tv MTP Daily MSNBC June 5, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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it is "meet the press" daily. i'm chuck todd. you are looking at live pictures as we enter the 11th night of demonstrations in this country and more are planned for this weekend as some cities take action in response to protesters demand. the minneapolis police department today announced a ban on choke holds. washington, d.c. mayor had the words black lives mattered painted on the streets leading to the white house. a number of cities including our second largest los angeles have announced plans to scale back police funding. we are going to speak to the mayor of los angeles, aeric garcetti in a moment on that one. the big headline is the economy appears to have been pulled back from the brink at least for now. 2.5 million jobs were added last month but still tens of millions of americans are unemployed. you can see in this charting, joblessness is still at the historically high levels. one good month does not make a recovery. that said, today president trump held an event in the rose garden
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where he claimed, done. country has turned the corner. don't look back. he claimed the economy would take off like a rocket ship and said his administration made every decision right in the virus and he brought. the death of george floyd. >> we have to receive fair treatment from law enforcement. they have to receive it. we all saw what happened last week. we can't let that happen. hopefully, georgia is looking down right now and saying there is a great thing that is happening for our country. there is a great day for him. it's a great day for him. it's a great day for everybody. this is a great day for everybody. this is a great, great day in terms of equality. >> he was also asked what his plan specifically was to help minority communities. he responded that his plan was to have, quote, the strongest economy anywhere in the world. let's turn to a few of my
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colleagues. shannon he is white house and jacob is in los angeles. shannon, i want to start with you. the president today, that jobs report, it was as if he clung to it like a life preserve after what has been easily his sort of toughest week politically in that white house. >> yeah. chuck, i mean, i'm standing here at the end of hopefully what is my week thinking about what a different place we are than monday in so many ways. this time on monday, about this time, i was standing out to the booms of the flash bangs going off, the smell of those things the police park was using and the president was talking about using the military to be sent in to take care of the situation. on friday, the sound in the park that i can hear is of rock music and the bass of drums from this sort of celebratory protest going there and the white house
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celebratory themselves over the economic numbers that surprised everybody. i was talking to one senior administration official and they said no one in the white house was expecting numbers this good. but, of course, these protests, they still remain in the background. this white house still looks like a fortress on the outside and to that sound bite you just played a moment ago, the president still is struggling to figure out how to talk about issues of race and ocesocial justice and still not finding his footing there. >> you get a little bit of good news and the president wants to make it seem as if this is from heaven. here he is talking about today's report and i'm just curious, i'm ask you after, whether anybody there thinks he overdid it. take a listen. >> today is probably, if you think of it, the greatest comeback in american history. . it's not going to stop here. we saved millions of lives and now we are opening and we are opening with a bang and we have been talking about the v. this is better than a v.
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this is a rocket ship. we have a lot of protesterses and we have something else, right? we have something else. we have a pandemic. we have made tremendous progress really on both if you look where we have come on both. we have made tremendous progress on both. tremendous progress. >> it just seems after the worst jobs report in american history, followed by the best jobs report in american history, maybe everybody ought to wait for the next jobs report before spiking any footballs. >> right. and before these numbers were announced, senior administration official was telling me, hey, we are not going to have the full picture until july because there are so many things that could happen. you have these pp loans that are, you know, that have caused businesses to bring back employers. you have various piece of stimulus to still be used and you have to find out how the reopening goes. going into this, they were cautious to know it's going to take a couple more months.
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the economists and economic advisers in the white house acknowledge that. laer they have been saying this is great but we need more data points here. as you said, i like that life raft analogy you used for the president. he was clinging to this and his campaign. this is what they have been so desperate to at least show a trend of progress, to try to make the argument that things are heading in the right direction. we will see how long that lasts. >> shannon, we shall see. thank you. shaq and jacob on the issue, we have had the protesters. now the question is it going to lead for meaningful reform? shaq, i start with you in minneapolis. we are starting to see the first steps that elected officials there are trying to take in trying to take the protests and the death of george floyd and turn it into some sort of reform. what happened today? >> that's right, chuck. you and i talked about how the state intervened in that civil charge against the minneapolis
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police department earlier this week. well, we are starting to see some direct results of that based on negotiations between the state and the city. the city has now agreed to ban choke holds and the use of choke holds by the minneapolis police department. in addition to that, there is a duty to report and a duty to intervene for officers when they see this conduct happening. that is something the city council passed today unanimously. that is exactly what protesters have been calling for. i'll let you take a look at the scene here. per in front of the us bank stadium where the minnesota vikings play and you have hundreds of people ready to m h march and continue their protests. many of the updates i'm hearing in minneapolis, they are saying this is the first step. many of them say this is an overdue step but this is just a first step in that direction they want to see. if you listen to congresswoman omar she listened to some of the city councilmembers have been tweeting about the response and they are saying they want to see more even in the regulation of the minneapolis police
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department. congresswoman omar called for the department to be disbanded and restarted from scratch because 69 systemic issues that they have seen in this department. our nbc news colleagues earlier this report had a report out saying the minneapolis police department the past five years have rendered 44 people unconscious just within the past five years using neck restraints. that is the problem that people are talking about. they say this is a systemic issue but what they are seeing right now is progress and it's that step in the right direction. chuck? >> it's going to be interesting, shaq p.m. minneapolis and l.a. sort of on the front lines here of making the first move but i think we are going to see a lot of cities and a lot of police departments. it's going to be an interesting political debate as we go forward. shaq, thanks. as i've been previewing, jacob is in los angeles and, jacob, this reversal by the mayor, it wasn't that long ago they were talking about a increase budget
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for the lapd. where are we today? >> 150 million at minimum according to the city council and the mayor eric garcetti who i know you'll be talking to in a little bit, chuck. this is the mayor's office. we are standing on the steps of city hall and despite that announcement, people are still out here. this is a march in the honor of the birthday of breonna taylor and for angelinos in solidarity with black lives matter. the question people are asking where will that money be ultimately and i'd like to bring in brandon. come on over a second. this is perfect. let me take a little bit of space between us. i've heard people here calling for firing of the cheief of the lapd. is that all you have? the mayor will be coming up with chuck todd in a little bit. >> what are you asking for? >> a lot of people are asking
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for the resignation of the mayor eric garcetti. we are here day after day, day after day and not here for no reason. we are walking mile after mile. we want change. will you give it to us? or we want somebody who will. we are here. we are going to be ready to vote for whoever will and we will get our change. my name is brandon burgess and we are no more names. >> i appreciate it, brandon. >> reporter: at the end of the day, the mayor knows this as well as anybody. the accountability will be at the ballot box so the question is what will mayor garcetti do? where will that money go? and will it ultimately be what these folks out here on the steps of the mayor's office want to see, chuck. >> that is quite a scene out there, jacob soberoff. quite an introduction to my next guest this. thank you very much for all of our reporters out there. stay safe in the field. joining me now is the mayor of los angeles, eric garcetti.
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>> hello, chuck. >> mr. mayor, i hope you caught that. >> i did. >> it was quite a strong statement there from one of your constituents. is it that sentiment that got you to do this 180 on police funding? >> no question. i wouldn't even categorize any of this as 180 thanks to the act activism the large decade. hundreds of millions of dollars in the homeless and vent' ahave added a sing police officer. this movement calls us to do so much more. no, you're deaf if you can't hear this moment and you're not a leader if you don't step up and do further. i understand all of those sentiments. that is a part of being mayor and you have to hear that and step up and do something and i'm proud l.a. was the first big city to step out and say how can we do this and with community members and how do we make police officers the heroes that
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so many are but we all need them to be, and how at the end of the day do we save more lives? that is what this is about. if you think lives are sacred, step up and do something. >> are you prepared for the backlash from the police department is in the head of the lappl did not like your use of the word killers. do you regret that? >> no. because i wasn't speaking in the way that they would twist it around and i'll push back against anybody. i said all of us meaning 100% of us as americans. we make a choice to allow death to happen in this country, to allow if you grow up in blocks to have 12 years less of life than if you grew up in bellaire. we want to say you should have four to six times higher chance of dying in childbirth if you're black or white woman and have ten times more household wealth depending on the color of your skin or you're not. these people kill people every single day. i'll not let my words get twisted. you see sometimes people pull something out and arrows that
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come out but i say don't retreat to all leaders in america from president who has been absent to our mayor. we have a moment i've certainly been waiting for and a moment you've been waiting for. don't be defensive. don't do political things. do what is right and try to build a coalition. i talked to the police union yesterday morning. i invite them and anybody to be a part of this but with are not going to wait because of politics. we will do what is right in this moment to build a multiracial democracy in america and this is a turning point and let's do it. >> where did you will get your number? i understand if you make the decision, you know what? we are not going to increase your budget. you've decided you want to cut it. where did you get that number? is that after looking at the budget and seeing what you thought they could afford to lose? or is this a number that you came up for another reason? >> budgets are moral documents and i'm proud of a lot of them. the rally that is in this document reflects investing in
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youth jobs and in summer youth employment and it reflects homelessness. also every department has been cut some because of the covid-19 pandemic and, myself, others, have all taken pay cuts, furloughs. so we all have to be a part of shared officers. to my officers, the work they have been doing and everyone needs to be held accountable for any misdeeds but the work they are doing right now is heroic and i see that but i have them not to shoulder such a burden that they have to solve homelessness and do mental health work. what we do to put resources in intervention and interintervention so every problem doesn't land on the shoulders of every police officer and that should attract every police union and police officer in a reimagining at the same time we reinvest in young people and talk to the police officer on the street are the first to say please prevent things from happening before they start and how can we build strong relationships. we don't have to choose sides in
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this but we have to invest dollars and so we looked at what we had en, and what we could "star tre stretch and find. this is a moment which we step up for racial justice and we spend money or we don't. >> do you want fupewer cops on e street or is this a way to smartlier way to spend money? >> we come down to simple questions and things. i want programs like our community safety partnership which has twice as many officers for five years who spend about half their time doing community work and not just enforcement work. they become the mentors. they become the peace makers. they have the relationship that turned around as one woman in south l.a. said i thought the cop coming to my door come to harass me but he was coming to say i'm sorry my brother had died. they are my heroes. it's not defunding police departments or it's about transforming hearts and minds
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and standing up together and i believe that those are not choices we have to choose. >> let me ask you this. i would argue the lapd has been under fire, oh, longer than and i have been alive, eric garce i garcetti. i think you and are about the same age. for those of us to figure out where the lapd was in the '60s if you watch the o.j. documentary it was a pretty good i think explanation of the relationship back then between the lapd and the black community. it didn't improve that much throughout the next 40 years. you know, why should people believe you're going to be able to make the changes this time? >> don't take my word for it. i was talking with congresswoman karen bass and she said 30 years ago we had a racist police chief whor powerf more powerful than the mayor and couldn't fire him. he said black people died because their veins were different because choke holds
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were being used and the only reason they died. we went through these things earlier. we reformed and police commission and independent investigations and roofed the last four or five years, our fatal police shooting by nearly 50% through diligent and stead. we know the numbers are there and thank god we did that. now, next, we have to say if we are midway on the mountain, don't keep looking up how far we have to go and don't keep looking down saying we haven't moved, but how do we join together to get to that peak? adopt and every mayor in america should as we have done here, eight can't wait. eight things to do to reduce shooting. we have embraced all eight of those and announced two nights ago a broad agenda for about 16 other things we can do together to make police officers, our communities and everybody safer and have less lives lost. >> final question. . one of my colleagues said they
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understood you've gotten quite a few calls from mayors around the country and some of them had said good for you and some of them had said what have you just done to me. >> well, a couple of those were kind of teasing. all teasing aside, it is a question we need to ask each other. we all face criticism on the street but this is a moment for all of us. if america just looks at this as a moment of reform and mild steps, instead of true reimagining and some braver steps. i know some folks out there it's so big that what they are asking for that it might never come and no matter what you do you'll be criticized any way. i want to look back 20 years from now with my daughter and say we all, not just me as the mayor we all did the right things even in the face of criticism something saying you dent didn't good far enough or you
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went too far. if we don't do it, who will? if not now, when? these are the questions i think every leader in america needs to answer and i'm proud of the people on the streets demonstrating and proud of a police department open to those reforms and i believe we can lift up while we transform also and, at the same time, we can restore racial justice in america. not just on policing. one last thing to say. this is not just a policing issue. this is a housing and education and this is a health issue and if you don't look at those indicators and think you can just put this on the shoulders of police departments, you're not going to bring about racial justice. it has to be all of those simultaneously to stop the deaths of black people in america at a young age or from tragedies like we have seen. breonna taylor and george floyd should be alive today and other names we don't know should be live because we have all failed in this country to give equality to them. >> mayor eric garcetti, you got
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a big crowd outside of your office there. most of them are wearing masks and not all social distancing and hopefully, they get the mask statement and this doesn't lead to another spike. mr. mayor, thank you for coming on and sharing your perspective for us. >> always. thank you, chuck. appreciate you. ahead, what does today's surprising good jobs report really mean? we will crunch the numbers with two top experts. ones you've come to expect on days like this. later white house chief of staff and john kelly join the number of allies disagreeing with the the president and agreeing with jim mattis' scathing assessment of him. athim the men and women of the united states postal service. we're here to deliver cards and packages from loved ones and also deliver the peace of mind of knowing that essentials like prescriptions are on their way. every day, all across america, we deliver for you.
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greatest economy in the world and nothing close. i think we are going to have a very good upcoming few months. welcome back. that more of president trump trumpeting today's economic numbers in the rose garden this morning. they say the data represents a step in right direction, joe biden took the president to task what em thoughe thought was exc celebration. >> i was disturbed, however, to see the president crowing this morning, basically hanging a mission accomplished banner out there, when there is so much work to be done. donald trump still doesn't get it. he's out there spiking the ball complete oblivious to the tens of millions of people who are facing the greatest struggle of their lives. >> joining me now, is jason furman and a professor at harvard university and douglas is a chief economist in
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president bush's council of economic advisers and president of the american action forum. you guys are here to break it down. doug, let me ask you this. my ep and i like to laugh on thursday when they have to eat crow on friday. on this one, what does everybody whiff on, doug? >> i think two things. number one, the disconnect between the unemployment insurance claims and what is going on on out there on the jobs market. claims are completely different historically because we put self-employed people in and part-time people in and independent contractors and big claims number 40 million the past couple of months and i think that misled people on how much job losses out there in actual businesses where we are counting the employees. the second is pure timing. you know, you really can't know too much about month data. you can lose a lot of money betting on it and looks more in a pandemic.
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but i think people got ahead of themselves when the bottom would happen and it was later, not now. this is really about timing, more than anything else. >> jason furman, is this an endorsement of the ppe? is this proof that basically that the philosophy behind it, at least in this case, appears to be working? >> there are a lot of things going on in these numbers. a lot of it is business had business in may that didn't have business in april. they brought back their employees in order to deal with that business. the pp probably played a role in may but to fully judge it you want to ask is it worth $600 billion to get these jobs because you want to know how long the jobs last. i'm much less convinced that any jobs their there in may for ppp will still be there as a result of ppp a couple of months from now. >> jason, i was reading your analysis earlier today.
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you were cautiously optimistic but you were striking a note of caution because you were saying there was some parts of this that indicated it's going to be a while for some sectors to come ba back? >> yeah. i think we have a front-loaded recovery. the easy part of the recovery is ar goes back to their old job, or a business reopens. that is what we saw in may. the jobs that were added were people who left temporary layoffs to go back to their employers. even if all of those people went back, the unemployment rate would still be above 7%. and i don't think it's realistic that all of the temporary laid off workers will go back. so i think that at some point we will have the normal long slow painful business cycle dynamic, just not in the next couple of months where we will continue to see rapid gains. >> doug, looking the on this report there is a glaring scenario and it is government
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jobs, right? that is something that it is -- there is going to be -- elected officials on your side of the aisle are not enthusiastic about bailing out those jobs all the time. but if that were the case and you saw some state aid, these numbers could even be even better. will it motivate, do you think, more of a bipartisan agreement on rescuing some of these state and local jobs? >> i think there are really two different issues. one is, you know, can you write legislation that protects against billing states that have structural problems with their pensions and things like that. that is the real concern. the second issue is the fact that, you know, the cares act, the previous stimulus bill put half a trillion on the table to work with localities and city and state governments. the fed hasn't gotten that out yet. i think they are saying we may have solved this problem and find out before we write another
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check. those are the two things going on on that front. >> jason furman, i was thinking if house democrats were frustrated to get senate republicans to negotiate with them, that i assume it's harder of this jobs report right now? >> yeah. i think -- you know, i saw a number of conservatives on twitter put it quite well. this is going to reduce the political moment momentum for a fourth bill. it does not reduce the economic need for a fourth bill. with unemployment rate in double digits, we have not seen higher unemployment since the great depression with one exception which is the month of april this year. other than that, this is the worst month we have seen. so we need to continue. i think state and locals are really important part of that. the pension problems had nothing to do with why states are cutting back and the program the federal reserve hasn't fully rolled out and used yet is one for lending to states, but the problem is they can't borrow their way through this because they have balanced budget
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requirements so that program doesn't help them with their main problem which is they need to cut education spending to match their lower tax revenue, unless congress acts. >> honestly these governors hide behind balance budget when they want to pick the pocket of the taxpayer. you look at the research on this, they rarely bind. they can move. when i lived in new york, throughway authorities did all of the economic development and they have a lot more flexibility than they are letting on in this moment. >> doug, i want to get at this. there was an uncomfortable statistic here as you celebrate uptick in jobs numbers. black unemployment when the unemployment rate went up, not down. white unemployment is the reason the overall number went down.
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you know, in this moment, that is an inequality that i assume policymakers have to figure out how to fix? >> yeah. i want to say two things. first, this is good news but it doesn't change my view of what needs to be done for august, september, october, which is they should be thinking about. there are important things that are not cares 2.0. they are let's help people get back to work ppe and testing and tracing and therapiseutics and change the issue so there is an array of things they do need to do. when the economy tanks, the surprising thing was the black unemployment rate didn't rise as much compared to some of the others because they were at work. they were the front line workers disproportionately and now they are still at work. that exposes them to health issues. we still need to address some of these racial issues. a good job report doesn't change any of that.
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>> jason, how would you answer that question? >> less than half of americans were working in the month of may. that tragic indictment of the economic system, a lot of that problem was there in february before this pandemic. the pandemic has exacerbated it. in the short run, anything we do to help deal with the economic fallout will disproportionately help african-americans. so continuing unemployment insurance, doing another round of state aid, making the assistan assistance contingent on how bad also. but way more than that will be need structurally over the medium and long run. >> jason furman and douglas holt, it's great to have both of
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you on. you do a great job doing this so i appreciate it and hope to have you both bake forward. up next we will dig deeper into the president's fractured relationship with some of the greatest military leaders. mili. if you think about the last few months maybe it'll give us a new perspective. maybe we'll see things we've been missing. maybe it'll help us see just how connected we all are. and maybe... just maybe, if we look at the big picture... it'll remind us just how amazing freedom really is. if you experience bladder leaks, you shouldn't have to sacrifice discretion for protection. try always discreet. the unique design features protective leakguards,
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our national guard folks are very well trained and closer to the neighborhoods and to the states and if the governors want to, they own them, they can activate them and they can do a very good job. the idea that you would unleash american active duty folks, until it's and extreme situation, the troops hate it. they don't see it as their job. they don't want to be used in that way unless it's really extremist. >> welcome back. former general john kelly who spent nearly 18 months as president trump's chief of staff is the latest former national security official to speak out against president trump's option to use military force. mattis wrote a creak and. with me is a special enjoy for,
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an nbc news foreign affairs analyst. brett, i want to start recent before we look back on the week. here is your "the washington post" headline. pentagon disarms guardsmen in washington, d.c. in signal of de-clai de-escalation. >> i think if you look back to monday, it was a historic inflection point. the images i think you were covering them in real-time. i just spoke to the fundamental values that all of us who serve the country, i know the whole poll. my count we have had 11 five-star generals come out and express their concern about the events of earlier this week. i think that is totally unprecedented. i was in the bush white house. we had the so-called revolt of the generals in 2006.
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a different situation. we have never seen anything really like this. it seems, based on that report, that secretary of defense who is the chain of command from the president to the secretary of defense has made some decisions to try to show that we are de-escalating it. >> has the president lost the pentagon, the building itself? when i say the pentagon, you know what i mean. the rank and file. the large group of people that make that place work. >> i thought -- i've worked with all of these guys and i thought admiral mullen who holds his cards very close to his chest. when he said i doubt the soundness of the orders that will be given by the commander in chief, that is some serious crisis sentence for the admiral to say. i think that is really telling me something. this was a real crisis. we don't know exactly what was said behind closed doors but the president was standing in the rose garden saying he is ready
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to trigger the inis yosurrectio. just extraordinary. i think we have had inflection points, this kind of rallying by people who have served and the american people to draw a line. this is wrong. all of these institutions from justice department to the state department to the press have been degraded over these last three years, and the one that has to hold is the military. >> right watching secretary esper this week, he came out against the insurrection act. the but if the president ordered it, you've seen people follow the commander in chief's orders or i guess they would have to resign. are you concerned we are heading
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into a situation almost sort of what happened at the justice department during the nixon administration? well, i think esper had this 48 hours and he came out and took a stand publicly and said i do not support this act and pulling back active duty troops from the andrews force. that is something we are not used to seeing and indications the president doesn't really know what he is doing. the statements on monday he is putting million milliin charge of this domestic response. he has no senior command authority. very idea that the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff would be put in charge of a domestic response is a totally not according to our values and our constitution. general mattis, we were in the
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middle east. he kind of went aside to talk to some american troops. he said your job right now, hold the line. i remember this. kind of famous. he said hold the line until the american people can start being decent to one another again. that really spoke to our values and our traditions that, you know, these leaders really fundamentally believe in and that make our country special and that give us around the world particularly our adversaries of russia and china and how we are around the world through influence. you saw these leaders stand up and it seemed to be a real turning point and hopefully for the better. >> one thing we haven't talked enough about is the hit to america moral authority to tell other countries about, you know, whether it's mistreatment of their minority. i think of the uighurs in china, for instance. what kind of hit on our moral authority is this?
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>> it's tremendous. i've heard from counterparts all around the world expressing deep concern about what is happening here. but also what it says about, again, american leadership in the world. it is fundamentally important. about our ability to mitigate crises and reduce risks but build alliances with countries that share our values and our tradition. chuck, we have a national security strategy [ inaudible ] great competition we are going to rally our power to kind of stand up to russia and china. that is not really being executed in any significant way. what distinguishes america and our allies from russia and china are our allies and our ability to harness alliance. china can't build an alliance. russia can't. we have values and build alliances through deiplomacy.
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being cleared out of the st. james church and shocking the conscientioce and that is bg expressed about generals coming out and talking about this. it has significant impact about our abilities to do diplomacy around the world and harness alliances from our allies in asia, europe, everywhere. >> of course, those alliances is what has kept us so safe for more than 70 years. >> keeps us safe. >> brett mcgurk, thank you for coming on and sharing your expertise with us. up necks, president trump goes to maine and takes aim at the state's governor over the coronavirus. later, protesting in a pandemic. will this week's crowds on the streets become next week's crowds at the hospitals? owds at the hospitals?
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why isn't your governor opening up your state? >> i don't know. we don't know. >> the states are being opened and making good money and why we had the numbers today. you have a governor that doesn't know what she is doing. >> yeah. >> and she is like a dictator. >> yes, she is. >> why isn't she opening up your state? >> wow. welcome back. president trump in maine just within the last hour or so and he labeled the state's democratic governor janet mills as a dictator for continuing a handful of coronavirus restrictions. he made those remarks at a round table conversation featuring the state's former governor paula page. maine has begun to allow some businesses to reopen with a cap on large gatherings. for what it's wormith, they hav opened camps and things like that. from what i understand it's
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probably a bit of an exaggeration. the state is not more or less closed or open than any other state. up next, we are tracking the latest spikes in coronavirus cases nationwide. ng the latest spikes in coronavirus cases nationwide you should be mad at tech that makes things worse. but you're not, because you have e*trade whose tech makes life easier by automatically adding technical patterns on charts and helping you understand what they mean. don't get mad, get e*trade.
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california has reported more than 19,000 new cases since last friday. for the third day in a row this week, florida has recorded more than one thousand new cases. texas, which is now in phase 3 of its reopening plan recorded 35% more new cases this week than they did last week. some of this isn't just because they're testing more. their positive rates are going up too. other rates seeing significant case increases right now including north and south carolina, alabama, mississippi, and tennessee. dr. ashish jah, i think a lot of folks are concerned about where we could be in two to four weeks with the memorial day reopening and then with these demonstrations. what's your level of concern on this? >> so thanks for having me on, chuck. i'm concerned. i'm concerned that we opened at a time when a lot of states still had a lot of cases. and obviously, we saw those crowds over memorial day. and then the protests have added
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to that. now the good news on all of this is it's always better when people are congregating outside. we think a level of transmission outside is lower. but it's not zero. and when you start see iing lar crowds gather, i think we all have to be concerned about what it's going to do with the virus. >> if this does turn out to be a small spike and not a good one, it does good for baseball being an outdoor sport and maybe fans going to football games. let me ask you this. i notice we're seeing this in a lot of states that didn't see huge increases. it's a lot of states that didn't see big increases three months ago. is this more likely how it's going to go. i'm not saying new york and new jersey should let their foot off the gas here, but they're unlikely to see a second wave as bad as the first one, where as if you survived the first one, don't assume that you're not going to get walloped three months later. >> yeah, that's right. one of the assumptions that
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somehow people have made is some places are going to get hit hard and other places are not over the long run. and what try to argue is that the disease is going to affect all of us across all of the country. and so if you didn't get hit in that first wave, first of all those teplaces take a little le seriously because they didn't get hard. the virus is coming. it goes from cities to rural areas. we're all going to be affected. >> what do you think you have learned today about the virus that makes you feel -- feel a little more comfortable that even without a vaccine, we can sort of have a semi open country? >> yeah, without a vaccine, it's hard, right? and so for the long run, i think it's going to be very difficult to live, let's say, over many, many years without a vaccine. what i do know is i think being outside and being summer weather seems to help. the more testing and tracing we
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have, the more we can open up our country. and but all of that is really challenged by the fact that our caseloads are still so high. almost a thousand americans are still dying every single day. so we're not ahead of this virus. and i'm very worried that at the end of the summer, as we face the fall, we're going have a very difficult time into the fall. >> i tell you, when you look at our curve compared to other countries' curves, especially italy italy's, it's really depressing. italy has really flattened its curve and we're on a foothill. i'm out of time. dr. ashish jha, i appreciate having your expertise on the show. and with that, we'll be right back. hat, we'll be right back just spray, wipe and rinse. it cleans grease five times faster. new dawn powerwash. spray, wipe, rinse. ...i felt i couldn't be at my... for my family. in only 8 weeks with mavyret... ...i was cured.
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among my guests include cory booker, one of the founders of black lives matter, and lonnie bunch. "the beat with ari melber" starts right now. good evening. >> good evening and thank you so much. i am ari melber. we come on the air tonight with new protests. historic week of demonstrations and the nation, and a lot of other developments. we have military experts and veterans rebuking donald trump. signs of real tension with the military over what is now this national protest movement and measurable change in minneapolis, washington, d.c., and other areas. donald trump traveled to maine today. he was met there with a blunt message. resign. that's literally the headline from maine's portland press herald. and if there are other signs of action. we've been charting this. we've been trying to show you what is measurable, what is real, what has not changed, what's wrong with what hasn't changed, but also where we are seeing things respond to the pressure that is out there. in minn
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