tv MSNBC Live MSNBC May 30, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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apparently following somebody who they tackled and there's inconfusion ensuing there in houston. now we're looking at los angeles where the mayor there has b 11:00 p.m. eastern time.m. someone's tearing a flag there you can see. then we're going to take a look at chicago after that where we've got protest activity. we have protest activity across the country. this is los angeles, again. a helicopter shot taking a look in the city whereas i said there will be a curfew. that's chicago that is in the river north district. helicopter looking down at
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protesters who are there blocking off an intersection across the chicago river. that is just one of the many cities where there is protest activities including right here in minneapolis where i have to tell you there are far more people out in this crowd than there were last night at this time. it is a 100% peaceful protest. we just heard from the mayor of st. paul who said information he had been given or he conveyed earlier today that most of the motests were outside the area, at least the number he said appears to be incorrect. so we don't have good information on this, but there's a completely peaceful protest. it is right in front of the fifth precinct, police station across the road in which there are police. we have seen them, and we have seen on the roof of that building some makeshift barricades that police have put up there. because what has typically happened is if the barricades in front of it police station are breached like they were at the third precinct the police then
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go to the roof, usually fire tear gas canisters or flash bang grenades. somewhere in this very large crowd with me is morgan chesky. morgan, where are you and what do you see? >> ali, we are just outside one of the entrances to the fifth precinct, and right now we are just about 2 minutes prior to this a city bus rolled up to this area, ali, and at least a dozen or so officers disembarked that bus and walked through this gate and into this area. and you can see this crowd has entered this area. they did not welcome those officers warmly at all. in fact, there was a lot of shouting going on. we're going to move back just a little bit from this area, move back from this area because, ali, here on that crowd on that end a new crowd has formed by the fifth presipcinct area. as you can imagine tensions are still running high.
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tensions are still running very high right now especially with the arrival of those police officers. we're going to keep walking slowly back here. and i do want to make an important point, ali, and that is that the footprint for law enforcement will be significantly larger tonight than wave seen in nights past. in fact, the minnesota department of public safety said with the addition of the national guard and the state patrol here they now have triple the footprint of law enforcement. we're going to keep walking back. they're now going to have triple -- with that we'll send it back to you, ali. >> i see it behind me, a very large crowd of people moving. we'll keep an eye on that. we have 500 national guard members activated yesterday morning. that became 700 by night. by this morning they announced another 1,000. they made it 1,700.
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and then by noon the governor had activated every single national guard member in the state. 13,100. all police and fire leave has been canceled so all police -- state police, minneapolis police and fire has been -- all of them are on duty tonight. one of the biggest problems we've got with fires being set is firefighters can't actually get in to fight those fires with these crowds so they tend to do it late into the night. so when we showed up about 6:00 in the morn week saw active fire fighting all morning. i want to send it back to you in new york. >> i'll tell you you and morgan and all the reporters across the country this evening have a tough job. so appreciating that. ali, you mentioning los angeles, eric garcetti, the mayor there imposing the curfew from 8:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. and you saw what happened with the cuff few in minneapolis last night. they didn't abide by it. so the question is will folks in
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los angeles and that fairfax region as we've been watching the footage there, police cars on fire, a lot of folks on the streets there right now. will the folks of los angeles abide by this curfew the mayor of los angeles has put in place? i want to go now to nbc news correspondent erin mclaughlin standing by for us and covering this for us. bring us up-to-date what you know so far and what you've been seeing on the streets there. >> reporter: hey -- >> erin, standby for one moment because i want to go back to ali. it seems as if he is in a bit of a situation with some tear gas. ali, you okay? >> we're trying to get a handle on it right now. it's not to me yet but we can smell tear gas in here. there was a big movement of people. i can see morgan moving toward a different crowd. there'd been a very large movement. we have a few thousand people here, and they've moved in a different direction. and we heard people talking about gas. you can certainly smell something in the air.
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it has not hit us, it's not in a wave just yet but we're going to keep a close eye on it. i didn't mean to interrupt you. i just wanted to give you a sense of where we are. we're still a little less than an hour away from the curfew. >> ali, just quickly because i see you have your gas mask in hand there prepared for whether or not they do have tear gas, but how quickly does it hit you if they in fact do disperse tear gas? how quickly do you have to get that mask on? >> if they shoot from on top of there which is the police station they generally can't get it as far as where we are and it's not a windy night. where there's wind it carries and a lot of these protesters, most of them don't have gas masks actually and that was the most surprising part of last night, when police fired the gas when the protest started i've
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never seen people walk directly into tear gas as if it had no effect on them. i have a mask and it has an effect on me. with a mask that has two industrial filters for it for tear gas. they don't have those, and so this large crowd is susceptible to it if police start to do that, but i'll keep you posted. >> keep your head on a swivel as you told our own jacob ward. from what i understand there's a lot happening in the streets there so bring us up-to-date. yeah, i got you, cal. go ahead. i can hear you, cal. start talking. >> reporter: so you can see the line here. they can hear us. state troopers here split the crowd in two here. we've had our first volley of tear gas.
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let me get this mask off for a second. our first volley of tear gas. they split this crowd in half right at 7:20. this is different from what we saw last night. police are being much more aggressive and getting people out of the park. they got everybody out of this park, pushed them with tear gas and then they took all the water out, as much as the water bottles as they could because what we've been seeing is this back and forth where protesters throw water back and forth. you may see it in the next 30 seconds as they push people back. two nights ago there were seven people shot here in louisville. police are very concerned about the violence. they're concerned this could be violent again. keep in mind this is an open carry state which confuses the situation more. here comes that second line. there's another line of police coming. it doesn't seem like they're waiting for curfew to get this area cleared. it seemed they want to get it cleared right now. >> hey, cal, i don't know if you
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can hear me? do you have me, cal? >> reporter: yep, i got you loud and clear, yasman. >> we've seen across the country a cuff few placed in minneapolis they didn't abide by it, a curfew placed in los angeles. we'll have to see what happens there, but what is the plan there? >> reporter: well, police are going to have to decide if they want to make an arrest. right now what seems to be happening you can see the front standing right on it. they pushed everybody back. i don't know how your going to enforce a curfew at 9:00 p.m. the police had to make a decision last night about protecting businesses or human life. they created a perimeter just like this one and they let people take that anger out on businesses. >> all right, cam, standby for us. appreciate it my friend. want to go now to los angeles,
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california, where our erin m mclaughlin st. standing by for us. sorry to cut you off earlier. then of course things started to blow up in louisville as well so want to check in with cal. so we've circled back now with you, erin. so bring us up-to-date what you are seeing on the streets now in los angeles. >> reporter: we're in the midst right now of an extraordinarily tense situation. let me just get out of the way so i can show you what's happening. over that way is one police line. over that way is another police line. helicopters overhead, protesters in the middle, many of them standing at this point with their hands up. police cars on fire not far from here. aerial footage also showed some of the protesters trying to break into the adjacent cbs broadcast center just over that way being repelled by police as well. police have been firing rubber bullets. we've seen a number of
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protesters injured by those rubber bullets as well as tear gas. i have to tell you watching the situation play outright now it's unclear what hapt here in the fairfax region of los angeles. >> so what is the plan for getting folks to go home at this point from your understanding? >> i mean, at this point it's unclear how you would get out of here if you wanted to. you have police officers on either side, and they're squeezing the situation and you can see the protesters here simply standing here. they have masks on many of them wearing masks. i you see protesters getting into their cars over that way, but the side streets, many of them also blocked off. so you're a protester at this point in this part of l.a. and you want to go home it's not totally clear how that would happen. >> erin, i'm going to let you go for now. i want you to stay safe, get
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into a better position so you can get a clear view of what's taking place and get out of the way of cars, of course. erin mclaughlin, thank you so much. we'll be circling back with you throughout the night for sure. so ali, it's interesting because we are on who knows what night at this point, right? but as night descends there is obviously this worry and this fear amongst a lot of the police force there that this thing is just going to get worse, right? even despite the fact they have put curfews in place, the fear and worry is that this thing is going to get worse. and it seems that's exactly what happened. i'm hearing reports in brooklyn of protesters surrounding police there, walking on the brooklyn bridge in the middle of traffic. we see images in louisville where tear gas is being sprayed into the crowds from the police force. and as you mentioned what's happening in minneapolis. so night is not necessarily a good thing right now. >> no. no, and as one of the people i heard talking on our air this morning was saying, i think it
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was mark claxton, maybe it was last night the idea of a curfew when you use different police forces. there's minneapolis police, state police and there are national guard, the reporting structure is a little complicated. where's your command center because this is moving protest in different places around the city, so it becomes very hard to figure out how exactly you're managing that curfew. the hope is that people will see the police presence and go home, but that's absolutely not what's been going on. last night at the curfew time they sent out tear gas with the hopes people would disperse. they wouldn't disperse. now they're at another police station and that has been a hot spot because this is an issue of policing and there's a plooegs in operation right now behind me. michael a contributing writer for "the nation" and the author of "the invisible men." let me just start with you. what is your sense of the
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underlying grievance here that can be addressed by the governor and the mayor of minneapolis and the mayor of st. paul? because is it just the arrest of the other three men? is it the delay of the arrest of the first officer, and has this now escalated into something that is more serious than longer standigrievance ss? >> i think it is about longer standing grievances, ali. and we want to see the arrests of the other three police officers for sure. there's no question about that. but now we're talking about a systemic issue -- health gaps. this is on top of massive unemployment in the city, so, yes, i agree. this is more than -- this is
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about everything that the city represents. >> you got to fix up the audio on keith mayes. when you talk about minneapolis the proportion of african-american arrested higher, the proportion of of concern american wealth compared to white wealth is lower than normal. these are exaggerated trends in minneapolis, but they are common trends across america. as i talk to protesters i really hear two very specific complaints. one about this incident and the policing, one that's a little more broad about policing with african-americans but fundamentally a separate one to say the injustice is too much, the knee on the neck of the
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african-american man is really the symbolism here. >> yeah, i mean what you're seeing, i mean this is what the crux of an up rising is. it's not that it's just 1 incident, one issue it's an attack on a system. it's confrontation with an entire system. when we're talking about the burning of a police station and the looting of these different businesses and what have you, what you're witnessing is the attack on surveillance. you're witnessing the attack on the economic exploitation. all of these things come to the fore, and you have to examine this and asking what comes next. the arrest of the officers is one thing, but really if we're looking at what the police are doing right in this moment. they've killed a man. they've killed many black people, they keep arresting black people throughout this pandemic. and then they squelch protests.
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this is exactly what police officers have continue today do from their inception and throughout history. that is their function. that is what they do. so we're talking about solutions. we can't just expect the very system that is response frbl ib the deathsf these folks to rectify itself and hold itself accountable. any mayor, any city council person who is right now on television and not talking about defunding police, i mean they're in derelict of their duty to protect people right now. we're talking about the fact that like in the midst of this pandemic we see what is essential to the safety and health of people. and police officers have been in defiance of that, right? they have not protected and served the way we are told they're supposed to do. what people need generally speaking, more broadly they need safe housing. they need health care. they need education. they need food, and these are the things that city budgets
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needs to be providing for people right now, and most city budgets police are disproportionately funded. so if you are not right now talking about defunding the police and ensuring that they don't have the tools to be able to go out there and kill with impunity then what you're saying is you do not care about the platitudes that you have spouted off about black lives matter. >> thank you for joining me. the author of "invisible man." keith mayes a professor here at the university of minnesota. there's been a lot of activity. it's been going on actually for a few hours, but police are warning that there is -- let me tell you a bit what's going on in brooklyn. people are walking through traffic on the brooklyn bridge right now. there's been an nypd vehicle that has driven through a
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protester barricade at grand army plaza. so there's a lot going on there. let me tell you again before i take a quick break what's happening here. this is the fifth precinct police station. there are thousands of people gathered around here. the curfew here goes into effect in about 40 minutes. now, last night it was fully 15 minutes before the curfew began that police started warning everybody about it. and then tear gas was fired well before the curfew began. they were warned they'd be arrested if they did not move. they did not move, but protesters then walked the police back for miles and ended up taking back the third precinct police station. looks like the attention tonight is on the fifth precinct police station. our coverage of the protests not just here in minneapolis but across all america continues when i come back. this is an entirely peaceful protest. i'll be back in a minute. y peacl protest. i'll be back in a minute rmers i. and if you're on the roads for us,
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i'm ali velshi. you're watching msnbc special coverage of the protests across america. you're looking at pictures of los angeles right now. a bit of a fire in the middle of the street. big enough that there have been some lot of interaction between the police and protesters. the mayor there garcetti imposing a curfew on los angeles, starting at 8:00 p.m. pacific time tonight, 1:00 p.m. eastern but they are trying to get people off the streets. we are 35 minutes roughly away from the imposition of the curfew here in minneapolis, and at the moment we've got a peaceful gathering here of a few thousand people at the fifth precinct. the difference between tonight and last night is last night there was a perimeter outside the third precinct there there were police and national guards people up against the protesters in that. the police started moving backward, dawned their gas
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masks, told people they'd be arrested, they then put the gas out there and the crowd moved forward towards the police and national guardsman who continued to walk back. that actually went on for miles and that was no effective kaur few here last night. the difference is there are police in that building but they're not showing themselves. they're not out here facing the protesters. the difference last night is there were several hundred national guards people activated in the minneapolis area. tonight 13,000 have been called up. we don't know what the activation time is we don't know if there are 13,000 on the streets. we've heard they've got triple the strength tonight. the st. paul mayor has just said in a statement he made earlier that 100% of the people arrested from outside of the area is not true. that is bad information that he had. this is peaceful protest. it's mixed groups. it's got blacks lives matter, local people here. highways have been shutdown. this is happening in a few
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places including new curfews as we said in los angeles, here in minneapolis, in st. paul, in philadelphia. lots of cities are seeing this happen. so in fact you're looking at brooklyn, new york right now where tensions continue. there were a lot of arrests last night in brooklyn. but we're seeing activity across america in various cities. right now earlier than sundown, and there's a lot of question into what these protests are and what the grievance is. the proximate dpreegrievance is killing of george floyd by police. we have a video of that seen earlier this week. but there was an amount of tension leading up to that because of the killing of other african-americans the last few weeks. why things do not seem to be getting better for african-americans across america as they deal with police. kimberly, thanks for joining us
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again. you and i spoke this morning. there's a big banner behind me and it says solidarity, justice for george. and one of the things people are saying is that there's systemic problems we've got to fix, but there's also the memory of these individuals who continue to be killed. lives snuffed out without reason. taylor is one of them and there are big protests about that. and george floyd, a man who no one thinks deserved to die at the hands of police, no one thinks deserved to die for anything monday night. >> absolutely. and when you say there are so many people coming forward with stories that are generating so much anger some of it is the every day way in which black life is taken and nothing happens. if you look at what i think was so upsetting about the video you more or less got the sense that
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chauvin was killing george floyd with the same amount of empathy that you might express if he were killing a roach. i mean, there was basically no sense whatsoever that a human being was actually involved. and that very much is more or less a metaphor i think that many people feel about how our system, ow our society is treating black people. let's not forget we're still in the middle of a pandemic in which thousands of people are dying disproportionately african-american. so that same sort of attitude of letting them die, the same kind of casual facial expression more or less represents what many people think the attitude of the country is with respect to the precarty of black life. so it's not surprising we're seeing this much anger, this much pent-up frustration being expressed at this time. >> a lot of people know you and
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know your writing and work but athey may not know you're the person who coined the term intersectionality." they seem to be missing the point. this protest isn't about the fact you're from minneapolis. it's not just about the fact it was minneapolis police and a minneapolis resident. it's the idea if you're black, if you're a woman, if you're not sharing in america's prosperity, it affects you on every level, socioeconomic down to policing and your safety. >> and one of the things that is such a condition of this possibility, frankly, is that this political establishment has no answer for this because its relied on a conception of justice that's singular, that looks very narrowly how inequality is thought about. it bases it on this idea of intent to discriminate. it's allowed police officers to
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have virtually free reign to do effect 11 what they want to do. this is not a natural outcome. it's not just the way things have to be. it is a product of the supreme court. it's a product of laws, it's a product of politicians in both parties trying to outdoor themselves to show who's harder on crime, who's tougher on crime. and that often turns into who's tougher against black people. that's why you have black lives matter. that's why you have say her name. that's why you have people insisting that rihanna taylor should not have had to worry about the police coming into her home and killing her, shooting her eight times when she was trying to save other peoples lives, when she was a first responder. that's basically the consequence of understanding race and racism that has been so lacking, so counter veiling, so counter productive that it has now
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created this new crisis. >> you wrote something the other day, and its rresonant because see signs here that say black lives matter. the lack of coverage of these things, here it's say his name. throughout the day there have been protests in which people just say the names of people who have died at the hands of police. we put up an image of it in our studio in new york earlier today. we couldn't even fit them on a screen. but they underline a point maybe people not involved in a protest need to register tonight is there's a fundamental unmattering of black lives. it's not a statement but actually a reflection of the opposite of what existed in american society. >> yes, black lives matter is
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basically an aspirational demand against every evidence -- every piece of evidence that we've seen that suggests that our society doesn't really believe that. we are the essential workers, always have been essential to the building of this country and also fully extendible. so some part of say her name is to say the names of black women who have killed by police, people like tunisia anderson killed within two weeks of rice no one really knows her name. it is a death in which the last thing she said was you promised not to kill me. we don't know about india who was killed very much like briana taylor when the police were trying to serve a warning and arrest someone else, and they shot into her car killing her and almost her child. these are the frustrations of
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marginalization, of losing ones life, and then the family losing again the loss of that life. it's not significant virtually to anyone. even now in louisville when people are protesting around briana some coverage doesn't even mention their name. they don't know that briana is really the spark in what's going on in louisville. so this a moment, again, where the aspiration is being asserted. black lives matter. the question is whether the rest of society will ever be made to agree to that. >> right, that's a good point. and remember briana taylor, the protests in louisville were not just promped by this but an idea a woman serving others in the coronavirus pandemic, an emt was killed in her house in a warrant that was gone wrong.
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kimberle, thank you again for your writing and the work you're doing in helping people understand why there was such anger, such confusion, why there's such fear motivating these protests across the country. you're watching on your screen brooklyn. a lot of arrests have been made in new york particularly in brooklyn where there appears to be some interactions between police and the crowd. we're keeping a close eye on that. these are happening across the country. tonight we have curfews going into place in minneapolis. in under 25 minutes, in about 10 minutes i expect you may hear police saying people have to disperse. but i will say there is no police presence where we are. we're in front of a police station but there isn't a police line to be breached here so i wonder if there will in fact be that tension or not. hopefully not. this is an entirely 100% peaceful protest here in minneapolis, but there are many like these across the country that are not as peaceful. keeping an eye on it across the
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country. you're watching special coverage the protests across america. i'm ali velshi in minneapolis. it continues right after this. i. it continues right after this. sprinkles are for winners. we surprised you. on occasion, we've probably even annoyed you. we've done this all with one thing in mind. to help protect the things you love. and if we can't offer you the best price we'll help you find a better one. it's not always the lowest! even if it's not with us. that's how we've done it for the past 80 years. not just today, or this month, but always.
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all right, back is ali velshi in minneapolis. what you're look at is new york city near union square. i want to give a shout out to my colleague katie tur. that is not brooklyn match that is manhattan and it is union square. it does appear to be the same group of protesters who had moved over the brooklyn bridge from brooklyn into the city, and that has been a source of remarkable tension between police and protesters in the last 24 hours. a lot of arrests made in new york. there are arrests and protests goes goi going on across the country. this is the scene downtown philadelphia. we saw some smoke a little while ago. we don't know what's going on. but philadelphia is under curfew right now. the curfew went into effect at
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8:00 p.m. eastern. as you can see like the case in minneapolis the cuff few is not all that effective. there's the smoke. you can see there's smoke somewhere downtown. just trying to get a handle on where that is in downtown philadelphia. this is center city philadelphia, and that is a city that's also under curfew. we have violence that's broken out in miami, los angeles, in seattle, in chicago, in san francisco, in oakland. last night tear gas. we don't know what's going to happen there tonight. where i am in minneapolis we have a very, very large peaceful protest. a few thousand people. there are speeches and you can see everyone's taken a seat actually. there is a curfew about to go into effect here. we are 20 -- 19 minutes away from the curfew here in minneapolis. yesterday the curfew occurred while people were protesting right up against the line of state police and national guard officers. there are no state police or
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national guard officers here right now, but that is a police station across the road. that's the fifth police precinct and it is occupied right now. so we don't know whether people here are going to be told they're going to be arrested and moved back, but at the moment everybody's taken a seat and that looks like in prep ration for the curfew to begin if anybody wants to take them away it seems like some people are taking the stand if you're arresting me you're going to have to pick-me-up and drag me away. >> the images cross the country as you've been talking are completely startling. the one that stood out to me and how she talked about say her name, brianna taylor and saying it over and over to identify those lost at the hands of police brutality and the african-american vote and the people in general essentially being used as a ping-pong ball
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for politicians and that's where we begin as this nation is hunching as we see from crisis to crisis. it is easy to forget that a national election is just 157 days away. while president trump has spoken words of comfort to the family of george floyd, he also responded to protests in minneapolis with various threats of violence against those involved. his opponent joe biden telling my colleague, craig melvin, how his response would be different. watch this. >> cities have now been torn apart not just in minneapolis but protests in louisville and new york and l.a. if you are elected in november where do you start? >> i start by talking about what we must be, making no excuses, talking about our obligation to be decent, our obligation to take spaubt. our obligation to stand up when
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we see injustice. i talk about that. >> very different than what we're hearing from the president of the united states right now. i want to bring in a resident fellow at the harvard kennedy schools institute of politics. and jennifer ruben an opinion columnist at "the washington post" and an msnbc contributor. tiffany, i want to start with you on this one. that moment of the press conference the president had i believe it was yesterday, right, where he announced the fact we were no longer going to have a relationship -- this country was no longer going to have a relationship with the world health organization because of the pandemic. everybody had eyes on that press conference expecting the president would address this nation because of the aftermath of what happened to george floyd, the racial inequality, the racial injustice we're seeing in this country and the police brutality towards african-american men and
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african-american people in general. that is not what this nation got. i wonder, tiffany, and i ask this to you. i wonder if in fact this nation had gotten that would it have mattered? >> no, it wouldn't. and i would take a bit of an issue and say everyone was not expecting this president to address this nation and the racial inequality that has historically plagued this country. i think we got exactly what we expected. this is not the first time donald trump has fallen short of being a leader. he's routinely called for violence and stoked the racial tensions in thus country even as far back as the campaign trail. in 2016 he encouraged people to behave violently. if you see someone about to throw a tomato, knock the hell out of them. we saw one of the maga attendees sucker punched an attendee. and in an interview with
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breitbart he suggested people with guns are on his side, the military, the police, the bikers. so i don't think america expects anything from donald trump other than what we've routinely gotten. and that's one of the things that has to stop and that's been something that has plagued this country since 1619. so it is a bit frustrating. i'll tell you when i routinely hear well-intentioned people say this is not who we are. these type of violent revolutions are as american as apple by and as old as the battle of jamestown. until we stop perpetuating a false narrative who this country and confront a reality of historic white supremacy systems that helped get us here i'm afraid history will continue to repeat itself. >> when you say you get
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frustrated with people essentially saying this is not who we are, do you mean this is not a problem of race in this country? >> i mean people looking at this violence and saying this is not when we are. like what we saw with the tiki torch and saying this is not who we are. it was taken from the native-americans. america was not built on freedom and equality. it was built on the backs of stolen labor, by the enslaved people. and that system has carried itself and rippled through time, rippled through jen raugzs, rippled across this country and built a strong hold. the reality is, yes, we saw george floyd get lynched and murdered on camera and that is heart breaking. but the truth of the matter we have to start addressing is the american system of white supremacy has had its foot on the neck of black speem speople
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the inception. we have to confront those things and bring them to a screeching halt or otherwise we will see white supremacy as it's always been this country's greatest weakness bring this country to heel. >> identifying the problem straight on in order to address it. jennifer, you wrote a piece and the story was titled "anything to get re-elected trump wants more stokes violence." a segment of which has always been motivated by white grievance. whenever trump is in trouble he has resorted to xenophobia, hollering about the caravans ahead of the mid-terms for instance, and racism.
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jennifer, expand on that for me. >> well, i think this presidency has book ended, at least i hope this is the end of the presidency by two racial, violent events beginning in charlottesville where he identified with neo-nazis saying there were fine people on that side and to this where he ignores african-americans and stokes anger and repeating the horrible words of 1968 that if there's rioting there will be shooting or if there's looting there will be shooting, which is an analogy to the violence of the police back in 1968. this presidency has always centered on -- and the notion he got elected because people were economically dislocated or people were feeling unheard, i think that, again, as tiffany says that's a big lie. the central play donald trump has always made to the american
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people is based on white grievance, that they are somehow being harmed, they are the victims, not african-americans, not women, not people of color but they are somehow victims and that people are trying to take something from them. that them. that is the clearest expression of white nationalism, white supremacy we have ever heard from a presidency. and i completely agree with tiff anny, too much of the coverage treats him normally, treats him as if he is saying something that other presidents would say. treats his ramblings and his incoherence as somehow in the bounds of acceptable rhetoric. and none of it is acceptable. and now we have at the end, we hope of his presidency another explosion of racial violence, of anger. which he has stoked from the beginning of his presidency and even before that, how did he make his political name? through birtherism. the original effort to discredit
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the only african-american president we have ever had. we should not be surprised that we're here, or that it's gotten worse week after week or month after month. >> tiffany, jennifer, thank you guys both for your voices on this. i want to send it back to my colleague in minneapolis. what tiffany said really stood out to me. we need to identify to acknowledge the problem in order to address it, to acknowledge what this country is, and who we are inside of this country. so we don't continue to see these images across our screens over and over again as we have all seen now for so long. >> there are two issues you have to hold in your head at the same time. there are a bunch of people dying at the hands of police or in unjustified ways, and two is that we have a systemic problem that's been going on for 400 years in this country. always a great interview with tiffany cross.
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cal, you have had a very tense situation there for the last couple days, what's going on? >> the national guard has just arrived, i hope you can see some of that green smoke. the green smoke the authorities are using to conceal their positions. and the answer to the question of how are they going to enforce curfew, they're firing nonlethal pepper spray rounds into the crowd as well as larger rubber bullets bouncing off the street. we had a couple injuries in the area we've been in. they cut the city into four quadrants. 350 national guards members have been deployed into the city. we are seven minutes from curfew in this sit. all the police have those white flexicuffs. and there's a lot of vans to take people away. i think you can expect a number of arrests tonight. you can probably expect them at the top of the hour.
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>> yeah, we're the same time away from curfew here, we're seeing people gathering closer to the police station. i want to bring andre perry a fellow with the metropolitan policy program, and tawanda bla black. one of the points you have been making is that the economic justice, the socioeconomic justice is on the minds of these people as much as the policing justice issue is. minneapolis is a city with 315,000 black residents. 8.7% of the total population. smaller than the national average actually. >> the same attitudes have facilitated us -- a black man, unarmed black man are the same racial attitudes that corporate executives have that lead to
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disproportionate amounts of lower fringe americans -- that's not by coincidence. it's also not by coincidence that the black/white homers -- again, the same racial attitudes that are harbored by mortgage brokers, lenders and appraisers. and so he got a look beyond that one incident. don't get these protests. it's the policy violence that is inflicted upon black americans all across the country. compared to how the lower economic outputs that we see in almost every sector. >> black median income in minneapolis st. paul, $38,200. that's median household income.
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white median household income is 85,400. as andre said, black houses are undervalued in this place. the place that most people get their family wealth from doesn't exist for african-americans in this place. >> absolutely, i think it's also important to note that those numbers have not shifted and a lot of people this week have been calling out the quote from dr. king where he expressed that rioting was the language of the unheard. it's also important to note that he spoke those words in minnesota on the campus of the university of minnesota and that since that time, those numbers have not shifted. we have not improved, not only are employment outcomes but our wage outcomes which means this is a problem that our employers can solve. they can solve it by stopping discrimination against people of color, specifically against fringe americans who work in their companies and starting to pay them quitably. >> thank you to the two of you. sorry the conversation is so
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short. we're moments away from the curfew being imposed in minneapolis. we're four minutes away from the curfew being imposed for the second night in a row. we have curfews going into place already in philadelphia. miami has a curfew at 9:00 p.m. you hear the chanting. at 3 minutes before the curfew yesterday, we had tear gas. we are getting an assembly of people by the lines to the police station right now. there is no violence in this crowd, nothing resembling violence. there has not been anything resembling violence. a broad variety of people with signs that read i can't breathe. we are going to stay covering this story all night, across america. not just here in minneapolis. i'm going to hand it over to joshua johnson who picks up our special coverage after the break. alright so...oh.
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