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tv   MTP Daily  MSNBC  July 15, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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welcome to wednesday. it's "meet the press daily." i'm chuck todd and we have a jam-packed hour of breaking news, as the outbreak in america continues to wreak havoc on so many communities in this country. but we begin with just how dire of a political situation this president faces. we have new results, hot off the presses right now, from what is the god father, the gold standard, whatever you want to
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call it of the national polling news nbc news/"wall street journal" poll. and this poll has former joe biden expanding his lead over president trump to 11 points. in just a moment, we're going to go inside those numbers with steve kornacki at the big board. but this is nbc/"wall street journal." we don't fluctuate like the others that go back and forth. we have a very, very careful screening of our samples, of our electorates. so when we're moving into double digits, it's a big deal. here's also what's a big deal. a whopping 50% of the country in our poll now says there is no chance they'll support president trump in november. no chance versus just 37% who say there is no chance they'd support joe biden our poll numbers indicate that our voters right now are eager for change, which is never a good sign if you have the "i" that stands for incumbent next to your name, particularly during a pandemic. only 19% of registered voters think the country is headed in the right direction in this election year versus a whopping
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72% who say the country is on the wrong track. that is the highest wrong track number we've recorded since december of '16, when a guy named donald trump was running as a change candidate versus somebody who was considered the incumbent-like figure. but this time it's donald trump who is in the incumbent. as you can see, voters have taken a decidedly bleaker view of this country's direction since march. the president ee's approval rat has declined since last month as well. it's at 42% approval. in our poll, it's the lowest number we've recorded in more than two years for his job rating. and that decline is being driven by this. while the public approves of the president's handling of the economy still, he is dramatically under water on the other two crisis that are facing this country right now. the virus and race relations. and as he pushing for the country to reopen amid the outbreak, he isn't just risking his own political standing. just 25% of voters say they would be more likely to support a presidential or congressional candidate who wants to focus more on reopening businesses
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right now versus 57% who say they would prefer a candidate for congress or president who focuses more on controlling the spread of the virus. those are not numbers you want to see if you're a republican right now pitted between the worsening reality of this virus and the president's demands to downplay that reality. now, there are some potential silver linings in this poll for the president and there are some yellow flags for biden,wa which we're going to get to in a moment, but there's also a potential silver lightning for the public health situation facing this country, because wearing a mask is growing more popular or at least saying you're wearing a mask is growing more popular. nearly three-fourths of americans now tell us they always wear a mask when they're around other people and the number of people who say they only sometimes, rarely, or never wear a mask is going down. it's a reminder that the reality of this virus does matter to voters as they experience it first harned. we've got a lot to break down, not just with our poll, but with other developments out of the white house today.
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let's dive in. i'm joined now by nbc white house correspondent kristen welker, steve kornacki, and nbc political editor, teri dan. kristen welker, i want to start at the white house today, because i'll be honest, yesterday, as i came on the air, we had already gotten our poll, i had already digested a lot of it. i had seen that the president's numbers on race -- approval on race relations were at 33%. approval on the virus was at 39%. and in spite of those terrible numbers, he was doubling down on white grievance yesterday in an interview and continuing to sort of browbeat local officials on schools. it seems as if he's not paying attention to these poll numbers. >> and, chuck, you underscore the key concern of his aides and allies, because you talked about that number on the economy. they are perplexed about why he's not talking about working on trying to improve the economy by fighting this virus every day
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and is instead waging these cultural battles that even some of his own closest advisers feel as though he's out of step with where the public is on these issues. so you're absolutely right. i think there's been a real push for the president to try to draw a better contrast between himself and joe biden on issues, to not make this a referendum about himself, because those who are close to him say, look, if this is a referendum on you, you are going to lose this election. and so you started to see in the rose garden yesterday, president trump delivered what a lot of people thought was a rambling speech. it focused on joe biden. remarkable that he would deliver that type of political speech against the backdrop of the rose garden. but as you know, chuck, some of his campaign events have been canceled and scaled back dramatically because of the pandemic and so this is the format in which he is trying to take it to his democratic challenger. now, in speaking to those who are close to his campaign, they
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say they feel like his heart just hasn't been into it this election cycle. and that he really hasn't landed a punch yet on joe biden, so the question becomes, is he going to be able to pivot? is he going to be able to do that and how? and these cultural battles that he continues to wage, chuck, a lot of his allies and those who are close to him feel as though that's just not the right way to resonate with the public. and to rally people behind his base. of course, his base always sticks with him, but what about independent voters or voters in the suburbs? those are the voters he needs if he wants to win re-election, chuck. >> i also thought it was notable today that he stopped by the south lawn and talked to reporters. he hadn't done that in a while. and i know that his own staff were trying to prevent him from doing this. so it sounds like the president wants to get talking again. kari dan, there's another headline in this poll that i think is probably hard for folks to totally digest right now, but part of me thinks that it really is a sign that voters are so
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frustrated with the virus that they're a little bit anxious, and that is, interesting in this election has skyrocketed. we're reporting numbers in july that we have never reported in the month of july, of an election year, of interest in the election. tell us about it. >> that's absolutely true, chuck. 72% of voters say they are very interested in voting in this election. and that's a number in july that we normally don't see until october of an election year. these are absolutely record numbers and it's high on both sides. democrats seem to have a little bit of an advantage here over republicans, but both sides report very, very high interest in the re-election and the most passionate supporters on both sides. one thing i will note, though, is joe biden will have to contend a little bit with some pretty low interest rate in the elections from younger voters. that's something he's definitely going to want to shore up. but we are seeing -- we should be primed to see absolutely record participation in this coming election and our pollsters say that this is one
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of the standout numbers from our latest poll. >> it's astonishing. and i know bill and i, i threw out the 150 million voter gauntlet, i think, a couple of years ago. i got a little nervous a few months ago when i saw our interest in election number go down. boy, i think 150 is the low if these numbers continue. all right, kornacki. i was giving you a few minutes to get the board ready, revved up. in particular, there's sort of two big things i want you to go through. i think, first, just go through the ballot test here. show us what's -- what are the most important things in the cross tabs that you saw in the head-to-heads. >> a couple of things, a couple places where it looks a little similar to 2016 and where it doesn't. this looks pretty similar to what we saw in 2016. this is among african-american voters, overwhelming advantage there for joe biden. single-digits for donald trump. pretty much what we saw in 2016. if you take a look at hispanic voters, again, this is not too far off what we saw in 2016 in terms of the basic breakdown here.
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here's where you see the movement, from 2016 to now. it is among white voters. look at this. trump does lead among white voters in the poll, 49 to 42. but keep in mind, in the exit poll in 2016, trump's margin among white voters was 20 points. so from 20 down to single digits here, that's significant movement among a very big voting block. and we can take you through the white vote. we'll break this down by gender, college education. these have been pretty big divides. first of all, white males without college, overwhelming trump advantage there. not quite what it was maybe in 2016. white women, no college. now you've got a trump advantage, but it's starting to shrink. now let's flip it around. college degree, at least. white men with a college degree. now you've got biden pulling ahead, 46-44, and white women with a college degree, check this one out. 60-32, basically flip side,
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mirror image here. as you work your work your way around that gender education line, two different stories emerge there. the gender gap and the racial gap among whites closing from 2016. >> and there's one more thing that jumped out in the poll. we asked, is there any chance you would vote for donald trump? any chance you would vote for joe biden? we got the hard "no" of 50% on trump. we got the hard "no" on 37% for biden. so we can do the math. that gives us 13% of the folks we interviewed admitting to us that they're persuadable. who are these 13% and are they likely voters? >> it's interesting. we were taking a look at this and trying to figure out, it looks like the group might lean a little bit more republican than democratic. the folks who say their vote is up for grabs in some way. some of them might say that they might be with trump if they had to. some say they might be with
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biden. about 50% say they would be with neither. but i think the thing that emerges looking at these different groups, even if trump won the folks who are up for grabs. if he got 50% of them, if he got 70% of them, if he overwhelmingly won that group, he would still probably be losing the popular vote by a very sizable margin at 50% already say they won't vote for him. and if biden were to tack on a couple more from this up for grabs category, you're already at a level there 53, 54% of the electorate overall is not going to vote for trump. so it seems to me this isn't the issue for trump, this is. he's got to get that 50 down or find a way to get biden's number up towards 50. otherwise, too many voters are just off-limits to him. >> all right. kari dan, there is some yellow flags in here for joe biden. control room, there's two polling graphics i want, numbers nine and numbers ten. and i'm going to go through --
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and these are the enthusiasm scale leer, kari. number nine, as you can see here, trump leads biden among the most enthusiastic, but trump also is considered the most nurv uncomfortable. now i want to put up full screen number ten, the positive/negative favorable rating. biden is basically at a minus 12 between his positive and negative. trump is at a minus 15. the point is, kari, if you didn't give me the head-to-head numbers and only showed me these differences between the enthusiastic scale, the uncomfortable scale, i would assume this is a very close election. oh, nobody likes either one of these guys. there's a lot of concern about both. a little more concern about one than the other. this must be a fairly close race. and yet, it's not. what are our pollsters think of these biden -- perceived biden negatives that look nearly equal to trump, and yet it doesn't
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show up in the ballot test. >> we believe that's right, chuck. and i think one thing that is worth noting and is a yellow flag for joe biden is that nose negative numbers didn't use to be a net negative. they used to be a break even. one of his biggest strengths two or three months ago, he wasn't viewed as negatively as donald trump and wasn't viewed as a threat. that gap has closed. he's now closer to trump on those net negative numbers, which is a little bit of a warning sign. some independents have sort of soured on him. he used to have an advantage with seniors. that seems to be a little bit -- and those young voters that i mentioned. biden still continues to have pretty tepid numbers among younger voters. that doesn't mean that those people aren't going to vote for joe biden. when you actually ask them in a head-to-head, joe biden has a big advantage with young voters. but they're not as enthusiastic about him and they might not like him that much. that said, people's preferences in this election are a lot more about energy-motivated and in the democratic voter's case
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against donald trump and not necessarily for joe biden, which might be the reason that there is such an 11-point gap between trump and biden on a head-to-head measure. but just inside of those likability numbers or thermometer ratings, as we call them. it does look like joe biden does have some weak spots. his support among minority voters is a little bit softer than a democratic candidate would like at this stage of the race. there are some yellow flags that i think the biden campaign would be looking at inside, under the hood of this poll and say these are problems that we need to address. >> let me answer a question that i know i'm about to get asked. you get to answer this question right now, kari. there's 10% of our poll have a negative view about both donald trump and joe biden. in 2016, those that were negative on both collin and trump went 2-1 towards donald trump. i feel like i'm jerry lewis in the jerry lewis telethon. okay, kari dan, eshow me the numbers this time. negative on both biden and
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trump. what was the head-to-head matchup if you were negative on both biden and trump? >> 62% of those voters say that they would vote for joe biden and 4% say that t i would point out also -- >> 62 to 4. wow. >> i would point out that steve kornacki was also polling that number of voters who don't necessarily like either of them as well and say they're not ruling out voting for either one. that 13% that are up for grabs. among that group, it's a little bit more unclear who they would support, but among those who are just simply straight negative on both, democrats have a big advantage. >> it's a reminder that it is biden's negatives skew young and basically to shorthand it, there may be some bernie bros in there that may not be ready to vote for donald trump. the final thing i want to get to is not of the poll, kristen welker, but it's related to the
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poll. the president's approval rating on the coronavirus is below 40% and they went off on approaching dr. fauci. he responded today. i want to play his response to these attacks. >> you are the government's top health adviser. and the government you're trying to advise is actively trying to discredit you. how do you work like that? >> well, that is a bit bizarre. and i have to tell you, i don't really fully understand it. you know, i think that what happened with that list that came out, i think if you sit down and talk to the people who were involved in that, they are really, i think, taken aback by what a big mistake that was. and i think if you talk to reasonable people in the white house, they realize that was a major mistake on their part, because it doesn't do anything but reflect poorly on them. and i don't think that that was their intention. i don't know -- i cannot figure out in my wildest dreams why they would want to do that.
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>> kristen welker, it's interesting, dr. fauci put vng more meat on the bone about this idea that he's -- my guess is a bunch of people in the west wing have already reached out to him and said, we're not doing this, we're sorry. how divided is that west wing on this strategy? >> i think they're pretty divided. you have some who are publicly trying to distance themselves from that op-ed that peter navarro wrote, essentially saying that he thinks that dr. anthony fauci has been wrong on almost every issue. and then privately, you have officials who have been trashing dr. fauci behind the scenes for months, chuck. this is not a new thing, this has been going on for months. the fact that you had that op-ed today, though. president trump's comments very tepid. he said, hey, look, that was peter navarro, i like dr. fauci. but the reality is, we know that the president has a good working relationship with peter navarro. they see eye to eye on a number of different issues.
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it is hard to believe that he would have written that op-ed if he didn't at least have the tacit sign-off of president trump. but bottom line, there's a lot of finger pointing at a moment when the cases of cyroronavirus are rising all across the country. hospitalizations are on the rise, chuck. this is a leadership test for this president and those around him say, this is the key issue that he is going to be judged on and what we saw today was essentially a lot of finger-pointing at the top doctor. chuck? >> the fact of the matter is, the reality check about where the public is, we just spent 15 minutes on that reality check. kristen, steve, and kari, a tremendous way to get us started, to get through the poll. there's a lot more in it. there's a lot more we haven't released yet, which we look forward to releasing next week, but this is the important stuff right now politically and with the virus, it is a -- at this point, a five-alarm political fire for the president. up next, we are tracking the latest coronavirus hot spots as case counts surge. some local lawmakers consider
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bringing back some total shutdowns if the situation doesn't change course soon. plus, new hope on the vaccine front. we'll talk to a lead researcher with some promising new findings. but first, an update on the health of supreme court justice ruth bad ruth bader ginsburg. the court says she has already been discharged from the hospital and is resting comfortably at home. ginsburg had expected to be remain hospital i'd forized for days after beingpossibleerday. we'll be right back.
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we have seen a drastic increase in covid-19 patients. the patients appear to be sicker and the time it takes to treat each patient is becoming increasingly more difficult. >> many critical ill patients unfortunately requiring high amounts of oxygen nation. there are those in kidney failure. most of them have ventilators to help them breathe. >> we are at a grinding halt, literally. patients keep piling up in the
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waiting room. we're waiting for people to get discharged to put people in beds. the hospital is over capacity. the e.r. is well over capacity. >> welcome back. those are joust some of the voices of front line workers who have been risking their own health to treat covid-19 patients every day. we've lost nearly a thousand front line workers in this fight against the pandemic from the virus. and sadly, it's been another grim day on the records and report front. florida announced more than 10,000 new cases today, bringing the state's total to over 300,000 for the first time. california's number of total hospitalizations topped a thousand for the first time today. three states, missouri, montana, oklahoma, they all broke their single-day new case records. on on to have that, the governor of oklahoma, governor stip seen next to senator jim inhofe at that tulsa rally last month with president trump, he's announced he's tested positive for the virus. kay ivy issued a statewide mask order on the same day her state
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recorded record deaths. >> i believe this is going to be a difficult order to enforce and i always prefer personal responsibility over a government mandate. and yet, i also know, with all my heart, that the numbers and the data over the past few weeks are definitely trending in the wrong direction. >> in just a few minutes, i'm going to speak with the mayor of one south florida community in the heart of the state's surge in cases. but first, let's go to dacia burns, my colleague, who is now in montgomery, alabama. we've got joe fryer in los angeles. da dacia, i want to start with you. we've spent a lot of time with the mayor of montgomery. about three weeks ago, he was sounding the alarm and here we are. i mean, it's -- frankly, i hesitate to even think about going into our recent archives about this, but the mayor of
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montgomery was sounding this alarm three weeks ago. this is exactly where he said we were headed, what his health officials were telling us. here we are, now we have a mask mandate. >> yeah, chuck, that's absolutely right. i was actually here at this hospital on memorial day when doctors were incredibly concerned and things have only gotten worse since then. the doctors i've been talking to tell me that this order is something that they had been hoping for and asking for for quite some time now, and the governor said at that press conference, she said, the numbers don't lie. and the numbers in alabama are staggering. they've been hitting records almost every day for the past couple of weeks. at the presser, they said 2,100 cases overnight here in the state. and when you look at the chart of hospitalizations, chuck, that curve just goes straight up, especially over the last couple of weeks. and that is coupled with record low numbers of icu beds in the
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state. this hospital, jackson hospital, does not have any icu beds available and doctors are telling me at this point, typically the way an icu bed opens up is when a patient passes away and usually there's someone else that fills that spot very quickly, chuck. so this mask order could not come soon enough. take a listen to what one doctor told me about how important masks arehere. take a listen. >> and the sad thing is, it could be avoided. if people wore masks, if everybody wore masks, this would be a non-event in 60 days. but it's so political now, it's democrats versus republicans, auburn versus alabama. i say, we're on the same team. it shouldn't be us versus them. if everybody wore the mask, this would just about go away in 60 days. >> reporter: chuck, doctors also tell me the patients they're seeing now are trending younger than they used to be. they have 20-somethings in their icus right now and they are just pleading with everyone to do
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their part to stop the spread of this thing. chuck? >> yeah, it's a reminder, thank you, dacia burns. it's a reminder, just because this virus doesn't kill you doesn't mean you don't suffer greatly. i do think there is a myth out there on that front. let's go over to joe fryer. joe, the california picture, we've obviously been very focused on what's happening in florida and texas and the deep south here, where we're seeing this resurgence. but boy, it feels like the picture in california just also keeps getting grimmer, too. any signs of hope here, or is it just more retreat when it comes to restrictions? >> chuck, think about it. it's only wednesday and this has already been a really rough week for california. the state shattering its record for dmamaily number of cases, m than 11,000 cases in a day. the epicenter in california is l.a. county, which saw more than 4,200 new cases in a single day. that, too, is a record.
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and the result is a lot of rules changing here in california. the latest now, the state offering new guidelines on who can get tested. in california, the priority has always been anyone who wants a test should be able to get one. now the guidelines are really trying to prioritize those who are hospitalized, those who have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive, and those who have symptoms of covid-19. and of course, the governor made some huge changes earlier this week. we now know indoor dining and bars closed all across the state and in about 80% of the state, we now have gyms, salons, a lot of those businesses closed down. there are a lot of changes happening. and the big question now is the mayor in los angeles, eric g garcetti has said, the city is getting very close to this sort of red zone. he says l.a. is orange right now, but if it gets to red, they may have to shut things totally down. the only time you would leave your home is really for work or to get some essential items.
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chuck? >> very quickly, joe, the last time l.a. was there, that was back in late march, early april, correct? >> yeah. obviously, l.a. was sort of -- and california in general have been on the forefront of these stay-at-home orders, the mask orders and things like and were slow to get out of them. i can't remember exactly when things were lifted. it may have been in may. it's been several weeks since we were in that situation and the mayor has said, if things get worse, we could go pack to that stay-at-home order we saw much earlier in this pandemic. >> and a lot of people are wondering, how will we handle a second stay-at-home order for anyone who has to start toe live under that. dacia and joe on the ground for us in alabama and california respectively, thank you both. up next, we'll talk with a mayor in arguably the hottest hot spot of florida. and later, new videos bring new
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welcome back. miami-dade county florida the fast becoming the epicenter of the outbreak, not just in florida, but of the world and certainly the country right now. it is nearly a quarter of the state's reported cases. six hospitals in the county have already reached capacity and officials say it won't be long
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until all hospitals in the county reach that level. and for those of you who don't know, miami-dade county has a ton of world class hospitals, a lot of beds, so that is very, very alarming. joining me now is the mayor of miami-dade county, carlos gimenez, who is leading the virus response there. and mr. mayor, i have to say, to hear that miami-dade county might run out of beds when i think of jackson and baptist and these giant hospital systems that are in miami-dade county, that's an alarming figure to hear. >> well, we're not there yet. and today, i spoke with the ceos of all of these systems and they're taking steps to add additional capacity. also, the state is taking steps to add more personnel down here, because that's what our hospitals need to do. add more medical personnel, more capacity in the hospitals. there's also some surge, temporary hospitals that are already in place here in miami-dade county.
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meanwhile, we have about 2,000 patients right now with covid-19, about 430 icu patients and about -- a little bit over 200 on ventilators. and so, we still have capacity, but like today, i said, look, you've got to prepare like a hurricane is coming. we think that this won't flatten out for at least another two weeks. we expect maybe another 50% increase in the number of people going to the hospital, being in the hospital, and we need to be prepared for that. so, yep, it's putting a strain on it, but we're not at capacity yet. >> what is your metric that you're looking at closest, you know, before, for instance, as you decide -- i know you're getting a lot of advice about whether you should do another stay-at-home order or not. what metrics are you looking at? >> we're looking at the positivity rate. we see a dip in the positivity rate in our daily counts, this has a good sign. also slowing down of number of people going into the hospital. we've had a little respite for the last two days.
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we're looking at tomorrow to see what happens. because we know that on tuesday and thursday, a lot of people are discharged from the hospital and we're looking at how many additional covid-19 patients are going in. we're looking at fire rescue data of how many calls we're getting for covid-19-like symptoms. we've had some record numbers two or three days ago. we put in a curfew about a couple of days ago. we've locked down a lot of the places where people congregate, like movie theaters and casinos, bowling alleys, banquet halls. all of those have been shut down and we shut down indoor dining last week, too. we want to see what those measures take and the message. the message is it's our responsibility. we have to be responsible citizens and protect one another and wear our masks indoors, outdoors, and also keep our distance and also now the
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message has to go out about our families. we're seeing a lot of in-family transmission. in-household transmission. so even inside the household, you've got to be more careful, because if one person becomes infected and carries it into the house, it's a very, very contagious disease and it's very easy for that household then to come up with covid-19. we're also opening up hotel rooms for folks that may not have the space to self-isolate. so we're taking a lot of steps to do that. and at the end, it's about us, and the way that we act and the. >> i'm curious, when it comes to trying to coordinate, at least regionally, you know, the state is obviously got plenty of different geographic disparities. but when i lived down there, west palm beach to kendal, that was a day, you could spend your day. the three counties, palm beach,
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broward, miami-dade, are you operating enough in sync, or could you do more? >> i think we are. we've actually cooperated more now during this pandemic than in the past, you know? a joke i used to have, the only things you could see from outer space was the great wall of china and the broward line. we are cooperating much better than we were in the past. are we completely synced up? not yet. we were at the beginning and continued that for about a month, until about a month ago. broward still, they don't have the quite the same numbers that we do, but i think pretty soon, at least broward and dade are going to be in the same boat and palm beach is a little bit better condition, a little bit better shape than we are. we've been cooperating very well. we talk maybe once a week, twice a week about the things we're doing here in dade and how we could better coordinate the entire region. you're right, it's basically one
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region. broward -- >> would it help your cause if there was a statewide mask order? alabama just did it. would it help if governor desantis did it? >> look, i -- if he did it, i think he would have some reason to do it for all of the state. even in miami-dade county, we have different reasons. he's allowed us to be very, you know, autonomous down here. our own orders, they're different than the rest of the state. this is where the epicenter, the infection or the pandemic is in the state of florida. he's allowed us a lot of autonomy. we've had a mask order here since april, so it was nothing new. the people that are refusing to wear masks are just refusing to wear masks. and the young people are doing what young people do and they're actually the ones that started this entire trend, you know, skyward. something happened in early
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june, where i think a lot of our young people either were going to graduation parties, were getting out of school, you know, out of college, and they just started to do -- well, if you live down here in south florida, you know -- you know, it's got a pretty hefty party atmosphere. people get together, we hug a lot. you know, it's a little bit different than the rest of the country. our family units are different, because most of our families are here. they're not scattered around. and we see each other and that's, you know, family's a big part of our community. it's community spread inside the family, young people, now young people are infecting their parents and their grandparents, and that's what's happening. we have to ---ion, we have to do a better job, all of us have to do a better job of taking personal responsibility. >> mayor carlos gimenez, miami-dade county, as more people are learning, as i keep telling them, miami-dade county encompasses municipal aities and it keeps
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growing. thank you for coming on and sharing your perspective. >> great to see you, chuck. up ahead, promising news on the search for a coronavirus vaccine. but how soon could we have one? but first, it's tax day in america. yes, we've told you that it feels like april again. well, it's july 15th, not april 15th. and yes, the coronavirus calendar may seem similar and now the tax calendar does. the traditional deadline was pushed back by three months because of the pandemic. if three months wasn't enough time for you, you can still file for an extension and get it done by october. make sure to get those returns in by midnight, tonight, fif yo are filing online. and we'll be right back. you are filing online. and we'll be right back.
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welcome back. there is some encouraging news today in the search for a coronavirus vaccine. one of the vaccines in development is getting ready to move to the next phase of clinical trials later this month. the biotech firm moderna says all 45 participants in their phase i trial developed the type
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of antibodies that could fend off the virus. according to the results published in the "new england journal of medicine," the participants showed higher levels of antibodies than some patients who have recovered from the virus. that's huge. now moderna was the first company in the united states to begin testing coronavirus vaccines in humans. and now will be the first in the u.s. to move to phase iii trials, which includes 30,000 participa participants. so it's a real exponential growth in the number of people being tested with this vaccine. joining me now, dr. evan anderson with emory university and one of the principle investigators on this study. it's good to have you, dr. anderson. so, first, help the viewer here. phase iii, we know, 30,000. so phase iii trials would end in late october. then what? >> yeah, so the phase iii enrollment will be over a couple
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month time period, which roughly puts us to the end of september into october. but we then follow participants out for two years to evaluate whether or not they acquire coronavirus in the midst of their daily lives. >> so what have we learned so far about this virus? two things, one, what did we learn in this vaccine about side effects, because i understand there was some with those that took the vaccine. and the second question is, do we have a sense of how long the immunity lasts if you take this vaccine? >> yeah, so, we learned several key things. one is that two doses are needed of the vaccine in order to generate an immune response that we think of preventing -- potentially preventing coronavirus infection. the question of durability is a key question that could not be
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answered with the initial portion of this study. the study will continue on for the next year, to assess how long that immune response lasts. >> if the timeline we're on now where you basically finish phase ii, and then phase iii, if all goes well, are we looking at late spring on a vaccine that could be made to the public. is that the timeline we're on? >> so for the phase iii study, one of the key things that will be happening is that they will be assessing how many people who had received placebo versus vaccine end up developing covid-19-related disease. and at various time points, they will assess in a blinded fashion their rates in those who had received vaccine versus placebo. and depending on how much
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covid-19 disease is circulating at the time, that could expedite how quickly the results become available, as covid-19 infections are acquired. >> answer me this in a more general level. i know that most vaccine trials do fail, but once you get to phase iii, what is the success or fail rate when a vaccine gets to a phase iii trial? >> when it gets to phase iii, about a third make it through to licen licenseture. we certainly hope that more of the candidates end up being licensed, but we can expect that some will have failures in the phase iii study. >> so optimism, but a little bit of realism in here is probably
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worthwhile for folks that are digesting this. anyway, dr. evan anderson who has been part of the group of doctors doing the study on this trial off of moderna, thank you for coming on and sharing your expertise with us. coming up, we have breaking news on an unprecedented hack on twitter. let's just say, it's so 2020. biden, cckanye, elon musk have been targeted. and a firsthand look at body camera video from two of the officers involved in george floyd's death. it has not been released to the public, but it's giving even a more disturbing context to what we all saw about the last minutes of george floyd's death. minutes of george floyd's death. hey there people eligible for medicare.
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it allows you to choose any doctor, who accepts medicare patients... and these are the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. whew! call unitedhealthcare today and ask for this free decision guide. welcome back. this morning lawyers for george floyd filed a civil suit against the city of minneapolis and the four police officers involved in the floyd case asserting the police department culture and training policies were also at fault for george floyd's death. this lawsuit comes as body camera footage of floyd's arrest of two of the officers have been available for viewing but not released to the public. let's to go our report he who was able to get a look at the footage earlier this afternoon. under fortunately, we don't have a lot of time. i want to get to the substance of what you saw. when you tell us about the substance, maybe we know why
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they don't want to release it to the public. >> well, you watch that video. it is another heart breaking angle of what was described only as a tragedy. you hear george floyd cry out and say he can't breathe or some variation of. phrase for at least 28 times by my count. you see officer chauvin with his knee on george floyd's neck when you look at the time codes of that video. it is another angle of the puzzle pieces. we saw the surveillance video and the facebook video. now you see it up close. what was new to me it was initial interaction between george floyd and the officers. officer tom lane approaches george floyd's vehicle and he taps the window with the back of his flashlight. and george floyd appears startled. he jumped in his seat. he was immediately apologetic as he opened up the door. he didn't show his right hands.
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officer lane kept saying, show your hand, show your hands. you saw it become increasingly tense. this started with the report of a forgery. a fake $20 bill. where the situation between the officers and george floyd really descend is when they try to move mr. floyd from the sidewalks where they were questioning him to the back of the police vehicle. george floyd said he's been shot by an officer before. he said he just went through covid and he didn't want to be in the back of that car. he said he was claus troe phonetic and anxious. you see a real struggle between the officers and george floyd as they try to get him into the police vehicle. he slips out as they're struggling on the other side as the officer is trying to pull him out. that's when he goes on the grounds and that's when derek chauvin hits his knee in his neck. it was about 9:30 that i saw according to the body camera
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footage. chuck? >> the lawsuit that's been filed in civil court there we talked about it earlier. does this have to be put on hold until the trial of the officers takes place? >> you asked me that earlier and i got to ask the family attorney, benjamin crump, that question. he said that will be up to the judge. we know that normally that's what happens. when you go there the criminal proceedings and then you go into the lawsuit. one thing mr. crump said, he wants to make it almost a disincentive for police departments to brutalize, as he says, marge alliesed communities. he believed it is a systemic issue that goes i don't understand the one officer or the four officers in that case. when they had their knee on the neck of george floyd for that nine minutes of time, it was the
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entire minneapolis police department that had his knee on the neck. >> on the grounds for us in minneapolis, shaq, thank you, sir. before we leave you, we have a developing story happening right now in the world of social media. it appears the twitter accounts of a lot of prominent folks, barack obama, joe biden, bill gates, elon musk and others have been hacked. and there's concern that countless others have been hit. all by suspected bitcoin scammers. moments ago twitter said it was aware of it and taking steps to address it. let's bring in our senior media reporter, dylan biers. all over the tech world. what more do we know? twitter has not had a bad hack in a while. >> no. and we should say that this is different from another hack. words like unprecedented really
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do apply. this started with elon musk. it went to apple and uber. joe biden, barack obama, mike bloomberg, it continues to go. i've got twitter open on the left-hand side of my screen and we're seeing more and more names come across. two things stand out to me. the first thing is that the hack is such that whatever accounts have been hacked, it's not just that thakers have the ability to write tweets from that account. but also access to direct messages and other data of those users. so that's one thing to watch out for. the second thing that stands out to me is there might be some small silver lining in the fact the hackers chose this moment to basically drive a bitcoin scam as opposed to doing something far more disastrous. and it appears they've already raised, i should say, stolen more than $100,000 out of that
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scam by using these very high profile, very popular accounts. but i think there's some solace that they didn't use it to start a world war. >> is this ransom? they're using it for ransom and they want to be paid in bitcoin? we've seen those scams before. how are they using the accounts? >> it has all the classic elements of the scam. they're basically using this to convince people to transfer their money over to this account with the promise that they will be paid back double. instead, that money is being withdrawn. so more than $100,000 has moved tom account. we believe more than $50,000 have been taken out, withdrawn. so they are making a little bit of money off this. the greater issue, of course, is it shows a huge security flaw in a social network that is used not just by medium journal is by
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incredibly powerful politicians and business leaders. and that will be a major problem with twitter. >> yep, twitter in particular but social media in general having a pretty bad pr year. this only adds to it. our senior digital media reporter, thank you, sir. that's all i have for tonight. we had a lot of stuff. we jammed it all in and got it to you. we'll be back tomorrow with "meet the press daily." if it's wednesday, there is an all new chuck toddcast. good evening. >> capping off the hour with that breaking news. thank you very much. welcome to "the beat." i'm in for ari tonight. we start with the coronavirus surging across the country. no plan in sight from the trump administration. and dr. fauci hitting back as


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