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tv   MSNBC Live Decision 2020  MSNBC  July 2, 2020 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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night's show. if you are watching for another program, i urge you to come back tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. eastern. we have a report on the history of police brutality in america, what we can do about it and learn from it. that is tomorrow, 6:00 p.m. eastern on "the beat." joy reed is up next, hi, joy. >> hey, ari, i'm looking forward to that report. this is an important issue that we are all dealing with right now. i'm glad you are doing it. >> thank you. >> thank you very much, have a great night, all right. and thank you all for staying with us. well, comrade trump, that is the new nickname given to the president of the united states by a group of prominant republican critics in an ad that was released today. it comes of intelligence that russia offered cash for the
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deaths of u.s. troops in afghanistan. the u.s. saw a record number of coronavirus cases in a single day, infections are spiking in 40 out of 50 states. trump's response. well, this morning he gloated that the country is opening up faster than anybody thought. more on that coming up. and i will be joined by stacy abrams to talk about the president's failed responses and the fight for voting rights in georgia and beyond. we begin tonight with a new report in the washington post, that the white house is not planning an immediate response to intelligence reports of russian bounties because donald trump does not believe that the reports are true or actionable. but after a briefing delivered by the cia director to the gang of eight in congress today, senator chuck schumer begged to differ. >> visually angry -- visually angry schumer called on the president to get tougher with
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russian leader vladimir putin. >> i'm not going to say anything about the briefing but i believe that the president is not close to tough enough on vladimir putin. >> you don't think it's a hoax based on the briefing? >> trump has repeatedly dismissed reports on the russian bount scheme as a hoax. despite mounting evidence that appears to support the credibility of the intelligence. the new york times is now reporting on a key middle man to russia's operation, who for years handed out money to reward taliban linked fighters for targeting american troops. but after security agencies carried out sweeping raids, they discovered he sneaked out of afghanistan and probably back in russia. i am joined by corey booker and i have to get your response to the ad, this lincoln project ad is epic, senator. and i want to let you listen to a bit of it, here it is.
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[ speaking foreign language ] ♪ it's pretty harsh, that is probably the roughest ad against trump so far. it does beg the question, there's something very odd about donald trump's relationship to russia to say the least, we know they helped him get elected president, the mueller report showed that, the idea that he has not reacted to the news that
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russia was allegedly paying bounties for the troops, what do you make of the relationships between russia and donald trump? >> clearly so many examples in his short time in office where republicans and democrats have expressed concern about his relationship with putin and we know the international community and peers of mine around the european union feel the same way. i mean, we had a real ansanctio and consequences for what they have done in crimea and donald trump is saying we should bring them back in the g-7, for the president to have had multiple contacts since he and his team were aware of these bounties for him to not say anything to putin or discuss their election, ongoing election interference attempts in the united states of america. for him to continue to be silent
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and yet to try to reward putin and reward russia is absolutely unacceptable. and joy, the thing that really -- >> yeah. >> i mean, you know, you get to know a lot of soldiers when you are a united states senator and you tell them all the time, we have got your back. we support you and to have a president that seemingly doesn't have their back when they are being threatened, it's a unifying thing to make sure that we are all standing strong in defense of our soldiers and it was a time that the president failed them and therefore failed all of us. >> right, and we know, my brother went to fort dix in your state of new jersey, it's an enraging story and everything about it is enraging and there's a part of the story that apparently the person that was trafficking the money to militants to kill the troops was taking american money as a contractor to build roads, do we need to rethink our entire
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strategy on afghanistan as well. it doesn't seem that we are at least in the administration doing a good job of looking where our money is going. this person may have been taking u.s. contractor money. >> you use an important word, strategy. the problem is, this president has shown no strategy in afghanistan and no strategy with iran, he has left those regions more unstable than he did when he came in. we are now seeing a situation where russian influence, in iran, if n syria and afghanista has grown, and the respect among our allies has diminished. what do the allies say when they see us not having our soldiers' backs? go ahead. >> do you, if this kind of a headline had existed during president barack obama'ses term,
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do you think that republicans would have called on him to resign. and is it is something that should cause the current commander and chief to do so? >> i mean, you could go from this president's doing foreign policy by tweet, putting the soldiers at risk in this case and a hundred others in between of his failed foreign policy efforts that republicans would have called for obama's resignation, they clearly have a double standard when it came to obama, and it comes to the defense that they are giving of donald trump's unacceptable actions on the world stage. >> senator corey booker, thank you so much, really appreciate your time tonight. thank you. >> and have a good fourth of july weekend. meanwhile, when it comes to the intelligence on russia, trump's refusal to hold the kremlin accountable is consistent with his frequent pandering to vladimir putin. the so-called election in russia
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should prove putin's autocratic habits. he has been cleared to serve as president until 2026. much about the vote was irregular even for a russian election. i'm joined by the former national security adviser under obama. i have to go back to the allegation or claim by donald trump that he was not told by his national security team. about these bounties that started last year. is it credible to you? >> no, it's not credible at all, joy. first of all, the report suggests specific dates that this information was in the presidential daily briefing. so, the absolute best thing that donald trump could say, he got briefing and he failed to read it and that nobody on his team thought that they should take it to him.
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if that's actually what happened, that's such a massive break down in how the national security apparatus is supposed to work, there's no higher cause than protecting our troops who are in harm's way, if you have explosive information like this, that russia is paying bounties. you have specific corroborate rating evidence, that we know middle man and we can track money flows, we have interrogation reports. that is widely disseminated reports, and it's not credible that it was not in at least a written briefing to trump, if he refuses to read the briefings why is he command er and chief of the military. >> it's a good question, let's listen to speaker nancy pelosi, she took part in the gang of eight briefing and here is what she said afterwards. >> at the same time as the white house was aware of this threat to the security of our men and women in uniform.
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the president was still flirting with the idea of having russia be part of the g-8, in total opposition to the wishes of the other members of the g-8, why were they not raising this to a level to say to the president, this is not a good time for you to be saying that russia should be part of the g-8? >> you know, and it strikes me that, when president obama learned that russia was attacking our election, he took very specific actions. they were actions to help donald trump, they were sanctions that put on two intelligence agencies and three company cans. 35 russian operatives were expelled. they shut down two russia owned facilities. and i recall, it was michael flynn, donald trump's incoming national security advise, who what he got in trouble for was lying saying to russia don't worry about it. we will undo it. i asked senator booker about it as well, there's something odd for donald trump's affinity for russia and his refusal to take
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action. we know he has spoken to putin half a dozen times this year, and there's no evidence that he has raised one negative word about these bounties for our troops. something is odd about it. can you make anything of it? what is behind it in your view? >> well, joy, sometimes what is staring you right in the face is the most obvious answer, which is from the beginning, this president has been defferential to vladimir putin and he is insisting that america does not pay attention. we have donald trump spending years to try to redirect attention to other things. we see donald trump undertake a foreign policy that has a common thread of what ever he does, seems to be what is in putin's best interest, whether it's inviting him back in the g-7 or the withdraw of troops in germany, which putin very much wants. whether it's the general
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unraveling of the alliances, which is a long standing russian goal. and joy, the really alarming thing that is staring us in the face here is we have an election in a few months and why would russia not, once again try to interfere. they can do so with the massive information campaign that we have seen them undertake, and do so by trying to hack the election infrastructure that we have seen in the past that they might want to do. so, perhaps what donald trump does not want to do is pick a fight with somebody who he thinks is on his side, in the coming election. and that, i think, is deeply troubling reality that we have to live with. >> you know, there was, i still recall, during the bush administration, condoleezza rice giving the briefing to congress in which they had to read from the presidential daily brief. bin laden, determined to attack inside the united states. we now as you mention know, that russia is still determined to attack our election and nothing is being done. it's pretty shocking. ben rhodes thank you for being here. and meanwhile, stacy abrams
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coming up is going to join me and i'm going to ask her about trump's white grievance campaign and his fascination with statues and voting rights and police violence and more. and the trouble with mr. kushner, trump regrets the fact that when he needed political and campaign advice, he went to jared. >> you will see by june, a lot of people will be back to normal and the hope is by july, the country is really rocking again. yeah, not rocking, we have more to get to, stay with us. they will, but with accident forgiveness allstate won't raise your rates just because of an accident, even if it's your fault. cut! sonny. was that good? line! the desert never lies. isn't that what i said? no you were talking about allstate and insurance. i just... when i... let's try again. everybody back to one. accident forgiveness from allstate. click or call for a quote today.
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>> i don't think we have on to mandate something in georgia to get something right. we may disagree whether the government needs to mandate it or whether we can trust our people to do the right thing. i do, i'm a trusting person. >> welcome back, that is georgia, governor ryan kemp
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tod today. kemp is on a statewide tour to promote wearing masks. georgia has more than 27,000 ca -- 87,000 cases of the virus. and on wednesday, the state set a new daily record of new confirmed cases and surpassed the record at the with more than 3400, setting a single day record for the fifth time in a week. the governor said he does not want to politicize wearing a mask like his boss does. today, steve mnuchin was asked about that. >> we are in the middle of the pandemic, is the president more focused on preserving the
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confederacy than getting the pandemic on under control. >> the president is concerned about everything, the issue on statues is a complicated issue. >> trump has repeatedly argued that those seeking to remove statues and monuments of slave holders just don't understand their history. in a new book, our time is now, stacy abrams talks about a element of history that donald trump does not seem to understand. the founding fathers gave a nod to universal equality but they abandoned the aspiration by penning the organizing documents. let me be clear, the disenfranchisement is a feature of our law making not an oversight. stacey abrams is here with me now, it's great to talk -- let's circle back and talk about your governor, brian kemp,
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the governor of georgia, who is not going to mandate wearing masks despite an incredible spike in cases there. he is going to encourage it like a suggestion. so the mayor of savannah is requiring it. mayor johnson said is, frankly i don't believe we have any other choice. can you explain the disconnect, how a mayor is trying to protect the city and the governor is saying, it's just an option? >> because, van johnson is a leader and brian kemp is not. this is the person who is one of the last governors to close the state despite a disproportionate share of the covid infection occurring in georgia at the time we had a city in albany, the city of albany was the fourth highest rate of infection in the world. and he stumbles in to the decision to close the state. he was one of the first to reopen the state, diss fight every metric saying do not do so. and his response has been to not lead but to suggest. we don't elect suggesters.
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we elect leaders. and that's why we are proud to have mayor van johnson, and we are unfortunately being guided along, haphazardly by a governor who was failed in his attempt to be a leader and i hope he will learn from governor abbott in texas, that learned that mandating to save lives is why we have people in charge. >> you know, there's a, there's a two--part part of this. there's the part in which the governors want to genuflect to donald trump and be obedient to him and then there's the real experience. especially in southern states that have large shares of black and brown people, in states like georgia, where the disproportionate rate of death is so high for black people and poor people and brown people. do you feel that maybe there's an indifference, maybe, coming from some of the leaders because donald trump is certainly important to them. and him liking them and
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supporting them is important to them. but this disproportionate rate of death among black and brown folks does not seem to move them. >> it's not just a suggestive indifference, it's a deliberate and provocative difference, the southern economic advancement project is something i formed. and we last week announced south, which is our attempt to guide the south towards a recovery plan that actually cares about the people here. and we specifically look at the racial inequity of covid-19. it's contraction rate, it's death rate. the economic effect that it has and southern governors with limited exceptions of governor cooper in north carolina and governor edwards in louisiana have done little to actually address the fact that 59% of the population of the south is african, i'm sorry, 59% of african-americans live in the south. we are disproportionately affected by covid-19 and they have done absolutely nothing to
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tackle the challenges that is faced. the challenge it creates for our livelihoods and our lives. and this is not an accident. this is part of a pattern of behavior that can be traced to voter suppression, traced to economic oh, presentatippressioy respond to the challenge when the challenge is for those that are black or brown. >> one of the things that we learn is that you lived in mississippi as on young person and you know that state as well. so, there's this thing happening in the south, where you know, first south carolina did it and you know, a lot of it is driven by corporations saying hey get the flags down or you will lose business. so let's just be real about why the governors are doing what they are doing. now, you are seeing in mississippi the flag taken down, you know, out of, there out of their state flag. but at the same time, that governor turns around and then signs, and then vetoes bills that would have allowed poor
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people, white and black, to be saved from having their water cut off, when you have on wash your hands in a covid outbreak. what do you make of the sort of, you know, atmosphere, that the south is changing but the mechanics showing its in a lot of ways not? >> it's why i was so eager to be the governor of georgia. state power, the leadership of the states is what directing so much of our lives. it's why while it's critical that we elect joe biden as the next president and we take the senate from democrats, we cannot forget the governors and state legislatures battles. we know the reason that the state legislature of mississippi finally bowed to a century of public pressure is that the ncaa threatened to pull football out. we know brian kemp said that he will try to enforce his masks not by suggestion, but by saying he maybe will not let football
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happen in georgia, college football happen if they don't wear masks. we are watching the bowing of not those that live in the public. the public they care about. the public of money or the public of donald trump. but when it comes to the communities that need them the most, and those that are disproportionately poor or people of color, they have a disposition of murderous. >> we will have more with stacey and fit in a quick break, when we come back, we will talk about voting rights and police reform. don't go anywhere. e.
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this entire structure of the state of georgia, is designed to stop people from voting. and the only people that are going to change this are these big companies, these universities, somebody better get on the stick in that state. and just tell these people, we going to let people vote. this idea of having two voting machines every thousand people and voting with 200 machines for every 500 people in northwest georgia, they have to stop it and stop it now. get on the stick, georgia. >> that was political strategist james carvill on what can be done to improve voting in the state of georgia, after the primary last month turned in to a disaster, many had to wait for hours. because of machines that were missing or not working. and fewer polling places and a
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shortage of poll workers due to the pandemic and now the atlanta hawks are coming to the rescue, they are making their facility as a polling sight. hundred-s of hawks employees and staff will be trained as election workers, in the facility that can host 16,000 people for basketball games and 21,000 for concerts. i know stacey that you are a part of the more than a vote lebron james effort. i will read a bit about it from the ap, the organization is dedicated to maximizing black turn out in november, it shared its plans with the associated press on wednesday after the detroit pistons are using their arena for voting later this year skbm , and the milwaukee bucks will use their site for a voting sight in the key battleground state of wisconsin. >> is it going to take major athletic teams to open up arenas
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and social distancing in those arenas to allow fair voting in number of? >> it's going to take them and more. and we know that it begins with allowing vote from home, mail in ballots, whatever you want to call it. the ability to not have to show up in person to cast your ballot, which unfortunately the republicans are pushing hard against. but a coalition of organizations like fair fight, working with the leadership conference and others were pushing to make sure vote from home is real. and we have seen 50% increases in a number of states of people who know that when covid is at risk, we have to have another way to vote. what we are so excited about and so proud of coach pierce here in georgia. yesterday i had an opportunity to address coach casey in detroit and certainly we are so proud of the work that lebron james and others are doing to make certain that for people who have to show up in person, that they have the ability to vote safely and to vote with in a reasonable amount of time. it is a poll tax. when somebody has to risk the entire day's wage in order to cast a ballot, when others can
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go in and out in 15 minutes. that is not only disproportion voter supression, it's a violation of who we are as a nation. we have to remember this july 4th that we have had to fight since inception to make citizenship real for every american and we should double down in 2020 to make sure that the most vulnerable we hear from. >> you know, and i covered your campaign for governor in georgia. and anybody who paid any attention to it at all will know there was a lot of voter suppression. i wonder if other states are prepared for a massive mail-in campaign. i have talked to friends that do
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election campaigns in florida who say that buy and large, black voters don't usually vote absentee, so may not be prepared for that. on a are the voting organizations ready for a massive mail-in campaign, particularly for black voters? >> we will be, part of what we do for fair fight, we use the primaries to build the capacity and muscle memory to build the education. it works. here in georgia, 450,000 of the absentee ballots turned in the state were turned in by black voters. that is a record number and it happened because we did the work of sending out more than 900,000 text messages and phone calls explaining how the ballots work and why they are important. we did the same work in wisconsin, we are doing that work in michigan, and then in the 18 states in total, we are doing work with organizations to make sure not only the people know their rights but have the ability to have the rights met and not have their ballots thrown out. that's why this is not just
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about advocacy and education, it's also about litigation. republicans promised to spend up to $20 million to constrain the right to vote. we know if we elect joe biden, someone who believes in democracy and we elect a senate that is democrat majority. we can make sure that if you are an eligible citizen, your voice deserves to be heard. our elections are not partisan, the selections are and the elections have to be for everyone. >> there's so much, i could keep you on for an hour to talk about police reform and everything else. you mentioned joe biden, your name is frequently circulated that would make a running mate for young voters to be excited about. if you are not chosen to be the
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running mate for joe biden, there's a lot of people that wonder whether you are going to run again for governor of georgia, a lot of people think that the conduct of the corrupt governor makes him vulnerable should you run again, would you want to run again? >> i am absolutely going the keep it on the table. i will tell you, my current mission is to make certain that we have fair election through fair fight, and that everyone, especially communities of color complete the census, which is the work we are doing in fair count and we have a south that is strong and we elect joe biden as the next president of the united states. and i will make sure that no matter the decision i make in 2022, that the decisions i make in 2020 will help right the world. >> stacey abrams, one of the people that is the most watched political career in america, we are all going to watch whatever you do. obviously what you do, you do well. stacey abrams, thank you very much, appreciate your time.
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>> thank you. >> up next the number of patients hospitalized in houston has quadrupled since memorial day, and hospitals are out of supplies and out of space. sylvestre turner joins me next. whoo! don't do it. don't you dare. i don't think so! [ sighs ] it's okay, big fella. we're gonna get through this together. [ baseball bat cracks ] nice rip, robbie. ♪ raaah! when you bundle home and auto insurance through progressive, you get more than just a big discount. i'm gonna need you to leave. you get relentless protection. [ baseball bat cracks ]
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and the crisis is being handled in areas that were hard hit that are now doing very well, some were doing very well and we thought that they were not, and they flared up and we are putting out the fires. but other places where long before us and now, it's a life, it's got a life. and we are putting out that life, because that's a bad life that we are talking about. what? welcome back. well that was donald trump earlier today, and despite what he is saying, whatever that was. the coronavirus pandemic is far from handled. cases are rising in 40 out of
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the 50 states and today, after trump assured the virus would disappear, it was the largest single day total since the start of the pandemic. california, texas, arizona, north carolina, georgia, all broke their previous single day cases for coronavirus this week. in texas, which had the shortage stay at home order, hospitalizations have reached an all-time high. governor abbott issued an order requiring texans to wear masks in public. mayor turner thank you so much for being here. just a note on houston area hospitals. the texas tribune has been tracking the hospitals in and around houston, and data from that in your 6.3 million population city, hospital beds in use, 84% are in use. total beds, 13,127. the number available, out of 13,000 beds, 2000.
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icu beds available, 162. ventilators only 1252, covid-19 patients, 2,139. would you describe houston at this point as over-run by covid-19? ? joy, i would not say overrun, i will say that we are getting very close to our bed capacity. in fact, i just visited with ceos from hospitals and they are in their capacity, and what they are saying to me, is if we stay on the current trajectory in two to three weeks, yeah, we will be in a very bad situation. things are getting tight. and we have to move very quickly. like yesterday to reverse this trajectory. >> and you sent a letter, mr. mayor to the governor and this is what you asked for, mandatory
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masking for individuals when gathering with nonhousehold members inside or outside. and not just through employers, removal of exceptions for gatherings over 100, and you also requested other measures to be put in place. what was the response from the governor? >> well with, as of today, the governor did impose a mask order. mandating the wearing of masks across the state. and not just on businesses and their employees and their customers. but if you are out and about, and you are engaged in, in the public with other individuals, there's now a mandated, statewide mandate to wear a mask. it's a step in the right direction. secondly, he is now allowing loyal officials to impose restrictions on outside activities where the number may exceed let's say, ten. and that's a step in the right
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direction. earlier, for example, last week, he closed the bars and the clubs. that was a step in the right direction. look, we are having to move back from the reopening that took place in early may. we have to step back, there's a few additional things we need to do. at least the measures were that taken today were steps in the right direction. >> here's some of the reporting. the houston chronicle reports, claiming confusion, texas medical center changed how it reports icu capacity, texas medical center hospitals stopped updating the key metrics showing the stress rising numbers of covid-19 patients were placing on their facilities more than three days. governor abbott expressed displeasure to hospital executives with negative headlines. he did not like the headlines about icu capacity, so they changed the way they were reporting it. you also have reporting about crisis at houston hospitals. roberta schwartz, a houston
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methodist chief officer, who has been helping to expand covid beds. i'm worried about next week. do you have confidence in your governor or your lieutenant governor who said he stopped listening to dr. fauci. do you have confidences in the state leadership. >> joy, i think you already know how i feel about that. i have the utmost respect for dr. fauci. he speaks truth to power. i give him a lot of credit for standing at press conferences and speaking truthfully. he has maintained his integrity. he is very credible. and so, i give him high marks. i give him very high marks. and i follow his advice and i follow his direction. so let me just say that. and i, i know roberta schwartz, i worked with her, i have been in meetings with her. it is true. where we are today there's --
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there's bed capacity. the general admissions and hospitals and icus, but if we stay on the trajectory that we are currently on, in two to three weeks that may not be the case. and that's why it's very important for us to take this situation very seriously. that's why it was important for the governor to move today, and to mandate the wearing of masks across the board. not just on businesses or commercial establishments. that's why it's important for the governor to restore the authority back to county judges and mayors. so that we can take even further initiatives. i say it today in a press kfr , conference. we need to step back and i'm asking companies and businesses to lower their occupancy requirements, instead of operating at 50% capacity. they can operate at 25%. i'm asking the faith based
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communities, worship services to resume their virtual worship services. and to do everything that you can, to disengage the physical contact and then at the same time as the mayor, of the city of houston, i have suspended all of the city sponsored permitted events through the month of july and august. there's a lot of things that need to take place and we need to do those things. >> well, i didn't hear you express any confidences in your governor. i have to go to commercial break. mayor turner, wishing you and your city well, and have a wonderful, peaceful, hopefully peaceful fourth of july weekend. thank you, sir is. >> and up next, donald trump takes a second crack. thank you -- donald trump takes a second crack at laying out his top priorities for a second term. and you know what? his second answer makes as much
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sense as his first one. we are back after this. safe drivers do save 40%. click or call for a quote today. i felt like i was justthis constantly cleaning up his hair. then, i got my paws on the swiffer sweeper. it's a game changer. these heavy duty dry cloths pick up a crazy amount of hair! this is all you. we stopped cleaning and started swiffering.
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welcome back, the presidential polls are not looking so good for trump right now. it's one of several national polls shows trump behind biden. his poor performance has his allies worried with reuters worrying that his handling of
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crisis has dimmed his re-election hopes. and a source said that people are saying does he want it anymore? is he looking for an exit strategy? i'm joined now by charlie sykes, and and the resident fellow -- i made you president of harvard. resident of harvard. thank you both for being here. i have to play this for you, guys. this is something else. so we know that donald trump tried to answer the question of what he would do for a second term, and he failed that. he just gave nonsense words. so he got a second chance to try and answer the question. and i want you guys to listen to it on another network. here it is. >> i will tell you it is very simple. we're going to make america great again. we are doing things that nobody could have done. we have rebuilt the military. we have a ways to go. we've done things for the vets like nobody has ever seen. we can do even more. we did choice, as you know.
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we did accountability. what we have seen nobody has been able to do, but we have more to do, economic development, jobs, trade deals. but we have to make our own things. we're doing it now with steel. we're doing it now with a lot of different products. i've done that. but we can do it with a lot more. we can build our own ships. we don't want to send out to other countries to build ships. so we have a lot of things we can do. >> tiffany, that was from the sinclair broadcast group. you're at harvard. can you interpret what he's saying to say? >> that was trying to watch a blind senior citizen trying to parallel park a car. i don't understand anything he's saying. i am so lost i cannot make sense of gibberish. i want to geek out for a minute, so bear with me and i'm sorry to all of the lame who never watched "game of thrones." but do you remember when they were saying that cirsy did not
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intend to suffer the consequences of her actions, so she didn't show up to the fake militant. this is how donald trump is acting. he's acting as if he has certain reassurances that it doesn't matter what you say because you are going to get re-elected and that i do take very seriously. it could be the gop-led voter suppression that he feels very confident he'll be able to suppress the vote and continue to oppress lives or it could be foreign election interference. and we know how russia, his campaign really mirrored the russian tactics last go-around and this go-around we have seen evidence of iran trying to infiltrate our elections and we have to worry about china. so this behavior to me says there is either significant cognitive decline or he has reassurances and given the news that just came out about russia offering bounties on u.s. soldiers and his polling still hasn't slipped even after that,
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we should all be very concerned. >> well, you know, i'm going to geek out with you just for a moment. those of you who watched "game of thrones," geoffrey barathian and then watch donald trump. on the other side of that is that donald trump may actually know he's losing that. is some of the reporting we see now from reuters. trump acknowledged privately that he was behind in his race against biden. he knows he's in trouble. he has no message. there is a poll that says people are not at all likely to vote for donald trump. 50% say they are not at all likely to vote for him. 39% say they're not likely to vote for biden. through new reporting tonight from "the new york times" one republican official in frequent contact with the campaign recalling one conversation in which they assured him he's
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doing well in maine where he's doing really poorly where he's about to take down the republican senator with him. it's one or the other, right? he's either really confident that russia will get him back in or he knows it's over. what do you think? >> i think there is a third possibility that he's donald trump and he lives in an alternative reality. he's addicted to magical thinking in this particular case. i think that answer was extraordinarily interesting because that was his do-over. and he has nothing. so it is a campaign about nothing except more of the same, more grievance, more division, same old, same old, which during a pandemic and an economic downturn is a hell of a message. this is why republicans are sort of wish casting. is he looking for an exit strategy? no, this guy is not going anywhere at all. and the republicans made a
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decision early on that they were going to be all in with this guy and so they're going to rise or fall with him. but he surrounded himself with people who will tell him what he wants to hear. he's not going to pivot. he's not going to change. he's not going to adapt to all of that, and even when these numbers come in, there is always going to be some sycophant who says, well, look at this little tidbit. let's distort this to tell you you can still win this. i will tell you, i thought that interview was really extraordinary that after all of this time the president can't answer that question. one thing we have learned about donald trump, he wants to be president but he doesn't want to do the job. >> right, yeah. >> he doesn't want to truly govern. i think he's being exposed with that and i think that answer highlighted that. >> yeah. it's actually a difficult job. we didn't even get to him throwing jared under the bus, but we are out of time. he's also thrown jared under the bus and now we got to that. i will see you over the weekend on my tv.
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thanks you guys. we'll be right back. ack.
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maxwell, the long-time confidant of jeffrey epstein was arrested this morning and charged with six counts of conspireing with epstein to sexually abuse minors. acts committed between 1994 and 1997 for allegedly helping to transport minors for sexual activity and two for perjury.
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maxwell has denied any wrongdoing. epstein was charged with sex trafficking last year but was found dead in his jail cell before he could stand trial. that does it for us tonight. "all in" with chris hayes is up next. tonight on "all in," our national tragedy becomes international humiliation as the u.s. breaks new records on the coronavirus while trump tries to spin 11% unemployment as a good thing. then jeffrey epstein's accomplice arrested and charged. the same office whose top prosecutor was just fired by the president. plus, the big soft target trump has made himself this political ad season. but how much can tv commercials move the needle? when "all in" starts right now. good evening from new york. i'm chris hayes. the crisis that we now find ourselves in is a human tragedy,


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