tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC May 23, 2020 9:30pm-11:00pm PDT
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right now the trump people are looking at biden and saying, it doesn't work. this is not going to be a meme. it doesn't work. and there's a whole book to be written about why that was the case with joe biden in 2020. thank you both. that is all in for this evening. the rachel maddow show against right now. good evening, rachel. >> good evening, chris. have an excellent weekend. much appreciated. this can you at home for joining us this hour as well. actually, thanks to you at home for joining us this hour and a half tonight. you know what? nothing is the same. time has no meaning. all days of the week are just days that end in "y" now. i haven't tied my shoes in weeks so why not spread the show out into 90 minutes instead of an hour. who are you going complain to, the boss? the boss is like any of us. the boss is an inch and a half
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tall head in a tiny zoom box that cuts out in the middle of a meeting especially when he's talking. it's anarchy at this point. so thanks for being here tonight for this hour and a half. let's do this thing. we start tonight in beautiful wright county, minnesota. w-r w-r-i-g-h-t. beautiful part of the country. beautiful part of the state. they call minnesota the land of a thousand lakes. the towns in wright county are like smith lake and howard lake and french lake and maple lake. and in between maple lake, minnesota, and the next town over, which is called annandale, there are two catholic churches, these are two pretty small
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towns, less than 10 miles apart. two or three thousand people in maple lake and annandale. while that five or ten miles between st. ignatius and st. timothy's is enough distance to justify having two separate churches for apparently not enough to justify having two different sets of clergy serving those two churches. so between annandale and maple lake, the same three priests oversee the services for both churches in both towns. they split themselves between the two churches. there's father myer, father andrew and monsignor cal la than. they take care of services in both churches in both towns. you might have seen some soft national headlines this week that were generated by the catholic bishops in minnesota. kind of pounded their chests
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this week and proclaimed that they would defy the state public health orders in minnesota. they said catholic churches would break the rules designed to limit the spread of coronavirus. the bishops declare catholic churches will open up, celebrate mass in person this weekend regardless of what minnesota public health officials and the governor have said is necessary to deal with the epidemic there. you might have seen these headlines whether or not you live in minnesota because the bishops got national attention for their letter announcing that they would defy the law. quote, how could reason require us any longer to keep our faithful from coming to mass to receive communion, to receive the yeucharist.
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that battle cry from the bishops is landing awkwardly in the communities. here's the letter from father myer to st. timothy's this week. quote, i'm sharing this in light of masses in the days ahead. you might have heard that the archbishop lloyd for public masses again. well need to see how things transpire here before proceeding. i know you were eager to have the sacraments again as soon as possible. i'm eager to celebrate mass with all of you. obviously, however, we do not want to spread the virus and want to make sure the clergy have either tested negative or overcome the symptoms for a number of days before celebrating mass with you. quote, yesterday afternoon we learned some parishioners tested positive for the covid-19 virus. father andrew has just now tested positive as well.
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monsignor cal lahan and i recently developed sims and are awaiting testing results. the parishioners should be aware that one of the volunteers who helped with distribution of flowers for mother's day was feeling unwell and exposed to others with the virus. i wanted to share this so that you were aware and could be attentive to any symptoms that might develop if you interacted with the clergy. i want to share this so you're aware why we may not come back to mass as soon as other churches. with all three clergy affected it would be difficult for us to do so in the near future. all three clergy from those three churches down from the virus, yeah, we're not going to be able to open up in defiance of the public health orders like the bishops say we ought to. that's what's happening in wright county, minnesota.
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this is texas. this is the holy ghost catholic church in bel air texas, part of the sprawling houston area. they opened and started doing mass at the beginning of this month, because texas' republican governor greg abbott told churches across the state of texas this was fine and they needed to re-open. well, last week, one of the priests from holy ghost died. five of the other priests at the religious order where he lived have also now tested positive. the archdiocese in houston sent out a warning to everybody in the parish. quote, if you attended masses since the re-opening on may 2nd, you are strongly encouraged to monitor your health for symptoms and be tested for covid-19. that's according to the archdiocese. it's not your typical archdiocese communication. but again, the governor of texas told all the churches in the state to re-open, and they did.
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but now with one priest dead, five others down from the virus, holy ghost has reclosed its doors, despite governor abbott's order they ought to re-open. you know, this is not a new phenomenon in this american epidemic. it has been this way from the very beginning. contact tracing has told us so. viola horton attended a church in west virginia back on march 15th. her sister-in-law was the reverend and celebrating her anniversary as the leader. that gathering that one day is estimated to have infected 30% of the people who are in attendance. five people who attended that church celebration that one day were hospitalized by the end of the first week that have service. miss viola horton was dead within two weeks of the service,
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and she was the first person in west virginia known to have died from the coronavirus. last month in kentucky, health officials traced 30 coronavirus cases and three deaths and community spread of the disease across multiple counties including to a kentucky meat packing plant back to a single church revival meeting in hopkins county, kentucky. in california right now, a single church service on mother's day is being blamed for clusters in lake county a. in butte county they're trying to track down people who attended a church service in person in defiance of a -- that prohibited such gatherings. health officials are trying to find everybody who went to that church service because they learned someone who went to the service tested positive the day after. at that event it seems like they were all exposed.
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last month, one of the first cdc formal reports, the first mmwr report, tracing a large cluster of cases in chicago identified one church service on one day as one of the places documented new infections took place. the new mmwr that just came out from cdc this week traces another cluster to rural arkansas, where the pastor and his wife did not know that they were infected, but they were. and over the course of one week, they infected 38% of their congregation, so so far, three people have died. i was also surprised to learn this today, about what now counts as the worst outbreak in the country, the outbreak of the navajo nation that spans three different states -- utah, new mexico, and arizona. they did great work teasing out the data, geographically --
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information not just to find out how bad sit there, but how bad it is compared to other parts of the country. in the northern, particularly isolated part of the navajo nation, the number of cases per population in specific regions is higher than the worst hit zip codes in new york city. navajo health officials also say that worst hit region within navajo nation is where they think the navajo nation began, and they have traced the beginning of the navajo nation outbreak, which again, is the worst one in the country, they traced its back to a specific church revival meeting on a specific day in early march in the navajo nation. that's where they believe it took hold. now, again, that is the worst outbreak in america. worst per capita than the hardest hit zip codes in new york city. so when the president today pounded his chest a little bit and announced he'll insist as
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president that all church services be held in person this beaned a weekend all over the country and would override a rule that prohibited it, the president knows what he's playing with in doing that. this has been a loud documented part of the epidemic from the beginning. and no, the president does not have to power to override state public health rules and demand all churches hold in tern services. but him trying to create the impression he has that power will have some of that effect any way. and so, you know, we will see what the president has wrought for this weekend in america in the middle of the worst epidemic on earth. then in, what, three weeks or so, in some places we'll be able to do the contact tracing. ones they do the contact tracing
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presumably we'll be able to give him all the credit he deserves for what happened this weekend. because we know what's going to happen at church services. we know because we're living through it at a smaller scale from earlier on in this epidemic in america when the total number of cases in the community was smaller than it is right now. we already know what church services have done in terms of creating what turn into large clusters. in one case, which turns into what is now the largest outbreak in the country, the worst outbreak in the country. i mentioned new york as a point of comparison for the navajo nation. this to me is still the big picture tale of where we are at as a country. it's one simple graph we have been updating day by day and it shows cases of coronavirus cases over time. new york is the blue line. they've squashed the curve down,
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gone flat. the other line is the rest of the country minus new york. is really it's new york that is coming down. the rest of the country just keeps going up, up, up, up, up. ain't no stopping us now. you keep hearing news about how the united states is flattening out in terms of cases, in terms of the shape of the epidemic. but the shape of the virus in this country is not flattening out. new york is better and the rest of the country is -- and that he has consequences as we head into this fine memorial day weekend and the states are opening up with abandon. the great state of arkansas just logged its largest daily increase in cases yet since the beginning of the epidemic they've never had a larger daily increase in cases than they just had. in the same breath he announced that, the governor of arkansas, asa hutchinson announced in addition to having more new cases today than any other day thus far, we're also announcing
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sports events are now on. sportses. play ball. in florida -- nice beach weather coming this weekend -- yesterday florida announced its highest daily case numbers since mid april. so, you know, open everything up. there's going to be a 70-team youth baseball tournament held in bravard county this weekend. 70 teams. they're expecting 1,500 people altogether. just had their largest case numbers in more than a month. in alabama, their numbers have been rising all month long. last night we had the mayor of montgomery. montgomery is alabama's capital city. he's raising the alarm that his city's hospital capacity in alabama is, his words, maxed out. as of today, icu beds in
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montgomery, alabama, or at 97% occupancy heading into the weekend. and the case numbers just continue to rise. the governor of alabama took questions on the situation in montgomery today and then in the same breath announced a further loosening of the rules statewide. ruled designed to keep the virus from spreading. good luck hospitals, good luck, doctors and nurses. good luck. it's not just a phenomenon in the south. in omaha, nebraska, today, the director of one medical center announced they're at 80% capacity. quote, hospitalizations in the omaha metro area are at a worrisome upward climb. a little further down, governor says he feels good about loosening restrictions in the
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state. last night it was like they were broadcasting from two different planets. he says, i feel great. let's loosen up. she says, i run the medical center in the largest city in the state and we are filling up steadily and it is very worrying. she said last night, i'll tell you, now is the time to be wearing a mask. did you see this week -- these didn't circulate widely. i thought they should have. did you see the wear a mask psas? new york asked people to submit their own public service announcements about why you should wear a mask, and what they circulated this week was what i believe are the finalists, like the best ones according to the state. they're really good. they're also really, really, really new york. watch this. >> i love new york.
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>> we love new york. >> we have been stuck inside our hopes. >> while our everyday heroes have been working overtime. >> for new york to re-open. >> and stay open. >> we all need to do our part and show that we care. >> look, man -- >> i wear a mask to protect you. >> you wear a mask to protect me. >> let's all wear a mask to stop the spread of coronavirus. >> when we show up in a mask, we show up for each other. >> show your love nor new york, because new york loves you. >> textbook says politicians lead. no, sometimes the people lead. and the politicians follow. follow the american people. they will do the right thing. there's still a right thing. do the right thing in new york is an expression. ♪
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♪ >> new york tough. they're really good, right? aren't they good? but they're also the most new york thing in the world. i mean, sometimes in new york you feel like there's america and there's new york. other times you feel like new york is the capital of america, the nongovernment capital of america. then you see stuff like this and you're like, that's very new york specific. the reason you've got mask stuff like that that's so new york specific is because new york is taking the mask thing really seriously. even as new york's curve is
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coming down and the rest of the country is going up, new york is taking additional mitigation efforts seriously. meanwhile in the rest of the country where things are -- we're heading into the memorial day weekendle all these states have no requirement for people to rare masks while they're out and about. three of the state haves no recommendation or requirement for anybody to wear masks as a resident or at any place of business. i mean, the cdc does have an overt recommendation for the whole country that people wear masks, but there's no national effort to promote it. like new york city and new york are trying to develop their own new york specific promotions of this idea. they're doing it because nobody else is. there's no national effort. i mean, there's a national recommendation, no national effort to promote it. lots of states where they're not requiring it or recommending it. the president and vice president
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understood mine the recommendation personally whenever they can. at the start of this epidemic, the cdc used to give their own briefings about what the american people should do and know to protect themselves. the kinds of briefings where they may underscore the need to wear a mask. the cdc doesn't do those anymore. they haven't done them since early march "the washington post" editorial page making a good point this week that just that one change, having the cd return to briefing the american people directly would be a big leap forward to us starting to rationally dweeal with this crisis. we don't have that. instead we have the white house circuses. today, dr. birx stood up in front after a graph designed to make it look like things were getting much getter. a nice downward sloping graph soothes the eyes in a epidemic. that was showing the amount of
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testing being done in each state and she stacked the graphs so the states doing the most would be on the left side and the least would be on the right side, so it would give thaw soothing feeling to see bars in the bar chart declining. looks like it's declining but it's not, it's just set up to look that way at a glance. that's just the states by which one doing testing. really? at a glance it feels awesome, though. look how small it is on the right by oregon. the president's, you know, boosting of that malaria drug saying he's taking it. all the doctors are taking it, all the front line providers are taking it. they're not taking it. the president saying it's a preventive to keep you from getting coronavirus. it's not a preventive to keep you from getting coronavirus.
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that moved on to an absurd and potentially deadly threat today when the lancet published the results of nearly 100,000 coronavirus patient on multiple continents who were given the drug the president has been huckstering for, suffered a significant more risk of death than those who did not. we're still here at the bottom of the morass. for us citizens knowing this is our team on earth and we'll have to answer for our behavior and what we tried to do for our country, how -- how can we get good public health understanding among american citizens? how can we get good public health understanding, good buy-in to necessary public health behaviors to keep ourself
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safe? how do we get people to understand and embrace self-protective behavior? how do we empower americans to make smart, real, science based decisions that will protect american citizens and their families. how do we do that when instead of authorities to el us what's what we have this incredible government who lies to us constantly about this stuff. and the president who gives made up on the spot advice that might literally kill you. how do we get any better at this when this is the government that we've got? well, we do what we can. we make our own psas about wearing masks and send them into the state government in new york and see if they're going use them as an official state psa. came across another really cool thing this week in arizona -- a group of arizona medical students designed -- look how
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cool this is -- designed these excellent and effective and beautiful covid information posters in spanish. the state of arizona was doing some posters in spanish that proved to be way too ignorable to be much good, so a group of medical students in arizona designed way cooler ones that are way more resonant. look. aren't these awesome? a couple of months ago we interviewed a young medical student who made the decision to graduate early and upend all here plan for the start of her medical career so she could instead work on the front lines at the height of the epidemic in bell view public hospital in new york city. she just finished her tour there. we're going to talk to her about how that went tonight on this show. we have a terrible government right now. i am very sorry to say.
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it is a terrible time to have a terrible government, but that does not mean we aren't a great country. you are seeing innovation and dedication to do the best and try to innovate our way out of this, even though we have to do so around a government that is mostly just making it worse. we are honestly having to make it up without a lot of help on the way. that's kind of a theme right now in the news as we head into the memorial day weekend with the president pledging engulf must be ripped open regardless of how poorly things are going in places that ought to be protecting themselves. we have a bunch ahead tonight, a bunch of stories and guests you haven't heard anywhere else. where americans are doing the most themes to make it better. big night tonight. stay with us. stay with us for what you need! [squawks] only pay for what you need.
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on april 11th, safety regulators inside the iowa state government got a complaint saying that workers as a tyson meat packing plant in perry, iowa, were being exposed to the risk because of crowded working conditions inside that plant, the complaint says the employees were working elbow to elbow, that social distancing was not happening at all in the production areas inside that plant. and at the time that complaint was filed with the state, meat processing plants around the country were reporting outbreaks and a bunch of plants were getting closed down, just days before the complaint, another tyson plant also in the state of iowa had been forced to shut down, after hundreds of workers there got infected. but despite all that going on at the time, despite the known risks and the known dangers, despite that detailed complaint about what was happening inside that one plant in perry, iowa, these safety regulators inside, in the iowa state government, they did nothing. the associated press obtained records about the way they
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handled that complaint. what those records revealed is that it took the state nine days to even ask the plant for a response to those allegations in the complaint, to even ask the plant what was going on in terms of the situation in perry. the state regulators never visited the plant for an inspection at all. instead, after waiting nine days and asking tyson for a response, they said that tyson's response was quote satisfactory and then more than two weeks after that, state regulators just closed the case, without taking any action. again, they never even bothered to pop by and take a look. and that might have been the end of the story, were it not for the fact that one week later, 730 of the workers at that plant in perry, iowa, tested positive for coronavirus. 58% of its work force. state regulators had been notified weeks earlier about what was going on there. they said we're sure it's fine, we're not even going to go by, close the complaint.
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the des moines register reports this week that a similar complaint was filed against the jbs meat processing plant in marshalltown, iowa, and it is unclear whether regulators ever did anything about that complaint either. but at that jbs plant in marshalltown, iowa, at least dozens of employees there have also now reportedly tested positive for coronavirus as well. not that you'd know from talking to the plant or talking to the state of iowa, which is trying to keep this information as closely held as possible. the state has been of no help, even as hundreds, thousands, of meat processing workers in the state have been infected on the job. and so we've been covering this for a while, right? it's clear that the problem in meat processing plants isn't going away. the president ordering them all to be open, didn't turn out to be a panacea for keeping people from getting infected there. but beyond the situation in meat processing plants, we are now seeing more and more all over the country that other
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congregate work environments, other places where people work, together, for hours on end, particularly in manufacturing, or processing plants, those places are also now starting to see large outbreaks. in workplaces of all different kinds. this seems to be like the next phase. you look at local news around the country and you see these reports everywhere. you start to aggregate them and you realize this is more than just a blip here and there, this appears to be sort of the next wave of the way people are getting, the way americans are getting infected, when they go to work. with more and more states opening up workplaces, this is what we are starting to see. more and more. today, the denver department of public health ordered the closure of a u.s. postal service facility, and it's not just any postal service facility, it's not like a local post office, this is a sorting facility that handles all of the mail for the entire state of colorado and the entire state of wyoming. the denver public health
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department ordered that facility shut down, after workers at that facility tested positive for coronavirus and inspectors couldn't get in to see what working conditions were like. that usps shutdown in colorado, which could have very large consequences, that comes one day after we learned about an outbreak at a u.p.s. facility in tucson, arizona. union officials say at least 36 workers at that u.p.s. facility have tested positive and three of them are sick enough to have been admitted to intensive care units. there have been lots of cases at amazon warehouse facilities across the country. already eight employees all working in different amazon warehouses across the country have died from coronavirus. in georgia, we've been keeping our eyes on a major outbreak at a nuclear power plant of all places. more than 230 workers have been infected in a nuclear power plant. officials in north dakota have been grappling with a surge in
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cases at a wind turbine plant. nothing about wind turbines specifically that put you more at risk for getting the virus but if you work in a manufacturing environment that's elbow to elbow, where you're closely confined with your other workers day after day, it is just as good as anywhere, more than 140 employees at the wind turbine plant have already been affected. a beauty supply factory outside chicago was recently forced to shut down after one of its workers died from coronavirus. more than 100 cases reported at a rhode island facility that packages salads. halfway across the country in colorado, there was a cheese processing plant that was forced to shut down after a large outbreak there. you're seeing this in state after state. in all different kinds of processing and manufacturing facilities. any place where people are working in congregate. a mushroom plant in tennessee. a crawfish farm in louisiana. any of a dozen or so seasonal farms across southern new jersey. and it is reaching a boiling
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point for americans who work in these environments. for the past few weeks, hundreds of fruit packing workers in yakima valley, washington, have gone on strike, demanding higher wages, but also safer work conditions, in terms of exposure to the virus. more than 350 agriculture workers in that area have already become infected with the virus. yakima county, washington. and we're seeing stories like this all across the country, day after day after day. we're starting to realize as a country there is a problem in meat processing plants but now with the country beginning to reopen, workplaces beginning to reopen, we've got get our heads around the fact that we're seeing outbreaks in all sorts of facilities where workers work, travel, or live together, in congregate. how do we begin to deal with this problem and learn to keep ourselves safe? joining us now is jessica martinez, she is co-executive director of the national council for occupational safety and health. ms. martinez, it is a pleasure to have you with us.
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thanks for making time. >> thank you so much, rachel for having me. i appreciate this time. >> let me ask you first, in terms of the way that i have explained this so far, if that comports with your understanding, if you and your organization are looking at this, through a different lens, or if i've gotten anything wrong. >> yeah, so i am here representing national cause, a federation of local cause groups promoting health and safety organizations, we're getting calls from workers every day scared to go to work. for good reason. essential workers are dying all over the u.s. and that has not been only meat processing workers but health care workers, postal workers, grocery workers, and we have hundreds of deaths on our web site and it is a fraction. it isn't just a problem for essential workers. infectious disease doesn't stay contained in the workplace. we know as soon as that worker steps out, potentially infected, it is impacting communities,
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neighborhoods, public spaces. so this is an issue for all of us to take into our hands, and take action. as a result, our organization released a safe and just return to work report, after receiving calls from workers and we are knowing workers are feeling more empowering to take matters into their own hands. we are seeing over 200-plus walkouts this week, big companies, like an amazon, insta-cart and we know last week ford workers in michigan walked out as soon as they found out that a worker tested positive for covid-19. so with that said, we know that workers have the power to be able to make these demands, both to the employer, government agencies, we know the federal agencies at this moment, osha in particular, the occupational safety and health administration, who has responsibilities to ensure health and safety working conditions for all workers across the country, has minimized enforcement. covid-19 has killed more workers in one, in this short period, of this pandemic, yet not one
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citation has been given to an employer because of covid-19. that is a huge problem. now is the time to have more enforcement for our government agencies, former chief of osha, mr. david michaels, had assured us that osha has the teeth to be able to have the authority to put emergency standards in place. we're seeing less of this. cdc guidelines are too weak. we're more and more seeing voluntary programs as the states are starting to reopen. voluntary programs are not the language we need to hear right now, mandatory programs, as we're seeing more and more workers are impacted. >> let's me just underscore, make sure i understood something you just said. in terms of the federal, there is a part of the federal government that is responsible for making sure that people work in a safe environment, osha, the occupational safety and health administration. out of all of the people who have been infected on the job
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and all of the people who have been infected on the job who have died, osha has yet to issue a single citation to any workplace in the entire country for covid-19 safety issues? >> that's right. that's right. and as you can see, it's -- >> that's absolutely astonishing. >> it is astonishing, and again, it is a problem with enforcement. we know that particularly this pandemic has revealed long standing inequities in our country. we're all focused on it now but for far too long, we know the low pay and dangerous conditions faced by millions of workers have particularly impacted black and brown communities. black and brown communities have the highest mortality rates around covid-19. we know that latino workers make up 18% of the working population. and 35% of slaughterhouse workers are latinos. african-americans are 12% but 34% of those are correctional officers. these are essential workers. these are the folks that are having to go to work on a daily
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basis, to protect their livelihoods. we are putting a gun at these workers essentially. if they stay home, they're not making enough of a living wage. they can't provide for the family, to pay rent. if they go home, there's not enough protection and we're not ensuring the safety protocols to ensure that they do not get infected. it's really, really amplified, a problem that we've had across this country, in terms of the inequities, there is no law that says black and brown workers have to get the most dangerous jobs. that's discrimination pure and simple. and it has to change. >> jessica martinez, co-executive director of the national council for occupational safety and health, thanks for your time this evening. what you're talking about in terms of there having been more than 200 walkouts around the country and workers all over the place standing up for themselves to try to get safer standards that's something we're interested in covering in an ongoing way so please stay in touch with us. good to have you here. >> thank you. thank you, rachel. >> much more to get to tonight. stay with us.
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to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you.
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on this theme in the news right now of how americans are trying to fix stuff ourselves, despite a government that is more a part of the problem than it is even anywhere near the solution, look at this. this was yesterday. in a whole bunch of places across new york state. where nurses and front line nursing home workers stood outside their workplaces, to protest the lack of protective gear to keep themselves safe, and to protest short staffing at nursing homes. signs like, you know, we are essential. we are essential, too. get me ppe. nursing home workers basically saying, hey, we are just as much on the front lines here in terms of working with coronavirus patients, as other health workers are, and we need some help. this holiday weekend, there's going to be candlelight vigils outside hard-hit nursing homes
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to honor lives lost, to coronavirus, to demand more support to help the staff, and the residents at nursing homes who even now, even still, it is no better. they are still the americans most at risk of getting this thing and most at risk of dying from it. the vigils around the country outside nursing homes to show support. nearly one-third of all coronavirus deaths in the united states are from nursing homes. in more than a dozen states, a majority of deaths are in nursing homes. but this week, we got an important new study that i think if it is widely read and widely understood, importantly, it could help stop some of these security theater dumb stuff that's being done for nursing homes despite it actually isn't working to make these places any more safe. if we could stop that and focus on what actually works maybe we
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would get more efficient in terms of minimizing the harm in the worst part of the epidemic that is persisting week after week and now month after month. the good news about this new data is that the idea of what you need to do is sort of refreshing and simpler than you think, if we could start doing that and not the dumb stuff, maybe we would make some progress on this hardest part of our response. but we've got one of the authors of that study joining us next. you are going to want to see this. with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin, i'll go for that. eliquis. eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. what's next? sharing my roots. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding.
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on one hand, you know, yeah, duh, we all know already that people without symptoms can have it and can be infectious and so screening for symptoms is going to allow through a lot of people who are going to pose a problem when they get on the other side of your ineffectual symptoms screening gate. but despite the fact that i think we all know that now, the number of places including risky workplaces like big processing plants and really risky health environments like nursing homes and assisted living facilities, they have been doing symptom screening instead of testing. which in technical terms is called dumb. in this study they found that broad testing, testing everyone combined with strict hygiene and social distancing measures is successful at preventing an outbreak where coronavirus has already been found even in these risky health environments like in long-term care facilities.
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it's in plain black and white. this is a hopeful sign. does it mean that we could be inside of a plant, some kind of strategy that could be reproduced all over the country to finally start making practical progress toward protecting americans in these settings where more americans have been getting this thing and more americans have been dying than in any other single environment. >> joining us now is dr. allison roxby. she's one of the authors of this study. i apologize for having put in such colloquial terms the bottom lines of findings of you and your colleagues, i hope i did not misconstrue it. >> thank you. no, those were our results. >> thank you. i didn't mean to use the word dumb. go ahead. >> this is a classic outbreak investigation. we went into a local facility after two residents were hospitalized at one of our hospitals to try and determine whether we would be seeing other cases and frankly, at the time
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we did this study, we were very concerned that we would be over run with cases as has happened at so many other facilities. we were really pleased to only find four residents infected but we were are surprised that none of the residents exhibited any symptoms. this is very -- makes it very challenging for workers at the facilities to protect themselves and residents to protect themselves. >> there is -- there continues to be in some, you know, guidelines from various agencies and certainly in practice in a lot of different workplaces and even in some health care environments where people are using symptom screening as if that is a gate keeping procedure that will keep covid-19 out of a facility using that kind of a screen. i feel like i don't totally understand the disconnect between us understanding the prospect of asymptomatic
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infection and the persistence of that as a public health tool, a public health tool that seems to give you a false sense of security while inviting the virus inside. >> it can act as a minimum floor of what people should be doing to protect against coronavirus, but it is definitely ineffective if you want to get ahead of the disease and a handle on the disease. testing is the bedrock principle of management of communicable diseases for decades and in this outbreak, testing will be our keystone strategy. >> do you have faith that the kinds of hygiene and social isolation and testing strategies necessary to tackle this thing in these types of facilities is within the ability of the united states that we as a country and culture can get these things done or is this stuff too high a bar? >> no, i think this is definitely achievable, and that is why we were so interested in publishing the results of this
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study because this facility recognized early on the need to keep residents apart in the beginning stages of the pandemic here in seattle where we were hit so hard in this very environment. they were able to do that and implement simple environmental cleaning strategies, more hand washing and with the testing, we didn't see any further cases in this facility. so i think it can work. and we really want to get the message out there that it's not hopeless in con grate congregate settings for older adults. >> dr. allison roxby, just clear as a bell. thank you for helping us understand this and thanks for making it so understandable. i really appreciate it. >> thank you. even though we are closing in on the end of the hour, i'm not leaving. much more to come tonight. it's a supersized rachel maddow show and we'll talk with adam schiff when we come back. stay with us. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from anyone else.
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welcome back to the up late version of ""the rachel maddow show." we're going an extra half hour tonight because anarchy. because we can. because time has no meaning. i want to begin the multiball bonus time with a look what is going on in the increasingly strange saga of mike flynn. trump's national security adviser. between the election of donald trump as president and the time that trump was sworn in as president, we know that incoming national security advisor mike flynn spoke with the russian government repeatedly. and we know that flynn and the russian ambassador discussed sanctions being imposed by the obama administration in response to the kremlin attacking our 2016 election to try to get donald trump elected. flynn during the transition talked to the russian government about how the russians shouldn't
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respond in a tit for tat way to sanctions in part because the trump administration might get rid of them. we know mike flynn later lied about those discussions he had with the russian government when the fbi questioned him about them. that led to him loosing his job as national security advisor after just 24 days on the job. that's a record. it also led to him pleading guilty to felony charges in december 2017. but despite the release of the mueller report, which dealt with this to a certain degree, despite the declassification of mike flynn's fbi interview notes, despite thousands of pages of filings and the recent legal wrangling of his case, we do not know what specific words mike flynn exchanged with the russian ambassador on the calls when he was apparently telling them don't worry about the sanctions, we'll take care of it. now it seems like we may be one step closer to finding out what exactly happened in that conversation.
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mike flynn's immediate legal fate remains tied up in the court after the justice department decided this month they were going to drop the prosecution of him, never mind that he pled guilty twice, the justice department in an unheard of move decided they would stop prosecuting him despite the fact that he had already pled guilty. the trump justice department moved to drop the case as the president and his allies have started escalating accusations that it was the obama administration illegally targeting mike flynn and the real criminals are president obama and vice president biden and lots of people from the obama administration. in response, the top democrats on the intelligence committees in the house and senate have called on the acting director of national intelligence richard grenell, to release the transcripts of flynn's calls with the russian government to clear up the matter. if the obama administration reacted with such alarm to what flynn said to the russians, and you're saying it's bad they were
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so alarmed, let us see what they were so alarmed about. we can judge for ourselves. in a letter today, the house intelligence chairman adam schiff said that releasing the flynn transcripts would quote ensure a transparent and complete public record free of political manipulation. congressman schiff sent that letter this morning to the acting intelligence director richard grenell and in a move i don't think many people saw coming, richard grenell said in response, okay. he announced he was in the process of declassifying some of the transcripts of the calls with the ambassador maybe? quote, i already started the declassification for the few we received. they should be released in full. the public deserves to see it. if the administration will publish those transcripts, that remains to be seen why they would want to remains to be seen and it's worth noting that mike flynn's lawyer has always called
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also called for the transcripts to be released. she said that doing so would exonerate her client. okay. it's worth noting that today the director of the fbi christopher wray ordered an internal review how the fbi handled the flynn investigation even though the justice department's inspector general already looked into that and found that the fbi had a properly predicated investigation when they trooped up to the white house to talk to flynn. notably, director wray's move today came after the president started sending him nasty grams through recent media interviews. president said quote let's see what happens with him, look the jury is still out. days later christopher wray announces a review how the fbi handled the mike flynn prosecution. joining us now is congressman adam schiff california congressman, the chairman of the house intelligence committee, chairman schiff, thank you for making time to talk to us. i know you've got a lot on your plate. i appreciate you being here.
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>> good to be with you. >> i have covered the flynn case i think as intensively as anybody else from the national media from the beginning. i admit to being flummoxed and baffled -- are those synonyms? i will admit to being -- not totally understanding what is going on with the case right now. i am not even understanding the political points that general flynn's supporters and the president are trying to make about him. do you have a broad picture sense of what they are trying to do here with the dropping of this prosecution? >> i think i do, and in the broadest outline, i would say it's this -- 90,000 americans have died from the virus, our economy has gone into a downward spiral to great depression era levels of unemployment. they don't know what to do and they don't want to focus on that so they need to focus on something else, so this is the something else but it also gets rachel to something bill barr
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said in a revealing way when he was asked, what do you think history is going to say about what you're doing at justice department. dropping the flynn case, and you could add to that intervention in the roger stone prosecution and the initiation of multiple counter investigations of the investigators. and his very arrogant smug answer was well, you know, the winners get to write history. they're trying to write history, and it's very difficult for them to write because it's so untrue and convoluted. just to look at the whole flynn case, they need to make a hero out of a guy that admitted and pled guilty to lying twice in conversations with the russians designed to undermine u.s. policy at the time, very hard to make that person a hero. to do it, you have to concoct a massive conspiracy, something that they're calling obama gate but they can't articulate what it is but they have, you know, willful players like rick
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grenell three years after the fact have been selectively in a politicized way releasing some information but concealing the rest. this is why we're calling on him, hey, if you start these partisan declassifications, you ought to be fully transparent and just release it all instead of being selective. i don't have much confidence he'll do that but we will keep pressing for that kind of transparency. and bear in mind one last point, rachel, while grenell is claiming to want transparency, just this week the trump justice department was continuing to argue before the supreme court that the grand jury materials in the investigation should not be provided to congress and should not under any circumstances be made public so they're going all the way to the supreme court to fight transparency, i think that tells you how much confidence they have in the underlying
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materials. >> what do you make of this public statement in response to your request from rick grenell which he seemed to indicate maybe the transcripts will be released or something will be released? i mean, i remember sally yates who was acting attorney general at the time, one of the people who went up to capitol hill to tell the white house by the way, your national security advisor is in a position to be blackmailed by the russian government, he's lying about his contact with them and the russians know about it and that's a bad position for national security adviser to be in, you should do something about it. what she said about that warning to the white house was that flynn's underlying conduct was problematic. it was not just that he was lying about it but what he was lying about, what he was actually doing with the russians was of a concern seemingly in a counter intelligence sense. and so i -- that makes me want to know what mike flynn was doing in terms of his underlying conduct, it makes me want to
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know what he was saying to the russian government. do you have the sense from rick grenell or administration the actual transcript of what flynn said might ultimately come out? >> it might come out if they feel compelled do so. i think you're absolutely right about the concern that sally yates articulated. here you have the incoming national security advisor for the united states lying to the vice president about a conversation he had with the russian ambassador. the vice president misleading the american people and the russians because they're on the other side of the phone call, they know that he's lied and they can compromise him. that is classic counter intelligence nightmare material. so yes, there was a profound reason to interview flynn, which is why the justice department the brief arguing for the dismissal of that case is so dishonest and disingenuous but where rick grenell is coming from, here is the problem with what he's
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trying to do. selectively, he declassifies these unmasking requests and then there is a published report, and i can't comment on whether it's accurate or not, flynn's name may never have been masked to begin with. that really blows a big hole in what grenell is trying to do which is establish some theory they were trying to unmask flynn so they could, i don't know, persecute flynn and now there are public reports he wasn't even masked to begin with in that call with the russians. so this is the problem i think when you're trying to weave an alternate history. facts keep getting in the way. at the end of the day what rick grenell is trying to do, and he's the most partisan figure ever to run any intelligence agency, at least in my lifetime, what he's trying to do is the steve bannon model of flooding the zone with excrement -- bannon used a stronger word. that's essentially what rick
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grenell is trying to do and bill barr is trying to do and the whole counternarrative effort is designed to do, to so muddy the waters that people can't ferret out the truth anymore and there is nothing more destructive to a democracy than the idea they're pushing that there's no such thing as truth anymore. >> congressman adam schiff of the great state of california, chairman of the house intelligence committee, sir, thanks very much for being with us tonight. i apologize for just sort of dumping on you my sense that this is just really weird and i don't get it. that the not usually the way i conduct an interview. in this case, i am bamboozled by their behavior but you have made sense of it. >> you're so right. it has that alice in wonderland quality of going down the rabbit hole. it's hard to wrap your head around. >> exactly. exactly. flooding the zone with excrement is the way to understand why we feel that way. it's on purpose. thank you sir, great to have you
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here, much appreciated. >> thank you. as we proceed through extra time, multi ball "rachel maddow show." coming up next, i've got somebody coming back to the show i'm excited to talk to. this is a doctor we talked to as she was graduating early on purpose from medical school, setting out early into the start of her medical career specifically so she could work on the front lines of the fight against covid-19 in a public hospital in new york city. imagine that as a brand new minted doctor that just graduated early. she'll join us next to tell us how it's been going. stay with us. it's best we stay apart for a bit,
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the hypocratic oath is the oath you swear to as newly minted doctor after you finish medical school. swearing that hippocratic oath is a super serious, very formal rite of passage for doctors in this country. you may have seen one done on tv or in real life but i would bet good money you have not seen one like this. >> graduates only, please unmute your phones at this time. >> solemnly swear i do hold the most sacred. >> i do hold most sacred. >> i will -- >> i will be loyal to the principles of medicine. >> and just generous.
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>> progression of medicine. >> i will lead my life, practice my art, upright and honor. >> it goes on like that for another minute or so but that, that beautiful clunky zoom call orchestra with the hitches and glitches and am i talking now and what do i say now? am i supposed to be saying -- that was 50 or so students from the nyu school of medicine taking the hippocratic oath over video chat in early april as they were all graduating months ahead of schedule and in the middle of a global pandemic. just a week before that at the end of march, new york city was really heading into the worst of it, the peak of their curve with thousands of new cases and over 1,000 new hospitalizations every day and it started to become apparent that the city's hospitals didn't have enough staff to handle the absolute
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flood of coronavirus patients they were getting and the state asked for help and the medical school at nyu become the first school in the country to make a huge ask of their fourth year students. would they please consider graduating early and becoming doctors now? swearing that oath now? so they could start working in the hospitals with the most covid patients right away. these are the students who said yes and we spoke with one of those students. gabrielle mayer in march when she had just volunteered. she had just made that decision. today gabrielle mayer is a doctor. she just finished a five-week deployment in a covid ward and joins us live now. dr. mayer, congratulations. thank you for checking back in with us. you said at the time you would come check back in and you have been good to your word. >> thank you so much for having me. it a pleasure to be back on the show.
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>> i looked into it. and on your first day in the hospital, april 13th, new york city reported 1200 covid-19 hospitalizations that day. by your last day, which was past sunday, it wasn't 1200 anymore, it was a little bit under 70. so you were there for the precipitous fall. what was it like? was it like at the start and what was it like to see that transition over time? >> it was remarkable. the first week that i was in the hospital, i noticed that there were frequent codes being called overhead, most if not all the patients in the hospital were there for covid related complications and at a certain point a lull hit and we saw fewer and fewer were coming with covid chief complaints and slowly but surely people with non-covid related issues started coming to the hospital at a slower, more
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manageable rate. >> when you started, when you jumped in there at the deep end, again, more than 1,000 new hospitalizations in new york at this point, you're working in a public hospital in new york right there on the front lines, how overwhelmed were you? how did you feel once you started working about your decision to graduate early, to jump in right away and to start doing this kind of work? >> the moment i showed up on the first day, i knew that it was going to be an experience unforgettable would be supported and not overwhelming because the number of residents, mentors and teachers looking out for new graduates and residents and front line health care workers. i felt incredibly supported throughout the whole experience. >> i understand that the surge team, you were part of the extra doctors added to bellevue to handle the influx. it wasn't just your med school class, but a pretty diverse group that came on board to surge support into that facility.
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can you tell us about that at all, the other people part of this surge? >> it was a wonderful mix of people in the work rooms or call rooms where the doctors would congregate and write notes. we had different health care providers coming in from as far as north carolina. we had individuals who were training in other non-medical or non-general internal medicine specialties like dermatologists and radiologists coming back and joining us in the medicine call rooms to support this increased capacity in the hospital and that was truly inspiring to see that kind of community rally for new york city at large. >> treating all the patients you treated and being part of that process and cohort, did it change how you thought about the disease at all? we talked about it a little before you started doing this, we've all gone through in education living through this as a country. did your understanding of it
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change fundamentally? is there something we didn't understand about it that we ought to understand from you now? >> i think that what i had read before going in mimicked what i saw in the hospitals but i think the part that you can't under state is the importance of the human connection, which is hard to find in these moments of isolation and i want to give a particular nod to the entire community at bellevue who called patients' families and made sure that the loved ones were aware of what was happening every day from medical students to fellow resident physicians to attending physicians. everybody was making sure that those human connections were kept alive despite the fact that contact precautions made it a little more challenging. >> dr. gabrielle mayer, who volunteered to graduate early from med school and get on the front lines at bellevue hospital in new york city. thank you for being with us. i know you are isolating now, having finished that deployment and you will be going back to
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work when you are through this quarantine period. i hope you can enjoy it as some down time. thanks for what you do. >> thanks so much. take care. >> all right. we'll be right back. stay with us. keeping me from the things i love to do. talk to your doctor, and call 844-214-2424. whether you're facing unemployment. have bills to pay. or just trying to keep your family healthy. it's hard. but when it comes to your pfizer medicines, we want to make things a little simpler. we know you may have new questions. about affording your medicine. we want to help you find the right answers. if you make under $100,000 for a family of four, or $50,000 as an individual.
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research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you.
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heads up for something to watch for after memorial day weekend. you might remember last month the inspector general's office at the department of health and human services office released a 40-page long report that spelled out the lack of ppe to keep health workers safe and the lack of badly needed medical equipment at hospitals across the country. the person responsible for that report, the person whose name was on the first page is christi grimm. principal deputy inspector general at health and human services. when that report came out, the president denounced it as if it wasn't true and denounced her for having written it and she was soon enough pushed out of that supposedly independent job at hhs. here's the thing, they can't
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just disappear these people. on tuesday, the first day back from the long weekend, christi grimm is going to testify live in public session at the house oversight committee, that will be worth seeing and worth looking forward to. that will do it for us tonight >> i'm craig melvin. >> and i'm natalie morales. >> and this is "dateline". i felt guilty. i couldn't live with that. i said, "i know something and it's terrible." i'm the only other person who knows the truth. i had to do something. >> he swept her right of her feet. >> i was drawn to him right away. >> a dreamy single dad. wealthy. charming. smitten. >> i'd never been spoiled like that. i remember thinking i was like julia roberts in "pretty woman." >> he'd been through so much. a mysterious accident at sea.
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