every month. who knows how people are on -- of donald trump. laura is a daunt. her former wedding planner got a job in the administration, and it's being reported -- they put her in part of hud, secretly paying $100,000 to his sons'
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significant others. stewart steven to mitt romney's campaign was blunt -- that's why parscale has the job. he's a money launderer, not a campaign manager. curt, it used to be the newsletters. they were these really lucrative things on the right that you could feed conspiracy theories in them, you know, the president obama was born in kenya thing was in those newsletters. you could sell those to people and make a lot of money. now it feels like it's more over, doing it on tv, doing tv shows where you do the same conspiracy theories. it seems to work on the audience. can you get inside for us why this works so well on so many people? >> well, when you look at the republican party today, and the reality is this. it is a conspiracy-driven party,
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now based on anything that involves reality. what used to be direct mail and literally sending out letters to people en masse, and e-mail lists, these are things that rick and michael know a lot about, is now being transformed into the digital era. the reality is it's not going to work, because here thought doing anything at all to expand their audience. the party is getting smaller and smaller. trump's death grip on this 30% will not do anything for him in november. it's a huge tactical error. it's an echo chamber that they continually speak to, all the while they're just drowning in public opinion through the bundling of the pandemic known as coronavirus. so i think at the end of the day they'll keep doubling down on the 30% fox news/bright bard world, but ever vote they get
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costs them in november, and i think rick really put this perfectly. it is a terrible return on investment for donald trump to keep paying millions of dollars to these hangers-on, these people who are grifting off the donald trump and he will wonder why he's so under water one day, because instead of doing their job, they're just carbon checks. >> we talked last hour, even mitch mcconnell's interest in donald trump is he just wants judges. he doesn't care what he's doing. let's talk about the democrat graphics a bit. tom, nbc news exit polling from november of 2016, this is working with particularly one group, which is white working-class men particularly, but white working-class people in general.
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this year they went for donald trump by 30 points, according to the network's exit polls. the question is whether or not the loyalty that they voters, these americans have to trump is returned. here is howard stern on may 15th, talking about the way trump feels about his base. >> the oddity in all of this is, the people trump despises most, love him the most. think about it. the people who are voting for trump for the most part -- oh, my bod, he wouldn't even let them in a [ bleep ] hotel. i'm talking to you in the audience. you idolize him, but he despises you. >> donald trump doesn't show any loyalty back to these voters in the way he's treating the public
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health concerns, the policies that only favor the super-rich. his southern base in particular, he's done things making fun of southerners before. in the book "fear" bob woodward privately writes that the president called jeff sessions a traitor saying he's mentally retarded, he's a dumb southerner, he couldn't even be a one-person country lawyer down in alabama. your thoughts on this, tom. >> as we saw last night, he and jeff sessions -- there isn't enough popcorn in the world for that twitter fight that's about to erupt. you know, i've asked people i know who have voted for trump this very question. i'm glad you brought up howard stern. i've been saying this for years. look, he hates you. he would have you arrested for touching his car. the answer i think you get is,
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yeah, but he hates you more. and this has really become just a kind of grudge match to say that deep down, they kind of know that donald trump doesn't really care very much about them. what they really care about is he's making other people angry that they hate. with that said, i think there's a significant number of working-class whites who have somehow internalized the message from mainlining lethal amounts of fox news, and from conservative web sites. they have somehow can um to believe that donald trump is really patriotic and really cares about the country, and he might have rough around the edges. they simply don't want to hear about how many people are getting rich, because it's a different group of people getting rich than the people they hate, because i've brought that up, too. look, trump's a chump, you're a
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mark, the swamp water in water is no longer potomac water, it's hudson water, and they kind of shrug. well, somebody will be making dirty money, it might as well be the people who hate you. >> i talk a lot about this and tweet about it a lot. you used to consult to breitbart, which was founded by a guy who started big hollywood. he was trying to create alternative messaging university about holy rod. there does seems to be a fixation with the culture, not being conservative, and not in their mind respectful of conservatives -- white christians, i should say. so that feels like it's a part of it, a part of the anger that the preside barack obama was the president of that culture, and trump seems to be angry he can't get
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celebrities around him. he had kanye for a hot second, but even he was look, oh, i've got to get out of here. your thoughts. >> it's interesting, because -- i've always thought this about donald trump. the people he attacks the hardest is the people he is seeking validation from most. what hi wants more than anything and why he obsessively hate-watching us all the time, he wants our approval. he's the kid who didn't get to sit at the cool kids table, and he's still updebt. it was andrew breitbart that started this thing called big hollywo hollywood. this idea really originated from republican orthodoxy talking about there's a liberal bias, how there is coastal elites, and
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there's different rules in how they're covered. and what you're seeing today is the evolution of all of that. it's interesting, because i think this highlights how democrats need to hone in on the message that while donald trump promised to drain the swamp, he's the swampiest swamp creature we have ever seen. i wrote a piece that joe biden needs to figuratively drown the swamp in what donald trump is bathing in now. republicans are so good at messaging, being vicious and direct and succinct. when you think about donald trump, you think about build the wall, drain the swamp. when you think about joe biden, i don't know that in about three, four words, but people are at least trying to make that case right now. >> if there is anybody who is good at translating -- at being able to communicate in a very similar way, that the culture, the popular culture -- it is
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this is his pattern, t diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion. don't speak to the issues before us. my god. >> the apparent nominee srcht the only one who thinking is blowing smoke. the latest attempt to gin up scandal from the previous administration is accusing obama and biden for conspiring against
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michael flynn. they unmasked flynn's name in fbi reports in connection with the 2016 contact with the russian ambassador. it turns out flynn's name was never mapped in the first place. i'm going to start with you on this, rick, because, the unmasking thing, they tried it, it didn't work, but what's of what that's about is trying to rerun the 2016 campaign and now they have to run it against scob joe biden. he's not flashy, but people feel like they know him. could they work the same thing like they did against hillary clinton, against somebody who is like average joe. >> they've thrown a lot on the wall against them, and each of these things has a shelf like of about 10, 12 days. we had the brief tara reade
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moment, and then hunter biden, and now we're in the obama bubble. this is a contrivance of trump-affiliated bloggers and propaganda, who have decided to throw out things with this bait to try to convince people there was in giant conspiracy that they could tag joe biden with, when in fact, as i've said before, they were claiming there was something nefarious in the obama administration. they've got it backward. the people in the obama administration, at the bottom in the intelligence community were reporting these things like michael flynn's behavior, and it bubbled up into a process where the nefarious actions were all in the hands of trump advisers. so you have guys like michael flynn, paul manafort, and the penguin roger store, and carter
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page, george papadopoulos, this clown show of people i wouldn't trust to run a waffle house, playing in these deep waters of national security matters. let's have the truth about mike flynn. his predecessor and -- both thought he was an absolute [ muted ] show of the worst horrid. whatever happened to him that broke his brain made him a terrible person as the head of dia. he was widely regarded ago being out-of-control. hess was in bed with the turkish government, in bed with the russians. if they want to be transparent let's release the calls with kiss kiylyak. the tara reade thing fell apart. the hunter biden thing fell apart. they don't have a real grip a
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what to do. >> i want to warn the audience we have the giersch orr cuomo press conference coming up at the bottom of the hour, so warning my getzs i may have to cut you off unceremoniously. tom i. the other channel is trying to rerun the hillary clinton playbook is hard enough. again, joe biden feels like someone people know, so it's harder to attack him. he's also not a woman, so you can't use misogyny to try to take him down. 54% approval rating versus 43. people like obama more than donald trump. this is a fox news poll. favorable pin of obama. this is in a fox news poll. trump 43, pence 42, people
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actually like the other side better. >> well, first of all being someone better liked than donald trump is setting a low bar. you know -- [ laughter ] >> i'll just put that out there, but joe biden is somebody that people know, they like him and they are forgiving him his gaffs. he's been around for 40 years. they have some sense of the man. i've been saying all along, please run against barack obama for a third term. if trump people want to do this, i think that's terrific. again, going back to our earlier segment, i think the people around trump couldn't care less whether he wins or loses, because they already put the infrastructure in place to keep making money long after trump is gone, but they go back to the reliable things like the mike flynn business and creating imaginary obama-gate and all of
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that stuff, because the base, the people they want to shake money out of don't understand any of these issues. rick just laid out a very well thought out explanation of what happened. for people who don't know where turkey is, you know, it doesn't matter to them. they are people who put three stars on their twitter account, because it makes them feel like they're part of some mickey mouse club or something. you're not talking rational people. >> are you disrespecting qanon? >> well done. >> you know, these are people that long after trump is gone, he enables they'll be being held by that i ankles shaking money out of their pockets. this is not a rational conversation. it won't work in the election because joe biden is their worst
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nightmare. let's remember that trump got impeached trying to stop joe biden from being the nominee. that should tell you something. >> yeah. michael steele, i'm going to give you the last word on this. you have lindsey graham pretending to investigate joe biden, who used to call him his friend, a piece in which trump is mad at people like lindsey graham, because they're not doing enough to slime joe biden, and trump is complaining that fox news isn't doing enough to get him reelected saying real loud, your job is to get any reelected, now to do the news. >> the fox piece is they can't avoid the reality. when their own viewers and base are telling them that, yeah, i like joe biden more than i like trump, they know they're in a new space. we've seen this certainly on the news side, but now even on the political side, they're having to come to that reality and it's
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frustrating the president. look, the investigations, if anybody gets subpoenaed, don't show up, or if you do, say i'll show up when all the people subpoenaed in the administration, would el do this together, because it exposes what this really is about. this is not about anything serious. this is not about anything that is, you know, a death nell to the national security of the company. this is about raw politics and using the agencies of the federal government to go after your political opponents. everyone should know what it is and call it out for what it is. so this investigation is a joke. it's a sham. i think we need to see that for what it is. >> we have a bit more time. >> i was going to add that ron johnson and the homeland security committee voted to issue the first subpoena
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investigating hunter binder and burriss ma. they aren't looking to the inspector generals that are getting fired, aren't looking into how coronavirus funding is going into donald trump campaign donors and supporters' companies. instead they're trying to use oversight authorities for a witch-hunt against joe biden and his family. i think it's going to backfire. the effort to try to make burisma this year's version of benghazi, this is a very different conversation. >> yes, absolutely -- go on. >> we also have in this country things that people actually care about right now. we're teetering on the edge of a great depression part 2. we have 40 million people unemployed and 100,000 are dead so far, more to come. the senate is looking like the most pathetic bunch of trump lackeys, and the voters out
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there are not about made-up fantasy investigation. they are concerned about the economy which trump has wrecked and about covid. we're not one degree of separation, everybody knows somebody who has died or been sick. the fact that the senate is doing there is political malpractice, but oh, well. see you in november. >> michael steele, if you were still running the rnc, they're trying to run a reelect for a president who is presiding over just shy of 100,000 dead, and it would be more by election day, maybe many more. that's like a wartime death toll. you're presiding over a coming depression, 30 million americans unemployed, a rate we haven't seen since the 1930s. you're presiding over people who are literally endangering themselves and their grandmothers, just to show, not wear masks, and show themselves
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shaking hands. it is hard to understand how, even brad parscale, if he bought another mansion or whatever in ft. lauderdale and got more money, how would he even come up with a plan to run this man for reelection with those circumstances? if you are still rnc chair, what would you be doing? >> well, in a normal universe, the rnc and political campaign would be separated enough so that the rnc could do working with the congressional commissionee and senatorial committee to do the messaging to take care of incumbents, and then growing your incumbency. this situation is difficult to do, because the narrative is to toxic for republicans. they were going to run on the economy, but with 36 million americans without a job, that is a hard narrative to make. the problem is made more so
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difficult bulk you've got trump who's going off in these other areas and saying and doing things, you know, lie inject yourself with detergent, that finds yourself in the political space as an untenable -- you can't look at your constituents of, well, what he said. that's not the way it's going to work. at the end of the day, because they have linked the two so closely together, the rnc is not going to be able to distance itself and coordinate in a way that it would in the past to sort of protect those incumbents. right now the senate is in play. a lot of folks -- >> i've got to cut you off. governor an degree cuomo has taken his seat. let's go to him. >> i know today is saturday,
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because mr. mets tweeted at me this morning that today is saturd saturday. he is the mets mascot. i also note today is saturday, because i'm not wearing a tie. that is a cue to me to understand that today is now saturday. today is saturday of memorial day weekend. it is day 84. yesterday, a number of my young superstars said to me, you know, this is memorial day weekend coming up. we've been working for 83 straight days. maybe do something different, maybe we take a day off is what they were trying to suggest. i said, okay. tomorrow i'll stay home. so i am at home today. i never said i was going to work, but i said tomorrow i will stay home.
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i am at home today, but we are working, yes, 84 straight days when the covid virus takes a day off, we will take a day off. it's very simple. when the new york state executive mansion -- it's not really my home, it's the people's home, it is the residence for governors in new york, it's a great old house. it was build in 1856. the state acquired it in 1877. they were building the state capitol, which was going to finish in 1899, which was and is really a beautiful architectural masterpiece. the governor's residence is just a stone's throw from the state capitol. the two work together. the capitol was the place for business and the governor's residence was the place for social events and for gatherings, to entertain legislators. it's been home to 32 governors.
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you at three governors who served as president of the united states. you had grover cleveland, teddy roosevelt, and you had fdr, who is between fdr and teddy roosevelt, they were the two historic governors who went on. you want vice president nelson rockefeller lived in this home, but it's very much a museum. it is beautiful. i don't know that you can fully appreciate it today, but we have great artifacts in this home. we have the wheelchair from fdr that he used when he was in this house. it's the wheelchair he also would go into a pool, which is in the back of the house, which was a pool that he exercised in. it was very important for fdr to keep his upper body very strong, and swimming was his exercise, and that's his wheelchair. we have a great portrait from fdr that hangs in the drawing
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room. we have a bust of teddy roosevelt, which was done by baker, who was an extraordinarily gifted artist. that's here. we have great art all through this home. the new york state mu seemed provides art, but we have pieces by durand, by frederick church. you just can't pressure the scope of the home, but the whole first floor is just magnificent. it can hold several hundred people. we do a lot of good work here. my mother did a restoration of the mansion back to the historical accurate portrayal whether she was here, and still it's very much the same way. so it is beautiful. it's open to the public. we have a website that people can go to, and it's really worth seeing. on the numbers today, the news
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is good news. it has been good news to put every day is a new day, and it's good to see it continuing. the number of hospitalizations are down. the change in hospitalizations is down. the intubations is down. the number of new cases, new covid cases walking in the door, which is a very important number, that's down. the number of lives lost is down to 84. 84 is still a tragedy, no doubt, but the fact that it's down as low as it is is really overall good news. i had a conversation with the health care professional once, and i said, you know what? what number should i be ilookin for as to get down as a bottom number on the deaths? the doctor said -- it wasn't or
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health commissioner, he said if i were you, i would look for 100. you want to be below 100. i said, why? he said, because people will pass away ball they're ill. obvious it's pneumonia or something else, about you if you can get under 100, can you breathe a sigh of relief. when he said this to me, we were in the hundreds and hundreds, and getting below 100 was almost impossible, but i made a little note. you need something in like to shoot for. you need somebody to aim for. it's not official, i don't even know if it was 100% accurate, but in my head, i was always looking to get under 100. it doesn't do good for any of those 84 families that are feeling the pain, but for me it's just a sign we are making real progress, and i feel good
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about that. we've been talking about reopening and how we proceed with reopening. it's been different in different regions all across the state. we have criteria all across the state that applying. there is no variance in the criteria region from region. there's no political difference. there's no local differences. what's safe in buffalo is safe in albany, is safe in new york city, and i want people to know where we were with these criteria. that's why they're on the website. i encourage people to go look at them every day. they are controlling what's happening. this is all a function of what people do. this is nothing to do with government, nothing to do with anything else. this is what people do. new yorkers have been great in understanding the situation and responding. in the mid-hudson area, we have
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met the criteria for the decline in the number of deaths. that was the issue we were having with the mid-hudson region. the only open issue is we have to train tracers. no region opens before it's ready to be open. to be ready, you need the tracing and training system in place. we have identified the right number. they now need to be trained. it's an online course. i spoke this morning to the representatives of the mid-hudson, the county executives. i said, look, we have a choice, if we can get them trained over memorial day weekend, we can open them. you can do the trainings online. many are government employees. we agreed and i think the county executives and supervisors, we agreed to ask people to be
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trained saturday, sunday, monday, and we'll hope in the mid-hudson on tuesday. that is good news. long island, the number of deaths are dropping. if that continues, at this rate we could open by wednesday, if the number of deaths continues to decline and we get that tracing up. that is also very good news. memorial day weekend is here. we opened up the estate beaches. we asked people to socially distance. this is jones beach yesterday. people were great. people were great. they're doing what they're supposed to do. i thank them very much. in terms of testing, we stressed this, and we should. just because you were not showing symptoms does not mean you do not have the covid virus. about a third of people who have
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the virus never have symptoms. so they never know they have the virus, but you can still spread it if you have it, even if you don't know you have it. so that's one of the insidious elements to this virus. so get a test. we are trying to make it as easy as possible. we're opening mohr and moore testing sites. we're working with advantage care physicians. we're bringing more testing to lower-income communities, but we now have 760 testing sites across the state. please go to the website and get a test. it protects you. it protects your family. it protects everyone. we've made it as easy as possible, but we do have many sites with more capacity than they're now doing tests. if you have any symptoms, get a test. if you were exposed to a person who turned out to be positive,
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get a ittest. if you're a frontline worker, get a test. if you're a hesscare worker, get a test. if you're working at a grocery store, you're delivering products, you're public facing, get a test. if you're a region that's opening up, get a test. and, look, we've made it as easy as possible, but this is something we need people to continue to step up, right? this is not -- by the way, just back you got a test one month ago doesn't mean you shouldn't go get another test. you can get a test and walk out of the testing side, and pick up a virus in ten minutes. so it's not i got one test, i'm done. it doesn't work that way. but again, that's up to people. add these admonitions, all these pleas, the good news is, remember that it's work iing yo
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look at the number of deaths, you look at the decline, compare that with the rest of the nation where you still see the rest of the nation's curve going up. so it is working. what are we doing? it is the social acceptance and culture of being new york tough, which is smart. smart. smart is get the test. smart is protect yourselves. smart is risk/reward. don't put yourself in a situation where it's not worth it. if you can stay home, stay home. if you don't have to go into a certain store, don't go in. this is all did discipline now. this is doing the same thing we did the day before, even though it's day 84. it's showing respect, and love
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for your family and for society, and operating that way. again, it's working here in the new york, because what you're seeing across the rest of the country, you're seeing the numbers go up. they're talking about a possible second wave in the south that may have opened too fast and too aggressively. they're talking about a higher number of deaths in california. how these counties reopen, how states reopen, they can make all the difference. 24 states suggest that you may still have uncontrolled spread, right? so don't underestimate this virus. we know that it can rear its ugly head at any moment, but what do we need to do? it's not rocket science. wear a mask, wash your hands, socially distance, yew hand
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sanitizer. most of all, wear a mask. i'm telling you, those masks can save your lives. those masks can save another person's life. the most astonishing fact to me all through this, that the emergency room health professionals have a lower infection rate than the general population, that the bus drivers, transit workers, police officers have a lower rate of infection, because the masks work. and we gave them the masks and they wore the masks. so wear a mask. we have an ongoing competition on the wear a mask ad, the most convincing ad. mariah, my daughter, is running this, because she was unmoved by my powers of communication and
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persuasi persuasion, but that competition is now open we have people voting on the five finalists. the winner will be announced tuesday and will become a public service announcement for the state. we're asking people to go to the website, look at the five finalists and vote, and then we will announce a winner. i'm excited about this. we are going to be stressing wearing a mask over this weekend and going to this website and this competition is part of it. we have rachel maddow, who has a show on msnbc at night, that i have been on, and she was talking about this competition last night in her way.
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she made some remarks i would like to show you, if we can. >> new york asked people to submit their own public service announcements about why you should wear a mask. and what they circulated this week, i believe are the finalists, like the best ones according to the state. they're really good. they're also really, really, really new york. >> that really, really, really new york comment, rachel is really. really new york i'm asking all new yorkers to go and vote but aisle i'm really, really curious what rachel thinking is the best
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of the five ads. i'm publicly asking her to look appeared vote and let us know we also posting honorable mentions. we had over 600 submissions, and i'm telling you, they are just phenomenal. we had to show you five more videos now that are in the honorable mention category. >> hey, buddy. can you put on your mask? >> why? i feel fine. >> it's call -- look it up. it's not about you. it's about your neighbors. >> essential workers. >> my grandma. >> all right. i've got it cover ♪ it's up to us new york new york ♪ >> i love new york. i wear a mask when i go
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grocery shopping. >> when i take the subway. every time i leave the house. >> i wear a mask for my friends and neighbors. >> to help others feel safe. >> because i don't know if i'm carrying the virus. >> i wear it for my family members. >> for my sister who is my best friend. >> the people any laundromat. >> i wear a marv -- we're in this together. >> we hope you will too. ♪ ♪
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covid-19 has put new york on hold. since we cannot track the virus, it's hard for new yorkers to move forward, but there's something we can do to fight against it. wearing a mask in public protects you and dramatically lowers the chance of covid-19 infecting others. even if you feel healthy, wearing a mask shows new yorkers you care about them and our surge at workers. if you're in a public space, indoors or out, please wear a mask and get new york back in motion. ♪ ♪
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okay. last point. in this house, staying here, and as i said, it feels like a museum in many ways, but you can't ignore the number of greats who lived in this home, historic greats. what fdr did, what teddy roosevelt did, and i read a lot of history. new york tough. yes. yes, this is a tough situation, and yes, new yorkers are tough. we've shown how tough we are here. tough means many things. as i've had said, loving, disciplined, et cetera, tough is about courage. teddy roosevelt -- courage is not having the strength to go on. it's going on when you don't have the strength. day 84, i can't do this anymore. i can't do this anymore.
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we have to do it more. we have to continue to do it. this new normal, we're going to have to do it for a long time. they're talking about the fall, they're talking about a possible second wave. we have to get back to activity, but we have to do it in a different way, a smarter way, maybe a better way when all is said and done. that's courage. teddy roosevelt was a tough and leaned in to being tough. he liked being physically tough. teddy roosevelt had a boxing ring built on the third floor of this house. a boxing ring. he would challenge the legislators during the day to come box with him in the boxing ring on the third floor at
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night. can you imagine that? the governor says to a legislator, come, we'll go into the boxing ring. i think haz how they got the budget done at the end of budget session. discordant voices, come to the mansion, we'll go into the boxing rid. he was roughrider tough, physically tough, pushed himself. my father was more a loving definition of tough. he was strength is in unity, in community, and strength was in giving and selflessness, and strength was finding the
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commonalty among people and connecting among people. that's his sense and his definition of toughness. this nation at its best is at its best only when we see ourselves as one family. he brought it back to the metaphor of a family. what is society? what is community? it's a family. you're a family. just treat each others as you would treat year own family members, sharing benefits and burdens. that was his version of tough. you will have a number of iterations of the same concept, but the concept is right. that concept is new york. questions? >> reporter: the associated press found more than 4500 recovering covid patients released into nursing homes under the state directive in effect for nearly two months.
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what do your numbers show on this? and -- >> we had 68,000 hospitalizatio hospitalizations. i don't -- so the 4,000 number would be a subset of that. i don't know what information we have that we haven't released at this point. >> no, i don't think there's any information that we have that we haven't released, but i want to reiterate once again the policies that the department of health put out was in line directly with the march 13th directive put out by cdc and cms that read nursing homes should admit any individuals where covid is president. that's president trump, cms and cdc. many were concerned about hospital capacity debt,
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everybody remembers the projectionses were into the -- where i think we started out at about 50 sunrise are,000. obviously every death is unfortunate, when you look at comparison to other states in this has 5,532 confirmed deaths whereas new york has 3,094. it's been a national and international tragedy that much has had to grapple with, and we're trying to learn from every day and move forward. >> look, we're in a political environment here. i get it, i understand it, i'm a big boy. i can say all day long i refuse to politicize this discussion, and i have not and i will not, because i represent democrats and republicans and
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