tv MSNBC Live Decision 2020 MSNBC July 9, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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that does it for us tonight. up next, something that i am very excited about, like a lot of people, it is the new host of a new 7:00 p.m. show on msnbc, which is starting officially july 20th. >> yes. >> joy reid. >> yes. >> ari, thank you, my friend. >> congratulations. >> thank you. i'm going to have a whole lot to say about that but later. >> later. but the news broke today. >> it did. >> we're very happy for you. >> thank you, ari. i appreciate that. have a great rest of your evening. thank you, and thank you all for tuning in. today is thursday july 9th, 2020. it's 116 days before the 2020 election, and it's also the day that donald trump discovered that there is a huge difference between a president and a king. that's because trump learned today that even the presidency cannot shield him from the law. this morning the supreme court delivered two rulings with some major implications. for the thing that trump holds
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most dear, the thing he's tried to keep secret for years, his tax returns. in their first decision, the high court effectively paved the way for the manhattan district attorney to seek and likely retain those returns. that's because they resoundingly demolished trump's bogus claim this as president he has absolutely immunity from criminal subpoenas. as chief justice john roberts made clear in the majority's decision, no citizen, not even the president, is categorically above the common duty to produce evidence when called upon in a criminal proceeding. meanwhile in their second decision the court set forth a new standard for congressional subpoenas of the president. they said those subpoenas must be no broader than reasonably necessary to support congress's legislative objective. the ruling sent both cases back to the lower courts. that means the congress effectively gets a do over. but in new york trump has likely run out of gas. that brings us to the second thing that donald trump learned
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today, that he doesn't own the supreme court justices that he's put on the court. both 7-2 rulings saw trump's own appointees, brett kavanaugh and neil gorsuch siding with the majority. no wonder trump spent the day rage tweeting about their assistants. i'm joined by special watergate prosecutor, former assistant u.s. attorney and a partner at dorsey & whitney. kimwell, proofer of law at the university of baltimore. thank you for being here. nick, i'm going to start with you. i have to play this sound bite for you. this is william barr, the guy -- i call him a monarchist. he believes the president effectively is king while he remains president. here is his reaction to the rulings today. >> obviously we were disappointed in the decision to the extent it did not accept our argument, the government's argument about the extent of the
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president's immunity. but as a practical matter the decision made very clear that a president is just not at the mercy of litigants and investigators and there are protections and defenses that can be raised. >> nick, that's a huge climb down from the president has absolutely authority, which is what he actually believes. >> it's absolutely huge. now the prosecutors who are not beholden to william barr, independent people, are going to actually have these tax returns and be able to conduct an investigation based on these retur returns. that is an absolutely huge difference than what's been going on now and has been going on in the barr justice department who has been nothing more than a sycophant for donald trump and basically assisted him in covering up the russian investigation and what's been going on in the southern district of new york. so this is absolutely a red letter day in terms of what the
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supreme court did, and it's just a matter of time before this evidence gets before the prosecutors, gets put before a grand jury. what donald trump is looking at is the potential that he is going to be indicted for either tax fraud or bank fraud. basically the same thing that his former campaign manager, manafort, was convicted of this has not been a good day for donald trump. >> not at all. i apologize for mispronouncing your name going in. your take on it as well. there's a tradition in the united states that unlike in some countries, you know, the next leader does not prosecutor the former president. that's not a normal thing that happens. it's hard to imagine if, in fact, joe biden wins the white house, his justice department, the one he will construct, the one that won't have bill barr in it won't try to go after donald trump. that doesn't apply to new york,
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the manhattan district attorney. could you see if donald trump did evade taxes in such an egregious way as seems to make him want to hide them, he could be prosecuted, right? >> sure. he could be prosecuted by the state, and that's what the distinction here between this case and some other cases we've seen presidents deal with with subpoenas. president clinton had to respond to a civil deposition subpoena. president nixon had to respond a a civil subpoena in federal court. they made them both respond. both of them, ultimately nixon had to resign as a result of that and president clinton ended up impeached for perjury with his testimony regarding the paula jones matter. i think this is not just -- it doesn't just have implications for mr. trump personally, but this is a victory today for the constitution and the rule of law. essentially what the court said, we have two cases, one dealing
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with the state prosecutor, the other dealing with congress. what the court said is basically what the senate did with respect to congress in aquitting the president of obstruction of congress, the court said, guess what, the president does have to respond to subpoenas from the united states congress, does have to respond to subpoenas from state prosecutors. this is -- we've seen this slide frankly into something like closer to authoritarianism with this president with all the limits on the power of the executive falling, congress handing over its power, handing over its oversight authority. the president appointing private parties to conduct foreign policy. private parties, his son-in-law to manage in this disastrous way this national pandemic, 133,000 people dead. we are finally seeing, short of an election, one of the levers of oversight coming alive once again. the supreme court of the united states saying we are not
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ideological, we are about the rule of law. guess what, office of the presidency, you are not above the law just because you're president. you need to have a good reason to defy subpoenas in both of these cases. i just think it's a very, very strong shot across the brow that democracy is functioning, notwithstanding, as nick said, this distorted vision of justice from the attorney general. >> indeed. donald trump has been trying in every way since he ran for president and kept promising to release his tax returns to hide them. let's do a montage talking beauty why he can't release his taxes. >> i will absolutely give my returns but i'm being audited now for two or three years so i can't do it until the audit is finished obviously. under audit. i'll release them when the audit is completed. they have been under a minor audit, routine audit as they
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have been nor years. at the time i was release them. nobody cares. nobody turns over a return when it's under audit. i'm under audit. until such i'm i'm not under audit. thank you. >> i'll note he's also delayed turning over official public documen documents. mr. trump has requested a deadline extension because the report was complicated and he's been addressing the coronavirus and another matter he's not paying attention to. what does it say to you he's so doggone determined not to ever let the public see his taxes or apparently his financial records. >> i think it's pretty simple. there's two things that donald trump is concerned about. first is, he's a tax cheat. we know that because michael cohen, his personal lawyer, testified that whenever it took time to filling out a financial
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statement, if it went to a bank to a loan, he would high ball it so he could get more money. when it came to other things he'd lowball it, like taxes, and he'd pay less money. if you look at the investigation "new york times" did in 2018, it's pretty clear right from day one donald trump and his entire family, including his father, his sister, and his siblings, all conspired, basically, to cheat the government. that's what he's concerned about is he's a tax cheat. even richard nixon when he was under audit turned over his tax returns even though he turned out to be a tax cheat, too. that's what donald trump is worried about. he's also worried about what these returns might reveal about his connections with russia and vladimir putin. where did he invest his money? where did all this money come from that donald jr. talked about in the '90s where he said they were getting lots of cash from the russians, money going into properties, huge amounts of dollars.
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where is that going to? who put that money in? how are these people connected to vladimir putin and how does this relate to donald trump's love affair with vladimir putin and his total inability to protect our troops from this bounty process paid by the russians in order to kill americans in afghanistan. these are the kinds of issues that we have to get to the bottom of, and that's why turning this over to the d.a.'s office is absolutely a major system in the right direction. >> yes, drip, drip, drip. nick ackerman, kim wehle, thank you very much. by the way, she's the author of "what you need to know about voting and why." you should check that out. i'm joined by karen bass of california, member of the house judiciary committee. congresswoman, i don't know if you got to hear that previous interview with those two experts on the law. here is my question to you, as somebody who sits on the house
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judiciary committee, now that the supreme court has basically written the rules and said here is the parameters of what you need to ask if you want to see the president's tax returns, how quickly do you expect your committee, the house judiciary committee, to rewrite its subpoenas and reset them to fit with the supreme court ruling and then reissue those subpoenas to donald trump, to the people who do donald trump's taxes? >> well, i know we will be working on it right away. do i know what's coming up next for us, though, is attorney general barr coming before our committee but i'm sure we'll be working on it right away. in the best of all worlds, we would love to see this before the election. but you know, given the lawlessness of this administration, that will be hard to imagine. >> you mentioned william barr, who looked rather downtrodden today as he was talking about the supreme court ruling. you know, not that we like to see him sad but maybe. let's talk about the testimony so far about mr. barr that's
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come before congress. geoffrey berman, attorney for southern district of new york, he went and testified before the committee. i understand you were briefed on that testimony. he briefed in closed door testimony to the house judiciary committee a pressure campaign led by attorney general william barr to get him to leave his post as one of the nation's most powerful federal prosecutors in the 48 hours before he was fired. berman said on two occasions that he refused to resign contrary to a statement the justice department released at the time. in an effort to get him to leave, the attorney general offered him several other high-profile jobs. does this indicate to you that bill barr is corrupt? and if he is, what might the judiciary committee do about that? >> well, what it indicates to me is that barr is consistent. i think that his corruption he testified to in his confirmation
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hearing. he's the personal attorney, personal defender, personal fighter of the president of the united states. i think his corruption, unfortunately, goes throughout the department. i just feel so bad for those career officers, career attorneys who have been there for years fighting for the american people who refuse to go along with the corruption are the ones that were attacked. that's exactly what happened in this case. >> let's talk about -- go on. >> he's going to come before our committee. we obviously have lots to ask him about. not just berman but the whistleblowers we heard from before, the whole politicization of his department will be on our agenda when we see him in the next couple weeks. >> real quickly, back to the supreme court cases the result we saw decisions in. the cyrus vance, michael cohen
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committing this fraud to pay or stormy daniels and karen mcdougal trying to squash the story about affairs with donald trump. michael cohen went back into custody today. he was out due to the covid pandemic. he's the former attorney for michael cohen. he was sent back to prison -- barred the book or speaking to the media. they suspect somebody on high is involved here. will that come up in your questioning of william barr, whether he might be the somebody. >> absolutely. i think it will be very interesting to probe on that. i do have to say, joy, that it was outrageous to me he was let out to begin with. he's a young, healthy man. i think about all the hundreds of thousandsing of people incarcerated, we have been
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fighting for, we know are exposed to covid and getting sick and dying and he was let out. i'm glad it was violated in that sense. yes, we will be trying to see if that was from barr, for sure. >> we are out of time. i have to ask you, this has to be a brief answer. we saw george will with a sendup to you saying you should be chosen as vice presidential nominee. can you give us updates on the vetting process for you. >> no, i can't p. you know you'll have to refer to the campaign. but what i want to say to you is congratulations on your new spot. i will be watching you every night. that's wonderful. >> thank you, congresswoman. i appreciate that. i appreciate that. thank you very much. if you do want to leak anything about the vetting process, text me or call me or call the team. thank you very much. appreciate it, congresswoman karen bass. appreciate it. coming up now that trump knows he's not immune to the law, how dangerous could he get, knowing he could soon be a private citizen in six months.
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deja vu, the pandemic is raging out of control again. trump strategy, pretend it's not happening. and as black lives matter gets painted onto 5th avenue right outside trump tower. look at that. we are getting our first look at the chilling transcripts of george floyd's final moments. we have so much more to get to. stay with us. e so much more to o stay with us don't just think about where you're headed this summer. think about how you'll get there. and now that you can lease or buy a new lincoln remotely or in person... discovering that feeling has never been more effortless. the lincoln summer invitation sales event is here. ibut nothing makes me feel like pnew always discreet boutique. outside, it's soft like underwear. inside, it turns liquid to gel. for incredible protection, that feels like nothing but my underwear. new always discreet boutique.
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welcome back. donald trump, well, he isn't taking the supreme court rejection of his bogus claim to be above the law very well, to say the least. minutes after their decision allowing new york prosecutors to pursue his tax returns, he was unloading on twitter, of course. he called it a political prosecution and whined, now i have to keep fighting in a politically corrupt new york. not fair to this presidency or administration. he claimed courts in the past have given broad deference but not to me. he went on to continue raging about the decision in a long and rambling set of tweets unloading on the court and bringing up all of his usual grievances.
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with 117 days to election day, it's another big blow on top of the bungling of the coronavirus pandemic and a wave of recent polls showing him trailing joe biden. according to "vanity fair" donald trump's mishandling of, well, everything has his ally laura laura ingraham warning, we have to be prepared. with covid hitting record highs and donald trump's poll numbers going the opposite direction guests agreed he's incapable or unwilling to take steps to turn things around. i'm join gabe, i'm going to you first. we don't have to play much trump sound. him at a roundtable. this is him supposedly responding to the supreme court case. here he is. >> win at a federal level and won decisively so they send it into new york. you know what's going on in new york.
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everyone is leaving. it's turned out to be a hell hole. they better do something about it because people are leaving new york. >> supreme court. i don't think he answered that question. but how much is he spiraling according to your sources? >> well, it's hard to overstate how pervasive the feeling is amongst people around donald trump that, you know, if the election was tomorrow he would lose decisively. he has refused to do anything to modulate his message. advisers have called him, told him he needs to moderate to the degree donald trump even can, that he's losing women and suburban voters in alarming numbers, and he just refuses to hear it. he told one confidante i speak to regularly, polls are fake, everything is fake, the media wants covid to come back to take him down. he's spiraling into the paranoid diluti
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delusions here. what's revealing as i recorded in "vanity fair," people close though donald trump, laura ingraham who goes on tv saying how great he is privately sayses going to lose. >> they have tied themselves to donald trump. a rolling stones piece, hopefully checked out, what nine gop consultants think about republican's chances. this is a guy named tim miller, a lot of people remember that name from the bush era, gop operative. he said what i found in their answers was one part stockholm syndrome, one part survival instincts. they don't like the president but share loathing on the left with passion engendered with the president if not kinship. as one put it, two options. you can be on this hell ship or you can be in the water drowning. trump's numbers are plummeting with some demos they are solidifying and improving among core demographic which makes running afoul of trump fatal in the eyes of these strategists.
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how much trouble are republicans in. they can't let go of him but he's also drowning them, the anvil at the bottom of the lake. >> anchor around their neck and dragging them down and republicans are starting to weak up to it. you know what, they deserve it. there are republicans out there that deserve this because they know better. they should have been better on impeachment. they should have been holding him accountable all along. now they are scared and worried about themselves. boohoo, you brought it on. there's no excuse. we used to disagree about policies but this is about decency. they let the president get away with this. it's no surprise when we read in gabe's article, even those around him know he's going to lose because he can't control himself. and long time ago, mitch mcconnell and paul ryan had the ability to top him early on, and
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they didn't. as a result the republicans are paying a price. >> yeah. you're reporting in your latest piece, gabe, that one of the things donald trump -- things he's going to do to help himself is major pardon roger stone. how does that help? >> well, you could look at it two ways, joy. one, we have to wonder what roger stone knows about donald trump and the prospect of roger stone going to prison makes it likely he could spill those secrets. so donald trump has a survival reason to want to pardon roger stone. the second might be his own future, right, as we just talked about earlier, you had earlier at the top of the show. donald trump could be facing indictment, serious legal, civil and criminal, penalties as these tax returns get poured over by prosecutors. pardoning roger stone sets a precedent, although we should point out at the state level the
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federal -- presidential pardons don't really matter at the state level. in terms of his own survival, i think it's really just to keep roger stone loyal, on his team. >> keep him from talking. you know, one of my favorite quotes from lindsey graham, susan, is that he said the following, if we nominate trump, we will get destroyed, and we will deserve it. book mark that. here is an ad for lincoln project, never trump republicans, not just trump but eradicate trumpism by eradicating the enablers of donald trump. here is has ad. >> someday soon the time of trump will pass. this circus of incompetence, corruption and cruelty will end. when it does, the membership and women in trump's republican party will come to you telling you they can repair the damage he's done. they will beg you to forget their votes to exonerate trump from hills crim-- his crimes.
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learn their names. learn their actions and never, ever trust them again. >> what is the republican party after this is all over, after this dumpster fire finally stops burning. they have all tied themselves to him, none of them can escape him. what is the party after he's done? >> it's going to need a long walk in the woods, joy. we need as a party to decide what this is going to be. this will be the only time to go after it aggressively and create change. i agree with everything in that ad. it's so spot on. when we talk about why does it so matter, it's not just that they didn't speak up, when you look at the way the president is handling coronavirus, you look at the response, every senator, every republican is responsible, and congress member, for what's happening right now in donald trump's ineptitude. you allowed him to exist this way. you didn't force him to be responsible and active and,
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therefore, you are, too, responsible for those deaths and sicknesses in your state. >> i think that is the message. i don't know how they get out from under it. >> thank you both very much. up next with the coronavirus out of control in several states, there's an ominous new projection about the number of deaths we are going to see. that as frontline workers fear the worst is yet to come. stay with us. t is yet to come stay with us it's like walking into the chocolate factory and you won a golden ticket. all of these are face masks. this looks like a bottle of vodka. but when we first got these, we were like whoa! [laughing] my three-year-old, when we get a box delivered, screams "mommy's work!" mommy's work. with this pandemic, safety is even more important to make sure we go home safe every single day. guys! guys! safe drivers save 40%!!! safe drivers save 40%! safe drivers save 40%!!! that's safe drivers save 40%. it is, that's safe drivers save 40%. - he's right there. - it's him!
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we shut it down. we have saved millions of lives. >> the government, federal government rose to the challenge and this is a great success story. >> we saved, i think, millions of lives. now we want to be open. we under the disease much better. >> we have contained this i won't say airtight but pretty close to airtight. >> no, none of that is true. donald trump has declared mission accomplished on the coronavirus but it sometimes feel like we're stuck in a deadly loop unable to flatten the curve, seemingly hitting new astonishing milestones. a record breaking 60,000 cases. new models predict a national death toll of 200,000 by election day. we're still hearing desperate pleas from frontline health care professionals. >> this is real. this virus is serious, and it's making people seriously ill. >> frankly we're running out of room. even the largest hospitals have a finite number of beds and finite number of supplies.
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>> currently our numbers in florida, the state of florida, are increasing, so we're seeing more and more families coming in with more and more concerns and more and more children with illness. >> it's very tiring. it's a grind. i know everybody has to be getting sick of it all and we're not halfway done. it's something that we all have to do. >> hospitals across the south and west remain dangerously close to reaching their capacity. death counts are rising in coronavirus hot spots and protective gear is still in short supply. in arizona, which is now the coronavirus epicenter, tests are hard to come by as some people spend 13 hours in line in 100 degree heat just to get a test. amid all of that, trump insists that it's safe to send your kids back to school. joining me is the mayor of tucson, arizona, regina, romero. mayor romero, the governor of your state, doug ducey, he had a
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press conference not long ago. he said he's not going to play politics, do what's right for his state. he said no mask order, no statewide mask order and he's going to do what's right for the state when it comes to schools. do you think the governor is going what's right for the state or do you think he's been obedient to president trump. >> i believe governor ducey missed an amazingly good opportunity for him to do actual effective action that could save lives. he did not mandate a mandatory mask around the state. he could have taken that one step and chose not to. every day we wait in arizona there's 4,000 additional covid-19 positive cases. right here we have about 350 cases a day. so we need the governor, as the leader of this state, the state in crisis, we need him to take
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effective, immediate action. >> you know, the difference between the way the united states and the way, for instance, european countries have handled this is every european country that tackled this, including italy with a horrifying outbreak in the beginning, they have tackled it as a national matter. they haven't had each city, state inside italy make the decision. here each governor has to be the leader. they have to be their own little mini president. your governor and other republican governors also have a leader, which is donald trump. the way he is speaking informs how they are speaking. i want to play one more short bite of this is donald trump talking about schools. take a listen. >> we have to open our schools. open our schools. stop this nonsense. we open our schools. germany, norway, so many countries right now. they are open. the schools are open, and they are doing just fine, and they are opening in the fall. so we have to get tower schools
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open. denmark, sweden. we have to get our schools open and stop this political nonsense. it's only political nonsense. it's politics. >> okay. the comparison. he's made the comparison, denmark, sweden, norway. here is the rate of infection in those countries. covid-19 cases february through july norway, germany, denmark, sweden versus united states. there's the graph. you can see all the other countries have flattened the curve. apples to apples comparison. flatter, flatter, flatter. sweden slightly up. look at the united states on that set of graphs. united states is the only country with a skyrocketing infection rate. with that being the circumstance in this country and with your state being the epicenter right now of this spread, do you feel comfortable having the schools in your city opened in the fall? >> absolutely not. the unfortunate thing is that in arizona we're seeing the
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microcosm of the lack of direction from the trump administration. and so it's the same thing that's happening here in arizona. in arizona the governor refuses to institute a statewide mandatory mask executive order. he refuses to make this decision and puts it on the shoulders of mayors throughout arizona. we have seen that that is very ineffective. the more time we spend not making these decisions, and we have an arizona leader, he is the governor, he should be making these calls, either not just tucson or phoenix that are going through these -- this incredible crisis that we have on our hands, it is the entire state of arizona. fortunately because governor ducey listens to president trump and he really wants to do the same thing, refuse toss make
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mandatory masks, which is -- by the way, there is evidence, scientific research that shows that just be instituting mandatory masks we can prevent some of this spread. now he's talking the same thing in terms of schools and opening our schools. the more governor ducey refuses to take immediate, effective action, the more lives we lose and the worse our economy gets and the less we can open up our schools for your children to go and learn in person. >> yeah. it is a conundrum. tucson mayor, regina romero, appreciate you being here. best of luck to you. up next, a look at the sprawling black lives matter mural that was painted right on donald trump's doorstep. he called it a symbol of hate. isn't it a symbol he's already lost the argument? we'll be right back. already lost the argument? we'll be right back. you,
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if donald trump ever returns to new york city a new message will be waiting for him outside his beloved trump tower. today in big yellow lettering the words black lives matter were painted outside his front door on 5th avenue. last week trump tweeted such an action would denigrate the luxury avenue and called it a symbol of hate. mayor de blasio took part in the mural painting and responded to the president. >> let me tell you, we are not denigrating anything. we are liberating 5th avenue. black lives matter. there is no more american statement, in more patriotic statement because there is no america about black america. >> if i'm not incorrect i think he's greeted as a liberator. the same message painted on streets of other cities including right outside the white house in response to the killing of george floyd last month. a newly released body cam
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transcripts from the minneapolis police are revealing chilling new details about what happened to george floyd as he lie dying under a police officer's knee. stand that is next. under a police officer's knee. stand that is next ust don't sme? what if your clothes could stay fresh for weeks? now they can! this towel has already been used and it still smells fresh. pour a cap of downy unstopables into your washing machine before each load and enjoy fresher smelling laundry for up to 12-weeks. all the way out here just for a blurry photo of me. oh, that's a good one. wait, what's that?
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officers before his death. that's according to newly released police body cam audio. he begged not to shoot him. knowing he was about to die, he said tell my kids i love them. i'm dead with former officer continuing to press his knee on his neck. floyd in his final words said, they will kill me. they will kill me. they will kill me. i can't breathe. please, please, please. he now faces murder and manslaughter. i'm joined by msnbc correspondent and paul butler a former federal prosecutor. these transcripts are horrifying. i want to let each of you react to what we heard today. trumaine, i'll start with you. >> you know, it's heartbreaking to see the video and those last minutes of george floyd's life. we saw a snippet. one thing that stood out beyond
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i can't breathe. a throw-back to eric garner. we watched him die as well. calling for his mother. the realization these were going to be his final moments. tell my mom i love her. tell my kids i rough them. i'm dead. it's heartbreaking but to hear it and see it, a gut punch isn't the right word but it's a gut punch. >> paul i want you to react, too. i'm going to read more of the transcript. this was done as a motion to dismiss the charges against lane for aiding and abetting murder. here is this part of the transcript. should we roll him on his side? chauvin, no, he's staying put where we got himalayan:okay. i just worry about excited dell irium. >> that's why we've got the ambulance coming. thais his thoughts to clear himself. your thoughts on this, paul. >> it wasn't until the ambulance
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came and the paramedic ordered chauvin to take his knee off of mr. floyd's neck that the officer finally did release mr. floyd, well after he was unconscious. at the scene, one of the officers asked mr. floyd's friend why he wouldn't get in the police car, and the friend said mr. floyd had been shot by the police before and he was traumatized in dealing with cops in the way many african-americans are. we know that that trauma is justified. mr. floyd said almost 30 times, i can't breathe. "the new york times" released a report that said in the last 10 years, 70 people have died in police custody after saying those exact words, i can't breathe. the majority of those people are african-american. >> yeah. but the callousness of it is what's really chilling, that one human being could be so cold
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toward another and refuse to stop hurting them until they die and be watched by cameras and think it doesn't make a difference. let's go to another case weighing on a lot of people. breonna taylor, there hasn't been an arrest yet. this is an investigation. this is an investigator talking with one of the officer who killed this woman who was in her bed after midnight. here they are. >> so in the preoperational briefing you guys considered this location, and i've heard this a couple of times throughout this investigation, as a soft tart. >> right. >> based on the information that the lead had concerning the entire investigation, correct. the organization of the drug trafficki trafficking. so that's what, you know, kind of made you all come up with the original, hey, we're just going to knock and try to get her to
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the door, the most passive way in to serve the warrant. >> you know, i asked a long question. i've been known to ask a really long question, paul. he sounds like he's asking and answering the question for him. there's 20 times and then tried to arrest her boyfriend for defending her. explain that. because how can that be the investigator? >> it's misplaced sympathy. remember, this was a no knock warrant, so what happens is that ms. taylor and her boyfriend are asleep in their own bed. it's past midnight. they hear somebody breaking down the door. of course they think it's an intruder. ms. taylor's boyfriend is licensed to carry a gun. he shoots in defense and then calls 911 and says somebody broke in the house and shot my girlfriend. the police report is a lie, which is how you know they knew they were doing something wrong. the initial police report says that no one was injured when in
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fact, ms. taylor was tieing in the hallway. the officers failed to render her any aid. the police report also says that they entered peacefully. we know that they used a battering ram to break down that door. >> yeah. and the fact that police officers know the investigator is on their side makes it very difficult to achieve any kind of justice for victims because the investigators are their friends, right, so are the prosecutors. i know you have a an incredible podcast into america, which everybody should be downloading. this is your latest podcast on chokeholds. this is a piece in which you are speaking with robert branch. take a listen. >> we end up falling to the ground and that's when i thought that was it. >> i love my mom. i love my mom. >> my last words pretty much were saying, tell my mom i love
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her. and i thought that was it right there because he would -- he would not let go whatsoever, no matter what. >> tell us robert branch's story, if you could, please, germane. >> he was a young man, a security guard. on this day he was going to visit a young lady he was dating. he got in a little bit of a, you know, a situation on the highway where one driver almost ran him off the road. and so he sped off thinking it was a case of road rage. when he heard something rattling in his trunk, he pulls over. a green prius or some other kind of small vehicle pulls up behind him and a white guy gets out with a polo shirt and some khakis on and tries to take come deer him, right? so he doesn't see any badge, any decal. he ends up in a tussling match where the gentleman who ends up being a detective got him in a chokehold and choked him out until the point he passed out.
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when you think how aggressive the chokehold has been and there are things that illustrate the suffocation that black people feel in america. but it also speaks to the violent nature of that hand to hand policing that so many black people experiencing. this was just a case on the highway, for fear in his life, he ends up being choked out but ends up being charged also. >> it's pretty terrifying. the podcast is called into america. two friends on tonight. really appreciate you guys. thank you. don't miss tramaine lee on how confederate monuments mean different things to very different people. stone ghosts in the south: america's legacy of heritage and hate. up next a special announcement of my own. stay with us. h us
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perhaps a few of you saw on the twitter or on "the washington post" that i'm soon to start a new gig right here in this very time slot. i have been filling in during this hour off and on for a while which has been surreal since this is the hour of television that i have been watching religiously as a fan for 20 years. "hardball" with chris matthews was my nightly favorite. ten years later, after quitting the local news business where i
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was a digital producer in opposition to the war in iraq and working on a campaign to try to unseat george w. bush and didn't quite make it, i did what a lot of people do when they're not sure of their next act. i created a dream board. on it i would put a best selling book, check. and be a guest on "hardball." six years later after working on a campaign and succeeded and then some for the first black president, that dream came true and more blessings than i could ever have imagined as a skinny coke bottled glasses kid in denver came true, too. "hardball" was the first show i filled in for on msnbc and chris matthews became my friend and my mentor. i am so blessed to be a part of the msnbc family, working with the smartest, coolest, most thoughtful people in the business, from my amazing fellow anchors, to the producers and
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the crew and my bosses. i have been beyond blessed with an amazing show and show team at a.m. joy on the weekends. and i can't wait to join the prime time family with the incredible team from "hardball" who will be my team on our show show. the news business is dynamic and probably has never been more important. with all that we're facing, i am so proud to bring the perspective of a black woman, a daughter of immigrants, the wife and mother of a husband and kids who sadly are more vulnerable to police violence because of their color, a proud nerd and a representative of the emerging america to cable tv news. i hope the great gwen eiffel and my mom will look down from heaven and be proud. so i will see you this weekend for a.m. joy, monday july 20th
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for the reid and tomorrow as the great steve kornacki will be here. do not go anywhere because "all in" with chris hayes is up next. tonight on "all in," no one is above the law, especially this impeached president of the united states. the big takeaways from today's supreme court rulings. then trump wants slower coronavirus testing and now coronavirus testing has slowed down. houston mayor sylvester turner on the nightmare unfolding in his city. joe biden has a plan to put americans back to work. the senator joins me for an exclusive interview. and the untold cruelty of the trump administration's family separation policy. jacob soboroff on his new reporting and new book. good evening from new york. i'm chris hayes. today the supreme court told president donald trump in no uncertain terms that he is not above the law,
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