tv MSNBC Live MSNBC June 8, 2020 10:00am-12:30pm PDT
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good afternoon. here are the latest headlines this hour. right now, leaders at the federal and local level are rolling out sweeping new reforms to address racial despairties in criminal justice following demands for change by thousands upon thousands of protestors in the weeks following the death of george floyd. and now the minneapolis city council has pledged to disband its police department and the movement gone international.
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not just with protests, either. in the last few hours, justin trudeau says he's proposing body cams for police throughout his country and france's top security official says police there will no longer use or be instructed on choke holds that have been blamed for multiple deaths in police custody. there and here, protests continue today as they did over the weekend, with many of the protestors saying this cause is just too important to stay home. even with the coronavirus pandemic still raging and cases still increasing in many states. today at the epicenter of the pandemic, new york, health officials said the massive protests have not at least as of now, caused a spike in cases as the city begins phase one of its reopening process today. just last hour, governor cuomo suggested the city is ready with cases and deaths dropping statewide and urge ing protesto
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to get tested. as those protests continue, president trump spent his morning tweeting about law and order and tweeting about polls showing his approval rating slipping. slamming those polls. a new cnn poll shows the president's approval rating at 38%, down seven points from last month and a new nbc news "wall street journal" poll shows that ate in ten voters feel the country is out of control. joining me now is carol lee. obviously, the president is paying close attention to these polls. not having so much to say about the specifics. the kinds of proposals being made by people who have been on the streets now for two weeks. what's the atmosphere like there at the white house? >> there's no question that the white house, the president and his team are worried about these polling numbers and it's not just the public polling numbers. we know from our own reporting that the president and his team have been look iing at some of their own internal polling at the campaign that show him
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trailing joe biden in key battleground states and even struggling in some states where the president frankly should be doing better in states like texas for instance. we also know the president has been stand iing has been slippi among seniors. he faces head winds with young voters, with african-american voters and from our new nbc news "wall street journal" poll, you know, it shows that he's behind joe biden 21 percentage points when it comes to women vote ers and they make up a larger part of the electorate than male voters do so that's a significant thing and the address that and what you mentioned about the 80% of voters in our new poll say iing they feel the country is out of control. the president and the white house have decide d thai going o go lean in on this law and order message. you saw that in the president's tweets today. he's underscoring that again. in a couple of hours, he's going to meet here in a couple of hours with law enforcement and a white house official told me this morning that the president
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is very unlikely to support this new bill that democrats rolled out in congress to get some reforms to policing. so all of that is how they see he should be address iing what u noted are these polling numbers where he's increasingly not doing well. >> carol lee at the white house for us today, thank you. also today, a call for dramatic policing reform by congressional democrats. we saw it just a short time ago. introducing a bill that among other things, would ban choke holds, make it easier to prosecute police misconduct, sue officers who injure or kill citizens and also ban those no knock ayerrest warranted which d to the death of breonna taylor in louisville. it does not defund police, which are largely funded through local and state dollars. house and senate democrats held a moment of silence, taking a knee for nearly nine minutes, before officially addressing the bill this morning. >> when george floyd called out
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for his mother when he was suggested to that knee in the neck, it was just a continuation of some horror that has existed in our country for a very long time. >> empathy and sympathy and word of caring for those who have died and suffered are necessary, but it's not enough. >> we're here because black americans want to stop being killed. >> joining me now msnbc correspondent covering congress, leanne caldwell. we've had breaking points before george floyd. trayvon morton, michael brown. we could go on. and the forces still exist. strong police unions. legal immunity for police. what about this bill? does it have bipartisan support in the house and what about in the senate? >> not yet, chris.
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bipartisanship is not yet there and what this bill, it's a direct response to the most recent killings at the hands of african-americans at the hand of police of african-americans at the hands of the police. you know, it bans choke holds, which is how george floyd died. it bans no knock entries for drug cases, which is how breonna taylor died and so but where it goes from here is a huge topic of discussion because it is not yet seeing any support from republicans. and especially since the president tweeted just before democrats unveiled this legislation, talking about defunding the police and tieing democrats to that movement, it's calling them crazy radicals and he's the president of law and order. so he's trying to create this as a wedge issue, making it more difficult up here on capitol hill for anything to get done. now we do know that it has a lot of cosponsors of democrats and it is very likely going to pass the house of representatives
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that is controlled by democrats but once it gets to the senate, you know, we aren't sure. the senate was unable to pass just last week, an antilynching piece of legislation and so with this much more expansive piece of legislation, you know, it's going to be an extremely uphill battle. even though, chris, democrats it will me that they wanted to put a lot more into this bill, but they didn't. they kept it more narrowly focused so that in the hopes they could get republicans on board for it to pass through congress. >> thank you. we turn now to houston where we're going to show you live pictures. these are at the fountain of praise church where there's going to be a public viewing of george floyd. city officials expecting thousands and thousands of people to honor floyd in his hometown today, including former vice president, joe biden.
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meanwhile, in minnesota, a court hearing is set to begin in about 30 minutes for form rer police officer, derek chauvin, who was seen on video pressing his knee on floyd's neck and overnight, minneapolis made a new pledge to disband its police department. shaq, what are we expecting to see in court today and what are we hearing about the city council plan? >> well, as those memorial services continue to happen and i believe texas governor greg abbott just arrived at that service in houston, as those services continue to happen around the country, we're now seeing the court apirpearance s officers involved to be in court. today, we'll see derek shoef nn court for the first time. it will be a video conference. chauvin the is the former police officer who in that video, had the knee to the neck of george floyd for about nine minutes until he was unresponsive and pulseness. he'll appear in court for that short hearing via video
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conference. he was originally charged with third degree murder but last week, those charges were upgraded to second degree murder and second degree manslaughter. meanwhile, the pressure on the minneapolis police department continues to grow here in the city. yesterday, the city council, majority of city council members came out and announced they were there, that they supported and committed disbanding the minneapolis police department. i spoke to the board member, council member who support ed this and has been leading the chashlg and he warned me this doesn't mean minneapolis police department officers will be removed from the streets immediately. he said this is the beginning of a conversation and gauging the community in a process of reallocating those resources for a police department that he says frankly fa lly failed and has f for many years at this point. that pressure continues to come from activists who this weekend booed the mayor when he said he was opposed to disbanding the police department. you're continuing to see those
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protests here in minneapolis, people come to this site where george floyd died two weeks ago to this day, where he died to pay their respects and continue their commemorations. >> thank you and thank you for your on going coverage from there. i want to bring in the faculty director of nyu's policing project. i guess the big question now is what now? you have said that the simpler road to real police reform in this country will take and i'm quoting you here, clear legislation that police have essentially been set iting thei own rules. tell us more. >> sure, chris. you know people talk a lot about accountable ility these days. we're seeing it right now. accountability here means holding somebody responsible for something bad that happened. and that should occur but what we don't have in policing we have in all the rest of government are rules on the front end that make clear what police may or may not do and
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that sort of democratic front end accountability is desperately needed. >> you know, there are a lot of calls now to defund police. i talked to a lot of people over the last week who were hoping those signs that swrjust said t. defund police. a lot of those conversations talked about taking money from police and putting them into other kinds of programs from education to affordable housing. for some others, it means blowing up how we view policing now. completely scrapping the police department as we're seeing in minneapolis, or an entire reimagining of it. where are you on that spectrum and what do you think is doable in? >> it's important to understand whatst a at the root of what people are talking about. they say it different ways, but i think they're pointing to a real problem in american society. one we agree with wholeheartedly, which is we have asked the police to be the response to a host of social problems. whether it's homelessness, substance abuse, mental illness,
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even things like traffic safety. but it's not clear that sending armed people trained in law trainsed to use force is the right response. so i take this whole reconversation to be about asking the committee what's the problem we're trying to solve. is there a better solution for better outcomes. >> so you have a major part of this that is about systemic racism then you have the part of it that is how do we address those deep rooted problems within the police community as opposed to within the community and earlier on "morning joe," the former dhs secretary, jeh johnson, suggested it kind of starts at the beginning. he's concerned about even the place where you're recruiting police in america. let me play a little bit of what he had to say. >> the it's plain to me at least that we are recruiting across our nation's police force far too many people who are not there to protect and serve and
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preserve the peace but are there to be the neighborhood bully, the neighborhood bad ass and that's what i think we need take hard look at. >> how much of a problem do you think that is and what can be done about it? >> so it's a range of issues and i think you're right that what we have to do is worry about conquering systemic racism. we have to worry about what it means to be safe. what does public safety really mean for everybody and it's a chain of events that sure, it starts with recruiting. we've looked at videos and one department might show officers repel iling from a helicopter while others who them working with a community. you're going fo get different kinds of people when you tell people to sign up for that job but then it's also the rules, training, compliance. it's a whole host of approaches and frankly a deeper conversation about what first response should look like in this country.
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>> thanks for taking the time to be with us today. up mnext, an nbc news exclusive. the attorney for now one of the former police officers charged in george floyd's death sits down with gabe gutierrez. >> what do you think his message would be to the family of george floyd? >> extremely sorry for you know, i, he's sorry the man died but he, he doesn't believe that he had, that he was the cause of the death. s and i don't add up the years, but what i do count on... is boost high protein... and now, there's boost mobility... ...with key nutrients to help support... joints, muscles, and bones. try boost mobility, with added collagen.
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in just a few minutes, fired minneapolis police officer derek chauvin is set to appear in court. he's charnged with second degree murder, third degree murder and manslaughter in george floyd's death and now the lawyer for one of the other three fired minneapolis police officers is previewing his defense plan. he is in sol dare confinement according to his attorney, earl gray and in an exclusive u interview with gabe gutierrez, gray says he has seen the body camera footage and plans to subpoena it. here is part of the interview. >> for the protestors looking at this case, for the people that were calling for the arrest of these officers, i think a main question that they have is how is it possible that your client stood by and watched for nearly nine minutes?
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>> he did not stand by and watch. he was holding on to the guy's legs. he was the initial arresting officer. the one that put out the resisting handcuffs, re cysting going to the squad. he was holding the legs because the guy was resisting at first. now when he's holding his legs, b he says to chauvin, well should we roll him over because he says he can't breathe. shochauvin says no. now chauvin, if you've ever been in the military, you ask your sergeant, should we dog something, he says no, do you say i'm going to do it any way? i don't think so. he said that twice. then he said i think he's suffering from i think it was excitement delirium. he then also moved the ambulance from two to three which means come faster. now if he had observed chauvin beating him, striking him with a
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billy club, doing something of that nature, they may have a case but he didn't see that. what he saw was a guy restraining the deceased and the he was questioning it should we do it this way and his training officer, one of them, says no. now you take that and then you look at, and what did he do after the ambulance came? my client, four days, he's 6'7", he climbs in the ambulance with the man -- >> mr. floyd. >> he climbs in the ambulance and for you know, i didn't count the minutes. i did observe it. it wasn't pretty, because he's there doing chest compressions as hard as he could. you could tell he was trying to revive this guy. he, and then he also assisted when they put the intubator in mr. george mouth. so it's hard for me to believe that a man would aid and
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intentionally aids and abets a murder but then turns around and tries to revive him so the guy could say you murdered me. doesn't make any sense at all. >> in your client's view however, continues to maintain that floyd did resist. >> absolutely. once they got his arms behind him, yes, and he clearly tried not to get into the squad car. you can hear him saying i'm -- claustrophobic. >> to be clear, your client doesn't regret trying restrain him. he does dozen think chauvin went too far. >> i can't say that. that's my client. we haven't even discussed that. >> have you seen the body camera footage in this case? ? >> yes. >> do you think that would help your client if it were released publicly? >> i'm going to bring a motion to dismiss and i'm going to
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subpoena my client's body camera and my client's hour and a half statement and offer those into evidence. it's called a florence hearing in minnesota and you as a defense can introduce evidence to show the judge, hey, if you look at the whole picture, there's no aiding and abetting a murder so the answer to that is yes, i think it's beneficial. >> that was gabe gutierrez speaking with earl gray, an attorney for an ex minneapolis police officer charged in this case. now i want to bring in barbara, a former u.s. attorney for the earn district of michigan and professor at the university of michigan halaw school. so putting aside the fact the guy is how george floyd was referred to, this is a defense attorney who's doing what is his job. to defend his client. he says look, he was the one who said roll him over twice. he was the one who upgraded the
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call for the balance. the one who got in the ambulance. as a defense, what do you make of what you just heard from this attorney? >> certainly all of the facts are going to matter and at the end of the day, a jury is going to decide a really important question, which is what would a reasonable officer on the scene have done under these circumstances but i think the legal argument we're hearing is one that's not going to carry any water. which is the conduct of the officer after the fact to try to revive mr. floyd. the charge here is not premeditated murder or even intent to kill. felony murder. what that means is they intentionally engaged in a felony. here the underlying felony is assault and a death resulted. an accidental death resulted. so what they did afterwards to revive is not going to change those facts. the typical felony murder is you go to rob a bank, you don't plan to kill anybody, then suddenly, your partner pulls out a gun and
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kills the bank teller. you may be horrified that. but if you intended to engage in that, you're on the hook regardless of what acts you took afterwards. >> as a matter of law or separate that, as a matter of presenting a case to a jury, what do you think it means this argument, oh, if you were in the military, you know you don't stand up to a sergeant so you have a lorookie, a true rookie, versus a 19-year veteran telling him what to do. what does that mean in terms of the case? >> i don't think that is exonerating for the officer. i think it's a fact that will be considered. there are some officers on the job for only four days in this case and officer chauvin p was their training officer so i think they likely showed him soft some deference but at some point, there comes a point you recognize what's happening is dapg rouse the life. even the statement about excited delirium says to me the officer understands the risks of having
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someone on their stom k and having a knee their neck which is a tactic that's not supposed to be used because of dangerousness. it puts a person at risk of death if they have things in their system. if they go into something known as excited delirium so the fact he made that utterance means he was on notice that mr. floyd was in a very dangerous situation until at some point, he has a duty to stop and intervene there so even if in the first minute, by the time you get to minute nine, seems it's a strong case for pos cougs and guilt here. >> barbara, always very much appreciate your expertise. >> thank you. up next, we're going to houston, george floyd's homet n hometown, where thousands are expected to pay their respects today. among them, democratic presidential candidate, joe biden. who will meet privately with floyd's family. plus, new polling shows that biden's lead over president trump is growing. with trump only leading when it comes to the economy.
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meet with the family today, expressing his outrage over floyd's death just moments ago. >> this is the most horrific tragedy i've ever personally observed. that george floyd is going to change the arc of the future of the united states. george floyd has not died in vain. >> nbc's priscilla thompson joins me from houston. there have been such a range of emotion over the last two weeks. tell us what it's like there on the ground today? >> yeah. well, chris, there are a steady stream of folks here at the church to view the body of george floyd and pay their respects and even though it's really hot out here, about 90 degrees, we've r already seen one man who the emt had to help out because he appeared to be suffering from heat exhaustion. this goes for people who know george floyd well and those who
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didn't know him at all. we actually met his second grade teacher who came to speak with us here and she talked about his aspirations to be a supreme court justice and what it was like for her when she saw that video and realed it was her former student. take a look at what she told us, chris. >> one of my students said dr. sexton, that was perry. he was in our classroom. as soon as he said perry, i knew who it was. i was initially devastated. when i saw the initial video. but knowing that it was perry was just heartbreaking. it just made me deeply, deeply sad. we could never have predicted when we were in that classroom, what the impact that this 8-year-old was going to have on justice. he wanted to work in the area of
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justice and he has certainly fulfilled his dream. >> yeah. and you see exactly what she said, that've even though he didn't necessarily become that supreme court judge he hoped to be, in his death, hopefully he'll create a path for justice. the governor is going to meet with the family and talk to them about new legislation that can be proposed here in texas to prevent anything like what happened to george floyd from happening here and he has said he wants this movement to be led by families and victims, not politicians, chris. >> thank you. now in the midst of the massive protests we've been seeing since george floyd died, the new nbc news "wall street journal" poll sho shows joe biden leading president trump by seven points. just one in a series of numbers that give us a new window into this race. for more on this, i'm joined by
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steve kornacki. steve, what are you seeing in these new numbers? >> some interesting things here. the bottom line, our nbc poll biden with a seven-point lead here. if you average all the polls together, the real clear politics poll average, you see joe biden with an average lead in the polls right now of nearly eight points. seven points, eight points. if you put that into perspective compared to the last four elections at this same point. clinton, 16, john kerry in '04, they were the leaders at this point, not all won the election, but none had the advantage as high as joe biden's is. a lot of volatility. things can change, but we've seen seeing this for a while. biden putting up numbers against trump. the reason democrats haven't been. so keep that many nind. one of f the reason for this, "the wall street journal" poll
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among white voters, trump leads but keep in mind in 2016, he won this group by 20 points. so to be only ahead by six points among white voters, that's a change from 2016. one of the reasons the polling looks as it does among black voters. looks similar to 2016. also a bit of a change here among hispanic voters. trump doing better than he did in 2016, but again overall, the defections of white voters just because of the size of the electorate there, the size of the demographic, that contributes to the problem. white voters without a college degree, president trump leads by nearly 20. with a college degree, biden, a 13-point advantage. the exit poll in 2016 said trump won this group of vote ers in 2. at least in the exit poll. there's some controversy there, but again just in terms of polling, a big shift.
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>> so many important, fascinating numbers. steve kornacki, always great to see you at the big board. with more on how this new polling will affect the strategy for democrats and republicans, i'm joined by cornell belcher. it's great to see you. so when you look at these numbers, what's the core message to democrats from joe biden all the way down the ticket? >> i think change. when you look at the direction of the country, when you look at the nbc "wall street journal" poll, 80% of americans said that things were out of control in the country, i think that is a real problem for the incumbent. it's a lot of volatility. when you look at people asking this time honored question, you know, are you better off today than you were four years ago, it's hard for most americans to picture themselves better off
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now than they were four years ago and that's an absolute indictment on the current president. to your point about the economy, democrats had to be careful there because when you look inside the data, that's quite frankly where donald trump is still edging above biden but in 2018, when republicans tried to make the election about the economy, the democrats won the election by several million more votes. especially when you look at the women voters and that gender gap is also growing and these women voters are upset about a lot of different things. not just the economy, stupid. it's sexism, values, the division that's going on in this country that women voters are really upset about and really driving change in washington. >> we're still along way from november but i wonder what you think in materials of the impact in poll numbers of decisions that are made now about what we're seeing with these protests all around the country. we've already heard from some folks in the white house. there's no way that the president is going to port the bill now u in congress for some sweeping changes, but we also
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just heard, we're just getting this in, that joe biden's campaign said he is not for defunding police. he is and i'm reading from the statement they put out, for more money for community policing programs that improve relationships. he wants more money for things like public schools, summer program, mental health and substance abuse. those kinds of statements, whether it's from joe biden or whether the it's from the president, how closely do you think people are watching at this time and how might something like that impact the polling? >> this is a good question and this is where i think things are different. when you look inside the polling and look at a majority of whites inside the country now, you u see racial discrimination is a big problem. if you go back to 2000, 2008 when we did internal polling, majority of whites thought reverse discrimination was a bigger deal than discrimination. there's a much more sense among white voters that discrimination is in fact a real thing that african-americans and people of
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color have to struggle with and you do have particularly among college educated white voters saying race relations will be a key fakih r tor into how they're voting now. so the raised cautionness of the country is changing. so i think the ability to pit you know classically law and order, the southern strategy, whites against blacks around these racial issues, i think that is beginning to lessen today. i think the sort of law and order thing has less traction today with the majority of americans see that police brutality is actually something that's real. but never underestimate the a e ability to sell fear in our american politics and for that to be successful because unfortunately, it has been more successful in american politics local history than not. >> i think that that is another whole segment i would love to do with you. i wish we had more time. thank you so much.
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it's good to see you. >> always. >> and coming up, we're live in mississippi where tropical depression cristobal is delivering strong winds, flooding rain. now it's head iing to north to wisconsin. plus cities across the u.s. push ing for the defunding of their police departments. we're going to explain what that means, where that money would end up going and former officer derek chauvin charged in george floyd's death, set to make his first court appearance just minutes from now. you're watching msnbc. you're clearly someone who takes care of yourself.
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right now, millions of people across the gulf coast are feeling the impact of the first major storm of this hurricane season. tropical depression cristobal will continue to deliver heavy rain and wind today moving up the mississippi valley and into the midwest. cristobal slammed the louisiana and mississippi coast this weekend as a tropical storm and it even spawned a tornado in orlando. joining me now is kerry standers who's in biloxi, mississippi. >> reporter: we positioned ourself with a break in the rain but wind is still blowing. the portion of the pier beyond that gazebo broke off and is about a half mile down where it broke off in the surf. the damage to the area beyond
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that has been minimal, but there has been some problems here. the authorities had to put out some of their big trucks last night because people decided that they would get in their vehicles and do a little sightseeing. some of them decided that they would get right out here on u.s. 90 and sort of the main road that runs along the water. well, this went under water and further up on road, there's still sand that's there. we're waiting for the mississippi department of transportation to come in and remove that. the storm surge estimated about four feet but as we take a look at this and look further to the west in louisiana where down in grand aisle, they had some flooding. in fact, surprised them. the most important thing here to remember is this was a tropical storm. we have just entered into the hurricane season and as you know, so much of the attention
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in our nation has been on the pandemics and wearing this mask on people protesting on the economy that for many people, the idea of hurricane season if they live in that zone, has been sort of a back burner issue and cristobal, a real reminder that we're in the season and mother nature pays no attention to other things so people should be planning for what they're going to do in the event that a hurricane spins up later in this season. >> kerry sanders, i know nobody does more planning than you and this isn't the last time this year we're going to see you along the coastline somewhere. you take care out there. thank you. >> thank you. >> and right now in minneapolis courtroom, a hearing is set to begin for derek chauvin, the ex cop who kept his knee on george floyd's neck while he pleaded i can't breathe and called for his mother. his first appearance in court since floyd's death. he faces charges of second
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degree murder, third degree and manslaughter. he'll appear on video teleconference for what should be a largely proceedal. and as protests have highlighted systemic inequalities in america, the new poll shows that 63% of americans disapprove of the president's habd ling of race relations. 65% believe the president's response to resecent protests he been harmful. joining me now is mark, the former mayor of new orleans, i hate seeing what's going on down in louisiana again, but let's talk about the subject at hand. look, yeah. definitely will. i was out with the protestors covering them for seven days, seven nights. defund police signs were all over. but i found in talking to those folks, it means different things
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to different people. for some, it means we need to shift some of the budget over to other programs to prevent the problems in the first place. to others, it means essentially blowing up the system. what does it mean to you and what do you think it might happen here? i think it means reimagining what policing in america means today. do we think get away from what i call crackdown policing, the more community focus and more community oriented policing. listen to the community. listen to the community's priorities when it comes to policing and i think it means something even more important that i have been saying and the national urban league has been calling on for many, many years, the need to invest funds in other elements of the community. in affordable housing. invest funds in the infrastructure that supports our schools. our water systems. invest funds in giving young people, teenagers, hope and opportunity through summer jobs
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and other economic opportunities. invest funds in strengthening small businesses because many of these communities, the broken strategy of thinking they're going to fix communities with policing, that that's the important only important element is fail. the process and systems of mass incarceration have damaged communities and time to turn the corner sharply. i think the defund police movement is really about that. we have to have a go forward plan and strategy to rebuild our communities in an equitable way, whether it comes to housing or health care or public education or the workforce system and that's what this is all about. >> yeah, but of course, what that's up against is a long history of empty promises and
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the deaths of black americans at the hands of police and it's up against the white house in the form of its national security adviser who's denying there is even at all systemic racism. so how different is the point you think we're at now? is the hill any less of a climb than it was a month ago? >> i think the polling data demonstrates an effect of vote of no confidence on the issue of handling race relations. this began on day one. it's been a continuation of rhetoric and policies and strategies and denial and in effect i think what it is is the president and many members of his leadership team are out of sync with where the american public is. i don't fundamentally understand the reality and the live of many people who live in this country. and people will have an opportunity for their voices to be heard at the ballot box in the fall and i think these issues, the issues of racial issues, the issues of police reform, the issues as how we
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make our economy more equitable will be on the ballot and on the minds of people as they vote this fall. that is what is important. these issues are not going to go away. not when you have people protesting in every big city and small town. i i went to a protest this weekend in a small community with members of my family. because the young people in my family wanted to attend that protest. and this is spontaneous, if you will, organization taking place all over the world. and people are saying enough is enough. and they're tired of the empty promises, tired of the studies, the commissions, the rhetoric, the dead end proposals. and a message is being sent loud and clear. those who are in leadership, who are wise and smart and want to survive, they better hear it or they're going to be sitting on a retirement. they're going to be sitting on the bench, retired by the voters.
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>> yeah, one of the things i noticed in going out was the number of people who attended had never been politically active before in their lives but this has sparked something in them. mark mc morial thank you for be here. >> thank you, chris. >> coming up, after nearly three months on lockdown, new york city, the epicenter of the coronavirus here in the u.s., begins reopening today. what this means, not just for new york, but cities across the country as protesters continue to pack the streets, some not wearing masks. you're watching msnbc.
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there have now been more than 7 million cases of the coronavirus and more than 400,000 deaths globally. and here in the u.s., some states continue to see a rise in cases including florida and california. both states rin the process of reopening and seeing a continuing rise in the number of cases. joining me now is msnbc medical correspondent dr. john torres. good to see you.
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so give us a reset, because we have more than a dozen states, i think it is now, with cases on the rise. even as where i'm sitting, the biggest hot spot in the u.s., new york city, is starting to reopen today. where exactly are we in this fight? >> chris, we're still on the pandemic. and i think that's a thing a lot of people need to understand. we're not done with it yet. we're on the backside of the curve, so we're not even completely out of the woods, and we need to make sure during this reopening we don't get steps back. we don't get back on top of the curve because here's what we know what is happening. some of the places are opening up and we're starting to see a surng surge in cases. we're not sure how when the protesters start going back to their communities, how that's going to add to it. that being said, we need to make sure the spikes put in place that we know are going to happen don't turn into outbreaks. that's important for everybody to do their part. that means even though you're reopening, even though restaurants, bars, hair salons might be reopening, we need to do our part.
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if you go to a place like that, social distancing, masks. i know a lot of people don't like to do that, but we still need to do that because this summer, coronavirus is not going to go away. it's going to be here, hopefully at a low level, before in the fall it starts coming back again. this will give us a breeter and time to get to that point, but we need to make sure we're doing those things to keep it under control because the last thing we want is our community to resurge and have to go back to shelter in places again, those types of situations, chris. >> you know, last few second, would you agree with governor cuomo here that protesters presumably around the country who have been in large groups should get tested? >> i definitely agree with that because once they get back to their communities, they can spread it. they need to make sure they didn't get it. >> dr. john torres, always good to see you. thank you so much. that's going to wrap up this hour for me. i'm chris jansing, my colleague katy tur will pick up the coverage after this very quick break.
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good afternoon. i'm katy tur. it's 11:00 a.m. out west and 2:00 p.m. here in the east. we're following two events happening this hour. one that honors the life of george floyd and the other, a first court appearance for the man accused of taking his life. let's begin in minneapolis, where ex-officer derrick chauvin, the man who pressed his knee into the neck of george floyd for nearly nine minutes is being arraigned on a number of charges, including second degree murder. also in houston, a public viewing for george floyd is under way. ahead of a funeral in his hometown tomorrow. and former vice president joe biden traveled to houston to meet privately with floyd's family, to offer his condolences. but again, let's start right there in minneapolis, where derek chauvin's court appearance is happening right now, and joining me is nbc news reporter shaquille brewster who has been
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there since the very beginning. shaq, the appearances happening right now, what should we expect? >> yes, that's right, the appearances ongoing right now, we know former officer chauvin will be appearing via video conference on a video conference stream. he won't be in court directly, and we know he's being charged with three counts right now. originally, he had that count of third degree murder. that was upgraded to second degree murder and second degree manslaughter. we're expecting a short hearing, relatively quick. based on what we saw last week. but meanwhile, the minneapolis police department, as the hearing is going on, the minneapolis police department, which is currently under investigation by the state right now for discriminatory practices, they're facing a lot of pressure, coming from the minneapolis city council. yesterday, we learned a majority of city council members support a move to disband that minneapolis police department. i spoke to a council member who is leading the charge and the effort, and that's something you continue to hear from activists here on the ground. a push to disband the police department.
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i spoke to a council member about what that means and what that will look like. listen to a little bit of what he told me. >> we're not talking about hitting the eject button on the police department. we're talking about engaging a plan to create a public safety system that works for everyone. one thing that all my colleagues agree on is that our police department has failed. and they failed on multiple fronts over the course of their entire existence. >> and we're just getting some notes from the court hearing right now. we know that the next hearing, it is adjourned right now, and we know the next hearing has been requested for june 26th. looks like the judge set the bail at $1.25 million or $1 million bail with conditions. that's higher than the other three officers involved in this incident. last week, their bail was set at at least $750,000. so that court hearing with officer chauvin has just wrapped up. it was a very quick hearing and we know that his bail at this point has been set at $1.25
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million. >> i know you spent a lot of time at the scene of where george floyd died. i'm wondering if you have gotten any other reaction, maybe outside of the protest area, about disbanding the minneapolis police department. >> that was a question i put to people here at the scene where george floyd was killed. all day yesterday, and you heard a range of opinions. people understand, and there's genuine frustration for people here in minneapolis against the minneapolis police department. it was our own reporting at nbc news, some of our colleagues looked at police records and saw within the past five years the department has rendered 44 people unconscious with the use of those choke holds. so there's frustration and anger with this police department. as i mentioned, that is currently facing investigation by the state. although you have that frustration, people are not willing to let go of the police, and just fully have a system without a police department, so that's why you hear this language of defunding and reallocating resources.
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they believe that money that's been invested in the police department can be reallocated elsewhere. when i had that conversation with the council member, he said this is not an immediate thing. he put a year long timeline on it. he said he'll be engaging with community members see where they can come up with. there's frustration and a recognition you need some sort of security force. they just believe there's a better way to use those police dollars. katy. >> shaquille brewster, thank you very much. >> let's bring in janay nelson, the associate director counsel of the naacp legal defense fund. thank you very much for joining us. this is derek chauvin's first appearance, even though it's a remote appearance, in court. his family wants these charges upgraded to first degree murder. he's been charged with second degree murder, which was upgraded from third degree when the attorney general got involved. what is your expectation, and is that going to be a realistic demand from the family? >> you know, katy, there's always a tension between going for the highest charge that you
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can possibly get and insuring that there will be a conviction. and there are so many variables between getting the charge, which we were extraordinarily pleased to see happen here, and getting a conviction and a sentence that will serve as a deterrent effect for any officers who think about engaging in the misconduct that derek chauvin did. so right now, he's charged with second degree murder, which requires intent, and requires intent without premeditation. i think you can clearly meet that threshold based on what we saw, what all of america saw on that horrific tape which was a public execution of george floyd. first degree murder, when you upgrade the charge to that level, is, of course, a harder bar to clear. but the facts of this case are so egregious, it's possible that you could convict him on first degree murder. it's just a more difficult road
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to hoe. and keeping that in mind, you have to strike the balance between insuring the conviction. the conviction based on second degree murder carries a 40-year sentence. if the judge were to impose the minimum sentence and possibly beyond, and the first degree murder charge carries even more weight. so that's a real consideration for state attorney general keith ellison to consider when he determines whether he should upgrade the charge even further. >> so newsweek did a close examination of the criminal complaint, and i want to read to you what it says. the complaint's report that floyd stopped moving at 8:24.24, and the video presumably from one of the officer's body cams appears to show mr. floyd ceasing to breathe at 8:25:31. i'm sorry. these are times.
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king checked floyd's pulse and said i couldn't find one. none of the officers move from their position, according to the complaints. chauvin did not remove his knee from floyd's neck until 8:27:24. so it seems like according to this complaint and the newsweek reporting of it that the officer might have kept his knee on floyd's neck even after there was an acknowledgment that there was no pulse. two minutes after. how might the prosecution use that? >> i think that's clear evidence of an intent to effect death, which is what the minnesota statute requires. the intent to effect death on another. there are really at least five factors i think are really clear here. one, chauvin ignored recommendations from fellow officers to turn george floyd over after fellow officers expressed some concern about his ability to breathe. officer chauvin also ignored
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instructions from the crowd who could see george floyd struggling for life. and they told him that you are killing him. they expressly stated he was taking the life out of george floyd's body. he also ignored george floyd himself. who was pleading for his life, who was calling for his mother, who was making it very clear that he was under immediate distress. and then, if you look at the timing, as you pointed out, this horrible event went on for eight minutes and 46 seconds. two minutes of which george floyd stopped showing signs of life. and the nonchalance with which this officer proceeded to continue to kneel the life out of his throat and looked dead in the face of cameras with complete disregard and nonchalance with his hands in his pockets, to me, demonstrates a clear intent for him to kill george floyd without having premeditated it in that moment,
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he intended to take the life away from this man. >> hold on a second. i want to go to nbc news correspondent steve patterson who just walked out of the courthouse in minneapolis. steve, what happened? >> reporter: yeah, katy, i'm standing outside of the courthouse. i was not inside. i was stationed outside so we're able to see some of the attorneys going in and out. it sounds like it was very quick. maybe 15 minutes. i'm reading a note based on people who were inside, so i can read from this. it sounds like, you know, the big headline here is bail has been set by the judge. they're scheduling another hearing. it sounds like for the end of the month. just looking at details on the inside, it's likely thought chauvin appeared by video screen. his attorneys seated inside. he's wearing the orange jump suit. he has handcuffs on. he sat down at a conference table. interesting detail, wearing a flu face mask. this is all very procedural. the judge is asking him,
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arraigning on the charges, and also asking him, do you have possession of firearms, you know, can you -- are you able to be heard in front of a judge? all things that kind of we expected. and then setting that hearing for the end of the month. so very quick. we tried to get the attorneys who circled out of here pretty quickly. no one wanted to speak on camera about the details of the case, so we're still waiting to learn more. still no public statement from chauvin's attorneys, from chauvin himself, so that's something that we're trying to get as well. but just sounds like very procedural, and i think, you know, just people talking to protesters and people that have been here on the ground, a little bit of catharsis for people waiting for some process of justice. this is the first step in a long road. katy. >> thank you. i want to come back to you, and as steve just mentioned, we haven't heard from chauvin's attorney, but we have heard from another one of the officers' attorneys, the attorney for thomas lang, who was one of the rookie cops that was kneeling on
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george floyd's legs. here's what he said. >> it sounds like you're arguing that, you know, he didn't know any better or he was so -- >> well, he was relying. >> he was a rookie cop. >> he was relying on his training as a police officer and following the directions of a training officer. chauvin was also a training officer. >> was he following orders? >> he was -- he was doing what he thought was right. >> so what about -- what do you make of that defense? >> well, i see it as an interesting way of trying to deny culpability of these officers who stood by, some of them pinned george floyd down and actually physically participated in his death by restraining him even though he was crying as loudly as derek
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chauvin could hear. they also could hear his pleas for life. they also heard the crowd surrounding him, explicitly stating that he was dying. they also saw that his breath was being kneeled out of his body. so in my view, to say that they were doing what they thought was right, unless you saw them trying to intervene, trying to physically remove derek chauvin from his body, caught raising an alarm, calling 911 on this fellow officer, intervening in a way they're obligated to to save the life of the public that they protect and serve, then i don't see that as a valid defense or excuse for their behavior that day. and if we don't hold those accountable who witness and participate in these scenes, we will continue to say that it's just one bad apple, and we will not recognize the systemic racism that pervades police
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departments. >> thank you very much for joining us today. we appreciate all of your insight. >> and services are beginning this afternoon, george floyd's hometown of houston, thousands are expected at a public viewing that began a short time ago and will continue through the evening. tomorrow, a private funeral will be held for the floyd family. and he will then be buried in houston next to his mother. with us from houston is nbc news correspondent morgan chesky. just the word that he's going to be buried next to his mother, morgan, gives me chills. what has it been like being there as this memorial service has been unfolding around you? >> katy, this is truly a bittersweet homecoming in the final stop for george floyd, who grew up in houston's third ward neighborhood. and you can really see the fact that he grew up in this community by the thousands of people who have already turned out today, well in advance of
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this church's noon start. we'll go over my shoulder for a little bit here, and this is a five to six-hour viewing today, katy, with very strict rules to insure everyone gets a chance to pay their respects to george floyd and they're obviously taking into account the pandemic. everyone is walking in, certain marked entrances. they're social distancing as they're led down to the front of this sanctuary here at the fountain of praise church. and they're giving a moment in front of the casket of george floyd where they can look upon the man that has now become a symbol for so much more within the past two weeks, since his death in minneapolis. i had a chance to speak to a gentleman here who drove down from dallas, about a four-hour drive. he's standing in 91-degree heat, and he says he wouldn't be anywhere else in the world because this is that important, to not just him but this community as well. they have watched the family of floyd go to minneapolis, go to north carolina, and people have been waiting for him to come back here so they could honor him. and we know they're going to
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have a chance to do that tomorrow in that private ceremony, of course, boxer floyd mayweather footing the bill for all of that. he's also expected to be here, but a very special moment here in houston today. katy. >> morgan chesky, thank you very much. and on capitol hill, the national and global conversation on race has inspired new legislation on police reform. senators kamala harris and cory booker along with congresswoman karen bass are leading an effort with the congressional black caucus to pass the justice in policy act of 2020. it would ban choke holds and no-knock warrants. lower legal standards for pursuing criminal and civil penalties against police. and create a national registry to track officers' misconduct. >> today, this movement of national anguish is being transformed into a movement of national action. >> today, democrats in,and senate are saying we see you.
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we hear you. >> we must change laws and systems of accountability. we must pass legislation that makes our common values and our common ideals real in the law of our land. >> for the legislation to pass, it would need broad support from republicans in the house and senate. already, the white house has signaled it will not support the bill. let's go to kasie hunt who is sitting by patiently for us in washington. kasie, what is the likelihood that congressional republicans are going to sign on to this? >> well, so far, our white house team reporting the president is not planning to back this. and we have talked to senator mitch mcconnell's office. they say, well, we need to see the text of the bill before we
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say anything. i actually thought that was a little bit interesting because they don't always wait to see the text of the bill before they oppose things sometimes. and i think that underscores just how dramatically this debate has shifted under everybody's feet. and that's not to say that it's likely that they will come out in support of this, necessarily. you have had kevin mccarthy, the gop leader, tweeting this morning about his support for police officers on the front lines, saying thank you to cops who are protecting their communities. so that certainly is still how this debate is shaking out. but it's incredibly significant, katy, that democrats are all on the same page on this. it really does, i think, reflect despite that fact that many of these politicians have not been willing to use the words defund the police, which those activists and protesters painted on the streets here in d.c. they still have gotten together and proposed a bill that doesn't include any new money for law
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enforcement beyond giving some money to actually execute these new changes like funding for the database that they want to create. i think that is a sign that, you know, what people are hearing in the streets, what these politicians are hearing in the streets, really is making a material change on the debate here. but of course, there are so many factors working against them in terms of actually getting this to be signed into law. we're so close to a presidential election. it's incredibly difficult to do anything controversial, even under normal circumstances, when you're heading into an environment like that, let alone on a topic so fraught, katy. >> i should have more specifically asked about senate republicans, because the democrats aren't going to need congressional republicans. there are a handful of senate republicans who are up for re-election. excuse me, up for re-election, and in a precarious position, especially with this president, his popularity ratings further decreasing. is there any likelihood that any of them might sign on to a bill
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like this? >> we haven't seen signs of that yet. but i do think that you raised a good point and a good question about where those senate republicans might come down who are facing tough re-election fights. colorado, cory gardner. arizona, martha mcsally. susan collins in maine. i would look at collins in particular as someone who might end up saying something or sign on to something like this, but with the president opposing it, it puts them back in the same box that we have seem then over and over and over again decide that they just can't break with this president. and you know, i think that's really going to still be the telling question. has president trump gone too far this time? has it become untenable for them to remain with him? so far, there have been so many examples. this one, though, does feel a little different. you saw that from mitt romney in the streets over the weekend. katy. >> it is a feeling of deja vu out there. kasie hunt, thank you very much for joining us.
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>> and still ahead, some plans would dismantle police forces. others would cut police budgets. we're going to take a hard look at what defunding the police means. >> plus, peaceful protests across the country. we'll take you to los angeles where demonstrators plan to take to the streets again this afternoon. two weeks after george floyd's death. but first, there are also protests in new york city and it is reopening again today. phase one reopening for new york city. what does that look like? stay with us. you're clearly someone who takes care of yourself.
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it has been two weeks since george floyd died, and there are still people protesting in the streets of new york city today. over the weekend, the city saw some of its largest crowds yet, as demonstrators took to the streets here without any major clashes between police and protesters. now, the city is starting its phase-one reopening. for the first time in months today, 400,000 people are
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preparing to go back to work. with us now from new york city is nbc news correspondent rehema ellis. it has been 100 days exactly since the first coronavirus case was confirmed here. walk us through what's happening today. >> we're at the crossroads of america, and i want to show you the roads are wide open here. it's pretty much looking like it did when we were in lockdown. because people are still trying to figure out if they are comfortable enough to come back here. this admittedly is an entertainment and theater district. but it's also a business district. and you don't see a lot. what people will also be doing, ronny, if you could come back to me a little bit, they're going to be riding on the subways. 400,000 people, as you point out. the question becomes one of will people feel safe to ride the subways. listen to what transit authorities say. >> some people may be concerned about the cleanseliness.
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what would you say to somebody who is feeling, is it clean enough for me to come down to the subway? >> so the new york city subway system has never been as clean as it is now. we disinfect the stations twice a day, and we disinfect and clean all of the cars four, five, six, seven times a day. so for those who haven't been in the system for the last few months, it's going to be a very pleasant surprise. the stations, the system absolutely gleams. >> and people required to wear masks. if you don't have one, they'll get one for you. but in reopening, they've got to open the stores for the curbside pickup, which is being allowed now. some of the stores still have p plywood from when they were shut down in the pandemic and others because they boarded up because of the protests. if you open, will they come? maybe not so fast. katy. >> rehema ellis, thank you very much. >> now, let's go over to los angeles, where there are protests beginning there again today. and that's where we find nbc's jacob soboroff.
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jacob, what are you seeing out there? >> confluence of a bunch of symbolic funeral processions in honor of george floyd. i'm standing right here with a doctor, one of the leader s of black lives matters in los angeles. everybody has seen the pictures by now. maybe 100,000 people, 50,000, who knows, but it was a lot of people in the streets of l.a. you were right at the front of it. what was it like for you yesterday? >> it was amazing. it was invigorating. it was hopeful. it reminds us that the people have tremendous power. everything that we imagine and work for, we can have. and so just to watch that number of people on the streets all chanting, defund the police, all saying other chants i can't say on air. but black lives matter. it was really, really inspiring. >> you have been at this for a long time. and specifically in that building. i should disclose to our viewers. you have been going to ten years
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to police commission meetings on which my dad is a member of the oversight committee. you often talk about specific cases and specific people. now, as you said, it's a much bigger movement about defunding the police department, prosecuting what you call killer cops, getting rid of the d.a., jackie lacy. how are you going to accomplish that? what's next. >> the pow of the people will accomplish it. what we have already seen is the mayor commit to strip back $150 million in police funding. and that was a direct result of the power of the people. we know that that's not enough. and it's too late, and we're going to push for more. we also know that there's an election in november. and the chant that jackie lacey must go is way out there, and people already know that she's partially responsible for the murders of 601 people in l.a. county who were killed by police and whose killers, who are cops, did not go prosecuted. so we're understanding that there's momentum building. people understand what it means
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to defund police. people understand that the only two things that keep people safe from police violence are accountability for police, prosecutions of police, and defunding police. so we see that moving. we're going to make sure that we start with getting police out of our schools and parks and places that they have no business. we're going to get them pulled back from work of social work and emts and the things that they say the have to do in addition to policing that they're not skilled to do. and that's the will of the people. they did it in minneapolis, and minneapolis, they just committed to disbanding the minneapolis police department. we can do that all over this country. >> i know we have to go. just really quickly, only about 15 seconds, do you want to do this face-to-face with city leaders or outside of the system? you want a seat at the table? >> we have been trying to push city leaders. we go to police commission meeting every week. we participate in city council every week, but the only language they seem to understand
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is protests outside their office. and sometimes outside their front doors. >> you're certainly accomplishing that. really nice to see you and meet you for the first time in person. katy, back to you. >> jacob, thank you very much. we're going to talk more about defunding the police because there's a spectrum of ideas on how that would work best. stay with us for that. but next up, new polling that has the white house concerned. five months from the general election. and later, covid cases are rising in states that decided to reopen for business early. you're watching msnbc. or hydrat. neutrogena® hydro boost. the #1 hyaluronic acid moisturizer delivers 2x the hydration for supple, bouncy skin. neutrogena®.
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in an unprecedented crisis... a more than $10 billion cut to public education couldn't be worse for our schools and kids. laying off 57,000 educators, making class sizes bigger? c'mon. schools must reopen safely with resources for protective equipment, sanitizing classrooms, and ensuring social distancing. tell lawmakers and governor newsom don't cut our students' future. pass a state budget that protects our public schools.
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don't cut our students' future. people don't want to so i share it. song by song. the dark and the light. the struggle and the joy with my mental health. what's your mission? use godaddy to help make it happen. next hour, president trump will host a roundtable with law enforcement at the white house. and there is new polling that shows a majority of americans are concerned about the state of the nation just months from the general election. which is in november. according to the nbc news/"wall street journal" survey, 8 out of
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10, 8 out of 10, 80% of registered voters say they feel things are out of control in the country. and that does include both democrats and republicans. with us now from the white house is nbc news correspondent carol lee. these numbers are quite striking. there are protests going off all around the country, and the president is holding a roundtable with law enforcement, carol. what's happening at the white house? >> well, look, katy, the president is hosting this roundtable with law enforcement about 30 minutes from now, as expected to start, and that's really just part of his effort to emphasize that he is aligning himself with police. he's the law and order president. this is both -- this is the message he feels is good for him substantively and politically. we heard the white house press secretary briefing as i speak, a few minutes ago, further emphasize the president's message. a couple headlines from there. she said that the president is,
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quote, appalled by democrats' efforts to, any efforts really to defund police. she said he is looking for solutions to address the concerns of protesters but offered no specifics and said he was looking through various proposals. she did not say whether the president supports banning choke holds, as has been discussed. and see also didn't answer whether the president believes there's systemic racism in law enforcement, which is a big question he hasn't addressed to this point. she said, quote, he believes most of our police officers are good, hard-working people, but again, not addressing this question of whether the president thinks there's a systemic problem here. and he's going to start this roundtable, and like i said, about 30 minutes from now, but it's not open to the press as of yet. whether or not that changes remains to be seen, but if it does, you can guarantee we'll have a number of these questions put directly to the president. >> carol lee outside of the white house, thank you very much. and joining us now is former
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rnc chairman and msnbc contributor michael steele. michael, good to hear from you. let's talk some 2020 politics. we are heading towards a november election. the president's approval rating is decreasing by the poll. there was a cnn poll out today that had him at the same approval rating as jimmy carter, a one-term president. what do you make of this moment in time and the prospects for donald trump's re-election? >> well, let's start with the fact that it's may. so we're still a long way from november. but there are some tale tell signs here that a lot of folks looking at the polling numbers, trend lines, if you will, that are not good for the white house, which starts with their own internal polling. that's why you hear and see the anxiety that is beginning to bubble out in conversations around town about where the white house is. and the reality of it is the confluence of coronavirus and the president's response to
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that, the economic downturn, the hit that we have taken in the economy, and the rush to get back to opening up the economy, if you will, has not resonated with the voters out there the way they thought it would. and now, this civil unrest. the black lives matter movement taking hold, not just in the black community but in white communities, particularly white suburban communities around the country where you're seeing a huge dropoff with independent voters. those three events coming together the way they have is a trifecta of ugly for the white house. and so the president coming out with a law and order message is falling on deaf ears. why? because the white community is now beginning to see and understand what black folks hear when they see that, when they hear that kind of messaging. and they don't like it. so you're going to see the president now do the, you know, the blue shield, sort of gather around with law enforcement to sort of show he's strong.
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that plays well with his base. but again, those suburban white voters aren't buying that narrative, katy, and that's going to be the important part for how the administration gets on the other side of this discussion. and they're having a hard time doing that. >> let me ask you this. there's a hot take out there that this idea of defunding the police, which you're seeing on many of these protests, and minneapolis is making a move to dispand their police department, this is a political gift for the president because the initial reaction is, oh, you're going to take all the money from law enforcement and there will be no officers, even though there's a spectrum of definitions for that. joe biden says today he doesn't support it, the president doesn't support it. is this a political wedge issue going forward? >> it could be. it could be. look, i'm not going to discount how donald trump is probably one of the luckiest people in politics, how some of these
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issues kind of break his way and fall in his lap. and he's able, because he's a master manipulation of reality television, if you will, he can create a narrative around that if it's not clearly defined up front, what do you mean when you say defund the police? what do you mean when you say disband the police? because a lot of people, what they hear is, oh, so if i need to call for law enforcement to protect my community, and there's no one there, who do i blame? who do i -- who is going to show up? and i don't think that's what they mean. but that's what people are starting to hear around this particular narrative, and i think you need to watch for the president to take advantage of that. >> the president will try to define it on his own terms. like he does a lot of issues. michael steele, thank you very much for joining us. >> we're going to give you some definitions for what defunding the police actually means. and get into it in just a moment. you have all the information you
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today, the state recorded 966 new infections. florida began phase one of a reopening plan three weeks ago, and many other states that decided to reopen businesses on the earlier side are also seeing a spike in cases. including arizona, south carolina, and tennessee. so let's bring in the director of columbia university's center for national disaster preparedness and our go-to voice on how we protect ourselves and our communities from the coronavirus. so doctor, you predicted this. >> so, katy, yeah, we actually issued a report at the end of april saying that premature opening of states in various phases of businesses are going to be facing some significant peril because we still don't have enough testing that we can do. and second of all, that we're unable to do the contact tracing
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at the level we would need to have to be safe in opening. there's a third issue here that i find very fascinating, and basically predictable, which is that as you walk around the streets and these places that have been open, you see a lot of people walking without masks. they have taken the message of a partial or phased reopening to mean we're getting back to normal. and that's a pretty unfortunate situation. we're not getting back to normal. we're still in the midst of a terrible pandemic. i wish we would have waited to reopen businesses in most of the states around the u.s. katy. >> let me ask you this. we're seeing protests across the country, and in some places, for instance, like new york city, almost everybody is wearing a mask. at the same time, everybody who has gone to a protest has been asked to go get tested as a precaution. i went and got tested over the weekend, as a precaution. what are you -- how do we look at whatever happens in the next
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few days, as it starts to -- as we start to hit that two-week threshold for when a spike might happen because of all these large groups congregating close together? >> sure, katy. this is actually a huge dilemma. on a very large scale issue of principles here. so one of the things we have to be aware of, and protesters are, i interviewed many protesters including a guy at the protest at the lincoln memorial who i spoke to my phone the day before yesterday, he was wearing a mask. he and a couple of the other people i was talking to said most of the protesters were. but many of the law enforcement officers were not. and they were obviously in everybody's face. so we have people wearing masks, but in very close proximity. if they have to be in an area that is tear gassed or where pepper spray is being used, it really exacerbates the risk. people are running, which makes it riskier. people are coughing and sneezing and taking off their masks.
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and that's a major potential spreader of this virus. that said, there is definitely a higher principle involved here. so i understand what's going on dynamically, and i'm really -- i can't help being reminded of the '60s when people put their lives in their hands at civil rights protests in selma, alabama, and elsewhere. there are certain moments in history where you're assessing the risk and you're saying i'm going to take this risk because now we have to deal with social justice. and i -- >> quickly -- >> it's a difficult dilemma. yeah. >> i'm sorry to interrupt. quickly before we have gee, if we don't see a spike in new york city, does that mean masks work? >> it's hard to know what's working and what's not working. people may be more just adherent to the general principles of public health protection. we'll see. we have to see what happens here. masks do work. so i don't think there's any question about that, but so does social distancing and the other
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things we need to do to keep ourselves safe. katy. >> doctor, thank you very much for joining us. we appreciate your time. >> and minneapolis may disband its entire police force. the mayors of new york and los angeles support cuts to their city's police budgets. coming up, what does defund the police actually mean? and what can it change? you're watching msnbc.
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wanting to defund our police across this country, it is extraordinary. and when you think the left has gone far and they couldn't possibly go farther because we all remember the defund i.c.e. movement. they want to defund immigration and custom enforcement, and now they want to defund the police. this is extraordinary. this is rolling back the protective layers that protect americans in their homes and in their places of business. he's appalled by it, and it's remarkable to hear this coming from today's democrat party. >> so that was kaley mcanene at
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the white house podium talking about how she doesn't believe the president doesn't support defunding police. but what does that exactly mean? there are a lot of different definitions of that. joining me is georgetown law professor and former federal prosecutor, paul butler. it's really good to see you. there's a spectrum for defunding the police. it's what minneapolis is doing or intends to do, by disbanding the police force. and then there are more incremental efforts that we're going to take money from the police budget, we're going to redirect it to social programs. then there are also moves to end or ban choke holds or there are moves to end fee-motivated policing or demilitarizing police. from your standpoint, as a former prosecutor, and a black man in america, what do you see when you hear or what do you think when you hear defund the police? >> hey, katy. great to be here.
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defunding doesn't mean that every cop should be taken off the street tomorrow. it's about reallocating public safety funds to community programs, counseling, counselin programs, the idea is that many times when people dial 911, there's actually a mental health crisis, there's an addiction issue, problems are arising from homelessness. sometimes, having someone with a gun show up it makes things worse not better. so the idea is to have more selective first responders, maybe the best first responder is a counselor, a doctor trained to help with a mental health crisis. again, it doesn't mean no more cops, ever, it means thinking more creatively about what
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public safety is and how communities can be hold. >> places have done this, austin, texas, has enacted some of these different modes of first responders, what happens if -- if i -- i have an issue in my home where i need a police officer, if i'm robbed or there's an issue where i need to file a police report because something has been stolen, god forbid something worse happens, what happens then? >> you call the cops. again, this is a big tent with a lot of people of various ideologies, sometimes fiscal conservatives like it, spending government money more effectively to treat the problem. i think the way that many activists think about it, the cops don't go away, so yes, if you're in immediate danger you still dial 911.
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the issue is, though, if it's a health emergency, and a health first responder to be the person who comes, you know, the people who agree with this most of all, ironically are police officers. they're saying all the time -- >> interesting. >> we get asked to respond to situations where we don't have the training. in the uk, you could call and get a doctor or a counselor. in xhunsties now, there are violence erupters who know what's going on. again, it's not getting every man and woman in blue it's just thinking more creatively about how to keep communities safe. >> paul, hold on a second. we wanted to do at the top of the segment. here's an explainer when people say defund the police and the
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moves that are already being made. what was once unthinkable could now be inevitable. take a look. >> we demandingly say we want change. >> the minneapolis city council on sunday vowed to disband the city's police department. >> our commitment to end our city's toxic relationship with the minneapolis police department. to end policing as we know it. and to re-create systems of public safety that actually keep us safe. >> reporter: their pledge comes after minneapolis mayor jacob frey said that abolishing the police force was not something he could support. while the city council has yet to detail its plans, one member proposed sending the fire department to overdose calls, mental health professionals to did stress calls and using unarmed community groups to monitor the streets. minnesota attorney general keith
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ellison agreed in principle. >> just having a par military group where we said someone with a gun to solve every problem might not be the only way or the best way. >> reporter: calls have gone more urgent in recent years. about 1 in every 1,000 black men can died at the hands of police. being killed by a police officer for black men and boys a leading cause of death. >> are we willing to live in fear that our lives will be taken by police officers who are literally using their power in the wrong way, or are we willing to adopt and the inform the fear of what it might mean to change our practices which will ultimately lead to a better quality of life for everyone? >> reporter: defunding doesn't have to mean dismantling a
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police department. in los angeles, mayor eric garcetti and will, apd suggest cutting the police budget between $100 million and $150 million. >> to invest in jobs, health and only case and healing. >> reporter: and in new york, the mayor announced sunday that he supports revising his proposed budget, redirecting some of the nypd's $6 billion in funding. >> but i want people to understand that we're committed to shifting resources to ensure that the focus is on our young people. >> reporter: but does less policing mean more crime? nypd chief of department, terry mon hahn made that case to me last week. >> we went down the path to 2,000 homicides a year, we have made this city so much safer. >> reporter: a worrying prospect but not necessarily a reality,
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according to a washington post analysis, which found there's no correlation nationally between spending and crime rates. police officers are b a number of officers in this country have been on the decline for years. give me your final thought. >> nice work, katy, great explainer on how it's not scary. reinvestment is the key. we take am of the money that goes to the men and women in blue and we invest on the front end in crime prevention, which we know works way better, it's more effective and it's more fair than spending all of the money to lock them up, throw away the key. this is about believing in families and communities and their ability to address their problems without locking up everybody. >> you know, it's a big deal when young black men and boys
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have a 1 in 1,000 chance of dying at the hands of police officers. having it be the leading cause of death. paul butler, thank you so much for coming on and talking with us today. we appreciate your time. that's it for me. nicolle wallace is here after a very quick break. don't go anywhere. and i'll tell you some important things to know about medicare. first, it doesn't pay for everything. say this pizza... [mmm pizza...] is your part b medical expenses. this much - about 80 percent... medicare will pay for. what's left... this slice here... well... that's on you. and that's where an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company comes in. this type of plan helps pay some of what medicare doesn't. and these are the only plans to carry the aarp endorsement. that's because they meet their high standards of quality and service. wanna learn more? it's easy.
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hi, everyone. i'm nicolle wallace. 3:00 p.m. in the east. brian williams will be back with us tomorrow. two weeks after george floyd died when a minneapolis police officer put his knee on floyd's neck for nearly 9 minutes during a traffic stop, his hometown of houston is preparing to say a final good-bye. mourners are gathering at a church in houston for a public viewing. one day ahead of floyd's funeral there. former vice president joe biden met privately with floyd's family for more than an hour in houston and recorded a video tribute to be played at his funeral. this comes as derek chauvin, the
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former minneapolis police officer who put his knee on floyd's neck and kept it there for nearly 9 minutes made his first court appearance on second degree murder and manslaughter charges and one day after veto-proofed majority of the minneapolis city council to disband the police. protests 14th day. tens of thousands of people took to the streets in cities all across the country. among them, utah republican senator mitt romney who took part in a protest in what on the, d.c., here's what he said. >> we need a voice against racism, we need many voices against racism and against brutality. we need to stand up and say that black lives matter. >> romney's appearance came as several high-profile several military leaders, including
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colin powell spoke out about against president's handling over the protests over his death. national guard soldiers brought in to help keep the order in capital would return home. and bill barr defended the decision -- >> i think our position was that they should only be deployed as a last resort and that we didn't think we would need them. i think everyone was on the same page. >> do you think that the president has the authority to unilaterally send in active duty troops if the governors oppose it? >> absolutely. under the antiinsurrection act, the president can use regular troops to suppress rioting. >> as all of this plays out the
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nation is still dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. more than 110,000 americans have now died. nearly 2 million have been sickened. the u.s. accounts for roughly 1 out of every 4 deaths from covid worldwide. in between the pandemic the economic fallout and the racial injustice in this country, it may come as no surprise that our new poll revealed this -- 80% of americans think things are out of control in this country. much more on all of that. but we begin the hour in minneapolis where the officer who kept his knee on george floyd's neck for nearly 9 minutes just made his first appearance in court. city leaders said they want the police department dismantled and replaced. we talked to you day after day, one thing is constant those crowds gathering. but there are some new developments.
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>> reporter: nicolle, the hearing wrapped up just about an hour ago, the first time we have seen officer chauvin since that video that came out exactly two weeks ago today. he appeared via video conference and he saw him in an orange jump suit, he was wearing a blue surgical mask, the judge set the bail for $1.25 million, up to that amount, his attorneys didn't object to that. as the attorneys were leaving court, the attorneys didn't talk to reporters or comment, we heard from the attorneys of another officer involved in that situation, this morning in an interview with gabe gutierrez, we heard from one of the attorneys of the officers who helped restrain george floyd in that situation, again, that happened exactly two weeks ago. listen to a little bit of that interview. >> now, if he had observed
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chauvin beating him, striking him with a bully club, doing something of that nature, they ma have a case, he saw a guy restraining the deceased and he was questioning it, should we do it this way? his training officer, one of them says, no, now you take that and then you look -- what did he do after the ambulance came? >> now, we didn't get a plea from chauvin today in court. neither did we get a plea from the other officers involved. they'll have separate hearings later this month. the minneapolis police department is under even more scrutiny after this weekend, you heard activists increase their demands to dismantle the minneapolis police department. the city council, came out yesterday and said they support that move to dismantle it.
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when i spoke to one of the council members after they made that big announcement, he warned that this isn't going to be an immediate move, one-year time line. they want to re-allocate resources from the minneapolis police department to other community-based centers. that's the process they're starting with that. people are hoping for more progress on this front, nicolle. >> what does the debate around the dismantling the police department look like, or is it unanimously supported by the people there in that city? >> reporter: no, there are definitely differences when you talked to people on what it means. lot of it goes through to confusion about what exactly it means to dismantle the police department. part of that is because you have people supporting the full
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abolition of policing. council members who stepped up yesterday who support dismantling the police department are talking about the resources involved, reducing the amount of funding to that police department. our nbc news colleagues looked into the minneapolis police department and data that provided there in the past five years, 44 people were rendered unconscious by chokeholds by that department. the state department is looking into the minneapolis police department as well. looking at practices over the past ten years. that's the anger and frustration that you hear from people here in minneapolis that they want those issues addressed. they believe it's beyond reform. they want true structural change. that's where you get into the conversation over dismantling it. what that looks like? still remains to be seen. >> thank you very much, my friend. joining our conversation now, washington post columnist
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you jean robinson. also with us, politico's senior writer, jake sherman. gene, take me inside how you think the debate sounds, obviously what happened in minneapolis it may just haify starting from scratch. the debate is framed as it could be mischaracterized by each side. >> that's true of course, then if people believe the debate is being misframed then they should reframe it. you know, the three-word phrase has become defund the police. that phrase has been rejected by joe biden. it will be rejected by the democratic party at large, i
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believe. with the explanation that reform is needed. so there's a bit of sort of clutching at pearls today over -- over a phrase that i think is -- is not likely to play the oversized role or much of a role in our politics over the next months that some people seem to think it will. >> jake sherman, one social media obsessed president with millions upon millions of followers has already seized upon it and i think there's some concern for people who want the reforms in the world who don't ever want to see these practices put in place in another american city, they don't want to see that mission turned into something that it isn't by donald trump. >> that's right, and democrats are luckily politically in the
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sense they've put out a sweeping and robust, saying nothing about what's in, police reform bill, all sort of policies, not defund the police, i was here on capitol hill, when nancy pelosi, kamala harris, chuck schumer and cory booker spoke about this bill. there's no question and we already see this from republicans, there's no question that it'sen easy catchphrase for republicans to latch on to and say democrats are for taking money away from police. that's not the reality. but it's also not the reality is that every democrat is a socialist and republicans have been saying that for years. this isn't a game of nuance, politics is not always a game about nuance. they're going to characterize it as that. nicolle, i do believe that this
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issue of police reform is not a doa on can capitol hill. i think republicans understand the ground is shifting from under them and i think they'll want to get something done and they'll want to get something done perhaps this year, but i think this has become way bigger of an issue, the world looks a lot different today than it did 30, 60 days ago. >> most people think that's good thing. jake sherman, we talked about the politics. take me through the policy of the bill. >> there's a lot in it. the basic headlines, it limits the ability for police to basically do whatever they want without repercussions and it allows people the ability to go after police officers, sue police officers when they do something wrong and when they believe they've done something wrong. the thing the chairman of the
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congressional black caucus pointed out, this includes no new money for police departments, it does recognize the reality that people across the country do want radical change and do want sweeping reform to police departments, i think that reality is not lost on democrats who are going to move again before the end of this month. >> you know, gene, i think jake is right about the prospects of some bipartisan, the prospect that some republicans will find it untenable not to support police reforms, there's not an institution in this country that wouldn't be made better by some sort of reform. the endorsement from colin powell is always powerful because colin powell -- when he speaks everyone listens. but the actions of mitt romney, taking his vote to convict
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donald trump in impeachment, unshackle him from, you know, sort of obligation to march in lock step with anything that the trumpists if not trump himself want, has been a fascinating thing to watch, agene, what do you make of the fact that this could be something that has a bipartisan imper tore. >> it certainly would be good for the issue. if republicans can get behind police reform. i do worry that sort of twitter troll in chief will not get behind police reform because he's the law and order president. and that he'll sabotage efforts
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to buy his own party. yesterday definitely did cross off a big one on my list of things that i thought i would never see. i thought i would never see mitt romney marching in protest in washington, d.c., saying black lives matter. i didn't think that i would ever see that. i saw it yesterday and it was pretty stunning. >> gene, on a broader movements sweeping the entire country, and the rev keeps saying this, this is young people, old people, people with their kids, people with their parents and in some instances three generations, grand parent, mom or a dad and kids of all races, what do you make of this? 14th straight day of demonstration. >> reporter: that's the reason, you know, my jaw has been on the
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floor, that's the reason why we all have a sense that this is different. the size, the scope, and the diversity of these protests has been really quite unprecedented. certainly the sort of urban uprises from 1992 and 1968 weren't like this. they were african-american expressions of rage. this is a -- you know, an american -- everybody american expression of rage and being fed up and the feeling that, okay, now we kind of get it. you know, we kind of understand. you can't watch that video, those 8 minutes and 46 seconds without getting it, without understanding that, no, this is a serious -- a deadly problem and we can't allow this to
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happen in the united states of america and there has to be change and i think in that sense, i think the country is different from the country we had 30 days ago and i'm not sure there's going back on this. i think there will have to be change. >> jake sherman, has there been a political recalibration, sometimes politicians are prepping for the wrong test and i think that in our politics there's a lot of teaching to the test, right, is it possible that voters are going to hold them to humanity test, can you watch a police officer kneel the life out of a man and doing nothing? it's possible to me that republicans haven't yet figured out what the question is in in november and let alone how to answer it. >> i think that's true. the republican conference in the house of representatives is predominantly white and
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predominantly male and that adds to their frame of reference to the world and there's no deanying that, they themselves admit that. on this issue, it will be fascinating to see how they react to this buiill by democra, such a major effort to overhaul police act in this country and i'm not sure -- let me put it back to you, nicolle, i'm not sure anyone knows the question in november. this election is so multifaceted in november. even the people i was talking to today, the republicans consultants and the democrat consultants, they don't know how this is going to play. other than it's not good for donald trump. >> jake sherman, eugene robinson, thank you for starting us off and spending some time with us today. i'm grateful for that.
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coming up for us -- we heard protesters on the streets calling for the defunding of the police. minneapolis city council is moving to dismantle its police department as you heard at top of the show and democrats in congress are calling for serious reforms as you just heard from jake sherman. we'll sort it all out and what it means for law enforcement in this country. new york city is beginning to get back to work. we'll check in and get a live report. stay with us. wayfair has way more ways to renovate your home,
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today marks a major milestone in the coronavirus pandemic. for the millions of residents of new york city, new york officially is open for business, albeit with social distancing guidelines in place, 100 days after the first case of coronavirus was reported in the city. on sunday, governor andrew cuomo announced the lowest number of hospitalizations and deaths in the state since the very beginning of the pandemic and to kick off the reopening, governor cuomo rode the subway as millions of new yorkers once did every single day before lockdown measures were put in place. he took the subway from queens to manhattan. rehema ellis joins us. tell me if it feels -- does it feel like a sustainable new
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normal? >> reporter: i'm not sure to tell you the truth. i'm really not sure. because it's a slow rollout. i'm right here in times square, crossroads of the world, normally a 1 million people crowded around you on a typical monday. it's pretty easy to engage in social distancing. i want to take a look up the street. hold on, ronnie. stay with me here. i want to share with you, as they're trying to roll out what's going on, this subway is an indication of what people are doing, trying to ride the subways, trying the make them as safe as they can, requiring people to wear masks, if you don't have one, they'll give one to you. take a look. a picture is worth a thousand words. this is 7th avenue and 42nd street in new york, new york. you can cross the street with no problem today. you shouldn't do it. that tells you how quick ly
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people will be coming out here. some traffic reporters this morning on television and radio, there were some traffic jams. new york is a big small city, we've got 8 million in our five boroughs and so there may be some crowds somewhere, but they're not crowded here, nicolle. >> rehema ellis, thank you so much for that report and for your candor. i'm not if it's a sustainable new normal ever. so states moved to reopen and protests continue to sweep across the country, experts are worried about the impact that this combination could have on our coronavirus numbers. according to "the new york times," cases are already on the rise in 21 states, while california seeing the largest spike, you can see the virus is also widely circulating in states that were faster to reopen -- like texas and florida. joining our conversation someone
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we turn to often with questions like this, dr. vin gupta. an nbc news medical correspondent. dr. gupta, i'm guessing from your vantage point seeing the reopening in new york city, our country's epicenter, as a slow roll is a good thing. >> nicolle, good to see you. i think we -- we'll see. we're going to see. i have to say i'm -- i share the concern of my public health colleagues, we don't think anything fundamentally changed on the in-patient. something that "the new york times" reported on today that should alarm us all is that most medical assistance, nurses, a lot of doctors have been furloughed and in some cases laid off, even though hospital executives have gotten millions and millions in bailout money.
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we have less people staffing hospitals than we did previously. we have shift work that you know, you don't know if an icu shift is going to get covered. there's not the type of breadth, the unfortunately this bailout money hasn't gone to the right side. what about icu beds? there aren't new icu beds that will magically built, that were permanent. in places like california, minnesota, texas, where cases are rising, if we get this wrong, it's not like we have more icu doctors, nurses and respiratory therapists to save the day. we don't have enough beds. what has fundamentally changed? i don't know. >> one of the things that
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changed is the tens of thousands of protesters saw this moment as this moment not to be passed over, for the protesters who are in the street, with that nothing has changed in the perspective of the virus, what would you ask them to do -- wear mask, bring hand sanitizer? >> nicolle, i mean, i was out with other physicians and nurses in seattle over the weekend, where we had a doctors for justice march. we're passing out masks, making sure if you didn't have a mask you were protected. we want as much as anything for social justice to take center stage, because poverty, racism, they have actually bigger
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killers than coronavirus by statistics, so this is the right thing to do but to do it safely. masks all the time. social distancing as you can do it. purell, minimizing touching your face. if you're a healthcare professional out in a protest, please pass on this message -- bring mask and bring purell with you. i will say, we can expect cases should rise. out of germany, people went out carnival, transmission rates increased threefold. we should expect an increase in cases and it's going to stress our healthcare system. >> dr. gupta, talk to me about the state of testing. as new york was about to open, new york city, governor cuomo reported that the state had 700
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positive tests out of 58,000 tests given, i think giving the state the lowest rate, talk about what the rate means and what doctors and scientists are looking for, where are we sort of safe to proceed with reopenings and where are we heading back toward a contemplation of social distancing? >> nicolle, i'm glad you brought that up. what they've done in new york state is extraordinary. that positive testing rate is key. if that number is high, if you have -- of all the tests you're doing, if 10% are positive they're not distributing your tests to asymptomatic. the world health organization wants that positive test rate to
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be 5% or less. that means you have widespread testing. 1% is excellent. places like minneapolis, they're heading up, they're at 8.3%, that's not good. that's very concerning. maybe we don't have enough testing or maybe we do have enough testing and people are just transmitting the disease, that's the epicenter of protests, we still don't know. that's really key. i will say the number of confirmed cases per -- so the number of tests per confirmed case that's a different way to look at what you were just asking me, we're still pretty low, we test about six individuals per confirmed covid-19 -- an american with a confirmed case, yo know what serbia does? they test 18 people per confirmed case. we still have a ways to go before we get to widespread testing that
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