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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  June 13, 2020 12:00am-2:00am PDT

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we have to reject this demagoguery, and if we don't reject donald trump, we've lost the moral authority and, in my view, the government of this great nation. >> lindsey graham to take us off the air at the end of another long week. that's our broadcast for this friday evening. thank you so very much for being here with us. have a safe and good weekend. on behalf of all my colleagues at the networks of nbc news, good night from our temporary field headquarters. >> tonight on all in. lt virus is still here and killing people. watching the head of the task force around unmasked. plus why is it the trump administration refusing to tell administrations why $500 billion
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of the money got spread around the bail out. in a time of sweeping change, a republican lip service after the murder of george floyd. >> eight years since since the killing of her son. she joins me. when all in starts now. >> good evening from new york. earlier today the vice president of the united states mike pence stopped by a diner in pennsylvania. typical campaign fair. video of that was on tv. other than a secret service in the back and a waitress, almost nobody is wearing a mask. as far as i can tell. no one. not the supposed head of the coronavirus task force. remember that? that might seem like a small thing especially to thing who dwi convinced themselves they don't have to worry about the virus. it's still here killing people every day.
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close sustained indoor proximity without masks brings with it a high risk of transmission. the more we learn, masks matter a lot. many of the countries that control the virus like taiwan. everyone wears masks. just this week a study found widespread mask wearing could provide covid-19 second waves. in america sadly we're squarely in the first wave. we plateaued at about 20,000 cases a day. just under a thousand deaths a day. our new devastating normal. we have lost more than 115,000 americans. right now hospitalizations are surging in a number of states chl arizona, tennessee, south carolina and tennessee. i'll talk to the governor of oregon about that.
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two other states with large populations florida and texas reported records for daily highs new case. particularly striking given republicans announced jacksonville florida is the new location for the republican national convention. after north carolina declared it wouldn't be safe there. safety is not a concern for the president of the united states. during the pandemic. next week he is holding his first campaign rally since the lock down in tulsa, oklahoma. where covid-19 cases just reached a record daily high. officials said the increase has been identified an out break linked to indoor gatherings. president will be holding his rally at an indoor arena. which seats 19,000 people packed in there as far as we can tell. telling supporters if they get
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the coronavirus at his rally it's not his problem. in order to attend they have to agree not to sue if they come and catch the virus. at least the people have a choice. the president forced graduating cadets at west point to return to campus and deliver a commencement address. and have a photo op. 15 tested positive for the virus. the science here suggests our best to fight the virus -- be in some version normal. wearing masks. washing hands and social distance. wearing masks. and yet the president and vice president who want to get the economy back on track and get back to normal refuse to wear them. they turned it into a culture war issue. and stoked a political backlash
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against those who tell us to stay safe. in california the chief health officer resigned amidbacklash and a death threat. over an order to wear masks. comparing her to a nazi and holding protests at her home. >> i have been discriminated five times in two days. turned away. i cannot go into businesses without a mask. i have to breathe in co 2. when god gave me the ability to extract that. you want me to put it back in. i have natural rights at a sovereign citizen of the united states. >> continuing to keep people in masks separated and out of work with no cause. you are kneeling on the necks of the people and you are continuing to act in a thuggish
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manner. >> it's over. really? are we still talking about this? >> kneeling on the necks. compared wearing a mask to killing george floyd. it's over. yeah we're still talking about it, people are dying from it. it's not just happening in orange county. ohio has been a success story in the containment of the virus. a leader on the issue credited the doctor. the health director of the state as hero for her role. including him to lock down early. some demonstrations featured signs comparing her to a nazi.
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she's jewish and referenced by a slur. she guided her state through a pandemic. and became a target. it's a complicated worl we live in. this is complicated. there have been mixed messages about the virus and mask wearing. there's processing data and balances between risks. we have seen what happens across the world and in the country when leads shove their fingers in their ears and say i can't hear you coronavirus. there's real danger of letting politics overwhelm public health. we shouldn't be punishing health experts and leaders for trying to help us help ourselves stay
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safe and healthy. i'm joined by the democratic governor of oregon. after reporting 178 new confirmed cases. great to have you. take me through your thinking. >> we are taking a one week pause in the reopening. we have seen in you remember o a number of cases increase. we have not been able to trace them. we have 30% we can't determine the origin and increase in hospitalization. my priority is make sure i protect the health and safety. so we're putting a pause on further reopening efforts. i liken it to my experience as a kid. i grew up in minnesota, we went
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ice skating in the winter. and after we strapped on skates, we proceeded cautiously onto the ice. if the ice started cracking we stepped back. we are right now just holding steady where we're at. so things look better next week we'll continue forward. we're taking a pause. >> very interesting. of the new cases there's 30% of them you can't trace. you have traced 70%. the does the state or public health agency have testing and tracing capacity to track down the transmission? >> yes. that's the goal. we have been really fortunate here in oregon. i implemented early and aggressive physical distancing measures and shutered the economy. made tremendous sacrifices. as a result we have a low infection rate.
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it's been a challenge then. to get the resources for testing that we need from the federal government. we're working at that. our local public health is working with state public health. to make sure that we have adequate capacity for testing. contact tracing. which really needs to these folks need to reflect the communities they're working in and obviously have to have isolation and quarantine strategies that once folks test positive or come into contact with someone positive, we want them to self-isolate. folks need help doing that. sometimes they may need somebody to bring them food. or put them in a motel. they need support and services to be able to do that safely. local public health has been a great partner with state public health. >> your goal here. it seems to be we're confused.
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if you look at south korea. new zealand and hong kong and taiwan. what they have is suppression. very few new cases a day. we seem to be let's ride it out and trade off or accept a certain amount of transmission. as long as we don't have a spike like louisiana and michigan or the new york area. what is your goal? how do you think about this? what do you want for oregon? what's acceptable? >> a couple pieces are important. we want to keep the infection rate down low. more importantly we want to protect our vulnerable communities. including our seniors and elders. we want to protect our communities of color. african-american community, latino community.
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native american communities have all been particularly hard hit by this disease. we want to reduce transmission. we want to make sure we have an adequate supply of hospital beds in the event of a spike. and protect our healthcare workers. we have communities that have very limited capacity in terms of healthcare workers and make sure we have adequate capacity. we're asking -- i asked oregon to be kipd and smart. we're asking everyone to wear a face covering when they go out in public. and you can see folks have gotten creative. this is the oregon seal. on the back we have big foot. and -- >> that's beautiful.
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>> protect themselves and neighbors. and essential workers. we all should be wearing face coverings out in public. >> particularly with state pride. that's the most important. thank you so much for your time. >> great to see you. >> i'm joined by managing director of healthcare reform. a former senior white house adviser and a primary care physician. what is your reaction when you see those two stories. the story in ohio and orange county. of a political backlash. the town meetings you would see over a town zoning proposal. very angry people that effectively chase public health officials out of their position. >> it's unfortunate and unnecessary. it's because they're following the example from the top. we have at the highest levels of
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leadership we have people who are blatantly ignoring a preventable illness. i emphasize that. ways to prevent the death that are occurring. >> there's also something on the other side. which is the ultimate total prevention is complete lock down. that worked in a lot of places and brought the epidemic down. the question we have now is how to have something that's not lock down that isn't -- we're just accepting 1,000 dead americans a dead. and what those trade off looks like. it seems the data increasingly points to masks as a key point of the strategy. there's mixed messages from the public health officials and epidemiologists. the data shows more and more the clustering around the conclusion that masks really matter. what is your read? >> i think it's as you pointed
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out even i was in that category of people in february. who didn't think a large part of the transmission was from air particles or something as close as talking. now we know that especially as you heard about the story of super-spreaders. in choirs or in conversation. in close contact with others who spread the virus. masks and i emphasize they protect others from you. that is why -- also, not all masks are created equal. the n 95 mask as a healthcare worker. it prevents 95% of small particles from coming through. a surgical mask in healthcare every day prevents 70%. a homemade face mask is going to get less. it's not zero. it's not 95%. what i think is important is
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putting this in context with the other things. physical distance. hand hygiene. emphasize that more than anything. people are getting lax about all those combined. >> super-spreader events. we have seen big out door parties. protests around the nation. a lot wearing masks, not all. people in close quarters. outside. those are cause for considerable concern. given everything we know, indoor rally. i don't know what the plan is. half capacity and spaced out and maybe require masks. a packed indoor facility with people yelling and screaming and cheering. next to each other without masks does sound like a worse case scenario for a spreading event. >> not only is it a fair read. that's exactly how we're getting
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super-spreader events. we know that this is just a set up for disaster. people who have chronic conditions. obesity and age. all you need is the recent lung transplant a patient had in chicago and had a healthy set of lungs that completely went to zero. because of covid-19. there's enough proof that is not rhetoric. it's science. >> just have the rally outside. for the love of god. >> next after more than two weeks of nationwide protests. we're seeing day be day more and more concrete policy changes. the work that still needs to be done.
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in the wake of the police killing of george floyd, this has been action. today louisville mayor signed a ban on no knock search warrants. the three officers involved remain unarrested or indicted. new york governor andrew cuomo signed a bill making new york police disciplinary records public, which seems like a natural thing for the first time since 1976. those have been locked away from our eyes. and the san francisco mayor
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announced the city's police officers, this is interesting, will no longer respond to calls for help in noncriminal matters. which is the vast marjority of calls. they will instead be replaced by trained, unarmed professionals. last week, los angeles mayor announced he would seek to cut up $150 million from the budget to reinvest services for communities of color in that city. there is a deep question about the local and particularly the federal level and if there is any change in the attitude of republicans and whether their recent vows for progress or real or just rhetorical. just yesterday, the republican-led senate judiciary committee approved a judicial nominee who has questioned whether voter suppression exists and who the naacp says will not be a fair and neutral judge for issues paramount for people of color. >> this committee is advancing a judicial nominee with an anti-civil rights record.
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his record is antithesis to what the american people are marching for and demanding right now. >> joining me on the phone for more on the push for lasting reform, a civil rights leader out of north carolina and now nationally, reverend dr. william barber. he's co-chair of the poor people's campaign, author of the new book. we are called to be a movement. reverend, how much of this do you view at the national level from republicans who, for instance, voted out of committee to change confederate general's names, how much do you think is lip service and pushing on republicans? >> chris, thank you so much for having me on. those folk in the streets and us who have been marching and pushing for a long time recognize that we really are calling for a third reconstruction, a fundamental restructuring of america in five
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areas, systemic racism, systemic poverty, ecological devastation and religious nationalism. you have to do all of that if you are dealing with racism and clashes and the violence that comes from that. police violence is one piece of the violent ways in which public policy destroys the lives of black people, people of color and white people. what the politicians, some of them want, is they just want to do something to get folks out of the street and end it. what one little thing can we do? to prove we're fwhot not racist. and what one little thing can we do to get people to go home? and that's not what's happening in the street. i say that to either democrats who want to just pass a moderate bill or republicans who want to claim to be antiracist with their mouth. what they really are is they're anti what happened to george floyd and what happened on camera. if that didn't happen on camera,
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we wouldn't be here. but they are not yet ready for full transformative dealing with racism. the streets are saying, third reconstruction. the politicians are saying, let's just do something the least amount we can do to get a claim that we're antiracist but not really fundamentally shift the system, and that's where the tension is. >> so what then becomes of that? because we have seen -- we have seen people in the streets quite a bit actually as i think back about the last few years. people have been in the streets over the last ten years or so in various forms. the movement that you were part of and led on monday in north carolina where people were getting arrested in the state capital. there has been a fair amount of street protests. it has produced sort of a productive tension in the kind of tradition of direct action. but what do you see as the next step now?
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>> well, remember now, that took us four years, but we beat back every racist voter suppression case. we beat them in court. now we're posed to have a brand-new election monday. we replaced the governor. we were the only state to block trump down ticket. when you talk in terms of reconstruction, it was never a few weeks. reconstruction always happens in years. so what i see is this a -- what you see in the street now, it's about george floyd, but it's also about folks saying, i can't breathe. that i can't breathe is a shorthand for how people feel when the state is blocking health care. i can't breathe when the state is suppressing the vote. i can't breathe when the state is forcing meat workers who are mostly black and brown to go into lethal situations without giving them what they need, i can't breathe. what we have to do is what's happening in the street but mandates and public policy. that's why on june 20th, 2020,
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the poor people's campaign called for a mass assembly march on washington digitally. we had planned to be on pennsylvania avenue. and put thousands in the street. we're going to do it digitally. but what's going to happen that day is you will see white coal miners connecting with black folks in mississippi saying together we're going to fight these five interlocking injustices. they're registering people to vote because poor and low wealth people connected together hold the key to political transformation in this country. >> let me ask you a final question for you on exactly that note. you have -- you have worked very long and hard at producing these kind of multiracial coalitions and studied the way they have come asunder particularly in the south in the past and trying to stitch them together. what do you make of what we have seen about polling, about public opinion on these matter among
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white folks and their participation, i mean, even as we look at denver. if you look at the protests, it is very striking immediately in all these protests at how deeply multiracial they are. what's happening? >> well, three things. number one, they're saying moderation is not acceptable anymore. they're saying that we have to deal with death in america. i'm doing a sermon this sunday called america accepting death. it is no longer an option. people are saying that public policy kills, whether it's police violence or the lack of health care that kills or the lack of clean water that kills or even voting rights, chris. when you suppress the right to vote, it is deadly. it has a death measurement because it allows people to get elected who block health care, living wages and all of those things they block that kills. dave chappelle, i heard him today. he said something, what is all this in the street that's saying, we're sick of all of it. we're sick of all of it. we're at a place now.
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my grandmother said you scratch a liar, you find a thief. you scratch a racist, you find an antiunion, an anti-health person, anti-living wage. we have seen it at the white house, but people are starting to see racism is targeted at black people, but it also has a class element to it and that racism also is against democracy. so either we are going to stand together for life or we're going to continue to allow these deadly policies to exist. and i think what you are seeing is this third reconstruction of people coming together and saying, listen, this is not just a one off. this is not just a little blowing off steam as dr. king would say. this is serious business in the voting booth, and i think you will see it not for days and weeks to come, but for years to come. i'm glad to see it. we will stand with everybody to help make the changes that need to happen. if we don't have the changes, chris, god help us.
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if we don't turn these tears into public policy, then god help us as a nation. it's in the midst of a pandemic, in the midst of all this outright racism, in the midst of all of this economic downturn, if we can't change now, god help us as a nation. >> reverend dr. william barber, it is always great to talk to you. thank you very much. >> thank you, sir. next, her son's death preceded what would become the black lives matter as we know it. the mother of trayvon martin is qualified to run for office. she joins me to talk about her journey next. $9.95 at my age?
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because they never quit. but my main message is to the parents of trayvon martin. if i had a son, he'd look like trayvon. and, you know, i think they are
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right to expect that all of us as americans are gonna take this with the seriousness it deserves and that we're going to get to the bottom of exactly what happened. >> a little more than eight years ago. 17 year-old trayvon martin killed by george zimmer man. it was zimmerman's eventual acquittal that helped lead to the formation of the black lives matter movement as an organized rallying cry. that cry has now become the name of this 21st century civil rights movement which has gone stronger than ever following the death of george floyd. we have seen multiple people in this movement who engaged in protests and advocacy work, move into politics and seek elected office. 17-year-old son jordan davis was killed in 2012, the same year also in florida, she now represents a district in georgia that includes atlanta suburbs and she's seeking a second term in november. the mother of michael brown was killed by police in 2014, ran
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for a seat in missouri last year but came up short. now trayvon martin's mother is running for office. first announced her campaign for seat last year. this week she announced she has officially qualified as a candidate and she joins me now. it is great to have you on. i wonder if you could just talk about your decision to run for office, how you came to think that was a path for you. >> i worked for miami dade county, the seat that i'm trying to reach right now. i worked for miami dade county for 20 plus years. and as i did my research to try to decide what seat i felt would be best for me, i decided that i'm a long-time resident of miami dade county, i'm a long-time employee of miami dade county. i have gone to elementary, middle school, high school and college right here in miami dade county. and, so, i'm used to being service to the residents and so i just felt that that was the best place for me.
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a lot of times people go for higher levels, but i just felt like, you know, even though i'm a national figure i felt that my passion belongs right here in miami dade county. >> i know that you were at george floyd's funeral, and i can imagine how difficult that was for you. and i wonder how you deal with being involved in this struggle when the trauma and emotional pain of it must be extremely present in your life. >> absolutely. sometimes i have to take time out, you know, just for myself, just to grieve other people's death. sometimes i find the similarities with what has happened and some of the things that happened with trayvon, with eric garner with, you know, michael brown, hamilton, oscar grant, like i find the
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similarities and sometimes i just have to be quiet. i have to grieve in my own time and come out in my own time and decide to talk. it took me a minute for me to even talk about audrey, ahmaud arbery's death was trayvon was minding his own business as well. this young man was jogging through a neighborhood and people can think they can take the law into their own hands. so now i'm just -- i'm just grateful that people are able to see what we have as african-americans been complaining about for quite some time. >> what do you think about the moment we live in now, the phrase black lives matter i think was first posted as a kind of rallying cry in the wake of the acquittal of george zimmerman, it has become the name for this movement that is the most vibrant social movement of recent memory, i think. we have seen the most sustained and widespread progress in a very long time. what do you think is happening right now?
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>> i think people are more aware. i think the complaints that african-americans have been having like other people have actually saw it because -- because of the video. i think this has happened so many times but we didn't have a video. so now that we have video, it's picked up momentum because you actually are seeing a young man being killed by the police right in front of your face. and once you see that, you can't take it back. it tugs at your heart. it tugs at your mind and you say, something is wrong. they did not treat him as a human being. we all should be treated as a human being, regardless of your race, your religion, your sexual orientation, regardless of any of those things, you should be treated as a human being. so we have to get back to the basics, chris. >> final question for you. i think i had seen some discussion of your ideas policy-wise on the county commission. there has been this call to defund the police in response to police abuse.
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it's a long standing call. it's not just in the wake of george floyd. but i wonder how you think about reform and what you think about the phrase. >> well, i actually think something has to be done. we cannot have police with the authority to just kill somebody and take somebody's life so nonchalantly as if his life didn't have value. we need to value everybody's life. but i think that before you defund the police departments, we need to look at other areas that might be able to help the police department do what they need to do like social services, like parks and rec to get our young people off the street. then also you need to make sure the police have the proper training. you need to make sure that they understand that you can say something and you can speak out if something is not going right. we have to know right from wrong, even police officers. and so now we have come into an end where we have to determine who is policing the police.
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and so we got to make sure that that's in place before we move forward with anything. we have to make sure that that's in place. if they need counseling, then we need to give them counseling. if they have drug or alcohol problems, we need to address those issues. we need to make sure they have some type of sensitivity training because we cannot have a life being taken as if it has no value. every life has a value. >> the mother of trayvon martin now a candidate for county commissioner of miami-dade. thank you so much for making time for us. >> thank you, chris. coming up the trump administration just announced the public has no right to know who they're bailing out with half a trillion dollars in business loans. congresswoman is on the case. katie joins me ahead. joins me ad
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if federal government's economic response to the coronavirus has drawn critiqued from across the ideological spectrum. a lot of them have been pretty on the money.
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there is misaligned incentives. there has been not so great administration of those programs. lost amid all of it is something pointed out in a great opinion piece in buzzfeed news. in a lot of ways things have been pretty good. a huge amount of money has been pumped into the system. get this. household income actually went up in april and personal savings spiked to its highest level in april. all that because of the money that was pushed into people's bank accounts and pockets. but tom points out the economy right now is like a jumbo jet in a steady glide after both its engines flamed out. in about six weeks it will crash into a mountain. much of the stuff that is helping people out is going to expire. some of it will expire soon.
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a federal law that bans evictions on properties that fairly back mortgages expires on july 25th. the extra $600 a week americans get in unemployment payments, which has been a key part of this, that will end on july 31st. student loan payments start again at the beginning of october. the more than four million homeowners who received a six month pause on their mortgage need to start making payments at the end of the october. the irony is if all that happens and people feel that hit and the recovery stalls, it would be terrible for the country, number one. it would also be terrible for donald trump who is the incumbent president and who has been using the relief bill in his latest campaign ad to get re-elected, ending all the stuff that's in the bill would be terrible for him terribly as the incumbent president running for re-election. but democrats in congress are the ones pushing at every step for more money, more support, more relief for americans. they just passed trillions of dollars in new relief in a house bill called the heroes act even though if they are successful,
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it will likely benefit the president, which is to say they are doing the right thing, and that is how it should be. but do not for a second think the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell would not be throwing an anchor to the drowning economy. we have seen this before. he said it was his job to make sure president barack obama would be a one term president. when the economy was in shambles in 2009. he pushed against that era's much, much, much smaller stimulus package. when republicans took over the house in 2011, they played an absolutely insane game of chicken with the debt ceiling autogoated on by mitch mcconnell that threatened the u.s. to fault and instilled rigid austerity and slowed the economy for millions of americans. that party is by no means perfect, but that is the case. then there is one that is not. that's it. i mean, get this.
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even joe biden is currently campaigning to spend trillions more to help the economy right now, six months before donald trump will run for re-election and be boosted if the economy is good. all that said, the way the trump administration has been going about this relief and who is getting it is pretty dodgy. this week, they tried to tell us we cannot know where hundreds of billions of dollars worth of public money went. we will talk to someone fighting for that very issue next.
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back when the massive coronavirus rescue package was passed, there were a bunk of democrats raising concern that there was not enough transparency requirements in the bill for the government would be lending or just giving businesses. the trump administration played hardball at that point. they seemed to care about keeping the money free from transparency almost more than anything else during those negotiations. while there were concessions they basically won and now we're reaping the reward. steve mnuchin said they will not be relieving any information whatsoever about specific borrowers in the president's $500 million rescue line to the paycheck protection program. >> as relates to the names and amounts of specific ppp loans, wee believe that's proprietary information and for many cases in sole proprietaries and small businesses is confidential information. >> government warthogs and
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watchdogs democrats in congress are not having it. congresswoman katie porter tweeting out, as a law professor i give mnuchin's argument an f, and that democratic congresswoman is on with me now. i will start off, congresswoman, by saying i'm confused and i confess this frequently but i'm confused. there was a half a trillion for big businesses that would be a fed lending facility and that didn't get used because the fed bailed them out so we're not talking about that. the transparency was not on the big corporation side, even though that's where we all anticipated it would be, correct? >> we have transparency initiatives on both programs, not surprisingly, since it's the treasury secretary creating a transparency problem. but you're absolutely correct with regard to half a trillion dollars that's where we put into the law distinctive mechanisms, most notably the congressional oversight commission, and that
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commission is currently awaiting a wear person. -- a chairperson. but what we're talking about today is the paycheck protection program, ppp, $650 billion lifeline for our small businesses in which the secretary is refusing to give us the necessary information. so we're sure that program is working and working fairly. >> so i guess the argument, as i understand it and i will make to you and you can tell me why it gets an f, if you talk about say like a car-washing place in irvine, california, where you are or a cafe, if you knew what the loan was, you would essentially know what their overhead is, what their rent and their payroll roughly is, and that would, i don't know, help you competitively some way if you want to buy out the car wash i guess? is that the argument? as i try to make it, i'm stumbling, but i think that's the argument. >> yeah, you sound like one of my students who's struggling his way towards an f.
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no, at least five reasons why the argument the secretary made is incorrect. first, the traditional sba loan already have to be disclosed. and two, the ppp application itself, the application small business owners filled out, clearly stated that it would be disclosed, the amount of the loan, terms of the loans, all of these things. borrowers here have no expectation of privacy. third, the size of the ppp program is unprecedented. this is a tremendous amount of expenditure. this is the largest small business loan in our government's history. fourth, there are already numerous examples of abuse of a ppp program. we saw it request ruth chris and others. then the ppp limitation has been plagued by inequities. different states not given the same amount of resources, minority owned businesses, smallest, most vulnerable businesses not getting help. this is why, these five reasons,
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debunk the secretary treasury's argument and why senator kamala harris and i are calling on the treasury to disclose this information. >> so it seems to be when there was a distortion about what you think of large businesses using ppp and that being abused, did the trump administration just be like we're going to stop doing that because we don't want those -- it seems like me they said we don't want more stories like that so we just won't tell you. >> i think there's two things to note. first is the use of the word story, these things came to light because of journalists, because of reporting, and yet the treasury secretary is refusing to respond to information requests from news outlets across the spectrum and across the country who are seeking information to find out about those very same kinds of abuses. so that's the first thing you will notice. the second thing to know is i don't think we actually have any information to suggest the treasury didn't anything but rather the businesses themselves
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when the stories came out decided to give the money back voluntarily. i don't have any idea the treasury itself is doing any oversight at all, which concerns me. >> let me make another argument related to that, which is kind of like there was a ppp shaming happening, which i understand the impulse of, but if it's a subsidy for the business, it's not a subsidy for the payroll, we want to keep businesses attached to their employer and businesses afloat, the atlanta ritz-carlton, i don't care, they employ people. they should keep going. like you would create the dynamic of shaming would end up having negative effects on these businesses as they try to like emerge out into the reopened economy. >> that's absolutely true that big corporations are also big employers. and that means that companies of all different sizes might need help during this economic recession, during this pandemic. but we wouldn't necessarily put
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the same conditions on all different kinds of businesses. the reality is these are not loans. these are forgivable loans. the in essence free money. so it's entirely appropriate for the government to take steps to protect taxpayer dollars to be an appropriate fiscal watchdog and make sure companies are not just taking free money to do who knows what with, that they're actually taking this money and using to in fact keep people on payroll. and we can't do that oversight if we don't know what businesses received the loans. >> you can't actually check up on the work if they actually kept the people. >> absolutely. we know we have a sky-high unemployment rate so we need to figure out is this program working? what business and what industries is it working for? that's why i have a bill called the paycheck protection program transparency act to give us exactly this data we need to do appropriate oversight. >> congresswoman katie porter, thank you so much for being here. >> thank you. >> that is all for this evening
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that time, jacksonville, florida, was the smallest city to host a modern super bowl. in 2005, the population of jacksonville, florida, was fewer than 800,000 people, but come the week of the super bowl, an extra 100,000 people flooded into that city. that is a huge expansion in the number of people who are ever in jacksonville. when it came to the need to house all those people, it quickly became apparent that jacksonville didn't have nearly enough hotel rooms to go around, which should have been kind of a limiting factor for whether they were even in contention to get the super bowl at all, right? you can't house anybody who's coming to see the super bowl,
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then you can't host the super bowl. but despite their dearth of hotel rooms, jacksonville really, really wanted to host the super bowl that year. and so, in order to address the housing concerns, jacksonville got creative. >> reporter: the stadium sits along the st. john's river, and because jacksonville is the smallest city to ever host the big game, they've made up for a lack of hotel rooms with five cruise ships. >> need a bed? in town to watch the super bowl? head on down to the docks. we've got five jumbo-sized cruise ships for you there. that's what thousands of people ended up doing for housing during the super bowl in 2005. they rented rooms on cruise ships that were docked wherever the city of jacksonville could squeeze them in, because they basically had no other options for where to put all those people. that is what jacksonville did in 2005. well, now it is 15 years later,
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and that same city, jacksonville, florida, is getting ready to play host to a big, national event once again. this time, they will be hosting the hastily relocated republican national convention. it is now official, the republican national convention that will nominate president trump for a second term, that convention has been yanked at the last minute out of charlotte, north carolina. they have moved it instead to jacksonville. they have pulled the plug on charlotte, north carolina, after president trump went ballistic over north carolina's governor, roy cooper, refusing to guarantee that the republicans' convention would be held as if there's no coronavirus, with thousands of people all crammed into one place. they wanted no social distancing. they wanted no masks. they want it to look like there isn't anything going on in the country that might suggest any risk, any need for caution, any reminder of the body count of over 100,000 americans already and climbing.
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north carolina did not want to do it that way. and north carolina doesn't seem particularly broken up about losing the rnc, given that those are the conditions under which the president wants to hold that convention. when it first became clear that charlotte, north carolina, might, in fact, lose that event because of this fight over whether we're pretending coronavirus isn't happening, the biggest paper in charlotte ran this editorial in response -- "good riddance." and that's because north carolina, whatever economic boost they might get from having a big republican convention in the high summer, north carolina really isn't in a position to do something that catastrophically dangerous, to run a convention in that catastrophically perilous and risky a way in terms of where they're at in the epidemic right now. here's where north carolina is in the curve of cases right now, dealing with a steady and pronounced surge of new cases,
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particularly since they opened up, but it's just been going up for a long time. the problem is so bad now in north carolina that the state health director is warning in the last day that they may need to institute a new stay-at-home order in north carolina. they reopened the first week of may. they may need to reclose, given what's happening with case numbers there. north carolina's new case numbers per day keep hitting new records. they've hit two new daily case records in the past week. they saw a jump of more than 1,300 new cases yesterday. they saw more than 1,700 new cases today. they are dealing with record-high numbers of hospitalizations statewide. and where charlotte, north carolina, is specifically, where the rnc was going to be specifically, in mecklenburg county, that county not only has the highest number of cases in the state, by far, they've just had 11 straight days of triple-digit increases in that county alone. in and around charlotte. so, yeah, in that environment,
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maybe charlotte, north carolina, is not the best place to have a huge gathering that the president insists must be conducted like this, with lots of people who are senior citizens, all in the same room together, all inside, screaming and not wearing masks. so, it won't be in charlotte, north carolina. but is jacksonville, florida, any better a place to hold it, if these are the circumstances under which the rnc wants to conduct itself? is jacksonville any better? do we know? florida yesterday reported its highest single-day number of new coronavirus cases yet, since the epidemic started. and today, they beat that record in florida. they beat the daily case number record that they set yesterday, because they set a new record today. the "miami herald" reporting odd that their review of public and nonpublic data, which is important in florida, show new cases in the state have been
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consistently trending up since mid-may, and the trends cannot be attributed to increases in testing. now, the statewide data in florida is another thing, and it's the contested thing, and we'll get to that in a minute. but in individual counties in florida, you're starting to see health officials show their fear a little bit in terms of what's going on there. yesterday, the health director for palm beach county in florida convened a press conference at which she announced, "it is not contained in any way, shape or form." that one county in florida, palm beach county, now says its icu beds are at 81% capacity. while case numbers are still going through the roof and still hitting new daily records, that's bad. but for the whole state of florida, even though we know the case numbers statewide are as bad as they've ever been and getting worse faster than they ever have, setting new records daily, and even though we know from the counties that some individual counties are really bending under the strain in
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terms of their hospitalization burdens, we really don't know how bad the burden is statewide in florida. i can't, for example, show you any charts about the current number of hospitalizations in florida, how they've gone up or gone down over time. the reason why i can't show you that is because florida doesn't release that data. lots of other states, almost all the other states release their hospitalization data. florida just stopped doing that. they stopped reporting hospitalization numbers statewide at the end of may, which the "miami herald" suggests is when their rise in cases really started taking off. they just decided they wouldn't put that information out in public view anymore. florida is so cagey about its numbers when it comes to coronavirus that they fired the person they'd had running the state's website showing all the coronavirus data. she says they fired her because they wanted her to manipulate and remove data in order to make the epidemic look more under control in florida than it actually was.
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she's incidentally now launched her own handmade, personal version of the florida coronavirus data dashboard that she used to run for the state. she's just doing it herself now, from home in her spare time, because she says the state wouldn't let her post the real data online at the official site, so she's doing her best now just as a private individual. florida has also resisted posting data about outbreaks and deaths at its nursing homes and in workplaces. florida likes to keep the numbers nice and quiet, because presumably, if you don't know, then everything's fine? i mean, that's one way of dealing with the crisis, just pull the covers over your head, say everything's fine, and hope nobody notices the bodies piling up. but as they move, the rnc, the republican national convention, and all those tens of thousands of republican delegates and all of the media and all of the hangers-on -- as they move that from charlotte, north carolina, which knows it has a problem to jacksonville, florida, where they don't say whether or not they're having a problem,
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there's one other wrinkle here to consider about the fact that this thing is moving to jacksonville. as i mentioned a minute ago, related to the super bowl, jacksonville has this interesting history of using cruise ships to house out-of-towners who are visiting for large-scale events. well, now that jacksonville is going to host the republican national convention because north carolina was being so prissy about this dumb epidemic that republicans don't believe is real, it looks like the cruise ship housing solution is being considered once again for jacksonville for the republican national convention in the middle of the epidemic. cruise ships? seriously? yeah. the local nbc affiliate in jacksonville, florida, reporting that many of the hotels in the city are already sold out for the week of the rnc. remember, they have moved this thing at the very last minute. now the city's former mayor says there are active discussions going on about bringing in cruise ships to deal with over flow guests who are there for
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the rnc. the chairman of the florida republican party is also saying that cruise ships could be a good option in terms of housing people for the rnc. yeah. nice place to stuff them into after they spend the day screaming and chanting indoors with tens of thousands of other mostly older people not wearing masks in one of the states with the largest and fastest growing epidemics in the country. they're going to put them on cruise ships. i mean, next thing you know, they're going to announce a nightly rnc delegate doorknob-licking competition, or maybe it's the puppy pileup where everybody over age 75 all takes a lick on the same giant soft-serve cone. just stick your face there, give it a slurp, then pass it on to the next grandpa. anybody want to play sneeze in my face? wet willie, anyone? after that, we'll all go back to the cruise ship together to touch all of the hand railings and then eat at the buffet. achoo. ahem. seriously. but florida is not alone in
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terms of its numbers going the wrong way and them making some weird decisions alongside those numbers. florida is worrying, for lots of reasons, now especially given their plans for the rnc, but they really aren't alone. here's the lead at "the new york times" tonight -- "two of the nation's most populous states, texas and florida, both reported this week their highest daily totals of new coronavirus infections, a concerning sign. the rise in cases helps explain why the nation continues to record more than 20,000 new cases a day, even as some of the original hotspots, including new york, have seen dramatic declines. texas identified more than 2,000 new cases on both wednesday and thursday this week, the highest daily totals yet. the counties that include houston and dallas are reporting some of the nation's largest single-day rises. cases are also trending upward around ft. worth, texas, san antonio, texas, austin, texas, lubbock, texas, mcallen, texas,
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and midland, texas." in houston, specifically, the county executive, harris county judge lynn hidalgo, unveiled a new sort of pictorial warning system for harris county yesterday. while she announced that the county is at the second highest level of warning, what they're calling level two orange, which means significant and uncontrolled transmission of covid-19 in harris county. >> i'm growing increasingly concerned that we may be approaching the precipice of the disaster. this week, the covid-19 general hospital population in harris county was the highest it has ever been. it was the highest on monday, and it's gotten worse every day. it's out of hand right now. >> in the houston area, they're already at 88% of icu capacity.
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and as you heard the harris county judge there say, basically, the county executive for harris county, the general hospital population of harris county was the highest it had ever been on monday and it has gotten worse every day since then. she says, "i'm growing concerned we may be approaching the precipice of a disaster." but that's what we're hearing now. that's what's happening every day now in some of the most populous cities and states in the country, not to mention rural states and less-populated states, where one of the big concerns is how much of a health care infrastructure they have to tax when the numbers really start taxing that infrastructure. i mean, i just talked about how north carolina and florida are both going in the wrong direction right now. it makes it kind of weird that the rnc decided to hop from north carolina to florida because of the way that north carolina was dealing with its epidemic. yeah. i mean, those numbers that you're looking at there on your screen, those are their new case numbers.
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on top of just the case numbers, i mean, right now, nobody knows about florida hospitalizations statewide because florida has decided not to release that data, but we do know that north carolina hospitalizations are hitting new records all the time now. texas is hitting record case numbers every day now and record hospitalizations. next door, arkansas is hitting record case numbers, too, and record hospitalizations. we've also been closely watching alabama, where you know the state capital in its region, montgomery, is already overtopped in terms of its hospital capacity. they've just hit two straight days in alabama of their highest case number increases statewide. they've also hit their highest hospitalization numbers statewide. the state health department in alabama now issuing a statement, telling alabama residents, it is "safer to be at home" right now because of community transmission in alabama. now, that advisory from the health department appears to be having any effect on actual policy in state, where republicans are in control of both the legislature and the governorship and where they just continue to steadily keep
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opening everything further up, even as case numbers rise and rise and rise and hospital systems start to get tapped. the country is starting to figure out, though, that this is what's happening. the white house isn't talking about it. the president isn't talking about it. the national media really likes to cover just lots of things that the president says. the president isn't talking about this anymore. but if you can stop listening to whatever it is he's provoking you with and saying for long enough to look around and notice what's going on in the country, the country's starting to realize that, even though the white house is ignoring it, what's happening in terms of the virus right now, what's happening in terms of the epidemic, is really bad. and this isn't some second wave happening in the fall. this is a first wave that's either never cresting or a second wave that's arriving in june. as the country starts to wake up to this, broadly speaking, it will be interesting and important to see if in the face of what's going on in all these states with rising epidemics, it will be fascinating to see if
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the head in the sand, don't talk about it approach, still stays popular in the republican party and in general. this was "nbc nightly news" coverage of this situation tonight. >> reporter: tonight, rising concerns as a surge of new covid-19 cases hit multiple states. >> no one wants to slow down the opening of the economy, if there's any way to avoid it. and we are in the "any way to avoid it" stage. >> reporter: in texas, a month after opening back up, hospital space is available. but at houston methodist, patients are up 40%. >> i think people have let their guard down. >> reporter: president trump himself criticized after photos from last night's dallas visit showed a packed church with few masks and limited social distancing. >> when you see that picture of the president's meeting last night what was your reaction? >> i was angry, because that's our commander in chief. that's the person that's
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supposed to be leading the effort to keep you alive in the time of covid. >> reporter: in south carolina, the governor lifting restrictions, despite seeing the single largest daily increase in cases since the pandemic began. 14 states showing a greater than 25% increase in cases in the last week. recent spikes now prompting some areas to press pause. nashville staying in phase two, as both utah and oregon take stl similar steps. >> this is essentially a statewide yellow light. this one-week pause will give our public health experts time to assess what factors are driving the spread of the virus and determine if we need to adjust our approach to reopening. >> if she makes that decision, there's a reason she's making that sdirks and i have to trust that. >> reporter: nationwide, the virus still hitting familiar hotspots. this california nursing home evacuated early this morning after an outbreak forcing every resident to relocate. and in oklahoma, whirlpool announcing it's closing its plant in tulsa, where the virus
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just hit a new daily peak. the company saying exposed workers have been quarantined. and "with each covid-19 case in the plant, there is a thorough investigation that includes contact tracing." >> ""nbc nightly news'"" morgan chesky reporting tonight. that last data point there, tulsa, oklahoma, cleesiosing do whirlpool plant after an outcome. tulsa hitting a new daily peak in terms of its cases. i mean, yeah, these are the numbers right now in tulsa, this from the tulsa county health department. that is not good in tulsa, oklahoma. and this is what the local headlines look like tonight in tulsa, oklahoma -- "infections peak again for tulsa county." state health officials on friday, today, reported 222 new cases of covid-19, marking a new peak in daily increases for both the state and tulsa county. there's another headline tonight in tulsa. tulsa health department "urges caution on gatherings as covid-19 cases reach record daily high."
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caution on gatherings? of course, the trump campaign has just announced that tulsa, oklahoma, will be the site of the first big rally for the president's re-election effort next week. next week, a week from today, on juneteenth, which is the day that celebrates the liberation of african-americans from slavery. trump is going to be in tulsa that day -- yes, this tulsa, where this is what's going on right now -- for a big congregate rally indoors at an arena that seats 19,000 people. the cdc today just reupped its guidance on how people should keep themselves safe amid the rising epidemic. the cdc saying today that organizers of large gatherings should strongly encourage the use of face coverings for anybody at a large gathering. the country's top infectious disease official, dr. anthony fauci, telling abc news tonight that going to a mass event, like
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what the president is planning in tulsa next week, a big, congregate, indoor event, he says is, quote, very risky, and people should at least, if they can't avoid being in a place like that, they should at least wear masks. can we just put that -- can we just put the case numbers graph for tulsa up one more time? can i just -- yeah. tulsa, i am sorry for what you are going through right now with these numbers. tulsa, i am sorry for what you are about to go through next week, courtesy of the president. but i tell you, if you start hearing rumors that they're going to pull cruise ships up the arkansas river to downtown tulsa for the overflow, there's going to be a cruise ship component to this, too? at that point, i'm not sorry. at that point, i have advice for you, which is run the other direction. we'll be right back. hich is run direction. we'll be right back. $9.95 at my age?
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june 19th, or for many, juneteenth -- >> that's the day that african-americans throughout this country celebrate their independence from slavery. >> but leaders in the community, like tulsa county district one representative vanessa hall-harper say this year, the anticipation is more anxious. >> it's the perfect storm for something very bad to happen, and here in tulsa. >> reporter: because as the annual juneteenth celebration remains canceled due to safety concerns -- >> that celebration was canceled. we've made that decision a month ago because of covid.
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>> reporter: -- president trump will hold a rally that same day at the pok center. >> and it's just a total slap in the face and it's just a total insensitivity to not only what's going on here locally in tulsa, but also what's going on nationally in this country. >> a slap in the face, she calls it. that's tulsa, oklahoma, city councillor vanessa hall-harper speaking with reporter dane hawkins at the nbc affiliate in tulsa. a slap in the face. and, of course, it's not just a slap in the face because the president is holding his first re-election campaign rally on juneteenth, but specifically because he's going to do that in tulsa. tulsa is the site of what is widely considered to be the single worst incident of racial violence in american history, the 1921 massacre of hundreds of african-americans at the hands of organized white rioters who looted and burned what was then known as black wall street. we're coming up on the
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centennial of when that happened, and tulsa has been very focused on that anniversary as it approaches. vanessa hall-harper now represents that part of tulsa, the greenwood district. she's the only african-american on tulsa's city council. she was elected in 2016. that was just a couple of months after a white tulsa police officer shot and killed a black driver named terence crutcher. that led to protests in tulsa after that officer was acquitted the following year. earlier this year, it looked like councillor harper's proposal for a public referendum on an independent oversight body for the tulsa police was poised to pass the city council, until at the last minute, two of her fellow councillors pulled their support and then the proposal failed. now, though, it does feel like things might change. tulsa has been convulsed like the rest of the country with protests over the killing of george floyd. the mayor of tulsa and city council and the city's first african-american police chief has been on the job only a few months, say they are now working toward a set of police reforms
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for tulsa. but as if to highlight exactly what it is they are up against, this week, a white tulsa police major went on a local conservative talk radio show, and he said on that show that he's sure that systemic racism in policing doesn't exist. and in fact, i'm just going to give you the direct quote here so that you do not think i am exaggerating this. he said, and i quote directly, "all the research on this says we're shooting african-americans about 24% less than we probably ought to," based on the crimes being committed. that tulsa police major says that he was taken out of context and it was a, quote, hypothetical discussion of statistics. okay, again, what he said was "we're shooting african-americans about 24% less than we probably ought to be." that is what he said. that tulsa police major has been condemned for those remarks from
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everybody from tulsa's mayor to its police chief to state legislators. the president of the tulsa black officers coalition, who i should mention is the husband of councillor vanessa hall-harper, he held a press conference this week to single out the police major who made those comments as an example of the culture of policing that we are fighting against here in tulsa. but don't worry, everything should aol off in tulsa soon. one week from tonight, president trump will be there for his first big rally for his re-election campaign, held indoors at a 19,000-person arena in downtown tulsa, as, incidentally, tulsa hits a new record high in its coronavirus cases. joining us now is tulsa city councillor vanessa hall-harper. thank you so much for take maiking time tonight. i really appreciate you joining us. >> thank you so much for the opportunity. i'm a big fan. >> oh, thank you. i'm a big fan of tulsa. i did a book tour a million years ago, this past year, and
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took my first stop in the country in tulsa after leaving new york and had such a warm welcome and had such a good time and had such great food and so enjoyed myself, and i feel like tulsa has a little piece of my heart. and i feel concerned about where you're at right now in terms of the epidemic, where you're at right now in terms of dealing with concerns around police violence and racism. let me just ask you top line for how you feel your city is doing right now with these multiple challenges. >> we are in a very sensitive place. and with the president coming here in this -- at this time, it's very concerning to me. it's very concerning to me. i think and i fear that something very bad can happen very quickly. and so, i'm really in a state of just, you know, still shock, disappointment, and anger that he chose to come to tulsa on
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june 19th, when we are celebrating emancipation. and i think it's just -- it's a poke. it's intentional. it has to be intentional for something, for a decision to be made like that. and i fear for my community. i fear for my community in particular. >> we played that clip of you explaining how, you know, tulsa traditionally has a big juneteenth celebration. and as you said, that was called off this year because of concerns about coronavirus, because those kinds of events just aren't happening. now that there is going to be a big congregate event that night with the president's rally, i understand that a coalition of organizations in tulsa has just announced that there will be a juneteenth rally for justice that night, sort of counterprogramming the president's event. i just want to ask what your expectations are for that and what the balance is for thinking about doing something like that, given both the sort of political
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need to show up and the concerns about why events like that have been canceled. >> i think that decision was made to show tulsa and this country that we are not okay with the president making the decision, or his campaign staff, whomever, making that decision to come here in tulsa. i am also very concerned about the covid-19 crisis. but i understand that there are efforts under way to make sure that everyone has masks. we certainly don't have to worry about our community, citizens, wearing those masks. i'm more concerned about those individuals that's attending the trump rally, where they are told, you know, or they are embarrassed about wearing masks. and so, the individuals that i'm aware of that are in the planning process, they are very concerned about that, and they are taking all necessary
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precautions possible in order to ensure safety. and so, i can guarantee you that not only the covid crisis is of a primary importance of doing all we can to not spread, but also, we are more concerned about making a statement, that it is not okay for the president to come here on juneteenth, to ground zero of the worst race massacre that ever took place in this country. and so, i get both sides. i really do. and i am concerned. i am concerned about, obviously, not spreading covid, but also i'm concerned that something may blow up, and then we end up having citizens hurt, harmed by law enforcement. so, i'm really in an unstable place right now, but i'm just going to continue to pray and hope for the best. >> i hear your concern. i hear it both in your words and
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in your voice. tulsa city councillor vanessa hall-harper, thank you so much for your time tonight. i want to wish you and all of your constituents good luck in the week ahead. i know these are trying times, but keep us apprised. i'd love to have you back. >> absolutely. thank you so much. all right, much more ahead here tonight, this friday night. stay with us. h more ahead here tonight, this friday night. stay with us
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it's kind of hard to remember now, but there was a time when you could count the number of coronavirus cases in the united states on your fingers. our first case was reported on january 21st in washington state. then a few days later, there was one in chicago, and then there was two cases in california. by january 26th, we were up to five known cases in the whole country. but then in february, we got this one very ominous sign of what was to come, right? at that point, we're counting a case here, a case there, figuring out where each case might have come from. and then there was this. i remember the chill running
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down my spine when i first heard this, because it was the news of the first known outbreak in the united states, where it wasn't just a person here or a person there, it was a place where potentially dozens of people had become infected all in the same place. >> reporter: here's what we know tonight. two people were diagnosed with coronavirus at the life care center of kirkland nursing home, where we are set up tonight. two people, a caretaker in her 40s and a resident in her 70s, tested positive for coronavirus, and doctors are concerned an outbreak may be happening here. public health king county says more than 50 others associated with life care who have respiratory symptoms are being monitored. some are quarantined. >> more than 50 others with respiratory symptoms being monitored. what? i just remember, like the blood training out of me when i first heard that. that was the first word we had in this country about a whole
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lot of people all apparently getting this virus all at the same place, a congregate facility in which everybody got infected. i mean, ultimately, at least 100 people got the virus at that one nursing home in kirkland, washington. dozens of people died at that one nursing home in kirkland, washington, just outside of seattle. and that first-known outbreak in february, would, of course, just, the first, the start of a nationwide calamity in long-term care facilities of all kind, a calamity that still has not been mapped in full, even as those facilities continue to be the place where more americans die than any other place from this virus that's now killed more than 113,000 of us. it wasn't until mid-april that the federal agency responsible for overseeing nursing homes announced that facilities like this would be required to report all their cases. and the government would publish that data. seems like good news that the federal government was finally at least going to collect that information and publish it.
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that data, such as it is, finally arrived last week. does that data finally help us get our heads around how big the problem is and how bad the problem has been in nursing homes, in these places where the most americans have died from this thing? well, how good is the data that they just released? well, for example, if you look up in these new federal statistics the life care center of kirkland, washington, the place where we know there was that first terrible, fatal outbreak, the new federal data on nursing homes shows zero deaths at that facility, even though we know dozens of people who lived there died from this virus. "the new york times" -- "the federal government undercounted the number of virus deaths in u.s. nursing homes." local coverage in indianapolis, indiana -- "government data about covid-19 in nursing homes is deeply flawed." local coverage in texas -- "feds' fawd nursing home data expansive but incomplete." the "connecticut post" compared
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the federal data released by the trump administration with what the state offered and found, "the numbers from the federal government at best paint half the picture and are far less accurate than available state figures." the discrepancies were vexing enough that the "detroit free press" just said that they would flat out not be listing detailed information on individual facilities without more vetting, meaning the federal government published data that they said was representative of what was going on in individual nursing homes, including those in and around detroit and in michigan. "detroit free press" looked at those numbers and thought they were so bad and so long, they would not publish them or repeat them. that's what the trump administration has done in terms of nursing homes and data. the families of people who live in nursing homes had asked for data. what they got was an absolute mess. it's kind of like what we're learning has happened as nursing homes have begged for protective equipment for their staff. you might remember vice president pence making a big photo op out of delivering boxes
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to a nursing home while not wearing a mask, alongside his press secretary, who later tested positive. you know, that's politics, right? the big photo op. here's the on-the-ground reality. the "wall street journal" now reporting, "nursing homes say some protective gear sent by fema is unusable." "the blue gowns were large and not fitted, requiring type secure them nurksing home executives said. to remove them would require ripping them, likely exposing the wearer to the virus if the gown had been contaminated." one nursing home administrator describing the gowns as "glorified garbage bags." so, here we are. the federal government sending gowns that are glorified garbage bags or that look like gardening tarps, gowns in some cases that don't have arm holes in them, sending those to health care workers at nursing homes, where we still don't have a clear sense of how many people are getting sick, how many people are dying or have died. i mean, we've been talking about nursing homes as being the most dangerous place for americans in
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terms of this epidemic for months now. you would think that having months to work on it, while tens of thousands of americans die in these facilities, would at least give the federal government a little bit of a chance to get its act together when it comes to these facilities, right? when it comes to the riskiest place on earth in terms of coronaviruses, right? we've got the worst epidemic in the country -- sorry, in the world -- and the place where more americans are dying from this virus is in nursing homes. the federal government regulates them. what is it doing? not counting what's going on there and sending them junk and telling them, good luck, pose for the photo op. this is not getting any better. the fact that the nursing home problem is old now doesn't mean it's improving. this is, in fact, a deepening crisis, where a u-turn is desperately needed. hold that thought. bra bra $9.95 at my age?
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24040,000. that is the latest estimate of how many americans in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities have lost their lives as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. so, let's be clear, these 40,000 americans deserved better. their deaths represent a failure of our nation to protect our people. >> congressman james clyburn at the congressional hearing yesterday on the devastating impact of the coronavirus crisis on america's nursing homes. house subcommittee hearings are not necessarily known for being fiery. this one was, in part because for several members attending this hearing, this was personal. congresswoman maxine waters lost her sister to covid-19. her sister contracted it at a nursing home. congresswoman waters was there for the hearing, recognized by her colleagues who shared their condolences. one of the first big nursing home outbreaks in the whole
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country was in the district represented by maryland congressman jamie raskin. >> but it took more than two months after the very first outbreak for the trump administration on may 11th simply to urge residents and staff of nursing homes to be tested. and that wasn't developing a plan to do it. it was just words, saying you guys should be tested. and there's still no nationwide testing plan, contact tracing plan enforcement plan. >> the calamity in american nursing homes will be remembered as one of our government's colossal and fatal screw-ups, when the history of this epidemic is written. but it didn't have to be this way. dr. david grabowski is a leading health policy expert from harvard medical school. here was part of his testimony at that congressional hearing yesterday. >> let me start by being blunt. covid has completely devastated u.s. nursing homes. it didn't have to be this way. what do i mean by that? much of the negative impact of covid in nursing homes could have been avoided.
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however, rather than prioritizing the safety of the 1.3 million individuals who live in nursing homes and the staff that care for them, we failed to invest in testing, ppe, and the workforce. we allowed a problem that could have been contained to grow into a national crisis. >> "it did not have to be this way." joining us now is dr. david grabowski, professor of health care policy at harvard medical school. i appreciate you making time to be here tonight. thanks. >> thank you, rachel. >> congressman clyburn opened the hearing by saying that nursing home deaths account for 40,000 deaths, among the roughly 113,000 americans who have died already. do you think that's accurate? do you think we have a general true sense of the scale of the problem in nursing homes and how many people have died there from this virus?
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>> we actually don't have a full count, and that's incredibly sad. you mentioned earlier the issue with the incomplete data. so, we started back in march with this pandemic. the federal government wasn't recording data. they finally put together this national database here in june, actually, sort of late -- starting may into june. and we don't have a complete record going back to the start of this pandemic. it's absolutely ridiculous. so, with 40,000 deaths, that's actually probably an underestimate to a lot of us. >> we've seen the federal government not do very much when it comes to nursing homes, particularly from my view, given the scale of death in these facilities, just how many americans have lost their lives, how many infections there have been. we have seen sort of highly publicized effort from the federal government to send boxes of ppe to nursing homes. there's been some pretty harsh coverage over the past few days, though, that it seems like a lot
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of what the government has been sending to individual homes is not expected, it's not designed to meet the specific needs of those homes, and in some cases, it's junk, or at least unrelated to the needs of a typical nursing home in terms of how they serve their patients. what do you make of that effort? should the federal government even be trying to do that? or is it just that they should be doing it and they're just failing to execute? >> the federal government should absolutely be providing ppe to all of our nursing homes across the country. the federal government, as you mentioned earlier, agreed to provide two weeks of ppe to every nursing home in the country. clearly, nursing homes need more than two weeks, but at least that was a start. however, most of the ppe that has been shipped is actually unusable, and then some nursing homes are still waiting on that ppe. this is part of our national shame around this issue. ppe is the number one weapon towards fighting the virus in nursing homes. the fact that we're sending out our workers, these staff who are
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heroes, but not always appreciated as much as other kind of direct caregivers, but these nursing home staff are heroes. they deserve ppe. they deserve testing. we need to make certain that we have ppe in every nursing home in the country. and the fact that we're shipping, you know, glorified garbage bags, to our direct caregivers, is absolutely unacceptable. >> i feel like anybody flipping the channels and coming across this discussion that you and i are having right now might think this show is a rerun, because the discussion about not having -- the importance of ppe and not having ppe and needing to get ppe to frontline providers who don't have it feels like a discussion that we had as a country in march. we've stopped having that discussion. people assume that means the fix -- that things have been fixed. i mean, setting aside whether or not health care workers in hospitals have adequate access to ppe, which is a whole other discussion, i just feel like this nursing home situation sort
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of advancing public consciousness enough to define for people what the problem is and just zero progress has been made toward making things any better, toward getting testing into them in a systemic way, toward getting them ppe, toward getting them the support that they need, getting them the staffing support they need to care for this incredibly vulnerable population. i despair that things aren't getting better after all this time. >> i completely agree on that point. we've been in the loop now for weeks, literally. we failed to learn back in march from the lessons in europe and china. then we failed to learn over the last three months from the lessons of kirkland. so basically, as you just suggested, rachel, we're basically in the same place we were three months ago with testing and ppe. at what point are we going to start paying attention to nursing homes. you can't ignore this. if you want to contain the coronavirus in this country, it starts in nursing homes. that's where the cases are,
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that's where the deaths are, that's where we need to put our resources and our attention. >> and it's not coming from the top down. you can't count on the federal government, which oversees these facilities to get that right. they have proven that now, and the energy's going to have to come from somewhere else. dr. david grabowski, thank you for being here tonight. i get very upset about this issue, but this has been helpful and grounding. >> thank you, rachel. i appreciate your attention on this issue. >> all right. we'll be right back. stay with us. we'll be right back. stay with us businesses are starting to bounce back.
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that is going to do it for us tonight. i will give you one last night in terms of what's coming up at the beginning of next week. you might have heard a little noise today about trump national security adviser john bolton teasing the content of his new book. you'll remember that john bolton refused to testify or handily avoided testifying during the democratic-led impeachment proceedings against trump late last year. he's now written a book in which he says he's included everything he would have testified about, had he been man enough to actually get up there and swear under oath and say his piece when it mattered. the anger at john bolton being willing to do this for money for his book, rather than doing this under oath has been absolutely palpable all day long, but i'll tell you, early next week, we are going to be speaking to a former senior government
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official who i am very much looking forward to hearing from, who may be a little bit of the antidote to john bolton, and that is robert gates, former defense secretary bob gates is going to be joining us here live on tuesday night as his new book comes out. his new book comes out. couldn't be happier about it. that does it for us tonight. see you again on monday. and good evening once again. day 1,240 of this trump administration. 144 days to go until the presidential election. donald trump is now trying to keep the outrage over the killing of george floyd and the calls for justice from engulfing his presidency and his campaign for re-election. many inside and outside the administration have conceded his response thus far has been out of sync with much of the nation. he has declared himself the president of law and order, sometimes just tweeting out that phrase. now in an interview with fox news, he's openly questioning the motives behind the protests that have erupted on america's


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