tv MSNBC Live MSNBC July 12, 2020 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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to low income families through our internet essentials program. and this summer, xfinity is creating a virtual summer camp for kids at home- all on xfinity x1. we're committed to helping all families stay connected. learn more at let's begin this hour with breaking news from san diego. fire crews are dock side of this
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large fire aboard a navy ship. there's one injury. crews responded after reports of an explosion aboard this vessel. federal firefighters are also on the scene. it's a wasp class amphibious assault ship. it carries helicopters and war planes that take off vertically. it's nearly 850 feet long with a crew of more than 2,000 people at sea. it's quite a large ship. it's based at naval base san diego. we'll continue to update you as we learn more about this. a busy start to what is already a very busy news day. i'm joshua johnson. good to see you today. in addition to that navy fire, we're following another breaking story from the white house. the trump administration is actively trying to discredit dr. anthony fauci.
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it's released opposition research to undermine his credibility. we're live on that just ahead. it makes it clearer why dr. fauci was not on the sunday morning shows today. they put forward officials who painted a rosier picture of the coronavirus crisis. >> we're not losing the battle but we're in midst. >> definitely is questionable especially since it's added that we will see a rise in death rates. today florida reported 153,5,30 new cases in one day. that's the largest increase for this state and any state throughout this outbreak. the u.s. now has more than 3 million confirmed cases closing in on 3.3 million. meanwhile, the u.s. surgeon general made this prediction. >> just as we have seen cases skyrocket, we can turn this around in two to three weeks if we can get a critical mass of
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people wearing face coverings and practicing six feet of social distancing. >> a two to three week turn around will please governor who is have been begging residents to do their part. there's attempts to refrain reality including reality of those long lines to get tested. >> in arizona, florida and texas, the turn around time has improved over the last 30 days. education secretary betsy devos made the morning rounds. she hammered home the demand to open school campuses this fall, no matter what. >> there's nothing in the data that suggests that kids being in school is in any way dangerous. the rule should be that kids go back to school this fall. the cdc never recommended that schools close in first place. i think we need to be oriented around how do we do this. not if we do it. >> if there's a short term flare up for a few days, that's a
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different situation than planning for an entire school year in anticipation of something that hasn't happened. if schools aren't going to reopen and not fulfill that promise, they shouldn't get the funds. give it to the families to decide to go to a school that is going to meet that promise. >> you can't do that. >> there's nothing in the data that would suggest that kids being back in school is dangerous to them. >> let us begin with that breaking story about the white house actively trying to discredit anthony fauci. nbc josh letterman has that story from the white house. josh, tell us more about the form that this discredited is taking. >> reporter: yeah, you expect the white house to hurl attacks at its political opponents, maybe members of congress or the media. you don't expect the white house to lob pot shots at its own infectious disease expert in the
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middle of a pandemic that's killed 135,000 americans and counting. the white house works to relegate doctor fauci to the sidelines of the coronavirus task force. the white house official telling me just shortly ago that several white house officials have serious concerns about past comments that dr. fauci has made that were wrong. as you mentioned, that official providing us a list of about a dozen examples of what the white house says are statements by fauci that turned out wrong and therefore call into question his credibility on the issue. we should point out, this was stuff that was evolving over the last several months from the time we didn't have a ton of information about the coronavirus or how it's transmitted. for example, one of the statements from fauci that the white house is pointed to is back in january when he was talking about how this is tra transmitted and whether there will be a serious problem.
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dr. fauci saying this wasn't a significant concern at that point in time. it was a month after that in late february that the president himself was saying that coronavirus was going to disappear like a miracle. up until now, we have seen fauci providing evidence and information and advice to the president that was taken to heart but now as that is increasingly at odds with the public signal the president wants to send, the white house trying to make sure that people aren't listening to closely to dr. fauci. >> we're also joined by dr dr. patel. a fellow at the brookings institution. what do you make of this push back against dr. fauci? is there a legitimate critique to be made against some of his past statements? >> i think there's no more legitimate critique to be made against him than there are of the very statements the officials have made themselves. we had a president who was touting everything from
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injecting bleach to not wearing a mask and also documenting the use of medication himself that has been proven to be harmful in study after study. i would say that dr. fauci has done nothing but try to respect the evidence. is the evidence changing, so in the beginning was dr. fauci along with many of us, talking about preserving the use of masks for health care personnel only. yes. do we know a lot more and he is one of the first people to state there should be mandates for masks and that people in the country may need to think about another stay at home order in order to get a handle on this vir virus. he's looking at the data as it comes out as we all are. i think he's trying to be as responsive as possible. unfortunately, all this kind of trump white house versus fauci is an incredible distraction from what you just reported. record numbers of cases in statements and schools that are struggling to think about how to reopen safely six weeks from now
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when we are truly breaking records across the country and numbers of new cases and in a very poorly prepared system with lack of testing and tracing and a complete failure to give our teachers and school workers the safety they need to teach our children safely. >> dr. patel, and josh let rmt r letterman, appreciate you making time for us. let's go back to that breaking story. you're looking at fire crews fighting a large fire aboard a u.s. naval ship. there's been one injury that we know of. there was an explosion aboard a ship called the uss bonnhomme richard. what can you tell us? >> this fire started some time just before 9:00. that was when san diego fire was notified that help was needed
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aboard navy base san diego as the fire had broken out. it was here for regular maintenance. we're told by a spokesperson there are always crew members aboard on the weekend. there's fewer crew members aboard but there are always crew members aboard. when the fire department got here after 9:00, they immediately called in second alarm. very shortly after that, the third alarm. about 11:00 just before 11:00, we heard a very loud explosion. it shook the entire area. we're probably a quarter mile away trying to avoid that dark, black plume of smoke which many navy personnel had told us is full of nothing but toxic
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chemicals that we don't want to breathe in. we heard that explosion. then we began seeing ambulances coming and going. the only confirmation was from san diego fire. they said several sailors were treated for a variety of injuries. they say one person was injured in the explosion but they are not saying whether that was a fire, a member of the fire department, whether it was navy personnel. not saying who that was. we are hearing chatter on twitter, some people from nearby shipyard talking about evacuations. they're going to evacuate the entire ship and start trying to fight this with some sort of chemical retardant. from my vantage point a little bit north of where the ship is burning, very black smoke. the darkest smoke that we have seen in the two, three hours we have been here is just now starting to billow out of there. we just seen more ambulances
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pull into the area. very tense situation here aboard nae navy base san diego. we know several firefighters are here. we know the navy folks are here and san diego fire is here in full force trying to get this thing contained. >> there's a significant naval community there and a number of places where ships might be docked or serviced. where is this in relation to the big population centers in san diego? >> where all the shops and restaurants, the cruise ships, we're about a mile to the south of that. we're in more of an industrial
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area south of downtown. the smoke is primarily heading south. not a lot of homes in this area. earlier this morning i could see they were getting a lot of smoke. i hope a lot of people were closing their windows. it's a hot day here in san diego. a lot of us don't have air-conditioning. i can guarantee once they got a whiff of that smoke, they closed their windows. we got a whiff. we were right many the line of smoke and said we're out of here and moved north. the wind seems to be blowing from north to the south at this point. >> i can totally understand you closing your windows. it's worth noting this is an oil burning nuclear navy vessel. what you're looking at are scenes from naval base san diego of the u.s. bonnhomme richard
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which is on fire. we have word of one confirmed injury. not a lot of sailors that were aboard this weekend. it's unclear if this fire and explosion are a result of the maintenance or if they were incidental with the maintenance as well. what's going on in the area in terms of evacuations, other injuries, anyone who may have been overcome by the smoke? what about the broader rescue operation? >> we are being kept far away and off base. i would say dozens, if not over 100 people, first they seem to be jogging out of the way now
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they seem to be lingering, closer to the state so they are not really right underneath all of that smoke. in terms of right next to the ship, from our vantage point we can see the bridge of the ship. we can't see what's happening on the ground. >> do we have any sense of what happens from here? are fire crews expecting this to be a long fire fight. i assume it will be a while considering it probably takes a lot of fuel to power a vessel like this. what's the rest of the day estimated to look like? >> in my nearly 40 years of being a reporter and covering a lot of fires, this appears to be one of the very worst i've seen and i've got to believe this is going to take a good part of the day for them to get this out and
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then to try to figure out what caused it and how to prevent it from happening again. >> i definitely hear that. looks like they have quite a fire fight on their hands in san diego. we appreciate you helping us through this. we may yet talk again as the hour goes on. thanks very much. sg you' >> you're welcome. we'll keep an eye on these pictures and this fire fight. there's report of one injury. a significant explosion that alison said rattled the windows where she was. the smoke seems to be south, which is not towards the more populated areas of san diego.
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still waiting on more details about how this explosion happened. what exactly is on fire and whether there's other people that may be affected inside this vessel. they got everybody out and where this fire fight goes from here. one more big breaking story on a day full of breaking developments. we'll keep an eye on this and much more as the hour goes on. sit tight. sit tight.
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you are looking live at the naval station in san diego where a fire fight is under way to try to put out the flames after a big explosion aboard the uss bonnhomme richard which is docked in san diego bay. this is not the coronado island station. that's on the other side. this is southeast of downtown san diego.
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at last report from our reporter in san diego, the smoke is blowing south so it's blowing away from downtown. it's about to appear 15 minutes ago but they are all accounted for. there seems to be a loud blast aboard this vessel that sent federal and local fire crews to the bonhomme richard. we'll try to figure out more about what caused the explosion and whether or not there are further injuries and what the out look is like for putting this fire out.
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let's talk coronavirus. first it put governors under pressure to rekinds l economy. now it's putting pressure to require plasimasks. tomorrow louisiana will require masks in most situations. florida and arizona. they are leaving the matter up to cities and counties. it was just last month that arizona's governor rescinded his orrer th order that prevented local officials from requiring face coverings. joining me is a reporter with the mississippi clarion ledger. sam, let me start with you. governor edwards announced that mandate hours after louisiana reported a daily increase of more than 2,000 people.
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has there been any new push back to this new order? >> little early to say but there will be. there's a republican lawmakers in this state legislature who have been upset with his coronavirus related restrictions. they are pushing a petition that would end all of those restrictions and end the state's public health emergency. the governor has hesitated. i think that pressure has loomed large on him. he's hesitated to institute a statewide mandate. he said he's going to leave it up to the locals. i think the numbers got too bad. we saw a record case day with 2600 cases followed by another 2,000 cases which for a state our size is a lot.
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>> mississippi governor set mandatory mask orders in 13 counties. how is that going over since it's not a blanket statewide order? >> it depends on who you talk to. in the absence what you're beginning to see is a lot of cities and state are stepping up to plate and putting their own requirements into place. we're seeing dramatic increase in cases. we're seeing the same thing with hospitalizations. our state health officers said on thursday that the five largest hospitals in state have absolutely no icu capacity.
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they did suggest, put a little more momentum on the governor. in the coming days, we might see a statewide mask man date. the 13 counties that we're seeing, the large spread is coming from broad community transmission of the virus and that's a scary thing. that's an additional burden on the health department. they're not -- >> sam, i was going to ask you about governor edwards walking back his reopening plan. he ordered the bars to close on top of the mandate. they can offer carry out and delivery service? what's the reaction like from businesses? i'm assuming they are not happy about that on bourbon street? >> they're not happy.
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i think in new orleans there's a different mind set around the virus. i think a lot of them said we understand this. we understand from a public health perspective why this is necessary. it's a bummer. i think the governor had taken this as a last resort. a lot of states had done this earlier than he had. he knows it's going to be tough on these businesses if you're stopping and starting, stopping and starting. the health department released a list of where the largest out breaks are in the state. >> appreciate your time. thanks very much. senate judiciary chairman
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lindsey graham says he will let robert mueller testify. graham had repeatedly denied the democrats request to bring in the former special counsel for questioning. that changed as mueller's op-ed in the washington post yesterday. he wrote that roger stone rightly remains a convicted felon despite president trump commuting the sentence. it upheld the merits of the probe. democrats have wanted the special counsel to testify about that investigation. that request will apparently be granted. what will come of it? let's discuss it with jill banks. former assistant watergates prosecutor. jill, how significant do you think this move is from lindsey graham? >> i'm a little bit -- robert mueller testimony before was not as effective as i would have liked it to have been. i think there are people who know the facts of the case much
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better than he does. i don't think they would have known the intimate details of the case against the president that any member of the trial team would have known. they should be calling the members of the trial teams, the members of the people who indicted people. there are people close to president and know the evidence against the president. call them instead. that's if you really want the facts. >> quite a comparison between this and archibald. i think this case has some of those same elements because there were some in the trump
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administration who advised the president against the communation. there seem to be the same sense of political indefense ability. here is what bill barr said last week. >> the prosecution was righteous and i think the sentence that the judge gave was fair. >> jill, do you think we should expect more public blow back from other republicans? >> i would certainly hope so. now is the time for any republican who wants to survivor all of the false information that's been put out by trump to speak out. when you get bill barr who has been one of the biggest enablers of president trump to say this was a righteous prosecution and the sentence was fair and i recommend it against commuting, even nixon would never have given a commutation to one of his co-conspirators. he did have an enemies list
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where he prosecuted people he didn't like and he did pardon people that he favored but none of them was his co-conspirator. this takes the defativastation the department of justice to a new level. trump has been sending this message -- pardon to joe arpaio who was one of his earliest supporters who had shown contempt of the court and found guilty and he pardoned him sending a clear message to anyone who would support donald trump, don't worry, you can show contempt of court, you can do any crime and i'll protect you. that's what he's doing here. roger stone asked for a commutation. he got it in a day and age where we're looking at equal justice for all. calling for reforms. this is exactly the wrong message and says do not vote for this president again if you want to have equal justice in
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america. before we pause, let's go back to the live pictures from san diego. there seems to be a bit less smoke come fing from the naval vessel. we'll have much more in a minute. sit tight. we'll have much more minute sit what do we want for dinner? burger... i want a sugar cookie... wait... i want a bucket of chicken... i want... ♪ it's the easiest because it's the cheesiest. kraft. for the win win.
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we're continuing the follow pictures out of san diego where federal firefighters are trying to douse a blaze aboard the u.s. bonhomme richard in san diego bay. this is an amphibious assault ship. the fire broke out not too long ago with a very loud, very large explosion and a large plume of noxious smoke that began to whaff down the bay. this is southeast of downtown san diego. sits on san diego bay but it's not at coronado island. it's not at downtown. as far as we know the smoke is
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not blowing toward the gas lamp corridor or downtown in the city. san diego fire has been told to exit the pier. it has evacuated away. the good news or the merciful news is we only heard of one injury. it's unclear the condition of the person who was injured. we're keeping an eye on the fire and trying to get more information about the investigation into how it broke out and whether or not there were anymore injuries aboard this vessel especially since there's been some maintenance done on the bonhomme richard. this is one of the many breaking stories. we'll continue to do so and update you when we can. there's nothing in the data that would suggest that kids being back in school is dangerous to them. i know for a fact that there are many schools that have been working hard to put together their plans for moving ahead and we want to see every school district, every state doing the same thing to say not what we
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can't do but what we're going to do and what we can do. we're a country of action. we're a country of doers. we have education leaders who can work hard and figure this out. >> this morning betsy devos made the round on the sunday morning stance on school reopenings. florida reported more than 15,000 new cases. that's yet another high. some students will not be allowed back into brick and mortar classrooms despite a statewide order demanding it. it does give local districts some latitude in making the final decision. broward county is among the districts opting out. ft. lauderdale is in broward. joining is the superintendent. welcome. >> thank you. i appreciate the opportunity to be on your show. let me just say our prayers for the safety of the servicemen and
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women that are on the uss bonhomme san diego as we continue to watch that situation. >> amen to that. thank you. you've said there's no realistic path to reopening broward campuses five days a week. i used to live in south florida. i covered south florida a long time. i know there's a wide array of very different kinds of campuses in the various cities across this huge district. how close do you think the schools might come to that? could you do four days a week? three? one week on and one week off? what's the best in-person option right now? >> what we're able to do is going to be dictated by the circumstances of the environment that we're in. the community spread of the virus plays a big role in what we're able to do. yes, i hear the arguments about students not being big, strong transmitters of the virus.
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we need to understand in broward county we have over 30,000 employees who work in this district and our teachers in particular. we have to do everything we can to make sure that they are safe as well. if we open our schools and we don't do it in a smart way and our teachers become infected rgs we have a serious problem. we lose the capacity to run the schools normally. we're also trying to accommodate all of the preferences of our parents. we are in the process of completing a survey that offers three options. one is 100% virtual e-learning at home that's connected to their neighborhood school. number two is a hybrid option which requires staggered days, two to three days per week. there's a lot of different se nars we're working out for that. school will be open five days per week but accommodating different groups. then there's a third group that wants their kids to be in school
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every day. the results of that data point with about 140,000 responses in, it's split one-third, one-third and a third. what's going to drive this the percentage of families who opt to do 100% e-learning and virtual. depending on that number, we may have enough capacity left within our school buildings as we utilize all of our spaces. the media center, the cafeteria, the auditoriums and spread students out to meet cdc guidelines. we may be able to, in many schools, offer full-time, every day for all the students outside of those who elect to stay home for a variety of reasons. they may have underlying leheal conditions. may live in a multigenerational household and can't take that kind of risk. we're planning and we want to open our schools. i will say this, i haven't met a
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teacher, i haven't met a school board member or a superintendent who doesn't want our schools open. this is not just a job for us. it's calling. it's passion. we have to do it in way that's safe for every one not yus the students but for the adults. >> this is the second time that broward county has returned students to the class after a tragic event. there was the shooting a marjory stoneman douglas high school back in 2018. what did you learn from dealing with that tragedy that informers how the district will prepare students to return and to support them after they do, briefly? >> i'll say one thing about -- since that tragedy we put in an enormous amount of measures in broward county to enhance safety and security at a lot of levels. i believe our model for dcountr but what's different about this situation than stoneman douglas
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is in this case, we know what's coming. we have experts that are advising us, medical professionals, public health experts, the cdc, american academy of pediatrics. we're talking advice from all of these entities. we know that given the current state of the pandemic in south florida, it's not prudent if we were to make a call today to open our schools fully outside of online fully virtual situation. just because of the risk that are inherent in that. that's what i would say. that's a little bit different about this. we are very sensitive to the fact that safety and security and the health of our staff and our students is paramount. we cannot compromise that at all and we're not going to experiment with this. i would say given the comments
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we heard today from the education secretary, if i were to advise her and education secretary, there are three things i would say. o one, advocate for funding from congress. we need dollars to be able to implement the strategies. number two, urge the white house to develop a national plan to control the spread of this virus because we can't open schools in a vacuum. country who is have opened schools successfully have contained the virus in their countries first. then i would promote strategies for reopening schools that puts the held and safety of our staff and students at the fore front of whatever we do. those would go a long way. >> broward county superintendent, i really appreciate your time. thanks very much. >> thank you. depending on which parent you ask, keeping their kids home for classes until further notices eases one kind of stress
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or raises another or maybe a bit of both. how do you adjust to having your kids home all the time especially if you're used to leaving for work and sending them to class? home school parent s have done this for generation by choice. what might new home schoolhouse holds learn from them? joining us is bryan ray of the national home education research institute. welcome. >> good to be here. thanks a lot. >> what is the biggest mistake that new home school >> to think what they are doing is institutional school at home. first step is you need to relax and realize there are all kinds of advantages to home base parent led education and you need to take advantage of the advantages. do not try to take institutional school like maybe most of us were raised and try to cram it into a home school environment. that will increase your stress. that will lead to failure. that's not what you want to do.
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you want to relax and start learning about home based education. it's so different from what many people experience at school and it has so many beauties and advantages. you need to expect that. >> give me a tip for taking advantage of the biggest of those advantages that new home school parents might be able to seize upon? >> first thing is parents need to be ready to learn. homeschooling is not easy, but the work is worth it. when you home educate, you have advantages such as customizization of the curriculum to meet the strengths, the weaknesses, the desires, the dreams of each child. you have more one-on-one instruction. you have more mentoring. you have more parent-child interaction. you have more sibling, sibling interaction. you have smaller group size. you have all of these things available to you. i want to go back to the first one. the customization. people know with special needs children or talented and gifted they develop an iep in the
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school. >> i'm sorry, an individualized education plan, right? >> thank you. thank you. yes. really what we have with home education is people say how can these kids do well without certified teachers, without institutional schools where the professors of education have taught the teachers and all that. home based education is basically an individualed education program. small iep. you can work with that. that's one of the advantages you have with it. the homeschooling cannot just fit to the individual child but you want to do a style of teaching and education that fits the parent. if mom or dad is the type a driven, drifren and the child is more relaxed and has a different learning style, you need to learn how to mesh those two. you can do that by all kinds of reading online. home schooling is so accessible to people. there's so many support systems accessible to the low income,
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the high income, the low education level, the high education level, variety diverse education backgrounds. the last 40 years have made so many materials and so many ideas available that you can have success if you put your mind to it. >> before i let you go, for parents who have been kind of used to getting the broad band connection up, connecting their kid to school, setting them up with the teacher and walking away, how does that compare to like home school, home school? a lot of school will be doing regular classroom time, just online instead of in person. that's different from conventional homecooling. how do you mesh those two things? >> that's a great one. i would like to emphasize that crisis schooling at home online is not homeschooling by choice. people have to realize parents, you are in charge of your child's education. if the at-home schooling with the public school system is not
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working or you find your child is getting bored which is very common where he says i just can't learn this way, you have the opportunity in the united states of america to choose actual homeschooling. now you can focus in on your individual child and start asking around. talk with two or three vet eran home schoolers and get ideas about what might work for your child and your family. with a school at home, with homeschooling you get to be the driver with the help of your community. you can adapts and change by your child's needs. this is not an attack on public schools but they have a lot of people to deal with at a distance and they cannot do what a mom or a dad can do with a lot of care and concern and customizing with each child. that's one of the big differences. when you home school, where ever the child is, you can take him or her to the next step whether it's math, language, sciences, history. they don't have to be at the same level all the time in all
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things. just because you're fourth grade does not mean you need to do the same exact fourth grade level in all your subject levels. you can be second grade level in science, 7th grade level in reading and languages. it's tremendous. don't flip out and don't get stressed. relax. that's what i want to say to parents, relax. you don't have to recreate institutional school at home and always follow a rigid, structured curriculum. >> bryan, thanks very much. >> you're welcome. bye. the latest word from naval service forces is that 11 sailors have been transported to hospital for minor injuries as a result of the fire aboard the uss bonhomme richard located on naval base san diego. we're told according to naval service forces official twitter account that the entire crew is off the ship and every one is
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accounted for. 11 injuries, minor. there are no crew members still on the ship. every one is accounted for. let's get a bit more information about this vessel and about what it means in the larger context of the pacific fleet. >> good to be with you. >> i hear that. i apologize. i don't know very much about this kind of vessel or even the nature of how we might use it in war fighting situation. what is it about the bonhomme richard that makes it fit into the pacific fleet in this specific way? what is this vessel for? >> to transport combat marines into situations where we need to put a landing force ashore.
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that's one big mission and secondly, the ship is quite capable of doing sea controlled missions. in other words, using its aircraft because it's a smaller type of aircraft carrier than a big nuclear powered aircraft carrier. it can do sea control with its suite of aircraft. third and finally, these are very good slhips for humanitarin work. they have big hospital capabilities built into the ship to take care of those marines should they go into combat. just to give listeners a sense of scale here, this is a 40,000 ton ship. an aircraft carrier, what people think of as a nuclear aircraft carrier is about 100,000 tons. it's about half the size of one of our really big carriers. it's got a crew of about 3,000. that will be 1500 marines and 1500 navy sailors.
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typically it operates with an air wing of about 25 to 30 aircraft and finally it has the ability to move those marines ashore both in the aircraft and also through landing craft that kind of come out the back end of the ship. you can see what ke cawe call a deck that can be flooded into the smaller landing craft and can transport the marines ashore. very capable multi-mission ship and very surprising to see a fire of this scope and scale in a ship like this. >> surprising in what way? just that the fire even happened? >> yes. typically a navy ship will have a minor fire every year or so and in fact, every navy sailor on a ship is trained
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firefighter. you have to put off the fire yourself opinion every one of those ships has got hundreds of trained firefighters. >> kwhast yowhat's your sense o people might be feeling to see a naval vessel like this on fire? >> you know, anyone who has been following the navy in news over last couple of years will be saying the navy can't catch a break. we have had destroyer collisions in the western pacific. we just had one of our big nuclear aircraft carriers, the roosevelt out of action because
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of covid. now a big fire on one of our main amphibious assault ships. the navy community is feeling the pressure to make sure that these kind of incidents don't happen and get under control. it's a tough day for the naevy out there. >> admiral, appreciate the insight and the context. thanks very much. >> my pleasure. it's an all too familiar scene in detroit this weekend. demonstrations continue through the city's west side after the death of a black man at the hands of a police officer. 19-year-old hakeem lightittletos shot dead while police officers were arresting someone else. families are leading protests as part of the national mother's march. joining us now to round out the hour is the author of the end of white politics and an msnbc contributor.
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in the minutes we have left, we do see marches and demonstrations continuing across the country. not at the same volume as a couple of weeks ago but i wonder how you read that in terms of how strong the passion is right now? are things fizzling out or just kind of shifting gears? >> i think things are in a moment where they are shifting gears towards policy outcomes. i think this is a unique moment because this series of protests, unlike in 2014 and the ones for eric garner a few years after that, they didn't lead to specific policy reforms immediately. you saw the george floyd justicing and policing act. that's the first time congress has taken action after the killing of an unarmed black man.
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also organize to push legislatures in their localities so these reforms become implemented as policy and police departments. i don't think what you're seeing is lessens of the energy around these protests. i think what you're seeing is a shifting of gears as you put it towards november and the election. >> thank you. we'll keep an eye on the fire in san diego. i will meet you back here tonight at 9:00 eastern. until we meet again, i'm joshua johnson. joshua johnson.
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good afternoon. we're continuing to follow breaking news out of california this hour. a fire followed by a loud explosion aboard the u.s. military ship, the uss bonhomme richard in san diego just south of the downtown area. dark smoke billowing out. we have confirmed 11 people have been injured. the extent of the injury still unclear at this moment. the huge challenge is putting out the fire. we'll bring you updates here on msnbc as we learn more. at this hour covid-19 cases skyrocketing past 3.2 million as several states report a record number of new infections. shocking numbers out of florida today as the state reports over 15,000 new cases. the sharpest single d
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